Polymer: Alireza Shaabani, Roya Sedghi

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Polymer 223 (2021) 123694

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Synthesis of shape memory electroconductive polyurethane with

self-healing capability as an intelligent biomedical scaffold for bone
tissue engineering
Alireza Shaabani, Roya Sedghi *
Department of Polymer and Materials Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry and Petroleum Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University, GC, 1983969411, Tehran, Iran


Keywords: Electrically conductive polymeric materials are known as a special class of intelligent bioactive materials capable
Shape memory of regulating cellular behaviors of human adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells, especially their differenti­
Self-healing ation to bone tissue. Here the synthesis of electroactive self-healing polyurethane scaffolds (PUAT) with shape
Conductive scaffolds
memory ability based on aniline trimer and disulfide bonds are reported. The prepared scaffolds were charac­
Aniline trimer
Bone tissue engineering
terized by FTIR, tensile test, water contact angle, electrical conductivity, and degradation test. The PUAT5
scaffold (containing 5% aniline trimer) exhibited excellent self-healing (>95%) and shape memory properties
with shape recovery ratio (>95%, ~30 s at 40 ◦ C) and shape fixity ratio (>96%) at a temperature close to the
physiological temperature. The PUAT5 significantly promote the human adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cell
adhesion and proliferation compared to PUAT0 and TCP. Also, the gene expression level of RUNX2, COL1, ALP,
and OCN of PUAT5 were significantly enhanced after 21 days, in line with the increased maturity of extracellular
matrix and mineralization. Furthermore, almost 75% of the bone volume has been recovered at 8 weeks post-
surgery while the control group showed 26% recovery. The In vitro and In Vivo results suggested that these
multifunctional engineered constructs have great potential in repairing various bone defects.

1. Introduction physiochemical characteristics, low cytotoxicity, and easy fabrication

into different shapes [7]. Among them, polyurethane scaffolds are an
Tissue engineering is an important emerging biomedical technology attractive class of biodegradable polymers because of their biocompat­
and methodology that regenerate, maintain, or improve damaged tissue ibility, non-cytotoxic decomposition products, tunable mechanical
function or a whole organ [1]. The main components of engineered properties, and potential for loading osteogenic materials [8]. PU-based
tissues are scaffolds, cells, and growth-stimulating signals [2]. The biomaterials have been introduced in the field of drug delivery mate­
biomaterial scaffolds play the most crucial role in determining the rials, artificial catheters, articular cartilage, shape-memory materials,
biomechanical characteristics of engineered tissues [3]. and various tissue repair and regeneration [9]. Many researchers re­
Tissue-engineered constructs should mimic the structure and properties ported that PU and its composite scaffolds integrated with protein,
of the native extracellular matrix (ECM). Therefore it acts as a suitable inorganic nanoparticles, and other synthetic and natural copolymers
artificial ECM microenvironment to structural support for cell attach­ provided a fertile biological platform for osteogenic differentiation [10].
ment, migration, proliferation, and differentiation [4]. These engi­ Due to the response of bone tissue to an external electrical signal,
neered tissues have great potential for the generation and electrically conducting polymers, as a promising generation bio­
transplantation of several tissues including in the liver, nerve, skin, materials have been paid rare attention [11].
vascular, cartilage, especially in bone tissues due to the increased Conducting polymers such as polypyrrole, polythiophene, polyani­
prevalence of bone diseases and defects in the median age of the pop­ line, and their derivatives enhanced adhesion, proliferation, and dif­
ulation [5,6]. ferentiation of mesenchymal stem cells, MC3T3-E1 cells, C2C12 cells,
Natural and synthetic biocompatible polymers have been widely and osteoblast-like SaOS-2 cells [12,13]. Polyaniline (PANI) is one of the
used for bone tissue engineering applications due to controllability on most studied conductive polymers due to its tunable electrical

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (A. Shaabani), [email protected] (R. Sedghi).

Received 30 December 2020; Received in revised form 18 March 2021; Accepted 21 March 2021
Available online 26 March 2021
0032-3861/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Shaabani and R. Sedghi Polymer 223 (2021) 123694

properties, ease in synthesis, low cost, and simple and environmental of self-healing systems based on covalent or noncovalent bonds such as
stability [14]. However, its non-biodegradability, poor cell compati­ acylhydrazone bonds, Diels Alder bonding, hydrogen bonding, and etc.,
bility, mechanical brittleness, and poor processability restricted their have been developed [21]. There into, the disulfide bond is one of the
biomedical applications [15,16]. On the contrary, aniline oligomers like most fascinating dynamic chemical covalent bonds based on thio­
aniline trimer, tetramer, and pentamer have a similar range of electrical l/disulfide redox dynamic exchange reactions. This system could
conductivity with the added advantage of being good processability, self-healing under mild conditions with various stimuli such as heat,
ease of biodegradability, and ease to functionalize with hydrolyzable light, and pH through a one-step manner self-healing mechanism [22].
end groups [14]. Moreover, they can be easily introduced into other Because the activation of the disulfide self-healing process requires
degradable polymers structure to endow the materials with unique bone nucleophilic thiolates at neutral and alkaline pH, performing a
properties [14,15]. Also, the design and performance of the engineered self-healing process in the body is accompanied by challenges. The use
constructs can be improved by the self-fitting capacity of shape memory of gold in the engineering scaffold structure by creating a dynamic ex­
polymers (SMPs). The biocompatible SMP scaffolds can be seeded with change reaction between gold (I)-thiolate (Au–S) species and free thio­
different types of cells and delivered into the damaged tissue by mini­ late results in a self-healing process under the physiological conditions
mally invasive surgical procedures to reduce hospitalization stay and of the body [22]. Also, due to the low mobility of the polymeric chains as
infection risk [17]. They can be fixed at a temporary shape and restore well as the poor chance of the edges of the cracks to approach each other
their original shape after being implanted into the injured tissue to fill and perform repair, the shape memory property can be used for faster
the bone defect [18]. Also, the electrically conductive scaffolds made repair. In fact, shape memory capacity by eliminating external stimuli
from SMP offer significant promise for future smart biomaterials, espe­ needed for repair accelerated the healing process.
cially in the area of minimally invasive surgery [1,2]. Scaffolds with Herein, we design and report a conducting self-healing system based
shape memory capability can be implanted into the body in a com­ on gold (I)-thiolate (Au–S) and disulfide bonds having shape memory
pressed temporary shape through a small incision to be fit after recovery effect properties (Scheme 1). Since the application of these conducting
of the original shape at the damaged area [3,4]. It should be noted that self-healing polymers has not been reported for tissue engineering pur­
compressing the scaffolds that are not flexible enough, leads to the poses, studying the biological properties of these polymers seems
formation of the microcracks in the structure. These microcracks grad­ attractive. So, in the present study, the prepared scaffolds were inves­
ually and progressively propagate and grow in number and dimension tigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier transform
and will ultimately cause structural failure if they are not repaired in due infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), Atomic force microscopic (AFM), and
time [19]. Therefore, introduce a self-healing mechanism into the water contact angle. Then shape memory effect and self-healing prop­
chemical structure of the implant can maintain the efficiency of the erties of the prepared scaffolds evaluated. The hADSC cell-seeded scaf­
scaffold by autonomously repairing the damaged areas in the event of folds were then analyzed for evaluating their potential application as
physical and mechanical damages such as microcrack and mechanical bone tissue scaffolds in detail. By combining the self-healing, conduc­
stress [5]. tivity, and shape memory performance, we expected to design and
Since the recognition of the damaged area in medical implants and develop customized bone tissue constructs for use in the minimally
prostheses is extremely challenging, the production of scaffolds with invasive surgical method.
inherent crack repair capability, and thus extend the lifespan of
implantable medical devices is very crucial [20] Nowadays, many types

Scheme 1. Schematic represented the synthesis of the AT-contained scaffolds.

