Chapter 4 Sensors

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Sensors and Signal

Mechanical Sensors
Displacement, Location
Or Position Sensors

Applications :

Location and position of objects on a conveyor system,

Orientation of steel plates in a rolling mill.

Liquid/solid level measurements,

Location and position of work piece

in automatic milling operations.
Potentiometric sensors

The simplest type of displacement sensor involves the action of

displacement in moving the wiper of a potentiometer.

This device then converts linear or angular motion into a changing

resistance that may be converted directly to voltage and/or current signals.
Potentiometer sensor
Exercise: A potentiometric displacement sensor is to be used to measure work-
piece motion from 0 to 10cm. The resistance changes linearly over this range from
0 to 1 Kohms. Develop signal conditioning to provide a linear, 0-to 10-volt


R can be varied in order to be set -10V

R can be varied in order to be set -10V

Advantage and disadvantage of potentiometer:

1.Easy to use
2.Low cost
3. Proven technology
4.High-amplitude output signal

1.Noticeable mechanical load(friction)
2.Low speed
3.Friction and excitation voltage cause heating of the
4.Low environmental stability.
Capacitive and inductive sensors

The basic operation of a capacitive sensor can be seen from the familiar
equation for a parallel-plate capacitor

Where K= the dielectric constant

En= permittivity = 8.85 pF/m
A= plate common area
d= plate separation

There are three ways to change the capacity:

variation of the distance between the plates(d)
Variation of the shared area of the plates (A)
and variation of the dielectric constant (k).
Capacitive and inductive sensors

Capacity varies with the distance between the

plates and the common area. Both effect's are
used in sensors.
Capacitive and inductive sensors

Figure shows a capacitie-displacement sensor designed to monitor small changes in

work-piece position. The two metal cylinders are separated by a plastic
sheath/bearing of thickness 1 mm and dielectric constant at 1KHz of 2.5. If the
radius is 2.5 cm, find the sensitivity in pF/m as the upper cylinder slides in and out of
the lower cylinder. What is the range of capacity if h varies from 1.0 to 2.0 cm?
Inductive sensors

Every new position of the core produces a different inductance.

In this fashion, the inductor and movable core assembly may be used as a
displacement sensor.

If the core is inserted into ad inductor

The net inductance is increased.
Type equation here.Inductive sensor
less inductance more inductance

L= 𝑙

µ=µr µ0


L=inductance of coll in henrys

N=Number of turns in wire coil (straight wire=1)
µ = Permeability of core material (absolute, not relative)
µr= Relative permeability, dimensionless (µ0 =1 for air)
µ0 =1.26x10−6 T-m/At permeability of free space
A= Area of coil in square meteres =∏ 𝑅2

I= Average length of coll in meters

Force and Displacement
Pressure → Force (Surface)
Force → Displacement (Elasticity)
Strain sensors
Strain is the result of the application of forces to solid objects.

Forces generally defined by stress.

For a certain force, the object atoms rearrange themselves again to come into equilibrium with
the new set of forces. This rearrangement will change Physical dimensions that is referred to as
deformation of the solid.

The effect of the applied force is referred to as stress.

The resulting deformation as a strain.

Strain and stress

Tensile stress-strain
Where F = applied force in N
A = cross-sectional area of the sample in 𝑚2
We see that the units of stress are N/𝑚2 in the SI units
(or lb/𝑖𝑛2 in the English units ) and they are like a pressure.

The strain in this case is defined as the fractional change in length of the sample:
Where ∆l= change in length in m (in)
I= original lentgh in m (in)
Strain is thus a untiless quantity.
Strain and stress

Compressional stress-strain
The only differences between compressional and tensile stress are the direction of
the applied force and the polarity of the change in length.
Thus , in a compressional stress , the force presses in on the sample, as shown in
Figure b.
The compressional stress is defined as in Equation:

Compressional stress = 𝐴

The resulting strain is also defined as the fractional change in length as in Equation,
but simple will now decrease in length.

