SAT PhanTich2Bien

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Question ID 1adb39f0

Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Math Problem-Solving Two-variable data:

and Data Analysis Models and

ID: 1adb39f0

The scatterplot shows the relationship between two variables, x and y. A line of
best fit for the data is also shown. Which of the following is closest to the
difference between the y-coordinate of the data point with and the y-value
predicted by the line of best fit at ?

A. 1

B. 2

C. 5

D. 12
Question ID 82aaa0a1
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Math Problem-Solving Two-variable data:

and Data Analysis Models and

ID: 82aaa0a1

Of the following, which is the best model for

the data in the scatterplot?

y equals, 2 x squared, minus 11 x, minus 20

y equals, 2 x squared, minus 11 x, plus 20

y equals, 2 x squared, minus 5 x, minus 3

y equals, 2 x squared, minus 5 x, plus 3
Question ID 83272c51
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Math Problem-Solving Two-variable data:

and Data Analysis Models and

ID: 83272c51

In an experiment, a heated cup of coffee is removed from a heat source, and the
cup of coffee is then left in a room that is kept at a constant temperature. The
graph above shows the temperature, in degrees Fahrenheit (°F), of the coffee
immediately after being removed from the heat source and at 10-minute
intervals thereafter. During which of the following 10-minute intervals does the
temperature of the coffee decrease at the greatest average rate?

A. Between 0 and 10 minutes

B. Between 30 and 40 minutes

C. Between 50 and 60 minutes

D. Between 90 and 100 minutes

Question ID 8baf2118
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Math Problem-Solving Two-variable data:

and Data Analysis Models and

ID: 8baf2118

The scatterplot shows the relationship between two variables, and . A line of best fit is also shown.

Which of the following equations best represents the line of best fit shown?




Question ID ac5b6558
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Math Problem-Solving Two-variable data:

and Data Analysis Models and

ID: ac5b6558

The scatterplot above shows the high temperature on a certain day and the
elevation of 8 different locations in the Lake Tahoe Basin. A line of best fit for
the data is also shown. What temperature is predicted by the line of best fit for a
location in the Lake Tahoe Basin with an elevation of 8,500 feet?

A. 37°F

B. 39°F

C. 41°F

D. 43°F
Question ID 4a2264b3
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Math Problem-Solving Two-variable data:

and Data Analysis Models and

ID: 4a2264b3

The line graph shows the percent of cars for sale at a used car lot on a given day by model year.

For what model year is the percent of cars for sale the smallest?




Question ID 9bb4107c
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Math Problem-Solving Two-variable data:

and Data Analysis Models and

ID: 9bb4107c

The graph shows the momentum , in newton-seconds, of an object seconds after the object started moving, for
. What is the average rate of change, in newton-seconds per second, in the momentum of the object from
to ?
Question ID 2e74e403
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Math Problem-Solving Two-variable data:

and Data Analysis Models and

ID: 2e74e403

In the given scatterplot, a line of best fit for the data is shown.

Which of the following is closest to the slope of this line of best fit?




Question ID 9a144a01
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Math Problem-Solving Two-variable data:

and Data Analysis Models and

ID: 9a144a01

Which of the following is true about the values of and

for ?

A. For all , it is true that .

B. For all , it is true that .

C. There is a constant c such that if , then , but if , then .

D. There is a constant c such that if , then , but if , then .

Question ID 03a16790
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Math Problem-Solving Two-variable data:

and Data Analysis Models and

ID: 03a16790

The scatterplot shows the relationship between two variables, and . A line of best fit is also shown.

Which of the following is closest to the slope of the line of best fit shown?




Question ID d6af3572
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Math Problem-Solving Two-variable data:

and Data Analysis Models and

ID: d6af3572

The scatterplot above shows the federal-mandated minimum wage every 10

years between 1940 and 2010. A line of best fit is shown, and its equation is
. What does the line of best fit predict about the increase in the
minimum wage over the 70-year period?

A. Each year between 1940 and 2010, the average increase in minimum wage was 0.096 dollars.

B. Each year between 1940 and 2010, the average increase in minimum wage was 0.49 dollars.

C. Every 10 years between 1940 and 2010, the average increase in minimum wage was 0.096 dollars.

D. Every 10 years between 1940 and 2010, the average increase in minimum wage was 0.488 dollars.
Question ID 74dee52b
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Math Problem-Solving Two-variable data:

and Data Analysis Models and

ID: 74dee52b

The line graph shows the number of graduates from the classes of 2001 through
2007 at a certain school who enrolled in college within 24 months of graduation.
Of the following, which class had the fewest graduates who enrolled in college
within 24 months of graduation?

