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Journal of Open Innovation:

Technology, Market, and Complexity

Does Engaging in Global Market Orientation Strategy Affect
HEIs’ Performance? The Mediating Roles of Intellectual Capital
Readiness and Open Innovation
Bambang Tjahjadi 1, * , Noorlailie Soewarno 1 , Johnny Jermias 2 , Hariyati Hariyati 3 , Atika Fairuzi 1
and Dewi Nabilah Anwar 1

1 Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya City 60285, Indonesia;
[email protected] (N.S.); [email protected] (A.F.);
[email protected] (D.N.A.)
2 Beedie School of Business, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6, Canada; [email protected]
3 Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Negeri Surabaya (UNESA), Surabaya City 60213, Indonesia;
[email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +62-816-527-484

Abstract: This study aims to examine the effect of global market orientation strategy on the per-
formance of Indonesian Higher Education Institutions. Furthermore, it investigates whether this
relationship is mediated by intellectual capital readiness and open innovation. This is a quantitative
study employing a multi-mediation research model conceptualizing the relationship among the five
constructs. This study employs a resource-based view to explain the relationships among constructs
and partial least squares-structural equation modeling to test the hypotheses studied. A sample
of 119 schools/faculties, derived from the 50 best state and private institutions in Indonesia and

 based on the Webometrics 2021, was used. This research reveals the following main results. First,
Citation: Tjahjadi, B.; Soewarno, N.; intellectual capital readiness fully mediates the influence of global market orientation strategy on the
Jermias, J.; Hariyati, H.; Fairuzi, A.; institutions’ performances. Second, open innovation does not mediate the effect of global market
Anwar, D.N. Does Engaging in orientation strategy on institutions’ performances. This study is the first attempt to understand
Global Market Orientation Strategy how global market orientation strategy enhances institutions’ performances via intellectual capital
Affect HEIs’ Performance? The readiness and open innovation. This study reveals the insignificant effect of open innovation on
Mediating Roles of Intellectual performance. Thus, the main implication of these findings is that institutions need to downstream
Capital Readiness and Open their innovations to the community for future performance and communities’ benefits. The applied
Innovation. J. Open Innov. Technol.
execution does matter in the open innovation–institution performance relationship.
Mark. Complex. 2022, 8, 29. https://
Keywords: global market orientation strategy; intellectual capital readiness; open innovation; higher
Received: 1 December 2021 education institutions’ performance; education
Accepted: 17 January 2022
Published: 21 January 2022

Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral

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1. Introduction
published maps and institutional affil- Which factors trigger organizational performance during rapid and dynamic change?
iations. The answer to this question is important for society when faced with the role of higher
education institutions (HEIs) in the era of globalization and during the COVID-19 pan-
demic. In global competition, the quality of human capital will determine the competitive
advantage of a nation. HEIs are needed in every country because of their strategic role in
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors.
improving the quality of human capital through higher education [1–3] Thus, HEIs are
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
demanded to enhance their quality by using global standards because they are compared
This article is an open access article
to each other by the rating agencies, such as the ARWU, Times Higher Education (THE),
distributed under the terms and
and Quacquarelli Symonds (QS). Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic has increased the
conditions of the Creative Commons
complexity of problems in the management of HEIs, especially with various restrictions on
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
community activities. How strategy, intellectual capital readiness, and open innovation
affect the HEIs’ performance is the focus of this paper.

J. Open Innov. Technol. Mark. Complex. 2022, 8, 29. https://doi.org/10.3390/joitmc8010029 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/joitmc

J. Open Innov. Technol. Mark. Complex. 2022, 8, 29 2 of 18

One of the theoretical arguments regarding organizational performance and compet-

itiveness is provided by the resource-based view (RBV), which explains that resources
owned by an organization must have the characteristics of valuable, rare, inimitable, and
non-substitutable [4–8]. RBV argues that a strategy that is unique and cannot be imitated
by competitors creates a competitive advantage [6,7]. Thus, a global market orientation
strategy as a set of assets, skills, and capabilities should be used by organizations to create a
sustainable competitive advantage and to obtain achieve a superior result in the global era.
However, according to [9], market orientation is an area that needs further investigation,
especially in international contexts. In the context of global education, it is crucial for HEIs
to adopt the global market orientation strategy to improve the quality of their services
using the global standards. Thus, identifying the factors that contribute to the relationship
between global market orientation strategy and organizational performance is strategi-
cally important. Although the issue of globalization is becoming increasingly prevalent,
empirical studies using the construct of global market orientation are still rare, especially
in the context of HEIs. Some scholars used the construct of market orientation in their
studies, though even this achieved inconsistent results. This research gap requires further
studies. To effectively execute the global market orientation strategy, organizations need to
develop and prepare their intellectual capital to outperform their competitors. Intellectual
capital drives organizational innovations and competitiveness. Intellectual capital is the
most important strategic resource for creating competitive advantage because it integrates
innovation from external sources [10]. A more specific construct of intellectual capital is
introduced, namely intellectual capital readiness together with open innovation as the
mediating variables. Intellectual capital readiness has a more specific meaning, related to
the effectiveness of strategy execution. Some previous studies indicated the relationships
between strategy and human capital [11], strategy and intellectual capital [12,13], and intel-
lectual capital and open innovation [14,15], as well as open innovation and organizational
performance [16,17]. Therefore, a multi-mediation conceptual framework is employed by
this study to provide a more comprehensive understanding.
This study is important for Indonesia for the following reasons. First, Indonesia,
as one of the most populous countries, is very concerned about the quality of higher
education institutions, especially for improving its competitive position in the world [18,19].
Second, in 2021, one of the best universities in Indonesia was only ranked 254 in the QS
WUR. Third, the participation of Indonesian universities in a global context is still low, as
evidenced by only 5 out of 4621 universities being included in the best 500 of QS WUR
2021. Fourth, during the COVID-19 pandemic, the HEIs must be faster and more creative in
adapting to changes in the global higher education industry, including internationalization
programs. In summary, this study addresses the following research problems: (1) Does
intellectual capital readiness mediate the effect of global market orientation strategy on
HEIs’ performance? (2) Does open innovation mediate the influence of global market
orientation strategy on HEIs’ performance? and (3) Do intellectual capital readiness and
open innovation sequentially mediate the influence of global market orientation strategy
on HEIs’ performance?
This research has the following novelties. First, studies regarding the effect of global
market orientation strategy on HEIs’ performance are still rarely conducted. Second,
this is the first study investigating the effect of global market orientation strategy on
HEIs’ performance using intellectual capital readiness and open innovation as mediating
variables. Third, it uses a more specific construct, namely intellectual capital readiness
because of its importance to strategy execution. Fourth, it employs a dual mediation
conceptual framework for a more comprehensive understanding.

