1 Sem
1 Sem
1 Sem
3. R. K. Jain and Iyenger: Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Narosa Publications.
4. B.V. Ramana: Higher Engineering Mathematics, Tata Mc. Graw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd.
5. M.D. Raisinghania, Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations. S Chand Publications.
Introduction, Types of supports, Beams classification, Free body diagram, Shear force and
bending moment, Analysis of beams, Shear force and bending moment diagrams for
concentrated and uniformly distributed loads
Trusses: Simple Trusses, Zero force members, Method of Sections, Method of Joints
Properties of Plane Surfaces
First moment of area, Centroid of a plane and composite bodies joined by different surfaces,
Surface of revolution and volume of revolution, Moment of Inertia of area, Parallel axis
theorem, Perpendicular axis theorem, Moment of inertia of composite bodies, Principal axes
and principal moments of inertia, Mass moment of inertia of a thin rod, thin uniform plate,
thin rectangular sheet, circular ring, thin disc, solid cylinder, sphere, and cone about their axis
of symmetry
Kinematics of a rigid body
Introduction, Plane motion of a rigid body, Linear motion, Translation of a point with
constant acceleration, Equation of motion due to gravity, Angular motion, Relation between
angular displacement and angular velocity with constant angular acceleration, Curvilinear
motion of a particle, Normal and tangential acceleration, General plane motion,
Instantaneous centre of rotation
Kinetics of rigid body
Introduction, Laws of motion, Kinetics of rigid bodies, Motion on inclined rough surface,
Analysis of lift motion, Motion of two bodies connected by a string, Pure rotation of a rigid
body, General motion of a rigid body, Work and energy, Linear and angular momentum,
D‘Alembert‘s principle.
Mechanics of Deformable Bodies
Introduction, Normal and shear stresses, Poisson‘s ratio, Elastic constants and their
relationships, Generalized Hooke‘s law, Deformation of bars of uniform and varying cross-
sections, Strain energy in members due to static loading, Statically determinate problems,
Stress-strain diagrams for ductile and brittle materials; Pure Bending of beams,
Assumptions, Simple bending theory, Stress of beams of different cross sections ; Torsion
of Circular shafts, Shear stress due to torsion, Polar modulus, Power transmission
Note: Minimum Eight experiments are to be performed
1. Tensile strength test on universal testing machine
2. Compressive strength test on universal testing machine
3. Impact test on Impact testing machine
4. Torsion test of a rod on torsion testing machine
5. Experiments on friction between belt and pulley
6. Experiments on flywheel
7. Friction experiments on inclined plane/Screw jack
8. Experiments on bending of simple supported and cantilever beams
9. Statics experiments on equilibrium
10. Experiment on moment of inertia
Text & Reference books:
1. Engineering Mechanics: Statics and dynamics - I.H. Shames (PHI)
2. Vector Mechanics for Engineers, Vol I - Statics, Vol II – Dynamics, F. P. Beer and E. R.
Johnston (Tata McGraw Hill).
3. J. L. Meriam and L. G. Kraige, Engineering Mechanics, Vol I – Statics, Vol II –Dynamics,
J. L. Meriam and L. G. Kraige (John Wiley).
4. Engineering Mechanics: Principles of Statics and Dynamics R. C. Hibbler, (Pearson Press).
5. Engineering Mechanics -S S Bhavikatti (New Age International)
6. Engineering Mechanics - D S Kumar (Katson)
7. Engineering Mechanics, M. K. Harbola, (Cengage Learning)
8. Engineering Mechanics - H D Ram and A K Chauhan (McGraw Hill)
9. Engineering Mechanics- R. K. Bansal (Laxmi Publications)
Course Outcomes: The students are expected to be able to demonstrate the following knowledge,
skills, and attitudes after completing this course.
1. Use of various facets of communication skills, such as, Reading, Writing, Listening and
speaking skills.
2. To identify, formulate and solve the real-life problems with positive attitude.
3. To inculcate the habit of learning and developing the communication and soft skills by
4. To create an amicable ambience to make them learn the different part of English language
with the correction of the language.
5. Enhancing word power by counselling scientific literature.
6. Focusing on effortless speaking and writing.
movements, gestures, facial expressions, dress in effective communication; Information/ Desk/
Front Office/ Telephone conversation; how to face an interview/press conference; Group
discussions, debates, elocution.
