Trademark Suit Demo
Trademark Suit Demo
Trademark Suit Demo
X Company Ltd., a company registered under the Companies Act 1956 with
its registered office at ................ within the said jurisdiction
2. The plaintiff is using its Trade Mark X whole its products. The vending
of plaintiff s products are sound base both in side and out side in
3. For previous seven years plaintiff has advertised its products under its
said Mark by spending and amount of rupees seven lakh due to that.
7. The said mark …..became very famous among the buyers of the
plaintiff's products and the Mark … became very much concerned
with the plaintiff's products.
10. The plaintiff says that vending of said products by defendant under
Trade Mark …..has amounted to by passing the plaintiff's goods as the
goods of alike nature under a fraudulently alike Mark. The defendant
has hence breached the plaintiff's said Trade Mark inasmuch as the
goods marked XZ is fraudulently alike to that of plaintiff's Trade Mark
XY and the goods are alike and of the same description.
11. The defendant's Trade Mark has been so higher alike to the plaintiff's
Trade Mark that the defendant has been passing off its goods as that
of plaintiff's goods and/or defendant is enabling the others to do
similarly and hence defending is getting the last benefit out of
goodwill/ reputation of plaintiff which good will was enjoyed by him
for previous many years. This goodwill was setup at highest cost of
15. The plaintiff claiming handing over of the breaching dies, blocks,
labels etc. for destruction and cancellation . The plaintiff says that the
defendant can not vend its products or advertise it in market under
the Trade Mark …. and hence defendant should be restrained from
vending its products under the Mark …… or advertising the same.
15. cause of action for plaintiffs for suing is emerging day by day because
the defendant is passing off its products as the products of plaintiff,
inter alia, in Kerla and Bangalore outside the said jurisdiction and in
Bombay within the jurisdiction of this Hon'ble Court day by day and
every day till date and desires in continuing same.
The plaintiff hence prays for leave per Clause 12 of the Letters Patent
per Or. 2, r. 2 of the Code of Civil Procedure 1908 and claims:
e. Receiver;
f. Attachment;
g. Injunction;
h. Costs;
i. Other and Further reliefs as the plaintiff legal right and per equity.
Before me Commissioner