Professional Education: Mock Board Exam

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1. The test booklet contains 150 test questions for PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION.
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1. Of the following, which is most effective for influencing human emotion for retention and
discovery of learning?
A. Drills to augment retention
B. Use of inspirational tool (book, film, art, etc)
C. Telling of jokes in teaching
D. Emotional delivery of lessons

2. Which of the following is an acceptable initiative conducive to the teacher's making a

difference in the achievement of new generations of the country's youth?
A. Quality teacher preparation
B. Greatest prestige in the community
C. Highest pay in the country
D. Wearing of distinctive teacher's uniform

3. What is the most appropriate tagline for the slogan on cultural diversity: "Different roads
sometimes lead to the same castle?
A. Cultural diversity
B. Unity amid cultural diversity
C. Cultural identify
D. Cultural norm

4. Which statement is TRUE of society's demand from the professional teacher?

A. The professional teacher is concerned only with classroom teaching.
B. Effective teaching is the primary duty of the professional teacher.
C. Because the professional teacher is expected to be highly enlightened, he is
expected to campaign for the good candidate during election time.
D. The professional teacher is not expected to lead in community affairs in order not to
jeopardize her teaching.

5. Teacher A likes to show how the launching of spaceships takes place. Which of the
following materials available is MOST fit?
A. Model C. Replica
B. Mock-up D. Realia


6. Without abandoning other duties of a teacher, Teacher Ela considers herself mainly as a
facilitator by which her students become curious and discovers ideas on their own. This
is ideal for a __________.
A. activity-centered C. lesson-centered
B. student-centered class. D. teacher-centered

7. I am a progressivist. For teaching in the affective domain, which will form part of my
philosophy of education?
A. I will impose objective values to my students
B. I will engage my classes in values clarification.
C. I will inculcate values in my lessons.
D. I will not do any sort of value education considering pluralistic values.

8. What kind of research is appropriate to determine the effectiveness of instruction in

Mathematics in a grades three, four, five and grade six classes?
A. Sequential C. Longitudinal
B. Experiential D. Cross sectional

9. For diagnostic purposes which type of rubric is more appropriate?

A. Developmental rubric C. Holistic
B. Analytic rubric D. General rubric

10. According to functions of assessment in education, what is known as Assessment FOR

A. Student's progress measurement
B. Guide to classroom instruction
C. Strengths identification assessment
D. Formative assessment

11. What is the philosophy behind Philippine schools that seek to promote democratic
opportunities for all and humanistic education through lifelong learning?
A. Perrennialsm C. Classical education
B. Progressivism D. Positivism

12. What is the process for Piaget done during our growing years, acquiring new
experiences and ideas?
A. Assimilation C. Schematization
B. Equilibrium D. Accommodation

13. Assessment of learning is________ to the teaching-learning process.

A. auxiliary C. enrichment
B. integral D. add-on

14. What principle is violated by overusing the chalkboard, as though it is the only
educational technology available?
A. Isolated use C. Variety
B. Flexibility D. Uniformity


15. What materials can be used when intended materials are not available?
A. Supplementary materials C. Audio-visual materials
B. Improvised materials D. Digital materials

16. Are school heads and superintendents required to obtain a professional teacher's
A. No since they do administrative functions only
B. Yes, since they are classified as teachers.
C. No since they are managers not teachers
D. Yes, since they are also classroom teachers

17. You are required to formulate your own philosophy of education in the course, The
Teaching Profession. Based on Bloom's revised taxonomy, in which level of cognitive
processing are you?
A. Analyzing C. Evaluating
B. Applying D. Creating

18. There will be harmony in society if the five basic relationships that make up society are
lived correctly. This thought was espoused by
A. Kung fu-tzu C. Lao tzu
B. Mohammad D. Buddha

19. Rote learning in the teaching-learning process is best described as

A. automated C. discovery
B. in-depth D. motivated

20. Reliability of tests can be improved by various factors, and one is in which scores are
spread over a range of abilities.
A. heterogeneous of the student group
B. moderate item difficulty
C. increased number of score items
D. objective scoring

21. What is the ultimate aim of classroom management?

A. To set up conditions that brings about effective teaching and learning
B. To make children realize that they cannot do everything they want
C. To secure conformity to rules with ease
D. To remove the physical conditions in the room that distracts children's attention

22. Which of the following can best encourage participation by learners on the issue of
family conflicts?
A. Graphs and charts C. Role playing
B. Power-point presentation D. Photos


