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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,302,538 B2

Smart (45) Date of Patent: Apr. 5, 2016
(54) MULTI-SURFACE RIM FOR ENHANCED (56) References Cited
(71) Applicant: St. Assischnology Limited, 3,158.404 A 1 1/1964 Noakes
rackley (GB) 3,656,531 A * 4, 1972 Ross et al. ...................... 152.10
(72) Inventor: Simon Smart, Brackley (GB) (Continued)
(73) Assignee: ENVE Composites, LLC, Ogden, UT FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
(US) EP O 820 880 A1 1, 1998
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this EP 1795 370 A1 6, 2007
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 (Continued)
U.S.C. 154(b) by 521 days. OTHER PUBLICATIONS
(21) Appl. No.: 13/655,028 European Patent Application EP 1177 2557 Supplementary Search
22) Filed Oct. 18, 2012 Report mailed Apr. 7, 2014.
(22) Filed: ct. 18, (Continued)
(65) Prior Publication Data
US 2013/0049441 A1 Feb. 28, 2013 Primary Examiner — S. Joseph Morano
O O Assistant Examiner — Jean Charleston
Related U.S. Application Data (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Woodard, Emhardt,
(63) Continuation of application No. Moriarty, McNett & Henry LLP
PCT/US2011/033061, filed on Apr. 19, 2011.
(60) Provisional application No. 61/325,720, filed on Apr.
19, 2010. Embodiments described herein provide for one or more of:
(1) airflow enhancement around a rim using cusps that create
(51) Int. Cl. virtual surfaces of air with the bike in motion, which also
B60B3/00 (2006.01) encourage favorable air attachment around the rim; (2) wake
B60B 2/00 (2006.01) reduction by streamlining the airfoil around the rim using trip
(Continued) edges at various points of rim Surface transition, which cause
a laminar flow to go turbulent for enhancing the streamline
(52) U.S.
AV e. Cl
we f
effect; 3) aa double
double rim
ri Surface,
rf hich provid
which ir Slot
proV1des an air sl
CPC ................. B60B 21/00 (2013.01); B60B I/003 between the two rim surfaces at a distance that enhances flow
(2013.01); B60B25/00 (2013.01); B60B I/06 attachment and adds energy of air flow around the rim by
(2013.01) moving air between areas of high and low pressure; and (4) a
(58) Field of Classification Search tubeless tire rim kit capable of converting conventional rims
CPC .......... B60B 5700; B60B 21/06; B60B 21/00; into tubeless ones and also promoting the sealing of the tire to
B6OB 1/O6 the rim with minimal air pressure necessary to create the seal.
USPC ................... 301/55, 58,95, 96, 97,98, 110.5
See application file for complete search history. 19 Claims, 19 Drawing Sheets
US 9,302,538 B2
Page 2

(51) Int. Cl. 5,490,719 A * 2/1996 Lew ............................... 301/51

B6OB I/O (2006.01) 5,540,485 A * 7/1996 Enders .......................... 301 (104
5,893,614 A 4/1999 Dennis
B60B 25/00 (2006.01) 5,975,645 A 1 1/1999 Sargent
(2006.01) 7,114,785 B2 10/2006 Ording et al.
2007/0200422 A1 8, 2007 Davis et al.
(56) References Cited
FR 27O 1899 A1 9, 1994
ck 5, 1973 Hata et al. .................. 188,24.13
3,732.951 WO WO97,46072 A2 12/1997
3,862,779 1/1975 Jayne ....... ... 301.64705
4,280,736 T. 1981 Raudman ....................... 301? 6.3 OTHER PUBLICATIONS
4.919,490 4, 1990 Hopkins et al.
4,995,675 2, 1991 Tsai ......................... 301/64.705 International Patent Application PCT/US2011/033061 International
5,061,013 10, 1991 Hed et al. ................. 301? 64.704
5,080.444 1, 1992 Hopkins et al. .......... 301/95.107 Search Report and Written Opinion mailed Jul. 14, 2011.
5,104,199 4, 1992 Schlanger ...... ... 301? 64.704 International Patent Application PCT/US2011/033065 International
5,246,275 9, 1993 Arredondo, Jr. ... 301.64705 Search Report and Written Opinion mailed Jul. 14, 2011.
5,249,846 10, 1993 Martin et al. .. ... 301/95.102
5,415,463 5, 1995 Olson et al. .............. 301? 64.702 * cited by examiner
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FIG. 3
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FIG. 7 FIG. 8
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FIG. 14
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FIG. 25C
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FIG. 26B
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a N

FIG. 27A FIG. 27B

US 9,302,538 B2
1. 2
MULTI-SURFACE RIM FOR ENHANCED Recent attempts to reconcile these two types of wheels have
EFFICIENCY led to a compromise wheel design. This design employs a
limited number of solid spokes in conjunction with the
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED bicycle rim. These wheels resemble a solid wheel with large
APPLICATIONS “cutouts' in the disc to minimize the crosswind effects.
Despite these efforts, the compromise designs can still suffer
This application is a continuation of International Appli from objectionable crosswind, wind-loading, drag and other
cation No. PCT/US2011/033061 filed Apr. 19, 2011, which wise do not include optimum aerodynamic or structural char
claims the benefit of and priority to the U.S. Provisional acteristics.
Application No. 61/325,720 filed Apr. 19, 2010 entitled 10
“BICYCLE RIM EFFICIENCY, the contents of which are BRIEF SUMMARY
incorporated herein by reference in their entirety.
The above-identified deficiencies and drawback of bicycle
BACKGROUND systems is overcome through example embodiments of the
15 present invention. For example, embodiments described
Most everyone experiences the joy of riding a bike at one herein provide for a multi-surface (e.g., dual, triple, qua
point in their lifetime and many learn to ride at a very young druple, etc.) rim surface, which provides an air slot between
age. Because a young child can masterits basic principles, the the rim Surfaces at a distance that enhances flow attachment
act of riding a bike itself appears very simple. The physics and adds energy of air flow around the rim by moving air
behind the exhilarating act itself, however, are anything but. between areas of high and low pressure. Note that this Sum
The cyclist needs to overcome numerous types of forces mary is provided to introduce a selection of concepts in a
acting on the properties of balancing, steering, braking, accel simplified form that are further described below in the
erating, Suspension activation, vibration and many other bicy Detailed Description. This Summary is not intended to iden
cling characteristics. Moreover, many of the forces in each tify key features or essential features of the claimed subject
physical realm are open to change and depend on their Sur 25 matter, nor is it intended to be used as an aid in determining
rounding environment and/or forces from other properties, the scope of the claimed subject matter.
which adds several orders of complexity. In one example embodiment, a dual rim Surface is provided
To consider the complexities of a bike as a whole becomes that enhances flow from a true or windward side to enter on a
somewhat overwhelming. Nevertheless, each force that acts leeward side. In other words, the air gap between the double
on the physical aspects or properties associated with a bike 30 rim Surfaces adds energy of airflow to the system and retrains
and its rider can be broken down into Smaller, more manage the otherwise separated flow on the leeward side, which
able pieces. For example, if we consider a cyclist or rider and encourages an overall air flow attachment similar to a solid
her bike as a single system, the forces that act on that system disc rim, but reduces the inherent crosswind disadvantage.
and its components can be roughly divided into two groups: Note that this embodiment works well with either a spoked,
internal and external forces. Internal forces are mostly caused 35 disc, or hybrid (e.g., trior quad spoke) wheels and aids the air
by the rider and the rider's interaction with the bike (e.g., by flow around the rim, similar to a solid rim, with improved
bicycle component friction). External forces, on the other crosswind stability.
hand, are due to gravity, inertia, contact with the ground, and Additional features and advantages of the invention will be
contact with the atmosphere. set forth in the description that follows, and in part will be
While the internal forces can have a significant impact on 40 obvious from the description, or may be learned by the prac
bicycle performance, most any bicycle racer will agree that tice of the invention. The features and advantages of the
the largest resistance comes from the induced external force invention may be realized and obtained by means of the
of the bicycle's movement through the air. As a rider attempts instruments and combinations particularly pointed out in the
to move faster, the atmospheric drag and crosswind forces appended claims. These and other features of the present
become greater, which in turn requires the rider to expend 45 invention will become more fully apparent from the following
greater energy to overcome them. Thus, these forces become description and appended claims, or may be learned by the
an important consideration in bike designs, especially in the practice of the invention as set forth hereinafter.
areas of bicycle racing and triathlons.
One of the major sources of these dynamic atmospheric BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
forces results from the flow of air over and around the bicycle 50
wheels. Over the years, many have attempted to reduce the In order to describe the manner in which the above-recited
drag in wheels through the use of a “solid’ or “disc' wheel, and other advantageous features of the invention can be
which are wheels without spokes. Such disc shape alleviates obtained, a more particular description of the invention
the drag caused by the movement of air over the spokes and briefly described above will be rendered by reference to spe
over and around the wheel rim; however, such rims suffer 55 cific embodiments thereof which are illustrated in the
from stability control caused from the other aerodynamic appended drawings. Understanding that these drawings
force of crosswind. More specifically, as wind forces perpen depict only typical embodiments of the invention and are not
dicular to the disc Surface increase, an increased wind-load therefore to be considered to be limiting of its scope, the
ing force is transmitted from the disc surface to the bicycle invention will be described and explained with additional
handlebars. This requires the rider to apply a control force to 60 specificity and detail through the use of the accompanying
the handlebars that varies as the wind-loading changes. Addi drawings in which:
tionally, the force exerted by a Sudden crosswind can desta FIG. 1 is a perspective view of a bicycle wheel having a tire
bilize the bicycle and rider; resulting in a need for forward mounted thereon;
speed reduction to regain stability. FIG. 2 is a somewhat schematic, sectional view taken along
Until recently, cyclists have been forced to choose either 65 lines 2-2 of FIG. 9;
traditional spoked wheels with their inherent drag component FIG. 3 is a fragmentary plan view of a streamlined inner
or solid wheels with their inherent crosswind disadvantages. rim surface taken along lines 3-3 of FIG. 2;
US 9,302,538 B2
3 4
FIG. 4 is a perspective view of a wheel that may employ FIGS. 27A and 27B illustrates the use of the tubeless tire
various embodiments of the present invention; kits shown in FIGS. 26A and 26B for mounting a tire in
FIG. 5 is a cross section of the wheel depicted in FIG. 4 in accordance with exemplary embodiments of the present
the plane defined by lines 5-5: invention.
FIG. 6 is a fragmentary plan view of the tire mounting 5
surface perpendicular to the plane formed by lines 6-6 in FIG. DETAILED DESCRIPTION
The present invention extends to methods, systems, and
FIG. 7 is a cross section of the wheel of FIG. 1 in the plane devises
formed by lines 7-7 shown without filling material; for maximizing airflow or reducing drag coefficients
10 caused by turbulence associated with areas of discontinuity
FIG. 8 is a cross section of the wheel rim of FIG.1 taken at
the plane formed by lines 8-8; between the various components of a rim. Similarly, other
FIG. 9 is a side view of a wheel capable of employing wheels embodiments reduce the inherent drag of typical spoke
by increasing the Surface area of rim (thus enhancing
various embodiments the present invention; airfoil similar to Solid or larger Surface area rim designs),
FIG. 10 is a profile view of a wheel and tire combination 15 while simultaneously providing better cross wind handling
capable of implementing various aspects of the present inven through a double rim design. A separate embodiment
tion; described herein also provides for a tubeless sealing kit that
FIG. 11 is a perspective view of a bicycle wheel with tire, advantageously assists in Sealing a tubeless bike tire with
capable of implementing various aspects in accordance with minimal air pressure by providing a stability and/or edge
the present invention; 2O guidance system within the rim.
