UG B.Sc. Psycology Practical 2993

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[Accredited with ‘A+’ Grade by NAAC (CGPA:3.64) in the Third Cycle

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(A State University Established by the Government of Tamil Nadu)
KARAIKUDI – 630 003

B.Sc. (Psychology)
V - Semester
119 54

Dr Gagandeep Kaur, Clinical Psychologist at Unique Psychological Services, Delhi

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Work Order No.AU/DDE/DE12-27/Preparation and Printing of Course Materials/2020 Dated 12.08.2020 Copies - 500

1. Distraction
2. Span
3. Division
4. Muller Lyer Illusion
5. Horizontal Vertical Illusion
5. Organization in Perception
6. Set in Perception
7. Motor Learning
8. Insight & Trial & Error Learning
9. Transfer of Learning - Habit Interference
10. Retroactive Inhibition & Proactive Inhibition
11. Memory for Names & Faces
12. Paired Associate Learning
13. Facial Expressions (Group Experiment)
14. Student Stress Scale
15. Anger Expression
16. Knowledge of Results
17. Level of Aspiration

Understanding the human mind and behaviour has always been one of the most
intriguing subject matters for scholars. The emotional constructs of the human
mind are extremely elusive and require an all-encompassing approach to study
them. Psychology deals with mental functions and behaviour of humans and animals.
It has contributed greatly to society as a whole.
The area in psychology which deals with the collection of authentic and
quantifiable behavioural data is environmental psychology. This sub-discipline is
concerned with conducting experiments in controlled conditions to make
observations and informed replicable results about psychological phenomenon.
Wilhelm Wundt is considered to be among the first to publish a book on
experimental psychology in 1874 and even later in opening an experimental
psychology lab in 1879 in Germany. Even though some consider environmental
psychology as a sub-discipline of psychology, the methods of experimental
psychology are prevalent in all other sub-fields of psychology to conduct researches.
This book, Practical-I deals with the practical aspects of experimental
psychology. This will include experiments on the concepts of distraction, span,
division, organization in perception, error learning, paired associate learning, anger
expression, level of aspiration etc.


Experiment 1 Distraction: Distraction Scale NOTES

Aim: To assess the level of distraction in an individual.
When an individual or a groups’ attention is diverted from the object of attention
to the source of distraction. There are many reasons that can cause distraction in
an individual such as poor attention, no interest, interest in something else, and the
attractiveness or intensity of the source of distraction. Distraction can come from
both internal and external source. Thus, distraction is a major cause of
The participants were allowed to see the words for 2 seconds each, along with an
inter-stimuli interval for 150s. The words appeared at the center of the screen,
with the font style Arial Black, size: 18.
Then a series of 10 sums were presented to the participants for 2s each
along with a 200s inter-stimulus interval between the sums. The participants
provided the solution of the sums verbally as they appeared on the screen and
they were told that the answers are not being recorded or scored.
On the last sum the participants were told to either close their eyes or keep
looking at the screen for the SVN or the DVN condition. They were asked to
follow the instruction for the next 2s which was followed by a 30s recall period.
During the recall period the participants verbally recalled the words who kept
their eyes open or closed while the screen showed SVN and DVN for 30s.
At the beginning of the study all the participants were informed that there
will be an experimenter who will observe whether the participants followed the
intrusions onlooking at the screen or closing the eyes. The experimenter sat right
beside the participants, so that the participants could not make eye contact with
the experimenter during the encoding and retrieval. All the participants recalled 4
words after the 30s recall period, which were excluded from the analysis. And
they recalled 5 words under SVN and 5 words under DVN and 5 under EC
instructions in a randomized order. They were all not aware of the condition in
which they would be asked to recall the words. At the end of each recall period,
all the participants pressed the spacebar when they were ready to move further
for the next list of words.

Material 1
Practical-I Result:
It was observed that visual distraction impedes moderately difficult recall. The
recall for the full list was not impeded by the distraction: only the memory of the
mid-list items. Therefore, the cause of distraction has seen to be selective, rather
than hindering memory in general.

2 Material

Aim: To find the span of attention of an individual.

Introduction NOTES
Attention is the concentration of consciousness in certain objects to the exclusion
of others in the environment. It is selective, mobile, and highly conscious. At any
moment, the field of consciousness is centred on a particular object called the
focal point of attention. Fading away from this centre of consciousness, there is a
wide range of objects, of which one is only dimly aware. These belong to the
margin of consciousness. The question of practical significance is what makes
objects attractive to attention. There are two types of conditions objective and
subjective. Objective characterize the object of attention while subjective conditions
characterize the observer. Although attention involves narrowing down the area of
conscious experience to a certain object or range of objects it is possible that the
object is complex and may well consist of more than one component. Experiments
have shown that a person can attend to more than one dot at a time, when groups
are presented in a scattered or grouped form. In the latter case, more dots can be
attended to. Within limits, the span of attention may be quite wide.
Materials required
Tachistoscope and cards containing dots from 4 to 8, three in each.
The subject was seated comfortably in front of the tachistoscope in such a position
that he could have a clear view of the aperture. A few preliminary trials were given
so that he could observe the background on which the dots appear.
The following instructions were given to the subject: “You will be shown a
series of cards with dots. Give out the number of dots you see in the card. Observe
Then the 15 cards with dots were shuffled so that they were presented in a
random order and the cards were presented one after another and the response
for each card was noted. This is, the trial number, stimuli (actual dots presented),
and the responses (dots reproduced by the subject) were noted in the table which
was kept ready.
Again the 15 cards were shuffled and presented, and the responses were
noted as a table. As a result, there were 30 trials altogether and each card was
presented 2 times. From the responses of the subject the highest number of dots
attended by the subject accurately for all six trials in each category was determined.
This was the span of attention of the subject.

Material 3
Practical-I Table 1 Showing the Responses of Subject in Span of Attention

S.No Stimulus Response Remark

Table 2 Showing the Responses of Group in Span of Attention

S.No Name Span of attention

Scoring procedure
From the above table, count the number of correct responses.
If the subject responds 100 percent for minimum number of dots, then
switch over to next dots.
If the subject responds 100 percent for next dot, then switch over to next
Continue this process until the subject responds less than 100 percent.
If the subject responds less than 100 percent, then collect responds from
other dots and it will

be the span of attention of an individual.
4 Material
Results & Discussion Practical-I

Table 1 shows the attention of the subject

Table 2 shows the attention of the group
1. The span of Attention of the subject is ………………… NOTES
2. The span of attention of the majority of the group is ……….
3. Individuals differ / do not differ in their span of attention.
The objectivity of this experiment was to measure span of attention of an
individual. Attention involves narrowing down the area of conscious experience to
certain object or range of objects it is possible that the object is complex, and may
well consist of more than one component. On analysis from the tables, one can
infer one subject’s span of attention with group subjects. Individuals differ in their
span of Attention.
Parry, J and Amissah, W. Experimental Psychology. Madras: Allied Publishers
Pvt Ltd 1977.
Hilgard, E.R et. al. Introduction to Psychology (7th ed). NY: Has count Brace

