PHP Lectureflow
PHP Lectureflow
PHP Lectureflow
Introduction of students
Career in IT
Understanding Student Login of TOPS ERP
Using Lab
What is Program
What is programming?
Types of Programming Language
World Wide Web
How Internet Works
Network Layers on Client and Server
Client And Servers
Types of Internet Connections
Application Security
Software Applications and its types
Software Architecture
Layers in Software Architecture
Software Environments
Types of Programming Languages
Source Code
Github and introductions
Student Account in Github
Types of Software
Introduction of Software
GIT and GITHUB Training
Application software
Software development process
Software Requirement
Software Analysis
System Design
Software Testing
Web Application
moble application
Desktop Application
Flow Chart
Page I
Module-3) SE - Fundamentals of Programming 15
Basic Syntax
Data Structures
Control and looping Structures
Arrays and strings
Introduction to C
What is Language?
What is programming and program?
Fundamental of Algorithms and Flowchart
Real world problems - get solution via programs
Practical Example: 1. Write a Flow chart of real problems - Days to month conversion system.
Data Types and Variables - Data Types, Void Data Types,
History of C
Compiler and interpreter
environment setup
Type Modifiers,
Basic Structure of C Programs
Importance of C
Fundamentals of C
Difference between turbo C and Dev C/C++
Practical Example : 1. Write a program of scanf 2. Write a program to demonstrate escape sequence
3. Write a program to demonstrate comments
Escape Sequence
Practical Example: 1. Write a program to print (Hello World). 2. Write a program to print the sum of
two numbers. 3. Write a program to exchange values of two variables using the 3rd variable. 4. Write
a program to convert days into years and years into days.
Page II
Types of constructors
Compile time
Types of Array
Class and arrays : 1) Array within class 2) Array of objects
Run time
Practical Example: 1. Write a program to print the score card of two students using an array of
Difference between constructor and destructor
Practical Example: 1. Write a program to demonstrate difference between constructor and destructor
2. Write a program to demonstrate copy constructor
Abstract class
Practical Examples: 1. Write a program to check whether entered number is even or not using if..else
statement in C++ 2. Write a menu - driven program to calculate the area of the circle,rectangle and
triangle. 3. Write a program to calculate factorial of given number using for loop 4. Write a program
to print the fibonacci series using while loop 5. Write a program to check whether the given number
is palindrome using do..while loop. 6. Write a program to demonstrate jumping statements
Practical Example: 4. Write a program to demonstrate pass object to a function 5. Write a program to
demonstrate return object from function
Class and pointer
Class and objects
Practical Example: 1. Write a program to demonstrate pointer with class 2. Write a program to
demonstrate dynamic object using new keyword
Access modifiers
Practical Example: 1. Write a program to demonstrate function overloading with different types of
arguments 2. Write a program to demonstrate function overloading with default arguments 3. Write a
program to show the constructor function overloading
Member Function
Types of inheritance 1 - Single level 2 - Multi-level 3 - Multiple 4- Hierarchical 5- Hybrid
Comparisons of class and object
Practical Example : Write a program to implement single level inheritance 2. Write a program to
demonstrate single level inheritance in private mode 3. Write a program to demonstrate the
ambiguity in single level inheritance 4. Write a program to demonstrate multilevel inheritance 5.
Write a program to demonstrate multiple inheritance 6. Write a program to demonstrate the
hierarchical inheritance 7. Write a program to demonstrate the hybrid inheritance
Static Keyword
Practical Example: 1) Write a program to demonstrate constructor invocation in inheritance
Scope resolution operator
Page III
What is Database
Types of Database
Primary key
foreign key
unique key
Database Programming Language SQL
SQL Statements Types
Database backup and Restore
What are Joins
Types of Joins
Transaction concepts
properties of transactions
rollback and commit savepoint
ER database schema
HTML-(1 session)Basic HTML like What is Tags attribute property Form Tag HTML-HTML5 tags
CSS (1) • Selectors • Margin-Padding-display property • Create login-registration page
Bootstrap (2) Grid • Rows-Cols • Forms-Cards
SQL Queries
Practical Examples 1) MySQL data types 2)Create Multiple Tables and perform the queries using
Select, Update, Delete, Insert Where, Like, Group By, Having, Limit, Offset, Sub Query and Or, Not,
In 3) Function and procedure 4) Trigger 5) Views 6) Primary and auto increment
HTTP Protocol
PHP syntax
Page IV
PHP variable
Super Global Variables
Practical Example: 1) Create Multiple Tables and perform the queries using
Select,Update,Delete,Insert Where,Like,Group By,Having,Limit,Offset,Sub QueryAnd ,Or,Not,In
Conditions Events and flows
If condition
If else if
Practical Example : 1)Make Simple Calculator 2) Find the current day and if it is Sunday than print
happy Sunday
Practical Example: 1) Restaurant food Category Program using Switch case Display Which Category
