C# Async Pattern

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Chapter 14 - Concurrency and Asynchrony

Threading Basics


Principles of Asynchrony

Asynchronous Functions in C#

Asynchronous Streams (from C# 8)

Asynchronous Patterns

async void Main()

var token = new CancellationToken();
Task.Delay (5000).ContinueWith (ant => token.Cancel()); // Tell it to cancel in two seconds.
await Foo (token);

// This is a simplified version of the CancellationToken type in System.Threading:

class CancellationToken
public bool IsCancellationRequested { get; private set; }
public void Cancel() { IsCancellationRequested = true; }
public void ThrowIfCancellationRequested()
if (IsCancellationRequested) throw new OperationCanceledException();

async Task Foo (CancellationToken cancellationToken)

for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
Console.WriteLine (i);
await Task.Delay (1000);

Using the real CancellationToken

async void Main()

var cancelSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
Task.Delay (5000).ContinueWith (ant => cancelSource.Cancel()); // Tell it to cancel in two seconds.
await Foo (cancelSource.Token);

async Task Foo (CancellationToken cancellationToken)

for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
Console.WriteLine (i);
await Task.Delay (1000);

Using the real CancellationToken - improved version

async void Main()

var cancelSource = new CancellationTokenSource (5000); // This tells it to cancel in 5 seconds
await Foo (cancelSource.Token);

async Task Foo (CancellationToken cancellationToken)

for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
Console.WriteLine (i);
await Task.Delay (1000, cancellationToken); // Cancellation tokens propagate nicely

Progress reporting - with a delegate

async void Main()

Action<int> progress = i => Console.WriteLine (i + " %");
await Foo (progress);
Task Foo (Action<int> onProgressPercentChanged)
return Task.Run (() =>
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
if (i % 10 == 0) onProgressPercentChanged (i / 10);
// Do something compute-bound...

Progress reporting - with IProgress

async void Main()

Action<int> progress = i => Console.WriteLine (i + " %");
await Foo (progress);

Task Foo (Action<int> onProgressPercentChanged)

return Task.Run (() =>
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
if (i % 10 == 0) onProgressPercentChanged (i / 10);
// Do something compute-bound...

Task combinators - WhenAny

async void Main()

Task<int> winningTask = await Task.WhenAny (Delay1(), Delay2(), Delay3());
Console.WriteLine ("Done");
Console.WriteLine (winningTask.Result); // 1

async Task<int> Delay1() { await Task.Delay (1000); return 1; }

async Task<int> Delay2() { await Task.Delay (2000); return 2; }
async Task<int> Delay3() { await Task.Delay (3000); return 3; }

Task combinators - WhenAny - await winning task

async void Main()

Task<int> winningTask = await Task.WhenAny (Delay1(), Delay2(), Delay3());
Console.WriteLine ("Done");
Console.WriteLine (await winningTask); // 1

async Task<int> Delay1() { await Task.Delay (1000); return 1; }

async Task<int> Delay2() { await Task.Delay (2000); return 2; }
async Task<int> Delay3() { await Task.Delay (3000); return 3; }

Task combinators - WhenAny - in one step

async void Main()

int answer = await await Task.WhenAny (Delay1(), Delay2(), Delay3());

async Task<int> Delay1() { await Task.Delay (1000); return 1; }

async Task<int> Delay2() { await Task.Delay (2000); return 2; }
async Task<int> Delay3() { await Task.Delay (3000); return 3; }

Task combinators - WhenAny - timeouts

async void Main()

Task<string> task = SomeAsyncFunc();
Task winner = await (Task.WhenAny (task, Task.Delay(5000)));
if (winner != task) throw new TimeoutException();
string result = await task; // Unwrap result/re-throw

async Task<string> SomeAsyncFunc()

await Task.Delay (10000);
return "foo";

