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First/Second Semester B.E.

Chemistry for Computer Science Engineering Stream(22CHES12/22)
(Effective from the academic year 2022-23)
Topics Topics To Be Covered Hours
Module–I: Sensors and Energy Systems
Metals and Alloys: Sensors: Introduction - Definition and terminologies of
Transducer Actuators and Sensors. Working principle and any
Sensors: four applications of Electrochemical sensors, and Thermometric

Sensor (Flame photometer)

Working principle and any four applications of Conductometric
sensors (conductometry), and Optical sensors (colorimetry),
Electrochemical Sensor for the measurement of Dissolved Oxygen
(DO); With brief introduction to different sensors, explain the
principle, experimental procedure with electrode reactions.
Electrochemical gas sensors for SOx and NOx; Working principle
with electrode reactions
Disposable sensors (DS); Definition, advantages of DS over
Classical sensors. Detection of biomolecules; Example-Ascorbic
acid (AA) explain with Oxidation of AA to Dehydroascorbic
acid,Pesticides; example-Glyphosate (explain with electrochemical
Energy Systems: Energy Systems: Introduction to batteries, construction, working
and applications of Lithium-ion and Sodium-ion batteries 2L
Quantum Dot Sensitized Solar Cells (QDSSC’s)- Principle,
Properties and Applications (any four).
Tutorials i) Involvement of faculty and students in identifying the problems & solutions.
ii) PPT presentations by the students/faculty about the applications of the 2T
different materials used in Computer Science Engineering
iii) Guidance to the students for self-study topics through illustrative
Self-learning: Types of
electrochemical sensor, Gas 1. No Question is to be set for SEE
sensor - O2 sensor, 2. 20% weightage may be given to CIE from self-study topics
Biosensor - Glucose sensors.
(RBT Levels: L1, L2 & L3) Total 8
Module–II: Materials for Memory and Display Systems
Memory Devices: Memory Devices: Introduction, Basic concepts of electronic
. memory, History of organic/polymer electronic memory devices
Classification of electronic memory devices (Transistor-Type, 3L
Capacitor-Type, Resistor-Type and Charge transfer type Electronic
Memory devices),
types of organic memory devices; Organic molecules (p-type
semiconductor–ex., Pentacene; n-type ex., Perfluoropentacene used
as memory materials)
types of organic memory devices; polymeric material (Polyimide as
an example with Donor-Triphenylamine; Acceptor–phthalimide)
Display Systems: Photoactive and electroactive materials -
Display Systems: Definition and principle for photoactive and electroactive.
Optoelectronic devices: Definition, working principle. 4L
Nanomaterials (Silicon Nanocrystals) and organic materials [Light
absorbing materials - Polythiophenes (P3HT), Light emitting
materials - Poly[9-vinylcarbazole] (PVK)] Explain any four
properties why they are used in optoelectronic devices.
Liquid crystals (LC’s) - Introduction, classification properties and
application in Liquid Crystal Displays (LCD’s)
Organic Light Emitting Diodes (OLED’s) and Quantum Light
Emitting Diodes (QLED’s) – Mention any four Properties and
Tutorials i) Involvement of faculty and students in identifying the problems &
i i ) PPT presentations by the students/faculty about the different other
energy display systems & memory devices 2T
iii) Guidance to the students for self-study topics through illustrative
Self-learning: Properties
and functions of Silicon 1. No Question is to be set for SEE.
(Si), Germanium (Ge), 2. 20% weightage may be given to CIE from self-study topics
Copper (Cu),Aluminium
(Al), and Brominated flame
retardants in computers.
(RBT Levels: L1, L2 & L3) Total 8

