Nady Systems 151vrltsystema Manual de Usuario

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151VRmanbooklet 4/27/07 1:33 PM Page 2

151VRmanbooklet 4/27/07 1:33 PM Page 4


Overall System Performance
Frequency Response ....................................................................................25 - 20,000 Hz ± 3 dB
Dynamic Range ..........................................................120 dB (max SPL to A-weighted noise level)
Harmonic Distortion ..............................................................................................................< 0.3% Using this Manual..................................................................3
RF Carrier Frequency ....................................One of four standard channels in the VHF high band
Frequency Stability ..................................................................................±.005%, crystal controlled 151 VR Receiver ..................................................................4
Modulation ..................................................................................................................FM, ± 15 KHz
Operating Range ......................................................up to 250 feet (depending on site conditions)
WLT Lavalier Bodypack Transmitter ......................................6
151 VR Receiver
Controls ......................................................Headphone volume controls with unit OFF/ON switch, WHT Handheld Microphone Transmitter ..............................8
Mute adjust, Audio output level adjust
Audio output ....................................................................................................600 ohm unbalanced Specifications ......................................................................10
Connectors ..............................Audio output; 3.5 mm mini jack; Headset output; 3.5 mm mini jack
LED Indicators .............."TX" on; “LOW BATT”: unit "ON" (single flash), Low Battery Alert (steady) Service ................................................................................10
Mute ............................................................................Externally adjustable; 1 µV preset minimum
Unwanted Signal Rejection ....................................................................60 dB image and spurious
Power Requirements ..............................................................................Single 9V alkaline, internal
Antenna ................................................................................................................Attached Softwire

WLT Lavalier Bodypack Transmitter

Audio Input ..............................3.5 mm mono locking jack for connecting to omni or unidirectional Thank you for purchasing a Nady 151 VR wireless camcorder microphone
lavalier mic or unidirectional head worn mic, with phantom power. system—and congratulations on your choice. The 151 VR operates on long-
Controls ......................................................................OFF/STANDBY/ON switch, input level adjust range interference-free VHF high band frequencies. It also utilizes a patented
LED Indicators..................................................Unit "ON" (single flash), Low Battery Alert (steady)
RF Power Out..........................................................................50 mW (maximum allowed by FCC) companding noise reduction system for excellent dynamic range (120 dB) and
Harmonic and Spurious Emissions ....................................................................................> -40 dB hiss-free performance. The 151 VR will make a tremendous difference in your
Battery ............................................................................................................................9V alkaline videos, adding professional quality audio to every production.
Battery Life ................................................................................................................Up to 15 hours
Using this Manual
WHT Handheld Microphone Transmitter Please read these instructions completely before operating your unit. This
Audio Input ................................................................Nady DM-10D neodymium dynamic car tridge
Controls ..................................................................................................OFF/STANDBY/ON switch booklet gives instructions for the operation of the Nady 151 VR wireless
LED Indicators..................................................Unit "ON" (single flash), Low Battery Alert (steady) system which consists of a wireless receiver, an audio cord to connect the
RF Power Out..........................................................................50 mW (maximum allowed by FCC) receiver to your camcorder, and a wireless microphone transmitter—either the
Harmonic and Spurious Emissions ....................................................................................< -40 dB WLT lavalier or Nady WHT handheld.
Battery ............................................................................................................................9V alkaline
Service for your Nady Wi reless System
(U.S.) Should your wireless system require service, please contact the Nady Service Department
via telephone at (510) 652-2411 or e-mail to [email protected] for a Return Authorization (R/A)
Number and a service quote (if out of warranty). Make sure the R/A Number is clearly marked on
the outside of the package and enclose a cashier's check or money order (if not prepaid with a
credit card). Ship the unit prepaid to: Nady Systems, Inc., Service Department, 6701 Shellmound
Street, Emeryville, CA 94608. Include a brief description of the problem you are experiencing.

The warranty card enclosed with this system contains additional valuable warranty and
s e rvice information. Keep it in a safe place for possible future refe r e n c e. Do not attempt to
s e rvice this unit yourself as it will void the warranty.

