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Saint Mary’s School of Sagada Inc.

Poblacion, Patay
Sagada, Mountain Province, 2619

A Research on the Effects of

Lack of Internet Connection
to the Academic Performance
of SMSSI students
SY 2021-2022
Submitted by:

Atiwag, Eurick
Busacay, Dixie
Magalgalit, Neil
Maske Athens
Page-et, Sheldon

The main purpose of this study is to find the effects of poor internet connection to the
academic performance of students of Saint Mary’s School of Sagada Inc. School Year
Statements of the Problem
1. What are the effects of slow internet connection to the academic performance of
SMSSI students (SY 2021-2022)?
2. What causes slow internet connection to the community the students live in?
3. What is the necessity of internet connection to the students of SMSSI (SY 2021-
Under this section, this chapter presents the findings of the research instrument.
Subjects of the study are directly from SMSSI, Grades 7 to 12.
Findings 1
Year Level Number of Internet Expense Speed of Internet Connection
Percentage Rank Rank
Grade 7 19 Under 50 Php 13.87% 6 Up to 10 100% 1
Grade 8 17 50-100 Php 100% 1 11-25 43.80% 4
Grade 9 14 100-150 Php 32.85%% 5 26-50 86.13% 2
Grade 10 9 150-300 Php 80.29% 2 51-100 70.07% 3
Grade 11 51 300-500 Php 73.72% 3 100 mbps
and above
Grade 12 27 500 and above 45.99% 4
Total 137

Based on the table presented above, as a supporting detail to the Statements of the
Problem 1 to 3, the researchers had to find how much the students pay for their internet
expense and the speed of internet they have at home. The results of the Internet
Expense from Grades 7 to 12 by rank and percentage are as follows:
1. Students most likely spend a cost of 50-100 Php monthly
2. 80.29% of the students spend a cost of 150-300 Php monthly
3. 73.72% of the students spend a cost of 300-500 Php monthly
On the other hand, the results of The Speed of Internet Connection students most
likely have at home from Grades 7 to 12 by rank and percentage are as follows:
1. Students most likely pay an Internet Speed of up to 10 mbps
2. 86.13% of students pay an Internet Speed of 26-50 mbps
3. 70.07% of students pay an Internet Speed of 51-100 mbps
Findings 2
1- Not at All
2- To Some Extent
3- To a Moderate Extent
4- To a Great Extent
Interpretation Basis
1-1.75 Not at all (NAA)
1.76 – 2.51 To Some Extent (TSE)
2.52 – 3.27 To a Moderate Extent (TME)
3.28 – 4.03 To a Great Extent (TGE)
(Refer to next page for the table)
Based on the table presented on the next page by rank and mean computation most
students from Grades 7 to 12 find it:
1. Partly difficult to do their modules due to poor internet connection
2. Lack reference materials due to poor internet connection
3. Cannot submit work on time due to poor Internet connection
Year 1 2 3 4 Mean Interpretation Rank
Grade 7 – 12 1. I have difficulty 24 62 3 12 2.28 TSE 1
in doing my 9
modules due to
poor internet
2. I lack reference 27 58 4 8 TSE 2
materials due to 4 2.24
poor internet
3. I cannot submit 37 52 3 12 2.17 TSE 3
work on time due 6
to poor connection
4. I am not able to 63 35 3 8 1.88 TSE 8
join online classes 1
due to poor
5. I lack 32 56 3 11 2.20 TSE 4
information on 8
present issues due
to poor internet
6. I have difficulty 36 50 4 6 2 TSE 7
in understanding 5
the work assigned
due to poor
7. I am not able to 43 47 3 8 2.09 TSE 6
communicate with 9
teachers and other
students when in
need of help
homework due to
poor internet
8. My time is being 44 48 3 15 2.12 TSE 5
wasted in 0
therefore I tend to
leave other works
behind others
Findings 3
Interview Questions
What do you think affects the poor internet connection in your locality or your
Why, in your opinion, is internet necessary to the student’s education system?
Why do you think, poor internet connection affects the academic performance of
Grade 7-12
1. What do you think affects the poor internet connection in your locality or your
Natural Occurrences Weather Conditions
a. Rainy
b. Windy
c. Foggy
Population a. Number of users in
the area
b. Tourists
Location a. Location of tower
b. Location of
c. Tight community
d. Sub-urban
Type of Network Used a. PLDT
b. Globe
c. TP-Link
d. Smart
a. Deforestation

