Chapter-4 PHP

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Drug distribution

 Drug distribution (in- patients and out - patients) – Definition, advantages and
disadvantages of individual prescription order method, Floor Stock Method, Unit Dose
Drug Distribution Method, Drug Basket Method.
 Distribution of drugs to ICCU/ICU/NICU/Emergency wards.
 Automated drug dispensing systems and devices
 Distribution of Narcotic and Psychotropic substances and their storage

Drug distribution:
Drug distribution is defined as, “Physical transfer of drugs from storage area in the hospital to the
patient’s bedside”. This involves two types of drug distribution.

They are: -

1. In-patient distribution
2. Out-patient distribution

Inpatient distribution:

 The drug distribution to the in-patient department can be carried out from the Out-patient
dispensing area.
 The pharmacists involved in dispensing the drugs for Out-patient can dispense drugs for in
patients too.
 The pharmacist employed for drug distribution to the In-patient wards should be well skilled
and qualified staff.

This can be done through a number of different methods, including:

1. Unit-dose dispensing: This involves providing each patient with individually packaged doses of
medication, which are labeled with the patient's name and the medication's name and dosage.
This helps to prevent medication errors and ensures that patients receive the correct medication
at the correct time.

2. Ward stock: This involves storing medication on the patient's ward, rather than in a central
pharmacy. Nurses or other healthcare professionals can then access the medication as needed.

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3. Automated dispensing cabinets: These are computerized cabinets that store medication and
dispense it automatically when authorized healthcare professionals enter their credentials.

Out-patient drug distribution:

Out-patient drug distribution involves providing medication to patients who are not currently admitted
to a healthcare facility.

This can include patients who are receiving treatment at a clinic, doctor's office, or other outpatient
facility, as well as patients who are managing their own medication at home. Out-patient drug
distribution methods can include:

1. Retail pharmacies: Patients can obtain their medication from a retail pharmacy, either in-person
or through mail order.

2. Specialty pharmacies: These pharmacies specialize in providing medication for patients with
complex medical conditions, such as cancer or HIV.

3. Mail-order pharmacies: Patients can order their medication online or over the phone and have it
delivered to their home.

Advantages of individual prescription order method

The individual prescription order method is a drug distribution method that involves providing each
patient with individually packaged doses of medication, which are labeled with the patient's name and
the medication's name and dosage. Here are some advantages of this method:

1. Reduces medication errors: With individual prescription order method, the chances of
medication errors are significantly reduced since the medication is packaged and labeled
specifically for the individual patient. This helps to ensure that patients receive the correct
medication at the correct time, which can improve patient safety and outcomes.

2. Convenient for patients: Individual prescription order method is convenient for patients as they
do not have to worry about remembering to take multiple pills at different times throughout the
day. The medication is packaged in a way that is easy to take and can be taken on-the-go.

3. Helps with medication adherence: This method can improve medication adherence as patients
are more likely to take their medication as prescribed when it is packaged and labeled
specifically for them. This can help to improve health outcomes and reduce hospitalizations and

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4. Reduces waste: With individual prescription order method, there is less medication waste since
the medication is dispensed in the exact amount needed for each patient. This can help to
reduce the overall cost of medication and minimize the impact on the environment.

Disadvantages of individual prescription order method

1. Cost: This method can be more expensive than other methods of drug distribution, such as ward
stock or unit-dose dispensing. The packaging and labeling process for each individual dose can
be time-consuming and costly.

2. Time-consuming: The process of packaging and labeling each individual dose can be time-
consuming for healthcare professionals. This can take away from other important tasks, such as
patient care and medication management.

3. Limited flexibility: Individual prescription order method may not be suitable for all medications
or patient populations. Some medications, such as those that require refrigeration, may not be
suitable for this method. Additionally, patients who require frequent dosage adjustments may
find this method limiting.

4. Storage requirements: With individual prescription order method, there is a need for additional
storage space to accommodate the packaged medication. This can be a challenge in healthcare
facilities where space is at a premium.

5. Environmental impact: The packaging and labeling materials used in individual prescription
order method can have an impact on the environment. This method may generate more waste
than other methods of drug distribution.

Floor Stock Method:

 The floor stock method is a method of inventory management that involves keeping a certain
quantity of inventory items on hand at all times to meet customer demand. This method is
commonly used in retail stores, particularly those that sell fast-moving consumer goods.
 Under the floor stock method, the retailer keeps a certain quantity of each product on the store
shelves or sales floor. When a customer purchases an item, the retailer notes the sale and
removes the item from inventory.
 As inventory levels approach a predetermined minimum threshold, the retailer orders more of
the product to replenish the floor stock.

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Unit Dose Drug Distribution Method:

Unit dose drug distribution is a method of dispensing medications in individual, pre-measured doses,
typically packaged in single-use containers, such as blister packs or pouches. This system aims to
ensure the safe and accurate delivery of medication to patients and reduce the risk of medication errors.

In a unit dose system, medications are prepared by a pharmacist or pharmacy technician and packaged
in a way that each dose is clearly labeled with the patient's name, medication name, dosage strength,
and administration instructions. This system can be used in hospitals, long-term care facilities, and
outpatient settings.

