IT Theory Study Guide

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Grade 12 Theory Study Guide

Systems Technologies 5
Activity 1 23
Activity 1 Memo 23
Activity 2 25
Activity 2 Memo 26
Activity 3 27
Activity 3: Memo 28
Activity 4 29
Activity 4: Memo 30
Activity 5 31
Activity 5: Memo 31
Activity 1: November 2021 32
Memo: Activity 1: November 2021 33
Activity 2: May/June 2021 36
Memo - Activity 2: May/June 2021 37
Activity 3: November 2020 39
Memo - Activity 3: November 2020 41
Activity 4: November 2019 43
Memo - Activity 4: November 2019 44
Activity 5 – May June 2019 45
Memo – May/June 2019 47
Communication And Network Technologies 50
Activity 1 83
Memo: Activity 1 84
Activity 2 85
Memo: Activity 2 86
Activity 3 87
Memo: Activity 3 87
Activity 4 89
Memo: Activity 4 89
Activity 5 90
Memo: Activity 5 91
Activity 1: November 2021 92
Memo Activity 1: November 2021 94
Activity 2: May/June 2021 96
Memo Activity 2: May/June 2021 98
Activity 3: November 2020 99
Memo Activity 3: November 2020 100
Activity 4: November 2019 102
Memo Activity 4: November 2019 103
Activity 5: May/June 2019 105
Memo Activity 5: May/June 2019 106
Data and information Management 108
Activity 1 121
Activity 1: Memo 123
Activity 2 124
Activity 2: Memo 125
Activity 3 126
Activity 3: Memo 127
Activity 4 129
Activity 4: Memo 130
Activity 5 131
Activity 5: Memo 132
Activity 1: November 2021 134
Activity 1: November 2021 memo 135
Activity 2: May/June 2021 137
Activity 2: May/June 2021 memo 138
Activity 3: November 2020 140
Activity 3: November 2020 142
Activity 4: November 2019 143
Activity 4: November 2019 memo 144
Activity 5: May/June 2019 145
Activity 5: May/June 2019 memo 147
Solution Development 149
Activity 1 179
Activity 1: Memo 180
Activity 2 180
Activity 2: Memo 181
Activity 3 182
Activity 3: Memo 183
Activity 4 184
Activity 4: Memo 185

Activity 5 186
Activity 5: Memo 188
Activity 1: May/June 2019 189
Activity 1: May/June 2019: Memo 191
Activity 2: November 2019 192
Activity 2: November 2019: Memo 194
Activity 3: November 2020 195
Activity : November 2020 Memo 196
Activity 4: May/June 2021 198
Activity 4: May/June 2021 Memo 200
Activity 5:November 2021 201
Activity 5: November 2021 Memo 203
Social Implication 205
Activity 1 233
Activity 1: Memo 233
Activity 2 235
Activity 2: Memo 235
Activity 3 237
Activity 3: Memo 238
Activity 4 239
Activity 4: Memo 239
Activity 5 240
Activity 5: Memo 241

Systems Technologies
Information technology
Terminology Information Technology
IT is the use of computers to generate, process, store, retrieve, and exchange electronic
data and information.

ICT (Information and communication technology)

• People – to supply the data and to make decisions from the output supplied from
the system information, which is based on the results from processing data and
the output from an ICT system.
• Hardware e.g. input devices, storage, processor, output devices, communication
devices, database servers and scanners.
• Communication like wifi, cabled communication media etc.
• Software – the computer programs which provide the step-by-step instructions to
complete the task. Including the system software like the operating system and
Terminology application software needed at the till point to process transactions. POS (point of
sale) systems refer to the place where a sales transaction is completed, for
example at cash registers in retail stores and shops, at bars and restaurants, hair
salons,spas, etc. Restaurant POS systems allow waiters to process orders. These
systems consist mostly of payment terminals, touchscreens, and a variety of other
hardware and software options.
• Data – raw unprocessed input that is processed by the system to provide the
information. Data can come in different formats, such as sounds, images and
videos, etc.
• Information is the processed data to produce meaning information and the output
provided by the system.
It is a system that combines hardware, software, communications technologies and
data used by people.

