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Mark Scheme (Results)

Summer 2023

Pearson Edexcel International GCSE

In Mathematics B (4MB1)
Paper 01R

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January 2023
Question Paper Log Number P72917A
Publications Code 4MB1_01R_2306_MS
All the material in this publication is copyright
© Pearson Education Ltd 2023

General Marking Guidance

• All candidates must receive the same treatment. Examiners must mark the
first candidate in exactly the same way as they mark the last.
• Mark schemes should be applied positively. Candidates must be rewarded
for what they have shown they can do rather than penalised for omissions.
• Examiners should mark according to the mark scheme not according to their
perception of where the grade boundaries may lie.
• There is no ceiling on achievement. All marks on the mark scheme should be
used appropriately.
• All the marks on the mark scheme are designed to be awarded. Examiners
should always award full marks if deserved, i.e. if the answer matches the
mark scheme.
Examiners should also be prepared to award zero marks if the candidate’s
response is not worthy of credit according to the mark scheme.
• Where some judgement is required, mark schemes will provide the principles
by which marks will be awarded and exemplification may be limited.
• When examiners are in doubt regarding the application of the mark scheme
to a candidate’s response, the team leader must be consulted.
• Crossed out work should be marked UNLESS the candidate has replaced it
with an alternative response.

• Types of mark
o M marks: method marks
o A marks: accuracy marks
o B marks: unconditional accuracy marks (independent of M marks)
• Abbreviations
o cao – correct answer only
o ft – follow through
o isw – ignore subsequent working
o SC - special case
o oe – or equivalent (and appropriate)
o dep – dependent
o indep – independent
o awrt – answer which rounds to
o eeoo – each error or omission
• No working
If no working is shown then correct answers normally score full marks
If no working is shown then incorrect (even though nearly correct) answers
score no marks.

• With working
If there is a wrong answer indicated on the answer line always check the
working in the body of the script (and on any diagrams), and award any marks
appropriate from the mark scheme.
If it is clear from the working that the “correct” answer has been obtained
from incorrect working, award 0 marks.
If a candidate misreads a number from the question: eg. Uses 252 instead of
255; method marks may be awarded provided the question has not been
simplified. Examiners should send any instance of a suspected misread to
If there is a choice of methods shown, mark the method that leads to the
answer on the answer line; where no answer is given on the answer line,
award the lowest mark from the methods shown.
If there is no answer on the answer line then check the working for an
obvious answer.
• Ignoring subsequent work
It is appropriate to ignore subsequent work when the additional work does
not change the answer in a way that is inappropriate for the question: eg.
Incorrect cancelling of a fraction that would otherwise be correct.
It is not appropriate to ignore subsequent work when the additional work
essentially makes the answer incorrect eg algebra.
Transcription errors occur when candidates present a correct answer in
working, and write it incorrectly on the answer line; mark the correct answer.
• Parts of questions
Unless allowed by the mark scheme, the marks allocated to one part of the
question CANNOT be awarded to another.

Question Working Answer Mark Notes

1 Two from 2 M1 for correct prime factors for 12 and one of 14 or 15. We are
12 = 22  3 (or 12 = 4  3 ), 14 = 2  7 or accepting 12 = 4  3 (may be seen on factor tree)
15 = 3  5 or a list of at least 5 multiples including 420 for 12 and one of 14 or
or 15
12 14 15 or
2 6 7 Use of table method for 12 and one of 14 or 15. Do not need all the
2 3 rows but the final number in the columns should be prime eg
3 1 5 12 14 15
5 1 3 4 5
7 1 2 2 7
or Venn diagram for 12 and one of 14 or 15

Working required 420 A1oe ISW eg 22  3  5  7 or 2  2  3  5  7

Total 2 marks

Question Working Answer Mark Notes

2 6 7 2 M1 Correct multiplication of an improper fraction.

