Syllabus Class-XI (2023-24)

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Syllabus (Class XI) 2023-24


Section – A Section – A
 Two unseen passages  Two unseen passage
 Note making and summarization  Note making and summarization

Section - B Section - B
 Advertisement  Poster
 Speech  Debate
 Gap filling (Tenses, Clauses)  Gap filling (Tenses, Clauses)
 Transformation of sentences  Transformation of sentences

Section - C
LITERATURE TEXTBOOKS (31 marks) Section - C
1. The Portrait of a Lady (Prose) HORNBILL
2. A Photograph (Poem) 6. The Voice of the Rain (Poem)
3. “We’re Not Afraid to Die… if we can be together 7. Childhood (Poem)
4. Discovering Tut: the Saga Continues 8. The Adventure
5. The Laburnum Top (Poem) 9. Silk Road (Prose)
10. Father to Son (Poem)
1. The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse (Prose)
3. The Address (Prose)
4. Birth ( Prose)
5. The Tale of Melon City(Poem)

Note :- Full course of Half Yearly Exam will be included

in Final Exam.

Assessment of listening and speaking skills (5+5 marks)
Project (File 5 marks, Viva 5 marks)
December – Submit project for feedback.
January – Final submission for assessment.
February – Viva

English Examination Specifications

Section A Reading Skills

I. Reading Comprehension through Unseen Passage 26 Marks

1. One unseen passage to assess comprehension, interpretation inference and vocabulary. The passage may be factual,
descriptive or literary. (10 Marks)
2. One unseen case-based passage with verbal/visual inputs like statistical data, charts etc.
Multiple Choice Questions / Objective Type Questions will be asked. (8 Marks)
3. Note Making and Summarization based on a passage of approximately 200-250 words.

i. Note Making: 5 Marks

○ Title: 1
○ Numbering and indenting: 1
○ Key/glossary: 1
○ Notes: 2
ii. Summary (up to 50 words): 3 Marks
○ Content: 2
○ Expression: 1
Section B
23 Marks
II. Grammar 7 Marks
4. Questions on Gap filling (Tenses, Clauses)
5. Questions on re-ordering/transformation of sentences

(Total seven questions to be done out of the eight given).

III. Creative Writing Skills 16 Marks

6. Short writing task – Classified Advertisements up to 50 words. (3 Marks: Format : 1 / Content : 1 / Expression : 1)
7. Short writing task –Poster up to 50 words. (3marks:Format : 1 / Content : 1 / Expression : 1)
8. Writing a Speech in 120-150 words based on verbal / visual cues related to some contemporary
/ age-appropriate topic. (5 Marks: Format: 1 / Content: 2 / Expression: 2)
9. Writing a Debate based on visual/verbal inputs in 120-150 words. The theme should be contemporary topical issues.
(5 Marks: Format: 1 / Content: 2 / Expression: 2)

Section C
IV. Literature
 Reference to the Context
10. Poetry extract from the book Hornbill. (3x1=3 Marks)
11. Prose extract from the book Hornbill. (3x1=3 Marks)
12. Prose extract from the book Snapshots. (4x1=4 Marks)
13. Short answer type question (one from Prose and one from Poetry from the book Hornbill),
to be answered in 40-50 words. (3x2=6 Marks)
14. Short answer type question, from the book Snapshots, to be answered in 40- 50 words. (3x1=3 Marks)
15. Long answer type question, from Prose/Poetry Hornbill, to be answered in 120-150 words. (1x6=6 Marks)
16. Long answer type question, based on the chapters from the book Snapshots to be answered in 120-150 words.
(1x6=6 Marks)
Theory Theory
2. Units and Measurements 7. System of Particles and Rotational Motion
3. Motion in a Straight Line 10. Mechanical Properties of Fluids
4. Motion in a Plane 11. Thermal Properties of Matter
5. Laws of Motion 12. Thermodynamics
6. Work, Energy and Power 13. Kinetic Theory
8. Gravitation 14. Oscillations
9. Mechanical Properties of Solids 15. Waves

Practicals Practicals
1. To measure diameter of a small spherical/cylindrical body
and to measure internal diameter and depth of a given 1. To find the force constant of a helical spring by plotting
beaker/calorimeter using Vernier Callipers and hence find a graph between load and extension.
its volume. 2. To study the relation between frequency and length of a
2. To measure diameter of a given wire and thickness of a given wire under constant tension using sonometer.
given sheet using screw gauge. 3. To study the relation between the length of a given wire
3. To determine radius of curvature of a given spherical and tension for constant frequency using sonometer.
surface by a spherometer. 4. To find the speed of sound in air at room temperature
4. Using a simple pendulum, plot its L-T2 graph and use it to using a resonance tube by two resonance positions.
find the effective length of second's pendulum.
List of Activities
List of Activities 1. To observe change of state and plot a cooling curve for
1. To make a paper scale of given least count molten wax
2. To plot a graph for a given set of data 2. To note the change in level of liquid in a container on
3. To measure the force of limiting friction for rolling of a heating and interpret the observations
roller on a horizontal plane. 3. To study the features affecting the rate of loss of heat of a

Note :- Full course of Half Yearly Exam will be included

in Final Exam.

