Riph Midterms

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WEEK 7 POLITICAL CARICATURES E. “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity” “Libertad, Igualdad,

TREATY OF PARIS - The Philippine Assembly passed a law authorizing
all legislators, active or retired, to bear firearms. The
Caricature - A caricature is a rendered image showing the Manila press was outraged, but the legislators
features of its subject in a simplified or exaggerated way ignored the opposition and promulgated the law
through sketching, pencil strokes, or other artistic drawings, over the screams of protest
poking fun at its subject.
F. The Returning Student – El Estudiante Vuelve
In literature, caricatures are made by exaggerating - When Manila emerged as the national center for
personality and behavior, as well as physical appearance. university education during the 1920s, the annual
They are created for a humorous or grotesque effect, or to March ritual of the city-wise student returning home
make a subtle point about politics or human behavior. to his village was played out in barrios across the
Political Caricature and its Relevance
- In Philippine history, the caricatures are graphic G. Brothers Under The Skin – Hermanos En El Fondo
depictions of events that occurred during the - Brothers Under the Skin urges Filipinos, in the
American colonial period, including all of the name of Rizal whose birthday was the following
challenges, scandals, and influence that the day, to end social conflict and deal with each other
Americans brought to the Filipinos. Its purpose was fairly.
to provide editorial commentary on politics, - As the Depression worsened, Central Luzon
politicians, and current events peasants mounted strikes and demonstrations to
- Philippine political cartoons gained full expression win tenancy reforms. Refusing concessions,
during the American Era, Filipino artists recorded landlords in Pampanga, Tarlac, and Nueva Ecija
national attitudes and highlighted their shortcomings provinces ponded with goon squad repression
where it tries to sway your opinion toward the
cartoonist' point of view. H. The Loyalty of the Filipinos
- The unique way in which a caricature represents an - World War I sparked an outburst of pro-American
opinion and captures the audience's imagination is loyalty among Filipinos and transformed Uncle
a reason enough for historians to examine these Sam’s media image. The prewar cartoons of
political cartoons. 1907-08 showed him as a satanic monster, drawn in
Caucasian caricature with a great nose, fanged
A. Is the Police Brided? teeth, and crooked smile. These three cartoons
- THIS CARTOON DEPICTS THE FIRST of Manila's from war and post-war issues of the nationalist
periodic police scandals newspaper The Independent, by contrast, show him
- In 1917 a mysterious informant named Pedro Chua as a figure worthy of Filipino love and respect.
wrote the Philippines Free Press alleging that senior - The Loyalty of the Filipinos (below) was published
police were accepting bribes from Chinese on 14 April 1917, only ten days after the U.S.
gambling houses in Binondo and Quiapo districts Congress declared war on Germany and America
entered the conflict. The artist Fernando Amorsolo
B. New Bird of Prey draws a wise, handsome Uncle Sam leading little
- As Manila’s population began to pilot upward during Juan, loyal and smiling, on the road to War
World War I, housing became scarce and rents
escalated. Rising rent combined with high food I. The Latest—Lo Ultimo
prices to reduce the Manila working class in sudden - Throughout 1933 the battle over acceptance or
poverty rejection of the Hare-Hawes-Cutting independence
C. While the Priest Lives Alone in a Big Building bill continued to divide Philippine politics.
- Like many nationalists of his day, Vicente Sotto, the - After Senator Osmeña and Speaker Roxas
publisher of The Independent, never missed a successfully lobbied the U.S. Congress for its
chance to attack the Catholic Church. The editorial passage in 1932, Senator Quezon, fearing loss of
below this cartoon urged the government to leadership if his two rivals returned home heroes,
confiscate the large priests’ residence attached to led the battle for rejection. When all three leaders
Santa Cruz parish church returned from Washington in June 1933, the
struggle for power began in earnest
D. Where The Mosquito Is King, Donde El Mosquito Es - As in The Latest (above), the Philippine Legislature,
Rey now under his control, voted to reject the H-H-C Bill
in October 1933.
- Built on a swamp and ringed with streams and
ponds Manila is a natural breeding ground for
malarial mosquitos. During the 19th century,
Spanish public health procedures were grossly
Tratado de Paris de 1898; Kasunduan sa Paris ng 1898
inadequate to the imperatives of Manila's site, and
o Treaty of Peace between the United States of
the Americans found the city of cesspool of ill health
America and the Kingdom of Spain
when they occupied it in 1898.