(International) For service, please contact the Nady distributor in your country through the dealer
from whom you purchased this product.

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151VRmanbooklet 4/27/07 1:33 PM Page 6


• Rugged receiver can be camera mounted or worn on the body (with
removable belt clip)
• Easy hookup to camcorder with supplied connecting cable
• Powered by a 9V Alkaline battery in a convenient “pop-open” battery
• LED lights indicate low battery and receiver signal
• Attached softwire antenna extends from the top of the receiver
• Convenient operation with Output Level and Mute Adjusts, separate Battery Indicator LED
3.5mm Audio Output and Monitor Headphone mini jacks and Headphone
Volume thumbwheel control with integrated unit OFF/ON switch

Operating Instructions
Powering the Receiver
Slide the receiver’s battery cover open and place a fresh 9V battery in the
BATTERY COMPARTMENT (1), observing the correct polarity. Although a
fresh alkaline battery can last up to 8-10 hours in use in the receiver, in order
to ensure optimum performance it is recommended that the receiver battery
be replaced after 5 hours of use. Turn the receiver on by rotating the
ON/OFF/VOLUME WHEEL (8) clockwise. The LOW BATT LED (9) will flash (21)
briefly, indicating adequate battery strength. If the LOW BATT LED (9) lights OFF/STANDBY/ON Switch
during use, replace battery.
When the system is in use, the 151 VR receiver's ANTENNA (2) should be
fully extended to obtain maximum range.
Mute Adjustment
In normal operation, the MUTE CONTROL (3) should be set fully counter-
clockwise to the factory preset RF level of 1 µV. However, in areas of high
RF activity, the mute may need to be adjusted. If, with transmitter off, the
receiver’s TX LED (4) flickers or stays on, the MUTE CONTROL (3) should (19)
be turned clockwise until the TX LED (4) extinguishes. Battery Holder
When the mute is properly adjusted, the TX LED will light only when the
system transmitter is turned on. Note: Turning the mute control too far clockwise will yield
9V Alkaline Battery
a quieter mute function, but reduce your operating range.
Connecting Audio Output
Plug one end of the audio cable provided into the RECEIVER OUTPUT
JACK (5). The other end should be plugged into your camcorder.

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• Features the Nady DM-10D unidirectional neodymium dynamic cartridge You can monitor the received signal through headphones to set the
transmitter’s level trim properly. Any “Walkman” type headset with a mini plug
for optimum true sound, maximum feedback rejection and minimal
handling noise or mini plug adaptor can be used, although the signal may be heard in only
one ear unless a stereo-to-mono adapter jack is used.
• OFF/STANDBY/ON switch allows convenient audio muting with the Monitoring through Receiver
transmitter "ON"
Plug headphones into HEADPHONE JACK (6) on the receiver. The
• Low battery LED indicator flashes once for unit "ON"; lights steady for low ON/OFF/VOLUME WHEEL (8) controls volume to the headset. Set the
battery alert volume to a comfortable level by rotating the VOLUME WHEEL (8). You will
be able to hear the received signal to the receiver when the system is
Operating Instructions operational. This is the monitoring method necessary when adjusting the WLT
transmitter’s microphone input level per page 6.
1. U n s cwr ethe BATTERY COMPARTMENT COVER (18) and remove, Monitoring through Camcorder
exposing the BATTERY HOLDER (19). Insert a fresh 9V ALKALINE Many camcorders allow the user to monitor by providing a headphone jack. If
BATTERY (20), observing the correct polarity as marked, and screw the you plug your headphones into the camcorder, you may need to make a
cover back on to the microphone. Make sure the cover is screwed on simple adjustment on the 151 VR receiver. If the sound you hear is
completely. A fresh alkaline battery can last up to 15 hours in use, but in u n c o m fo rtably loud or sounds distorted, turn the OUTPUT LEVEL
order to ensure optimum performance, it is recommended that you replace CONTROL (7) counter-clockwise until good audio quality is obtained. If
the battery after every 10 hours of use. volume is too low, turn
(9) (6) (5) (2) the OUTPUT LEVEL
2. Turn on the WHT by sliding the OFF/STANDBY/ON SWITCH (21) to the CONTROL (7) clock-
STANDBY position (transmitter on, audio muted) or the ON position (8) wise until you obtain
(transmitter and audio both on). The BATTERY INDICATOR LED (22) will comfortable volume.
g i ev a single quick flash, indicating usable battery strength. In the case of a
dead or low battery, the LED will either not go on at all or will stay on (4) Transmitter Set-Up
continuously, indicating that the battery should be replaced with a fresh one. After completing the
To preserve battery life, turn the transmitter off when not in use. above steps, proceed
(7) to instructions fo r
3. The microphone is now ready to use. The TX LED (4) on the 151 VR operating the Nady
receiver should now be lit, indicating a received signal from the transmitter. transmitter included
When ready to speak, slide the transmitter switch to the ON position. with your system.
Receiver Volume Control Adjust
Turn volume control on the 151 VR receiver clockwise to near full gain.
Wearing a monitor headset plugged into the receiver's headset jack, speak
into the lavalier microphone. Adjust the receiver's volume to a comfortable
listening level. (3)