Time: 3 hrs. Max Marks: 70

Unit–I Physical World and Measurement
Chapter–2: Units and Measurements
Unit-II Kinematics
Chapter–3: Motion in a Straight Line
Chapter–4: Motion in a Plane
Unit–III Laws of Motion
Chapter–5: Laws of Motion
Unit–IV Work, Energy and Power
Chapter–6: Work, Energy and Power
Unit–V 17
Motion of System of Particles and RigidBody
Chapter–7: System of Particles andRotational Motion
Unit-VI Gravitation
Chapter–8: Gravitation
Unit–VII Properties of Bulk Matter
Chapter–9: Mechanical Properties of Solids
Chapter–10: Mechanical Properties of Fluids
Chapter–11: Thermal Properties of Matter 20
Unit–VIII Thermodynamics
Chapter–12: Thermodynamics

Unit–IX Behaviour of Perfect Gases and KineticTheory of Gases

Chapter–13: Kinetic Theory
Unit–X Oscillations and Waves
Chapter–14: Oscillations
Chapter–15: Waves
Total 70

Max. Marks: 30
Time Allowed: Three hours

Two experiments one from each section 7+7 Marks

Practical record (experiment and activities) 5 Marks

Investigatory Project 3 Marks

Viva on experiments, activities and project one activity from any section 5 Marks

One activity from any section 3 Marks

Total 30 Marks
Theory Theory
Unit 1: Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry Unit 6 : Equilibrium
Unit 2: Structure of Atom Unit 8 : Organic Chemistry : Some Basic Principles and
Unit 3: Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Technique
Properties Unit 9 : Hydrocarbons
Unit 4: Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
Unit 5: Chemical Thermodynamics Practicals
Unit 7 : Redox Reactions 1. Qualitative Analysis:
1. Determination of Cations – Pb2+, Cu2+, Al+3, Fe+3,
Practicals Mn+2, Ni+2, Zn+2, Co+2 , Ca+2, Sr+2, Ba+2, Mg+2,
1. Crystallization of impure sample of Alum or CuSO4 NH4+
2. Qualitative Analysis: 2. Detection of Nitrogen, Sulphur, Chlorine in organic
Determination of anions – CO32- , S2- , SO32-, NO2-, compound
CH3COO-, SO4-2, NO3- , Cl-, Br - , I- , PO43-, C2O42-
2. Quantitative Analysis:
(i) Using a Chemical balance
(ii) Preparation of Standard Solution of oxalic acid and
sodium carbonate
(iii) Determination of strength of a given solution of
sodium hydroxide by titrating it against standard
solution of oxalic acid.
(iv) Determination of strength of a given solution of
hydrochloric acid by titrating it against standard
sodium carbonate solution.

Note :- Full course of Half Yearly Exam will be included

in Final Exam.

Time:3 Hours Total Marks 70
1 Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry 7
2 Structure of Atom 9
3 Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties 6
4 Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure 7
5 Chemical Thermodynamics 9
6 Equilibrium 7
7 Redox Reactions 4
8 Organic Chemistry: Some basic Principles and Techniques 11
9 Hydrocarbons 10

Time Allowed: Three hours Max. Marks: 30
Volumetric Analysis (Titration) 8 Marks

Qualitative Analysis (Salt Analysis) 8 Marks

Content Based Experiment 6 marks

Project Work 4 Marks

Class Record & Viva 4 Marks

Total 30 Marks
L-1. Sets L-7. Binomial Theorem
L-2. Relations and Functions L-10. Conic Sections
L-3. Trigonometric Functions L-11. Introduction to 3 D Geometry
L-4. Complex number and Quadratic Equation L-12. Limits and Derivatives
L-5. Linear Inequalities L-13. Statistics
L-6. Permutation and Combinations L-14. Probability
L-8. Sequence and Series
L-9. Straight Lines Note :- Full course of Half Yearly Exam will be included
in Final Exam.

Three Hours Max Marks: 80

No. Units Marks
I. Sets and Functions 23
II. Algebra 25
III. Coordinate Geometry 12
IV. Calculus 08
V. Statistics and Probability 12
Total 80
Internal Assessment 20


Periodic Tests ( Best 2 out of 3 tests conducted) 10 MARKS
Mathematics Activities 10 MARKS
Unit I Numbers, Quantification and Numerical Applications Unit III Mathematical Reasoning
Unit II Algebra Unit IV Calculus
Unit VI Descriptive Statistics Unit V Probability
Unit VII Basics of Financial Mathematics
Unit VIII Coordinate Geometry

Note :- Full course of Half Yearly Exam will be included

in Final Exam.

Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 80

No. Units Marks
I Numbers, Quantification and Numerical Applications 09
II Algebra 15
III Mathematical Reasoning 06
IV Calculus 10
V Probability 08
VI Descriptive Statistics 12
VII Basics of Financial Mathematics 15
VIII Coordinate Geometry 05
Total 80
Internal Assessment 20


Sl. No. Area and Weightage Assessment Area Marks allocated

1 Project work Project work and record 5
(10 marks) Year-end Presentation/ Viva of the Project 5

2 Practical work Performance of practical and record 5

(10 marks) Year-end test of any one practical 5
Total 20

Theory Theory
Ch. 1 The Living World Ch. 5 Morphology of Flowering Plants
Ch. 2 Biological Classification Ch. 6 Anatomy of Flowering Plants
Ch. 3 Plant Kingdom Ch. 7 Structural Organisation in Animals
Ch. 4 Animal Kingdom Ch. 8 Cell-The Unit of Life
Ch. 17 Breathing and Exchange of Gases Ch. 9 Biomolecules
Ch. 18 Body Fluids and Circulation Ch. 10 Cell Cycle and Cell Division
Ch. 19 Excretory Products and Their Elimination Ch. 13 Photosynthesis in Higher Plants
Ch. 20 Locomotion and Movement Ch. 14 Respiration in Plants
Ch. 21 Neural Control and Coordination Ch. 15 Plant Growth & Development
Ch. 22 Chemical Coordination and Integration