7 1 7
5 12 ALT 1  + 
12 5 12
7 7 A1 cao dep on M1 scored and must see one of cancelling fractions
 = prior to multiplication or a correct uncancelled single fraction eg
5 122 10
6 7 7 7 7
1 7 7  = or = for ALT method allow
or  = 5 122 10 5  2 10
5 2 10
35 7 7
42 7 + = ISW
or = 60 60 10
Working required 60 10

Total 2 marks

Question Working Answer Mark Notes

3 (a) 8x2 1 B1 cao Do not ISW
(b) 6y5 1 B1 cao Do not ISW
Total 2 marks

Question Working Answer Mark Notes

4 (a) 1 B1 cao two lines(allow dashed or dotted) joining opposite corners
drawn on diagram. No extra incorrect lines must be drawn unless
clearly crossed out

(b) 3 1 B1 cao must be a single number

Total 2 marks

Question Working Answer Mark Notes

5 (a) 38, 45 1 B1 Ignore extra terms. Accept 45, 38
(b) 80 1 B1
Total 2 marks

Question Working Answer Mark Notes

6 ( x – 7 )( x + 2) 2 M1 Factorised form must expand to give 2 terms of the quadratic.
eg ( x – 2)( x + 7) = x2 + 5x − 14
( x – 7 )( x + 2) A1 Do not ISW This must be the answer on the answer line or if no
answer on the answer line their final answer which may be shown
or ( x + 2)( x – 7 ) for example by circling or underlining.
Total 2 marks

Question Working Answer Mark Notes

7 (a) 5 1 B1 cao no other numbers must be given
(b) 2,3,5,5,5,7,8,9,10,11 2 M1 place numbers in order (at least 6 with none missing) or sight of
May be seen in part (a) or in question. Allow with signs eg + between
Correct answer scores full marks (unless 6 A1 cao
from obvious incorrect working)
Total 3 marks

Question Working Answer Mark Notes

8 360  24 [= 15] oe or 3 M1 for a correct method to find an exterior angle or total of the
24 180 – 360 [= 3960] or interior angles. Implied by seeing 15 or 3960 or 165
( 2  24 − 4 )  90 [= 3960] or
(24 − 2) 180  = 3960 oe
180 – "15" or "3960" oe M1 dep on M1 correct method to find one interior angle. This may
24 be implied by seeing 165
Correct answer scores full marks 165 A1 cao do not ISW This must be the answer on the answer line or if
(unless from obvious incorrect no answer on the answer line their final answer which may be
working) shown for example by circling or underlining.
Total 3 marks

Question Working Answer Mark Notes

9 2r 2 M1 correctly remove square root sign or make root g the
T2 =
2r or 2
T g = 2r or g= subject.
g T
Correct answer scores full marks 2r A1 cao Condone missing "g =" on answer line if fully correct
(unless from obvious incorrect working) T2 2

expression seen in working. Allow g =  2r  or g = 2rT −2

 
 T 
Total 2 marks

Question Working Answer Mark Notes

10  x (3 x + 1) =  3 x + x
2 3 2 3 M1 correct expansion of brackets before
differentiating. eg 3x3 + 1x 2
 dy  M1 at least one correct term
 dx =  20 x + 9 x + 2 x
3 2

 
Correct answer scores full marks (unless from 20 x3 + 9 x2 + 2 x A1 oe eg 20 x3 + 9 x2 + 2 x1
obvious incorrect working)
Total 3 marks

Question Working Answer Mark Notes

11 120 3 M1 for forming an equation involving the radius using the given
 r 2 = 48  r = 12
360 area. eg 1  r 2 = 48 or 1 r 2 = 48
3 3
120 M1 Find an expression for the arc length ABC, ft their radius.
 Arc length =  2  "12" = 8 
Allow awrt 25.1 May be seen as part of working eg
 2    "12"+ 2  "12" where 12 is their radius
Correct answer scores full marks 8 + 24 A1 oe eg 8(3 +  ) allow awrt 15.6 (need not be simplified) eg
(unless from obvious incorrect 120
working)  2  12 + 12 + 12 ISW