23. An integrated teaching approach is far more effective than teaching isolated bits of
information. What then should teacher avoid?
A. Summarizing lesson
B. Knowledge utilization
C. Teaching to the test
D. Use of problem solving method

24. MOOCS are considered massive because

A. they can accommodate a
B. they need a big amount of computer storage to be able to avail of a course big
number of learners
C. they can only be provided by big universities
D. they were designed and created by a big group of experts

25. Which of the following in one of the avenues for assisting learners to acquire the
thinking competence for metacognition?
A. assessment of study habits
B. peer-learning
C. conformance with rules and regulations
D. practical application of ideas

26. Which of the following best implements research-based learning?

A. Information data gathering C. Powerpoint instruction
B. Whole class lecture D. Intensive seat work

27. William Garr said: "People who introduce themselves with the shame remark that they
are just teachers" gives me despair in my heart. Based on this quote, how does William
Garr want teachers to behave?
A. Give up teaching.
B. Compare teaching with the other professions.
C. Work for selective admission of candidates to the teaching
D. Look everyone squarely in the eye and say I am a teacher

28. Which one can enhance the comparability of grades?

A. Formulating tests that vary from one teacher to another
B. Using a common conversion table for translating test scores into ratings
C. Individual teachers giving weights to factors considered for rating
D. Allowing individual teachers to determine factors for rating

29. Through what are the vision-mission-goals of schools concretized in the day-to-day life
in the school?
A. Instructional activities C. Instructional materials
B. Modes of assessment D. Support services

30. What kind of knowledge processing is involved when teacher Gary asked his students
to reflect on themselves as self-learners?
A. meta-cognition C. observation
B. deduction D. induction


31. From what is the philosophy of education derived?
A. National education policies and goals
B. School spirit
C. Theories of teaching and learning
D. Comparative curriculums

32. You get a partially correct answer. You say "yes but a part needs improvement". How
did you handle the response?
A. Provided an acceptance feedback
B. Criticized student's response
C. Gave appropriate praise
D. Provided a corrective feedback

33. At what level of Kohlberg's stages of morality is Joy allowing a seatmate to copy so that
she will appear to her as more intelligent?
A. Pre-conventional for mutual benefit
B. Conventional to obey the law
C. Pre-conventional out of fear of punishment
D. Conventional for social approval

34. What of the following factor does not contribute to facilitating the growth of creative
intelligence among students?
A. Integrating knowledge in a variety of fields
B. Peer sanctions
C. Tolerance to new ideas
D. Spirit and adventure in the classroom

35. Using Sigmund Freud's terminologies, how can drug addiction be explained?
A. Id exerts too much power over the Ego
B. Id and Super-ego balances each other
C. Ego overcomes the Id
D. The Super-ego blinds the Ego

36. The professional role of teachers has changed from "the sage on the stage to "guide
from the side. This implies that
A. teachers stress on their role as lecturer
B. teachers must project an "Almighty-Omniscient" image
C. teachers must act more as facilitators of learning
D. teachers must cling to their power to improve roles

37. Since Millennial Learners are immersed in cell phones, computers, Goodling, etc. the
use of ______is critical for use by modern teachers.
A. digital tools C. media
B. bulletin board displays D. audiovisuals


38. There are certain qualities which every professional teacher must possess. Identify
these qualities in teacher who either possess or lack them:Teacher Ada is sincere and
honest in words and deeds as she has
A. Buoyancy C. Innovativeness
B. Reliability D. Intelligence

39. Miss Salvador feels offended by her supervisor's unfavorable comments after a
classroom supervision. Miss Miranda concludes that her supervisor does not like her.
Which Filipino trait is demonstrated by Miss Miranda?
A. "Kanya-kanya" syndrome C. Extreme family-centeredness
B. Extreme personalism D. Superficial religiousity

40. Especially in research, which activities lead to discoveries and insights on issues and
A. Interactive C. Integrative
B. Interdisciplinary D. Innovative

41. The teacher as a catalyst in learning is mainly doing the work of

A. elucidating C. presenting
B. facilitating D. assessing

42. Among important characteristics for successful teaching, which connotes physical vigor,
energy, perseverance, ambition, industry, endurance, motivation, purposefulness,
speediness, zealousness and quickness?
A. Emotional stability C. Drive
B. Reliability D. Refinement

43. For effective classroom management which one should be avoided?

A. Use classroom regulation to establish classroom routine
B. Make as many regulations as you can
C. Stick to classroom regulation consistently
D. Involve students in the formulation of classroom regulation

