Alejandro Lanis Full Mouth Oral Rehabilitation of A

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Received: 20 November 2022 Revised: 9 January 2023 Accepted: 12 January 2023

DOI: 10.1111/jerd.13020


Full mouth oral rehabilitation of a severely worn dentition

based on a fully digital workflow

Alejandro Lanis DDS, MS 1 | German Gallucci DDS, PhD 1 |

Ignacio Pedrinaci DDS, MSc 1,2

Department of Restorative Dentistry and
Biomaterials Sciences, Harvard School of Abstract
Dental Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Objective: To demonstrate the use of a complete digital workflow for a full mouth
Section of Graduate Periodontology, School
of Dentistry, Complutense University of
rehabilitation in a severely worn dentition.
Madrid, Madrid, Spain Clinical Considerations: The present case report successfully rehabilitated a full-

mouth case of a severely worn dentition based on the use of digital technologies,
Alejandro Lanis, DDS MS. Assistant Professor making the diagnosis and treatment process faster, accurate and less expensive. A
in Restorative Dentistry and Biomaterials
Sciences. Director Advanced Graduate long-lasting esthetic and functional result are showed after 30-months follow up.
Education in Implant Dentistry. Harvard Conclusions: An appropriate knowledge on dental erosion and oral rehabilitation,
School of Dental Medicine, 188 Longwood
Avenue. Unit 212, Boston, MA 02115, USA. combined with a digital dentistry approach could lead the clinician to deliver a fast,
Email: [email protected] accurate and predictable noninvasive restorative treatment in cases like the one
Clinical Significance: Bruxism-based severely worn dentition is being found more
often in population. In this situation, a detailed diagnosis and tailored treatment are
mandatory to obtain a predictable treatment outcome. In this sense, the development
of adhesive dentistry, new restorative materials and the incorporation of digital tech-
nologies can create a predictable synergy to rehabilitate these types of patients with
a modern and less invasive approach.

adhesive dentistry, CAD/CAM, digital dentistry, S-CAIS, worn dentition

1 | I N T RO DU CT I O N technologies have contributed to accurately diagnose and plan a com-

prehensive restorative treatment.5 Thus, the use of computer planning
Patients affected by severe dental attrition/erosion often present software allows combining the radiographic, prosthetic, surgical, and
with a significantly damaged dentition, where vertical dimension of laboratory fields under a common virtual scenario, permitting a com-
occlusion (VDO) is usually decreased, and supra eruption may have plete virtual treatment planning and optimizing treatment times and
occurred.1 If this situation is not intercepted at an early stage, costs.6,7
full-mouth reconstruction is typically required to restore patient's CAD/CAM restorations are designed virtually based on digitalized
functionality and esthetics. According to the current literature, the oral tissues. The digital reconstruction is obtained by (1) a laboratory
recommended therapy comprises extensive elective root canal treat- scanner that digitalizes a cast model or a conventional impression, or
ment and full-crown coverage of the majority of the dentition.2 (2) by an intraoral impression using an intraoral scanner (IOS). Both
However, with the development of adhesive dentistry and new mate- approaches have been widely described in the scientific literature and
rials, the rehabilitation of these patients can be performed under a are considered reliable sources of clinical information.8 Once the res-
more conservative approach, preserving dental structures the most toration is designed, it is transferred in a digital format to a fabrication
possible and avoiding endodontic treatment.3,4 In this sense, digital machine (CAM). Depending on the technology, two primary sources

596 © 2023 Wiley Periodicals LLC. J Esthet Restor Dent. 2023;35:596–608.

have been described to produce these structures. Additive computer tomography (CBCT) gives a superlative amount of clini-
manufacturing is commonly associated with 3D printing or sintering, cal information compared with bidimensional radiographs, allow-
while subtractive manufacturing is frequently associated with milling. ing the clinician to get a better understanding of patients'
In both situations, computer software completely oversees the pathology and anatomical structures.12 Nowadays, CBCT is con-
process. sidered the gold standard for comprehensive diagnosis and treat-
From a radiologic perspective, volumetric digital imaging has ment planning because of the high level of accuracy and low
dramatically changed how we approach our patients. Cone beam radiation dose.8

FIGURE 1 Extraoral photographs.

FIGURE 2 Intraoral photographs. Frontal view.

FIGURE 3 Periapical X-rays, orthopantomography, and periodontal chart.


FIGURE 4 Initial CBCT of the temporomandibular joints.

FIGURE 5 Initial tele-radiography with Ricketts cephalometric analysis.