Material 5

Aim: To study the effect of different interpolated activity time on STM (short term
NOTES memory)
Hypothesis- memory will be better when there is less gap between presentation
and testing as compared to when there is more gap between presentation and
(i) Independent variable- different gap between presentation and testing
(ii) Dependent variable- no of correct responses by the subject
Definition of memory:
According to Sternberg (1999); “Memory means by which we draw on our past
experiences in order to use this information in the present”.
According to Matlin (2005); “Memory is the process of maintaining
information over time”.
Types of Memory
There are three main types of memory:
1. Sensory memory
2. Long term memory
3. Short term memory
Short term memory is the capacity for holding a small amount of information
in mind in an active, readily available state for a short period of time. For example:
STM can be used to remember a phone number that has just been recited.
Materials Required- Paper and Pencil, set of 21 CVC.
(i) Bring the subject to the laboratory and make the subject seated comfortably.
(ii) Then give him 21 CVCs to learn and recall.
(iii) In between we will give him interpolated task for 4,8 and 12 seconds, after
he memorizes the CVC.
(iv) The CVC will be recalled after the interpolated task
(v) After the process is finished give them the permit to leave the room
(vi) After the experiment we will start the analysis and interpretation of data
(vii) If we find more CVCs recalled where time between presentation and testing
is less, like 4 sec gaps as compared to 8 and 12 sec interpolated activity,
then effect of STM will be seen
6 Material
(viii) We will analyze the data and give the inference about the experiment in Practical-I

form of graphic representation.

(ix) We will also take an introspective report of the subject
Experimental design: NOTES
S. No Interpolated Correct Correct Total % of
Activity Time In response response correct Correct
seconds Subject subject 2 response Response
1 12 sec
2 8 sec

3 4 sec

“I will be giving you a simple task in which you have to learn CVC and recall them
when asked. I will also give you some simple subtraction work. “
Data Chart:
S. No CVC Interpolated Interpolated Response- correct/
Time in seconds Activity (-3) wrong
1 XAJ 4 51
2 YUZ 8 28
3 UEG 12 37
4 TUX 4 62

Result & Discussion:

Here the result would be interpreted and discussed, in reference of the time of
interpolated activity and work done comparisons will be discussed
Result- Hypothesis is proved / not proved

Material 7

Aim: To measure the level of visual illusion using the Muller Iyer Illusion apparatus,
NOTES by average error method.
The concept of Muller Iyer Illusion is based on how our brain perceives certain
images based on its cues and depth. It is an optical illusion, consisting of three
stylized arrows. The participants who are asked to place the arrow in the midpoint
turned out they always place it at the end of the tail. This illusion was designed by
Franz Carl Muller – Iyer (1857 – 1916), a German sociologist. This illusion based
on the principles of convergent and divergent given by Gestalt. It seems the lines
drawn lead the eye either inward or outward, in order to create a false impression
of the length.
Many attempts were made to understand the working of the Muller – Iyer
Illusion. The following the three most commonly used attempts that were made:
1. The first given by Gregory in 1997 “misapplied size constancy scaling”
– in this the arrow head dealt with the part of the visual system dealing
with depth cues in the retinal images, which result in perceiving the
outward pointing arrow longer because it is far.
2. The second “conflicting Cue” was given by Day (1989) which stated
that the arrowheads are being perceived to be contributing to the length
of the lines, and the longer overall shape of the line with the outward-
pointing arrowheads causes the appearance of greater length of that line
3. The third was by Sekuler and Erlebacher (1971) who gave the attempt
of “confusion” – the inter-tip distance between the relevant arrowheads
influences perceived length. So, for the line with the inward-pointing
arrowheads, the distance between the tips of the arrowheads at opposite
ends of the line is shorter than the distance between the tips of the
outward-pointing arrowheads of the other line, thus causing the illusion.
i. Name:
ii. Age:
iii. Gender:
iv. Occupation:
v. Educational Qualification:
Material Required: Muller Iyer Illusion Apparatus, Response Sheet
Rapport Formation: Views and likes/dislikes of the subject were discussed
and the respective subject was brought down to the comfort and level of ease. All
8 Material
the participants were explained the details of the experiment. A comfortable rapport Practical-I

was created within the subject.

Ascending: - The line between two heads is standard line with constant line. The NOTES
line between featherheads is variable line, whose length can be varied. The variable
line was held shorter than the standard line and gradually increased its line of
length to make if equal to standard line.
Descending: - The variable line was held longer than standard line and
gradually decreased variable line until it become equal to the standard line.
Analysis of Data:
1. In each trail, the participants perception of length of variable line is noted by
experimenter. A point of subjective equality (PSE).
2. Mean PSE is calculated for each series.
3. Constant error (CE)is calculated in each series
CF(Ascending) = mean (PSE)-standard line.
CF(Descending) = mean (PSE)-standard line.
4. Mean constant error (CE)is calculated as.
mean C.F.= C.F. (ascending)+C.F.(Descending)
5. The movement error is calculated by using the following formulas.
Mean = PSE (descending)-mean PSE (ascending)
Reading: (A-ascending)

Movement Error: Mean PSE (descending)-mean PSE (ascending)

Interpretation: We determined Muller Iyer Illusion by method of average error
(mean constant error we took hypothesis) ‘’extent of illusion varying with directions
of movement’’.

Material 9

NOTES Aim: To see if there is a difference between perception and mental imagery, with
visual illusion acting as a stimulus.
The scale vertical horizontal illusion was designed by Johann Joseph Opeel (1815
– 1894), a German mathematician and physicist. The scale was first published in
the journal Jahresbericht des physikalischen Vereins zu Frankfurt am
Main in 1855.
The scale has many versions, but the inverted “T” is the most commonly
used among others.
The scale works using the ‘misapplied size constancy scaling’, a hypothesis
which was also used for describing the Muller – Iyer Illusion. As per this,
understanding the lines on the scale intersect a part of the visual system (deals with
cues) in the retinal images. The result shows vertical line being longer because it is
understood to be far away from it.
The study was administered in a dark room. The participants were seated 85 cm
away from the screen of the computer. They were asked to match the size of the
two lines that was showing the stimulus. In both, the task (perception and imagery)
participants had to match the size of the line. Though during the perception task,
the stimuli remained on the screen, whereas in imagery task it was removed.
During the test one of the administrators noticed that the participants were
facing difficulty in differentiating targets on the screen. To see if it was true, before
the initial experiment a pilot study was conducted to choose the labels for the
target lines. It was also seen that the participants were also having difficulty with
cues before we labeled them with the name of the colors.

