Lyceum of the Philippines University
Capitol Site,Batangas CityTel. 043 723-0706 loc. 166
Lyceum of the Philippines University –BatangasCollege of NursingMedical Ward Clinical Duty atBatangas Provincial hospitalCase Analysisof
Chronic Kidney Disease
By:Carl zen vincel alvarez
Lyceum of the Philippines University
Capitol Site,Batangas CityTel. 043 723-0706 loc. 166
GENERAL OBJECTIVESThe study was conducted in order to develop the necessary skills needed toprovide quality, efficient, and to the extent of the caliber of excellence in nursingcare, through the application of critical thinking, ability to conceptualize acondition from both objective and subjective standpoint, and to cater theproliferation of the body of knowledge that we, student nurses must possess andhone to its sharpest condition. This study focuses on developing and renderingnursing care toward a 22-year-old patient diagnosed with Chronic Kidneydisease. Connected to this is the analysis of the condition, how it came to be, itspathophysiology. With all this taken into perspective, all this compels the studentnurses to develop a comprehensive plan of action and intervention of care inorder to provide quality nursing care and ensure optimal health and well-being. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES●Define Chronic Kidney Disease and its causes, risk factors, signs andsymptoms, the pattern of development, and foreseeable management ●Identify the drugs of choice and their mode of action, specific to the client ●Formulate possible health care plans and intervention of care that extendsoutside the hospital ●Provide health teaching and guidance towards care of patient after provision of institutional care ●Provide an evidenced-based nursing care practice and perform nursingresponsibilities ●Apply theoretical knowledge in performing nursing responsibilities Exhibit positive approach and attitude towards the provision of nursing care
Lyceum of the Philippines University
Capitol Site,Batangas CityTel. 043 723-0706 loc. 166
●Hypertension is common in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Theprevalence ranges from 60% to 90% depending on the stage of CKD and itscause. The mechanisms of hypertension in CKD include volume overload,sympathetic overactivity, salt retention, endothelial dysfunction, and alterations inhormonal systems that regulate blood pressure (BP). Hypertension remains aleading attributed cause of end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) in the UnitedStates. Uncontrolled hypertension is also associated with higher risk for cardiovascular (CV) morbidity and mortality. In this Core Curriculum, we reviewthe pathophysiology, diagnosis, and management of hypertension in patientswith CKD.
Lyceum of the Philippines University
Capitol Site,Batangas CityTel. 043 723-0706 loc. 166
Marasigan, HermogenesAddress
Calaca batangasAge
MalePhone Number:
Roman catholicStatus
: 04/19/1950
Place of birth:Ethnic Background
: Filipino
Educational level:
Occupation:Primary or Secondary Language:
Support Person
: Jasmine pones
Hospital Number:
Admitting Diagnosis:
Chronic Kidney Disease to Hypertensive