Midterm Practice Questions Answer Key

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Midterm Practice Questions: Answer Key

Question #: 1

What is the problem (if any) with the following thesis statement?

Plants convert sunlight into energy using a process called photosynthesis.

A. Not a position that others might challenge

B. Not specific enough; too broad or general
C. Not clear enough; too vague and uncertain in its meaning
D. It is a good thesis statement

Question #: 2

If you are writing an article that has a lot of scientific terms, but you change some of those
terms to make them easier to understand for people who do not have a scientific
background, what aspect of the rhetorical situation are you considering?

A. Audience
B. Purpose
C. Genre
D. Rhetoric

Question #: 3

Read the following paragraph and answer the question below it:

In June 1988, a scientist named Dr. James Hansen appeared on a very hot day in Washington
and told a group of powerful leaders that a dark future lay ahead. Temperatures were
reaching very high levels, bringing heat waves, dryness, and other disruptions to people’s
lives. “The greenhouse effect has been detected,” he said, “and it is changing our climate
now.” A low murmur ran through the crowd, as people reacted to Dr. Hansen’s warning with
a mixture of fear and uncertainty.

What is the main rhetorical mode being used in this paragraph?

A. Narration
B. Division/classification
C. Comparison/contrast
D. Process analysis
Question #: 4

Read the following paragraph and answer the question below it:

In June 1988, a scientist named Dr. James Hansen appeared on a very hot day in Washington
and told a group of powerful leaders that a dark future lay ahead. Temperatures were
reaching very high levels, bringing heat waves, dryness, and other disruptions to people’s
lives. “The greenhouse effect has been detected,” he said, “and it is changing our climate
now.” A low murmur ran through the crowd, as people reacted to Dr. Hansen’s warning with
a mixture of fear and uncertainty.

What is the main purpose of the phrase “In June 1988, a scientist named Dr. James Hansen
appeared on a very hot day in Washington”?

A. It establishes a clear context for the narrative

B. It presents a chronological organization
C. It states the main point of the paragraph
D. It sets a cheerful and positive tone

Question #: 5

Read the following paragraph and answer the question below it:

A collection of experienced environmental scientists gathered by the United Nations

—known as the Panel on Climate Change — delivered a stern warning about rising seas and
threats to plant and animal life. Four years later, a group of prominent world leaders meeting
in Rio de Janeiro signed an agreement to lower greenhouse gas emissions.

In this paragraph, the author refers to “experienced environmental scientists.” He also

mentions that the panel was “gathered by the United Nations” and later he talks about
“prominent world leaders.” Phrases like these are what kind of appeal?

A. Ethos
B. Pathos
C. Logos
D. None of the above


Question #: 6

Read the following paragraph and answer the question below it:
A) Nations have waited so long to lower their carbon emissions that a hotter future is
essentially locked in. B) We will see less rain, more forest fires, more crippling heat waves,
more sea level rise, more floods. C) The greenhouse gases that have already been pumped
into the atmosphere are going to stay there a long time, causing misery for years to come. D)
This summer, we have seen the impacts of carbon emissions: huge global floods, wildfires
erasing entire towns in California and Canada, murderous heat waves in the Pacific
Northwest, and the drying up of Colorado River reservoirs.

Sentence D uses which rhetorical mode?

A. Comparison/contrast
B. Cause/effect
C. Division/classification
D. Definition


Question #: 7

Read the following paragraph and answer the question below it:

A) Nations have waited so long to lower their carbon emissions that a hotter future is
essentially locked in. B) We will see less rain, more forest fires, more crippling heat waves,
more sea level rise, more floods. C) The greenhouse gases that have already been pumped
into the atmosphere are going to stay there a long time, causing misery for years to come. D)
This summer, we have seen the impacts of carbon emissions: huge global floods, wildfires
erasing entire towns in California and Canada, murderous heat waves in the Pacific
Northwest, and the drying up of Colorado River reservoirs.

What is the primary rhetorical appeal used in this paragraph?

A. Ethos
B. Pathos
C. Logos
D. None of the above


Question #: 8

Read the following paragraph and answer the question below it:
Records show that the planet’s temperature has increased by roughly 1.1 degrees Celsius
since the 19th century. If global warming rises by 1.5 degrees Celsius in the next 20 years,
heat waves that would have occurred once every 50 years can be expected to show up once
every 10 years. At 4 degrees of warming, they’ll show up every year.

The first sentence of this paragraph makes what kind of appeal?

A. Ethos
B. Pathos
C. Logos
D. None of the above


Question #: 9

Read the following paragraph and answer the question below it:

Countries must stop adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. In policy terms, there are
several steps we need to take. First, we need a rapid shift away from fossil fuels, which means
big investments in wind, solar and nuclear power. Second, we need to rebuild our electric
grid. Finally, we need more efficient homes and buildings —in short, a very different energy
delivery system.