Natural Occurrences as presented on the table where most students from Grades 7-
12 greatly affects the speed of Internet. Sagada experiences different weather
conditions where:
1. Rainy days/season
a. When it rains, more people stay indoors. This inevitably leads to an
increase in network usage, the limited bandwidth available is rapidly
consumed, resulting in apparent slowdowns
b. Rain can cause physical damage to cables particularly where
telecommunication networks are using old infrastructure. ADSL-style
(Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) connections, which use the old
phone network, are particularly vulnerable to this type of inference.
c. Wireless signals outside the home or building can be affected by rainfall
as water droplets can partially absorb the signal, which may result in a
lower level of coverage.
d. Even once the rain stops, the effects can still be felt. High humidity can
continue to affect the strength of wireless signals and may cause slower
connection speeds
2. Windy
a. Satellite internet services can be susceptible to extreme weather, as the
satellite signals have to travel long distances in the air.
b. Radio signals are not usually affected by the wind, but hardware such as
satellite dishes can be swayed, vibrated, flexed or moved by the wind
3. Foggy
a. Trees and foliage are high in moisture content and can also block or
weaken a satellite signal
Population or Human Behavior is one of the greatest contribution as to why Internet is
A. Number of Users (Tourists and Locals)
a. In the home network, all devices usually share a single internet
connection. The performance starts to degrade the moment more
users or devices are added to the network.
b. Internet bandwidth can be impacted when multiple devices are
connected to the same internet link and result in reduced performance
as each device would be getting a smaller bandwidth share.
c. Browsing web pages or sending email consumes only a small portion
of bandwidth even if a number of uses are performing this activity at
the same time. On the other hand, streaming live videos and
downloading large files consumes a sizeable bandwidth. If many users
or most of the users are streaming HD videos or downloading large
files on a consistent basis, then you will experience considerable
impact on bandwidth.
Location of satellite and location of internet user also contributes to the demand of poor
internet connection.
I. Location of Satellite and User
a. If the user is located far where the satellite is and is on a tight area
where one is surrounded by mountains, which, mostly, we can see
around Sagada, the speed of internet varies on the distance. The
nearer you are to the satellite and the more you have an open area,
the stronger the connection is and vice versa.
The type of network used by the user also affects the speed of internet connection. The
Philippine Long Distance Telephone or the PLDT home broadband has the fastest
internet speed in the Philippines. If one uses a faster internet network, then one has the
ability to cope with poor internet connection.
2. Why, in your opinion, is internet necessary to the student’s education system?
Search Tool a. Deep Words
b. Other meanings
c. Explanations
d. Module
Communication a. Communication with teachers
b. Communication with students
Additional Information a. School Works
b. Topics not Understood
c. Gather information on certain
topics assigned
d. To look up things when materials
are not available
e. To answer student’s curiosity
Other Purposes a. Guidance
b. Study

Internet is a part of a student’s chapter in education. Even with the available books,
the internet holds series of updated media information a student needs. Based on
the table presented as to why internet is necessary to the student’s education
system, to conclude the findings, the researchers came up with:
1. Search Tool
a. Deep Words
i. SMSSI students beginning at Grade 7, students are commonly
taught and are pushed to write essays, reflection and journals or
anything that could develop a student’s skill in writing and
critical thinking. Most students based on the findings, find their
written essays more knowledgeable when one puts deep words
on the output given. These words are commonly found on the

“Tapnu maka anap ak is naun-uneg ay word dat kega et

gawi gawis san insurat ku san essay ku,” – Grade 7
b. Other Meanings
i. Performance Tasks, Homeworks and other school work’s
instructions do not meet the vocabulary of some students,
hence, leaving the students to find resources in finding the
meaning or synonym of the word to further elaborate the
instruction given.

