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2000 Common Errors Speaking Writing and Spelling

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2,000 Common

Errors in Speaking,
Writing, and Spelling

Author Leo Lieberman compiled this

exhaustive list of botched sentences

from thousands of his students. Learn¬

ing from their mistakes will equip read¬

ers to avoid such awkward but common

blunders as redundancy, letter reversals,

mis-hyphenation, homonym mix-ups,

and the wrong choice of prepositions.

Elementary mistakes ("This wild bury

is sweet" / "This wild berry is sweet")
share the page with subtler slips, such as

those between "effect" and "affect," "emi-

nent and imminent, and like and as.

Perfect for both the grammarian and

the undergrad, 2,000 Common Errors

leaves no element of style uncorrected.

Speaking, Writing,
and Spelling
in Speaking, Writing,
and Spelling

How to Avoid Making

That Mistake Again


by Leo Lieberman
Copyright © 1963, 2007 by Philosophical Library
Revised new edition copyright © 2007 by Black Dog Sc Leventhal
Publishers, Inc.

Originally published under the title Dictionary of Correct English Usage.

This edition published by Tess Press, an imprint of

Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers, Inc.
151 West 19th Street, New York, NY 10011

Cover and interior design by Lindsay Wolff

Manufactured in the U.S.A.

ISBN-13: 978-1-60376-011-9

By Way of Introduction

I remember that I once re-enacted the role of Moliere’s Papa

Geronte and remarked as the playwright had set it down, “That’s
so beautiful that I do not understand a word of it.’’ The words
have come back to haunt me. And with a vengeance! For the
past twelve years, thousands of high school students have
warmed the wooden desks in my rooms, written thousands upon
thousands of sentences; and as I marked the multitude of papers
that have paraded before my eyes, I have often wondered
whether or not it was time to resurrect “le bon papa.”
To be sure, there have been many amusing statements. I
remember working with my colleagues marking Regents
examinations, that foreboding exercise that marks the
culmination of the study of four years of organized English in
some high schools, and finding such gems as, “I just completed
Stone’s Love Is Internal and can hardly wait to begin his Immoral
Wife.” At moments like this, someone is bound to remark, “We
should write that down and publish it someday. In fact, we
should publish all the errors in English usage students make!”
And so this book.
We do not pretend to be able to record every error in
English that has been made, errors that have caused our mother
tongue to stammer in agony. But we have here an attempt to
record those errors that educators have chosen as the ones
that have disturbed them the most and caused the trained
ear to shudder in paroxysms of horror. There is no attempt to
evaluate and to decide which errors are the most egregious. Of
course, there will be some vulgarities of which only our most

illiterate citizens will be guilty alongside those “nice Nellies”

that trouble only the visiting professor from upstate. But you
make the choice and decide which abuses you can live with
and which ones you have vowed — upon the new dictionary —
“just must go.”
I ask for another word to the reader. There is no time spent
in this book to discuss the history of the abuse or the reason
why many authorities have declared the construction to be a
violation of English usage. There are many excellent grammars
and unabridged dictionaries. It is hoped that the curious will
use this book to stimulate his curiosity and then search elsewhere
for a fuller discussion of the term in question. This book simply
aims to be a springboard from which the reader may leap to
greater insight into the workings of his mother tongue.
I have no doubt that there will be some who will be disturbed
by the inclusion of such errors as the use of the objective where
the predicate nominative is recommended or the confusion

between “like” and “as,” remarking that this is “oid hat” and
should be doffed as a borrowed chapeau and not worn in its

outmoded gloss. A friend of mine pointed out, “Why, after all,

you can now find ‘ain’t’ in the Dictionary, too.” (Dictionary,
with a Capital D, is my own inclusion.) I listened patiently and
hoped that someone would send flowers to his widow. But
perhaps we do need a fuller understanding on this point. Time
has a way of adding dignity to expressions, and words that were
once considered offensive and fit only for the neighborhood
saloon may enter the parlor — and do so through the front door.
We present many such problem words and ask the reader to
make his own decision. Suffice it to say, that these are the words
that have disturbed our educators, words that were considered
not appropriate for formal writing. If you desire to use these

terms among your own coterie of intimates, by all means do so.

After all, I don’t ask you how often you wash your pajamas!
And on to another problem. “But” says the literate friend,
“I like to split infinitives for purposes of emphasis, and I want to
use certain colloquialisms and vulgarities to gain special effects.”
By all means, we reply. But first, know that you are splitting and
colloquializing or the effect may be lost.
The ideas of many helped to produce this book. Chairmen
of English departments in high schools and universities as well
as many teachers at various colleges and secondary schools
contributed favorite pet peeves. The writings of more than two
thousand students were examined and errors culled. The result
of this effort is more than two thousand errors that have been
included in this volume, with illustrative sentences for each.
And now a final word. The reader is invited to use this
dictionary as a place to browse, as a stimulus for additional
research, or simply as a book that contains many interesting

recordings of students’ writings, some of which make perfectly

good sense and some . . . But let Lewis Carroll say it:

“No I shouldn’t,” said Alice, surprised into contradicting

her at last: “a hill cant be a valley, you know. That would be
nonsense — ”
The Red Queen shook her head. “You may call it ‘nonsense,’
if you like,” she said, “but I’ve heard nonsense compared with
which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!”
And with that, like Alice, we curtsy most humbly and leave
you with our dictionary.

Incorrect Correct

A apple a day can be very dull. An apple a day can be very dull.

ability capacity
Billy has a great ability to learn. Billy has a great capacity to learn.

ability of ability to

He has the ability of talking well He has the ability to talk well in
in public.

ablution oblation
An ablution to the God, Zeus, was An oblation to the god, Zeus, was

aboard on aboard
They went aboard on the boat. They went aboard the boat.

about almost
When I returned, I was about When I returned, I was almost
frozen. frozen.

above more than

The trip lasted above three weeks. The trip lasted more than three

: ■ ?

*ect Correct

abridge abbreviate
Tennessee is abridged to Tenn. Tennessee is abbreviated to Tenn.

abridged unabridged
The book was abridged , for it left The book was unabridged, for it
out no part of the story. left out no part of the story.

abscence absence
A bscence makes the heart grow Absence makes the heart grow
fonder. fonder.

absconded away absconded

The clerk absconded away with The clerk absconded with the
the money.

absess abscess
He has an absess that should be He has an abscess that should be
treated. treated.

He is absolutely wonderful. He is very wonderful.

absolve of absolve from

The youth was absolved of the The youth was absolved from the
charge. charge.

abstract abridgement
This book is an abstract of the This book is an abridgement of
larger one. the larger one.

Incorrect Correct

abundence abundance
There was an abundence of food. There was an abundance of food.

He went to a military acadamy. He went to a military academy.

academicly academically
This is not academicly sound. This is not academically sound.

accede exceed
The results acceded our expecta- The results exceeded our expecta
tions. tions.

acceded conceded
To avoid a quarrel, he acceded To avoid a quarrel, he conceded

that his friend’s premise was that his friend’s premise was
correct. correct.

acceleration exhilaration
He was filled with acceleration He was filled with exhilaration
after the lecture. after the lecture.

accellerate accelerate
Try to accellerate your reading Try to accelerate your reading
rate. rate.

accept of
We will accept of your advice. We will accept your advice.

■ - <•< yt-1 J-,V. • :■> v-V.1 ' •: ••

Incorrect Correct

Everyone danced accept John. Everyone danced except John.

acceptible acceptable
Your report is not acceptible. Your report is not acceptable.

access excess
There was an access of material There was an excess of material
in the library. in the library.

Let me see your accident. Let me see your injury.

accidently accidentally
It was done quite accidently. It was done quite accidentally.

accompanied with accompanied by

He was accompanied with his grand' He was accompanied by his grand¬

accompanyment accompaniment
He sang to the accompanyment of He sang to the accompaniment of
the piano. the piano.

accused with accused of

The officer was accused with the The officer was accused of the
crime. crime.

acetic ascetic
The acetic monk lived on herbs. The ascetic monk lived on herbs.

Incorrect Correct

My action will acknowledge the My action will prove the truth of
truth of the matter. the matter.

acme climax
The story reached its acme when The story reached a climax when
Helen drank poison. Helen drank poison.

acme acne
The doctor diagnosed his skin The doctor diagnosed his skin
problem as acme. problem as acne.

acne acme
His work was the acne of perfec¬ His work was the acme of perfec¬
tion. tion.

action act
He performed an action of heroism. He performed an act of heroism.

ad add
Please ad another page to your Please add another page to your
report. report.

He is adapt at swimming. He is adept at swimming.

We will try to adapt a Korean We will try to adopt a Korean
orphan. orphan.

Incorrect Correct

add ad

The letter began, “In response to The letter began, “In response to
your add . .
your ad . . .”

addicted to
He is addicted to acts of kindness. given to
He is given to acts of kindness.

addicted to subject to
He is addicted to moments of He is subject to moments of
depression. depression.

addition edition
We read the latest addition of the We read the latest edition of the
book. book.

Try to adept this theory to your Try to adapt this theory to your
needs. needs.

adequate suitable
A dark suit is adequate for the A dark suit is suitable for the
occasion. occasion.

adequate enough adequate

I hope this work is adequate enough. I hope this work is adequate.

adieu ado

We saw Shakespeare’s Much We saw Shakespeare’s Much Ado

Adieu About Nothing. About Nothing .

Incorrect Correct

adjoin adjourn
When did you adjoin the meeting? When did you adjourn the meet¬

admittance admission
Admittance to the movies is less Admission to the movies is less for
for children than for adults. children than for adults.

ado adieu
He bid her ado, feeling he would He bid her adieu , feeling he would
never see her again. never see her again.

Try to adopt to new situations. Try to adapt to new situations.

adopted adapted
The music is adopted to dancing. The music is adapted to dancing.

adoreable adorable

She’s an adoreable person. She’s an adorable person.

advance advancement
Your advance in the business Your advancement in the business
depends on your effort. depends on your effort.

adverse averse
The man is adverse to exercising The man is averse to exercising
before breakfast. before breakfast.

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Incorrect Correct
. ,
. .
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■ V I

adverted averted
We adverted an accident at the We averted an accident at the
turn of the road. turn of the road.

advise advice
What advise did you give the pres- What advice did you give the pres^
ident? ident?

aerie eerie
We read an extremely aerie book. We read an extremely eerie book.

affect effect
Our new system will affect a Our new system will effect a
saving. saving.

afix affix
Remember to afix your name to Remember to affix your name to
the document. the document.

afluent affluent
He is a very afluent merchant. He is a very affluent merchant.

after doing
I am after doing the work now. I am doing the work now.

after having after

After having eaten, we left. After eating, we left.

of age
She is nine years aged. She is nine years of age.

Incorrect■ ■ mm Correct - :•


Please do not aggravate your Please do not annoy your mother
mother by telling her of your last by telling her of your last esca^


aggreed agreed
He aggreed with the proposal. He agreed with the proposal.

His cold wasagg rav ate
aggravated by the
His cold was agitated by the
inclement weather. inclement weather.

The meeting will agravate the The meetingagg
will aggravate the
situation. situation.

agree together
They always agree together.
They always agree.

a half a half a
Pve worked a half a day. I’ve worked half a day.

aide-de-camps aides-de-camp
These two men are my aide-de- These two men are my aides-de-

ail ale
We had a glass of ail. We had a glass of ale.

ain t have not

I have not seen him today.
I ain’t seen him today.

Incorrect Correct

air heir
He is the air to the throne. He is the heir to the throne.

She always is a-laughing. She always is laughing.

albinoes albinos
Both rabbits are albinoes. Both rabbits are albinos.

ale ail
What seems to ale the boy? What seems to ail the boy?

alias disguise
He dressed up as a sailor; that was He dressed up as a sailor; that was
his alias. his disguise.

alive live
There were three alive men in the There were three live men in the
train after the accident. train after the accident.

all each
All men must live his own life. Each man must live his own life.

all awl
The carpenter broke his all. The carpenter broke his awl.

Alladin Aladdin
We read the story of Alladin. We read the story of Aladdin.

Incorrect Correct

all alone alone

I will be all alone this evening. I will be alone this evening.

all American all-American

Can anyone claim to be all Amer¬ Can anyone claim to be all-

all around all-round

J im is an all around mechanic. Jim is an all-round mechanic.

Do you alledge that you saw the Do you allege that you saw the
robbery? robbery?

allegience allegiance
We owe allegience to our country. We owe allegiance to our country.


Great Britain is our alley. Great Britain is our ally.

all inclusive all-inclusive

I need an all inclusive list. I need an all-inclusive list.

all kind all kinds

He purchased all kind of materials. He purchased all kinds of materials.

allmost almost
He allmost succeeded in winning He almost succeeded in winning
the race. the race.

Incorrect Correct

all most almost

You all most succeeded then. You almost succeeded then.

all of
All of our orders have been All our orders have been
delayed. delayed.

all of
He gave all of his money away. He gave all his money away.

allotment allotment
The allottment of rations was not The allotment of rations was not
determined. determined.

allowed aloud
He read the speech allowed. He read the speech aloud.

all ready
He has all ready arrived. He has already arrived.

allright all right

This paper seems allright to me. This paper seems all right to me.

all seeing
The man claimed he was all The man claimed he was all -
seeing. seeing.

all the farther as far as

This is all the farther you can go. This is as far as you can go.

| jjf§§ , MB p;* ig |§§||
Incorrect Correct
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all together altogether

Your explanation sounds all Your explanation sounds alto¬
together clear. gether clear.

allude elude
The meaning of that bit of obscu- The meaning of that bit of obscm
rity alludes me. rity eludes me.

allusion illusion
He semed to be an industrious He seemed to be an industrious
person, but this was only an person, but this was only an
allusion . illusion .

all ways
I have all ways tried to be ethical. I have always tried to be ethical.

She walked through the ally late She walked through the alley late
at night. at night.

almost most
This is the almost beautiful paint' This is the most beautiful paint'
ing I have ever seen. ing I have ever seen.

almost never hardly ever

He almost never visits here. He hardly ever visits here.

not only
They not alone wrote the song, They not only wrote the song, but
but sang it also. sang it also.

mmm met
Incorrect mm Correct

in the way of
along the line of
He knew much along the line of He knew much in the way of
business. business.

aloud allowed
He aloud us to go on the trip. He allowed us to go on the trip.

all ready
Are you already to go? Are you all ready to go?

alright all right

Do you feel alright today? Do you feel all right today?

altar alter
We will altar the dress if it does We will alter the dress if it does
not fit. not fit.

alter altar
We decorated the alter with We decorated the altar with white
white roses. roses.

alternative course
He had three alternatives open. He had three courses open.

altho although

Altho he spoke well, no one heeded Although he spoke well, no one

his words. heeded his words.

altogether all together

Let’s try to sing altogether for a Let’s try to sing all together for a
change. change.

Incorrect Correct .
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? -

alumna alumnus
John was an alumna of Cornell. John was an alumnus of Cornell.

alumnae alumni
The boys are alumnae of City Cob The boys are alumni of City Col¬
lege. lege.

alumni alumnae
Wilma and Maggie, both Barnard Wilma and Maggie, both Barnard
alumni, came to the reunion. alumnae, came to the reunion.

alumnus alumna
Diane is an alumnus of New York Diane is an alumna of New York
University. University.

all ways
He was in always kind and gener¬ He was in all ways kind and gen¬
ous. erous.

ambassader ambassador

He’s the newly appointed ambas - He’s the newly appointed ambas¬
sader. sador.

a.m. in the morning a.m.

I will arrive at 10 a.m. in the I will arrive at 10 a.m.

The two boys divided the cake The two boys divided the cake
among them. between them.


Incorrect Correct
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amoral immoral
The Puritans regarded dancing as The Puritans regarded dancing as
amoral. immoral.

He settled the dispute amoung He settled the dispute among the
the different nations. different nations.

amount number
We saw a large amount of foreign We saw a large number of foreign
cars. cars.

I have ample. I have enough.

amulette amulet
He was never without the amu¬ He was never without the amulet.

anacronism anachronism
The use of a clock in Julius Caesar The use of a clock in Julius Caesar
is considered an anacronism. is considered an anachronism.

analize analyze
We will analize the structure. We will analyze the structure.

He was considered ancient now aged aged now that
He was considered
that he reached his fiftieth birth' he reached his fiftieth birthday.

Incorrect Correct

and etc. etc.

In school you will need books, In school you will need books,
pencils, paper and etc. pencils, paper, etc.

and nor nor

He did not dance and nor did Bill. He did not dance nor did Bill.

anecdote antidote
If you swallow poison, take an If you swallow poison, take an
anecdote. antidote.

angle angel
In heaven the angles rejoiced. In heaven the angels rejoiced.

angry angrily

The woman looked angry at The woman looked angrily at

him. him.

angry at angry with

I am angry at him. I am angry with him.

angry with angry at

He is angry with the entire situ- He is angry at the entire situa¬
ation. tion.

annoint anoint
Samuel was asked to annoint Samuel was asked to anoint Saul.

Incorrect Correct

annuled annulled
He had the marriage annuled. He had the marriage annulled.

annuli annul
He sought to annuli the marriage. He sought to annul the marriage.

annullment annulment
The annullment was not valid. The annulment was not valid.

anonimity anonymity
He respected the anonimity of the He respected the anonymity of
donor. the donor.

another one other

There is still another stream to There is still one other stream to
cross before we reach the village. cross before we reach the village.

another... also
There is another thought also that There is another her
anotthought that I
I have. have.

ant aunt
This is my favorite ant, Dorothea This is my favorite aunt , Doro¬
Wipple. thea Wipple.

antalope antelope

The antalope is a very graceful The antelope is a very graceful

animal. animal.

antedates before antedates

The war antedates before Caesar. The war antedates Caesar.

*. J#'-' ' -

Incorrect Correct

anthesis antithesis
There is an anthesis between the¬ There is an antithesis between the¬
ory and fact. ory and fact.

anti-biotic antibiotic
He used a new anti-biotic to save He used a new antibiotic to save
the patient. the patient.

antichamber antechamber
We waited in the antichamber . We waited in the antechamber.

anticipate expect
I anticipate going to Europe this I expect to go to Europe this sum¬
summer. mer.

antidote anecdote
The proud father told many anti¬ The proud father told many
dotes about his newborn son. anecdotes about his newborn son.

anti immigration anti-immigration

A number of anti immigration laws A number of anti-immigration laws
was passed. was passed.

One of the chemicals studied in One of the chemicals studied in
chemistry is antinomy. chemistry is antimony.

antiroom anteroom
The patient waited in the anti- The patient waited in the ante¬
room. room.

Incorrect Correct

antisemitic anti-Semitic
He made several antisemitic state- He made several anti-Semitic
ments. statements.

anti-septic antiseptic
He applied an anti-septic to the He applied an antiseptic to the
wound. wound.

He wrote an anti-slavery article. He wrote an antislavery article.

anti-social antisocial
He behaved in an anti-social He behaved in an antisocial
manner. manner.

anti-toxin antitoxin
We will try to obtain the We will try to obtain the antitoxin
anti-toxin from the hospital. from the hospital.

He is anxious to complete his He is eager to complete his studies.

at all

It doesn’t trouble me any. It doesn’t trouble me at all


any other
Rose is more intelligent than any Rose is more intelligent than any
person in the group. other person in the group.

Incorrect Correct

anybody's else's
If it were anybody’s else’s book, he j If it were any
body else's
anybody else’s book, he
would have known. j would have known.

anyday I anyday
You may come anyday you wish. : You may come any day you wish.

anyplace anywhere
I couldn’t find it anyplace. i I couldn’t find it anywhere.

anyrate any rate

At anyrate , we shall do our best. i At any rate , we shall do our best.

anytime anytime
He may appear at anytime of day. : He may appear at any time of day.

anyways j anyway
I am planning to be there anyways. j I am planning to be there anyway.

anywhere near
\ approximately
Have you anywhere near enough? j Have you approximately enough?

A perpendicular from the center j A perpendicular from the center
of a regular polygon to one of its ; of a regular polygon to one of its
sides is an apothegm. j sides is an apothem.

apothem apothegm
Voltaire and Bacon wrote many j Voltaire and Bacon wrote many
apothems. j apothegms.