10 Material
Aim: To demonstrate the phenomenon of figure graved principles.
Material Required - Figure graved pictures and other stationery items.
Instructions: Two pictures having figures and graved on it will be shown. You
would have to describe your observation of what you saw in the figures from two
aspects. Same will be applied for the second picture. Thus, there would be two
responses for each of the picture. Both the responses will be recorded concerning
both the pictures.
Scoring and Result Table


For the perception task the stimulus was shown on the top of the screen for
1000s along with the cue word telling them which line has to be estimated. After
they’ve matched the lines the same procedure was repeated for other lines as
For the imagery task the stimulus was showed for 3000ms only. Participants
were asked to visualize the image and then were cued to estimate the line. Only
the labels and the scale were shown on the screen while the participants were
The whole test was conducted without fixating any part of the screen.
The illusions were showed 10 times during the course of the test, and the
pseudo and distractor illusions were showed only twice. The images were
Result and discussion:
Participants who did not utilized any responding strategy showed the following
1. Pseudo and illusions were longer vertical lines.
2. Distractors showed no difference
3. Vertical lines were guessed to be long

Material 11

NOTES AIM: To study the progress of learning in human maze learning and to know the
method adapted by the subject.
Meaning of Learning
Theory of Thorndike: According to Thorndike, when a living being is placed in a
situation without knowing he reacts in a number of ways. These reactions are
faulty. When he is placed again and again in this situation then the number of his
faulty and random trials reduces. A stage then arrives when the animal or living
being encounters the situation again and he then gives the right trial. Therefore, a
living being learns through practice and error. In other words, when it encounters
a specific situation then he reacts in a specific way. After a number of trials and
errors are reduced or finished, and a relation is established between stimulus and
response, which is known as S-R bond.
Definition of Learning
According to Thorndike: “Learning is Connecting. The mind is man’s connection
Laws of learning:
There are three laws of learning namely, readiness, exercise and effect.
According to the law of reading, when a person is ready to learn he will
learn more efficiently.
The law of exercise is divided into two sub-scales namely, law of use and
law of disuse. According to this law, repetition is required for the development of
appropriate responses, thing and the ones repeated more are easily remembered.
Where the law of effect stresses upon the idea of any action which is followed
by a positive consequence is likely to be remembered rather than a negative
There are four factors that affect learning namely, physiological,
psychological, environmental, and methodology of instructions.
Maze Learning: It works on the principle of “hit and miss” and trial and
error. The person has to start from the initial point and reach the final end point
without committing any error. In this method of learning, one has to find the correct
way through the maze by practicing again and again.

12 Material
Materials Required: Electric Maze, Stylus pen, paper and stopwatch. Practical-I

 The objective is to reach the target point through human maze, through the
right way. NOTES
 To begin with the starting point and find the way to reach the end point,
without any error.
 Trial will be taken till the subject takes the right way at least three times.
 Time taken and error committed in each trial is to be noted.
Start from a point A and then move through the maze to reach the point B. You will
try to minimize the error with every successive trial. Your trial will be completed if
you reach the target B at least three times with zero error. When you are practising,
the time taken, and the error committed by you in each trial will be noted. You will
not lift the stylus while moving from one point to another. You will begin when
someone says “start” to reach the target B. You can move left, right or up but not
No. of Trials No. of Error Time Taken

Condition Mean of Mean of Saving Time Deduction of

Time Error Due to Practice Error

First Two Trials

Last Two Trials

In the present experiment our problem is to study the effect of practice on learning,
for that we had used maze learning. Our hypothesis is that practice have a positive
effect on learning so we can say the theory of Thorndike’s is helpful in learning.

Material 13
Aim: To demonstrate the phenomenon of bilateral transfer using mirror drawing
Material Required: Mirror drawing apparatus, stylus, stopwatch and other
stationery items.
Independent: Direction, Traits
Dependent: Increase and decrease in error.
Basic Concepts:
Learning: Learning can be defined in many ways, but most of the psychologists
agree that it is a permanent change in behavior that results from experience.
Characteristics of Learning:
 All learning involves activities
 Learning is a lifelong process
 Learning involves problem solving
 Learning is the process of acquiring information
 Learning requires interaction
Theories of Learning:
Three types are: Classical, Operant and Social conditioning
i) Classical Conditioning: It is learning process that occurs when two stimuli
are repeatedly paired: a response which is at first elicited by the second
stimulus is eventually elicited by the first stimulus alone.
ii) Operant Conditioning: Operant conditioning, sometimes referred to as
instrumental conditioning, is a method of learning that employs rewards and
punishments for behavior.
iii) Social Conditioning: The sociological process of training individuals in a
society to act or respond in a manner generally approved by the society in
general and peer groups within society.
Learning Curves
The learning curve denotes a graphical representation of the rate at which you
make progress learning new information. The better you become at the task the
less you still can make progress in the learning curve. Hermann Ebbinghaus First
described the learning curve in 1885 in the field of the psychology of learning.
14 Material
Procedure: Conduction – The subject was informed about the instructions Practical-I

of the experiments of the experiment. All the important materials were presented
to the subject and test started in the room. Distractions were limited to have the
experiment as fast as possible. Subject was told to look at the star image on the
apparatus, He traced the star patterns as told with the help of stylus and mirror NOTES
drawing an apparatus. Errors were counted and recorded at every trial. both
preferred. A nonpreferred hand had been used in the experiment. the conduction
of the experiment went well.
Instruction: Looking at the mirror you will see a star image. The star image
is it reflection of a pattern graved on the wooden and hidden by the screen. Take
the stylist in your left hand. The experimenter will give stylus to the subject and
help into position it Add the end of nearest position or projection. Now you will
have to look into the mirror image and trace the star next to the stylus. It shouldn’t
touch the edges of start pattern; if you touch the edges, it will be counted as an
error. Ask the subject to trace the next 15 traits with the right hand. But last drill
will be taken by non-preferred hand after the two minutes break.
Traits Using Hands Time(seconds) Error Direction
1. Left hand
2. Right hand
3. Right hand
4. Right hand
5. right hand
6. Right hand
7. right hand
8. Right hand
9. Right hand
10. Right hand
11. Right hand
12. Right hand
13. Right hand
14. Right hand
15. Right hand
16. Right hand
17. left hand

Transfer effect of time –
Pre-training Time = Post Training Time ÷ Pre-training Time *100
The time reduces due to transfer of learning due to practice.