1. Understand the importance, materials, applications, and safety in different shops for the
development of a product/component.
2. The knowledge of tools and processes used in carpentry and foundry shops for the development
of products through the casting process.
3. The knowledge of forming process will develop skills for producing products using different
tools and processes in the black smithy and sheet metal shops.
4. The knowledge and practical skill of various welding processes and their application.
5. The knowledge and practical skill of various machining processes.
6. The knowledge of non-conventional machining will develop the ability to produce various
ii. Metals used in sheet metal work such as Galvanized iron, Copper sheet, Aluminum sheet
iii. Study of tools & operations
iv. Fabrication of Funnel, toolbox, tray, electric panel box etc.
Machine Shop:
i. Layout of Machine shop
ii. Study of Lathe, Drilling, Shaper, Planer and Milling Machines and commonly done
operations on these machines
iii. Single point and Multi-point Cutting tools
iv. Making a job on lathe involving plane turning step turning, taper turning, and threading
Foundry Shop:
i. Layout of foundry shop
ii. Study of tools & operations
iii. Study on pattern allowances
iv. To prepare a Mould with the use of a core and cast it
v. Study of casting defects
Advanced Machining Lab:
i. Layout of the Advanced Machining Lab.
ii. Study about Computerized Numerically Controlled and Non- conventional machining
iii. Study of Flexible Manufacturing System.
iv. Simple experiments on CNC turning and milling.
Each group will fabricate a simple utility project using above different shops.
Text and Reference books:
1. Fundamental of Modern Manufacturing: Materials, Processes and Systems: M. P. Groover
(John Wiley)
2. Fundamental of Manufacturing Processes: G. K. Lal and S. K. Choudhary (Narosa).
3. Manufacturing technology – Machine Tools: P. N. Rao (TMH)
4. Manufacturing technology – Foundry, Forming and Welding: P. N. Rao (TMH).
5. Manufacturing Engineering & Technology: Kalpakjian (Pearson)
6. Advanced Machining Processes: V. K. Jain (Allied Publishers)
7. Manufacturing Science: A. Ghosh and A.K. Mallik (East- West Press).
8. Workshop Technology Vol-I: B. S. Raghuvanshi (Dhanpat Rai and Sons)
9. Workshop Technology Vol-II: B. S. Raghubanshi (Dhanpat Rai and Sons)
Course Assessment : Continuous assessment through attendance, home assignments,
methods quizzes, practical work record, viva-voce, two minor tests and one
major Theory and Practical Examination.
Course Objectives : This course helps the students in gaining the knowledge to write simple
C language applications, mathematical and engineering problems. This
course helps to undertake future courses that assume this programming
language as a background in computer programming, read and
understand C programs.
1. Discuss basic theory and practice of programming
2. Design and implement practical programs using C language
Course Outcomes : The students are expected to be able to demonstrate the following
knowledge, skills, and attitudes after completing this course.
1. Use compiler and feel comfortable with Windows environment
2. Identify and fix common C errors
3. Upon completion of the course, the students will be able to:
4. Write, compile and debug programs in C language.
5. Use different data types in a computer program.
6. Design programs involving decision structures, loops, arrays and functions
Topics Covered
Basics of Computer: Introduction to Digital Computer, Basic Operations of Computer,
Functional Components of Computer, Classification of Computers. Introduction to
Operating System: DOS, Windows, Linux, Function, Services and Types. Basics of
Programming: Approaches to Problem Solving, Concept of Algorithm and Flow Charts,
Types of Computer Languages: Machine Language, Assembly Language and High-Level
Language, Concept of Assembler, Compiler, Loader and Linker.
Standard I/O in “C”, Fundamental Data Types: char, int, short, long, float, double, long
double. Storage Classes: Automatic, Register, Static, External. Operators and Expressions:
Using Numeric and Relational Operators, Mixed Operands and Type Conversion, Logical
Operators, Bit Operations, Operator Precedence and Associativity. C Conditional Program
Execution: Applying if and Switch Statements, Nesting if and else, Restrictions on switch
Values, Use of Break. Program Loops and Iteration: Uses of while, do and for Loops,
Multiple Loop Variables, Assignment Operators, Use of break and continue keywords.
