Speaking Part 2 - People

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Describe an interesting old person you Describe a person you have met who
have met you want to work/study with
You should say: You should say:
Who this person is  Who this person is
 When/where you met this  How you met this person
person  How long you have known
 What you did with this person him/her
 And explain why you think this  And explain why you want to
person is interesting work/study with him/her

I want to tell you about an old person that I enjoyed working with/I have met
I want to tell you about a person that often helps others
It is john , and he is a my colleague. He is a professor from America and he is a bit old,
I never ask but somewhere around 60. We first met at a party at school and I was very drawn
to him because he spoke very attractively and I really liked his accent.
As a lecturer He is also very fun to work with because he always makes jokes in the
office and his jokes are very easy to understand. He also was very chatty and constantly move
from one person to another and ask very intimate questions, so I was immediately impressed
by how extroverted and friendly he was.
He is a very kind and empathetic person who always puts others' needs before his
own. john helps people in many different ways, including volunteering at a local homeless
shelter, donating to charity, and offering emotional support to his friends and family.
When talking with him, he was so charming, he spoke politely yet openly so working
to him was very nice and easy. He always answered honestly when I asked him opinion and
advice. I asked for his social media, and he gladly gave me all of it, even adding. I contact him
whenever I need something, so I feel very connected to him.
Describe someone you know who often helps others
You should say:
 What he/she is like
 How he/she helps others
 Why his/her help is beneficial
 And explain why he/she helps others

It is john , and he is a my colleague. He is a professor from America and he is a bit old,

I never ask but somewhere around 60. We first met at a party at school and I was very drawn
to him because he spoke very attractively and I really liked his accent.
As a lecturer He is also very fun to work with because he always makes jokes in the
office and his jokes are very easy to understand. He also was very chatty and constantly move
from one person to another and ask very intimate questions, so I was immediately impressed
by how extroverted and friendly he was.
He is a very kind and empathetic person who always puts others' needs before his
own. john helps people in many different ways, including volunteering at a local homeless
shelter, donating to charity, and offering emotional support to his friends and family.
I believe john helps others because it is part of his nature to be compassionate and
caring towards others. He sees the struggles and hardships that people face in their lives and
feels compelled to do something to help. Additionally, I think john finds a sense of fulfillment
and meaning in helping others, which motivates him to continue doing so
Describe a person you met at a party who you enjoyed talking with
You should say:
 What party it was
 Who this person is
 What you talked about
 And explain why you enjoyed talking with him/her

I want to tell you about a person I enjoyed talking to at a party

It is john , and he is a my colleague (không đè)). He is a professor from America and he is a bit
old, I never ask but somewhere around 60. We met at a party at school and I was very drawn
to him because he spoke very attractively and I really liked his accent. He went alone but was
very chatty and constantly move from one person to another and ask very intimate questions,
so I was immediately impressed by how extroverted and friendly he was. When he moved on
to me, he was so charming, he spoke politely yet openly so talking to him was very nice and
easy. He asked about my age, my dream, and my hobby, all of which I answered honestly, and
he seemed to do the same when I asked those questions to him. After the conversation, I
asked for his social media so that we can catch up later, and he gladly gave me all of it, even
adding that I contact him whenever I need something, so I feel very connected to him. He is
also very fun to work with because he always makes jokes in the office and his jokes are very
easy to understand.
Describe a film character played by an actor or actress whom you admire
 You should say:
 Who this actor/actress is
 When you saw the film
 What the character was like in this film
 And explain why you admire this actor/actress

So, I would like to tell you about an actor who I admire for playing a particular character
in a film/movie. That’s Jackie Chan, and I was most impressed by his role in Rush Hour. It was an
action comedy movie, and also an American movie so I really liked it because I mostly watch
Hollywood films.
Jackie is very popular even outside of Hollywood because he is very good at martial arts
and appeared in popular movies that are shown in Vietnam all the time. He is a very nice
person, he would always donate his money to charity and have a good reputation for being
professional in every set he worked in, so his colleagues and his fans are all inspired by him.
The first movie that I saw him in, and also the one that make me adore him, is Rush Hour.
It’s about two detectives, one of them is played by Jackie, and their mission is to solve an
abduction case that involved a high-ranking officer.
That movie made me laugh out loud, and Jackie Chan characters have very likable
personalities and sometimes innocent ways of thinking that really tickles me, so he is the main
reason I like it so much. I became a big fan of his after that movie, and really want to meet him
in the future and ask for his autograph, .
So yeah, I really like Rush Hour and it is mostly because of Jackie Chan character, so I am a
big fan of both him and the film to this day.
Describe a popular/well-known person in your country
 You should say:
 Who this person is
 What he/she has done
 Why he/she is popular
 And explain how you feel about this person