Data vs Information
Terminology Data vs information
Data is raw unprocessed input
Definition Information is processed data to produce meaningful
Why information It supports good decision making as trends can be identified.
is useful

Computers are programmable electronic devices designed to accept data,

Definition perform prescribed mathematical and logical operations at a high speed, and
display the results of these operations, as information
• Allows companies to increase their productivity and therefore profit.
• Connects the user to the Internet to find information.

• Can collect, store and process big data to produce information.

• Reduces the time it takes to sort, organize and search through information.
• Get a better understanding of information
• Allowsfor e-learning.
• Can reduce the availability of jobs
• Potentially cause a risk in the loss of privacy

• May develop an RSI injury and your eyes may take strain
• Can cause distractions since there is too much multitasking for the human.
• Can limit learning and create a dependency (you do not want to remember
information as you can just search it on the internet).
• Increases waste that impacts on the environment.
Modular Definition:
design The modular design consists of different parts to facilitate in upgrade and repair.

Function: To share resources, managing networks, provide access to data,
hosting websites, as well as processing huge amounts of data.
Function Advantages Constraints
System designed for • Easier to upgrade. • Not mobile
regular use in a fixed • Less expensive to • Need power to
location. upgrade. function.
• Less expensive to buy • Need separate
• More comfortable mouse, screen and
keyboard and an keyboard.
easier to use mouse • Always a lot of
compared to a laptop. cables to manage
Types of computers: Listed from largest to smallest and most powerful to least

Fully functional multi • Mobility due to the • Durability can

purpose computer that lightweight damage easier than
is mobile. • Built-in battery that a desktop that stays
allows the user to in one place.
work when there is no • Higher cost than a
power similar desktop
• A greener solution • Security Issue: easier
than a desktop since it to get lost or stolen
uses less power. • Limited battery
• Has a built-in wireless compared to a tablet
NIC to connect to a • More expensive and
network through Wi- difficult than
Fi desktop to upgrade
and repair
On screen keyboard, • Portability (can work • Hardware gets
screen size is bigger from everywhere and damaged easier
than smartphone but small enough to put in • Lower performance
smaller than laptop. a carry bag) than laptop
Reading of e-books is • Screen can rotate • Difficult to work
better on a tablet than (You can choose to with touch screen
on a smartphone. place the screen in keyboard
landscape or portrait.) • Screen size is smaller
• Handwriting than laptop
recognition software • Harder to add
can be used. peripherals
• Small storage space
Smartphones are better • Increased mobility • Small screen that
than desktops at tasks due to the lightweight makes input difficult
that require a small • Built-in battery • Lower performance
mobile device, like allowing users to use than tablet
taking photos, setting the device when there • Gets damaged easier
Smartphone alarms, navigating the is no power. • Gets lost or stolen
roads, making calls and • Built-in cellular easier
sending and receiving connection to give the
short-messages. user access to the
internet while

Embedded devices are devices designed for a fixed purpose, whether that
purpose is to wake you up in the morning, control the temperature of the air
conditioning or refrigerator or any navigation system.

Categories of Hardware
Input Process Output Storage Communication
Data that will The specific Information Permanent Communication between
be inputed steps that must produced from storage of data devices
into the be followed to processed data and information
system change data
Possible Devices
• Mouse • Central • Monitor • Hard disk drive • Network Interface card
• Keyboard Processing • Printer • SSD • Router
Unit • Flash Drives • Access point
• Graphical • Blue ray • UTP cable
Processing • DVD • Fibre optics


Device Description

Alternative Also called ergonomic keyboards or adjustable keyboards.

keyboards It increases typing comfort and can be adjusted to user preferences.
Pointing devices Any device like a mouse, stylus, touch sensitive pad or trackball
Device is used to manipulate the movement of a cursor on a computer monitor
Using a stylus to interact with the computer, capturing data with digital ink
Pen input A stylus can be used for text entry, drawing as a pointing device and to complete
online forms
Video input Video capture devices allow you to record a live video stream using your computer.
Used for TV, making films etc.
Data collection devices obtain data directly from a location where an event or
transaction takes place.