Functions: Designing Structured Programs, Functions in C, User Defined and Standard
Functions, Formal vs. Actual Arguments, Function Category, Function Prototype,
Parameter Passing, Recursive Functions. Arrays: One Dimensional, Multidimensional
Array and their Applications, Declaration and Manipulation of Arrays. Strings: String
Variable, String Handling Functions, Array of Strings. Storage Classes revisited.
Pointers: Pointer Variable and its Importance, Pointer Arithmetic and Scale Factor,
Compatibility, Dereferencing, L value and R-Value, Pointers and Arrays. Structure and
Union: Declaration and Initialization of Structures, Structure and array, Structure Pointers,
Declaration and Initialization of union, Union vs Structure. Implement the concept of
simultaneous linear equations, Bisection, Newton Raphson, Interpolation, Trapezoidal and
Simpson methods.
1. Write a program that finds whether a given number is even or odd.
2. Write a program that tells whether a given year is a leap year or not.
3. Write a program that accepts marks of five subjects and finds percentage and prints grades
according to the following criteria:
a. Between 90-100%--------------Print “A”
b. 80-90%----------------------------Print “B”
c. 60-80%---------------------------Print “C”
d. Below 60%----------------------Print “D”
4. Write a program that takes two operands and one operator from the user and perform the
operation and prints the result by using Switch statement.
5. Write a program to print sum of even and odd numbers from 1 to N numbers.
6. Write a program to print the Fibonacci series.
7. Write a program to check whether the entered number is prime or not.
8. Write a program to find the reverse of a number.
9. Write a program to print Armstrong Numbers from 1 to 100.
10. Write a program to convert binary number into decimal number and vice versa.
11. Write a program that simply takes elements of array from user and finds sum of these
12. Write a program that inputs two arrays and saves sum of corresponding elements of these
arrays in a third array and prints them.
13. Write a program to find the minimum and maximum element of the array.
14. Write a program to implement the concept of simultaneous linear equations.
15. Write programs to implement the Bisection, Newton Raphson, Interpolation, Trapezoidal and
Simpson methods.
Text & Reference books:
1. Jeri R. Hanly and Elliot B. Koffman, Problem Solving and Program Design in C, 7th Edition,
2. Schildt, Herbert, Complete Reference with C, Tata McGraw Hill Publication.
3. Kerninghan and Ritchie, The C programming Language, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall.
Course Objectives : This course introduces basic concepts of material and their
applications for engineering problems based on the concepts of
crystallography, mechanical properties and testing. This course also
introduces the concept of microstructural examination and various
heat treatment processes.
Course Outcomes : The students are expected to be able to demonstrate the following
knowledge, skills and attitudes after completing this course
1. Understand the importance of various materials with their basic concepts including
crystallography and imperfections.
2. The understanding of the various mechanical properties and testing by different testing
methods suchas strength, hardness, fatigue, NDT, etc.
3. The knowledge of various microstructural examinations and Phase diagrams.
4. The knowledge of different ferrous and non-ferrous metals and their applications.
5. The knowledge of different heat treatment processes, TTT diagram, and their application.
6. The knowledge of different concepts regarding smart materials and electrical, magnetic,
electronic properties of materials.
Topics Covered
Historical perspective, importance of materials, Crystallography and imperfections:
Concept of unit cell, space lattice, Bravais lattices, common crystal structures, Atomic
packing factor and density. Miller indices, X-ray crystallography techniques,
imperfections, Defects & Dislocations in solids
Mechanical Properties and Testing
Stress strain diagram, Ductile and brittle materials, stress Vs strength, toughness,
hardness, fracture, fatigue and creep. Testing, such as Strength testing, Hardness testing,
Impact tests, Fatigue testing Creep testing, Non-destructive testing (NDT). Performance
of materials in service: Brief theoretical consideration of fracture, fatigue, and corrosion
and its control.
Micro Structural Examination
Microscope principle and methods, Preparation of samples and microstructure exam and
grain size determination, comparative study of microstructure of various metals and
alloys, such as Mild steel, CI, Brass.
Phase Diagram and Equilibrium Diagram
Unary and Binary diagrams, Phase rules, Types of equilibrium diagrams: solid solution
type, eutectic type and combination type, Iron-carbon equilibrium diagram.