“Sometimes, if I’m at home, adiak maka suot isnan parents

ku about isnan assignment, rather than men damage ak, I
find it easier to search the meaning, parehas isnan school.
For example, adiak amu ay tick et check nu egay ku
insearch. Lucky ak lang tay us usaren mi nan phones mi
idwani, Manang,” –Grade 8

c. Explanations
i. Performance Tasks and other topics given by the teacher are
somewhat not understood by the students, leaving the students
to view tutorials about the topic and how to begin a certain

“Nan Math subject mi Manang, nu adik maawatan, sumaa

ak dat ku I search et ma I explain met ay usto nan youtuhbe
tutorial.” – Grade 9
d. Module
i. During the New Normal of Education, students started to rely on
the internet to find further explanations and answers.

“Nu men mod module kami id kasin et kailangan mi nan

internet tay adi mi amin ma awatan nan wadas nan module,
basit lang. Dat mamingsan et maid bumadang ken dakami,
isunga self- learning ngem with the help of the internet,” –
Grade 10
2. Communication
a. Communication with Teachers
i. Without the internet connection/ Poor internet connection affects
how a student understand an assignment or a topic assigned.
“I have to send a picture to the teacher for the teacher to
understand what I’m talking about tay nu message et I
cannot do that, but nu messenger et I can, so nu nakapsut
nan net aped et mawakgatan ay ma answeran nan question.”
– Grade 7
ii. Failure to send group works to group mates due to internet
connection either delays the submission or results to a one-man
team group work.

“Wada san namingsan Manang ay, I had to do the group

work myself tay adi men sung sungbat nan ka groupak,
given the fact ay id Northern da nin tetee. The next morning
ket I asked them why nan kanan da maid signal kanu sidi.”
– Grade 9
3. Additional Information
a. School Works
i. School Works do not only focus on a certain topic, but, in order
to understand the gist of the whole topic there are supporting
details that need to be known. These supporting details are not
only found in books as history but updated media and
information and reliable sources are also found on the internet.

“On certain subjects like mathematics, literature and

history there are supporting topics that needs to be
understood to understand the main topic. If I was assigned
for example to report about the concept of Social Sciences,
I have to get the background of it in order to make my
audience understand what I mean.” – Grade 12

b. Topics not Understood

i. A regular school day consists of about 7-8 subjects a day where
at an average, one student can only hold at least 3-4 subject
information a day. Notes are advisable for students in order for
them to find certain information not found on books on the

“Mababanug nan brain ud ay men adal in a day, that’s why

we have to search either at night or before the exam ta ma
understand mi san topic ay na tackle before.” – Grade 11

c. Gather information on certain topics assigned

i. Students do not just rely on books in presenting topics assigned
but they rely much more on the internet as there are templates
already prepared for the students to use rather doing the
presentation offline.

“I get most of my topics on the internet, isunga nu kapsut

nan net ma delay nan men submit ak.” – Grade 10
d. To look up things when materials are not available
i. Sometimes the library isn’t available.