Material 15
Aim: To design, conduct an experiment to demonstrate the phenomenon of
retroactive inhibition.
Meaning of Forgetting: Forgetting or disremembering is the apparent loss or
modification of information already encoded and stored in an individual’s short or
long-term memory.
It is a spontaneous or graded process in which old memories are unable to
be recalled from memory storage.
Definition of Forgetting
According to DREVER (1952): Forgetting means ‘Failure at any time to recall an
experience, when attempting to do so, or to perform an action previously learnt.’
According to Munn (1967): Forgetting is the loss, temporary or permanent
of the ability to recall or recognize something learnt earlier.
Meaning of memory: Memory is the faculty of the brain by which data or
information is encoded, stored and retrieved when needed.
It is the retention of information over time for the purpose of influencing
future action.
Definition of Memory:
According to Sternberg (1999): “Memory means by which we draw on
our past experiences in order to use this information in the present”.
According to Matlin (2005): “Memory is the process of maintaining
information over time”.
Types of Memory
There are three main types of memory:
i) Short term memory
ii) Sensory memory
iii) Long term memory
Short term memory: It is also referred to as working memory. Something
we are thinking right now is a short-term memory. It takes less than a minute to
process. This type of memory is created for a short time period usually when we
are doing something else. For instance, when we reading, we usually put the word
in our mind and process it and then say it aloud in order to understand.
Sensory memory: This type of memory is short term memory. We need
our senses to pick the thing if we want it to enter the memory, it could be touch,
16 Material
sight, hearing and smell. This type of memory uses all the five senses to create a Practical-I

Long term memory: This type of memory stores all the information we’ve
processed over a long period of time. Even forgetting a long-term memory is
decaying very little and even after that we will be able to recall the most of it.
Types of long-term memory:
a. Implicit memory (Procedural memory)
b. Explicit memory (episodic memory, semantic memory)
Implicit memory is referred to as procedural memory skills in how to do
particular movement of body parts and use of objects on machines. An example:
When the teacher asks child to write over and over it becomes embedded until he
is able to do it thinking so much about it. Another example riding a bike, tying a
shoe, playing the guitar etc.
Explicit memory: In this type of memory, we store location, addresses, phone
numbers, and our experiences.
Episodic memory: It consists of the life events and experiences we’ve had
over the time period. For instance, first day of school, or a new job.
Semantic memory: It refers to the things which are common to our
knowledge like colours, letter sounds, name of the countries, all which are basic
Hypothesis: Forgetting would be greater if followed by interpolated task
than if followed by rest.
Independent variable—Interpolative task after original learning.
Dependent variable—Forgetting of original learning.
Materials Required:
(i) Pen
(ii) Paper
(iii) list of non-sense words.
a) Experimental Design
Condition. Original Criteria of learning. interval Recall
Learning. and retention
Control condition List‘A ‘of‘10’nonsense Two error less 10 min List “A”
word. trial.
Condition Original learning Criteria of learning interval Recall and
Experimentalcondition List‘B’OF10NONSENSE TWOERRORLESS Cancellation task. List ‘B’
WORDS. TRIAL. Self-Instructional
Material 17
Practical-I b) Planning
The subject are to be seated properly in the lab, after his/her consent for the
experiment, we will start the experiment. In this experiment, we are going to study
the effects of interpolated activity in recalling learned material. For this, we have
prepared 2 lists of nonsense words: one for controlled condition and another for
experimental condition, that we will hand over to the subject. For learning, trials
have to be taken in controlled condition first in which the subject has to learn the
nonsense words of list “A”, trials continue until zero error. After 10 minutes, the
list ‘B’ of nonsense words given to the subject to learn the nonsense words until
the zero error. A cancellation task will be given after completing the task, by analysing
errors properly we will get the appropriate result.
Instructions: You will be given 2 lists separately to learn one by one then,
we will take trials in controlled and experimental conditions respectively till the
occurrence of zero error, then we will go through the recalling process and afterwards
percentage of incorrect and correct responses in both the conditions will be counted.
Controlled Condition:

Experimental Condition:

18 Material
Scoring Procedure: Practical-I

 Trials will be taken in both the conditions i.e., experimental and controlled
conditions till the zero error.
 Afterwards, we will go through the recalling task and also, we will have to NOTES
give rest and cancellation task in the trial before recalling and then further it
will be decided in which condition subject remembers the most.
Result and Discussion:
From the above table we conclude that percentage of recall in controlled condition
is 60%, in experimental condition is 30% and the percentage of forgetting in
controlled condition is 40% in experiment condition is 70%.
In the present experiment, our problem is to study the effect of interpolated activity
in recalling of learned material. Our hypothesis is that the interpolated activity
decreases the amount of recalling of the learned material and in the experiment,
we get to see that the subject also recalls properly in control condition due to the
rest given. It has been observed in number of studies-
 According to Mc Geach and Mc Donald, if the original and interpolated
learning is of paired associate type, the RI in such type of material much
similarity is there. In the stimulus words, the amount of RI is also more.
whenever there is similarity in the response words for paired associate
material then the amount of RI decreases as the similarity increases.
 According to Bruce, Osgood and Young also obtained such results from
their experimental studies.
 According to Postman and Piley: They obtained different results in their
studies. The only reason for this difference found by their psychologists is
that the trial of original learning and interpolated learning was different.
 When there is less difference in the original learning and interpolated learning
there is an increase in RI. Increase in similarity after a certain limit becomes
similar to practice therefore, retention is increases and RI decreases.
 According to Melton and Irwin: With increase in the interpolated learning
RI also increases. These psychologist by the help of a list of 18 nonsense
items, different groups of subjects were given 0,5,10,20 and 40 trials.
Observations of this experiment made it clear that the amount of RI increases
up to 20 trials. With the increase of trials up to 40 trials a very little increase
in RI was found.

Material 19
Aim: To investigate the duration of short-term memory.
Proactive inhibition or proactive interference is an aspect of interference in learning
and is a concept that describes the increased difficulty of learning or remembering
a set of words after that set had been learned in a previous, different context. It
applies to free recall and associative or list learning procedures of assessing memory.
Underwood (1957) provided early evidence that things you’ve learned
before encoding a target item can worsen recall of that target item. In a meta-
analysis of multiple experiments, he showed that the more lists one had already
learned, the more trouble one had in recalling the most recent one. This is proactive
interference, where the prior existence of old memories makes it harder to recall
newer memories.
Proactive interference can be potently demonstrated with the Brown-
Peterson paradigm (Brown, 1958; Peterson & Peterson, 1958). A single Brown-
Peterson trial consists of a study list, a retention interval and then a recall period.
The study list might consist of a handful of related items (such as a handful of
animals or occupations), presented individually every few seconds. For the duration
of a short retention interval, subjects are then asked to perform an engaging
distractor task such as counting backwards in sevens (to minimize rehearsal).
Finally, subjects are asked to recall the items from this study list.
Usually, subjects’ back side recollection is nearly perfect for the first trial
but perform increasingly poorly on subsequent trials that use study lists drawn
from the same category. This is the proactive interference effect described earlier.
In other words, even though the lists from previous trials are now irrelevant, the
fact that they were studied at all is somehow making it harder for subjects to recall
the most recent list.
A lab experiment was conducted in which 24 participants (psychology students)
had to recall trigrams (meaningless three-consonant syllables), such as TGH, CLS.
The trigrams were presented one at a time and had to be recalled after
intervals of 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 or 18 seconds respectively for each trial. No two
successive trigrams contained any of the same letters.

