Destination Uk Brochure

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Using your Cambridge
qualifications to study
in the UK
A pathway to UK university success.............. 1
Why choose the UK?...................................... 2
Applying to university in the UK................... 3
How to apply................................................... 5
What happens when I receive my
Cambridge exam results?............................... 6
Student success stories: A passport
to study in the UK........................................... 7
Cambridge International AS &
A Level recognition......................................... 8

About us
Cambridge Assessment International Education
We are part of the University of Cambridge. We prepare school students for life,
helping them develop an informed curiosity and a lasting passion for learning.
Our international qualifications are recognised by the world’s best universities and
employers, giving students a wide range of options in their education and career.
As a not-for-profit organisation, we devote our resources to delivering high-quality
educational programmes that can unlock learners’ potential.
Find out more about us at

Cambridge Assessment English

Our sister organisation, Cambridge Assessment English, help millions of people
learn English and prove their skills to the world. They provide the world’s leading
range of qualifications and tests for learners and teachers of English. Globally
recognised by more than 20,000 leading universities, employers and governments,
these research-based assessments are a mark of excellence that open doors.
Find out more about Cambridge Assessment English recognition by visiting their
website at
A pathway to UK university success
Cambridge qualifications help you develop the knowledge, understanding and skills
you need to achieve success at school, university and beyond. Cambridge International
AS & A Levels are recognised by UK higher education institutions as equivalent to UK
GCE AS and A Levels. They are valued by UK universities as academically rigorous
qualifications that give you the skills to succeed at university and in the workplace.

Cambridge qualifications prepare you for

the next stage of your educational journey. Did you know?
We believe that it is essential to make
The UK offers a world-renowned education system with
sure that those who hold Cambridge
degree-level qualifications that can make a real difference
qualifications are well prepared to succeed
to your future.
in their studies at university and beyond,
and are well equipped with the necessary The UK education system gives you the freedom to
academic skills to do this. combine courses and subjects from different areas of study,
In March 2016, UK NARIC, the national so you can tailor your degree to your own needs and interests.
agency in the UK for the recognition and UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service)
comparison of international qualifications provides international guides that help to explain UK
and skills, carried out an independent higher education and how to make a university application
evaluation of the Cambridge IGCSETM, through UCAS. These guides have been translated into
Cambridge International AS & A Level
a number of different languages, and you can download
and Cambridge AICE Diploma, in the context
them from
of the UK education system. They found
the Cambridge international qualifications Cambridge International AS & A Level is taught in over 2500
to be comparable to the standard of the schools in more than 130 countries.
equivalent UK qualifications.

You can find the benchmarking reports at:


The academic background of an applicant who has

studied Cambridge qualifications is ideal in preparing
students for the transition to higher education. Students
with Cambridge qualifications perform well.
Admissions Officers Survey, 2018

Please note: All information is correct at the time of publication. For the latest information and statements from UK universities
accepting Cambridge qualifications, search our recognition database at

Destination UK – Using your Cambridge qualifications to study in the UK 1

Why choose the UK?
There are many reasons to apply to study at undergraduate level in the UK. The quality of
UK education is internationally recognised by employers, universities and governments,
making it a popular choice for many international students. The UK is also renowned for
the excellence of its research and teaching. There are over 160 universities and colleges in
the UK with degree-awarding powers, many of which rank among the best in the world.

A number of universities have formed groups

with common interests, for example:
The Russell Group is an association of
24 leading research-intensive universities.
University Alliance focuses on combining science
and technology with design and creative industries.

Which course is right for you?

Choosing the right university course is a very important
decision. We suggest that you:
take time to research the courses that are on offer
think about the type of university you are most
interested in
consider the location of the university
engage with the choice of activities on offer
understand the costs, including course fees,
accommodation and living expenses.
This information is available on university websites.
Many UK universities have specialist admissions tutors
who can talk to you about your options.
You can find more information on the UCAS website