44. What kind of assessment is a post-test?

A. Process assessment C. Diagnostic assessment
B. Outcome assessment D. Self-assessment

45. How can the teacher best nurture and inspire learner participation?
A. Well practiced routines and C. Interactive instructional
drills strategies
B. Strictly observed classroom D. Effective assessment tools

46. Vygotsky's 2one of Proximal Development is the________ between what the child can
learn on his/her own and what is accomplished with the help of others.
A. divisor C. difference
B. multiplier D. equivalent


47. On cognitive development, what can 0-t0-6 months old infant be capable of doing?
A. Say meaningful words C. Use animal sounds
B. Speak single words D. Giggle, coo and babble

48. A barangay official suggested that fishing and marine life be included in the barangay
public school so that learners will have a background on the primary livelihood in their
area. This is based on what curriculum design model?
A. subject-centered C. problem-centered
B. career-centered D. learner-centered

49. Which of the following planned routine activity can Teacher Nikki effectively apply in
order to enrich her literature lesson on Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet?
A. Posting Facebook page C. Writing essays
B. Going on a field trip D. Viewing a related film

50. Which is the highest level of generalization?

A. relationships shown among concepts
B. an identification or classification
C. a description or definition
D. an explanation, a justification and interpretation

51. Which teaching methodology statement should I formulate if I cling to the progressivist
philosophy of education?
A. I will make students learn by listening; less student talk, more teacher talk
B. I will make students learn by doing; less teacher talk, more student talk.
C. Teaching-learning takes place only in the classroom.
D. Teaching-learning is best with the full use of the chalkboard.

52. Upon which philosophy is a teacher practice when he takes into consideration the three
(3) learning types (auditory, visual and kinesthetic learner) of students?
A. Maturation C. Progressivism
B. Essentialism D. Naturalism

53. Every person strives to satisfy physical needs. He/she progressed maternally when
he/she increases his/her capacity to meet those needs and lines in material comfort but
in addition he also seeks to win social acceptance, prestige, status or superiority over
other people. What does this point about human person?
I. Psychological growth and spiritual program begin only when a person rises
above the mere effort to satisfy physical and social needs.
II. There is more to life than mere satisfaction of material needs
III. One must belong to a church for a fulfilment in life.
A. I, II and III C. I only
B. I and II D. I and III


54. A quote from Erik Erikson: "Healthy children will not fear life is their elders have integrity
enough not to fear death.” How did Dr. Jose Rizal best showed he did not fear death?
A. His attempt to travel to Cuba as a volunteer doctor
B. His Ultimo Adios and "morir est descanzar" (to die is to rest)
C. His work as a propagandist in a foreign land
D. His marriage to Josephine Bracken in his death cell

55. To obtain well-thought out answers, which questioning behavior helps?

A. Asking open-ended questions C. Asking non-directed question
B. Involving as many as possible D. Allowing sufficient time

56. These foundations show the chronological development of curriculum, mostly shown
usi1g a timeline
A. Legal Foundations C. Philosophical Foundations
B. Psychological Foundations D. Historical Foundations

57. Which facilities are present in a health-promoting school environment?

I. Canteen that sells all kind of food including junk food
II. Comfort rooms common for boys and girls
III. Sanitary drinking fountains
IV. Safe playground
A. II, III and IV C. I and II
B. III and IV D. I, II, III and IV

58. When Philosophy started, man thought logically inside his mind forgetting external
physical reality, such that he believed "No one can step beside a river twice." What
stage of reasoning is this?
A. Metaphysical reasoning C. Deductive reasoning
B. Inductive reasoning D. Positivistic reasoning

59. How is the final grade per subject for Grades 11 and 12 obtained?
A. Get the average of the grades of the 4 quarters
B. Get the average of the grades of all subjects for the 2 semesters
C. Get the average of the grades of all subjects for the 4 semesters
D. Get the average of the grades for the 2 quarters.

60. In the Outcomes-based instruction, the key point is the student's ________.
A. assess his/her own learning
B. master lesson or unit content
C. ability to pass written and performance tests
D. ability to demonstrate learning

61. An informal assessment done during class is

A. test and quiz C. pre-test
B. KWL technique D. observation


62. The concept of globalization came about in recent years because the world has become
borderless primarily due to______________.
A. use of English as a medium of teaching
B. Teacher exchange programs
C. advances in technology
D. ASEAN integration

63. You have to remember the steps in opening a computer if you want to do it on your own.
In what level of assessment is remembering the steps?
A. Comprehension C. Analysis
B. Knowledge utilization D. Retrieval

64. Senior high school students from private schools are supported by the government
when they go to private schools by way of________.
A. scholarship grants C. low tuition fees
B. free tuition fees D. Voucher system