Type: Peace Treaty ➔ George Dewey is best known for his victory at the
Signed: 10th of December 1898 Battle of Manila Bay on 1st of May 1898 during the
Location: Paris, France SpanishAmerican War, with the loss of only a single
Condition: Exchange of Ratifications crewman on the American side.
Language used: English and Spanish
Countries involved: Cuba, Puerto Rico, Mariana Islands FELIPE AGONCILLO
and Philippines ➔ A Filipino lawyer and diplomat who denied
participation despite his petitions, he was not
➔ The demand was ultimately accepted with great
February 15, 1898 – The massive explosion of the battleship reluctance by Spain, with the stipulation that the
USS Maine in Havana harbor United States should pay Spain $20 million
nominally for public buildings and public works in
April 24-25, 1898 – Spain issued a declaration of war the Philippines.
against the US on the 24th. The US declared war on the ➔ The treaty was vigorously opposed in the U.S.
25th. Senate as inaugurating a policy of “imperialism” in
the Philippines and was approved on Feb. 6, 1899,
May 1, 1898 – The first battle of the Spanish-American war by only a single vote. (57-27)
was in Manila Bay.
July 1 – Battle of San Juan ● Two days earlier, hostilities had begun at Manila
between U.S. troops and insurgents led by Emilio
July 3 – Destroyed the Spaniards Aguinaldo. For more than three years the Filipinos
carried on guerrilla warfare against U.S. rule.
July 17 – The Spanish surrendered.
Treaty of Peace Between the United States of America
August 12, 1898 – The brief and one-sided war came to a and the Kingdom of Spain (Treaty of Paris)
conclusion when Spain and the US signed an armistice.
by the President of the United States of America
August 13, 1898 – The mock battle in the Philippines
● The local Spanish and American generals, who Treaty of Peace between the United States of America
were legally still at war, secretly and jointly planned and Her Majesty the Queen Regent of Spain; concluded
the battle to transfer control of the city center from signed by their respective plenipotentiaries at Paris on
the Spanish to the Americans while keeping the the tenth day of December 189
Philippine Revolutionary Army out of the city center.

October 1, 1898 – The first meeting regarding peace

negotiations took place in Paris.
December 10, 1898 – The Treaty of Paris was signed at
April 11, 1899 – The Treaty of Paris took effect
● “Dean of Filipino Historiographers”
TREATY OF PARIS PLENIPOTENTIARIES ● A Filipino historian, author and politician from the
town of Pagsanjan, Laguna in the Philippines.
● William R. Day ● Known as "Goyo" and "Dean of Filipino
● Sen. Cushman K. Davis Historiographers."
● Sen. William P. Frye ● The most traveled Filipino historian.
● Sen. George Gray ● He was one of the founders of the International
● Honorable Whitelaw Reid Association of Historians of Asia (IAHA).
SPANISH REPRESENTATIVE ● Was also elected as President of the Philippine
● Don Eugenio Montero Rios Historical Association
● Don Buenaventura De Abarzuza ● First Asian to win the United Nations Study Awards
● Don Jose De Garnica in 1957.
● Don Wenceslao Ramirez De Villa-Urrutia ● Diploma of Outstanding Writings on Filipino
● Don Rafael Cerero
● Jules Cambon National Heroes.
● The most traveled Filipino historian.
● Awarded by the Philippine government the
prestigious Republic Cultural Heritage Award in


● Winning as mayor of Pagsanjan from 1971 to 1975 ● Wood commanded the Philippine Division of the
U.S Army (1906-1908)
ZAIDE’S MAJOR WORKS ● Became Chief of Staff in the U.S (1910-1914)
● A Documentary History of the Katipunan (1931) ● A republican candidate for the presidency but lost in
● History of the Katipunan (1939) nomination to Warren Harding (1920).
● Philippine Political and Cultural History (1949) ● Wood came to the Philippines sent by President
● Great Events in Philippine P History (1951) The Harding to serve on a special mission to the
Philippine Revolution (1954) Philippines in 1921
● Jose Rizal: Life, Works and Writings (1957) ● Wood was the governor-general of the Philippines
● History of the Filipino People (1958) from 1921 to 1927
● World History (1965)
● Great Filipinos in History (1970) SUMMARY
● Jose Rizal: Asia's First Apostle of Nationalism
(1970) o The period of American colonization of the Philippines
● The Pageant of Philippine History (1979) lasted 48 years, from the cession of the Philippines to the
● History of Asian Nations (1980)- U.S. by Spain in 1898 to U.S. recognition of Philippine
● ose Rizal: Life, Works, and Writings of a Genius, independence in 1946.
Writer, Scientist, and National Hero (with Sonia M. o The avowed purpose is to train us in the art of
Zaide, 1983) self-government and grant us independence.
● Riquezas Filipinas en los Archivos de Mexico (Titled o Promised that our country would be conserved and
in Spanish language developed for the benefit of people.
o The first 20 years of civil government were marked by
HISTORICAL BACKGROUND mutual understanding and loyal cooperation between
Americans and Filipinos.
● This text is taken from Gregorio F. Zaide and Sonia o The president of the US sent General Wood to the
Zaide's documentary sources of Philippine History, Philippines to fulfill his promise.
and was originally published as Appendix of
Maximo M. Kalaw's Philippine Government under EXPECTATION – Filipinos expected that spirit of cooperation
the Jones Law. would be maintained. Political emancipation would be
● The document was approved by the Commission on complete.
Independence on November 17, 1926. REALITY – There was a train of arbitrary acts Resulting in
● The reason behind this document was Governor the curtailment of our autonomy & the destruction of our
Wood. constitutional system Reversal of America's Philippine Policy.
● The document is a form of protest particularly
against Executive Order No.37 and served as an ARBITARY ACTS OF GENERAL WOOD
impeachment request for Governor Wood. ● He has refused his assent to laws which were the
most wholesome & necessary heads of department.
PHILIPPINES AND AMERA ● He has set at naught both the legal authority and
● American flag - "emblem of freedom", responsibility for the Philippine heads of
not "subjugation" not a symbol of altruism, not of departments.
selfishness or greed ● He has substituted his constitutional advisers for a
● Filipinos placed their trust in the Americans' pledge group of military attaches without legal standing in
to help them acquire self-government and the government and not responsible to the people.
independence. "Our good, not her gain" ● He has reversed the policy of Filipinizing the service
of the government by appointing Americans even
Leonard Wood (October 9, 1860 – August 7, 1927) when Filipinos of proven capacity were available.
● Wood was a United States Army major general, ● He has obstructed the carrying out of national
physician, and public official. economic policies and duties adopted by the
● He graduated from Harvard Medical School and Legislature, merely because they are in conflict with
was conscripted into the U.S. Army as a medical his personal views.
doctor. ● He has unduly interfered in the administration of
● A Military Governor in Cuba (1899-1902) and in justice.
Mindanao (1903)


