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Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms

Note: In case of programming problem, write your code in Java
or Python Only.

1 Explain the concept of single-dimensional and multi-

dimensional arrays.
2 Describe how arrays are represented in the row major order.
3 Explain how arrays are represented in the column major
4 Define what a sparse matrix is and describe its
5 Explain how insertion and deletion operations work in a singly
linked list. Write its code also.
6 Derive the index formulae for 1-D, 2-D, and 3-D arrays.
7 Evaluate the time complexity of the insertion operation in a
singly linked list.
8 Given an array of size N with integers in the range of [1, N],
the task is to find the missing number from the first N
integers. There are no duplicates in the list. Write its program
9 Write a program that, given an array of n elements that
contains elements from 0 to n-1, with any of these numbers
appearing any number of times. Find these repeating
numbers in O(n).
Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms
Note: In case of programming problem, write your code in Java
or Python Only.

1 Describe the process of converting an infix expression to a

postfix expression. Write its program.
2 Define tail recursion and explain its significance.
3 Write a program to implement stack data structure using a
linked list.
4 Write a program to implement queue data structure using a
linked list.
5 Describe the steps involved in evaluating a postfix
6 Explain the principles of recursion and how it differs from
7 How is a queue different from a stack, and in what scenarios
is each useful?
8 Analyse the advantages and disadvantages of using
recursion in problem-solving compared to iterative
9 Implement a recursive function to solve the Tower of Hanoi
10 Create a program that demonstrates the use of a stack to
check the balance of parentheses in an expression.
11 Write a program to implement stack using queue and vice
Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms
Note: In case of programming problem, write your code in Java
or Python Only.

1 Explain the index sequential search and its principles.

2 Describe the basic concept of hashing in data structures.
3 List common collision resolution techniques used in hashing.
4 Compare and contrast sequential search and binary search
5 Write code to insert, delete, and search for a node in a
binary search tree.
6 Create a program that constructs a binary tree from given
in-order and pre-order traversals.
7 Implement a basic AVL tree and demonstrate insertion,
deletion, and searching operations.
8 Given the following input (4322, 1334, 1471, 9679, 1989,
6171, 6173, 4199) and the hash function x mod 10, find the
number of collisions.
9 Evaluate the efficiency of different types of search trees,
such as AVL trees, B+ trees, Quad trees, and Oct trees, for
specific applications.
10 Write a code to implement Quad tree, and oct tree.

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