Libreto English Day

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Script English Day

First scene:
• Smith: In the vast, deep forest of Hyrule... Long have I served spirit... I am known
as The Great Smith The Blacksmith
• Smith: The children of the forest, the Kokiri, live here with me.
• Smith: Each Kokiri has his or her own guardian fairy.
• Smith: However, there is one boy who does not have a fairy...
Second scene:
(Link wakes up)
(Navi appears on scene and quickly approaches Link at his house)
• Navi: Hello, Link! Wake up! Smith The Blacksmith wants to talk to you!
(While Navi calls Link, he complains)
• Link: I don’t want to wake up, please leave.
• Navi: Link, get up! Come on!
• Link: Shut up (with a sleepy voice)
• Navi: Can Hyrule’s destiny really depend on such a lazy boy?
• Link: Yes, yes
(Link wakes up and sits down)
• Link: What do you want? Who are you?
• Navi: You finally woke up! I am Navi, the fairy!
• Navi: The Great Smith The Blacksmith asked me to be your partner from now on!
Nice to meet you!
• Navi: The Great Smith The Blacksmith has summoned you! So let’s get going,
right now!
• Link: One second, one second
Third scene:
(Navi and Link are on their way)
(They both meet Saria, Link’s best friend)
• Saria: Oh, hi Link, wow! Finally, you have a guardian fairy!
• Link: Hi Saria, yeah, I do
• Saria: I’m so happy for you! Now you are a true Kokiri, Link.
• Link: Yeah! It’s amazing!
(Navi intervenes raising her voice)
• Navi: Come on Link, we don’t have time for this! Quickly, we cannot keep Smith
• Link: Alright, goodbye Saria
• Saria: Good luck with Smith, bye bye!
(Saria raises her hand waving goodbye at Link and Link keeps walking)
Fourth scene:
(Link and Navi arrive at the meeting with The Great Smith The Blacksmith)
• Navi: Smith The Blacksmith, I’m here again!
• Smith The Blacksmith: Oh, Navi, you’re back... Now, Link, listen carefully…
(Smith coughs)
• Smith The Blacksmith: The curse this wicked man has cast upon me… Because
of that curse, my end is nigh...
• Smith The Blacksmith: This evil man is using his vile, sorcerous powers to find
the Sacred Real, through which he is to find the divine relic, the Triforce....
• Smith The Blacksmith: Before time began, the three golden goddesses, Din,
Nayru, and Farore created the universe... They are the Triforce...
(Smith breathes heavily and coughs)
• Smith The Blacksmith: Link... Go now to Hyrule castle... And don’t ever let that
man lay his hands on the Triforce...
• Smith The Blacksmith: Meet the Princess of Destiny, take this stone with you.
(Link gets Kokiri’s Emerald)
• Smith The Blacksmith: The future depends on thee, Link... Thou art courageous...
• Smith The Blacksmith: Navi the fairy... Help Link to carry out my will...
(Smith dies)
• Navi: Link, let’s go to Hyrule castle!
• Navi: Goodbye, Smith The Blacksmith...
• Link: I can’t handle this... Goodbye, Smith...
(Link stands still for a second)
(Link and Navi leave)
Fifth scene:
(Navi and Link continue their road towards Hyrule’s castle and they meet with Saria
once again)
Saria: Oh… you‘re leaving…
(Link looks at Saria and approaches her)
Link: Yes Saria... I gotta go to Hyrule’s castle
Saria: It’s alright, Link. I know you gotta go
Saria: Please, just take this ocarina with you, and keep going. Please, when you play
this ocarina, remember me, okay?
(Link is surprised)
(Saria hands Link the ocarina)
Saria: Please come visit someday, alright?
Link: Alright. I’ll miss you.
Link: See you later Saria, you’ve been the best friend I’ve ever had…
Sixth scene:
(Link arrives at Hyrule)
(Link sneaks into Hyrule’s castle and meets Zelda)
Zelda: Who?!... Who are you?! (confused)
Zelda: Oh..What’s that?
(Zelda looks at Navi)
Zelda: Is that a fairy? Are you from the forest? (excited)
Link: Princess, please calm down
Link: I am Link, I’m from Kokiri Forest, and she’s Navi, my guardian fairy.
Link: I have come here because my grandfather, The Great Smith the Blacksmith,
ordered me to come and meet you, princess. He also gave me the Kokiri Emerald.
