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Positive Health and Health Assets:

Re-analysis of Longitudinal Datasets

Martin E. P. Seligman, PhD;

Executive Summary
Christopher Peterson, PhD;
Arthur J. Barsky, MD;
Julia K. Boehm, PhD;
Laura D. Kubzansky, PhD;
M ost approaches to health over the centuries have focused
on the absence of illness. In contrast, we are investigating
Positive Health—well-being beyond the mere absence of
disease. In this article, we describe our theoretical framework and
empirical work to date on Positive Health. Positive Health empirically
Nansook Park, PhD;
identifies health assets by determining factors that predict health and
and Darwin Labarthe, MD illness over and above conventional risk factors. Biological health assets
might include, for example, high heart rate variability, high levels of
HDL, and cardiorespiratory fitness. Subjective health assets might
include positive emotions, life satisfaction, hope, optimism, and a
sense of meaning and purpose. Functional health assets might include
close friends and family members; a stable marriage; meaningful work;
participation in a social community; and the ability to carry out work,
family, and social roles.

Health assets are desirable in their own right, but research has clearly
demonstrated the relevance of biological assets and suggested the
importance of functional health assets to overall health. Still to be
determined is whether and how subjective health assets contribute to
health-related outcomes, including:

• Longevity
• Morbidity
• Quality-adjusted life years
• Prognosis when illness strikes
• Health care utilization and cost

Even less is known about the inter-relations between subjective,

functional, and biological health assets.

We have begun a program of research that considers the relevance of

these assets in relation to health, and we describe several of our recent

Section 1: The Overarching Endeavor: Defining Positive Health

studies. Initial work has focused on subjective health needed to derive valid measures of psychological assets
assets, with additional research planned to look at the from them. Having done so, our studies consistently
inter-relations between subjective, functional, and show that subjective health assets are meaningfully
biological health assets. associated with reduced risk of cardiovascular disease.
Therefore, we believe that certain health assets may
This work builds on prior research demonstrating strong protect against illness and building these assets may be
links between psychosocial factors and cardiovascular an effective and inexpensive strategy for prevention.
disease (CVD) and uses existing datasets to explore
how psychological assets influence cardiovascular This white paper divides into three sections: the
health and disease. Because existing datasets are Overarching Endeavor, the First Empirical Studies,
heavily weighted toward what goes wrong in life, we and the Measurement of Health Assets.

Section 1: The Overarching Endeavor: Defining Positive Health

T he World Health Organization’s definition of

health is familiar. It is, unfortunately, largely
a slogan, because most approaches to “health”
over the centuries have focused on the absence of disease
(Veenhoven, 1996). Positive Health is the individual-
level analogue of these constructs.

Since 2008, the Positive Psychology Center of the

University of Pennsylvania has undertaken a Positive
(Taylor, Denham and Ureda, 1982). Important as these
approaches have been, is there something more? We all Health initiative (Seligman, 2008). Critical to this
know the difference between getting out of bed in the is first defining what is meant by positive physical
morning and having no aches or pains, no congestion health. To this end, we have identified assets in three
or constipation, and no illness or incapacitation versus “psychological” domains that seem relevant to health:
getting out of bed feeling vigorous and ready to take biological, subjective, and functional. A critical
on the world with enthusiasm. We know what it means question is whether and how these assets promote
to be resilient, not to fall ill when exposed to germs or health. Building on a considerable literature suggesting
stress, and to bounce back quickly from illness. that negative psychological factors may increase the risk
of cardiovascular disease (Everson and Lewis, 2005),
But a scientific discipline of Positive Health—well-
we began by focusing on potential psychological assets
being beyond the mere absence of disease—barely
in relation to cardiovascular outcomes.
exists (cf. Ryff, Singer and Love, 2004; Seeman, 1989).
Supported by two generous grants from the Robert We will consider multiple health outcomes over the
Wood Johnson Foundation, we aim to encourage course of this program. Thus, we have identified
existing scientific and clinical disciplines to expand existing longitudinal datasets in which we can conduct
their conception of health by breaking through the initial analyses and have been working with these
zero point of the absence of disease to consider what is datasets to see if “positive” assets—such as optimism,
on the other side. zest, and a sense of purpose in life—predict health
Familiar within the field of epidemiology are the and longevity, especially after taking account of the
population-level concepts of DALYs (disability- usual suspect “negative” attributes, i.e., the risk factors
adjusted life years), HALYs (health-adjusted life years), for illness like anger, anxiety, depression, cholesterol,
and QALYs (quality-adjusted life years), which combine unemployment, body-mass index, and the like. The
measures of morbidity and mortality into the same long-term goal of this is to use what we learn from
index (Gold, Stevenson and Fryback, 2002). Along our framework and from re-analyzing the existing
these lines, HLE (happiness-adjusted life expectancy) longitudinal datasets to design primary data collections
measures the quality of life in a nation by forming the that will fill important gaps in our knowledge and
product of the average life expectancy and the average ultimately inform the development of interventions
happiness (aka subjective life satisfaction) in that nation that create Positive Health.

Positive Health and Health Assets: Re-analysis of Longitudinal Datasets

The constructs we are considering can be examined Defining Positi ve Health

from different vantages: as indicators of Positive Health, Empirically
as predictors of Positive Health, or as outcomes of
Positive Health is the empirical study of health assets. A
Positive Health. This is not conceptually problematic,
health asset is an individual factor that produces longer
but it does mean that these vantages need to be
life, lower morbidity, lower health care expenditure,
kept distinct in empirical research in order to avoid
better prognosis when illness does strike, and/or higher
confounding of predictors, criteria, and outcomes. quality of life. Aerobic fitness, supportive friends and
family members, and a sense of purpose in life are likely
Background: Positi ve Psychology examples. As noted, Positive Health, as a discipline, is
patterned after positive psychology, an approach in
The Positive Health initiative was inspired by the which mental health is defined as more than the simple
example of positive psychology (Peterson, 2006; absence of mental illness but rather as the presence
Seligman, 2002; Seligman and Csikszentmihalyi, of specific psychological assets of PERMA—positive
2000). Until recently, mental health, like physical emotion, engagement, relationships, meaning, and
health, was usually understood to be the absence of achievement (Peterson, Park and Seligman, 2005;
mental illness (cf. Jahoda, 1958). Positive psychology Seligman, 2011; Seligman and Csikszentmihalyi,
challenged this assumption, arguing that mental health 2000).
is real, consisting of a measurable configuration of
Like positive psychology, Positive Health is, first and
positive emotions, engagement, good relationships,
foremost, empirical. Therefore, we use the word
meaning, and accomplishment (PERMA: Seligman,
“likely” because we are agnostic about what factors are
2011). These states are by no means guaranteed by the
actual health assets. We seek to determine empirically
mere absence of mental illness, nor are they obviated which candidate health assets actually foster longer life,
by its presence. lower morbidity, lower health care utilization and cost,
lower expenditures, better prognosis when illness does
Positive psychology has attracted a good deal of
strike, and higher quality of life.
attention from researchers, practitioners, and the
general public. A substantial database has been created, Positive Health proceeds by first identifying plausible
theories have been proposed and tested, books have health assets from the research literature, then using
been written, and courses are being taught at colleges the best methods available (e.g., prospective data,
and universities around the world (Seligman, Steen, measuring health assets when individuals are disease-
Park and Peterson, 2005). Interventions explicitly based free) to look longitudinally at whether each candidate
on positive psychology are underway in education, health asset is associated with lower disease outcomes,
business, and the military. And ideas from positive holding risk factors constant. That is the first stage of
psychology have figured prominently in recent calls the science and what this white paper concerns. The
for national indicators of psychological well-being to second stage is to develop and deploy interventions that
supplement the economic indicators usually tracked build these health assets alone or in combination with
(Diener, 2000; Diener and Seligman, 2004). traditional interventions. The third stage is to consider
the comparative effectiveness of these interventions as
Despite occasional caricatures by critics of positive opposed to or combined with traditional interventions
psychology, the perspective does not deny or ignore and then measure their cost-effectiveness.
misery and suffering. Rather, positive psychologists
believe that one of the best ways to address psychological Three Classes of Candidate Health
problems is by leveraging psychological strengths (Park
and Peterson, 2009; Peterson and Seligman, 2004), The very first task in the development of Positive
and the same point may hold when our attention turns Health is to identify likely candidate health assets,
to physical health. The vision is that people can draw whose power to produce health outcomes can then be
on their health assets to prevent, overcome, sidestep, or rigorously tested over and above risk factors. Like risk
cope with the illnesses and infirmities they experience. factors for illness, there are three classes of potential

Section 1: The Overarching Endeavor: Defining Positive Health

health assets: biological, subjective, and functional. Potentially fatal illness and Positive Health are not
Candidate biological health assets are objectively measured simple opposites, but neither are they completely
and include, for example, heart rate variability independent of one another. One cannot easily evidence
and levels of HDL. Candidate subjective health assets Positive Health if at death’s door, and certainly not if
are generally measured via self-report and include one has crossed through it. So, Positive Health may be
psychological states and traits like positive emotions, a prerequisite to preventing disease.
life satisfaction, optimism, meaning, and purpose.
The target of disease prevention is, of course, preventing
Candidate functional health assets are often measured by
or delaying illness, and its sole interest in health assets
self-report and include having close friends and family
is their possible use in preventing illness (Heymann,
members, a stable marriage, meaningful work, and 2008). Positive Health overlaps with disease prevention
participation in a social community. Other functional in two ways: (a) the use of interventions to prevent
assets are related to aspects of functional performance, disease and (b) the focus on early antecedents and early
such as being able to climb two flights of stairs without intervention strategies.
being winded and being able to carry out chosen work,
family, and social roles. Positive Health is distinct from disease prevention
in three ways. First, the targets of Positive Health
One of the key activities of developing Positive Health are broader than just illness. For example, increased
is identifying variables that are candidate health assets. subjective well-being, mental health, exercise, and
These are derived from extensive literature reviews, a good marriage are important for their own sake as
but they have yet to be established as causal, which well as being beneficial to reducing illness. Second,
is the entire point of the studies we described. In the Positive Health is specifically interested in health assets
third section of this paper, the Measurement of Health and the benefits that these confer beyond signaling
Assets, we detail the range of candidate assets. the absence of risk factors. Finally, Positive Health is
specifically interested in using the information about
Positi ve Health in Rel ation to health assets discovered empirically to create and
Other Approaches to Good Health deploy interventions that build those assets that are
most relevant and to combine them with traditional
Positive Health, as we conceive it, is related to three interventions.
existing approaches concerned with good health:
disease prevention, health promotion, and wellness. Health Promotion
All are congenial to our initiative, but Positive Health
Health promotion helps people strive for “optimal
has distinct emphases.
health,” which is said to be a balance of physical,
emotional, social, spiritual, and intellectual fitness
Disease Prevention
(Naidoo and Wills, 2000). Lifestyle change to achieve
One of the triumphs of modern medicine and public optimal health is brought about by enhanced awareness
health has been the direct and indirect targeting of the need for change, increasing motivation, building
of the causes of disease and injury (Sagan, 1987). skills, and supporting environments that provide
Swamps containing malaria-bearing mosquitoes have Positive Health practices (O’Donnell, 2002, 2009).
been drained; childbirth now happens under sterile The target of good health is a goal that Positive
Health shares with health promotion. Positive lifestyle
circumstances; food is now inspected and dated for
interventions, such as increasing exercise, improving
freshness; automobile seat belt laws have been passed
nutrition, and encouraging responsibility for healthy
and largely heeded; vaccines have been developed
choices, is a second common goal of both endeavors
and made widely available; and the general public
(Dines and Cribb, 1993; Leddy, 2006).
has heeded warnings about the risk of smoking,
and cigarette use is down. Over the centuries, life Positive Health differs from health promotion in
expectancy has increased by leaps and bounds around two ways. First, it is tied to the prevention of disease
the world, largely because so many diseases and injuries outcomes and prognosis once illness strikes as well as
have been prevented (Brandt and Gardner, 2000). to achieving positive goals for their own sake. Second,