Data collection An example is your mobile phone – during Covid you could track infections as well as if
devices you were in contact with a Covid positive person.
Online tracking can give information like how many people visited the site, how long
did they stay, what did they click on. This information will assist the business to make
informed decisions

A device that can read information from a card

Card readers Examples of card readers is the reading of the magnetic strip on a credit card or SD
card reader used to read the information from a memory card. Some laptops come
with built-in card readers.
Scanners Scanners allow you to scan any type of document onto your computer.
To create a soft copy from a hard copy
3D-scanners - use lasers / multiple cameras
Barcode -quick identification of items from an alphanumeric ID code
Biometric - The use of physical characteristics to identify individuals
Biometric input
nKE7sbQKtU • Retinal scanner
• Voice recognition
• Fingerprint scanners.
• Face recognition scanner
Function: To identify or authenticate a person for security purposes, with information
that is very difficult to be duplicated

Type Definition Identify
Analog video connection used between a
computer and a monitor.

Designed to transmit high-definition audio and

video signals.

To transfer data and instructions to and from

USB the computer.

Input and output devices. To connect high-speed

devices to the motherboard for data transfer to
Thunderbolt and from the device.

Characteristics Port used
(Light Emitting Diode) (Liquid crystal display)
Higher contrast ratio with Lower contrast ratio with a
Contrast ratio
sharper images. less clear picture.
Faster (lower) response Slower (higher) response
Response time
time. time.
Resolution Higher quality display. Lower quality display.
Display devices

Purchase cost More expensive. Less expensive.

No mercury used in the Mercury is used in the
screen and therefore a manufacturing. Once the HDMI / AVG /
greener solution. screen reaches the end of its Thunderbolt
life ending up on a landfill,
the mercury would harm
More energy efficient. Uses more power.
Offers better diming options
LCD places more strain on
Ergonomics which is better for your
your eyes.
Type Description Port used
An inkjet printer operates by painting an image using a spray
of ink. This is done by hundreds of tiny nozzles that spray
drops of ink directly onto the paper while moving across it.
Used to print high quality images
Print heads built into the printer and use ink that is supplied
continuously to the print head from an ink tank within the
Ink Tank
printer itself No expensive cartridges are needed. When the
ink is finished, the ink tanks are refilled from an ink bottle.
Laster printers use toner to burn images onto a paper. Even
though they are more expensive to buy their running cost is
lower than an ink tank printer. Laser printers are ideal to
use for high volume printing.

3D printing is a process of creating Connect: USB

three dimensional solid objects from a port / Wi-Fi /
digital file. Objects are built by Bluetooth
printing one layer at a time. e.g.,
prosthetics and movie props.
3D • Less waste = The production of parts only requires the
materials needed for the part itself, little or no wastage as
compared to other ways where the part is cut off from
large chunks of non-recyclable material
• Cost reduction – using this method lowers the cost due to
no materials being wasted.
• Reduce production time giving manufacturers a
competitive advantage.
• Easier to fix and reprint errors in the design of a product

10 | P a g e
Data Projector Definition: An optical device that projects an incoming image on a large
surface to accommodate a larger audience.
There are two different types of projectors:
• Make use of VGA port – quality of image is good, can only display images.
• Making use of HDMI port – quality of image is excellent, and audio can be
An individual can listen privately to audio by making use of Audio

headphones. Jack/Bluetooth
A speaker produces sound into the open air for all close by to Sound card
hear Jack/Bluetooth


Device What is it Function and use

A touch screen is a computer The user can use their fingers to touch
display screen that serves as an pictures/words/icons on the screen to interact
Touch Screen input (touch) and output (image) with.
device. Used in tablets, smartphones and some high-end
Game controllers are devices They have directional inputs as well as action
designed specifically for use in buttons linked to specific actions inside a game. It
games. also produces output through vibrations and
• Gamepad.
Game controller
• Paddle.
• Joystick.
• Trackball.
• Throttle quadrant.
• Steering wheel.
Cameras allow you to capture They are more cost effective as no film is needed
images and show the captured and images can be viewed and retaken if not
Digital cameras
image on the screen correct. The digital camera has a lot of extra
features that can enhance picture quality and looks
An interactive smart or electronic Especially used in education that allows the
whiteboard, is a tool used to educator or a learner to “interact” with the
project image and give input via a projected images, directly on the whiteboard.
tool or fingers

