Administrative Medical Assisting 8th Edition French Test Bank

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Administrative Medical Assisting 8th Edition French Test Bank

Administrative Medical Assisting 8th

Edition French Test Bank
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5. An administrative medical assistant in the field of plastic surgery should be skilled in obtaining
accurate, detailed case histories.

(A) True (B)


Answer : (A)
6. Radiology involves the diagnosis and treatment of diseases by using x-rays and other imaging and
nuclear medicine procedures.

(A) True (B)


Answer : (A)

7. Managed care organizations operate under the concept of managing the costs and quality of
group health care.

(A) True (B)


Answer : (A)

8. The specialized approach to health care evolved from the philosophy that the physical, mental,
and social well-being of the whole person is as important as the treatment of an individual medical

(A) True (B)


Answer : (B)

9. The first prescription was discovered in the tomb of an Egyptian pharaoh.

(A) True

(B) False

Answer : (A)

10. The Oath of Medicine of today is based on the Oath of Caduceus.

(A) True

(B) False

Answer : (B)

11. With Health Care Reform, physicians who treat Medicare patients will be paid according to the
number of services they perform.

(A) True
(B) False

Answer : (B)


12. Who was the founder of the American Red Cross?

(A) Marie Curie

(B) Christiaan Barnard

(C) Clara Barton

(D) Louis Pasteur

Answer : (C)

13. Who is the founder of professional nursing?

(A) Clara Barton

(B) Florence Nightingale

(C) Marie Curie

(D) Jonas Salk

Answer : (B)

14. Who is the "father of medicine"?

(A) Hippocrates

(B) Aesculapius

(C) Imhotep

(D) Caduceus

Answer : (A)

15. In which type of practice do two or more practitioners share office expenses, employees, and the
on-call schedule?

(A) Associate

(B) Group
(C) Solo physician

(D) Multispecialty

Answer : (A)

16. In which type of practice is the physician either on call 24 hours a day or shares calls with an
independent practitioner?

(A) Group

(B) Professional corporation

(C) Solo

(D) Associate

Answer : (C)

17. Which type of practice has a legal and business status that is independent of its shareholders?

(A) Associate practice

(B) Group practice

(C) Solo physician practice

(D) Professional corporation

Answer : (D)

18. Which type of health care facility is a private, for-profit center that employs salaried physicians,
competes directly with private physician practices, and provides walk-in capabilities?

(A) Urgent care center

(B) Clinic

(C) Hospital

(D) Laboratory

Answer : (A)

19. Which type of health care facility has several surgical suites and a delivery room in addition to
an outpatient or same-day surgical unit?

(A) Urgent care center

(B) Clinic
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The Chloride Method.

Huntington had determined the ratios of CdBr2 to AgBr and also

CdBr2 to Ag very carefully, obtaining the result 112.24 for the atomic
weight of cadmium. Morse and Jones had obtained 112.07 for this
constant by the oxide method. The object of the work about to be
described was to find the cause of this discrepancy if possible. It was
thought advisable however to make some determinations of the ratio
of CdCl2 to AgCl before beginning the bromide method.
Dumas, in 1859, used cadmium chloride to determine the
atomic weight of the metal. He did not establish its ratio to silver
chloride but to silver by titration. He prepared cadmium chloride by
dissolving the metal in hydrochloric acid and melting the resulting
product in a platinum capsule for five or six hours. He made two
series of three determinations. The chloride used in the first series
was yellow in places and not completely soluble. The result was
112.476. The second series was made with chloride which was
perfectly white and soluble and gave 112.007 for the atomic weight
of cadmium. It is evidently more reliable than the first series and
Dumas himself concluded that the atomic weight is very near 112.01.
Preparation of Cadmium Chloride
Four different specimens of cadmium chloride were used in this
work and from these specimens portions were taken for analysis.
These portions were treated differently in different analyses,
therefore it will be necessary to give a brief descriptions of them and
mention the number of the determinations, in which each one was
used. Chloride of cadmium was prepared in the following manner. A
solution of pure hydrochloric acid was prepared by passing a current
of hydrochloric acid gas into pure water which was contained in a
porcelain crucible until no more was absolved. The water used had
been purified by distilling against a platinum dish and the
hydrochloric acid gas was obtained by heating ordinary concentrated
chemically pure hydrochloric acid in a distilling bulb whose neck had
been closed by fusion in order to avoid the use of a cork or rubber
stopper. Hydrochloric acid thus prepared will leave no residue on
evaporation when air is excluded (Stas, Aronstein’s German
translation, p. 111). A piece of platinum foil freed from iron by heating
in the vapors of ammonium chloride as recommended by Stas
(Aronstein’s translation, p. 112) was introduced and a piece of
cadmium laid on it. Solution begins at once, the hydrogen being
liberated on the platinum foil. During the later part of the process,
heat was applied. After all of the metal had dissolved, the solution
was evaporated, the platinum foil having previously been removed.
The crystals of cadmium chloride which separated were not dried but
allowed to remain slightly moist with hydrochloric acid. If no platinum
foil is used, the solution of the pure metal becomes exceedingly
difficult, unless a very large excess of acid is used. No objection can
be raised to the use of platinum foil for in making fifty grammes of
cadmium chloride it cost less than a tenth of a milligramme and even
this could probably have been avoided by using a somewhat larger
amount of hydrochloric acid. The foil was always kept submerged in
the acid liquid. The moist crystals of cadmium chloride were
transferred to a combustion tube passing through an asbestus
covered air-bath, and dried in a current of hydrochloric acid gas for
several hours at 300°C. The hydrochloric acid gas had been passed
through a long calcium chloride tube to dry it, although calcium
chloride probably does not do this very thoroughly. The hydrochloric
acid gas was then replaced by a current of nitrogen prepared as has
already been described under the sulphide method. After the current
of nitrogen had been passing for about half an hour, the tube was
allowed to cool, and the chloride transferred to another combustion
tube, one end of which had been sealed in the flame of a blast lamp.
The other end was drawn out and attached to a Sprengel mercury
pump. After exhausting, the chloride was sublimed in the vacuum.
This takes place at a moderate temperature and the sublimate has a
beautiful crystalline structure and is perfectly white. The crystalline
mass exposes so much surface that water is taken up very rapidly
when exposed to the air. This action is so rapid that the crystals
cannot be transferred to a weighing-glass without introducing an
appreciable error. The whole sample was accordingly transferred to
a stoppered glass bottle which was kept under a bell jar with sticks of
caustic potash. Three samples were prepared in this manner, the
first being used in determination one, the second in determinations
two to seven inclusive, and the third in determinations eight to
nineteen inclusive. The samples used in determinations twenty and
twenty-one were prepared in the following manner: About three
grammes of cadmium were placed in a combustion tube in which
three bridges (as in the distillation of pure cadmium) had been made.
A section may be represented thus

