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these earth monuments, over a vast area from which adobe,

will the wife be entitled to alimony where she has sufficient

pontiff and collaborated with Cassiodorus in founding at

dynasty, and another to Khons not later than the XXth dynasty.

between Russia (the ally of France) and Japan (the ally of

at the request of King Oswald, A.D. 634-635. He restored

subjects, his chief historical work being the Dominatores

dissolved. He died in Edinburgh on the 9th of December 1882.

Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction in Ireland.

the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 1852, p. 71.

as an 18-hole golf course; a section is reserved for cricket

looked upon in the light of common adulteration because, in any

patent of James I., dated the 21st of June 1619. The building

be in constant communication among themselves, consulting and

limits of Cameroon abandoned her claims to the central

Physiography oj. the River Nelc and its Basin (Cairo, 1906),

lomentarius in 1880; and these observations have been recently

headquarters, Portsmouth and Aldershot. He was second in

coke-towers fed with moderately strong sulphuric acid. As

ANACREON, Greek lyric poet, was born about 560 B.C., at

south-west to north-east. But in many parts deep transverse

anaesthetization. The most important of these is the

Adeleida, &c. (Turin, 1842); Jul. Bentzinger, Das Leben

obtained. Alluvial soils are almost invariably of great

and described agnosticism as meaning ``that a man shall not

limestone at Iyerry Falls, W. N.W. of Braemar, has yielded

Chitral. Here the Bashgol and Chitral valleys unite and the
the structure of a silver-copper alloy containing considerably

domestic medicines---the former for rheumatism and neuralgia;

Cooper in being unaffected by foreign residence; he remained

composition has thus been established, of the utmost value

making agricultural implements, United States mail boxes,

article analysed, he was as much ``prejudiced'' if obtaining

Wrynose Pass to Ravenglass on the Coast of Cumberland.

west and the Sobat, Blue Nile and Atbara from the Abyssinian

that this gravel was in general produced by the trituration

a new and illusory object, is the essential ingredient in

``spoils'' and ``procurations,'' the re-establishment of the

Proclus. He taught at Alexandria, and had among his scholars

boats built of a light alloy, in which the alloying metal

ALBANY, a city and the county-seat of Dougherty county,

the sentence was remitted as illegal. In 1587 and 1588,

kind. Plots of ground were burned over, trees were girdled,

varied and picturesque, those of the municipal orphanage being

the secretary to such duty as he may be able to perform: this

phosphatic manures, than is wheat when sown under equal soil

callus. While there is a general tendency in the group to

church-ales and so on. The word bridal is really bride-ale,

ACOSTA, URIEL (d. 1647), a Portuguese Jew of noble family,

stage of the absolute spirit. (See HEGEL; also Werke, Bd.

circumstances was undeniable and glaring. It was impossible

parliament, further stated that other ancient Monmouthshire

to be absolute, is obviously relative in other connexions; in

large size of the single caecum of mammals is more closely

influence and domination in Asia. Twice, indeed, during that

the eclipses would ensue; moreover, their duration should

have not yet vested or possibly may not vest. For example, an

while the customs duty is eleven shillings and fivepence; the

Another Syriac MS., in the library of Cambridge University,

but it was not until the beginning of the 19th century

interview with Khurshid, was received courteously and dismissed

were the Silli of Timon and the Cinaedi of Sotades.

as high as that of gold. It also possesses a splendid purple

which it is alleged a growing habit of intemperance was

ALLAN, SIR HUGH (1810-1882), Canadian financier, was

Africa, which was introduced into cultivation at the beginning

than by means of external fuel, because this arrangement

had a court, with a marshal and other officers, and forms of

cloth. In winter the skins of animals are worn, with leggings

rises in the conical Mount Oros, and the Panhellenian ridge

acid. After the separation of the silver salt (see above)

and this usage is justified in that the highest peaks often

(Greek in edition 1 by G. Heinrichs, 1886; in edition 2 by W.

terminal. The plant has a wide distribution, growing in wet

bargain and definitely claimed the whole.3 The conquest

States. It found that Great Britain was legally responsible

water is turned on to the next, the first tank is emptied by

of mercury retain mercury and leave residues of definite

are to be regarded as hardly more than novices in the art"

settlement at Sierra Leone, on the Guinea coast, for freed

science into the university. As Lee's reader he began to

aniline forming benzylidene aniline, C6H5N: CHC6H5, and

level of the mountains, another massif rises in a direct line

receive them on paying one-eighth of the value, and also

on the W. bank of the Hudson river, just below the mouth of

The United States admiralty courts have always had jurisdiction

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