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Magnification in endodontics: the use
of the operating microscope
Arnaldo Castellucci MD, DDS, makes use of the
operating microscope for micro-endodontics

In the past decade, the dental industry has experienced an expansion 1997; Torabinejad M et
of technology, instruments and materials, which has led to a true al, 1994; Torabinejad M
revolution in both nonsurgical and surgical endodontics. et al, 1995; Torabinejad
The introduction and widespread use of the operating microscope M et al, 1997;
(Figure 1) together with the power of ultrasonics and instruments for Torabinejad M et al,
micro-endodontics are areas that have changed the face of endodontics. 1993) have
Until recently, endodontics was traditionally performed by hand demonstrated the
with radiographic confirmation. To perform a root canal treatment growth of cementum,
often meant working inside a ‘black hole’ and many results were periodontal ligament
achieved by chance. Today, every challenge existing in the straight and bone adjacent to
portion of the root canal system, even if located in the most apical MTA when used to seal
Figure 1: The operating microscope with the
part, can be easily seen and often solved under the microscope, with perforations, or to seal assistant’s scope, video camera and digital
magnification and coaxial illumination. root ends in surgical camera attached
With the use of ultrasonics, the removal of posts, calcifications endodontics. MTA can
and broken instruments is faster, safer and easier. To locate missed therefore be considered
canals or to negotiate calcified canals is more predictable using ultra- the material of choice
sonic tips under the microscope. both in surgical
As far as new materials are concerned, recently Mineral Trioxide endodontics and in
Aggregate (MTA) has non-surgical endodon-
Legends become available. This tics (in direct pulp
Table 1 is a revolutionary capping, to repair
material, extremely perforations, for apical
TM = (FLB/FLOL) x EP x MV biocompatible, barrier techniques in
hydrophilic and capable treatment of open
of stimulating the heal- apices). Figure 2: The operating microscope in the dental
TM Total magnification operatory
FLB Focal length of binocular ing processes as well as Thanks to this revolu-
FLOL Focal length of objective lengths osteogenesis. Many tionary progress, the
EP Eypiece power studies (Holland R et al, long-term success rate
MV Magnification value 1999; Koh ET et al, of root canal treatments
1998; Koh ET et al is higher and endodon-
tic therapy today is
Dr Castellucci graduated in Medicine at the more predictable and
University of Florence in 1973 and even more fun!
specialised in dentistry at the same The purpose of this
university in 1977. From 1978 to 1980 he article is to review the
attended continuing education courses on advantages of the oper-
endodontics at Boston University School of 3a 3b
ating microscope and to
Graduate Dentistry. As well as running a
give clinicians an Figures 3a and b: The light of the scope should be
practice limited to endodontics in Florence, perpendicular to the floor, perpendicular to the
overview of numerous
Dr Castellucci is Past President of the long axis of the examined tooth and directed to
Italian Endodontic Society, Past President of applications. the mirror
the International Federation of Endodontic
Associations, an active member of the The operating microscope
European Society of Endodontology and the American Association
of Endodontists, and a Visiting Professor of Endodontics at the Apotheker introduced the dental operating microscope in 1981. It
University of Florence Dental School. He is editor of The Italian was poorly configured and ergonomically difficult to use. It was
Journal of Endodontics and of The Endodontic Informer, Founder capable of only one magnification (8x), was positioned on a floor,
and President of the Warm Gutta Percha Study Club and the poorly balanced, had only straight binoculars, and had too long a
Micro-Endodontic Training Center. An international lecturer, he is
focal length (250mm). As a result, it did not gain wide acceptance
an Editorial Advisor on Endodontic Practice and is author of the
(Carr GB, 1998). In 1992, Dr Gary Carr introduced an ergonomically
text Endodonzia, which will soon be published in English.
configured operating microscope for endodontics, which allowed for


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easy use in nearly all endodontic procedures. This pattern of
microscope gained rapid acceptance within the endodontic
community and is now the instrument of choice not only for
endodontics but for periodontics and restorative dentistry as well
(Carr GB, 1992). In the author’s opinion, we are not far from the day
when the operating microscope will be as common in any dental
office as the X-ray machine is today.