- On August 13, 1983, Aquino began a meandering,

EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 37 – Based on an opinion
week-long flight that took him from Boston to Los Angeles
rendered by the Judge Advocate General of the United
and through Singapore, Hong Kong, and Taiwan.-" And then,
States and the confirmatory opinion of the acting Advocate
we lost him, irrevocably and more painfully than in the past.
General on November 17
The news came to us in Boston. It had to be after the three
happiest years of our lives together. But his death was my
CORAZON AQUINO’S SPEECH BEFORE country’s resurrection in the courage and faith by which
THE US CONGRESS OF 1986 alone they could be free again. The dictator had called him a
nobody "
MARIA CORAZON COJUANGCO AQUINO - She held out in the 1984 election.
o The 11th president (and first female president) of the - "But I was not fighting for lawyers but for the people in
Philippines whose intelligence I had implicit faith. By the exercise of
o Born January 25, 1933, in Tarlac, Philippines Graduated democracy, even in a dictatorship, they would be prepared
from the College of Mount St. Vincent in New York in 1953, for democracy when it came. And then, also, it was the only
with a bachelor's degree in both French and Mathematics way I knew by which we could measure our power even in
o Widow of Senator Benigno Aquino. the terms dictated by the dictatorship."
o Was widely accredited as the “Mother of Asian - In May 1984, new elections for parliament took place and
Democracy” opposition parties claimed 58 of the 183 available seats even
o Presidential term: February 25, 1986-June 30, 1992 though there were large allegations of election fraud.
Corazon had publicly endorsed all of the candidates running
THE JOINT SESSION OF THE U.S. CONGRESS, - Marcos recently called for 'snap,' or early, presidential
SEPTEMBER 18,1986 elections amid sharp domestic and U.S. criticism over his
handling of a growing communist insurgency and a severe
Time written: Assumed between April – September economic crisis.-She would consider running against Marcos
Time delivered: September 18, 1986, 7 months after the if 1 million signatures had been collected urging her to enter
EDSA revolution (Feb 25, 1986) the race. Former newspaper publisher Joaquin Roces, 72,
3 years after the assassination of Senator Benigno Aquino said his group had collected 1,005,882 signatures as of 6:35
(1983) p.m. Monday in support of her candidacy.
Place Written: Philippines
Place Delivered: Washington DC, U.S. Congress The ultimate result was the election of:
INTENT OF THE SPEECH: To declare the freedom of the - Mrs. Corazon Aquino as President
Filipinos from the Marcos regime. To mark a new beginning - Mr. Salvador Laurel as Vice-President of the Philippines.
for the Filipinos and their government. To appeal for financial - And yet, despite all these serious challenges, not once did
assistance by informing the Americans about the Philippines’ Aquino consider declaring martial law. Her stubborn
state adherence to the democratic process (“Archibald MacLeish
had said that democracy must be defended by arms when it
CONTENT SUMMARY is attacked by arms and by truth when it is attacked by lies.
- In March 1986 Aquino proclaimed a provisional constitution
- On September 22, 1972, opposition Senator Benigno and soon thereafter appointed a commission to write a new
Aquino Jr. Together with Senators, publishers, and anyone constitution.
who had spoken up for democracy was arrested at the - It is stated also that Filipinos face a communist insurgency
Manila Hilton Hotel in Ermita, Manila by elements of the that feeds on economic deterioration, even though they carry
Philippine Constabulary-Metropolitan Command a great share of the free world defenses in the Pacific. These
(PC-METROCOM) led by Col. Romeo Gatan. This arrest are only two of the many burdens the people carry even as
happened a day after President Ferdinand E. Marcos signed they try to build a worthy and enduring house for their new
Proclamation Number 1081 declaring the entire Philippines democracy. Half the export earnings, $2 billion out of $4
under Martial Law. billion, which was all they could earn in the restrictive
- On August 27, 1973, Ninoy was brought back to Fort markets of the world, went to pay just the interest on a debt
Bonifacio where he faced a Military Tribunal on charges of whose benefit the Filipino people never received.
murder, illegal possession of firearms, and subversion. They
locked him up in a tiny, nearly airless cell in a military camp
in the north.