e. To answer student’s curiosity

i. There are certain words or sub-topics a student meets during
class duration. If there is poor internet connection, the student’s
standards on the topic decreases as his curiosity remains
unanswered for the rest of the day.
4. Referencing
a. Students are required, especially on essay making or narratives, to cite
their references or otherwise are given a penalty of plagiarism.
5. Research
a. Research is one of the most used type of a student’s narrative, essay,
portfolio, performance task and research itself. If internet connection
slows down, there’s a delay on submission or the task is unfinished.
6. Other Purposes
a. Guidance
i. The relevant studies found on the internet serves as a guide for
students to better understand certain ideas on a given topic.
“The internet for me as a student ket it serves as a guidance,
nu kaneg for example wadan math ay assignment or adik ma
awatan et there are step by step ways that I can find isnan
internet. Kanega guidance for self-leraning” – Grade 9
b. Study
i. There are related activities on the internet that can help the
student enhance their knowledge on certain activities.
“Wada nan contents di internet ay makatulong ken saken as a
student ay mas ma awatak nan topic ay na ited. Keg man nu
climate change tay adiak talaga siya ma aw awatan keg men
inapak si quiz or basta ma an answeran sin internet et try kuy
mang answer nan deyda wrong ku et I search ku nu apay dan
kagtudi et makatulong met, so kega it helps me to study.” –
Grade 12
Grade 9-12
3. Why do you think, poor internet connection affects the academic performance of
Delay on submission
Unfinished School Work
Lack of Comprehension on Lessons
Reduces Productivity
Decreases Interest
Slow Progress

1) Delay on Submission and Unfinished Schoolwork

a. Most equipment used on today’s society needs internet. The use of
Gmail and links to print out a task or submit a task, with poor
internet connection delays the submission. Sagada sometimes
occurs to have its signal or satellite down for days causing students
find alternative ways in submitting printed documents.
2) Reduces Productivity
a. Most students do not work offline as they find it easier to digest and
connect through certain ideas when one is connected online as
most rely on the internet, hence, if there’s poor internet connection
students most likely feel off and procrastinate rather than try to
think outside the box.
3) Lack of Comprehension on Lessons and Decrease on Interest
a. When a student finds no related literature or related topics of a
certain lesson on the internet, students tend to leave the topic
blankly and start researching for other topics. Related topics or
literature found on the internet increases interest of students. When
poor internet connection is present students focus on other things
rather than waiting for the webpage to load.
4) Slow Progress
a. A student most likely is eager to finish a certain task. Even with the
poor internet as a hindrance, one is willing to wait for the page to
load causing the student to focus on waiting alone. This results to
slow progress on work flow both on academics and chores.
Conclusion and Recommendation

Based on the results of the study, the researchers present the following conclusion:
1) Poor internet connection causes a delay of submission as students tend to rely
more on internet based submission of printed documents where Gmail and link
sharing are necessary, unfinished schoolwork as students rely more on relevant
studies on the internet (reliable sources), reduces productivity as students tend to
procrastinate due to poor internet connection, lack of comprehension on lessons
as students are more likely to understand related lessons present on the internet,
decreases interest as students are to wait more than their limited time of waiting
on the restoration of internet connection and causes slow progress on student’s
academic performance.

2) Natural Occurrences doesn’t really affect the speed of internet connection but
Human Behavior does. If there are a lot of people using the internet, given the
fact that Sagada has only two satellites and a population of 11,510 as of the year
2020, and with the number of students present on the population (where 137 are
respondents from different barangays, 4 of which are from Besao), the speed of
internet meets only an average of up to 10mbps. The 10 mbps is divided by how
many people on a certain area leaving an average of at least 1000kbps or less,
which causes slow internet connection. The more users present in an area and
how far one is from the satellite greatly affects the speed of internet connection.
Although, still, weather conditions affect the speed of internet connection but not

3) Internet connection greatly helps the students in their academic performance as

students rely more on the internet in the means of referencing, research, search
tool, communication and additional information as the internet provides updated
media and literature and information necessary to meet the student’s needs.
The researchers recommend to everybody namely the teachers, students,
curriculum planner and to the other researchers the following:
1) For the Department of Education, to raise a fund that will support an Electronic
Library where one can have access to books, journals, novels or any other
information over net, in Sagada, that will provide solution to the lack of internet
access that may be used for educational purposes.
2) For the teachers, help in promoting the recommendation for the students to be
more globally competitive. This is because the internet, in the modern society, a
main tool for communication and studying.
3) For the students, to use the internet wisely and use it only with regards to your
study as internet can be a tool to excel academically.
4) For the future researchers, it is recommendable to elaborate more the effects of
lack of internet connection to the academic performance of SMSSI students SY
2021-2022 but as a respect to legal owner of the current research put citation.

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