The metal was placed in cavity A and a stream of chlorine

passed through the tube. The chlorine was prepared from potassium
bichromate and hydrochloric acid and dried by passing it through a
long tube containing calcium chloride. When the air had been
displaced, the cadmium was heated. It fused and began to burn to
the chloride which partly flowed over the bridge into cavity B and
partly distilled over into this cavity. When the reaction had ended, the
current of chlorine was replaced by one of dry nitrogen, and the tube
was allowed to cool and the chloride taken for analysis XX. The
specimen used in analysis twenty-one was prepared in exactly the
same way, only the chlorine used was obtained from manganese
dioxide, sodium chloride and sulphuric acid, and was dried with
phosphorous pentoxide instead of calcium chloride.
The special treatment of the portions taken for analysis was as
follows: Those taken for determinations I, II and from XI to XIX
inclusive were placed in a platinum boat and put into combustion
tube. A current of hydrochloric acid gas obtained by heating the
aqueous acid was passed through the tube. The gas had been dried
by calcium chloride. When the air was displaced, the chloride was
heated somewhat higher than its fusing-point i.e. to incipient
redness, and maintained there for a length of time varying from a few
minutes to more than an hour. The hydrochloric acid was then
displaced by a current of nitrogen, and the chloride allowed to cool.
The boat with the chloride, while still slightly warm, was placed in a
weighing-tube, cooled in a dedicator containing caustic potash and
weighed. The chloride thus prepared is transparent and presents
only a small surface to the air. It takes water up so slowly that no
error is introduced from this source. This was tested in one case by
allowing a boat containing some chloride thus prepared to stand in
the air for a certain length of time and noting the increase in weight.
It was quite slow. In several cases specimens of chloride were tested
for hydrochloric acid using tropaeolin as an indicator. It was always
found neutral. The portions used for determinations III and VI to X
inclusive were prepared in exactly the same manner as the
preceding ones except that the hydrochloric acid gas in which they
were fused was not dried but used just as it came from the aqueous
acid. In some cases the platinum boat in which the chloride was
fused was weighed before and after the fusion. The weight remained
For determinations IV and V, about six grammes of cadmium
chloride were placed in a platinum boat, and more than two-thirds of
it distilled out in a current of hydrochloric acid gas which had not
been dried. Part of the distillate was collected after cooling in
nitrogen and used in determination IV while the residue remaining in
the boat was used for determination V. The method of preparing the
chloride used in determinations XX and XXI has already been
The Filters.
Thinking that a Gooch crucible with a platinum sponge on the
bottom in place of asbestus would be desirable for this work one was
accordingly made and answered the purpose very satisfactorily. All
determinations were made by using such filters. C. E. Munroe
(Chem. News, Vol 58, p. 101) has described the preparation of these
filters. A platinum Gooch crucible was placed on a filter paper and
some ammonium platonic chloride which had been thoroughly
washed introduced by suspending it in alcohol and then pouring this
into it. The precipitate settles to the bottom forming a uniform layer
and the alcohol drains, off through the filter paper. The crucible was
then dried slowly in an air-bath. After this it was transferred to a
porcelain crucible and slowly heated until decomposition was
complete. In this manner a layer of platinum felt is obtained which
acts as a very efficient filter. Another layer of double chloride was
then decomposed as before so that if there were any imperfections
in the first layer they would be covered by the second layer. The
surface was smoothed down by means of a glass rod. To prepare a
good filter the drying and subsequent heating should be very slow.
The heating must not be at too high a temperature, otherwise the felt
becomes very compact and is useless for filtering purposes.
Pressure produces the same effect. The filters were always treated
with strong nitric acid, washed and reheated before being used, but
in no case was chlorine detected in the nitric acid after the washing,
nor any loss in weight of the crucible. An objection to the use of
these crucibles for the purpose named was found in the course of
this work, but it will be discussed later. The crucibles were always set
in a large weighing-glass, and another weighing-glass containing an
equal amount of platinum foil used as a tare, in weighing. This
precaution was perhaps unnecessary, but at least it did no harm.
Analytical Process.
The weighed cadmium chloride was dissolved by placing the
boat containing it in an Erlenmeyer flask containing water. The boat
was then washed, dried and replaced in its weighing-tube. On
weighing again, the loss in weight is equal to the weight of cadmium
chloride taken. All samples gave a perfectly clear solution except
those used for determinations XX and XXI. A drop of nitric acid (1:3)
was added to each solution except in determination XIV where the
cubic centimetres were added, and in XVI where ten cubic
centimeters were added. A solution of silver nitrate was then added
to precipitate the chlorine. This as well as the subsequent washing
was done in a dark-room illuminated by a single gas light whose rays
had to pass through a strong solution of neutral potassium chromate.
The precipitate was contracted by warming on the water-bath. It was
then collected in the prepared Gooch crucibles and washed. Before
filtering, the flask containing the precipitate and mother-liquor was
allowed to cool. Silver chloride is soluble in water to a considerable
extent but is reprecipitated by adding an excess of either silver
nitrate or hydrochloric acid. Stas (Ann. de Chem. et Phys. [4], 25, 22;
[5], 3, 145; [5], 3, 289.) investigated this very thoroughly. Cooke also
did some work on it and used a dilute solution of silver nitrate to
wash the chloride thus preventing solution (Proc. Amer. Acad. 17,
7.). In the above work, therefore, a solution containing 0.10 grammes
of silver nitrate per liter was first used, followed by one only one-
tenth as strong, and finally pure water was used. Only two or three
washings could be made with water as the chloride went into
solution after this owing to the removal of the silver nitrate. The last
silver nitrate solution used is so weak that any error introduced by
not washing it out completely is insignificant. After washing, the silver
chloride was dried at temperatures varying from 150°C. to 300°C. to
constant weight. A glass air-bath was used in order to prevent
products from the burning gas from coming in contact with the
chloride. It was then weighed. The quantity of silver nitrate used in
the determinations was varied very much. The excess over what was
required to precipitate the chloride is given in the table of results in
those cases in which it is known. The quantity of water used in each
determination is also given where it is known. It is given in the
number of cubic centimetres used per gramme of cadmium chloride
and does not include wash water. All weighings are reduced to the
vacuum standard on the basis that Sp. Grs. of CdCl2 = 3.94 and
AgCl = 5.5. The results are:
No. CdCl2 AgCl H2O Excess At. Wt. Melted
per AgNO3 in
I 3.09183 4.83856 112.339 Dry
II 2.26100 3.53854 112.329 „„
III 1.35729 2.12431 112.320 Moist
IV 2.05582 3.21727 112.339 „„
V 1.89774 2.97041 112.306 „„
VI 3.50367 5.48473 8.90 112.283 „„
VII 2.70292 4.23087 200 1.79 112.301 „„
VIII 4.24276 6.6398 300 8.10 112.387 „„
IX 3.40200 5.32314 300 18.95 112.368 „„
X 4.60659 7.20386 300 25.62 112.472 „„
XI 2.40832 112.434 Dry
XII 2.19114 3.42724 112.433 „„
XIII 2.84628 4.45477 300 4.45 + 112.319 „„
XIV 2.56748 4.01651 300 .10 112.399 „„
XV 2.31003 3.61370 300 .10 + 112.406 „„
XVI 1.25008 1.95652 300 4.66 112.319 „„
XVII 1.96015 3.06541 300 3.22 112.466 „„
XVIII 2.29787 3.59391 300 4.27 112.448 „„
XIX 1.94227 3.03811 300 3.61 112.423 Dry
XX 1.10976 1.73547 112.471 „„
XXI 1.63080 2.55016 112.476 „„

