IAPT NSEP 2019 20 Question Paper Answer Key

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Date of Examination: November 24, 2019
Time: 8:30 AM to 10:30 AM
Question Paper Code: 61
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Q.No.22 a c d
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Q.No. 64 a c
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Physical constants you may need….

Magnitude of charge on electron e = 1.60´10 C Boiling point of hydrogen = 20.3K
Mass of electron me = 9.10´10 kg Boiling point of helium = 4.2K
Mass of proton mp = 1.67´10 kg Boiling point of nitrogen = 77.4K
Acceleration due to gravity g = 9.8 ms Boiling point of oxygen = 90.19K
-11 2 2 -12 2 2
Universal gravitational constant G = 6.67´10 Nm / Kg Permittivity of free space e0 = 8.85´10 C / Nm
Universal gas constant R = 8.31 J / mol K Permeability of free space m0 = 4p ´ 10 H/m
-23 -34
Boltzmann constant k = 1.38´10 J / K Planck's constant h = 6.62 ´ 10 Js
-8 2 4
Stefan's constant s = 5.67´10 W / m K Faraday constant = 96,500C / mol

Rydberg constant R = 1.097 ´107 m-1

(NSEP 2019 - 20)
Time: 120 minute Max. Marks: 240
Attempt All Seventy Questions
1) An observer stands on the platform at the front edge of the first bogie of a stationary train. The train
starts moving with uniform acceleration and the first bogie takes 5 seconds to cross the observer. If
all the bogies of the train are of equal length and the gap between them is negligible, the time taken
by the tenth bogie to cross the observer is
(a) 1.07s (b) 0.98s (c) 0.91s (d) 0.81s

2) The resistive force on an aeroplane flying in a horizontal plane is given by Ff = kv2, where k is
constant and v is the speed of the aeroplane. When the power output from the engine is P0, the plane
flies at a speed v0. If the power output of the engine is doubled the aeroplane will fly at a speed of
(a) 1.12 v0 (b) 1.26 v0 (c)1.41 v0 (d) 2.82 v0

3 3
3) A 3.0 cm thick layer of oil (density roil = 800 kg/m ) floats on water (density rw = 1000 kg/m ) in a
1 1
transparent glass beaker. A solid cylinder is observed floating vertically with of it in water and
3 3
in the oil. Oil is gently poured into the beaker until the cylinder floats in oil only. The fraction of the
solid cylinder in oil now is

(a) 3 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 8

5 3 4 9

4) A wedge of mass M rests on a horizontal frictionless surface. A block of mass m starts sliding down
the rough inclined surface of the wedge to its bottom. During the course of motion, the centre of
mass of the block and the wedge system
(a) does not move at all
(b) moves horizontally with constant speed
(c) moves horizontally with increasing speed
(d) moves vertically with increasing speed

5) A uniform circular disc rotating at a fixed angular velocity w about an axis normal to its plane and
passing through its centre has kinetic energy E. If the same disc rotates with an angular velocity
2w about a parallel axis passing through the edge, its kinetic energy will be
(a) 2 E (b) 4 E (c) 10E (d) 12 E

6) In the following figures the velocity-time graphs for three particles 1, 2 and 3 are shown.
+4 +4 +4
velocity (m/s)

velocity (m/s)

velocity (m/s)
+2 +2 +2

0 0 0

-2 -2 -2

0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
time (s) time (s) time (s)
Particle 1 Particle 2 Particle 3

The magnitude of average acceleration of the three particles, over 10 s, bear the relationship
(a) a1> a2 >a3 (b) a2 > a1 > a3 (c) a3 > a2 > a1 (d) a1 = a2= a3

7) The potential energy (U) of a particle moving in a potential field varies with its displacement (x) as
shown below.