Positive Health and Health Assets: Re-analysis of Longitudinal Datasets

Positive Health is agnostic about what health assets are disease risk once established risk factors were taken
real, so it is steadfastly empirical. It moves from the into account.
longitudinal studies that isolate causal health factors to
interventions building those health assets to considering We also conducted several reviews of the literature
on subjective health assets and cardiovascular disease
their comparative effectiveness and ultimately assessing
(CVD). First, we identified all the literature to date
the cost-effectiveness.
considering a broad set of subjective assets in relation
Wellness to CVD (Boehm and Kubzansky, in press). In the
second and third reviews, we broadened the scope
Wellness, by dictionary definition, is “the condition to consider not only the epidemiologic literature, but
of good physical and mental health, especially when also findings regarding how relevant subjective assets
maintained by proper diet, exercise, and habits” (Dunn, might be related to pathways leading to CVD, namely,
1961). As a health movement, it focuses on helping via behavioral and biological function (Boehm
people become aware of the choices they can make and Kubzansky, 2012; Boehm and Kubzansky, in
to achieve good physical and mental health (Ralph preparation). Next, we identified research issues still
and Corrigan, 2005). This focus is wholly consistent to be addressed with respect to optimism interventions
with our Positive Health initiative, and both share the and improved cardiac health (Peterson and Kim,
goal of fostering interventions that target well-being 2011). These reviews also serve as our early efforts to
(Garofalo, 1994). integrate across subjective and biological health assets
(cf. Peterson, Park and Kim, 2012, in press).
Positive Health, in contrast, is an empirical science that
seeks to build a science around health assets in order Our reviews highlighted several important issues. First,
to discover what assets truly matter for health, what as we knew, the role of positive well-being in CVD
are the relevant strategies for building or enhancing has not garnered nearly as much research attention
these assets, whether interventions to build/enhance as the role of negative states and traits. When studies
assets are effective for maintaining good health and are done, they too often have a cross-sectional design
reducing risk of illness, and how cost-effective these rather than a more powerful longitudinal design. That
interventions are. Positive Health also targets disease said, when researchers have longitudinally investigated
such constructs as positive affect, life satisfaction,
prevention goals achieved by building these health
optimism, vitality, and ikigai (meaning and purpose),
assets. Wellness, on the other hand, often has a New
relationships with good cardiac health are usually
Age flavor, which in itself is not objectionable but does
found. And, in the most compelling studies, negative
run the risk of substituting ideology for science when
states and traits are controlled, meaning that these
alternative medicine interventions are not subjected to
positive effects indeed occur above and beyond any
rigorous testing (Randi, 1987).
association with risk factors. Thus, the premise of our
In sum, Positive Health is compatible with disease Positive Health project was confirmed.
prevention, health promotion, and wellness, but it is an
Second, depending on the details, there are nuances.
empirical and systematic discipline that subsumes the
Studies have sometimes used patient samples and
goals and methods of these other approaches to good
sometimes healthy samples. Along these lines, studies
health in a more general framework and employs an
have looked at disease onset and disease progression,
explicitly interdisciplinary scientific approach to build
including recovery. Subjective health assets appear
an evidence base to support (or refute) key premises. somewhat more relevant for first disease onset than for
disease progression.
Ex isting Literature
Third, the subjective health assets that have been
Identifying health assets was a two-stage process. First, considered in research, or might be considered,
we reviewed the existing literature for candidates, are numerous and presumably related. However,
which can be seen in Section 3. Second, we reanalyzed researchers have usually studied only one health
existing longitudinal studies to see which candidate asset at a time. Are there overriding factors—“latent
health assets actually were associated with reduced variables”—that can bring some order here? Or do

Section 2: Empirical Studies of Positive Health

some particular health assets confer more benefit for Finally, we observed in the course of our reviews that
cardiac health than others? We found some evidence, studies of Positive Health assets to date are held to a
for example, that optimism is more strongly related to higher methodological standard than studies of risk
good health than are simple measures of hedonic well- factors. In order to be published in a peer-reviewed
being (cf. Ryff, Singer and Love, 2004). journal, a study of Positive Health assets must control
for negative risk factors and show that the positive asset
Fourth, given our focus on CVD, the relationship matters above and beyond the absence of the negative,
of health assets to other illnesses remains largely whereas a study of risk factors can be simply that, with
unknown. The case has been well made with respect no attempt to show that risk factors matter above and
to CVD. What about cancer or the common cold? beyond the absence of health assets. So, for example,
Further studies using the lessons we have learned to anger is a risk factor for cardiovascular morbidity
date in our focus on CVD are needed. and mortality. Given that anger correlates with poor
relationships, low optimism, and lack of meaning, it
Fifth, there is limited work on the process by which
seems obvious to wonder if the influence of anger
subjective assets might mitigate CVD. This work
per se would be diminished were we to take into
generally follows a traditional epidemiologic approach,
account good relationships with other people, levels of
neglecting to explore the pathways that lead from health
optimism, or meaning in life.
assets to good health. We suspect that mechanisms are
numerous, including direct biological pathways as In sum, our literature reviews show that subjective
well as indirect behavioral pathways entailing lifestyle health assets indeed play a role in cardiovascular health.
choices, like smoking, drinking, and exercising. In Although some inconsistencies exist, depending on
recent work, we have looked more deeply at what is measures and outcomes used, the evidence is strong.
known about the relationship between subjective assets Moreover, for disease-related endpoints, the protective
and health-related behaviors (Boehm and Kubzansky, effect of positive psychological well-being is mostly
in preparation), and we have begun to make independent of ill-being as well as other conventional
recommendations for important future directions. coronary risk factors.

Section 2: Empirical Studies of Positive Health

H aving identified candidate health assets in our We focused on cardiovascular disease because this is
reviews, we combed the literature for existing the target of the most methodologically sophisticated
longitudinal studies of CVD that measured longitudinal studies and because it has relatively
risk factors carefully and had at least some measures identifiable endpoints, e.g., heart attack, heart failure,
of one or more of the candidate health assets. Many and death. Moreover, it is currently the leading cause
of the candidate health assets, such as life satisfaction of death in the United States. We limited our attention
and a good marriage, are desirable in their own right, to subjective health assets because so little work has
but we wanted to know whether they influenced such
focused on the relationship between subjective assets
targets as mortality, morbidity, health care expenditure,
to CVD. Subsequent work will consider joint effects
mental health and mental illness, quality adjusted life
across biological and functional health assets and
years, and prognosis when illness strikes beyond effects
of traditional risk factors. integrate the findings in the different domains.

We identified several existing longitudinal datasets We initially considered 12 existing datasets that seemed
with high-quality measures of health outcomes in promising. Of these, four best met the selection criteria:
which candidate health assets could be assessed, and we the Whitehall II Cohort, the Normative Aging Study,
investigated whether these assets predicted illness and the Health and Retirement Study (HRS), and the
well-being in a manner distinct from the traditional risk Grant Study. We are now working with each of them.
factors—the central focus of all of the existing datasets. What follows is a summary of these datasets.

Positive Health and Health Assets: Re-analysis of Longitudinal Datasets

Whitehall II Cohort: Predicting Coronary Heart is primarily associated with atherosclerosis rather than
Disease From Optimism and Emotional Vitality thrombotic factors.
(Boehm, Peterson, Kivimaki and Kubzansky, 2011a)
Normative Aging Study: Predicting Coronary
Research suggests that subjective well-being is Heart Disease From Self-Regulation (Kubzansky,
associated with cardiovascular health. However, Park, Peterson, Vokonas and Sparrow, 2011)
much of this research uses elderly samples and has
not determined the pathways by which well-being Studies have documented effects of positive and
influences cardiovascular disease or whether effects are negative emotion on the risk of developing CHD.
similar for men and women. This study investigated However, little work has directly assessed the role
two aspects of well-being—emotional vitality and of self-regulation in risk of incident CHD. This
optimism—and incident coronary heart disease paper sought to fill that gap. Participants were 1,122
(CHD) in a sample of middle-aged men and women community-dwelling men aged 40 to 90 years. The
and considered potential mediating factors. men were free from CHD and diabetes mellitus at
baseline, and were followed up for an average of 12.7
Participants were 7,942 British civil servants who years. During follow-up, 168 cases of incident CHD
had not previously experienced a cardiovascular occurred, including 56 cases of incident nonfatal MI,
event. Incident CHD (i.e., fatal CHD, first nonfatal 44 cases of fatal CHD, and 68 cases of angina pectoris.
myocardial infarction, or first definite angina) Men reporting higher levels of self-regulation had a
was tracked during five person-years of follow-up. reduced risk of combined nonfatal MI and CHD death
Optimism and emotional vitality were both associated compared to those with lower levels. Moreover, a
with a modest but consistent reduced risk of incident dose-response relation was evident, as each standard
CHD. The relationship was comparable for men deviation increase in self-regulation level was associated
and women and was maintained after controlling with a 20 percent decreased risk of combined angina,
for cardiovascular risk factors, including ill-being. nonfatal MI, and CHD death. Significant associations
Neither health-related behaviors nor biological factors were also found after adjusting for anxiety, anger, and
explained these associations. depression and after controlling for positive affect.
The association could not be explained by known
Whitehall II Cohort: Predicting Coronary Heart demographic factors, health behaviors, or biological
Disease From Life Satisfaction (Boehm, Peterson, factors. Thus, self-regulation may protect against risk
Kivimaki and Kubzansky, 2011b). of CHD in older men.
This study investigated whether satisfaction with Normative Aging Study: Predicting
specific life domains (e.g., job, family) predicted CHD. Inflammation From Optimism (Ikeda, Schwartz,
Incident CHD (i.e., angina, nonfatal myocardial Peters, Fang, Spiro, Sparrow, Vokonas and Kubzansky,
infarction, or death from CHD) was ascertained in 2011).
7,956 initially healthy members of the Whitehall
II cohort. Satisfaction averaged across domains was Optimism may reduce the risk of incident cardiovascular
associated with reduced CHD risk controlling for disease, but the mechanisms are unknown. This study
demographic characteristics, health behaviors, blood examined the association between optimism with
pressure, and metabolic functioning. Associations with change in inflammation and endothelial function
CHD risk were evident for satisfaction in four domains over time in men. Longitudinal data were obtained
(job, family, sex life, and self ), but not in three others from the Normative Aging Study, excluding men
(love relationship, leisure, and standard of living). with preexisting CHD or active infection at the time
When examining CHD outcomes separately, average optimism was assessed (n = 340; mean age = 70.9
domain satisfaction was associated with angina but not years). The Life Orientation Test was used to measure
myocardial infarction (MI) or coronary death. These optimism, and serum markers were used to measure
findings suggest that satisfaction with life may promote inflammation and endothelial dysfunction. Serum
heart health. Further research should examine whether markers were obtained repeatedly during the course
interventions to enhance life satisfaction in specific of the study, which was conducted from 1999 to 2008.
domains reduce CHD risk and whether life satisfaction These markers included high-sensitivity C-reactive

