CH9 - Dealing With Errors in Python
CH9 - Dealing With Errors in Python
CH9 - Dealing With Errors in Python
Skills you will learn: How to identify, correct, and handle syntax errors, exceptions,
and logical errors in Python scripts.
Introduction: One of the most frustrating aspects of working with any programming
language is dealing with errors, the glitches that stop our scripts from running, or
produce illogical or mal-formed output. Part of the frustration stems from the fact
that computers are ultimately stupid machines. For sure they are machines that can
process vast amounts of data far faster than we could by hand, but to do that they
need precise instructions. Those come from the programs that we run on the
We’re going to take a very brief look at errors and basic debugging. But there are
plenty of online and written resources if you want to learn more sophisticated
Syntax Errors
Syntax errors are errors that are caused by mistakes in the way code is written. These
are the simplest types of errors. You simply typed something the wrong way, and
Python said, “whoops!”
prnt myVariable
Try to run it, and Python quits with this error message:
File "C:/Users/Owner/PycharmProjects/Teaching/",
line 2
prnt myVariable
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Python is telling us that in line 2 of the script we wrote something in a way it didn’t
understand. Looking carefully, we see that we wrote prnt myVariable instead of print
5. print mySentence
This is not an uncommon operation; we are concatenating some strings with some
variables to produce an output. Running the script, however, produces this error at
This is Python’s way of saying, “I understand what you want to do, but you can’t do
it.” The good thing is that within this rather cryptic output is the answer to what we
did wrong.
First, the error message tells us that the error is likely found in line 4 of the script. It
helpfully prints out the part of the script that seemed to generate the error. Sometimes
the actual error will be on a line before or after, but nonetheless, this is a big help.
The error message goes on to tell us that the problem is a type error; it seems that we
were trying to concatenate, or join together, an object of type ‘str’ and another of type
‘int.’ That’s not something you can do, because to the computer, a string and an
integer are two incompatible things. They are different data types, and they can’t
It creates a new variable, called mySentence, and assigns to it the outcome of the
concatenation operation that joins the string “I live in “ to each element in the
myCities list, then to the string “ and my age is “ and then to each element of the list
myAges. If we look back at the place in the code where we declared the two lists we
can see the issue:
The second list, myAges, is a list of integers. Everything else in the concatenation
operation is a string, but here we are trying to join an integer to all those strings. The
result is the type error.
Fortunately, we can fix the problem pretty easily; we’ll wrap each element from the
myAges list in the built-in Python str() function. It will convert the integer to a string.
So we’ll rewrite the suspect line like this:
And that is the essence of debugging. Identify the error, find it in the code, and apply
the fix.
Logical Errors
As implied by the name, logical errors are produced by errors in logic. The code is
syntactically correct, and doesn’t produce any errors, but the outcome isn’t what you
expected. These can be tougher to root out because you have to figure out why the
script is behaving the way it is.
Let’s say you were using the Beautiful Soup module to grab all of the <tr>, or table
row, elements from an html page, using code such as this:
soup = BeautifulSoup(html,'html.parser')
theRows = soup.findAll('tr', class_ = "datarow")
for row in theRows:
theCells = row.findAll('td')
for cell in theCells:
print cell
Now, say you run the code and you get this output and it completes without reporting
any errors, but without printing anything either. What’s going on?
This can be the most frustrating kind of error to track down because there is no
indication of what’s wrong. You need to put on your deerstalker and start sleuthing.
The problem could be anywhere in the code. Perhaps the findAll method in the
second line of code is not finding any <tr> tags with the class of “datarow” and is
thus returning an empty resultset (list) object. Or perhaps there are no <td> tags in
the rows so when the second for loop tries to loop through theCells, there’s nothing
to iterate through.
One simple debugging approach is to use print statements after each line that
produces some output.
For example, if one added the statement print theRows after the second line of code,
one would be able to see if there was anything in the resultset. If the output from
printing it was [] , that is, an empty resultset, or empty list, then one would have the
answer. For some reason line 2 was not finding anything. Perhaps the class has a
different name, or there are no table rows.
On the other hand, if the print statement produced a resultset with table rows in in it,
one could move on to print out theCells, which is similarly the result of calling the
Beautiful Soup findAll method. If it turned out to produce an empty list, then one
could divine that the problem lay there.
In this way, you can work through your code, and root out logical errors. A logical
error may also cause an exception as, for example, the unexpected contents of a
variable then trip up a subsequent statement that is supposed to process that variable
in some way.
Error handling: Every programming language has some way to handle syntax errors
so that rather than causing the script to fail, the error is processed in some way, and
the script continues on its way. Python’s error handling method is the try/except
clause. Let’s go back to the code we used when we discussed exceptions.
If we expect that part of our code may sometimes generate an error, we can use
Now, instead of the script quitting when it encounters the integer where it expected a
string, it would print “Oops, that didn’t work.”
When Python encounters a try/except structure, it first tries to run the code in the try
block. If that code runs OK, then nothing more happens. But if it generates an
exception, the error is “trapped” and the Except clause runs. In this case, it prints out
“Oops, that didn’t work.”
Try/except is far more sophisticated than this, however. You can also get it to report
back what the error was:
except Exception, e:
print e
When the try block fails, the exception, or error, code is stored in the variable e. It is
then printed.
It is also possible to take specific action beyond printing the errors, such as running
alternative code. If you want to dive into the nitty gritty, there is excellent
documentation at