11 | P a g e
Storage devices
Hard Disk Drive Function: A large mechanical storage device used to store data permanently
(HDD) Connection to motherboard: SATA
Speed: rpm (revolutions per minute)

Function: A permanent electronic storage device that can read and be written to at
Solid State Drive a high speed.
(SSD) Connection to motherboard: SATA
Used in laptops and mobile devices.
• they have no moving parts which means they use less power to save battery
power and do not damage easily.
• they are smaller in size compared to hard drive to fit in the mobile devices
Magnetic Hard drive SSD
Mechanical – moving parts Electronic – no moving parts
Stores on magnetic disks Stores on flash memory
HDD vs SSD Slower due to moving parts Faster since it is electronic
Cheaper per GB More expensive per GB
Found in bigger capacity due to price Found in smaller capacity due to price
Becomes fragmented and then Does not become fragment, so no
needs to be defragmented defragmentation needed
Uses more power due to the moving A greener solution as it uses less parts power
GEmRDM-e4 Larger in physical size Smaller in physical size
Able to recover data More difficult to recover data
Due to the moving parts, it is more The absence of moving parts means it
likely to get damaged is less likely to get damaged
External hard drives Port: USB port
Function: Often used for backup and storing of movies since they have large
storage capacities
Advantage: Portable

USB flash drive Port: USB port

Function: Used to transfer files and backups
Advantage: They are plug-and-play and are available in a variety of storage

Memory card How to connect SD card/memory card to the computer/device:

• Built-in card reader
• External card reader (USB card reader adapter)
• Extra storage for mobile devices
• Digital camera storage
DVD Smaller storage space
Blu-Ray Drive Larger storage space and better image and audio quality

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Use is declining because:
Optical Drive • Slower than flash drive to write data to
• Easily damaged and therefore unreliable.
• Music, movies, and software can be downloaded from the internet
• Storage capacity is limited compared to flash drives
• Damage easily


Definition: The motherboard is a large, printed circuit board with specific slots for every hardware
component, which have been designed so that only the correct components will slot in.

• Provides physical structure for other hardware to connect to.
• Provides power to the hardware.
• Sends data between the hardware components on the motherboard.

Definition: The CPU is responsible for processing general instructions. CPU is the
brain of the computer which runs all programs and processes all software
CPU (Central processing unit)

Function: Every application makes use of the CPU to collect, decode and execute
instructions as required by the application.

Motherboard slot: ZIF socket

• Intel
Speed: Measured in GHz
Influence on the performance of the computer: A faster CPU with more cores will
improve the performance of a computer.

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The operating system splits the CPU time between the active programs.It appears
as if the computer is running multiple programs at once, but it is still just doing
one task at a time. In this way, you can run multiple applications (or processes) on
one processor seemingly at the same time.
Processing Techniques 1

Instructions from the same program are divided into multiple threads. Each
thread can be run independently and executed by the CPU. 1
Uses multiple processors to complete tasks. Multiple cores can process mutiple
processes simultaneously.

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Definition: Random Access Memory. Temporary memory where data and
instructions, which is currently in use is stored before processed.

Function: All data and instructions that is currently being used is stored in
RAM before it is sent to the CPU to be processed.

• RAM is volatile which means that all data will be erased from your RAM
when your computer is turned off.

• RAM is electronic and therefore faster than storage.

Measured: GB / TB
Where: Dual inline memory module(DIMM) slots on motherboard

Performance: Important in determining computer's processing speed

(performance). The more RAM the faster processing speed - the more GB
(capacity) the more programs can be held in the RAM at a time. Adding RAM is
the most cost-effective way to upgrade a computer and improve performance.
Definition: Space on the hard disk drive that the operating system
to use as “RAM” when the RAM is full.
Virtual RAM

Purpose: When the RAM is full the operating system swaps data
and information not being used between from RAM to the virtual eOBEOBJREs
memory on the hard drive. All data that needs to be processed still needs to go to
the RAM before being processed by the CPU.
Definition: To prevent the CPU to wait for data and instructions
from the slower RAM The CPU have a small, high-speed cache
memory built into the CPU, where it can temporarily store a
small amount of the data instead of waiting for the slower RAM
to send data. Also known as CPU caching.
Cache memory

Web Caching Disk Caching
Recently visited web pages are stored Every hard drive has a certain amount
locally on hard disk - if nothing has of RAM built into it to use as cache. It
changed on web page, information will stores data and files that have
be loaded from hard disk which is recently been read from the disk. This
faster than loading from the slower space could also be allocated in the
internet. RAM.