Positioning the microscope

4a 4b
The introduction of the microscope in the dental office is a big
Figures 4a and b: The light from the mirror enters the root canal revolution that involves many ergonomic changes. To reduce as much
Figure 5: The hand of the
as possible any stress for the operator, the clinician should maintain
operator should always be the traditional working position previously used without the
in contact with the microscope. Working positions usually range from the 9 o’clock to
patient’s mouth and
should receive each
the 12 o’clock position (Sheets CG, Paquette JM, 1998). It is also
instrument directly important for the clinician to maintain good posture with proper
between the fingers scope orientation (Michaelides PL, 1996) (Figure 2).
In chronological order, the microscope should be prepared and
positioned as follows:
• Positioning of the operator
• Positioning of the patient
• Positioning of the microscope
• Adjusting the interpupillary distance
Figure 6: Surgical
headlight and loupes • Fine positioning of the patient
(Courtesy of Designs for • Parfocaling
Vision Inc, Ronkonkoma, • Fine focus
• Adjusting the assistant scope.
To position the operator, the microscope and the patient correctly,
the simplest rule to follow in nonsurgical endodontics is that the back
of the operator should be straight, the light of the scope should be
perpendicular to the floor and also perpendicular to the root canal
where he/she is working (Figures 3a and 3b). Every single procedure
in nonsurgical endodontics is made by indirect vision, therefore the
light of the scope is directed to the mirror and, from there, into the
Figure 7: The patient
presented with typical root canal (Figures 4a and b). In conclusion, the position of the
‘cracked tooth syndrome’. patient depends on the position of the scope, and not vice versa.
Methylene blue In surgical endodontics, where the entire procedure is carried in
demonstrates a hairline
fracture in the upper left direct vision, everything is easier. Nevertheless, in order to be able to
first premolar check the retroprep through a micro-mirror, the light of the micro-
scope should be perpendicular to the axis of the root canal.

After installing an operating microscope, it is necessary to
organize the operatory ergonomically. The clinician should never
move his/her eyes from the binocular and should never move his/her
hands from the operating field to reach any instrument. This limits
vertical dimension of movement. The operator should always stay in
contact with the patient’s mouth and instruments should be
positioned exactly into his/her fingers (Figure 5). In nonsurgical
endodontics this is achieved by the assistant who sits in front of the
dentist, while in surgical endodontics it is done by a second assistant,
8b who stands to the right of the operator and follows the surgical
procedure through a monitor. During surgery, the first assistant has
Figure 8b: After removal of the
crown and the old obturating to keep the suction under control, so that bleeding does not interfere
material. It is possible to make with visibility.
diagnosis of vertical root fracture As already stated, in nonsurgical endodontics every single proce-
Figure 8a: The patient presented with from the inside of the root canal.
a fistula and a lesion on the mesial The fracture is evident as a pink line dure is performed through the mirror, therefore the left hand of the
aspect of the upper right cuspid on the canal wall operator holds the mirror all the time and orientates the light to the


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tooth. Sometimes the mirror is positioned close to the crown of the
tooth, but many times it is positioned far from the tooth, sometimes
even out of the dental arch, to allow room for the handpiece without
interfering with the visibility of the operator.

Magnification of the operating field can be achieved with the use of
magnifying loupes, which can be classified by the optical method in
which they produce magnification. Compound loupes use two lenses
to produce magnification, while prism loupes use refractive prisms.
Both of these methods produce good magnification, have excellent
depth of field and can be custom made, according to the specific
interpupillary distance and to personal working distance. The 9a
disadvantage of loupes is that the practical maximum magnification
is only 4.5x. They are available with higher magnification but some
are heavy, with limited field of view and limited depth of field.
Furthermore, in my experience they require a constrained physical
posture and if not used as recommended may result in head, neck and
back strain.
Most operating microscopes usually possess magnification steps
or increments that can be adjusted manually or with motorized foot
controls. The total magnification provided by the microscope can be
computed using the formula shown in Table 1, which depends on the
focal length of the binocular, focal length of the objective lens, eye-
piece power and magnification value (Khayat BG ,1998). The clini-
cian should remember that most procedures are made at minimum/
medium magnification, while maximum magnification is used just to
check what the clinician is doing. By increasing the magnification, 9b
the illumination of the operative field diminishes, together with the
depth of field and with it the width of the operative field. Figures 9a and 9b: A vertical root fracture is evident after the use of methylene
blue. A periodontal probe confirms the presence of a defect