Incorrect Correct

It is apparant that you have not
It is apparent that you have not
succeeded. succeeded.

appartment apartment
They moved to a new appartment. They moved to a new apartment.

appliable applicable
The example is not appliable here. The example is not applicable here.

appr of impending
They were apprised
They were appraised of impend'
ing danger. danger.

know or understand
She appreciates the responsibility She understands the responsibil¬
of her position. ity of her position.

apprehend comprehend
I apprehend the cause of this I comprehend the cause of this
frightful happening. frightful happening.

Please apprize me of the latest mepris
Please apprise ap
of the latest
news. news.

approximate resemble
His murder was so arranged to His murder was so arranged to
approximate a suicide. resemble a suicide.

Incorrect Correct

approximately about approximately

There are approximately about There are approximately thirty
thirty men here. men here.

They are apt to succeed. They are likely to succeed.

aquire acquire
He worked hard to aquire the He worked hard to acquire the
property. property.

When we think of Noah, we When we thing of Noah, we
remember his arc. remember his ark.

The box of oranges are on the The box of oranges is on the
table. table.

are am
Neither you nor I are to go. Neither you nor I am to go.

This news are fit to print. This news is fit to print.

One of the books are in the study. One of the books is in the study.

area aria
She sang a lovely operatic area . She sang a lovely operatic aria.

Incorrect Correct

am I not
aren't I
Am I not the best in the group?
Aren’t I the best in the group?

argueable arguable
That point is not argueable. That point is not arguable.

arguement argument
They had a serious arguement. They had a serious argument.

arise up arise
It is time to arise up from your chair. It is time to arise from your chair.

n'tthe park.
They arn’t going arto They aren’t going to the park.

around about, near
Bob told me to report around Bob told me to report about
noon. noon.

around about

I’ll visit you around the first of I’ll visit you about the first of the
the month. month.

arranged arraigned
The murderer was arranged in The murderer was arraigned in
court yesterday. court yesterday.

arrogate abrogate
The Prohibition amendment was The Prohibition amendment was
arrogated several years after its abrogated several years after its
"0'\ >■^5 jv. jf

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IS Incorrect Correct

artisan artist
We need an artisan to paint the We need an artist to paint the

artist artisan
The artist built a fine model of The artisan built a fine model of
the machine. the machine.

artisticly artistically
He is very artisticly inclined. He is very artistically inclined.

as for, since
He worked with ease, as the day He worked with ease, for the day
was cool. was cool.

as like
She looks as my mother. She looks like my mother.

as such as
There are many important cities There are many important cities
that we visited, as New York, that we visited, such as New
Chicago, Utica and Buffalo. York, Chicago, Utica and Buf¬

as that
She did not say as she liked it. She did not say that she liked it.

asbestus asbestos
The curtain was made of asbestus . The curtain was made of asbestos.

Incorrect Correct
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ascent assent
Do you have parental ascent to Do you have parental assent to go
go on the trip? on the trip?

ascetic acetic
Ascetic acid is a relatively weak Acetic acid is a relatively weak
acid. acid.

as follow as follows
We saw many objects in the We saw many objects in the
room, as follow : books, pads, room, as follows : books, pads,
pencils, pens, six clips, etc. pencils, pens, six clips, etc.

He entered a-singing. He entered singing.

as many as all those who

As many as want tickets may All those who want tickets may
write for them. write for them.

assasin assassin
The assasin was found. The assassin was found.

assasinate assassinate
They tried to assasinate the They tried to assassinate the
noblemen. noblemen.

He wrote an interesting assay on He wrote an interesting essay on

life in Africa. life in Africa.

Incorrect Correct

assemble together assemble

We will assemble together on the We will assemble on the lawn.

assent ascent
The assent was hazardous even The ascent was hazardous even
for experienced climbers. for experienced climbers.

assinine asinine
It is assinine to make such unreal' It is asinine to make such unreal'
istic demands. istic demands.

assistance assistants
These two men are my assistance. These two men are my assistants.

assistant-professor assistant professor

He recently became an assistant - He recently became an assistant

assistants assistance
Do you need any assistants with Do you need any assistance with
this project? this project?

assured Insured
Did you say that he was assured Did you say that he was insured
against theft? against theft?

assist to assist in
He will assist to the action. He will assist in the action.

Incorrect Correct

as to whether whether

They couldn’t decide as to whether They couldn’t decide whether he

he should be elected to the presi¬ should be elected to the presi¬

as was the case with like

As was the case with many poets, Like many poets, Bums came
Burns came from humble origins. from humble origins.

at in
I live at the little red and white I live in the little red and white
house on Main Street. house on Main Street.

at about about
Our club will meet at about seven Our club will meet about seven

at afternoon at noon
At afternoon we will go to the the¬ At noon we will go to the theater.

ate eaten
1 have already ate my lunch. I have already eaten my lunch.

at now now
Where is he at now ? Where is he now ?

athalete athlete
He’s an excellent athalete. He’s an excellent athlete.

Incorrect Correct

athaletic athletic
We need an athaletic man for the We need an athletic man for the


attendance attendants
There were three attendance There were three attendants
assisting them. assisting them.

attendants attendance
The teacher checked the attendants. The teacher checked the attendance.

attendence attendance
His attendence was excellent. His attendance was excellent.

attach together attach

He attached the papers together. He attached the papers.

The audience observed the tennis
The spectators observed the ten'
match. nis match.

aunt ant
Thoreau describes the strength of Thoreau describes the strength of
the red aunt. the red ant.

auspicious suspicious
We were auspicious of the new We were suspicious of the new
mailman. mailman.

Incorrect Correct

Autumn autumn
In the Autumn , we will go on a In the autumn , we will go on a
hike. hike.

Indicate the auxilary verb in the Indicate the auxiliary verb in the
sentence. sentence.

availible available
Find out if the new book is avail - Find out if the new book is avail -
ible. able.

avenge revenge

He vowed to avenge himself He vowed to revenge himself

against his family for the wrongs against his family for the wrongs
they had done. they had done.

avert evert
The doctor had to avert the eye- The doctor had to evert the eye^
lid. lid.

aviary apiary

If you stay near the aviary long If you stay near the apiary long
enough, you are sure to get stung. enough, you are sure to get stung.

avocation vocation
His avocation is dentistry. His vocation is dentistry.


We’re a-wasting time. We’re wasting time.

Incorrect Correct

aweful awful
He was aweful to behold. He was awful tovebehold.

It was awful nice of you to come It was very nice of you to come to
to the party. the party.

awful very bad,

The play was really awful. The play was really
very very bad.


It’s an awfully hot day. It’s a very hot day.

awhile awhile
Rest a while before leaving. Rest awhile before leaving.

awhile awhile
Rest for awhile before leaving. Rest for a while before leaving.

We have awl we need. We have all we need.

Incorrect Correct

back again back

Please give it back to me again . Please give it back to me.

back of behind
The boy ran back of the garage. The boy ran behind the garage.

backwards backward
He is backwards in his studies. He is backward in his studies.

He traced the picture bad. He traced the picture badly.

She was taken bad in the theater. She was taken ill in the theater.

bade bid
He bade five dollars for the auc¬ He bid five dollars for the auc¬
tioned book. tioned book.

bad friends enemies

The two men are bad friends. The two men are enemies.

He felt badly when he was not He felt bad when he was not
chosen. chosen.
Incorrect Correct

very much
We wanted to go very badly . We wanted to go very much.

bailed baled
He bailed the cotton. He baled the cotton.

baled bailed
He baled out his friend. He bailed out his friend.

band banned
The author secretly hoped that The author secretly hoped that
the book would be band. the book would be banned.

banned band
We joined the banned of travelers. We joined the band of travelers.

banned banded
The company banned together. The company banded together.

baratone baritone
He is a baratone and not a tenor. He is a baritone and not a tenor.

bard barred
She bard the door each evening. She barred the door each evening.

bare bear
The three bares were not at home The three bears were not at home
when Goldilocks came by. when Goldilocks came by.

Incorrect Correct

bare-footed barefooted
He walked in the sand bare-footed . He walked in the sand barefooted.

baron barren
We saw pictures of the baron We saw pictures of the barren
desert. desert.

barred bard
He is known as the village barred. He is known as the village bard.

barren baron
The barren visited the castle. The baron visited the castle.

bassinette bassinet
The baby slept in a bassinette. The baby slept in a bassinet.

bath bathe
We wished to bath in the stream. We wished to bathe in the stream.

We found the quality of bathos in We found the pa thos of pathos in
the play extremely poignant. the play extremely poignant.

bawled bald
Do not make fun of the fact that Do not make fun of the fact that
he is bawled. he is bald.

beach beech
The beach tree shaded the house. The beech tree shaded the house.

Incorrect Correct

bean been
Where have you bean , young : Where have you been, young
man? j man?

bear bare
The trees were bear in winter. j The trees were bare in winter.

beat beet
From the beat , sugar was obtained, i From the beet, sugar was obtained.

She had a beau in her hair. She had a bow in her hair.

beautifuller more beautiful

She is beautifuller than her sister. • She is more beautiful than her

beech beach
We went to the beech since it was i We went to the beach since it
so warm. : was so warm.

been j bean
The been was an excellent vege¬ The bean was an excellent vege¬
table for the farmer. : table for the farmer.

beer bier
When we saw her beer we mourned. • When we saw her bier we mourned.

beet j beat
The beet of the music was strong, j The beat of the music was strong.

Incorrect Correct

begun began
I begun to work today. I began to work today.

being that since

Being that you are hungry, you Since you are hungry, you may
may eat now. eat now.

beldam bedlam
There was beldam in the class- There was bedlam in the class¬
room in the absence of the room in the absence of the
teacher. teacher.

bell belle
She is the “bell of the ball.” She is the “belle of the ball.”

belle bell
The belle chimed the hour. The bell chimed the hour.

ben been

I’ve ben thinking about the prob¬ I’ve been thinking about the prob¬
lem. lem.

bended bent
The curtain rod was bended. The curtain rod was bent.

benifit benefit
He derived great benifit from his He derived great benefit from his
work. work.

We must berry our dead. We must bury our dead.

Incorrect Correct

berth birth
The berth of an idea filled him The birth of an idea filled him
with joy.
with joy.

beseiged besieged
The city was beseiged by the enemy. The city was besieged by the enemy.

beside besides
Beside a dress, I shall buy a hat. Besides a dress, I shall buy a hat.

besides beside
He sat besides his parents. He sat beside his parents.

besides aside from

The speaker raised an issue besides The speaker raised an issue aside
the point. from the point.

bet beat
Yesterday they bet us at tennis. Yesterday they beat us at tennis.

better had better

He better follow instructions or He had better follow instructions

pay the penalty. or pay the penalty.

better had should

I think you better had visit him. I think you should visit him.

He could not see his friends He could not see his friends
between the hundreds of people. among the hundreds of people.

Incorrect Correct

between you and 1 between you and me

Between you and I, I think Mary Between you and me, I think Mary
is a fool. is a fool.

biannual biennial
The biannuals bloomed every two The biennials bloomed every two
biennial biannual
Twice a year this biennial will be Twice a year this biannual will be

biassed biased
We will try not to act in a biassed We will try not to act in a biased
manner. manner.

bier beer
We had a can of bier at the picnic. We had a can of beer at the picnic.

biggest share
The biggest share of the boys wore The majority of the boys wore
suits. suits.

billed build
Let us billed a cabin near the lake. Let us build a cabin near the lake.

billet-douxes billets-doux
I sent her several billet-douxes. I sent her several billets-doux.

Incorrect Correct

birth berth
I am looking for a comfortable I am looking for a comfortable
birth on this train. berth on this train.

bit bitten
He was bit by a dog. He was bitten by a dog.

biweekly semiweekly
We have meetings biweekly , on We have meetings semiweekly , on
Monday and Thursday. Monday and Thursday.

black-bird blackbird
A black-bird flew by. A blackbird flew by.

black-mail blackmail
The criminal tried to black-mail The criminal tried to blackmail
the mayor. the mayor.

blamed it on blamed
They blamed the trouble on us. They blamed us for the trouble.

blend together blend

Blend together a cup of sugar and Blend a cup of sugar and a cup of
a cup of milk. milk.

blew blue
She bought blew gloves. She bought blue gloves.

bloc block
This entire bloc of houses will be This entire block of houses will
torn down. be torn down.

Incorrect Correct

block bloc
The senators formed a block to The senators formed a bloc to

prevent passage of the bill. prevent passage of the bill.

blowed blew
The wind blowed hard. The wind blew hard.

blue blew
The wind blue and we were cold. The wind blew and we were cold.

boar bore
He attempted to boar a hole in He attempted to bore a hole in
the wood. the wood.

board bored
I was board and began to doze. I was bored and began to doze.

bold bowled
We bold for an hour. We bowled for an hour.

book-mark bookmark
He designed a leather book-mark. He designed a leather bookmark.

Two book’s werebooborrowed.
Two books were borrowed.

book shop bookshop

She bought Les M iserables at the She bought Les M iserables at the
book shop. bookshop.
Incorrect Correct

boquet bouquet
He brought a boquet of roses. He brought a bouquet of roses.

bore boar
Hunting the wild bore can be dan¬ Hunting the wild boar can be dan¬

bored board
We called a meeting of the mem¬ We called a meeting of the mem¬
bers of the bored. bers of the board.

born borne
The leaves were bom by the wind. The leaves were borne by the wind.

borne born
The kittens were borne in the The kittens were born in the
stable. stable.

borough burrow
An animal can borough like this. An animal can burrow like this.

both alike alike

They are both alike in appearance. They are alike in appearance.

He refused to bough down before He refused to bow down before
the idol. the idol.

bow beau
He was her favorite bow. He was her favorite beau.

" 1 /■, < >
f?< / •> ■> i < > ■/ y/'*’x' ^ #%/' ' ^ ^ ^

The bow of the tree was laden The bough of the tree was laden
with fruit. with fruit.

bowled bold
He was a bowled sailor. He was a bold sailor.

We were happy that the boy was We were happy that the buoy was
in the water to warn approaching in the water to warn approaching
ships. ships.

braid brayed
The donkey braid for an hour. They donkey brayed for an hour.

brake break
Do not brake the pottery. Do not break the pottery.

He brang his lunch to work. He brought his lunch to work.

braught brought
He braught a gift. He brought a gift.

brayed braid
She wore her hair in a brayed . She wore her hair in a braid.

bread bred
His conduct revealed how he was His conduct revealed how he was
bread . bred.

Incorrect Correct

breadth breath
His breadth was labored and pain- His breath was labored and paim
ful. ful.

break brake
The break wouldn’t work and the The brake wouldn’t work and the
car began to roll down the hill. car began to roll down the hill.

breath breadth
We measured the breath of the We measured the breadth of the
room. room.

bred bread
Man cannot live by bred alone. Man cannot live by bread alone.

bredth breadth
He traveled the length and bredth He traveled the length and breadth
of the land. of the land.

breech breach
Blowing a horn near a hospital is Blowing a horn near a hospital is
considered a breech of the peace. considered a breach of the peace.

brethren brothers
Behave like good sisters and Behave like good sisters and
brethren. brothers.

brewed brood
It is not right to brewed all day. It is not right to brood all day.

Incorrect Correct

brews bruise
He has a brews on his knee. He has a bruise on his knee.

bridal bridle
The jockey showed us how to The jockey showed us how to
handle the bridal handle the bridle.

bridle bridal
We watched the bridle party leave We watched the bridal party leave
the chapel. the chapel.

Please bring my bags to my room. Please take my bags to my room.

broadcasted broadcast
Have they broadcasted the opera? Have they broadcast the opera?

brood brewed
She brood a pot of tea. She brewed a pot of tea.

brother-in-laws brothers-in-law
I have two br other dn'iaws. I have two brothersan-law.

brothers brethren
The brothers of Sigma Chi came The brethren of Sigma Chi came
to the party. to the party.

brows browse
Let us brows in the store. Let us browse in the store.

Incorrect Correct

browse brows
Their browse were lined with care. Their brows were lined with care.

brung brought
He brung his friend to the party. He brought his friend to the party.

brussel sprouts brussels sprouts

We ordered brussel sprouts in the We ordered brussels sprouts in the
restaurant. restaurant.

build billed
He was build for the medicine. He was billed for the medicine.

built build
He has a stocky built. He has a stocky build.

built with built of

The house is built with stone. The house is built of stone.

bumkin bumpkin
He behaves like a country bumkin. He behaves like a country bumpkin.

bunch Crowd
Did you notice the bunch of peo¬ Did you notice theboycrowd of peo¬
ple at the comer? ple at the corner?


He is a bright and alert buoy. He is a bright and alert boy.

Incorrect Correct

burn up
We watched the paper burn up. We watched the paper burn.

burro burrow
He had to burro deeply into his He had to burrow deeply into
pocket to locate the missing his pocket to locate the missing

burroes burros
We saw many burroes in Mexico. We saw many burros in Mexico.

burrow borough
We live in this burrow. We live in this borough.

bursted burst
The bag bursted. The bag burst.

This wild bury is sweet. This wild berry is sweet.

bust break
Don’t bust the toy. Don’t break the toy.

busted broke
While skiing, he busted his ankle. While skiing, he broke his ankle.

busted broken
The cart is busted. The cart is broken.

Incorrect Correct


ustin' bustin’ out

The horse was balways
The horse was always breaking
of the corral. out of the corral.

but only but

She was almost packed, but only She was almost packed, but had a
had a few things to put away. few things to put away.

but what that

He never doubted but what she He never doubted that she would
would come. come.


by see this book?

Buy the way, did you By the way, did you see this book?

I will be by Bill’s.
by I will be at Bill’s.

I should like to by an expensive I should like to buy an expensive



Incorrect Correct

calligraphy handwriting
Mr. Jones is a calligraphy expert.
Mr. Jones is a handwriting expert.

Can I accompany you to the the- May I accompany you to the the-
ater? ater?

cancelation cancellation
He confirmed our cancelation. He confirmed our cancellation.

cannon canon
This is church cannon. This is church canon.

canon cannon
The canon will be used if we are The cannon will be used if we are
attacked. attacked.

canoist canoeist
He is an excellent canoist. He is an excellent canoeist.

This is a familiar cant.
This is a familiarcacan’t.

I cant turn back now.
I can’t turn back now.

Incorrect Correct

can hardly
can't hardly
He can hardly see that.
He can’t hardly see that.

can't help
can't help but
You can’t help but like him. You can’t help liking him.

can’t never can never

He can never go back.
He can’t never go back.

can't seem to
I can’t seem to finish my work. I can’t finish my work.

can't to
seem unable
can't seem to
I seem unable to fix the toy.
I can’t seem to fix the toy.

canvas canvass.
He made a canvas of public He made a canvass of public

canvass canvas
The satchel is made of canvass. The satchel is made of canvas.

He lacks capacity to do the work. He lacks ability to do the work.

capital capitol
The capital is a wonderful piece The capitol is a wonderful piece
of architecture. of architecture.

Incorrect Correct

capitol capital
Start each sentence with a capitol Start each sentence with a capital
letter. letter.

carat caret
Place a carat where a word has Place a caret where a word has
been omitted. been omitted.

carat carrot
The carat came from our garden. The carrot came from our garden.

careful carefully

Walk careful down the road. Walk carefully down the road.

caret carat
The diamond was at least one caret. The diamond was at least one carat.

carousal carousel
I like to take children to the I like to take children to the
carousal. carousel.

carton cartoon
The political carton was an The political cartoon was an
attack on the mayor. attack on the mayor.

cartoon carton
Place the cookies in the cartoon. Place the cookies in the carton.

cast caste
The natives believed in a cast The natives believed in a caste
Incorrect Correct

castanettes castanets
The sound of the castanettes drew The sound of the castanets drew
him to the cave. him to the cave.

caste cast
Caste your bread upon the waters. Cast your bread upon the waters.

Place it in the proper catagory. Place it in the proper category.

catch afire catch fire

The paper may catch afire. The paper may catch fire.

catched caught
He catched the ball very easily. He caught the ball very easily.

catholic Catholic
She goes to a catholic church. She goes to a Catholic church.

causal casual
We have a causal relationship We have a casual relationship
with each other. with each other.

causality casualty

The War Department reported The War Department reported

his name on the new causality list. his name on the new casualty list.

cause why
Cause why did you do that? Why did you do that?