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Where it is found:
• Graphics card (Discrete/Dedicated) which could include a cooling fan and
• Integrated on motherboard (built-in)

• Integrated on the CPU

• A discrete / dedicated GPU generates images faster than an integrated GPU.
• The GPU takes the graphics processing away from the CPU, which allows the
CPU to spend its time on other processing tasks, instead of generating
graphics for display.
• This improves not only the quality of display but improves the general
performance of the computer.
Purpose: Video Random Access Memory is the memory used to store image data
that the computer displays.

Role: It acts as a buffer between the CPU and the video card. When a picture is to
be displayed on the screen, the image is first read by the processor and then
written to the VRAM.

Function: To transfer data between different components on the motherboard.
Where: Busses (electrical wires) transfer data by means of electrical impulses on
different routes between the components.
Point-to-Point connection is a path on the motherboard between two components.

Function: To have a dedicated connection between two components on the

motherboard, to speed up data transmission between the components so that
Point-to-Point transmission can operate at a maximum speed without being interrupted by data
connectors from other components.

Flow/transfer of data between components on the motherboard: Storage →


Temporary memory Memory that can only be read. User cannot write personal
where data and data to it. The memory is permanent/non-volatile
instructions, which is
currently in use is
stored before
Electronic, fast, • Permanent electronic memory containing the firmware
Characteristics volatile memory holding the BIOS to allow a computer to start up
• Contains the instructions to boot up a computer.

16 | P a g e
Stores image data Temporary memory where data and
Function instructions, which is currently in use is stored
before processed.
Upgrade Cannot upgrade Upgradable and can be replaced
Speed Faster than RAM Slower than VRAM
Found in smaller
Capacity 3GP8P9nqjM Found in larger capacities than VRAM
capacities than RAM

Storage RAM
Mechanical Electronic
Slower – because mechanical Faster – because it is electronic
Non-volatile i.e. permanent Volatile i.e. loses contents when there is no power
Cheaper per GB More expensive per GB

RAM Cache
Found on motherboard in DIMM Slots Found on or close to CPU
Larger capacity Smaller capacity
Slower Faster
Stores the whole program Stores recently used instructions
Less expensive per MB More expensive per MB
Easier to upgrade Difficult to upgrade.

Application software
Definition Application software are programs designed to perform a specific task for the end

System Software
Categories of system software:
• Operating system
• Utility software

17 | P a g e
Definition: System software that supports all the activities on a computer.
• Manages hardware and software
• Provides the GUI (Graphical user interface)
• Manages input and output peripherals
• Manages RAM
• Manages storage
• Responsible for processes and tasks like multi-tasking, multi-threading and multi-

• Definition: Virtualisation refers to creating an entity, referred to as
Operating system

a virtual machine, that only exists in software.

• Function: Often used when a programmer needs to test
software they are developing. Virtualisation enables them to BI31dmqSX0
use one machine to create virtual machines with a different
operating systems and specification (like RAM, storage and CPU power) to test the
software on.
• Advantages:
o Another machine does not need to be bought to test software being developed.
o Where certain application software can only be installed on certain operating
systems, the user can create a virtual machine with a different operating system
to enable them to install any application software.
o Users can hire a virtual computer from an online virtual machine provider. In this
way they can choose the hardware configuration they need and have access to
“their computer” from anywhere with an internet connection.
o Less expenditure: servers, storage and desktops, virtualisation can allow the same
hardware to be used for multiple tasks which saves money. It can also reduce the
number of software licences that are needed.
o Green IT: with fewer server and storage resources, the demand for power and
cooling can be reduced and there will be fewer units to dispose of.
Different types of software
Freeware Freeware software is available to you, free of charge. However, the developers or
company that distributes the software keeps the rights to the software.
Advantages The main advantage of freeware is that it is free. It is also easily accessible and generally
comes with the files you need in order to use the program
Disadvantages It can contain viruses and Trojan horses that affect the way the computer functions.
Shareware Shareware is copyright software distributed free of charge, but after a trial period it
notifies the user that they might need to pay for the program if they want to keep on
using it. Some developers distribute shareware with a built-in expiration date, for
example after 30 days the user can no longer use the program, while other types of
shareware are limited in terms of what functionality it offers unless you buy the complete
Advantages The advantage of shareware is that it gives the distributor exposure while giving the user
time to decide whether they want to spend money on the program or not.
Disadvantages The main disadvantages are that it cannot be modified.

