Oracle Unit - 1 Assignment

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Unit-1 Assi Jmnent Page.

( whct is detu 2

’ The neme OÂ CInH cbject is Called dcrtc.

> In otherS WoTdS l the Sinle itens theet

Cane Stoted in cdcttu bse is Aed dete

() WhcH is DaHubase ?
’A dctubcse is cd CallecCtion of Teichted & meann:
f2l deHC.

’A dcrtbuse is am
cm or]cmized Colection 0f StctEd
fnformcition or dette tìPìc1ny Stored eiectToiCeny
im c ComPeter Sstem..

3) Whct is Abms ? ErPlciim henefits of dhms 2

D8MS is a System (Software) Which is ysed

to menage the dcitubase.

FoT CYeuting deitcabuse in ayr ComPter

effüctíveig we meed
Softwere which
insert uPdctte, delete Land ProCess the detel.

o munage cin the Cbole tusks , we need ct

softwee Which is Cled detubuse mumaJeme sstem.

ExcimPles A
Oracie, ms cACcess foxPrcO
forbuse, sybse dbuse3 + etc

*Benefits of DRMS

> We Cum Yeduce duPicctian of dctt

’Stored dcttc cun be ShcaTed to mutiPie

’ We Cum Cnter ony accyrete dete without


Se Cunit} of datu un be maintuin.

-) We Cen Acess dettc Faster.

> Re coVerY Cnd BackaP of dete cNìncble

(4)Whct is RDßMS?
ROßMSiS a DBMS which s ysed to set
Yelcrtiom ShiP betueen TelcHted tubies.

RDBMS is a DBMS, thcet is bused

Yelction) model, Crected 6y dr.E.F. Codd
-) RDBMS StoS the dutain form of eicuteo

tubies itmecns if we heNe multiPie tubies

Whch Ye Telctedto eath ather e Cam get
Calecteddctu from the m.

OPPoSite th it, We Can SPredd d sinie tabie

Severa tubles

-ErnPie of RDBMS OTaCie MS SQL SerVeY ,

Sbase SQL SeNer IAM'S D82

(5). DREe rence Between DBMS ROBMS

1.Reldtion Shì betueen 2RelatianShi betueen 2
tables cTe ntuined tabies Cun be SPecifed ct
Projrammctica3 the time of tubie CTectiom.

2.DBMS does not suPPoTt RDBMS SuPPort s Cient serve

Ciient serveY ArChiteCre Archìtecture

3. H does not Syffort It SuPParts distibuted

distributed dctcabase det.ubcase

4 I n DRMS the re is No It PraudeS ymurtifie

Secvnty of dta leveis of sicuTit7

() os evel.

t) obiec Jeuel:

5 Ech tible is given Man tubies me

ertenion qrayfed into

6. H Stisfies less thm It Sctis fies moYe thcm
7to 8 es of 4 to & 1eS of
dr. e.fa Codd dT.e.f. Codd.

6 ErPlcin 2 Raies Of dT, E.E.Codd.

Ree1Informcehon Rzle
An dcete Shod be sntubelar formct
Reue 2GcAnteed acesS Reie
Andcto Sholud be Accessibe Cusiìy wit ct
uny pToble m. The System Shad Pouide dL
Qcurc tee, thct the dcttc stered in it un be
accessible in the fzture.

Rae Ka 5ystemiC trectme nt of Du) Venes

A fiela of aa tubie
Shald be 4llowedto
emAim empt whiCh is Caned
mecns, if ser dom't weimt to to enter
ent und
Veraein d fìeld it Should cloWed

The str2cture of a tuble Cen be

accessed bythe Sume

theSume toolS CCammcmds) thet
1re 2sed to ACcess the tlble dctt.

Reue 5.Comrebensiye_detu Syb lem uu9e Rule.

The dctubese must sulfort ome lunuuge thet
fumction__ for det Crecttion, manilzlution,
dotu integrity cmd trnstio) Cormnands
mast of RDBMS uses SQLL us theiysullorti Ve

R2ue 6. Vieu) afacttingT1e

If muItPre users at Adifeyent Pices WoTK
the sume dtubuse cind cny yser muke
(hcmgeS in dotubeisethct Cham9es Shad be
disPlciye d to c Other 2seTS
R2le Hi9h Jevel Rnse rt, Pdcte and deiete
In Tlctionadoltabhase, mcn tubies
cn ofercitions Like
Teluted to Ceich other. So umy
ínsert YPdclte or delete aePhed in on tib1e
Should be cutomatically affied to all Telted

Ree8 Physical dutandefenaence

The Shoyld 6e ym Cawete ubaltPhysicu
StoTa9e of detubcise.There is no need toT to
Kmow theet where the dcetelbuse S StYed Im
hutd dsk..