Average 112.383
Discussion of the Results.
In the first five determinations, the analytical operations were
conducted as nearly as possible alike, but the preparation of the
portions of cadmium chloride taken for analysis was varied very
much as will be seen by referring back to this part of this paper. The
results do not vary more than ±0.015 from their average. This is very
strong evidence of the purity of the chloride used for, if it contained
any impurity, we should have expected to vary the amount in the
different portions. After this, attention was paid especially to the
analytical process, for it was thought that there probably was some
serious error in the method, the result being higher than any that had
previously been obtained, if we exclude Dumas’ first series which he
himself did not accept. The conditions were varied in many ways to
see how much the result could be influenced, but under no
conditions were results as low as Huntington’s average (112.24)
obtained. A number of errors were found in the method during the
work, but they seem to neutralize each other to a great extent. The
more important ones will now be given. Nearly every filtrate including
the corresponding wash water was examined for chlorine after the
silver and cadmium had been precipitated by hydrogen sulphide.
The excess of hydrogen sulphide was expelled by boiling, after the
addition of some nitric acid. In two cases an inverted condenser was
used. On adding silver nitrate a precipitate was always obtained
showing the presence of chlorine. Care was always taken to filter off
sulphur formed by the oxidation of hydrogen sulphide, before adding
the silver nitrate. The precipitate was never very heavy, and was not
estimated quantitatively. It is evident that cadmium nitrate exerts a
solvent action on silver chloride. In some cases a very large excess
of silver nitrate was added but it did not change the results markedly.
Silver nitrate itself dissolved silver chloride to some extent. The
increase in insolubility, if any, on adding an excess of silver nitrate is
probably counterbalanced by the increased error due to occlusion of
nitrates in the silver chloride. Stas (Aronstein’s Trans. p. 156) says it
is impossible to contract silver chloride or bromide in a solution
containing salts without there being occlusion and that the precipitate
can only be freed from them by dividing up the contracted mass by
shaking with pure water. This was not done here owing to the
solubility of silver chloride in pure water, and the complications
introduced in the analytical part. The occlusion of nitrates by the
silver chloride would lower the atomic weight found. The silver
chloride obtained always darkened on heating and contained
cadmium, as was shown in the following manner: The lump of silver
chloride was attached to the negative pole of a cell and electrolyzed
in a bath containing dilute sulphuric acid. The resulting metal was
then dissolved in nitric acid and the silver precipitated by adding
hydrochloric acid. The filtrate was evaporated to expel the nitric acid
and the residue taken up with water and tested for cadmium with
hydrogen sulphide. An appreciable quantity was always found. This
method of examination does not show the occluded silver nitrate.
Another error which tends to lower the atomic weight found is due to
the platinum crucibles used for filtering. If a silver nitrate solution is
filtered through such a crucible there will be an increase in weight
due to silver being deposited. This takes place in acidified solutions
as well as in neutral ones. Washing with ammonia does not remove
the deposit, but strong nitric acid does, the washings giving a test for
silver. Whether the depositing of silver is due to the action of spongy
platinum in contact with the compact metal of the crucible or to some
impurity in the platinum sponge was not determined, but the former
seems by far the most probable. The increase in weight during the
time required for filtering a determination must have been quite small
however. The samples of cadmium chloride employed for
determinations XX and XXI were prepared by burning cadmium in a
current of chlorine. The glass tube used was attached somewhat and
the solution of the chloride was very slightly turbid in each case. The
turbidity was so slight however, that no very serious error could have
resulted from it, particularly as it was probably partly
counterbalanced by the formation of some potassium chloride. For
more accurate work, it should have been made and redistilled in a
porcelain tube. These two samples were tested for free chlorine with
potassium iodide and starch paste, but none was found. Some of the
specimens of chloride prepared by fusion in a current of hydrochloric
acid were found to be neutral, using tropaeolin as an indicator.
As nearly as can be judged, the above errors would probably
counterbalance each other to a great extent, and thus give a fairly
close approximation to the atomic weight of cadmium when the
average of all the determinations is taken. The value 112.383 thus
obtained can only be regarded as tentative.
The Bromide method.