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Propriety All computer software is developed using a source code. This code is the original design
Software or technical blueprint used to create the program. Proprietary software is where the
source code is not given to the public or the user. It still belongs to the
distributor or developer, even if you have bought the program
Advantages Proprietary software is more stable and technical support is easier to access.
Disadvantages You must buy the software to use it. If there are any technical issues, you will have to wait
for the developer to address the problem
FOSS Open-source software has the source code that is available to the public or anyone that
wants to use it. It also allows the user to change or modify the code itself if need be. You
can also distribute this type of software to anyone and for any purpose.
Advantages It is free and you do not need to pay to using it, which saves you money. Since the source
is available to anyone, the public can collaborate and fix bugs. Collaborators can improve
the performance or even add features of good quality and well-designed software.
Disadvantages Open software might not be as user-friendly especially to unskilled users. It is often
difficult to find proper technical support or to find drivers for some devices. The software
can expose your computer to viruses and other cyber-attacks
Utility Software
Drivers: Definition: A device driver is system software that allows the operating system to
communicate with and control hardware devices connected to the computer
Installation manual vs plug-and-play:
• Plug-and-Play is a technology that allows the operating system to automatically
identify a device that is plugged into the computer and automatically install the
driver for the device.
• Devices that are not plug-and-play enabled needs to be installed manually. Device
drivers could come with the peripheral bought on a CD or could be downloaded
from the manufacturer's website for free and then installed.
Disk Clean-up This is utility software, installed with your operating system, designed to free up space
by searching the hard drive for files and programs no longer in use and providing the
option to delete them.
Archive Less frequently used or outdated files can be compressed and stored on a secondary
storage device where they can be retrieved when necessary. The files can be retrieved if
needed again in the future.
Backup Utility software used to create a duplicate copy of data on another storage device for
use when the original data is damaged or lost.
Compress Utility software used to reduce the size of a file / folders.
Malware Software with a malicious intent that is designed to, steal data or destroy your
computer system. It is being used to enable cybercrimes.
Spyware Spyware is a piece of code that hides on your computer and tracks all your activity
without your knowledge.

You can control the Spyware, by activating the pop-up blocker on your browser settings
or by installing an anti-spyware software application
Adware Adware is a type of malware that presents unwanted advertisements to the user of a
computer in the form of pop-up or a window.
Worm A computer worm duplicates itself to spread to uninfected computers whilst staying
active on the host computer.

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Trojan It is software that keeps its true intentions hidden. It camouflages itself as a beneficial
program so that the user will click on the link and then installs software that will affect
your system negatively.
Rootkit Rootkit is a collection of programs designed to give a person control of a computer
network or application. Once enabled, the rootkit sets up a backdoor and can deliver
additional malware such as ransomware, bots, key loggers, or Trojans
Spoofing Spoofing is where a replica of a website/email is created of a legit site/email to get the
user to go to the fake site and enter personal information.
Phishing Phishing is an attempt by cybercriminals to obtain sensitive information (usernames,
passwords and credit card details) by posing as legitimate institutions, usually via email.
Pharming Pharming is a scamming practice in which your browser is directed to another IP
address when you enter a URL.,. The aim is often for users to input their personal
Security Features

Firewall A firewall is a network security device/software that monitors incoming and outgoing
network traffic and decides whether to allow or block specific traffic based on a
defined set of security
Anti-virus An Antivirus is a software program that is designed to prevent, search, detect and
remove malicious software (Malware) from your computing device.