65. Which learning activities involve estimating, calculating, budgeting and analyzing?
A. Research C. Data gathering
B. Literacy D. Numeracy

66. What was the main characteristic of education during the years of Hispanic colonization
in the Philippines?
A. Adequate C. Free
B. Religion-oriented D. Secular

67. Which is self-assessment?

A. Assessment through mentors
B. Assessment through dialogue
C. Peers assess fellow students
D. Students reflect on learning behaviour

68. In his conduct of item analysis, Teacher Vien found out that more from lower group got
test item #6 correctly. This means that the test item is________.
A. has a negative discriminating power
B. has a positive discriminating power
C. has high reliability
D. has low validity

69. What should be the basis for assessment of learning?

A. Core values C. Cost of education
B. Mission of the school D. Intended/expected outcome

70. How is Erikson's epigenetic principle of unfolding of personality as it is applicable to

learners best described by other experts?
A. Like a growing tree C. Like a journey
B. Like a rose bud D. Like casting stone on a pond


71. Along Erikson psychosocial theory, which statement is one of optimism in early age?
A. I meet an uncertain world C. I'm fish out of the water
B. I can rely on my caregivers D. I like my parents

72. According to their scope, what is assessment OF Learning concerned about?

A. What students should learn C. Who are the best learners in
B. How much students are school
learning D. Issues in classroom teaching

73. According to Gardner's multiple Intelligence Theory, learners who have the natural
ability and inclination for sounds, meanings, structures and sounds of language are
A. verbal-linguistic intelligence learners
B. naturalist intelligence learners
C. spatial intelligence learners
D. musical intelligence learners

74. "What I hear, I forget. What I see, I remember. What I do, I understand." This means
that pupils learn best when they _________.
A. learn independently
B. watch television
C. work with groups
D. take active part in the learning process

75. What does a philosophy of education provide for the school agenda and those who
benefit from educational Work?
A. Curriculum C. Values
B. Vision D. Goals

76. How is content validity best assessed in the assignment to illustrate the law of supply
and demand?
A. Correct definition of supply and demand.
B. Illustration of supply and demand flow.
C. Concrete instances that show demand supplying demand.
D. Diagram of supply and demand trend.

77. Which of the following principles best applies to school and community relations?
A. The school is independent of the community
B. The community is obliged to participate in school programs
C. Community relations is part of the school program
D. Both school and community fall under local government control

78. Teacher Karen delegates some of her responsibilities to the whole class. She assigns
separate student monitors for attendance, classroom cleaning, and distribution of
learning materials, in which aspect is she good?
A. Instructional planning C. Value development
B. Classroom teaching D. Classroom management


79. What kind of sources do critical thinkers rely on for attaining truth or resolving
A. credible C. biased
B. vested interest D. opinionated

80. Which of the following is most exemplary for question-and-answer episodes in teaching
I. Question and answer exchange are relevant
II. Answers have some depth
III. Questions spur critical thinking
IV. Focus is on meta-cognition
A. IV only C. I, II and IV
B. I, II and III D. I, III and IV

81. What research strategy is most appropriate to compare effectiveness of practice

teaching in a laboratory class inside the university and another outside the university in
a public school setting?
A. Questionnaire C. Experimentation
B. Naturalistic observation D. Survey

82. A test has high reliability valid when a test-retest method gives it a co-efficient value is
A. .80% or higher C. No lower than .70%
B. .100% D. .90% Of higher

83. Along Erikson's psychosocial theory which statement is one of autonomy in early
A. I Worry that my parents will find fault in me
B. As I do things, I feel I made a mistake
C. I am apologetic about what I've done
D. I do things without worrying about them

84. Which assessment is/are used to determine grade of students?

I. Formative assessment
II. Summative assessment
III. Assessment of learning
A. II and III C. I and III
B. I and II D. I only

85. Among thinking skills, Analysis means _____________.

A. comparing information for proper choices
B. selecting relevant and important information
C. breaking down complex information
D. placing information in categories

86. What initiative contributes to positive learning and classroom management?

A. Constant reminder on rules
B. Effective routine and drills
C. Touch-and-go class management techniques
D. Simple review and explanation


87. Teacher Amy demonstrated the deductive method of teaching in her English class.
Based on her teaching demo, she asked the class to outline the steps of a deductive
teaching method. The student's outlines served as the starting point of the class
discussion on the steps of the deductive method. Did Teacher Amy go deductive?
A. Yes, she went deductive.
B. Yes, she began with the concrete.
C. No, she went inductive.
D. Both deductive and inductive.