20 Material
After hearing a trigram, participants were asked to count backwards in Practical-I

threes or fours from a specified random number until they saw a red light appear
(then they recalled the trigram). This is known as the Brown Peterson Technique,
and the purpose was to prevent rehearsal.
The independent variable was the time interval between hearing the
experimenter say the trigram and the participant recalling the trigram (after seeing
a red light), e.g. 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 or 18 seconds.
The dependent variable was the number of trigrams correctly recalled by
the participants after every trial. There were six trials in total.
Their results showed that the longer each student had to count backwards, the
less well they were able to recall the trigram accurately.
After 3 seconds 80% of the trigrams were recalled correctly.
After 6 seconds this fell to 50%.
After 18 seconds less than 10% of the trigrams were recalled correctly.
Short-term memory has a limited duration (of about 18 seconds) when rehearsal
is prevented. It is thought that this information is lost from short-term memory
from trace decay.
The results of the study also show the short-term memory is different from
long-term memory in terms of duration. Thus, supporting the multi-store model of
If a person is not able to rehearse information, it will not transfer to their
long-term memory store.

Material 21

 To study the process of memorization by paired association method
 To study the learning curve
The assessment paired associative learning was designed to recognize how individual
encode and retrieve newly established associations among stimuli. in this study
participants were asked to memorize unrelated word pairs. After a point of time
the participants memory were tested by making them either recall the word which
was paired or by asking them to differentiate between the pair of words.
Mary Whiton Calkins in 1894 invented paired associate learning, in which
two items namely a stimulus and a response was paired. According to the
psychological research individual who learn paired associations, engage in two
different mental processes: firstly, the memorizing of the response, and secondly
the development of a connection between the two words. It is seen that the second
process creates one-way association in many situations. For instance, the individual
will only remember the word when provided with a stimulus. Whereas when the
word for both the stimulus and response is same, the individual is seen to be using
the word in two different ways. The conclusion of the study was that the individual
doesn’t remember the word as a stimulus but as a unit.
All the instructions were given to the subject and all his doubts were rectified. The
subject was shown the 10 pair of 16 pairs of sensible words for 2 seconds and
such words were to be memorized by the subject.
After this, subject was shown only the stimulus word and asked to recall
the response word for that particular stimulus word.
In case, the subject gives correct response (–’) is given and if subject gives
wrong answer (‘) was given.
This procedure as continued till the subject responded correctly to all the
stimulus word in both sensible and non-sensible words. After the experiment,
subject was asked to give introspection report.
The subject was given following instructions: ‘I will show you 16 pairs of sensible
words and 16 words of non- sensible words. First of all, I will show sensible
words. Each pair of word will be shown for 2 seconds reasonable those words.
After that only one word will be shown to you that is the stimulus word and you

22 Material
have to tell the other word which I showed you earlier. This will go for all the Practical-I

sensible words one by one. This will go until you give all the correct responses.’
The same procedure will be adapted for non-sensible words.
Blank result table
S. No Meaning of words No. of trials

1 Beach – Sun
2 Mirror – Truth
3 Tree – root
4 Hand – watch
5 Night – candle
6 Child – mother
7 Brother – fight
8 Temple – bells
9 Flower – smell
10 Class – furniture
11 Beautiful – doll
12 Health – doctor
13 Task – big boss
14 Copy – test
15 Tape – kite
16 Stick – beat

Observation table for sensible words

Material 23
Practical-I Result & discussion
The subject learnt the sensible paired words in 5 trials and non-sensible paired
words in 11 trials.
NOTES 1st trial –
2nd trial
3rd trial
4th trial
5th trial-
For non- sensible words
1st trial
2nd trial
3rd trial
4th trial
5th trial
6th trial
7th trial
8th trial
9th trial
10th trial

24 Material

Aim: To identify the most common facial expressions in a group setting. NOTES
Our face consists of mostly three types of muscles, striped, voluntary, variety.
Muscles are mostly uniform in shape, and almost all of them run from a fixed point
over a structure called the ‘origin’. There are 24 facial muscles which are grouped
into seven regional classes namely: brows and forehead, eyes, nose, upper lip,
lower lip and chin, mouth aperture, and lower jaw.
The most fundamental type of facial expressions is pleasant and the
unpleasant. Whereas other facial expression includes despair, sadness, grief,
amazement, disillusionment, horror, hate with distrust, rage, rage with fear,
incredulous doubt, anxiety, disgust, sneering, watching scorn, laughing scorn,
meaningful smile, entreating smile and laughing.
Experiment on Facial Expressions:
A study was conducted by professor H.S. Langfeld in the year 1917. The study
consisted 105 pictures, representing the 14 types of facial expressions. Subjects
were told to see the picture and identify the type of facial expression. Only 33%
out of 525 judgements were correct. Among them laughter was the one which
was identified mostly correct, whereas, anger the least. And pain was readily
identified, while disgust and fear did not.

Material 25

NOTES Aim: To assess the level of stress among college going students.
Stress seems to be as old as the mankind is. Stress in multiple ways and fashion
touches each of us in various ways. It’s an integral part of our life. It can be seen
both as a stimulus (as a property of the event or situation we face for example,
natural disaster, noise, crowding etc) and as a response (to a stimulus event known
as a stressor that threatens to disrupt or disrupts one’s physical and social
Stressors can be external conditions like earthquake; pollution etc or they
can be internal conditions like one’s thinking patterns. Stressors perceived to
threaten one’s well-being and demand some kind of an adaptive response.
Stress is usually experienced in terms of three components, that is, emotion
(such as anxiety or fear), thought (such as pessimistic self-talk) and behaviour
(such as smoking). All situations, positive and negative, that require adjustment
can be stressful. Thus, according to Hans Selye (1956), there are two kinds of
stress—— Eustress (refers to stress caused by positive situations such as marriage,
promotion etc.) and Distress (refers to stress caused by negative situations such
as death, divorce, loss of a job etc.). Though both eustress and distress tax an
individual’s coping skill and resources but distress has more potential to cause
Stress among students
Stress among students is inaugurated mostly by their family and parents. They
being as a parent have expectation from their students. Students failing to the
expectation of their parents suffer from frustration, physical stress, aggression,
undesirable complexes and depression. Whereas, the students who perform poor
in academics, develop negative traits such as shyness, unfriendliness, jealousy,
and may become aloof.
Parents expectation from their children and wanting them to be outstanding
at every subject, activity and play, put children under stress. Students often feel
they are being asked too much, in result they feel tensed and depressed. They
complaint that, they don’t get time for themselves. Students carry immeasurable
amount of anxiety, negative personal traits and suffer from massive attention
problems because of their failure to adapt transition and change.
Sources of Stress
For the purpose of convenience, the various sources of stress can be categorized
into the following headings:
i) Major life events: Some of the major life events that evoke stress are
Self-Instructional break up of relationship, death of a family member; presence of a chronic
26 Material
disabling illness in oneself or in his or her family; shifting of home, job; change Practical-I