FIG. 12 is a transverse cross section as formed by lines 5-5 Prior to discussing each of the above embodiments in
in FIG. 11, showing an alternate embodiment rim molded at greater detail, it is useful to understand some of the basic
one time using same materials; principles in aerodynamics used in describing various exem
FIG. 13 is a transverse cross section as formed by lines 5-5 plary embodiments and advantageous features thereof. As
in FIG. 11, showing an alternate embodiment rim with an 25 previously mentioned, a large consideration in the develop
aluminum first area and a composite second area; ment of bicycle rims is dynamic property known as drag
FIG. 14 is the same as FIG. 13 except that a tire is mounted (sometimes called air resistance or fluid resistance), which
to said rim; refers to forces that oppose the relative motion of an object
FIGS. 15A, 15B, 15C, and 15D illustrate airflow consid through a fluid (a liquid orgas). Drag forces act in a direction
erations for yew angles of Zero and 10 degrees respectively 30 opposite to the oncoming flow velocity. Unlike other resistive
for implementing various aspects of the present invention; forces such as dry friction, which is nearly independent of
FIGS. 16A and 16B illustrate an ideal solution and practi velocity, drag forces depend on velocity.
cal considerations for enhancing airflow by reducing drag For a solid object moving through a fluid, the drag is the
around the wheel at the junction of the tire and component of the net aerodynamic or hydrodynamic force
FIGS. 17A and 17B illustrates cusps used at a leading edge 35 acting opposite to the direction of the movement. The com
of a rim for inducing a favorable pressure gradient in accor ponent perpendicular to this direction is considered lift.
dance with example embodiments of the present invention; Therefore drag opposes the motion of the object, and in a
FIGS. 18A and 18B illustrates design considerations for powered vehicle it is overcome by thrust
the cusp at the leading edge of the rim in accordance with Lift-induced drag (also called induced drag) is drag which
exemplary embodiments of the present invention; 40 occurs as the result of the creation of lift on a three-dimen
FIGS. 19A, 19B, and 19C illustrate various designs of sional lifting body, Such as the wing or fuselage of an airplane.
leading edge cusps based on the design considerations of Induced drag consists of two primary components, including
FIGS. 18A and 18B and other factors in accordance with drag due to the creation of Vortices (Vortex drag) and the
exemplary embodiments of the present invention; presence of additional viscous drag (lift-induced Viscous
FIG. 20 illustrates the use of cusps on the surface of the rim 45 drag). The vortices in the flow-field, present in the wake of a
in accordance with alternative example embodiments of the lifting body, derive from the turbulent mixing of air of varying
present invention; pressure on the upper and lower surfaces of the body, which is
FIGS. 21A and 21B illustrates the use of trip edges for a necessary condition for the creation of lift.
reducing a natural occurring wake in accordance with With other parameters remaining the same, as the lift gen
example embodiments of the present invention; 50 erated by a body increases, so does the lift-induced drag. For
FIG. 22 is a side view of double rim wheel in accordance an aircraft in flight, this means that as the angle of attack, and
with exemplary embodiments of the present invention; therefore the lift coefficient, increases to the point of stall, so
FIG. 23 is a somewhat schematic, sectional view taken does the lift-induced drag. At the onset of stall, lift is abruptly
along lines 2-2 of FIG. 22 for the double rim exemplary decreased, as is lift-induced drag, but viscous pressure drag (a
embodiment of the present invention that also compares the 55 component of parasite drag) increases due to the formation of
dimensional considerations of typical wide rims with those of turbulent unattached flow on the surface of the body.
the double rim exemplary embodiment; Parasitic drag (also called Skin Friction Drag) is drag
FIG. 24 illustrates the airflow advantage of the double rim caused by moving a solid object through a fluid medium (in
exemplary embodiment of the present invention over typical the case of aerodynamics, more specifically, a gaseous
wide rims: 60 medium). Parasitic drag is made up of many components, the
FIGS. 25A, 25B, and 25C illustrate cross sectional views most prominent being form drag. Skin friction and interfer
of various double rim designs in accordance with exemplary ence drag are also major components of parasitic drag.
embodiments of the present invention: Skinfrictionarises from the friction of the fluid against the
FIGS. 26A and 26B illustrate the use of tubeless conver “skin' of the object that is moving through it. Skin friction
sion and enhancement kit for tire guiding and air sealing in 65 arises from the interaction between the fluid and the skin of
accordance with exemplary embodiments of the present the body, and is directly related to the wetted surface, the area
invention; and of the surface of the body that is in contact with the fluid. As
US 9,302,538 B2
5 6
with other components of parasitic drag, skin friction follows The lift on an airfoil is primarily the result of its shape (in
the drag equation and rises with the square of the Velocity. particular its camber) and its angle of attack. When either is
Skin friction occurs at a boundary layer, which is that layer positive, the resulting flowfield about the airfoil has a higher
of fluid in the immediate vicinity of a bounding surface. The average Velocity on the upper Surface than on the lower Sur
boundary layer effect occurs at the field region in which all face. This velocity difference is necessarily accompanied by
changes occur in the flow pattern. The boundary layer distorts a pressure difference, via Bernoulli’s principle for incom
Surrounding nonviscous flow and is a phenomenon of viscous pressible inviscid flow, which in turn produces the lift force.
forces. The lift force can also be related directly to the average
When fluid or air flows in parallel layers across the bound top/bottom velocity difference, without invoking the pres
ary, with no disruption between the layers, laminar flow 10 Sure, by using the concept of circulation and the Kutta
occurs, sometimes known as streamline flow. It is the oppo Joukowski theorem.
site of turbulent flow, which from a nonscientific standpoint In considering the above aerodynamic concepts, take flow
laminar flow is “smooth, while turbulent flow is “rough.” For ofair around a bicycletire and rim. FIGS. 15A, 15B, 15C, and
example, consider the flow of air over an airplane wing. The 15D illustrate airflow of cross sectional views of various size
boundary layer is a verythin sheet of airlying over the surface 15 tires and rims with considerations for yew angles of Zero and
of the wing (and all other surfaces of the airplane). Because 10 degrees, respectively. The following explanation of the
air has viscosity, this layer of air tends to adhere to the wing. above turbulence noted at the boundary layer of the surface of
As the wing moves forward through the air, the boundary a rim generally refers to these figures and can be best under
layer at first flows smoothly over the streamlined shape of the stood by considering the wheel (i.e., tire and rim) to be sta
airfoil. Here the flow is called laminar and the boundary layer tionary, with air flowing around it.
is a laminar layer. For example, FIG. 15A illustrates the flow of air around a
Turbulence or turbulent flow, on the other hand, is charac cross section of a conventional wheel with parallel braking
terized by chaotic, stochastic property changes. This includes surface 87 and a tire 48 with diameter D of smaller dimension
low momentum diffusion, high momentum convection, and (e.g., 18 mm). If the tire is smooth, the boundary layer 88 air
rapid variation of pressure and Velocity in space and time. 25 flow 89 over the front of the spherical part of the tire 48 would
Turbulence causes the formation of eddies of many different be laminar at typical conditions. As shown, however, the
length scales, with a majority of the kinetic energy of the boundary layer or air flow 89 tends to separate early at the
turbulent motion contained in large scale structures. The boundary layer 88 between the tire 48 and the leading edge of
energy “cascades' from these large scale structures to Smaller rim 99, as well as some separation occurring on the parallel
scale structures by an inertial and essentially inviscid mecha 30 braking surface 87. This turbulence is caused as the pressure
nism, which continues, creating Smaller and Smaller struc gradient Switches from favorable (pressure decreasing in the
tures; thus producing a hierarchy of eddies. Eventually this flow direction) to unfavorable (pressure increasing in the flow
process creates structures that are Small enough that molecu direction). With the smaller tire 48, however (and at a yew
lar diffusion becomes important and Viscous dissipation of angle of Zero degrees for a cross wind as shown), the turbu
energy finally takes place. 35 lence generated has little effect on the flow attachment at the
Turbulent diffusion is usually described by a turbulent trailing edge of the rim. In other words, conventional wheels
diffusion coefficient. The turbulent diffusivity is the simplest with parallel braking surfaces and smaller tires have relatively
approach for quantitative analysis of turbulent flows, and good flow attachment and perform suitably well at zero
many models have been postulated to calculate it. Still, the degree cross winds. This type of performance, however, is not
complete description of turbulence remains one of the 40 as good with larger size tires.
unsolved problems in physics. According to an apocryphal For example, FIG. 15B shows the wind flow 89 around a
story Werner Heisenberg was asked what he would ask God, cross section of a conventional wheel with a larger diameter
given the opportunity. His reply was: “When I meet God, I am (D2) tire 48 at a zero degree cross wind. Such larger tires 48
going to ask him two questions: Why relativity? And why (e.g., a 23 mm diameter) have become more popular due to
turbulence? I really believe he will have an answer for the 45 their better reliability in lower rolling resistance. As shown,
first however, the turbulence 88 created from the discontinuity
As mentioned above, skin friction is caused by Viscous between the tire and the leading edge 99 of the rim, along with
drag in the boundary layer around the object. The boundary the skin drag at the parallel braking Surfaces 87, causes larger
layer at the front of the object is usually laminar and relatively flow separation 88 and generally a drag increase.
thin, but becomes turbulent and thicker towards the rear. The 50 As illustrated in FIG. 15C, the large separation of turbu
position of the transition point depends on the shape of the lence 88 causes even more problems in a crosswind. In other
object. Generally, there are two ways to decrease friction words, the geometry of conventional or standard rims is not
drag: the first is to shape the moving body so that laminar flow favorable in a cross wind of even just 10 degrees as shown. In
is possible, like an airfoil. The second method is to decrease fact the region 88 (including the interface between the rim 99
the length and cross-section of the moving object as much as 55 and the tire 48, along with turbulence induced at the parallel
is practicable. braking surface 87), presents the airflow 89 with an unfavor
Profile Drag (Pxp): depends on the longitudinal section of able pressure gradient (pressure increasing in the flow direc
the body. A diligent choice of body profile is more than tion), creating a large region of low pressure behind trailing
essential for low drag coefficient. Streamlines should be con edge of the wheel—which in turn creates a high form drag. In
tinuous and separation of the boundary layer with its atten 60 other words, it makes it virtually impossible to achieve a flow
dant vortices should be avoided. attachment at the trailing edge and also generates unwanted
An airfoil-shaped body moved through a fluid produces a side forces. Similarly, on the back of conventional wheels at
force perpendicular to the motion, again called lift. SubSonic a yew crosswind angle of 10 degrees as shown in FIG. 15D,
flight airfoils have a characteristic shape with a rounded lead the relatively narrow (or pointy) rim shape causes leading
ing edge, followed by a sharp trailing edge, often with asym 65 edge separation 88, which again causes an unfavorable pres
metric camber. Foils of similar function designed with water Sure gradient, increasing the drag and causing additional side
as the working fluid are called hydrofoils. force.
US 9,302,538 B2
7 8
One simple solution to the turbulence at the boundary different as noted above. Further, the virtual edge improves
between the tire 48 and rim 99, along with the surface bound the flow stability at most yaw angles, leads to drag reduction,
ary problem at the discontinuity of the parallel braking Sur and reduced sensitivity of differing tire sizes. Moreover, this
face 87, is illustrated in FIGS. 16A and 16B. More specifi unique embodiment gives the same performance from a nar
cally, FIG. 16A illustrates a simple solution for enhancing 5 rower rim with a “flatter” or more parallel braking surface,
airflow and reducing drag around the wheel at the junction of i.e., where less width means better straight ahead drag reduc
the tire 48 and rim.99. First, an intersection 99 at the boundary tion and improved performance means that the rim shape can
between the leading edge of the rim and tire 48 can be made even be more conventionally flat braking surface; however,
that promotes continuous or Solid boundary layer to reduce all types of braking Surfaces are herein considered.
the eddies created by the cavity separation. Next, the simple 10 As one will appreciate, there are many design consider
“ideal rim needs nonparallel, shaped braking Surface Such as ation for promoting trip edges with the use of one or more
the torodial shaped rim described herein after. Further, the cusps. In fact, based on a myriad of factors including tire size,
radius or diameter D at the trailing edge of the rim can be wheel Surface area, desired performance, stability, feel, and
made larger to help attachment when flow goes in the oppo ride, the cusp(s) can be designed and positioned injust about
site direction (as in FIG. 15D). 15 any area and in numerous ways for promoting a favorable
Making an intersection 99 like the one shown in FIG.16A, pressure gradient for reducing drag and promoting flow
however, is not a practical solution. More specifically, extend attachment. As such, numerous types of cusps designs are
ing the leading edge 99 of the rim out around sides of the tire contemplated herein; and therefore, the use of any particular
48 causes stability problems and performance issues. For type of cusp design or placement thereof on the Surface or
example, the stiffness of the rim 99 along the sides of the tire (leading ortrailing) edge of a rim is used hereinfor illustrative
48 changes the rolling resistance of the tire 48, creating a purposes only and is not meant to limit or otherwise narrow
stiffer feel and harsher ride. Further, such design will cause the scope of the present invention unless otherwise explicitly
variance in sensitivity across the different tire 48 sizes; cre claimed.
ating a need for a different rim designs for each individual size For example, FIGS. 18A and 18B illustrates just a few of
tire. Similarly, the likelihood of the rim 99 contacting the 25 the design considerations for the cusp at a leading edge of the
ground increases even at low leaning angles, which can cause rim in accordance with exemplary embodiments of the
stability issues and damage to the rim itself. Nevertheless, as present invention. As shown in FIG. 18B, the shape of the
illustrated in FIG. 16B, the practical solution needs to reduce cusp "D' (e.g., elliptical, rectangular, round, square, triangu
the cavity between the leading edge of the rim 99 and the tire lar, hexagonal, etc.) should be a consideration in the proper
48, without the mechanical issues of poor tire performance, 30 design and will depend on other factors or design preferences,
feel, harsh ride, and stability. Nevertheless, as noted above, e.g., the standard size of the tire, the Surface area of the rim,
flow 89 seems to separate on larger circular tires 48 and the the type of use of the wheel, etc. Further, the leading edge
point of separation moves a lot causing poor repeatability, radius (e.g., the lip of the cusp), its angle relative to the Surface
stability and high dependence of tire design or rim shape. area of the rim, and extension from the widest part of the rim
The drawbacks of conventional wheels and the inherent 35 “C” can also be some design considerations. These param
disadvantages of “ideal Solutions is overcome through eters will give, interalia, a compromise between low and high
example embodiments that utilize “trip edges' in generating yew angles. For example, bigger radiuses usually mean
favorable pressure gradients for enhancing the airflow around greater drag at Zero degrees yew, but promote enhanced air
a rim and increase performance across a wider range of cross flow and less drag at greater degrees (e.g., larger than 10).
wind yew angles. In accordance with exemplary embodi 40 Another cusp parameter for consideration shown in FIG.
ments, the front and other areas of a rim can be used to help 18A is the lateral position 'A' as to how far the leading edge
control flow stability by using “trip edges' to control airfoil of the cusp extends relative to the center position of the tire 48.
around the rim. For example, in a first embodiment, as shown Similarly, the position relative to the rim leading edge “B”
in FIGS. 17A and 17B, cusps 202 can be used at the leading will also affect the air flow relative to the other design con
edge of a rim to generate standing Vortices 204 for creating a 45 siderations, and thus should also be considered. Of course, as
virtual continuous Surface at the junction between the tire and mentioned above, there are numerous factors to consider in
rim. More specifically, FIG. 17A shows cusps 202 at the choosing the appropriate cusp shape and placement Such as
leading edge 99 of the rim, at the interface between the tire 48 curvature, depth, and tire types, and others. For example,
and the rim 200. As shown in FIG.17B, a correctly shaped trip FIGS. 19A, 19B, and 19C illustrate various designs of leading
edge or cusp, encourages a standing Vortex 204, which advan 50 edge cusps based on the design considerations of FIGS. 18A
tageously creates a virtual Surface of continuity between the and 18B and other factors in accordance with exemplary
rim and the tire. In other words, the use of a cusp 202 at the embodiments of the present invention. Note again, however,
leading edge promotes a favorable pressure gradient that acts that FIGS. 19A, 19B, and 19C illustrate just a few such shapes
as the extension of the rim similar to the “ideal” solution that may be used in accordance with current exemplary
noted above, without the drawbacks of stiffness, stability, 55 embodiments; however, many, many more are also contem
feel, and performance. Similarly, the leading edge cusp shape plated herewith.
can be used like a flow trip to promote flow reattachment in a As shown in FIGS. 19A, 19B, and 19C, the leading edge
favorable pressure gradient, which will make the rim less closest to the tire 99a can more fully beformed much like the
sensitive to tire diameter and changing wind conditions with “ideal” design consideration adapting it very close to the tire
varied levels of turbulence. 60 with little or no gap between the rim surface and the tire 48.
In other words, by making the leading edge of the rim into The trailing edge of the leading edge of the rim 99b can
a cusp shape, a trip flow causes a circulation or Vortex 204 further take many forms from pointed edges (as shown in
between the tire and rim, which forms a smoother virtual FIG. 19C), to more rounded forms (like FIG. 19B). Also, the
surface for the flow field. This generates a low pressure which size, shape and positioning of the cusp 202 itself will vary
will help flow attachment and reduce drag. Further, the virtual 65 relative to the tire and the leading edge 99a (as also shown in
profiled rim helps control flow but does not make contact with FIGS. 19A, 19B, and 19C)—again based on the myriad of
the tire, which tends to make the feel of the wheel very design preferences and considerations noted above. Because
US 9,302,538 B2
9 10
of the many varying degrees of design considerations and of the trip edges allows for the promotional transition to
preferences, example embodiments are not intended to be turbulence; therefore resulting in higher skin friction, but
limited to any specific form, shape, size, positioning, etc., moves the point of boundary layer separation further along,
unless otherwise specifically claimed. Instead, the use of the resulting in lower form drag and lower overall drag.
design parameters noted above along with the need to Double Rim Embodiment
enhance the overall airfoil around the rim 200 (at a wide range Recent studies show that deep-rimmed aerodynamic
of yaw angles) becomes an advantageous consideration for wheels have a tremendous advantage over standard box
advancing wheel and rim designs. Accordingly, we now con shaped rims. This is due in large part to their ability to keep
sider Some other types of trip edges that may be used for airflow attached to the rim longer, thus reducing turbulent
enhancing the overall efficiency of airfoil around a rim 200. 10 drag significantly. In fact, some studies suggest that a con
For example, FIG. 20 illustrates the use of cusps on the ventional 100 mm rim may offer one to one and three quarter
Surface of the rim for promoting a favorable pressure gradient minutes advantage over conventional box-shaped rims. When
on the trailing edge of the rim for reverse airflow in accor seconds count talking minutes should get the competitive
dance with alternative example embodiments of the present minded rider to sit up and take notice. This advantage equates
invention. In other words, by also placing cusps 208 at the 15 to saving the rider 15-30 watts, or 50-100 calories per hour of
trailing edge of the rim, improved pressure distribution to effort for the same speed, which is a very useful way to save
form a desired virtual shape for promoting good flow charac energy in road races of three to six hours.
teristics not only in the attachment direction, but also in the Such rims, however, are illegal for (UCI) Union Cyclist
reverse direction. In fact, cusps can be placed on just about International volume/area guidelines beyond 100 mm, which
any place on the Surface of the rim desired for creating low limits the side area of wheels for road runs. In addition, for
pressure cores (e.g., at or near a boundary transition) for similar reasons as those previously described, separation can
promoting favorable pressure gradients across the boundary occur on leeward or low pressure side of the rim. Such early
layer of the rim. Similarly, note that although the low pressure separation causes a wider wake, thus increasing the drag.
vortex cores 210 at the leading edge of the rim have little if In order to overcome these and other deficiencies of current
any effect as a trip since flow is no longer turbulent in a 25 conventional deep-rimmed wheels, exemplary embodiments
laminar boundary later, such low pressure can still help to provide for a multi-surface rim, which has several advanta
improve attachment control around a portion of the tire, thus geous features. For example, FIG.22 is a side view of double
reducing the wake. In other words, another design consider or dual multi-surface rim wheel in accordance with exem
ation no of the cusp at not only the surface layer of the rim, but plary embodiments of the present invention. Such rim advan
also at the leading edge of he rim, is the wake reduction 30 tageously provides for two low pressure regions, which
characteristics that can be achieved in the reverse or back allows for higher yaw angles without flow separation, better
wards flow direction noted in FIG. 20. cross wind stability, and more usability. Moreover, because
FIGS. 21A and 21B illustrates the use of trip edges at or the overall rim surface can be reduced from a rim span of solid
near various transitional Surfaces for inducing early turbulent Surface of equal length, the multi-surface rim embodiment
laminar flow of the rim. Such early turbulence enhances the 35 may allow for the effectiveness of conventional deep-rimmed
streamlines to follow the curvature of airfoil, which reduces wheels, but also meeting UCI (and International Triathlon
the wake naturally generated from the turbulent separation at Union (ITU)) requirements.
the transitions in accordance with example embodiments of For example, FIG. 23 is a somewhat schematic, sectional
the present invention. Note that the flow at the surface of the view taken along lines 2-2 of FIG.22 and a comparison of the
wheel is more complicated than previously shown, due to a 40 dimensional considerations of typical wide rims with the
thin boundary set up by rotation. Accordingly, example double rim exemplary embodiment of the present invention.
embodiments herein contemplate the use of the cusp as a trip As shown, a conventional wide rim 215 will have a total
edge, leading edge step, and/or transition trip in different surface area along one side of the rim of distance “D’. The
applications to tractional aerodynamics. If the airfoil in FIG. double, dual, or split multi-surface rim embodiment of the
21A represents a wheel, tractional theory deals with the large 45 present invention, however, reduces such surface area to the
wake 'W' caused by turbulent separation 220 due to geom total area of “A” plus “B”, representing the distance of the
etry restraints for sever change in curvature of the rim. In outer rim 225 and inner rim 230, respectively. In other words,
other words, the laminar boundary layer is unable to stay the total surface area of the double or dual multi-surface rim
attached to the Surface, causing an early separation and high is a length “C” less than the conventional length "D' of wide
drag. 50 rims, representing the distance in between the outer 225 and
As shown in FIG. 18B, the principle of the cusp embodi inner 230 rims.
ment or cavity shape 202 that enhances a Vortex rotation (i.e., Note that although the above and following descriptions of
a standing vortex with low pressure core) yields an effective example embodiments for the multi-surface rim generally
camberline 201; thus, providing a flow reattachment point refer to a double or dual surface, any number of correspond
with a favorable pressure gradient. Similarly, as illustrated in 55 ing Surfaces that enhance the airfoil as described herein are
FIG. 21B, if a transitional trip (e.g., trip wire 230) is posi also contemplated. For example, for curtain design param
tioned at a proper location, the laminar flow will go turbulent eters, a trior quadruple Surface are may provide an even wider
early. Although this gives rise to Surface drag, it allows the overall surface area than the area of distance "D' described
streamlines to follow the curvature of the airfoil; thus, reduc above; yet maintain good crosswind Stability and UCI param
ing the wake 'W'. Accordingly, example embodiments con 60 eters along with the desired airflow attachment. In other
sider various types and combinations of using trip edges to words, other example embodiments consider any number of
produce an optimum pressure gradient or induce laminar multi-surface rims 225, 230 configured in such a way as
turbulence as necessary to reduce other forms of drag. Note described below to enhance airfoil around the wheel. Accord
that the types of trip edges used in transitional trips can vary ingly, any specific use of any number of rim Surfaces
widely including the cusps previously described, wire trip 65 described herein is for illustrative purposes only and is not
edges that circle the Surface of the rim, grit or other similar meant to limit or otherwise narrow the scope of the present
rim Surfaces Such as 3D pinked tape. In other words, the use invention unless otherwise specifically claimed.