A. Shaabani and R. Sedghi Polymer 223 (2021) 123694

2. Materials and methods 2.05/1. After completion of the reaction AT at the weight ratio of 1, 3, 5
and 10% (respect to dry polymer weight) added to the reaction mixture
2.1. Materials and then some drop of DMSO added to completely dissolved AT. The
HAuCl4 solution added 6-fold excess of the disulfide groups to all scaf­
The ethylene glycol (EG, Merck) and ϵ-caprolactone (ϵ-CL, Aldrich) folds. After the concentrated mixture, the solution was poured into PTFE
were dried under calcium hydride (CaH2) for 48 h at room temperature, mold at 60 ◦ C for 24 h and then 80 ◦ C for 72 h. Samples with different AT
filtered, and distilled under reduced pressure before use. The isophorone contents were named PUAT1, PUAT3, PUAT5, and PUAT10, which
diisocyanate (IPDI), tetrahydrofuran (THF), aniline, stannous octoate corresponding to AT content of 1%, 3%, 5%, and 10%, respectively
(Sn(Oct)2), HAuCl4, cystamine dihydrochloride, dibutyltin dilaurate (Scheme 1). As a control sample, polymer film without AT was prepared
(DBTDL), potassium hydroxide (KOH), paraphenylenediamine (PPDA), and named PUAT0.
glutathione (GSH), dichloromethane (DCM), ethanol (EtOH), HCl, The prepared scaffolds were treated for 10 min in an oxygen plasma
Hexamethylenediamine (HMDI), and ammonium persulfate (APS) were reactor Diener Femto (Diener Electronic, Germany) operated at a fre­
supplied by Merck (Merck Millipore, Darmstadt, Germany). Also, Dul­ quency of 2.46 GHz. The oxygen flow rate, power input, and pressure
becco’s Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM), Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS), were adjusted at 20 sccm, 50 W, and 40 Pa, respectively. After oxygen
and penicillin-streptomycin supplied from Gibco BRL (Life Technolo­ plasma modification the samples were exposed to air for 30 min to settle
gies, Merelbeke, Belgium). any remaining free radicals.
The O2 plasma treatment scaffolds were used in all analyzes except
2.2. Preparation of the scaffolds for the FTIR analysis to confirm the successful reaction between reagents
and the chemical structure of the scaffolds. After completing the reac­
2.2.1. Preparation of the cystamine (CYS) tion, the AT has also been converted to a doped form (using HCl) in all
To a solution of cystamine dihydrochloride (10 mmol) in 25 mL AT-contained scaffolds and has been evaluated in all analyzes. More­
distilled de-ionized (DDI) water was added 2.2 eq potassium hydroxide over, the HAuCl4 was used in all of the scaffolds.
and stirred for 10 min at room temperature. The reaction mixture was
extracted with 4 × 50 mL DCM. The combined organic phase was dried
2.3. Characterization and measurements
with anhydride MgSO4, filtered and the combined organic layers were
dried with MgSO4, filtered, and the solvent was evaporated under
2.3.1. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy
reduced pressure to yield a slightly yellow oil. The resulted product
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) of samples was per­
should be used immediately after preparation [23].
formed with a Thermo Nicolet 5700 FT-IR spectrometer (Waltham, MA,
USA) which is equipped with germanium attenuated total reflection
2.2.2. Synthesis of the amino-terminated aniline trimer (AT)
(ATR) accessory. All measurements were recorded from 600 cm− 1 to
PPDA (8 mmol) was dissolved in a 100 mL aqueous solution of HCl
4000 cm− 1 with a resolution of 4 cm− 1 and 100 scans.
(1 M) and 40 mL of EtOH. The flask cooled to about − 5 ◦ C in a NaCl/
crushed-ice bath before APS (8 mmol) was added successively. The re­
2.3.2. Morphology
action conducted under the air atmosphere for 5 min, and then the an­
The morphology and elemental mapping of the scaffold surfaces
iline (16 mmol) rapidly added into the reaction flask. After 45 min the
were performed using a field emission scanning electron microscopy/
obtained suspension was collected by vacuum filtration and the pre­
energy dispersive X-Ray spectroscopy (FESEM, TESCAN, Mira 3, Czech
cipitation washed with 30 mL of 1 M HCl, followed by 80 mL of DDI
Republic). Also, the surface roughness of the scaffolds was evaluated
water. The AT salt was converted to the base form by stirring for 2 h in
using DPN 5000 System AFM (InkCADTM, NanoInk Inc., Skokie, USA) in
40 mL of 1 M NH4OH aqueous solution. The precipitate was collected by
the non-contact mode in the air.
vacuum filtration, washed with DDI water until the pH reached 7, and
then dried at 40 ◦ C for 24 h in a vacuum oven to achieve the yield of
2.3.3. Self-healing analysis
30%. 1H NMR (300 MHz, DMSO‑d6, δ): 5.42 (s, 4 H), 6.60–6.83 (m, 4 H),
The self-healing ability of the prepared samples was assessed using
6.70–7.10 (m, 4 H). ESI TOF HRMS m/z: found: 289.1442, calculated for
films with approximate dimensions of 10 × 10 × 1 mm3. The samples
C18H17N+ 4 [MH] : 289.1448 [24].
were scratched with a clean razor blade to an approximately 50%
thickness of the sample and healed under heated to 40 ◦ C for 10 h. The
2.2.3. Synthesis of the PCL
self-healing process of the damaged specimens was evaluated with a
The PCL was synthesized by ring-opening polymerization of ϵ-CL
light microscope (Nikon Eclipse E600 microscope, Tokyo, Japan) [26].
using Sn(Oct)2 as the catalyst and EG as the initiator. First, a calculated
amount of CL, Sn(Oct)2, and EG were placed into the reaction flask
2.3.4. Shape memory analysis
quickly. Then, the trace water was removed by preheating the reaction
The shape memory performance of the fabricated scaffolds was
flask under a high vacuum for 4 h with continuous stirring. Finally, the
performed by the U-bending test [17]. The samples were cut into 40 × 6
reaction flask was kept at 130 ◦ C for 24 h under a dry nitrogen atmo­
× 0.2 mm3. The specimens were put into the 40 ◦ C water for 15 s and
sphere. After the completed reaction, the reaction balloon is cooled to
deformed into a “U" shape with an angle of (αf). Then, the bended shape
room temperature, dissolved in the minimum amount of dichloro­
was placed into the 20 ◦ C water for 15 min to fix at the temporary shape
methane, and precipitated in cold water. The precipitate was filtered,
with the storage angle of (αu). Next, the folded samples were placed in
washed with cold water, and dried in a vacuum oven at room temper­
the water bath at a temperature of 40 ◦ C, and then shape recovery (αp)
ature (Mn 1H NMR = 2030, Mn GPC = 2110, Mw/Mn = 1.21) [25].
was measured.
The shape memory cycle was repeated fourth times and evaluated as
2.2.4. Preparation of the scaffolds
the equations below:
PCL was preheated at 80 ◦ C for 2 h under a high vacuum to remove
trace moisture. Then reaction flask cooled to 70 ◦ C and fresh dried THF αu
Shape fixity (%) = × 100
was added. After that, IPDI and DBTDL (0.06 wt% respect to PCL) were αf
then added to the reaction flask and the mixture was magnetically
αf − αp, N
stirred for 4 h under N2 protection. The flask temperature was cooled to Shape recovery (%) = × 100
αf − αp,N− 1
room temperature and CYS was added gradually. The mixture was
further stirred at 70 ◦ C for 6 h. The molar ratio of PCL/IPDI/CYS was 1/ N denoting the number of each shape memory cycle.