in one’s social status; significant financial loss etc. Holves and Rahe have
devised a social readjustment rating scale (SRRS) by asking individual to
assign a value to various events in terms of LCU (life changing units), indicating
the amount of change an individual is requested to make in response these NOTES
events. If stress inducing life events continue then, it can either lead to
habituation or to chronic strain.
ii) Daily life hassles: It include things like forgetting things, getting stuck in
traffic jam, falling ill quite often etc. which also carry a potential to evoke
significant stress in an individual. In contrast to these hassles are daily life
events like receiving a compliment, listening to one’s favorite song, meeting
friends etc. that can uplift one’s mood and help in reducing stress. To measure
an individual’s experience of daily life hassles and daily uplifts, Lazarus has
devised the Hassles and Uplift Scale. Research has suggested that daily life
hassles are a better indicator of one’s illness. Also, they tend to interact with
the chronic background stressors like living in a crowded place.
iii) Environmental stress: It is caused by stressors like noise, crowding and
natural disaster. Noise tends to impair one’s ability to attend to cognitive
tasks and effects one’s Short-term memory. In a study conducted by Even, in 1995, it was seen that children who lived near airport had increased
blood pressure, increased cortisol levels and increased stress hormones.
Crowding is seen as a psychological state which refers to an individual’s
subjective sense of space he or she needs to work and live comfortably.
Crowding has also been found to correlate positively with aggression, crime
rate and withdrawal from interpersonal relationships. Freedman’s work
(1975) on the effect of crowding on inmate prisoner showed that crowding
is associated with increase in death rate, increase in blood pressure, and
increase in level of stress hormones. Natural disasters result in loss of
property, money and live; broken relationships and the need to re-begin life
from a scratch in its victims. Survivors of natural disasters sometimes suffer
from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
iv) Occupational stress: Today it is one of major cause of stress related
illnesses. However, it can be managed effectively by redesigning one’s job
and taking appropriate intervention measures. The occupational stress can
result from various sources as mentioned below:
a) Work overload: It refers to working too hard, too long, on a number
of tasks. In fact, in Japan a tern called as Karoshi has been coined to
indicate death resulting from work overload. Work load is often
determined by the quality of work and individual is supposed to
undertake. For instance, it is seen that if the work is felt meaningful by
people then they are likely to experience less stress. Also, when work
load involves responsibility to people, then the degree of stress is higher
than in conditions where workload involves responsibility for products. Self-Instructional
Material 27
Practical-I Similarly, the job of an Air Traffic Police is regarded as being quite
b) Globalizing, Down-sizing and Technology advancement: The
changing times and work scenarios have led to globalization, down-
sizing and significant advancement in technology and its use in one’s
work places. Globalization is associated with culture shock which in
turn calls for heavy adaptation demands. Down-sizing may lead to
loss of job, inability to find another suitable job and to the fear of
losing one’s job which is quite stressful in its nature and can make the
individual feel depressed and suicidal. It may also lead to significant
long-term adjustment difficulties, poor self-concept, feelings of
worthlessness and helplessness and hopelessness. Advancements in
technology at one hand has made work faster and efficient but on the
other hand too much computerization has made the job monotonous
and boring in nature, thus reducing its meaningfulness and causing
stress. It has also forced individuals to adapt and continuously upgrade
themselves with the new demands of technology.
c) Role related stress: The term ‘role’ refers to expectations associated
with one’s position, rank or status. The more the number of roles an
individual is required to perform (role space); the lesser the clarity
about the expectations and demands associated with job (role
ambiguity); the more an individual is required to sacrifice his own
interests in order to meet expectations of others (role blondness); the
more the stagnation and the lesser the opportunity for growth (glass
ceiling effect); the more inadequate the resources available to the more
inadequate an individual felt to perform the job (role inadequacy); the
more the conflicting expectations and demands associated with the
job (role conflict); the more the expectations demanded out of a role
(role overload); and the more an individual has demanding roles to
fulfill both at the workplace and at home; the more the individual is
likely to feel stress. It is usually seen that women who are required to
manage both their family and work pressures are likely to experience
more stress than men who have to manage their work pressures only.
Often work at job requires an individual to work in a team. The lack
of cohesiveness and social support in one’s team is likely to further
increase the stress level.
d) Burnout: It refers to a state of complete physical and psychological
exhaustion which is job-related. Burnout is characterized by presence
of feelings of being emotionally drained, loss of energy and fatigue
(emotional exhaustion); loss of idealism in work and presence of
negative attitude towards job and other people at the work place
(Depersonalization) and loss of sense of work-related competence
and achievement (reduced personal accomplishment).
28 Material
e) Lack of control over work: Dull, repetitive and job requiring less Practical-I

personal control are likely to be more stressful.