2. Literature Review and Hypothesis Development

RBV states that resources owned by the organization are the key to achieving organi-
zational competitiveness. In HEIs, RBV refers to the unique, internal resources possessed
by each HEI and their optimal use to outperform its competitors. Internal resources that
J. Open Innov. Technol. Mark. Complex. 2022, 8, 29 3 of 18

support the competitive advantage of HEIs must meet the criteria of being valuable, rare,
inimitable, and non-substitutable. Furthermore, the advantages of these internal resources
can be further developed into new resources that are useful as a strategy for maintaining
market position [20,21]. In the context of HEIs, it can be concluded that the better the
management of internal resources, the better their performance. Internal resources can
be tangible or intangible assets [22–25]. The most significant internal resources owned by
universities are intangible assets [26]. In the era of a knowledge economy, the most critical
intangible resource is intellectual capital [27,28] which consists of human capital, relational
capital, and structural capital [29–31]. Intellectual capital can improve HEIs’ performance
because of their ability to transfer knowledge. Scholars [29,31,32] also argue that the process
of internationalization and the priority of accessibility of higher education resources are the
primary motivations for interacting globally to achieve a competitive advantage [33,34].
RBV is relevant for this study because of its ability to explain the importance of in-
ternal organizational factors such as global market orientation, intellectual capital, and
open innovation as the main determinants of improving the competitiveness and perfor-
mance of Indonesian HEIs. To succeed in the global market, HEIs need to identify their
potential customers and competitors and prepare their intellectual capital to meet global
standards. HEIs also need to create various innovations to meet customer demand and
win global competition. Open innovation provides another way to access new sources
of knowledge outside the organization so that it is more efficient and minimizes barriers,
such as finance, technology, and human resources. Organizations that implement open
innovation activities need to analyze their impacts on competitiveness because innovation
may affect several competitiveness constructs [35]. A global market orientation strategy
combined with the ability to commercialize internal innovations to external parties will
provide a better competitive advantage [36,37]. Thus, it is mandatory for every university
to develop the appropriate strategies and management of internal resources to achieve a
global competitive advantage.

2.1. Previous Studies

Table 1 presents the map of previous studies [38–52] relating to the construct of global
market orientation or market orientation and its effect on the performance of mostly profit-
oriented organizations.

2.2. Global Market Orientation Strategy and HEIs’ Performance

Global market orientation is a strategy used for maximizing the value of products or
services to achieve a competitive advantage in the global market [20,53,54]. The global
market plays an essential role in increasing the success of organizations, implementing
internationalization strategies for entering global markets [55–57]. Market orientation
strategy encourages organizations to continue to seek information about the needs and con-
ditions of consumers, competitors, and others to maximize their output [58,59]. Achieving
global market performance has become a significant concern of universities today with the
hope of increasing external financial sources and attracting qualified international students
and researchers [60].
Several scholars examined the influence of market orientation strategy on performance,
but studies of HEIs’ performance on the same topic are still rare. In the context of profit-
oriented companies, research by [61] in Albania revealed that market orientation strategy
influences firms’ performance; a study of [46] on the pharmaceutical companies in Jordan
proved that market orientation positively affects companies’ performance; and a study
by [48] on UAE private companies demonstrated that international market orientation
positively influences internationalization performance. Another study by [47] showed that
the market orientation strategy implemented by the hospitality industry in Portugal has a
positive influence on performance. This research confirms the results of earlier findings
using the research setting of universities as non-profit organizations. This study also argues
J. Open Innov. Technol. Mark. Complex. 2022, 8, 29 4 of 18

that the more effective the implementation of the global market orientation strategy, the
better the performance of HEIs. Based on these reasons, the first hypothesis is formulated:

Hypothesis 1 (H1). Global market orientation strategy has a positive effect on HEIs’ performance.

Table 1. Map of some previous studies.

# Researcher(s), Independent Variable Dependent Variable Subject Result

1 Greenley (1995) Market Orientation Performance Companies in UK No effect

2 Appiah-Adu (1998) Market Orientation Performance (ROI dan Companies in Ghana No effect
Sales Growth)

3 Caruana, Ramaseshan and Market Orientation Performance Governmental Positive effect

Ewing (1999) departments in Australia

4 Grewal and Tansuhaj (2001) Market Orientation and Performance After Crisis Companies in Thailand Negative effect
5 Sandvik and Sandvik (2003) Market Orientation Business Performance Hotels in Norway Negative effect
Langerak, Jan Hultink and Organizational
6 Market Orientation Companies in Netherland No effect
Robben (2004) Performance
7 Xie, Liu and Chen (2007) Market Orientation Companies in China No effect

8 Private universities in
Zebal and Goodwin (2012) Market Orientation Performance Bangladesh Positive effect

Market orientation,
technology orientation, Organizational Pharmaceutical
9 Masa’deh et al. (2018) Positive effect
entrepreneurial Performance companies in Jordan
10 Hernández-Mogollón and Market Orientation Business Performance Hotels in Portugal Positive effect
Rodrigues (2019)