(Navi intervenes)
Navi: Hi, my name’s Navi! I accompany Link all the time.
Zelda: Just as I thought! Let me tell you, I had a dream in which a ray of light shot
out of the forest, parted the clouds and lit up the ground, saving Hyrule
Zelda: That figure was holding a green and shining stone, followed by a fairy. I knew
it was you, Link, from the moment you told me you were from the forest
Zelda: I know you will be the one to save Hyrule...
Link: Eh-
(Zelda interrupts screaming)
Zelda: Wait, he’s there! Vaati, look, it’s him!
(Link turns back scared)
(The view changes focusing on Vaati)
Seventh scene:
(Vaati and the king Daphness are having a conversation some meters afar from Link
and Zelda)
Vaati: I know for how long I have delayed your many invitations, King Daphness
(Vaati kneels before the king Daphness)
Vaati: In name of the Gerudo folk… I beg you to accept my most sincere apologies.
Vaati: We humbly postrate before your majesty asking for your protection for our
King Daphness: Your petition honors you, Vaati. We happily accept your vow of
loyalty towards Hyrule.
King Daphness: It’s said that between Gerudos, there is born only one man in a
hundred years.
King Daphness: To have someone born with the right to be king voluntarily follow
the Hyrule royalty… is really soothing for us
Vaati: It’s my honor
Vaati: When the goddesses descended from the heavens in the past, they must have
caused the impression of being simple mortals.
Vaati: Now there is a mortal seeming like a god, being a king
Vaati: Your majesty overcame his town and now governs the whole world. Bravo.
Vaati: Who would have imagined that hylian people, who were on the edge of
Vaati: What an unfortunate situation.
King Daphness: Even if someday my time comes, peace won’t disappear. Our
kingdom will perdure.
(Vaati looks at king Daphness, trying to intimidate him)
King Daphness: We appreciate what you’ve done today. We expect a lot from you,
Vaati. You can leave
Vaati: Thank you…
(Vaati leaves)
Eighth scene:
(Vaati comes out of the king’s room and gazes at Link and Zelda over the window,
(Link screams)
Zelda: What’s wrong?! (scared)
Link: He saw me!
Zelda: Don’t worry, he doesn’t know about our plan, yet...
Link: Exactly, what is our plan?
Zelda: I told my father about my dream… However, he did not pay me any attention.
Zelda: But I was able to feel Vaati’s bad intentions
Link: What is this “Vaati” planning?
Zelda: He plans to steal the Triforce that is hidden in the palace
Zelda: And he wants to domain Hyrule... No, the whole world!
Zelda: We’re the only ones that can save Hyrule, the only ones who know what’s
happening, but we’re just some kids...
Zelda: You gotta go to the temple and get the sword, Link
Zelda: Take my melody and play it at the temple of time, with that ocarina you carry
with you, there you will get the sword
Link: Thanks, Zelda
Ninth scene
(Link is still at Hyrule castle)
(Link hurries to reach his objective and meets Impa on the way)
Impa: Hey, kid! Who are you? What are you doing here?!
Link: My name’s Link, I come from Kokiri forest
Impa: I see... so you’re the “kid from the forest” Zelda told me about
Impa: Okay then, I’ll introduce myself, I’m Impa, Zelda’s personal guardian
Impa: She ordered me to teach the “kid of the forest” the melody to travel in time,
after she told me about her dream
Impa: Once you got the ocarina of time, your plan b could be to travel back in time
to prevent any tipe of error from happening
Impa: This is a melody that has passed from generation to generation in the royal
family, and it was taught to Zelda when she was just a baby
Impa: In this melody, there are some notes that carry a lot of power... Now, listen
carefully, kid from the forest.
(Impa whistles to the melody)
Impa: Now, your turn
(Link brings out his ocarina with fervent excitement to try the new melody)
(He plays the melody)
Impa: Well done kid, you’re a quick learner
Impa: Now, follow me, I'll show you where the first town is, to get the first stone to
open the temple of time.
Link: What, I need more stones, like the one my grandpa gave me?
Impa: That’s right, they are three in total, you need two more, obviously
Link: Alright then
Impa: Okay, follow me
Tenth scene
(Impa and Link come out of the town)
Impa: First of all, take my shield, just in case. It’s the hylian shield.
Link: Since I left my town people haven’t stopped gifting me stuff, thanks! (happy)
Impa: See that mountain over there?