A- List of Experiments
A- List of Experiments
1. Study and description of three locally available common
1. Test for presence of urea in urine. flowering plants, one from each of the families
2. Test for presence of sugar in urine. Solanaceae, Fabacceae and Liliaceae (Poaceae,
3. Test for presence of albumin in urine. Asteraceae or Brassicaceae can be substituted in case of
4. Test for presence of bile salts in urine. particular geographical location) including dissection and
5. Test for the presence of sugar, starch, proteins and fats. display of floral whorls, anther and ovary to show number
Detection in suitable plant and animal materials. of chambers (floral formulae and floral diagrams). Types
of root (Tap and adventitious); stem (herbaceous and
woody); leaf (arrangement, shape, venation, simple and
B- Study/observation of the following (spotting)
1. Study of the parts of a compound microscope. 2. Preparation and study of T.S. of dicot and monocot roots
2. Specimens/slides/models and identification with and stems (primary).
reasons - Bacteria, Oscillatoria, Spirogyra, 3. Separation of plant pigments through paper
Rhizopus, mushroom, yeast, liverwort, moss, fern, chromatography.
pine, one monocotyledonous plant, one 4. Study of osmosis by potato osmometer.
dicotyledonous plant and one lichen. 5. Study of plasmolysis in epidermal peels (e.g. Rhoeo
3. Virtual specimens/slides/models and identifying leaves).
features of - Amoeba, Hydra, liverfluke, Ascaris, 6. Study of distribution of stomata in the upper and lower
leech, earthworm, prawn, silkworm, honey bee, surface of leaves.
snail, starfish, shark, rohu, frog, lizard, pigeon and 7. Comparative study of the rates of transpiration in the
rabbit. upper and lower surface of leaves.
4. Human skeleton and different types of joints with 8. Study of the rate of respiration in flower buds/leaf tissue
the help of virtual images/models only. and germinating seeds.

B- Study/observation of the following (spotting)

1. Different types of inflorescence (cymose and
2. Mitosis in onion root tip cells and animals cells
(grasshopper) from permanent slides.

Project Work

Note :- Full course of Half Yearly Exam will be included

in Final Exam.
Time: 03 Hours Max. Marks: 70
Unit Title Marks
I Diversity of Living Organisms 15
II Structural Organization in Plants and Animals 10
III Cell: Structure and Function 15
IV Plant Physiology 12
V Human Physiology 18
Total 70

Time: 03 Hours Max. Marks: 30
Evaluation Scheme Marks
One Major Experiment Part A 5 Marks
One Minor Experiment Part A 4 Marks
Slide Preparation Part A 5 Marks
Spotting Part B 7 Marks
Practical Record + Viva Voce (Credit to the students’ work over the academic session may 4 Marks
be given)
Project Record + Viva Voce 5 Marks
Total 30 Marks
Ch 1: Introduction to Accounting Ch 13: Bank Reconciliation Statement
Ch 2: Basic Accounting Terms Ch 15: Depreciation
Ch 3: Theory Base of Accounting, Accounting Standards and Ch 16: Provisions and Reserves
Indian Accounting Standards Ch 17: Rectification of Errors
Ch 4: Bases of Accounting Ch 18: Financial Statements of Sole proprietorship
Ch 5: Accounting Equations Ch 19: Adjustments in Preparation of Financial Statements
Ch 6: Accounting Procedures – Rules of Debit & Credit Ch 20: Accounts from Incomplete Records
Ch 7: Origin of transactions – Source Documents &
Preparation of Vouchers Note :- Full course of Half Yearly Exam will be included
Ch 8: Journal in Final Exam.
Ch 9: Ledger
Ch 10: Special purpose Books I – Cash Book
Ch 11: Special purpose Books II – Other Books
Ch 12: Accounting for Goods and Services Tax (GST)
Ch 14: Trial Balance

Course Structure
Theory: 80 Marks 3 Hours
Project: 20 Marks

Units Marks
Part A: Financial Accounting-I
Unit-1: Theoretical Framework 12
Unit-2: Accounting Process 44
Part B: Financial Accounting-II
Unit-3: Financial Statements of Sole Proprietorship 24
Part C: Project Work 20

Project Work
Comprehensive project of any sole proprietorship business. This may state with journal entries and their ledgering, preparation
of Trial balance. Trading and Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet. Expenses, incomes and profit (loss), assets and
liabilities are to be depicted using pie chart / bar diagram.

Half Yearly Exam Project work - 20 marks

Final Exam Project work - 20 marks
Part A: Foundations of Business Part B: Finance and Trade
1. Evolution and Fundamentals of Business 6. Social Responsibility of Business and Business Ethics
2. Forms of Business Organisations 7. Sources of Business Finance
3. Public, Private and Global Enterprises 8. Small Business and Enterprises
4. Business Services 9. Internal Trade
5. Emerging Modes of Business 10. International Trade

Project Work Project Work

Note :- Full course of Half Yearly Exam will be included

in Final Exam.

Course Structure
Theory: 80 Marks 3 Hours
Project: 20 Marks
Units Marks
Part A Foundations of Business
1 Nature and Purpose of Business 16
2 Forms of Business Organisations
3 Public, Private and Global Enterprises 14
4 Business Services
5 Emerging Modes of Business 10
6 Social Responsibility of Business andBusiness Ethics
Total 40
Part B Finance and Trade
7 Sources of Business Finance 20
8 Small Business
9 Internal Trade 20
10 International Business
Total 40
Project Work (One) 20

Project Work
Choose any one topic from the following :

I. Project One: Field Visit

1. Visit to a Handicraft unit.
2. Visit to an Industry.
3. Visit to a Whole sale market (vegetables, fruits, flowers, grains, garments, etc.)
4. Visit to a Departmental store.
5. Visit to a Mall.