A. Shaabani and R. Sedghi Polymer 223 (2021) 123694

2.3.5. Dynamic mechanical analysis derived stem cells which were isolated from human adipose tissue were
Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) was performed using TA In­ cultured in DMEM medium with 4.5 g/L glucose supplemented with
struments DMA Q800 (USA) to obtain the loss tangent (tan δ) versus 10% FBS and 25 units/mL penicillin-streptomycin (Pen-Strep) and
temperature curves. The samples were scanned from − 50 ◦ C to 90 ◦ C, at incubated at 37 ◦ C with 5% CO2 for 24 h. The scaffolds were transferred
a frequency of 10 Hz and a heating rate of 5 ◦ C/min. to 48-well plate and the osteogenic medium containing DMEM with 10%
The mechanical properties of the neat and healed samples were FBS, 50 mg per mL ascorbic acid, 10 mM dexamethasone, and 10 mM
enforced using an Instron 3367 universal tester and according to the beta-glycerophosphate was used to the culture of hADSCs cells at a
ASTM D882 standard. The scaffolds were cut into a dumbbell-shaped density of 2 × 104 cell/cm2. The osteogenic medium was refreshed every
specimen with an affective dimension of 20 × 4 × 2 mm3. Then, the 2 days for up to 21 days. The tissue culture plate (TCP) in the absence of
analysis was performed at ambient temperature at a fixed cross-head scaffolds used as a control [28].
speed of 100 mm min− 1 until the sample ruptured. Finally, the tensile
strength, elongation at break, and Young’s modulus were recorded. 2.3.11. MTT assay
The proliferation rate of hADSCs on prepared scaffolds was evaluated
2.3.6. Surface wettability using the MTT assay. The sterilized scaffolds were placed in a 48-well
The water contact angle of the samples was evaluated using the culture plate, seeded with a cell density of 4 × 103, and incubated
sessile drop method with a Dataphysics OCA 15 plus goniometer (Data under basal medium at 37 ◦ C with 5% CO2. After 1, 3, and 7 days of cell
Physics Instruments GmbH, Filderstadt, Germany). All measurements seeding, 25 μL of MTT solution (5 mg/mL in DMEM) was added to each
were repeated three times and the mean ± standard derivative was well (n = 6). To convert MTT salt to formazan crystals by mitochondrial
reported. dehydrogenase enzyme of living cells, the plate was incubated for 4 h at
37 ◦ C. The supernatant was removed and the formazan crystals were
2.3.7. Electrical conductivity dissolved in 200 μL DMSO. The optical density (OD) was read at a
The electrical conductivity of the samples was measured using the 4- wavelength of 570 nm in a microplate reader (BioTek Instruments,
point probe resistivity measurement tester JANDEL RM2 (Jandel Engi­ USA). The same procedure was carried out for hADSCs cultured on TCPS
neering, Ltd., USA). as control [29].

2.3.8. In vitro degradation 2.3.12. Alizarin red S histochemical staining

The In vitro degradation behavior of the scaffolds evaluation was Alizarin Red S (ARS) staining was used to evaluate scaffolds miner­
performed in PBS and GSH-contained PBS solutions. For this purpose, alization on days 7 and 21 after cell seeding. The cell-seeded scaffolds
the pre-weighed scaffolds of each type (1 × 0.5 cm2, wi) placed in 20 mL were rinsed with PBS, fixed with 4% formaldehyde in PBS for 30 min,
of degradation medium solutions (pH = 7.4) under mild agitation (60 and then washed with DDI water. The fixed cells were stained with ARS
rpm) at 37 ◦ C. The degradation rate was monitored at weeks 1–8. At solution (0.5% ARS w/v in water, pH = 6.4) for 30 min at 37 ◦ C. Then,
each time point, the scaffolds were withdrawn and washed with DDI the cells were washed with DDI water three times and visualized under
water to remove residual PBS salts. After drying the samples and the light microscope (Primo Star, Carl Zeiss, Germany) [30]. Also, cal­
weighing them (wf), the weight loss percentage was achieved as follows cium deposits stained with ARS quantified with leaching solution (20%
[17,27]: v/v methanol and 10% v/v acetic acid in DDI water). After 15 min, the
extracted solution was centrifuged and the quantity of ARS was
Wi − Wf
Weight loss(%) = × 100 measured with a spectrophotometer at a wavelength of 450 nm [31].
2.3.13. Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity
2.3.9. Human adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells (hADSCs)
The level of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity, a common index of
bone mineralization, and osteoblast activity measured on days 7, 14,
The human adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells (hADSCs) were
and 21 days after cell seeding under osteogenic medium. The total
isolated from the fat tissues during liposuction of patients in Erfan
protein of stem cells was extracted using 200 μL radio immune precip­
Hospital (Tehran, Iran) after obtaining adequate informed consent from
itation (RIPA) lysis buffer, followed by centrifugation at 4 ◦ C for 15 min
all patients and approval from the hospital ethics committee. The tissues
at 15000 RPM. The collected supernatant was used to measure ALP
were washed with HPLC grade water (Sigma-Aldrich) and further
activity spectrophotometrically using a kit (Pars Azmoon kit, Iran)
treated with 0.075% collagenase type I (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO,
following the manufacturer’s protocol at 405 nm. Finally, the ALP ac­
USA) in PBS for 30 min at 37 ◦ C under gentle agitation. The digested
tivity level was normalized to the total amount of protein content [32].
adipose tissue was centrifuged, the supernatant was removed, and the
cell pellet was treated with red blood cell lysis buffer (Sigma-Aldrich) at
2.3.14. Cell attachment
room temperature for 5 min. The hADSCs were expanded in a T-75 tissue
Cell adhesion morphology and qualitative attachment to the pre­
culture flask and then further maintain in DMEM and culture medium
pared scaffolds were observed with SEM. After 3 days the cell-seeded
supplemented with 10% FBS (Sigma-Aldrich) and 1% penicillin/strep­
scaffolds were washed thrice with 0.15 M PBS and fixed with 2.5%
tomycin (10,000 U/mL-10,000 μg/mL). They were grown in a humidi­
glutaraldehyde solution for half an hour at room temperature. After
fied atmosphere at 37 ◦ C and 5% CO2. The growth medium was changed
rinsing three times in PBS, the scaffolds were dehydrated using a series
twice per week, and cells were passaged on approaching 80–90%
of graded ethanol (30, 50, 70, 90, and 100% ethanol (twice)) for 15 min
confluence by the use of 0.25% trypsin-EDTA solution (Sigma-Aldrich,
exposure at each step. The air-dried scaffolds were sputter-coated with a
USA) [28].
thin layer of gold (approximate thickness of 5 nm) and analyzed with
SEM [33].
2.3.10. Cell seeding
First, the scaffolds were immersed in ethanol (70%) for 30 min fol­
2.3.15. Gene expression analysis
lowed by three washed with PBS buffer. Then, alcohol sterilized scaf­
The relative quantification of osteo-lineage markers expression,
folds were put into antibiotic and medium containing penicillin-
collagen type 1 (Col1), osteocalcin (OCN), alkaline phosphatase (ALP),
streptomycin-amphotericin B to control bacterial contamination and
runt-related transcription factor 2 (RUNX2), and housekeeping gene
prevent yeast growth. For promoting cell attachment, the scaffolds were
glutaraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), was measured on
incubated overnight with the basal medium. The human adipose tissue-
differentiated cells and normalized to housekeeping gene GAPDH at 7,

A. Shaabani and R. Sedghi Polymer 223 (2021) 123694

14, and 21 days. For the reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction Inhibitory rate of bacterial growth = [(bacterial concentration of control -
(RT-PCR), the total cellular RNA was extracted and random hexamer bacterial concentration of sample)/(bacterial concentration of control)] × 100.
primed cDNA synthesis was performed using Revert Aid first strand
cDNA synthesis kit (Fermentas Inc., Hanover, MD, USA) according to
manufacturer’s instruction. PCR Amplification was carried out with Taq
2.3.18. Statistical analysis
DNA polymerase (Fermentas Inc., Hanover, MD, USA) according to the
All data were expressed as mean ± SD for at least three independent
manufacturer’s protocols. Denaturation was performed at 94 ◦ C for 10 s,
experiments. Statistical analysis was performed using Student’s t-test.
followed by annealing and elongation for 30 s at 55 ◦ C and 45 s for 72 ◦ C,
respectively. The real-time PCR was carried out using Maxima™ SYBR
Green/ROX qPCR Master Mix (Fermentas, Burlington, ON, Canada) 3. Results and discussion
followed by melting curve analysis [29]. Each reaction was repeated
three times. The primers and product lengths are listed in Table 1. 3.1. FTIR spectroscopy analysis