F I G U R E 6 3D-Printed lucia JIG for


CBCT data can be combined with digital impressions in special- soft end feel. He related discomfort when opening in the left tempo-
ized software. The files obtained from a CBCT are saved as Digital romandibular joint region.
Imaging and Communication in Medicine (DICOM files). Each file rep- Intraorally, there was a total absence of disocclusion guidance
resents a single “slice” in the axial plane. When a set of DICOM files leading to occlusal interferences in eccentric mandibular movements
is gathered, the result is a tridimensional reconstruction. by posterior teeth. His dental examination showed a severely worn
Regarding digital impressions, there are different types of files, dentition with dentin exhibition in several teeth, some of them close
being the most common the standard tessellation language (STL). It to having a pulp exposure. Spontaneous and thermal induced sensibil-
consisted in a mesh of small triangles representing the surface of a ity were present in some of them. Tooth #2.6 presented a crown-
body.9 When DICOM and STL are digitally superimposed, the result is radicular fracture with a soft tissue invasion over the remaining
surface and volumetric information of the patient, allowing for a pre- crown.
cise diagnosis and planning, especially when implants are going to be Extraoral and intraoral photographs were taken (Figures 1 and 2).
placed.13 After the implant is digitally planned, a surgical template can Maxillary and mandibular intraoral digital impressions (IOS) and digital
be designed, exported, and usually 3D printed. This situation links the bite registration in maximum intercuspation were obtained (Medit
virtual treatment and the actual patient by accurately transferring the i500, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul, Korea).
simulated intervention to the oral cavity. This concept is described as A set of complementary radiographs consisting of (1) a full mouth
static-computer-assisted implant surgery (S-CAIS).14 periapical set, (2) an orthopantomography, (3) maxillary CBCT, (4) tem-
The aim of this manuscript is to describe the diagnostic, planning poromandibular joint (TMJ) computed tomography in: maximum inter-
phase, and clinical procedure of a full mouth reconstruction in a cuspation, 20 mm aperture and maximum aperture bilaterally, and
severely worn dentition based on a complete digital workflow. (5) a tele-radiography with a Rickett's Cephalometric Analysis were
requested15,16 (Figures 3 and 4). All the imageology requested was
pondered based on the ALARA principle to get adequate information
2 | MATERIALS AND METHODS from different perspectives to get an accurate diagnosis and treat-
ment planning.
2.1 | Diagnosis, planning, and provisional TMJ'S CBCT showed a slightly protruded condyle in maximum
treatment intercuspation (MIC) bilaterally with a diminished space between the
anterior region of the condyle and the inferior surface of the anterior
A 53-year-old male patient with a severely worn dentition leading to wall of the glenoid cavity. Anterior displacement of right and left con-
impaired occlusal function was referred by his general dentist for an dyles was limited, showing a diminished translation of both structures
examination. His chief complaint was being unhappy with the in maximum aperture (Figure 5).
esthetics of his smile and having sensitivity in several teeth. Patient Ricketts cephalometric analysis revealed a diminished VOD with

revealed inconstant soreness at the posterior region of the masseter 42 of Ricketts Inferior Third angle (RIT) and an anti-clockwise rota-
muscles bilaterally as well as constant pain at the posterior region of tion on the mandible. These findings led to a skeletal Class III.
the left temporal muscle. Patient reported muscle fatigue when he (Figure 6). Patient was referred for periodontal treatment and end-
wakes up in the morning. He related the habit of regularly drinking odontic evaluation before starting the prosthetic planning phase. His
carbonated soda for more than 30 years. periodontal exam showed a plaque-induced gingivitis that was solved
Patient's main goal was to stabilize the masticatory function, by a prophylaxis and oral hygiene instructions. Endodontic treatment
improve his oral esthetics and recover his self-confidence through a was then performed in teeth diagnosed with irreversible pulpitis.
comprehensive oral rehabilitation.
At the clinical examination, the patient presented muscular dis-
comfort in both posterior masseter regions during muscle palpation
and a painful nodule in the posterior left temporal region. His mandib-
ular assisted aperture was diminished approximately to 28 mm with a

F I G U R E 8 Superimposition of standard tessellation language

F I G U R E 7 Tridimensional digital models. Interocclusal relation (STL) files over digital photography. Digital wax up (Exocad Smile
after deprogramming with an augmented VOD. Creator).