Section 2: Empirical Studies of Positive Health

protein, interleukin 6, soluble intercellular adhesion in life was assessed with a seven-item questionnaire
molecule 1, soluble vascular cell adhesion molecule 1, adapted from Ryff’s Psychological Well-Being Scales
and soluble tumor necrosis factor receptor II. A total (Ryff, 1989; Ryff and Keyes, 1995). Higher levels of
of 243 men, or 71 percent, had two or more repeated purpose were associated with a 79 percent reduced
measures of each outcome, resulting in a total of risk of heart attack in older adults two years after it
746 observations for analysis. Linear mixed-effects was measured, even after controlling for psychological
models with a random subject intercept were used to and biological risk factors and holding CVD severity
estimate associations. Higher overall optimism scores constant.
were associated with lower levels of interleukin 6 and
soluble intercellular adhesion molecule 1 pooled across Ongoing and Pl anned Studies
multiple time points. However, optimism scores were
not associated with rate of change in these markers All of our planned analyses are longitudinal unless
over time. Thus, inflammation, associated with otherwise stated.
low optimism, may be a mechanism by which low
A study of Positive Health assets assessed in early
optimism predisposes to CHD.
adulthood among the participants in the Harvard
Health and Retirement Study: Predicting Stroke Grant Study and their association with CVD in later
From Optimism (Kim, Park and Peterson, 2011) adulthood is ongoing (cf. Vaillant and Vaillant, 1990).
In order to do these analyses, we went back to the
Since 1992, the Health and Retirement Study has original data archive and had medically trained coders
surveyed a representative sample of more than 22,000 identify instances of CVD and their onset.
Americans over the age of 50 every two years (National
Institute on Aging, 2007). The HRS has collected Additional analyses with Whitehall II Cohort are
information about income, work, assets, pension ongoing, and we plan to examine the following
plans, health insurance, disability, physical health and relationships:
functioning, cognitive functioning, and health care
• Subjective assets and cardiovascular health,
including hypertension and diabetes
In this dataset, we examined whether higher optimism • Subjective assets and biological assets (likely cross-
was associated with a lower incidence of stroke. sectional, as repeated measures of biological assets
Analyses were conducted for a two-year follow-up on are not available)
the subset of 6,044 adults (2,542 men and 3,502 women) • Subjective assets and health behaviors, including
who were stroke-free at baseline. Analyses adjusted for cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption, physical
chronic illnesses, self-rated health, and relevant socio- activity, and diet
demographic, behavioral, biological, and psychological
Additional analyses with the Health and Retirement
factors. Higher optimism was associated with a lower Study are planned to examine the following
risk of stroke. On an optimism measure ranging from relationships:
3 to 18, each unit increase in optimism was associated
with an age-adjusted odds ratio of 0.90 for stroke. • Subjective assets and changes in health behaviors,
The effect of optimism remained significant even including cigarette smoking and physical activity
after fully adjusting for a comprehensive set of socio- • Subjective assets and changes in biological assets,
demographic, behavioral, biological, and psychological including body mass index, pulmonary function
stroke risk factors. (poor function is a risk factor for CVD), and blood
pressure or incident hypertension
Health and Retirement Study: Predicting Heart
Attack From Purpose in Life (Kim, Sun, Park, Additional analyses with the Normative Aging Study
Kubzansky and Peterson, 2010) are ongoing or planned to examine the following
Again using the HRS, we investigated whether purpose
in life predicted risk of subsequent heart attack among • Optimism and telomere length
1,546 participants with cardiovascular disease. Purpose • Optimism and lipids

Positive Health and Health Assets: Re-analysis of Longitudinal Datasets

• Positive social relationships and inflammatory and Healthy physiological systems are maintained by
hemostatic factors competing autoregulatory influences (Goldberger,
• Positive social relationships and telomere length 1996). Physiological systems may be best characterized
by nonlinear dynamics, and optimal functioning is
New analyses are ongoing or planned with MIDUS defined by greater variability in some systems (e.g.,
data, a study of Midlife in the United States, which heart rate) but a more narrow range of responses in
recently conducted a systematic investigation of other systems (e.g., blood pressure) (Rozanski and
biological indicators and has unusually comprehensive Kubzansky, 2005). Both aging and medical illness can
measures of subjective assets (Brim, Ryff and Kessler, produce loss of complexity and reserve, altering the
2004): body’s capacity for optimal physiologic functioning.
Given this complexity, a simple universal model of
• Psychological assets and heart rate variability optimal functioning is unlikely to be appropriate.
• Psychological assets and ideal cardiovascular health
• Psychological assets and measures of immune, For example, one of the ideas we have considered is that
metabolic, and cardiovascular function there is some optimal level at which various systems
• Inter-relationships among biological, psychological, function, with departures in either direction—too
and functional assets little or too much—a sign of pathology. In this model,
• Social distribution of subjective assets some middle level is considered normal and healthy.
There are a number of systems for which this holds
true. Too much sleep or too little sleep both predict
premature mortality. Too much or too little insulin
We have described some of our work to date on Positive production is a symptom of disease. The same is true
Health, which we define as well-being beyond the for very low or very high body mass index. However,
absence of illness and disability. Positive Health is the for other systems, moderate levels may not be the best
empirical study of health assets, or factors that produce route to or indicator of good health. Can our immune
Positive Health, and we have identified candidate system be “too” robust? Can our vision be “too” good?
health assets in three domains: biological, subjective, Can we have too much aerobic fitness?
and functional. As part of our work, we have set in These are rarely asked empirical questions, and there
motion a significant program of research using existing are several possible answers. For example, in positive
longitudinal datasets to determine if candidate health psychology, the question has been posed whether
assets indeed predict health and illness even when someone can be too happy (Oishi, Diener and Lucas,
the known (conventional) risk factors are taken into 2007). The answer depends on the outcome measured.
account. We have focused on subjective health assets If we look at success in school or work, the extremely
and cardiac health. Results strongly support the happy do a little less well than the merely happy. (Those
premise of our initiative. who are unhappy do poorly.) But if we look at success
in social relationships, the relationship with happiness
Where do health behaviors fit within this vision of
is strictly linear: one cannot be too happy.
Positive Health? As conventionally defined, health
behaviors (e.g., cigarette smoking, physical activity,
healthy diet) are not conceptualized as health assets
The Future of Positi ve Health
per se but rather as factors that may be motivated by Attention to the positive tells us something about
subjective health assets and, in turn, may contribute good health that an exclusive focus on the negative
to biological and functional health assets. It must does not. The studies we have described, along with
also be noted that biological and functional health analogous studies by other research groups, suggest
will influence health behaviors, and these, in turn, that Positive Health is a useful concept (e.g., Boyle,
may affect subjective health assets. Thus, any model Barnes, Buchman and Bennett, 2009; Brown, Nesse,
of Positive Health must consider health behaviors as Vinokur and Smith, 2003; Cohen and Pressman, 2006;
critical potential mediators between health assets and Danner, Snowdon and Friesen, 2001; Diener and Chan,
Positive Health. 2011; Maruta, Colligan, Malinchoc and Offord, 2002;

Section 2: Empirical Studies of Positive Health

Rasmussen, Scheier and Greenhouse, 2009). We have Cardiovascular Health.” Psychological Bulletin, 138(4): 655-91,
identified Positive Health assets—such as emotional 2012.
vitality, optimism, self-regulation, and purpose in Boehm JK, Peterson C, Kivimaki M and Kubzansky LD. “A
life—and found meaningful relationships with health Prospective Study of Positive Psychological Well-Being and
outcomes over and beyond effects of traditional risk Coronary Heart Disease.” Health Psychology, 30(3): 259-267,
factors. 2011.

That said, we are disappointed with the quality of the Boehm JK, Peterson C, Kivimaki M and Kubzansky LD.
“Heart Health When Life Is Satisfying: Evidence From the
existing datasets, given the purpose of our initiative.
Whitehall II Cohort Study.” European Heart Journal, 32(21):
The existing longitudinal datasets we examined are
2672-2677, 2011.
strongly tilted toward what goes wrong in life, and even
those few datasets containing measures of assets do not Boehm JK and Kubzansky LD. “Novel Approaches to Behavior
typically do so in a sufficiently rigorous fashion. Assets Change: Psychological Well-Being as a Potentially Modifiable
such as positive emotion, life satisfaction, optimism, Asset.” For submission to Annals of Behavioral Medicine.
and social connectedness are generally measured Boyle PA, Barnes LL, Buchman AS and Bennett DA. “Purpose
cursorily, and there are only a few such measures at in Life Is Associated With Mortality Among Community-
a time, precluding conclusions about their relative Dwelling Older Persons.” Psychosomatic Medicine, 71(5): 574-579,
importance or their interrelations. Moreover, although 2009.
ongoing longitudinal studies seem more likely in their Brandt AM and Gardner M. “Antagonism and Accommodation:
recent waves to include positive measures, these are Interpreting the Relationship Between Public Health and
often missing at baseline and at early waves, limiting Medicine in the United States During the Twentieth Century.”
the ability to predict target outcomes over time. American Journal of Public Health, 90: 707-715, 2000.

Relying solely on such existing data for building Brim OG, Ryff CD and Kessler RC (eds). How Healthy Are We?
a science of Positive Health will not be enough. A National Study of Well-Being at Midlife. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press, 2004.
Ongoing longitudinal studies need to add reliable and
valid measures of the components of Positive Health. Brown SL, Nesse RM, Vinokur AD and Smith DM. “Providing
In addition, new longitudinal studies explicitly focused Social Support May Be More Beneficial Than Receiving It:
on Positive Health must be started. These are daunting Results From a Prospective Study of Mortality.” Psychological
recommendations. Those who direct ongoing studies Science, 14(4): 320-327, 2003.
have their own goals, which rarely include Positive Cohen S and Pressman SD. “Positive Affect and Health.”
Health, and new studies are extremely expensive and Current Directions in Psychological Science, 15(3): 122-125, 2006.
difficult to mount.
Danner DD, Snowdon D and Friesen WV. “Positive Emotions
However, a third possibility exists: identifying in Early Life and Longevity: Findings From the Nun Study.”
a longitudinal dataset that already includes Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 80(5): 804-813, 2001.
psychometrically adequate baseline measures of Diener E. “Subjective Well-Being: The Science of Happiness
Positive Health assets and that has the potential to and a Proposal for a National Index.” American Psychologist,
include all of the target health outcomes of interest. 55(1): 34-43, 2000.
Such a dataset is at hand.
Diener E and Chan MY. “Happy People Live Longer:
Stay tuned. Subjective Well-Being Contributes to Health and Longevity.”
Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, 3(1): 1-43, 2011.