11 Nakos, Dimitratos and Global Market International Companies in UAE Positive effect
Elbanna (2019) Orientation Performance
Competitive Advantage
12 Udriyah and Azam (2019) Market Orientation and Business Textile SMEs Positive effect
13 Bamfo and Kraa (2019) Competitor Orientation Business Performance SMEs in Ghana No effect

14 Market Performance Private universities

Anabila et al. (2020) Market Orientation of HEIs in Ghana Positive effect

15 Abbu and Market Orientation Firm Performance Companies Positive effect

Gopalakrishna (2021)

2.3. The Mediating Role of Intellectual Capital Readiness on Global Market Orientation
Strategy—HEIs’ Performance Relationship
Globalization is a challenge for organizations and their interactions with global mar-
kets. Organizations that focus their orientation on global markets need to adjust their
resources’ values and capabilities [62], especially their intellectual capital, per global stan-
dards. RBV argues that intellectual capital plays an important role as an intangible asset that
improves organizational performance. Organizations that optimally manage intellectual
capital will increase their organizational value [63–66]. In the context of higher education,
intellectual capital can be an indicator used by universities to attract international students
and lecturers and improve their academic performance [67,68].
Intellectual capital is one of the key strategic factors for improving organizational
performance. As stated by [13], intellectual capital facilitates the implementation of organi-
zational strategy. A study by [69] on universities in Thailand showed that intellectual capital
positively affects the universities’ performances, while a study by [70] on universities in
Columbia proved that intellectual capital improves performance, including productivity,
graduate quality, and international collaboration. Referring to [71], “readiness” means
that intangible assets must be ready to support effective strategy execution. Intellectual
capital readiness also implies that human capital, structural capital, and relational capi-
tal must be developed and prepared by HEIs to support strategy execution. HEIs need
J. Open Innov. Technol. Mark. Complex. 2022, 8, 29 5 of 18

to pay special attention to the development and readiness of intellectual capital to meet
the global standards. Thus, this study argues that the higher the level of global market
orientation strategy implementation, the higher the need for intellectual capital readiness
to support strategy execution; furthermore, this will influence HEIs’ performance. Based
on the previous arguments, the second hypothesis can be proposed as follows:

Hypothesis 2 (H2). Intellectual capital readiness mediates the effect of global market orientation
strategy on HEIs’ performance.

2.4. The Mediating Role of Open Innovation on Global Market Orientation Strategy—HEIs’
Performance Relationship
Global market orientation strategy is a strategy for determining orientation and the
actions necessary to create added value when marketing products in global markets. Or-
ganizations that adopt the global market orientation strategy need to better understand
their consumer needs, competitor capabilities, and other external forces [48,57,72]. Orga-
nizations with a global market orientation strategy will encourage the creation of inno-
vation [61,73], and open innovation plays an important role in the process of improving
performance [16,17]. A study conducted by [17] on 178 universities in Sri Lanka showed
that open innovation has a positive influence on HEIs’ performance. A study by [16] on
244 organizations in Spain also proved that open innovation strategy positively influences
organizational performance. In the context of HEIs, this study argues that the more exten-
sive the adoption of global market orientation strategy, the higher the need for innovations;
consequently, this will enhance HEIs’ performance. Based on the previous explanation, the
following third hypothesis is proposed:

Hypothesis 3 (H3). Open innovation mediates the effect of global market orientation strategy on
HEIs’ performance.

2.5. The Mediating Role of Intellectual Capital Readiness and Open Innovation on Global Market
Orientation Strategy—HEIs’ Performance Relationship
RBV argues that intellectual capital is a driver of competitive advantage because it
can integrate innovation from within and outside an organization, thus its readiness is im-
portant. Therefore, an organization adopting a global market orientation strategy requires
intellectual capital readiness for an effective strategy execution and triggers open innovation
to enhance performance. Although previous scholars partially examined the relationships
between strategy, intellectual capital, open innovation, and performance [11,15–17], a more
integrative and comprehensive model does not exist. In the context of HEIs, this study
argues that the more extensive the adoption of global market orientation strategy, the more
important the role of intellectual capital readiness in strategy execution. This triggers the
need for open innovation, and finally, these innovations improve HEIs’ performance. Based
on the previous arguments, the following fourth hypothesis is proposed:

Hypothesis 4 (H4). Intellectual capital readiness and open innovation sequentially mediate the
effect of global market orientation strategy on HEIs’ performance.

This study employs a multi-mediation approach. Figure 1 depicts the conceptual

framework of this research involving four constructs, namely global market orientation
strategy, intellectual capital readiness, open innovation, and HEIs’ performance.
Hypothesis 4 (H4). Intellectual capital readiness and open innovation sequentially mediate the
effect of global market orientation strategy on HEIs' performance.
This study employs a multi-mediation approach. Figure 1 depicts the conceptual
J. Open Innov. Technol. Mark. Complex. 2022, 8, 29
framework of this research involving four constructs, namely global market6 of 18
strategy, intellectual capital readiness, open innovation, and HEIs' performance.


Global Market HEIs'

Orientation Performance


Figure 1. Conceptual framework.