Total 3 marks

Question Working Answer Mark Notes

12 eg 2 ( x + 2 ) + 3 ( x – 3) = 60 or 3 M1 Clear intention to multiply all terms by a multiple of 12
If correct expression with brackets in is not seen allow a maximum
4 ( x + 2 ) + 6 ( x – 3) = 120 or of one incorrect term if the brackets are expanded or

2( x + 2) 3( x − 3) express the LHS as two fractions over a multiple of 12 or as a

+  = 5 or single fraction with a denominator which is a multiple of 12 eg
12 12
4( x + 2) 6( x − 3) 2( x + 2) + 3( x − 3)
+  = 5 or 12
= 5 If correct expression with brackets in is not
24 24
seen allow a maximum of one incorrect term if the brackets are
expanded No need for = 5 or
x 1 x 3
+ + −  = 5 oe
6 3 4 4 expressing the LHS as 4 fractions. No need for = 5

5 x = 60 – 4 + 9 or 10 x = 120 – 8 + 18 M1 indep for a correct equation with the terms in x combined

5x 1 3
= 5 − + oe eg 5 x − 5 = 5 or 5 x = 65 or 5 x = 65
12 3 4 12 12 12
Working required x = 13 A1 dependent on at least one M mark being awarded
Total 3 marks

Question Working Answer Mark Notes

13 p = 15 3 B1 cao
–5 – 2 p or –5 – 2  "15" M1 compare coefficients of b Allow one sign error in –5 – 2 p eg
or −5b − 2 pb = qb –5 + 2 p or allow ft of their p value and one sign error ie 5 – 2  "15" or
or 2 p + q = −5 oe −5 + 2  "15" or −5b + 2 pb = qb or 5b − 2 pb = qb or −5b − 2 pb = −qb oe Allow
p = "15" subst
Correct answer scores full marks q = –35 A1
(unless from obvious incorrect
SC if p and q are correct but not written on the answer line, at least one must
be labelled in their working to award full marks. If both values are correct
but neither labelled or they are on the wrong answer lines they get 2/3 marks
Total 3 marks

Question Working Answer Mark Notes

14 (a) 0.07y 1  7 
B1 cao oe  y
 100 
(b) number bottle B = 0.12y 1 M1 for sight of 0.12y or 12 y or 0.05y or 5 y or 5% 12% − 7%
increase = 0.05y or 5% 100 100
or 12% y − 7% y
0.12 y – "0.07 y " = 60 or 1 M1 oe follow through their result from part (a)
0.05 y = 60 or
60  5 100 or
5% = 60 or 5% y = 60 or
12% − 7% = 60 or 12% y − 7% y = 60
1200 1 A1 cao Must come from a correct equation
Correct answer with no working gains full marks
Total 4 marks

Question Working Answer Mark Notes

15 20x + 7y = 4 40x + 14y = 8 4 M1 eliminating either x or y (equate coefficient and use correct
20x – 20y = –50 14x – 14y = –35 operation) Allow 1 error either one incorrect term in equating the
27y = 54 54x = –27 coefficients eg –4 instead of 8 or one error when eliminating either
or x or y
 2y −5  or
20   + 7 y = 4 or substitute for x or y to form an equation in only one variable. Allow
 2  1 sign slip only
 2x + 5 
20 x + 7   = 4 or
 2 
 4−7y 
2  − 2 y = −5 or
 20 
 4 − 20 x 
2x − 2   = −5 oe
 7 
x = − 1 or A1 dep on M1
20  "− 1 " + 7y = 4 or M1dep on previous method mark
2 For repeating first method (allow one sign error) or
20x +7  "2" = 4 or substitute their x or y into a correct equation
2  "− 1 " – 2y = –5 or
2x – 2 "2" = –5 oe
Working required x= −1 A1 dep on M1 M1
and y = 2
Total 4 marks