Task combinators - WhenAll

async void Main()

await Task.WhenAll (Delay1(), Delay2(), Delay3());

async Task<int> Delay1() { await Task.Delay (1000); return 1; }

async Task<int> Delay2() { await Task.Delay (2000); return 2; }
async Task<int> Delay3() { await Task.Delay (3000); return 3; }

Task combinators - WhenAll - exceptions

async void Main()

Task task1 = Task.Run (() => { throw null; } );
Task task2 = Task.Run (() => { throw null; } );
Task all = Task.WhenAll (task1, task2);
try { await all; }
Console.WriteLine (all.Exception.InnerExceptions.Count); // 2

Task combinators - WhenAll - return values

async void Main()

Task<int> task1 = Task.Run (() => 1);
Task<int> task2 = Task.Run (() => 2);
int[] results = await Task.WhenAll (task1, task2); // { 1, 2 }

Task combinators - WhenAll - web page downloads

async void Main()

int totalSize = await GetTotalSize ("http://www.linqpad.net http://www.albahari.com http://stackoverflow.com".Split());

async Task<int> GetTotalSize (string[] uris)

IEnumerable<Task<byte[]>> downloadTasks = uris.Select (uri => new WebClient().DownloadDataTaskAsync (uri));
byte[][] contents = await Task.WhenAll (downloadTasks);
return contents.Sum (c => c.Length);

Task combinators - WhenAll - web page downloads improved

async void Main()

int totalSize = await GetTotalSize ("http://www.linqpad.net http://www.albahari.com http://stackoverflow.com".Split());

async Task<int> GetTotalSize (string[] uris)

IEnumerable<Task<int>> downloadTasks = uris.Select (async uri =>
(await new WebClient().DownloadDataTaskAsync (uri)).Length);

int[] contentLengths = await Task.WhenAll (downloadTasks);

return contentLengths.Sum();

Custom combinators - WithTimeout

async void Main()

string result = await SomeAsyncFunc().WithTimeout (TimeSpan.FromSeconds (2));

async Task<string> SomeAsyncFunc()

await Task.Delay (10000);
return "foo";

public static class Extensions

public async static Task<TResult> WithTimeout<TResult> (this Task<TResult> task, TimeSpan timeout)
Task winner = await (Task.WhenAny (task, Task.Delay (timeout)));
if (winner != task) throw new TimeoutException();
return await task; // Unwrap result/re-throw

Custom combinators - WithCancellation

async void Main()

var cts = new CancellationTokenSource (3000); // Cancel after 3 seconds
string result = await SomeAsyncFunc().WithCancellation (cts.Token);

async Task<string> SomeAsyncFunc()

await Task.Delay (10000);
return "foo";

public static class Extensions

public static Task<TResult> WithCancellation<TResult> (this Task<TResult> task, CancellationToken cancelToken)
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<TResult>();
var reg = cancelToken.Register (() => tcs.TrySetCanceled ());
task.ContinueWith (ant =>
if (ant.IsCanceled)
else if (ant.IsFaulted)
tcs.TrySetException (ant.Exception.InnerException);
tcs.TrySetResult (ant.Result);
return tcs.Task;

Custom combinators - WhenAllOrError

// This will throw an exception immediately.

async void Main()

Task<int> task1 = Task.Run (() => { throw null; return 42; } );
Task<int> task2 = Task.Delay (5000).ContinueWith (ant => 53);

int[] results = await WhenAllOrError (task1, task2);


async Task<TResult[]> WhenAllOrError<TResult> (params Task<TResult>[] tasks)

var killJoy = new TaskCompletionSource<TResult[]>();

foreach (var task in tasks)

task.ContinueWith (ant =>
if (ant.IsCanceled)
else if (ant.IsFaulted)
killJoy.TrySetException (ant.Exception.InnerException);

return await await Task.WhenAny (killJoy.Task, Task.WhenAll (tasks));


C# 12
in a Nutshell
About the Book

Code Listings
C# 12 in a Nutshell
C# 10 in a Nutshell
C# 9.0 in a Nutshell
C# 8.0 in a Nutshell
C# 7.0 in a Nutshell


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