Figure 1. Conceptual framework.
3. Methodology
3. Sample
The research data were collected from the 50 best public and private universities in
3.1. Sample
Indonesia, according to the Webometrics 2021, with a total of 529 schools/faculties. The
The research
Webometrics data wereofcollected
uses indicators visibility from the 50
(impact), best public(openness),
transparency and privateanduniversities
excel- in
Indonesia, according
lence. Purposive to the
sampling wasWebometrics
used to determine 2021,thewith a total
sample withofthe
529 schools/faculties.
following criteria: The
Webometrics uses indicators of visibility (impact), transparency (openness),
(1) HEI must be included in the 50 universities in the Webometrics 2021; (2) HEI must and excel-
have anPurposive sampling
official website was used
that contains to determine
information aboutthethesample
numberwith the following criteria:
of schools/faculties;
(3) school/faculty must have an updated website; (4) school/faculty
(1) HEI must be included in the 50 universities in the Webometrics 2021; website must(2)
HEI must
the name of the dean and vice dean, as well as their respective e-mail addresses.
have an official website that contains information about the number of schools/faculties; Based on
these criteria, 327 schools/faculties met the requirements.
(3) school/faculty must have an updated website; (4) school/faculty website must have the
name of Collection
3.2. Data the dean and vice dean, as well as their respective e-mail addresses. Based on
criteria, 327 schools/faculties
questionnaires met
were used to the data
collect requirements.
from respondents. Before being widely
distributed, a pilot test was conducted on 35 lecturers in Surabaya city. The result of the
pilotData Collection
test showed that the questionnaire was valid and reliable. Furthermore, as many as
327 questionnaires were sent to each school/faculty accompanied by a letter explaining
the purpose of research, the confidentiality of respondents’ answers, the description of no
right or wrong answers, and the anonymous questionnaires. Respondents who did not
answer were reminded every two weeks. After three months of the data collection period,
119 questionnaires were obtained for further processing. Thus, the response rate of the
questionnaire was about 36%.
A non-response bias test was conducted by analyzing the early response and the late
response of the questionnaires. As many as 32 questionnaires received in the first month
were compared with 37 questionnaires received in the third month to determine the issue
of bias. Table 2 shows the results of the Levene test and independent t-test showing that
there was no significant difference in the average value of the early response and late
response [74]. This meant that there was no non-response bias issue in this study.
J. Open Innov. Technol. Mark. Complex. 2022, 8, 29 7 of 18

Table 2. Levene test and Independent t-test.

Levene’s Test t-Test

Variable Cutoff N Mean F Sig Assumption t Sig (Two-Tailed) Conclusion
Equal Variances
GMOS Early 32 4.83 0.000 0.999 −0.900 0.928 Not statistically different
Late 37 4.85
Equal Variances
ICR Early 32 4.93 0.340 0.562 0.631 0.530 Not statistically different
Late 37 4.83
Equal Variances
OI Early 32 4.76 4.652 0.035 0.687 0.495 Not statistically different
not assumed
Late 37 4.65
Equal Variances
HEI PERF Early 32 4.30 0.017 0.898 0.396 0.693 Not statistically different
Late 37 4.24

3.3. Definitions and Measurements

3.3.1. Global Market Orientation Strategy
Global market orientation strategy is defined as a strategy that focuses on activities
that increase HEIs’ performance in the global market. The implementation of market orien-
tation strategy includes three activities: (1) competitor orientation; (2) customer orientation;
and (3) inter-functional coordination [48,75,76]. Referring to Poole [77], the measurement
of global market orientation strategy consists of ten statements after being adjusted to the
conditions of HEIs in Indonesia during the COVID-19 pandemic. A Likert scale rating from
1 (strongly disagree) to 6 (strongly agree), referring to [78], was used in this study because
there was no middle value on the scale. The ten statements used included: (1) actively
conducting international student admission programs; (2) developing an online teaching
and learning system to attract international students; (3) establishing an international office
for international cooperation and international student services; (4) dissemination of infor-
mation through social media networks to prospective international students; (5) developing
facilities to provide the best service to international students and enhance competitive
ability; (6) adapting the curriculum according to the needs of global entrepreneurs; (7) fol-
lowing the ranking of world-class universities conducted by QS World University Ranking
and THE to gain a global reputation; (8) monitoring competitor activity in global markets,
particularly in terms of academic and employer reputation; (9) continuing to strive for
various international accreditations; and (10) adjusting the standards of education, research,
and community service according to world-class standards.

3.3.2. Intellectual Capital Readiness

Intellectual capital readiness is defined as the readiness of skills and experience of
human and organizational resources that can increase HEIs’ performance during the pan-
demic. Intellectual capital has three dimensions: human capital, relational capital, and
structural capital. In this study, intellectual capital readiness was measured by 17 statements
developed from [71,79] after being adjusted to the conditions of universities in Indonesia
during the COVID-19 pandemic. The statements included: (1) teaching and administrative
staff who have good knowledge to carry out the mission and vision; (2) teaching and ad-
ministrative staff who have good knowledge of the needs of service users; (3) teaching and
administrative staff who have good skills to carry out the mission and vision; (4) teaching
and administrative staff who have good consulting skills; (5) teaching and administrative
staff who understand the values of the organization; (6) teaching and administrative staff
who have a good teamwork attitude to achieve common goals; (7) clarity of the HEI’s
organizational structure; (8) build reputation, patents, and other intellectual capital; (9) a
good university management system; (10) culture and values that are in line with the goals
of university; (11) adequate data and documentation; (12) procedures and work methods
J. Open Innov. Technol. Mark. Complex. 2022, 8, 29 8 of 18

that support operational activities; (13) build a network with the academic community;
(14) maintain strategic relationships with other universities, companies, and governments;
(15) high concern for the health of community; (16) periodically conduct surveys and evalu-
ations to stakeholders regarding the level of satisfaction; and (17) capability to implement
research results for the community.