References Diener E and Seligman MEP. “Beyond Money: Toward an

Economy of Well-Being.” Psychological Science in the Public
Boehm JK and Kubzansky LD. “Positive Psychological Well- Interest, 5(1): 1-31, 2004.
Being and Cardiovascular Disease.” In Cardiovascular Behavioral
Medicine, Waldstein S, Kop W and Katzel L (eds). New York: Dines A and Cribb A. Health Promotion: Concepts and Practice.
Springer (in press 2013). Oxford: Blackwell Science, 1993.

Boehm JK and Kubzansky LD. “The Heart’s Content: The Dunn HL. High-Level Wellness. Arlington, VA: Beatty Press,
Association Between Positive Psychological Well-Being and 1961.

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Everson-Rose SA and Lewis TT. “Psychosocial Factors and O’Donnell MP. “Definition of Health Promotion 2.0:
Cardiovascular Diseases.” Annual Review of Public Health, 26: Embracing Passion, Enhancing Motivation, Recognizing
469-500, 2005. Dynamic Balance, and Creating Opportunities.” American
Journal of Health Promotion, 24: iv, 2009.
Garofalo K. “Worksite Wellness: Rewarding Healthy
Behaviors.” AAOHN Journal, 42(5): 236-240, 1994. Oishi S, Diener E and Lucas R. “The Optimum Level of Well-
Being: Can People Be Too Happy?” Perspectives on Psychological
Gold MR, Stevenson D and Fryback DG. “HALYS and Science, 2(4): 346–360, 2007.
QALYS and DALYS, Oh My: Similarities and Differences in
Summary Measures of Population Health.” Annual Review of Park N and Peterson C. “Achieving and Sustaining a Good
Public Health, 23: 115-134, 2002. Life.” Perspectives on Psychological Science, 4(4): 422-428, 2009.

Goldberger AL. “Non-linear Dynamics for Clinicians: Chaos Peterson C. A Primer in Positive Psychology. New York: Oxford
Theory, Fractals, and Complexity at the Bedside.” Lancet, 347: University Press, 2006.
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Peterson C and Kim ES. “Psychological Interventions and
Heymann D (ed). Control of Communicable Diseases Manual. Coronary Heart Disease.” International Journal of Clinical and
Washington, DC: American Public Health Association, 2008. Health Psychology, 11(3): 563-575, 2011.

Huffman JC, Mastromauro CA, Boehm JK, Seabrook Peterson C, Park N and Castro CA. “Assessment for the U.S.
R, Fricchione GL, Denninger JW and Lyubomirsaky S. Army Comprehensive Soldier Fitness Program: The Global
“Development of a Positive Psychology Intervention for Patients Assessment Tool.” American Psychologist, 66(1): 10-18, 2011.
With Acute Cardiovascular Disease.” Heart International, 6(2):
Peterson C, Park N and Kim ES. “Can Optimism Decrease the
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Risk of Illness and Disease Among the Elderly?” Aging Health,
Ikeda A, Schwartz J, Peters JL, Fang S, Spiro A, Sparrow 8(1): 5-8, 2012.
D, Vokonas P, Kubzansky LD. “Optimism in Relation to
Peterson C, Park N and Kim ES. “Applications of Positive
Inflammation and Endothelial Dysfunction in Older Men:
Psychology for Physical Health.” The American Journal of Lifestyle
The VA Normative Aging Study.” Psychosomatic Medicine, 73(8):
Medicine (in press).
664-71, 2011.
Peterson C, Park N and Seligman MEP. “Orientations to
Jahoda M. Current Concepts of Positive Mental Health. New York: Happiness and Life Satisfaction: The Full Life Versus the Empty
Basic Books, 1958. Life.” Journal of Happiness Studies, 6(1): 25-41, 2005.
Kim ES, Park N and Peterson C. “Dispositional Optimism Peterson C and Seligman MEP. Character Strengths and Virtues:
Protects Older Adults From Stroke: The Health and Retirement A Handbook and Classification. New York: Oxford University
Study.” Stroke, 42(10): 2855–2859, 2011. Press/Washington, DC: American Psychological Association,
Kim ES, Sun JK, Park N, Kubzansky LD and Peterson C.
“Purpose in Life and Reduced Risk of Myocardial Infarction Ralph RO and Corrigan PW (eds). Recovery in Mental Illness:
Among Older U.S. Adults With Coronary Heart Disease: A Broadening Our Understanding of Wellness. Washington, DC:
Two-Year Follow-Up.” Journal of Behavioral Medicine (in press). American Psychological Association, 2005.
Kubzansky LD, Park N, Peterson C, Vokonas P and Sparrow Ramachandra P, Booth S, Pieters T, Kalliopi V and Huppert
D. “Healthy Psychological Functioning and Incident Coronary FA. “A Brief Self-Administered Psychological Intervention to
Heart Disease: The Importance of Self-Regulation.” Archives of Improve Well-Being in Patients With Cancer: Results From
General Psychiatry. 68(4): 400-408, 2011. a Feasibility Study.” Psycho-Oncology, 18(12): 1323-1326, 2009.

Leddy S. Health Promotion: Mobilizing Strengths to Enhance Health, Randi J. The Faith Healers. Buffalo, NY: Prometheus, 1987.
Wellness, and Well-Being. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis, 2006.
Rasmussen HN, Scheier MF and Greenhouse JB. “Optimism
Maruta T, Colligan RC, Malinchoc M and Offord KP. and Physical Health: A Meta-Analytic Review.” Annals of
“Optimism-Pessimism Assessed in the 1960s and Self-Reported Behavioral Medicine, 37(3): 239-256, 2009.
Health Status 30 Years Later.” Mayo Clinic Proceedings, 77(8):
748-753, 2002. Rozanski A and Kubzansky LD. “Psychologic Functioning
and Physical Health: A Paradigm of Flexibility.” Psychosomatic
Naidoo J and Wills J. Health Promotion: Foundations for Practice Medicine, 67 (Suppl. 1): S47-53, 2005.
(2nd ed.). New York: Baillière Tindall, 2000.
Ryff CD. “Happiness Is Everything, Or Is It? Explorations of
O’Donnell MP. Health Promotion in the Workplace (3rd ed). the Meaning of Psychological Well-Being.” Journal of Personality
Albany: Delmar Thomson Learning, 2002. and Social Psychology, 57(6): 1069-1081, 1989.

Section 3: Measuring Positive Health—Indicators and Assets

Ryff CD and Keyes CLM. “The Structure of Psychological Seligman MEP and Csikszentmihalyi M. “Positive Psychology:
Well-Being Revisited.” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, An Introduction.” American Psychologist, 55(1) 5-14, 2000.
69(4): 719-727, 1995.
Seligman MEP, Steen TA, Park N and Peterson C. “Positive
Ryff CD, Singer BH and Love GD. “Positive Health: Connecting Psychology Progress: Empirical Validation of Interventions.”
Well-Being With Biology.” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal
American Psychologist, 60(5): 410-421, 2005.
Society of London, 359(1449): 1383-1394, 2004.
Taylor RB, Denham JR and Ureda JW. Health Promotion:
Sagan LA. The Health of Nations: True Causes of Sickness and
Well-Being. New York: Basic Books, 1987. Principles and Clinical Applications. Norwalk, CT: Appleton-
Century-Crofts, 1982.
Seeman J. “Toward a Model of Positive Health.” American
Psychologist, 44(8): 1099-1109, 1989. Vaillant GE and Vaillant CO. “Natural History of Male
Psychological Health XII: A 45-Year Study of Predictors of
Seligman MEP. Authentic Happiness. New York: Free Press, Successful Aging at Age 65.” American Journal of Psychiatry,
147(1): 31-37, 1990.
Seligman MEP. “Positive Health.” Applied Psychology: An
Veenhoven R. “Happy Life-Expectancy: A Comprehensive
International Review, 57: 3-18, 2008.
Measure of Quality-of-Life in Nations.” Social Indicators
Seligman MEP. Flourish. New York: Free Press, 2011. Research, 39(1): 1-58, 1996.

Section 3: Measuring Positive Health—Indicators and Assets

P ositive Health is agnostic about what factors are

health assets a priori. It seeks to determine which
candidate health assets actually produce longer
life, lower morbidity, lower health care utilization,
manifest disease. Some may be defined dimensionally
in reference to a statistical norm (e.g., more than two
standard deviations from the mean), and some may be
defined categorically as the presence or absence of a
better prognosis when illness does strike, and higher particular characteristic.
quality of life. It proceeds by looking longitudinally at
the outcomes of candidate health assets, holding risk A . BIOLOGICAL MARKERS OF POSITI VE
factors constant. HEALTH
Individuals in a state of Positive Health should have
1. Rapid Wound Healing
optimal ability to respond adaptively to environmental
change and challenge, whether physical, chemical, or Wounds and other injuries heal at different rates. The
psychosocial. Defining this concept precisely in terms rapidity with which ostensibly similar wounds heal
of distinct, measurable criteria is difficult. In our initial may be a sign of especially good health.
step, we read the extensive literature and divided
candidate health assets into three domains: biological,
Singer AJ and Clark RAF. “Cutaneous Wound Healing.”
psychological, and social or functional. New England Journal of Medicine, 341(10): 738-746, 1999.

I. Biological Indicators of 2. Exceptionally Low Blood

Positi ve Health Pressure

Some anatomical characteristics and physiological High blood pressure is a risk factor for many medical
capacities foster the ability to adapt to environmental disorders, especially cardiovascular disease. What
challenge and stress, thereby increasing disease about low blood pressure? Here the evidence is mixed,
resistance and longevity and retarding the aging process. with some studies finding that extremely low blood
Our emphasis is on the biological characteristics that pressure is associated with good health and others
are positive, specifiable attributes and are not simply finding that it is not. The effect may depend on the
the absence of negative laboratory abnormalities or of presence or absence of other medical conditions. Still,

Positive Health and Health Assets: Re-analysis of Longitudinal Datasets

exceptionally low blood pressure deserves consideration vis cardiovascular disease. Moreover, this ratio can be
as a candidate Positive Health candidate. changed by dietary and exercise interventions. What is
unknown is the limits of this relationship, i.e., does it
Wessely S, Nickson J and Cox B. “Symptoms of Low remain true even for very high ratios?
Blood Pressure: A Population Study.” British Medical Journal,
301(6748): 362-365, 1990.
Sallis JF, Patterson TL, Buono MJ and Nader PR.
Amarenco P, Goldstein LB, Callahan A, et al. “Baseline “Relationship of Cardiovascular Fitness and Physical to
Blood Pressure, Low- and High-Density Lipoproteins, and Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors in Children and Adults.”
Triglycerides and the Risk of Vascular Events in the Stroke American Journal of Epidemiology, 127(5): 933-941, 1988.
Prevention by Aggressive Reduction in Cholesterol Levels
(SPARCL) Trial.” Atherosclerosis, 204(2): 515-520, 2009. 5. Greater Telomere Length For
One’s Age
3. High Heart Rate Variability and
Parasympathetic Tone Telomeres are repetitive DNA sequences at the end of
chromosomes that protect the chromosome from the
Heart rate variability refers to the variation in the time erosion that occurs with repeated cell division and aging.
interval between successive cardiac contractions. It is Telomere length is viewed as a marker of biological age
a strong predictor of good health, presumably because that reflects the lifetime burden of genetic factors and
it reflects the speed with which the parasympathetic environmental stressors. An association has been found
nervous system counteracts arousal—good in the short between telomere length and cardiovascular morbidity
run but not when prolonged. and mortality, as well as a range of other degenerative
diseases and cancer.
Bosquet L, Merkari S, Arvisais D and Aubert AE. “Is Heart
Rate a Convenient Tool to Monitor Over-reaching? A
Calado RT and Young NS. “Telomere Diseases.” New
Systematic Review of the Literature.” British Journal of Sports
England Journal of Medicine, 361: 2353-2365, 2009.
Medicine, 42(9): 709-714, 2008.
Cawthon R, Smith K, O’Brien E, Sivatchnko A and Kerber
Buccelletti E, Gilardi E, Scaini E, et al. “Heart Rate
Variability and Myocardial Infarction: Systematic Literature R. “Association Between Telomere Length in Blood and
Review and Metanalysis.” European Review Medical Mortality in People Aged 60 Years or Older.” The Lancet,
Pharmacological Science, 13(4): 299-307, 2009. 361(9355) 393-395, 2003.