Which rhetorical mode is the author using in this paragraph?

A. Narration
B. Comparison/contrast
C. Division/classification
D. Process analysis


Question #: 10

Read the following paragraph and answer the question below it:

Countries must stop adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. In policy terms, there are
several steps we need to take. First, we need a rapid shift away from fossil fuels, which means
big investments in wind, solar and nuclear power. Second, we need to rebuild our electric
grid. Finally, we need more efficient homes and buildings —in short, a very different energy
delivery system.

What is the purpose of the words “First,” “Second,” and “Finally”?

A. They demonstrate ethos
B. They state main ideas
C. They act as transitions
D. They provide context and background


Question #: 11

Read the following paragraphs and answer the question below them:

A) There are two types of listening--active listening and passive listening—and each of these
two types of listening has unique characteristics. B) Most people listen passively. C) They
may appear to be listening, they might nod, and they may even verbally agree with the
speaker. D) But in reality, passive listeners are either thinking about something else or they
are so focused on what they will say next that they are not paying attention. E) People can
tell when their audience is not really listening to them. F) Active listening, on the other hand,
requires the listener to consider carefully what the speaker is saying. G) It often includes
asking questions, rephrasing what the speaker just said, and pausing to let the speaker’s
words sink in before replying. H) It makes people feel like they are heard.

Look closely at sentence A. Which rhetorical mode is the author using in this paragraph?

A. Cause/effect
B. Division/classification
C. Process analysis
D. Narration


Question #: 12

Read the following paragraphs and answer the question below:

A) There are two types of listening--active listening and passive listening—and each of these
two types of listening has unique characteristics. B) Most people listen passively. C) They
may appear to be listening, they might nod, and they may even verbally agree with the
speaker. D) But in reality, passive listeners are either thinking about something else or they
are so focused on what they will say next that they are not paying attention. E) People can
tell when their audience is not really listening to them. F) Active listening, on the other hand,
requires the listener to consider carefully what the speaker is saying. G) It often includes
asking questions, rephrasing what the speaker just said, and pausing to let the speaker’s
words sink in before replying. H) It makes people feel like they are heard.
When the author uses the phrase “on the other hand” and discusses how active listening is
different from passive listening, what is she doing?

A. Contrasting active and passive listening

B. Comparing active and passive listening
C. Outlining active and passive listening
D. Stereotyping active and passive listening


Question #: 13

Read the following paragraphs and answer the question below:

A) There are two types of listening--active listening and passive listening—and each of these
two types of listening has unique characteristics. B) Most people listen passively. C) They
may appear to be listening, they might nod, and they may even verbally agree with the
speaker. D) But in reality, passive listeners are either thinking about something else or they
are so focused on what they will say next that they are not paying attention. E) People can
tell when their audience is not really listening to them. F) Active listening, on the other hand,
requires the listener to consider carefully what the speaker is saying. G) It often includes
asking questions, rephrasing what the speaker just said, and pausing to let the speaker’s
words sink in before replying. H) It makes people feel like they are heard.
Which of the following options is MOST LIKELY to be the writer’s purpose?

A. To make people feel ashamed and embarrassed by passive listening

B. To show the benefits fo passive listening over active listening
C. To show the benefits of active listening over passive listening
D. To show why most people engage in active listening


Question #: 14

Read the following paragraph and answer the question below:

A) There are two types of listening--active listening and passive listening—and each of these
two types of listening has unique characteristics. B) Most people listen passively. C) They
may appear to be listening, they might nod, and they may even verbally agree with the
speaker. D) But in reality, passive listeners are either thinking about something else or they
are so focused on what they will say next that they are not paying attention. E) People can
tell when their audience is not really listening to them.
In the body paragraph above, what kind of sentence is sentence A?

A. A takeaway or "so what?" statement

B. A topic sentence
C. A supporting detail
D. A counterargument


Question #: 15

A student has been assigned to write a research report. He/she looks for examples of
research reports and notices how many sections they have, how the sections are organized,
the kind of scientific language used, and how graphs and diagrams are used. Which aspect of
the rhetorical situation is the student considering?

A. Audience
B. Purpose
C. Genre
D. Rhetoric


Question #: 16

Getting the reader's attention so that they focus on the writer's subject is the purpose of
what part of the paper?

A. Hook
B. Topic sentence
C. Body paragraphs
D. Conclusion


Question #: 17

An effective conclusion usually contains which of the following?

A. New supporting details

B. An effective hook
C. A neutral tone
D. A takeaway for the reader

Question #: 18

What is the problem, if any, with the following thesis statement?