Compressional strain = 𝑙
Strain and Stress

Shear stress-strain

The force is applied as a couple (that is , not along the same line), tending to shear
off the solid object that separates the force arms.
In the case , the stress is again
Shear stress = 𝐴

Where F= force in N
A= cross-sectional area of sheared member in 𝑚2
Strain and Stress

Shear stress-strain

The strain in this case is denned as the fractional change in dimension of the

sheared member.
Shear strain = 𝒍

where ∆𝒙 = deformation in m
l = width of a sample in m
Strain and Stress

A typical stress-strain curve showing the linear

region , necking eventual break
Strain and stress Curve

If a specific sample is exposed to a range of applied stress and the resulting

strain is measured ,

1- This graph shows that the relationship between stress and strain is linear
over some range of stress. If the stress is kept within the linear region, the
material is essentially elastic in that if the stress is removed , the
deformation is also gone.
Strain and stress Curve

If a specific sample is exposed to a range of applied stress and the resulting

strain is measured,

2- But if the elastic limit is exceeded, permanent deformation results,

The material may begin to “neck” at some location and finally break.
Strain and stress curve
Within the linear region, a specific type of material will always follow the same
curves despite different physical dimensions. Thus, we can say that the linearity and
slope are a constant of type of material only.

In tensile and compressional stress,

This constant is called the modulus of elasticity or young’s modulus, as given by

𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝐹/𝐴
E=𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑛 = ∆𝑙/𝑙

Where stress=F/A in N/𝑚2 (or lb/𝑖𝑛2 )

Strain = ∆𝑙/𝑙 unitless
E = Modulus of elasticity in N/𝑚2

The modulus of elasticity has units of stress,

that is , N/𝑚2 . Table gives the modulus of
elasticity for several materials.
Stress and strain curve
In an exactly similar fashion , the shear modulus is defined for shear-stress as

𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝐹/𝐴
M= =
𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑛 ∆𝑥/𝑙

Where ∆𝑥 is defined in Figure

Strain Gauge
Strain sensors
Find the strain that results from a tensile force of 1000 N applied to a 10-m
aluminum beam having a 4 x 10−4 𝑚2 cross-sectional area.

The modulus of elasticity of aluminum is found from Table

to be E= 6.89 x 1010 N/𝑚2 . Now we have, from Equation,

So that

10 𝑁
(4x 10−4 𝑚2 ) (6.89 x 1010 N/𝑚2 )

=3.63 x 10−5 or 36.3 µm/m

Strain Gauge
The strain gauge is the most common device for the electrical measurement
of static deformation.

They rely on a proportional linear variance of resistance (∆R) due to variance

in gauge length (∆L) along its longitudinal axis referred to as Gauge Facture
(GF) and is typically no greater than 2.

Gage Factor is expressed in equation form as: GF=
Strain Gauge

Typical gauge resistance (unstrained) is 120,350,600 and 700 ohms.

But if attached to an object such as a metal beam, and if the

beam is under strain, that is, if a load is applied to the beam,
the beam will deform (bend, elongate or compress ) carrying
with it the gauge.
Strain gauge principles
the resistance of a metal sample is given by

R0 =

Where R0 = sample resistance W

=sample resistivity W-m
l0 = length in m
A0 = cross-sectional area in 𝑚2
Strain gauge principles
This Equation is the basic equation that underlies the use of metal
strain gauges because it shows that the strain Dl/l converts directly
into a resistance change
Strain gauge principles
Find the change in a nominal wire resistance of 120 W that results from a
strain of 1 mm/m.

We can find the change in gauge resistance from

Strain gauge principles

Measurement Principles
The basic technique of strain gauge (SG) measurement involves attaching
(gluing) a metal wire or foil to the element whose strain is to be measured.
As stress is applied and the element deforms, the SG material experiences
the same deformation, if it is securely attached. Because strain is a
fractional change in length, the change in SG resistance reflects the strain of
both the gauge and the element to which it is secured.