De Meersman RE and Stein PK. “Vagal Modulation and 6. Low Body Mass Index (BMI)
Aging.” Biological Psychology, 74(2): 165-173, 2007.
Body mass index is a ratio derived from an individual’s
Sandercock GR, Bromley PD and Brodie DA. “Effects of
Exercise on Heart Rate Variability: Inferences From Meta- weight and height. Though not a direct measure of the
Analysis.” Medical Science Sports and Exercise, 37(3): 433-439, percentage of body fat, it serves as an index of obesity
2005. and is a widely used diagnostic indicator of weight
problems within a population.
Tak LM, Riese H, de Bock GH, et al. “As Good As It Gets?
A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review of Methodological
Quality of Heart Rate Variability Studies in Functional
High BMI is a known risk factor for morbidity and
Somatic Disorders.” Biological Psychology, 82(2): 101-110, mortality. Less clear is whether an exceptionally low
2009. BMI is a health asset. Some studies suggest that it is,
but others find a U-shaped relationship with poor
Tsuji H, Larson MG, Ferdinand JV, Manders ES, Evans JC,
Feldman CL and Levy D. “Impact of Reduced Heart Rate health, perhaps because of unmeasured confounds.
Variability on Risk for Cardiac Events: The Framingham Low BMI thus deserves consideration as a candidate
Heart Study.” Circulation, 94(11): 2850-2855, 1996. Positive Health aspect.

4. High HDL/LDL Ratio Allison DB, Faith MS, Heo M, Townsend-Butterworth

D and Williamson DF. “Meta-Analysis of the Effect of
HDL/LDL is the ratio of cholesterol carried by high- Excluding Early Deaths on the Estimated Relationship
density lipoprotein to that carried by low-density Between Body Mass Index and Mortality.” Obesity Research,
lipoprotein and is a demonstrable health asset vis-à- 7(4): 342-354, 1999.

Section 3: Measuring Positive Health—Indicators and Assets

7. Vitamin D Level 10. Maximal Oxygen Uptake (VO2 Max)

Low levels of vitamin D can result in thin, brittle, or VO2 max (also termed maximal oxygen consumption
misshapen bones; rickets in children; and osteomalacia or peak oxygen uptake) is a measure of aerobic capacity,
in adults. Together with calcium, vitamin D helps or the ability to increase the delivery of oxygen to
protect against osteoporosis. Vitamin D also modulates tissues and organs during exercise. It reflects the
physical fitness of the individual and is a demonstrable
neuromuscular function; reduces inflammation; and
health asset.
influences the action of many genes that regulate the
proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis of cells.
Blair SN, Kampert JB, Kohl HW, Barlow CE, Macera
Studies suggest that very high levels of vitamin D may CA, Paffenbarger RS and Gibbons LW. “Influences
be a Positive Health asset. of Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Other Precursors on
Cardiovascular Disease and All-Cause Mortality in Men and
Women.” JAMA, 276(3): 205-10, 1996.
Autier P and Gandini S. “Vitamin D Supplementation and
Total Mortality: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled
11. Low Fibrinogen
Trials.” Archives of Internal Medicine, 167(16): 1730-1737, 2007.
Fibrinogen is a fibrous protein involved in blood
8. Neuropeptide Y clotting. High levels of fibrinogen are a risk factor for
cardiovascular disease. Accordingly, low levels may be
Neuropeptide Y is a 36-amino acid peptide a Positive Health asset.
neurotransmitter found in the brain and autonomic
nervous system. It is associated with a number of Ernst E and Resh KL. “Fibrinogen as a Cardiovascular Risk
physiologic processes in the brain, including the Factor: A Meta-Analysis and Review of the Literature.”
regulation of energy balance, memory, and learning. Annals of Internal Medicine, 118(12): 956-963, 1993.
Neuropeptide Y has been proposed as a “universal Danesh J, Collins R, Appleby P and Peto R. “Association
soldier” of well-being because of its presumed of Fibrinogen, C-Reactive Protein, Albumin, or Leukocyte
Count With Coronary Heart Disease: Meta-Analyses of
association with good health.
Prospective Studies.” JAMA, 279(18): 1477–1482, 1998.

Pedrazzini T, Pralong F and Grouzmann E. “Neuropeptide

Y: The Universal Soldier.” Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences,
60(2): 350-377, 2003. Positive Health may also be described in terms of the
physiological reserves of various organ systems that
9. Oxytocin lead to biological resilience and successful adaptation
to environmental challenges and stressors. The
Oxytocin is a neurohormone that is associated with
functional reserve of many organ systems can be
an array of prosocial behaviors, including interpersonal
measured with routine laboratory tests. In each case,
trust, attachment, and marital fidelity. Oxytocin surges we seek to determine if there is a linear relationship
during labor and is also increased by physical touch. between increasing reserve and greater health—i.e., do
Its association with morbidity and mortality is not individuals with exceptional reserves lead exceptionally
clear, but given its prosocial consequences, it deserves long and healthy lives? These functional reserves
attention as a candidate Positive Health asset. include cardiovascular, pulmonary, renal, hepatic, and
central nervous system reserves.
Kosfeld M, Heinreichs M, Zak PJ, Fischbacher U and Gehr Thus, Positive Health may be defined statistically, as
E. “Oxytocin Increases Trust in Humans.” Nature, 435: 673-
the outliers on the positive tails of such laboratory
676, 2005.
tests and physiological performance measures. Other
Uvnäs-Moberg K. “Oxytocin May Mediate the manifestations of Positive Health might include delayed
Benefits of Positive Social Interactions and Emotions.” onset and slower progression of normal, age-related
Psychoneuroendocrinology, 23(8): 819-835, 1998. physiological decline in organ function, defined more

Positive Health and Health Assets: Re-analysis of Longitudinal Datasets

precisely as biological age that is markedly younger 5. Central Nervous System Reserves
than chronological age.
This is measured through tests of coordination,
1. Cardiovascular Reserves memory, and balance.

This refers to the cardiovascular system’s ability to Liu IY, Lacroix AZ, White LR, Kittner SJ and Wolf PA.
respond to physiological demands with increased “Cognitive Impairment and Mortality: A Study of Possible
rate and force of cardiac contraction. It is routinely Confounders.” American Journal of Epidemiology, 132(1): 136-
143, 1
measured with a standardized exercise tolerance or
stress test.
Gordon DJ, Ekellund LG, Karon JM, Probstfield JL,
Because sickness is an inextricable part of life itself and
Rubinstein C, Sheffield LT and Weissfeld L. “Predictive
disease is a universal phenomenon, Positive Health
Value of the Exercise Tolerance Test for Mortality in North
American Men: The Lipid Research Clinics Mortality may not depend solely on the absence of disease but
Follow-Up Study.” Circulation, 74(2): 252-261, 1986. may rather include the capacity of the body to respond
to the diseases that inevitably occur from time to time.
2. Pulmonary Reserves Thus, we could define positive biological health not as
the absence of all disease but rather by the response to
This term refers to the extent of one’s ability to disease—as the ability to recover from disease rapidly,
increase respiratory rate and volume above those at rest. completely, and with an unusually benign course. In
It is routinely measured with standardized pulmonary each of the examples below, we would assess the course
function tests. of recovery among individuals with a comparable
extent and severity of injury or disease, seeking to
Beaty TH, Newill CA, Cohen BH, Tockman MS, Bryant identify and study those statistical outliers who recover
SH and Spurgeon HA. “Effects of Pulmonary Function on exceptionally rapidly and without sequelae.
Mortality.” Journal of Chronic Diseases, 38(8): 703-710, 1985.
1. Less Frequent and Briefer
3. Renal Reserves Self-Limited Ailments and
Infections (e.g., colds, headaches,
This refers to the efficiency and completeness with gastroenteritis)
which the kidneys are able to filter toxic wastes and
metabolic byproducts from the blood. It is routinely
Cohen S, Alper CM, Doyle WJ, Treanor JJ and Turner RB.
assessed by measuring the level of urea nitrogen and “Positive Emotional Style Predicts Resistance to Illness After
creatinine in the blood. Experimental Exposure to Rhinovirus or Influenza A Virus.”
Psychosomatic Medicine, 68(6): 809-815, 2006.

Gibson CM et al. “Association of Creatinine and Creatinine

Clearance on Presentation in Acute Myocardial Infarction 2. Rapid Recovery From Injury
With Subsequent Mortality.” Journal of the American College of
Cardiology, 42(9): 1535-1543, 2003. Reifman A. “Social Relationships, Recovery From Illness,
and Survival: A Literature Review.” Annals of Behavioral
4. Hepatic Reserves Medicine, 17(2): 124-131, 1995.

Liver function is routinely measured by obtaining the 3. No Recurrence Following

blood level of several liver enzymes. Successful Treatment of a Primary
Batin P, Wickens M, McEntegart D, Fullwood L and Cowley
AJ. “Expand+The Importance of Abnormalities of Liver Eilber FR and Morton DL. “Impaired Immunologic
Function Tests in Predicting Mortality in Chronic Heart Reactivity and Recurrence Following Cancer Surgery.”
Failure.” European Heart Journal, 16(11): 1613-1618, 1995. Cancer, 25(2): 362-367, 2006.