"Still, we fought for honor, and, if only for honor, we shall

pay. And yet, should we have to wring the payments from
the sweat of our men’s faces and sink all the wealth piled
● Built from bamboo, wood, and the nipa palm and
up by the bondsman’s two hundred fifty years of
could carry more than 100 sailors.
unrequited toil?”
● This single-sailed ship was 25 meters long and six
meters across and housed a powder magazine and
cannon at the bow.
RELEVANCE OF THE SPEECH ● With 30 to 60 oars on each side, the garay was
o Shows the importance of democracy not just in our faster than any other seagoing vessel of its time
government system but also in our society
o The speech serves as a reminder that once absolute 2. SALISIPAN
power is granted to a wrong person, abuse and corruption ● Small boats designed for coastal raids
will be widespread in his administration.
o Informed the world regarding the challenges the Filipinos 3. KALIS
went through but also one of the greatest in Philippine ● Sword with a mystical side
o Managed to gain monetary aid from the Americans and 4. BARONG
strengthen bonds with foreign countries ● One the Tausug warriors used to cut off an M-14, a
WEEK 9 RAIDERS OF THE SULU SEA ● A single-edged leaf-shaped blade made of thick
● This approximately one-meter long weapon was
BATAAN AND CORREGIDOR used in close hand-to-hand battle to cut Spanish
WORKS OF JUAN LUNA AND FERNANDO firearms down to size.
RAIDERS OF THE SULU SEA ● Weapon of warfare and ceremony
● Measuring up to 1.2 meters in length, was not only
● A Historiography documentary film focusing on carried by slave raiders into battle but also by
Zamboanga City depicting how the Spaniards nobles and high-ranking officials of the southern
defended the city with the Fort Pilar as Spain’s sultanates
last stronghold and bastion of defense and
economic expansion in the South of the Philippines. ● Double-edged and with either a smooth or wavy
● It depicts the Southeast Asian flourishing free blade
trading in the area and the adverse effects and
repercussions when Europeans such as the 6. KAMIPALAN
English, Dutch, and Spanish wanted to control the
● Heavy single-edged sword adorned with hair to
economy as well as colonize and Christianize.The
documentary centers on the activities of the slave make it look even more intimidating
raiders as a way of retaliation against the colonizers ● At the tip of the blade are two horns projecting from
and a way to defend their way of life against the blunt side which are used to pick up the head of
oppression. a decapitated body
● The Sulu and Maguindanao sultanates were then
the two main kingdoms controlling the Muslim
colonies of the southern Philippines. With the king Zamboanga City - Sits at the tip of the southernmost
of Maguindanao, Rajah Dalasi, at the helm, they peninsula of the Philippines, strategically located along an
launched a bloody attack on Fort Pilar important sea route between then north and south regions of
the Philippines.
- Its geographical advantage made it valuable to the
1. Tausug - A tribe without maritime experience, but known
Catholic Spaniards who colonized it in the 16th
for its fierce warriors and widespread political power
2. Illanun - The one which was very important in piracy
- Spanish colonists built forts to protect their interests
history. Long-standing seafaring community
in the city and to discourage potential invaders.
3. Balangingi Tribe or Samal - Occupied the chain of
- The frontline of these defenses was Fort del Pilar, a
islands between Basilan and Sulu islands. Also a
ten-meter high fortress that sprawled over two acres
long-standing seafaring community