Link: Yeah
Impa: Well, the first stone is there, so better get going, kid
(Impa throws a smoke granade and disappear)
Link: I’m alone once again, what a novelty
Navi: Hey! What about me? Am I invisible or something?
(Link runs towards the mountain Impa showed him)
Navi: Hey! Wait for me!
(Navi sighs)
Navi: Strange, there’s no one here, there were supposed to be some gorons here
Link: Gorons? What is that?
Navi: Err, nevermind...
(A giant lizard appears)
Link: Navi… What is that?!
Navi: It’s the dodongo king, seemingly he has a stone, and he doesn’t seem very
(The giant lizard and Link fight)
(Link comes out as the winner)
Eleventh scene:
(Link leaves the mountain with a proud feeling)
Link: Hey... Navi, do you happen to know where the next stone is hidden?
Navi: The next sacred stone is at Zora kingdom, and it’s being protected by the king
Zora, of course!
Navi: Although his daughter is missing now, so I don’t know if he would be in
provision of helping... Maybe if we could find her, he would be kinder with us, and he
would give us the stone
Navi: Well, we’ve got no other way to find out than to try it out, Link!
Link: I hope he does help us, the way to Zora kingdom isn’t short to be honest
(Navi and Link, rushed and intrigued go to the Zora kingdom to meet the king)
Link: Aah, we’re finally here. Let’s find King Zora!
Link: Isn’t he that one guy over there?
Navi: I think so, but I’m not sure. Let’s go over and take a look.
(Link and Navi approach the so-called King Zora)
Rauru: Hello... What do you two need? (with a sad tone)
Link: King Zora, I apologize for being so blunt but, my actual objective is to try to
rescue your daughter in exchange of a favor, though I don’t know if you would allow
Rauru: What? I’m not King Zora, you’ve mistaken me. My name’s Rauru, I was the
king’s assistant... when he was still alive...
Link: What?! The king is dead? I don’t understand, what do you mean?
Rauru: Yes, he was betrayed and killed by one of his strongest men, the soul hunter.
Rauru: Well... Ever since her father's death, princess Ruto is like a daughter to me,
so, please, child of the forest, I need your help
Rauru: Child of the forest, what do you ask for in exchange for helping me find Ruto?
Link: Well... It’s the sacred stone of water... I need it in order to save Hyrule.
Rauru: I’ll make it come to you in no time! It won’t be a problem, you’ll save my
daughter AND your whole kingdom? Why should I decline such an offer?
Link: Thank you, Mister Rauru. Now, what do you know about Ruto’s whereabouts?
Rauru: According to my contacts, the last time my daughter was seen she was
approaching a whale, they thought it was just a game… Anyway, lthe whale is over
there, behind that door.
Link: Why do you have a whale?
Rauru: It was supposed to be harmless, but after this, we’ll probably free her
Link: Okay then, I’ll be leaving now.
(Link leaves)
Twelfth scene:
(Link goes all the way up to the whale)
Link: Hello little whale, I brought you a gift! (with shaky, nervous voice)
(Link brings out a fish from his bag and hands it to the whale, then he goes into the
whale, sneaking)
Navi: Hey Link! There she is, it’s her!
(Link runs up to Ruto)
Link: Princess Zora! I’m here to rescue you!
Princess Ruto: Really?! You’ve come all this way just to rescue me? Who sent you?
Link: There’s no time for explanations, come on, quick!
(Link kicks the whale’s uvula and they run altogether)
Navi: It’s our chance, Link, let’s go!
(Link grabs Ruto’s hand and the three of them run away)
(Now outside of the whale)
(Ruto gets very, very near Link)
Ruto: Oh young savior, thank you very much, how can I possibly show you my
Link: Huh?
(There’s an awkward silence)
Ruto: Are you not gonna answer?
(Link is backing up slowly, without taking his eyes off her)
Navi: Now that we’ve rescued Ruto, we should go back with Rauru to get our reward.
Navi: Where’s Ruto?
(Link ignores the question and keeps going, looking at Ruto with estrangement)
Thirteenth scene:
(Link and Navi meet Rauru once again)
Rauru: You’re finally here! Where’s Ruto?
Link: We rescued her. She’s alright.
Rauru: Why can’t I see her here?
Navi: Link doesn’t want to talk about it...
Rauru: ...Okay then. Thank you, child of the forest, for your help
Rauru: As I promised, here’s the sacred stone of water. Take it, young adventurer.