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11 12
As noted above, not only does the multi-surface rim of Rim Sealing Kit/Tubeless Tire Conversion Kit
present embodiment advantageously meet UCI parameters, As previously mentioned, another example embodiment
but it also enhances airflow attachment. For example, FIG. 24 advantageously provides for a rim sealing kit for tubeless
illustrates the airflow advantage of the double or dual multi tires, which provides for both a sealing and a tire mounting
surface rim 220 over typical wide rims 210. As shown, by enhancement feature. In other words, exemplary embodi
allowing air flow from a true or windward side 255 to enter a ments of the present invention not only provide for a easy and
leeward or low pressure side 260 of the rim 220, added energy convenient mechanism for sealing non UST rims, thereby
flows to the area of low pressure 260 and reformation occurs making them tubeless, but it also allows for low pressure seals
for both UST and non-UST rims.
of the separated flow on the leeward side 260 of the rim 220. 10 For example, FIGS. 26A and 26B illustrate the use of
As such, the wake 'W' generated by conventional wide rims tubeless conversion and enhancement kit that utilizes both
210 due to the low and high pressure separation 250 on the single and double density foam like materials for sealing and
different sides 215 of the rim 210 (causing early separation tire mounting guides on a rim in accordance with exemplary
and turbulence 250) can be substantially reduced by the two embodiments of the present invention. Similarly, FIGS. 27A
low pressure regions 260 of the multi-surface rim 220 15 and 27B illustrates the use of the tubeless tire kits shown in
example embodiment. Thus, higher yaw angles are achieved FIGS. 26A and 26B for mounting a tire in accordance with
with minimal flow separation, which also gives better cross exemplary embodiments of the present invention. As shown
wind stability. In other words, the slot 235 in between the in FIG.26A, a stack 320,315, 310 height of specific materials
outer 225 and inner 230 diameter rims creates a double peak to convert a traditional rim to be “Tubeless Compatible' in
of low pressure 260, enhanced flow attachment, and added accordance with example embodiments. One function of this
energy, which provides a rider with increased drag reduction. kit allows the user to inflate a tire with a traditional manual
In accordance with other example embodiments, note that inflation tool and doesn't require the use of a compressor.
the inner 230 and outer 225 section of double or dual multi In one embodiment, the stack is made of foam like material
surface rim 220 (or other multi-surface or split rims) may vary 315, which pushes the tire upwards and outwards from the
in size and attachment mechanisms. For example, FIGS. 25A, 25 inner portion of the rim. For example, as shown in FIG. 27A,
25B, and 25C illustrate cross sectional views of various a malleable material 345 (e.g., foam, sponge, silicone, or
double or dual multi-surface rim designs in accordance with other similar material capable of compressed, but tending to
exemplary embodiments of the present invention. More spe return to its natural shape) sits on the inner part of the clincher
cifically, these FIGS. 25A, 25B, and 25C show a tire 26 time. As the tire 48 is pushed into the clincher, the foam like
attached to an outer rim surface 225 and an inner rim surface 30 material 345 deforms sufficiently to allow the ease of mount
22 attached to a hub 21 using various combinations of spokes ing the tire on the rim. Once mounted, the foam material 345
and/or blade attachment mechanisms. Note that the outer pushesthetire beads 159,165upward and outward by making
portion 225 of multi-surface rim 200 may include a braking contact with the foam most every point of the rim channel. In
surface 30 and attaches to the tire 26, whereas the inner other words, the malleable material 345 pushes the tire beads
35 159 165 to contact the clinchers 131 and 141, which allows
portion 230 of the multi-surface rim joins the outer surface minimal air pressure for sealing the tire 48 to the sidewalls
225 to the hub 21 with various attachment mechanisms 138 and 130 of the rim.
including: spokes, blades, Solid wheel sections, or any com As shown in FIG. 26B, one embodiment makes use of
bination thereof. multi-density foam like material wherein the outer materials
For example, as shown in FIG. 25A, multi-surface rim 200 40 325 are of higher density than the center portion 330. The
uses three narrow joining struts 29 for joining the outer 225 advantage of the multiple density foam construction is the
and inner 230 rims. Further, a tri-spoke system 36 is then used center section 330 can allow the tire 48 to be installed and
to attach the inner 230 rim to the hub 21 using conventional removed more easily, while the shoulders/edges 325 of the
mechanisms. Alternatively, the inner rim 230 (or outer rim section can offers a tighter sealer with the tire 48 as well as an
225) may be attached to the hub 21 by conventional wire 45 improved rebound to the tire compressive movements.
spokes 12 as illustrated in FIG. 25B. In another embodiment, Note also that exemplary embodiments also accommodate
the inner rim 230 may beformed as a solid unit attached to the different tire fits as well as rim shapes through the expansion
hub 21 as shown in FIG. 25C, with the other rim 225 attached and compression of the foam like material 345. The tire 48 to
using either narrow joining struts 29 or spokes 12 as desired. rim interface 138, 130 can be inconsistent in size and shape.
Of course, any combination of multi-surface spoke, blade, 50 Example embodiments utilizing the nature of a malleable
and/or solid rim design is contemplated herein. Further, as material 345 allows the kit to change shape and size to accom
previously mentioned, the double, dual or split rim design modate the variations that occur both in interface as well as
may be extended to include additional inner or outer rim product inconsistency. This is very advantageous in keeping
sections as necessary. As such, the use of any particular type the kit in contact with the tire to avoid the loss of air or sealant
of mechanism for joining the rims or the use of only joining 55 (Burping) during use.
two or any particular number of rims is used herein for illus As previously noted, there are multiple constructions for
trative purposes only and is not meant to limit or otherwise this type of embodiment. For example, as shown in FIG.26A,
narrow the scope of the present invention unless otherwise one or more membranes 310 and 320 may be formed above
explicitly claimed. and/or below the foam like material 315 in the channel of the
In Summary, the above use of the multi-surface rim in 60 rim with constant foam center layer. The upper membrane
accordance with exemplary embodiment provides for the may be made of a highly durable material with slippery prop
advantageous features of a wider rim, while reducing the erties that allow beaded edges of the tire 48 to more readily
overall cross sectional area for UCI calculations. Further, move into sealing position. For example, the membrane may
because of the flow separation or boundary slit, areas of be made of silicon, plastic, or coated rubber section, which is
higher pressure are able to flow to the low pressure side in 65 also capable of deformation like the foam like material 315.
giving added Stability, energy, and achieving enhanced flow The bottom membrane 320 may be made of a similar type
attachment over conventional style rims. material, but with more inherently sealant, tacky and/or sticky
US 9,302,538 B2
13 14
properties. For instance, the lower membrane 320 or material Rims designed for use with rim brakes provide a smooth
may be made of rubber, silicon, tarlike, material with adhe parallel braking Surface, while rims meant for use with disc
sive properties for holding the foam like material 315 in place brakes or hub brakes sometimes lack this surface.
and/or making the channel 305 of the rim airtight. The Westwood rim is designed for use with rod-actuated
Note that although the three layers 310,315, and 320 are brakes, which press against the inside Surface of the rim.
illustrated as separate materials, one or all of the materials These rims cannot be used with caliper rim brakes.
may be similar in molecular and/or chemical makeup. For The cross-section of a rim can have a wide range of geom
example, silicon has all the properties of being malleable, etry, each optimized for particular performance goals. Aero
Sticky for sealing before setting, but slippery after formation. dynamics, mass and inertia, stiffness, durability, tubeless tire
Of course, other type materials or combination of materials 10
compatibility, brake compatibility, and cost are all consider
are also contemplated herein. As such, the use of the separate ations.
layers and/or the use of any particular type of material is used Aluminum rims are often reinforced with either single
herein for illustrative purposes only and is not meant to limit eyelets or double eyelets to distribute the stress of the spoke.
or otherwise narrow the scope of described embodiments A single eyelet reinforces the spoke hole much like a hollow
unless otherwise explicitly claimed. 15
In accordance with another example embodiment, and as rivet. A double eyelet is a cup that is riveted into both walls of
illustrated in FIG. 26B, the one or more membranes 310,320 a double-walled rim.
may be formed with multiple densities of foam like material Clincher Rims
315. The foam like material 315 may also be ran with or Most bicycle rims are “clincher rims for use with clincher
without one or both membranes given the particular applica tires. These tires have a wire or aramid (Kevlar) fiber bead that
tion as previously mentioned. interlocks with flanges in the rim. A separate airtight inner
As will be appreciated, the exemplary sealant kit embodi tube enclosed by the rim Supports the tire carcass and main
ment herein described offers many benefits to the user. For tains the beadlock. If the inner part of the rim where the inner
example, in addition to items listed above it also is very tube fits has spoke holes, they must be covered by a rim tape,
simple to install and remove. For instance, if the foam mate 25 usually rubber, cloth, or tough plastic, to protect the inner
rial 315 may be a simple strip with an adhesive tape like lower tube.
surface that lightly holds the foam 315 in place at the base of An advantage of this system is that the inner tube can be
the channel 305. Accordingly, foam 315 material may be easily accessed in the case of a leak to be patched or replaced.
easily installed and replaced as necessary. The ISO 5775-2 standard defines designations for bicycle
In short, example embodiments provide for a bicycle seal 30 rims. It distinguishes between: (1) Straight-side (SS) rims; (2)
ing kit for creating a tubeless rim and tire seal that comprises: Crotchet-type (C) rims; and (3) Hooked-bead (HB) rims.
a foam like material capable of being formed on the inner Traditional clincher rims were straight-sided. Various
portion of a channel for a clincher rim, wherein the foam like “hook' (also called “crotchet') designs emerged in the 1970s
material substantially covers the inner portion of the rim to hold the bead of the tire in place, allowing high (6-10 bar,
channel Such that when a tire is placed on the rim, the foam 35 80-150 psi) air pressure.
material pushes one or more bead seals of the tire toward Tubular Or Sew-Up Rims And Tires
clincher seals on the rim for ease in applying low pressure in Some rims are designed for tubular tires which are torus
forming a seal betweenthetire and the rim. Note that the foam shaped and attached to the rim with adhesive. The rim pro
like material can be made of at least two different densities. In vides a shallow circular outer cross section in which the tire
addition, the foam like material may be covered on one or 40 lies instead of flanges on which tire beads seat.
more sides with an additional membrane for adhesively Tubeless
attaching the foam like material to the rim or with a slipper A tubeless tire system requires an air tight rim-capable of
type material for ease in promoting the beads of the tire being sealed at the valve stem, spoke holes (if they go all the
toward the clinchers of the rim. way through the rim) and the tire bead seat—and a compatible
45 tire. Universal System Tubeless (UST) is the most common
General Related Descriptions of FIGS. 1,3-8 system of tubeless tires/rims for bicycles, which was origi
nally developed for mountain bikes but similar tubeless sys
The following describes some general bicycle wheel and tem exist for roadbikes also. The main benefit of tubeless tires
rim designs and construction that utilize example embodi is the ability to use low air pressure for better traction without
ments described herein. Generally and historically, bicycle 50 getting pinch flats because there is no tube to pinch between
wheels consisted of a plurality of spokes connected to a wheel the rim and an obstacle.
hub at one spoke end and to a tire bearing rim at the other Some cyclists have avoided the price premium for a tube
spoke end. This traditional design introduces unwanted tur less system by sealing the spoke holes with a special rim Strip
bulence around the bicycle wheel. This turbulence manifests and then sealing the valve stem and bead seat with a latex
itself as drag. Drag acts against the bicycle's motion through 55 sealer. However, tires not designed for tubeless application do
the air, thereby requiring a rider to expend additional energy not have as robust a sidewall as those that are.
to move through the air. The drawbacks to tubeless tires are that they are notorious
Description of Rims for being harder to mount on the rim than clincher tires. Plus,
The rim is commonly a metal extrusion that is butted into the cyclist must still carry a spare tube to insert in case of a flat
itself to form a hoop, though may also be a structure of carbon 60 tire due to a puncture since the ability to seal the tire edge to
fiber composite, and was historically made of wood. Some the rim requires significant air pressure, which a small hand
wheels use both an aerodynamic carbon hoop bonded to an pump typically cannot generate. More specifically, to seal the
aluminum rim on which to mount conventional bicycle tires. tubeless tire, you need to inflate it up to a high PSI very
Metallic bicycle rims are now normally made of aluminum rapidly so that the beads lock into place. Most hand and even
alloy, although until the 1980s most bicycle rims—with the 65 many other pumps simply cannot generate that kind of pres
exception of those used on racing bicycles—were made of sure. In addition, if one is not using a UST tire with thick side
steel and thermoplastic. walls, the sidewalls tend to bow and or fall to the center of the
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15 16
rim requiring even greater air pressure to extend them out and Semi-aerodynamic and aerodynamic wheel sets are now
seal against the edge of the rim. commonplace for road bicycles. Aluminum rims are still the
Spokes most common, but carbon fiber is also becoming popular.
The rim is connected to the hub by several spokes under Carbon fiber is also finding use in hub shells to reduce weight;
tension. Original bicycle wheels used wooden spokes that however, because of the hubs proximity to the center of
could be loaded only in compression, rotation reducing the hubs weight has less inertial effect than
modern bicycle wheels almost exclusively use spokes than reducing the rims weight.
can only be loaded in tension. There are a few companies Semi-aerodynamic and aerodynamic wheel sets are char
making wheels with spokes that are used in both compression acterized by greater rim depth, which is the radial distance
and tension. 10 between the outermost and the innermost surfaces of the rim;
At the end of each spoke is a specialized nut, called a a triangular or pyramidal cross-section; and by fewer num
nipple, which is used to adjust the tension in the spoke. The bers of spokes, or no spokes at all with blades molded of
composite material Supporting the rim. The spokes are also
nipple is usually located at the rim end of the spoke but on often flattened in the rotational direction to reduce wind drag.
some wheels is at the hub end to move its weight closer to the 15 These are called bladed spokes. However, semi-aerodynamic
axis of the wheel, reducing the moment of inertia. The use of and aerodynamic wheelsets tend to be heavier than more
aluminum nipples at the rim also reduces the moment of traditional spoked wheelsets due to the extra shapings of the
inertia, but they are less durable than brass. A third alternative rims and spokes. More important, the rims must be heavier
is titanium nipples, which are extremely strong, but Substan when there are fewer spokes, as the unsupported span
tially lighter than brass. A nipple at the rim of a wheel usually between spokes is greater. Improvements in the industry have
protrudes from the rim towards the center of the wheel, but in made it possible to use roughly half the number of spokes
racing wheels may be internal to the rim, offering a slight previously used, primarily through improved aluminum
aerodynamic advantage. alloys for the rims.
Double-butted spokes have reduced thickness over the cen Most clincher carbon fiber wheel sets, still use aluminum
ter section and are lighter, more elastic, and more aerody 25 parts at the clinching part of the rim. However, an increased
namic than spokes of uniform thickness. Single-butted number of all-carbon rims, such as those employed by EDGE
spokes are thicker near the rim and then all the way through Composites, are now available.
the threads at the rim. Triple-butted spokes also exist. As mentioned above, a French tire manufacturer intro
Spokes are usually circular in cross-section, but high-per duced a tubeless wheel system, Road Tubeless, which shares
formance wheels may use spokes of flat or oval cross-section, 30 many similarities to the UST (Universal System Tubeless).
also known as bladed, to reduce aerodynamic drag. Some Road Tubeless rims, like UST rims, have no spoke holes
spokes are hollow tubes. protruding to the air chamber of the rim. The flange of the
Forming Road Tubeless rim is similar to the hook bead of a standard
A wheel can beformed in one piece from a material Such as clincher rim but must be contoured to very close tolerances to
thermoplastic (glass-filled nylon in this case) or carbon fiber. 35 interlock with a Road Tubeless tire for creating an airtight seal
The former are commonly used for inexpensive BMX wheels between tire and rim. However, this system still suffers from
and have a maximum tire pressure of 45 psi (3 bars or atmo similar drawbacks as those mentioned above with regard to
spheres). The latter may be used for high-end aerodynamic UST rims.
racing wheels. Mountain Bike Wheels
Disc Wheels 40 26 Inch Wheel/ISO 55
Disc wheels are designed to minimize aerodynamic drag. A 26-inch clincher tires (with inner tubes) are the most com
full disc is usually heavier than traditional spoked wheels, and mon wheel size for off-road “mountain bikes. This tradition
can be difficult to handle when ridden with a cross wind. For was started initially because the early mountain bike pioneers
this reason, international cycling organizations often ban procured the wheels for their early bikes from American
discs wheels or limit their use to the rear wheel of a bicycle 45 made bicycles rather than the larger European standards in
however international triathlon federations were (and are use. The typical 26-inch rim has a diameter of 559 mm (22.0")
still) less restrictive and is what led to the wheels initial usage and an outside tire diameter of about 26.2" (665 mm).
growth in popularity in the 1980s. Increasingly common are tubeless tires conforming to the
A disc wheel may simply be a fairing that clips onto a UST (Universal System Tubeless) standard pioneered by
traditional, spoked wheel, addressing the drag that the spokes 50 French wheel manufacturer Mavic in conjunction with tire
generate by covering them; or the disc can be integral to the manufacturers Hutchinson and Michelin. In addition to elimi
wheel with no spokes inside. In the latter case carbon fiber is nation of rim strip and inner tube, the UST rim and tire
the material of choice. A spoked wheel with a disc cover may combination allows the rider to run lower tire pressures for
not be legal under (UCI) Union Cyclist International rules better traction and shock absorption without risking punctur
because it is a non-structural fairing but are again acceptable 55 ing the tube in conventional bicycle tires. Kits such as those
under (ITU) International Triathlon Union rules. developed by Stan Koziatek (Stan’s Not Tubes) are available
A compromise that reduces weight and improves cross to convert non-UST bicycle wheels and tires to a tubeless
wind performance has a small number (three or four) tension configuration. This is accomplished by using a special tape to
compression spokes molded integral to the rim also typi seal any nipple holes in a standard rim and injecting a liquid
cally carbon fiber. 60 latex compound into the tire before inflation. The liquid latex
Types—Bicycle Wheels can be Categorized by their Primary fills the crevices and rubber voids of non-UST wheels and
Use. tires, creating an airtight seal. The sealing fluid can also be
Road/Racing Bicycle Wheels added inside UST wheelsets to provide enhanced sealing
For road bicycle racing performance there are several fac capability in the event of thorn or spike punctures.
tors which are generally considered the most important: (1) 65 29 Inch Wheels/ISO 622
weight; (2) rotational inertia; (3) aerodynamics; (4) hub/bear “29-inch wheels’, which also conform to the popular 700C
ing Smoothness; and (5) stiffness. (622 mm diameter clincher wheel standard) are becoming
US 9,302,538 B2
17 18
more popular for not only cyclocross bikes but also cross larger in diameter than 700C (29er) wheels and are non
country mountain bikes for larger riders. Their rim diameter compatible with bicycle frames and tires designed for the
of 622 mm (-24.5 inch) is identical to most road, hybrid and 700C Standard.
touring bicycle wheels but are typically reinforced for greater Wheel rims also come in a variety of widths to provide
durability in off-road riding. The average 29-inch mountain optimum performance for different uses. High performance
bike tire has an outside diameter of about 28.5" (724 mm). road racing rims are narrow, 18 mm or so. Wider touring or
There are advantages and disadvantages associated with this durable off-road tires require rims of 24 mm wide or more.
change discussed in detail in the main article. Rolling Resistance
700C Road Bicycle Wheels/ISO 622 There are a number of variables that determine rolling
Touring, race, and cyclo-cross bicycles may have vastly 10 resistance: tire tread, width, diameter, tire construction, tube
different design goals for their wheels. The lightest possible type (if applicable), and pressure are all important. Smaller
weight and optimum aerodynamic performance are beneficial wheels, all else being equal, have higher rolling resistance
for road bicycles, while for cyclo-cross strength gains impor than larger wheels. “Rolling resistance increases in near pro
tance, and for touring bicycles strength becomes even more portion as wheel diameter is decreased for a given constant
15 inflation pressure.”
important. However this diameter of rim, identical in diam Referring to the figures generally and in particular to FIGS.
eter to the “29er rim, is by far the most common on these 1, 3 and 7-8, a bicycle wheel 20 is depicted that includes a
styles of bicycles. It rolls more easily than smaller diameter toroidal rim 22 having a streamlined inner rim surface 23 to
tires. Road wheels may be designed for tubular or clincher reduce wheel drag. Bicycle wheel 20 further includes a hub
tires, commonly referred to as “700C tires. 42, and a spoke system 34. FIG. 7 illustrates that toroidal rim
BMX WheelS/ISO 406 22 includes a tire mounting Surface 24 and a streamlined inner
Usually 20 inches in diameter (rim diameter of 406 mm), rim surface 23. Member 30 is formed in two sections as
BMX (Bicycle Motocross) wheels are small for several rea hereinafter described. A tire 26 is mounted on tire mounting
sons: they are suitable for young and Small riders; their lower surface 24. Tire 26 can also incorporate a tube (not shown).
cost is compatible with inexpensive bicycles; the size makes 25 Referring to FIGS. 4-6, another bicycle wheel 60 in accor
them stronger to withstand the additional loads generated by dance with the embodiments is illustrated. Wheel 60 includes
BMX jumps and stunts; and to reduce rotational inertia for a rigid toroidal rim 62, a streamlined inner rim surface 63, a
easier wheel acceleration. tire mounting Surface 64 having a tire 66 mounted thereon, a
Sizes rim reinforcing structure 70, a spoke system 74 and structure
Bicycle rims and tires came in many different types and 30 for securing spokes to rim 62 as hereinafter described and a
sizes before efforts were made to standardize and improve hub 82. The components of wheels 20 and 60 can be similar
wheel/tire compatibility. The International Organization for except as described differently herein.
Standardization (ISO) and the European Tyre and Rim Tech As used herein, toroid or toroidal means a surface gener
nical Organisation (ETRTO) define a modern, unambiguous ated by a plane closed curve rotated about a line that lies in the
system of sizing designations and measurement procedures
35 same plane as the curve but does not intersect it. Preferably,
and as illustrated hi FIGS. 5 and 7, the plane closed curve
for different types of tires and rims in international standard which generates the form of toroidal rim 62 and 22, respec
ISO 5775. For example: tively is substantially an ellipse which has been modified to
For wired-edge tires the ISO designation lists the width of generate a concave end at the tire mounting Surface 24. A tire
the inflated tire and the diameter with which the tire sits on the 40 mounted to Surface 24 makes the overall shape more elliptical
rim, both in millimeters and separated by a hyphen: 37-622 or lenticular, and is believed to provide the lowest achievable
For beaded-edge tires the ISO designation lists an overall System drag,
diameter code (16, 18, 20, 22, 24, or 26) and a width code The major and minor cross-sectional dimensions of the
(1.25, 1.375, 1.75, or 2.125), defined by measurement tables toroidal rim define an aspect ratio. The aspect ratio of the rim,
given in the standard, separated by a cross: 20.1.375 45 such as for rim 62, for example, is the ratio of the rim height
For rims the ISO designation lists the rim diameter (where (distance Hin FIG.5) to the rim width (distance Win FIG.5).
the tire sits) and the rims inner width, both in millimeters and The rim height is defined as the maximum vertical rim dimen
separated by a cross, along with a letter code for the rim type sion when the rim is oriented perpendicular to a horizontal
(e.g., “C”=Crotchet-type): 622x19C plane. The rim width is the maximum horizontal dimension
In practice, most tires (and inner tubes) sold today carry 50 when the rim is oriented perpendicular to a horizontal plane.
apart from the modern ISO 5775-1 designation also some In the preferred embodiment, the toroidal rim and tire
historic size markings, for which there exists no longer any mounted thereto form a Substantially elliptical cross section
officially maintained definition, but which are still widely as depicted in FIG. 7, with the rim further having an aspect
used: (i) an old French tire designation that was based on the ratio ranging from about 2 to 5 and preferably at least about
approximate outer diameter of the inflated tire in millimeters: 55 2.25. Typically, and to obtain improved aerodynamic effi
700x35C; (ii) an old British inch-based designation: 597 mm ciency, the ratio of the maximum rim width W to the tire
(26x1/4), 590 mm (26x13/s, which is the most common), 630 diameter D of FIG. 5 is in the range of from about 1 to 1.5 and
mm (27x1/4), and 635 mm (28x1/2). Which designation is preferably from about 1.05 to about 1.25.
most popular varies with region and type of bicycle. While not wishing to be bound by theory, it is believed that
Most road and racing bicycles today use 622 mm diameter 60 good aerodynamic efficiency is achieved with the rim and
(700C) rims, though 650C rims are popular with smaller wheels in accordance with embodiments because the coun
riders and triathletes. The 650C size has the ISO diameter size tervailing aerodynamic factors of minimum frontal area and
of 571 mm. Size 650B is 584 mm and 650A is 590 mm. Most laminar or Smooth airflow are balanced.
adult mountain bikes use "26 inch' wheels. Smaller youth The toroidal rim of the invention can be constructed from a
mountain bikes use 24 inch and newer off-road bikes for large 65 variety of materials, and can be a combination of them as for
riders have adopted heavy 700C29 inch wheels. The formerly example composite and metal. For example, the tire mounting
popular 27 inch wheel size is now rare. These rims are slightly surface 24 and the upper portion of member 30 in FIG. 7 can
US 9,302,538 B2
19 20
be constructed of metal and the remainder of rim 22 including with any number from 8-24 or more conventional bicycle
member 31, can be composite material. For example, any of wheel spokes could be utilized, depending on the loadbearing
the well-known composite materials, metals or alloys that requirements of the wheel. For most bicycle racers, about
have desired strength and toughness and that are otherwise eight would be the minimum number of spokes that could be
suitable for bicycle wheels could be used. Furthermore, the used.
interior of the rim can be solid, hollow, filled or reinforced as
desired to obtain the desired strength, weight and cost. For General Description of FIGS. 2, and 9-14 as they
example, FIGS. 7 and 8 show the use of an annular rim Relate to Example Embodiments Described Herein
reinforcing member 30 within the rim which abuts the rims
outer perimeter. Surface 24 and member 30 may be an integral 10 As noted above and shown in FIG. 2, the wheel 8 may
part of the remainder of rim 22 or may be a separate part. The include a carbon body portion 14, and an aluminum tire
entire volume of toroidal rim 22 may be filled with a filling engaging rim portion 16. As used in this application, the term
media 28 as shown in FIG. 2. Both rim 22 and filling media 28 'carbon” refers to a carbon fiber containing composite mate
(a rigid foam material Such as a urethane foam, for example) rial, which is the preferred material to use in the present
may be a high-strength, lightweight composite material 15 embodiments, examples of which are discussed above.
which increases rim strength while only marginally increas Turning again to FIG. 2, the carbon body portion 14,
ing rim weight. For example, these components may be con includes a radially innermost point 17, a first sidewall 18, a
structed of hand-laid fibers of high tensile strength and resis second sidewall 20, and an axially extending, radially out
tance to elongation Such as Spectra (polyethylene) or an wardly facing, circumferential rim engaging portion 22. Each
aromatic polyamide fiber such as Kevlar R or of carbon or of the first and second side walls 18, 20 are bowed outwardly,
ceramics. Alternatively, the wheel might be produced as an so that the width of the carbon body 14 bows outwardly until
integral unit by any injection molding process known in the it reaches its maximum point 28, which is disposed approxi
art. Methods of using such materials to form wheels are well mately one-third to one-half of the distance from the radially
known in the art. outermost point 22 to the radially inner most point 17. As one
Toroidal rims 22 and 62 each have a spoke system 34 and 25 moves along the sidewalls 18, 20 from the maximum width
74, respectively. While rims 22 and 62 could be used with a point 28, toward the radially outer portion 22, it will be noted
large number of spokes approximating the number tradition that the width of the carbon body portion 14 of the rim 10
ally employed in bicycle wheels, typically about 32 to 36 decreases.
spokes, the preferred embodiments employ a drag reducing An endless extruded aluminum rim portion 16 includes a
spoke system. Spoke system 34 is illustrated in FIG.1. In this 30 radially inner surface 29 that engages the radially outwardly
embodiment, a plurality of spokes 36 having a major cross facing surface 32 of the radially outer portion 22 of the carbon
sectional dimension in the plane of the wheel and a minor body portion 14. The aluminum rim 16 also includes a pair of
cross-sectional dimension perpendicular to the wheel radiate braking surfaces 36, 38. Braking surfaces 36, 38 are not
from hub 42 toward streamlined inner rim surface 23. Stream curved in cross section. Rather, the braking surfaces 36, 38
lined inner rim surface 23 comprises a plurality of recesses 32 35 comprise planar rings (linear in cross section) to provide an
for butt joining spokes 36 to streamlined inner rim surface 23. enhanced Surface for engagement by the caliper-type brakes
Alternatively, the wheel of FIG. 1 might be produced as an (not shown) of the bicycle.
integral unit by an injection molding or other process, The extruded aluminum rim member 16 includes a pair of
FIG. 4 illustrates wheel 60 in accordance with embodi generally continuous circumferential bead members 40, 42
ments that has a second type of drag-reducing spoke system 40 that are provided for engaging the inner bead of the tire 48
74 used in conjunction with wheel 60 and toroidal rim 62 which is shown schematically in FIG. 2. It will be appreci
which 4s similar to rim 22 except for spoke mounting provi ated, that an actual tire has more of a "horseshoe' shape, (see
sions. In this embodiment, a plurality of conventional round e.g. FIG. 14) wherein the ends of the tires terminate in out
metal bicycle spokes 38 radiate from hub 82 of conventional wardly extending lips for engaging the radially inwardly fac
design. Other bicycle spokes could be used such as flat or 45 ing Surfaces 50, 52 of the tire engaging portion of the alumi
streamlined spokes. Spokes 38 can comprise a threaded end num rim 16. The lips 159, 165 (FIG. 14) of the tire generally
portion 44 which can be used in conjunction with threaded engage the radially inwardly facing surfaces 50, 52 just below
spoke securing means 46 Such as a nut 47 to secure spokes 38 the tire engaging beads 40, 42 of the aluminum rim member
to rim 62. In the embodiment shown in FIG. 5, an individual 16.
spoke passes through one of a plurality of first apertures 50 in 50 The aluminum hoop rim 1 is attached to the carbon body
inner rim surface 63. The spoke can then be secured inside 14. The carbon body 14 has a bulbous shape, having its
toroidal rim 62 by a threaded nipple 48. Nipple 48 rests narrowest point 17 at the radially inner extreme of the carbon
substantially within a complementary cavity 48 formed in body 14. The widest part 28 of the carbon body 14, is approxi
support media 54 such that the nipple remains turnable within mately one-third to one-half the distance from the aluminum
the cavity to allow the nipple to be threadably tightened on the 55 rim 16 to the radially inner most point 17. Typically, the width
threaded spoke end portion. A plurality of second apertures of the widest part 28 is about 22 to 35 mm in rims used with
52 in tire mounting Surface 64, each radially spaced in line racing or touring wheels. However, with wheels used in
from a corresponding first aperture 50, allows access to the mountain bikes, the widest part of the wheel could be up to 70
distal end of threaded nipple 48. A suitable tool (not shown) .
can be inserted through each of these second apertures 52 to 60 The endless aluminum hoop rim 16 circumferentially sur
turn the distal end of associated threaded nipple 48 so as to rounds the carbon body through 360°. The aluminum rim
threadably move the nipple along the threaded spoke end portion 16 can be made in either of two different ways. One
portion to tighten the spoke to, or loosen the spoke from way to make the aluminum rim 16 is to make it as a “clincher
toroidal rim 62. type rim, such as shown in FIG. 2. Clincher type rims are
While wheel 60 is illustrated with fourteen conventional 65 designed to engage clincher type tires, which are the type of
bicycle wheel spokes, it is to be understood that a fewer or tires used most widely with bicycles. Alternately, the alumi
greater number of spokes could be used. For example, a wheel num rim 16 can be made to take “sew-up’ or “tubular type
US 9,302,538 B2
21 22
tires. Rims that are designed for sew-up wheels typically do shown in FIG. 10, when the tire 48 engages the aluminum rim
not have beads, and have a tire mounting Surface similar to 16 and carbon body 14, the cross-sectional profile of the
that shown in FIG. 12. wheel 8 is somewhat “peanut shaped. From an aerodynamic
The clincher rim is adapted to receive a tube and tire standpoint, as air moves around the side Surface of the wheel
arrangement, and to clinch the bead of the tire onto the rim 10. 8, it moves in a direction shown generally by arrow A. The tire
In non-clincher wheels, the tire and tube are actually glued 48"cuts” the air, forcing it around the side walls of the tire 48.
onto the rim. The air moves outwardly as it passes the tire 48. However, as
It has been found by the applicant that the use of the carbon the tire 48 is generally wider than the braking surface 16, the
body portion 14 with an aluminum rim portion 16 provides air “detaches' as it approaches the area of the braking Sur
Some manufacturing advantages. For example, when manu 10 faces 36, 38. This induces some small amount of turbulence.
facturing clincher type wheels, it is difficult to mold a carbon As the air continues toward radially inward most point 17, it
fiber material to create a bead section 40, 42 that is strong reattaches at the wide portion of the carbon body 14. To some
enough to withstand the pressure exerted thereon. As such, extent, the degree of detachment of the air from the wheel 8
using the aluminum section 16 helps to make the manufacture that occurs at braking surface 36,38 will largely be a function
of the wheel 8 easier. 15 of width of the tire 48. Notwithstanding the fact that the air
The aluminum rim 16 includes two parallel planar braking “detaches', the bulbous sidewalls 18, 20 of the carbon body
surfaces 36,38. The parallel, planar-ring shaped braking sur 14 enable the air to reattach so that it flows smoothly off the
faces 36, 38 are provided for being engaged by the caliper radially inward point 17 of the rim.
type brakes of the bicycle. By having the braking surfaces 36, One of the features of disclosed embodiments is that the
38 both planar and parallel, the orientation of the calipers bulbous carbon body 14 helps to provide for smooth air flow
upon the braking surfaces 36, 38 is optimized. Additionally, along the trailing edge 17 of the airfoil shaped rim/wheel 8.
for proper engagement, the brakes require a certain amount of As discussed above, braking ability is optimized if one uses
radially extending length measured in a direction shown gen parallel braking surfaces 36, 38. The use of the parallel brak
erally by line L of FIG. 10 for optimization of brake engage ing surfaces 36, 38 causes some turbulent flow of the air that
ment. 25 passes in the area adjacent to the braking surfaces 36, 38.
The carbon body 14 is generally hollow, with curved side However, the use of the bulbous carbon body portion 14
wall 18, 20. The carbon body portion 14 preferably should be causes the air to reattach, and provides good aerodynamic
hollow (and not filled) for the wheel to operate correctly. flow of air off the trailing edge 17 of the wheel 8. As such,
The carbon body portion 14 sidewall 18, 20 are curved good aerodynamic properties are achieved, eventhough some
from the rim engaging radially inner Surface 32 to the radially 30 detachment of air occurs.
inner-most point 17. The sidewall 18, 20 are actually wider Another feature that the bulbous shape of the body portion
than the braking surfaces 36,38 of the aluminum rim 16. The 14 provides is that one can use tires having various widths,
radially outer-most, aluminum rim engaging Surface 32 of the while still providing good airflow characteristics. As the airis
body portion 14 is curvilinear and somewhat “convex' to reattached along the carbon body portion 14 after passing the
provide a good Surface to which the aluminum rim 16 can 35 braking surfaces 36, 38, tires of various widths can still be
bond. As shown in FIG. 2, the convex nature of the rim used, while still permitting the carbon body 14 to reattach the
engaging Surface provides a circumferential “crown' that air to provide good aerodynamic flow off the trailing edge 17.
extends around the circumference of the carbon body portion This regenerative type air flow is not believed to be known in
14. the prior art.