2.3.16. Micro-CT evaluation The chemical structure of scaffolds was investigated by FTIR spec­
The experimental procedure was performed according to the Stem troscopy analysis and the results are shown in Fig. 1. In the spectrum of
Cell Technology Research Center (Tehran, Iran) guidelines. Three the PCL2K (Fig. 1(a)), several characteristic peaks observed at 2945
groups of 10-week-old male Wistar male rats (280–310 g, n = 4) were cm− 1 and 2865 cm− 1, 1723 cm− 1, and 1178 cm− 1. These peaks are
housed in a temperature- and climate-controlled room (T = 25 ± 1 ◦ C, related to, –CH2- asymmetric, carbonyl group, and C–O–C symmetric
50–60% humidity, and 14 h light/10 h dark cycle). The experimental stretching vibrations, respectively [35]. As observed in Fig. 1 (b), the
groups included PUAT0, PUAT5, and empty defect as a control group. characteristic peaks of AT that appeared at 3028-3450 cm− 1, 1590
The rats were anesthetized by intraperitoneal injection of xylazine (10 cm− 1, and 1502 cm− 1 were attributed to the stretching vibrations of the
mg/kg, ChemiDaru®, Iran) and ketamine hydrochloride (80 mg/kg, –NH2 groups, quinoid ring, and the benzenoid ring, respectively [36].
ChemiDaru®, Iran). The scalp hair was shaved and disinfected with Moreover, the bending vibration of the para-substituted benzene ring
povidone-iodine (betadine). Under constant irrigation with sterile sa­ was observed at 828 cm− 1. The FT-IR spectrum of PUAT0 (Fig. 1 (c))
line, 6 mm diameter critical-sized defects were produced in the left exhibits a characteristic band of polyurethane linkage at 3200-3460
parietal bone using a Strong 102L micro bone drilling machine (Saeshin, cm− 1 and 1568 cm− 1 which relative to stretching vibration of –NH– and
Daegu, Korea), and the defects were filled with the circular scaffolds. For urethane linkage (C–N stretching combined with –NH– out of plane
the control group, the defect was left empty. Finally, the scalp incision bending), respectively [37]. The FTIR spectra of PUAT5 (Fig. 1 (d))
was closed in layers with absorbable sutures. The rats were given exhibit bands at 3200-3460 cm− 1, 1569 cm− 1, and 1505 cm− 1 that
cyclosporine A via subcutaneous injection at doses of 5 mg/kg of body correspond to stretching vibration of –NH, urethane linkage, and ben­
weight per day until sacrificed for histologic Analysis and micro-CT zene ring (of AT), respectively. Also, the sharp peak appears at 829 cm− 1
evaluation (Eight weeks after surgery). The micro-CT measurement due to the CH vibration of the para-disubstituted benzene ring (AT). All
was performed (Siemens, Erlangen, Germany). After finishing the micro- the data shows the successful synthesis of PU and its conductive
CT evaluation, the calvaria fragments with the critical bone defects were derivatives.
immersed in 4% paraformaldehyde, decalcified in 5% EDTA-Tris for 4-
weeks, and neutralized with a 5% sodium sulfate solution. After 3.2. SEM analysis
embedded in paraffin, the tissue was cut into 5 μm thick sections,
mounted onto individual glass slides, and stained with hematoxylin and The surface morphologies of the scaffolds at various content of the
eosin (H&E) and Masson’s Trichrome. AT are shown in Fig. 2 (a).
The SEM micrograph of all scaffolds, except PUAT10, exhibits very
2.3.17. Antibacterial assay low AT-agglomerates on the prepared films. The PUAT10 scaffold
The antimicrobial efficacy assay (time-kill kinetic assay) was tested showed small AT-agglomeration due to the higher percentage loading of
against Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) as a Gram-positive and the AT. This fact has a negative effect on mechanical and electrical
Escherichia coli (E. coli) as Gram-negative bacteria. The overnight culture
of bacterial cells was suspended in 1 mL PBS (pH = 7.4). The number of
cells is estimated by comparing the turbidity of the suspension with 0.5
Mcfarland medium (OD 600 = 0.08–0.13, ~ 108 CFU/mL). The different
sterilized samples (1 × 1 cm2) were put into separated vials and then, 3
mL of tryptic soy broth (TSB) and 100 μL of bacterial suspension were
added to each vial. The vials were incubated at a shaker incubated at
30 ◦ C and 200 rpm. After 1, 4, and 7 days, the aliquots of 100 μL bac­
terial broth were sampled from each vial, and the optical density was
measured at 630 nm by a biophotometer. The inhibitory rate of different
scaffolds was calculated by comparing the amount of optical density
with the control sample (bacterial suspensions without sample) and
using the following equation [34]:

Table 1
Primer sequences for RT-PCR analysis.
Gens Forward Primer Reverse Primers


Fig. 1. FT-IR spectra of the samples: AT (a), PCL2K (b), PUAT0 (c), and
PUAT5 (d).

A. Shaabani and R. Sedghi Polymer 223 (2021) 123694

Fig. 2. a) SEM images of the prepared scaffolds, and EDX mapping of the gold element on PUAT5 scaffold, b) AFM images of different scaffolds, and c) Micrograph of
the surface contact angle of the scaffolds.

properties. These results are confirmed by AFM analysis (Fig. 1 (b)). In 3.3. Water contact angle (WCA)
Fig. 1 (b), AFM images of the different scaffolds are displayed with the
same scan size and scale. The surface profile exhibited that the PUAT10 The surface wettability of biomaterial is one of the most important
samples showed highly roughened surfaces with an average roughness surface characteristics that could regulate the biological response of the
of 0.52 nm, and PU-AT20 has a relatively smooth surface of 0.10 nm, implanted devices, such as cell adhesion, growth, proliferation, and
while PUAT1, PUAT3, and PUAT5 had roughness values of 0.16, 0.31, protein absorption. Several studies reported that hydrophilic surfaces
and 0.36 nm, respectively. It must be pointed out that the scaffolds with had a high initial rate of cell adhesion [37,38]. Also, these studies have
the rough surface were favorable for cell behaviors such as cell adhesion, been reported that proliferation accelerated when cultured on a sub­
differentiation, and proliferation [12]. Moreover, the EDX mapping of strate with WCA of lower than 70◦ [39,40].
the gold element (Fig. 1. (a)) showed a uniform distribution of it within To understand the influence of aniline trimer (AT) on the wetting
the PUAT5 scaffold without agglomeration. ability of the prepared scaffolds, contact angle measurements were
evaluated. The inset of Fig. 1 (c) shows that the incorporation of AT
decreased the WCA of the scaffolds and consequently improve their
hydrophilicity. As can be seen in Fig. 1 (c), the PUT0 scaffold, have an