Social media is extremely good for society.

A. Not a position that others might challenge

B. Not specific enough; too vague or general
C. Not broad enough; too specific and detailed
D. It is a good thesis statement


Question #: 19

What kind of process analysis is explaining how to make ice cream?

A. Directional
B. Informational
C. Rhetorical
D. Analytical


Question #: 20

Read the following paragraph and answer the question below:

A) Because engineers face difficult ethical issues in their work, ethics training must be part of
every engineer’s education. B) One example of an ethical dilemma with terrible
consequences is the recent apartment building collapse in Miami, Florida. C) The
investigation of the building’s collapse revealed that the engineers gave in to pressure to
produce a cheap design that affected the building’s safety. D) This example shows that
ethical training for engineers has real-life consequences. Ethics training should be required
for an engineering degree.

Which part of the body paragraph is sentence A?

A. Main idea
B. Evidence
C. Analysis
D. Comparison


Question #: 21

Read the following paragraph and answer the question below:

A) Because engineers face difficult ethical issues in their work, ethics training must be part of
every engineer’s education. B) One example of an ethical dilemma with terrible
consequences is the recent apartment building collapse in Miami, Florida. C) The
investigation of the building’s collapse revealed that the engineers gave in to pressure to
produce a cheap design that affected the building’s safety. D) This example shows that
ethical training for engineers has real-life consequences. Ethics training should be required
for an engineering degree.

Which part of the body paragraph are sentences B and C?

A. Main idea
B. Evidence
C. Analysis
D. Comparison


Question #: 22

Read the following paragraph and answer the question below:

A) Because engineers face difficult ethical issues in their work, ethics training must be part of
every engineer’s education. B) One example of an ethical dilemma with terrible
consequences is the recent apartment building collapse in Miami, Florida. C) The
investigation of the building’s collapse revealed that the engineers gave in to pressure to
produce a cheap design that affected the building’s safety. D) This example shows that
ethical training for engineers has real-life consequences. Ethics training should be required
for an engineering degree.

Which part of the body paragraph is sentence D?

A. Main idea
B. Evidence
C. Analysis
D. Comparison

Question #: 23

Read the following paragraph and answer the question below:

A) Because engineers face difficult ethical issues in their work, ethics training must be part of
every engineer’s education. B) One example of an ethical dilemma with terrible
consequences is the recent apartment building collapse in Miami, Florida. C) The
investigation of the building’s collapse revealed that the engineers gave in to pressure to
produce a cheap design that affected the building’s safety. D) This example shows that
ethical training for engineers has real-life consequences. Ethics training should be required
for an engineering degree.

Imagine that we change sentence A to make it say “In addition to learning how to manage
technical issues, engineers must also be prepared to deal with many ethical issues.” What
would be the most likely purpose of the phrase “In addition to learning how to manage
technical issues”?

A. It is a transition from the previous paragraph

B. It summarizes the entire essay
C. It contradicts the rest of the paragraph
D. It defines the terms the paragraph will use


Question #: 24

If the prompt is, “Discuss the benefits of school uniforms,” then which of the following
would be the best thesis statement?

A. On one hand, school uniforms reduce bullying and help students focus on
academics; on the other hand, they prevent students from expressing their
individual identities.
B. School uniforms are beneficial for students because they reduce bullying; in
addition, they help students focus on academics and create a more formal
C. School uniforms are not a good idea because they keep students from expressing
their identities and they do not give students the chance to learn how to make
good decisions.
D. School uniforms have a variety of advantages and disadvantages.

Question #: 25

If you are making significant changes to your paper (adding sections, removing paragraphs,
rearranging ideas), which part of the writing process are you doing?

A. Brainstorming
B. Drafting
C. Revising
D. Editing

Question #: 26

Imagine that you are composing a tweet to post on Twitter, and you are considering who
might read your post. Which aspect of the rhetorical situation are you considering?

A. Audience
B. Purpose
C. Genre
D. None of the above

Question #: 27

Imagine that you are writing an essay on social media, and your goal is to change people’s
attitudes or opinions about social media use. Which aspect of the rhetorical situation are you

A. Audience
B. Purpose
C. Genre
D. None of the above

Question #: 28

Imagine that you are writing a magazine article for college students. You study example
articles and note the features, sections, diagrams, and illustrations. Which aspect of the
rhetorical situation are you considering?

A. Audience
B. Purpose
C. Genre
D. None of the above

Question #: 29

Read the following paragraph and answer the question below it:

“Researchers at Stanford University, along with their colleague Han Woong Lim, MD, PhD.,
from the Department of Ophthalmology at Hanyang University Seoul Hospital, used data
from the IRIS Registry to get a cross-sectional view of childhood blindness in the US.”