Go save Hyrule.
(Rauru hands Link the stone)
Link: Thank you very much, Rauru.
(Link and Navi leave)
Fourteenth scene:
(Link arrives at Hyrule and meets Impa with Zelda on the way)
(Zelda lets an unknown object fall as she runs away, and Link notices it)
(Vaati is running after them and sees Link)
Vaati: What are you doing here, kid? Get out of here!
(Vaati attacks Link with an unknown power, leaving him unconscious)
(Some seconds pass by)
Navi: Hey, Link! Hey! Wake up, Link!!
(Link wakes up, stunned)
Link: What happened?... Uh... Nevermind...
(Link quickly gets up to grab the unknown object Zelda let fall)
Link: An ocarina?
Navi: Come on Link, we gotta get the master sword!
(Link and Navi rush to the castle)
Fifteenth scene:
(Link and Navi get to the center of the castle, trying to find the door to the temple of
time and they find it)
Navi: Link! Look! The door to the temple, quick! Put the stones in!
(Link puts the stone into the door and plays the melody Zelda taught him)
(The door opens up)
Link: Finally! Come on! Time to save Hyrule!
(Vaati appears)
Vaati: Yes, that’s right, finally! I thought you wouldn’t make it, ever since I saw you
with Princess Zelda, I knew you were planning something, so I followed you, and
now we’re here!
Vaati: Oh yeah, but you’re just a kid, you wouldn’t understand, just say goodbye to
your only opportunity
(Link, desperate, tries to play the melody of time that was taught to him by Impa on
the ocarina, but it turns out badly and he fails)
Link No.... It wasn’t E, it was G!
(Link travels into the future, not into the past)
Sixteenth scene:
(Link wakes up on the floor and notices an unknown person approaching)
Navi: (Snore) W-What... Did we make it? Link?
Link: What happened?! Who are you? (Link is yelling)
Ezero: I’m Ezero, a wise old man and King Daphness’ guardian, who are you? (His
tone is calm)
(Link takes a moment to think because he is still half asleep)
Link: I’m Link, a kokiri, and I seem to have traveled into the future by mistake. Could
you tell me what this world’s situation is like right now?
Navi: Hey, what?!
Ezero: Okay, Link. Calm down, you two. Who is this fairy that accompanies you?
Link: She’s Navi...
Navi: I’m Navi! I’m Link’s companion and guardian fairy! Nice to meet you!
Ezero: Nice to meet you too, Navi.
(Link is rubbing his eyes, sleepy, and is just now getting up)
Ezero: You’re still tired, huh? I’ll tell you then, what the world has come to...
Ezero: See, Vaati got control over the world and he devastated it, to summarize it a
Ezero: He is completely enjoying all this disaster, it has become worse and worse
with time... How many years did you say you skipped? Seven?
Ezero: Well, I guess you could imagine how hard this has been. But, to be honest...
Ezero: I feel that there might be something different about you...
Ezero: I might be old, but I’m not stupid, and I can see a great hope in you, young
Ezero: I truly do, and I think that you might be the one...
(Link opens up his eyes very widely and stops rubbing his eyes, when he hears what
Ezero is saying)
Link: Huh?
(Ezero looks at Link’s sword)
Ezero: I see, so you carry the master sword with you, surely you’re our saviour,
Ezero: I believe I was right about you.
Ezero: If you really want to save the world you’ll have to get to Vaati and defeat him,
annihilate him.
(Ezero hands Link a map)
Ezero: Go to the gerudo fort, he’s there, but it won’t be easy,
Ezero: To get there, you’ll have to get through the enchanted desert, where all his
guards are at, you won’t be able to keep going without defeating them, I trust you,
Link, go on and save the world.
Navi: Come on Link, no time to lose!
(Link nods and leaves)
Seventeenth scene:
(After walking for a while, Link and Navi finally arrive at the enchanted desert)
(They observe from afar a dark being with an equally dark clothing and a hood)
Navi: He must be the first guard, be careful Link. (Navi says with caution, not taking
her eyes off the dark guy)
(Link carefully approaches the entity)
Soul hunter: You... What are you doing here?
Soul hunter: You should go back, the same way you came here...
(Soul hunter looks at Link’s sword)
Soul hunter: Oh, I see... So that’s why you’re so quiet...
Soul hunter: That sword... Don’t tell me you’re...