After a comprehensive clinical, photographic, and imaging anal- After 72 h, a new intermaxillary digital record was performed with
ysis, new digital intraoral impressions were taken. Bite registration the Lucia JIG in position. Mandible presented in a more posterior posi-
was performed using a leaf gauge. Vertical occlusal dimension was tion compared to the first bite register. The new interocclusal position
increased by 6 mm, considering the amount of space necessary to was then transferred to Exocad (Figure 7). Extraoral photographs and
restore the superior and inferior abraded incisors. Bite aperture STL files of maxillae, mandible and the latest occlusal register were
favored the clockwise rotation of the mandible. STL files from digi- superimposed (Exocad Smile Creator, Exocad GmbH, Darmstadt,
tal impressions were imported into a CAD Software (Exocad, Exo- Germany, Figure 8). Based on this new relation, a full mouth digital
cad GmbH, Darmstadt, Germany), and a digital Lucia JIG was wax up was designed to restore the appropriate teeth dimension,
virtually designed, and 3D Printed (P30, Straumann, Basel, shape and interocclusal relationship (Figure 9). Wax up was then
Switzerland). 3D-printed Lucia JIG was rebased intraorally with pat- exported and upper and lower 3D printed models were fabricated
tern resin (GC Pattern Resin LS, GC, Tokyo, Japan) and occlusal (P30, Straumann, Basel, Switzerland, Figure 10). Based on 3D printed
contacts were checked.17 (Figure 6) Patient was asked to use the models a mock-up was carried out to corroborate the esthetic pro-
interocclusal dispositive for 72 h. It was indicated to remove it only posal (Hydrorise Putty, Hydrorise Light Body, Zhermack, Rome, Italy;
for eating and oral hygiene purposes. Soft diet was suggested dur- Luxatemp Ultra, DMG, NJ, USA). New photographs were taken
ing this phase. (Figure 11).

FIGURE 9 Digital wax up.

FIGURE 10 3D-Printed models of the digital designed wax up.


After mock-up approval, new indexes were created over After patient's recall, he was asked for a second tele-radiography
3D-printed models using clear light body silicon (Elite Transpar- with Ricketts cephalometric analysis and second TMJ's CBCT follow-
ent, Zhermack, Rome, Italy). Adhesive temporization was per- ing the same indications as the first one.
formed as follows18 (Figure 12). (1) Each tooth was isolated and The cephalometric analysis demonstrated a change in VOD,
etched. (2) Flowable composite resin was injected and polymer- showing normal parameters of RIT angle (47 ) (Normal range 47 ± 4 ).
ized tooth by tooth, starting with upper anterior and lower ante- TMJ's CBCT showed a more centric condyle position bilaterally. Both
rior teeth (canine to canine) to obtain anterior coupling and condyles showed an increased displacement during anterior transla-
disocclusion guidance. (3) After occlusal checking, posterior tion in maximum aperture (Figures 14 and 15).
groups were treated similarly. (4) Minor intraoral adjustments Clinically, the muscular pain and discomfort disappeared, and
were performed (Tetric Evo Flow, Ivoclar Vivadent AG, Schaan, mandibular-assisted aperture improve up to 43 mm. Intraorally, minor
Liechtenstein) (Figure 13). The result was a stable centric occlu- resin wear was perceived, and no mayor findings were observed.
sion with a mutually protected scheme and augmented VOD. The Patient was satisfied with the functional and esthetic outcome of
patient was dismissed and asked to come back for re-evaluation the provisional phase. He also described not feeling muscular fatigue
after 3 weeks. in the mornings anymore relating a better sleeping.

FIGURE 11 Silicon indexes and extraoral photography with mock-up.

FIGURE 12 Clear silicon indexes over 3D-printed models.


For tooth #2.6, it was decided to do an extraction and osteotome-transposition of it, permitting to place a 12 mm length
immediate implant placement combined with transcrestal sinus implant (Figure 16). A surgical template was designed and exported
floor augmentation. Using Codiagnostix Software (Straumann, for 3D printing (Straumann TL RN, Straumann, Basel, Switzerland).
Basel Switzerland) it was virtually planned to place a 4.1 by 8 mm Socket Sealing Abutment Technique (SSA)20 was selected to pro-
tissue-level implant. This selection would allow to perform a tect the allograft material around the implant. (Maxgraft, Botiss
guided osteotomy until the sinus floor and then perform an Biomaterials GmbH, Zossen, Germany).

FIGURE 13 Provisional bonding process using flowable composite injected through clear silicon matrix.

FIGURE 14 Lateral tele-radiography with Ricketts cephalometric analysis after temporization.


FIGURE 15 CBCT of temporomandibular joints after temporization.

F I G U R E 1 6 Digital Implant Treatment Planning. (A) Transversal view of 8 mm length implant. (B) Tangential view of 8 mm length implant.
(C) Transversal view of 12 mm length implant. (D) Tangential view of 12 mm length implant.