Ferrous & Non-ferrous materials
Iron and steel manufacture, furnaces, various types of carbon steels, alloy steels and cast
irons, its properties and uses. 3 Heat Treatment: various types of heat treatment, such as
Annealing, Normalizing, Quenching, Tempering and Case hardening. Time Temperature
Transformation (TTT) diagrams.
Non-Ferrous metals and alloys
Non-ferrous metals, such as Cu, Al, Zn, Cr, Ni etc. and its applications
Magnetic properties
Concept of magnetism- Dia, para, ferro magnetic materials, Hysteresis, Soft and hard
magnetic materials, Magnetic Storages.
Electrical Properties
Energy band, concept of conductor, insulator and semiconductor. Intrinsic and extrinsic
semi- conductors, P-n junction and transistors, Basic devices and their applications.
diffusion of Solid, Super conductivity and its applications, Messier effect. Type I & II
superconductors. High Temp. superconductors, Brief description of other material such
as optical and thermal materials, Composite Materials and its uses. Smart materials &
Nanomaterials and their potential applications
Minimum Eight experiments are to be conducted from the following:
1. Tensile test on universal testing machine
2. Compressive on universal testing machine
3. Torsion test of a rod on torsion testing machine
4. Creep test on creep testing machine
5. Fatigue test on fatigue testing machine
6. Hardness testing of given specimen on Vicker/Brinell/Rockwell hardness testing machine
7. Determination of deflection of cantilever under point/uniformly distributed loading
8. Determination of deflection of beam under point/uniformly distributed loading
9. Study of corrosion and its effects.
10. Comparative study of microstructures of different specimens of different materials (mild
steel, gray C.I., brass, copper etc.)
11. Study of heat treatment processes such as annealing, normalizing, quenching, case
hardening and comparison of hardness before and after heat treatment.
12. Study of nondestructive testing methods such as ultrasonic flaw detector, magnetic flaw
detector and eddy current testing machine
Text & Reference books:
1. Material Science and Engineering – Smith, Hashemi and Prakash (Tata McGraw Hill)
2. Material Science- Narula (Tata McGraw Hill)
3. Material Science for Engineering Students- Fischer (Academic Press)
4. Material Science & Engineering - Van Vlash (John Wiley & Sons)
5. Elements of Material Science & Engineering -W.D. Callister (Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.)
6. Technology of Engineering Materials- Philip and Bolton (Butterworth-Heinamann)
7. Material Science -V. Raghvan (Prentice Hall of India)
8. Elements of Material Science & Engineering- Van Vlack (Pearson
Pre-requisite Subject: None
Contact hours/week: 2 hours per week
No of Credits: Lecture: 2, Tutorial:0, Practical: 0
Course Assessment Methods: Continuous assessment through attendance,
home assignments, quizzes and two Minor Test, one Major Theory Examination.
Course Objective: The Course aims:
To give basic insights and inputs to the students to inculcate Human values to grow as a responsible
human being with holistic personality and enable them to understand and appreciate versatility and
universality of human values and their pivotal role in professional field.
Course Outcomes: The students are expected to be able to demonstrate the following knowledge,
skills, and attitudes after completing this course.
1) To create conducive environment for professionals to grow as good and responsible human
beings imbibing values and ethics.
2) Understanding the significance of environment.
3) Developing humanitarian outlook.
4) Able to understand nature of the individual and legal aspects of environment.
5) Understanding g major ideas, values, beliefs, and experiences.
6) These issues will help to sensitise students to be broader towards the social, cultural and human
issues involved in social changes.
Origin, Meaning, and Definition of Value, Types of Values, Individual Value, Family Value,
Societal Value, Human Value, Value in Education System, Understanding Happiness and Prosperity,
Self-Exploration and Natural Acceptance.
Harmony in family, Harmony in Society, Values Leading to Harmony, Creating a world family,
Harmony in Nature, Environment and Sustainable Developmental, Legal aspects of Environment,
Holistic Perspectives of Values, Existence and Co-existence.
Origin, Meaning and Definition of Ethics, Ethics: The science of the Morality of The Art of Correct
Living, Ethics in Human Acts, Ethics and Religion, Ethical Norms and Laws, Ethics in Literature,
Ethics in Science and Technology.
Ethical Approaches: Theistic Approach, Atheistic Approach, General and Special Ethics,
Professional Ethics: Ethics at work-place, Ethics as Skill, Values and Ethics, Ethics with Value
Education, Managerial and Business & Corporate Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibilities.