Gasket Set Compact Engines 2

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Service Bulletin

0199 - 99 - 9449/2 EN
This Circular supersedes: SM0199-99-9449/1

Date: 28.01.2008 DEUTZ AG

Author: Werner Asselborn, VS-DI Ottostraße 1
51149 Köln

Phone: +49 (0) 221 822-3687

Fax: +49 (0) 221 822-2452

DEUTZ Compact Engines - Gasket Sets

Below you are given an extended list of all newly created and revised gasket sets of the
DEUTZ compact engines, state January 2008.
For auxiliary materials (sealing, mounting, locking and lubricating agents), see SM 0199-
Because of the many different customer-specific design variants, not all gaskets are con-
tained in some gasket kits. Information about this is provided in the tables in connection with
the specified footnotes.
These gaskets must be determined by SERPIC with the engine number.

The part numbers indicated in this document are not subject to updating.
Binding for the identification of spare parts is exclusively the spare parts documentation.
It is absolutely prohibited to multiply, publish or hand over this document - also excerpts of it. 1 / 13 © 2008
Service Bulletin

0199 - 99 - 9449/2 EN

Overview of the gasket sets

Engine series Designation

Table T1 909 Basic engine

Page 3, 4 910 Basic engine, cylinder unit
1008 Basic engine
1011/F Basic engine, cylinder head
2008/2009 Basic engine
2011 Basic engine, cylinder head
Table T2 912/913 Basic engine, cylinder unit
Page 5, 6 914 (R-engine) Basic engine, cylinder unit
1012/1013/2012/2013 2V Basic engine
2012 4V/2013 4V Basic engine
Table T3 1015/2015 Basic engine
Page 7, 8, 9 413/513 Basic engine, cylinder unit
Table T4 208/210 Basic engine
Page 10 410/411 Basic engine, cylinder unit
511 Basic engine, cylinder unit
712/812 Basic engine, cylinder unit
Table T5 514 Basic engine, cylinder unit
Page 11 613/614 Cylinder unit
714 Basic engine, cylinder unit
312 Cylinder unit
814 Cylinder unit
914 (V-engine) Cylinder unit
Table T6 325 Basic engine, cylinder unit, shaft sealing rings
Page 12, 13 327 Basic engine, cylinder unit, shaft sealing rings
226 Basic engine, cylinder unit, shaft sealing rings 2 / 13 © 2008
Service Bulletin

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Overview of gasket sets for engine series 909/910, 1008,1011, 2008/2009, 2011

Engine Designation Part no. SPL sheet

D 909 L01 Basic engine 3600 0958 1) 0507 9357
D 910 L02 Basic engine 0685 3651 1) 0507 9394
Cylinder unit 3602 0072 0507 9394
D 910 L03 Basic engine 0685 3652 1) 0507 9512
Cylinder unit 3602 0072 0507 9512

F 2M 1008 Cylinder head 1285 1620 0575 0742

Crankcase + oil pan 1285 1621 1) 0575 0742
F 3M 1008 Cylinder head 1285 1622 0575 0743
Crankcase + oil pan 1285 1623 1) 0575 0743
F 4M 1008 Cylinder head 1285 1624 0575 0744
Crankcase + oil pan 1285 1618 1) 0575 0744
BF 4M 1008 Cylinder head 1285 1619 0575 0745
Crankcase + oil pan 1285 1618 1) 0575 0745

B/F L 1011 Basic engine 0292 8729 2) 0506 3213

B/F L 1011F/FT; B/F M 1011/F/FT Basic engine 0293 1118 2) 0506 8248
F 2L 1011 Cylinder head 0292 8843 0506 3311
F 2L 1011F Cylinder head 0292 9852 0506 8244
F 3L 1011 Cylinder head 0292 8844 0506 3312
F 3L 1011F; F 3M 1011F Cylinder head 0292 9853 0506 8245
BF 3M 1011F Cylinder head 0293 1117 0507 4118
F 4L 1011 Cylinder head 0292 8845 0506 3313
F 4L 1011F; F 4M 1011/F Cylinder head 0292 9854 0506 8246
BF 4L 1011 Cylinder head 0292 8879 0506 3343
BF 4L 1011F/FT Cylinder head 0292 9855 0506 8247
BF 4L 1011F/FT; BF 4M 1011F/FT Cylinder head 0293 1141 10) 0507 4086
BF 4M 1011/F Cylinder head 0292 9855 0506 8247 3 / 13 © 2008
Service Bulletin