f) Shift work: Jobs that require an individual to make day and night
shifts are likely to be more stressful as the shifts tend to disrupt one’s
biological rhythm. Also, these individuals tend to frequently report
complaints of headache, loss of appetite, sleep disturbance, gastro-
intestinal problems and other health complaints.
g) Gender harassment: Harassment of women at work in the form of
verbal and physical abuse, eve-teasing and criticisms or nasty
comments based on one’s gender are likely to add to job related
stress as such behaviors may lead to the development of low self-
esteem, insecurity, anxiety and threat of being unsafe.
v) Personal relationships: Presence of stable, healthy, meaningful relationships
is regarded as a major stress buster. But at the same time, interpersonal
conflicts, conflicts with family members at home, unhappy conflictual
marriage, can cause significant stress, especially when the individual desires
to be understood by his friends, family and or spouse but often feels
misunderstood. In addition, sudden death of a family member; or a loved
one; divorce or separation from the partner can also evoke a lot of stress.
Several factors that can make divorce or separation all the more stressful
are holding oneself responsible for the failure of marriage; the need to justify
the separation or divorce to family and friends; associated cultural and societal
stigma; loss of valuable friendships; involvement of children; custody issues
of children; court trials; readjustment to a single life and the need to from
new friendships.
vi) Frustration, threat and conflict: Presence of frustration (i.e., any
obstruction in one’s way to achieve his goal); threat (i.e., fear of something
negative happening or the fear of harm in future) and conflict (i.e., difficulty
in deciding between available options) can be a major source of stress.
High expectations, lack of ability and lack of resources (like time, money,
support etc.) needed to achieve one’s goal can cause immense frustration.
Individuals having a negative cognitive bias, being high on anxiety and
apprehension are more likely to experience threat when faced with
uncertainty and hence may feel more stressful. Conflict can be of three
types—— approach-approach conflict (is a conflict between to desirable
options); approach-avoidance conflict (arises when an individual has both
positive and negative feelings towards a particular object or a choice in live)
and avoidance-avoidance conflict (is a conflict experienced by the individual
towards two undesirable options).
Consequences of Stress
Stress at its optimum level can have adaptive and positive effects, for instance, it
can increase one’s tolerance for future stressors but continued exposure to severe
Material 29
Practical-I stress can have more negative and damaging effect on one’s physiological and
psychological functioning, for instance, it can lower one’s efficiency, cause depletion
of adaptive resources, resulting in severe personality and physical deterioration-
even death.
The term stress was coined by Cannon (1932) and he believed it to underlie
all medical problems. He termed the body’s physiological response to stress as a
fight-flight syndrome. In fight-flight syndrome, the epinephrine, cortisol and other
hormones prepare the body to defend against stress by attacking or by running
away from the stressful situation. He regarded this response as highly functional
and adaptive in nature. Different physiological mechanisms that seem to play a
role in stress are—brain, nervous system and the endocrine system.
Role of brain and the Central Nervous System
Body’s overall reaction to stress is regulated by central nervous system (CNS). A
potential stressor is perceived by the sense organs. The sense organs and the
sympathetic nervous system then transmits impulses to the middle of the brain
stem. The brain stem alert’s the brain about the impending threat of challenge by
activating the reticular formation. The reticular formation either carries neural
instructions from the brain to the target organs, muscles and glands by sympathetic
nervous system thus mobilizes the body for defensive action, or it may carry neural
instructions from the brain to the thalamus. At the thalamus, the higher regions of
cerebral cortex, limbic system and thalamus sort this sensory information by
interpreting the meaning of the potential stressor. In hypothalamus lies the
periventricular nucleus (PVH), which contains endocrine neurons. The endocrine
neurons release hormones which coordinate the activity of the endocrine system
which is known to play a key role in response to stress.
Role of Sympathetic Nervous System
When faced with stress, the sympathetic nervous system, coverts anabolic
metabolism into catabolic metabolism, which involves the breakdown of tissues to
produce energy. Sympathetic nervous system sends signals to the adrenal gland to
release hormones to cause a fight-flight response in which increase in heart rate,
dilation of pupils, and secretion of stress hormones, slowdown of digestion process
and increase in the blood flow to the muscles takes place. The stored energy is
readily converted into a form in which it can be directly used by the muscles.
Role of endocrine system
Under stress, the pituitary gland sends messages to the hypothalamus, which
stimulates the adrenal medulla to secrete epinephrine and nr-epinephrine into blood.
Epinephrine and nor-epinephrine trigger a fight-flight response. Since both
epinephrine, nor-epinephrine and sympathetic nervous system interact together in
producing a fight or flight response, hence it is called as the Sympathoadrenal-
medullary system (SAM). SAM is the body’s initial response to stress.
However, Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical system (HPAC) is a
Self-Instructional delayed response to stress that restores the body to its baseline level called as
30 Material
homeostasis. HPAC involves the interaction between hypothalamus, pituitary gland Practical-I

and the adrenal cortex. It operates with the Central Nervous System stimulating
the Hypothalamus to release Corticotrophin Releasing Hormone (CRH), which
stimulates the production of Adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH). ACTH
activates the adrenal cortex to secrete corticosteroids. Corticosteroids are steroid NOTES
hormones which are responsible for combating inflammation, promoting health
and for mobilizing the body’s energy resources.
Endocrine system works by a feedback mechanism which involves cortisol
(a hormone secreted by the adrenal gland). Cortisol results in an increase in the
level of glucose in blood, stimulates the breakdown of protein into Amino Acids
and inhibits the uptake of glucose by body tissues but not by the brain. However,
too much of cortisol leads to hypertension, decrease in the body to fight infection
and results in psychological problems like depression. Cortisol acts using a feedback
system by acting back on the hypothalamus and pituitary to suppress the release
of CRH and ACTH. As ACTH levels decrease in blood, adrenal cortex shuts
down its production of Cortisol.
Stress and the Immune System
Through the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal glands stress can increase
corticosteroid levels and can lead to serious endocrine imbalance thus impairing
the functioning of an individual’s immune system. The hypothalamus releases
hormones that stimulate the pituitary to release other hormones that regulate bodily
functions like tissue hormones and bone growth and reproduction. The suppression
of the immune system under chronic stress can have long term negative effects on
one’s health making an individual susceptible to external diseases. Increase in
corticosteroids can reduce an individual’s immunity to disease by decreasing
lymphocyte metabolism.
Changes in the immune system are known to be caused by several stressors
like unemployment, divorce, occupational stress etc. as it causes reduction of
Lymphocytes, natural killer cells, T-cells and White Blood Cells (WBC). Two
hypotheses, namely the direct effect hypothesis and the indirect effect hypothesis,
have been proposed to explain how stress causes suppression of the immune
system. Direct effect hypothesis sees immune-suppression as a body’s natural
response to stress caused by damage to Hypothalamus; activation of the antigen T
cells and HPAC axis; increase cortisol, epinephrine and decreased production of
T-cells, Lymphocytes, natural killer cells, WBC’s etc. Indirect effect hypothesis
states that stress influences immune system by encouraging maladaptive behaviours
like smoking, alcohol drinking, fragmented sleep, poor nutrition etc that disrupt
immune functioning. It sees immune-suppression as an after effect of stress response.
The students were nicely greeted. The demographic form was filled before the
assessment. Then, students were given instructions, purpose of the study was
informed. The SSI inventory is comprised of 40 items in total, to measure 4 sub-
Material 31
Practical-I scales – physical, interpersonal relationship, academic and environmental factors,
each containing 10 items. It will take approximately 10 – 15 minutes to complete
the questionnaire.
Blank Result Table:
Subscale 1: Physical
Item Score
Back Pain
Sleep problem
Difficulty breathing
Excessive worry
Stomach pain/nausea
Constant tiredness/fatigue
Sweating/sweaty hands
Frequent cold/flu/fever
Drastic weight loss

Subscale 2: Interpersonal Relationship

Item Score
I feel difficult to meet my high parents’ expectations
My parents treat me as a helpless person
I feel guilty if I fail to fulfil my parent’s hope
My parents wish only for my success
I find difficult to get along with groupmates in doing academic task
My friends did not care about me
I feel disturbed when having problem with my boyfriend/girlfriend
My families are not supportive
My lecturers/teachers are not supportive
I feel frustrated by the lack of faculty

Subscale 3: Academic
Items Score
I have financial problem because of the expenses of the university
I find difficult to juggle time between study and social activity
I feel nervous delivering the class presentation
I feel stressed as submission deadline neared
I feel stressed to sit for examination
I find difficult to juggle time between study and society involvement
I loss interest towards courses
I feel burden of academic workloads
I feel stressed dealing with difficult subjects
I feel difficult in handling my academic problem

32 Material
Subscale 4: Environmental Practical-I

Items Score
I have transportation problem
I feel stressed with bad living condition of hostel
Surrounding noise distracted me
Pollution makes me uneasy
Hot weather makes me avoid to go out
Messy living conditions distracted me
I feel frustrated of inadequate campus facilities
Crowding makes me feel uneasy
Waited in a long line make me feel uneasy
I feel scared being at the insecure place

The scale was designed using an ordinal scale and the scoring was rated on a 4-
point Likert scale. ‘Never’ score 1, ‘Somewhat frequent’ score 2, ‘Frequent’
score 3 and ‘Always’ score 5.
Result and Discussion:
The following is the scoring scale:
Total score Level of Stress
4– 80 Mild stress
81 – 121 Moderate stress
122 - 160 Severe stress