In this paragraph, the author cites “researchers at Stanford University” and Hanyang
University Seoul Hospital.

By drawing on the expertise of the researchers, the author makes what kind of appeal?

A. Logos
B. Pathos
C. Ethos
D. None of the above

Question #: 30

Which mode is used in the following paragraph?

“There are three types of levers, conventionally called ‘first kind,’ ‘second kind,’ and
‘third kind.’ Levers of the first kind have the fulcrum located between the effort and
the weight. Examples are a pump handle, an oar, a crowbar, a weighing balance, a pair
of scissors, and a pair of pliers. Levers of the second kind have the weight in the
middle and magnify the effort. Examples are the handcar crank and doors. Levers of
the third kind, such as a power shovel or a baseball batter’s forearm, have the effort in
the middle and always magnify the distance.”

A. Narration
B. Division/classification
C. Comparison/contrast
D. Process analysis

Question #: 31

The following outline uses which rhetorical mode?

Harry Potter
A. Settings
B. Characters
C. Plot
D. Style

Lord of the Rings

A. Settings
B. Characters
C. Plot
D. Style

A. Cause and effect

B. Division and classification
C. Comparison and contrast: subject-by-subject
D. Comparison and contrast: point-by-point

Question #: 32

Read the following paragraph and answer the question below:

A) The main causes of blindness in American children are not well-understood, partly
because the US doesn't have a large, national database that tracks health data. B) But the
Academy's IRIS Registry is assisting researchers deepen our understanding of eye diseases
and conditions. C) Launched in 2014, the Registry currently includes data from nearly 73.85
million unique patients and 440 million patient visits.

In the body paragraph above, what kind of sentence is sentence A?

A. Supporting detail
B. Counterargument
C. Topic sentence
D. Conclusion

Question #: 33

Read the following paragraph and answer the question below:

To begin analyzing the strategies Greger uses to further his argument, the manner by which
he presents himself as the author can be evaluated. First off, “M.D.” is found right next to
his name at the top of the article. This leads the reader to believe that the information in the
article is coming from a credible source—someone who knows what they are talking about
because they have studied extensively in the field. It is reminiscent of the “Trust me, I’m a
doctor” statement in Dr. Pepper commercials; attaching an “M.D.” to one’s title immediately
makes them seem more trustworthy to someone eager to learn about the article’s topic,
which is exactly what Greger is trying to accomplish here. In addition, he provides an
abundance of links throughout the article to explain and stick some evidence behind each of
his claims, all of which lead to another entry on his website.

In the body paragraph above, what is the purpose of the phrases “first off ” and “in

A. To conclude the paragraph

B. To serve as transitions
C. To provide context and background
D. To explain the evidence

Question #: 34

Select the most effective opening hook for an essay on the NBA:

A. Have you ever watched the high-flying, jump shooting, slam dunking, ankle
breaking players that play in the NBA?
B. National Basketball Association (NBA), professional basketball league formed in the
United States in 1949 by the merger of two rival organizations, the National
Basketball League (founded 1937) and the Basketball Association of America
(founded 1946).
C. By the early 1980s the NBA was plagued by money-losing franchises, low attendance,
declining television ratings, and limited national appeal.
D. In 1976 the NBA absorbed four teams from the American Basketball Association
(ABA), which disbanded that year.

Question #: 35

What is the problem (if any) with the following thesis statement?

Glaciers and ice sheets hold about 69 percent of the world's freshwater.

A. Not specific enough; too broad or general

B. Not a position that others might challenge
C. Not clear enough; too vague and uncertain in its meaning
D. It is a good thesis statement

Question #: 36

Identify the most specific thesis statement among the following:

A. There are some negative and positive aspects of the Banana Herb Tea Supplement.
B. The Banana Herb Tea Supplement is beneficial for many reasons.
C. Because Banana Herb Tea Supplement promotes rapid weight loss that results
in the loss of muscle and lean body mass, it poses a potential danger to
D. The Banana Herb Tea Supplement has detrimental effects on consumers.


Question #: 37

Identify the thesis statement in the following paragraph:

A) Cancel culture has been a popular topic in recent years because of its rise on social media.
B) Cancel culture, or “call out” culture, is defined as a form of ostracism in which a person,
typically a public figure, is “canceled” for their problematic behavior. C) This can often result
in the person targeted being shamed in online forums, losing followers, losing contracts with
companies, and even being fired. D) Often, the stated goal of cancel culture is to hold people
accountable for their words and actions. E) However, cancel culture does more harm than
good, because it does not actually hold people accountable in healthy ways and it does not
align with restorative justice practices that offer a chance for redemption.

A. A)
B. B)
C. C)
D. D)
E. E)

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