matters. On a lighter yet equally revealing note it

December 8, 1720 - Fort del Pilar was attacked by the also gives a glimpse of pre-war Manila and
Maguindanao King Rajah Dalasi Philippine society
- Rajah Dalasi and the Sulu sultanate, who controlled ●
the Muslim colonies in Southern Philippine, joined WORKS OF JUAN LUNA AND FERNANDO
- They attacked the town around the fort and cut
down the line of provisions for the Spaniards. JUAN LUNA y NOVICIO (1857-1899)
- They have hundreds of ships carrying 3000 ● A great Filipino painter, and occasionally a sculptor
thousand of battle-hardened raiders against 600 ● He was a prominent propagandist who pushed for
Spaniards at Fort Pilar political reforms along with Jose Rizal
● His victory taking the gold medal in the 1884 Madrid
LEGACY OF HEROES STORY OF BATAAN Exposition of Fine Arts for his “Spoliarium”, along
AND CORREGIDOR with the 2nd prize silver of fellow Filipino painter
Felix Hidalgo, created a celebration that would be a
● It discusses World War 2 in the Philippines and highlight in the memoirs of members of the
how thousands of heroic young Filipinos braved the Propaganda Movement
odds and struggled to defend and protect the
freedom of their people and motherland. The following are some of the most historically and culturally
● The film centers on the stories of valor and significant masterpieces of Juan Luna y Novicio:
heroism by the gallant Filipino veterans of 1. Spoliarium (1884)
World War 2. Through the eyewitness accounts of 2. Parisian Life (1892)
patriotic Filipino and American men who fought, the 3. Blood Compact (1886)
documentary returns to the events of the war,
beginning from the attacks of the Japanese at Pearl FERNANDO AMORSOLO y CUETO (1892-1972)
Harbor, Hawaii, and then the Philippines ● First National Artist in Painting (1972) of the
immediately after, to the battles in Bataan and Philippines, and is also referred to as the
Corregidor and the Death March where courage "Grand Old Man of Philippine Art"
and sacrifice rose to its heights creating a saga in ● Amorsolo graduated from both Liceo de Manila Art
Philippine history and a legacy of heroes that will School in 1909 and the University of the Philippines
always be remembered. School of Fine Arts. He also graduated from U.P.
● This tells the “truer story” behind the “forgotten war” with honors in 1914, and received a study grant in
of Bataan and Corregidor — savage battles that Madrid, Spain
violently hurled falsely reassured Filipinos and the ● While in New York, his art was influenced by an
ill-prepared Philippines into the Second World War encounter with postwar impressionism and
in the Pacific. cubism, creating a uniquely
● Produced by the Department of National Defense of
the Philippines and the Philippines Veterans Affairs The following are some of the most historically and culturally
Office this series of videos documents the significant masterpieces of Fernando Amorsolo y Cueto:
outstanding courage, heroism, and nobility of 1. The making of Philippine Flag
Filipinos regardless of the inevitable fall of the 2. Antipolo (1947)
country to the unrelenting Imperial Japanese 3. Rice Planting (1922)
military juggernaut.
● An outcome inevitably irreversible despite the fierce WEEK 10 FIRST MASS
resistance of the mostly Filipino and American
defenders as the United States government CAVITE MUTINY AND REBELLION CASE
relegated succor to the loyal but unwarily naive (GOMBURZA)
Philippine Commonwealth as secondary to
America’s commitment to her European allies.
● This historical account belies many of the myths
that have long distorted the realities of BACKGROUND OF THE FIRST MASS
Philippine-American relations and is a must for the
serious student of history, geopolitics, and military ● Antonio Pigaffeta was a famous Italian traveler
who studied navigation and was known by the


name of Antonio Lambardo or Francisco Antonio o “It lies in a latitude of nine and two-thirds degrees towards
Pigaffeta “Chronicle of the Magellan Expedition” the Arctic Pole, and in a longitude of one hundred and
● Magellan expedition entitled “Primo Viaggio Intorno sixty-two degrees from the line of demarcation
al Mondo” or “First Voyage Around the World”
Translated: “It lies in a latitude of nine and two-thirds degree
TIMELINE toward the Arctic Pole”
March 16, 1521 a “high land” named “Zamal” that was Original: “..neuf degrez et deux tiers” - NINE DEGREES
sighted by the Magellan’s expedition AND TWO THIRDS

March 17 - 25 they landed on “uninhabited island” or

1521 known as “Humunu” (Homonhon) nine degrees and two thirds - 9 oo’ 40’’
stayed for 8 days is not equal to
nine and two third degrees - 9 40’ oo”
March 25, 1521 left the island of Homonhon and
change route towards west southwest,
between four islands namely: Cenalo, o Accdg to Pigaffeta. the distance from Mazaua to Cebu was
Hiunanghan, Ibusson, and Albaeirn. 35 leagues (140 miles) Limasawa and Cebu are only 8- km
Afterward, they sailed westward apart
towards Leyte, then continued
southward, returning westward to o The king was said to have arrived on their ship in
Mazaua Balanghai. Butuan present features at least nine discovered
Balanghai artifacts
March 28, 1521 reached the Island Mazaua o Butuan City, Agusan del Norte is rich in Gold