canal precisely; and filling the system completely in three dimensions.
Increased illumination of the operating field can be achieved using However, the enormous advantage of the microscope is better
surgical headlights mounted on loupes, using a fiberoptic cable to appreciated during retreatment. It is easier to diagnose a vertical root
transmit the light (Figure 6). fracture, to find a missed root canal, to remove a broken instrument,
Even though any head movement moves the light so that it stays to repair a perforation, or to seal a resorbed or immature apex.
in the field of view, and even if the light levels are increased up to
four times that of conventional dental lights, the illumination of some Diagnosis
loupes may not be powerful enough to allow good visibility deep
inside a root canal. The operating microscope can be very helpful in making a diagnosis
The light source is one of the most important features of the micro- of cracked tooth syndrome. In these cases, after the old restoration
scope, as it is responsible for the illumination of the deepest portions has been removed, using a dye (methylene blue) a hairline fracture
of the root canal. This is due to the fact that the light source provides can be easily seen (Figure 7).
an absolutely coaxial illumination; which should enter the root canal When the clinician suspects a vertical root fracture, the diagnosis
without any angle, perfectly coaxial and with the operator’s view can be made by observing the internal wall of the root canal (Figures
eliminating the presence of any shadow. The light source can be 8a and 8b), eliminating the need for a surgical exploratory flap or
powered by a halogen light bulb or by a xenon light. Some halogen examining the external root surface (Figures 9a and 9b).
lights provide an artificial yellow light, which is not ideal for
documentation, so any product must be carefully selcted. I like to
make use of the xenon light, which provides a white light at 5,000°K.
Locating canal orifices
Both light sources are connected to the microscope through a fiber- A perfect access cavity with visualization of all the canal orifices are
optic cable and their intensity can be controlled by a rheostat. prerequisites for successful endodontic therapy. The microscope can
be very useful in locating hidden canal orifices, canals completely
blocked by calcification in the pulp chamber and canals completely
The operating microscope in nonsurgical calcified in the coronal and middle two thirds.
endodontics Another advantage of the microscope is the enhanced visualiza-
The operating microscope can be used in any single nonsurgical tion of the mesiopalatal canal (MB2) of upper first and second
procedure: preparing and finishing the access cavity; shaping the root molars (Figures 10a, b, c and d). Recent studies confirm that this


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Figure 10a: A groove is evident starting from MB1 in palatal direction, in Figure 10b: The endodontic probe is demonstrates the orifice of MB2
this upper second molar

Figure 10c: Micro-opener (Dentsply, Maillefer) is enlarging the orifice Figure 10d: The photograph shows the orifice of MB2 after the canal has
been shaped and cleaned

Figure 11a: A broken Figure 11b: Using an

instrument is present ultrasonic tip
in the apical one third (ProUltra, Dentsply,
of this upper first Maillefer), the
molar instrument has been
dislodged and now is
at the orifice of the

Figure 11c: The Figure 11d:

radiograph is showing Postoperative film.
that the fragment has The patient may
been removed require a retrograde
filling of the
mesiobuccal root,
where MB1 and MB2
were not negotiable
because of complete


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Figure 12a: The screw post has caused a strip perforation of the mesial Figure 12b:. After the removal of the screw post, the distal and
root of this lower left first molar. Furcal involvement is evident mesiolingual canals have been retreated and obturated with warm gutta-
percha. The mesiobuccal canal has been obturated with warm gutta-percha
up to the level of the perforation

Figure 12c: The mesiobuccal canal has now been filled with MTA (ProRoot Figure 12d: Two-year recall
MTA, Dentsply Tulsa Dental) from the perforation up to the orifice

Figure 13a: Preoperative radiograph Figure 13b: Intraoperative film Figure 13c: Three millimeters of Figure 13d: After the MTA is set,
of the upper left central incisor. The with the Dovgan carrier in place MTA have been positioned at the the thermoplastic gutta-percha has
patient is 55 years old and the open foramen to make the apical barrier been used to obturate the root
apex is not respopnding to previous canal
therapy with calcium hydroxide.