A. Shaabani and R. Sedghi Polymer 223 (2021) 123694

average WCA value of 58 ± 3◦ . The AT-containing PU showed a higher Therefore, PUAT5 scaffolds seem to have the potential to be used as a
WCA value (the WCAs of PUAT1, PUAT3, PUAT5, and PUAT10 were 55 cancellous bone.
± 3◦ , 53 ± 2◦ , 49 ± 4◦ , and 45 ± 2◦ , respectively) because the amine
groups of AT was hydrophilic and could form hydrogen bonds with the 3.5. Self-healing test
water molecule.
With the increasing amount of the AT, and thus increasing the The self-healing capability of the scaffolds is firstly investigated in
number of hydrogen bonds, the hydrophilicity of the scaffolds could be terms of visual inspection, and then quantified by tensile strength
improved. Also, –NH2 groups could increase the exposure of high den­ measurements. The sample films (1 mm thick) were scratched with a
sity bound receptors such as focal adhesion (cell-matrix adhesion) by razor blade (1–2 μm in width, 0.5 mm in depth) and heated to 40 ◦ C for
adsorbed fibronectin. On the other hand, the result showed that –NH2 10 h without applying any external force.
functionalized surfaces up-regulate osteoblast-specific gene expression, As can be seen in Fig. 3 (a), all samples exhibit very good self-healing
matrix mineralization and differentiation, and ALP enzymatic activity. ability at 60 ◦ C, and only a trace crack line was observed. This result
This evidence showed that enhancement in wettability can improve cell suggested that AT had a very destructive effect on self-healing and shape
adhesion, proliferation, and cell-scaffold interactions. memory properties. It should be noted that the displacement analysis
The convenient hydrophilicity of the material was advantageous to indicated that the shape memory property could be weakened upon
the adhesion of cells and growth on the surface of the material. heating [43]. The external forces are applied to carry out the displace­
ment analysis which by eliminating this force during the self-healing
3.4. Mechanical analysis process, shape memory force can be easily closed the crack. Also, the
gold in the structure of the scaffold can help to faster repair the damaged
To develop scaffolds mimicking the native bone tissue, the me­ area by creating cross-links bonds with free thiol groups. It is note­
chanical properties of biomaterials play an important role. PCL-based worthy that these free thiol groups are caused by external and internal
polyurethane medical devices have found many applications in recent stresses and also enzymatic degradation in the body. In comparison with
years due to their high flexibility, excellent strength, and biocompati­ the PUAT5 scaffold, the PUAT1, PUAT3, and PUAT10 scaffolds needed
bility [41]. PCL is one of the most commonly used FDA-approved bio­ higher time to recover the original shape. Moreover, as shown in Fig. 3
polymers in medical applications due to ease of processing and high (b), after compressing the scaffold for minimally invasive implantation
flexibility and successfully used as a polyol in the synthesis of medical surgery, cracks appear in the flexion area. These cracks are repaired
polyester urethanes [41]. The PCL-based PU scaffolds with after the scaffold is at the temperature required for self-healing.
shape-memory properties can also be achieved by selecting the appro­ To further investigate the self-healing property, mechanical analysis
priate molecular mass of PCL and controlling its percentage in the of neat, scratched, and healed scaffolds was performed and the result
polymer’s structure. The PCL with a molecular weight of 1000–2000 (g. illustrated in Fig. 3 (c). After scratching the samples, a significant drop in
mol− 1) is generally used to make PU scaffolds with shape memory elongation at break and tensile stress was observed. But after the healing
properties [42–44]. While the low molecular weight of PCL has a poor test, all of the scaffolds except PUAT10 almost regained the original
function as a scaffold due to its very low flexibility, strength, and cell mechanical properties. This result confirmed that during the healing
adhesion, synthesis of PU with PCL as a polyol is a very effective way to process disulfide bonds reestablished through thiol-disulfide exchange
improve the physical, mechanical and cellular properties of the PCL. reaction across the crack surface. Moreover, the shape memory effect
The mechanical properties of prepared scaffolds with different helps to faster scratch approaching and acts as an auxiliary recovery
amounts of the AT were tested and the result summarized in Table 2 and force.
Fig. 3 (c). As can be seen in Table 2, the tensile strength and elongation When the AT content was up to 5% and more, the scaffolds can be the
increased until AT content was up to 5%, while PUAT10 exhibited a drop restoration of 95% and 63% of initial tensile stress, meanwhile, this
in tensile strength and elongation compared to PUAT5. For the tensile amount reached 84% and 88% for PUAT1 and PUAT3 scaffolds,
stress-strain curves, the PUAT5 exhibited the highest tensile stress, respectively. Also, the PUAT5 scaffold recovers 95% of its original
Young’s modulus, and elongation at break values among samples. The elongation at break. It is known that introducing AT in the scaffolds
improvement of mechanical properties suggested that strong in­ structure increases hydrogen bond density. These hydrogen bonds
teractions such as hydrogen bonds between AT and polymers might be accelerated entanglement and interdiffusion of the dangling chains
formed. Another probable reason is the rigid structure of AT. Moreover, across the crack interface. Also, the hydrogen bond helps the disulfide
the drop of the mechanical properties of PUAT10 might be a result of AT bonds of the different chains get closer together, increases thiol-
aggregation which reduced the surface area of AT, thus weakened the exchange reaction, then increased healing efficiency. The higher
interactions. This aggregation is also observed by SEM (Fig. 2 (a)). amount of the AT could induce steric effect and decreased chain
Depending on bone density, the tensile and compressive strength of mobility, then obstructed the healing process.
cancellous bone varied from 10 to 20 MPa and 2–12 MPa, respectively. To investigate the role of disulfide bonds in the efficiency of the self-
Also, these values for cortical bones reach 50–150 MPa and 100–230 healing process, Hexamethylenediamine (HMDI, non-disulfide bond)
MPa, respectively. As can be seen in Table 2, the compressive strength of was used instead of CYS (containing disulfide bond) and named as
the scaffolds varies from 10 ± 0.8 MPa to 28 ± 1.3 MPa. Among the hPUAT scaffolds. As observed in Fig. S2 (a and b), after the healing
prepared samples, the mechanical properties of the PUAT5 scaffold fall process the crack line was observed in all hPUAT scaffolds and the
within the range of mechanical properties of the cancellous bones. samples needed higher time to recover the original shape. Moreover,
after compressing the scaffold for minimally invasive implantation
Table 2 surgery, cracks appear in the flexion area. These cracks have almost
The mechanical properties of the prepared scaffolds. remained after the scaffold is at the temperature required for self-
healing. Also, the basis on the tensile stress, CYS-free samples,
Samples Tensile Elongation at Young’s Compressive
strength break (%) modulus strength (MPa) hPUAT1, hPUAT3, hPUAT5, and hPUAT10 show a maximum healing
(MPa) (MPa) efficiency of 67%, 72%, 75%, and 52%, respectively indicated the role of
PUAT0 5.3 ± 0.3 121 ± 9 38 ± 2.9 28 ± 1.3 the disulfide metathesis on the self-healing process (Fig. S2 (c)). More­
PUAT1 6.4 ± 0.6 130 ± 15 29 ± 1.6 23 ± 2.4 over, Fig. S2 (c) shows that the hPUAT scaffolds have lower mechanical
PUAT3 9.3 ± 1.1 162 ± 20 24 ± 1.6 18 ± 0.9 strength and elongation at break than PUAT scaffolds. This is due to
PUAT5 11 ± 1.3 193 ± 17 18 ± 2.4 12 ± 1.7 disulfide groups in CYS weakly bonded to each other, therefore cannot
PUAT10 5.6 ± 0.7 112 ± 30 24 ± 1.4 10 ± 0.8
able to sustain the mechanical force, and breaking in the center of the

A. Shaabani and R. Sedghi Polymer 223 (2021) 123694

Fig. 3. Self-healing properties of prepared scaffolds at a) surface and b) folded area, c) Mechanical properties of the neat and healed scaffolds, and d) DMA curves of
the prepared scaffolds.

hard parts leads to the rupture of the structure [45]. However, the me­ separation was increased.
chanical properties of CYS-containing scaffolds are suitable and suffi­
cient for biological applications and have been reported in many studies
3.7. Shape memory analysis