March 29, 1521 Two members of Magellan’s CONCLUSION

expeditions joined the native king and
his companions as their guests - There is no concrete evidence that the first mass in Butuan
staying when they returned to the occurred and many claims were inconsistent, such as
shore. One of the two was Pigaffeta according to historian Father Francisco Colin, S.J, Magellan
arrived first in Butuan, then went to Limasawa, and finally to
March 30, 1521 Pigafetta and his companion dined Cebu. However, Father Francisco Combes, S.J., a Jesuit
and drank with the King and His son writer, has a different point of view. For him, Magellan visited
Limasawa twice.
March 31, 1521 Magellan ordered a mass to be
celebrated which was officiated by - Limasawa Island, Southern Leyte, should be upheld as the
Father Pedro Valderrama location of 1521 Easter Sunday Mass since it is universally
acknowledged that the reasons and facts put forth by the
pro-Butuan proponents are not strong enough to support
➔ The first Holy Mass marked the birth of the overturning or repealing the decision in the case
Roman Catholicism in the Philippines
➔ Along the shores of what was referred to in the - Limasawa Island presented more concrete and
writings of Antonio Pigafetta as “Mazaua” accurate evidence according to its location, tradition,
➔ “Mazaua” - Limasawa or Masao and eye-witness for the First Mass in the Philippines in
contrast to the facts that proponents who claim Butuan
Limasawa Claim based on Pigafetta’s Account wherein they only reveal the artifacts and some of the
coordinates that they may seem to have an inconsistency to
o “Limasawa” is the current name of the island. the argument
“ Mazaua” which was mentioned in Pigafetta’s Account
o “In the Morning of Holy Thursday, March 28, they anchored - There are very reliable indications that the first mass took
place in Limasawa. Initially, according to Francisco Albo’s
off an island where the previous night they had seen the light journal, Magellan’s expedition was moving toward
or bonfire Limasawa’s southernmost point. Second, Antonio Pigaffeta’s
o The first king mentioned was named Raia Colambu which account of the expedition’s itinerary, which he has also
as the king/chieftain of Mazaua documented with sketches and maps that lead to Limasawa,
o The cross was set up on the summit of highest mountain given the fact that they were a part of the Magellan
expedition, their accounts are credible sources

Masao Claim based on Pigafetta’s Account

o The relevance between “Mazaua” from Antonio Pigafetta’s Additional Information
account to “Masao” from Butuan City QUINCENTENNIAL CELEBRATION

Geographical Coordinates


- Dr Trinidad Hermenigildo Pardo de Tavera is a scholar and

July 15, 2022 ahead of 500th anniversary National
researcher from the Philippines.
Historical Commission of the Philippines (NHCP)
According to him, the incident was merely a mutiny by
reaffirmed Limasawa as the site of the First Easter
native Filipino soldiers and laborers at the Cavite
Sunday Mass in the Country
arsenal who were dissatisfied with the loss of their
privileges. Indirectly, Tavera blamed Gov. Izquierdo’s
CAVITE MUTINY: OVERVIEW cold-blooded policies, such as the elimination of privileges
for workers and native army members of the arsenal, as well
● Controversy that surrounds the event of the Cavite as the prohibition on the establishment of schools of arts and
● The mutiny happened in 1872 trades for Filipinos, which the general saw as a cover-up for
● Frs. Jose Burgos, Mariano Gomez, and Jacinto the formation of a political club.
Zamora, more well known as the “GomBurZa” - The rebellion began when the Spanish government
● Executed with the use of “garotte” a month after imposed unjust punishment on innocent priests,
the said mutiny GomBurZa
Who wrote the report? o On the night of January 20 1872 they killed the
o Trinidad Hermengildo Jose Maria Juan Francisco Pardo de commanding officer of the Cavite arsenal and other officers
Tavera y Gorricho also known by his name T.H. Pardo de o When the news of the mutiny reached Manila, General
Tavera Izquierdo and immediately ordered the reinforcement of
➔ He was born on April 13 1857 in Escota, Manila Spanish troops in Cavite
➔ He died on March 26, 1925 o This mutiny was used as a powerful lever among the
➔ Coming from a wealthy and prominent family of soldiers in Cavite by the Spanish resident and friars
mixed Portuguese, Spanish, Irish, Greek, and o Because friars feared that their power within the colony
Filipino heritage. Pardo was born and raised at the would soon be removed
heart of the Spanish Colonial establishment o They took advantage of the incident and presented it to
➔ The family owned a number of businesses and the Spanish government as part of a major conspiracy
properties including much of the present-day throughout the archipelago with the objects of destroying
Escolta Spanish sovereignty
➔ His parents was Felix Pardo de Tavera and Juliana o The alleged “revolution” of Cavite was to strengthen the
Gorricho de Pardo de Tavera power of the friars in the Philippine Islands.
➔ His father Felix, who died when Pardo was only o The Madrid government came to believe the scheme was
seven, was an influential lawyer who served as a true without conducting a thorough investigation of the real
member of the governor-general’s advisory council facts or extent of the alleged revolution
➔ His mother Julaiana was from a wealthy, illustrious It convicted the three martyred Filipino priests and whether
Filipino family or not they were involved in the mutiny
➔ He also had an uncle Joaquin who as a part of the The event led to the awakening of nationalism and
individuals that were persecuted and expatriated to eventually to the outbreak of the philippine revolution of 1896
the Marianas Islands due to the unruly abuse of
government authority by the Governer-General and SPANISH VERSION
the congregation of friars of the Spanish Colonizers
in the Philippines Who wrote the report?
➔ Earning his degree in medicine in 1881, he o Jose Antonio Julian Montero y Vidal was a Spanish
published research articles on health and medical Historian
practices while studying language and cultures in o Rafael Geronimo Cayetano Izquierdo y Gutierrez
which he wrote about as well
➔ He published essays and articles on cartography Jose Montero y Vidal
particularly on the Murillo Velarde Map, on the Date of Birth: January 28, 1851
Sanskrit influences on the Tagalog language, on the Place of Birth: Gergal, Spain
history of printing in the Philippines, and on Date of Death: February 27, 1936
Pharmacy, Public Health, and Hygiene ➔ He studied Jurisprudence at Madrid and later
worked as an employee of the Ministry of
Development and Overseas