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Figure 14a: ProRoot MTA (Dentsply Tulsa Dental, Tulsa, Oklahoma) Figure 14b: Dovgan carriers (Quality Aspirators, Duncanville, Texas)

Figure 15a: Microscopic Figure 15b: Postoperative view after the two canals Figure 15c: The buccal canal at higher
examination of the beveled root have been obturated with retrofilling material magnification

part, can be easily seen and often solved under the microscope with
magnification and coaxial illumination.
The removal of a broken instrument (Figures 11a, b, c and d), the
repair of a perforation (Figures 12a, b, c and d) and the treatment of
an open apex (Figures 13a, b, c and d) using the new material MTA
(Figures 14a and 14b) are procedures that can be done in predictable
time with predictable results.

The operating microscope in surgical

Figure 16a: The central Figure 16b: During the Figure 16c: One-year
incisor has two lesions surgical procedure, recall Surgical endodontics is an area that has benefited the most from a
and two fistulas; one both canals have been microsurgical approach. The introduction in 1990 by Excellence in
from the apical foramen retrofilled Endodontics (EIE) of a dedicated microsurgical armamentarium has
and one from a lateral
canal revolutionized surgical technique and vastly improved the skill level
of an entire specialty. The incision is made with a microsurgical
root canal does exist in nearly 100% of cases (Kulid JC, Peters DD, scalpel blade and, therefore, is more precise, repositioning of the flap
1990; Stropko JJ, 1999). If we compare these results with previous is also more precise and later no scar is to be expected. The
studies published only 5 or 10 years ago, we can conclude that the introduction of optical-grade micromirrors has facilitated the detailed
increased percentage is not due to differences in root canal anatomy examination of the bevelled root-end in apicectomy procedures
but to the better skills of the clinician who uses the operating (Figures 15a, b and c). The orifices of lateral canals can be identified,
microscope. prepared and sealed, in order to obtain a three-dimensional obturation
of the root canal system even with a surgical approach (Figures 16a,
Retreatment b and c). Ultrasonic root-end preparation has revolutionized apical
surgical procedures, reducing the need for exaggerated bevels and,
The biggest revolution due to the introduction of the microscope in thus, reducing osseous crypt size.
nonsurgical endodontics is in the area of retreatment. Every single Microscopic techniques have also led to the development of soft
procedure that was previously made by chance or performed using tissue management techniques, including microsurgical suturing and
tactile sensation can today be made with complete vision and control; the early removal of sutures, which has resulted in more rapid wound
if you can see it, you can do it! Any challenge existing in the straight healing and minimal scar formation (Figures 17a, b, c, d and e).
portion of the root canal system, even if located in the most apical Recent studies show that surgical endodontic procedures per-


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Figures 17a and b: Suture in place after surgery on the lateral incisor Figure 17b: Magnified

Figures 17c and d: Removal of the suture after 48 hours Figure 17d: Magnified

Figure 17e: Complete healing with no scar at the one-year recall Figure 18a: Preoperative radiograph of the lower left first premolar. The
previous surgical procedure is failing. A fistolous track is present

Figure 18b: Postoperative radiograph after the surgical retreatment. The old Figure 18c: The one-year recall shows complete healing, with lamina dura
amalgam has been removed and the retroprep has now been filled with MTA surrounding the end of the root


EP Sept Castelluci 1/9/04 9:37 am Page 8

formed under the operating microscope are followed by a success Sheets CG, Paquette JM (1998) The magic of magnification. Dentistry Today 17(12): 60
rate of 96.8%, with an averagearly removal of the sutures, which has
resulted in more rapid wound healing time of 7.2 months (Figures Stropko JJ (1999) Canal morphology of maxillary molars: Clinical observations of canal
18a, b and c). configurations. J. Endod. 25: 446

Conclusion Torabinejad M, Higa RK, McKendry DJ, Pitt Ford TR (1994) Dye leakage of four root-
end filling materials: effects of blood contamination. J. Endod. 20: 159,
The introduction and use of the operating microscope in endodontics
represents a qualitative leap for the profession. Magnification and Torabinejad M, Hong CU, McDonald F, Pitt Ford TR (1995) Physical and chemical
coaxial illumination have enormously increased the possibility of properties of a new root-end filling material. J. Endod. 21: 349
saving teeth both nonsurgically and surgically. Difficult cases can
today be treated with a higher degree of confidence and clinical Torabinejad M, Pitt Ford TR, McKendry DJ, Abedi HR, Miller DA, Kariyawasam SP
success. It is not far from the day when the operating microscope will (1997) Histologic assessment of mineral trioxide aggregate as a root-end filling in
be a common fixture in the dental office. monkeys. J. Endod. 23: 225