88. In order for the students to clearly understand the structure and content of the teacher's
presentation, the teacher should have ___________.
A. a short preview
B. several years of experience as a presenter
C. a short conclusion
D. a summary

89. Which of the following is the best way to stop noise caused by one student?
A. Point a finger at him or her
B. Talk to him or her personally
C. Ask him or her to go out of the room
D. Ignore him or her

90. For effective classroom management, when should a teacher undertake the task of
setting up to routine activities?
A. Every Homeroom day
B. On the very first day of school
C. As soon as the students have adjusted to their schedules
D. Every day at the start of the lesson

91. What materials can be used when intended materials are not available?
A. Audio-visual material
B. Supplementary materials
C. Digital materials
D. Improvised materials

92. Which set of core values should Filipino teacher possess to become a global teacher?
A. Borderless thinking and interconnectivity
B. Economic excellence and materialism
C. Inclusivity and self-preservation
D. Cultural and historical rootedness and nationalism

93. What is the purpose of a pre-test?

A. To assess results
B. To apply an intervention
C. To determine entry knowledge or skills
D. To grade learn


94. Which assessment is aligned to the competency "to identify a classroom routine?"
A. What is the advantage of classroom routine?
B. Is a classroom routine necessary for class discipline?
C. Give an example of a classroom routine
D. What is meant by classroom routine?

95. Which is implied by a negatively skewed score distribution?

A. The scores are evenly distributed from left to the right
B. Most of the scores are low
C. Most of the scores are high
D. Most pupils are underachievers

96. When you wanted to genuinely clarify and point relative to an issue under discussion in
a meeting, what should you do as a teacher?
A. Discredit the other position.
B. Just keep quiet to avoid opposition.
C. Discuss with seatmate to get support.
D. Politely request for a recognition to clarify your point.

97. Here is a test item: "Jose Rizal was born in Calamba, Laguna on June_____
1861."What is WRONG with the item?
A. It is concerned in trivia
B. The blank is very short
C. It is open to more than one correct answer
D. The black is near the end

98. Here is an expected lesson outcome: "At the end of the lesson, all learners must
develop a positive attitude towards work." Is this a SMART lesson outcome?
A. Partly, since this belongs to the affective domain.
B. Yes, since this is a behavioural objective.
C. No, since this is not specific and measureable.
D. Yes, since this is result oriented.

99. When teachers conduct a series of evaluation to determine the extent of teaching, what
must be implemented?
A. Assessed curriculum C. Learned curriculum
B. Hidden curriculum D. Taught curriculum

100. To teach students to be less competitive, which teaching approach should be used
A. Interdisciplinary C. Integration
B. Collaboration D. Reflection

101. What does POF mean?

A. Philippine Quality Framework
B. Philippine Qualifications Frame
C. Philippine Qualifications Framework
D. Philippine Quality Frame


102. Which thought activity or cognitive ability is tested in the essay question: A Listing of
Ways to Tackle Noise Pollution"
A. Inferring C. Generalizing
B. Creating D. Classifying

103. For selectivity in the learning process, the Novice Learner attempts to process
_________ they receive in instruction.
A. selected information C. important information
B. manageable information D. all information

104. Teacher Mita claims she cares for students. Which is/are a manifestation of genuine
I. Knows students
II. Creates a favourable learning atmosphere
III. Maintains professional distance with students
A. I and III C. II and III
B. I, II and III D. I and II

105. The 4 pillars of learning correspond to the 3 domains of teaching cognitive,

psychomotor, and affective. Is this statement TRUE?
A. Perhaps C. Depends on teacher
B. No D. Yes

106. Which of the following is true of a case study?

A. It requires data from other events
B. It is always reliable and dependable
C. It applies specifically to a population
D. It is applicable to the universal population

107. Teacher Gina asked her pupils to display their penmanship work in the beginning,
middle and near the end of the school year. Which type of portfolio is displayed?
A. Showcase portfolio C. Evaluation portfolio
B. Development portfolio D. Assessment portfolio

108. The results of assessment must be provided the soonest possible time to
A. parents C. registrar
B. principal D. students

109. Which of the following is NOT a function of scientific research?

A. To test assumptions
B. To determine cause-and-effect
C. To test hypothesis
D. To rely on controlled methods

110. Among thinking strategies, Comprehension Monitoring is the ability________.

A. to check progress
B. to make appropriate choices
C. to be relaxed yet alert
D. to synthesize new information


111. Which assessment tool will you use so that performance results can be highly
A. Tests and quizzes C. Journal writing
B. Essay requirement D. Demonstration of skills