Section 3: Measuring Positive Health—Indicators and Assets

4. Chronic Diseases (e.g., emphysema University Press/Washington, DC: American Psychological

or arthritis) With Exceptionally Association, 2004.
Benign Courses, Complete Ryan RM and Frederick C. “On Energy, Personality, and
Recoveries, and/or Long Lives Health: Subjective Vitality as a Dynamic Reflection of Well-
Being.” Journal of Personality, 65(3): 529-565, 1997.
Murray C and Lopez A. “Regional Patterns of Disability-
Free Life Expectancy and Disability-Adjusted Life 2. Absence of Bothersome Symptoms
Expectancy: Global Burden of Disease Study.” The Lancet,
349(9062): 1347-1352, 1997. Part of “feeling” good includes the absence of, or
few, bothersome or distressing physical symptoms.
This health asset is necessary but not sufficient to
II. Subjecti ve Indicators of assure physical well-being and satisfaction with one’s
Positi ve Health health. This subjective component of Positive Health
Various psychological characteristics—states or traits— can be assessed with one of a number of valid and
usually assessed by self-report are likely Positive reliable somatic symptom inventories, such as the
Somatic Symptom Inventory or the Patient Health
Health candidates given research that has linked them
Questionnaire. These instruments ask the respondent
to lower rates of morbidity and mortality. Further
about things such as fatigue, pain, nausea, and dizziness.
investigation of these relationships is essential, in
These items are then reverse-scored. Along these lines,
particular to establish whether the relationship between
one could choose “symptom” items from the Hassles
psychological characteristics and physical health is
Scale and ask respondents the degree to which these
a direct physiological one or whether it is mediated
symptoms are a source of ongoing disturbance and
through health- and illness-related behaviors. Here annoyance, again reverse-scoring the responses (cf.
are some examples of candidate psychological variables Kanner, Coyne, Schaefer and Lazarus, 1981).
that have been linked in previous research to good
psychological and/or physical health:
Barsky AJ, Goodson JD, Lane RS and Cleary PD. “The
Amplification of Somatic Symptoms.” Psychosomatic Medicine,
1. Zest 50(5): 510-519, 1988.

Zest is the overall enthusiasm with which a person Kanner AD, Coyne JC, Schaefer C and Lazarus RS.
lives. Also identified as energy, liveliness, exuberance, “Comparison of Two Modes of Stress Measurement: Daily
Hassles and Uplifts Versus Major Life Events.” Journal of
or joie de vivre, zest has also been discussed in the Behavioral Medicine, 4(1): 1-39, 1981.
organizational behavior literature as work-specific
vigor and work-specific engagement. Zest is one of the Kroenke K, Spitzer RL and Williams JBW. “The PHQ-15:
Validity of a New Measure for Evaluating the Severity of
strengths of character included in the VIA Classification Somatic Symptoms.” Psychosomatic Medicine, 64(2): 258-266,
of Character Strengths, where it is defined as the 2002.
habitual approach to life with anticipation, energy,
and excitement (Peterson and Seligman, 2004). Zest is 3. Optimism/Hope
typically measured with self-report surveys and proves
to be a robust correlate and predictor of life satisfaction Optimism is the expectation that good events will be
and in particular work satisfaction. plentiful in the future and bad events rare. Optimism has
been studied extensively by psychologists under several
different rubrics: dispositional optimism (Carver and
Park N, Peterson C and Seligman MEP. “Strengths of
Scheier, 1981), hope (Snyder, 2000), and explanatory
Character and Well-Being.” Journal of Social and Clinical
Psychology, 23(5): 603-619, 2004. style (Peterson and Seligman, 1984). Optimism can
be measured with self-report surveys, content analyses
Peterson C, Park N, Hall N and Seligman MEP. “Zest and of open-ended material, or reconfigured personality
Work.” Journal of Organizational Behavior, 30(2): 161-172, inventories like the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality
Inventory. However it is measured, optimism is
Peterson C and Seligman MEP. Character Strengths and associated with better health and longer life (Peterson,
Virtues: A Handbook and Classification. New York: Oxford 2000; Peterson and Bossio, 1991).

Positive Health and Health Assets: Re-analysis of Longitudinal Datasets

Hope is also one of the strengths of character included Kobasa SC. “Stressful Life Events, Personality, and Health:
in the VIA Classification of Character Strengths and An Inquiry Into Hardiness.” Journal of Personality and Social
Psychology, 37(1): 1-11, 1979.
one of the most robust predictors of happiness and
life satisfaction for children, adolescents, and adults Luthar SS, Cicchetti D and Becker B. “The Construct of
(Peterson and Seligman, 2004). Zest is typically Resilience: A Critical Evaluation and Guidelines for Future
measured with self-report surveys and proves to be Work.” Child Development, 71(3): 543-562, 2000.
a robust correlate and predictor of life satisfaction,
particularly work satisfaction. 5. Internal Health Locus of Control

Locus of control refers to people’s generalized

Carver CS and Scheier MF. Attention and Self-Regulation:
expectations about the source of events and outcomes in
A Control-Theory Approach to Human Behavior. New York:
Springer-Verlag, 1981. their lives (Rotter, 1966, 1975). The typical distinction
is between an internal locus of control and an external
Peterson C. “The Future of Optimism.” American Psychologist,
locus of control, although external locus of control
55(1): 44-55, 2000.
is sometimes divided between chance and powerful
Peterson C and Bossio LM. Health and Optimism. New York: others (Levenson, 1973). An internal locus of control
Free Press, 1991. is associated with problem-focused coping and—to
Peterson C and Seligman MEP. “Causal Explanations the degree that problems indeed have solutions—with
as a Risk Factor for Depression: Theory and Evidence.” success, including better psychological and physical
Psychological Review, 91(3): 347-374, 1984. health.
Peterson C and Seligman MEP. Character Strengths and
Health-related locus of control is a more specific
Virtues: A Handbook and Classification. New York: Oxford
University Press/Washington, DC: American Psychological instance of locus of control as it applies to one’s physical
Association, 2004. health and encompasses the sense of control over one’s
medical outcomes and health (Wallston, 2005).
Snyder CR (ed). Handbook of Hope: Theory, Measures, and
Applications. San Diego: Academic Press, 2000.
Levenson H. “Multidimensional Locus of Control in
4. Hardiness Psychiatric Patients.” Journal of Consulting and Clinical
Psychology, 41(3): 397-404, 1973.
Kobasa (1979) described a personality dimension she
Rotter JB. “Generalized Expectancies for Internal Versus
labeled hardiness: the ability to find meaning and External Control of Reinforcement.” Psychological Monographs,
challenge in the demands of life. In a series of studies 80(1), whole no. 609, 1966.
in which hardiness was measured with a self-report
survey, hardy individuals were less likely than others Rotter JB. “Some Problems and Misconceptions Related to
the Construct of Internal Versus External Reinforcement.”
to fall ill when confronted with stressful events.
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 43: 56-67, 1975.
Hardiness is sometimes used as a synonym for resiliency, Wallson, KA. (2005). The validity of the multidimensional
the quality that allows some people to survive adversity health locus of control scales. Journal of Health Psychology, 10,
or even to flourish in its wake (Luthar, Cicchetti and 623-631.
Becker, 2000). There is no consensus on how to
Wallston BS and Wallston KA. “Locus of Control and Health:
measure resiliency, or indeed what its components may
A Review of the Literature.” Health Education Monographs,
be, and one perspective holds simply that resilience 6(2): 107-117, 1978.
should be ascertained after the fact of adversity by
simply seeing who returns to baseline functioning and Wallston KA, Wallston BS and DeVellis R. “Development
how quickly (Bonanno, 2004). of the Multidimensional Health Locus of Control (MHLC)
Scales.” Health Education Monographs, 6(2): 160-170, 1978.

Bonanno GA. “Loss, Trauma, and Human Resilience: Have Wallston BS, Wallston KA, Kaplan GD and Maides SA. “The
We Underestimated the Human Capacity to Thrive After Development and Validation of the Health Related Locus
Extremely Aversive Events?” American Psychologist, 59(1): 20- of Control (HLC) Scale.” Journal of Consulting and Clinical
28, 2004. Psychology, 44: 580-585, 1976.

Section 3: Measuring Positive Health—Indicators and Assets

6. Life Satisfaction are more involved in social organizations. Negative

affectivity is unrelated to these indicators of social
Life satisfaction is the judgment that, overall, one’s behavior. People high in positive affectivity are more
life is a good one (Diener, 1984, 1994, 2000). It is likely than those who are low to be married—especially
measured with a brief self-report scale that is reliable, happily—and to like their jobs. People who describe
stable, and has a large array of sensible correlates and
themselves as religious or spiritual score especially high
consequences, including physical health.
on positive affectivity.

Diener E. “Subjective Well-Being.” Psychological Bulletin, 95:

Meehl PE. “Hedonic Capacity: Some Conjectures.” Bulletin
542-575, 1984.
of the Menninger Clinic, 39: 295-307, 1975.
Diener E. “Assessing Subjective Well-Being: Progress and
Opportunities.” Social Indicators Research, 31(2): 103-157, 1994. Watson D. “Positive Affectivity: The Disposition to
Experience Pleasurable Emotional States,” pp. 106-119. In
Diener E. “Subjective Well-Being: The Science of Happiness Handbook of Positive Psychology, Snyder CR and Lopez SJ (eds).
and a Proposal for a National Index.” American Psychologist, New York: Oxford University Press, 2002.
55(1): 34-43, 2000.
Watson D, Clark LA and Tellegen A. “Development and
Diener E, Emmons RA, Larsen RJ and Griffin S. “The Validation of Brief Measures of Positive and Negative Affect:
Satisfaction With Life Scale.” Journal of Personality Assessment, The PANAS Scales.” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,
49(1): 71-75, 1985. 54(6): 1063-1070, 1988.

Lyubomirsky S, King LA and Diener E. “The Benefits of

Frequent Positive Affect: Does Happiness Lead to Success?” 8. Low Negative Emotion
Psychological Bulletin, 131(6): 803-855, 2005.
See above.
7. Positive Emotion/Positive
Affectivity/Hedonic Capacity 9. Subjective Well-Being

The tendency to experience frequent positive emotions Subjective well-being is usually defined as a composite:
and feelings (e.g., joy, interest, and alertness) has been (a) relatively high levels of positive emotion, (b)
termed hedonic capacity (Meehl, 1975) and more recently relatively low levels of negative emotion, and (c) life
positive affectivity—the extent to which an individual satisfaction.
experiences positive moods (Watson, 2002).
See above.
Positive and negative emotions are typically measured
with a self-report questionnaire called the PANAS 10. Engagement
(Positive and Negative Affect Schedule) (Watson, Clark
Engagement in the business of life shows itself as
and Tellegen, 1988). Respondents are presented with
passion, commitment, perseverance, and the sense that
words describing positive moods (e.g., “inspired”) and
one has been called to do what one does (Vallerand,
negative moods (e.g., “ashamed”), and asked to rate
each according to the extent that it describes them. 2008; Wrzesniewski, McCauley, Rozin and Schwartz,
Instructions vary. For example, the questionnaire may 1997). Engagement predicts life satisfaction.
ask for a rating right now, over the past few days, or Engagement overlaps with zest (see above). One of
simply in general. Regardless, the ratings are averaged
the mechanisms producing engagement may be the
separately across the positive mood words and across the
habitual experience of the psychological state of flow
negative mood words. Positive emotions so calculated
(Csikszentmihalyi, 1990). Flow occurs when there is an
are usually independent of negative emotions. Both
optimal balance between skill and challenge. During
prove highly stable across years and even decades.
flow, time passes quickly for the engaged individual.
Positive affectivity is more likely to be observed among Attention is focused on the activity itself, and the sense
extraverted individuals, equally so among men and of the self as a social actor is lost. The aftermath of the
women. People high in positive affectivity are socially flow experience is invigorating, and people describe
active, have more friends and acquaintances, and flow as highly and intrinsically enjoyable.

