Asm X

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SECTION 07 95 00




A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and

Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this


A. This Section includes the following:

1. Architectural joint systems for building interiors.

2. Architectural joint systems for building exteriors.
3. Architectural joint systems for open-air structures.

B. Related Sections include the following:

1. Division 03 Section "Cast-in-Place Concrete" for cast-in architectural-joint-

system frames furnished, but not installed, in this Section.
2. Division 04 Section "Unit Masonry" for masonry wall joint systems.
3. Division 07 Section "Sheet Metal Roofing" for sheet metal roof joint systems.
4. Division 07 Section "Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim" for sheet metal wall joint
5. Division 07 Section "Fire-Resistive Joint Systems" for liquid-applied joint
sealants in fire-resistive building joints.
6. Division 07 Section "Joint Sealants" for liquid-applied joint sealants.


A. Maximum Joint Width: Widest linear gap a joint system tolerates and in which it
performs its designed function without damaging its functional capabilities.

B. Minimum Joint Width: Narrowest linear gap a joint system tolerates and in which it
performs its designed function without damaging its functional capabilities.

C. Movement Capability: Value obtained from the difference between widest and
narrowest widths of a joint.

D. Nominal Joint Width: The width of the linear opening specified in practice and in
which the joint system is installed.

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A. Shop Drawings: Provide the following for each joint system specified and obtain
approval prior to fabrication and shipment of materials to the job site:

1. Placement Drawings: Include line diagrams showing plans, elevations,

sections, details, splices, blockout requirement, entire route of each joint
system, and attachments to other work. Where joint systems change planes,
provide isometric or clearly detailed drawing depicting how components

B. Product Data: Submit copies of manufacturer’s latest published literature for

materials specified herein for approval, and obtain approval before materials are
fabricated and delivered to the site. Data to clearly indicate movement capability of
cover assemblies and suitability of material used in exterior seal for UV exposure.

C. Samples for Initial Selection: For each type of joint system indicated.

1. Include manufacturer's color charts showing the standard range of colors and
finishes available for each exposed metal and elastomeric seal material.

D. Certificates – Material test reports from qualified independent testing laboratory

indicating and interpreting test results relative to compliance of fire-rated expansion
joint assemblies with requirements indicated.


A. Installer Qualifications: Approved by manufacturer and having experience installing

joint systems that are similar in design complexity.

B. Source Limitations: Obtain all architectural joint systems through one source from a
single manufacturer.

C. Product Options: Drawings indicate size, profiles, and dimensional requirements of

architectural joint systems and are based on the specific systems indicated. Refer to
Division 01 Section "Product Requirements."

1. Do not modify intended aesthetic effects, as judged solely by Architect, except

with Architect's approval. If modifications are proposed, submit comprehensive
explanatory data to Architect for review.

D. Loading Characteristics: Standard loading refers to covers that are capable of

withstanding up to 500 lb. point loads. Heavy duty refers to covers that are capable
of withstanding up to 2000 lb. point loads.

E. Fire-Test-Response Characteristics: Where indicated, provide architectural joint

system and fire-barrier assemblies identical to those of assemblies tested for fire
resistance per UL 2079 and/or ASTM E 1966 by a testing and inspecting agency
acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. Fire rating not less than the rating of
adjacent construction.

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F. Manufacturer to provide 5 year warranty for all joint covers.


A. Coordinate installation of exterior wall joint systems with roof expansion assemblies
to ensure that wall transitions are watertight.



A. Aluminum: ASTM B 221, Alloy 6063-T5, 6063-T6, 6063-T52, 6061-T5, 6061-T6,

6061-T51, 6105-T5, 6105-T6, 6005-T5, 6005A-T5, 6005A-T61 for extrusions;
ASTM B 209, Alloy 6061-T6, 3003-H14, 5005-H34 for sheet and plate.

1. Apply manufacturer's standard protective coating on aluminum surfaces to be

placed in contact with cementitious materials.
2. Mill Finish: AA-M10 (Mechanical Finish: as fabricated, unspecified).
3. Class II, Clear Anodic Finish: AA-M12C22A31 (Mechanical Finish:
nonspecular as fabricated; Chemical Finish: etched, medium matte; Anodic
Coating: Architectural Class II, clear coating 0.010 mm or thicker) complying
with AAMA 611.
4. Class II, Color Anodic Finish: AA-M12C22A32/A34 (Mechanical Finish:
nonspecular as fabricated; Chemical Finish: etched, medium matte; Anodic
Coating: Architectural Class II, integrally colored or electrolytically deposited
color coating 0.010 mm or thicker) complying with AAMA 611.
5. High-Performance Organic Finish (Two-Coat Fluoropolymer): AA-C12C40R1x
(Chemical Finish: cleaned with inhibited chemicals; Chemical Finish:
conversion coating; Organic Coating: manufacturer's standard two-coat,
thermocured system consisting of specially formulated inhibitive primer and
fluoropolymer color topcoat containing not less than 70 percent polyvinylidene
fluoride resin by weight). Prepare, pretreat, and apply coating to exposed metal
surfaces to comply with AAMA 2604 and with coating and resin manufacturers'
written instructions.

B. Stainless Steel: ASTM A 666, Type 304 for plates, sheet, and strips.

1. Finish: No.4, directional satin.

a. Grind and polish surfaces to produce uniform, directionally textured,

polished finish indicated, free of cross scratches. Run grain with long
dimension of each piece.
b. When polishing is completed, passivate and rinse surfaces. Remove
embedded foreign matter and leave surfaces chemically clean.