2 Destination UK – Using your Cambridge qualifications to study in the UK

Applying to university in the UK
Choose wisely Cambridge International AS & A Levels
Wherever you decide to study, it is important to do Cambridge International AS & A Levels are
as much research as possible. If you can visit the UK equivalent to UK GCE AS and A Levels, which
before applying, you could do the following: means that you will have to meet the same entry
requirements as students applying with UK GCE
Attending some university open days. Learn more
A Levels.
Check that your choice of Cambridge International
View virtual tours and videos from universities
AS & A Level subjects is suitable for your intended
and colleges on their own websites
degree course by checking entry requirements with
Meet UCAS’ international team at overseas your chosen university.
education conventions. Learn more at
The Russell Group have launched a helpful website to
inform post-16 subject choices and the degree routes
Once you have an idea of what and where you would these open. Details at
like to study, you can find lots more information on
the UK’s 50 000 higher education courses in the UCAS Cambridge IGCSEs or Cambridge O Levels
search pages at
Cambridge IGCSEs and Cambridge O Levels are
equivalent to UK GCSEs. Universities will accept
Entry requirements candidates whose grade is expressed using either the
Before selecting a course, there are a number of 9-1 or A*-G scale (A*-E for O level) on an equivalent
things to check first, such as entry requirements. basis to UK GCSE students.
Each higher education course has its own entry Applicants for most courses must normally
requirements. You will usually have to achieve certain demonstrate a broad general education including
exam grades and you may need qualifications in acceptable levels of literacy and numeracy to at
particular subjects to make sure that you have the least grade C or grade 4 in Cambridge IGCSE English
right skills and knowledge to successfully complete Language, Science and Mathematics. (This does not
the course. necessarily mean these qualifications meet the
Universities list the entry requirements for each of English competency requirement for Tier 4 visas.)
their courses on their websites alongside other Some university courses require additional GCSEs/
requirements, such as an admissions test or an IGCSEs, sometimes in specific subjects and/or with
interview. Check the entry requirements for each of higher grades.
your selected courses carefully since these vary
from university to university, even for the same For full information on undergraduate courses,
course of study. visit individual universities’ websites or go to the
UCAS website at
Some universities and colleges use UCAS tariff
points (visit
or a combination of tariff points and exam grades in
their entry requirements. However, if you receive
an offer with a tariff, you can contact the university
directly to convert the tariff into grades.
All admission to universities is competitive and
they have only limited numbers of places available.
Satisfying the minimum requirements does not
guarantee admission.

Destination UK – Using your Cambridge qualifications to study in the UK 3

Applying to university in the UK continued

Admissions tests
You may be asked to take an admissions test, for example if you want to
study medicine or law.
You may be asked to attend an interview or audition (for performing arts)
as part of the entry requirements for your chosen course.
UCAS explains more about admissions tests at
or visit individual university websites.

Types of course
There are thousands of excellent courses offered Applicants who require a Tier 4 (General) student
by UK universities and colleges which lead to visa must obtain a Confirmation of Acceptance
qualifications that are valued worldwide. for Studies (CAS) from their chosen university
before submitting a visa application to the Home
A full-time bachelor’s or undergraduate degree
Office. Students from outside of the UK may require
normally takes three years to complete.
a student (Tier 4) visa to undertake a period of study
in the UK. Learn more in the immigration and visa
English language proficiency test section of the UCAS website
When applying to study at undergraduate level undergraduate/after-you-apply/student-visas-
in the UK, you must be able to prove you can immigration-and-english-language-tests
communicate effectively in English in an academic
environment. We offer support if you require Common European
Framework of Reference (CEFR) evidence of your
You normally need to provide certification of competence in English as part of your visa
your competence in English before starting your application to study in the UK. Learn more in the
studies. You can find details of English language ‘Certifying statement for CEFR’ section at:
requirements on each university’s website.
These may vary depending on the course and
the university. Find out how to enter your Cambridge IGCSE
English language grades on your UCAS application
Some UK universities recognise Cambridge IGCSE
and Cambridge O Level English Language
qualifications as evidence of English language
proficiency for university study. Most universities
accept these qualifications for general admissions The UK Home Office website ( also
purposes. However, it is important that you check provides information about the documents required
the English language requirements of your selected for studying in the UK. For further information,
universities and individual departments or faculties view the website document: https://assets.
before submitting your application. This is
because English language requirements may differ system/uploads/attachment_data/file/752873/
depending on your nationality and where your T4_Migrant_Guidance_NOV_2018_FINAL_
are domiciled. VERSION.pdf

Cambridge International A Levels are an excellent qualification. They

provide really good core knowledge and help to build aptitude, and they
provide a really good bedrock for the move – the transition to university in
the first year of study.
Richard Partington, Senior Tutor, Churchill College, University of Cambridge

4 Destination UK – Using your Cambridge qualifications to study in the UK

Applying to university in the UK continued

We’re pretty pleased with Cambridge qualifications as a preparation

for university study. Indeed, I suppose we are so pleased that we offer
them ourselves as part of our foundation programme, so that’s really the
strongest endorsement that a university can offer.
Professor Richard Harvey, Academic Director of Admissions, University of East Anglia

Fee status
There are two fee levels at publicly funded universities: home student fees and
international student fees. If you are not sure about your fee category, please contact
the university or college you intend to apply to. Ask them to complete a fee status
assessment to determine whether you will be considered a home or international
student for fee purposes.