U (J)



-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15

The variation of force F(x) acting on the particle as a function of x can be represented by
2 2

1 1

0 0

-1 -1

-2 -2

-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15

x(m) x(m)
(Fig i) (Fig ii)

2 2

1 1


0 0

-1 -1

-2 -2

-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15

x(m) x(m)

(Fig iii) (Fig iv)

(a) Fig (i) (b) Fig (ii) (c) Fig (iii) (d) Fig (iv)

8) A pendulum is made by using a thread of length 300 cm and a small spherical bob of mass 100 g. It is
suspended from a point S. The bob is pulled from its position of rest at O to the point A so that the
linear amplitude is 25 cm. The angular amplitude in radian and the potential energy of the bob in
joule at A are respectively
a) 0.10 and 0.10 (b) 0.083 and 0.01 (c) 0.251 and 2.94 (d) 0.083 and 0.24

9) Consider the following physical expressions

(I) rv (ρ: density, v: velocity)

(II) YDL (Y: Young's modulus, L: length)

(III) e (σ: surface density of charge)

(IV) hrrg (h: rise of a liquid in a capillary tube of radius r)

The expressions having same dimensional formula are

(a) I and II only
(b) II and III only
(c) II, III and IV only
(d) I, II and III only

10) Two simple pendulums of lengths 1.44 m and 1.0 m start swinging together in the same phase. The
two will be in phase again after a time of
(a) 6 second (b) 9 second (c) 12 second (d) 25 second

11) A home aquarium partly filled with water slides down an inclined plane of inclination angle θ with
respect to the horizontal. The surface of water in the aquarium
(a) remains horizontal.
(b) remains parallel to the plane of the incline.
(c) forms an angle α with the horizon where 0 < α < θ
(d) forms an angle α with horizon, where θ < α < 90

12) A sound source of constant frequency travels with a constant velocity past an observer. When it
crosses the observer the sound frequency sensed by the observer changes from 449 Hz to 422 Hz. If
the velocity of sound is 340 m/s, the velocity of the source of sound is
(a) 8.5 m/s (b) 10.5 m/s (c) 12.5 m/s (d) 14.5 m/s

13) Light of wavelength 640 nm falls on a plane diffraction grating with 12000 lines per inch. In the
diffraction pattern on a screen kept at a distance of 12 cm from the grating, the distance of the
second order maximum from the central maximum is
(a) 1.81 cm (b) 2.41 cm (c) 3.62 cm (d) 7.25 cm

14) If the force acting on a body is inversely proportional to its speed, the kinetic energy of the body
varies with time t as
0 1 2 -1
(a) t (b) t (c) t (d) t

15) As shown in the figure, a block of mass m is hung from the ceiling by the
system of springs consisting of two layers. The force constant of each of the
springs is k. The frequency of the vertical oscillations of the block is
1 k 1 4k 1 5k 1 6k
(a) (b) (c) (d)
2p 5m 2p 5m 2p 6m 2p 5m
16) Two simple harmonic motions are given by x1= a sin wt + a cos wt and x2 = a sin wt + a3 cos wt
The ratio of the amplitudes of the first to the second and the phase difference between them
respectively are

(a) 3 and p (b) 3 and p (c) 2 and p (d) 3 and p

2 12 2 12 3 12 2 6
Ù Ù -1
17) A particle is projected from the ground with a velocity v = (3i + 10 j) ms . The maximum height
attained and the range of the particle are respectively given by (use g = 10 m/s2)
(a) 5m and 6 m (b) 3m and 10 m (c) 6m and 5 m (d) 3m and 5 m

18) A 20 cm long capillary tube stands vertically with lower end just in water. Water rises up to 5 cm. If
the entire system is now kept on a freely falling platform, the length of the water column in the
capillary tube will be
(a) 5 cm (b) 10 cm (c) Zero (d) 20 cm
19) Position-time graph of a particle moving in a potential field is 10
shown beside. If the mass of the particle is 1 kg its total energy is

approximately -5
-4 -4
(a) 15.45 ´ 10 J (b) 30.78´10 J -15
0 2 4 6 8 10
(c) 7.71 ´ 10-4 J (d) 3.85 ´ 10-4 J t(s)

20) Plots of intensity (I) of radiation emitted by a black body versus T1
wavelength (l) at three different temperatures T1, T2 and T3 respectively T2
are shown in figure. Choose the correct statement. I T3
(a) T1 >T2>T3 necessarily (b) T3>T2>T1 necessarily
(c) T2 = (T1 + T3)/2 necessarily (d) T22 = T1 T3 necessarily l

21) Consider a composite slab consisting of two different materials having equal thickness and equal
area of cross-section. The thermal conductivities are K and 2K respectively. The equivalent thermal
conductivity of the composite slab is
(a) 2K (b) 2K (c) 3K (d) 4K

22) A large horizontal uniform disc can rotate freely about a rigid vertical axis passing through its centre
O. A man stands at rest at the edge of the disc at a point A. The mass of the disc is 22 times the mass
of the man. The man starts moving along the edge of the disc. When he reaches A, after completing
one rotation relative to the disc, the disc has turned through
(a) 30o (b)90o (c) 60o (d) 45o

23) Two factories are sounding their sirens at 400 Hz each. A man walks from one factory towards the
other at a speed of 2 m/s. The velocity of sound is 320 m/s. The number of beats heard by the person
in one second will be
(a) 6 (b) 5 (c) 4 (d) 2.5

(24) The temperature of an isolated black body falls from T1 to T2 in time t. Then, t = C x where x is

æ ö æ1 1ö æ1 1ö æ1 1ö
(a) ç1 – 1 ÷ (b) ç 2 – 2÷ (c) ç 3 – 3÷ (d) ç 4 – 4÷
è T2 T1 ø è T2 T1 ø è T2 T1 ø è T2 T1 ø

25) Two charges – q and – q are placed at points (0, d) and (0, – d). A charge +q, free to move along X
axis, will oscillate with a force proportional to

1 1 x 1
(a) 2 2
(b) 2
(c) 2
2 2
(d) 2 2
x +d x (d +x ) x +d

26) The average translational kinetic energy of oxygen (M = 32) molecules at a certain temperature is
0.048 eV. The translational kinetic energy of nitrogen (M = 28) molecules at the same temperature is
(consider the two gases to be ideal)
(a) 0.0015 eV (b) 0.042 eV (c) 0.048 eV (d) 0.768 eV

27) The log-log graph for a non-linear oscillator is shown
below. Assuming the constants to have appropriate
dimensions the relationship between time period (T)
and the amplitude (A) can be expressed as
(a) T = 1000A2
(b) T = 4A1/2
2 log (A)
(c) T = 4A +B
(d) T = 8A3

28) In many situations the point source emitting a wave starts moving, through the medium,
with velocity V greater than the wave velocity in that medium. In such a case when source
velocity (V) > wave velocity (v), the wave front changes
(a) from spherical to plane (b) from spherical to conical
(c) from plane to spherical (d) from cylindrical to spherical

29) If the average mass of a smoke particle in an Indian kitchen is 3´10 kg, the rms speed of the smoke
particles at 27 C is approximately
(a) 2 cm/sec (b) 2 m/sec (c) 2 km/sec (d) none of these

30) Two wires, made of same material, one thick and the other thin are joined to form one composite
wire. The composite wire is subjected to the same tension throughout. A wave travels along the wire
and passes the point where the two wires are joined. The quantity which changes at the joint are
(a) frequency only.
(b) propagation speed only.
(c) wavelength only.
(d) both propagation speed and wavelength.

31) The frequency of the third overtone of a closed end organ pipe equals the frequency of the fifth
harmonic of an open end organ pipe. Ignoring end correction, the ratio of their lengths lopen : lclose is
(a) 10:7 (b) 10:9 (c) 2:1 (d) 7:10

32) A concave mirror has a radius of curvature R and forms the image of an object placed at a
distance 1.5R from the pole of the mirror. An opaque disc of diameter half the aperture of the
mirror is placed with the pole at the centre. As a result
(a) the position of the image will be the same but its central half will disappear
(b) the position of the image will be the same but its outer half will disappear
(c) the complete image will be seen at the same position and it will be exactly identical with the
initial image
(d) the complete image will be seen at the same position but it will not be identical in all respect
with the initial image.

33) A ray of white light is made incident on the refracting surface of a prism such that after refraction at
this surface, the green component falls on the second surface at its critical angle. The colours
present in the emergent beam will be
(a) violet, indigo and blue.
(b) violet, indigo , blue, yellow, orange and red.
(c) yellow, orange and red.
(d) all colours

34) In a compound microscope, having tube-length 30 cm, the power of the objective and the eye-piece
are100D and 10D respectively. Then the magnification produced by the microscope when the final
image is at the least distance of distinct vision (25 cm) will be
(a) 55 (b) 64 (c) 77 (d) 90

35) Parallel rays are incident on a glass sphere of diameter 10 cm and having refractive index 1.5. The
sphere converges these rays at a certain point. The distance of this point from the centre of the
sphere will be
(a) 2.5 cm (b) 5 cm (c) 7.5 cm (d) 12.5 cm