2.2 | Definitive treatment 2.6 was carefully performed using periotomes for septum preserva-
tion. The socket was degranulated. S-CAIS was performed drilling only
Patient signed an informed consent for the treatment and for the use with a 2.8 mm diameter drill until reaching the sinus floor. Transcrestal
of clinical images for further educational purposes. The extraction of sinus floor elevation was then carried out using osteotomes and

FIGURE 17 Computer-assisted osteotomy and immediate implant placement into the molar septum. Socket seal abutment (SSA) Technique.

FIGURE 18 CAD/CAM anterior lithium disilicate monolithic restorations.

F I G U R E 1 9 Bonding process of
anterior CAD/CAM lithium disilicate
monolithic restorations.

0,5 cc of allograft for sinus augmentation. Straumann TL RN was greater than 50 Ncm. Following SSA protocol, a resin-customized
4.1  12 mm implant was then placed into the alveolar septum and healing abutment was installed to seal the grafted socket and maintain
the alveolar gap was filled with the same allograft. Insertion torque the emergency profile of the extracted molar (RN Titanium Abutment,

F I G U R E 2 0 CAD/CAM posterior
lithium disilicate monolithic restorations.

FIGURE 21 Intraoral photographs of the initial situation and after treatment completion.

Straumann, Basel, Switzerland, Figure 17) Amoxicillin 875 mg twice a Digital files were sent to the lab. Impression models were super-
day for 7 days and Ibuprofen 600 mg twice a day for 3 days were pre- imposed over the digital wax up and definitive restorations were
scribed. At 7 and 14 days follow up, patient presented an uneventful designed in Exocad. After approval, CAD/CAM Lithium Disilicate
healing.22 structures were milled and stained (IPS e.max CAD LT A2, Ivoclar
Three months after implant placement, the definitive prosthetic Vivadent AG, Schaan, Liechtenstein) (Ceramill Motion 3, Amann
treatment was initiated. Girrbach GmbH, Pforzheim, Germany). 3D printed models of the prep-
Provisional restorations were utilized as reduction guides for arations were requested for restorations contacts evaluation and
teeth preparation in anterior teeth. Since palatal coupling was neces- staining.24,25 (Figure 18).
sary, maxillary central incisors, lateral incisors, and canines were pre- In the following appointment, mock-up of the anterior teeth was
pared for crowns and lower incisors and cuspids for veneers, removed. After absolute isolation, maxillary and mandibular anterior
following the wax-up design. Immediate Dentin Sealing (IDS)23 was restorations were bonded (Variolink Veneer DC Light, Ivoclar Viva-
performed (Optibond FL, Kerr Dental, CA, USA). Digital impressions dent AG, Schaan, Liechtenstein). No occlusal adjustment was needed
were taken. A bite register was obtained based on posterior bilateral (Figure 19).
contacts. Vaseline was applied over prepped teeth and mock-up was In the following appointment, posterior mandibular restorations
utilized as short-term provisional. were used as a guide for teeth reduction. Teeth were prepped as

F I G U R E 2 2 Intraoral photographs of the initial situation and after treatment completion in during functional analysis. Nightguard wad
digitally designed milled.

During the following clinical session, maxillary restorations were

bonded under absolute isolation and the implant crown was installed
and torqued at 35 Ncm. A Teflon plug was inserted to protect the
screw and the prosthetic chimney was covered with composite resin
(Tetric Evo A2, Ivoclar Vivadent AG, Schaan, Liechtenstein). Minor
occlusal adjustments were performed (Figure 21).
Bite was opened 5 mm in the anterior region using a leaf gauge,
and upper and lower digital impressions were taken and. New occlusal
relation was registered. Files were sent to the lab for a nightguard
design and fabrication (ProArt CAD Splint, Ivoclar Vivadent AG,
Schaan, Liechtenstein). In the follow-up appointment, no complica-
tions were observed. Nightguard was delivered and oral hygiene
F I G U R E 2 3 Initial extraoral photography and after treatment
instructions were given to the patient. Extraoral and intraoral photo-
completion photography.
graphs were taken. (Figures 22 and 23).
The patient has been under periodic follow-ups for 30 months
minimally invasive as possible. IDS was performed. Digital impressions without presenting any complications. He has been receiving ade-
were taken, and files were sent to the lab. The same designing proto- quate supportive periodontal treatment every 6 months
col as anterior restorations was utilized, and the same material was (Figure 24).
used. Bys-acril was also used for short-term provisional restorations.
In the next appointment, provisional material was removed, and defin-
itive CAD/CAM restorations were bonded (Figure 20). For the poste- 3 | DI SCU SSION
rior maxillary restorations, the same protocol was utilized except for
tooth #2.6 where the customized healing abutment was removed at Nowadays, it is more and more frequent to find patients suffering
the time of digital impressions. A scan body (TL RN Scan Body, Strau- from bruxism and it is not unusual to observe abraded teeth and frac-
mann, Basel, Switzerland) was used to transfer the implant position to tured restorations. Heavy bruxism combined with an acid diet could
the lab digitally. A screw-retained crown was designed to be cemen- be considered as a dangerous combination to develop dental abrasion
ted over a ti-base (TL RN Variobase, Straumann, Basel, Switzerland). and erosion. This situation can lead to functional and esthetic compli-
The implant crown and all the posterior maxillary restorations were cations and teeth sensitivity.1 When the amount of dental wear is not
milled using lithium disilicate. compensated by dentoalveolar extrusion, the patient's VOD can

