Resistivity and IP

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Experiment No:

Experiment Name: Resistivity and IP display by RES2D software

1. To know how to use RES2D software
2. To create 2D Resistivity and IP model
3. Understanding 2D resistivity model
RES2D Software:
Res2Dinv is a powerful 2D inversion software for ERT (DC) and IP data. The software offers a
simple workflow from data import to inversion and visualization, while still offering full control
over inversion parameters for advanced users. The software is very flexible and can handle all
conventional electrode configurations and custom 2D configurations, as well as underwater and
cross-borehole surveys. The software supports visualization of pseudosections and inversions as
well as export of the results for use with visualization and interpretation software. RES2DINV
software is designed to interpolate and interpret field data of electrical geophysical prospecting
(2D sounding) of electrical resistivity (conductivity) and induced polarization. The inversion of
the resistivity and IP data is conducted by the least-square method involving finite-element and
finite-difference methods. The software can handle data from any electrode array, including
Wenner (a, b, g), dipole-dipole, inline pole-dipole, pole-pole, Wenner-Schlumberger, equatorial
pole-dipole and non-conventional arrays. Interpolate data from land, underwater, and cross-
borehole surveys. The program supports survey lines with up to 16000 electrodes and 27000 data
Resistivity Survey:
A resistivity survey, also known as electrical resistivity imaging (ERI) or electrical resistivity
tomography (ERT), is a geophysical method employed to investigate the subsurface properties of
the Earth. This technique is based on the fundamental principle that different geological
materials possess distinct electrical resistivity values, which influence the flow of electrical
current. In a resistivity survey, electrodes are placed on the ground's surface or inserted into
boreholes, with current introduced into the ground through one set of electrodes and voltage
measurements recorded with another set. These measurements enable the calculation of apparent
resistivity at various points. Resistivity surveys are conducted using various electrode arrays,
such as Wenner, Schlumberger, and dipole-dipole, each suited to different survey objectives and
subsurface conditions. By collecting data at different depths and electrode spacings, resistivity-
depth profiles can be created, facilitating the mapping of subsurface features.
2D Resistivity Model:
A 2D resistivity model, short for "two-dimensional resistivity model," is a geophysical
representation of subsurface electrical resistivity distribution in two spatial dimensions. It is a
common output of electrical resistivity imaging (ERI) or electrical resistivity tomography (ERT)
surveys. In a 2D resistivity model, the primary objective is to depict how resistivity varies
horizontally and with depth at a specific location. Also it provides insights into the distribution of
geological features, such as faults, fractures, and subsurface structures, and help in the
identification of potential targets like mineral deposits or water resources.
IP (Induced Polarization) Model:
An IP (Induced Polarization) model is a geophysical representation that depicts the induced
polarization effect within the subsurface. This effect involves certain subsurface materials
temporarily retaining an electrical charge when subjected to an electric current, distinguishing
them from non-polarizable materials. IP surveys employ electrode arrays to introduce current
into the ground and measure the time-dependent voltage response associated with induced
polarization. Data collected is processed and inverted to create IP models, showing variations in
chargeability and time constants within the subsurface. IP models find application in mineral
exploration, environmental studies, and geotechnical investigations, aiding in the identification
of chargeable materials associated with mineral deposits and the mapping of subsurface
contaminants. These models often complement resistivity models, together providing a more
comprehensive understanding of subsurface conditions.
Inverted Resistivity Model:
An inversion resistivity model is a geophysical representation of the subsurface electrical
resistivity distribution, created through the process of inversion in resistivity surveys. The
primary concept revolves around solving the inverse problem: estimating the true electrical
resistivity distribution beneath the Earth's surface based on measured electrical data. Inversion
techniques utilize computer algorithms to iteratively adjust subsurface resistivity values to best
fit the observed data, resulting in contour maps or cross-sectional profiles that visually depict
subsurface resistivity variations.

1. Firstly, we need to start the RES2DINV software on our computer.
2. Then, we have to click on ‘File’ option situating on the menu bar. Then we click on ‘Read
Data File’. After that, we need to locate and select the resistivity and IP data files we want to
3. Next we have to do is click on ‘Inversion’ option and then click on ‘Carry out Inversion’.
4. After that, we will click on ‘Display’ and select ‘Show Inversion Result’.
5. After that, the Menu Bar will change. Then we click on ‘Display sections’ and again click on
‘Model Display’ option, then click on ‘Choose Resistivity or IP display’ option.
6. After that, we click on ‘Display Resistivity’.
7. Then we click on ‘Display section’ and select ‘Display data and model sections’.
8. Then we will have our required Resistivity 2D model.
9. For IP model, we have to click on ‘Display IP’ which we will do after completing 5 no point.
10. For both IP and Resistivity Model, we have to click on ‘Display IP and resistivity models’
which we will do after completing 5 no point.
(For Topography, firstly we will input Topography data as like we did for resistivity model. Then
we click on ‘Topography options’ and select ‘Display Topography’. Then we will have our
required topography model.)