3.3.3. Open Innovation

Open innovation is defined as knowledge flow management activities by utilizing ex-
ternal knowledge to develop institutional innovations, known as inbound open innovation,
and marketing internal knowledge through external channels or outbound open innova-
tion [31,80,81]. In this study, the implementation of open innovation by HEI is measured by
10 statements referring to [82,83], with adjustments to the conditions of HEIs in Indonesia
during the COVID-19 pandemic. The statements include: (1) downstreaming or bringing
research and innovation results closer to users/community: (2) commercializing intellectual
property for external parties; (3) providing a business incubator (business development
facility), which is actively used to develop new and innovative ideas; (4) building the ability
to continuously innovate adapting environmental dynamics; (5) actively collaborating with
external parties (universities, industry, government) to accelerate innovation; (6) utilizing
knowledge and technology developed by external parties to enhance internal innovation;
(7) conducting business with external parties for their innovations, including investing in
companies; (8) planning strategies to innovate on an ongoing basis by involving internal
and external parties; (9) purchasing intellectual property rights to be used for developing
internal innovations as a learning process; (10) open to the idea of developing innovations
that involve external parties.

3.3.4. HEIs’ Performance

HEIs’ performance in this study is defined as the achievement of higher education
goals by utilizing its resources and capabilities [84,85]. The measurement of HEIs’ per-
formance consists of 16 statements as follows: (1) improvement of teaching outcomes;
(2) improvement of teaching quality; (3) creation of innovative teaching methods; (4) in-
creased ratio of students/lecturers; (5) improvement of research results; (6) improvement
of research quality; (7) research innovation enhancement; (8) increase in research cita-
tions; (9) increased output of community service; (10) quality improvement in public
services; (11) increased creation in community service innovations; (12) increased funds
from the Government, students, companies and other donors; (13) improvement of human
resources; (14) improvement of the information system; (15) increased cooperation with
other institutions; (16) improvement in facilities and infrastructure.

3.4. Analysis
To analyze data and test the hypotheses studied, partial least squares structural
equation modeling (PLS-SEM) was employed for the following reasons: (1) it can handle a
relatively small sample size; (2) it is able to deal with several latent variables with various
indicators [86]. To process research data, the WarpPLS version 7.0 (ScriptWarp Systems:
Laredo, TX, USA) was used. The analysis was carried out in two steps: (1) measurement
model analysis, and (2) structural model analysis. The results of the analysis are reported
in the next section.

4. Results
4.1. Characteristics of Respondents
Table 3 presents the characteristics of respondents. It is dominated by the follow-
ing characteristics: male (71%), non-professors (77%), over 50 years old (64%), more
than 5 years’ experience (63%), BLU university status (47%), and superior (excellence)
accreditation status.
J. Open Innov. Technol. Mark. Complex. 2022, 8, 29 9 of 18

Table 3. Characteristics of respondents.

Classification Data Sub-Classification
Absolute Percentage
Male 85 71%
Female 34 29%
Professor 27 23%
Non-Professor 92 77%
<40 years 10 8%
Age 40–50 years 45 38%
>50 years 64 54%
<5 years 56 47%
>5 years 63 53%
State University-BH (a) 41 34%
University Status State University-BLU (b) 56 47%
State University-Satker (c) 2 2%
Private University 20 17%
Excellent 90 76%
Very Good 23 19%
Good 2 2%
Not filled 4 3%
Notes: BH (a) stands for Badan Hukum, which means that the university is established by the Government with
the status of an autonomous public legal entity. BLU (b) stands for Badan Layanan Umum, which means that the
university is established by the Government and all non-tax revenues are managed autonomously and reported
to the state. Satker (c) stands for Satuan Kerja, which means that the university is established by the government
and all revenues must be deposited into the state account (Ministry of Finance) before being used.

4.2. Measurement Model Analysis

The measurement model analysis aims to evaluate the relationship between measures
and constructs by assessing the validity and reliability of each indicator relating to the
specific construct. A loading factor of more than 0.6 and average variance extracted (AVE)
of more than 0.5 were used as the requirements of convergent validity [86–88]. Internal
consistency reliability is assessed using composite reliability (CR) with a minimum value
of more than 0.7 [88]. Discriminant validity is assessed by comparing the square root of
AVE with the correlation between latent variables, where the criterion of the square root of
AVE must be greater than the correlation between latent variables [89].
In the first iteration, the factor loading of HEI 3 (creation of innovative teaching meth-
ods) was 0.512, HEI 7 (research innovation enhancement) was 0.576, HEI 14 (improvement
of the information system) was 0.546, HEI 16 (improvement in facilities and infrastruc-
ture) was 0.569, ICR 15 (high concern for the health of the community) was 0.535, ICR
16 (periodically conduct surveys and evaluations to stakeholders regarding the level of
satisfaction) was 0.570, ICR 17 (capability to implement research results to community) was
0.570, GMO 1 (competitor orientation) was 0.593, and OI 9 (purchasing intellectual property
rights to be used to develop internal innovations as a learning process) was 0.583. Those
indicators were eliminated in the next process. In the second iteration, the factor loading
of HEI 11 (increased creation in community service innovations) was 0.554; therefore, it
was eliminated for the third iteration. The results of the third iteration revealed that all
indicators met the factor loadings of more than 0.6. The results of the measurement model
analysis are presented in Table 4 and show that (1) each factor loading was greater than 0.6,
(2) AVE for each variable was greater than 0.5, and (3) the composite reliability (CR) of each
variable was also more than 0.7.
J. Open Innov. Technol. Mark. Complex. 2022, 8, 29 10 of 18

Table 4. Results of measurement model analysis.