Some advantages of the unit dose drug distribution method include:

 Accuracy: Each dose is individually measured and labeled, reducing the risk of medication
errors, including wrong doses, wrong medications, and incorrect administration routes.
 Convenience: The system can be designed to allow for easy administration of medications,
particularly in busy settings where time is of the essence.
 Cost-effectiveness: By reducing medication errors and minimizing waste, the system can result
in cost savings for both patients and healthcare organizations.
 Improved patient safety: The unit dose system can help to reduce the risk of adverse drug
events, which can be particularly dangerous for vulnerable populations, such as the elderly or
those with complex medical conditions.


 Increased packaging waste: The use of individual packaging for each dose can result in more
packaging waste than other drug distribution methods, which can be a concern for
environmental sustainability.
 Equipment and personnel requirements: Preparing and dispensing medications using the unit
dose system requires specialized equipment and trained personnel, which can increase costs and
staffing requirements for healthcare organizations.
 Limited flexibility: The unit dose system may not be suitable for all medications, particularly
those that require specialized handling or storage conditions, which can limit its flexibility in
some settings.
 Potential for medication errors: Although the unit dose system aims to reduce the risk of
medication errors, there is still the potential for mistakes to occur during the preparation or
administration of medications, particularly if proper protocols and quality control measures are
not in place.

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Drug Basket Method:

 The drug basket method is a type of clinical trial design in which a group of patients
receives a combination of different drugs, also known as a "drug basket," for the
treatment of a specific disease.
 The goal of this method is to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of the
combination of drugs in treating the disease, as well as to identify any potential
drug interactions or side effects.
 In this method, patients are selected based on their specific disease and are given a
combination of drugs that are believed to have potential therapeutic benefits. The drugs
in the basket may be chosen based on their known or hypothesized mechanisms of
action, or they may be selected based on their effectiveness in treating similar diseases.
 The drug basket method is typically used in the early stages of clinical trials, when little
is known about the efficacy of the combination of drugs being tested. The results of
these trials can be used to guide the development of more targeted therapies and to
inform future clinical trials.


1. Efficiency: The drug basket method allows for the simultaneous testing of multiple
drugs in combination, which can be more efficient than testing each drug individually.
This can speed up the drug development process and reduce costs.
2. Enhanced efficacy: Combination therapies have been shown to be more effective in
treating some diseases than single drugs alone. By testing multiple drugs in
combination, the drug basket method can potentially identify more effective treatments.
3. Targeting multiple pathways: The drug basket method can test drugs that target
different pathways or mechanisms of action, which can be important in diseases with
complex or multifactorial causes.
4. Personalization: The drug basket method can be used to identify which drugs or drug
combinations work best for specific patient populations, which can help tailor
treatments to individual patients.
5. Versatility: The drug basket method can be used to test a wide range of drugs and drug
combinations, making it a versatile approach to drug development and clinical research.


1. Complexity: The drug basket method can be more complex than testing single drugs, as
it requires careful selection and dosing of multiple drugs in combination. This
complexity can increase the risk of drug interactions and side effects, as well as make it
more difficult to interpret study results.
2. Limited knowledge: The drug basket method is typically used in the early stages of
drug development, when little is known about the efficacy and safety of the drugs being
tested in combination. This can make it challenging to select the optimal drugs and
dosages to include in the basket.

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3. Cost: Testing multiple drugs in combination can be more expensive than testing single
drugs, as it requires more resources and coordination.
4. Interpretation of results: The interpretation of study results can be more complex with
the drug basket method, as it may be difficult to determine which drugs or drug
combinations are responsible for any observed effects.
5. Ethics: The use of combination therapies in clinical trials can raise ethical concerns, as
patients may be exposed to more potential risks and uncertainties.

Distribution of drugs to ICCU/ICU/NICU/Emergency wards.

Distribution of drugs to ICCU:

ICCU: The intensive Coronary care unit (ICCU) is a unit dedicated to the treatment of heart
condition such as coronary heart disease, heart attack, cardiac arrest and heart failure Critical

ICU: Intensive care unit, life support are provided in an intensive care Unit for Critically ill

NICU: Neonatal Intensive care Unit , also known as an intensive care nursery, is a unit
specializing in care of ill or Premature new born infants.

The first 28 days of life are referred to as neonatal.

Emergency Ward:

 Also known as an accident and emergency department, emergency room or causality

 It is a medical treatment facility specializing emergency medicine, the acute care of
patient present without prior appointment, either by own means or ambulance.

Intensive Coronary Care Unit:

 Coronary care unit arose in the 1960s as it became obvious that constant supervision by
highly trained personnel , cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and medical intervention may
minimize death from cardiovascular disease Complication.
 Patient who are critically unwell are admitted to the ICCU.
 The availability of telemetry or continuous cardiographic monitoring of the heart
rhythm, is a key element of coronary treatment.
 Patient with myocardial infarction or unstable angina are commonly admitted to the
coronary care Unit.
 Myocardial infarction is the most common morbidity discovered.

