PhysRevLett 131 053803
PhysRevLett 131 053803
PhysRevLett 131 053803
We probe the fundamental underpinnings of range resolution in coherent remote sensing. We use a novel
class of self-referential interference functions to show that we can greatly improve upon currently accepted
bounds for range resolution. We consider the range resolution problem from the perspective of single-
parameter estimation of amplitude versus the traditional temporally resolved paradigm. We define two
figures of merit: (i) the minimum resolvable distance between two depths and (ii) for temporally
subresolved peaks, the depth resolution between the objects. We experimentally demonstrate that our
system can resolve two depths greater than 100× the inverse bandwidth and measure the distance between
two objects to approximately 20 μm (35 000 times smaller than the Rayleigh-resolved limit) for temporally
subresolved objects using frequencies less than 120 MHz radio waves.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.131.053803
Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of FIG. 1. Free-space (a) and guided-wave (b) and (c) ranging
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. experimental schematics. Using parameter estimation techniques
Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to on interference-class waveforms, we estimate the distance be-
the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, tween two scattering depths from a target which would otherwise
and DOI. be temporally subresolved.
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 131, 053803 (2023)
“triangle pulse” TrðtÞ, shown in solid green in Fig. 2(a). of the Michelson interferometer. In Fig. 1(c), the delay
The triangle pulse is not bandlimited, so we consider cable is connected to both channels 1 and 2. Channel 1
approximations to the bandwidth based on the Fourier measures the interfered waveform and channel 2 measures
transform. Nevertheless, this function is better for meas- the input (non-interfered) waveform. Both input channels
uring the minimum distance between two objects (range on the scope are set at 1 MΩ to achieve the desired re-
resolved objects) owing to the linearity of S over the full flections and measurement. The experiments in Figs. 2(b)
interference range. and 2(c) utilize high precision frequency tunability to
Our third type of function is not an interference-class achieve ultrasmall relative pulse shifts rs .
function, but is used simply to define a temporally resolved The functions are generated numerically, consisting of
function. Similar to the Rayleigh criterion [34], when the 4000 points and a duration of 40 tR units. These signals
peak of one pulse is separated by a distance greater than were uploaded to an arbitrary waveform generator (AWG).
first minimum of a second pulse, the pulses are considered The bandlimit of the system is set by the repetition rate of
to be resolved. A classic example is the sinc2 , the arbitrary waveform generator. For example, a repetition
2 rate of 1 MHz results in a 40 MHz bandlimit for the
Ωt bandlimited pulses.
c2 ðtÞ ¼ sinc : ð5Þ
2 To perform the ranging experiments as shown in
Fig. 1(c), the arbitrary waveform generator sends the signal
For a bandlimited pulse, the minimally Rayleigh-resolved down the cable. The gðtÞ pulse is sent to channel 1 of the
temporal shift tR (the time analog of resolvability in space) oscilloscope and is teed to another cable which then adds a
is given by tR ¼ 2π=Ω. How deeply we can superresolve one-way temporal measured delay of tc ¼ 4.4 ns (the
the targets is quantified by the ratio measured delay is 3.8 ns when not connected to channel
2 and the measured cable length is lc ¼ 72 cm) implying
rs ¼ td =tR ; ð6Þ that the pulse delay is td ¼ 2tc ¼ 8.8 ns. The reflected
signal from channel 2 interferes in channel 1 with the
where td is the temporal delay between the two returning original displaced signal the gðtÞ function. When using the
pulses. Since rs is both a function of the delay td and the bandlimited function gðtÞ, for example, channel 1 then
bandwidth tR ¼ 2π=Ω, for the work herein it is more measures gðtÞ þ gðt þ 2tc Þ and similarly for the other
precise to change the bandlimit to test the fundamental functions.
properties of the relative shift in the system rather than Figure 2(c) shows the resultant interference waveform in
changing the relative pulse delay. channel 1 for the three different types of pulses used herein
We define a signal S akin to balanced interferometric for ts ¼ 0.5tR. There are several important features of this
detection used to measure transverse deflections [35], graph that should be noted. First, the c2 ðtÞ interference
namely, pattern is not resolved, as expected, since ts ¼ 0.5tR .
Second, the interference regions in the center of the gðtÞ
Acmax − Acmin (peaks have changed value) and triangle functions TrðtÞ
S¼ ; ð7Þ
Almax − Almin (interference plateaus) have changed dramatically. Third,
the heights of the side lobes are still roughly constant for
where Acmax , Acmin are the maximum and minimum both interference-class functions.
amplitude of the function in the steep center region, We consider two important figures of merit for this range
respectively and Almax , Almin are the maximum and mini- resolution system: (i) the minimum distance to amplitude-
mum of the flat temporal lobes. resolve two objects and (ii) the distance resolution between
Consider the ranging experiments shown in Fig. 1. In objects when the objects are amplitude resolved but still
Fig. 1(a), waveforms are sent to a two-depth target. Upon temporally subresolved (i.e., rs < 1).
reflection, the two reflected waveforms interfere and are The triangle function is designed to amplitude resolve
sent to the receiver. The resultant waveform is measured two objects with depths that are closely spaced along the
and processed to estimate the distance between the two same line of sight. Typically, in radar, the spectral band-
depths of the target. width is given by the width of the spectrum at the 3 dB
To better test the limits of this technique, we use low- down point. However, owing to the irregular spectrum of
noise guided-wave experiments as shown in panels 1(b) the triangle pulse we use a conservative estimate based on
and 1(c). Figure 1(b) shows a guided-wave equivalent to the where most of the power is found. Using the bandwidth
free-space radar. However, there are unequal amplitudes from the Fourier transform as shown in Fig. 2(b), we can
from the scattered waves measured at the receiver based see that most of the power lies below 20% of the bandlimit
on the splitting ratios of the tee junction. To create for the bandlimited functions using the same pulse repeti-
equal-amplitude interference, we used the experiment tion rate. As noted above, the bandlimited frequency was
shown in Fig. 2(c), which is the radio wave equivalent 40× the repetition rate. From this observation, we define a
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 131, 053803 (2023)
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 131, 053803 (2023)
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