Mana Bhanjana (Part 1)

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Sri Krishna Kathamrita

Bindu Issue 560

The Paradox of Divine Loving Anger, part 1
Sri Krishna Kathamrita
तवकथामृतं तप्तजीवनम्
tava kathāmṛtaṁ tapta-jīvanam
Fortnightly email mini-magazine from Gopal Jiu Publications

Issue No. 560 Śrī Ramā Ekādaśī 9 November 2023

• Krishna Wants to Be Refused by Radha

His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
• Unreliable Black Men!
Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Swami Maharaja

• Radha’s Sulky Anger

The Ādi Purāṇa
• The Waves of Radha’s Loving Anger
The Medieval Gauḍīya Poet Mohana Das
• Reflection of a Girl on Krishna’s Body
The Medieval Gauḍīya Poet Balaram Das
• Kurukshetra in Radha’s Eyes
Comments by Hari Parshad Das on a verse from the

K rishna W ants to
B e R efused by R adha

His Divine Grace

A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Krishna cannot be conquered by anyone. Not by
the demons — but he can be conquered by a devotee.
Just like Yashodamayi, she has conquered Krishna.
The whole world trembles seeing Krishna’s prowess,
but Krishna is trembling before Yashodamayi, or her
stick. So he wants to be controlled, because everyone is
praying, “My dear Lord, oh, you’re so great.” Everyone
prays like that. But no one shows a stick to him.
Unknown photographer

[laughter] But Krishna wants [such treatment] because

that is also enjoyment. So sometimes he is disappointed
that, “Nobody wants to show me his stick.” Therefore,
he finds out such a devotee who can show him a stick.
[laughter] Krishna is so kind. So you can become the

Cover: "Rādhā-māna-bhañjana” By Raja Ravi Varma. 1895.

Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu Issue Five Hundred Sixty, Page — 2

Unknown artist. Bengali Pata-citra style. c. 1890. Kolkata, Kalighat.

Krishna tries to placate Srimati Radharani

Issue Five Hundred Sixty, Page — 3 श्रीकृष्णकथामृत बिन् दु
Painting by B. G. Sharma

Krishna serves Radharani

mother of Krishna, or you can become the father of

Krishna. What is it to become one with Krishna? The
Māyāvādīs, they want to merge into the Supreme, but U nreliable B lack M en !
we want to become the father of Krishna. Why merge?
[Become] more than Krishna! The devotee can beget Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Swami Maharaja
Krishna. And Krishna accepts that, “Yes, I shall become
Radharani’s love is known as vāmya-bhāva, the
your child. I shall be controlled by your stick.”
mood of a left-wing gopī. The gopī Chandravali is
So they [such devotees] are not ordinary. We should
a rightist and Radharani is a leftist. Out of pure
not think they are. They are ānanda-cinmaya-rasa-
love, Radharani sometimes develops sulkiness,
pratibhāva — Krishna’s expansion of pleasure potency.
Krishna wants to be controlled by Yashodamayi. abhimāna. If Krishna goes to Chandravali’s kuñja
Krishna wants to be defeated by his friends. Krishna then Radharani becomes sulky. She then says, “Black
wants to be refused Radharani’s darśana. Yes! men are unreliable, unreliable. I won’t see those
Radharani is angry; she has refused. She has ordered black men!” She becomes mad, not eating and not
the sakhis, “Don’t allow Krishna to come here!” Yes. sleeping, giving up everything and wandering about
Krishna is flattering, [laughter] “Kindly let me go.” speaking to stone pillars, creepers, and trees. Seeing
“No, sir, you cannot go.” This is Krishna. the black sky at night, she roars in anger, “Very
— From a lecture on Nectar of Devotion in Bombay, 10 January 1973. black face! Unreliable!” These are all symptoms of
Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu Issue Five Hundred Sixty, Page — 4

Unknown artist. Circa 1795

Krishna begs forgiveness from Srimati Radharani
madness, udghūrṇā-pralāpa — mad, delirious speech. of Sri Vishnu. Srila Viswanath Chakravati Thakur il-
luminates this fact very clearly in his explanation of
This is described in the forty-seventh chapter of the
this verse, bhakti, bhagavān and bhakta do not belong
tenth canto of the Bhāgavatam. Radharani is feeling
to the material world.
separation and has become mad because Krishna has
gone to Chandravali’s kuñja. So when Krishna finally — From Mathura Meets Vrindavan. Chapter 2. Gopal Jiu Publications.
Bhubaneswar, India. 2003.
comes, Radharani’s intimate sakhīs Visakha and Lalita
tell him, “Get out from here! Get out from here! Get
out from here! Why have you come? Our prāṇa-prīya- R adha ' s
sakhī, our most beloved friend Radharani, won’t look S ulky A nger
at you! Get out from here! Go! Go to Chandravali!”
This is sweet līlā — mādhurya-rasa. You cannot find
From the Ādi Purāṇa chapters 13 and 14
any such thing in Mathura or Dwarka. There the rasa
is mixed with jñāna and aiśvarya. Real love of Godhead The following story is told by Narada Muni:
begins with aiśvarya-śīthila, without opulence, simply Hearing from the gopī Nandini that Srimati
on the basis of pure love. Srila Prabhupada has Radharani was angry with him and refused to see
indicated this with the words: him, Sri Krishna replied to her, “Oh friend! With my
There are five stages of loving service to the Supreme mind, activities, and speech I have never willingly
Personality of Godhead, śānta, dāsya, sakhya, vātsalya done anything against her. Still, she has left me. I
and mādhurya. Devaki is on the platform of vātsalya.
cannot understand why. I perform many varieties of
She wanted to deal with her eternal son Krishna in that
stage of love, and therefore she wanted the Supreme pastimes and in none of them am I ever separate from
Personality of Godhead to withdraw his opulent form Sri Radhika. Despite whatever anger she shows me,
Issue Five Hundred Sixty, Page — 5 श्रीकृष्णकथामृत बिन् दु
Unknown artist. Pahari. Mandi, India, ca. 1840-50

Krishna decorates Radharani

Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu Issue Five Hundred Sixty, Page — 6

Unknown artist. Kangra or Guler. circa 1780

The gopis try to convince Radharani to give up her anger towards Krishna

I never reject her. Whatever she does only gives me Krishna then gave her a plate with betel nuts,
happiness. Her behavior never makes me sad. Why flowers, and sandalwood paste. Nandini then went
my beloved is angry I don’t understand. to Krishna’s beloved, who was seated amongst the
“My friend! Quickly go to Sri Radhika and tell her creepers and shrubs.
my words. Find out from her what mistake I have Approaching Radhika and speaking with humility
made and return and tell me about it. With sweet and concern, Nandini asked her, “O sumukhi —
words ask her why she is angry. Console my beloved beautiful-faced girl! Why are you here alone in this
by speaking sweet words to her that a messenger solitary garden? I cannot tolerate that Krishna and you
should tell. If I go myself, her anger might increase. are not talking. It’s excruciatingly painful for me to see
For women, their consort is dearer to them than their you and Krishna separated from each other. It is only
life. When they are angry with their consort, girls to please you that Krishna has accepted the form of a
appropriately display that anger to him. For a girl cowherd and is playing in the mandir of Vrindavan.
who thinks that her consort is her life, how can she be Because of your anger he has now left that beautiful
angry with him for a long time? O Nandini, take with form. If her beloved is happy then even an angry
you a plate of betel leaves, a beautiful sari, flowers, woman is pleased. If her beloved is happy then even
fruits, and scented things, and go to Sri Radha. Offer if there is a reason for her to be angry, nothing serious
all of these to her, and with clever words get to know happens. However, if the husband is an angry person,
the reason for her anger and return to me. Finding then for the wife to become angry is normal. You
out when she might be happy, I will then go to her. are Krishna’s beloved. You possess all good qualities.
A young man who approaches his consort without There is not a tinge of bad quality in you. Why then are
making her happy only gets misfortune.” you angry? This sort of useless anger is not befitting
Hearing Krishna’s sweet and charming words, you. Why are you silent? Answer me! Please hear my
Nandini replied to him with advice that was pleasant, words! Accept these gifts sent to you by Sri Krishna!
influential, and valuable. “O Lord! Give me the O Sumukhi! Krishna sent me to you with love!”
offerings to offer at Sri Radhika’s lotus feet. Taking Hearing these words of Nandini, the topmost beautiful
them with me, I will go to her.” girl answered, “A girl’s purity is not only with her body,
Unknown artist. Bikaner. 1700-1725
Issue Five Hundred Sixty, Page — 7 श्रीकृष्णकथामृत बिन् दु

