00 - PlantPAx System Design and Estimation Tools v5.0 (en-US)

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PlantPAx System Design and Estimation Tools

PSE v5.0
September 2020
Important User Information
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PlantPAx System Design and Estimation Tools

 About This Lab............................................................................................................................... 4

 What You Will Accomplish .............................................................................................................. 4

 Lab Mat erials ................................................................................................................................. 4
 Document Conventions .................................................................................................................. 5

 Before You Begin ........................................................................................................................... 5

1: Create a Process IAB Project Using Defaults ............................................................................... 6

2: Modify a Process Configuration.................................................................................................. 54

3: Correct Problem s in a PSE Configuration ................................................................................... 71

4. Virtual Data Server ...................................................................................................................... 74

5. ThinManager ............................................................................................................................... 79
About This Lab
The PlantPAx System Estimator (PSE) wizard of Integrated Architecture Builder (IAB) is designed to help
you develop budgetary quotes for distributed control systems. The PSE works from basic information
typically available when a process control system is being designed, and also allows for precise
configuration if desired.

Using the PSE defaults, all you need to create a budgetary quote is:
 Number of operator workstations
 I/O type and count by location

The PSE takes information you enter and applies architectural structure and system recommendations
from the PlantPAx Distributed Control System guidelines. Using these guidelines, the PSE helps you
determine the number of controllers needed in a subsystem based on I/O count and type; assuming
typical process control strategies. The PSE also gives you flexibility to adjust the relative complexity and
execution speed of the proposed control strategies. This flexibility allows you to adjust esti mates based
on evolving customer specifications.

NOTE: The PlantPAx System Estimator is continuously updated and improved with new features.
For best results with the lab, please use the recommended version of IAB identified in the Lab
Materials section. Any other versions of IAB may differ from the procedure outlined in this

What You Will Accomplish

As you complete the exercises in this hands-on session, you will:
 Become familiar with the PSE user interface
 Learn best practices for achieving optimal performance from your PlantPAx system
 Configure a Process System from user-supplied information using PSE defaults
 Learn how to set preferences
 Learn how to build a configuration of servers, controllers, I/O locations, and workstations
 Learn how to configure I/O using point counts or control strategies
 Assign I/O points to hardware

Lab Materials
For this hands-on lab, you need the following:
 Hardware – None
 Software – Integrated Architecture Builder (See Note in About this Lab)
 Documentation – None

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Document Conventions
Throughout this lab manual, we have used the following conventions to help guide you through the lab
This style or symbol: Indicates:
Words shown in bold italics (e.g., An item or button that you must click on, or a menu name from
Studio 5000 or OK) which you must choose an option or command. This will be an
actual name of an item that you see on your screen or in an
Words shown in italics, enclosed An item that you must type in the specified field. This is information
in single quotes (e.g., that you must supply based on your application (e.g., a variable).
Note: When you type the text in the field, remember that you do
not need to type the quotes; simply type the words that are
contained within them (e.g., Controller1).
Text that appears in a gray box is supplemental information.
Text in a gray Although it is not required in order to complete the lab exercises, it
may help you understand better how IAB works or how to use IAB
more efficiently.

Note: If the mouse button is not specified in the text, you should click on the left mouse button.

Before You Begin

Please close all open applications before starting this lab exercise.

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1: Create a Process IAB Project Using Defaults

The PSE wizard comes with default settings applied that make it possible for you to easily configure a
process system based on basic information that you can gather from a customer. In this section of the
lab, you’ll create a new project in IAB and use the PSE wizard to configure a process application based
on customer-supplied information. You’ll create the controllers, I/O and MCC locations, servers, and
workstations shown in the diagram and add the I/O points in terms of I/O types and counts.

A customer-supplied process control system diagram is provided on the following page.

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Note: For PowerFlex Drivers in this lab we can use PF755.

Follow the steps below to configure this project in IAB.

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1. If IAB is already running, skip to step 3.
If IAB is not already running, double click on the Integrated Architecture Builder icon on the
computer Desktop to launch IAB.

If IAB asks if you would like to establish an Internet connection, click No.
The IAB start page appears, with the IAB Project Options displayed.

2. Click New Project and skip to step 4.

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3. If IAB is already running, save any currently open project, then click the New button.

The Create a New Workspace dialog appears.

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4. In the Create a New Workspace dialog, select Process Automation Workspaces > PlantPAx
System Estimator and type in the Workspace Name ‘New_Process_Lab’, Click OK.

IAB Launches the PlantPAx wizard.

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5. Look at the PlantPAx wizard window. Notice that there are three areas:

PlantPAx System

System Tree Action and

Information Area

6. Notice that each new system automatically includes:

Click on each icon to see that the action and information area on the right changes depending on the
item selected on the left.

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7. Looking at the customer’s process control system diagram, we see that the application has a
supervisory network with six operator workstations and one engineering workstation. Under the
supervisory network are several controllers. This application is organized into three subsystems.

 Premix - Raw – Has one controller that controls I/O and MCC in two physical locations (Premix
and Raw Material Storage)

 Reactors – Has two locations, each of which has a controller with I/O and MCC (Reactor 1 and
Reactor 2)

 Product Storage – Has one controller with I/O and MCC in one location (Product Storage)

Premix - Raw Reactors Product Storage

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8. Right click on the PlantPAx_SS.1 item in the system tree and select Rename. (Slow double click
also works.)

Type in the name Process Plant and hit Enter.

9. Rename PASS_001 to PASS

10. Rename OWS_001 to Premix Control Room.

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11. Add a control room that will be used to logically organize the operator workstations in the central
control room. Right click on the Process Plant item and then click Add Control Room.

12. Rename ControlRoom_001 to ‘Central Control Room’.

13. Add an operator workstation to the central control room. Right click on the Central Control Room
item. Select Add OWS.

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14. Rename the new workstation Central Control 1

15. Click on Central Control 1 to view the OWS Preferences. In the OWS Preferences pane, you can
configure the number of monitors, the number of process displays, and the number of tags per
monitor. You can also configure the scope for the OWS, which gives you the ability to limit the OWS
to specific controllers.

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16. Configure this OWS to use a multi-monitor configuration. Select 4 from the Number of Monitors drop
down and 4 from the Number of Process Displays drop down. You also have the ability to configure
the number of tags on each monitor. Leave the tags at the default values for the lab.

17. Repeat steps 13 and 14 to add two more workstations to the central control room named Central
Control 2 and Central Control 3.

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18. We can move existing components into the central control room as well. Let’s move the engineering
workstation to the central control room. Right click on EWS_001 in the system tree and select
Move EWS…

19. Select Central Control Room. Click OK.

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20. The following steps will describe how to add the other operator workstations at the system level .
Right click on the Process Plant item. Notice that you can add more servers, engineering
workstations, operator workstations, and terminals at the system level. Select Add OWS.

PSE adds a new operator workstation to the tree at the system level.

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21. Rename the new workstation E & I Superintendent.

22. Repeat steps 20 and 21 to add one more operator workstation named Plant Surrendering.

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23. From the drawing, we see that the Premix - Raw area has one controller that controls I/O in two
locations (Premix and Raw Material Storage) and a MCC.

You can use the default subsystem, controller, and I/O location that IAB has created to begin adding
these items to the configuration.
The subsystem folder is a container for the controllers and I/O locations associated with a particular
process area. IAB has added a default subsystem folder to the tree under the PASS. Right click on
the folder, select Rename, and type in the name Premix - Raw.

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24. Right click on the controller that IAB has added in the Premix - Raw subsystem and try to rename it
Premix - Raw as well. You will get the following error:

Unlike in previous versions of IAB, you cannot have duplicate names for Process Plant items
even if they are completely different components. Click OK. Right -click on the controller and
instead rename it to ‘Premix – Raw Controller’:

25. Right click the I/O location that IAB has added by default under the Premix - Raw controller and
rename it Premix.
The tree should now look like this:

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26. The Premix - Raw area has one more I/O location. Right click the Premix - Raw Controller and
select Add I/O Location.