Huntington (Proc. Amer. Acad. 11.28) working under the

direction of J. P. Cooke, determined the ratio of cadmium bromide to
silver bromide and using the total quantities for the calculation the
result for the atomic weight of cadmium is 112.239. He also
determined the ratio of cadmium bromide to silver, obtaining 112.245
for the atomic weight of cadmium.
The work which will now be described was carried out very much
like the work described under the chloride method. The ratio of
cadmium bromide to silver bromide was investigated.
Preparation of Cadmium Bromide and Hydrobromic
A large quantity of hydrobromic acid was prepared according to
the method described by Dr. Edward R. Squibb (Trans. of Med. Soc.
of the State of N. Y.). One part of water was added to seven parts of
strong sulphuric acid (Sp. Gr. = 1.83) and the mixture cooled. Then
six parts of potassium bromide were dissolved in six parts of hot
water and the diluted sulphuric acid added to this hot solution. It was
set aside until cold in order to allow the sulphate of potassium to
crystallize out. The crystals were drained on a filter-plate and quickly
washed with two parts of water. The mother-liquor and washing were
then distilled until no more acid was obtained on further heating. The
acid thus obtained was distilled three times from potassium bromide,
twice from cadmium bromide formed by adding a piece of pure
cadmium to it, and twice without the addition of anything. It was
tested and found to be free from sulphuric acid. Cadmium bromide
was prepared from it, in exactly the same way that the cadmium
chloride used in the chloride method was prepared from pure metal
and hydrochloric acid. While the crystalline mass of cadmium
bromide was still moist, it was transferred to a combination tube and
dried at 300°C for several hours in a current of nitrogen. It was then
sublimed in a vacuum as the chloride had been. This specimen
served for the first three determinations. About nine grammes of it
was placed in a platinum boat in a combustion tube, and part of it
distilled in a current of nitrogen. The distillate, a portion of which had
been tested with tropaeolin and found neutral, was used for
determination I. The residue in the boat was used for determination
II. Another portion of the main sample was resublimed in a vacuum
and used in determination no. III. Cadmium bromide is not
hygroscopic or at least only slightly, therefore the sublimed cadmium
bromide can be transferred to a weighing-glass without taking up
water. This cannot be done in the case of the chloride. It is probable
that the hydrobromic acid as above prepared was perfectly free from
hydrochloric acid. Chlorine in cadmium bromide would cause the
atomic weight to be found lower than it really is. It was thought
desirable, however, to prepare an acid which would certainly be free
from chlorine. The method described by Stas (Aronstein’s German
translation, p. 154.) was employed with the additional precaution that
the above purified acid was used to start with and all reagents
employed had been especially prepared so as to be free from
chlorine. Pure silver was prepared according to Stas’ description (see
Aronstein’s translation, page 34, also page 104) by the action of
ammonium sulphite on an ammoniacal solution of silver nitrate and
copper sulphate. The silver was dissolved in nitric acid free from
chlorine, and then slowly added to a dilute solution of the above-
described hydrobromic acid, and the precipitated silver bromide
thoroughly washed. It was then digested for a long while in a strong
solution of potassium bromide, first in the cold, then by heating. The
potassium bromide had been made thus: Twice recrystallized
potassium hydrogen tartrate was heated in a platinum dish in a muffle
furnace until it was converted into carbonate, and the excess of
carbon burned off. It was then dissolved in water, filtered and
neutralized with some of the hydrobromic acid already described.
The carbonate had been tested for both sulphuric acid and chlorine
with negative results. After the silver bromide had been digested with
the potassium bromide, it was washed very thoroughly, suspended in
water, and a current of hydrogen sulphide passed into it. This
converts it into sulphide hydrobromic acid being liberated. The acid
was drained off on a porcelain plate, and then distilled a number of
times. It was finally tested and found to be perfectly free from
sulphates and also did not contain free bromine. Having started with
an acid which was probably pure and subjected it to these operations
with reagents free from chlorine, there can be no doubt as to the
purity of the resulting acid. The hydrogen sulphide used was
prepared from potassium hydrosulphide as in the sulphide method,
and washed first with a solution of the hydrosulphide, then very
thoroughly with pure water. From the hydrobromic acid obtained, a
specimen of cadmium bromide was prepared as before and sublimed
twice in a vacuum. This specimen was used for determinations IV
and V.
Method of Analysis.
The first three determinations were made exactly like those in
the chloride method. The last two were also made in the same
manner, only the washing of the precipitate was varied. After the
silver bromide had been contracted by warming on a water-bath it
was washed by decantation and then agitated violently with cold
water to remove occluded nitrates, but it was then so finely divided
that it could not be filtered. The artifice used by Stas to contract it a
second time was to pass a current of steam into the milky liquid. This
was tried here, but for some reason or other did not work very well,
and considerable difficulty was had in filtering it. The results of the
five determinations are tabulated below. All weighings are reduced to
the vacuum standard on the basis of Sp. Gr. of CdBr2 = 4.6 and Sp.
Gr. AgBr = 6.62.
No. CdBr2 AgBr H2O Ex. At. Wt. Remarks
I 4.39941 6.07204 112.43 Distillate }
II 3.18030 4.38831 112.42 Residue }
III 3.60336 4.97150 112.45 Resublimed.
IV 4.04240 5.58062 112.29
V 3.60505 4.97519 112.38
Average 112.394
Discussion of the Results.
The first three specimens were prepared under widely different
conditions yet the results agree quite closely. The last two were
prepared from the repurified hydrobromic acid. If chlorine had been
removed during the second purification we should expect a higher
result but the results are lower. There seems to be hardly any doubt
that this is due to analytical errors rather than a change in the
composition of the bromide. Whether this be true or not, the five
determinations all fall within the limits obtained by the chloride
method and confirms it as fully as can be expected.
The errors of the method are the same as those of the bromide
method, only they are probably less in most cases. One filtrate was
examined for bromium, but none was found showing the method to
be more perfect in this respect.
Syntheses of Cadmium Sulphate.