Incorrect Correct

caws cause
We will examine the caws of the We will examine the cause of the
war. war.

cede seed
We need more cede to plant. We need more seed to plant.

celebrate celibate
The celebrate lived on herbs. The celibate lived on herbs.

celibate celebrate
The family joined to celibate the The family joined to celebrate the
anniversary of the couple. anniversary of the couple.

cell sell
He was willing to cell the car. He was willing to sell the car.

censor censure
He is sure to censor his behavior. He is sure to censure his behavior.

censure censor
The army censure must approve The army censor must approve all
all letters. letters.

cent scent
This is a very sweet cent. This is a very sweet scent.

cent sent
I believe he cent the letter. I believe he sent the letter.

Incorrect Correct

center middle
He parts his hair in the center He parts his hair in the middle
now. now.

cereal serial
The newspaper reported on the The newspaper reported on the
cereal killer. serial killer.

ceremonial ceremony

The wedding ceremonial is about The wedding ceremony is about

to begin. to begin.

cession session
Congress was in cession. Congress was in session.

chagrinned chagrined
He was greatly chagrinned when He was greatly chagrined when
the letter arrived. the letter arrived.

chaple chapel
We went to the chaple to pray. We went to the chapel to pray.

He has the character of being a He has the reputation of being a
man of integrity. man of integrity.


chard charred
After the fire, a few chard items After the fire, a few charred items
remained. remained.
Incorrect Correct

charged with charged for

He was charged with the merchant He was charged for the merchan'
dise. dise.

chased chaste
She is chased and pious. She is chaste and pious.

chassy chassis

The car’s chassy was badly damaged. The car’s chassis was badly damaged.

chaste chased
The dog was chaste through the The dog was chased through the
fields. fields.

1 bought a cheap suit. I bought an inexpensive suit.

cherubims cherubim
A host of cheruhims was singing A host of cherubim was singing


chews choose
Which book did you chews ? Which book did you choose ?

childish childlike
She had a childish faith and we She had a childlike faith and we
loved her for it. loved her for it.

childlike childish
He was constantly scolded for his He was constantly scolded for his
childlike mannerisms. childish mannerisms.

Incorrect Correct

chinawear chinaware
We wish to purchase some chi- We wish to purchase some chi¬
nawear. naware.

choose chews
He choose gum in a discourteous He chews gum in a discourteous
fashion. fashion.

choral coral
This stone is genuine choral. This stone is genuine coral.

chord cord
We need chord to tie the package. We need cord to tie the package.

Christian Christian
He is of the Christian faith. He is of the Christian faith.

chronic acute
He had a chronic attack of appen¬ He had an acute attack of appen¬
dicitis. dicitis.

chronic confirmed
He is a chronic bachelor, he claims. He is a confirmed bachelor, he

church-goer churchgoer
1 would not consider him a steady I would not consider him a

church-goer. steady churchgoer.

Incorrect Correct

cite site
The builder found the ideal cite The builder found the ideal site
for the new school. for the new school.

claim says, maintains, asserts

He claims he will come. He says he will come.

clarinette clarinet
He plays both the trumpet and He plays both the trumpet and
the clarinette. the clarinet.

clause claws

The bird was hurt by the animal’s The bird was hurt by the animal’
clause. claws.

claws clause
Read the claws carefully. Read the clause carefully.

cleanshaven clean-shaven
It is important for a man to be It is important for a man to be
cleanshaven. clean-shaven.

clearcut clear-cut
This is a clearcut case. This is a clear-cut case.

click clique
The click refused to accept respon¬ The clique refused to accept respon

sibility for Hank’s actions. sibility for Hank’s actions.

dim climbed
He clim the mountain. He climbed the mountain.

Incorrect Correct

climactic climatic
Climactic conditions were poor Climatic conditions were poor for
for flying. flying.

climatic climactic
The chorus rose to a climatic finish. The chorus rose to a climactic

clime climb
We will clime to the top. We will climb to the top.

clique click
We heard a clique and then an We heard a click and then an
explosion. explosion.

clothes pins clothespins

I need a dozen clothes pins. I need a dozen clothespins.

coarse course
We did not know which coarse of We did not know which course of
action to take. action to take.

coincidently coincidentally
Coincidently they were both Coincidentally they were both
dressed in blue. dressed in blue.

collaborate corroborate
His statements collaborate my His statements corroborate my

Incorrect Correct

collide against collide with

The ferry collided against the tug' The ferry collided with the tug¬
boat. boat.

colonel kernel
He doesn’t have a colonel of sense. He doesn’t have a kernel of sense.

coma comma
Use a coma to separate words in Use a comma to separate words in
a series. a series.

combine together combine

Combine together the apples and Combine the apples and the pears.
the pears.

come came
I come to visit you yesterday. I came to visit you yesterday.

come in contact with come into contact with

I hope to come in contact with the I hope to come into contact with
writer. the writer.

come in touch with get in touch with

Please come in touch with the Please get into touch with the
teacher. teacher.

comic comical
Her manner of applying cosmet' Her manner of applying cos¬
ics gave her face a comic appear- metics gave her face a comical

Incorrect Correct

comical comic
The actor was skilled in comical The actor was skilled in comic

comma coma
After the accident he went into After the accident he went into
a comma. a coma.

commander-in-chiefs commanders-in-chief
They were both excellent They were both excellent
commander-in-chiefs . commanders An-chief.

commodiously conveniently
The chair was commodiously The chair was conveniently placed
placed near the table. near the table.

We have some company at our We have some guguests
ests at our
house. house.

complacent complaisant
The young man was welb
The young man was well-
mannered and complacent. mannered and complaisant.

complaisant complacent
We were afraid that once he suc¬ We were afraid that once he suc-
ceeded, he would become complain eeded, he would become compla¬
sant. cent.

complected compiexioned
His sister is dark -complected. His sister is dark-complexioned.


Incorrect Correct

complement compliment
He paid me a sincere complement. He paid me a sincere compliment.

compliment complement
The hat served as a perfect com¬ The hat served as a perfect com¬
pliment for the outfit. plement for the outfit.

comprehensible comprehensive
There was a comprehensible study There was a comprehensive study
made on life in Alaska. made on life in Alaska.

comprehensive comprehensible
The material is written in a style The material is written in a style
that is scarcely comprehensive. that is scarcely comprehensible.

comprise constitute
The animals comprise a zoo. The animals constitute a zoo.

conceded acceded
He readily conceded to the pro- He readily acceded to the pro¬

concerned of concerned about

He is concerned about his broth¬
He is concerned of his brother’s
health. er’s health.

concluded decided
He concluded to speak before the He decided to speak before the
assembly. assembly.

Incorrect Correct

conclusion end
The conclusion of the road lies The end of the road lies ahead.

confidant confident
I am confidant that you will sue- I am confident that you will suc¬
ceed. ceed.

confident confidant
He is our confident. He is our confidant.

confidentially confidently

He delivered the address confident He delivered the address confi¬


confidently confidentially
The information was given confi¬ The information was given confi¬
dently. dentially.

The policeman is a congenial The policeman is al
a genial person.

conscious conscience
His conscious did not let him rest. His conscience did not let him rest.

consensus of opinion consensus

The consensus of opinion is that he The consensus is that he will be
will be defeated in the election. defeated in the election.

Incorrect Correct

This dress is considerable expensive. This dress is very expensive.

consist of consist in
Success does not always consist of Success does not always consist in
achieving wealth. achieving wealth.

consolidate together consolidate

The two groups will consolidate The two groups will consolidate.

get in touch with
I shall contact him tomorrow. I shall get in touch with him

contagious contiguous
Canada and the United States Canada and the United States
are contagious. are contiguous.

contemptible contemptuous
With a contemptible look, he eyed With a contemptuous look, he
the beggar. eyed the beggar.

contemptuous contemptible
He was a contemptuous coward. He was a contemptible coward.

content contents
The content of the bottle proved The contents of the bottle proved
to be rum. to be rum.

Incorrect Correct

contiguous contagious
Measles can be highly contiguous . Measles can be highly contagious.

continual continuous
The continual ringing of the bell The continuous ringing of the
was caused by a faulty connec¬ bell was caused by a faulty con¬
tion. nection.

continuously continually
He continuously demands the He continually demands the teach¬
teacher’s attention. er’s attention.

cooperate together cooperate

We must cooperate together if we We must cooperate if we wish to
wish to succeed. succeed.

copyritten copyrighted
When was the book copyritten ? When was the book copyrighted ?

coral choral
We heard a coral ode. We heard a choral ode.

cord chord
He played a cord on the piano. He played a chord on the piano.

When he was graduated from When he was graduated from
college, he joined the Marine college, he joined the Marine
Core . Corps.

Incorrect Correct

corespondents correspondents
During the summer we like to During the summer we like to
exchange letters with friends exchange letters with friends
who are good corespondents. who are good correspondents.

corps corpse
Before the police arrived, they Before the police arrived, they
removed the corps. removed the corpse.

We are enlisting in the Air We are enlisting in the Air
Corpse. Corps .

correspondent corespondent
She was named as correspondent She was named as corespondent in
in the divorce case. the divorce case.

correspond to correspond with

Let’s correspond to each other dur¬ Let’s correspond with each other
ing the summer. during the summer.

correspond with correspond to

The parts of a plane correspond The parts of a plane correspond to
with the parts of a bird. the parts of a bird.

corroborate collaborate
We are going to corroborate on a We are going to collaborate on a
book. book.

Incorrect Correct

cortege corsage

She wore a cortege of roses. She wore a corsage of roses.

costume custom
We enjoyed following the old We enjoyed following the old
costume. custom.

could of could have

I could of gone if I tried. I could have gone if I tried.

council counsel
We followed his good council. We followed his good counsel.

council consul
We went to the council to ask for We went to the consul to ask for
his advice. his advice.

counsel council
The counsel of elders met each The council of elders met each
month. month.

couple of two
I did not see him for a couple of 1 did not see him for two days.

course coarse
The course salt could not be used. The coarse salt could not be used.

Incorrect :v-'‘ ■-

coward cowered
He was coward by the vision. He was cowered by the vision.

cowered coward
He is a base cowered . He is a base coward.

creak creek
He fell in the creak. He fell in the creek.

credible creditable
The exhibit was praised by all as The exhibit was praised by all as
a credible affair. a creditable affair.

credible credulous
Since he was such a credible per¬ Since he was such a credulous
son, Steven believed the story. person, Steven believed the

credulous credible
His tale was hardly credulous. His tale was hardly credible.

creek creak
We heard the boards creek. We heard the boards creak.

crevasse crevice
There was a small crevasse in the There was a small crevice in the
wall of the house. wall of the house.

Incorrect Correct

crews cruise
We intend to take a sea crews. We intend to take a sea cruise.

criticized censured
The committee criticized his The committee censured his
actions as barbaric. actions as barbaric.

cross examine cross -examine

I will cross examine the witness. I will cross-examine the witness.

cross eyed cross-eyed

I believe she is a bit cross eyed. I believe she is a bit cross-eyed.

cross question cross-question

I shall cross question him later. I shall cross -question him later.

cruise cruse
We located the cruise of oil. We located the cruse of oil.

A long cue formed outside the queue outside the
A long queue formed
box-office. box-office.

current currant
We had some current jam. We had some currant jam.

curteous courteous
Please try to be polite and cur¬ Please try to be polite and cour¬
teous. teous.

Incorrect Correct

Ws mm \ ' :: :
custom costume
We will need a very elaborate We will need a very elaborate
custom for this play. costume for this play.

The cymbal of death and decay The symbol of death and decay
appeared frequently in the poem. appeared frequently in the poem

mm Correct

No one was permitted to read her No one was permitted to read her

dare not
You dasn’t speak aloud.
You dare not speak aloud.

daughter-in-laws daughters-in-law
The daughter-in-laws were good The daughters -in-law were good
friends. friends.

daydream daydream
He is content to day dream all day He is content to daydream all day

death-like deathlike
He was held in a death-like grip. He was held in a deathlike grip.

This is a deathly snake. This is a deadly snake.

deathrate death rate

The deathrate is quite high. The death rate is quite high.

' ''' '‘i*. v&V-S K 'h i'(. '/'''4l‘ '^' ' ■-' " ' ' ' ’’ ''sfiU , '/,/. '"'■ ' , 'ii' S’ ''{f ' <■■' <, 7 ?/?'"< /•> ,''y''/" J''

Incorrect Correct
- ■.. ... . , . ■ '. V'

debase demean
Debase yourself as a gentleman. Demean yourself as a gentleman.

debateable debatable
That matter is debateable. That matter is debatable.

decease disease
Is there no way to cure this Is there no way to cure this dis¬
decease ? ease l

decent descent
He began his decent to the valley. He began his descent to the valley.

declaims disclaims
He declaims all knowledge of the He disclaims all knowledge of the
event. event.

It is all a matter of decree. It is all a matter of degree.

decrepitate decrepit
The old woman looked so decrepi- The old woman looked so decrepit
tate that one had to feel pity. that one had to feel pity.


We were able to decry the ship as We were able to descry the ship
it came into port. as it came into port.


Dig deep under the earth. Dig deeply under the earth.

Incorrect Correct


Dig the hole deeply . Dig the hole deep.

defendent defendant
Mr. Smythe is the defendent in Mr. Smythe is the defendant in
this case. this case.

defer differ
We must defer with you in this We must differ with you in this
issue. issue.

definite definitive
We looked in vain for a definite We looked in vain for a definitive
treatment of the subject. treatment of the subject.

deliverys deliveries
We have to make several deliverys. We have to make several deliveries .

delusion illusion
A mirage is a delusion. A mirage is an illusion.

demean debase
Your evil actions are sure to Your evil actions are sure to
demean you. debase you.

demogogue demagogue
The politician was considered a The politician was considered a
demogogue. demagogue.

Incorrect Correct

demoted down demoted

Jerry was most unhappy to learn Jerry was most unhappy to learn
he had been demoted down. he had been demoted.

Please do not deny me if I present Please do not contradict me if I
this as fact. present this as fact.

deprecate depreciate
With time its value will deprecate. With time its value will depreciate.

depreciate deprecate
We should depreciate evil judg- We should deprecate evil judg¬
ments. ments.

descent decent
He dressed in a descent manner. He dressed in a decent manner.

desert dessert
Ice cream and pie is a favorite Ice cream and pie is a favorite
desert. dessert.

dessert desert
The caravan crossed the dessert. The caravan crossed the desert.

He will develope the film tomor¬ He will develop the film tomor¬
row. row.

incorrect Correct

device devise
We will device a plan to help our We will devise a plan to help our
allies. allies.

devise device
It was an ingenious devise. It was an ingenious device.

dew due
The damage was dew to the storm. The damage was due to the storm.

We purchased milk at the diary. We purchased milk at the dairy.

did done
He must have did that himself. He must have done that himself.

died from died of

Franklin Delano Roosevelt died Franklin Delano Roosevelt died
from a hemorrhage. of a hemorrhage.

differ defer
I differ to your judgment. I defer to your judgment.

different than different from

Your new hat is not so different Your new hat is not so different
than mine.
from mine.

differ with differ from

How does one race differ with How does one race differ from
another? another?

Incorrect Correct

differ from differ with

If you make that statement I If you make that statement, I
shall be forced to differ from you. shall be forced to differ with you.

dingeyness dinginess
We were upset by the dingeyness We were upset by the dinginess of
of the room. the room.

diptheria diphtheria
He was treated for diptheria. He was treated for diphtheria.

dipthong diphthong
He has difficulty in pronouncing He has difficulty in pronouncing
certain dipthongs . certain diphthongs.

directly as soon as
Directly we arrived, we heard the As soon as we arrived, we heard
news. the news.

disappoint disappointment
He felt a great disappoint when he He felt a great disappointment
heard the news. when he heard the news.

disburse disperse
He ordered the crowd to disburse. He ordered the crowd to disperse.

disclaim declaim
We listened to the orator disclaim We listened to the orator declaim
in the auditorium. in the auditorium.

Incorrect Correct

discovered invented
He discovered a machine to He invented a machine to weave
weave cloth. cloth.

discreet discrete
These are three discreet skills. These are three discrete skills.

discrete discreet
He was very discrete when he He was very discreet when he
spoke to his former professor. spoke to his former professor.

disease decease
His untimely disease was mourned His untimely decease was mourned
by all.
by all.

disinterested uninterested
I have always been disinterested I have always been uninterested
in art. in art.

dismaid dismayed
We were dismaid when we saw We were dismayed when we saw
the report. the report.

disobediance disobedience
We were shocked at his disobedi¬ We were shocked at his disobedi¬
ance ence

disperse disburse
A treasurer disperses money. A treasurer disburses money.

Incorrect Correct

disposition disposal
My car is at your disposition. My car is at your disposal

disremember forget
Did you disremember the address? Did you forget the address?

distinctive distinguished
The distinctive gentleman entered The distinguished gentleman
the parlor. entered the parlor.

distracted detracted
This error distracted from his oth¬ This error detracted from his oth
erwise perfect record. erwise perfect record.

divide up divide
They expect to divide up the They expect to divide the

do due
The books are do today. The books are due today.

dominated with dominated by

They were dominated with one They were dominated by one
thought. thought.

done did
He done his duty. He did his duty.

He don’t go to school. He doesn’t go to school.

incorrect Correct

door-bell doorbell
Let us ring the doorbell. Let us ring the doorbell.

dosen't She doesn’t know what to do.

She dosen’t know what to do.

dove dived
He dove quickly into the icy water. He dived quickly into the icy water.

Dr. doctor
The Dr. was not in his office. The doctor was not in his office.

d ranked drank
He dranked all the punch. He drank all the punch.

drawdown draw
You should draw down the blinds. You should draw the blinds.

d rawed drew
He dr awed a fine picture. He drew a fine picture.

dress-making dressmaking

She is studying dress-making. She is studying dressmaking.

There was a great deal of driness There was a great deal of dryness
in the air. in the air.

Incorrect Correct

driv drove
He driv the car by himself. He drove the car by himself.

drived driven
I believe he has drived to Ohio. I believe he has driven to Ohio.


There is not a drop of meat left. rticle of meat left.

There is not apaparticle

drove driven
Have you drove the car yet? Have you driven the car yet?

drunk drank
The child drunk the milk. The child drank the milk.

drunk drunken
The drunk man almost fell. The drunken man almost fell.

drunken drunk
That sailor is drunken. That sailor is drunk.

druv drove
He druv home alone. He drove home alone.

dual duel
The dual in Hamlet occurs in the The duel in Hamlet occurs in the
fifth act. fifth act.

Incorrect Correct

due dew
The grass glistened with the The grass glistened with the
morning due. morning dew.

duel dual
This car has duel control. This car has dual control.

due to because of
Due to rain, the game was can¬ Because of rain, the game was
celled. cancelled.

dutious dutiful
She is a most dutious daughter. She is a most dutiful daughter.

dying dyeing

She is dying the cloth. She is dyeing the cloth.

dynamoes dynamos
They both worked like dynamoes. They both worked like dynamos .
Incorrect Correct

each other one another

The five women spoke to each The five women spoke to one
other. another.

earn urn
We placed the earn on the shelf. We placed the urn on the shelf.

ear shaped ear-shaped

The lily is an ear shaped flower. The lily is an ear-shaped flower.

We went in an easternly direction. We went in an easterly direction.

easy easily

One can drown in a pool as easy One can drown in a pool as easily
as in a lake. as in a lake.

easy-going easygoing

He is relaxed and easy-going. He is relaxed and easygoing.

eats food
The eats is on the table. The food is on the table.

Incorrect Correct
' " '' . '< ' 'v ' , X'

ebbing out
We enjoyed watching the tide We enjoyed watching the tide
ebbing out.

echos echoes
We heard many echos in the cave. We heard many echoes in the cave.

economic economical
The economic homemaker should The economical homemaker

be praised. should be praised.

He was in a state of ecstacy. He was in a state of ecstasy.

edable edible
This plant is edable. This plant is edible.

edition addition
He checked the edition of nurm He checked the addition of num-
hers. bers.

editor-in-chief editor in chief

He is the editor-in-chief of the He is the editor in chief of the
newspaper. newspaper.

effect affect
The drought is certain to effect The drought is certain to affect
the price of farm products. the price of farm products.

egg plant
The recipe calls for egg plant. The recipe calls lanteggplant.