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Overview of gasket sets for engine series 909/910, 1008,1011, 2008/2009, 2011

Engine Designation Part no. SPL sheet

D 2008 L3 Basic engine 0293 1819 20) 0511 2312
D 2008 L4 Basic engine 0293 1820 20) 0511 2313
D 2009 L3 Basic engine 0293 1821 20) 0511 2314
D 2009 L4 Basic engine 0293 1822 20) 0511 2315

F 2L/M 2011 Basic engine 0293 1433 1) 0507 7821

B/F 3L/M 2011 Basic engine 0293 1434 1) 0507 7822
B/F 4L/M 2011 Basic engine 0293 1435 1) 0507 7823
F 2L/M 2011 Cylinder head 0293 1742 0511 3673
B/F 3L/M 2011 Cylinder head 0293 1743 0511 3674
BF 3L/M 2011 Cylinder head 0293 1744 0511 3675
F 4L/M 2011 Cylinder head 0293 1740 0506 8247
BF 4L/M 2011 Cylinder head 0293 1741 0507 4086
T1 Overview of gasket sets for engine series 909/910, 1008, 1011, 2008/2009, 2011

with shaft sealing rings and oil pan gasket
with shaft sealing rings (without oil pan sealant, without gaskets for cylinder head add-on
with crankcase breather in cylinder head cover
with shaftsealing ring without cylinder head gasket

Cylinder head gaskets and cylinder head sealing rings of the required thickness
must always be ordered separately. 4 / 13 © 2008
Service Bulletin

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Overview of gasket sets for engine series 912/913/914; 1012/1013/2012/2013

Engine Designation Part no. SPL sheet

F 2L 912 Basic engine 0292 9652 1) 0506 3824
F 3L 912/913 Basic engine 0293 1315 1) 0507 5152
F 4L 912/913 Basic engine 0293 1441 1) 0507 5150
F 5L 912 Basic engine 0292 9651 1) 0506 3825
F 6L 912/913 Basic engine 0293 1405 1) 0507 5151
BF 4L 913 Basic engine 0292 9638 1) 0502 9748
BF 6L 913 Basic engine 0292 9657 1) 0506 3921
B/F L 912/913 Cylinder unit 0293 1476 0506 3836

B/F 3L 914 Basic engine 0293 1511 1) 0507 9601

B/F 4L 914 T Basic engine 0293 1512 0507 9602
F 5L 914 Basic engine 0293 1513 1) 0507 9603
F 6L 914 Basic engine 0293 1518 0507 9605
BF 6L 914 C Basic engine 0293 1514 16) 0507 9604
B/F L 914 (R-engine) Cylinder unit 0293 1477 0507 5231
D 914 L6 Basic engine 0293 1518 16, 19) 0507 9605
TCD 914 L6 Basic engine 0293 1514 0507 9604

BF 4M 1012 Basic engine 0293 1276 3) 0507 0904

BF 6M 1012 Basic engine 0293 1277 3) 0507 0905

BF 4M 1013 Basic engine 0293 1736 1,18) 0507 0906

BF 6M 1013 Basic engine 0293 1737 0507 0907

BF 4M 2012 Basic engine 0293 1738 3,14,18) 0507 7744

BF 6M 2012 Basic engine 0293 1739 0507 7746

BF 4M 2013/C Basic engine 0293 1275 12) 0507 4853

BF 4M 2013/C Basic engine 0293 1311 13) 0507 6404
BF 6M 2013/C Basic engine 0293 1274 12) 0507 4820
BF 6M 2013/C Basic engine 0293 1312 13) 0507 6406 5 / 13 © 2008
Service Bulletin

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Overview of gasket sets for engine series 912/913/914; 1012/1013/2012/2013

Engine Designation Part no. SPL sheet

TCD 2012 L04 2V Basic engine 0293 1762 3) 0511 4040
TCD 2012 L06 2V Basic engine 0293 1662 0511 1550
TCD 2012 L04 4V Basic engine 0293 1771 22) 0511 4250
TCD 2012 L06 4V Basic engine 0293 1772 0511 4260
TCD 2013 L04 2V Basic engine 0293 1763 3) 0511 3800
TCD 2013 L06 2V Basic engine 0293 1663 0511 1450
TCD 2013 L06 4V Basic engine (Fendt) 0293 179721) 0511 0931
TCD 2013 L06 4V Basic engine (Genset) 0293 181821) 0511 5007
T2 Overview of gasket sets for engine series 912/913/914; 1012/1013/2012/2013

1) with shaft sealing rings and oil pan gasket

3) with shaft sealing rings, without oil pan gasket
12)with shaft sealing rings, without oil pan sealant (with die-cast valve cover, until 11/2000)
13)with shaft sealing rings, without oil pan sealant (plastic valve cover, from 12/2000)
14)without gaskets for oil cooler housing
16with shaft sealing rings and oil pan gasket, without gasket for hydr. cooling fan
17)without shaft sealing ring front cover, with shaft sealing ring gear case, without oil pan
18) without cylinder head cover gasket (see SPL sheet for information)
19) without AGR gaskets
21)with shaft sealing ring front cover and gear case, without cylinder head gasket
22)with shaft sealing ring front cover and gear case, without cylinder head gasket,
without oil cooler housing gasket

Cylinder head gaskets and cylinder head sealing rings of the required thickness
must always be ordered separately. 6 / 13 © 2008
Service Bulletin

0199 - 99 - 9449/2 EN

Overview of gasket sets for engine series 1015/2015; 413/513

Engine Designation Part no. SPL sheet

BF 6M 1015/C Basic engine 0293 1478 1,9) 0507 6861
BF 8M 1015 /C Basic engine 0293 1479 1,9) 0507 6862

TCD 2015 V6 Basic engine 0293 1719 1) 0507 9668

TCD 2015 V8 Basic engine 0293 1720 0507 9669

TCG 2015 V6 Basic engine 0293 1717 1) 0507 9670

TCG 2015 V8 Basic engine 0293 1718 1) 0507 9671

F 5L 413 R Basic engine 0291 1523 15) 0502 9787

F 5L 413 FR Basic engine 0292 8822 0506 4952

F 6L 413 R Basic engine 0291 1524 15) 0502 9788

F 6L 413 FR Basic engine 0292 8823 0506 4953
BF 6L 413 FR/T Basic engine 0292 8826 1) 0506 4956
BF 6L 513 R/C

F 6L 413 Basic engine 0291 1525 15) 0502 9789

F 6L 413 F Basic engine 5) 0291 1538 15) 0502 9802
F 6L 413 F Basic engine 6) 0293 1462 1,8) 0506 4941

F 6L 413 FW (up to engine no. 6 085 Basic engine 0292 8818 1) 0506 4948
F 6L 413 FW (from engine no. 6 085 Basic engine 0292 8989 1) 0506 3831

F 8L 413 Basic engine 0292 8832 1) 0506 4962

F 8L 413 F Basic engine 5) 0292 8835 1) 0506 4965
6) 4)
F 8L 413 F Basic engine 0292 8809 0506 4939
F 8L 513
F 8L 413 FW (up to engine no. 6 096 Basic engine 0292 8985 1) 0506 3827
856) 7 / 13 © 2008
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Overview of gasket sets for engine series 1015/2015; 413/513

Engine Designation Part no. SPL sheet

F 8L 413 FW (from engine no. 6 096 Basic engine 0292 8990 1) 0506 3832
F 8L 413 FW (3,000 operating hours) Basic engine 5) 0292 8824 0506 4954
BF 8L 413 Basic engine 0292 8833 1) 0506 4963
5) 1)
BF 8L 413 F Basic engine 0292 8836 0506 4966
BF 8L 413 F Basic engine 6) 0292 8812 4) 0506 4942
BF 8L 513 /C/T

F 10L 413 Basic engine 0291 1527 4) 0502 9791

5) 4)
F 10L 413 F Basic engine 0291 1540 0502 9808
F 10L 413 F Basic engine 6) 0292 8813 4) 0506 4943
F 10L 513
F 10L 413 FW (up to engine no. 5 884 Basic engine 0292 8986 1) 0506 3828
F 10L 413 FW (from engine no. 5 884 Basic engine 0292 8991 1) 0506 3833
BF 10L 413 F Basic engine 6) 0292 8814 4) 0502 9811
BF 10L 513 /T

F 12L 413 Basic engine 0291 1528 4) 0502 9792

6) 15)
F 12L 413 F Basic engine 0292 8815 0506 4945
F 12L 513
F 12L 413 FW (up to engine no. 6 211 Basic engine 0292 8987 1) 0506 3829
F 12L 413 FW (from engine no. 6 211 Basic engine 0292 8993 1) 0506 3835
BF 12L 413 Basic engine 0291 1529 4) 0502 9794
BF 12L 413 F Basic engine 6) 0292 8816 4) 0506 4946
BF 12L 513 /C/P
BF 12L 413 FW Basic engine 0292 8992 1) 0506 3834

B/FL 413 F/FR Cylinder unit 6) 0292 8810 0506 4940

B/FL 513 /R
B/FL 413 /R Cylinder unit 0291 1516 0502 9786 8 / 13 © 2008
Service Bulletin

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Overview of gasket sets for engine series 1015/2015; 413/513

Engine Designation Part no. SPL sheet

FL 413 (Delta 2) Cylinder unit 0291 1531 0502 9795

F 6L 413 FW (up to engine no. 6 085 Cylinder unit 0292 8817 0506 4947
F 8L 413 FW (up to engine no. 6 096
F 10L 413 FW (up to engine no. 5 884
F 12L 413 FW (up to engine no. 6 211
F 6L 413 FW (from engine no. 6 085 Cylinder unit 0292 8988 0506 3830
F 8L 413 FW (from engine no. 6 096
F 10L 413 FW (from engine no. 5 884
F 12L 413 FW (from engine no. 6 211

B/FL 413 FW Cylinder unit 0292 8983 0506 3826

B/FL 413 /F Cylinder unit 5) 0291 1536 0502 9800
T3 Overview of gasket sets for engine series 1015/2015; 413/513

with shaft sealing rings and oil pan gasket
without shaft sealing rings, with oil pan gasket
cylinder head with plate cover
cylinder head with die-cast cover
see SPL sheet for information
without cylinder head cover gasket and sealing profile
without shaft sealing rings, without oil pan gasket

Cylinder head gaskets and cylinder head sealing rings of the required thickness
must always be ordered separately. 9 / 13 © 2008
Service Bulletin

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Overview of gasket sets for engine series 208/210; 410/411; 511; 712/812

Engine Designation Part no. SPL sheet

F 1L 208 D Basic engine 2926 4105 1) 0502 9703
F 2L 208 F Basic engine 0291 1601 11) 0504 0118
F 1L 210 /D Basic engine 2926 4104 1) 0502 9705

F 2L 410 Basic engine 0292 9648 1) 0502 9712

F 1L 410 D Basic engine 0291 0219 11) 0502 9714
F 2L 410 D Basic engine 0291 0220 11) 0502 9715
F 1L 411 D Basic engine 0291 0296 3) 0502 9717
F 2L 411 D Basic engine 0291 0297 0502 9718
FL 410 Cylinder unit 0291 0166 0502 9710
FL 410 D Cylinder unit 0291 0225 0502 9713
FL 411 D Cylinder unit 0291 0295 0502 9716
FL 411 W Cylinder unit 0291 0298 0502 9719

F 1L 511 D/W Basic engine 0292 9051 11) 0502 9723

F 2L 511 D/W Basic engine 0292 9047 11) 0502 9724
FL 511 D/W Cylinder unit 0292 9050 0502 9722

F 3L 812 Basic engine 0291 0193 11) 0502 9733

F 4L 812 Basic engine 0291 0180 11) 0502 9734
F 6L 812 Basic engine 0291 0181 11) 0502 9735
FL 712 Cylinder unit 0291 0165 0502 9725
FL 812
T4 Overview of gasket sets for engine series 208/210; 410/411; 511; 712/812

1) with shaft sealing rings and oil pan gasket

3) with shaft sealing rings, without oil pan gasket
11)without shaft sealing rings 10 / 13 © 2008
Service Bulletin

0199 - 99 - 9449/2 EN

Overview of gasket sets for engine series 514; 613/614; 714; 312; 814/914

Engine Designation Part no. SPL sheet

F 2L 514 Basic engine 0291 0175 4) 0502 9753
F 4L 514 Basic engine 0291 0176 4) 0502 9755
F 6L 514 Basic engine 0291 0177 4) 0502 9758
F 1/2/3 L 514 Cylinder unit 0330 5749 0502 9751
F 4/6 L 514 Cylinder unit 0291 0164 0502 9752

FL 613 Cylinder unit 0330 5751 0502 9759

FL 614

F 6L 714 Basic engine 0291 1587 15) 0504 0055

F 8L 714 Basic engine 0291 1588 15) 0504 0056
F 12L 714 Basic engine 0291 1591 15) 0504 0059
BF 12L 714 Basic engine 0291 1592 15) 0504 0060
FL 714 Cylinder unit 0291 1586 0504 0054
FL 714 A Cylinder unit 0291 0277 0502 9774

FL 312 Cylinder unit 0291 1505 0502 9775

FL 814 Cylinder unit 0291 1508 0502 9778

F8L 914 (V-engine) Cylinder unit 0291 1514 0502 9784
T5 Overview of gasket sets for engine series 514; 613/614; 714; 312; 814/914

with shaft sealing rings and oil pan gasket
with shaft sealing rings, without oil pan gasket
without shaft sealing rings, with oil pan gasket
without shaft sealing rings, without oil pan gasket 11 / 13 © 2008
Service Bulletin

0199 - 99 - 9449/2 EN

Overview of gasket sets for engine series 325, 327, 226

Engine Designation Part no. SPL sheet

D 325-2 Basic engine 7) 0292 9839 1) -
D 325-3 Basic engine 7) 1216 6608 1) -
D 325-3 Basic engine 7) 1216 6614 4,8) -
D 325-4 Basic engine 7) 1216 6609 1) -
D 325-6 Basic engine 7) 0292 9840 1) -
D 325 Cylinder unit 7) 1216 5187 -
D 325 Shaft sealing rings 1215 9291 0509 3261

D 327-2 Basic engine 0292 9836 1,8) -

D 327-3 Basic engine 0292 9837 1,8) -
D 327-4 /C Basic engine 0292 9838 -
D 327-6 Basic engine 7) 1216 7002 8) -
D327 Cylinder unit 1216 7163 -
D327 Shaft sealing rings 1215 9291 0509 3261

D 226 B-3 Basic engine 7) 1219 0249 1,8) 0509 1726

TD 226 B-3 Basic engine 7) 0292 9807 1,8) 0509 3268
TD 226 B-3 Basic engine 7) 1215 9324 1,8) 0509 2564
D 226 B-4 Basic engine 7) 0292 9809 1,8) 0509 3273
D 226 B-4 Basic engine 7) 1219 0250 1,8) 0509 1727
D 226 B-4 Basic engine 7) 1219 0568 1,8) 0509 2571
TD 226 B-4 Basic engine 7) 1219 1149 3) 0509 3238
TD 226 B-4 Basic engine 7) 1219 0252 1,8) 0509 1728
TD 226 B-4 Basic engine 7) 1218 9080 1,8) 0509 2566
D 226 B-6 Basic engine 7) 1218 8258 1,8) 0509 2567
D 226 B-6 Basic engine 7) 1219 1118 1) 0509 3198
D 226 B-6 Basic engine 7) 1219 1150 3,8) 0509 3239
D 226 B-6 Basic engine 7) 1219 0251 1,8) 0509 1729
TD 226 B-6 Basic engine 7) 1219 1151 3,8) 0509 3240 12 / 13 © 2008
Service Bulletin

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Overview of gasket sets for engine series 325, 327, 226

Engine Designation Part no. SPL sheet

TD 226 B-6 Basic engine 7) 1219 0253 1,8) 0509 1730
D/TD 226 B Cylinder unit 1219 0333 0509 3265
D/TD 226 /B/C Shaft sealing rings 1215 9291 0509 3261
T6 Overview of gasket sets for engine series 325, 327, 226

with shaft sealing rings and oil pan gasket
with shaft sealing rings, without oil pan gasket
without shaft sealing rings, with oil pan gasket
7)with cylinder head gasket
8)see SPL sheet for information

Service Information

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