Question Working Answer Mark Notes

16 Let t = total number of students and c = number of students who travel by car Allow any letters for t and c
208 or 4 M1 correct method to find t or c or correct equation (any form)
t =  in terms of t or c or correct method to find the % that represents
t = 718 + 0.896t − 510 or 510 students
May be implied by seeing 25.5 or 1282 or 2000
= 0.104 or
208 + 510 + c
 c = – 208 – 510 or
208 208
c = 0.896  − 510 or  c = − 718
0.104 0.104
or 0.896  ( 718 + c ) = 510 + c or
[t =] 2000 or [c =] 1282 or 25.5 A1 correct value for t or c or percentage
"1282" "1282" M1 For an attempt at a correct method to find the percentage.
100 or 100 or
"1282"+ 208 + 510 n n
100 where n  2000 or
2000 Allow 100 or
1282 2000 n + 718
100 or 100 – 10.4 – "25.5" or
1282 r − 718
100 where m  1282 or 100 where r  718 or
510 m r
100 – 10.4 – 100
"2000" 510
100 – 10.4 – 100 where p  510 or 100 –10.4 – q
" p"
where 20  q  30 may be implied by 64.1 Condone rounded
Correct answer scores full marks (unless from 64.1 A1 cao Allow 64 Do not ISW This must be the answer on the
obvious incorrect working) answer line or if no answer on the answer line their final answer
which may be shown for example by circling or underlining.
Total 4 marks

Question Working Answer Mark Notes

17 (a) eg 16.1 [= 0.335] or 1610 or 2 M1 correct method or equation to find length in m or cm. Implied
48 48 by 0.335
16.1 or x 1 or x = 1
12 16.1 48 1610 48
x 25 oe
or =
16.1 12
Correct answer scores full marks 33.5 A1 awrt 33.5
(unless from obvious incorrect
(b) 483 [= 110 592] or 3 M1 Consideration of cube of 995
M2 for  483
0.483 [= 0.110 592] 3

scale factor seen. eg  16.1  or

 (a) 
 1610  995 ( a)3
  or =
 (a)  V 16103
995 M1 for unit conversion by
 = 0.000995 or dividing by 1003
[995  "110 592"] 1003
0.483 [= 0.110 592]
Correct answer scores full marks 110 A1 awrt 110
(unless from obvious incorrect
Total 5 marks

Question Working Answer Mark Notes

18 angle bisector 4 B2 for a line within the limits and a pair of suitable arcs.
constructed One arc centred on a point D on BC and one centred on the
accurately point E on AB such that BE = BD or 2 arcs centred at B
with the cross to find the middle.
(B1 for a line within the limits (Can be any length - does
not need to cross AC but should remain within the
guidelines if it were to be extended) or a pair of suitable
Accurate arc drawn B1 for an arc within the limits indicated. It does not need to
from C cross AC or BC
P correctly labelled B1ft dependent on at least B1 for the angle bisector and B1
for the arc. Must clearly identify it is the point.
Total 4 marks

Question Working Answer Mark Notes

19 (a) 2 B2 15 − x , 16 − x and 3 in correct regions on Venn diagram
B1 2 of 15 − x , 16 − x and 3 in correct regions or all 3 values
B P correct, one in correct region.
Allow 11 for 15 – x and 12 for 16 – x
15 – x x 16 – x
SC B1 x is replaced with a number x  4 and they use this incorrect
value, to find 15 – x and 16 – x

(b) 3 + "15 – x "+ x + "16 – x " = 30 oe 2 M1 Correct equation formed, in x, ft their values for B  P and
B  P May see only one of these values used eg
3 + 15 + "16 – x " = 30
Correct answer scores full marks 4 A1 cao
(unless from obvious incorrect
(c) 11 1 B1 ft follow through their answer to part (b), if 0 < part(b) < 15 only
30 ie 15 − " their (b)" with numerator a single number. Allow awrt 0.367
Total 5 marks