Positive Health and Health Assets: Re-analysis of Longitudinal Datasets

Csikszentmihalyi M. Flow: The Psychology of Optimal 12. Vitality

Experience. New York: Harper and Row, 1990.
Vitality has been identified as a key component in a
Vallerand RJ. “On the Psychology of Passion: In Search of
What Makes People’s Lives Most Worth Living.” Canadian model of healthy psychological functioning (Rozanski
Psychology, 49: 1-13, 2008. and Kubzansky, 2005). This model highlights
the importance of flexibility and identifies three
Wrzesniewski A, McCauley CR, Rozin P and Schwartz
interrelated components of healthy psychological
B. “Jobs, Careers, and Callings: People’s Relations to Their
Work.” Journal of Research in Personality, 31(1): 21-33, 1997. functioning: vitality, coping flexibility (the ability
to adjust and implement effective coping strategies
11. Meaning according to the nature of the problem), and emotional
flexibility (the ability to flexibly regulate emotion
Peterson, Park, and Seligman (2005) defined a across a wide range of situations). According to this
meaningful life as one in which people feel connected model, vitality is a composite of positive emotions
to something larger than themselves. “Meaning” is that provides energy for managing negative emotions
usually assessed through interviews or self-report and solving problems effectively. This relationship is
surveys, under the assumption that a meaningful life proposed to be bidirectional, with effective emotional
is best understood from the vantage of the individual regulatory processes and coping skills also helping
who is living it. Sometimes the search for meaning is to preserve vitality by diminishing the frequency of
distinguished from the presence of meaning (Steger, energy-depleting negative emotions and/or taxing life
Frazier and Oishi, 2006). problems.
Research consistently links the presence of meaning A number of measures of vitality exist (all self-report via
to well-being. Individuals with a sense of purpose and questionnaires), and they vary widely, from measuring
meaning report greater life satisfaction, more positive primarily physical levels of energy to capturing more
affect, higher levels of optimism, and better self-esteem. psychological aspects of feeling alive and engaged.
They are less likely to have psychological problems.
Two recent measures of vitality have been linked to
They also lead longer lives (e.g., Sone et al., 2008).
health outcomes, specifically cardiovascular outcomes
Research shows that a life framed by meaning is more (Kubzansky and Thurston, 2007; Richman, Kubzansky,
satisfying than a life centered on pleasure. The age-old Maselko, Ackerson and Bauer, in press). These
debate within philosophy between eudaimonia (living include psychological vitality, defined as representing
a life of meaning in accordance with inner virtue) and a combination of hopefulness and mental vigor (i.e.,
hedonism (seeking pleasure) has an empirical resolution. interest); and emotional vitality, defined as a sense
Eudaimonia trumps hedonism. This finding is of positive energy, the ability to effectively regulate
important because so many of psychology’s dominant emotion and behavior, and positive well-being, which
perspectives—e.g., behaviorism and psychoanalysis— includes feeling engaged and interested in life and
assume that hedonism is the fundamental principle measured using items from the General Well-Being
underlying human conduct. Schedule.

Peterson C, Park N and Seligman MEP. “Orientations to Kubzansky LD and Thurston RC. “Emotional Vitality
Happiness and Life Satisfaction: The Full Life Versus the and Incident Coronary Heart Disease: Benefits of Healthy
Empty Life.” Journal of Happiness Studies, 6: 25-41, 2005. Psychological Functioning.” Archives of General Psychiatry,
64(12): 1393-1401, 2007.
Sone T et al. “Sense of Life Worth Living (ikigai) and
Mortality in Japan: Ohsaki Study.” Psychosomatic Medicine, Richman LS, Kubzansky LD, Maselko J, Kawachi I, Choo P
70(6): 709-715, 2008. and Bauer M. “Positive Emotion and Health: Going Beyond
the Negative.” Health Psychology, 24(4): 422-429, 2005.
Steger MF, Frazier P and Oishi S. “The Meaning in Life
Questionnaire: Assessing the Presence of and Search for Richman LS, Kubzansky LD, Maselko J, Ackerson LK
Meaning in Life.” Journal of Counseling Psychology, 53(1): 80- and Bauer M. “The Relationship Between Vitality and
93, 2006. Cardiovascular Health.” Psychology and Health (in press).

Section 3: Measuring Positive Health—Indicators and Assets

Rozanski A and Kubzansky LD. “Psychologic Functioning Swan GE and Carmelli D. “Curiosity and Mortality in Aging
and Physical Health: A Paradigm of Flexibility.” Psychosomatic Adults: A 5-year Follow-Up of the Western Collaborative
Medicine, 67 (Suppl. 1): S47-53, 2005. Group Study.” Psychology and Aging, 11(3): 449-453, 1996.

Ryan RM and Frederick C. “On Energy, Personality, and

Health: Subjective Vitality as a Dynamic Reflection of Well- 14. Mastery/Sense of Control
Being.” Journal of Personality, 65(3): 529-565, 1997.
Belief in personal control is a learned expectation that
13. Curiosity outcomes are contingent on one’s own choices and
actions and that one can master or effectively alter
Curiosity has been defined as an affective state (or one’s environment (Ross and Wu, 1995; Seeman and
trait)—closely linked to interest—that is related to Seeman, 1983). A greater sense of control has been
wanting to investigate, learn, and incorporate new linked to more Positive Health outcomes (Kessler,
experiences. It may overlap with both engagement Turner and House, 1988; Mirowsky and Ross, 1990;
and zest, defined above. More cognitively oriented Rodin, 1986; Turner and Noh, 1983; Turner and
theorists have suggested that curiosity is characterized Roszell, 1994). A sense of control may influence health,
by a set of hypothetical mechanisms that serve to orient both through enhancing health-related behaviors and
or attract an organism to novel stimuli (Swan and through physiological mechanisms that are triggered
Carmelli, 1996).
by experiences of uncontrollability and demoralization
There are some suggestions of links between curiosity (Rodin and Timko, 1992; Rowe and Kahn, 1987;
and health. In one prospective study, Swan and Seeman and Seeman, 1983).
Carmelli (1996) found a relationship between curiosity
Generalized control has been measured using self-
in older men and women and subsequent survival
report, with multiple items reflecting two dimensions:
over a five-year period. Older adults who were more
personal mastery and perceived constraints (Lachman
curious were at 30 percent decreased risk of dying
during the study period, relative to less curious adults. and Weaver, 1998). Personal mastery refers to one’s
Other research has suggested that older adults who sense of efficacy or effectiveness in carrying out goals.
display curious engagement with their environment Perceived constraints indicate to what extent one
through hobbies or other activities live longer and believes there are obstacles or factors beyond one’s
are less likely to develop degenerative diseases of the control that interfere with reaching goals. These
central nervous system (Silvia, 2001). In a study using dimensions are consistent with Skinner’s (1996) two-
data abstracted from patient records obtained from a fold conceptualization of control as comprised of
multispecialty, multigroup medical practice over a two- competence and contingency.
year period, higher levels of curiosity were associated
with decreased likelihood of incident hypertension and Kessler RC, Turner JB and House JS. “Effects of
prevalent diabetes mellitus (Richman et al., 2005). Unemployment on Health in a Community Survey: Main,
Modifying, and Mediating Effects.” Journal of Social Issues,
Measures of curiosity are usually self-report 44(4): 69-85, 1988.
questionnaire-based and primarily capture the extent
Lerner D, Levine S, Malspeis S and D’Agostino RB. “Job
to which individuals are engaged in their social
Strain and Health-Related Quality of Life in a National
environment and willing to explore novel stimuli. Sample.” American Journal of Public Health, 84(10): 1580-1585,
Richman L, Kubzansky LD, Maselko J, Kawachi I, Choo P
and Bauer M. “Positive Emotion and Health: Going Beyond Mirowsky J and Ross CE. “Control or Defense? Depression
the Negative.” Health Psychology, 24(4): 422-429, 2005. and the Sense of Control Over Good and Bad Outcomes.”
Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 31(1): 71-86, 1990.
Silvia PJ. “Interest and Interests: The Psychology of
Constructive Capriciousness.” Review of General Psychology, Rodin J. “Aging and Health: Effects of the Sense of Control.”
5: 270-290, 2001. Science, 233(4770): 1271-1276, 1986.

Spielberger CD. Preliminary Manual for the State-Trait Rodin J and Timko C. “Sense of Control, Aging, Health.” In
Personality Inventory. Tampa, FL: University of South Florida, Aging, Health, and Behavior, Ory MG, Abeles RP and Lipman
1998. PD (eds), pp. 207-236. Newbury Park, CA: Sage, 1992.

Positive Health and Health Assets: Re-analysis of Longitudinal Datasets

Ross CE and Wu C. “The Links Between Education and Wainwright NW, Surtees PG, Welch AA, Luben RN, Khaw
Health.” American Sociological Review, 60(5): 719-745, 1995. KT and Bingham SA. “Sense of Coherence, Lifestyle Choices
and Mortality.” Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health,
Rowe JW and Kahn RL. “Human Aging: Usual and 62(9): 829-831, 2008.
Successful.” Science, 237(4811): 143-149, 1987.

Seeman M and Seeman TE. “Health Behavior and Personal 16. Subjective Sense of Overall
Autonomy: A Longitudinal Study of the Sense of Control in Physical Well-Being
Illness.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 24(2): 144-160,
1983. This dimension of physical well-being extends beyond
the absence of distressing somatic symptoms and
Turner RJ and Noh S. “Class and Psychological Vulnerability
demonstrable disease to encompass a conscious sense
Among Women: The Significance of Social Support and
Personal Control.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 24(1):
of satisfaction with and enjoyment of one’s healthy
2-15, 1983. body. The perception of good health may diverge to
some extent from objective health status. Because the
Turner RJ and Roszell P. “Psychosocial Resources and the subjective experience of one’s health and objective
Stress Process.” In Stress and Mental Health: Contemporary
Issues and Prospects for the Future, Avison WR and Gotlib IH
measures of medical morbidity are only moderately
(eds), pp. 179-210. New York: Plenum, 1994. intercorrelated, it is possible that some medically ill
individuals may nonetheless experience a sense of good
15. Sense of Coherence health, satisfaction, or contentment with their status.