• Ensure you have only one active anti-virus program on your computer
• Keep the virus definition up to date – to ensure it identifies new threats
Prevention of • Keep anti-virus software up to date to detect malware
malware • Do not download apps from untrusted sources
• Do not click on pop-ups
• Be aware of phishing attempts

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Threats and Preventions
Unauthorised • Physical theft of computers and portable storage devices
access • Illegal access to a network or computer.
• Biometric security
• Physically locking up with security personnel
• Activate firewall
• Make use of strong passwords
Hardware • Storage – HDD / SSD can malfunction and all the data is lost
failure • Power – dip in power or an unforeseen power outage can damage the computer
hardware and in some cases make it impossible to retrieve the data
• UPS (uninterruptable power supply)
• Backup

Augmented Reality (AR) Virtual Reality (VR)

Definition Augmented reality technology VR a computer-generated simulated
superimposes a 3D computer-generated environment that can be experienced by the
image onto a user’s view of the real user using specific input and output hardware
world and specialised software
Function • Product view –Allows customers to • Military: used for training simulation so
view and interact with products or soldiers can train for combat situations.
services before purchasing. • Education: so that large groups of
• Enhance content – People can point students can interact in a virtual
their device at a real-life object to classroom with supporting data. For
learn whatever kind of information example: Scientific Visualisation: uses
is necessary, instead of needing to computer graphics to show abstract or
search for it elsewhere. complex ideas, like molecular models.
• Training –AR enables users to train • Healthcare: used by doctors and nurses in
employees more thoroughly than many fields e.g. surgery simulation,
they can through documentation phobia treatment, robotic surgery and
and meetings. skills training.
• Engage your audience –People are • Entertainment: for example, gaming,
inundated with print and television interactive theme parks, virtual museums,
advertisements to the point where theatres and movies.
they don’t pay much attention to • Fashion: for example, avatars are used to
them. Inserting augmented reality help with clothing design, and virtual
into advertisements will catch the stores can be created.
eye of your target demographic. • Heritage: for example, visitor centres like
• Entertainment like Pokémon Go the Terracotta Army are being created in
• Medical field: AR can be applied so a virtual world so that the site can be
that the surgical team can see the protected from tourism.
imaging data in real time while the • Business: to train new employees and
procedure is in progress provide virtual tours of the business
• Engineering: engineers can view their
project virtually to understand how it
works, to spot any flaws or potential risks
before implementation.

21 | P a g e
Hardware • Smartphone • Personal Computer
• Sensors such as: (PC)/Console/Smartphone/VR headset
o Accelerometer are used to process and power the inputs
o GPS and outputs.
o Gyroscope • Input devices allow the users to navigate
o Camera and interact within a VR environment e.g.
o Light sensor joysticks, force Balls/Tracking balls,
• Display screen controller wands, data gloves, trackpads,
• Camera On-device control buttons, motion
• And sometimes a microphone, trackers, bodysuits, treadmills and motion
smart glasses and a connection to platforms .
the internet depending on the • Output devices present the VR
application environment to the users and includes
visual, auditory, or haptic feedback often
through the VR headset
Advantages • Enhances personal experiences • A training tool in many areas of life and
• Able to preview the product visually can provide remote access e.g. surgery
like fitting clothes, a new desk in can be performed in remote locations
your room using robotic technology and virtual
• Can be used by people who are reality.
physically or mentally disabled • It provides learning experiences that one
• It is more interactive and engaging cannot get from reading books as it
than regular media, which can make immerses you in that world. This makes
teaching easier learning fun and can eliminate the
language barrier and certain dangers
associated with scientific experiments.
• It offers a new way of providing

Limitations • Ensuring that the digital data is • It cannot simulate a real classroom where
within scale with the real learning fluctuates.
environment can be difficult. • Virtual reality can be addictive and
• In smartphones, AR must work with detrimental to social connections as it is
limited storage, low processing not real-life, only a simulated world.
power and small amount of memory • Virtual reality devices can be expensive.
which limits what it is able to do. • VR software takes up a lot of storage
• The development and maintenance space
of AR software can be expensive • Requires a lot of computing power
• Could drain the battery life of the compared to other software
device • The software for virtual reality is limited
and in some cases inflexible as it cannot
go out of that scope.