1. Visit to a Handicraft Unit

The purpose of visiting a Handicraft unit is to understand nature and scope of its
business, stake holders involved and other aspects as outlined below
a) The raw material and the processes used in the business: People /parties/firms from which they obtain their raw material.
b) The market, the buyers, the middlemen, and the areas covered. c) The countries to which exports are made.
d) Mode of payment to workers, suppliers etc.
e) Working conditions.
f) Modernization of the process over a period of time.
g) Facilities, security and training for the staff and workers.
h) Subsidies available/ availed.
i) Any other aspect that the teachers deem fit.

2. Visit to an Industry.
The students are required to observe the following:
a) Nature of the business organisation.
b) Determinants for location of business unit.
c) Form of business enterprise: Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, Undivided Hindu Family, Joint Stock Company (a
Multinational Company).
d) Different stages of production/process
e) Auxiliaries involved in the process.
f) Workers employed, method of wage payment, training programmes and facilities available.
g) Social responsibilities discharged towards workers, investors, society, environment and government.
h) Levels of management.
i) Code of conduct for employers and employees.
j) Capital structure employed- borrowed v/s owned.
k) Quality control, recycling of defective goods.
l) Subsidies available/availed.
m) Safety Measures employed.
n) Working conditions for labour in observation of Labour Laws.
o) Storage of raw material and finished goods.
p) Transport management for employees, raw material and finished goods.
q) Functioning of various departments and coordination among them (Production,
Human Resource, Finance and Marketing)
r) Waste Management.
s) Any other observation.

3. Visit to a whole sale market: vegetables/fruits/flowers/grains/garments etc.

The students are required to observe the following:
a) Sources of merchandise.
b) Local market practices.
c) Any linked up businesses like transporters, packagers, money lenders, agents, etc.
d) Nature of the goods dealt in.
e) Types of buyers and sellers.
f) Mode of the goods dispersed, minimum quantity sold, types of packaging employed.
g) Factors determining the price fluctuations.
h) Seasonal factors (if any) affecting the business.
i) Weekly/ monthly non-working days.
j) Strikes, if any- causes thereof.
k) Mode of payments.
l) Wastage and disposal of dead stock.
m) Nature of price fluctuations, reason thereof.
n) Warehousing facilities available\availed.
o) Any other aspect.

4. Visit to a Departmental store

The students are required to observe the following:
a) Different departments and their lay out.
b) Nature of products offered for sale.
c) Display of fresh arrivals.
d) Promotional campaigns.
e) Spaces and advertisements.
f) Assistance by Sales Personnel.
g) Billing counter at store – Cash, Credit Card/ Debit Card, swipe facility. Added attractions and facilities at the counter.
h) Additional facilities offered to customers
i) Any other relevant aspect.

5. Visit to a Mall.
The students are required to observe the following:
a) Number of floors, shops occupied and unoccupied.
b) Nature of shops, their ownership status
c) Nature of goods dealt in: local brands, international brands,
d) Service business shops- Spas, gym, saloons etc.
e) Rented spaces, owned spaces,
f) Different types of promotional schemes.
g) Most visited shops.
h) Special attractions of the Mall- Food court, Gaming zone or Cinema etc.
i) Innovative facilities.
j) Parking facilities. Teachers may add more to the list.

II. Project Two: Aids to Trade

Taking any one AID TO TRADE, for example Insurance and gathering information on
following aspects
1. History of Insurance Lloyd’s contribution.
2. Development of regulatory Mechanism.
3. Insurance Companies in India
4. Principles of Insurance.
5. Types of Insurance. Importance of insurance to the businessmen.
6. Benefits of crop, orchards, animal and poultry insurance to the farmers.
7. Terminologies used (premium, face value, market value, maturity value, surrender value) and their meanings.
8. Anecdotes and interesting cases of insurance. Reference of films depicting people committing fraudulent acts with insurance
9. Careers in Insurance.

The marks will be allocated under the following heads:
1 Initiative, cooperativeness and participation 2 Mark
2 Creativity in presentation 2 Mark
3 Content, observation and research work 4 Marks
4 Analysis of situations 4 Marks
5 Viva 8 Marks
Total 20 Marks
PART-A (Statistics for Economics) PART-A (Statistics for Economics)
Unit 1 : Introduction Unit 3 : Statistical Tools and Interpretation
Unit 2 : Collection, Organisation and Presentation of Data
PART-B (Introductory Microeconomics)
PART-B (Introductory Microeconomics) Unit 6 : Producer Behaviour and Supply
Unit 4 : Introduction Unit 7 : Forms of Market and Price Determination under
Unit 5 : Consumer's Equilibrium and Demand perfect competition with simple applications

Project Work Project Work

Note :- Full course of Half Yearly Exam will be included

in Final Exam.

Theory: 80 Marks 3 Hours
Project: 20 Marks
Units Marks
Part A Statistics for Economics
Collection, Organisation and Presentation of Data
Statistical Tools and Interpretation 25
Part B Introductory Microeconomics
Introduction 04
Consumer's Equilibrium and Demand 14
Producer Behaviour and Supply 14
Forms of Market and Price Determination underperfect competition with simple applications 08
Part C Project Work 20

Half Yearly Exam Project work – 20 marks (File 12 marks and Viva 8 marks)
Final Exam Project work – 20 marks (File 12 marks and Viva 8 marks)

Guidelines of Project Work


Unit-1: Entrepreneurship – Concept & Functions Unit-5 : Concept of Market

Unit-2 : An Entrepreneur Unit-6 : Business Finance and Arithmetic
Unit-3: Entrepreneurship Journey Unit-7 : Resource Mobilization
Unit-4 : Entrepreneurship as Innovation & Problem Solving Project Work
Project Work Note: - Full course of Half Yearly Exam will be included
in Final Exam.