The gauge is attached to the object by a

suitable adhesive
Strain gauge measurement

This resistance change, usually measured using

a Wheatstone bridge, is related to the strain by
the quantity known as the gauge factor.
Strain gauge
Temperature Effect
If not for temperature compensation effects, the aforementioned method of SG
measurement would be useless. To see this, we need only note that metals used in SG
construction have linear temperature coefficients of µ@ 0.004/ ˚C,

Where DRT= resistance change because of temperature change
µ0 @0.004/˚C in this case
DT@ 1˚C in this case
R(T0)= 120 W nominal resistance

Then, we find DRT= 0.48 W , which is twice the change because of strain! Obviously,
temperature effects can mask the strain effects we are trying to measure. Fortunately,
we are able to compensate for temperature and other effects, as shown in the signal
conditioning methods in the next section.
Metal Strain Gauges
Gauge Factor
The relation between strain and resistance change is only approximately true.
Impurities in the metal, the type of metal , and other factors lead to slight corrections.
An SG specification always indicates the correct relation through statement of a gauge
factor (GF) , which is defined as

Where DR/R = fractional change in gauge resistance because of strain
Strain = Dl/l = fractional change in length

For metal gauges, this number is always close to 2. For some special alloys and carbon
gauges, the GF may be as large as 10. A high gauge factor is desirable because it
indicates a larger change in resistance for a given strain and is easier to measure.
Strain Gauge
Metal Strain Gauge Conditioning
Metal Strain Gauges
Signal Conditioning
The bridge circuit provides the answer to both effects.
1- The sensitivity of the bridge circuit for detecting small changes in resistance is well
2-Using a dummy gauge as shown in Figure a, we can provide the required temperature
compensation. In particular, the dummy is mounted in an insensitive orientation but in
the same proximity as the active SG. Then, both gauges change in resistance from
temperature effects, but the detector does not respond to a change in both strain
gauges. Only the active SG responds to strain effects. This is called a one-arm bridge.

Strain gauges are used in pairs to provide temperature compensation. In some cases,
such as this, only one gauge actually deforms during stress.
Metal Strain Gauges
The sensitivity of this bridge to strain can be found by consideration of the equation
for bridge offset voltage. Suppose R1 =R2 = RD= R, which is the nominal unstrained
gauge resistance. Then, the active strain gauge resistance will be given by

RA = R (1+ )

And the bridge off-null voltage will be given by

Metal Strain Gauges
A strain gauge with GF = 2.03 and R = 350 O is used in the bridge of Figure a . The
bridge resistors are R1 = R2 = 350 O, and the dummy gauge has R = 350 O. If a strain
of 1.450 mm/m is applied, find the bridge offset voltage if Vs = 10.0 volts. Find the
relation between bridge off-null voltage and strain. How much voltage results from a
strain of 1micro?

With no strain, the bridge is balanced. When the strain as applied, the gauge
resistance will change by a value given by

GF = 𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑛

DR = (GF)(Strain)(R)
DR = (2.03)(1.45 x 10−3 )(350)
DR = 1.03 W
Thus, the new resistance R = 351 O. The bridge offset voltage is
Metal Strain Gauges

Thus, ∆V = 5 -

∆V = -0.007 V

So that a 7-mV offset results.

The sensitivity is found from Equation

10 ∆𝑙 ∆𝑙
∆V = - (2.03) = -10.15
2 𝑙 𝑙

Thus, every micro of strain will only 10.15 µV.

Metal Strain Gauges
Semiconductor Strain Gauges

The use of semiconductor material, notably silicon, for strain gauge (SG)
application has increased over the past few years. There are presently several
disadvantages to these devices compared to the metal variety, but numerous
advantages for their use.
Semiconductor strain gauges
As in the case of the metal SGs, the basic effect is a change of resistance with strain.
In the case of a semiconductor , the resistivity also changes with strain, along with
the physical dimensions.
Gauge Factor
The semiconductor device gauge factor (GF) is still given by Equation

GF = 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑛
However, the value of the semiconductor gauge factor varies between -50 and -200
Thus, resistance changes will be factors of from 25 to 100 times those available with
metal SGs. It must also be noted, however, that these devices are highly nonlinear in
resistance versus strain.
In other words, the gauge factor is not a constant as the strain lakes place.
Thus, the gauge factor may be -150 with no strain,
But drop (nonlinearly) to -50 at 5000 mm/m.
The resistance change will be nonlinear with respect to strain.
To use the semiconductor strain gauge to measure strain,
we must have a curve or table of values of gauge factor versus resistance.

An accelerometer outputs 14 mV per g . Design a signal-conditioning system

that provides a velocity signal scaled at 0.25 volt for every m/s, and determine
the gain of the system and the feedback resistance ratio.


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