(Without finishing talking, the soul hunter attacks Link and Navi)
(A duel starts between Link and the Soul hunter)
Soul hunter: Give up, dude! You won’t reach him, I’ll make sure
Link: Shut up!
(Link hits the soul hunter very hardly)
Soul hunter: Heh, you’re strong, aren’t you?
Soul hunter: You sure you’re strong enough?
(Soul hunter hits him back)
(Link groans)
Soul hunter: Not enough, it seems I was right
(Soul hunter smiles)
(Link is the winner)
(The soul hunter is on the floor, tired and breathing heavily)
Soul hunter: I see... You may have defeated me... But I assure you I’m the weakest
out of all the guards. The next duels won’t be very easy...
(The soul hunter lets out a mysterious laugh)
(The soul hunter coughs and sighs)
Soul hunter: Even if you do defeat all the other guards, he won’t have pity on you...
He, he, he...
(The soul hunter lays down)
(The soul hunter stops breathing on the floor eventually)
(Link and Navi keep walking)
Eighteenth scene:
(Link and Navi meet the next guard, who is surprisingly a gerudo)
(Aveil looks at them both and gets ready to fight)
(Link notices and does the same)
Link: I thought gerudos were loyal to Hyrule...
Aveil: You wouldn’t understand, he gave us a much brighter, better future... A kokiri
like you wouldn’t understand
Aveil: I’ll stop you, no matter what!
Aveil: So fight me, battle me, I’ll show you what a gerudo can do!
(Another duel starts)
Aveil: Aren’t you tired, young boy?
Aveil: I think you should just give up, honestly... You’ve got no chance here!
Navi: Can you stop?! You’re annoying as hell!
Aveil: Huh?! You shut up, you’re distracting me, dumb fairy!
Navi: Dumb fairy?!
Link: Shut up!
(Aveil laughs)
(Link attacks her with the master sword)
(Aveil looks at the sword before being punched)
Aveil: That sword... The master sword!
(Aveil groans after getting hit)
Aveil: I see... So, you’re that guy... I should’ve known.
Aveil: I’m just letting you know, I won’t give up!
(They keep fighting)
Aveil: Well, you’re something of an opponent, I gotta admit
(Aveil loses control and falls down, losing the battle)
(Link sighs)
(Aveil looks up at him)
Aveil: You know, dumb kokiri... though I joined that guy because of the promises he
made of a better future, most of us have only stayed here because we succumbed
before his power, it’s just... fear, we’re all cowards...
Aveil: You’re strong. But you’re not strong enough to defeat him. You gotta be more
creative to win this fight.
(Aveil gets up, cleans her clothes and leaves)
Nineteenth scene:
(Again, Link and Navi are walking, and they meet the next guard)
Navi: Wait, Link, isn’t that Nabooru? But... she was our ally! What is she doing here?
It makes no sense!
Link: I’m just as confused as you, Navi
(He looks at Nabooru and talks to her)
Link: Nabooru, what are you doing here?
Link: I thought you were on our side, weren’t you part of the seven wise?
Nabooru: Link, long time no see, old friend
Nabooru: I used to be part of the seven wise, it’s true... Still, most of those weakies
have succumbed to Vaati’s power, that’s why I decided to join the most convenient
side, it was just a smart move.
Nabooru: So that’s why I’m here.
Nabooru: But why are you here? You’re just going around with the master sword as
if nothing was wrong?
Nabooru: That’s just stupid, Link. Don’t tell me you expect me to believe it.
Link: Well... I surely am not just carrying around this sword for nothing. I believe you
already know what I’m doing here.
Nabooru: Yes, I do. But I can’t let you go any further from here.
Nabooru: Link, will you accept a duel?
Link: Alright, Nabooru. Let’s battle then. I can’t let you win, I won’t be easy on you.
Nabooru: We’ll see how this goes, then. Get ready to eat dirt!
(The duel starts)
(Nabooru starts attacking Link and she seems much stronger than him)
Nabooru: Are you sure you think you can put up a fight against me? You’ve
changed... You’re getting weak!
(Link groans out of pain)
(They keep fighting and Link falls down)
Nabooru: Link, I told you I would not let you go any further, and it seems I was right...
Link: Wait...
Nabooru: Huh?
(Link gets up and holds the sword fiercely)
Link: I’m not finished!
(Link looks courageous and brave)
(Navi cheers him up)
Nabooru: Oh, really? (She laughs) Then let’s do this, let’s see for how long you can
go on!