Question Working Answer Mark Notes

20 Throughout this question condone mis-labelling. eg if they label the volume of the cone as being the hemisphere
2  2000  5 4 3  4000 
 103  = = 2094.395... M1 Allow for  10  = = 4188.790
3  3  3  3 
Allow sight of 4189, awrt 4190 or awrt 2090 or exact fraction
May be embedded within other working. Ignore labelling
1  100  M1 or 1  102 ( h − 10 ) Allow sight of 104, awrt 105 or exact fraction.
 102 x  = x = 104.719 x  3
3  3  Allow any letter for x. (Condone h for x) Ignore labelling
1 3 2  M1 using Vcone = 3  Vhemisphere oe 1
 102 ( h − 10 ) 3
 102 x =    103  or 4 3
3 4 3  M2 for =
with at least one of the volumes correct 2 4
100 3  2000   10 3

" " x =  " "  or Allow h – 10 or any letter for x (condone 3

3 4  3  h) 100
You may ft their values eg ( h − 10 ) 3
1 3 = oe
 102 x 3 3 or
3 "2094" x =  "105" NB x = 15 4
= oe 4 3
2 4
 103
NB useful number
3 2 
   103  = 1570.795...
4 3 
"15"+ 10 M1 For using h – 10 anywhere
OR if all 3 previous method marks
awarded allow for "their x" + 10
Correct answer scores full marks 25 A1 awrt 25
(unless from obvious incorrect working)
SC r = 10 not substituted could get M1 M1 M0 M1 A0
1  r2x x 3 x 3
1 M1 for 3 3 = (allow sphere)
2nd M1 = or = 4th M1 for using h – 10 or adding 10 A0
2 r x 4 2 r 4 4 r 4
Total 5 marks

Question Working Answer Mark Notes

21 (a)  AG 2 =  122 + 42 ( = 160 ) or 3 M1 A correct method to find AG2, AC2, AE2, AG,
AC or AE. Allow use of trig but must be fully
 AC 2 =  122 +32 ( = 153) or correct method eg M2 for
 AF 2 =  32 + 122 + 42
GAB = tan −1 
 AE 2 =  42 + 32 ( = 25) 4
  = 18.434.... and
 12 
 AG = Ignore incorrect labels
( ) M1 full method to find AF 2
 AF 2 =  32 + "160" or 32 + "4 10 "
For this mark allow values correct to 3sf. but
+ ("3 17 ") condone truncation eg 42 + ( awrt 12.3) or
2 2
 AF 2 =  42 + "153" or 42
32 + ( awrt 12.64 ) Ignore incorrect labels
 AF 2 =  122 + "25" or
 AF 2 =  169 NB 160 = 12.649... 153 = 12.369...
Working required 13 A1dependedent on both method marks awarded. For a full method to find
AF with no incorrect working seen and 13 stated
Must see 169 or a correct expression for AF 2 with exact values used.
(b) 3 2 M1 A correct method to find GAF or trig ratio of GAF
sin GAF =
3 or tan GAF = May ft values from part (a) including their AF if it is not 13 if it is clearly
"13" " 160 "
labelled or comes from a correct calculation
" 160 "
or cos GAF = oe Allow ( tan AFG =
or sin AFG =
or cos AFG = 3 ) and
"13" 3 13 13
90 − AFG
Allow use of cosine or sine rule eg 3
= 160 + 132 − 2  160 13cosGAF
Correct answer scores full marks (unless 13.3 A1 awrt 13.3 Allow awrt 13.4
from obvious incorrect working)
Total 5 marks

Question Working Answer Mark Notes

22 ( –k ) + 4 ( −k ) − 20 ( −k ) − ( −k )  = 0 5 M1 substitutes x = –k Allow 1 sign error if brackets removed
3 2
or or
– k + 4k + 20k + k  = 0 oe
3 2
long division to obtain 2 correct terms x2 + (4 – k)x + (–20 – 4k + k2)
or two of 1 or 4 − k or −20k − 4k + k 2
attempt to expand ( x + k ) ( x 2 + gx + 1) with at least 4 out of 6 terms

correct cubic is x + kx + gx + gkx + x + k oe

3 2 2

– k 3 + 4k 2 + 21k = 0 or A1 correct simplified 3 term cubic equation or a correct quadratic