Incorrect Correct

egg shaped egg-shaped

Choose an egg shaped piece of wood. Choose an egg-shaped piece of wood.

elapse lapse
He had a sudden elapse of memory. He had a sudden lapse of memory.

electric electricity
The electric was turned off. The electricity was turned off.

elegant delicious
The food is very elegant. The food is very delicious.

elemental elementary
He is taking elemental chemistry. He is taking elementary chemistry.

elementery elementary
He is attending an elementery He is attending an elementary
school. school.

elicit illicit
The elicit sale of drugs must be The illicit sale of drugs must be
stopped. stopped.

else than other than

Shakespeare was rarely regarded Shakespeare was rarely regarded
by students as anything else than by students as anything other than
the writer of plays. the writer of plays.

elude allude

Jerry eluded to the Bible in his Jerry alluded to the Bible in his

incorrect Correct

elusion allusion
There are several elusions to There are several allusions to
mythology in the poem. mythology in the poem.

emanate from
happen in
Did the murder emanate from Did the murder happen in that
that house? house ?

embarassed embarrassed
The teacher was very embarassed The teacher was very embarrassed
when the parent entered the when the parent entered the
room. room.

emigrate immigrate
The man was not permitted to The man was not permitted to
emigrate to the United States. immigrate to the United States.

eminent imminent
He believes that the end of the He believes that the end of the
world is eminent. world is imminent.

end up end

I’ll end up the story with an anec- I’ll end the story with an anec'
dote. dote.

enigmae enigmas
There were many enigmae sun There were many enigmas sur¬
rounding his origin. rounding his origin.

He sought to enlargen his territory. He sought to enlarge his territory.

Incorrect Correct

entered into entered

The class entered into the room. The class entered the room.

enthuse interest
I hope the ideas will enthuse him. I hope the ideas will interest him.

enthused enthusiastic
She became very enthused when She became very enthusiastic
she heard the speech. when she heard the speech.

entomology etymology

The work in language included a The work in language included a

unit in entomology. unit in etymology.

enumerable innumerable
I have heard that same comment I have heard that same comment
enumerable times. innumerable times.

envelop envelope

Place the note in an envelop. Place the note in an envelope.

We will envelope you with kindness. We will envelop you with kindness.

envious enviable
He made an envious record at He made an enviable record at
college. college.

envocation invocation
The poem began with an envoca¬ The poem began with an invoca¬
tion. tion.

Incorrect Correct

The recent accomplishments of
The recent accomplishments of
the astronauts marked the begin- the astronauts marked the begin¬
ning of a new epic. ning of a new epoch.

epigramatic epigrammatic
His comment was epigramatic. His comment was epigrammatic.

He hurled a strange epitaph at us. He hurled a strange epithet at us.

epithet epitaph
There was an epithet inscribed on There was an epitaph inscribed
the monument. on the monument.

epoch epic
We completed the reading of the We completed the reading of the
epoch poem Paradise Lost. epic poem Paradise Lost.

equable equitable
An equable adjustment will be An equitable adjustment will be
made in view of the damage. made in view of the damage.

equally as good
as good as
Your work is equally as good as his. Your work is as good as his.

equally as good equally good

This pie is equally as good. This pie is equally good.

iSMk Incorrect .
VA '■ / g y'f A. \ ' 4 ; t % i

equipement equipment
We will need new equipement at We will need new equipment at
the factory. the factory.

ernest earnest
He is an ernest young man. He is an earnest young man.

We were granted several especial
We were granted several special
privileges. privileges.

He attempted to essay the news. He attempted to assay the news.

In order to learn more about In order to learn more about
insect control, we took a course insect control, we took a course
in etymology. in entomology.

evert avert
He tried to evert the danger. He tried to avert the danger.

in every way
every bit
She is every bit a student. She is in every way a student.

every place everywhere

He looked every place. He looked everywhere.

everywheres everywhere
Everywheres I looked, I saw mourn Everywhere I looked, I saw moun¬
tains. tains.

Incorrect Correct

evesdropper eavesdropper
We were told that she was an We were told that she was an
evesdropper. eavesdropper.

exalted exulted
We all exalted over the great victory. We all exulted over the great victory.

example where example in which

Here is a perfect example where Here is a perfect example in which
care must be taken. care must be taken.

exceed cede
After the war, Germany had to After the war, Germany had to
exceed many of her colonies. cede many of her colonies.

excel exceed
We must not excel our quota. We must not exceed our quota.

Please except this gift. Please accept this gift.

exceptionable exceptional
The child displays exceptionable The child displays exceptional
talent. talent.

except she except her

They are all going except she. They are all going except her.

excerpt extract
The dentist had to excerpt the The dentist had to extract the
tooth. tooth.

Incorrect Correct

excess access
He is the only one who has excess He is the only one who has access
to the key. to the key.

The day was excessively humid. The day was exceedingly humid.

excize excise
This is an example of an excize This is an example of an excise
tax. tax.

excusible excusable
Your actions are most excusible. Your actions are most excusable.

exercise exorcise
The priest tried to exercise the The priest tried to exorcise the

exercize exercise
We need more exercize. We need more exercise.

exhuberance exuberance
We enjoyed her exhuberance. We enjoyed her exuberance.

exorcise exercise
We need to exorcise more fre¬ We need to exercise more fre¬
quently in the gymnasium. quently in the gymnasium.

expect assume
I expect that he won the race. I assume that he won the race.

M M .■ HHH ■ i kt? § ,'gs ggg| —MM jkk, - '■- g


expell expel
She had to expell him from She had to expel him from
school. school.

expence expense
We had to go to trouble and We had to go to trouble and
expence. expense.

experience experience
He has had little experiance as an He has had little experience as an
actor. actor.

experimently experimentally
The product is being used expert The product is being used experi¬
mently. mentally.

explicit implicit
I have explicit faith in your judg' I have implicit faith in your judg'
ment. ment.

expresident ex-president
There is the expresident of the There is the ex-president of the
company. company.

extant extent
The extant of the damage was not The extent of the damage was not
known. known.


This was a moment of extasy. This was a moment of ecstasy.


extent extant
There are only seven plays of There are only seven plays of
Aeschylus extent . Aeschylus extant.

extoll extol
He came to extoll the hero. He came to extol the hero.

He took extra care in explaining He took especial care in explain¬
the solution.
ing the solution.

extra unusually

It’s an extra beautiful day. It’s an unusually beautiful day.

extract excerpt

The paragraph was an extract The paragraph was an excerpt

from a book. from a book.

exulted exalted
It was an exulted experience. It was an exalted experience.

eyeglasses eyeglasses
I believe you need eye glasses. I believe you need eyeglasses.

Incorrect Correct

faint-hearted fainthearted
If you expect to succeed, you can- If you expect to succeed, you cam
not be faint-hearted. not be fainthearted.

fair fare
The fair at the inn was varied The fare at the inn was varied
and well prepared. and well prepared.

fair-sized fair-size
This is a fair-sized book. This is a fair-size book.

faith fate

I will go wherever my faith leads. I will go wherever my fate leads.

fakir faker
You are a fakir, an imposter! You are a faker, an imposter!

fallable fallible
We must understand that human We must understand that human
beings are fallable. beings are fallible.

famous notorious
The famous gangster was caught. The notorious gangster was

Incorrect Correct

tare fair
He tries to be fare in everything He tries to be fair in everything
he does. he does.

far-fetched farfetched
That is a far-fetched explanation. That is a farfetched explanation.

farther further
You will have to delve into the You will have to delve into the

study even farther. study even further.

fate faith
The man had many doubts and The man had many doubts and
little fate. little faith.

father-in-laws fathers-in-law
The father-in-laws met for the The fathers -in-law met for the
first time. first time.

He favors a dog to a cat. He prefers a dog toera cat.

feat feet
His feat ached after the hike. His feet ached after the hike.

features resembles
She strongly features her sister. She strongly resembles her sister.

feet feat
We admired his daring feet. We admired his daring feat.

Incorrect Correct

feint faint
The sound in the distance was The sound in the distance was

quite feint.
quite faint.

fell fallen
The box has fell out of the boat. The box has fallen out of the boat.

ferocious very great

This is a ferocious error. This is a very great error.

fewer less
You have fewer money than I. You have less money than I.

fickel fickle
She is a very fickel and flighty She is a very fickle and flighty


fictitious pseudonym pseudonym

He writes under a fictitious pseud - He writes under a pseudonym.

Filippino Filipino
He is a Filippino by birth. He is a Filipino by birth.

final completion completion

We waited for the final completion We waited for the completion of
of the article. the article.

final ending
What is the final ending of the What is the ending of the play?


Incorrect Correct

find fined
The judge find the driver. The judge fined the driver.

fined find

Where did you fined the money? Where did you find the money?

finish up finish

Let’s finish up the business. Let’s finish the business.

fir fur
She insisted on wearing a fir stole. She insisted on wearing a fur stole.

fire-proof fireproof
The building is completely The building is completely

fire-proof . fireproof.

first-aid first aid

He administered first-aid. He administered first aid.

first-hand firsthand
He wants first-hand knowledge. He wants firsthand knowledge.

first-lieutenant first lieutenant

He just became a first-lieutenant. He just became a first lieutenant.

firstly first
Firstly, I want to thank all of you. First, I want to thank all of you.

first off first

First off, let’s talk about the election. First, let’s talk about the election.

Incorrect Correct

fisher fissure
The paper was hidden in the fisher. The paper was hidden in the fissure.

fissure fisher
He is a hunter and fissure. He is a hunter and fisher.

five cents worth

five cents' worth
I’d like five cents worth of candy. I’d like five cents’ worth of candy.


There are three f five’s in fifteen.
There are three fives in fifteen.

fixing repairing
The clock needs fixing. The clock needs repairing.

flair flare
The flames began to flair out. The flames began to flare out.

flammible flammable
This material is highly flammible. This material is highly flammable.

flare flair
He has a flare for writing. He has a flair for writing.

flea flee
We must flea from this city. We must flee from this city.

flee flea
The flee flew away. The flea flew away.

Incorrect Correct

flew flown
Has this bird flew before? Has this bird flown before?

flied flew
The paper flied through the air. The paper flew through the air.

floorwalker floorwalker
He is a floor walker in the store. He is a floorwalker in the store.

flour flower
The flour bloomed in the garden. The flower bloomed in the garden.

flower flour
The recipe called for a cup of The recipe called for a cup of


flu flew
The bird flu through the window. The bird flew through the window.

flunk fail
Did you flunk the examination? Did you fail the examination?

flys flies

The bird flys gracefully. The bird flies gracefully.

focussed focused
He focussed the camera. He focused the camera.

folkdance folk dance

We love that folkdance. We love that folk dance.
Incorrect Correct

This is a popular folksong. This is a popular folk song.

folktale folktale
He heard an old folk tale. He heard an old folktale.

folktune folktune

Isn’t this a lovely folktune ? Isn’t this a lovely folk tune ?

followed behind followed

They followed behind the leader. They followed the leader.

foot feet
He is six foot tall. He is six feet tall.

for four
There were for more pies left. There were four more pies left.

for to
She brought her son for dinner. She brought her son to dinner.

forbids of forbids
The storm forbids of our traveling. The storm forbids our traveling.

The firm was unwilling to forego The firm was unwilling to forgo
its usual commission. its usual commission.

foreword forward
He went foreword into battle. He went forward into battle.


forfiet forfeit
You will have to pay a forfiet. You will have to pay a forfeit

We traveled to many foriegn lands. We traveled to many foreign lands.

formally formerly

He was formally the president of He was formerly the president of

the organization. the organization.

You will have to be formerly You will have to be formally
dressed. dressed.

forsook forsaken
She has forsook her home. She has forsaken her home.

fort forte
Swimming is not my fort. Swimming is not my forte.

forte fort
The settlers went to the forte. The settlers went to the fort.

forteen fourteen
The battle lasted forteen hours. The battle lasted fourteen hours.

forth fourth

This is the forth time I’ve told This is the fourth time I’ve told
you what to do. you what to do.

c X ^^*iVoC\'\cs £8S '' S$j m%® W&&8&S&, * KS-'iSS I < <_ -\.. « ' >,

Incorrect Correct

fortyniner forty-niner
He was a fortyniner. He was a forty-niner.

forward foreword
The forward contains many inter' The foreword contains many in'
esting comments. teresting comments.

for why

I’ll tell you for why you should go. I’ll tell you why you should go.

foul fowl
We noticed some strange foul in We noticed some strange fowl in
the area. the area.

foul up confuse
He has a tendency to foul up all He has a tendency to confuse all
matters. matters.

four for
Four whom was the call? For whom was the call?

fourth forth
The lad was ready to go fourth The lad was ready to go forth into
into the world. the world.
It rained for fourty days. It rained for forty days.

fowl foul
The fowl odor felled the three The foul odor felled the three
men. men.



free for nothing
The pencils are free for nothing. The pencils are free.

free gratis
These booklets are free gratis. These booklets are free.

freezed froze

The lake freezed rapidly. The lake froze rapidly.

friccassee fricassee

She served the friccassee in a cas^ She served the fricassee in a cas^
serole. serole.

friendly in a friendly manner

He talked friendly to me. He talked in a friendly manner to

Frisco San Francisco

Frisco is an interesting city. San Francisco is an interesting city.

from than
She seems to be quite another She seems to be quite another
person from what she was. person than what she was.

from hence from here

He came from hence. He came from here.

from thence from there

He traveled from thence last night. He traveled from there last night.

Incorrect Correct

from whence from where

From whence did you get that From where did you get that
report? report?

fryed fried
The meat was fryed in oil. The meat was fried in oil.

fuedal feudal
We heard a lecture on fuedal laws. We heard a lecture on feudal laws.

fulsome abundant
He was given fulsome praise at He was given abundant praise at
the banquet. the banquet.

funny strange

I had a funny experience that I had a strange experience that

terrified me. terrified me.

fur fir

The fur tree grew in the forest. The fir tree grew in the forest.

furlow furlough

He was on a furlow. He was on a furlough.

further farther
He walked further than I. He walked farther than I.

furtivity furtiveness
His furtivity astonished us. His furtiveness astonished us.
Incorrect Correct

it oiled.
The gait needs togabe The gate needs to be oiled.

We watched the lambs gamble on We watched the ol gambol on
the green. the green.

I don’t want you to gambol or use gambtolegamble or use
I don’t want you
profanity. profanity.

There are several poisonous gasses There are several poisonous gases

He walked with ga e
a tslow gate. He walked with a slow gait.


What ave him for his

have you ggave What have you given him for his
birthday? given

Persons of the female gender may Persons of the female sex may not
not enter. enter.

Incorrect Correct

general generally
General , he behaves quite well. Generally , he behaves quite well.

generally always
He is generally always late. He is usually late.

gentleman gentlemanly
The man sometimes forgot his The man sometimes forgot his
gentleman habits. gentlemanly habits.

This store advertised mens suits.

This store advertised gents’ suits.

His manner ts
getsgeme. His manner puzzlesme.

giftwear gift ware

They specialize in giftwear. They specialize in giftware.

gild gild of carpen-

He belonged to the He belonged to the guild of can

His gilt was obvious tto the jury. His guilt was obvious to the jury.

Gimme my gloves, please. give meplease.
Give me my gloves,

Incorrect Correct
" > <> %' * m ."■' ■■

They never given it to me. They never gave it to me.


The glacier repaired the window. glazierthe window.
The glazier repaired

glad of
I was glad of the news. I was glad at the at

He drank two glassesful of water.
He drank two glassfuls of water.

The glazier was coming on in a The glacier wasglac ier
coming on in a
relentless manner. relentless manner.

They are the child’s god-parents. They are the child’s godparents.

going current
The going trend is to wear simpler The current trend is to wear sim¬
pler hats.

going on going to
We are going on a wedding We are going to a wedding tomor
tomorrow. row.

I don’t feel good today. I don’t feel vuell today.

* »
Incorrect Correct

He reads quite good. He reads quite well.

gorilla guerrilla
The enemy was known for prac- The enemy was known for prac¬
ticing gorilla warfare. ticing guerrilla warfare.

Did you got a newgotdress? Did you get a new dress?

I got a bat and ball. I have a bat and ball.

He got to go home.
got He must go home.

was late
got late
I got late to work. I was late to work.

graduated graduated from

He never graduated high school. He never graduated from high

Edison was certainly a grate man. Edison was certainly a great man.

The noise began to great after a The noise began to grate after a
while. while. grate


greatest of
He expressed grhis greatest regrets.
He expressed his greatest of regrets.

I am greatful for all your help. I am grateful for eful
gratall your help.

greatly minimized
He greatly minimized the impon He minimized the importance of
tance of the book. the book.

grei f
Her greif was understandable. Her grief was understandable.

He has groan over the summer. He has grown over the summer.

g rowed
Who growed these flowers? Who grew these flowers?


g rowed
He has growed considerably. He has grown considerably.

Suddenly we heard a grown in Suddenly we heard a groan in the
the dark. dark.


What grubdid they serve?

type of grub What type of food did they serve?

Incorrect Correct

The guerrilla is said to be a shy The gorilla is said toa be a shy
animal. animal.

Mrs. Jones was the guessed of Mrs. Jones was the guest of honor.
honor. guest

guest gues sed was in store

I never guest what was in store I never guessed what
for us. for us.

Many adolescents are in need of Many adolescents are in need of

Do not guild thegu lily. Do not gild the lily.


uilt guilt edges.

The certificate ghad The certificate had gilt edges.

gutteral gilt
He made a gutteral sound. guttural
He made a guttural sound.

Incorrect Correct

habitual braggart braggart

My sister is a habitual braggart. My sister is a braggart.

haddedto had to
He said he hadded to do it. He said he had to do it.

had have had

If you had have come, you would If you had come, you would have
have seen them. seen them.

hadn't ought ought not

He ought not to have spoken.
He hadn’t ought to have spoken.

had of had
I wish I had of gone. I wish I had gone.

had ought ought

The men had ought to go to the The men ought to go to the
theater. theater.

hail hale
He was hail at the age of seventy. He was hale at the age of seventy.

hair hare
The hair leaped through the glade. The hare leaped through the glade.


halfmast half-mast
The flag was at halfmast. The flag was at half-mast.

hale hail
Suddenly it became cold and Suddenly it became cold and
began to hale. began to hail.

half-brother half brother

Is this his half-brother ? Is this his half brother ?

half-sister half sister

I believe Rose is her half-sister. I believe Rose is her half sister.

hall haul
The truck will hall away the The truck will haul away the
rubbish. rubbish.

hallow hollow
The tube was hallow. The tube was hollow.

halucination hallucination
I believe it was simply a halucina¬ I believe it was simply a halluci¬
tion. nation.

hand-made handmade
This article is hand-made. This article is handmade.

handsful handfuls
Take two handsful of wool. Take two handfuls of wool.

Incorrect Correct

handsome hansom
He rode in a handsome . He rode in a hansom.

hangar hanger
You need a hangar for that dress. You need a hanger for that dress.

They hanged the curtains in the They hung the curtains in the
bedroom. bedroom.

hanger hangar
The airplane crashed into the The airplane crashed into the
hanger. hangar.

hansom handsome
He is a hansom youth. He is a handsome youth.

hardly any
hardly no
I have hardly no money. I have hardly any money.

hardwear hardware
We need a hardwear store. We need a hardware store.

hare hair
Please comb your hare. Please comb your hair.

hart heart
Your question reaches the hart of Your question reaches the heart
the problem. of the problem.


•J-" '• ' '

V ' ' \ " ' ' s '
'■Vv<ss T 'VT ^Vs\ f

has have
They has a new apartment. They have a new apartment.

has been have been

There has been two accidents. There have been two accidents.

has began has begun

He has began his writing. He has begun his writing.

has done have done

Mary is among the students who Mary is among the students who
has done honor to her school. have done honor to her school.

has got
This rose has got a sweet fragrance. This rose has a sweet fragrance.

has rung
has rang
I am sure the bell has rang. I am sure the bell has rung.

has sung
has sang
She has sang here before. She has sung here before.

has sank has sunk

The ship has sank. The ship has sunk.

has shrank has shrunk

The dress has shrank considerably. The dress has shrunk considerably.

haul hall
There is a fine picture in the haul. There is a fine picture in the hall.