Krishna tries to pacify the gopīs and Radha

but also with her heart. Such pure-hearted girls of a king as well. Therefore, please reveal to me the
understand everyone’s heart. Krishna has the power to reason why Sri Radhika is angry. Your beloved Radha is
attract such kinds of girls. But I’m not of that character. your loyal consort and possesses all good qualities. Why
I don’t know where Krishna has gone, leaving me. That did you abandon her and come here to this kuñja? Please
crafty and cunning man has sent you to talk to me. If he is reveal the reason to me. If you have not committed any
faultless then why doesn’t he come here himself? I know mistake, then why are you not meeting her directly?
his clever mind, which makes him break his promises. Radharani has both love and anger in her heart for you.
He wishes to be in the company of other women. I don’t know the medicine for her anger. You should
“Trying to display humility without even speaking instruct me what should be done now.”
to me face-to-face is not right. He is the one who Krishna replied. “No one is dearer to me than my Radha.
attracts and understands everyone’s heart. Why You yourself give justice to this sentence. Whatever I am
doesn’t he show the same compassion to me? Take about to tell you, please repeat all of it to Radha.
these gifts away and return to him.” “You are my only consort in this entire universe.
Hearing her words, Nandini went back to Krishna There is no one like you who has loved me for such a
and returned the gifts to him. She said, “O Hari! long time. There is no other girl like you in all the three
Sri Radhika said that Krishna is interested in the worlds. No matter how much you scold me, no harm
company of other girls. I told her that you were very will reach you from my side or from anywhere in my
sad and therefore asked me for my help. I tried to creation. [In other words, Krishna will not be offended
make her happy by telling her so many things, but by her words.] There is no one and nothing that can
despite that, her anger doesn’t seem to decrease at all. detract from your beauty and power. Yet you are only
“Radhe doesn’t have any enemies. You are doing showing interest in finding faults in me! O dear one!
injustice to her divine qualities by leaving her alone. If for even a fraction of a second I get separated from
This shows your foolishness. Not only do you possess the you, I cannot tolerate it. My life is always surrendered
qualities of a normal man, but you also have the qualities to you, and I always prioritize you. [Note: Krishna is
Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu Issue Five Hundred Sixty, Page — 8

Unknown artist.

In separation from Radha, Krishna looks at her painting

saying that Radha is everything for him. She is always literature often speaks about certain snakes that have
his top priority.] In the same way that a fish cannot live valuable jewels on their heads.] I am not dual-minded.
without water, I also cannot live without you. Aquatic I always act with the same qualities. Yet at the same
animals can only live in the water. If they come out of time I have different forms. Nothing is greater than me;
the water, they cannot survive. Similarly, the cowherd I am the Lord of all the universes. I am the controller
girl Radha is my life. How can I describe her ocean-like of the worlds and I am the dear one of Radha. As the
qualities? Just as a snake lives because of the jewel on moon shows different forms, I also have different
its head, Radha is the only reason I live. [Note: Vedic forms. I am the supreme male and controller of all
Issue Five Hundred Sixty, Page — 9 श्रीकृष्णकथामृत बिन् दु
By Radhika Pyari Mohan Murari