IAB adds a new I/O location under the Premix - Raw controller.

27. Right click the new I/O location and rename it Raw Material Storage.

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28. The Premix - Raw area has a MCC location. Right click the Premix - Raw Controller and select Add
MCC Location

Right click the new MCC location and rename it Premix MCC

29. Now add the other subsystems. Right click on the PASS and select Add Subsystem.

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IAB adds a new subsystem folder under the PASS.

30. Rename this new folder Reactors.

31. Repeat step 29 to add a new subsystem and rename it Product Storage.
With the Premix - Raw subsystem folder collapsed, the tree should now look like this:

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32. From the drawing, you can see that the Reactors area has two controllers, each with a single I/O
and MCC location.

In the tree, right click on the Reactors subsystem folder and select Add Controller.

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IAB adds a controller under the Reactors folder. Rename the new controller Reactor 1.

Repeat to add another controller and rename this one Reactor 2.

33. Right click on Reactor 1 and select Add I/O Location.

IAB adds a new I/O location under the Reactor 1 controller. Rename it Reactor 1 I/O.

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34. Right click on the Reactor 1 controller and select Add MCC Location, and rename it Reactor 1

35. Repeat Steps 33 and 34 to add an I/O location and an MCC location under the Reactor 2 controller.
Rename the new I/O location Reactor 2 I/O, and the new MCC location Reactor 2 MCC.

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36. Check the drawing to see that the Product Storage area has one controller and one I/O location.

Right click the Product Storage subsystem folder and select Add Controller. IAB adds a new
controller. Rename the controller Product Storage Controller. Add an I/O location to the Product
Storage controller and rename it Product Storage I/O. Add an MCC location to the Product Storage
controller and rename it Product Storage MCC.

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37. You have now created the tree for the process application, including areas (subsystems), controllers,
and I/O locations as well as operator workstations.

Next you will set preferences for each of the items you created.

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38. Click on the PASS in the tree. Notice the server preferences that appear.

For the server, you can specify the following:

 Servers: The PASS can be specified to include an HMI Server and a Data/Alarm Server. The
PASS can also support a second data server by selecting the Dual Data Server option. This
doubles the data processing capacity of the PASS server.
 License type: The PASS can be licensed for a number of displays or you can specify a combo
license which will allow for unlimited displays and up to 25 OWS clients.
 Redundant or Non-Redundant Server configurations
 Additional information for tags, alarms, and update rates.
Notice that IAB has selected default values for all the parameters. For now leave all these
preferences at their default values.

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39. Click on the Premix - Raw subsystem folder. Subsystem preferences are displayed.

The preferences pane allows you to select a default architecture type. There are 3 options: Redundant
(PRP), Resilient (DLR), and Simplex.

Select Resilient (DLR) for the Premix – Raw subsystem.

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40. Click on the Product Storage subsystem folder. Select Simplex for the subsystem.

41. Click on the Premix - Raw Controller. Controller preferences for the selected controller are

In the Controller Preferences pane, you can specify controller type, controller location, network
connectivity, and edit communication modules under the selected controller. Additionally, you can
specify the task rates for Fast, Normal, and Slow. These tasks are based on the PlantPAx tasking
model for controller applications.
In the Controller Summary pane, you can reserve a percentage of extra memory and CPU for
additional application code. It is recommended that you reserve at least 10% of your controller
memory and CPU for additional application code. In some cases, such as batch, you may need to
reserve more.

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42. Click on the Controller Type dropdown to display a list of the controllers you can select. Notice that
the way to specify a redundant controller is to select one of the items labeled Redundant in the
controller dropdown. Leave the default 1756-L83EP selected.

43. Right click on the PADC_001 icon in the tree. Rename to Domain Controller, and then select the
Redundant Domain Controller checkbox.

44. Right click on the ASIH_001 icon in the tree and rename to Historian. Configure the number of tags
that will be licensed for the historian server. Enter a quantity of ‘1’ for 5,000 license tags. Note the
system will notify you if the selection is lower than the number of tags estimated by the tool.