Module-III: Corrosion and Electrode System

Corrosion Chemistry: Corrosion Chemistry: Introduction (ill effects, global losses),
electrochemical theory of corrosion (principle, reactions under
different conditions and diagram taking iron as an example)
Types of corrosion: Differential metal - Definition, Principle, Process
and application), Differential aeration – (Water line) – principle and
Corrosion control Corrosion control – Introduction (Definition, Principle and
application) galvanization, Anodization and sacrificial anode method
(explain with neat diagrams and reactions wherever applicable)
Corrosion Penetration Rate (CPR)- Introduction- (Definition,
Corrosion Penetration formula and importance), Numerical problems
Rate (CPR)
Electrode System: Electrode System: Introduction, types of electrodes; Ion selective
electrode – definition, construction, working and applications of the 3L
glass electrode.
Determination of pH using glass electrode, Reference electrode:
Introduction -(Definition and role of reference electrode);Calomel
electrode – Construction, working and applications of calomel
Concentration cell – Definition, construction, working and
Numerical problems.
Analytical Techniques: Introduction, principle, and
instrumentation of Conductometry; its application in the estimation
of a weak acid. Potentiometry; its application in the estimation of
Tutorials i)Involvement of faculty and students in identifying the problems & solutions.
ii)PPT presentations by the students/faculty about the different Analytical
iii) Guidance to the students for self-study topics through illustrative examples 2T

Self-learning: IR and UV-

1. No Question is to be set for SEE.
Visible spectroscopy
2. 20% weightage may be given to CIE from self-study topics.

(RBT Levels: L1, L2 & L3) Total 8

Module-IV: Polymer and Green Fuels

Polymer: Polymers: Introduction, Molecular weight - Number average,
weight average and numerical problems.
Conducting polymers – Synthesis and conducting mechanism of
polyacetylene and commercial applications
Preparation, properties, and commercial applications of Kevlar
Green Fuels: Green Fuels: Introduction to different types of fuels, past and future
perspective of green fuels.
construction and working of solar photovoltaic cell, advantages, and
disadvantages, Green hydrogen: Introduction to properties of 4L
hydrogen pertaining to fuel. Introduction to electrolysis of water.
Generation of hydrogen by electrolysis of water,(Explain the
electrolysis of water with diagram and electrode reactions) and
mention any 4 advantages

Tutorials i) Involvement of faculty and students in identifying the problems & 2T

ii) PPT presentations by the students/faculty about the different
developments in polymer technology

iii) Guidance to the students for self-study topics through illustrative examples

Self-learning: Regenerative
1. No Question is to be set for SEE.
fuel cells 2. 20% weightage may be given to CIE from self-study topics.
(RBT Levels: L1, L2 & L3) Total
Module-V: E-Waste Management
E-Waste: Introduction, sources of e-waste, Composition and
E-Waste Characteristics, Need for e-waste management concerning global
Toxic materials used in manufacturing electronic and electrical
products; health hazards due to exposure to e-waste. 7L
Recycling and Recovery: Different approaches of recycling
(separation, thermal treatments), hydrometallurgical extraction,
pyrometallurgical methods and direct recycling.
Extraction of gold from e-waste (Explain the Principle and
experimental procedure)
Role of stakeholders in the environmental management of e-waste:
Who are called stakeholders – a local and global perspective
Role of stakeholders - producers, consumers, recyclers, and
statutory bodies.
Tutorials i) Involvement of faculty and students in identifying the problems & solutions.
ii) PPT presentations by the students/faculty about the different advanced
E-waste management techniques 2T

iii) Guidance to the students for self-study topics through illustrative examples

Self-learning: Impact of
1. No Question is to be set for SEE.
heavy metals on environment
2. 20% weightage may be given to CIE from self-study topics.
and human health.
(RBT Levels: L1, L2 & L3) Total

NOTE: Wherever the contact hours is not sufficient, tutorial hour can be converted to theory hours

Suggested Learning Resources:

Books (Title of the Book/Name of the author/Name of the publisher/Edition and Year)
1. Wiley Engineering Chemistry, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, 2013- 2nd Edition.
2. Engineering Chemistry, Satyaprakash& Manisha Agrawal, Khanna Book Publishing, Delhi
3. A Text Book of Engg. Chemistry, Shashi Chawla, Dhanpat Rai & Co. (P) Ltd.
4. Essentials of Physical Chemistry, Bahl&Tuli, S.Chand Publishing
5. Applied Chemistry, Sunita Rattan, Kataria 5. Engineering Chemistry, Baskar, Wiley
6. Engineering Chemistry – I, D. GrourKrishana, Vikas Publishing
7. A Text book of Engineering Chemistry, SS Dara & Dr. SS Umare, S Chand & Company Ltd., 12thEdition, 2011.
8. A Text Book of Engineering Chemistry, R.V. Gadag and Nityananda Shetty, I. K. International
Publishing house. 2nd Edition, 2016.
9. Text Book of Polymer Science, F.W. Billmeyer, John Wiley & Sons, 4th Edition, 1999.
10. Nanotechnology A Chemical Approach to Nanomaterials, G.A. Ozin& A.C. Arsenault, RSC Publishing, 2005.
11. Corrosion Engineering, M. G. Fontana, N. D. Greene, McGraw Hill Publications, New York, 3rd Edition,
12. Linden's Handbook of Batteries, Kirby W. Beard, Fifth Edition, McGraw Hill, 2019.
13. OLED Display Fundamentals and Applications, TakatoshiTsujimura, Wiley–Blackwell , 2012
14. Supercapacitors: Materials, Systems, and Applications, Max Lu, Francois Beguin,
ElzbietaFrackowiak, Wiley-VCH; 1st edition, 2013.
15. “Handbook on Electroplating with Manufacture of Electrochemicals”, ASIA PACIFIC BUSINESS PRESS Inc.,
2017. Dr. H. Panda,
16. Expanding the Vision of Sensor Materials. National Research Council 1995, Washington, DC: The National
Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/4782.
17. Engineering Chemistry, Edited by Dr. Mahesh B and Dr. Roopashree B, Sunstar Publisher, Bengaluru, ISBN 978-
93-85155-70-3, 2022
18. High Performance Metallic Materials for Cost Sensitive Applications, F. H. Froes, et al. John Wiley & Sons, 2010
19. Instrumental Methods of Analysis, Dr. K. R. Mahadik and Dr. L. Sathiyanarayanan,
NiraliPrakashan, 2020
20. Principles of Instrumental Analysis, Douglas A. Skoog, F. James Holler, Stanley R. Crouch Seventh Edition,
Cengage Learning, 2020
21. Polymer Science, V R Gowariker, N V Viswanathan, Jayadev, Sreedhar, Newage Int. Publishers, 4th Edition,
22. Engineering Chemistry, P C Jain & Monica Jain, Dhanpat Rai Publication, 2015-16th Edition.
23. Nanostructured materials and nanotechnology, Hari Singh, Nalwa, academic press, 1st Edition, 2002.
24. Nanotechnology Principles and Practices, Sulabha K Kulkarni, Capital Publishing Company, 3rd Edition 2014
25. Principles of nanotechnology, Phanikumar, Scitech publications, 2nd Edition, 2010.
26. Chemistry for Engineering Students, B. S. Jai Prakash, R. Venugopal, Sivakumaraiah& Pushpa Iyengar., Subash
Publications, 5th Edition, 2014
27. “Engineering Chemistry”, O. G. Palanna, Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, Fourth Reprint, 2015.
28. Chemistry of Engineering materials, Malini S, K S Anantha Raju, CBS publishers Pvt Ltd.,
29.Laboratory Manual Engg. Chemistry, Anupma Rajput, Dhanpat Rai & Co.

Web links and Video Lectures:

 http://libgen.rs/
 https://nptel.ac.in/downloads/122101001/
 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/104/103/104103019/
 https://ndl.iitkgp.ac.in/
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=faESCxAWR9k
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBqXMWaxZYM&list=PLyhmwFtznRhuz8L1bb3X-
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j5Hml6KN4TI
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9GHBdyYcyo
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xWBPZnEJk8
. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wRAo-M8xBHM

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