The aluminum rim 16 is bonded to the carbon body 14, 40 With respect to structural manufacturing advantages of
through a combination of glue and mechanical pressure. By various embodiments, it should first be noted that the carbon
making the rim engaging portion 32 of the carbon body 14 body 14 is generally hollow. This permits the carbon body 14
Somewhat crowned, the aluminum rim 16 can grab onto the to have the ability to flex, and the bulbous sidewalls 18, 20
rim-engaging Surface 32, and is less prone to move laterally contribute to this flex. The flex helps to extend the tire life,
off of its engagement with the carbon body 14, even if the glue 45 especially when the tire and rim 10 are used over rough terrain
that is placed between the rim 16 and the carbon body 14 fails. surfaces, such as would be typical when the rim 10 is attached
Although the shape of the bonding surface 32 between the to a mountain bike, or a street bike. In this regard, one of the
aluminum rim portion 16 and the carbon body 14 can take one previously alleged drawbacks of the use of a carbon rim, is
of an infinite number of forms and still function, it is best to that because of the inherent stiffness of carbon, the longevity
create an interface shape between the carbon body 14 and rim 50 of the carbon fiber rim could be reduced substantially if it
portion 16, that will promote the continued adhesion of the were ridden overpotholes and bumps. It was believed that the
carbon body 14 to the rim portion 16, even if the glue or other stiffness of the carbon would cause the carbon to break if it
adhesive that is placed between the two were to fail. As such, were treated too roughly. However, because of the bulbous
one would not want the rim engaging Surface 32 to be per nature of its sidewalls 18, 20 the rim 10 of some embodiments
fectly planar, as a perfectly planar Surface would be less likely 55 is capable of flexing when the rim 10 hits a pothole, thereby
to resist lateral movement of the rim 16 on the rim engaging absorbing the shock somewhat.
surface 32 than a "crowned' surface. Another feature of the bulbous carbon body relates its
As alluded to earlier, aluminum rim portion 16 also ability to be manufactured. To manufacture the carbon body
mechanically bonds to the carbon body 14. Because of the 14 of embodiments, the carbon rim 14 is first manufactured in
shape of the surfaces 29, 32 of the rim 16 and carbon body 14, 60 a mold, and the mold grabs the wheel along its side along the
respectively, when the aluminum rim portion 16 is joined to mold split line. In disclosed embodiments, it is found that the
the carbon body 14, it is unlikely to come off because of the preferable place for the mold split line is at the radially inner
mechanical engagement there between. most point 17, and the middle of the rim engaging Surface 32.
One of the advantages achieved with current embodiments After the carbon body rim 14 is made, the aluminum hoop
is the manner in which in racing sized wheels (as opposed to 65 like rim portion 16 is placed around the rim engaging Surface
mountain bike sized wheels), a regenerative airflow is created 32 of the carbon body 14. In order to do this, the endless
as the wheel and rim 16 are moving through the air. As best aluminum rim 16 is heated and thereby expanded, and then
US 9,302,538 B2
23 24
placed around the rim engaging Surface 32. In order to do this, preventing it from shrinking, even though it is cooling. This
the hoop-like rim 16 is cut so that it is no longer an endless would tend to cause a great deal of stress within the wheel, as
hoop, but rather a discontinuous hoop having two, unjoined the aluminum rim 16 would be forced to be stretched, while
ends. the carbon sidewalls 18, 20 of the wheel carbon rim body
The hoop is cut, heated, and placed around the carbon portion 14 would be simultaneously physically compressed,
section 14. The ends of the discontinuous aluminum hoop rim thus creating problems during cool down.
1 are then joined by welding or by pinning, and the aluminum It has been found that the best temperature at which to heat
rim 16 is allowed to cool. As the aluminum rim portion 16 the aluminum during its joinder process to the carbon body 14
cools, the inner diameter of the aluminum rim portion 16 is approximately 170°F. This temperature is chosen because
shrinks. This shrinkage helps to mechanically bind the alu 10 it is the approximate brake temperature that a rim 10 of this
minum rim 16 to the carbon body 14. During the shrinkage type can achieve, during heavy braking at high speeds. As
process, the bulbous nature of the carbon body's sidewall 18, 170°F. is the temperature at which it is cured, brake-induced
20 permits them to “bow laterally outwardly further to heating would cause the aluminum rim 16 to expand into its
accept the shrinkage caused by the cooling of the aluminum “natural state' as opposed to its relatively compressed, cooled
rim 16. However, before the aluminum rim 16 has joined the 15 down state. As 170°F. is the temperature at which the alumi
carbon body 14, a glue is placed on either or both of the rim num wheel rim 16 is bonded to the carbon body 14, this
engaging Surface 29 of the aluminum rim, and the rim engag heating of the rim 16 during braking causes the aluminum rim
ing surface 32 of the carbon body 14 to provide a chemical/ 16 to expand, and the carbon sidewall 18, 20 to relax from
glue bond between the carbon body 14 and the aluminum rim their relatively compressed position. As such, there is gener
16. ally neither stress in the aluminum caused by the aluminum
Another way in which the wheel can be manufactured is compressing the carbon, nor is their stress in the carbon trying
co-bonding. In Such a case, a full aluminum hoop rim 16 is to force itself radially outwardly toward the aluminum rims
placed in the mold along with the carbon. The aluminum is 16 when braking.
placed in the mold at an elevated temperature, and is heated in Additionally, by choosing this 170° F. curing temperature,
the mold, along with the hot carbon. As the aluminum rim 16 25 the stresses of the aluminum rim 16 and carbon body 14 are
cools, it shrinks against the carbon body portion 14, causing designed so that when the most heat stress is being placed on
the sidewall 18, 20 of the carbon body portion 14 to flex (bow) the wheel such as by braking, the wheel is actually experi
outwardly. encing the least amount of physically induced structural
A third way of manufacturing the device is to slip an stress within the structure of the rim 10. This presents a good
endless hoop-like aluminum rim 16 onto an already molded 30 compromise design strategy. However, if one had bonded the
carbon body. However, the problem with this approach is that aluminum rim 16 bonded to the carbon body 14 at ambient
it is difficult to place the endless hoop over the rim engaging temperatures (e.g. 70°F), the rim 10 under braking condi
Surface 32 of the carbon body 14, unless the rim engaging tions would not only be under a tremendous amount of ther
surface 32 of the carbon body 14 is generally planar. As mal stress caused by the heating of the aluminum rim 16, but
discussed above, this would have a disadvantage of increas 35 additionally, the rim 10 would be under a great deal of bond
ing the potential of the rim 16 to become disengaged from the ing “stress', as great physical bonding strength would be
carbon body 14, if the glue bond between the rim 16 and required to keep the aluminum rim 16 and carbon body 14
carbon body 14 were to fail. together and joined, especially as the aluminum rim 16 would
As discussed above, the preferred method is to cut the have expanded due to the heat.
aluminum endless loop, heat it up, stretch it around the rim 40 By having the sidewall 18, 20 formed to be bulbous, the
engaging Surface 32, join the “ends of the aluminum rim 16 carbon sidewall 18, 20 are allowed to flex under stress so if
together, so as to form an endless rim, and then allow the you exert a radially inwardly directed force against the side
aluminum rim 16 to cool. As the aluminum rim 16 cools, the wall 18, 20, such as would occur when you hit a pothole hard
aluminum shrinks, which tends to exert a radially inwardly or a bump, sidewall 18, 20 can flex because they are at an
directed force against the carbon body 14. This radially 45 angle from that load.
inwardly directed force tends to cause the sidewall 18, 20 of When used on mountain bikes, the bulbous sidewall can
the carbon body 14 to flex outwardly or to bow outwardly, help counteract the typical phenomena that result in tire and/
inducing flex in the carbon body 14. If the sidewall 18, 20 of or rim failure. One typical phenomena occurs where a tire
the carbon body 14 did not have some “beginning bow to compresses between what it hits (e.g. the pot hole), and the
them (that is if they were planar and not bowed slightly 50 bead of the rim, to thereby create a flat tire. Because the
outwardly to start with), then the shrinking of the aluminum carbon body 14 is flexible, as that compression happens, the
rims 16 would tend to compress the sidewall in a radial sidewall 18, 20 can flex. This flex cannot generally occur with
direction without the bow, thus possibly causing structural a fully aluminum rim. Because of this flex, the carbon side
problems on the carbon body 14. wall 18, 20 of the carbon body 14 can at least partially absorb
Therefore, the placement of a certain amount of bow in the 55 the shock, and thereby lessen the likelihood of a flattire.
sidewall 18, 20, prior to joining the rim 16, helps to ensure Additionally, because of the ability of the carbon sidewall
that radial compression exerted by the cooling of the alumi 18, 20 to absorb the impact, an aluminum rim portion 16 is
num rim 16 as it shrinks will not break the aluminum hoop 16 less likely to become bent when it hits a sharp object such as
or structurally impair the body portion. As the carbon sidewall a pothole, when compared to a fully aluminum rim. It should
18, 20 have some flex in them, the radially outwardly directed 60 be noted that the carbon wheel has “memory', so that when
force exerted on the aluminum rim 16 by the carbon body 14 the load is relieved, the carbon sidewall 18, 20 will flex
is lessened, thus reducing the likelihood that the aluminum outwardly to their “pre-flexed’ position, to bring the alumi
hoop 16 will split under the radially outwardly exerted pres num rim portion 16 back to its original point.
sure caused by the carbon body 14. A third advantage provided by the bulbous sidewall 18, 20,
It has been found that the more planar the sidewall 18, 20, 65 is that they help to prevent the wheel from "pretzeling. When
the more likely it is that the sidewall 18, 20 will not flex but the wheel 8 is joined with a hub 13 and spokes 12, the rim 10
instead will actually force the aluminum rims 16 outwardly, is under circumferential, radially inwardly directed compres
US 9,302,538 B2
25 26
sion. The rim 10 wants to relieve that stress and will create bulbous sidewall 18, 20, with a higher degree of flex. Con
what is a wiggle or pretzel effect in the rim 10 to be able to versely, a track bike generally rides on a smooth surface. As
reduce its size, and thereby reduce the tension in the spokes Such, flex is not important, and the degree of bulbousness can
12. Because of the bulbous sidewall 18, 20, the carbon body be reduced. Viewed another way, on mountain bike wheels it
14 and hence rim 10 have a lateral strength. The rim 10 and may be advisable to use a carbon body portion 14 wherein the
carbon body 14 have the ability to sustain themselves in a flat sidewalls have a smaller radius of curvature then the wheels
plane far beyond the ability of conventional wheels or other used on track bikes.
carbon rims that are on the market, that are used in connection Referring to FIG. 11, a bicycle wheel 100 is depicted
with laced, tensioned spokes. showing a tire mounted thereto 110. The wheel 100 includes
It should further be noted that the bulbous sidewall 18, 20 10 a pair of planar-ring, parallel and opposing brake Surfaces,
also help reduce 'gator' pinch on the tire. Gator pinch occurs such as surface 111. Wheel 100 also includes a convex curved
when the tire 48 hits a bump, and the rim 16 pinches the carbon body sidewalls 112, a center hub 113 and a plurality of
sidewall of the tire 48 against the radially outer edge 40, 42 of spokes 114.
the rim 16. In extreme cases of gator pinch, the verythin tires In FIG. 12, a cross section of a wheel 100 is shown which
typically used in connection with carbon rims can permit the 15 is molded to be a one-piece wheel wherein the rim portion and
bead 40, 42 to actually slash the tire 48 because of tremendous body portion are made from a similar materials, in contrast to
peak load induced on the tire 48 when it is flexed hard such as the two-piece wheels of FIGS. 9, 2, 10 and 13-14. The wheel
by hitting a sharp object such as a pothole. of FIG. 12 has a tire mounting surface 121, a pair of straight
To manufacture the wheel of some embodiments, the car and parallel braking surfaces 124 and 127; and a filled area of
bon hollow section 14 of the wheel is first molded. Then, an core material 120. An acute angle 123 is formed between the
aluminum hoop 16 is cut, so that the endless hoop has two braking surface 124 and the first flexible sidewalls 119 and a
ends. Adhesive is then placed on the radially outwardly facing line A generally parallel to the axis of the rim (see angle 123
surface 32 of the carbon body 14, and the rim 16 is placed and line A of FIG. 12). Viewed another way, a radially extend
around the carbon body 14, and the ends of the rim 16 are ing line D that is disposed in the plane of the first braking
joined together at the elevated heat. Prior to the rim 16 ends 25 surface 124 would intersect a radially extending line E that is
being joined, the aluminum rim 16 is heated to approximately disposed tangentially to the first sidewall 119 of the body
170° F. The adhesive is allowed to set up and cure at this 170° portion, at an axially outwardly facing intersection angle of
temperature. The rim 16 containing wheel is then removed less than 175, and preferably less than 165°. The body por
from the heating unit, and the aluminum rim 16 is allowed to tion extends from the first braking surface 124 to the second
shrink onto the carbon body portion 14. From a manufactur 30 braking surface 127, and includes first 119 and second 122
ing standpoint, this process enables the manufacturer to pro sidewalls, and a hollow interior 126. The bulbous carbon
vide a wheel that is under a low amount of structural stress body portion 134 includes a reinforced inner diameter por
during times when high brake heats are applied to the wheel. tion, having spoke attachment points which are typically
The compression of the rim 16 as it shrinks onto the carbon apertures, and which may include a metallic insert 125 for
body 14 also provides a good amount of mechanical bonding 35 serving as an anchor for the spoke.