Material 33

NOTES Aim: To assess how children express their anger

Anger expression can classify into the following three types:
1. Aggressive
2. Passive
3. Assertive
Aggressive anger: This type of anger is expressed in order to hurt the other
person, emotionally, physically or psychologically. For instance, yelling.
Passive anger: This type of anger is internalised when a try to ignore the
circumstance that made him/her angry. For instance, holding a grudge, being mean,
spreading fake news, avoiding the person etc.
Assertive anger: One of the best ways to express what you are feeling.
Because the anger is expressed freely and in a non-threatening way.
Procedure: Both, the children and parent participants completed the
assessment individually and separately. For the children from primary all the items
were read aloud, and help was provided to them when required. Children from
middle and high school completed the test on their own. This 39-item measure
(Nelson & Finch, 2000) was designed to provide an assessment of children’s
anger reactions, including the frequency, intensity, and duration of the anger response
as well as the mode of expression and effect on personal relationships. The ChIA
was developed for use with children between the ages of 8 and 16 and has been
evaluated in samples ranging from ages 6 to13 years (Flanagan & Allen, 2005). It
yields a total score and four subscale scores: frustration, physical aggression, peer
relationships, and authority relations. Only the total score was used for the present
analyses. Internal reliability for the total scale is reportedly high (a¼.95; subscale
coefficients ranged from .85 to .87), and the1-week test–retest reliability was .75
(Nelson & Finch,2000).
Instructions: The questionnaire consists of few statements which children
and adults often use to describe themselves. Read each statement and circle the
number which you feel is appropriate in your situation. We all feel anger from time
to time, the only way we all differ from each other is how we act when we get
angry. There are statements below which people use to describe their anger. Read

34 Material
each statement carefully and circle the answer which describe you the most, when Practical-I

you feel angry.

1 = Almost Never
2 = Sometimes NOTES
3 = Often
4 = Almost Always
Blank Result Table


Before initiating a complete CFA of all the items, a total correlation for each item
was measured. Items which did not correlated at .30 or greater were removed
from the assessment. Four items were removed as a result. The rest 26 items were
kept and were further divided to assess the trait anger (10 items, expression of
anger (6 items), anger in (4 items) and control of anger (6 items).

Material 35

Aim: To study the effect of knowledge of result on the performance of my subject.

NOTES Hypothesis: Knowledge of result will have a positive effect on the performance
of the subject.
Independent Variable- Giving knowledge of the work done by the subject.
Dependent Variable-Quality of the work done by the subject.
Material Required- plain sheet, pencil, ruler, screen
Details of the subject-I
Details about the Subject-II
Knowledge of results is a term in the psychology of learning. A psychology dictionary
defines it as feedback of information: “(a) to a subject about the correctness of
(their) responses; (b) a student about success or failure in mastering material.”
Knowledge of result means information or knowledge about the errors in
performing a task.
The effect of knowledge of result on learning was experimentally studied by
 Bring the subject to the laboratory and make the subject seated comfortably.
 In controlled condition, give him a plain paper sheet with two dots marked
on the paper which are 5 inches from each other. Ask him to draw line and
try joining the two dots with blind folded eyes. While drawing no feedback
regarding his work is given to him.
 In each trial, the length of the line drawn by the subject would be measured
and how far he is from the other dot will be noted. In this way, 10 trials will
be conducted.
The experimental condition will start in the same way, the only difference is
that the subject will be given the knowledge of his work in progress.
36 Material
After the experiment, analysis and interpretation of the data will be done. Practical-I

Consequent to this, inference about the experience in form of graphic representation

will be given. An introspective report will also be taken from the subject.
‘I will be giving you a simple task in which you have to draw line of 5 inches with
blind folded eyes.’
• Make the subject draw line in same direction.
Experimental Design
Condition Total Total Average Difference
Error Error Error
Subject A Subject B


Data Chart Showing the no. of Errors with Knowledge of Result and Without
Knowledge of Result-
S. No Subject A Subject A Subject B Subject B
Error without Error with Error Error with
knowledge of knowledge of without knowledge
results in inches results in inches knowledge of results in
of results in inches
Trial 1
Trial 2
Trial 3
Trial 4
Trial 5
Trial 6
Trial 7
Trial 8
Trial 9
Trial 10

Data Collection
Condition Total Total Average Difference
Error Error Error
Subject A Subject B

Material 37
Practical-I Interpretation and Discussion
 Discuss the data collected, first subject wise then total of both subjects.
 Make graphical representation of the data.
NOTES Result
Hypothesis proved/not proved
Introspective Report
The subject writes few lines about his/her experience in doing the experiment.

38 Material

Aim: To study the level of aspiration of the subject

Introduction: NOTES
Variables - Independent Variable - Amount of work done in previous trial leading
to goal setting in next trial.
Dependent Variable - Work done in current trial.
Level of aspiration refers to how far individuals set their targets for
achievement. It is determined mainly by our experiences and past failures and
successes, perceptions of our own abilities.
 Determinants of levels of aspiration
 Need of level of aspiration
Materials Required - 10 white sheets with 50 circles on each page, Pencil
Instructions: I shall be giving you a sheet of paper with circles drawn upon
it. You have to draw four lines inside the circle so as to create a human like face
upon it. The lines are to be drawn in a specific sequence – right eye, left eye, nose,
and then mouth. Also, they are to proceed row-wise from left to right.
1. Bring the subject to the laboratory and make seat them comfortably
2. Give them one page with 50 circles and ask them to draw 4 lines in one
circle and make a face. This shall be done for 30 seconds.
3. When this trial ends, count the number of faces made. Then, before starting
the next trial, ask the subject to note down their expectation as to the number
of faces they may make. Give them another sheet and proceed with the
instructions mentioned in point 2.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until all 10 sheets are filled with expectations for each.
5. Thank subject for cooperation and escort out of the room.
6. After the subject leaves, begin analysis.
7. If the subject expects more than the total work done each time, their GDS
(Goal Discrepancy Score) will be +ve i.e., their aspiration is high. Similarly,
if the subject reaches set goals, their LOA is high, and performance is good.
8. Also take an introspective report from the subject.

Material 39
Practical-I Trial Number GDS Goal Reached

Interpretation & Discussion

Calculate the difference between expected and result of previous attempt will be
done for each trial. This is the Goal Discrepancy Score. If the difference comes
out positive, the subject’s LOA is high therefore aspiration is high. If the difference
is zero i.e., the subject scores as they had expected, their performance is good,
and they have a good LOA as well.
But, if the GDS is negative, it shows that the person has a fear of failure and
that is the reason that they set their goals low.
If the GDS in unusually high, it signifies unrealistic goals.
Discussion for each of the trials shall be done separately and then add all of
their differences in the end.
Result – The level of Aspiration of the subject may be high or low.

40 Material

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