It was next thought of examining the method based on the

conversion of cadmium sulphate into cadmium sulphide, which has
been used by von Hauer whose result is 111.94 for the atomic weight
of cadmium, and more recently by Partridge who obtained a much
lower result, namely 111.73. They dried cadmium sulphate in
porcelain boats, and then reduced it to sulphide by heating in a
current of hydrogen sulphide. The reduction begins in the cold and is
probably complete or at least nearly complete before the
temperature is sufficiently high for cadmium sulphate to decompose
into cadmium oxide, for the sulphate is very stable with respect to
heat. This being the case, probably no error results from the
formation of a silicate of cadmium in this method. The main difficulty
in this method would be to prove that the cadmium sulphate used is
free from water. Neither von Hauer nor Partridge has done this
because drying a substance to a constant weight is not sufficient
evidence of its anhydrous character, especially if the drying is done
at a constant temperature. This has been shown very clearly in the
case of copper sulphate, by Richards (Proc. Amer. Acad. Sci. 26.
It was therefore decided to attempt the synthesis of cadmium
sulphate, hoping to be able to fix a minimum value for the atomic
weight of cadmium.
A piece of hard glass tube was closed at one end by fusion and
the other end drawn out into a small tube which was then bent twice
at right angles. The large part was cut off near the beginning of the
smaller tube, and the edges rounded by fusion. It was filled with
dilute sulfuric acid and heated for some time to remove soluble
matter from the glass. After removing this acid, a weighed piece of
cadmium was introduced and an excess of dilute sulphuric acid (1:
3) added. The tube contained a small piece of platinum to aid the
solution of the cadmium. During the process of solution, the two
parts of the glass tube were held together by a rubber band, and the
outlet of the smaller tube dipped under pure water contained in a
small tube closed at one end.
A section of the arrangement is
shown in figure 2. Solution was aided
by the application of heat. These
precautions in dissolving the metal
were taken to prevent loss by spraying.
After the metal had been dissolved, the
solution and the water through which
the hydrogen had escaped were
transferred to a porcelain crucible. An
equal amount of sulphuric acid was
then added to the tare and both were
heated until fumes of sulphuric acid
ceased to come off. The crucible
containing the dry sulphate was next
Fig. 2. placed an a porcelain plate in a nickel
crucible set in a hole in an asbestos
board. This was placed over the flame
of a Bunsen burner, so that the bottom of the nickel crucible was
barely at a red heat. The temperature on the inside of this bath was
considerably lower. After the weight had become nearly constant, the
sulphate was tested for sulphuric acid by means of standard alkali
using tropaeolin as an indicator. It was found acid, but so slightly that
no attempt was made to estimate it. Result = 112.35 is preliminary.
Another synthesis was made as follows: A platinum crucible, lid
and perforated cone were place in a large weighing-glass and tared
with a similar weighing-glass containing a platinum crucible, platinum
foil being added until the weights were equal. After these had been
accurately weighed, a weighed piece of cadmium was added to the
one containing the cone. The cone was inverted over the piece of
metal on the bottom of the platinum crucible. A considerable excess
of dilute (1: 3) sulphuric acid was then added, the lid whose edge
was bent down placed on the crucible, and the weighing-glass
stoppered loosely. This was placed in an air-bath, and gently
warmed during the later part of the process of solution. There is no
difficulty in getting complete solution if a sufficient excess of acid is
used. A vertical section of the crucible and weighing-glass is shown
in figure 3.
This arrangement avoids loss
from spraying, and the necessity of
transferring the solution from a tube to
a crucible as in the first experiment.
An equal quantity of sulphuric acid
was added to the crucible used as a
tare and evaporated. After the metal
had been dissolved, the platinum cone
was lifted to one side and the excess
of acid evaporated off. It was then
heated in a glass air-bath for a long
time at a temperature which was
probably about 400°C. After the weight
had become constant, the amount of
free sulphuric acid was estimated by
titration with a standard alkali using
tropaeolin as an indicator. 1.25
milligrammes were found and this
weight was subtracted from that found
at the balance. Weighing were
reduced to the vacuum standard, assuming the Sp. Grs. of cadmium
and anhydrous cadmium sulphate[1] to be 8.54 and 3.0 respectively.
The results were as follows:
1. Could not find any record of its Sp. Gr., 3.0 is assumed.