The quantitively and qualitatively shape memory properties of the

3.6. Dynamic mechanical analysis scaffolds were investigated and the results showed in Fig. S1 and
Table 3. For this purpose, a temporary shape deformation was applied to
The dynamic mechanical properties of the scaffolds were investi­ all scaffolds, and their ability to retain shape (shape fixity) and recovery
gated by the DMA test as shown in Fig. 3 (d). DMA of polyurethane is to the original shape (shape recovery) was evaluated. As observed in
known as a polymer with hard (diisocyanate and chain extender) and Fig. S1, all samples except the PUAT10 scaffold could be fixed
soft (polyol) segments that exhibit a micro-phase separation between completely in temporary shape at room temperature. In addition, the
two segments. The amine groups of the AT can form strong interactions shape fixity increased gradually with AT increased up to 5%, and then
with both hard and soft segments of the PU, therefore affected micro- decreased at the upper concentration of AT. The shape fixity of the
phase separation and original interactions. As a result, fluctuation in PUAT0, PUAT1, PUAT3, and PUAT5 were reached 91, 93, 95, and 96%,
Tg could be observed. The temperature dependence of Tan δ was shown while the PUAT10 exhibited shape fixity of 83% in the first cycle. The
in Fig. 3 (d). All scaffolds displayed a peak around − 49 ◦ C, which is due recovery process of all scaffolds at 40 ◦ C was finished in 60 s completely,
to the Tg of the soft segment. When the AT content increased, this peak as shown in Fig. S1, and Video S1. For PUAT1, PUAT3, PUAT5, and
shifts to the higher temperature and reached a maximum value when AT PUAT10 shape recovery of 97, 96, 95, and 81% shape recovery was
content was 5% (PUAT5). The increase in the Tg can be related to the observed while the maximum value of shape recovery of 99% appeared
strong interactions of the AT with both soft and hard segments of the PU for PUAT0.
which enhanced the miscibility of the segments and reduced micro- Supplementary data related to this article can be found at https://
phase separation. Moreover, these strong interactions can be distin­ doi.org/10.1016/j.polymer.2021.123694.
guished from the Tg fluctuation [43]. It noteworthy that further increase The self-assembled AT aggregates formed hard segments. These hard
in AT content (PUAT10) causes the aggregation of it and weakened the segments along with π- π interactions and hydrogen bonds act as phys­
interactions. As a result, miscibility was decreased and micro-phase ical crosslinked points determined the permanent shape of the structure

Table 3
Quantitative shape memory properties of the samples.
Shape Fixity Shape Recovery


AT0 AT1 AT3 AT5 AT10 AT0 AT1 AT3 AT5 AT10

N=1 91 93 95 96 83 99 97 96 95 81
N=2 93 95 95 93 86 96 92 92 91 84
N=3 92 94 94 99 85 91 93 91 95 77
N’ = 1 93 94 95 97 81 100 99 99 100 97

N and N′ denoted shape memory properties at 40 ◦ C and 60 ◦ C, respectively.

A. Shaabani and R. Sedghi Polymer 223 (2021) 123694

[46]. These physically crosslinked points decreased chain mobility or scaffolds are selected as the optimal sample and its degradation rate is
lock chains in the temporary shape [37]. Thus, by increasing the amount investigated in PBS and GSH medium. It also compares to a non-aniline
of AT into the chemical structure of the polymer and thereby improve­ trimmer scaffold. Moreover, 1, 6-Hexamethylenediamine (HMDI,
ment of inter-intramolecular interactions and micro-phase separation, hPUAT scaffolds) instead of cystamine (CYS, cPUAT scaffolds) was used
the shape fixity is enhanced. Whereas the excessive amount of AT (10%) to investigate the role of disulfide bonds in the self-healing properties of
decreased micro-phase separation by forming irregular hard segments the scaffolds. The in vitro degradation study was performed on prepared
and their non-uniformity distribution, therefore decreased shape fixity scaffolds using PBS and GSH solution at 37 ◦ C (pH = 7.4) and the results
[47]. Moreover, during the shape recovery process, the weak hydrogen are shown in Fig. 4. An increased rate of the degradation of the h &c-
bonds are broken, chain mobility and flexibility increase, resulting in PUAT scaffold was observed in both mediums as increasing in the
recovering the original shape [48]. At temperatures close to the physi­ amount of the AT into the chemical structure of the scaffolds. The
ological temperature of the body (37 ◦ C), the shape recovery property hPUAT scaffolds demonstrated weight percent over the 8 weeks ranging
decreases with AT increase, due to insufficient internal energy to acti­ from 75 ± 1% for cPUAT0 scaffold to 57 ± 3% for cPUAT10 scaffold in
vate the molecular motions. But as the temperature rises to 60 ◦ C, the the PBS medium. These values reach 77 ± 1% for the hPUAT0 scaffold to
higher internal energy causes the switching segments to become more 60 ± 2% for the hPUAT10 scaffold. In the early stages of degradation (7
flexible, resulting in higher efficiency of the shape memory process over days), cPUAT0 and cPUAT5 scaffolds have the lowest rate of loss of
a faster time (Table 3 (N’ cycle)). mass, both in GSH- and PBS medium, whereas in hPUAT scaffolds, the
These results showed that AT-containing scaffolds have excellent amount of degradation is directly related to the hydrophilicity of the
shape memory properties such as shape fixity at room temperature and prepared scaffolds, the hPUAT0 and hPUAT1 scaffolds have the lowest
fast shape recovery speed at phycological temperature. We expect that amount of degradation in both medium. Therefore, it can be concluded
these scaffolds have the potential to use as degradable implants in that disulfide bonds play an important role in the self-healing properties
minimally invasive surgery through a small incision in a compressed of the prepared scaffolds and prevent the rapid degradation of the
temporary shape [49]. scaffold in the early time of the hydrolysis.
The higher degradability of the scaffolds with increasing the AT
resulted from the different hydrophilicity of them. According to the
3.8. The electrical conductivity of the scaffolds
water contact angle results, the hydrophilicity of the scaffolds increases
with AT increase. The increase in hydrophilicity accelerates the pene­
The electrical conductivities of the synthesized scaffolds with
tration of water molecules into the structure of the scaffolds, increases
different AT contents are listed in Table 4. All samples dissolved in
ester linkage hydrolysis rates, therefore led to faster hydrolysis [51].
chloroform and doped with the same amount of 1 M HCl, then the
Moreover, higher hydrophilicity causes faster diffusion of degradation
electrical conductivity of the casting films was measured by the standard
products and AT content out of the scaffolds.
4-point probe method.
In GSH solution as a disulfide reductant medium, all cPUAT scaffolds
The conductivities of the scaffold with AT contents from 10 wt % to
showed faster degradation than in PBS solution, however, the cPUAT
1 wt % are between 1.8 × 10− 6 and 3.7 × 10− 7 S/cm, which is lower
scaffolds degradation behavior showed similar trends as that of them in
than that of AT film (2.5 × 10− 5 S/cm). This is because of the low
PBS medium. In hPUAT scaffolds, the trend of degradability is different
content of AT in scaffold and the very week electron mobility of non-
compared to cPUAT scaffolds and the amount of degradation is pro­
conjugated PU. Moreover, the electrical conductivity increased with
portional to the hydrophilicity of them. Glutathione as a reducing agent,
the increasing AT content in the scaffolds. This large variation in elec­
converts disulfide bonds to thiol groups. Since the degradation rate of
trical conductivity of scaffolds, which can be adjusted by changing AT
the cPUAT scaffold in the GSH medium faster than the self-healing
content, provided a wide range of specific applications. Due to very low
process, the use of gold with the ability to form strong bonds with
voltage intensity in vivo (15 mV), these electrical conductivity values
thiol groups can effectively reduce the rate of degradation [22]. The
were sufficient to transfer bioelectrical signals in the human body. These
lower rate of degradation of gold-containing cPUAT scaffolds than that
electroactive smart scaffolds could combine with direct electrical stim­
of gold-free scaffolds in the GSH-Medium indicates the self-healing
ulation and potentially deliver an electric stimulus applied from skin
properties of gold-thiol bonds in the cPUAT scaffold, but this differ­
electrodes to treat large bone defects. Electrically conductive scaffolds
ence is not significant. The difference is probably due to the low mobility
by providing precise control conditions over the localization, amount,
of gold in the rigid chemical structure of the scaffolds as well as the
and duration of the electrical stimulus obviate the need for bone stim­
release of superficial gold from the surface of the cPUAT scaffold, which
ulators [44]. While the exact mechanisms by which electrical stimula­
increases the rate of degradation in the middle stage.
tion improved bone healing remain underexplored, collective findings of
As the results show, the hPUAT scaffolds have a high self-healing
studies proposed direct current electrical stimulation decreased the level
property, especially in the early stages of degradation. Therefore, the
of oxygen and increased the pH; as a result, increased osteoblast cell
hPUAT scaffolds can repair possible damages caused during implanta­
proliferation, vasculature development, secretion of several cytokines,
tion and after it (mechanical stress on the scaffold by bone and cells).
and ECM production [50].
Also, the degradation profile shows that the hPUAT scaffolds have an
appropriate degradation rate, and as a result, the biodegradability will
3.9. In vitro degradation overcome the self-healing property. The PCL-based PU scaffolds degrade
by hydrolysis of ester linkages to yield 6-hydroxyhexanoic acid and
According to the cellular and mechanical analysis results, the PUAT5 soluble urethane fragments, which are naturally metabolized by the
human body. Moreover, the toxicology of PCL-based biomaterials has
Table 4 been widely studied and reported safe for clinical treatments [52,53].
The electrical conductivity of the prepared samples. Also, hemocompatibility and biocompatibility of the aniline oligomer
Sample AT content (%) Conductivity (S/cm) confirmed by several studies [54–56].
Therefore, the self-healing property did not have a negative effect on
PU 0 1.3 × 10−
AT 100 2.5 × 10− 5 cellular activity such as cell attachment, proliferation, and differentia­
PUAT1 1 3.7 × 10− 7 tion, which is confirmed by cellular analysis.
PUAT3 3 7.2 × 10−
PUAT5 5 1.2 × 10−
PUAT10 10 1.8 × 10−