Construct Factor Loading p-Value Construct Factor Loading p-Value

HEI’s Performance ICR 2 0.804 <0.001
HEI 1 0.714 <0.001 ICR 3 0.808 <0.001
HEI 2 0.721 <0.001 ICR 4 0.769 <0.001
HEI 4 0.608 <0.001 ICR 5 0.805 <0.001
HEI 5 0.796 <0.001 ICR 6 0.800 <0.001
HEI 6 0.815 <0.001 ICR 7 0.737 <0.001
HEI 8 0.729 <0.001 ICR 8 0.671 <0.001
HEI 9 0.751 <0.001 ICR 9 0.818 <0.001
HEI 10 0.767 <0.001 ICR 10 0.842 <0.001
HEI 12 0.684 <0.001 ICR 11 0.784 <0.001
HEI 13 0.753 <0.001 ICR 12 0.833 <0.001
HEI 15 0.622 <0.001 ICR 13 0.736 <0.001
Composite Reliability (CR): 0.924
ICR 14 0.655 <0.01
AVE: 0.527
Composite Reliability (CR): 0.955
Global Market Orientation Strategy
AVE: 0.605
GMO 2 0.652 <0.001 Open Innovation
GMO 3 0.673 <0.001 OI 1 0.762 <0.001
GMO 4 0.695 <0.001 OI 2 0.783 <0.001
GMO 5 0.835 <0.001 OI 3 0.782 <0.001
GMO 6 0.812 <0.001 OI 4 0.738 <0.001
GMO 7 0.779 <0.001 OI 5 0.689 <0.001
GMO 8 0.834 <0.001 OI 6 0.814 <0.001
GMO 9 0.785 <0.001 OI 7 0.834 <0.001
GMO 10 0.728 <0.001 OI 8 0.824 <0.001
Composite Reliability (CR): 0.923
OI 10 0.760 <0.001
AVE: 0.574
Composite Reliability (CR): 0.927
Intellectual Capital Readiness
AVE: 0.589
ICR 1 0.801 <0.001
Note(s): This research model met the model fit and quality indices. Average path coefficient (APC) = 0.347,
p < 0.001. Average R-squared (ARS) = 0.408, p < 0.001. Average adjusted R-squared (AARS) = 0.398, p < 0.001.
Average block VIF (AVIF) = 1.672, acceptable if ≤ 5, ideally ≤ 3.3. Average full collinearity VIF (AFVIF) = 2.038,
acceptable if ≤ 5, ideally ≤ 3.3. Tenenhaus GoF (GoF) = 0.484, small ≥ 0.1, medium ≥ 0.25, large ≥ 0.36. Sympson’s
paradox ratio (SPR) = 1.000, acceptable if ≥ 0.7, ideally = 1. R-squared contribution ratio (RSCR) = 1.000, acceptable
if ≥ 0.9, ideally = 1. Statistical suppression ratio (SSR) = 1.000, acceptable if ≥ 0.7. Nonlinear bivariate causality
direction ratio (NLBCDR) = 1.000, acceptable if ≥ 0.7.

Table 5 presents the results of the discriminant validity test, proving that this study
meets the requirements of this test. Therefore, it can be concluded that this study is valid
and reliable.

Table 5. Results of discriminant validity test.


Global market orientation strategy 0.726 0.498 0.201 0.246
Open innovation 0.498 0.778 0.554 0.546
Intellectual capital readiness 0.201 0.554 0.758 0.748
HEIs’ performance 0.246 0.546 0.748 0.767

4.3. Structural Model Analysis

A structural model analysis was used to test the research hypotheses. The estimate
of predictive relevance [90] was assessed using the Q2 value. A Q2 value of more than
0 indicates that the research model has a good predictive relevance [87,91]. The results
J. Open Innov. Technol. Mark. Complex. 2022, 8, 29 11 of 18

show that the Q2 value of intellectual capital readiness was 0.342, open innovation was
0.596, and HEIs’ performance was 0.264. It can be concluded that this study has a good
predictive relevance.
The next step is to test the hypothesis of direct effect. If this result is significant, it will
continue with the second test, namely indirect testing. Table 6 (Panel A) shows that global
market orientation strategy has a significant and positive direct effect on HEIs’ performance
(β coefficient = 0.23; p-value < 0.01; R2 = 0.05). The result shows that H1, which states that
global market orientation strategy has a positive effect on HEIs’ performance, is supported.

Table 6. Results of structural model analysis.

Panel A: Direct Influence (Before Mediation)

Path to
HEIs’ Performance
Global Market
β = 0.23 ***; R2 = 0.05
Orientation Strategy
Panel B: Indirect Influence (After Mediation)
Path to
Variable HEIs’
Intellectual Capital Readiness Open Innovation
Global Market
0.57 *** 0.64 *** 0.10
Orientation Strategy
Intellectual Capital
0.20 ** 0.54 ***
Open Innovation 0.04
R2 0.32 0.59 0.31
Notes: *** p < 0.01; ** p < 0.05; * p < 0.1.

To test the role of mediation, this study refers to [92], stating that: (1) a mediation
is not supported if the β coefficient of the direct effect is the same as that when the
mediation variables are included in the full model; (2) a partial mediation exists when,
after including the mediation variables, the β coefficient of the direct effect decreases and
remains significant; (3) a full mediation exists if, after including the mediation variables,
the β coefficient of the direct effect decreases and becomes insignificant.
Table 6 (Panel B) shows the results of the full model after including the mediating
variables of intellectual capital readiness and open innovation. The direct effect of global
market orientation strategy on HEI’s performance shows a significant decrease in the β
coefficient of 0.23 with p < 0.01 to 0.10 and a p-value = 0.14. The result indicates a full
mediating role [91]. The effect of global market orientation strategy on intellectual capital
readiness produces the β coefficient of 0.57 (p < 0.01), and the effect of intellectual capital
readiness on HEIs’ performance has a β coefficient of 0.54 (p < 0.01). These results prove
that intellectual capital readiness fully mediates the effect of global market orientation
strategy on HEIs’ performance; thus, H2 is supported. The β coefficient of the effect of
global market orientation strategy on open innovation is 0.64 (p < 0.01). The β coefficient of
the effect of open innovation on HEIs’ performance is 0.04 (p = 0.33). Because one of the
paths is not significant, open innovation does not mediate the effect of the global market
orientation strategy on HEIs’ performance. Thus, H3, stating that open innovation mediates
the effect of global market orientation strategy on HEIs’ performance, is not supported.
Global market orientation strategy positively affects intellectual capital readiness with
the β coefficient of 0.57 (p < 0.01). The β coefficient of the effect of intellectual capital
readiness on open innovation is 0.2 (p < 0.01). However, the β coefficient of the effect
of open innovation on HEIs’ performance is 0.04 (p = 0.33). Therefore, H4, stating that
intellectual capital readiness and open innovation sequentially mediate the effect of global
Readiness mance