Cd CdSO4 At. Wt.

I. (112.35 can only be regarded as a preliminary experiment)
II. 1.15781 2.14776 112.35
Discussion of the Results.
These results agree fairly well with those obtained by the
chloride and bromide methods. The second experiment is more
trustworthy than the first. In it, we started with pure metal and the
manipulations were so simple that no serious error could have been
made in them. Hence it will only be necessary to consider the end-
product, i.e., the cadmium sulphate. The titration showed that the
sulphate was not basic owing to loss of sulphur trioxide, and after
deducting the weight of the excess of sulphuric acid we must have
left a weight of cadmium sulphate which is equivalent to the metal
employed. The question now is, did it contain anything else and what
would be its effect? Clearly the effect of water or any other impurity
would be to lower the atomic weight found, hence the atomic weight
must be at least as high as the experiment indicates. As the
cadmium sulphate is deposited, at least the later part of it is from a
strong sulphuric acid solution, it probably does not contain any water
and in this case would fix a maximum value as well as the minimum
value, and thus determine the atomic weight. It might be objected to
the second experiment that the sulphuric acid found may have been
present as SO3 and not as H2SO4 as was assumed. This seems
highly improbable, and even if it were so the error introduced would
be only about .03 of a unit in the atomic weight. As the first
determination was found practically neutral, it does not apply to it at
all. The most probable conclusion from these experiments is that the
atomic weight of cadmium is about 112.35. A more thorough study of
this method would have been made if time had permitted it.
The Oxide Method.

As the chloride and bromide methods and the synthesis of

cadmium sulphate all lead to approximately the same high result, it
seemed probable that the oxide method which had given a much
lower result (Morse & Jones 112.07) must be affected by some error.
Accordingly it was examined in the manner about to be described. A
set of crucibles was prepared as described by Morse and Jones in
their work on this method, and in the present paper under the
oxalate method. After they had been heated in a nickel crucible over
a blast lamp and weighed, a weighed piece of cadmium was
introduced into the smaller inside crucible, and dissolved in nitric
acid with the aid of heat. An equal quantity of nitric acid was added
to the tare. The acid was then evaporated off, and the resulting
nitrate converted into oxide exactly as has already been described
under the oxalate. The first experiment was made in this way and the
second one exactly like it, only the porcelain crucible used was the
one which had been employed in the first determination. The glaze
had been removed by the cadmium oxide of the first determination,
and before using for the second one the crucible was boiled out with
nitric acid, and heated to constant weight over a blast lamp as
before. Determinations III, IV and V were made in the same way
except that the small inner crucible was platinum instead of
porcelain. All weighings were reduced to the vacuum standard on
the basis of 8.54 for the Sp. Gr. of cadmium and 8.15 for the Sp. Gr
of cadmium oxide and 8.4 for the brass and 21 for the platinum
The results are as follows:
Cd CdO At. Wt. Cd.
I. 1.26142 1.44144 112.11
II. .99785 1.14035 112.04