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45. Click on the AppSvrAssetMgt_001 icon in the tree and rename to Asset Management. The
preferences pane allows you to configure additional assets and options for calibration management
and disaster recovery.

46. Right click on the ASIS_001 icon in the tree and rename to SQL Server. In the server preferences
pane, you can configure the license type for the SQL server.

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47. Expand the Central Control Room and Click on the EWS_001 icon in the tree. Rename EWS_001 to
EWS01. As an option we can include the Loop-Pro Tuner Software in the Engineering Workstation.
Loop-Pro Tuner is award-winning technology that easily connects to your process data for modeling
and tuning.

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48. Select any computer, and then right-click and select Reorder.., selecting the up/down buttons it is
possible to create a different organization.

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49. Returning to the Premix – Raw subsystem, click on the Premix I/O location. Notice that none of the
I/O Location Preferences can be entered on this screen. Also notice the Configure Location button.
When you want to specify the I/O that is contained in the selected I/O location, you would click this

50. Click the Configure Location button now. IAB displays the I/O configuration (load estimation tool)
window for this I/O location.

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There is a lot going on in this window, so let’s take a few minutes to look at the different parts of it.
51. In the upper left corner is the name of the I/O location. If this location is part of the customer’s
existing plant, you would check the Existing checkbox.

52. Under the Location Name are boxes for entering I/O Count. We will be using these for the current
project. If you would rather specify numbers of control strategies instead of numbers of I/O points,
you would click the Change to Control Strategy Input button. For this project, we are going to use
I/O Count. There is also a box to enter the percentage of spare I/O points to be included.

53. The large table in the center of the window shows information about control strategies.

For each control strategy type listed on the left of the table, the following information is displayed:

 Number of control strategies at different execution times. For example, the highlighted cells below
shows the number of Complex Regulatory Non-PID control strategies defined for the Fast,
Normal, and Slow tasks:

 Number of I/O points, tags, and memory allocated for the control strategy. For example, each
Complex_Reg_NonP ID control strategy uses 1 Digital Input and 1 Analog Input. It also has 115
visualization tags, 12 historian tags, and 12 alarm tags allocated. Finally, 9.40KB of controller
memory is allocated for each Complex_Reg_NonPID control strategy.

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 The total I/O points, tags, and memory for each type of control strategies. This is the shaded area
of the table.

54. The upper right corner of the window displays the used preference version, selecting Edit will let you
choose the source of the I/O point, tag, and memory allocations that are used for the control

Feel free to review the different library options. For this exercise we will use Process Library v5.00
- Profile A – Normal Tasks in the dropdown.

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55. At the bottom left of the table is a summary of the I/O points, tags, alarms, and memory for the
controller that controls this I/O location, along with an indication of controller loading. This data is
totaled from all the I/O locations controlled by the same controller and gives you an easy to read
indication of controller loading.

56. Finally, the lower right corner provides data to show if additional I/O points must be specified to meet
the requirements of the IAB-selected control strategies when using I/O counts to configure I/O. We
will see how these work shortly.

57. Now that you’ve taken a brief tour of the I/O configuration window, you can start entering I/O counts.
Look at the customer drawing and notice the I/O counts for the Premix location:

Enter the values from the drawing in the I/O Count Fields. Click out of the I/O Count Fields when
finished entering values.

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58. Notice what has happened in the Control Strategy table.

 Control strategies have been allocated:

 I/O points, tags, and memory have been totaled for each control strategy:

 The controller summary has been updated: about 13 % of controller capacity has been used.
NOTE: This 13 % includes the 10 % reserve of user defined application code as defined in
the controller summary.

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59. No under-allocated I/O has been reported, so click the Accept button.

60. Click the Raw Material Storage I/O location in the tree and click the Configure Location button for
this location.

61. Enter the I/O counts for the Raw Material Storage location:

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62. Click Accept.

63. Enter the MCC devices for the Premix location:

64. Select Premix MCC Location, and then click Configure MCC, enter the MCC devices.

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For each motor type listed on the left of the table, the following information is displayed:
 Number of control strategies at different execution times.
 Number of tags and memory allocated for the control strategy.
 The total tags and memory for each type of control strategies.