A. Shaabani and R. Sedghi Polymer 223 (2021) 123694

Fig. 4. In vitro degradation of the different scaffolds using a) CYS in PBS, b) CYS n PBS/GSH, c) HMDA in PBS, and D) HMDA in PBS/GSH medium in the presence or
absence of the gold element.

Fig. 5. a) MTT assay of prepared scaffolds, b) ALP enzyme activity of hADSC cells, c) quantification and d) qualification ARS staining, and e) cell attachment of
different substrates.

A. Shaabani and R. Sedghi Polymer 223 (2021) 123694

3.10. Cell attachment and proliferation TCP. In other words, the formation of mineralized deposits over the
surface is directly related to the amount of AT and increases with
The in vitro biocompatibility of the samples was evaluated by the increasing it up to 5%. It was found that calcium deposition on the
hADSC cells attachment and proliferation on these scaffolds. For this scaffolds increased with time of incubation and at day 21, the absor­
purpose, hADSC cells were seeded on the scaffolds and cultured for 1, 3, bance value of ARS on PUAT1 (1.2 times), PUAT3 (2.2 times), PUAT5
and 7 days to evaluate the cell viability, attachment, and proliferation. (2.83 times), and PUAT10 (2.1 times) scaffolds showed higher miner­
According to the cell attachment analysis (Fig. 5 (a) and Fig. 5 (e)), the alization than that on PUAT0 scaffold. Moreover, the digital images of
results of the cell viability exhibited that all of the prepared scaffolds the scaffolds stained with ARS to identify bone formation are in agree­
showed good biocompatibility and no cytotoxicity and inhibitory effect ment with the ARS quantification assay and demonstrated that staining
on cell viability, adhesion, and morphology. As observed in Fig. 5 (e), all intensity increased with increasing AT content up to 5% (Fig. 5 (d)).
the samples had good cell adhesion, so that cells were attached and
expanded on the entire scaffold surface. By modifying the surface with 3.13. Quantitative real-time PCR
plasma and enriching the surface with oxygenated functional groups,
the scaffold surface acts as a very good substrate for cell adhesion and The reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction was used to
consequently cell growth and differentiation. After 1 day of culture, measure the expression of fourth osteoblast differentiation-associated
although AT-containing scaffolds show higher cell viability than PUAT0 gene markers after 7, 14, and 21 days of osteogenic induction. The
and TCP, this difference is not significant (Fig. 5 (a)). After 3 days of mRNA level was evaluated on different scaffolds for individual gen and
culture, cell attachment of the AT-free and AT-containing scaffolds can the results normalized to GAPDH expression (Fig. 6). As shown in Fig. 6,
be observed in the order of PUAT0 < PUAT10 < PUAT1 < PUAT3 < the expression of ALP is a marker of osteogenic differentiation increased
PUAT5. Moreover, for the 7 days, the cells cultured on PUAT1 (1.5 from day 1–14 and then decreased. These results are in full agreement
times), PUAT3 (1.8 times), PUAT5 (2.3 times), and PUAT10 (1.6 times) with the behavior of ALP in the osteogenic differentiation process where
scaffolds showed higher proliferation rates than that on the PUAT0 the expression level of the ALP gene reaches its maximum value in mid-
scaffold. These results indicate that by increasing the percentage of AT differentiation (day 14) [62]. The increased expression of the ALP gene
up to 5%, the growth and proliferation of cells significantly increase, but on 7–14 days, is due to enter into the stage of ECM development and
by increasing the amount of AT to 10%, the proliferation rate decreases. maturity [63]. On the other hand, the decrease in ALP gene expression
The earlier research showed that the electroactive surface improved from days 14–21 is due to complete maturation of the ECM and entering
energy and chemical exchange between cells and surroundings, into the mineralization stage [63]. The highest intensity of ALP
enhanced calcium deposition in the ECM, improve the osteogenesis of expression was recorded with the PUAT5 scaffolds and AT-contained
differentiated mesenchymal stem cells, and facilitate the protein scaffolds have higher ALP expression than TCP and PUAT0 scaffolds.
adsorption for cell differentiation throughout the cascade of intra- During the osteogenic differentiation of hADSCs, RUNX2 plays a
intercellular reactions induction [57]. Another reason is the higher crucial role in the early osteogenic differentiation, maturation of oste­
number of the amine (-NH2 and –NH–) group in AT-containing scaffolds oblasts, and bone formation [64]. The expression of RUNX2 increases in
than PUAT0 that generated adequate signals for cell recognition and immature osteoblasts and reducing during osteoblast maturation. In
attachment [58]. Recent studies have shown that protein adsorption and other words, mature osteoblasts do not express a high amount of RUNX2
cell attachment of hADSC cells on the hydrophilic surface much better protein [65]. The expression of RUNX2 was highest on day 14 and then
than hydrophobic surfaces [59]. Since the electrical conductivity of the decreased progressively from day 14–21 for all prepared scaffolds. This
PUAT10 scaffold is higher than the others, therefore, the functional behavior indicates that the hADSCs move to the extracellular matrix
groups of the scaffold surface can play an important role in cellular maturity stage and bone formation. For RUNX2 protein, the PUAT5
behavior and supplied cytocompatibility with a suitable group exhibited a 2.7 times higher expression level at peak levels, while
micro-environment for cellular activities. PUAT1, PUAT3, and PUAT10 showed almost 1.4, 1.9, and 1.7 times
higher than PUAT0 scaffold, respectively. As the induction time
3.11. Alkaline phosphatase increased, the COL1 expression of all scaffolds dramatically increased on
day 7, then decreased gradually. Since COL1 is an early marker of
ALP is an early marker of osteogenic differentiation and measuring osteogenic differentiation, this behavior is quite expected and agrees
its enzyme activity is very important due to the mediating role of it in the with previous studies [66]. According to the results of the ARS analysis,
formation of the mineral apatite on ECM [60]. Fig. 5 (b) showed the ALP the amount of calcium deposited on the scaffolds increased sharply on
activity after 7, 14, and 21 days of induction on different substrates. days 7–21, confirming that the cells had entered the mineralization
The results showed the adding AT into the scaffolds has a positive phase. The amount of calcium ion deposited on the scaffolds is much
influence on osteogenic differentiation. The ALP activity of hADSC cells higher than that of the TCP, reaching its maximum in scaffold PUAT5.
on AT-containing scaffolds was higher than that of PUAT0 and tissue More COL1 expression causes more calcium-binding, therefore
culture polystyrene demonstrated that the AT can promote the ALP ac­ improved mineral matrix deposition on the scaffolds [67].
tivity. Also, ALP produced by hADSC cells cultured on all samples Since the OCN gene is secreted only by mature osteoblast cells at the
increased with an increase in culture time from 1 day to 14 days, then end of the mineralization phase, investigation of its secretion can
decreased. Enhancing the ALP activity with the increase of the AT confirm the osteogenesis of scaffolds [67]. OCN is the most abundant
indicated the increased interactive signals between the scaffolds and non-collagen protein of ECM that regulates apatite crystal growth by
cells. These findings are thus in full agreement with previous reports that coordination with the calcium ion of hydroxyapatite [68]. As can be
demonstrated that introduction of AT into the chemical structure of the seen in Fig. 6, the expression level of OCN on scaffolds increased
scaffolds significantly enhanced cell adhesion and protein adsorption, continuously over time and peaked on day 21. Moreover, the PUAT5
thus improved osteogenic differentiation [37,61]. scaffold upregulated OCN expression 2.81 and 3.9 folds compared to
PUAT0 and TCP at day 21, respectively. Taking together, these results
3.12. Alizarin red S staining suggested that loading conductive components into scaffolds signifi­
cantly increased cell signaling and it can be considered as a core factor
To evaluate the in vitro osteogenic bioactivity of the scaffolds, for osteogenesis complementation.
calcified matrix stained with Alizarin Red S (ARS) on days 7 and 21 of
culture. As can be seen in Fig. 5 (c) ARS absorbance of the cell-seeded
PUAT5 scaffold was higher than other AT-containing scaffolds and