Topography data:
7.5 5 69.1152
12.5 5 69.1152
17.5 5 72.2568
22.5 5 37.6992
32.5 5 34.5576
37.5 5 34.5576
42.5 5 37.6992
47.5 5 40.8408
52.5 5 47.124
57.5 5 34.5576
62.5 5 37.6992
67.5 5 37.6992
72.5 5 37.6992
77.5 5 34.5576
82.5 5 34.5576
87.5 5 37.6992
92.5 5 40.8408
15 10 94.248
20 10 138.2304
25 10 138.2304
30 10 144.5136
35 10 75.3984
40 10 69.1152
45 10 69.1152
50 10 75.3984
55 10 81.6816
60 10 94.248
65 10 69.1152
70 10 75.3984
75 10 75.3984
80 10 75.3984
85 10 69.1152
22.5 15 103.6728
27.5 15 113.0976
32.5 15 122.5224
37.5 15 141.372
42.5 15 122.5224
47.5 15 141.372
52.5 15 188.496
57.5 15 235.62
62.5 15 216.7704
67.5 15 282.744
72.5 15 301.5936
77.5 15 329.868
30 20 389.5584
35 20 376.992
40 20 376.992
45 20 314.16
50 20 263.8944
55 20 276.4608
60 20 314.16
65 20 326.7264
70 20 276.4608
37.5 25 329.868
42.5 25 282.744
47.5 25 298.452
52.5 25 235.62
57.5 25 188.496
62.5 25 251.328
45 30 226.1952
50 30 358.1424
55 30 414.6912

Resistivity and IP
5 -> Electrode Number
1 ->Type of array
54 ->Number of Datum Points
1 ->Direction
1 -> Induced Polarization
7.5 5 12.04 7.3
12.5 5 12.03 7.1
17.5 5 12.02 7.18
22.5 5 12.02 7.16
27.5 5 12.02 7.1
32.5 5 12.02 7.203
37.5 5 12.02 7.23
42.5 5 12.02 7.35
47.5 5 12.04 7.4
52.5 5 12.06 8.21
57.5 5 12 10.66
62.5 5 12.16 3.33
67.5 5 12.32 -2.23
72.5 5 12.62 0
77.5 5 11.66 -1.777
82.5 5 10.16 -3.5
87.5 5 10.18 1
92.5 5 10.34 1
15 10 10.41 -3.5
20 10 7.46 -1.6
25 10 7.46 0.28
30 10 10.64 -0.51
35 10 10.37 0.31
40 10 10.23 20
45 10 10.2 21
50 10 10.1 21.2
55 10 16.02 22.5
60 10 16.08 24.02
22.5 5 12.02 7.16
27.5 5 12.02 7.1
32.5 5 12.02 7.203
37.5 5 12.02 7.23
42.5 5 12.02 7.35
47.5 5 12.04 7.4
52.5 5 12.06 8.21
57.5 5 12 10.66
62.5 5 12.16 3.33
67.5 5 12.32 -2.23
72.5 5 12.62 0
77.5 5 11.66 -1.777
82.5 5 10.16 -3.5
87.5 5 10.18 1
92.5 5 10.34 1
15 10 10.41 -3.5
20 10 7.46 -1.6
25 10 7.46 0.28
30 10 10.64 -0.51
35 10 10.37 0.31
40 10 10.23 20
45 10 10.2 21
50 10 10.1 21.2
55 10 16.02 22.5
60 10 16.08 24.02
65 10 16.05 25.3


Fig: Inverted Resistivity Model

Fig: Resistivity Model

Fig: IP Model
Fig: Resistivity and IP Model

Discussion: The resistivity and induced polarization (IP) measurements using RES2D software
revealed valuable insights into subsurface properties. Resistivity data identified potential aquifers
and geological structures, while IP data highlighted anomalies indicative of mineral deposits or
hydrocarbon reservoirs. However, data accuracy can be affected by various factors, and further
investigation is needed to validate findings through cross-validation with other geophysical
methods, geological investigations, and improved survey density. The results should be
considered as a starting point for more in-depth studies.

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