36) A jet of water from 15 cm diameter nozzle of a fire hose can reach the maximum height of 25 m. The
force exerted by the water jet on the hose is
(a) 4.24 kN (b) 17.32 kN (c) 2.17 kN (d) 8.66 kN

37) In an electromagnetic wave the phase difference between electric vector and magnetic vector is
(a) zero (b) p
2 (c) p (d) 3p

38) A rectangular slab of glass of refractive index 1.5 is immersed in water of refractive index 1.33 such
that the top surface of the slab remains parallel to water level. Light from a point source in air is
incident on the surface of water at an angle a such that the light reflected from the glass slab is plane
polarised, the angle a is
o o o o
(a)84.4 (b) 48.4 (c) 56.3 (d) 53.1

39) In a spectrometer the smallest main scale division is 13 of a degree. The total number of divisions

on the vernier scale attached to the main scale is 60 which coincide with the 59 divisions of the main
circular scale. The least count of the spectrometer is
(a) 20' (b) 20" (c) 30" (d) 30'

40) White light is used to illuminate two slits in Young's double sit experiment. Separation between the
two slits is b and the screen is at a distance D (>>b) from the plane of slits. The wavelength missing
at a point on the screen directly in front of one of the slits is
2 2 2 2
2b 2b b b
(a) (b) (c) (d)
3D D 3D 2D

41) In an ink-jet printer, an ink droplet of mass m is given a negative charge q by a computer-controlled
charging unit. The charged droplet then enters the region between two deflecting parallel plates of
length L separated by distance d (see figure below) with a speed v. All over this region there exists a
uniform downward electric field E (in the plane of paper). Neglecting the gravitational force on the
droplet, the maximum charge that can be given to this droplet, so that it does not hit any of the plates, is
2 2
(a) mv 2L (b) mv 2d E q
Ed EL v d
md mv2L2
(c) Ev2L2 (d) Ed L

42) A converging beam of light is pointing to P. Two observations are made with (i) a convex lens of
focal length 20 cm and,(ii) a concave lens of focal length 16 cm placed in the path of the convergent
beam at a distance 12 cm before the point P. It is observed that
(a) in both cases the images are real.
(b) in both cases the images are virtual.
(c) for (i) the image is real and for (ii) the image is virtual.
(d) for (i) the image is virtual and for (ii) the image is real.

43) A spherical capacitor is formed by two concentric metallic spherical shells. The capacitor is then
charged so that the outer shell carries a positive charge and the inner shell carries an equal but
negative charge. Even if the capacitor is not connected to any circuit, the charge will eventually leak
away due to a small electrical conductivity of the material between the shells. What is the character
of the magnetic field produced by this leakage current?
(a) Radially outwards from the inner shell to the outer shell.
(b) Radially inwards from the outer shell to the inner shell.
(c) Circular field lines between the shells and perpendicular to the radial direction.
(d) No magnetic field will be produced.

44) If a cell of constant emf produces the same amount of heat during the same time in two independent
resistors R1 and R2 when they are separately connected across the terminals of the cell, one after the
other. The internal resistance of the cell is

R1+R2 R1~R2 R21+R22

(a) (b) (c) (d) R1 R2
2 2 2

45) In the circuit shown beside the charge on each capacitor is C1

(a) (C1+C2) (E1-E2) (b) (E +E )
C1+C2 1 2 E1 E2
(c) (E -E ) (d) (C1-C2) (E1+E2)
C1+C2 1 2
46) A stationary hydrogen atom emits photon corresponding to the first line (highest wave length) of
Lyman series. If R is the Rydberg constant and M is the mass of the atom, the recoil velocity of the
atom is

Rh 3Rh 3Rh Rh
(a) 4M (b) M (c) 4M (d) M

47) Heat is absorbed or evolved when current flows in a conductor having a temperature gradient. This
phenomenon is known as
(a) Joule effect (b) Peltier effect
(c) Seeback effect (d) Thomson effect

48) Identify the rank in order from the dimmest to the brightest when all the
identical bulbs are connected in the circuit as shown below.
(a) A = B > C = D
(b) A = B = C = D
(c) A > C > B > D
(d) A = B < C = D