(The fight goes on and Link wins)
(Link breathes heavily)
Link: See... I told you... I’ve gotten stronger, not weaker!
Nabooru: Well, I gotta accept my defeat. You’ve definitely gotten stronger, Link.
Nabooru: Good luck with your plan. Goodbye, I’ll see you later.
(Nabooru disappears)
Twentieth scene:
(Navi and Link are walking but they are, once again, stopped by another character)
Twinrova: Hey! Hey! So you got past that stupid guard, right?!
Link: Now, who are you? I’m not on the mood for any more distractions.
Twinrova: Whoa, whoa! Calm down, boy!
(Twinrova laughs)
(Link looks at her, tired)
Twinrova: Look, we’re not gonna fight you, alright?
Navi: Finally! Someone that doesn’t want to fight!
Navi: But... Did you say “we”?
Twinrova: Well, duh! We are Kotake and Koume, the sisters Twinrova! Can’t you
see? Are you blind or something?
(Twinrova laughs)
(Link is more than serious)
(There’s an awkward silence)
Link: So... Can I just keep walking?
Twinrova: No! No! You can’t! You can’t!
Link: Ugh, what is it?! What do you want?! You want to fight too?!
Twinrova: Can’t you listen? We just said we’re not gonna fight! Clean your ears,
please! I bet they’re so dirty you can’t literally listen to anything we say!
(Twinrova laughs)
(Link is still serious)
Link: Alright, then I’m leaving.
(Link tries to walk but Twinrova doesn’t let him, and makes him fall)
Link: H-Hey!
(Link is embarrassed)
(Twinrova laughs once again)
Twinrova: Ugh, you’re too boring, kiddo! You just want to fight! We just want to laugh
at someone!
Twinrova: Can’t too old sisters just have fun for once?!
Link: I mean, you can... But just not now, I’m in some kind of rush...
Twinrova: Yeah, yeah! We get it, we do! We can see your sword! We know you’re
going for that emo guy!
Link: Then just let me go!
(Link is mad)
Twinrova: No, no! We can’t! We’re supposed to entertain you! Yes, entertain you
while other guards come here!
Twinrova: Hey! Shut up! We weren’t supposed to say that!
Twinrova: Oh, I’m sorry! Well, don’t be!
(Twinrova laughs)
Twinrova: Well, have I told you about the time I was dancing and I accidentally kicked
my knees? They still hurt! It hurts! Yes, it hurts!
Link: I really do not care, Twinrova.
Twinrova: What?! What?! You’re so mean! Huh! Get out of my sight now! I’ll kill you
if I look at you for a second more! Leave now!
Link: Okay!
(Link leaves running and Navi follows him)
Twenty first scene:
Link: Well, that was exhausting...
Navi: Link, look! That’s the fort that Ezero told us about!
(Link ignores her)
Navi: Hey! Are you listening?
(Link hurries to the fort and meets Vaati there)
(Link sees Zelda trapped in a glass cell)
(Vaati jumps by surprise)
Link: Vaati, I’ve come to rescue Zelda and stop you from destroying everything even
Vaati: Oh, heh
(Vaati chuckles)
Vaati: I’ve worked very hard to gain power over Hyrule, and I won’t let just some kid
like you destroy all my efforts! You think I’m stupid or something?
Link: Will you ever shut up? I can’t let you win this time, I’ll save Zelda and annihilate
Vaati: Oh, really? Prove it! I’m sure you won’t make it!
(Vaati and Link start to fight)
Link: Vaati, just give up! You’ve done too much already!
Vaati: You think those cutesy words will work? Oh, kiddo, please, stop it, you’re
making me laugh.
Link: I don’t care about that, just leave Zelda and Hyrule in peace!
Vaati: No way!
(The battle keeps going and it’s uncertain who will win, because their strength is at
the same level)
(Zelda notices the both of them fighting)
Zelda: Link, you’re here, after all these years!
(Link tries to talk with her while he fights with Vaati, but he can’t focus)
Link: Princess!... Ugh! I’m gonna save you, I promise!
Zelda: Please do, and I’d be in such a big gratitude with you!
Link: Yeah, I will!
(Vaati interrupts)
Vaati: Stop the chit chat already! Zelda, you can’t talk with anyone, don’t you
remember? You’re my prisoner!
Vaati: Ugh... How many different possibilities are there? In how many ways can I kill
you? You and that annoying fairy that’s beside you?!