Theory Paper
Time: 3 hours Maximum marks: 70
S. No. Unit Marks
Unit 1 Entrepreneurship: Concept and Functions 15
Unit 2 An Entrepreneur
Unit 3 Entrepreneurial Journey 20
Unit 4 Entrepreneurship as Innovation and Problem Solving
Unit 5 Understanding the Market 15
Unit 6 Business Finance and Arithmetic 20
Unit 7 Resource Mobilization
Total 100

Students have to do TWO projects in the entire academic session.
Assessment details for the project work:
 10 Marks each for 02 Projects
 5 Marks for Numerical Assessment
 5 marks for Viva Voce


1. Visit of the District Industries Centre and prepare a report of activities and programs undertaken by them
2. Conduct a case study of any entrepreneurial venture in your nearby area.
3. Field Visit: Visit any business firm near your locality; interact with the owner of the business firm and prepare a field
report on parameters like: type of business, scale of business, product/service dealing in, target customer, problems faced
and measures to solve the faced challenges.
4. Learn to Earn
5. Know your State Handicraft and Handlooms as a means of economic activity for the livelihood of people and intellectual
property rights attached to them for the promotion of local specific skills.

Half Yearly Exam - Project Work 30 marks
Final Exam - Project Work 30 marks
Unit I : Changing Trends and Career in Physical Education Unit VI : Physical Activity & Leadership Training
Unit II : Olympic Value Education Unit VII : Test, Measurement & Evaluation
Unit III : Physical Fitness, Wellness and Lifestyle Unit VIII : Fundamentals of Anatomy, Physiology &
Unit IV : Physical Education & Sports for CWSN (Children Kinesiology in Sports
with Special Needs-Divyang) Unit IX : Psychology and Sports
Unit V : Yoga Unit X : Training and Doping in Sports


Note :- Full course of Half Yearly Exam will be included

in Final Exam.

Max. Marks 30
01. Physical Fitness Test: SAI Khelo India Test, Brockport Physical Fitness Test (BPFT)* 6 Marks
02. Proficiency in Games and Sports (Skill of any one IOA recognised Sport/Game of Choice)** 7 Marks
03. Yogic Practices 7 Marks
04. Record File *** 5 Marks
05. Viva Voce (Health/ Games & Sports/ Yoga) 5 Marks

* Test for CWSN (any 4 items out of 27 items. One item from each component: Aerobic Function, Body Composition,
Muscular strength & Endurance, Range of Motion or Flexibility)
**CWSN (Children With Special Needs – Divyang): Bocce/Boccia , Sitting Volleyball, Wheel Chair Basketball, Unified
Badminton, Unified Basketball, Unified Football, Blind Cricket, Goalball, Floorball, Wheel Chair Races and Throws, or any
other Sport/Game of choice.
**Children With Special Needs can also opt any one Sport/Game from the list as alternative to Yogic Practices. However, the
Sport/Game must be different from Test - ‘Proficiency in Games and Sports’
***Record File shall include:
❖ Practical-1: Labelled diagram of 400 M Track & Field with computations.
❖ Practical-2: Describe Changing Trends in Sports & Games in terms of changes in Playing surface, Wearable gears,
Equipment, Technological advancements.
❖ Practical-3: Labelled diagram of field & equipment of any one IOA recognised Sport/Game of choice.
Ch.1 - Introduction to Computer System Ch.3 - Introduction to SQL
Ch.2 - Introduction to Python  DDL / DML Commands
 Basics of Python Programming  Relational DBMS
 Working with Lists & Dictionary  Simple Queries in SQL
 List Functions / Manipulation of lists  Table Creation and Data Manipulation Commands
 Dictionary Functions / Manipulation of lists
Ch.3 - Database Concepts Ch.4 - Introduction to the emerging Trends
Practical  Artificial Intelligence
Programming in Python  Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing
SQL Queries  Big Data and Cloud Computing
 Grid Computing and Block Chain Technology

Project Work based on Python Programming

Note: - Full course of Half Yearly Exam will be included

in Final Exam.

Unit No Unit Name Marks
1 Introduction to computer system 10
2 Introduction to Python 25
3 Database concepts and the Structured Query Language 30
4 Introduction to Emerging Trends 5
Practical 30
Total 100


S. No. Description Marks
1. Problem solving using arithmetic operations, conditional 6
statements and iterations with the help of a Python program
60% logic + 20% documentation + 20% code quality
(To be tested on the day of the final exam)
2. Problem solving using numPy 4
(To be tested on the day of the final exam)
3. SQL - 5 Queries based on single table 5
(To be tested on the day of the final exam)
4. Report File 6
● Minimum 20 Python Programs
● Minimum 20 SQL Queries
5. Viva 4
6. Project using the concepts learnt in the course 5
Total 30
Theory Theory
(A) Elements of Art and Principles of design (A) Temple Sculpture, Bronzes and Artistic Aspects of
(B) Introduction to Pre-historic Rock Painting Indo-Islamic Architecture
(i) Study of Pre-historic Painting (i) Study of following Temple sculptures
(a) Wizard Dance, Bhimbethka (a) Trimurti
(C) Introduction to Art of Indus Valley and related areas (b) Lakshmi Narayan Temple
as Ropar, Lothal, Rangpur, Alamgirpur etc. (c) Descent of Ganga
(i) Period and location (d) Cymbal Player, Sun Temple
(ii) Study of the following sculptures and terracottas (e) Mother and Child (Mount Abu) white marble
(a) Dancing Girl (ii) Bronzes (South Indian Bronzes)
(b) Male Torso (a) Nataraj
(c) Mother Goddess (iii) Artistic Aspects of the Indo-Islamic Architecture
(d) Bull Seal (a) Qutub Minar, Delhi
(e) Decoration on earthen – ware (b) Gol Gumbaj, Bijapur