A. 2002

B. 2004

C. 2005

D. 2007
Question ID 9d88a3e3
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Math Problem-Solving Two-variable data:

and Data Analysis Models and

ID: 9d88a3e3

Theresa ran on a treadmill for thirty minutes, and her time and speed are shown
on the graph above. According to the graph, which of the following statements is
NOT true concerning Theresa’s run?

A. Theresa ran at a constant speed for five minutes.

B. Theresa’s speed was increasing for a longer period of time than it was decreasing.

C. Theresa’s speed decreased at a constant rate during the last five minutes.

D. Theresa’s speed reached its maximum during the last ten minutes.
Question ID f46139df
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Math Problem-Solving Two-variable data:

and Data Analysis Models and

ID: f46139df

The scatterplot shows the relationship between two variables, and . A line of best fit for the data is also shown.

At , which of the following is closest to the y-value predicted by the line of best fit?




Question ID 7ac5d686
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Math Problem-Solving Two-variable data:

and Data Analysis Models and

ID: 7ac5d686

An inspector begins a day of work with a large sample of shirts that need to be
checked for defects. The inspector works at a constant rate throughout the
morning. What type of model is best to model the number of shirts remaining to
be checked for defects at any given time throughout the morning?

A. A linear model with a positive slope

B. A linear model with a negative slope

C. An exponential growth model

D. An exponential decay model

Question ID d230e963
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Math Problem-Solving Two-variable data:

and Data Analysis Models and

ID: d230e963

The scatterplot shows the relationship between two variables, and . A line of best fit is also shown.

Which of the following equations best represents the line of best fit shown?




Question ID 7fd284ac
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Math Problem-Solving Two-variable data:

and Data Analysis Models and

ID: 7fd284ac

The scatterplot above shows data for ten charities along with the line of best fit. For the charity with the greatest percent
of total expenses spent on programs, which of the following is closest to the difference of the actual percent and the
percent predicted by the line of best fit?

10 percent

7 percent

4 percent

1 percent
Question ID 1e1027a7
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Math Problem-Solving Two-variable data:

and Data Analysis Models and

ID: 1e1027a7

The scatterplot above shows a company’s ice cream sales d, in dollars, and the
high temperature t, in degrees Celsius (°C), on 12 different days. A line of best fit
for the data is also shown. Which of the following could be an equation of the
line of best fit?

d equals, 0 point 0 3 t plus 402

d equals, 10 t plus 402

d equals, 33 t plus 300

d equals, 33 t plus 84
Question ID 3d985614
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Math Problem-Solving Two-variable data:

and Data Analysis Models and

ID: 3d985614

Each dot in the scatterplot above represents the height x, in feet, in the high
jump, and the distance y, in feet, in the long jump, made by each student in a
group of twenty students. The graph of which of the following equations is a line
that most closely fits the data?

y equals, 0 point 8 2 x, plus 3 point 3 0

y equals, 0 point 8 2 x, minus 0 point 8 2

y equals, 3 point 3 0 x, plus 0 point 8 2

y equals, 3 point 3 0 x, minus 3 point 3 0
Question ID c9dd92b1
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Math Problem-Solving Two-variable data:

and Data Analysis Models and

ID: c9dd92b1

The densities of different concentrations of grape juice are shown in the

scatterplot above. According to the trend shown by the data, which of the
following is closest to the predicted density, in kilograms per cubic meter
(kg/m ), for grape juice with a concentration of 60%?

A. 1,200

B. 1,250

C. 1,300

D. 1,350
Question ID a6b2fcce
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Math Problem-Solving Two-variable data:

and Data Analysis Models and

ID: a6b2fcce

According to the line graph above, between which two consecutive years was
there the greatest change in the number of 3‑D movies released?

A. 2003–2004

B. 2008–2009

C. 2009–2010

D. 2010–2011
Question ID 7b52985c
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Math Problem-Solving Two-variable data:

and Data Analysis Models and

ID: 7b52985c

The scatterplot shows the relationship between the length of time , in hours, a certain bird spent in flight and the
number of days after January , .