C. Brass: ASTM B 36/B 36M, UNS Alloy C26000 for half hard sheet and coil.

D. Bronze: ASTM B 455, Alloy C38500 for extrusions; Alloy C28000 Muntz Metal for
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E. Elastomeric Seals: Preformed elastomeric membranes or extrusions to be installed in
metal frames.

F. Compression Seals: ASTM D2000; preformed rectangular elastomeric extrusions

having internal baffle system and designed to function under compression.

G. Fire Barriers: Any material or material combination, when fire tested after cycling,
designated to resist the passage of flame and hot gases through a movement joint
and to meet performance criteria for required rating period.

H. Moisture Barrier: 7-ply laminate reinforced Polyethylene.

I. Accessories: Manufacturer's standard anchors, clips, fasteners, set screws, spacers,

and other accessories compatible with material in contact, as indicated or required
for complete installations.


A. General: Provide architectural joint systems of design, basic profile, materials, and
operation indicated. Provide units with capability to accommodate variations in
adjacent surfaces.

B. Design architectural joint systems for the following size and movement

1. Nominal Joint Width: [As indicated on Drawings] [As scheduled] <Insert width>.
2. Maximum Joint Width: [As indicated on Drawings] [As scheduled] <Insert
3. Minimum Joint Width: [As indicated on Drawings] [As scheduled] <Insert
4. Lateral Shear Movement Capability: [As indicated on Drawings] [As scheduled]
<Insert movement capability>.


A. Architectural Joint Systems for Exterior Walls and Soffits:

1. Basis-of-Design Product: Construction Specialties, Inc. model ASM-X, ASMC-X

2. Type: Snap-on cover.

a. Exposed Metal: Aluminum.

1) Finish: Class II, clear anodic.

b. Secondary Seal: 7-ply laminate reinforced Polyethylene.

3. Fire-Resistance Rating: Provide joint system and fire-barrier assembly with a

rating not less than that of adjacent construction.

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A. Comply with NAAMM's "Metal Finishes Manual for Architectural and Metal Products"
for recommendations for applying and designating finishes.

B. Protect mechanical finishes on exposed surfaces from damage by applying a

strippable, temporary protective covering before shipping.

C. Appearance of Finished Work: Noticeable variations in same piece are not




A. Examine surfaces and blockouts where architectural joint systems will be installed
for installation tolerances and other conditions affecting performance of work.

1. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been



A. Prepare substrates according to architectural joint system manufacturer's written


B. Repair concrete slabs and blockouts using manufacturer's recommended repair grout
of compressive strength adequate for anticipated structural loadings.

C. Coordinate and furnish anchorages, setting drawings, and instructions for installing
joint systems. Provide fasteners of metal, type, and size to suit type of construction
indicated and to provide for secure attachment of joint systems.

D. Cast-In Frames: Coordinate and furnish frames to be cast into concrete.


A. Comply with manufacturer's written instructions for storing, handling, and installing
architectural joint assemblies and materials unless more stringent requirements are

B. Metal Frames: Perform cutting, drilling, and fitting required to install joint systems.

1. Install in true alignment and proper relationship to joints and adjoining

finished surfaces measured from established lines and levels.
2. Adjust for differences between actual structural gap and nominal design gap
due to ambient temperature at time of installation. Notify Architect where
discrepancies occur that will affect proper joint installation and performance.

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3. Cut and fit ends to accommodate thermal expansion and contraction of metal
without buckling of frames.
4. Locate in continuous contact with adjacent surfaces.
5. Standard-Duty Systems: Shim to level where required. Support underside of
frames continuously to prevent vertical deflection when in service.
6. Heavy-Duty Systems: Repair or grout blockout as required for continuous
frame support and to bring frame to proper level. Shimming is not allowed.
7. Locate anchors at interval recommended by manufacturer, but not less than 3
inches from each end and not more than 24 inches o.c.

C. Seals in Metal Frames: Install elastomeric seals and membranes in frames to comply
with manufacturer's written instructions. Install with minimum number of end

1. Provide in continuous lengths for straight sections.

2. Seal transitions according to manufacturer's written instructions. Vulcanize or
heat-weld field-spliced joints as recommended by manufacturer.
3. Installation: Mechanically lock seals into frames or adhere to frames with
adhesive or pressure-sensitive tape as recommended by manufacturer.

D. Compression Seals: Apply adhesive or lubricant adhesive as recommended by

manufacturer before installing compression seals.

E. Terminate exposed ends of joint assemblies with field- or factory-fabricated

termination devices.

F. Fire-Resistance-Rated Assemblies: Coordinate installation of architectural joint

assembly materials and associated work so complete assemblies comply with
assembly performance requirements.

1. Fire Barriers: Install fire barriers to provide continuous, uninterrupted fire

resistance throughout length of joint, including transitions and field splices.

G. Water Barrier: Provide water barrier at exterior joints and where called for on
Drawings. Provide drainage fittings where indicated.


A. Do not remove protective covering until finish work in adjacent areas is complete.
When protective covering is removed, clean exposed metal surfaces to comply with
manufacturer's written instructions.

B. Protect the installation from damage by work of other Sections. Where necessary due
to heavy construction traffic, remove and properly store cover plates or seals and
install temporary protection over joints. Reinstall cover plates or seals prior to
Substantial Completion of the Work.


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