FIGURE 24 Thirty months follow up. Periapical X-rays, orthopantomography and intraoral photos.

decrease significantly and sometimes this phenomenon can affect the coming from intraoral digital impressions allowed for a tailored digital
TMJ, muscles, and ligaments of the stomatognathic system. implant treatment planning, allowing to perform a computer-assisted
In the described case report, the patient presented with a immediate implant placement and a transcrestal sinus elevation based
severely worn dentition and diminished VOD. He related pain and on the use of the molar septum as the main anchorage structure.5,6
soreness in some of the elevator muscles, and this situation was also Freehand osteotomy into bone septum can be challenging since
observed during the clinical exam. After stabilization of the occlusion implant drills usually slip and eventually can break the remaining bone,
and devolution of an adequate VOD with temporary restorations, making the installation of the implant unfeasible. Therefore, S-CAIS
patients' symptoms disappeared.2,11 Occlusal stabilization and an ade- can be very helpful in avoiding intraoperative complications when uti-
quate vertical occlusal dimension are important factors for an ade- lizing this approach.9–11
quate muscle-skeletal function and are considered essential for Modern oral rehabilitation is based on the combination of conser-
comprehensive oral rehabilitation. However, when significant changes vative restorative techniques and the use of digital technologies to
of the VOD are proposed, it is essential to allow enough time for support the design and fabrication of prosthetic structures.12 The evo-
patient's anatomical structures to get used to the proposed restor- lution of adhesive dentistry in the last decade is changing how restor-
ative treatment. The use of provisional restorations is a simple and ative procedures are performed and shifting how teeth are prepared
stable way to check if the proposed augmentation of the vertical to retain prosthetic structures.13,14 In the described clinical situation,
dimension is inside the boundaries of patient's tolerance, avoiding minor teeth preparations were performed and adhesive protocols
pain or discomfort after the definitive treatment. Since composite were strictly followed to bond reinforced ceramic restorations. Addi-
resin is less expensive than ceramics or zirconia, and allows for modifi- tionally, all data acquisition, treatment planning, designing and
cations, it is a reliable material for long-term temporization. However, manufacturing of prosthetic structures was conducted based on the
since provisional structures can be in place for several months, it is use of a digital workflow using specialized software and
mandatory to create appropriate restorative conditions to allow ade- hardware.15–26 Thus, CAD/CAM dentistry contributed to restoring a
quate oral hygiene procedures. Digital imaging and CAD/CAM wax up highly deteriorated oral and muscle-skeletal system in a precise and
play an important role during this phase. fast manner, optimizing the whole treatment process.
Since the introduction of CBCT into our field in the late 1990s,
digital tridimensional imaging has contributed enormously to dentis-
try's diagnosis and treatment planning. Information collected from 4 | CONC LU SIONS
CBCT can be applied for different specialties and nowadays is consid-
ered the gold standard for the evaluation of other structures in the An appropriate knowledge on dental erosion and oral rehabilitation
maxillofacial area.3,4,8 In the described clinical situation, tridimensional are very important factors to perform an adequate dental treatment in
digital imaging was utilized to evaluate teeth, bone ridges and tempo- cases like the described situation. Moreover, the combination of those
romandibular joints during the different treatment phases.7 Moreover, skills with digital dentistry could lead the clinician to deliver a faster,
the registration of DICOM files obtained from CBCT with STL files accurate and predictable non-invasive restorative treatment in cases

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How to cite this article: Lanis A, Gallucci G, Pedrinaci I. Full
12. Hamilton A, Singh A, Friedland B, Jamjoom FZ, Griseto N,
Gallucci GO. The impact of cone beam computer tomography field of
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computer-assisted implant surgery: a CBCT analysis. Clin Oral 596‐608. doi:10.1111/jerd.13020
Implants Res. 2022;33:1273-1281.

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