–20 – 4k + k 2 = 1 or equation or both correct equations from comparing x2 and x
k + g = 4 and 1 + kg = –20 oe coefficients.
(k) (–k2 + 4k + 21) = 0 or M1 dep on first M mark. Divide by or take k out as a common factor
k 2 – 4k − 21 = 0 oe from a cubic in k to form a 3-term quadratic equation. An answer of 7
or –3 can imply this mark
( k )( –k + 7 )( k + 3) = 0 or M1dep on second M mark. Correct method for solving their 3-term
quadratic – either by formula, completing the square or factorising.
( k – 7 )( k + 3) = 0 By factorising: brackets must expand to give 2 out of 3 correct
By formula: correct substitution into fully correct formula (allow 1
sign error)
By completing the square: must see ( k − 2 )  ...

An answer of 7 or –3 can imply this mark

Correct answer scores full marks 7, −3 A1 cao (both) condone 0, 7, −3 but do not allow any other incorrect
(unless from obvious incorrect extras
Total 5 marks

Question Working Answer Mark Notes

23 (a) ON 2 =  19.52 − 182 or 19.52 = ON 2 + 182 2 M1 use of Pythagoras or trig seen – allow angles given to at
 
least 3sf
or 392 − 362 or ON =19.5 cos ( 67.3801)
Allow XD = 392 − 362 where BX is the diameter
or ON =19.5 sin ( 22.6198) oe
Working required
19.52 − 182 = 7.5 A1 allow 56.25 = 7.5 or 19.5cos ( 67.3801) = 7.5 or
392 − 362
oe or 19.5sin ( 22.6198) = 7.5 or
ON 2 = 56.25  ON= 7.5 Allow angles given to 3sf
NB verification using 7.5 is M0 A0
(b) EN = 36 –18 – 8 = 10 or EN = 36 − 8 4 M1 Find EN either labelled or comes from correct working
2 may be seen on diagram or AE  EC = 224 or AC + 7.5 and
AE  EC = 8  28 or AE  EC = 224
AC + 7.5 and AC – 7.5
AC – 7.5 identified as AB and BC or used in a formula.
2 2 Allow x + 7.5 and x – 7.5 may be implied by the 2nd M1
[AM 2 =] 19.5 – "10"  = 280.25 or M1 correct use of Pythagoras involving AM where M is the
2 2

mid-point of AC NB AM = 280.25  = 16.7406

ft their 10 if clearly labelled or comes from 36 − 18 − 8
 AC  AC  Correct use of intersecting chord theorem Allow
 + 7.5  − 7.5  = 8  28 ( x + 7.5)( x − 7.5) = 8  28
 2  2 
 AC  = 2  19.52 − "10"2 or M1 dep on previous method marks awarded. For using
AC = 2  "their AM " ft their 10 if clearly labelled or comes
8  28
 AC = + ("16.7406..."+ 7.5 ) from 36 − 18 − 8 or their awrt 16.7 if clearly labelled or comes
("16.7406..."+ 7.5) from 19.52 – "10"2
( )
 AC  find value for AC 2

 = 224 + 7.5 or

 2 
Correct answer scores full marks (unless 33.5 A1 awrt 33.5
from obvious incorrect working) Total 6 marks

Question Working Answer Mark Notes

24 1.95 or 2.05 seen 6 B1
2151 + 362  2 + 181 3 + M1 Find total number of children, at least 4 correct
94  4 + 15  5  = 1933 products seen added (215 + 724 + 543 + 376 + 75) or
1933 seen
= 1.95 or
− 867 or M1 for "1933" = b where 1.5 b 2.5 or
867 + k 1.95 867 + k
"1933" "1933" "1933"
= 2.05 or − 867 oe − 867 oe Allow < or > or or for =
867 + k 2.05 b
Allow equivalent
NB k + 215 + 362 + 181 + 94 + 15  k + 867
"1933" M1 Form two equations/expression for their mean.
= 1.95 or "1933" − 867 oe and "1933"
867 + kmin 1.95
= b or − 867 where 1.95 b 2 for one
867 + k b
= 2.05 or "1933" − 867 oe and "1933" = b or
− 867 where 2  b 2.05 for
867 + kmax 2.05 867 + k b
the other equation. Allow < or > or or for =
1933  4847  A1 both equations fully correct followed by awrt 124
 k = − 867  = or 124.282... and and awrt 75.9 or for a fully correct expression for both
1.95  39  values of k seen
1933  3113 
 k = − 867  = or 75.926... allow 2.0499 for 2.05
2.05  41 
76 k 124 A1 The 3rd M1 must be awarded. Allow [76, 124]
Total 6 marks