65. The upper right corner of the window displays the version of the library that is used for calculating the
control strategy data. Selecting Edit will let you choose a different source. Continue to use the
Process Library v5.00 Standard Tasks template. Click OK and Accept.
66. Click the Reactor 1 I/O location in the tree and click Configure Location. Enter the I/O counts for
the Reactor 1 location.

Notice that the Under-Allocated I/O display shows the number 1 in the AI field, after Accept.

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The number 1 indicates that one more AI count is required to fulfill the I/O requirements of the
allocated control strategies. In this example we will change the I/O Requirements to match the
control strategies count.
Increase the AI I/O count by one, to 33. Click out of the field after entering the new value.

Now the Under-Allocated I/O fields are clear, so click Accept.

67. Select Reactor 1 MCC location, and then enter the MCC devices data.

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68. Repeat previous steps for the Reactor 2 I/O and MCC location (same values).

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69. In the tree, select the Product Storage I/O location and click the Configure Location button. Enter
the I/O values in the I/O Count Fields as follows.

For the Product Storage location, the Under-Allocated I/O display shows one more DI is needed.
Increase the DI count to 25, then click Accept.

70. Enter the Product Storage MCC data.

71. Click on each item in the tree and notice how the summary information for each item has been
updated per your I/O entries.

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72. With the I/O data entered, you are now ready to assign specific I/O modules. Click on the Premix
I/O location in the tree. Notice the radio buttons at the bottom of the window.

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73. Click the Assign I/O to Hardware radio button. IAB displays a table of I/O types and quantities with
specific modules assigned to each. Notice that the Use Default Settings checkbox is checked by

IAB has selected ControlLogix I/O modules by default. Later in the lab, you’ll see how you can:

 Change the assigned I/O module for each type

 Select different I/O platforms

 Add additional lines in the table and divide the total I/O quantity for a type among two or more I/O

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74. Examine the section of the table for Conventional Digital Inputs.

 The green color indicates that all I/O of the stated type has been assigned to modules.

 The colored bar indicates the I/O type, in this case Conventional Digital Inputs.

 The numbers in the green bar show I/O points assigned / total I/O points. For example, in this case
56 points out of a total of 56 have been assigned to a module.

 The white table rows below the colored row show the specific modules to which I/O points have
been assigned.
For now we’ll accept the defaults. Click on each I/O location to see how the I/O has been assigned.
75. Check the Generate Bill-of-Material upon Finish checkbox and click Finish.

IAB generates the hardware for the specified process application.

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76. Click the Network tab. The Network tab is a tree view which enumerates the networks in the project,
along with the devices connected to the networks. You can move the components around and zoom
in and out with the slider to better see the architecture.

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77. Click on the Architecture tab. The Architecture tab is a tree view which enumerates the devices,
networks, areas, and enclosures in the Architecture View.

78. Click on the Hardware tab and check the hardware views of the created chassis to see the way the
controllers and I/O have been configured.

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79. Click the Project BOM button and check the project BOM and confirm to save changes. Click No if
prompted to connect to the Internet.

You have now seen how to quickly configure a simple process application using the PSE and it s default
selections. Next, you’ll learn how to configure an application in more detail. Close the BOM.

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2: Modify a Process Configuration

Using system defaults to quickly configure a process application can be useful for budgetary purposes,
but most process applications will require more detailed configuration later if not sooner. In this lab
section, you will modify the configuration you created in the previous section and learn about the detailed
configuration features of the PSE.

Suppose your customer has reviewed the initial configuration and has provided you with some additional
details and requirements:
 Use redundant power supplies on all ControlLogix chassis
 Use a DLR ring for the MCC in the Premix subsystem
 Use redundant controllers in the reactor subsystem
 Use 8 channel analog input modules (1756-IF8) throughout instead of the 16 point versions quoted
 Add 5 AI and 2 AO Foundation Fieldbus devices to both Reactor 1 and Reactor 2
 Add 15 HART inputs to Product Storage
 Use FLEX I/O for the Product Storage I/O

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1. Go to the Wizard View. Double click on the Process Plant item to reopen the PSE.