(A) Introduction to Ajanta Practical
(i) Period and location (i) Nature and Object Study
(ii) Study of the following Painting & Sculptures Study of two or three natural and geometric forms in
(a) Padmapani Bodhisattva (Mural Painting) pencil with light and shade from a fixed point of view.
(b) Mar Vijay (Sculpture) Natural forms like plants, vegetables, fruits and flowers,
(B) General introduction to Art during Mauryan, Shunga, etc., are to be used. Geometrical forms of objects like
Kushana, Gandhara and Gupta Period cubes, cones, prisms, cylinders and spheres should be
(i) Study of the Sculptures used.
(a) Lion Capital Sarnath (ii) Painting Composition
(b) Chauri Bearer from Didar Ganj (a) Simple exercises of basic design in variation of
(c) Seated Buddha from Katra Tila Mathura geometric and rhythmic shapes in geometrical and
(d) Jain Tirathankara decorative designs and colours to understand designs as
organised visual arrangements.
Practical (b) Sketches from life and nature
(i) Nature and Object Study (iii) Indian Folk Art
Study of two or three natural and geometric forms in Note :- Full course of Half Yearly Exam will be included
pencil with light and shade from a fixed point of view. in Final Exam.
Natural forms like plants, vegetables, fruits and flowers,
etc., are to be used. Geometrical forms of objects like
cubes, cones, prisms, cylinders and spheres should be
(ii) Painting Composition
(a) Simple exercises of basic design in variation of
geometric and rhythmic shapes in geometrical and
decorative designs and colours to understand designs as
organised visual arrangements.
(b) Sketches from life and nature

One Theory Paper 30 Marks
Unit wise Weightage Time: 2 Hours

Units Marks
History of Indian Art

1 Pre-Historic rock paintings and art of Indus Valley 10

2 Buddhist, Jain and Hindu Art 10
3 Temple Sculptures, Bronzes and Artistic aspects of Indo- Islamic 10
Total 30
One Practical Paper 70 Marks
Time: 6 Hours (3+3)
Unit wise Weightage

Units Marks

1 Nature and Object Study 25

2 Painting Composition 25

3 Portfolio Assessment 20

Total 70
Theory Theory
(A) Elements of Art and Principles of design (A) Temple Sculpture, Bronzes and Artistic Aspects of
(B) Introduction to Pre-historic Rock Painting Indo-Islamic Architecture
(i) Study of Pre-historic Painting (i) Study of following Temple sculptures
(a) Wizard Dance, Bhimbethka (a) Trimurti
(C) Introduction to Art of Indus Valley and related areas (b) Lakshmi Narayan Temple
as Ropar, Lothal, Rangpur, Alamgirpur etc. (c) Descent of Ganga
(i) Period and location (d) Cymbal Player, Sun Temple
(ii) Study of the following sculptures and terracottas (e) Mother and Child (Mount Abu) white marble
(a) Dancing Girl (ii) Bronzes (South Indian Bronzes)
(b) Male Torso (a) Nataraj
(c) Mother Goddess (iii) Artistic Aspects of the Indo-Islamic Architecture
(d) Bull Seal (a) Qutub Minar, Delhi
(e) Decoration on earthen – ware (b) Gol Gumbaj, Bijapur

(A) Introduction to Ajanta Practical
(i) Period and location (i) Drawing
(ii) Study of Painting & Sculptures Drawing from Still-Life and Nature, medium-pencil
(a) Padmapani Bodhisattva (Mural Painting) monochrome/colour.
(b) Mar Vijay (Sculpture) (ii) (a) Lettering
(B) General introduction to Art during Mauryan, Shunga, Study of lettering of Roman and Devnagri Scripts
Kushana, Gandhara and Gupta Period identification of some type-faces and their sizes
(i) Study of the Sculptures
(b) Layout
(a) Lion Capital Sarnath
Making a simple layout with lettering as the main
(b) Chauri Bearer from Didar Ganj
(c) Seated Buddha from Katra Tila Mathura
(d) Jain Tirathankara (iii) Indian Folk Art
Note :- Full course of Half Yearly Exam will be included
Practical in Final Exam.
(i) Drawing
Drawing from Still-Life and Nature, medium-pencil
(ii) (a) Lettering
Study of lettering of Roman and Devnagri Scripts
identification of some type-faces and their sizes
(b) Layout
Making a simple layout with lettering as the main

One Theory Paper 30 Marks
Unit wise Weightage Time: 2 Hours

Units Marks
History of Indian Art

1 Pre-Historic rock paintings and art of Indus Valley 10

2 Buddhist, Jain and Hindu Art 10
3 Temple Sculptures, Bronzes and Artistic aspects of Indo- Islamic 10

One Practical Paper 70 Marks
Time: 6 Hours (3+3)
Unit wise Weightage

Units Marks

1 Drawing 25

2 Lettering and layout 25

3 Portfolio Assessment 20

Half Yearly Exam FINAL EXAM
Theory Theory
Unit 1: What is Psychology? Unit 6: Learning
Unit 2: Methods of Enquiry in Psychology Unit 7: Human Memory
Unit 4: Human Development Unit 8 : Thinking
Unit 5: Sensory, Attentional and Perceptual Processes Unit 9 : Motivation and Emotion

Practical Examination Practical Examination

1. Project File 1. Project File
2. Viva Voce (Project and Experiments) 2. Practical (Experiments) file
3. Span of Attention
4. Practical (Experiments) file
5. Learning
6. Memory
7. Motivation
8. Perception
9. Span of Attention (any two experiments)
10. Viva Voce (Project and Experiments)
11. One experiment

Note :- Full course of Half Yearly Exam will be included

in Final Exam.