What is the average rate of change, in hours per day, of the length of time the bird spent in flight on January to the
length of time the bird spent in flight on January ?
Question ID 3c5b19ef
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Math Problem-Solving Two-variable data:

and Data Analysis Models and

ID: 3c5b19ef

The scatterplot above shows the number of visitors to a railroad museum in

Pennsylvania each year from 1968 to 1980, where t is the number of years since
1968 and n is the number of visitors. A line of best fit is also shown. Which of
the following could be an equation of the line of best fit shown?

n equals, 16,090, plus 4,680, t

n equals, 4,690, plus 16,090, t

n equals, 16,090, plus 9,060, t

n equals, 9,060, plus 16,090, t
Question ID 43744269
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Math Problem-Solving Two-variable data:

and Data Analysis Models and

ID: 43744269

An airplane descends from an altitude of feet to feet at a constant rate of feet per minute. What type of
function best models the relationship between the descending airplane's altitude and time?

A. Decreasing exponential

B. Decreasing linear

C. Increasing exponential

D. Increasing linear
Question ID d0430601
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Math Problem-Solving Two-variable data:

and Data Analysis Models and

ID: d0430601

Each dot in the scatterplot above represents the temperature and the number of
people who visited a beach in Lagos, Nigeria, on one of eleven different days.
The line of best fit for the data is also shown. The line of best fit for the data has
a slope of approximately 57. According to this estimate, how many additional
people per day are predicted to visit the beach for each 5°C increase in average
Question ID 9296553d
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Math Problem-Solving Two-variable data:

and Data Analysis Models and

ID: 9296553d

Which of the following could be an equation for a line of best

fit for the data in the scatterplot?

y equals, negative x, plus 6

y equals, negative x, minus 6

y equals, 6 x, plus 1

y equals, 6 x, minus 1
Question ID d6121490
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Math Problem-Solving Two-variable data:

and Data Analysis Models and

ID: d6121490

The graph above shows the relationship between the speed of a particular car, in
miles per hour, and its corresponding braking distance, in feet. Approximately
how many feet greater will the car’s braking distance be when the car is traveling
at 50 miles per hour than when the car is traveling at 30 miles per hour?

A. 75

B. 125

C. 175

D. 250
Question ID ab7740a8
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Math Problem-Solving Two-variable data:

and Data Analysis Models and

ID: ab7740a8

In which of the following tables is the relationship between the values of x and
their corresponding y-values nonlinear?




Question ID 2e511919
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Math Problem-Solving Two-variable data:

and Data Analysis Models and

ID: 2e511919

The line graph shows the estimated number of chipmunks in a state park on April of each year from to .

Based on the line graph, in which year was the estimated number of chipmunks in the state park the greatest?




Question ID 8156d446
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Math Problem-Solving Two-variable data:

and Data Analysis Models and

ID: 8156d446

Each dot in the scatterplot above represents the temperature and the number of
people who visited a beach in Lagos, Nigeria, on one of eleven different days.
The line of best fit for the data is also shown. According to the line of best fit,
what is the number of people, rounded to the nearest 10, predicted to visit this
beach on a day with an average temperature of 32°C?
Question ID e821a26d
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Math Problem-Solving Two-variable data:

and Data Analysis Models and

ID: e821a26d
The scatterplot below shows the amount of electric energy generated, in millions of megawatt-hours, by
nuclear sources over a 10‑year period.

Of the following equations, which best models the data in the scatterplot?

y equals 1 point six seven four x squared, plus 19 point seven six x, minus 745 point seven three

y equals negative 1 point six seven four x squared, minus 19 point seven six x, minus 745 point seven three

y equals 1 point six seven four x squared, plus 19 point seven six x, plus 745 point seven three

y equals negative 1 point six seven four x squared, plus 19 point seven six x, plus 745 point seven three
Question ID 9eb896c5
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Math Problem-Solving Two-variable data:

and Data Analysis Models and

ID: 9eb896c5

Which of the following could be the equation for a line of best fit for the
data shown in the scatterplot above?

y equals, 3 x plus 0 point 8

y equals, 0 point 8 x, plus 3

y equals, negative 0 point 8 x, plus 3

y equals, negative 3 x plus 0 point 8
Question ID d112bc9d
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Math Problem-Solving Two-variable data:

and Data Analysis Models and

ID: d112bc9d

The scatterplot shows the temperature , in , recorded by a meteorologist at various times , in days since June .

During which of the following time periods did the greatest increase in recorded temperature take place?

A. From to

B. From to

C. From to

D. From to
Question ID 5c24c861
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Math Problem-Solving Two-variable data:

and Data Analysis Models and

ID: 5c24c861
A study was done to determine a new car’s stopping distance when it was traveling at different speeds. The
study was done on a dry road with good surface conditions. The results are shown below, along with the
graph of a quadratic function that models the data.