2. Use redundant power supplies on all ControlLogix chassis. In the PlantPAx System Estimator,
system preferences are stored in a PlantPAxSystem_v5.0.PAxSys file. You can open to edit the
system preferences. Click on the Process Plant icon at the top of the tree. Notice that System
Preferences are being supplied by PlantPAx System Preferences v5.0.

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3. Click the Edit System Preferences button.
IAB opens the system preferences

Close the Manage PlantPAx System Preferences, selecting OK.

4. Click the Edit Hardware Defaults button

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5. Select the checkbox for Use Redundant Power Supplies. Click the OK button.

6. Note that the FactoryTalk Directory is defined in the drop-down box. This box will be populated with
all PASS servers defined in the system. A PlantPAx system only requires one PASS server to be
defined as the FactoryTalk Directory.

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7. The PSE allows for different network types to be added for controllers. Click on the Premix - Raw
Controller in the tree. In the Controller Preferences area, select Edit Communication Modules.

8. Add an un-converged DLR ring for an MCC. Un-converged modules will be isolated to the controller
chassis. Converged modules will be included in the default architecture defined for the subsystem.
Select EtherNet/IP DLR from the dropdown menu. Click Add. Click OK.

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9. Click the Premix MCC location. Select the UNCONVERGED - ENETDLR001 module from the
dropdown in local network preferences.

10. Use redundant controllers in the Reactors subsystem. Click the Reactor 1 controller in the tree. In
the Controller dropdown, select 1756-L83EP Redundant to specify a redundant controller. This
selection will generate a pair of redundant chassis with duplicate controllers, redundancy modules,
and communication modules and will add the necessary cables to the BOM as well.

Repeat for Reactor 2 controller. Notice how the CPU Used % increases when redundant
controllers are selected.
11. Use 8 channel analog input modules (1756-IF8). Since this change is to be applied throughout the
project, you should make the change in the Hardware Defaults. Click the Process Plant (system) at
the top of the tree and click the Edit Hardware Defaults button.

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IAB displays the Edit Hardware Defaults dialog. The Edit Hardware Defaults dialog lets you select
the I/O modules that will be used in the wizard by default. There are two sections: I/O Breakdown by
Family, and Default Module Selection.

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12. For our application, we will not change the I/O Breakdown by Family. That is, we will use 100%
ControlLogix I/O as the default for both digital and analog I/O. We want to have the PSE use 1756-
IF8 modules for all analog inputs. In the Default Module Selection section of t he dialog, find the line
for 1756 ControlLogix – Analog Inputs, and use the dropdown to select the 1756-IF8 module.

Click OK to accept the changes.

13. Add 5 AI and 2 AO Foundation Fieldbus devices to both Reactor 1 and Reactor 2. To add I/O points
like this is a multi-step operation. First, you must increase the total I/O quantity for each location.
Second, you must specify that 5 AI and 2 AO points are to be for Foundation Fieldbus devices. To
get started, click the Reactor 1 I/O location in the tree and click the Configure Location button.

IAB opens the I/O Configuration dialog.

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14. Increase the AI quantity by 5, to 38, and increase the AO quantity by 2, to 32. Click out of the I/O
count fields. This will account for the new I/O points in the totals. Click Accept to ok the changes.

15. Now click the Assign I/O to Hardware radio button.

16. Click the Define Network I/O button in the upper right corner of the display.

This launches a dialog in which you can specify the number of IO points for Process Networks.
Enter ‘5’ in the AI box for Process Network I/O and enter ‘2’ in the AO box and click out of the field.
Notice that when you do this, the Conventional I/O totals are adjusted so that the total AI and AO are
the same as entered in the Location Define I/O dialog. Click Accept.

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17. The I/O assignment table now shows a new area titled Process Network I/O. Notice that it contains
seven points assigned to EtherNet/IP. Per our customer’s request, we want to have all the Process
I/O assigned to Foundation Fieldbus.