Note: Microphone elements can easily be destroyed by the buildup of salts and minerals from
perspiration and saliva. It is good practice to put a windscreen on the mic element at all times to
protect it.
(on back)

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151VRmanbooklet 4/27/07 1:33 PM Page 10

WLT LAVALIER BODYPACK TRANSMITTER (Note: Microphone elements can easily be destroyed by the buildup of salts and minerals from
perspiration and saliva. It is good practice to put a windscreen on the mic element at all times to
• OFF/STANDBY/ON switch allows convenient audio muting with the protect it.)
transmitter “ON”
• Low battery LED indicator flashes once for unit “ON”; lights steady for low
battery alert
• Locking 3.5mm mini-jack provides secure connection for removable Audio Input
microphone or instrument cable Level Control
• Easily accessible input level adjust control for optimum sound (12)
Operating Instructions 3.5 mm
Battery Indicator LED Locking Jack

1. Snap open the BATTERY COMPARTMENT (10) and insert a fresh 9V

BATTERY (11), observing the correct polarity. Close the compartment. (14)
(15) Headworn
2. The WLT is provided with a 3.5 mm LOCKING JACK (12) for connecting OFF/STANDBY/ Microphone
ON Switch
the microphone. Plug in either the LAVALIER/LAPEL (13) or the
HEADWORN MICROPHONE (14), as supplied. To secure the connection,
turn the metal slip ring on the plug clockwise to thread it on to the jack. To
unplug, reverse the process. Slip the transmitter into a pocket or clip on to
your clothes. To use the lavalier mic, attach it at chest level. Do not place (13)
too close to the mouth – a distance of about six inches usually works best. Lavalier/Lapel
To use the headworn mic, place it on the head and adjust the mic boom so
that the mic is about one inch to the side of the front of the mouth.
(Note: The lavalier or headworn mic wire is also the transmit antenna, and rolling up or
shortening the wire may reduce the effective operating range. Extend the wire fully during use,
and keep it as straight as possible.)

3. Turn on the WLT by sliding the OFF/STANDBY/ON SWITCH (15) to the

STANDBY position (transmitter on, audio muted) or the ON position
(transmitter and audio both on). The BATTERY INDICATOR LED (16) will
give a single quick flash, indicating usable battery strength. In the case of a (10)
dead or low battery, the LED either will not go on at all or will stay on Battery
continuously, indicating that the battery should be replaced with a fresh

4. The microphone is now ready to use. The TX LED INDICATOR (4) on

the 151 VR receiver should now be lit, indicating a received signal from the
transmitter. When ready to speak, slide the transmitter switch to the ON
position and adjust the volume of the receiver as per instructions on page (11)
5. Re-position the microphone farther from the source or adjust the AUDIO Opening Battery Compartment 9V Alkaline Battery
INPUT LEVEL CONTROL (17) if the monitored volume is to loud or
distorted afer adjusting the receiver as per instructions on page 5.

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