Average 112.08

III. 1.11321 1.27247 111.84

IV. 1.02412 1.17054 111.91
V. 2.80966 3.21152 111.87

Average 111.87

The oxides resulting from these determinations were always

tested for oxides of nitrogen, sometimes by using meta phenylene
diamine and at other times by sulphanilic acid and naphthylamine
sulphate, but no traces were ever found. The average of the
determinations made in porcelain crucibles is 112.08. Morse and
Jones obtained the same figure or, if their results are reduced to the
vacuum standard, 112.06, by the same method under the same
conditions. The results of the determinations made in platinum
crucibles are equally constant, but their average is 111.88 being .20
of a unit lower. Therefore, more oxide is obtained when platinum
crucibles are used instead of porcelain ones. In two cases the
platinum crucibles were weighed at the end of the determinations
after the cadmium oxide had been removed. Their weight remained
unchanged. The most probable explanation of these facts seems to
be that something is retained in the oxide in both cases, but that the
amount is greater in the determination made in platinum crucibles
than in those in which porcelain ones were employed. We should
expect this, because in porcelain crucibles some of the oxide is
absorbed forming a silicate, and any volatile impurity must be
expelled from this part of the oxide. Not finding oxides of nitrogen, it
was thought that gases probably nitrogen and oxygen might be
occluded although Richards and Rogers (Amer. Chem. Jour. 15,
567.) had examined cadmium oxide prepared from the nitrate and
found only a trace of gas. Accordingly two specimens of cadmium
oxide obtained in the above determinations were powdered in an
agate mortar and boiled with water for some time in order to remove
any adhering air. They were then dissolved in dilute hydrochloric acid
from which the air had been removed by boiling. A small amount of
gas was found in each case but not nearly enough to account for the
difference of .31 unit in the atomic weight of cadmium between
112.38 and the oxide method. In fact not more than about one sixth
of the amount required was found. It may be that the powdering of
the oxide and then boiling up in water may have been to severe a
treatment, and that the greater part of the occluded gas escaped
during these processes. It seems that there is at least some error
due to occluded gases in methods involving the decomposition of
cadmium nitrate to oxide, but no satisfactory idea of its magnitude
could be obtained from these two experiments as carried out.
The following experiments were then made and they seem to
give definite evidence not only of the existence of an error but also of
its magnitude. Carbonate of cadmium was made by dissolving pure
cadmium in nitric acid, adding an excess of ammonia and a small
quantity of ammonium carbonate. After standing for some time the
cadmium carbonate was filtered off and rejected. The filtrate was
treated with an excess of ammonium carbonate and the precipitated
cadmium carbonate allowed to digest in it for some time. After
washing by decantation several times the carbonate was transferred
to a funnel containing a porcelain filter-plate, covered with a piece of
ashless filter paper of slightly larger diameter, and washed
thoroughly. with water. It was then transferred to a platinum dish,
care being taken to avoid contamination with filter paper and heated
gently to convert it into oxide. The resulting oxide was powdered in
an agate mortar, returned to the platinum dish and heated to
incipient whiteness for seven hours in a muffle furnace. The
temperature must not be too high, otherwise the oxide will distill
readily leaving no residue. The oxide is slightly volatile at good red
heat as was observed in trying to make a determinant at this
temperature by the oxide method. A weighed portion of the oxide
which had been prepared from the carbonate in the manner
described was dissolved in a weighed porcelain crucible and the
resulting nitrate converted into the oxide again by heat just as in the
oxide method. This constitutes experiment I. Experiments two and
three were made in exactly the same way except that a platinum
crucible was used instead of a porcelain one. The results are:

Initial Final Gain Corresponding Error in At.

Wt. Wt. Wt.
I. 2.95469 2.95650 .00081 −.24
II. 2.67717 2.67835 .00117 −.39
III. 3.00295 3.00422 .00127 −.38