Incorrect Correct


have a right to ought to

You have a right to be shot. You ought to be shot.

have brung have brought

You should have brung some ice You should have brought some ice
cream home. cream home.

have came have come

I have came several times. I have come several times.


Hay ! Watch out for the car! Hey l Watch out for the car!

They had a hayday in the city. They had a heyday in the city.

he him
Between Joan and he there are Between Joan and him there are
no secrets. no secrets.

He has a healthful glow to his face. He has a healthy glow to his face.

healthy healthful
Our city has a healthy climate. Our city has a healthful climate.

hear here
Place the bottle over hear . Place the bottle over here.

■■ AM

$ ;V r ^BW
Incorrect Correct

hearsay hear
I hear say he is ill. I hear he is ill.

hear tell hear

I hear tell you are going to the I hear you are going to the
market. market.

heart hart
The heart was sacred to Artemis. The hart was sacred to Artemis.

hebrew Hebrew
The hebrew leader crossed the The Hebrew leader crossed the
river. river.

heerd heard
I heerd he died last week. I heard he died last week.

The heir is cool tonight. The air is cool tonight.

her she
Bill and Her are going together. Bill and she are going together.

here hear
I do not here you very well. I do not hear you very well.


It is herecy to make such a state¬ It is heresy to make such a state¬

ment. ment.

Incorrect Correct

The book is hers.
The book is her’s

he who him who

You must believe in he who will You must believe in him who will
help you. help you.

We went on a hey ride. We went on a hay ride.

high pressure high-pressure

I resent your high pressure tactics. I resent your high-pressure tactics.

The workman is worthy of his The workman is worthy of his
higher. hire.

It was him who called. It was he who called.

John and him are going with us. John and he are going with us.

him he
He is better than him. He is better than he.

The worship service opened with The worship service opened with
the singing of a him. the singing of a hymn.

Incorrect Correct

hipocrisy hypocrisy
I will not tolerate hipocrisy . 1 will not tolerate hypocrisy.

He went even lure than we thought He went even higher than we
possible. thought possible.

historical historic
This is the historical spot where This is the historic spot where the
the first shot was fired. first shot was fired.


This game is hi’s.hi
This game is his.

One should be true to his faith.
One should be true to one’s faith.


his' n
Are you sure it’s his’n ? Are you sure it’s his ?

hisself himself
He did the work hisself. He did the work himself.

hoard horde
The hoard of teenagers pushed The horde of teenagers pushed
into the theater. into the theater.

hoarse horse

The hoarse was friendly to the The horse was friendly to the
children. children.

Incorrect Correct


The shrine was considered holey . The shrine was considered holy.

hollowed hallowed
This is a hollowed shrine, sacred This is a hallowed shrine, sacred
for centuries. for centuries. holy


The ground you stand upon is holly. The ground you stand upon is holy.

holy wholly

She was holy satisfied. She was wholly satisfied.


A wreath of holy was over the A wreath of holly was over the
mantle. mantle.

home at home
I hope to be home for the summer. I hope to be at home for the sum'

honest truth truth

The honest truth is that I did not go. The truth is that I did not go.
hoop /

When they charged into battle, When they charged into battle,
the Indians gave a loud hoop. the Indians gave a loud whoop.

horde hoard
He was told not to horde food. He was told not to hoard food.

Incorrect Correct . , HBHi

hors-d'oeuvres hors d'oeuvres

The hors-d'oeuvres were delicious. The hors d'oeuvres were delicious.

horse hoarse
I am horse from speaking so much. I am hoarse from speaking so much.

hour our
We are looking for hour book. We are looking for our book.

however how
However could you do it! How could you do it!

human humane
He behaved in a human way He behaved in a humane way
toward the convict. toward the convict.

humane human
Does every humane possess the Does every human possess the
instinct for survival? instinct for survival?

The men of the town hung the The men of the town hanged the
outlaw. outlaw.

hurted hurt
The wound hurted him. The wound hurt him.

hymn him
Must we always wait for hymn ? Must we always wait for him ?

Incorrect Correct

His hypercritical remarks were just His hypocritical remarks were just
further indications of how he further indications of how he
tried to please everyone. tried to please everyone.

hypocritical hypercritical
He did not want to be hypocritical He did not want to be hypercritical
in discussing the play with its in discussing the play with its
faults. faults.

\'Y < Y- Y'-'-, " Y Y YrM
Incorrect lCorrect

They asked Joan and I to go with They asked Joan and me to go
them. with them.

I me
Did you call Rose and 1 ? Did you call Rose and me?

He spoke to Bob and I. He spoke to Bob and me.

I me
He likes you better than I He likes you better than me.

ice coffee iced coffee

We were given some ice coffee. We were given some iced coffee.

ice-cream ice cream

He ordered a dish of ice-cream. He ordered a dish of ice cream.

ice tea iced tea

The ice tea was most refreshing. The iced tea was most refreshing.

identical to identical with

He is identical to his twin brother. He is identical with his twin

Incorrect Correct

idle idol
They fashioned an idle and won They fashioned an idol and wor¬
shipped it. shipped it.

idol idle

Jeff was idol all afternoon. Jeff was idle all afternoon.

idol idyll
This was a lovely summer idol This was a lovely summer idyll

idyll idle
Idyll hands make mischief. Idle hands make mischief.

idyll idol
There was evidence of idyll won There was evidence of idol wor¬

if whether
I did not know i/he would ride I did not know whether he would
or walk. ride or walk.

illegible ineligible
He is illegible to vote in this elec¬ He is ineligible to vote in this
tion. election.

illicit elicit
Try to illicit the information, if Try to elicit the information, if
you can.
you can.

ill of ill with

She is ill of a cold. She is ill with a cold.

Incorrect Correct

ill tempered ill-tempered

He is ill tempered and nasty. He is ilh tempered and nasty.

illude delude
Are you trying to illude yourself? Are you tying to delude yourself?

illusion allusion
The illusion was to the Bible. The allusion was to the Bible.

imbue instil
The courage he imbued in his The courage he instilled in his
men was remarkable. men was remarkable.

immerged emerged
We immerged from the tunnel. We emerged from the tunnel.

immigrated emigrated
That was Robert’s aim when he That was Robert’s aim when he
immigrated from Spain. emigrated from Spain.

imminent eminent
The man was an imminent merm The man was an eminent member
her of the community. of the community.

imminent immanent
These are some of her imminent These are some of her immanent


imitation leatherette leatherette

The wallet is imitation leatherette. The wallet is leatherette.

Incorrect Correct

impecable impeccable
He has an impecable record. He has an impeccable record.

imply infer
We can imply from the readings We can infer from the readings
that this theory has never been that this theory has never been
substantiated. substantiated.

in at
The child was not in fault. The child was not at fault.

in into

He jumped from the board in the He jumped from the board into
pool. the pool.

In a.d. a.d.
He died in a.d. 1865 He died a.d. 1865

in between between
Put this marker in between these Put this marker between these
two pages. two pages.

Inc Inc.

Fordham, Inc is a fine shop. Fordham, Inc. is a fine shop.

incamped encamped
The troops were incamped by the The troops were encamped by the
hill. hill.

Incorrect Correct

incidence incidents
The two incidence occurred in The two incidents occurred in the
the evening.

incidently incidentally

Incidendy , my boy, you are mis^ Incidentally , my boy, you are

taken. mistaken.

incidents incidence
The incidents of failure is higher The incidence of failure is higher
among the nonacademic. among the nonacademic.

incite insight
He has unusual incite. He has unusual insight.

incredible incredulous
The incredible people did not The incredulous people did not
believe our story. believe our story.

incredulous incredible
The story seemed incredulous. The story seemed incredible.

indicted indited
They indicted a complaint to the They indited a complaint to the
president of the congregation. president of the congregation.

indited indicted
He was indited by the grand jury. He was indicted by the grand jury.

indivisable indivisible
That number is indivisable by three. That number is indivisible by three.

•' - ' ' ■ ' • \ . '

Incorrect Correct

ineffable affable
In order for a guest to enjoy a In order for a guest to enjoy a
party, the host must be ineffable party, the host must be affable to
to everyone. everyone.

ineligible illegible
His writing was ineligible. His writing was illegible.

infected infested
The wound was infected with The wound was infested with

germs. imply

Are you trying to infer that I Are you trying to imply that I
would do something dishonest? would do something dishonest?

inferior poetaster
Jonson ridiculed an inferior poet - Jonson ridiculed a poetaster in
aster in one of his plays. one of his plays.

infested infected
Because the wound had not Because the wound had not
been properly cleaned, the hand been properly cleaned, the hand
became infested. became infected.

inforce enforce
They did not inforce the law. They did not enforce the law.

ingenious ingenuous
We enjoyed the ingenious quality We admired the ingenuous qual¬
of the youngster. ity of the youngster.

Incorrect Correct

ingenuous ingenious
The ingenuous man invented a The ingenious man invented a
twoheaded nail. two-headed nail.

in group
He wanted to be part of the in He wanted to be part of the in¬
group. group.

in Hamlet it Hamlet

In Hamlet it describes a man’s Hamlet describes a man’s struggle

struggle with his conscience. with his conscience.

inhibitted inhibited
He is very inhibitted in front of He is very inhibited in front of his
his parents.

injured damaged
His teeth were injured. His teeth were damaged.

injury accident
We had a terrible injury when we We had a terrible accident when
fell on the lawn. we fell on the lawn.

in regards to in regard to
In regards to your request, I shall In regard to your request, I shall
send the merchandise at once. send the merchandise at once.

inrich enrich
This book will inrich your life. This book will enrich your life.

... ii ' '
Incorrect Correct
ilSi wMiim ' 1 1 WS8m

in search for in search of

He went in search for a new position. He went in search of a new position.

inshrine enshrine
We will inshrine him in our hearts. We will enshrine him in our hearts.

inside of inside
He was inside of the house. He was inside the house.

inside of inside
She walked inside of the house. She walked inside the house.

inside of within
Inside of three weeks, he had his Within three weeks, he had his

instance where instance in which

This is an instance where you are This is an instance in which you
wrong. are wrong.

instil imbue
The speech instilled everyone The speech imbued everyone
with enthusiasm. with enthusiasm.

instants instance
This is an instants that reveals his This is an instance that reveals
intelligence. his intelligence.

insured assured
He insured me that he would not He assured me that he would not
let this happen again. let this happen again.

Incorrect Correct
'■''';;V$Vi"'.\;-.;.'N , | | | -| VO" , ' '''• ■■ •

intangled entangled
The situation became hopelessly The situation became hopelessly
intangled. entangled.

intelligensia intelligentsia
He is part of the nation’s intelli - He is part of the nation’s intelli¬

intelligible intelligent
An intelligible voter knows the An intelligent voter knows the
issues of the day. issues of the day.

intents intense
The heat was intents. The heat was intense.

into in
He walked back and forth into He walked back and forth in the
the small room. small room.

The soldier was introduced to the The soldier was presented to the

invented discovered
They invented the island quite by They discovered the island quite
by chance.

in view of in light of
In view of recent discoveries, the In light of recent discoveries, the
speech should be changed. speech should be changed.

Incorrect Correct

invite invitation
I received an invite to the wed' I received an invitation to the
ding. wedding.

irruption eruption
We were terrified by the volcanic We were terrified by the volcanic
irruption . eruption.

isle aisle
We like to sit near an isle in the We like to sit near an aisle in the
theater. theater.

1 think its going to rain.
I think it’s going to rain.

its it's

t's tail. The dog wagged its tail.

The dog wagged iit’s

Incorrect Correct

jack-in-the-boxes jacks-in-the-box
There was a display of unusual There was a display of unusual
jack'iri'the'boxes . jacks4n'the'box.

He was bom in Jan. He was born in January.

The young salesman was jealous The young salesman was envious
of the large accounts of the older of the large accounts of the older
man. man.

He was an honest and trustwon
He was an honest and trustwon

thy jedge. thy judge.

jell it cooled.
It became a jell when It became a jelly when it cooled.

He is jewish. He is Jewish.

Jones's The Joneses are coming to the
The Jones’s are coming to the
theater. theater.

Incorrect Correct

judged from judged by

Judged from ethical standards, his Judged by ethical standards, his
behavior is highly culpable. behavior is highly culpable.

jump in
jump into
The boys jumped in the lake. The boys jumped into the lake.


He was just tiredjuout. He was simply tired out.

just exactly
This is just exactly what I want. This is just what I want.


Incorrect Correct

kahki khaki
They were all dressed in kahki. They were all dressed in khaki.

Kernel Colonel
Kernel Edwards was waiting at Colonel Edwards was waiting at
the barracks. the barracks.

kimona kimono
She wore a pink kimona. She wore a pink kimono.

kind of rather
This decision was kind of sudden. The decision was rather sudden.

kind of somehow
I kind of thought you would go. 1 somehow thought you would go

kind of a kind of
What kind of a car does he drive? What kind of car does he drive?

knave nave
We will wait in the knave of the We will wait in the nave of the
church. church.

knead need
Tell us what you knead for college. Tell us what you need for college

Incorrect mmmm Correct

knew new
This is a knew house. This is a new house.

knicknack knickknack
She is a collector of knicknacks. She is a collector of knickknacks.

knight-errants knights-errant
The chapter dealt with the The chapter dealt with the
exploits of knight-errants. exploits of knights-errant.

knowed knew
I knowed the outcome in advance. I knew the outcome in advance.

Incorrect Correct

lade laid
He has lade the paper on the He has laid the paper on the
desk. desk.

laid lainlay
I have laid here for an hour. I have lain here for an hour.

There he laid, at perfect rest. There he lay, at perfect rest.

lain lane
We strolled down the lain We strolled down the lane
together. together.

We visited a lamasary in Tibet. We visited a lamasery in Tibet.

lane lain
He has lane here for hours with- He has lain here for hours with
out moving. out moving.

lapsed elapsed
A great deal of time lapsed. A great deal of time elapsed.

Incorrect *£| i , , : Correct

large-sized large-size
This is a rather large-sized apple. This is a rather large-size apple.

last end
Toward the last of the book, a Toward the end of the book, a
most exciting scene takes place. most exciting scene takes place.

last latest
My aunt was the last arrival. My aunt was the latest arrival.

later latter
Use the later of the two as your Use the latter of the two as your
topic. topic.

later on later
I shall speak to you later on. I shall speak to you later.

latter later
It is latter than you think. It is later than you think.

laughed on laughed at
He laughed on me. He laughed at me.

law lore
We were interested in studying We were interested in studying
bird law. bird lore.
He lay the book on the table. He laid the book on the table.

nMm Incorrect Correct


I think I shall lay down now. I think I shall lie down now.

He layed the linoleum in the He laid the linoleum in the
dinette. dinette.

He was laying down to rest when He was lying down to rest when
the telephone rang. the telephone rang.

lead led

The soldiers were lead by the The soldiers were led by the

leaks leeks

Leaks were called the poor man’s Leeks were called the poor man’s
asparagus. asparagus.

learn teach
I hope that I shall learn you I hope that I shall teach you
many things. many things.

least lest

Don’t mumble, least you do Don’t mumble, lest you do

damage. damage.

Will he leave you go to the theater? Will he let you go to the theater?

^ §£ '/''/■ ’ "S |4', c:> 6

Incorrect Correct

led lead

The pipe was made of led. The pipe was made of lead.

leek leak
There is a leek in the pipe. There is a leak in the pipe.

left let
He left me go swimming. He let me go swimming.

lemme let me
Lemme see the painting. Let me see the painting.

lend loan
I need a lend of ten dollars. I need a loan of ten dollars.

less fewer
There are less students in this There are fewer students in this
class than in the other. class than in the other.

lest least
He is the lest likely to succeed. He is the least likely to succeed.

let us
let's us
Let’s us visit Mr. Jones. Let us visit Mr. Jones.

leveling off
The men are leveling off this road. The men are leveling this road.

liable libel
He was sued for liable. He was sued for libel.

Incorrect Correct

He is liable to come. He is likely to come.

libel liable
The driver is libel for all damage. The driver is liable for all damage.

libel slander
When we heard his story, we con¬ When we heard his ystory, we con
sidered it libel. sidered it slander.

Please lie the book down for a Please lay the book down for a
moment. moment.

lien lean
I will lien heavily on you. I will lean heavily on you.

lighted out
She lighted out the candle. out
She put out theputcandle.

lightening lightning
Flashes of lightening were seen. Flashes of lightning were seen.

light-house lighthouse
We took a trip to the lighthouse. We took a trip to the lighthouse.

Bob started to blush just like I Bob started to blush just as I
always do. always do.

Incorrect . ■ ••• ■■H Correct

like as if
It looks like it might rain. It looks as if it might rain.

like such as
Many actors were there, like Many actors were there, such as
Robert Taylor and Jerry Lewis. Robert Taylor and Jerry Lewis.

like as if as if
It looks like as if it may rain. It looks as if it may rain.

like for him like him

Would you like for him to go? Would you like him to go?

likely apt
I find you likely to study science. I find you apt to study science.

Before going out of business, he Before going out of business, he
tried to liquefy his assets. tried to liquidate his assets.

The ice began to liquidate . The ice began to liquefy.

liquify liquefy
The ice began to liquify. The ice began to liquefy.

littoral literal
He is very fittorabminded. He is very literal' minded.

■ — H;l . ,
' 1I :
S? ] Incorrect Correct

live at live
In what city do you live at ? In what city do you live ?

live at live on

What street do you live at7. What street do you live on?

loan lend
Loan me your pen. Lend me your pen.

loan lone
The loan settler was not discour¬ The lone settler was not discour¬
aged easily. aged easily.

located settled
He is located in Florida. He settled in Florida.

lode load

That’s quite a lode the donkey has. That’s quite a load the donkey has.

lone loan
The lone was for a short time. The loan was for a short time.

lonsome lonesome
He was lonsome when his family He was lonesome when his family
went on a vacation. went on a vacation.

looker-ons lookers-on
There were many looker-ons at There were many lookers-on at
the accident. the accident.

Incorrect Correct

looksee look
He had a looksee in the park. He had a look in the park.

loose lose
Try not to loose the watch. Try not to lose the watch.

lore law
An accountant must have a An accountant must have a
knowledge of lore. knowledge of law.

lose loose
She may not be able to make the She may not be able to make the
ring that lose. ring that loose.

lose out lose

The team may lose out in the The team may lose in the next
next game.

lots of
Lots of people do that. Many people do that.

He shouted as loud as he could. He shouted as loudly as he could.

He was lying his head on the pib He was laying his head on the pil¬
low when we entered. low when we entered.

Incorrect Correct

maccaroni macaroni
She added cheese to the macca¬ She added cheese to the maca¬
roni salad. roni salad.

maccaroon macaroon
Cyrano ate one maccaroon and Cyrano ate one macaroon and
half a grape. half a grape.


Please don’t be mad . Please don’t be angry.

made maid
The made came to dust and clean. The maid came to dust and clean.

magnet magnate
He was an important steel mag¬ He was an important steel mag¬
net. nate.

maid made
It was maid in Europe. It was made in Europe.

maid-ot-honor maid of honor

She was the maid-of-honor at the She was the maid of honor at the

Incorrect Correct

maid of honors maids of honor

They were both maid of honors. They were both maids of honor.

mail male
We bought a mail puppy. We bought a male puppy.

main mane

The horse’s main glistened in the The horse’s mane glistened in the
sun. sun.

maintain exist
Does that barbaric practice still Does that barbaric practice still
maintain 7

She will make dinner. prepare
She will prepare dinner.

Please make out the light. Please put out the light.

makebelieve make-believe
The story was largely makebelieve. The story was largely make-believe.

make eat
prepare dinner
Please make eat. Please prepare dinner.

male mail
We waited for the male to arrive. We waited for the mail to arrive.