112. Among major schools of learning theories, which consider how the individual
perceives the learning environment or situation?
A. Field and Gestalt theories C. Cognitive theories
B. Social theories D. Behavioral theories

113. I have to check if my students were able to produce the expected output as stated in
my intended learning outcome. Which type of portfolio am I interested to see?
A. Assessment portfolio C. Development portfolio
B. Showcase portfolio D. Evaluation portfolio

114. In introducing a new lesson, what is important to consider by way of lesson continuity.
A. introduce new lesson
B. prepare new audio visuals
C. have a pre-test for new lesson
D. relate new ideas to past lesson

115. Teacher Mara sees to it that her classroom is clean and orderly so her pupils will less
likely disarrange seats and litter on the floor. On which thought is her action based?
A. Progressivism C. Existentialism
B. Behaviorism D. Reconstructionism

116. What is the right attitude of a modern teacher towards the varied philosophies in the
human history of ideas?
A. Adopt elements of philosophies that conform to the school's and country's
educational system
B. Reject past philosophies for current philosophical thoughts.
C. Adopt all philosophical systems as good.
D. Adopt new philosophies and leave the old aside.

117. According to Confucius, what is the best way to rule a people and attain harmony?
A. By consulting the governed
B. By moral example
C. By force
D. By allowing people to do as they please

118. One cognitive advancement in adolescence is metacognition, what does

metacognition mean?
A. Ability to do problem solving
B. Ability to recall and explain
C. Ability to analyze and synthesize
D. Ability to identify one's own thinking process and strategies


119. The teaching cycle is not complete without ______ of learning.
A. reviewing C. planning
B. recycling D. assessment

120. In order to clarify values that have emotional overtones due to controversies and
differences of opinion, one good recommendation is for the teacher
A. to say what is moral for you C. to remain neutral
may not be moral for others D. to take the most radical
B. to speak up for morality position

121. In Bandura's theory, the teacher who can be observed in school is a

A. Substitute model C. Symbolic model
B. Virtual model D. Live model

122. Teacher Cess gives importance to "wellness: which needs to be developed among
individual learners and so she gives focus on
A. vital values C. spiritual values
B. pleasure values D. values of the holy

123. Which literacy is referred as a core skil1 in the 21st century essential in developing the
ability to work well with others by tapping on each others talents and skills?
A. Citizenship C. Creativity
B. Collaboration D. Critical thinking

124. What is the criteria for the selection and use of instructional materials?
A. Alignment with intended outcomes
C. Varied
D. In three domains

125. With the NCBTS as a guide, an ideal learning environment should have the following
characteristics, EXCEPT
A. The Learning environment promotes fairness
B. Is safe and conductive for learning
C. Builds many professional linkages
D. Establishes and maintains consistent standards of learner’s behavior

126. Based on percentage contribution to the grade, what can be inferred from the DepEd's
emphasis on learning and assessment?
A. The emphasis is on quarterly assessment.
B. The emphasis depends on the grade level of the subjects.
C. The emphasis for all Grades 1-10 subjects is on performance tasks.
D. All components are being emphasized


127. Following ideas of Johann Friedrich Herbert, give the proper order of steps to develop
intrinsic motivation among learners:
I. Present the topic
II. II. Prepare topic of interest
III. Inductive questioning
IV. New knowledge relate to life
A. II, III, I and IV C. III, II, I and IV
B. II, I, III, and IV D. I, II, III, and IV

128. What kind of authority is best applied in guiding Millennial youths or learners?
A. Laissez faire C. Authoritative
B. Rigorous D. Relational

129. This is an example of esoteric content in a test question which should be avoided.
A. Is Yoga a form of Buddhist introspection?
B. What human character did the Buddha show when he lived in India?
C. Was the Buddha reportedly a prince?
D. What are the three main principles of Buddhism?

130. The new global landscape of the 21st century shows the following one. EXCEPT
which one is not?
A. Learners environment can be any place.
B. There are multiple ways of teaching.
C. Teachers are ICT equipped.
D. Learners are attuned to rote memorization.

