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Christmas Around the World


Christmas In India, people like to decorate

their houses and streets with

Around the World

colourful, folded paper stars.


Christmas Around the World Christmas Around the World

Ireland USA
In Ireland, people like to light In the south-west of the USA,
candles in the windows of their people display ‘luminarias’
homes to act as a guide for or ‘farolitos’ to celebrate the
Joseph and Mary to travel to birth of Jesus. These are small
their resting place. paper lanterns with a candle

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Christmas Around the World Christmas Around the World

Brazil Australia

Each Christmas, thousand of As well as Christmas trees

people go to see the world’s and other decorations,
tallest floating Christmas tree Australians decorate their
on water in Rio de Janeiro. It is houses with ‘Christmas Bush’.
85 metres tall and contains 3.1 This is an Australian plant
million bulbs. with white flowers that
turn a deep, shiny red at
Christmas time.

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Christmas Around the World Christmas Around the World

Guatemala Sweden
Lots of people in Guatemala In Sweden, the biggest
build a Nativity with their celebrations around Christmas
family. time is St.Lucia’s day, on
December 13th. A girl is dressed
The nativity scene is called a
up in a white dress with a red
sash around her waist and a
crown of candles on her head.
The food eaten for breakfast
on St.Lucia’s day is a saffron
bun called ‘Lussekatt’, which
means ‘Lucia’s cat’.
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Christmas Around the World Christmas Around the World

Mexico Italy
Just before Christmas, during Italian children are very lucky
the ‘Festival of Radishes’, because they receive presents
Mexican farmers carve radishes twice during the Christmas
to make Nativity scenes. period. On the 6th of January,
they are visited by the Befana,
a good, magical old lady
which brings sweets and small
presents and stuffs them in
stockings. If the children have
not been good, Befana will
bring only coal and garlic.
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Christmas Around the World Christmas Around the World

United Kingdom The Philippines

In the United Kingdom, people Christmas carols are played on
decorate their homes and the radio and many people put
towns with Christmas lights. up Christmas trees and decorate
Lots of people also attend their homes with lights and
Nativity plays and carol a lantern ornament called a
services. ‘parol’.
Parols are most often
star-shaped but they can
come in lots of different
shapes and sizes.
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Christmas Around the World Christmas Around the World

Nigeria Ethiopia
The Christmas meal in Nigeria Christmas is celebrated on
is usually roasted goat meat 7th January in the Ethiopian
and chicken with rice. Orthodox Church. It is called
There is a festive atmosphere Ganna or Genna.
with lots of sparklers and The Christmas feast often
fireworks to celebrate the day. includes injera (a traditional
Ethiopian flatbread) and w’et,
a stew made with chicken,
beef, lamb or other meat,
plus vegetables and peas
or lentils.
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Christmas Around the World Christmas Around the World

Hong Kong Botswana

Christmas services are held Many people in Botswana travel
at the cathedral and other to spend Christmas with their
churches. Some services are families.
in Cantonese and some are in Seswaa is a stew made with
English. beef or goat meat that is very
Hong Kong is decorated with traditional at Christmas.
lots of lights and decorations. Barbecues or braai are also
Shops and attractions take becoming more popular. People
part in a big celebration share their feasts with the
called ‘Winterfest’. whole family or sometimes
even the whole village.
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