Incorrect Correct

maltreated badly maltreated

He maltreated his men badly. He maltreated his men.

mane main
The mane idea was never The main idea was never
explained. explained.

man-hood manhood
He considered that a slur on his He considered that a slur on his
man-hood. manhood.

manner of a manner of
What manner of a man can he be? What manner of man can he be?

man-slaughter manslaughter
He was convicted of manslaughter. He was convicted of manslaugh¬

market place marketplace

The market place was astir with The marketplace was astir with
the news. the news.

marshal martial
We heard the sound of marshal We heard the sound of martial
music. music.

marten martin
The marten flew south. The martin flew south.

martin marten
We used the fur from the martin. We used the fur from the marten.

Incorrect Correct

maskerade masquerade
We were at a maskerade party. We were at a masquerade party.

massacred murdered
The woman was cruelly massa¬ The woman was cruelly murdered.

massmeeting mass meeting

There was a massmeeting at city There was a mass meeting at city
hall. hall.

massuer masseur
He earned a living as a massuer. He earned a living as a masseur.

materiel material
The dress is made of excellent The dress is made of excellent
materiel. material.

She may sing quite well. She can sing quite well.

may of might have

I may of gone, but I was ill. I might have gone, but I was ill.

mayonaise mayonnaise
Add some mayonaise to the salad. Add some mayonnaise to the

me 1
Mel and me will be there. Mel and I will be there.

Incorrect Correct

me I
Tell mother it is me. Tell mother it is 1.

I want me hat. I want my hat.

They objected to me going there. They objected to my going there.

mean mien
Why so grave a mean , young Why so grave a mien, young
man? man?

meat meet
The track meat will not be held. The track meet will not be held.

medal metal
Gold is a precious medal. Gold is a precious metal.

medalion medallion
She wore an unusual medalion. She wore an unusual medallion.

media medium
I suggest you try another media. I suggest you try another medium.

medium media
The artist used many medium. The artist used many media.

medium-sized medium-size
He chose a medium^sized fruit. He chose a medium-size fruit.

Incorrect Correct

meet meat
Some people prefer fish to meet. Some people prefer fish to meat.

meet mete
The judge will meet out the The judge will mete out the
punishment. punishment.

men-eaters man-eaters
These cannibals are vicious mem These cannibals are vicious man
eaters. eaters.


m s' hats.
There is a sale ofenmens’ There is a sale of men’s hats.

ment meant
He ment to say the correct thing. He meant to say the correct

I saw him meself. myself
I saw him myself.

metal medal
He was awarded a metal of honor. He was awarded a medal of

metalic metallic
The pin has a metalic look. The pin has a metallic look.

mete meet
I shall mete you at the park. I shall meet you at the park.

■ ' : ' . :

' ® Correct :|8liSH

mien mean
I did not mien that at all. I did not mean that at all. |MM

might of might have

He might o/come, for all I know. He might have come, for all I know.

mind mined
He mind for gold in Nevada. He mined for gold in Nevada.

mined mind
I do not mined your coming here. I do not mind your coming here.

miner minor
A miner will not be permitted to A minor will not be permitted to
see this film. see this film.

minor miner
The minor despised his work. The miner despised his work.

mischievious mischievous
He is a very mischievious young' He is a very mischievous young'
ster. ster.

mislayed mislaid
He mislayed the document. He mislaid the document.

misspell wrongly misspell

You always misspell this word You always misspell this word.

mm I
w Correct

missus wife

I shall speak to my missus. I shall speak to my wife.

mistakened mistaken
He was mistakened. He was mistaken.

moan mown
The lawn has not been moan. The lawn has not been mown.

moment minute
The bell rings for exactly one The bell rings for exactly one
moment. minute.

momentums mementos
We saved some momentums dun We saved some mementos during
our trip.
ing our trip.

money-making moneymaking
He has many money-making ideas. He has many moneymaking ideas.

moon-light moonlight
She looked lovely in the She looked lovely in the
moon-light. moonlight.

moral morale
The moral of the men was poor. The morale of the men was poor.

morale moral
The story had a morale. The story had a moral.

mm ms
Incorrect .

more absolute more nearly absolute

He desired more absolute answers. He desired more nearly absolute

more better better

I believe he is more better than I believe he is better than Bill.

more empty more nearly empty

This glass is more empty than that This glass is more nearly empty
one. than that one.

more fundamental more nearly fundamental

This rule is more fundamental. This rule is more nearly funda¬

more higher higher

My marks are more higher than My marks are higher than yours.

more lovelier lovelier

She was more lovelier than a She was lovelier than a queen.


more perfect more nearly perfect

This paper is more perfect than This paper is more nearly perfect
that one. than that one.

more round more nearly round

This ball is more round than any This ball is more nearly round
of the others. than any of the others.

Incorrect Correct

more square more nearly square

This diagram is more square than This diagram is more nearly square
any other one. than any other one.

more unique unique

This is a more unique idea. This is a unique idea.

morn mourn
Do not morn the passing of time. Do not mourn the passing of time.

morning mourning

The lady was in deep morning. The lady was in deep mourning.

most almost
The train arrives most every The train arrives almost every
hour. hour.

most best best

She is the most best actress in the She is the best actress in the play.

mother-in-laws mothers-in-law
The mother-in-laws were not The mothers-in-law were not

mottos mottoes
He chose among the several He chose among the several
mottos. mottoes.

mourn morn

We’ll go tomorrow mourn. We’ll go tomorrow morn.

Incorrect Correct


We’ll meet in the mourning . We’ll meet in the morning.

mown moan
We heard a low mourn and then We heard a low moan and then
there was silence. there was silence.

Much drops of water go to make Many drops of water go to make
up a stream.
up a stream.

multitude of many multitude of

There was a multitude of many There was a multitude of people
people on the shore. on the shore.

must of must have

He must of come to my house He must have come to my house
when I was out. when I was out.

mutual common
He is our mutual friend. He is our common friend.

He told the answer to Ben and He told the answer to Ben and

myself. me.

Incorrect Correct

naif naive
He’s really quite naif. He’s really quite naive.

napsack knapsack
Place the thermos in your napsack. Place the thermos in your knapsack.

naptha naphtha
He added naptha to the mixture. He added naphtha to the mixture.

narrowminded narrow-minded
She is bigoted and narrow minded. She is bigoted and narrow-minded.

nary a not a
He spoke nary a word. He spoke not a word.

naught nought
Place a naught after the ten. Place a nought after the ten.

nauseation nausea
He was overcome with a feeling He was overcome with a feeling
of nauseation. of nausea.

nave knave
The nave is incorrigible. The knave is incorrigible.

Incorrect Correct

He is not near so tall as you. He is not nearly so tall as you.

near by near
He lives in a house near by the river. He lives in a house near the river.

near to near
They planted the tree near to the They planted the tree near the
building. building.

Can you iron as neat as the tailor? Can you iron as neatly as the tailor?

neckware neckwear
I believe you will find tie bars in I believe you will find tie bars in
the neckware department. the neckwear department.

negligent negligible
The money due was negligent. The money due was negligible.

negligible negligent
He has been most negligible in his He has been most negligent in his
duties. duties.

nett net
What was the nett result of the What was the net result of the

never ever

I don’t never wish to hear you say I don’t ever wish to hear you say
that. that.

Incorrect Correct

new knew
He new the solution to the riddle. He knew the solution to the riddle.

new innovation innovation

He is responsible for many new He is responsible for many in¬
innovations in the school. novations in the school.

newstand newsstand
I bought a magazine at the new¬ I bought a magazine at the news¬
stand. stand.

New Year Day

New Year's Day
How did you celebrate New How did you celebrate New
Year Day ? Year’s Day ?

nick-name nickname
He has a most peculiar nick-name. He has a most peculiar nickname.

nieghbor neighbor
I shall ask my nieghbor for a book. I shall ask my neighbor for a book.

night knight
She expected everyone to be a She expected everyone to be a
night in shining armor. knight in shining armor.

night-gown nightgown
She bought a silk night-gown. She bought a silk nightgown.

night-mare nightmare
The child had a night-mare. The child had a nightmare.

Incorrect Correct

nighttime nighttime
The robbery occurred in the night The robbery occurred in the


I don’t want no advice. I don’t want any advice.

no know
I don’t no what to do. I don’t know what to do.

nonchristian non-Christian
This is a nonchristian group. This is a non-Christian group.

I do not need none. I do not need any.


Nope , I didn’t go. No, I didn’t go.

no place nowhere
He is no place to be found. He is nowhere to be found.

We sailed in a northernly direction. We sailed in a northerly direction.

northnorthwest north-northwest
We traveled northnorthwest. We traveled north-northwest.

not knot
He tied a not in the rope. He tied a knot in the rope.

Incorrect Correct
B ■

notary publics notaries public

They are both notary publics. They are both notaries public.

note book notebook

He always has his note book with He always has his notebook with
him. him.

noted notorious
He was a noted outlaw and He was a notorious outlaw and

brigand. brigand.

nothing anything
The boy did not want nothing. The boy did not want anything.

not nearly
nothing like
He is nothing like so handsome as He is not nearly so handsome as
my father.
my father.

nothing much not much

I have nothing much to do. I have not much to do.

notorious famous
Dickens was a notorious author of Dickens was a famous author of
the nineteenth century. the nineteenth century.

not scarcely
The man could not scarcely talk The man could scarcely talk in
in his excitement. his excitement.

nought naught
The matter came to nought. The matter came to naught.

:'S$ . '■ ■ ,
9 IP
Incorrect Correct

no use of no use
It is no use to go there. It is of no use to go there.

nowheres nowhere
She was nowheres to be seen. She was nowhere to be seen.

nul null
The contract was rendered nul The contract was rendered null
and void. and void.

number amount
A large number of salt was used in A large amount of salt was used
cooking. cooking.

numbskull numskull
He was called a numbskull. He was called a numskull

NY. New York

We will visit N.Y. on our trip. We will visit New York on our

Incorrect Correct

obscured over obscured

The sun was obscured over by a The sun was obscured by a cloud
cloud and we became chilled. and we became chilled.

observance observation
From my observance of your way j From my observation of your way
of life, you must be very happy. j of life, you must be very happy.
It is six oclock.
It is six o’clock.

odorous odium
Ralph showed a great deal of Ralph showed a great deal of
odorous. odium.

of have
I might of seen him. I might have seen him.

of about about
The girls in the club were all of i The girls in the club were all
about sixteen. i about sixteen.

off from
He received the assignment off He received the assignment from
me. me.

Incorrect Correct

offhanded offhand
He spoke in an offhanded manner. He spoke in an offhand manner.

office of presidency the presidency

He was nominated for the office He was nominated for the presi¬
of presidency.

office of the consulate consulate

He went to the office of the con¬ He went to the consulate this
sulate this morning.

official officious
He behaved in a pompous and He behaved in a pompous and
official manner. officious manner.

officious official
He is carrying out his officious He is carrying out his official
duties. duties.

off of from
Borrow the book off of your friend. Borrow the book from your friend.

off of off
The child fell off of the chair. The child fell off the chair.

of old old
He is seven years of old. He is seven years old.

oilwell oil well

The oilwell was completely dry. The oil well was completely dry.

H i Incorrect Correct

old fashioned old-fashioned

She has many old fashioned ideas. She has many old-fashioned ideas.
onl y

She is olny a little girl. She is only a little girl.

He did it on his own accord. He did it o/his own accord.

on about about
The boat will sail on about the The boat will sail about the sev-
seventh of May. enth of May.

on account of because

I like him on account of he’s so I like him because he’s so intel¬


on account of that
The reason is on account of I was The reason is that I was ill.

on advice
He refused to appear on advice of ad vice
He refused tobyappear by advice of
his doctor. his doctor.

one another each other

The two men told one another The two men told each other the
the answer. answer.

one sided one-sided

This is a rather one sided argument. This is a rather one-sided argument.

• '
- ' ■■ - ■ ■ ■ ^

Incorrect Correct

one of which one of whom

My brother has many friends, one My brother has many friends, one
of which goes to Cornell. of whom goes to Cornell.

on line in line
We stood on line. We stood in line .

only barely
We have only barely time to visit We have barely time to visit our
our cousin. cousin.

open and shut open-and-shut

This is an open and shut case. This is an open-and-shut case.

opened up
She was very excited when she She was very excited when she
opened up the package. opened the package.

or nor
He can neither read or write. He can neither read nor write.

or ore
We found a rich deposit of iron We found a rich deposit of iron
or. ore.

ordnance ordinance
There is a state ordnance outlaw¬ There is a state ordinance outlaw¬
ing boxing. ing boxing.

Will you ore won’t you go with us? Will you or won’t you go with us?

Incorrect Correct

ornamently ornamentally
It is useful ornamently. It is useful ornamentally.

our hour
This is the dismissal our. This is the dismissal hour.

ourn ours
The work is ourn. The work is ours.

ours ours
I believe this is ours. I believe this is ours.

outbid above outbid

I shall outbid above all the people I shall outbid all the people there.

out loud aloud

She read the poem out loud. She read the poem aloud.

outside of except for

Outside o/Jim, no one went. Except for Jim, no one went.

outside of outside
Outside of the house he could Outside the house he could hear
hear everything. everything.

overdo overdue
The gift is long overdo. The gift is long overdue.

Incorrect Correct

overdue overdo
Do not overdue your appreciation. Do not overdo your appreciation.

overlook look over

Before we buy the car, let’s over¬ Before we buy the car, let’s look
look it. it over.

overly cautious overcautious

He is not overly cautious. He is not overcautious.

over-production overproduction
We soon will discuss the matter We soon will discuss the matter
of over-production. of overproduction.

overstayed beyond overstayed

The soldier overstayed beyond his The soldier overstayed his leave.

over with over

1 am glad that is over with. I am glad that is over.

own admit
I own it was my fault. I admit it was my fault.

oxes oxen
The oxes carried the packs of The oxen carried the packs of
food. food.

Incorrect Correct

There was a secret packed between There was a secret pact between
the two nations. the two nations.

act ready.
We are all pact pand packed
We are all packed and ready.

paid for
The dues must be paid for today. The dues must be paid today.


pailpail of the
This is beyond the This is beyond the pale of the
church. church.

ain of glass.
We need a new ppain We need a new pane of glass.

pairno fruit.
The pair tree bore The pear tree bore no fruit.

ir the bush.
You will have topapair You will have to pare the bush.


ale of water.
We will need a ppale We will need a pail of water.

Incorrect Correct

panacea cure
He hoped to find a panacea for He hoped to find a cure for
arthritis. arthritis.

panacea for all panacea for

Here is a panacea for all the ills of Here is a panacea for the ills of
the world. the world.

After the operation, the man was After the operation, the man was
in great pane. in great pain.

panic stricken panic-stricken

We were panic stricken when she We were panic-stricken when she
entered. entered.

para-trooper paratrooper
He was a paratrooper in the last He was a paratrooper in the last
war. war.

parcel-post parcel post

The package was sent by parcel The package was sent by parcel


pare of stewed
The dessert consisted The dessert consisted of stewed

pares. pear

I need a pare of pstockings. I need a pair of stockings.




parenthesis parentheses
Make sure that you have included Make sure that you have included
the use of the period, comma, the use of the period, comma,
and parenthesis. and parentheses.

Draw two parralel lines. Draw two parallel el

partake participate
Do you wish to partake in the Do you wish to participate in the
baseball game? baseball game?

parted from parted with

He parted from his notebook. He parted with his notebook.

partly partially
The treaty proved partly success¬ The treaty proved partially success¬
ful. ful.

part with
Jack did not like to part with his part from
Jack did not like to part from his

A certain party told me the story. pers
A certain person on me the story.

His eyes are highly passable. passible
His eyes are highly passible.

Let us try to forget the passed. Let us try to forget the past.

166 past
Incorrect Correct

passerbys passersby
The street was filled with pass¬ ersby.
The street was filled with pass¬

The road is not passible. The road is not able

The train past by t

pasquite rapidly. passbyedquite rapidly.
The train passed

pastor stur e pasture.

The sheep are in the pastor. The sheep arepain the

He is the pasture of the church. of or
He is the pastorpast the church.

The critic condemned the play The critic condemned the play
because of the moments of pathos. because of the moments of bathos.

The patience were well received patients
The patients were well received
by the nurse. by the nurse.

You must have patients and not You must have patience and not
' lose hope.
lose hope.

He was payed by the hour. He was paid by the hour.

He is not on the payroll
He is not on the pay-roll. payroll

May I have a peace of cake? May I have a piece
pieceof cake?

you play pthat game, you When you play that game, you
must not peak. must not peek. peek

The peal on the pe al proved

floor The peel on the floor proved
hazardous. hazardous.

I never had a pear

pea of shoes that I never had a pair of shoes that
were of that color. were of that color.

pear Be careful to pare the tree prop'

Be careful to pear the tree prop' erly.

We will not permit anyone to peddleanyone to
We will not permit
pedal this merchandise. peddle this merchandise.

The peddle on the bicycle is The pedal on the bicycle is

. s.

Incorrect Correct

We reached the peek of activity. We reached the peak of activity.

eel sounded the

The peel of the pbells The peal of the bells sounded the
alarm. alarm. al

The penitence entered the mis¬ The penitents entered the mis¬
sion. sion.

penitents penitence
True penitents is hard to achieve. True penitence is hard to achieve.

pen-name pen name

The author had an unusual pen- The author had an unusual pen
name. name.

He earned fifty dollars
er per week. He earned fifty dollars a week.

persecuted prosecuted
All offenders will be persecuted to All offenders will be prosecuted to
the full extent of the law. the full extent of the law.

personal personnel
He is in charge of personal at the He is in charge of personnel at
office. the office.

Incorrect Correct

A highly personalized affair was A highly personal affair was stin

This is strictly a personnel matter This is strictly a personal matter
that I don’t wish to discuss. that I don’t wish to discuss.

perspective prospective
The realtor has a perspective The realtor has a prospective

pervades through
The odor pervades through the The odor pervades the kitchen.

Nothing could phase a man with Nothing could faze a man with
his ability. his ability.

phenomena phenomenon
The student was asked to explain j The student was asked to explain
this phenomena. this phenomenon.

phenomenon phenomena
These phenomenon are amazing. These phenomena are amazing.

physic ue
physiq physique.
He has a handsome physic. He has a handsome

-H; 8 V -.•? ' M»Mi ; M >«'<■'. Kli m*

Incorrect .
H mKmmmM i ' -'>>;: i ' ■• 8 111111 (\\'f HI I m I -X

Fill the picture with water. tc water.
Fill the pitcherpiwith

We all pray for world piece. We all pray forpeworld
ace peace.

The pillar was stuffed with feath- The pillow was pi
llow with feath¬
ers. ers.

Samson took hold of the pillows Samson took hold of the pillars of
of the temple. the temple.

We need a pitcher to hang on the picturtoe hang on the
We need a picture
wall. wall.

pity of
pity for
It’s a pity for you.
It’s a pity of you.

We studied plain geometry. We studied plane geometry.

Please pass the plait.

plait Please pass the plate.

plan on
Do you plan on going to the show? an to
Do you plan toplgo to the show?

Incorrect Correct

The Navajo dwelt on the plane. The Navajo dwelt on the plain.

The girl decided to plate her hair. The girl decided to plait her hair.

The younger children are in the The younger children are in the
play -ground.

pleasureable pleasurable
That was a most pleasureable expe¬ That was a most pleasurable expe¬
rience. rience.

plenty much
I have plenty paper. I have much paper.

It is plenty good. It is quite good. ver

This paper is plenty heavy. This paper is very heavy.

plenty of
Plenty of knives were on the table. Enough knives were on the table.

p.m. at night
The play will begin at 8 p.m. at The play will begin at 8 p.m.
night. p.m.

Incorrect Correct

pocket-book pocketbook
She purchased a new pocket-book. She purchased a new pocketbook.

poet laureates poets laureate

May I have a list of England’s May I have a list of England’s
poet laureates ? poets laureate ?

le tax.
He had to pay apopole He had to pay a poll tax.


oll for fishing.

We can use this ppoll We can use this pole for fishing.


He is a very poplar young man. popularyoung man.
He is a very popular

The popular tree is more stately The poplar tree is
ar stately
than the fir tree. than the fir tree.

Pore the milk into

por the glass. Pour the milk into the glass.

In which portion of the country In which part of the country do
do you live? vearryt
you live? p

He is positively handsome. He is very handsome.


Incorrect Wi I - ||§f
. m fM M $ '%vWS' :WzM&

v .■■...,

possessed with possessed of

He is possessed with very strange He is possessed of very strange
ideas. ideas.

postrenaissance post-Renaissance
This is an example of postrenais - This is an example of post-
sance art. Renaissance art.

He was given a large potion of pie. a rt
He was given po ion portion of pie

He is very strong and powerfull. He is very strong and powerful.

pow wow
The Sioux held a poiv wow. poww
The Sioux held a ow

practible practicable
The plan was not practible. The plan was not practicable.

He is a very practicable type of He is a very practical type of

practical practicable
We wondered if the new boat We wondered if the new boat
would be practical. would be practicable.

pray prey
The ignorant are easy pray for The ignorant are easy prey for
tricksters. tricksters.


Incorrect Correct

He received a great deal of prays He received a pr aise deal of praise
in the newspaper. in the newspaper.

precede before
He preceded before me in rank. He preceded me in rank.

He is going to preceed you. He is going to precede you.

prefer that than prefer that to

I should prefer that than anything I should prefer that to anything
else. else.

prehaps perhaps
Prehaps he is not there. Perhaps he is not there.

preposition proposition
I have a preposition that I think I have a proposition that I think
will interest you. will interest you.

prescribed proscribed
Smoking was prescribed while his Smoking was proscribed while his
throat was irritated. throat was irritated.

prey pray
We fervently prey that the world We fervently pray that the world
will know peace. will know peace.

We observed a pried of lions. We observed a pride of lions.
Incorrect Correct

principal principle
The principal of equality before The principle of equality before
the law is basic. the law is basic.

principle principal
He is the principle figure in the He is the principal figure in the
dispute. dispute.

probritish pro-British
He has many probritish sentiments. He has many pro-British sentiments.

procede proceed
Did everything procede according Did everything proceed according
to plan?
to plan?

proceed forward
You will have to proceed forward You will haveprto
ocproceed now.

Where did you procure that book? Where did you obtain that book?

prodigy progeny
The musician’s prodigy followed The musician’s progeny followed
in their father’s path. in their father’s path.

profit prophet
The profit and the priest have The prophet and the priest have
not always agreed. not always agreed.

Incorrect Correct

He profitted from the sale. profited
He profited from the sale.

We admired the child progeny. We admired the child prodigy.

I promise you 1 was surprised! I assure you I was surprised!

prophecy prophesy
He will not prophecy in the He will not prophesy in the


prophesy prophecy
His prophesy was not heeded. His prophecy was not heeded.

We did not make a prophet on We did not make a profit on the
the sale. sale.

proposition preposition
Propositions are considered a part Prepositions are considered a part
of speech. of speech.

The mine was a paying proposition The mine was a paying venture
from the beginning. from the beginning.

proscribed prescribed
The doctor proscribed a special The doctor prescribed a special
medicine. medicine.

prosecuted persecuted
No one should be prosecuted No one should be persecuted
because of bis religion. because of his religion.

prospective perspective
There was excellent prospective in There was excellent perspective in
the picture. the picture.

protestant Protestant
He is a member of a protestant He is a member of a Protestant

group. group.

psychoanaiist psychoanalyst
He visited a psychoanaiist . He visited a psychoanalyst.

publicaily publicly
He will announce it publicaily He will announce it publicly next
next week. week.

put across make clear

He put across the idea. He made the idea clear.

put in into
put marbles
The boy put the marbles in bis The boy put the into his

put in spent
We put in two days in Ithaca. We spent two days in Ithaca.

putrify putrefy
The meat has begun to putrify. The meat has begun to putrefy.

Incorrect Correct

quarts key
This rock is rich in quarts. This rock is rich
quarintzquartz .

This is the quay to the house. This is the key to the house.

question-mark question mark

Place a question-mark after the Place a question mark after the
last word. last word.

questionaire questionnaire
A questionaire will be sent out to A questionnaire will be sent out to
all students. all students.

The actor forgot his queue. The actor forgot his cue.

In case of emergency, act quick. In case of emergency, act quickly.

quick-sand quicksand
He tried to avoid the quick-sand. He tried to avoid the quicksand.

quiet I am not quite ready.

I am not quiet ready.
Incorrect o-,'- ■
mSmm Correct

He will sing in the quire. He will sing in sthe
top choir.

Please quit your qjoking. Please stop your joking.

Please try to be quite near the hos^ Please try to be quiet near the hos^

quite a tew a good many

I have quite a few papers to mark. I have a good many papers to

quite a good deal of quite a good many

Quite a good deal of boys were Quite a good many boys were

Incorrect Correct

racquet racket
I believe you need a new racquet. I believe you need a new racket.

radicle radical
He has many radicle ideas. He has many radical ideas.

When did Elizabeth begin to rain! When did Elizabeth begin to reign !

raise rise

Farmers raise early. Farmers rise early.

raised razed
We raised the row of condemned We razed the row of condemned
buildings. buildings.

raised reared
He raised the boy from infancy. He reared the boy from infancy.

ranker rancor
He spoke softly, without ranker. He spoke softly, without rancor.

rank of dukedom rank of duke

He has the rank of dukedom. He has the rank of duke.

Incorrect Correct

Rap the gift carefully. Wrap the gift carefully.

rarely ever
I rarely ever see her. I rarely see her.

razed raised
We razed corn last year. We raised corn last year.

read reed
He fashioned the flute from a He fashioned the flute from a
marsh read . marsh reed.

read where read that

I read where the troops were being I read that the troops were being
reviewed. reviewed.

He was real happy after winning He was really happy after winning
the prize. the prize.

real reel
The real was broken on the projec- The reel was broken on the projec-
tor. very

It was a real warm day. It was a very warm day.

rear raise
The farmer must rear a new crop The farmer must raise a new crop
every spring. every spring.

Incorrect Correct

reasonable reasonably
The worker has a reasonable The worker has a reasonably
secure future. secure future.

reason is because reason is that

The reason is because I witnessed The reason is that I witnessed the
the event. event.

recall again recall

Will he recall the scene again to Will he recall the scene to his
his mind? mind?

recline back recline

Recline back on the couch and relax. Recline on the couch and relax.

recount again recount

He began to recount his tale again . He began to recount his tale.

red read
I red that book yesterday. I read that book yesterday.

redeem back redeem

He had to redeem his son back He had to redeem his son from
from slavery.

reed read
I will reed the story later. I will read the story later.

reel real
Is that stone reel ? Is that stone real ?

Incorrect Correct

refer back refer

He had to refer back to his notes. He had to refer to his notes.

reference allusion
His indirect references to the Bible His indirect allusions to the Bible
were not understood. were not understood.

When he mentioned dictators, we When he mentioned dictators, we
felt he was referring to Hitler. felt he was alluding to Hitler.

refrain back refrain

Bob tried to refrain back from Bob tried to refrain from speaking.

reign rein
Joe tied the reign securely. Joe tied the rein securely.

We hope that the king will have We hope that the king will have
a calm rein. a calm reign.

reload again reload

You must reload the camera again. You must reload the camera.

remediable remedial
He needs a course in remediable He needs a course in remedial
reading. reading.

remedial remediable
My illness was remedial. My illness was remediable.

Incorrect Correct

remit remittance
He received regular remits from He received regular remittances
his banker. from his banker.

reopened again reopened

The case will have to be reopened The case will have to be reopened.

repay back
You should repay back the money You should repay the money you
you borrowed. borrowed.

repeat again repeat

Would you repeat that sentence Would you repeat that sentence?
again ?

rephrase again rephrase

Please try to rephrase that idea Please try to rephrase that idea.

replace back replace

I will replace back the vase I darm I will replace the vase I damaged.

report back report

We will report back to the group. We will report to the group.

reprint again reprint

I hope the publisher will reprint I hope the publisher will reprint
the poem again. the poem.

Incorrect Correct

reproduce anew reproduce

Reproduce the painting anew for Reproduce the painting for the
the exhibit. exhibit.

reread again reread

Please reread the sentence again to Please reread the sentence to the
the class. class.

respectfully respectively
Send notes to Watts, Anderson, Send notes to Watts, Anderson,
Jones, and Smith, respectfully. Jones, and Smith, respectively.

respectively respectfully
He respectively paid tribute to He respectfully paid tribute to
those who had died. those who had died.

resume again resume

When will he resume reading When will he resume reading?
again ?

retraced back retraced

He retraced his family line back He retraced his family line through
through history.

returned back returned

They returned back to the hotel. They returned to the hotel.

reveal revel
He wanted to reveal in his good He wanted to revel in his good
fortune. fortune.

Incorrect Correct

revel reveal
I shall not revel your secret. I shall not reveal your secret.

Sydney died but Carl promised to Sydney died but Carl promised to
revenge his death. avenge his death.

revert back revert

The land will revert back to the The land will revert to the original
original owners. owners.

That story is rich. That story is funny.

right along all the time

I knew the answer right along. I knew the answer all the time .

Will last rights be administered Will last rites be administered
now? now?

Please ring the mop dry. Please wring the mop dry.

risen raised
Has he risen the flag yet? Has he raised the flag yet?

rite right
This is a basic rite of the people. This is a basic right of the people.

Incorrect Correct

rite write

Did you rite to your parents? Did you write to your parents?

road rode

We road the horse yesterday. We rode the horse yesterday.

rode road
The rode is paved all the way. The road is paved all the way.

role roll

I bought a role of film. I bought a roll of film.

roll role
The actor knew his roll The actor knew his role.

roller-skate rollerskate
The roller-skate is broken. The roller skate is broken.

room mate roommate

Dorothy is my room mate. Dorothy is my roommate.

root route
How do I get to the main root? How do I get to the main routel

rose raised
When the guard rose the flag, we When the guard raised the flag, we
all stood. all stood.


roster rostrum
The speaker rested his arm on the The speaker rested his arm on the
roster. rostrum.

rostrum roster
Each teacher was given an alpha- Each teacher was given an alpha¬
betically arranged rostrum. betically arranged roster.

round about
He traveled round the city. He traveled about the city.

rounder more nearly round

This ball is rounder than that one. This ball is more nearly round than
that one.

roundest most nearly round

This is the roundest orange I have. This is the most nearly round
orange I have.

route root

The route of the tree was damaged. The root of the tree was damaged.


He rung the bell. He rang the bell.

He runs the store by himself. He operates the store by himself.

Incorrect Correct

said this
When said coat was returned, it When this coat was returned, it
was tom. was tom.

told (us)
The professor said to study. The professor told us to study.

sail sale
There was a special sail downtown. There was a special sale down¬

sailer sailor
The sailer is home from the sea. The sailor is home from the sea.

salary wages
The salary of the day laborer was The wages of the day laborer were
small. small.

sale sail
We will sale to Bermuda next We will sail to Bermuda next
week. week.

We noted the sanitory conditions. We noted the sanitary conditions.

Incorrect Correct

saphire sapphire
The ring had a beautiful saphire . The ring had a beautiful sapphire.

sat set
He sat the bucket on the ground. He set the bucket on the ground.

The satire plays of Greece were The satyr plays of Greece were
written by the great writers of written by the great writers of
tragedies. tragedies.

satyr satire
This play is a satyr on life in the This play is a satire on life in the
eighteenth century. eighteenth century.

saw seen
I have save both boys. I have seen both boys.

says said

I says to him, “Let’s find out.” I said to him, “Let’s find out.”

scarcely have enough have scarcely enough

I scarcely have enough to go around. I have scarcely enough to go around.

scarcely any
scarcely no
I have scarcely no money. I have scarcely any money.

scene seen
I have scene strange sights. I have seen strange sights.


Incorrect Correct

scent cent
The gum costs but a scent. The gum costs but a cent.

scent sent
The mother scent a package to her The mother sent a package to her
son. son.

science art
He mastered the science of writing. He mastered the art of writing.

search for search of

The police went in search for the The police went in search of the
criminal. criminal.

sea-shore seashore
We spent the week at the sed'shore. We spent the week at the seashore.

seclude apart seclude

She wished to seclude herself apart She wished to seclude herself from
from the group. the group.

see where see that

I see where there was another I see that there was another acci¬
accident. dent.

seed cede
We will seed the land to you. We will cede the land to you.

Incorrect Correct

seed seen
I have not seed him. I have not seen him.

seeing that since

Seeing that the class is crowded, I Since the class is crowded, I won’t
won’t participate. participate.

seen saw
He seen me yesterday. He saw me yesterday.

seen scene
The seen was indeed poignant. The scene was indeed poignant.

seldom ever seldom

I seldom ever play tennis. I seldom play tennis.

seldom ever seldom if ever

We seldom ever see Martin with¬ We seldom if ever see Martin with¬
out Bruce. out Bruce.

self 1
Self and my family wish you 1 and my family wish you heartiest
heartiest congratulations. congratulations.

sell cell
The prisoner’s sell was dark and The
dirty. prisoner’s cell was dark and

Incorrect Correct

We will have semiweekly meetings, We will have biweekly meetings,
the first and third Sunday of the the first and third Sunday of the
month. month.

sensitive of sensitive to

Don’t be so sensitive of criticism. Don’t be so sensitive to criticism.

sensual sensuous
Poetry is more sensual than prose. Poetry is more sensuous than


sent scent
The sent of perfume was in the air. The scent of perfume was in the


separated with separated from

He was separated with his family. He was separated from his family.

seraphims seraphim
He portrayed the seraphims beau¬ He portrayed the seraphim beau¬

serf surf
We liked to swim in the serf. We liked to swim in the surf.

Great emotions began to serge Great emotions began to surge
within him. within him.

Incorrect Correct

serial cereal
She prepared a hot serial for break' She prepared a hot cereal for break
fast. fast.

serie series
He wrote a serie of words in his He wrote as series of words in his
book. book.

servicable serviceable
The truck is not servicable. The truck is not serviceable.

Set the book there. Place the book there.

' sat
He set in the chair. He sat in the chair.

sever severe
He has a sever cold. He has a severe cold.

severe sever
I thought he would severe his I thought he would sever his
finger with the paper cutter. finger with the paper cutter.

sew sow
We will sew seed and hope for a We will sow seed and hope for a
good harvest. good harvest.

sewage sewerage

New York City has an excellent New York City has an excellent
sewage system. sewerage system.

Incorrect Correct ■

It may have fallen into the sewer^ It may have fallen into the sewage
age disposal unit. disposal unit. ;I

shall will A-

He shall be home soon. He will be home soon.

shape condition
The property is in bad shape . The property is in bad condition.

shear sheer
She wore a shear blouse. She wore a sheer blouse.

sheer shear
Tomorrow we shall sheer the Tomorrow we shall shear the

shiek sheik
The shiek arrived at the oasis. The sheik arrived at the oasis.

shone shined
He shone his shoes. He shined his shoes.

shone shown
He was shone how to do the prot> He was shown how to do the prol>
lem. lem.

should of should have

You should of gone home. You should have gone home.

Incorrect Correct

show play
Hamlet is a fine show . Hamlet is a fine play.

shown shone
The sun shown brightly. The sun shone brightly.

show up
We waited for him, but he did We waited forappear
him, but he did
not show up. not appear.

shrink up shrink
The meat has a tendency to shrink The meat has a tendency to shrink.

shrunk shrank
Is it true that the suit shrunk ? Is it true that the suit shrank ?

since ago
I attended a wedding not long I attended a wedding not long ago.

sink down sink

You can sink down into this mud You can sink into this mud if you
if you are not careful. are not careful.

sister-in-laws sisters-in-law
The two sisterdmlaws did not The two sistersdmlaw did not


site cite
Try to site a few illustrations. Try to cite a few illustrations.

Incorrect Correct

The site of the underground cav- The sight of the underground
em was magnificent. cavern was magnificent.

six footer six-footer

Mr. Jones is a six footer. Mr. Jones is a six-footer.

sizeable sizable
He took a sizeable portion. He took a sizable portion.

skillfull skillful
Martin is skillfull in all athletics. Martin is skillful in all athletics.

skys skies
There are cloudy skys ahead. There are cloudy skies ahead.

slander libel
The publisher was sued for slander. The publisher was sued for libel.


The snow was deep enough for a The snow was deep enough for
slay ride. sleigh ride.

stayed slew
He slayed the dragon. He slew the dragon.


Don’t use that sleezy material. Don’t use that sleazy material.

Incorrect Correct
s lay

He intends to sleigh the giant. He intends to slay the giant.

smaller smallest
He has the smaller nose of the He has the smallest nose of the
three. three.

smallest smaller
She has the smallest ring of the She has the smaller ring of the
two. two.

smooth smoothly
The machine runs smooth. The machine runs smoothly.

so so that
He came early so he could see his He came early so that he could
friends. see his friends.

soar sore
He has a soar throat. He has a sore throat.

sole soul
And Jonathan loved David as his And Jonathan loved David as his
own sole. own soul.

soliloquys soliloquies
We memorized the famous solilo- We memorized the famous solilo¬


Incorrect Correct

I shall spend some of the afternoon 1 shall spend part of the afternoon
in the store. in the store.

some somewhat
They have changed the arrange- They have changed the arrange-
ment some. ment somewhat .

someplace somewhere
It must be someplace. It must be somewhere.

son-in-laws sons-in-law
She has three son-in-laws, She has three sonsamlaw.

sore soar
Let your ambitions sore high. Let your ambitions soar high.

sort of somewhat
She was sort of sad. She was somewhat sad.

sort of a sort of
This is an interesting sort of a play. This is an interesting sort of play.

soul sole
The soul on this shoe must be The sole on this shoe must be
repaired. repaired.

southernly southerly

We drove in a southernly direction. We drove in a southerly direction.

Incorrect Correct

sow sew
Please sow a button on this shirt. Please sew a button on this shirt.

I enjoyed his speach. I enjoyed his speech.

There is more than one specie of There is more than one species of
animal in the park. animal in the park.

spect believe
I spect he should soon arrive. I believe he should soon arrive.

spectators audience
We are the unseen radio spectators. We are the unseen radio audience.

Did he speek to you? speak
Did he speak to you?

spirituel spiritual
He told the pastor to concern him- He told the pastor to concern him¬
self with spirituel matters. self with spiritual matters.

sportsware sportwear
This store has a sportsware depart¬ This store has a sportwear depart¬
ment. ment.

Incorrect Correct

mmmmMMi If WmmmB, iWMm. 1 wMWWmm.

The s£>3>s were convicted. The spies were convicted.

square-dance square dance

This is an American square-dance. This is an American square dance.

Blood began to squirt from the
Blood began to spurt from the
wound. wound.

SY Sir
He began his letter with the salu¬ He began his letter with the salu¬
tation, “Dear SY.” tation, “Dear Sir.”

stair stare
Don’t stair across the aisle. Don’t stare across the aisle.

stake steak
The stake was delicious. The steak was delicious.

stare stair
The third stare needs repair. The third stair needs repair.

started up started
The trouble started up again. The trouble started again.

state of serfdom serfdom

The peasants live in a state of The peasants live in serfdom.

| v<-< O' s . ' N { $ *g g j ><v

Incorrect Correct
«V'U'' llilfifffi V ^ T.-. iff!' '1 |||| <■" || -Oj. ' |.

stationary stationery

He purchased a box of personal- He purchased a box of personal¬

ized stationary. ized stationery.

stationery stationary

The deer remained stationery as if The deer remained stationary as if

he sensed danger. he sensed danger.

statue stature
We admired his magnificent We admired his magnificent
build and tall statue. build and tall stature.

The actress is quite statuesqueAike. The actress is quite statuesque.

statuet statuette
We bought a statuet at the art We bought a statuette at the art
exhibit. exhibit.

stature statue
The stature was placed in the The statue was placed in the
museum. museum.

stature statute
We referred to a stature passed by We referred to a statute passed by
the legislature in 1856. the legislature in 1856.

statute stature
He was a handsome youth with He was a handsome youth with
fine statute. fine stature.

Incorrect Correct

steak stake
The bear was tied to a steak in the The bear was tied to a stake in the


steal steel
We were interested in reading We were interested in reading
about the steal industry. about the steel industry.

steel steal
The man planned to steel the The man planned to steal the

still continuing continuing

Our work in Asia is still continuing. Our work in Asia is continuing.

still more yet still more

There is still more yet to be said. There is still more to be said.

stole robbed
He stole the bank of its money. He robbed the bank of its money.

stood stayed
He stood in bed for three days. He stayed in bed for three days.

storys stories
We heard several interesting We heard several interesting
storys. stories.