As we started with cadmium oxide, and, after passing to the nitrate,

converted it back into the oxide, the weight should remain
unchanged if the method is correct. However, this is not the case,
but a large increase in weight takes place. The increase is larger in a
platinum crucible than in a porcelain one, which accounts for the fact
that a lower value for the atomic weight is found by the oxide method
when they are used. The use of a porcelain crucible therefore
diminishes the error, but does not eliminate it. The explanation of this
has already been given. The oxides obtained in these three
experiments were tested for occluded gases in the manner already
described, but only small amounts were found. Both of those made
in platinum crucibles were tested for nitrate of cadmium with brucine
and sulphuric acid with negative results. To show that the impurity
was not converted into an ammonium salt when the oxide was
dissolved in hydrochloric acid, a slight excess of caustic potash was
added to the solution, the precipitate allowed to subside and the
clean, supernatant liquid tested for ammonia with Nessler’s reagent.
No ammonia was found. In order to make these experiments as
severe a test as possible, a somewhat higher temperature was
employed than had in the five experiments described under the
oxide method. This was accomplished by boring out the stopcocks of
the blast lamp so that a larger supply of gas was furnished. The two
oxides in the platinum crucibles seemed to be constant in weight, but
that in the porcelain crucible seemed to lose in weight slowly. The
weight given was taken after four hours blasting, which is longer and
at a higher temperature than was used in any of the five
determinations made by the oxide method. If the cadmium oxide
prepared from the carbonate retained any carbon dioxide, it would
lose weight in being dissolved and reconverted into oxide. The
above experiments therefore seem to furnish very strong evidence
that there is an error of at least −.24 unit in the oxide method when
porcelain crucibles are used and −.39 of a unit when platinum ones
are employed. if .24 of a unit is added to 112.07 the result obtained
when porcelain crucibles are used we get 112.31 and adding .39 to
111.87 gives 112.26. Considering the small number of experiments
made, the fact that they were made in such a way as to give a low
value (numerically) for the error rather than a high one, and also that
the error is probably variable to some extent, especially when
porcelain crucibles are used, the corrected results agree as closely
with 112.38, the average of the chloride, bromide and sulphate
(synthetical) methods as could be expected. It must also be borne in
mind that 112.38 is only to be regarded as an approximation to the
atomic weight of cadmium. The increase in weight observed in
converting the nitrate back into oxide might also be explained by
assuming that the cadmium oxide used in the beginning of the
experiments was richer in metal than the formula CdO indicated and
that the increase in weight is due to this excess of metal being
changed to oxide. The method of preparation of the oxide from the
carbonate and the known properties of cadmium oxide render this
view highly improbable, and the following two observations render it
1st. If this were the cause of the increase, the amount of
increase would necessarily be the same in both platinum and
porcelain crucibles, which is not the case.
2nd. Three grammes of cadmium oxide made from the
carbonate were dissolved in dilute hydrochloric acid from which the
air had been expelled by boiling. The oxide, which is very compact,
was placed in a glass bulb which had been blown at the end of a
tube. After displacing the air by filling the entire apparatus with
recently boiled water, the exit of the tube was placed under boiling
dilute hydrochloric acid, and the bulb
heated until the water boiled. It was
then turned over so that the steam
displaced nearly all the water. On
removing the flame the dilute
hydrochloric acid at once filled the
bulb. The exit tube was then quickly
placed under a narrow tube filled with
mercury and inverted over mercury in a
dish. The bulb was then heated until
the oxide had dissolved. By this
method the gas would be boiled out of the solution and collected in
the top of the narrow tube. As only a very small amount of steam and
dilute hydrochloric acid go over at the same time, there is no danger
of the gas formed being absorbed to any considerable extent. It is
well to put the oxide into the bulb before the tube is bend. If the
hydrochloric acid is too strong, it must be cooled before entering the
bulb as otherwise the reaction is too violent, and the experiment may
be lost. This experiment shows that there is no excess of cadmium
present in the oxide employed for no gas was found. If three
grammes of the oxide contained enough metal to take up .00126
grms. of oxygen, .00016 grms of hydrogen should have been set
free, and its volume under ordinary conditions of temperature and
pressure would have been about 1.9 cubic centimetres. This
experiment would also have shown the presence of carbon dioxide if
any had been present.
Discussion of the Oxalate Method.
After having done the work which has just been described, we
are in a position to turn to the oxalate method, which is the first
method described in this paper. It involves the decomposition of
cadmium nitrate, and is therefore affected by an error from this
source, only it is not as large as in case of the oxide method. If
2.95650 grammes of cadmium oxide prepared in a porcelain crucible
contain .00081 grammes of impurity, an error of −.24 of a unit would
be introduced in the atomic weight as determined by the oxide
method or +.10 in case the oxalate method were employed. That is
the oxalate should give about 112.48 for the atomic weight of
cadmium, but it really gives a very much lower result. Morse and
Jones obtained 112.04 ± .035 by it, while Partridge obtained 111.81 ±
.035 by it. If we take 112.38 for the atomic weight of cadmium, there
appears to be a second error of .44 of a unit in the method as used
by Morse and Jones, while Partridge’s result indicates an error of .57
of a unit. Partridge only moistened the oxide obtained from the
oxalate with a few drops of nitric acid before making the final
heating, and it seems probable therefore that he made no
appreciable error on account of the final oxide retaining products of
decomposition from cadmium nitrate. The most probable cause of
this large error seems probably to be incomplete dehydration of the
oxalate, or reduction to metal during the decomposition of the
oxalate, and subsequent volatilization of some of it, or a combination
of both of these. The nine determinations given in the earlier part of
this paper of course vary so much that they are of no value whatever
in determining the atomic weight. The reason that the first four are
low is probably due in part to sublimation of cadmium, for on
dissolving the resulting oxide in nitric acid a considerable quantity of
metal was noticed in each case. In the others, the temperature was
kept lower, and the decomposition took a longer time. No metal was
observed on taking up in nitric acid. To be certain of what the cause
of error is would require some very carefully conducted experiments,
but as there are a number of much more reliable methods for
determining the atomic weight of cadmium, it does not seem
desirable to spend the time required in making them. It should be
mentioned that Lenssen, in 1860, first employed this method. He
made three determinations. 1.5697 grms of cadmium oxalate giving
1.0047 grammes of oxide, which gives a value of 112.043 for the
atomic weight of cadmium . The difference between the highest and
lowest determination was .391 of a unit.
Other Methods

A great deal of time was spent in trying to effect a partial

synthesis of cadmium bromide in exactly the same manner as had
been used in case of cadmium sulphate. No results were obtained
because cadmium bromide is slowly volatile at 150°C, the
temperature used, and retained some hydrobromic acid ever after
more than 100 hours of drying. Some work was done in trying to
establish the ratio between silver and Cadmium by dropping a
weighed piece of cadmium into a solution of silver sulphate, the
reaction being:
Cd + Ag2SO4 = CdSO4 + 2Ag
Silver nitrate cannot be used because it becomes reduced to nitrate
even at a temperature of 0°C., as was shown by its reducing action
on potassium permanganate, and by the reaction with meta-diamido
benzene after the reaction had been completed. The main difficulty
with the method is that air must be excluded in order to prevent
oxidation and solution of some of the precipitated silver. The silver is
perfectly free from cadmium if an excess of silver sulphate is used
and the precipitated metal digested with it for some time. Since this
part of the work was done, a paper by Mylius and Fromm (Ber. 1894,
630) appeared in which one of the reactions studied was that of
cadmium on silver sulphate. They also found the resulting silver free
from cadmium. The method seems very promising, but the work had
to be discontinued for lack of time.

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