➔ A writer who specialized in documenting important which the soldiers who revolted would have jobs as officers
events in the Philippines islands by the quarter of and chiefs
the 19th century. As a Spanish Historian, he
interpreted the mutiny as an attempt to remove and CONCLUSION
overthrow the Spanish Colonizers in the Philippines
The Spanish Version Is generally considered to be more
➔ Also, the account of Jose Montero y Vidal embodies
detailed and comprehensive as it was written by the colonial
the official interpretation of the mutiny in Cavite as authorities who had access to resources such as official
part of a general revolt directed by the three priests reports and first-hand accounts
and their lay and clerical colleagues in Manila and
Cavite. His work becomes more credible because of WEEK 11 FIRST CRY FOR INDEPENDENCE
his wide range of objectives or remarks that provide
enough information that the reader can basically What is the First Cry?
understand what his writing is all about. Also, his
work became authentic because of the one piece of “CRY”
evidence which is the goal of assassinating the ➔ translated from the Spanish word el grito de
Governor-General along with a number of Spanish rebellion or el grito for short which means “cry for
settlers and officials rebellion”
➔ Lastly, Montero’s version of Cavite mutiny was “THE FIRST CRY”
strongly hostile To the Filipino reformist aspiration, ➔ generally signified as the ‘first call for rebellion’ it
and has no doubt of the guilt of those executed or is marked as the beginning of the Philippine
exiled and further placed much of the blame for the Revolution or seeking independence for the
revolt an alleged tolerance of recently replaced Philippines from Spanish colonial rule with the use
Governor-general Carlos maria dela torre of violence and arms

Rafael Geronimo Cayetano Izquierdo y Gutierrez PIO VALENZUELA (Cry of Pugad Lawin)
o Spanish military officer, politician, and statesman who was
born 30 September 1820 and night on November 9, 1883. Claim
o From April 4 1871 to January 8 1873 he was the Date: August 23, 1896
governor-general of the Philippines Place: Pugadlawin
➔ He was famous for his use of the iron fist
government in contrast to his predecessor. Carlos Made by:
mara dela torre y Navacerrada liberal government. - Dr. Pio Valenzuela
- One of the leaders of the Katipunan and was an
CLAIMS eyewitness of the event
Jose Montero y Vidal
o Asserts that the withdrawal of the benefits that the Cavite First Account
arsenal workers had received in the form of exemption from Key staging point of the cry happened on August 26 1896 in
tribute was what sparked the mutiny Balintawak. Pio Valenzuela held this account when the
events were still vivid in his memory.
Rafael Geronimo Cayetano Izquierdo y Gutierrez
o Insurrection was motivated and prepared by the native Second Account
clergy by the mestizos and native lawyers and by those Later in his life and with a declining memory, in his Memoirs
known as Abodadillos. Some were residents of Manila, of the Revolution, without consulting the written documents
others other from Cavite, and some were from the nearby of the Philippine Revolution, he claimed that the cry took
provinces place at Pugad Lawin on August 23, 1896, instead
o Rebels wanted to overthrow to the Spanish
government to install new leaders such as Father Gomez
and Zamora
o They took advantage of the ignorance of those classes and
the propensity of the Indio to steal they offered (to those who
revolted) the wealth of the Spaniards and of the regular
clergy, employment and ranks in the army: and to this effect
they said that fifteen native battalions would be created, in