References Torabinejad M, Watson TF, Pitt Ford TR (1993) Sealing ability of mineral trioxide
aggregate when used as a root-end filling material. J. Endod. 19: 591
Apotheker H (1981) A microscope for use in dentistry. J. Microscurg. 3: 7

Carr GB (1998) Magnification and illumination in endodontics. In: Clarks Clinical Arnaldo Castellucci to lecture and give a hands-on session in
Dentistry, St. Louis, Vol. 4, 1-14
London this month!

Arnaldo will be lecturing at the ‘Power up your practice’ seminar,

Carr GB (1992) Microscopes in endodontics. The Endo Report
held by Independent Seminars, on 5-6 September 2003 at the Royal
College of Physicians, London.
Carr GB (1992) Microscopes in endodontics. CDA Journal. 20(11): 55 His lecture ‘The state of the art in modern endodontics’ will look at
new developments in endodontics and how they can be implemented
Carr GB (1992) Advanced techniques and visual enhancement for endodontic surgery. into a dental practice to create higher success rates for root canal
The Endo Report 7: 6 treatment with more predictability and more fun!
He will also hold a hands-on workshop to a limited number of partic-
Holland R, De Souza V, Nery MJ, Otoboni Filho JA, Bernabe P.F, Dezan Jr E (1999)
ipants who will have the opportunity to prepare a plastic block and
extracted tooth with new GT Rotalry Files.
Reaction of rat connective tissue to implanted dentin tubes filled with mineral trioxide
aggregate or calcium hydroxide. J. Endod. 25: 161
The following highly regarded speakers will also be lecturing and
holding workshops:
Khayat BG (1998) The use of magnification in endodontic therapy: the operating Dr Nicolas Jedynakiewicz
microscope. Pract. Periodont. Aesthet. Dent. 10(1): 137 Dr Laetitia Brocklebank
Dr Nigel Saynor
Koh ET, McDonald F, Pitt Ford TR, Torabinejad M (1998) Cellular response to mineral Dr John Meechan
trioxide aggregate. J. Endod. 24: 543 Peter Finke
Dr Fred Bergmann
Chris Barrow
Koh ET, Torabinejad M, Pitt Ford TR, Brady K (1997) Mineral trioxide aggregate
stimulates a biological response in human osteoblasts. J. Biomed. Mater. Res. 37: 432
Please call Independent Seminars on freephone 0800 371652 to book
your place
Kulid JC, Peters DD (1990) Incidence and configuration of canal systems in the
mesiobuccal root of maxillary first and second molars. J. Endod. 16: 311 Power up your practice
Friday 5th and Saturday 6th September 2003
Michaelides PL(1996) Use of the operating microscope in dentistry. CDA Journal 24(6): The Royal College of Physicians, Regent’s Park, London

The GDC Lifelong Learning Scheme

In October 2000, the GDC launched the preparatory scheme for its lifelong learning initiative. The scheme requires that dentists will have to accumulate
250 hours of CPD credits over five years. 75 of these hours must be verifiable. The GDC also suggests that these hours be spread evenly over the five
years. In other words, therefore, dentists can be expected to perform approximately 15 hours of CPD per year. The Endodontic Practice CPD Programme

will enable practitioners to guarantee hitting this annual level of CPD in one go.

Two articles will be featured in Endodontic Practice each issue which will each be equivalent to one hour of verifiable CPD. To receive credit, complete
the multiple choice test after each article and return for processing. Answers can be posted to Endodontic Practice Verifiable CPD, FMC Ltd, Freepost
NAT2688, Shenley WD7 9BR (no stamp required within the UK), faxed on 01923 851778 or emailed to [email protected].

The views and opinions expressed in the articles appearing in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the
editor, the editorial board or the publisher. The editors do not endorse any products or medical techniques and the appearance of material in this journal
should not be interpreted as an endorsement. If authors have commercial interests relevant to materials or techniques featured in their articles, this will be
made clear in the text.


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