Sense of coherence (SOC) is hypothesized as a flexible The subjective experience of Positive Health
and adaptive dispositional orientation that enables encompasses at least three closely related but distinct
successful coping with adverse experience. It has been dimensions.
shown to be associated with perceived good health
(A) An overall sense of physical well-being and global
and predictive of Positive Health outcomes (Surtees,
satisfaction with one’s health and physical capacities
Wainwright, Luben, Khaw and Day, 2006; Wainwright
et al., 2008). Individuals with a strong SOC appear to Although associated with objective medical morbidity,
be more resilient to the negative effects of social stress. physical well-being is also subject to broad psychosocial
The construct was proposed by Antonovsky (1979) and forces. Self-rated global health is often measured with
is measured using self-report items. the single item: “In general, how would you rate
your health compared to others of your age and sex?”
Antonovsky tried to find the solution to the
This rating consistently predicts subsequent mortality,
salutogenic question of why some people, regardless
morbidity, and illness course, even after controlling for
of major stressful situations and severe hardships, stay
objective measurements of medical status.
healthy, while others do not. How do people manage
their inability to control their life? The answer was
Idler EL and Benyamini Y. “Self-Rated Health and Mortality:
formulated in terms of SOC and general resistance
A Review of Twenty-Seven Community Studies.” Journal of
resources (GRRs). The SOC refers to an enduring Health and Social Behavior, 38(1): 21-37, 1997.
attitude and measures how people view life and identify
and use their GRRs in stressful situations to maintain Eriksson I, Unden AL and Elofsson S. “Self-Rated Health.
Comparisons Between Three Different Measures. Results
and develop their health. The SOC consists of at least From a Population Study.” International Journal of Epidemiology,
three dimensions: comprehensibility, manageability, 30(2): 326-333, 2001.
and meaningfulness.
Shadbolt B, Barresi J and Craft P. “Self-Rated Health as
a Predictor of Survival Among Patients With Advanced
Antonovsky A. Health, Stress, and Coping. San Francisco: Cancer.” Journal of Clinical Oncology, 20(10): 2514-2519, 2002.
Jossey-Bass, 1979.
Flykesnes K and Forde OH. “Determinants and Dimensions
Surtees PG, Wainwright NW, Luben R, Khaw KT and Day Involved in Self-Evaluation of Health.” Social Science and
NE. “Mastery, Sense of Coherence, and Mortality: Evidence Medicine, 35(3): 271-279, 1991.
of Independent Associations From the EPIC-Norfolk
Prospective Cohort Study.” Health Psychology, 25(1): 102-110, Mondloch MV, Cole DC and Frank JW. “Does How You
2006. Do Depend on How You Think You’ll Do? A Systematic

Section 3: Measuring Positive Health—Indicators and Assets

Review of the Evidence for a Relation Between Patients’ of functional indicators: physical function—the
Recovery Expectations and Health Outcomes.” Canadian individual’s physical capacities and abilities—and role
Medical Association Journal, 165(10): 174-179, 2001.
function—the ability to carry out one’s occupational,
(B) A positive appreciation and sense of satisfaction and social, and family roles. A third class of indicators
pleasure in one’s physical capacities pertains to the individual’s social integration and
support received from others.
These include the subjective experience of vigor,
vitality, stamina, and energy (“full of pep”), as well as A. POSITIVE PHYSICAL FUNCTIONING
feeling strong, robust, hale, and hearty. A number of
self-report questionnaires contain individual items and 1. Exceptional Sensory Acuity (e.g.,
subscales assessing vitality, several of which have been vision, taste, hearing)
associated with health outcomes. See discussion above.
Meilgaard MC, Civille GV and Carr BT. Sensory Evaluation
(C) A sense of physical security Techniques (4th ed.). Boca Raton, FL: Taylor and Francis, 2007.

Physical well-being includes a sense of sturdiness,

2. Exceptional Motor Performance
durability, ruggedness, and hardiness, as opposed to
and Musculoskeletal Function
a sense of fragility and frailty, and susceptibility to
(e.g., range of motion, strength,
infirmity and disease. Hardiness has been assessed with endurance, flexibility, fine motor
self-report surveys, but the development of a version skills)
that focuses more narrowly and more specifically on
physical health would be desirable.
Allard F and Starkes JL. “Motor-Skill Experts in Sports,
Dance, and Other Domains.” In Toward a General Theory of
This dimension is opposed to disease fears and
Expertise: Prospects and Limits, Ericcson EA and Smith J (eds),
illness worries, health-related anxiety, intolerance of pp. 126-152. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1991.
uncertainty, and exceptionally intense fear of death.
Health-related anxiety can be assessed with the Health 3. Exceptional Central Nervous
Anxiety Questionnaire or with the Whiteley Index, System Function (e.g., balance,
and uncertainty intolerance has been assessed with the coordination, cognition, memory)
Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale.
Gardner H. Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences.
Buhr K and Dugas MJ. “The Intolerance of Uncertainty New York: Basic Books, 1983.
Scale: Psychometric Properties of the English Version.”
Behaviour Research and Therapy, 40(8): 931-945, 2002. de Groot AD and Gobet F. Perception and Memory in Chess:
Studies in the Heuristics of the Professional Eye. Assen: Van
Lucock MP and Morley S. “The Health Anxiety Gorcum, 1996.
Questionnaire.” British Journal of Health Psychology, 1(2): 137-
150, 1996.
Pilowsky I. “Dimensions of Hypochondriasis.” The British
Journal of Psychiatry, 113: 89-93, 1967. Positive role function refers to personal ecology—
“person-environment fit”—and is characterized not
only by the biomedical characteristics of the individual
III. Functional Indicators of
Positi ve Health but also by the degree of success of the match between
the individual’s physical abilities and the requirements of
The concept of Positive Health implies optimal the environment and their chosen lifestyle. The extent
physical functioning and optimal role functioning, of the adaptation between the individual’s physical
above and beyond the mere absence of role impairment capacities and the demands of their circumstances and
or demonstrable physical disability. In other words, the lifestyle is thus an indicator of Positive Health. This
ability to engage in whatever physical activities one encompasses function: occupation, family roles, social
wishes to without restrictions or impediments is an and community activities, avocations, and recreational
indicator of Positive Health. There are two classes activities.

Positive Health and Health Assets: Re-analysis of Longitudinal Datasets

In theory, two individuals with the same disease could Scale of Perceived Social Support.” Journal of Personality
differ in their Positive Health status. For example, the Assessment, 55(3-4): 610-17, 1990.

paralyzed mathematician may be better adapted to his Iwarsson I, Horstmann V, Carlsson G, Oswald F and Wahl
disease and, therefore, healthier than the paralyzed HW. “Person-Environment Fit Predicts Falls in Older Adults
athlete. Better Than the Consideration of Environmental Hazards
Only.” Clinical Rehabilitation, 23(6): 558-567, 2009.
As an extension of this point, positive functional health
Mechanic D. “The Concept of Illness Behaviour: Culture,
might also encompass the ability to tolerate, adapt Situation and Personal Predisposition.” Psychological Medicine,
to, and cope successfully with omnipresent sources 16(1): 1-7, 1986.
of physical distress or impairment that are not clearly
thought of as diseases per se. These include myopia, C. POSITI VE SOCI AL INTEGR ATION
short stature, insomnia, speech impediments, injuries, AND SUPPORT
disturbances of menstruation and menopause, and the
normal concomitants of aging (e.g., decreased night Numerous prospective studies have established that
vision, diminished hearing, decreased strength, dental social integration is a predictor of Positive Health and
problems). The state of positive functional health may physical well-being. The quality and quantity of one’s
encompass the ability to adjust to and accommodate marriage and social relationships, perceived social
support from others, and membership in a diverse social
these states without attributing them to ill health
network, all lead to greater longevity, less cognitive
and without experiencing them as impediments or
decline with aging, greater resistance to infectious
disease, improved outcomes with serious disease, and
lower mortality rates from a variety of causes. Many
Cohen S. “Social Relationships and Health.” American
validated and reliable scales have been developed to
Psychologist, 59(8): 676-684, 2004.
assess these domains.
Cohen S, Underwood L and Gottlieb BH. Social Support
Measurement and Intervention: A Guide for Health and Social Berkman LF, Leo-Summers L and Horwitz RI. “Emotional
Scientists. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000. Support and Survival After Myocardial Infarction: A
Prospective, Population-Based Study of the Elderly.” Annals
Hendrick SS. “Relationship Assessment Scale: A Generic
of Internal Medicine, 117(12): 1003-1009, 1992.
Measure of Relationship Satisfaction.” Journal of Marriage and
the Family, 50: 93-98, 1988. Brummett BH, Barefoot JC, Siegler IC, et al. “Characteristics
of Socially Isolated Patients With Coronary Artery Disease
Russell D, Peplau LA and Cutrona CE. “The Revised UCLA
Who Are at Elevated Risk for Mortality.” Psychosomatic
Loneliness Scale: Concurrent and Discriminant Validity
Medicine, 63(2): 267-22, 2001.
Evidence.” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 39(3):
472-480, 1980. Eaker ED, Sullivan LM, Kelly-Hayes M, D’Agostino
RB and Benjamin EJ. “Marital Status, Marital Strain and
Russell D, Peplau LA and Ferguson ML. “Developing a Risk of Coronary Heart Disease or Total Mortality: The
Measure of Loneliness.” Journal of Personality Assessment, Framingham Offspring Study.” Psychosomatic Medicine, 69(6):
42(3): 290-294, 1978. 509-513, 2007.

Wrzesniewski A, McCauley CR, Rozin P and Schwartz Cohen S. “Social Relationships and Health.” American
B. “Jobs, Careers, and Callings: People’s Relations to Their Psychologist, 59(8): 676-684, 2004.
Work.” Journal of Research in Personality, 31(1): 21-33, 1997.
Cohen S, Doyle WJ, Skoner DP, Rabin BS and Gwaltney JM.
Zimet GD, Dahlem NW, Zimet SG and Farley GK. “The “Social Ties and Susceptibility to the Common Cold.” Journal
Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support.” Journal of the American Medical Association, 277(24): 1940-1944, 1997.
of Personality Assessment, 52(1): 30-41, 1988.
Cohen S and Janicki-Deverts D. “Can We Improve
Zimet GD, Powell SS, Farley GK, Werkman S and Berkoff Our Physical Health by Altering Our Social Networks?”
KA. “Psychometric Characteristics of the Multidimensional Perspectives on Psychological Science, 4(4): 375-378, 2009.



Support for this paper is provided by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation through a grant, “Exploring the
Concept of Positive Health,” to the Positive Psychology Center of the University of Pennsylvania, Martin Seligman,
project director.

About the Authors

Martin E.P. Seligman, PhD, is a founder of Positive Health as well as the Zellerbach Family Professor of
Psychology and the director of the Positive Psychology Center at the University of Pennsylvania.

Christopher Peterson, PhD, was the Arthur F. Thurnau professor of psychology at the University of Michigan
and the former chair of the clinical psychology area. He died in October 2012.

Arthur J. Barsky, MD, is a professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and director of psychiatric research
at Brigham and Women’s Hospital.

Julia K. Boehm, PhD, is a postdoctoral research fellow in the Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences at
Harvard School of Public Health

Laura Kubzansky, PhD, is a professor of social and behavioral sciences at the Harvard School of Public Health.

Nansook Park, PhD, is a professor of psychology, director of Michigan Positive Psychology Center at the University
of Michigan, and a nationally certified school psychologist.

Darwin Labarthe, MD, is a professor of preventive medicine in the Department of Preventive Medicine,
Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine.


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