49) The unit of magnetizing field is

(a) tesla (b) newton (c) ampere (d) ampere turn/meter

50) A star undergoes a supernova explosion. Just after the explosion, the material left behind forms a
uniform sphere of radius 8000 km with a rotation period of 15 hours. This remaining material
eventually collapses into a neutron star of radius 4 km with a period of rotation
(a) 14 s (b) 3.8 h (c) 0.021 s (d) 0.0135 s

51) A number of identical absorbing plates are arranged in between a source of light and a photo cell.
When there is no plate in between, the photo current is maximum. Under the circumstances let us
focus on the two statements -
(1) The photo current decreases with the increase in number of absorbing plates.
(2) The stopping potential increases with the increase in number of absorbing plates.
(a) Statements (1) and (2) are both true and (1) is the cause of (2).
(b) Statements (1) and (2) are both true but (1) and (2) are independent.
(c) Statement (1) is true while (2) is not true and (1) and (2) are independent.
(d) Statement (1) is true while (2) is not true and (2) is the effect of (1).

52) In a nuclear reaction, two photons each of energy 0.51 MeV are produced by electron-positron
annihilation. The wavelength associated with each photon is
(a) 2.44 ´ 10-12m (b) 2.44 ´ 10-8m (c) 1.46 ´ 10-12m (d) 3.44 ´ 10-10m

53) In the circuit shown if an ideal ammeter is connected between A and B then the direction of current
and the current reading would be (assume Is remains unchanged)
(a) B to A and I /2 Is

(b) A to B and Is/4 4R 2R

4R 2R
(c) B to A and Is/9
(d) B to A and Is/3 2R 4R


54) Avalanche breakdown in a p-n junction primarily depends on the phenomenon of
(a) doping (b) collision (c) recombination (d) ionization

55) A source emits photons of energy 5 eV which are incident on a metallic sphere of work function 3.0
eV. The radius of the sphere is r = 8 x 10-3 m. It is observed that after some time emission of
photoelectrons from the metallic sphere is stopped. Charge on the sphere when the photoemission
stops is.
(a) 1.77 ´ 10-16 C (b) 1.77 ´ 10-12 C (c) 1.11 ´ 10-12 C (d) 1.11 ´ 10-10 C

56) The dc component of current in the output of a half-wave rectifier with peak value Io is
I0 I0 2I0
(a) zero (b) p (c) 2p (d) p

57) In an experiment on photoelectric effect, the slope of straight line graph between the stopping
potential and the frequency of incident radiation gives
(a) Electron charge (e) (b) Planck constant (h)
(c) (d) Work function (W)

58) According to Bohr's theory the ionization energy of H atom is 13.6 eV. The energy needed to
remove an electron from Helium ion (He+) is
(a) 13.6 eV (b) 16.8 eV (c) 27.2 eV (d) 54.4 eV

59) The phenomenon inverse to photo electric effect is

(a) Compton effect (b) Pair production
(c) Raman effect (d) Production of X-rays in Coolidge tube

60) A stationary hydrogen atom emits a photon of wavelength 1025 A. Its angular momentum changes
h 2h h 3h
(a) p (b) p (c) 2p (d) 2p


61) A block of mass m = 10 kg is hanging over a frictionless light fixed pulley by an

inextensible light rope. Initially the block is held at rest. The other end of the rope
is now pulled by a constant force F in the vertically downward direction. The
linear momentum of the block is seen to increase by 2 kgm/s in 1 s ( in the first
second). Therefore,
(a) the tension in the rope is F m
(b) the tension in the rope is 3N
(c) the work done by the tension on the block, in first second, is = 19.8 J
(d) the work done against the force of gravity, in first second, is = 9.8 J

62) A ball of mass m1 travels horizontally along the x-axis in the positive direction with an initial speed
of v0. It collides with another ball of mass m2 that is originally at rest. After the collision, the ball of
mass m1 has velocity (v1x i + v1y j) and the ball of mass m2 has velocity (v2x i + v2y j). Identify the correct
(a) 0 = m1v1x + m2v2x (b) m1v0 = m1v1y + m2v2y
(c) 0 = m1v1y + m2v2y (d) m1v0 = m1v1x + m2v2x

63) In a real gas

(a) the force of attraction between the molecules depends upon intermolecular distance.
(b) internal energy depends only upon temperature.
(c) internal energy is a function of both temperature and volume.
(d) internal energy is a function of both temperature and pressure.