18. Click the Process Plant item in the tree, click the Edit Hardware Defaults button, and in the dialog
that appears set the % Foundation Fieldbus Devices box to ‘100’. Click OK to accept the

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19. Click back on Reactor 1 I/O, and the I/O assignment table shows all 7 Process Network I/O points
assigned to Foundation Fieldbus.

20. You could repeat the previous steps for the Reactor 2 I/O location. But since Reactor 2 is the same
as Reactor 1, you can also delete the Reactor 2 controller and its I/O location and duplicate Reactor
1 to accomplish the same end.
Right click the Reactor 2 controller and select Delete Controller and I/O Locations. IAB deletes
the location and its associated I/O location.

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21. Right click the Reactor 1 controller and select Copy Controller and I/O Locations.

IAB creates a new controller named Reactor 1 - Copy and an I/O location named Reactor 1 I/O -
Copy. Rename the new controller and I/O location Reactor 2, Reactor 2 I/O, and Reactor 2 MCC

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22. Check the I/O assignments for Reactor 2 I/O and verify that the seven process network I/O points
are there.

23. Add 15 HART inputs to Product Storage. This again is a two-step process – first, add 15 Analog
Inputs to the I/O totals in the Define I/O table, and second, allocate those 15 analog inputs to HART
I/O modules.
Click the Define I/O or Control Strategies radio button.

Click on the Product Storage I/O location and click the Configure Location button.

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24. In the I/O Configuration dialog, enter 15 in the AI box and click out of the field. Click Accept to ok
the changes.

25. Click the Assign I/O to Hardware radio button. The I/O grid shows the 15 analog inputs you
entered assigned to a 1756-IF8 I/O module. You want to change this assignment to a HART
module. You’ll be departing from the defaults, so uncheck the Use Default Settings checkbox.

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26. You don’t want to reset the system-wide defaults to change the module assignment because that
would apply to all I/O locations, and you want to change only the Product Storage I/O location. You
can add a new line to the I/O grid for a HART Input module, then assign the 15 analog inputs to that
Use the dropdowns in the Conventional I/O section of the display to make the following choices:

 Family of I/O – 1756 ControlLogix I/O

 Type of I/O – Analog Inputs

 Catalog Number – 1756-IF16H

Click the Add to Grid button. IAB adds a new line to the Analog Inputs section of the grid for the
HART module. Zero I/O points are assigned to the HART module.

27. Change the number of analog inputs assigned to the 1756-IF8 module to zero and click out of the
field. IAB changes the Analog I/O section heading to red and puts an error icon next to the I/O
location in the tree. These indicators warn you that there is unallocated I/O.

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28. Enter 15 for the number of points assigned to HART I/O and click out of the field. The indicators are
now green, and you have accomplished adding 15 HART I/O points to the Product Storage I/O

29. Use FLEX I/O for the Product Storage I/O. Since this is a requirement for only one location, this is
a job to do in the I/O Assignment grid. (If you wanted to specify FLEX I/O for the entire project, you
would do so in the Edit Hardware Defaults dialog, accessed from the system level.)
To assign the I/O in the Product Storage location to FLEX I/O modules, you need to add a new line
to the I/O grid for each I/O type.
In the conventional I/O section of the display, use the dropdowns to add three new lines to the grid:

 1794 FLEX I/O, Digital Inputs, 1794-IA16

 1794 FLEX I/O, Digital Outputs, 1794-OA16

 1794 FLEX I/O, Analog Inputs, 1794-IF8IH

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30. In the I/O grid, transfer all the I/O from the ControlLogix modules to the FLEX I/O modules by
adjusting the No. of Points fields.

31. Check the box for Generate Bill-of-Material upon Finish and click the Finish button. Accept any
prompts from IAB to regenerate the system.