Navi: Hey, what did I do?! I’m not annoying, for God’s sake!
Link: Navi, please shut up...
Navi: Alright, no one wants me here! I’m gonna try to let Zelda out then!
Vaati: Oh, no way! You’re not going anywhere!
(Vaati grabs Navi and makes her fall, even though she’s a fairy)
Navi: H-Hey!
Link: Hey! Don’t mess with Navi!
(Link attacks Vaati very hardly, suddenly motivated by Navi)
(Vaati groans and loses grip of Navi, letting her go)
(Navi cleans her clothes)
Navi: Yes, get that, dumb weirdo!
(Link takes advantage of the situation and pushes Vaati, making him fall)
(Link keeps kicking him until Vaati seems to have given up)
(Link sighs)
Link: ...I think we’re done... Right?
(Navi cheers Link up)
Navi: You did it! Congratulations! You’re great, I knew you would be very strong!
Link: Alright Navi, thank you, but let’s free Zelda first
Navi: Yes! Let’s go!
(Link and Navi let Zelda out of the cell)
(Zelda hugs Link)
Zelda: Link! I knew you would make it! Thank you, really! Let’s get out of here,
Link: Yes! Navi, princess, let’s go!
(They’re running towards the exit, but they’re stopped suddenly by Vaati, once again)
Vaati: Did you seriously think it was going to be this easy?!
(Vaati looks stronger and bigger)
Link: Oh, not again!
Link: Navi, protect Zelda!
Navi: Alright!
(Vaati attacks and the final battle begins)
Vaati: I’m not letting you go so easily, you heard me?!
Link: The same goes for me!
(Vaati attacks with his powers while Link attacks with the master sword)
(This time it seems Vaati could defeat Link, because he’s tired)
Vaati: I don’t care if I’m selfish... I don’t care if I’m cruel! I just want to have power,
power, more and more power! I need to domain Hyrule! I don’t care! And you’re just
one obstacle more... I’ll kill you!
Link: I won’t let you destroy my nation, even more than you have already done! I’ll
kill you first!
Navi: Please stop talking about killing each other!
(Vaati yells and launches a big attack towards Link)
(Link also yells and blocks the attack with his sword)
(The sword is affected a lot by the attack, but it still works)
Vaati: Now you don’t have a sword, see?! It’s just a matter of seconds before you
die! And I’ll win!
Link: This is not the end! Take this, Vaati!
(Link attacks with what’s left of his strength)
(It hits right in Vaati’s heart and Vaati screams before falling)
Vaati: You... You seriously...
Link: Give up already, Vaati. You’re not going any further now.
Zelda: Link! Are you alright?!
Link: I’m okay, princess, don’t worry
Vaati: I can’t believe... You’re really going to win... This... This is ridiculous...
(Link quiets down and looks down at Vaati as he dies)
Vaati: I... I can’t die... I... Ugh... Link... Zelda... Hyrule...
(Vaati lays down and dies)
(Link, Zelda and Navi quiet down for some seconds)
Zelda: Link, thank you! Now that we’ve defeated him... I believe we can finally play
the ocarina again, to let you travel into the past again!
Link: Are you alright, princess?
Zelda: Yes, I am, please don’t worry about me. Right now, you should only worry
about going back. I’ll help, it’s the least I can do to show you my gratitude.
Link: Okay then, princess, I’ll meet you again, in the past!
(They laugh)
(Navi smiles)
(Zelda pulls out another ocarina and plays the melody of time to turn back time for
Link and Navi)
Twenty second scene:
(This time the melody works perfectly and Link and Navi travel back)
(They wake up tired)
Navi: Link, wake up! We’re back!
(Link stretches while Navi goes on circles around him out of excitement)
(Link gets up)
Link: That’s right Navi, but our adventure isn’t done here
Link: We must stop Vaati now, in the past.
Link: I’m sure that will be a very good story, maybe on another occasion!
Navi: What are you talking about? Have you gone crazy?
Link: What, can’t you see the public? I’m sure they’ll want to know about the rest of
our adventure to save Hyrule
(Link points at the public)
Navi: Uh... Public? Did you get hit on the head when you fought with Vaati?
Link: Err... Nevermind. Let’s just finish here then!
Navi: Seems right for me! Thank you very much, everyone!
Link: Oh, so you can see them!
Link: Oh! Thank you, everyone!

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