131. According to Gardner's multiple intelligence theory, naturalist learners can bet _____.
A. use hands to fix and create, and use bodily expression
B. analyze ecological and natural situations and data
C. mediate, reflect, exhibit self-discipline, maintain composure
D. work with people and help them overcome problems

132. Teacher Alex wants his pupils to display their favorite poem among the poems each
one composed. What type of portfolio is Teacher Alex expecting to see?
A. Showcase portfolio
B. Assessment portfolio
C. Evaluation portfolio
D. Development portfolio

133. In a curriculum development class, the teacher asked the students to give an enriched
definition of the curriculum. Which among the following encompasses the true
essence of the term?
A. Curriculum is a never ending process in education
B. Curriculum is the sum total of all the learning experiences in the teaching-learning
C. Curriculum is a list of subjects to take to complete a Course.
D. Curriculum is a list of courses in order to graduate.


134. Teacher Mari wants to evaluate an issue by having the group act out of jury trial.
Which technique will she employ?
A. Panel
B. Simulation
C. Critiquing
D. Majority-rule decision making

135. The ________ is a quiet informal group (usually four or five students) serving as a
panel with an audience.
A. Committee C. Critiquing group
B. Round-Table D. Buzz session

136. Which are said to be nurseries of the state?

A. Homes C. Convents
B. Hospital nurseries D. Schools

137. A teacher discovers that a product of a certain bottling company brings about damage
to teeth. Much as he wants to share the products of his research, he could not
because of harassment from all sides. Which teacher's right is violated?
A. Right to one's honor C. Academic freedom
B. Right to make a livelihood D. Right to property

138. Considering that curriculum is a dynamic process, this person put premium in the role
of the teachers' participation in developing the curriculum is
A. Galen Saylor C. Hilda Taba
B. William Alexander D. Ralph Tyler

139. Teacher Dada's lesson was on "what man can do to arrest climate change”. She made
students do the talking, the arguing, the synthesizing. She gave her lecturette after
students have participated in the lively discussion. Which teaching approach did
Teacher Dada employ?
A. Learner-centered approach
B. Subject matter-centered approach
C. Activity-centered approach
D. Teacher-centered approach

140. Learning is an active process. Which one is an application of this principle?

A. Let students learn the steps in opening a computer by making them follow the
B. Group students for work or project that way project becomes less expensive.
C. Teach your content from a multidisciplinary perspective.
D. Avoid drills which are out of context

141. This is a tool for assessment for spatially intelligent learners.

A. Oral demonstration enacting a movie scene
B. Writing inner thoughts
C. Landscape drawing
D. Written report
142. For those who successfully pass the Licensure Examination for Teachers, the ______
signed by the Chairman of the Philippines Regulation Commission serves as evidence
for lawful practice of the profession.
A. Professional license
B. Professional Oath copy
C. Professional registration fee receipt
D. Merit examination certificate

143. Teachers often complain of numerous non-teaching assignments that adversely affect
their teaching. Does this mean that teachers must be preoccupied only with teaching?
A. Yes if they are given other assignments justice demands that they be properly
B. No, because every teacher is expected to provide leadership and initiative in
activities for the betterment of communities.
C. No, because to lead in community activities is the job of elected officials.
D. Yes, because teaching is more than enough full time job.

144. To teach the democratic process to the pupils, Maxwell International School decided
that the election of class officers shall be patterned after the local election. There were
qualifications set for the candidates, limited period for campaign and rules for posting
campaign materials, etc. Which of the following did the school use?
A. Role playing C. Symposium
B. Simulation D. Forum

145. Assessment should be on real-world application and not on out-of-context drills. To

apply this principle, what should Teacher Nancy do?
A. Gives a 20-point quiz asking students to determine whether or not the sound of "a"
is long or short
B. Gives students a matching type of test on vocabulary
C. Assesses students English oral communication skills in a gruation program
simulation where each student has a speaking assignment
D. Gives a 10-item quiz on adding dissimilar fractions which is the weakness of

146. With the NCBTS as guide, an ideal learning environment should have the following
characteristics, EXCEPT
A. Is safe and conducive for learning
B. The learning environment promotes fairness
C. Establishes and maintains consistent standards of learner's behavior
D. Builds many professional linkages

147. To involve the students, teacher Berna come up with a provocative statement. Which
statement did teacher Bernadette most likely use?
A. Care for the environment and it will care for you.
B. Values are both taught and caught.
C. The Philippines is the Pearl of the Orient seas.
D. The millennials are a lost generation.