How to apply
Almost all applications to UK universities for full-time
undergraduate courses are made through UCAS.
Find out how to apply in UCAS website’s ‘Getting started’
section at:
However, some universities do accept direct applications.
You can apply to some universities using the common
application form. Learn more at
You can start to complete your online UCAS application
form from June of the year before you wish to start study.
You can submit UCAS applications from September.
Learn more on the UCAS website under the
‘Application Deadlines’ ( section.

Guidance on how to complete the UCAS application with

Cambridge qualifications
Start the application on the UCAS online system via the ‘Apply’ link at:
Follow the instructions at to fill in your UCAS undergraduate application.
To add your Cambridge IGCSE qualifications follow the instructions at:
To add your Cambridge International AS & A Levels, follow instructions at: www.cambridgeinternational.

Destination UK – Using your Cambridge qualifications to study in the UK 5

What happens when I receive my
Cambridge exam results?
We will send your Cambridge International AS &
A Level results directly to UCAS. You do not need Next steps
to send your results to your chosen universities.
Once you have completed
UCAS matches your exam results to your your UCAS application you will be able to track
application and sends your results to your firm what happens next by going to the UCAS website
and insurance choice universities. ‘What happens next’ section.
Your chosen universities check whether your results
meet the conditions of your offers and send their
decisions to UCAS. These are shown in ‘Track’ at Other useful websites
If you have achieved the required grades for your UKCISA website: information, advice, fees and
firm choice, your place at that university will be money (
confirmed. If you have missed those requirements
but have been successful at meeting your British Council Education UK Scholarships
insurance choice grades, your place at the and Financial Support
insurance choice university will be confirmed. (
If you have been unsuccessful in your first and
insurance choice universities, you may be able to UK government’s student finance calculator
go through UCAS Clearing. UCAS Clearing gives (
prospective students the chance to apply to
university courses with places still available after International Student Calculator
results day. For more information, visit the (
UCAS website ‘What is clearing’ section.

6 Destination UK – Using your Cambridge qualifications to study in the UK

Section heading continued

Student success stories

A passport to study in the UK

Sidharth Ranjith, a former student at NES International Danny Huang, a former student
School, Mumbai, India. Studying Accounting and Finance at The ABC International School,
at the University of Bath Vietnam: now studying for a PhD
in Engineering at the University
“ Academically, taking Cambridge
International A Levels meant that of Cambridge
most of what I learnt during the first
year at university was easier to grasp.
Having done so many exams, from Cambridge
and A Levels to ones at university, I genuinely
From a social perspective, my school believe that you need to understand the course
gave me opportunities to host events materials rather than just memorise the details word
and work with others, which was for word. I believe this is closely linked to choosing
extremely useful when I started university. Cambridge subjects that you are passionate about; an opportunity
examinations take a very application-based approach,
meaning that you need to understand what you learn
that Cambridge offers with its A Levels.

and not just memorise it.
” Nandana Syam, a former student
at Christ Nagar International
Mehr u Nisa, a former student at Froebel’s School, India, and currently
International School, Islamabad, Pakistan; studied an studying Medicine at the
MSc in Environment and Sustainable Development at University of Oxford
the University of Warwick, and previously
University College London “University
I am currently a second year medical student at the
of Oxford and have found that studying the

“ The assessment style of Cambridge

International’s qualifications is very
Cambridge IGCSE has played
a major role in my journey here. It taught me to think
similar to that of universities in the UK. in a critical manner and to focus on understanding
This helped me settle in quickly to the concepts instead of memorising them. It also made my
method of teaching and exams in transition back to the UK much easier as my grades
university. I would strongly recommend Cambridge were accepted by universities easily and required no
International’s programmes and qualifications to further English qualifications. Studying this syllabus
students in Pakistan. Being well recognised world-wide, allowed me to have a global perspective on education,
they definitely give an added advantage when applying especially thanks to the German exchange
abroad, especially to the UK.
” programme, and to push myself to achieve my best.
Not only the syllabus, but also Christ Nagar as an
institution and its teachers and students have been
Raunaq Bagchi, a former student at the
Cambridge School, Kolkata, India; undergraduate,
vital in shaping who I am.

Imperial College, London

“myGoing to university and the further exploration of

discipline of interest would not have been possible
without the accreditation of the Cambridge system.
Through its internationally accredited
subject curricula and growing presence
among educational institutes in India,
this examination board has eased my
transition from high school to a leading
UK university.