between the carbon body portion 14 and the rim 16. FIGS. 13 and 14 show a transverse cross section similar to
The carbon body 14 can be formed through the use of a dry FIG. 2 for a two-piece wheel. This rim 150 is made of two
fiber, to which resin is added. Also, it can be done through a dissimilar materials, including an aluminum tire engaging
pre-preg type system, wherein the resin is already placed in rim 137 having two parallel opposed braking surfaces 130,
the fiber before it is molded. Further, one can also perform 40 138. The rim 137 also includes a pair of circumferential bead
resin transfer or a bladder molding because one of the reliant engaging members 131, 141, that are provided for engaging
things of this structure is that it is hollow. As such, it cannot be the beads 159, 165 of the tire 147.
filed with foam or honeycomb and so forth. Additionally, the The carbon body portion 153 includes a first sidewall por
carbon body 14 can be injection molded with a typical injec tion 134 extending from the radially outer-most part 139
tion mold material Such as a nylon, polyethylene, polypropy 45 where the first sidewall intersects with the first braking sur
lene, with a carbon fiber or a glass fiber. One can also utilize face 130, past the point of maximum width, and terminates at
a glass fiber in place of a carbon fiber. However, that would the radially inner-most point 136, which is shown as being
change the performance characteristics of the wheel, thicker than the sidewall 134, and thereby being reinforced.
although there would still be inherent sidewall flex, when The carbon body portion 153 includes a second sidewall
mated with an aluminum rim 16 that shrinks during manu 50 portion 152 which extends between the intersection with the
facture. second braking surface 138 of the rim portion 137, and the
To join the rim 16 to the wheel 14, an epoxy adhesive is radially inner-most point 136. The axially extending, radially
used. Various types of adhesives that may serve well in outwardly facing rim engaging Surface 132, includes a cir
embodiments include acrylics, epoxies, methylmethacryate, cumferential crown portion. The interior 135 is hollow to
cyan adhesives and the like. The preferred adhesive is an 55 facilitate flex of the sidewalls.
epoxy adhesive. With regard to the temperature at which A radially extending line F that is disposed in the plane of
bonding occurs, the preferable temperature is around 150 the first braking surface 130 intersects a radially extending
220 F. However, it is possible to still bond at as low as 120° line G that is disposed tangentially to the first sidewall 134 of
F., or possibly as high as 300°F. To some extent, the bonding the body portion 153 at an axially outwardly facing intersec
temperature is also dependent upon the nature of the adhesive, 60 tion angle 159. Intersection angle 159 should be less than
and the appropriate curing time for it. 175°, but preferably is about 165° for road bikes and about
With respect to the degree of bulbousness of the wheels, the 150° for mountain bikes. An acute angle 133 is formed
degree of bulbousness (radius of curvature) could vary between a line A perpendicular to the braking surface 138 and
depending upon the amount of flex that one would wish to the first flexible sidewall 152 (see angle 13 and line A of FIG.
induce in the wheel. For example, mountain bikes are often 65 14).
ridden over very rough terrain. As such, a rim and wheel FIG. 14 shows the same rim 150 as FIG. 13 but shows the
structure 8 for a mountain bike would typically have more rim 150 having a tire 147 mounted thereto, showing the
US 9,302,538 B2
27 28
combined shape of tire and rim to be that of an unshelled attachment. As such, the above use of tubular tires and toroi
peanut, or two bulb areas joined by a straight section. dal shape rims, or any other type of tire and rim combination,
Cusp and Trip Edge is used herein for exemplary purposes only as is not meant to
As previously mentioned, example embodiments reduce limit or otherwise narrow the scope of present inventions
the drag coefficient observed across conventional tubular 5 described herein unless otherwise explicitly claimed.
(and other style) rims caused from the separation between The present invention may be embodied in other specific
bicycle components or discontinuity within the surface of the forms without departing from its spirit or essential character
rim. These areas of separation or discontinuities create turbu istics. The described embodiments are to be considered in all
lence or eddy current type disturbances in the airflow around respects only as illustrative and not restrictive. The scope of
the rim, thus increasing the drag coefficient or resistance. 10 the invention is, therefore, indicated by the appended claims
For example, FIG. 15A illustrates a conventional wheel at rather than by the foregoing description. All changes which
a Zero degree angle relative to the movement of air relative to come within the meaning and range of equivalency of the
the longitudinal cross section of the rim (shown by the lines claims are to be embraced within their scope.
and arrows 89 around the cross section). As shown, a small What is claimed is:
separation pocket along with a parallel braking surface 99that 15 1. A human powered vehicle multi-surface rim comprising:
creates a discontinuity in the rim Surface inherits some air an outersection of the multi-surface rim that includes a tire
separation or turbulence 88 both between on the braking engaging portion located at an outward perimeter of the
Surface 87 and between the tire 48 and the rim 99. With a outersection of the rim, an inner portion located radially
smaller tire 48 as shown, the flow attachment still performs inward from the tire engaging portion, and two air
relatively well at a Zero degree crosswind (i.e., Zero degrees engaging side Surfaces extending radially between the
relative to the elongated section or direction of the toroidal tire engaging portion and the inner portion and forming
shape of the rim with the rim in motion). axially opposing sides of the outer section of the multi
With a tire 48 size increase, however, as shown in FIG. Surface rim;
15B, the larger tire 48 diameter causes a greater flow separa one or more airfoil inner sections of the multi-surface,
tion 88 and generally a greater drag increase even at a Zero 25 wherein each inner section includes an outward portion
degree crosswind. Note that the larger tire 48 is popular due to and an inward portion with two air engaging side Sur
the better reliability, lower rolling resistance; however, the faces extending radially between each outward portion
larger separation or turbulence 88 shown both across the and inward portion to form axially opposing sides of an
braking section 87 and between the tire 48 and the rim 99 will airfoil shape for each inner section;
cause a much greater drag similar to a crosswind and causing 30 wherein the one or more inner sections are located radially
even more problems in the presence thereof. inward from the outer section and spaced separately
FIGS. 15C and 15D shows a cross section of conventional from the outer section at a distance for allowing airflow
or standard tubular rims in a crosswind. Note that even at a 10 to move between high and low pressure sides of at least
degree crosswind relative to the elongated ortoroidal shape of the outer section and one of the one or more inner sec
the rim 99, the geometry of the rim is not favorable in a cross 35 tions of the rim in promoting airflow attachment at the
wind. In fact, as shown, the region of the rim 99 that lies trailing edges of the outer and inner Surface sections; and
behind the crosswind section presents the flow with an unfa a plurality of spokes connecting the inner portion of the
Vorable pressure gradient, which makes it not only virtually outer section to the outward portion of the one of the one
impossible to achieve flow attachment but, also generates a or more inner sections of the rim.
side flow or increased cross wind. Also note that on the back 40 2. The human powered vehicle multi-surface rim of claim
of the wheel (shown in FIG. 15D), the relatively narrow rim 1, wherein the outersection is held in contact with at least one
shape of the leading (or trailing) edge of the toroidal shape of the one or more inner sections by two or more narrow
can also cause a leading edge separation 88, which further joining struts.
adds to the overall instability and crosswind drag. 3. The human powered vehicle multi-surface rim of claim
Ideally, the rim might be shaped like that shown in other 45 2, wherein the at least one of the one or more inner airfoil
figures with the attachment edges of the rim extending up the sections is held in contact with a hub by two or more narrow
sidewalls of the tire and the braking surface in complete joining struts.
uniformity and flow with the edge and sidewalls of the wheel. 4. The human powered vehicle multi-surface rim of claim
In other words, to achieve an ideal wheel, one needs to extend 2, wherein the at least one of the one or more inner airfoil
the rim around the tire, but we also need to reduce the tire 50 sections is held in contact with a hub by a single solid section.
diameter which may prove impractical due to the popular 5. The human powered vehicle multi-surface rim of claim
ity of the larger size tire. In any event, such solution of 1, wherein a slot is defined between the inner portion of the
extending the rim has numerous mechanical issues involving outer section and the outward portion of the inner section to
poor performance, feel, and harsh ride since it inadvertently, reduce drag.
or directly, affects the tires roll. Also note that back of the 55 6. The human powered vehicle multi-surface rim of claim
toroidal shape of the rim can be increased to help with the 1, further comprising:
attachment when flow goes in the opposite direction or on the a tire attached to the tire engaging portion of the outer
back side of the wheel. section; and
Embodiments overcome some of the deficiencies noted a hub joined to one of the inner sections.
above by embedding trip edges or cusps in various parts of the 60 7. The human powered vehicle multi-surface rim of claim
rim. Note that although the described embodiments of using 6, further comprising a tri-spoke system attaching the inner
trip edges or cusps in reducing the turbulence and flow sepa section to the hub.
ration have been described in terms of tubular tires with 8. The human powered vehicle multi-surface rim of claim
toroidal shaperims, other types and styles oftires and rims are 6, further comprising wire spokes connecting the inner sec
also contemplated herein. In fact, embodiments works well 65 tion to the hub.
with any type of rim in which there is a discontinuity or 9. The human powered vehicle multi-surface rim of claim
separation that causes turbulence or separation of air flow 6, wherein the inner section is a solid unit attached to the hub.
US 9,302,538 B2
29 30
10. A multi-surface bicycle rim, comprising: 15. A multi-surface bicycle rim, comprising:
an outer rim including an outer rim surface having
a tire engagement portion configured to engage a tire, a tire engagement portion configured to engage a tire,
an inner engaging portion located radially inwards from an inner engaging portion located radially inwards from
the tire engagement portion, and the tire engagement portion, and
a pair of outer rim sidewalls extending in a bowed man a pair of outer rim sidewalls extending in a bowed man
ner from the tire engagement portion to the inner ner from the tire engagement portion to the inner
engaging portion; engaging portion;
an inner rim attached to the outer rim at a position location an inner rim surface located radially inwards from the outer
radially inwards to the outer rim, the inner rim including 10
rim surface, the inner rim surface having
an outer rim engagement portion spaced apart from the an outer rim engagement portion spaced apart from the
inner engaging portion of the outer rim, and inner engaging portion of the outer rim surface to
at least one inner rim sidewall extending in a bowed define a slot in between, and
manner from the outer rim engagement portion; at least one inner rim sidewall extending in a bowed
wherein the outer rim and the inner rim define a slot 15
between the inner engaging portion of the outer rim and manner from the outer rim engagement portion; and
the outer rim engagement portion of the inner rim to a plurality of spokes extending in the slot from the inner
enhance flow attachment; and engaging portion of the outer rim surface to the outer rim
a plurality of spokes extending in the slot from the inner engagement portion of the inner rim surface, wherein the
engaging portion of the outer rim to the outer rim spokes secure the outer rim surface to the inner rim
engagement portion of the inner rim. Surface in a concentric manner.
11. The bicycle rim of claim 10, wherein a total distance 16. The bicycle rim of claim 15, wherein a total distance
along one side of the outer rim and the inner rim is more than along one side of the outer rim and the inner rim is more than
a conventional 100 mm rim. a conventional 100 mm rim.
12. The bicycle rim of claim 10, further comprising: 25 17. The bicycle rim of claim 15, further comprising:
a hub; and a hub; and
a tri-spoke system attaching the inner rim to the hub. inner spokes connecting the inner rim surface to the hub.
13. The bicycle rim of claim 10, further comprising: 18. The bicycle rim of claim 15, wherein the outer rim
a hub; and Surface and the inner rim surface each have a toroidal shape.
wire spokes connecting the inner rim to the hub. 30 19. The bicycle rim of claim 15, wherein the slot extends in
a concentric manner between the outer rim surface and the
14. The bicycle rim of claim 10, further comprising: inner rim surface.
a hub; and
the inner rim being a solid unit attached to the hub.

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