August 19-20 August 22, August 23,
1896 1896 1896 Claim
Date: August 25, 1896
Balintawak is the 500 members of Considerable Place: Near Caloocan
First place for the the Katipunan debate and
refuge of met at the house discussion being Made by:
Bonifacio, Jacinto, and yard of carried out at the
Procopio Apolonio Pugad Lawin, in - Gregoria De Jesus
Bonifacio, Samson at the house, - Lakambini of the Katipunan
Teodoro Plata, Kangkong. store-house, and - Wife of Supremo Andres Bonifacio
Auguedo Del Briccio Pantas, yard of Juan - The custodian of the secret documents, seal, and
Rosario, and Pio Alejandro Ramos with over
some weapons of the Katipunan
Valenzuela. The Santiago, 1,000
first arriving there Ramon Katipuneros. The
on August 19 and Bernardo, discussion was Account
him on August 20 Apolonio on whether or not “The activities of the Katipunan had reached nearly all
1896 Samson, and the revolution corners of the Philippine archipelago so that when its
others were should be started
there also on August 29. existence was discovered and some of the members
Only Teodoro arrested, we immediately returned to Caloocan. However,
Plata protested as we were closely watched by the agents of the
Spanish authorities, Andres Bonifacio and other katipuneros
SANTIAGO ALVAREZ (Cry of Bahay Toro) left the town some days. It was then that the uprising began,
with the first cry for freedom on August 25, 1896.
Claim Meanwhile, I was with my parents. Through my friends, I
Date: August 24, 1896 learned that the Spanish were coming to arrest me.
Place: Bahay Toro Immediately, I fled the town at eleven o’clock at night,
secretly going through the rice fields to La Loma, with the
Made by: intention of returning to Manila. I was treated like an
- Santiago Alvarez apparition, for, sad to say, in every house where I tried to get
- A well-known Katipunero but was not an a little rest, I was driven away as if the people therein were
eye-witness of the event frightened for their own lives. Later, I found out that the
occupants of the houses that I had visited were seized and
Account severely punished, and some even exiled. One of them was
The cry occurred after the adjournment of the meeting held an uncle of mine whom I had visited on that night to kiss his
on August 24 1896 at the barn of Melchora Aquino at hand, and he died in exile.”
Sampalukan, a barrio of Bahay Toro
SPECIFICATION OF DATES Gregoria de Jesus is the wife of Andres Bonifacio. in her
August 23, 1896 August 24, 1896 version of the first cry, it is stated that it happened near
Caloocan on August 25, 1896. when the existence of the
At the barn of Melchora About 1,000 Katipuneros Katipunan was discovered some of the members were
Aquino, at a place called attended. Then Bonifacio arrested and they immediately returned to Caloocan. it was
Sampalukan, barrio of decided to hold a meeting then that the uprising began. during that time Gregoria de
Bahay Toro, about 500 inside the big barn, beginning
Katipunetos gathered the meeting at 10 o’clock in the Jesus was noticed by her friends that the Spanish authorities
together morning. It was ended by were coming to arrest her, she immediately fled to town at
midday with loud cried of “Long 11:00 secretly going through rice fields to the La Lorna not
Live the Sons of the Country” returning to Manila
(Mabuhay ang mga anak ng
It Is not credible because she did not provide detailed
information compared to other accounts, her version is more
like the narration of her story rather than an account that
provides detailed information of the main context and


occurrences when the cry happened. Her account was more

focused on her escape from the Spanish authorities rather
than the information on the revolt of the katipuneros. In her
sum, her version lacks adequate information about the cry. In Andres Bonifacio, Emilio The meeting was opened
addition, she was in distress when she was narrating her Jacinto, Aguedodel Rosario, at 9 o’clock, with the
account due to her escape from Spanish authorities which Tomas Remigio, Briccio purpose being to discuss
can alter her mental process and reliability as a source Pantas, Teodora Plata, Pio when the uprising will take
Valenzuela, Enrique place
Pacheco, and Francisco
THE GUARDIA CIVIL’S REPORT (on the first Carreon were some of the
cry of Balintawak) attendees

Date: August 25, 1896 Conclusion
Place: Balintawak - According to him, They Cry happened in Balintawak on 26
of August
Made by: - The version of Guillermo Masangkay are also
- Olegario Diaz supported of evidence. The claims of Masangkay were at
- Spanish Commander of Guardia Civil Veterana a top scale
- Investigated the discovery of the Katipunan Summary
The cry for freedom was an important turning point in our
History. It marked the instance when Filipinos finally refused
Bonifacio and his followers fled to the nearby town of Spanish colonial to fight for independence and freedom
Caloocan in august 23 1896 and they were moved to the signaling the beginning of the Philippine revolution. It is an
Barrio of Balintawak and followed by 224 men. On the 24th important historical event, but even so, the different accounts
day of the same month, they were attacked by the Guardia of the event do not seem to agree on the date and exact
Civil on the outskirts of Balintawak and immediately retreated place it occurred
to their hiding place. On the next day August 25, a large
meeting was held attended by over 5,000 members the There is significant disagreement among the accounts as to
meeting began discussions on how to face the situation if where and when the cry occurred. Using primary and
arrests happened secondary sources. It occurred in many locations:
Balintawak, Pugad Lawwin, near Caloocan, and Bahay Toro
Some members suggested surrendering to the Spanish with the dates: August 23, 24, 25, or 26 1896. Bonifacio's
authorities, but Bonifacio was firmly opposed and took up movement from one location to another in order to evade the
arms once. bonifacio's proposal has been approved and Spanish government, which was pursuing the katipuneros
demonstrates the influence of leadership. orders were This explains why there are multiple accounts of the cry.
immediately sent out to Manila, Cavite, Nueva Ecija, and
other provinces for the katipuneros to strike at dawn on
Sunday, August 30


Date: August 26 1896
Place: House of Apolonio Samson in Balintawak

Made by:
- Katipunan General Guillermo Masangkay
- Eyewitness of the Event
- Childhood friend of Bonifacio


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