According to the model, which of the following is the best estimate for the
stopping distance, in feet, if the vehicle was traveling 55 miles per hour?

A. 25

B. 30

C. 210

D. 250
Question ID 5f3ee607
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Math Problem-Solving Two-variable data:

and Data Analysis Models and

ID: 5f3ee607

Which of the following equations is the most appropriate linear model for the data shown in the scatterplot?




Question ID 661dfddd
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Math Problem-Solving Two-variable data:

and Data Analysis Models and

ID: 661dfddd

The scatterplot above shows the high temperature on a certain day and the
elevation of 8 different locations in the Lake Tahoe Basin. A line of best fit for
the data is also shown. Which of the following statements best describes the
association between the elevation and the temperature of locations in the Lake
Tahoe Basin?

A. As the elevation increases, the temperature tends to increase.

B. As the elevation increases, the temperature tends to decrease.

C. As the elevation decreases, the temperature tends to decrease.

D. There is no association between the elevation and the temperature.

Question ID 79137c1b
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Math Problem-Solving Two-variable data:

and Data Analysis Models and

ID: 79137c1b

The scatterplot above shows the size x and the sale price y of 25 houses for sale
in Town H. Which of the following could be an equation for a line of best fit for
the data?

y equals, 200 x plus 100

y equals, 100 x plus 100

y equals, 50 x plus 100

y equals, 100 x
Question ID fdfc90e4
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Math Problem-Solving Two-variable data:

and Data Analysis Models and

ID: fdfc90e4

The scatterplot shows the relationship between two variables, and . A line of best fit for the data is also shown.

At , which of the following is closest to the y-value predicted by the line of best fit?




Question ID 9b5b23fc
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Math Problem-Solving Two-variable data:

and Data Analysis Models and

ID: 9b5b23fc

For , the function is defined as follows:

equals of
Which of the following could describe this function?

A. Decreasing exponential

B. Decreasing linear

C. Increasing exponential

D. Increasing linear
Question ID af142f8d
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Math Problem-Solving Two-variable data:

and Data Analysis Models and

ID: af142f8d

Amount invested Balance increase

Account A $500 6% annual interest

Account B $1,000 $25 per year

Two investments were made as shown in the table above. The interest in
Account A is compounded once per year. Which of the following is true about
the investments?

A. Account A always earns more money per year than Account B.

B. Account A always earns less money per year than Account B.

C. Account A earns more money per year than Account B at first but eventually earns less money per year.

D. Account A earns less money per year than Account B at first but eventually earns more money per year.
Question ID 50b2807e
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Math Problem-Solving Two-variable data:

and Data Analysis Models and

ID: 50b2807e

The scatterplot shows the relationship between two variables, and .

Which of the following equations is the most appropriate linear model for the data shown?




Question ID 9d95e7ad
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Math Problem-Solving Two-variable data:

and Data Analysis Models and

ID: 9d95e7ad

The scatterplot above shows the numbers of grams of both total protein and total fat for eight sandwiches on a
restaurant menu. The line of best fit for the data is also shown. According to the line of best fit, which of the following is
closest to the predicted increase in total fat, in grams, for every increase of 1 gram in total protein?

A. 2.5

B. 2.0

C. 1.5

D. 1.0
Question ID 39aa146d
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Math Problem-Solving Two-variable data:

and Data Analysis Models and

ID: 39aa146d

The scatterplot shows the relationship between and . A line of best fit is also shown.

Which of the following is closest to the slope of the line of best fit shown?




Question ID 58171b5e
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Math Problem-Solving Two-variable data:

and Data Analysis Models and

ID: 58171b5e

Each year, the value of an investment increases by of its value the previous year. Which of the following functions
best models how the value of the investment changes over time?

A. Decreasing exponential

B. Decreasing linear

C. Increasing exponential

D. Increasing linear
Question ID cf0ae57a
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Math Problem-Solving Two-variable data:

and Data Analysis Models and

ID: cf0ae57a

The scatterplot above shows the densities of 7 planetoids, in grams per cubic
centimeter, with respect to their average distances from the Sun in astronomical
units (AU). The line of best fit is also shown. An astronomer has discovered a
new planetoid about 1.2 AU from the Sun. According to the line of best fit, which
of the following best approximates the density of the planetoid, in grams per
cubic centimeter?

A. 3.6

B. 4.1

C. 4.6

D. 5.5

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