A. Shaabani and R. Sedghi Polymer 223 (2021) 123694

Fig. 6. Quantitative analysis of osteogenesis-related gene expression of hADSC cells on the different substrates in differentiation medium after 7, 14, and 21 days of
osteogenic induction.

3.14. In Vivo assessment greater bone tissue reconstruction than the control group. As observed in
Fig. 7 (j), the newly formed bone grew around and inside the PUAT
The new bone formation in the calvarial defect site was evaluated scaffolds, effectively repairing the calvarial bone defects, while the
using micro-CT analysis and staining analysis (H&E and Masson’s tri­ control group displayed the slowest healing rate. The critical-sized cal­
chrome staining), and the result is shown in Fig. 7. The best bone varial defect with PUAT0 and PUAT5 was occupied with newly formed
regeneration and continuous bone formation were found in the PUAT5 bone, and bone-like tissue connected the edges, while the control group
scaffold at weeks 8. Also, the PUAT scaffold groups exhibited notably exhibited very little bone tissue only on the edges of the defects. The

Fig. 7. a) PUAT0, b) PUAT5 scaffolds were implanted into the calvarial defects of rats, c-e) H&E staining of control (defect-free), PUAT0, and PUAT5 scaffolds,
respectively, f-g) Masson’s Trichrome of control (defect-free), PUAT0, and PUAT5 scaffolds, respectively, i) Bone volume fraction of control group and scaffolds, j) 3D
views of reconstructed images and micro-CT scan assessment of new bone tissue formation after implantation, and k) Antibacterial activity of different scaffolds
against S. aureus and E. coli.

A. Shaabani and R. Sedghi Polymer 223 (2021) 123694

newly formed bone volumes/tissue volume (BV/TV) in the defects after behavior and physicochemical properties. The simultaneous effect of the
8 weeks of implantation were calculated and depicted in Fig. 7 (i). The shape memory properties and the rapid formation of disulfide and gold-
micro-CT analysis results of the implanted scaffolds and control group thiol bonds on the damaged sites have led to the self-healing operation
resulted in the BV/TV average ratio of 51% for PUAT0 and 73% for being carried out rapidly at relatively low temperatures. The hydrolytic
composite PUAT5 scaffolds, which yielded nearly 2 and 3-fold bone and GSH-Medium degradation assay also proves that these mechanisms
regeneration compared to the control group (empty defect). reduce the rate of degradation of the polymeric scaffold and increases
Also, histological analysis was carried out to provide a more detailed the lifetime of the scaffolds under physiological conditions at the early
analysis of the bone tissue formation process. The H&E and Masson’s stage of the implantation. Also, the results of cellular analysis show that
trichrome staining results of calvarial bone defect sites implanted with self-healing properties do not have a negative effect on cellular prop­
scaffolds and empty defect (control group) for 8 weeks are depicted in erties such as cell adhesion, proliferation, and differentiation. Moreover,
Fig. 7(c–e) and (f-h), respectively. Histological analysis by Masson’s the PUAT5 scaffold exhibited excellent shape fixity and shape recovery
trichrome and H&E staining revealed more collagen and new bone with ratios of 96% and 95%, respectively. The scaffolds exhibited fast
formation in the defects filled with PUAT5 scaffolds compared to the shape recovery speed at a temperature close to the physiological tem­
PUAT0 scaffold and control group. perature and suggested these scaffolds have the potential to implant in
Therefore, the introduction of aniline trimer segment into the PU the body with the minimally invasive surgical technique. The AT-
scaffold remarkably enhanced osteoconductive and osteoinductive ca­ contained scaffolds supported outstanding hADSC cell attachment,
pacity, cause to the most extensive new bone formation and minerali­ proliferation, and differentiation. The ALP and quantitative ARS anal­
zation at the defect site. ysis showed osteogenic differentiation and bone-forming ability of
prepared scaffolds. Expression of osteogenic genes including RUNX2,
3.15. Antibacterial activity COL1, and ALP exhibited enhanced differentiation, ECM mineralization
and maturation, and osteocalcin deposition. The osteoinductive capa­
Microbial infections are the third leading cause of death in developed bility of these multifunctional engineered scaffolds suggested a prom­
countries and the second leading cause of death in the world. For the ising approach for repairing cancellous bone defects.
treatment of microbial infections broad range of antibiotics are used, but
due to the low rate of new antibiotics development and the resistance of Author contributions
organisms to common antibiotics, we need to develop new antimicrobial
therapies. One of the most effective ways to overcome these problems is The manuscript was written through the contributions of all authors.
to develop new inherently antimicrobial biodegradable polymers. All authors have approved the final version of the manuscript.
A broad spectrum of bacterial species such as Escherichia coli,
Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus Data availability
epidermidis can be found at implant sites and bone infections. Thus, the
susceptibility of the Gram-positive (S. aureus) and Gram-negative The raw/processed data required to reproduce these findings cannot
(E. coli) bacterial species against different scaffolds were evaluated be shared at this time as the data also forms part of an ongoing study.
using the Time-Killing method, and the results are shown in Fig. 7 (k).
Antibacterial tests indicated that all prepared scaffolds can inhibit CRediT authorship contribution statement
the growth of S. aureus and E. coli bacteria and the inhibitory rate of
bacterial growth increased with time of incubation. Also, the results Alireza Shaabani: Conceptualization, Methodology, Formal anal­
indicate that the PUAT10 scaffold exhibited higher antibacterial activity ysis, Investigation, Data curation, and Writing the original draft.
than PUAT0 and others, which demonstrated that the incorporation of Roya Sedghi: Writing-review & editing, Supervision, Project
AT into the scaffold improves the antibacterial activity for both micro- administration.
organisms. The antibacterial activity assay demonstrated that the ac­
tivity of PUAT10 was more pronounced against E. coli than that against Declaration of competing interest
S. aureus. Moreover, the PUAT10 scaffold displays good antibacterial
activity against E. coli and S. aureus after seven days of incubation with The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
bacterial inhibition percentages of 65 ± 1% and 60 ± 4%, respectively. interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
According to reported articles, the antimicrobial properties of aniline the work reported in this paper.
compounds like polyaniline or aniline oligomer are due to the destruc­
tion of the cell wall of the microorganism [69]. Positive charged AT and Acknowledgments
acidic dopant of it can electrostatically adhere to the negatively charged
membrane of the bacteria, break of the bacterial cell wall, then bacteria We appreciate the Shahid Beheshti University Research Council for
die. Moreover, the electron transfer between AT and the bacterial wall their supports.
can lead to bacterial death. Other potential factors that may indicate
antimicrobial properties include the release of superficial gold from the Appendix A. Supplementary data
surface of the scaffold and the acidic dopant of AT into the bacterial
growth medium. Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
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