Srimati Radharani in separation from Krishna

the universes. I am also present within the universe. I I do not love anyone more than her. So why is she so
take the form of a female and become Radha, and I am angry with me?”
her gopī friends. Other than Radha I am not attracted Krishna then told Nandini, “My dear friend, you
to anyone. Similarly, Radha is not attracted to anyone go and convey these messages to Radha. It will
other than me. Everywhere our activities are glorified. easily make her happy.”
Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu Issue Five Hundred Sixty, Page — 10

Unknown artist.
Krishna is the hero of Vrindavan

Hearing Krishna’s words of love, and using all her yet he is making a seat for you out of forest flowers!
cleverness, Nandini conveyed the message to Srimati The controller of the three worlds, who bestows
Radharani. “O angry damsel! You are always dear knowledge to demigods such as Brahma, Shiva,
to your Krishna. Krishna is the epitome of all good and Lord Vishnu, is surrendered to you. You have
qualities. His love for you is as vast as the ocean. He attracted him so powerfully! Krishna is never separate
is the lord of all the three worlds. Maybe your anger from you. For your pleasure he is collecting flowers.
is defective? Your beloved is now sitting in the O Radhe! Being with Krishna gives you fame. Your
kuñja thinking of you. He is so absorbed in you that anger is useless. When you two are united it creates
even his chariot chants your name ‘Radha! Radha! auspiciousness. Meeting with him again, you will
Radha!’ as its mantra. He doesn’t think of any other forget your anger. Now, set aside your anger, and at
girl other than you. He is no longer able to speak. least go to Krishna or call him here. Krishna has sent
He doesn’t care about his health or anything else. O me to you out of love and has spoken such sweet
loveable girl! Krishna is the lord of the entire universe, words. You also speak some sweet words for him.
Unknown artist.
Issue Five Hundred Sixty, Page — 11 श्रीकृष्णकथामृत बिन् दु

Krishna feeling separation from Srimati Radharani

Anger is a fault that makes a beautiful girl forget her worlds, has become attracted to your good qualities.
kind-hearted behavior and destroys her. Therefore, Out of his love for you, he is now staying in the pastime
don’t be angry based on the pride that you are place in the forest.”
beautiful. Put aside your anger. Krishna, who is the In this way, Nandini spoke words that touch
most beautiful and charming person in all the three everyone’s heart. Hearing her message, Radhika replied,
Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu Issue Five Hundred Sixty, Page — 12
“Oh friend! Krishna is always dear to me. I don’t have
any doubts about that. Now my anger has vanished. A
girl who acts according to the will of her consort is the
perfect partner. O friend! Now I will go to Sri Krishna,
that boy in whose splendor this entire universe is
brightened. The reason for my anger was that I wanted
to know what feelings he has for me when I leave him.
O Nandini! Go to Krishna and convey these words to
him: ‘O my dear Lord Govinda! Your dear love has
given up her anger and is attracted to you. The creator

Unknown artist. Andhra Pradesh, probably Tirupati, 1720–1730.