Destination UK – Using your Cambridge qualifications to study in the UK 7

Cambridge International AS & A Level recognition
Leading universities and employers worldwide value and recognise Cambridge
qualifications as evidence of academic ability.

Recognition statements
The recognition database on our website lists worldwide institutions that have given formal written acceptance
of Cambridge qualifications. It is regularly updated with new recognition statements, so you can see where your
Cambridge qualifications are accepted. There are many more institutions not listed in the database that accept
Cambridge qualifications. To see the latest information, or to search for your chosen institution, visit our
recognitions database at
Here are some examples of the official recognition that Cambridge qualifications have received from UK higher
education institutions:

University of Edinburgh University of Manchester

The University of Edinburgh welcomes applications The University of Manchester welcomes students
from students with Cambridge International with Cambridge International A Levels. The University
qualifications, including students with Cambridge of Manchester accepts International A Levels as
International A Levels. Cambridge International A Level equivalent to GCE A Levels and accept them on a
is accepted as equivalent to UK A Level on a grade-for- grade-for-grade basis. We have no plans to change
grade basis. The University’s undergraduate prospectus this in light of the planned reforms to Cambridge
and website give further information about our A Level International A Levels. We continue to view them both
entry requirements, including any required subjects. as excellent preparation and indicators of potential for
For more information about the University of progression to university study. For more information
Edinburgh and how to apply go to about the University of Manchester and how to apply
please visit
University of Oxford
The University of Oxford welcomes students with Newcastle University
Cambridge International A Levels. Cambridge We welcome applications from candidates with
International A Level is accepted by the University of Cambridge International qualifications. Our
Oxford as equivalent to UK A Level on a grade-for- experience is that Cambridge Advanced qualifications
grade basis. When making an offer the University of such as Cambridge International AS and A Levels are
Oxford would take into account the following facts: consistently robust and reliable, and prepare students
Cambridge International A Levels are linear and very well for higher education. Cambridge
therefore re-takes are only allowed for the whole International A Level is accepted as equivalent to
subject. They provide a reliable measure of a student’s UK A Level on a grade-for-grade basis. For more
knowledge and skills in the subject studied, are a information about Newcastle University and how to
reliable test of a student’s problem-solving and critical apply please visit
thinking abilities and are reliable indicators of
a student’s performance. Cardiff University
The University of Oxford has for many years accepted Cardiff University will accept Cambridge International
the Cambridge International A Level as a suitable A Level as equivalent to a UK A Level on a grade-for-
qualification to meet our conditions for entry to the grade basis and would encourage applications from
collegiate University. The qualifications provide candidates presenting this qualification. Please note
candidates with suitable subject knowledge, although that the re-take policy differs based on subject and
the competitive nature of our applications means that programme of study, so applicants presenting a
success in the A Level alone does not automatically re-take qualification are advised to contact the
result in an offer. Further details on making an university directly for advice. For more information
application for undergraduate study at Oxford can be about Cardiff University and how to apply please
accessed at visit

8 Destination UK – Using your Cambridge qualifications to study in the UK

Cambridge recognition across the UK

Online help
You can find answers to frequently asked
questions about Cambridge exams and services
Simply type your question into the search box,
or use the menu to guide you.

Contact us
You can email us at [email protected]
or call us on +44 1223 553554.
Cambridge Assessment International Education
The Triangle Building, Shaftesbury Road
Cambridge CB2 8EA

Universities that accept Cambridge qualifications

We accept Cambridge qualifications as directly equivalent to their

UK counterparts. We think they are very robust and trusted qualifications.
Students come to us with in-depth knowledge and general skills such as
independent learning, problem-solving and critical thinking that they will
need to get them through their degree programme.
Jo Labudek, Head of Undergraduate Admissions, University of Birmingham

Destination UK – Using your Cambridge qualifications to study in the UK 9

Learn more
Recognition database
Our recognition database shows all the institutions
worldwide that have given formal written acceptance of
Cambridge qualifications. It is regularly updated with new
recognition statements, allowing students to see where
their Cambridge qualifications are accepted. You can search
for a particular university to check their entry criteria for
Cambridge students.
For the latest information, or to search for your chosen
institution, go to our website recognition page at

Customer Services
You can email us at [email protected]
or call us on +44 1223 553554.
We are available 24 hours a day, 6 days a week.

Cambridge Assessment International Education

The Triangle Building, Shaftesbury Road
Cambridge, CB2 8EA, United Kingdom
t: +44 1223 553554

© UCLES June 2020

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