64) A particle of mass m is thrown vertically up with velocity u. Air exerts an opposing force of a
constant magnitude F. The particle returns back to the point of projection with velocity v after
attaining maximum height h, then
2 2
(a) h = u (b) h =ø
2 g- F ö
2 g+ F ö
÷ ÷
öm ÷ø ö m ÷ø

ø ø
g- F ö
g+ F ö
÷ ÷
ö m ÷ø ö m÷ ø
(c) v = u ø (d) v = u ø
g+ F ö
g- F ö
÷ ÷
ö m ÷ø ö m ÷ø

65) A pin of small length 'a' is placed along the axis of a concave mirror of focal length f, at the distance
u (> f) from its pole. The length of its image is 'b'. If the same object is placed perpendicular to its
axis at the same distance u and the length of its image is now 'c', then
2 3
f2 u-f af
(a) b = a (b) c = ab (c) c = b (d) bc =(u - f)3
(u - f)2 f

66) A thin rod of length 10 cm. is placed along the axis of a concave mirror of focal length 30 cm in such
a way that one end of the image coincides with one end of the object. The length of the image may be
(a) 7.5 cm (b) 12 cm (c) 15 cm (d) 10 cm

67) The mass of an electron can be expressed as

-14 2 -31
(a) 0.512 MeV (b) 8.19 ´ 10 J / c (c) 9.1 ´ 10 kg (d) 0.00055 amu
where c is speed of light in vacuum

68) Select the correct statement(s), out of the following, about diffraction at N parallel slits.
(a) There are (N-1) minima between each pair of principal maxima.
(b) There are (N-2) secondary maxima between each pair of principal maxima.
(c) Width of principal maximum is proportional to 1/N.
(d) The intensity at the principal maxima varies as N2.

69) An electric dipole placed in a non-uniform electric field may experience

(a) no net force, no torque. (b) a net force, but no torque.
(c) no net force, but a torque. (d) a net force and a torque.

70) Two long parallel wires carry currents of equal magnitude ( I ) but in opposite directions. These
wires are suspended from fixed rod PQ by four chords of equal length L as shown. The mass per unit
length of each wire is l , the value of angle q substended by two chords OA and OB, assuming it to
be small, is

y P
m0 l O Q
(a) q = I (b) q = I m0 1 L
4p gL p lgL
I q C
m g m lg I B
(c) q = I 4p0 (d) q = I p0 L
lL A
z x

Rough Work

Answer Keys NSEP - 2019; held on November 24, 2019
Code: 61 Code: 62 Code: 63 Code: 64 Code: 61 Code: 62 Code: 63 Code: 64
Question Question
Number Keys Keys Keys Keys Number Keys Keys Keys Keys
1 d b a b 41 b d a d
2 b d b d 42 a c d d
3 c c a c&d 43 d a d c
4 d d d d 44 d b c c
5 d b a b 45 c a c d
6 d a d d 46 c d d d
7 d d b d 47 d a b c
8 b a d d 48 d a d c
9 d d a c 49 d b b c
10 c c a a 50 d c c a
11 d c d c 51 c b d a
12 b c c a 52 a a d a
13 d d a b 53 c d a d
14 b c b c 54 b d d a
15 d c c b 55 b d d b
16 a c b a 56 b c b c
17 a a a a 57 c a d c
18 d a d b 58 d c c c
19 c d d a 59 d d d d
20 a d d d 60 a d b d
21 d c c a 61 a&d a,b,c &d a&d a&d
22 a c a d 62 c&d a&c c&d c&d
23 b d c b 63 a&c a,b,c &d a&c a&c
24 c b d d 64 a,b & c a,b,& d a,b & c a,b & c
25 c b b a 65 a,b,c & d b&d a,b,c & d a,b,c & d
26 c b c a 66 a,c, & d b a,c, & d a,c, & d
27 a c d d 67 a,b,c & d a &d a,b,c & d a,b,c & d
28 b d d c 68 a,b & d c&d a,b & d a,b & d
29 a d a d 69 b&d a&c b&d b&d
30 d a d b 70 b a,b & c b b
31 a d a c
32 d b b d
33 c c c d
34 c d c b
35 c d c b
36 a d d b
37 a b c c
38 a d c d
39 b a c d
40 c a a a

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