maintainer, destroyer, and lord of all the worlds is not
dear to adharmic people. O Hari! Radhika who is always
attracted to you, is wanting to come to you. Therefore,
let go of all your anger on Radha. If she comes to you,
how can she have any enmity or bad intentions? The
girl who expected you to come to her is coming to you
on her own. How can she have any bad intentions? If
she had had any bad intentions the entire community
of girls would have laughed at her. If you want her to
be humiliated, then you should not reunite with her.’”
Radha continued, “When I was with Krishna, I
didn’t listen to him, and I got angry for no reason.
O friend! I cannot be without my beloved even for a
second. Therefore, please unite Krishna with me. You
are the epitome of all good qualities. I am not able to
survive without him. Enough of this!”
The Divine Couple Sri Sri Radha Krishna
Hearing these words from Radhika, Nandini came to
Krishna and told him, “Oh Krishna! I went to Radhika
Therefore, I will go with you. O Nandini! You always
to console her, but your loved one is not giving up her
have my blessings to visit Radha and I. May you
anger. Even after trying to convince her in various ways,
she is not ready to come to you. [Note: Although it is always be fortunate! Go to the place where Radha is
not the message spoken by Radha, Nandini is giving and tell her these words, ‘O Radha! Your loved one
what she understands in her heart of devotion to be the is on his way here. Give up your anger before he
message for Krishna. It also appears from her words that arrives. O beloved! With your anger you have already
Nandini is more on the side of Radha than on the side of destroyed many pastimes in śṛṅgāra-rasa.’”
Krishna.] Therefore, you should accompany me to see
Nandini said, “O Lord! I will go to Sri Radhika with the
and console her. Seat her on your lap and be happy! O
transcendental words you have spoken. You also come
Madhusudana! Your loved one thought of your words
as jokes and ignored them. She is not ready to put aside there carefully. We must please this girl’s heart! We
her anger and come to you. Therefore, O Hari, you shouldn’t delay. Since I am your messenger, I can see
should go to Sri Radhika in the forest temple, perform your pastimes. It is Sri Radhika’s request to bring you
different pastimes, and give pleasure to our eyes. This along with me. Therefore, you should carefully come
is the perfect time to console your beloved. You should along with me. Your going there alone is not advisable.
meet and give pleasure to her at the mandir. Seeing your Krishna then went along with Nandini to Sri Radhika.
pastimes, our eyes will get pleasure. O Krishna! Enough
Seeing Sri Krishna coming to her, Sri Radhika’s anger
of this anger! Please meet with your beloved! Seeing the
two of you separated, my life is full of pain! O Lord! please was destroyed. Vrishabhanu-nandini Sri Radhika and
allow me to see your pastimes with Radha. Don’t delay.” Sri Krishna then performed many blissful pastimes.
Having heard these words from Nandini, Krishna — English translation by Yashoda Pavani from Ādi Purāṇa. With
replied, “I am always eager to see my Radha. Hindi translation. Published by Khemraj. 1929.
Issue Five Hundred Sixty, Page — 13 श्रीकृष्णकथामृत बिन् दु
Painting by Ramaratana

Although he is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, still Krishna throws himself at the feet of
Srimati Radharani to beg forgiveness for his apparent offenses (which are not really offenses at all)

būjhali nāgara so parakāra

T he W aves of R adha ' s vinati vacana nāhi śūnaba āra
L oving A nger As he heard all of her statements, the nāgara (the
The Medieval Gauḍīya Poet Mohana Das amorous Lord) could understood that she would
not listen to any more of his humble entreaties.
antare rāika gopana māna
iṅgita vacanahiṅ samujhala kāna caraṇa-yugala dhari bhāṅgiye māna
aichana manahiṅ vicārala kāna
Although she conceals her māna (sulky behavior),
keeping it hidden in her heart, through her words As such, Kana arrived at the following conclusion,
she still manages to indicate to Kana (Krishna) all “If I can manage to clasp hold of her feet then I
of its sentiments. will be able to break her māna.”
kata chala vacanahiṅ sādhula tāya
tava dhani mānini parihari gela
tākara śravaṇahiṅ kachu nāhi bhāya
kaha mohana ava viparita bhela
Through the medium of her words, she clearly
Mohana says to Krishna, “Your precious mānini
articulates herself, speaking to him as if she had no
[sulky lover] had entirely forsaken you, but now you
love for him at all.
have removed all unfavourable obstructions.”
kheṇe kheṇe bāḍala kopa taraṅga
kaha-ite vacanahiṅ vacana vibhaṅga — Translated by Jagannath Mishra Das. From Pada-kalpa-taru. Page
258. Edited by Gokulananda Sen. Syamacharan Library. Calcutta. 438
At every moment the waves of her anger rise higher Gaurabda (1924). Bengali.

and higher, and as they do so, she expresses herself

using an assortment of many words.
Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu Issue Five Hundred Sixty, Page — 14

AI generated. Unknown artist.