Check the hardware and network views to verify that:

 Redundant power supplies are used on ControlLogix chassis

 The Reactor 1 and Reactor 2 controllers have redundant controller chassis

 8 channel analog input modules (1756-IF8) are used (check the consolidated BOM)

 Foundation Fieldbus linking devices have been added where needed

 Product Storage I/O is FLEX I/O and includes HART modules

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3: Correct Problems in a PSE Configuration

The PlantPAx System Estimator keeps track of controller loading and server loading and lets you know
when your configuration is over established limits. The following steps will show how this works.
1. Open the Process Plant wizard instance, select the Reactor 1 I/O location and open its Configure
Location dialog.

2. In the I/O Configuration dialog, change the following I/O quantities:

DI – 150 DO – 150 AI – 310
When you click out of the last I/O field you changed, the CPU Used field is colored red, indicating a
controller overload.

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To begin corrective action, click Accept to accept the changes in I/O configuration.
The I/O location summary and the tree indicate the overload with red circles.

3. Click the Reactors subsystem folder and check the total I/O for the subsystem.

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4. We will make a simplifying assumption that you can split this total I/O between the two controllers
(Reactor 1 and Reactor 2). Open the Configure Location dialog for Reactor 1 I/O again and adjust
the I/O quantities as follows:
DI – 97 DO – 95 AI – 174

Accept the changes and click the Reactor 1 controller. Notice that a yellow triangle remains for the
CPU usage in the controller summary.

A yellow triangle is a warning to show that the usage is close to the limit but not exceeding the limit.
No action is required to correct the warning.

Repeat previous steps for Reactor 2.

This adjustment distributes I/O so there are no controller overloads.
You might also have added a third controller to the Reactors subsystem and added the extra I/O to
that controller. The actions you take will depend on application requirements.

You may notice that even after you make changes to eliminate an overload condition, the
tree still shows the error indicator next to a server, controller, or I/O location. To check
the true status, click on the item that has the indicator. If the indicator goes away, the
error is corrected. Status is updated only when you click on the item.

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4. Virtual Data Server

You can add a Data Center which acts as a Server to host virtual appliances for your system elements .

1. Right click on Process Plant in the system tree and you will see that the option to add a Data Center
is currently greyed out. A virtual architecture must be employed prior to adding a data center.

2. Select Process Plant, the Virtualization Options will be available at the bottom right.

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3. Select to Employ a Virtual Architecture. Click Yes to virtualize all existing system elements.

4. A Data Center (DataCenter_001) was automatically added when the virtual architecture was
employed. You can add an additional data center by right clicking of Process Plant and selecting
Add Data Center. DataCenter_002 is added to the system.

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5. Select DataCenter_001 in the system tree to view the configuration options for the data center.

You can configure server redundancy options and the number of servers in your system.
The system element requirements indicate the number of virtual CPUs, GBs of hard disk, and GBs of
RAM required for your virtual system. Note: When virtualizing, you will need licenses for your
hypervisor (host server OS) and virtualization management software. These licenses will not be
included in your BOM as there are many options available.

6. Click Manage Data Centers. From here you can reference each system element to a specific data
center or choose not to virtualize that element. Click OK.

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7. Click on Premix Control Room in the system tree.

8. Select DataCenter_002 from the Data Center drop down in the OWS preferences pane.

9. Select VersaView 5200 w/o Display (max 2 monitors) from the Terminal Hardware drop down in
the preferences window.

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10. You can limit the scope of this terminal to only the Premix – Raw Controller. Deselect the Reactors
and Product Storage subsystems from the scope.

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5. ThinManager

1. Click the ProcessPlant icon in the system tree. Click the button to Edit ThinManager Licenses

In the ThinManager License selection window, you have the ability to configure the following:
 ThinManager type:
1. Simplex allows the use of a single ThinManager server.
2. Redundant uses a full redundant pair of ThinManager servers.
 Licensing Type: Either 8x5 or 24x7 support
 Required Client Licenses to support the number of terminals added to the project or additional clients
to support non-PlantPAx system elements, such as mobile devices.
 Number of client licenses to be purchased.

2. We will not add any ThinManager clients to our project at this time. Click Cancel.

3. Check the Generate Bill-of-Material upon Finish box and click Finish. Accept any prompts to
regenerate the project.

4. Save your project.

This completes the PSE Lab exercise.

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