Ministerial Resolution No. (1189) For 2010 Regulations and Conditions For Issuing Work Permits To Minors

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Ministerial Resolution No.

(1189) for 2010

Regulations and Conditions for Issuing Work Permits to Minors

The Minister of Labour:

After reviewing Federal Law No. (1) for 1972 and the amendments thereto regarding

ministry competencies and ministerial powers,

Federal Law No. (8) for 1980 and the amendments thereto regarding the regulation of

work relationships,

Federal Decree No. (48) for 2004 regarding the ratification of the Arab Labour Agreement

No. (18) for 1996 concerning the work of minors,

Cabinet of Ministers Resolution No. (25) for 2010 regarding internal work permits

applicable at the Ministry of Labour,

Cabinet of Ministers Resolution No. (27) for 2010 regarding fees and fines for services

provided by the Ministry,

Ministerial Resolution No. (5/1) for 1981 regarding the definition of activities that are

dangerous, arduous, or detrimental to health and for which it shall be unlawful to employ

young persons therein,

And Ministerial Resolution No. (1188) for 2010 regarding the regulations and conditions

for granting internal work permits.

It was decided:

Article (1)

The Ministry may only approve the issuance of a work permit to a foreign minor after ensuring

that there is no one among the citizens seeking employment able to perform the requested job.

Article (2)

The Ministry may only approve the issuance of a work permit to minors under the following


1- Written consent from the parent of legal guardian of the minor.

2- Birth certificate or a certificate estimating the age of the minor issued by the competent

official medical authorities.

3- Physical fitness certificate for the requested work issued by the competent official

medical authorities.

4- The foreign minor and his parents have a valid residency shown on their passports.

5- The work in which the minor is to be employed is not one of the prohibited works under

this Resolution or the resolutions issued in this respect.

6- The license of the establishment – the party submitting the request – is valid

7- Payment of the fees for this permit.

Article (3)

The employer may not employ minors in any of the following works:

1- Working underground in mines and quarries and all works related the extraction of

metals and stones.

2- Working in furnaces for incinerating, refining, or tempering metallic substances.

3- Oil refineries.

4- Working in front of ovens at bakeries.

5- Cement plants.

6- Ice and refrigeration plants.

7- Silvering mirrors using mercury.

8- Manufacturing explosives and related activities.

9- Melting and tempering glass.

10- Welding using oxygen, acetylene, and electricity.

11- Painting using Duco.

12- Treatment, preparation or storage of ashes containing lead and the extraction of silver

from lead.

13- Manufacturing tin and metallic components containing more than 10% lead.

14- Manufacturing lead monoxide (gold lead) or yellow lead oxide, lead dioxide

(sulphonamides), lead carbonates, orange lead oxide, and lead sulphates, chromates,

and silicates.

15- Mixing and kneading operations in the manufacturing or repair of electrical batteries.

16- Cleaning workshops where work mentioned in items (12), (13), (14), (15) of this article

take place.

17- Management, monitoring, repairing or cleaning moving machines during operation.

18- Manufacturing Asphalt.

19- The manufacture of oil extracts through mechanical means.

20- Manufacturing fertilizers or working at fertilizer warehouses or laboratories for mineral

acids and chemical products.

21- Working at tanneries.

22- Skinning, cutting, depilation by scalding, and melting the fat of animals.

23- Manufacturing rubber.

24- Filling cylinders with compressed gases.

25- Shipping and unloading cargo in docks, piers, ports and warehouses.

26- Transportation of passengers by land or domestic waters.

27- Manufacturing coal from animal bones (except for the process of sorting bones before


28- The process of bleaching, dying and printing textiles.

29- Working as servers at nightclubs.

30- Working at bars.

31- Carrying, dragging or pushing weights heavier than the figures provided in the table

attached to this Resolution.

Article (4)

Every employer wishing to employ a minor shall abide by the following provisions:

a) Acquire, before employing the minor, the following documents, and keep these

documents in the minor’s file at the establishment:

- His birth certificate, an official extract thereof or a certificate estimating his age,

ratified by the competent official health authorities.

- Physical fitness certificate for the requested work issued by the competent

official medical authorities.

- Written consent from the minor’s parents or legal guardians.

b) To keep a special file for minors at the workplace, showing the name and age of the

minor, the full name of his parent or legal guardian, place of residence, employment

date, and the work for which he is hired.

c) Not to employ minors at night in manufacturing projects. The word “night” refers to a

period not less than twelve successive hours including the period from 8pm to 6am.

d) The maximum actual working hours for minors shall be six hours per day, including

one or more breaks for resting, meals, or prayer, no less than one hour in total. This

period or periods shall be set so that the minor does not work more than four consecutive

hours. If the minor’s work includes a period of preparation or training, this period shall

be calculated in his working hours. In all cases, the minor must not be kept at the

workplace for more than seven consecutive hours.

e) The minor shall not be assigned to work overtime under any circumstances, nor shall

he remain at the workplace after the assigned work hours, or made to work on holidays.

f) The employer shall be obliged to insure the national minor, if so required by the


g) The employer shall: train the minors working for him how to use the occupational safety

and health equipment, monitor the application thereof, and ensure their benefit from

such means.

h) Inform the parent or legal guardian of the minor of any illness, absence, or action by

the minor during work hours that they should be aware of.

i) To maintain records or data that include the information necessary for the nature of the

job and the interest of the minor, particularly:

- Names, ages and employment dates of minors.

- The jobs assigned to the, work hours, breaks, and due vacations.

- Date of the medical examinations they undergo and the medical certificates

showing their abilities and health capabilities to do the work.

j) To place the provisions pertaining to the employment of minors in a prominent location

at the workplace.

k) To inform the competent authority at the ministry of the names of the minors working

for him, their ages, employment date, and any other information concerning them that

is requested by the Ministry.

Article (5)

The minor shall be entitled to all the rights of workers under the aforementioned law regulating

work relationships and the resolutions issued for its implementation, if the conditions for its

entitlement are fulfilled by the minor.

Article (6)

The Assistant Undersecretary for Labour Affairs shall issue the procedural manual regulating

the procedures to issue work permits for minors.

Article (7)

Work permits for minors issued by the Ministry and currently in force shall remain valid until

their dates of expiry. Any new permits shall be issued in accordance with this Resolution.

Work permits for minors that are issued in accordance with the provisions of this Resolution

shall not be renewed if expired, and the establishments, if they wish for the continued

employment of the minor, shall apply for new permits.

Article (8)

Any text or provision contrary to this Resolution shall be null and void.
Article (9)

This Resolution shall be published in the Official Gazette and shall be put into force as of


Saqr Ghobash

Minister of Labour

Issued by us in Abu Dhabi on: 29/11/2010

Maximum Weights Allowable for Minors under 17 Years of Age
to Lift, Pull or Push

Age Weights Weights pushed Weights pushed Weights pushed

allowed to lift on rails on two wheels on one wheel
From Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females
Weight 15 10 300 150 Not permissible Not permissible
in kg for minors for minors

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