 My favourite singer in vietnam is Son Tung MTP, A prominent pop singer star in Vietnam. His
music are very fantastic. that are prepared carefully, Not only his lycrics (/ˈlɪr·ɪks/), but also the
meaningful of content.
 His music are very suitable for diferent type of party. His love songs are widely loved by
people. So you can see, they play it everywhere.
 Although, he got a bad rap about copying the other people’music. But I still a diehard
fan. Actually, there are so difficult to find the singer that have a lot of attention like him.
 so whenever he public the new song, they are always very popular on many online
platform such as facbook, youtube and of course, they always take a top 1 trending on that
 Beside, He also have a nice appearance. he always wear the high-end fashion when he
have a concert. Not only that, he is also a Key Opinion Leader (KOL) for numerous luxury
brands who offer him lucrative deals to endorse ( /ɪnˈdɔːs/) their products (/ˈprɒd.ʌkt/).
Describe someone you know who Describe a piece of good news that
has recently moved to a new place you heard about someone you know
You should say: well
 Who he/she is You should say:
 What the new place is like  What it was
 Why he/she moved to a new  When you heard it
place  How you knew it
 And explain whether his or  And explain how you felt
her move has a positive about it
impact on you
The person I want to talk about is my friend, Toan, who recently moved to HCM
city to pusure new job which offer him a lucrative income. He's a freelance designer
and had been living in our hometown for many years before he decided to move.
Toan moved to this new city because he wanted to experience a different way of
life and explore new creative (/kriˈeɪ.tɪv/) opportunities. He had always been interested
in the city's cultural offerings and felt that this move would be the perfect way to
immerse (/ɪˈmɜːs/) himself in it.
HCM City is a bustling metropolis (/məˈtrɒp.əl.ɪs/) with a rich cultural (/ˈkʌl.tʃər.əl/)
heritage (/ˈher.ɪ.tɪdʒ/) and a vibrant nightlife. It's known for its stunning architecture,
delicious food, and friendly people.which offer plenty of opportunities for creativities.
I am currently living and working in HCM, so being able to see Toan more often is
very enjoyable to me. We were very close when he lived in our hometown, but due to
the distance, we couldn't meet as often as we wanted. However, now that he is living
in the same city as me, we have a chance to stay in touch more frequently, and we
even are planning a trip to visit him next week. Additionally, his success in his career
has inspired me and motivated me to work harder in my own career.
I would like to describe to u a piece of good news that hear about my best friend.
recently moved to Da Nang city to pursue new job opportunities. He's a freelance
designer and had been living in our hometown for many years before he decided to
He moved to this new city because he wanted to experience a different way of life
and explore new creative (/kriˈeɪ.tɪv/) opportunities. He had always been interested in
the city's cultural offerings and felt that this move would be the perfect way to
immerse (/ɪˈmɜːs/) himself in it.
Danang City is a bustling metropolis ( /məˈtrɒp.əl.ɪs/) with a rich cultural (/ˈkʌl.tʃər.əl/)
heritage (/ˈher.ɪ.tɪdʒ/) and a vibrant nightlife. It's known for its stunning architecture,
delicious food, and friendly people. The city is also surrounded by natural beauty,
including river and mountains, which offer plenty of opportunities for outdoor
I am currently living and working in Da Nang, so being able to see Toan more often
is very enjoyable to me. We were very close when he lived in our hometown, but due
to the distance, we couldn't meet as often as we wanted. However, now that he is
living in the same city as me, we have a chance to stay in touch more frequently, and
we even are planning a trip to visit him next week. Additionally, his success in his
career has inspired me and motivated me to work harder in my own career.
TOPIC 7: Describe a person you know who enjoys dressing well
TOPIC 20: Describe a person who inspired you to do something interesting
I want to tell you about a person that I have met that dress well (inspired me to change my
fashion style too much)
It is Toàn , and he is a my colleague. We are the same age, back in university time, we usually
learnt together so he is really close to me. As a lecturer, he spoke very attractively and I really
liked his accent. He is also very fun to work with, because he always makes jokes in the class
and his jokes are very easy to understand.
 But, What I am most impressed by him is how well he dresses,(and he inspried me to change
my fashion style so much).
1. Although Vietnamese weather is extremely hot, he would always show up to work in a
three-piece and that is very tidy.
2. Not just that, he would always mix his color so that the whole set is very pleasing to look
3. I think his body type is very fit so it makes him look good in a suit.
 I would ask him for tips on how to dress well and he would give me very deep information
Mixing color and fabric material to choose from so that my clothes will both look good and
last a long time.
 I took his advice and the result is very clear, my wife and colleagues would always give me
positive comments (cóm mìn) about how I dress and would, in turn, ask me where I buy my
 So his advice is very good and changed my life, now I have a reputation of looking professional
when I come to work.
So yeah, that is Mr Toan, a my colleague I know that dressed well and inspired me to change
my style
TOPIC 17: Describe a person you know who enjoys growing plants
I want to tell you about a person that enjoys growing plants
It is Toan , and he is a my colleague. We are the same age, back in university time, we usually
learnt together so he is really close to me.
He told me that he liked to grow plants and would spend his free time tending to his small
garden on his balcony. I was very interested in this topic and so he motivated me to take care
of my own garden, and I have one in my apartment right now. He would show me the tips on
how to take care of my garden, and presented me a list of all the plants he thinks is suitable for
me to grow and can easily to tend to. Also, he had invited me to his apartment one time to see
his small garden, and I was very impressed because although there are not many varieties, his
garden is still super colorful and robust (rồ bus), it looked like a movie set. He showed me his
favorite plants and asked if I wanted it, so he gave me one after I showed interest. Right now, I
still constantly ask him opinions and advices about my mini garden, and he gladly helps every
So yeah, that is Mr Toan, a my colleague I know that really enjoys growing plants