Krishna's weapon against the Vraja gopīs is his extraordinary enchanting beauty
Issue Five Hundred Sixty, Page — 15 श्रीकृष्णकथामृत बिन् दु
daraśe virasa kena kiye aparādha
T he R eflection cānda vine cakora nā jiye tila ādha

of a G irl on Seeing [her mood] Krishna felt pain, and thought,

K rishna ' s B ody “What was my offense?” He was like a chakora bird
who can’t survive for a moment without seeing the
The Medieval Gauḍīya Poet Balaram Das moon.
nikuñja mandire rāi praveśilā raṅge balarāma dāsa kahe śuna vinodini
āpanāra varaṇa dekheye śyāma-aṅge śyāma aṅga kata koṭī darapaṇa jini

With a blissful ecstasy, Rai (Radharani) entered The poet Balaram Dasa says, “Please listen,
into the beautiful nikuñja mandira (temple/house Vinodini. The effulgence of the body of Shyama
of flowers in a forest grove). She found Krishna surpasses millions of mirrors.”
there and immediately saw a girl’s reflection on — Translated by Prabhupada Priya Sevak Das from Song 148 on page
215 of the Balarām Dāsera Padāvali. Edited by Manu Jana. M.A,. PhD.
Krishna’s body. Published by University of Calcutta. 1988.
āna ramaṇī kahi nivāra-i dīṭha
karia calilā dhvani śyāma kari pīṭha
K urukshetra in
Thinking that some other girl was with Krishna, she
R adha ' s E yes
became upset and suddenly left that kuñja, leaving
Krishna alone. [Note: Krishna’s body is described here
as a jewel-like mirror. So when Radharani entered,
she saw her own reflection on Krishna’s body, but she arjunaḥ kṛṣṇa-saṁyuktaḥ karṇaṁ yatrānudhāvati
misunderstood and thought it was some other girl.] tan-netraṁ tu kuru-kṣetram iti mugdhe! mṛṣāmahe
ākula gokulachāṅda pasāria bāhu
In Kurukshetra, Arjuna, accompanied by
śaradera chāṅda yena garāsaye rāhu
Krishna, chased after Karna. O simple-hearted
Confused, Krishna, the moon of Gokul, stretched his Radha! Even today, I perceive the same
arms out towards Radharani, just like Rahu attacks Kurukshetra in your eyes, where Arjuna (white
the moon in the month of Autumn. color) accompanied by Krishna (black color) is
chasing after Karna (the ear)!
Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu [Note: Beautiful eyes can kill, or at least inflict
A free bi-monthly service provided by deep wounds in the heart of their victim. Her eyes are
Gopal Jiu Publications one of the most powerful weapons in the arsenal of Sri
Subscribe at our website: Radha, and she has mastered the art of using them.
Her loving anger, when directed at Krishna, results
Gopal Jiu Publications is a section of the International in him being completely mesmerized and conquered
Society for Krishna Consciousness, Founder- by her. At that time, these weapons accomplish the
Acharya: His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta purpose of conquering the unconquerable Krishna.
Swami Prabhupada. The war of Kurukshetra might have taken place
in a physical location in Northern India, but this
Quotations from the books, letters, and lectures
anonymous vaiṣṇava poet has perceived Kurukshetra
of His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
Prabhupada ©Bhaktivedanta Book Trust. All in the eyes of Sri Radha.]
other materials, unless specified, © ISKCON — Translated and commented on by Hari Parshad Das. From the
netra-dvayam section, v erse 63, of Subhāṣita-ratna-bhāṇḍāgāram.
Gopal Jiu Publications. All rights reserved. 8th Edition. Edited by Narayan Rama Acharya Kavya-tirtha.
Blanket permission is given to redistribute Nirnaya Sagar Press. Bombay. 1952 A.D.
Bindu in electronic or print form provided no
changes are made to the contents.

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