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 The majority of the medications prescribed were from the WHO’S essential drug list.
 Tablet aspirin is the most commonly prescribed medicine.
 Promethazine, Heparin, hydrocortisone, buprenorphine , streptokinase ,metaprolol,
pentazocine and frusemide are among the most commonly utilized injections.
 Antibiotics are used less frequently.

Intensive Care Unit (ICU)

The following is a list of the eight most commonly utilized medications in emergency

 Adenosine
 Amiodarone
 Atropine
 Epinephrine
 Lidocaine
 Procainamide
 Sotalol
 Vasopressin

Neonatal Intensive care Unit (NICU)

 Organ immaturity, congenital disease, or birth related problems are the most common
reasons that neonates brought to the NICU.
 They monitor medication dosage and levels.
 They keep the team informed about any potential adverse effects and any addition
monitoring that may be required.
 Exposure to potential drug interaction (DDI) is a significant risk related with ADE
occurrence in the NICU.
 Medication most commonly administered include: ampicillin, furosemide, dopamine,
azithromycin, sildenafil, ibuprofen and fluconazole.

Emergency word:

 Error can occur if a physician prescribes the incorrect medication.

 If the prescription intended by the doctor is not the one communicated to the pharmacy
due to an illegally written prescription or a misheard verbal order, if the pharmacy
dispenses the incorrect medication or given to the incorrect person.
 One of the ways to overcome this situation was to use emergency trolleys used or
missing items on the emergency trolleys as efficient as possible.

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 All wards are always fulfilled with emergency medications such as adrenalin,
salbutamol, atropine, furosemide, hydrocortisone, insulin, lidocaine, and medical

Automated drug dispensing systems and devices:

Automated drug dispensing systems and devices are computerized systems that can accurately
dispense medications to patients. These systems can be found in hospitals, pharmacies, and
other healthcare facilities.

There are several types of automated drug dispensing systems and devices, including:

1. Robotic dispensing systems: These systems use robots to dispense medications. They
can be programmed to dispense a specific dose of a medication, and can handle
multiple medications at once.
2. Bar code scanning systems: These systems use bar code technology to ensure that the
correct medication is dispensed to the right patient. The bar code on the patient's
wristband is scanned, and then the medication is scanned to ensure that it matches the
medication prescribed for the patient.
3. Automated medication cabinets: These systems are similar to vending machines and are
often used in hospitals. The medications are stored in individual drawers, and the
system dispenses the medication based on a prescription order.
4. Pharmacy dispensing systems: These systems are used in pharmacies to fill
prescriptions. The system can accurately count and dispense pills, and can also label
and package the medications.

Distribution of Narcotic and Psychotropic substances and their storage:

Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances have several medical and scientific uses.
However, they can be and are also abused and trafficked. India's approach towards Narcotic
Drugs and Psychotropic Substances is enshrined in Article 47 of the Constitution of India
which mandates that the 'State shall endeavour to bring about prohibition of the consumption
except for medicinal purposes of intoxicating drinks and of drugs which are injurious to health'


To provide guidelines governing adequate control for procurement, proper storage, dispensing
and record keeping of Narcotic and Psychotropic Drugs in Hospital.


All the important activities related to the procurement, storage, dispensing and record keeping
of Narcotic and Psychotropic Drugs in accordance with the Delhi Narcotic Drug Rules, 1985 as
well as Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 and Rules framed there under.

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a) Narcotic Drugs are the addictive drugs that reduce the user's perception of pain
and induce euphoria (a feeling of exaggerated and unrealistic well-being). They
are substances that lead to increasing tolerance and physiological dependence.
They have a potential for abuse and/or addiction.
b) Psychotropic Drugs - Any drug capable of affecting the mind, emotions, and


The Narcotic and Psychotropic Drugs must be stored under lock and key in a separate

 Strict compliance of statutory requirements must be adhered to as provided under the

 Drugs Rules, 1985, Drugs & Cosmetics Act, 1940, Drugs & Cosmetics Rules, 1945 and
Pharmacy Act, 1948.
 Narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances must only be dispensed by a pharmacist
against a proper prescription of a doctor authorized for the purpose.
 Narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances must be procured and stored in such a
manner so as to preclude their falling into the hands of unauthorized persons.
 The storage area for the narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances may be opened and
accessed by specific Pharmacist in-charge and Nursing Sister in-charge of respective
 Cupboard or safe in which narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances are stored may
be opened and accessed only when substances belonging to these categories are being
placed into or taken out from the cupboard or room.
 Pharmacist in-charge must check physically at least once daily the stock of narcotic and
psychotropic drugs stored. The same must be recorded in stock register and verified by
the officer in-charge with signature and date.
 The prescribing practitioner shall be responsible in case the prescription does not
conform to statutory regulations. Nursing station shall ensure the entry of batch number
in the prescription form while administering.
 Appropriate registers shall be maintained to have information on usage. A proper
record of their uses, administration and disposal shall be maintained at all the places
wherever narcotic drugs are stored. The narcotic drugs register must incorporate a
record of all receipt and issue involving narcotic drugs. The narcotic drugs register
must be a bound register with consecutively numbered pages. A separate page must be
used for each narcotic drug.
 Pharmacist shall be notified if any medicines or register is missing.

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