Rene 9. Loaice)detu índcfendence

wWhen the Stractte af dettu is Chcm_ed.
the view of dutu Sholuld not be Chunged
R21e 1o, Interit indefendence
Whenthe 2ser inPut the dutu t must
be cheCKe) thct the mfzrtted dtta cYe Veuid o
not. hence cn
oniy accyiate
ccCTate deto
derto cme clotwed

R2ne 11. Distxiketion indefendente

The SCT Shod se yn auare caba tt detubuse
is_distrilerted en not

Rue 12, Non sub Version re,

As We knct) thct, everydbnsar Tdbns
SufPoTt cng one lungucge. So, dtt & strICture
Shcld be modified by Sime knquaie. There
Te9are ment of Suble ysion oY any other

(1) Whct is e.r, dic]ram ? exhein wiH, diegTcim

-) An entit) Yelcitisn Ship dia Jum isa relhiccll
Tefresentaion to ealh ather of entities
their Telationship to Cuch ather.
’ ERdiugrum Shols the releltiem s hiP of entities
StoTed in a dutubase

To ePresent giafhi Can) , folawin9symbols


H is_ cn object o Concet cbot Jhich

jaeahent to Store infoT mtign, H isYe resented


*2) Acion_i
It SholUS thet ho to ertitie s Shure
infomcHtion in the detbcse
du tubase or wbatt is the
Telction_hiP between them. t is ePesented
diamond Shafe


Attr keee is an informathom afF an entty.

It is Te Pre sented b OVa


Telcticn Shìf ? Er Picin tyles of

(2) Whctt is
in WhiCh tuo
>A relctionSbiP is the wey
’A An
dcitu Sets cIe lmked i.e
CISSOCicrtionbetaween two etit yles is
Called elcticn_hìP

* Mciniy three tHfps

es off RelceticnS)hiPs

()one ta One
One ertit iS Yelcted to om
Addhd Card
Person Namber

2) one to mnd
one entity is elcted to mamy entirties

LColege Stededs.
3) Men to mcm
mCAn CntltiescTeTelcded to

Restremds. Ciemts

A)Wht is NarmaiizeHian2
->Normalizctìon is à Process to Ye dyce
Cdapicte)deeto froM relcted tulbies

heils the desigmer to design tuble Strcture

for cn afPhcation ysin noTmAi2cetion, Colecton
lof dato in c Smqle tuble is ePluced by the
Aleedy erists In angthex Yeluted
Slme ddte, Cllyedy

Sing1e tabie, it (Cim be distibuted to the mte

tubles Usin a TelcltionSbif. So that, there is no
enter Sume dctd maRACAN cAll tubles.
meed to

-} TheYe

4) Narma) foTm (1NE)

Moke Scafycte table fo euch set of
TeIated cittnb2Lte5cmd give echtable
Primer Ke. Each Feld otiùns Ct east 0ne
from tsctih2rte damim.

2 NorM) Form (2 NE).

If an cttibzcte defemds cn 0ni urt
of c merti -Vc) 21e d
SePatte tuble

*3 NomcA Form (3 NED

cittib2tes do not Yelcited to c desiftim
Of the key , Yemove them ta d SePrete tuhe
An cittYibzites mist bedirectIY defenjents an
the Primr Key.

16) Whcdt is ddi ?

> ODL - Detc defimcition Lumgcge.

>it s a Set of SQL (omncnds sed to Crecte,

Modify chnddelete thedcttbuse strzctuTe but
not dclta

Crectte llteT, doP, TrunCate,Tenume

41) Whct isdm1 ?

DML stomds Detel memi Pzikrtion Lemguage.

DML Commcnds ame sed to woK Cnd Septe
the dctubase s of dtubeSe

-Ex insert, ufdute, delete


G2) Nhct isdcL?

dci stcimds for Dcttu ContYo) Lunguuse

-5 Thease Commemàs cne ysed to Contro) the derte

access The Ser cun ccCe ss the dcite
LeicCaTdin to the
to rights giuen to ser

ramt, reVaKe, Cmmrt rolbcCK Suve Point.

> Comnit, al back & ScNe Point Camands ae

Called TCL CTansaction Control

13) Whct isd9L2

91- Stcnds for Deta uer Lumjycise.

- It is ysed to 9et the det from detu base cnd

disPlay on SCreen.

Concmd Serec+"
Contains oniy one
is the hert of SQL

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