TOPIC 39: Describe a person who you enjoyed working or studying with.
TOPIC 35: Describe an interesting old person you have met
TOPIC 22: Describe someone from another culture who you enjoy spending time with
I want to tell you about a person/old person/foreigner that I enjoyed working with/I have
met /spending time with
It is john , and he is a my colleague. He is a professor from America and he is a bit old, I never
ask but somewhere around 60. We first met at a party at school and I was very drawn to him
because he spoke very attractively and I really liked his accent. As a lecturer He is also very fun
to work with because he always makes jokes in the office and his jokes are very easy to
understand. He also was very chatty and constantly move from one person to another and ask
very intimate questions, so I was immediately impressed by how extroverted and friendly he
was. When talking with him, he was so charming, he spoke politely yet openly so working to
him was very nice and easy. He always answered honestly when I asked him opinion and
advice. I asked for his social media, and he gladly gave me all of it, even adding. I contact him
whenever I need something, so I feel very connected to him.


TOPIC 44: Describe a person who you enjoyed talking to at a party.

I want to tell you about a person/old person/foreigner that I enjoyed working with/I have
met/I enjoyed talking to at a party/spending time with
It is john , and he is a my colleague (không đè)). He is a professor from America and he is a bit
old, I never ask but somewhere around 60. We met at a party at school and I was very drawn
to him because he spoke very attractively and I really liked his accent. He went alone but was
very chatty and constantly move from one person to another and ask very intimate questions,
so I was immediately impressed by how extroverted and friendly he was. When he moved on
to me, he was so charming, he spoke politely yet openly so talking to him was very nice and
easy. He asked about my age, my dream, and my hobby, all of which I answered honestly, and
he seemed to do the same when I asked those questions to him. After the conversation, I
asked for his social media so that we can catch up later, and he gladly gave me all of it, even
adding that I contact him whenever I need something, so I feel very connected to him. He is
also very fun to work with because he always makes jokes in the office and his jokes are very
easy to understand.

TOPIC 47: Describe an actor who you admire for playing a particular character in a film/movie
So, I would like to tell you about an actor who I admire for playing a particular character in a
That’s Jackie Chan, and I was most impressed by his role in Rush Hour. It was an action comedy
movie, and also an American movie so I really liked it because I mostly watch Hollywood films.
Jackie is very popular even outside of Hollywood because he is very good at martial arts and
appeared in popular movies that are shown in Vietnam all the time. He is a very nice person, he
would always donate his money to charity and have a good reputation for being professional in
every set he worked in, so his colleagues and his fans are all inspired by him. The first movie that
I saw him in, and also the one that make me adore him, is Rush Hour. It’s about two detectives,
one of them is played by Jackie, and their mission is to solve an abduction case that involved a
high-ranking officer. That movie made me laugh out loud, and Jackie Chan characters have very
likable personalities and sometimes innocent ways of thinking that really tickles me, so he is the
main reason I like it so much. I became a big fan of his after that movie, and really want to meet
him in the future and ask for his autograph, because he is basically my childhood hero.
So yeah, I really like Rush Hour and it is mostly because of Jackie Chan character, so I am a big
fan of both him and the film to this day.
TOPIC 7: Describe a friend from childhood who you remember very well

I am going to tell you about a friend from childhood that I always remmember very

So he is Toan, he is not only my cousin but also my neighbour and I would often
hang out with him when I was young. Toan was a tall, lanky boy with black hair
and especially blue eye. He was always very energetic and competitive at
school. He really love play sport especially football. We often play football
together after school time.

One of my favourite memories of Toan is cooking with him, I really cherish

those memories and still look back fondly. At that time, neither of us know how to
cook and we can only do simple dishes like fried eggs and instant noodles. There
was a time when both my parents and his parents went on a business trip, so we
have to take care of ourselves, including cooking. So, he went to my house and
cooking with me. The session went smoothly, and we came out with the final dish
after half an hour. which was a new experience to me. That is a first time I have
main meal with someone that not my parent.

Although, we eventually lost touch as we grew older and went to different

university, I will always remmember him as a fun loving friend who brought
a lot of joy and excitement into my childhood.

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