Global Market Orientation Strategy 0.57 *** 0.64 *** 0.10

Intellectual Capital Readiness 0.20 ** 0.54 ***

J. Open Innov. Technol. Mark. Complex. 2022, 8, 29 12 of 18
Open Innovation 0.04

R2 0.32 0.59 0.31

market orientation on HEIs’ performance, is not supported. The result of structural model
Notes: *** p < 0.01; ** p < 0.05; * p < 0.1.
analysis is presented in Figure 2.

β = 0.57 β = 0.54
(P < 0.01) (P < 0.01)

R2 = 0.32

Global Market HEIs

Orientation Performance
β = 0.10
(P = 0.14)
β = 0.20
(P = 0.01) R2 = 0.31

β = 0.64 β = 0.04
(P < 0.01) Open (P = 0.33)

R2 = 0.59

Figure 2. Results of full model.

Figure 2. Results of full model.
4.4. Common Method Variance
This study collects data using online and self-assessment questionnaires. This raises
the issue of the common method variance (CMV). To address this issue, this study employs
two control procedures to overcome the possibility of bias. Referring to [93,94], this study
uses ex ante and an ex post procedures. The ex ante procedure includes: (1) conducting
a pilot test on 35 faculty staff to confirm their understanding of the statements in the
questionnaires; (2) an explanation to respondents that the questionnaire is anonymous so
that they can honestly answer and respond; and (3) an explanation that there are no right
or wrong answers. The ex post procedure in this study uses a full collinearity test. The
results of the variance inflation factors (VIFs) of all latent variables at the factor level must
be less than or equal to 3.3 so that the research can be said to be free from bias [95]. The
results showed that total collinearity value of VIFs of global market orientation strategy
was 2.46, intellectual capital readiness was 1.93, open innovation was 2.41, and HEI’s
performance was 1.35. Thus, based on the results of the ex ante and ex post procedures, it
can be concluded that the common method variance is not a problem in this study.

5. Discussion
5.1. Effect of Global Market Orientation Strategy on HEIs’ Performance
As predicted by RBV, internal resources and organizational capabilities increase com-
petitive advantage and sustainability performance [96]. This result supports the first
hypothesis stating that global market orientation strategy positively affects HEI’s perfor-
mance. This supports the previous studies of [46,61], which proved that orientation toward
global markets improves a company’s performance. In the context of HEIs in Indonesia,
the government encourages the HEIs to become globally oriented universities with interna-
tional standards so that they can compete with other universities at the global level. Amid
the COVID-19 pandemic, the Indonesian HEIs are also encouraged to launch online learn-
ing programs, which can attract international students. Universities are also encouraged to
obtain international accreditations, such as Abest21, ASIC, APHEA, AACSB, and others to
enhance their global quality and recognition. The increasing quality of Indonesian HEIs
is reflected in the number of universities included in the QS World Ranking University,
from 11 universities in 2021 to 16 universities in 2022. Thus, HEIs that actively adopt global
market orientation strategy enhance their global competitiveness and performance.
J. Open Innov. Technol. Mark. Complex. 2022, 8, 29 13 of 18

5.2. Mediating Role of Intellectual Capital Readiness on the Global Market Orientation
Strategy—HEIs’ Performance Relationship
In line with RBV, the results prove that intellectual capital readiness partially mediates
the effect of global market orientation strategy on HEIs’ performance. This supports [68],
proving the role of intellectual capital in enhancing HEIs’ performance. This study focuses
more on intellectual capital readiness, which must be developed according to the require-
ment of the global market orientation strategy. The Indonesian HEIs that adopt the global
market orientation strategy carry out several programs to improve the readiness of intellec-
tual capital so that the execution of university strategies becomes more effective, including:
(1) running a teaching staff certification program to ensure the quality and readiness of
their human capital; (2) establishing a dual degree/joint program by cooperating with other
international universities; and (3) strengthening higher education management systems
(ISO, Malcolm Baldrige) as an effort to achieve international recognition; and (4) increasing
the number of patents and intellectual property owned. With the high level of intellectual
capital readiness, HEIs’ performance will be better, as reflected in the academic reputation
and employer reputation in the QS WUR assessment.

5.3. Mediating Role of Open Innovation on Global Market Orientation Strategy—HEIs’

Performance Relationship
The result of this study reveals that open innovation does not mediate the effect
of global market orientation strategy on HEIs’ performance. Global market orientation
strategy affects open innovation, meaning that the more intensive the adoption of global
market orientation strategy, the more important the role of open innovation. Unfortunately,
the result reveals that open innovation does not affect HEIs’ performance. These results
support the study by [97–99] but do not align with the study by [16,17]. The following are
some reasons why open innovations in Indonesia do not affect HEIs’ performance. First,
actively collaborating with various parties requires high costs [97–99] which explains that
open innovation has a U-shape effect and can have a negative effect from a cost perspective.
This can be one of the causes of low innovation in Indonesian universities. Therefore, it does
not significantly affect HEIs’ performance, especially in teaching, research, and community
service. Second, the collaboration between universities and industries that uses innovation
results is also low. This means that intellectual property rights as the product of university
research cannot be optimally implemented. Third, the downstreaming of research results
for the community is relatively low because many studies are less applicable due to limited
funds. Fourth, the reduction in research funds due to the COVID-19 pandemic has a
negative effect on HEIs’ performance.