Theory Paper 3 hours
Marks: 70
Units Topics Marks
I What is Psychology? 11
II Methods of Enquiry in Psychology 13
IV Human Development 11
V Sensory, Attentional and Perceptual Processes 8
VI Learning 9
VII Human Memory 8
VIII Thinking 5
IX Motivation and Emotion 5
Total 70
Unit 1 : Introduction to Political Institutions Unit 3 : Jurisprudence, Nature and Sources of Laws
Unit 2 : Basic Features of The Constitution of Unit 4 : Judiciary : Constitutional, Civil And
India Criminal Courts And Processes
Unit 5 : Family Justice System
Project Work
Project Work

Note :- Full course of Half Yearly Exam will be included

in Final Exam.
Books prescribed by CBSE.


Time: 3 hrs. Marks: 80

S. No. Units Marks
1 Introduction to Political Institutions 15
2 Basic Features of The Constitution ofIndia 15
3 Jurisprudence, Nature and Sources ofLaws 15
4 Judiciary : Constitutional, Civil AndCriminal Courts And Processes 20
5 Family Justice System 15
6 Project 20
Total 100


Students can opt for any ONE Project from the three topics given.
Topic 1: Students can prepare a research paper on any legal problem from the textbook/around them that needs immediate
Some suggested topics-
 Uniform civil code
 Law reforms in India
 Juvenile justice
 Death penalty
 Any other course related topic
Topic 2- Conduct research and draft a report on any recent legislation/ amendment that brought about a social change, for
example: Consumer Protection Act, Information Technology Act, Right to Information Act etc.

To conduct research students can examine the conditions that give rise to the need for law reform; the agencies of reform;
mechanisms of reform; assess the effectiveness of law reform in achieving just outcomes with regards to the issue


The project file should be at least 15 pages.
● Choose a topic
● Gather information from various sources
● Write a statement of purpose of the project
● Support it with research evidence
● Presentation of project should include headings
● List the sources

Topic 3 - ‘Understanding the important elements of JUDICIAL DECISION ‘

1) The student is required to select any 5 decided cases where in One case is of criminal nature, one is civil nature, one is
constitutional, one is related to international law and one is of student’s choice (PIL if possible)
2) The research on the cases must include the following points:
a. Name of the case
b. Parties to the case
c. Nature of the case (Civil, Criminal or Constitutional)
d. Facts of the case and issues involved
e. Decision of the case
f. Citation of the case

A Project based internal assessment of twenty marks will be done as indicated above.
Part A: Indian Constitution at work Part A: Indian Constitution at work
Ch. 1 Constitution: Why and How? Ch. 5 Legislature
Ch. 2 Rights in the Indian Constitution Ch. 6 Judiciary
Ch. 3 Election and Representation Ch. 7 Federalism
Ch. 4. Executive Ch. 8 Local Governments
Ch. 9 Constitution as a Living Document
Ch. 10 The Philosophy of the Constitution
Part B: Political Theory
Ch. 1 Political Theory: An Introduction Part B: Political Theory
Ch. 2 Freedom Ch. 5 Rights
Ch. 3 Equality Ch. 6 Citizenship
Ch. 4. Social Justice Ch. 7 Nationalism
Ch. 8 Secularism

Project Work
Project Work
Practical – File (10 marks) and Viva (10 marks)
Practical – File (10 marks) and Viva (10 marks)

Note :- Full course of Half Yearly Exam will be included

in Final Exam.

Guidelines for Project Work

1. The Project work will be implemented for 20 Marks.

2. Out of 20 marks, 10 marks are to be allotted to viva voce and 10 marks for project work.
3. The project can be individual/pair/group of 4-5 each. The Project can be made on the topics given in the syllabus of a
particular class.
4. The suggestive list of activities for project work is as follows: -
Role Play, Skit, Presentation, Model, Field Survey, Mock Drills/Mock Event etc.
5. The teacher should give enough time for preparation of the Project Work. The topics for Project Work taken up by the
student must be discussed by the teacher in classroom.

Suggested Topics
1. Making of the Constitution.
2. Elections in India.
3. Working of the Indian Judiciary System.
4. Social Justice: Are ethics followed in Indian Politics
5. Human Rights Act and its gratification in India.
6. Political impact on Indian Legislation.
1. Writing and City Life 4. Three Orders
2. An Empire Across Three Continents 5. Changing Cultural Traditions
3. Nomadic Empires 6. Displacing Indigenous People
7. Paths to Modernization
Map Work
Map Work

Note: Full course of Half Yearly Exam will be included in

Final Exam.

One-Theory Paper 80Marks
3 Hours
1. Introduction to World History
Section A: Early Societies
2. Introduction
3. Writing and City Life 10
Section B: Empires
4. Introduction
5. An empire across three continents 10
6. Nomadic Empires 10
Section C: Changing Traditions Introduction
7. The Three Orders 10
8. Changing Cultural Traditions 10
Section D: Paths to Modernization
9. Introduction
10. Displacing Indigenous People 10
11. Paths To Modernization 15
Total 80
Project work 20
Total 100 Marks


Section Theme MCQ mm-1 SA mm-3 LA mm-8 Source based mm-4 Total
I EARLY SOCIETIES Theme 1 3 1 0 1 10
II EMPIRES Theme 2 4 0 2 0 20
Theme 3
III CHANGING Theme 4 6 2 0 2 20
IV TOWARDS Theme 6 8 3 1 0 25
MAP 05
TOTAL 21x1=21 6x3=18 8x3=24 4x3=12 80
1. Facets of the Industrialization in sixteenth- eighteenth centuries.
2. Crusades: causes; rationale; events; outcomes; Holy Alliance
3. Ancient History in depth: Mesopotamia
4. Greek Philosophy and City States
5. Contributions of Roman Civilization
6. The spirit of Renaissance: Manifestation in art; Literature; Sculpture; Influence on Trading Community; Social Fabric;
Philosophy; Political Values; Rational Thinking; Existentialism
7. Aspects of Development -South American States /Central American States
8. Different schools of thoughts- Realism: Humanism: Romanticism
9. Piecing together the past of Genghis Khan
10. Myriad Realms of Slavery in ancient, medieval, and modern world
11. History of Aborigines – America /Australia
12. Facets of Modernization – China /Japan/Korea