Incorrect Correct

straight strait
The ship took refuge in the The ship took refuge in the strait.

strait straight
Please draw a strait line. Please draw a straight line.


That was interesting stratagy. That was interesting strategy .

strategem stratagem
He tried a new strategem. He tried a new stratagem.

subscribe for subscribe to

I subscribe for three magazines. I subscribe to three magazines.

such so
It is such a small matter. It is so small a matter.

such a good
We had such a good time. good
We had a gooda time.

sufficient adequate
Thirty 'four points are sufficient for ThirtyTour points are adequate for

suite sweet
This has a suite scent. This has a sweet scent.

Incorrect Correct

She sung a song. She sang a song.

sunk sank
I heard the boat sunk. I heard the boat sank.

His wife was sure glad he kept still. His wife was surely glad he kept

sure and sure to

Be sure and come early. Be sure to come early.

surf serf
The surf felt like a slave. The serf felt like a slave.

He wore a blue surge suit. He wore a blue serge suit.

surplice surplus
We have a surplice of com. We have a surplus of com.

surplus surplice
The hermit wore a hair surplus. The hermit wore a hair surplice.

surrender over surrender

The general had to surrender his The general had to surrender his
troops over to the enemy. troops to the enemy.

Incorrect Correct

suspicion suspect
Do you suspicion anything? Do you suspect anything?

suspect suppose
I suspect Joe will attend college. I suppose Joe will attend college.

suspicious auspicious
This was a suspicious beginning. This was an auspicious beginning.

swam swum
I have swam the width of the river I have swum the width of the river
three times. three times.

sweet suite
They ordered a sweet of furniture They ordered a suite of furniture
for their apartment. for their apartment.

sweetly sweet
Fresh flowers smell sweetly. Fresh flowers smell sweet.

swell wonderful
That’s a swell film. That’s a wonderful film.

swell up swell
His finger began to swell up. His finger began to swell.

swum swam
The boy swum the length of the The boy swam the length of the



Incorrect Correct

There was a clash of symbols and There was a clash of cymbals and
the clowns entered. the clowns entered.

sympathy for sympathy with

The fugitives sympathized for each The fugitives sympathized with
other in their plight. each other in their plight.

Incorrect Correct

tail tale
He told a sad and strange tail. He told a sad and strange tale.

Please take it to me. Please bring it to me.

taken took
1 taken the book to the library. I took the book to the library.

tale tail
It seems that the tale is wagging It seems that the tail is wagging
the dog.
the dog.

tallest taller
He is the tallest of the two boys. He is the taller of the two boys.

My tantamount concern is for your My paramount concern is for your

tapir taper
Give me a tapir to light the way. Give me a taper to light the way.

tare tear
Did you tare the hat? Did you tear the hat?

Incorrect Correct

tarrif tariff
They are in favor of a high tarrif. They are in favor of a high tariff.

tastes well tastes good

The coffee tastes well. The coffee tastes good.

She is a tasty dresser. She is a tasteful dresser.

teams teems
The lake teams with small fish. The lake teems with small fish.

tee tea
We went to her tee party. We went to her tea party.

temperature fever
Has the patient any temperature ? Has the patient any fever ?

than then
We read for an hour and than went We read for an hour and then went
home. home.

than when
Hardly was the ship under way Hardly was the ship under way
than it sprung a leak. when it sprung a leak.

than any than any other

He is taller than any boy in the He is taller than any other boy in
room. the room.

Incorrect Correct

than us than we
They are better than us. They are better than we.

that so
He was that angry that he ruined He was so angry that he ruined
the painting. the painting.

that near so near

You can approach only that near. You can approach only so near.

that there that

That there picture is excellent. That picture is excellent.

that un that
That un is your hat. That is your hat.

the all all

I’ll see the all of them. I’ll see all of them.

all of you
the all of you
The all of you should study harder. All of you should study harder.

the both both

I’ll fight the both of you. I’ll fight both of you.

the either either

I’ll invite the either of the boys to I’ll invite either of the boys to my
my home. home.

Incorrect Correct

Anyone can lose their card. Anyone can lose his card.

their there
Their are the books. There are the books.

theirn theirs
The boat is theirn. The boat is theirs.

t heir's This car is theirs.
This car is their’s.

theirself themselves
They went theirself to the play. They went themselves to the play.

theirselves themselves
They decided to get it theirselves. They decided to get it themselves.

them those
I think them flowers are lovely. I think those flowers are lovely.

them those
Them are the ones I want. Those are the ones
t I want.

He is as intelligent as them. He is as intelligent as they.

then than
I would rather swim then hunt. I would rather swim than hunt.



Incorrect Correct

the neither neither

I’ll speak to the neither of them. I’ll speak to neither of them.

the present
I have enough at the present. esen
I have enoughprat t

there has been there have been

There has been two accidents. There have been two accidents.

these this
I like these kind of shoes. I like this kind of shoes.

these kind this kind

These kind of books is instructive. This kind of books is instructive.

this many
these many
I have completed these many cards. I have completed this many cards.

The United States the United States

I live in The United States. I live in the United States.

the which which

Tell me the which is right. Tell me which is right.

the whole of all of

The whole of the trustees will All of the trustees will attend.

Incorrect Correct


They say he is honest. People say he is honest.

they're I think this is their house.
I think this is they're house.

they theirself they themselves

They theirself went along on the They themselves went along on the

they want he wants

A person can find whatever they A person can find whatever he
want in this store. wants in this store.

they was they were

They was not at home. They were not at home.

thing about it truth of the matter

The thing about it is that we have The truth of the matter is that we
lost the account. have lost the account.

this those
Give me this books. Give me those books.

this here this

This here book is interesting. This book is interesting.

this un this
This un is mine. This is mine.

Incorrect Correct

those that
Do you like those kind of book? Do you like that kind of book?

though although

Though it was late, we decided to Although it was late, we decided

remain. to remain.

three-sided triangle
The figure in the illustration is a The figure in the illustration is a
three-sided triangle. triangle.

th rowed threw
He throwed the ball. He threw the ball.

thru through
We went thru the woods. We went through the woods.

thusly thus
Thusly the brave young man set Thus the brave young man set out.

tied tide
We sail at high tied. We sail at high tide.

to too
It is to warm in here. It is too warm in here.

today night tonight

Today night I shall go to his home. Tonight I shall go to his home.

Incorrect Correct

told tolled
The bells told at noon. The bells tolled at noon.

tolled told
The truth was tolled . The truth was told.

to my estimation in my estimation
To my estimation, the theater is an In my estimation, the theater is an
excellent form of entertainment. excellent form of entertainment.

tonnage total
Please estimate the tonnage total of Please estimate the tonnage of the
the load. load.

too to
He likes too swim. He likes to swim.

too two
The too of them are ill. The two of them are ill.

took and hit hit

He took and hit the ball over the He hit the ball over the fence.

tooked took
He tooked his medicine. He took his medicine.

too much wordiness wordiness

Please avoid too much wordiness. Please avoid wordiness.

Incorrect Correct

toothache toothache
He had a severe tooth ache. He had a severe toothache.

tooth brush toothbrush

He brought his tooth brush with He brought his toothbrush with
him. him.

tooth paste toothpaste

I prefer tooth paste to tooth powder. I prefer toothpaste to tooth powder.

tooth pick toothpick

He gave him a gold tooth pick on He gave him a gold toothpick on
his birthday. his birthday.

toothpowder tooth powder

He uses the new type of tooth - He uses the new type of tooth

to out out
He is going to out. He is going out.

tore torn
He hasn’t tore his ticket. He hasn’t tom his ticket.

tortuous torturous
A painful ordeal can be tortuous. A painful ordeal can be torturous.

torturous tortuous
The road through the mountains The road through the mountains
is torturous. is tortuous.

Incorrect Correct

to sing
He likes dancing and to sing. He likes dancing and singing.

to suicide to commit suicide

She was about to suicide when we She was about to commit suicide
entered the room. when we entered the room.

to up
to get up
He wants to up. He wants to get up.

tow toe

He injured his tow. He injured his toe.

transpire take place

The wedding will transpire next The wedding will take place next
week. week.

translucent transparent
We looked at the diamond We looked at the diamond
through the translucent showcase. through the transparent showcase.

He is truely a hero. He is truly a hero.

try and try to

I will try and get the tickets. I will try to get the tickets.

T-square T square
The engineer used a T-square. The engineer used a T square.

Incorrect Correct

tuck taken
Have you tuck your papers to the Have you taken your papers to the
office? office?

turbid turgid
The turbid river overflowed its The turgid river overflowed its
banks. banks.

turned turn
When you turned the key, what When you turn the key, what
happens next? happens next?

two too
We want to go two. We want to go too.

two mile two miles

It is two mile from here. It is two miles from here.

two-miles two-mile
It is a two-miles hike. It is a two-mile hike.

two twins twins

John and Peter are two twins John and Peter are twins.

I don’t enjoy that type of notoriety. I don’t enjoy that kind of notoriety.

type of a
I like this type of a film. pe of
I like this type tyo/film.

Incorrect Correct

We saw a German Uboat. We saw a German U-boat.

He is never in an ugly mood. He is never in an ill-tempered mood.

unanimously of one opinion unanimous

The group was unanimously of one The group was unanimous.

unbeknown unknown
Unbeknown to him, we were Unknown to him, we were invited
invited to the dance. to the dance.

unbeknownst unknown
Unbeknownst to the class, the Unknown to the class, the instruc¬
instructor planned to give a test. tor planned to give a test.

undesireable undesirable
This is highly undesireable. This is highly undesirable.

uninterested disinterested
A fair judge must be uninterested. A fair judge must be disinterested.

Incorrect Correct

unite together unite

It is essential that all nations unite It is essential that all nations unite.

unpredictible unpredictable
The event was unpredictible. The event was unpredictable.

urbane urban
Many people do not like the con' Many people do not like the con-
stant buzz of urbane living. stant buzz of urban living.

urn earn
You must urn your own money. You must earn your own money.

Us boys are going to school. We boys are going to school.

useable usable
This machine is not useable. This machine is not usable.

He usedn’t to like to go to base' He didn’t like to go to baseball
ball games when he lived in New games when he lived in New
York. York.

I usen’t to go to the theater often I didn’t go to the theater often
when I was young. when I was young.

Incorrect Correct

use to used to
I use to go hiking in the summer. I used to go hiking in the summer.

utterence utterance
We were surprised at the strange We were surprised at the strange
utterence. utterance.

Incorrect Correct

vaccilate vacillate

Don’t vaccilate, but act at once. Don’t vacillate, but act at once.

vaccuum vacuum
We are told that nature abhors a We are told that nature abhors a
vaccuum . vacuum.

vain vein
There was bleeding from a vain. There was bleeding from a vein.

vain vane
The weather vain was most inter¬ The weather vane was most inter¬

vale veil
She wore a hat with a vale. She wore a hat with a veil.

His call echoed in the vallies. His call echoed in the valleys.

valueable valuable
This is a very valueable ring. This is a very valuable ring.

valueble valuable
He has a valueble ring. He has a valuable ring.

Incorrect Correct

veil vale
In mountain and veil we searched In mountain and vale we searched
in vain. in vain.

vein vain
In vein did we try to solve the In vain did we try to solve the
riddle. riddle.

venal venial
Murder is no venal sin. Murder is no venial sin.

veracity truth
The veracity of the matter is that The truth of the matter is that we
we are lost. are lost.

veritable verifiable
My signature is veritable at the My signature is verifiable at the
bank. bank.

very much
The house is very changed. The house is very much changed.

very same identical same

This is the very same identical book. This is the same book.

This is a vial habit. This is a vile habit.

vice vise
He placed the wood in a vice. He placed the wood in a vise.

Incorrect Correct

• • •

The vice-roy was at the affair. The viceroy was at the affair.

vichysoisse vichyssoise
I have a marvelous recipe for I have a marvelous recipe for
vichysoisse. vichyssoise.

vigilence vigilance
Extreme vigilence is necessary. Extreme vigilance is necessary.

vinagar vinegar
He added vinagar to the salad. He added vinegar to the salad.

violincello violoncello
The violincello is an interesting The violoncello is an interesting
musical instrument. musical instrument.

vocabulery vocabulary
She has an excellent vocabulery. She has an excellent vocabulary.

vocation avocation

The actor’s vocation is bodybuild- The

ing. actor’s avocation is bodybuikb

The dress has a Vshaped neckline. The dress has a V-shaped neckline.

Incorrect Correct

wade weighed
We wade the package at the post We weighed the package at the
post office.

We went on a wailing expedition. We went on a whaling expedition.

waist waste
Do not waist the food. Do not waste the food.

wait weight
She gained wait over the summer. She gained weight over the summer.

waited on waited for

I waited on you at the entrance to I waited for you at the entrance to
the museum. the museum.

waive wave
We will waive to you when we see We will wave to you when we see


waiver waver
He began to waiver when he heard He began to waver when he heard
the news. the news.
Incorrect Correct

want wish
I want for a gift. I wish for a gift.

wants in wants to come in

She says she wants in. She says she wants to come in.

wants out wants to go out

He wants out now. He wants to go out now.

ward warred
The tribes ward against one The tribes warred against one
another. another.

ware wear

What will you ware to the recep^ What will you wear to the recep
tion? tion?

warmblooded warm-blooded
I believe the whale is warm - I believe the whale is warm¬
blooded. blooded.

warm-hearted warmhearted
The teacher is a warm-hearted The teacher is a warmhearted


warm up warm
Please warm up the coffee. Please warm the coffee.

warred ward
She was still his warred. She was still his ward.

Incorrect Correct

warrier warrior
He was a brave and loyal vuarrier. He was a brave and loyal warrior.

was were

They was here yesterday. They were here yesterday.

was were
I wish I was king. I wish I were king.

wasn't they weren't they

Wasn't they handsome? Weren’t they handsome?

wasn't you weren't you

Wasn’t you there last night? Weren’t you there last night?

waste waist
She has a slender waste. She has a slender waist.

waste basket wastebasket

Throw the paper in the wastebasket. Throw the paper in the wastebasket.

water-proof waterproof
He neglected to water-proof his coat. He neglected to waterproof his coat.

wave waive
We wave our rights to the mine. We waive our rights to the mine.

waver waiver
He signed a waver , relinquishing He signed a waiver , relinquishing
his rights to the property. his rights to the property.
ncorrect Correct

His hair was as white as way. His hair was as white as whey.

waylayed waylaid
The rich merchant was waylayed. The rich merchant was waylaid.

ways distance
The theater is a long ways from way distance from
The theater is a long
here. here.


I live a long ways from here. I live a long way from here.

we wee

It’s just a we mouse. It’s just a wee mouse.

weak week
I shall see you next weak. I shall see you next week.

weakminded weak-minded
She is a very weakminded person. She is a very weak-minded person.
She looks wearily with housework. She looks weary with housework.

wears wares
He cannot sell his wears. He cannot sell his wares.

weather whether
We do not know weather to go. We do not know whether to go.

Incorrect Correct

Wed. Wednesday
I shall come on Wed. I shall come on Wednesday.

week weak
The illness left him quite week. The illness left him quite weak.

He is there every week-day. He is there every weekday.

Do not weighed in the water. Do not wade in the water.

weight wait
Weight here until I return. Wait here until I return.

well read well-read

She is very well read. She is very well-read.

He has went yesterday. He has gone yesterday.

were was

One of my brothers were there. One of my brothers was there.

You should sail in a westernly You should sail in a westerly
direction. direction.

we was we were
We was there yesterday. We were there yesterday.

Incorrect Correct

whale wail
Then we heard the women vuhale. Then we heard the women wail.

what which
Here is the book what you had Here is the book which you had
wanted. wanted.

whatever what

Whatever shall we do today? What shall we do today?

where that
I read in the paper where a boy was 1 read in the paper that a boy was
injured. injured.

whereat where
Where were you at? Where were you?

whether weather
We heard the whether report. We heard the weather report.


This is the whey of all men. This is the way of all men.

which who

I saw a boy which looked like you. 1 saw a boy who looked like you.

which whom
She is the actress which I like best. She is the actress whom I like best.

Incorrect Correct

while whereas
Tom likes fiction while Joe prefers Tom likes fiction whereas Joe
prefers nonfiction.

whine wine
We ordered a bottle of whine. We ordered a bottle of wine.

whither wither
The rose will soon whither and The rose will soon wither and
fade. fade.

who whom
He is a boy who I admire. He is a boy whom I admire.

who whom
Who are you laughing at? Whom are you laughing at?

whoever whomever
Speak to whoever you see. Speak to whomever you see.

He is a man whom I believe will He is a man who I believe will
make a good president. make a good president.
Whom shall I say is calling? Who shall I say is calling?

whomever whoever
Give the book to whomever wants Give the book to whoever wants
it. it.

Incorrect Correct

's table?
Who’s book is on Whose book is on the table?

Whose coming with us? Who’s coming with us?

Who’se book is this? Whose book is this?

widow woman widow

We went to visit the widow We went to visit the widow .

width with

We are going width our friends. We are going with our friends.

with on
They came up with the elevator. They came up on the elevator.

with width
Please measure the with of the Please measure the width of the
room. room.

withdraw back withdraw

He intends to withdraw back his He intends to withdraw his name.
name. <

woman women
We studied the great woman of We studied the great women of
the past. the past.
Incorrect Correct

women woman
She is a fine and lovely women. She is a fine and lovely woman.

womens' Womens gloves are on sale.

Womens’ gloves are on sale. women's

wood would
We wood have gone, had we We would have gone, had we
known the address. known the address.

wore worn
She has wore that hat to church. She has worn that hat to church.

wored wore
I never wored this suit. I never wore this suit.

works by works at
He works by the grocery. He works at the grocery.

worse worst
He is the worse of the group. He is the worst of the group.

worser worse
I feel worser today. I feel worse today.

worst worse
Ann feared the worst of the two. Ann feared the worse of the two.

would wood
The cabinet is made of would. The cabinet is made of wood.

Incorrect Correct

would best had best

He would best avoid such an He had best avoid such an
arrangement. arrangement.

would have gone had gone

If we would have gone , we might If we had gone, we might have
have met. met.

wrist watch wristwatch

He purchased a wrist watch. He purchased a wristwatch.

Do you know the write answer? Do you know the right answer?

write down write

Write your name down on this Write your name on this paper.

write up write
Please write up the note for me. Please write the note for me.

wrote written
He has wrote a charming story. He has written a charming story.
Incorrect Correct

X-Cell excel
He tries to x-cell in all he does. He tries to excel in all he does.

X-Cellent Excellent
He delivered an x-cellent speech. He delivered anX excellent speech.


We had Xray treatments. We had X-ray treatments.

We received x-tra credit for our We received extra credit for our
work. work.

Incorrect Correct

Yeah, I saw her yhat. Yes, 1 saw her hat.

yep yes
Yep, we should go too. Yes, we should go too.

The yoke of the yegg was not eaten. The yolk of the egg was not eaten.


lk yolk like
We submitted toyothe We submitted to the yoke like
oxen. oxen. yoke

you at Where are you?

Where are you at ?


you'ntos the party.

You ns are invited You are invited to the party.


yo u'ns's Is this paper yours?

Is this paper you ns’s? yours

Your absolutely ycorrect about that You’re absolutely correct about
matter. that matter.

Incorrect Correct

you re
I believe she is your aunt.
I believe she is you’re aunt.

Is this hat yourn ? Is this hat yours ?

Is this book yours ?

Is this book your’s yours

I want both of youse to be here. I want both of you to be here.

youself lf
You did the work youself.
You did the work

youselves yourselves
You saw them youselves. You saw them yourselves.

you was
you were
You were going to be my guest.
You was going to be my guest.

Yrs. trly. Yours truly

He closed his letter with Yrs. trly. He closed his letter with Yours

Incorrect Correct


His zaney antics displeased me. His zany antics displeased me.

He originated a new zincing He orginated a new zincking

zweiback zwieback
He ate a piece of zweiback. He ate a piece of zwieback.

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