Question Working Answer Mark Notes

25 (a)  3 1  2 −1  2 M1 for writing down either of the
 AC =    or multiplications or the correct method
 5 2  −5 3  shown to find the determinant of A or
 2 −1  3 1 
CA=    or
 −5 3  5 2 
3  2 –1 5 or
3  2 – ( −1)  ( −5) or 6 – 5
working must be shown  2 −1   3 1 A1 for writing down an inverse
  or   or or matrices multiplied = identity
 −5 3   5 2 matrix
 3 1  2 −1   1 0 
  =  or
 5 2  −5 3   0 1 
 2 −1  3 1   1 0 
  = 
 −5 3  5 2  0 1
(b)  20 7  2 B2 fully correct
(i)   (B1 2 numbers correct)
 35 13  ignore order of matrices
(ii)  5 1  3 1  1 B1 for seeing the matrices given in the
   correct order
 5 4  5 2 
(c) AB = BA or C−1B = BC−1 2 M1 for either expression implied by a
fully correct expression required for
the A1 (no need to see BC = CB )
A –1ABA–1 = A–1BAA –1 or CABC = CBAC A1 multiplies equation by C or A –1
or CC–1BC = CBC–1C or AC–1BA = ABC–1A both before and after (allow mixture)
oe AC = CA = I and/or C = A –1 and/or
followed by BC = CB C–1 = A leading to correct equation
Total 7 marks

Qu Working Answer Mark Notes

26 (a) Method 1 for c = d or SRT = QPT oe angles in the same 4 M1 For one pair of angles equated from these 6
Method 2 for a = b or PQT = RST oe segment are equal M1 For both pairs of angles for the same method equated
Method 3 for z = w or RPT = SQT oe
Method 1 for a = c or PQT = SRT oe alternate angles
Method 2 for b = d or RST = QPT oe are equal
Method 3 for y = x or PRT = QSP oe angles in the same
segment are equal
Method 1 and Method 2 base angles of
for a = d or PQT = QPT isosceles triangles PQT = QPT
are equal
Method 3 for PR = QS ASA congruent
PT = QT A1 3 correct statements for the same method with conclusion
B1 At least 2 relevant reasons for the method used. Need
words in bold. For first reason allow Equal chords subtend
equal angles at the circumference (Allow on the circle)
Allow the symbol for ‘triangle’ and  for angle, opp, Alt
(b) PT : TS = 1:2 or TQ : RT =1:2 or realising ratio of sides 1:2 4 M1 eg RT/TQ = 2 Allow any 2 sides. Implied by 2nd M
[Area of PTR or QTS =] M1 for a correct method to find the area of triangle PTR or
1  2  QTS
eg  6 − 1 = 2 or 0.5 y  2 y  sin 180 − sin −1 2  [=2] y > 0 or finding the area of the trapezium in terms of MT and PQ
2  y  or using area of triangle for PQT and RST with both height
[Area of trapezium PQRS =] and base in the ratio 1:2 eg
eg ( 2 PQ + PQ)(MT + 2MT ) where M = midpoint of PQ Implied by the 3rd M
2 1 4 2
or = 1 and = 4 oe
2 2
eg 2 + 2 + 1 + 4 or 0.5  9  2 or 3  3    a or (
1 2 2 + 4) M1 Full method to find area of ABCD. eg
 (2 + 1)
12 4
 +  ( b + 2b ) where b  0
2 a 2
2b b
Correct answer scores full marks 9 A1 cao ISW
Total 8 marks

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