and dish user selected. 2) Using Ternary display age if it is greater than 18 3)Display Name Of the
color which user selected
Do While Loop
For each Loop
For loop
Practical Example : 1) Create a script that displays 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 on one line. 2) Create a
script using a for loop to add all the integers between 0 and 30 and display the total. 3)Write a PHP
script using nested for loop that creates a chess board 4)All Patterns
Array Function
Date-time function
Header function
Include require
Practical Example: 1) Perform all the function. 2)In user define function: 3)Create calculator 4)Find
factorial using recursion 5)Reverse string without function 6) Download file on button click
PHP array
PHP expression
PHP function
PHP operations
String Function
PHP String
Practical Example: 1)Display the value of the array 2) To Find the number of odd and even element
in array. 3) Create associative array for user detail and display the user detail. 4)shifted all the zero in
bottom up of the array
OOPs Concepts
Abstraction interface
Page V
Magic Methods
Scope Resolution
Type hinting
Final keyword
Email security function
File handling
Handling emails
MVC Architecture
Practical Example: Implementation of all the Oops Concept
Connection with MySQL database
SQL injection
Practical : 1) Take Project Definition 2) Exception handling with try catch for database connection
and all queries. 3) Server- side Validation while Registration using Regular expressions. 4) Send mail
while registration
Session and cookies
File upload
PHP with MVC Architecture
Insert, Update, Delete MVC
Practical Example: 1) Apply session cookies concepts 2) File uploading and downloading 3)
Bootstrap data-table Pagination
Java script
JQuery Events
JQuery Validation
Practical Example: 1)Alert, Prompt, Confirm 2)Create calculator 3)Create slideshow 4)Validation
using JavaScript 5)Hide show using jQuery
PHP and Ajax
AJAX (crud)
Regular Expression
Practical Example :1) Event Examples (Onblur,onkeypres) 2)Regular expression 3) Create dependent
drop down Pagination using ajax jQuery in MVC Project Insert Files using Ajax
Page VI
Integration of API in Project
RESTful principles, such as resource identification, statelessness, and uniform interfaces, is
important for designing and consuming RESTful APIs.
OpenWeatherMap API: This API provides weather data for various locations worldwide. You can
retrieve current weather conditions, forecasts, and historical weather data.
Google Maps Geocoding API: This API allows you to convert addresses into geographic coordinates
(latitude and longitude) and vice versa. You can use it to retrieve location data, calculate distances
between points, and display maps.
GitHub API: GitHub provides an API that enables you to interact with repositories, issues, pull
requests, and more. You can perform actions like retrieving repository information, creating issues,
and accessing user data.
Twitter API: Twitter offers an API that allows you to integrate Twitter functionality into your
applications. You can fetch tweets, post tweets, retrieve user information, and perform searches.
REST Countries API: This API provides information about countries, including details like
population, languages spoken, currencies, and more. You can retrieve country-specific data and use it
for various applications.
SendGrid provides an API for sending transactional and marketing emails. You can integrate it into
your applications to send emails, manage templates, and track delivery statistics.
Social authentication (For eg; Login with Google, Login with Facebook...etc)
Email sending APIs (For eg; Mailchimp, Mailgun...etc)
SMS sending APIs (For eg; Twilio)
Normal payments (For eg; Paypal, Stripe)
- Google Maps API
Installing Laravel
Artisan CLI ( command-line interface )
Laravel Directory Structure
Configuring a new Laravel project
Artisan command to generate boilerplate code for a controller
Basics of laravel:----> Routing
HTML Template to Laravel Blade Template
HTML Template to Laravel Blade Template:-----> Template inheritance
Master layout
Extending the master layout
Displaying variables
Blade conditional statements
Blade Loops
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Executing PHP functions in blade
Displaying Your Views
Creating and using a basic views
Loading a view into another view/nested views
Adding assets
Integrating with Bootstrap
Module - 20) PHP - Laravel - Using Controllers and Routes for URLs 5
and APIs - Industry
Creating a basic controller
Creating a route using a closure
Making the controller RESTful
Using route groups
Building a RESTful API with routes
Rest API with Passport Authentication
Task Scheduling
Eloquent ORM and Models:----> Naming conventions
Table name and primary keys
Using models in controllers
Displaying data from models in views
Creating and Using Composer Packages :----> Downloading and installing packages
Using a basic Shopping Cart package in our project
Using Ajax and jQuery:---> Getting data from another page
Setting up a controller to return JSON data
Creating a Jquery, AJAX comment system
Security & Session:---> Using Security
Sessions Effective
Requirements for running migrations
Artisan migration command
Migration structure
How to create a table using a migration
Laravel migration rollback
Database Seeding
Migrations for our project database
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