Organic Name Reactions

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ORGANIC NAME REACTIONS CH3Br + Nal —AS#OME > cH.) + NaBr Finkelstein reaction involves the process of an alkyl bromide or an alkyl chloride into an alkyl iodide which is treated with a sodium iodide solution in acetone. jPSwartzReaction CH3Br + AgF CH3F + AgBr Swarts' reaction is generally used to get alkyl fluorides from alkyl chlorides or alkyl bromides. _3. Friedel Craft Alkylation Reaction cH Anhydrous AICI , + 4#4c—a An alkyl group can be added by an electrophillic aromatic substitution reaction called the Friedel-Crafts alkylation reaction to a benzene molecule. @Atharva Aggarwal Official @BAtharva Aggarwal Acyl: CH ,COCl Anhydrous AIC! , The reaction of an arene with acyl chlorides or anhydrides using a strong Lewis acid catalyst. This reaction proceeds via electrophilic aromatic substitution to form monoacylated products. ion Reaction cock 5. Wurtz Reaction 2Na 43C—Cl 4 cl—cH, Dry ether HxC——CH, + NaCl Wurtz's reaction is an organic chemical coupling reaction wherein sodium metal is reacted with two alkyl halides in the environment provided by a solution of dry ether in order to form a higher alkane along with a compound containing sodium and the halogen. 6. Fittig Reaction Na @Atharva Aggarwal Official Ga Atharva Aggarwal The Wurtz-Fittig reaction is a chemical process that produces substituted aromatic compounds from aryl halides, alkyl halides, sodium metal, and dry ether. 2Na + a—c, ———_, Hy + Na Dry ether The Wurtz-Fittig reaction is a chemical process that produces substituted aromatic compounds from aryl halides, alkyl halides, sodium metal, and dry ether. 8. Kolbe Reaction oH Na on NaOH co, cooH iH" Kolbe's process is a carboxylation reaction which proceeds by heating the sodium salts of phenoxide with carbon dioxide under pressure and then treated with an acid. The final product of the reaction is an aromatic hydroxy acid @Atharva Aggarwal Official Ga Atharva Aggarwal 9. Riemer Tiemann Reaction oH OAL + Nao re dy An organic chemical reaction where phenol is converted into an ortho hydroxy benzaldehyde using chloroform, a base, and acid workup. 10. Williamson Ether Synthesis CHs-Br + CHy-ONa. =————» CH ,-0-CH, + NaBr Williamson Ether Synthesis is a reaction that uses deprotonated alcohol and an organohalide to form an ether. Williamson Ether Synthesis usually takes place as an S,2 reaction of a primary alkyl halide with an alkoxide ion. 11. Stephen Reaction H,0° HxC—CN $ SnCl,+HCl ——> Hjc—ch nH —*—» Hyc—cHo Nitriles on reduction with stannous chloride and hydrochloric acid gives imine hydro chloride which on hydrolysis gives corresponding aldehyde. @Atharva Aggarwal Official GB Atharva Aggarwal 12. Etard Reaction A chemical reaction that involves the direct oxidation of an aromatic or heterocyclic bound methyl group to an aldehyde using chromyl chloride. 13. Gatterman Koch Rea co / HCI Anhydrous AIC! , CHO In this reaction benzaldehyde is formed from the treatment of benzene with carbon monoxide and hydrochloric acid in the presence of aluminium chloride. 14, Rosemund Reaction oO ° H ll z i aN aN, Hy cl Pd / BaSO , He 4 The Rosenmund reduction is a reaction where acid chlorides are converted into aldehydes by employing hydrogen gas over palladium poisoned by barium sulfate @Atharva Aggarwal Official @BAtharva Aggarwal 15. Clemenson Reduction 9 lI an-He c ico ot, Hc cH; Conc. HCI Clemmenson's reduction is most commonly used to convert acyl benzenes to alkyl benzenes 16. Wolf Kishner Reduc | ae i i) NH NH, c a soOW=C—H tH, HsC~ “cH, li) KOH / Ethylene glycol ‘ The carbonyl group of aldehydes and ketones is reduced to CH2 group (hydrocarbons) on treatment with hydrazine followed by heating with sodium or potassium hydroxide in high boiling solvent such as ethylene glycol is known as Wolff- Kishner reduction. 17. Tollen Test ReCHO +2 [Ag(NHs);]' + 3 0H ————*R-COO' + 2Ag + + 2H,0+4NHs Tollens' test, also known as silver-mirror test, is a qualitative laboratory test used to distinguish between an aldehyde and a ketone. @Atharva Aggarwal Official Ga Atharva Aggarwal 18. Fehling’s Test R-CHO +2 Cu” + 5OH ————" R-COO + cu,0 4 +3H,0 Fehling's solution is a deep blue alkaline solution which is used to identify the presence of aldehydes or groups that contain any aldehyde functional group -CHO 19. lodoform Reaction 1,/ NaOH > ant, + ch ,c00 na nc7 cH, OR, NaOl =o A chemical reaction in which a methyl ketone is oxidized to a carboxylate by reaction with aqueous HO’ and |p. The reaction also produces iodoform (CHI,), a yellow solid which may precipitate from the reaction mixture. 20. Aldol Condensation oH dil NaOH | A 2 HC —cHo ——————» 0-CH-€# cH Se chi = chcHO In aldol condensation, an enolate ion reacts with a carbonyl compound in the presence of acid/base catalyst to form a B- hydroxy aldehyde or B-hydroxy ketone, followed by dehydration @Atharva Aggarwal Official GB Atharva Aggarwal to give a conjugated enone. 21, Cannizzaro Reaction Conc. NaOH HCHO 4 HCHO] ——————»_ HCOON@ + H;C—OH The Cannizzaro reaction is a disproportionation process in which two molecules of an aldehyde combine with a hydroxide base to generate a primary alcohol and a carboxylic acid. 22. Hell- volhard Zelinsky Reaction i) Cl, / Red Phosphorus H3C——COOH coo i H,0 | The Hell-Volhard—Zelinsky halogenation reaction is a chemical transformation that involves the halogenation of a carboxylic acid at the a carbon. 23. Hoffman Bromamide Degradation 9 Br, Hyc——C—— HCN, NaOH When an amide is treated with bromine in an aqueous or ethanolic solution of sodium hydroxide, degradation of amide takes place leading to the formation of primary amine. @Atharva Aggarwal Official @BAtharva Aggarwal _ 24. Carbylamine Reaction A R-NH, + CHCl; + 3KOH —————* R-NC + 3KCI + 3,0 The carbylamine reaction, also known as Hofmann's isocyanide test is a chemical test for the detection of primary amines. 25. Diazo Reaction NH, 4,’ NaNO, + dil HCl ——*— aA 273- 278K The electrophilic aromatic substitution reaction of a diazonium cation with another aromatic ring to form a diazo compound. 26. Sandmeyer Reaction no « CO cuct Het CO at Sa Sandmeyer reaction is a type of organic substitution reaction in which we can synthesize aryl halides from aryl diazonium salts @Atharva Aggarwal Official @BAtharva Aggarwal 27. Gatterman Reaction y,0 CO cuya oO at Syn, Gattermann reaction is an organic substitution reaction in which we can formulate aromatic compounds 28. Coupling Reaction . oH NO + — N= oH When benzene diazonium chloride reacts with phenol in which the phenol molecule at its para position coupled with the diazonium salt to form p- hydroxyazobenzene. @Atharva Aggarwal Official Ga Atharva Aggarwal

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