Practical – File (10 marks) and Viva (10 marks)

Part A: Fundamentals of Physical Geography Part A: Fundamentals of Physical Geography
Unit 1: Geography as a Discipline Unit 4: Climate (Project Work)
Unit 2: The Earth Unit 5: Water (Oceans)
Unit 3: Landforms
Unit 6: Life on the Earth (Project Work) Part B: India-Physical Environment
Unit 9: Climate and Vegetation
Part B: India-Physical Environment Unit 10: Hazards and Disasters: Causes, Consequences and
Unit 7: Introduction Management (Project Work)
Unit 8: Physiography
Part C: Practical Work in Geography Part I
Part C: Practical Work in Geography Part I Ch.- 3:Latitude & Longitude
Ch.-1: Introduction to Maps Ch.- 4: Map Projections
Ch.-2: Map Scale Ch.- 5: Topographical Map
Ch.- 6: Introduction to Remote Sensing
Practical Record Book and Viva Voce
Viva to be based on Practical Unit I and II only Practical Record Book and Viva Voce
Viva to be based on Practical Unit I and II only

Note: Full course of Half Yearly Exam will be included

in Final Exam.

One-Theory Paper 80Marks
3 Hours
Part Units Marks

A Fundamentals of Physical Geography 35 Marks

Unit-1: Geography as a discipline 3

Unit-2: The Earth 9

Unit-3: Landforms 6
Unit-4: Climate 8
Unit-5: Water (Oceans) 4

Unit-6: Life on the Earth -

Map and diagram 5 5
B India-Physical Environment 35 Marks
Unit-7: Introduction 5
Unit-8: Physiography 13
Unit-9: Climate and Natural Vegetation 12
Unit-10: Natural hazards and disasters -

Map and Diagram 5 5

Total 70 Marks
C Practical Work in Geography Part I
Ch-1: Introduction to Maps 3
Ch-2: Map Scale 4
Ch.- 3:Latitude & Longitude 4
Ch.- 4: Map Projections 4
Ch.- 5: Topographical Map 4
Ch.- 6: Introduction to Remote Sensing 6
Practical Record Book and Viva 5

Total 30 Marks
Section – A Section – A
Comprehension/ Reading: (20 marks) Comprehension/ Reading: (20 marks)
 One passage from the prescribed book  One passage from the prescribed book
 One unseen passage (Factual/Descriptive)  One unseen passage (Factual/Descriptive)
(with a picture/diagrammatically represented data) (with a picture/diagrammatically represented data)

Section – B Section – B
Writing Skills/Compositions: (20 marks) Writing Skills/Compositions: (20 marks)
 Writing a story based on outlines provided (about 120  Writing a story based on outlines provided (about 120
words) words)
 Informal letter (about 80 words)  Informal letter (about 80 words)

Section-C Section-C
Applied Grammar (25 marks) Applied Grammar (25 marks)
The following grammar topics will be tested through filling the The following grammar topics will be tested through filling
blanks/ transformation of sentences/ sentence correction (not the blanks/ transformation of sentences/ sentence correction
involving punctuation and spelling) (not involving punctuation and spelling)
 Prepositions  Prepositions
 Interrogative adjectives and pronouns  Interrogative adjectives and pronouns
 Relative pronouns (simple and composed)  Relative pronouns (simple and composed)
 Personal pronouns  Personal pronouns
 Tenses  Tenses

Section- D Section- D
Culture et Civilisation (15 marks) Culture et Civilization (15 marks)
 Prose (Lessons 1 – 12)  Prose (Lessons 1 – 12)
 Fill in the blanks based on general information in the  Fill in the blanks based on general information in the
lessons lessons

Note :- Full course of Half Yearly Exam will be included

in Final Exam.

Internal Assessment 20
It may be divided into two parts
 ASL – 10 marks [(Listening (5 marks) speaking (5marks)]
 Project work – 10 marks
(It may be a power point presentation or an illustrated file) The project may be on one of the following themes:
1. A French/ francophone writer
2. A Francophone country
3. French cuisine
4. A French region

Time: 3 hours Marks: 80+20

The Question Paper will be divided into four sections:

Section A: Comprehension / Reading 20 Marks

Section B: Writing Skills/ Composition 20 Marks
Section C: Applied Grammar 25 Marks
Section D: Culture 15 Marks

Section wise weightage:

Section Details of Type of Questions Marks
Section A 1 Unseen Prose True or False 10
(Understanding) Passage Short answer questions Vocabulary Search:
1 Seen Passage 10

Fill in the blanks/nouns/verb

forms/opposites/synonyms/ language
expressions/adjectives/ adverbs

Section B Creative long answers Story writing based on outline 10

Informal letter 10

Section C Grammar • Prepositions 5

(Application ) • Interrogative adjectives and 5
• Relative pronouns ( simple and 5
• Personal pronouns 5
• Tenses (excluding the passé simple and passé 5
[These will be tested through filling the blanks/
transformation of sentences/ sentence correction (not
involving punctuation and spelling) ]

Section D Culture (Lessons 1- 12) - Short answers based on the 10

(Remembering prescribed chapters from the
and analysing) textbook
- Fill in the blanks based on 5
general information in the lessons

Pending from CBSE

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