Unit 5 Basic Test Test - Ekowydruk

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Grupa A Klasa .................... Liczba punktów ...... / 47 p.

Imię ..................................................................................

1 Wstaw T (True) obok zdań prawdziwych i F (False) obok zdań fałszywych zgodnie z treścią nagrania. ( ... / 6 p.)

1. Nobody helped Ann prepare the birthday party for Amanda. T F

2. Ann baked a cake for Amanda. T F
3. The guests had to wear costumes. T F
4. The party wasn’t very good. T F
5. The party finished around 12 a.m. T F
6. Amanda received many gifts. T F

2 W zdaniach 1–6 wybierz poprawne odpowiedzi, zgodnie z treścią tekstu. Zaznacz A, B lub C. ( ... / 6 p.)

Special days, special celebrations – by Tom

4th July is an important day for American people, as well as for my parents. Each year, on 4th July,
Americans celebrate their Independence Day, whereas my parents celebrate their wedding anniversary. My
mum and dad love travelling and they have visited many interesting countries so far, but they have three
favourite places, namely: Kenya, the Bahamas and the Hawaiian Islands, USA. Ten years ago, on 4th July, my
parents were in Hawaii for the second time and got married there. Their wedding ceremony took place at
about 10 am. It wasn’t in a church, but on a beautiful, sandy beach with a view of a volcano called Diamond
Head. It was a warm, sunny day, typical weather for Hawaii. My mum and dad did not invite any guests and
they did not get any presents, but they still
have wonderful memories. While my parents were having their ceremony, many Americans were on the
beach too, celebrating Independence Day with barbecues, sunbathing, swimming and spending a great time
together. In the afternoon, in the city centre, there were some parades with marching bands and dancers. The
atmosphere was joyful. In the evening, people went to cafés and restaurants and waited for the fireworks.
Then, on Waikiki Beach between 8.30 and 9.00 p.m., everyone could enjoy a spectacular
fireworks display. All in all, that 4th July ten years ago was a very special day for my parents, and since that
time they celebrate every 4th July together with Americans.

1. Tom’s parents travel

A. a lot. B. not too much.
2. Tom’s parents got married
A. in Kenya. B. in the United States.
3. The wedding ceremony was
A. on a beach. B. on a volcano.
4. There ____ people on the beach on Independence Day.
A. were lots of B. weren’t any
5. Having a barbecue ____ a popular way of spending Independence Day in Hawaii.
A. is B. isn’t
6. In the afternoon, there were ____
A. fireworks. B. parades.

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3 Podpisz każdy z rysunków 1–6. Skorzystaj z wyrazów podanych w ramce. ( ... / 6 p.)

Easter New Year’s Eve Christmas christening birthday Halloween

1 2 3 4 5 6

4 W każdej z luk 1–6 podkreśl poprawny wyraz, tak aby otrzymać spójny i logiczny tekst. ( ... / 6 p.)
Welcome to my blog.
I think everybody likes Christmas and (1) prepares / celebrates / decorates for it
very carefully. At the beginning of December, my mum makes beautiful Christmas
(2) costumes / cards / beads which she sends to our family and friends one week
before Christmas. In the middle of December, my dad and my brother look for a
beautiful Christmas tree. When they find the perfect one, they buy it. One day before
(3) Christmas Eve / Anniversary, on 23rd December, we (4) decorate / organise /
put on our tree with lights and baubles. It stands in our living room and makes an
incredible impression, especially in the evening when it is lit. We also tidy up our flat so
it looks great. We (5) look forward / wish / invite our grandparents for Christmas every
year and we (6) congratulation / celebrate / celebrations together.
5 Uzupełnij zdania1–6 czasownikami w czasie present perfect. Uwaga! Wszystkie czasowniki są ( ... / 6 p.)
1 The geography lesson __________ __________ . (start)
2 Tom __________ __________(invite) me to his birthday party.
3 Mum is very tired. She __________ __________ (tidy) up the whole house.
4 Frank and Ann __________ __________ (prepare) breakfast for their parents.
5 __________ you __________ (watch) the latest Jim Carrey comedy?
6 I __________ not __________(bake) the cake yet.
6 W zdaniach 1-6 wstaw ever lub never. ( ... / 6 p.)
1 Have you __________taken part in a fancy-dress party?
2 Laura has __________ been to Thailand. It is her first visit.
3 Have Susan and Steve __________ forgotten their homework?
4 We have __________ eaten Mexican food, but I would like to try it.
5 Has Tom __________ been to a live concert?
6 I have __________ met a famous actor, but I would like to meet Daniel Radcliffe.

7 Połącz okazje 1–6 z życzeniami A–F. ( ... / 6 p.)

1. Birthday. A. Happy Easter.

2. New Year’s Eve Party, 12 a.m. B. Good luck!
3. Exam in two days. C. Congratulations.
4. Easter. D. Happy Birthday.
5. Just before eating something with friends. E. Bon appetit!
6. Getting a very good mark. F. All the best for a happy New Year.
1. _____ 2. _____ 3. _____ 4. _____ 5. _____ 6. _____

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8 Uzupełnij poniższego maila informacjami z ramki. ( ... / 5 p.)

11 p.m. next Saturday sing karaoke salads my house 5 p.m. sandwiches birthday party dance

Dear Chris,
I would like to invite you to my (1) __________________ .
The party is (2) __________________ at __________________.
It starts at (3) _______________ and it ends at _______________ .
There will be lots of tasty food to eat, for example: (4) _______________ and _______________.
My mum will also prepare some delicious juices and lemonade to drink.
We are going to (5) _______________ and _______________.
Please let me know if you can come.

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