148. Which is understood by an eye wink, simple nodding of a head, or wave of a hand?
A. Facial expression C. Verbal communication
B. Gesture D. Body language

149. What is the first step in constructing achievement tests?

A. Determine the characteristics of the students
B. Determine the highest rating to be given to students
C. Determine the content and skills covered by the test as gleaned from the lesson
D. Assess the teaching capability of teachers

150. When you begin teaching with concrete experience then come in with conclusion,
which method do you employ?
A. Deductive
B. Inductive
C. It depends on your type of generalization
D. It depends on the quantity of details you bring in

***********************END OF PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION***********************





Of the following, which is most effective for influencing human emotion for retention and discovery of learning?
1 B. Use of inspirational tool 51 B. I will make students learn by 101 C. Philippine Qualifications
2 A. Quality teacher preparation 52 C. Progressivism 102 C. Generalizing
3 B. Unity amid cultural diversity 53 B. I and II 103 A. selected information
4 B. Effective teaching is the primary 54 B. His Ultimo Adios and " 104 D. I and II
5 B Mock-up 55 D. Allowing sufficient time 105 D. Yes
6 B. student-centered class. 56 D. Historical Foundations 106 A. It requires data from
7 B. I will engage my classes 57 B. III and IV 107 B. Development portfolio
8 B. Experiential 58 A. Metaphysical reasoning 108 D. students
9 B. Analytic rubric 59 D. Get the average of the grades 109 D. To rely on controlled
10 B. Guide to classroom instruction 60 C. ability to pass written and 110 A. to check progress
11 B. Progressivism 61 D. observation 111 D. Demonstration of skills
12 D. Accommodation 62 D. ASEAN integration 112 D. Behavioral theories
13 B. integral 63 D. Retrieval 113 D. Evaluation portfolio
14 C. Variety 64 D. Voucher system 114 D. relate new ideas to
15 B. Improvised materials 65 D. Numeracy 115 B. Behaviorism
16 B. Yes, since they are classified 66 B. Religion-oriented 116 A. Adopt elements of philosophies
17 D. Creating 67 D. Students reflect on learning 117 B. By moral example
18 A. Kung fu-tzu 68 A. has a negative discriminating 118 D. Ability to identify one's own
19 A. automated 69 D. Intended/expected 119 D. assessment
20 A. heterogeneous of the 70 B. Like a rose bud 120 C. to remain neutral
21 A. To set up conditions that brings 71 B. I can rely on my caregivers 121 D. Live model
22 C. Role playing 72 B. How much students are 122 A. vital values
23 C. Teaching to the test 73 A. verbal-linguistic intelligence 123 B. Collaboration
24 A. they can accommodate a 74 D. take active part in the learning 124 A. Alignment with intended
25 A. assessment of study habits 75 A. Curriculum 125
26 A. Information data gathering 76 C. Concrete instances that show 126 C. The emphasis for all Grades 1-10
27 D. Look everyone squarely in the 77 C. Community relations is part 127 B. II, I, III, and IV
28 B. Using a common conversion 78 D. Classroom management 128 C. Authoritative
29 A. Instructional activities 79 A. credible 129 C. Was the Buddha reportedly a
30 A. meta-cognition 80 B. I, II and III 130 D. Learners are attuned to rote
31 C. Theories of teaching and 81 C. Experimentation 131 B. analyze ecological and natural
32 D. Provided a corrective 82 D. .90% Of higher 132 A. Showcase portfolio
33 A. Pre-conventional for 83 D. I do things without worrying 133 B. Curriculum is the sum total of all
34 B. Peer sanctions 84 A. II and III 134 B. Simulation
35 A. Id exerts too much power 85 C. breaking down complex 135 B. Round-Table
36 C. teachers must act more as 86 B. Effective routine and drills 136 D. Schools
37 A. digital tools 87 C. No, she went inductive. 137 C. Academic freedom
38 B. Reliability 88 A. a short preview 138 C. Hilda Taba
39 B. Extreme personalism 89 B. Talk to him or her personally 139 A. Learner-centered
40 C. Integrative 90 B. On the very first day 140 A. Let students learn the steps in
41 B. facilitating 91 D. Improvised materials 141 C. Landscape drawing
42 C. Drive 92 A. Borderless thinking and 142 A. Professional license
43 B. Make as many regulations 93 C. To determine entry knowledge 143 B. No, because every teacher is
44 B. Outcome assessment 94 C. Give an example of a 144
45 C. Interactive instructional 95 C. Most of the scores 145 C. Assesses students English


46 C. difference 96 D. Politely request for a 146 D. Builds many professional
47 D. Giggle, coo and babble 97 A. It is concerned in trivia 147 D. The millennials are a
48 C. problem-centered 98 C. No, since this is not specific 148 D. Body language
49 D. Viewing a related film 99 A. Assessed curriculum 149 C. Determine the content and skills
50 D. an explanation, a justification 100 B. Collaboration 150 B. Inductive


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