5.4. Mediating Role of Intellectual Capital Readiness and Open Innovation on Global Market
Orientation—HEIs’ Performance Relationship
The results demonstrate that global market orientation strategy affects intellectual
capital readiness, and then intellectual capital readiness encourages open innovation; un-
fortunately, open innovation does not affect HEIs’ performance. The results support [14,15],
proving that intellectual capital affects open innovation. HEIs with a global market ori-
entation strategy need to develop and prepare their intellectual capital to increase open
innovations. Intellectual capital that has met global standards will have better knowl-
edge and capabilities for creating innovations to enhance performance. Unfortunately,
most innovations produced by universities do not affect HEIs’ performance because of
limited research funds, the reduction in research funds to finance the COVID-19 pandemic,
the low downstream of research, and the lack of link and match between universities
and industries.

6. Conclusions, Contributions, Limitations, and Future Research

This study investigates the effect of global market orientation strategy on the Indone-
sian HEIs’ performance during the COVID-19 pandemic. More importantly, it investigates
whether the relationship is mediated by intellectual capital readiness and open innovation.
J. Open Innov. Technol. Mark. Complex. 2022, 8, 29 14 of 18

Using a sample of 119 schools/faculties derived from the best 50 state and private HEIs in
Indonesia, based on the Webometrics 2021, the RBV and the partial least squares-structural
equation modeling (PLS-SEM) were employed to explain the relationships among con-
structs and to test the hypotheses studied. The study revealed the following empirical
results: (1) global market orientation strategy has a positive effect on HEIs performance;
(2) intellectual capital readiness fully mediates the influence of global market orientation
strategy on HEIs’ performance; (3) open innovation does not mediate the influence of
global market orientation strategy on HEIs’ performance; and (4) global market orientation
strategy affects intellectual capital readiness, intellectual capital readiness affects open
innovation, but open innovation does not affect HEIs’ performance.
As the HEIs play a crucial role in the advancement of a country, the global education
competition and the COVID-19 pandemic forced the Indonesian HEIs to focus on enhancing
their customers’ satisfaction by adopting the global standards. The global market orienta-
tion strategy is one of the main focuses of universities to attract international attention and
improve global performance. The strategy demands the readiness of internal resources,
especially the intellectual capital readiness of HEIs. Intellectual capital readiness drives
open innovation and improves performance. However, the finding reveals that open inno-
vation by the Indonesian HEIs is not optimal, and it does not affect their performance due
to limited funds, the reduction in research funds to finance the COVID-19 pandemic, low
downstream of research, and lack of link and match between universities and industries.

6.1. Theoretical Contribution

This study provides the following support for RBV development: (1) providing empir-
ical evidence of the research setting of HEIs’ amidst the COVID-19 pandemic; (2) providing
empirical evidence of the importance of intellectual capital readiness for a more effective
strategy execution; (3) providing a comprehensive understanding regarding the mechanism
of how global market orientation strategy affects HEIs’ performance via intellectual capital
readiness; (4) providing empirical evidence showing that intellectual capital readiness,
including human capital, relational capital, and structural capital, is a factor that encour-
ages open innovation in HEIs; and (5) revealing empirical evidence that open innovation
does not affect HEIs’ performance and recommending that the HEIs’ stakeholders make
improvements in the future.

6.2. Practical Contribution

This study provides several practical contributions, as follows: (1) providing a com-
prehensive understanding to the HEIs’ managers that they need to adopt global market
orientation strategy; (2) providing a deeper understanding of management for all stakehold-
ers of the HEIs, in order to properly manage their intangible assets, especially intellectual
capital readiness and open innovation to improve HEIs’ performance; (3) providing strate-
gic information for management and stakeholders for creating better policies related to
intellectual capital readiness and open innovation; (4) becoming a reference for future
researchers who conduct research on the HEIs’ performance.

6.3. Contribution to Society

This study provides information on the most important university stakeholders for
active participation in improving HEIs’ performance, especially in the era of the COVID-19
pandemic. The better the performance of the HEIs, the higher the quality of life of people
because the HEIs play a strategic role in the development of a country.

6.4. Limitations and Future Research

This study has the following limitations: (1) data collection process is not optimal
due to the COVID-19 pandemic; (2) it is difficult to contact respondents because some
universities/ schools/faculties’ websites cannot be accessed; (3) the results of the study
cannot be generalized to all universities in Indonesia because it is limited to only the 50 best
J. Open Innov. Technol. Mark. Complex. 2022, 8, 29 15 of 18

universities in Indonesia. Future research is recommended in order to (1) use the secondary
and time series data; (2) test the same model using a sample of HEIs other than those
of Webometrics; and (3) examine the role of the other variables, such as environmental
uncertainties, management control system or performance management system, which
play a vital role in improving HEIs’ performance.

6.5. Implication
The results of this study imply that the HEIs’ open innovations must be linked to the
relevant industries or directly executed in the community. The program of link and match
between the HEIs and the related industries must be improved. The innovations must be
widely shared and implemented in the community. At present, HEIs’ innovations are not
properly used by the industries or widely implemented in the community; therefore, they
do not have a significant impact on HEIs’ performance.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, B.T. and N.S.; Data curation, H.H.; Formal analysis, H.H.;
Funding acquisition, B.T.; Investigation, A.F. and D.N.A.; Methodology, J.J.; Project administration,
D.N.A.; Resources, B.T.; Software, A.F.; Supervision, N.S.; Validation, D.N.A.; Writing—original draft,
B.T. and N.S.; Writing—review and editing, J.J. All authors have read and agreed to the published
version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by Universitas Airlangga, grant number 774/UN3.15/PT/2021.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: No new data were created or analyzed in this study. Data sharing is
not applicable to this article.
Acknowledgments: Authors would like to thank Universitas Airlangga for funding this research.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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