Difference between VR and AR: While Virtual Reality takes you into a virtual world and
blocks out the real world, Augmented Reality refers to overlaying computer-generated
images on top of real-time images.

22 | P a g e
Activity 1

1.1 You have been advised to replace the RAM of the computer to enhance its performance.
1.1.1 How will you ensure that the new RAM is compatible with the current motherboard? (1)
1.1.2 One of your friends is of the opinion that, if there was enough virtual memory, there is
no need to upgrade the RAM.
(a) Explain what virtual memory is (2)
(b) Explain why virtual memory will not be a solution to improve performance. (1)
1.1.3 Your friend said that more RAM will increase cache memory.
(a) Explain the role that cache memory plays in the performance of a CPU. (2)
(b) Give THREE reasons why your friend’s statement is NOT true. (3)
1.2 Some computers come with an integrated graphics card
1.2.1 What is meant by the term integrated graphics card? (1)
1.2.2 Laptops often contain an integrated graphics card as well as a separate graphics card. (2)
Explain how this combination saves battery power.
1.3 A laptop has 1.5 TB hard disk drive as well as a 128 GB Solid State Drive. (2)
On which ONE of the two storage media is the operating system stored?
Motivate your answer.
1.4 Any company will protect their network with a Firewall, an anti-virus program and
regular updating of applications software.
1.4.1 What is the purpose of a Firewall? (1)
1.4.2 Why is it necessary to update application software? (1)
1.5 Robotics is one of the fastest developing fields and is increasingly making an impact on
our lives.
1.5.1 Give ONE advantage of developing robotic software. (1)
1.5.2 Give ONE disadvantage of developing robotic software without referring to your answer (1)
in 1.5.1.
1.6 System software consists of utility software.
1.6.1 Explain the general purpose of utility software. (1)
1.6.2 Name TWO type of utility software that is used to avoid other windows from appearing (2)
on the screen, while you are browsing the Internet.
1.7 Some people are under the impression that a virtual office exists only as an idea and is (2)
not a physical reality. Explain what a virtual office in the context of IT is.
1.8 Virtual reality is making a huge impact in the IT world. Explain TWO ways in which VR can (2)
positively impact the education sector
TOTAL [25]

Activity 1 Memo

1.1 1.1.1 Any ONE fact (1)

• It must be of the same size (number of pins)/Must fit into the slots on the
• The speed of the RAM must be compatible with the motherboard/FSB/System

23 | P a g e
Also accept any mention of motherboard compatibility/checking/ comparing the
specifications of the RAM.
1.1.2 (a) The operating system uses secondary storage✓ (hard drive) space as (2)
memory✓(temporary or simulated or additional RAM).
(b) Any ONE fact why virtual memory is not the solution. (1)
Virtual memory is slow/using hard disk space as memory slows down the
Thrashing may occur (can also explain thrashing)
To be effective the need for a large amount of secondary storage (hard disk
space) arises
1.1.3 (a) TWO MARKS FOR: (2)
Instructions/data needed next by the CPU are placed in the cache memory
✓which reduced time lost while waiting for instructions/data from the RAM and
as a result it improves the performance of the CPU. ✓
Cache memory is situated inside the CPU or close by.
Cache faster type of memory – can feed the CPU with instructions at a faster
Instructions/data probably needed next by the CPU are placed in the cache
(b) RAM and cache are different✓ types of memory (DRAM and SRAM). (3)
Cache memory is found in the CPU.✓
Upgrading RAM means replacing DIMMs while upgrading cache means replacing
the CPU.✓
1.2 1.2.1 The circuit board is built onto the motherboard (1)
1.2.2 The operating system generally uses the onboard graphics card – uses less battery (2)
power✓and will move to the other card when generating intensive graphics – uses more
battery power. ✓
1.3 The operating system is stored on the SSD✓ since the access is faster/the computer will (2)
boot faster✓
1.4 1.4.1 Monitors the communication of applications with the Internet/Monitors the ports that (1)
are used for communication✓
1.4.2 Any ONE: (1)
• Correct errors in the existing program
• Fix security problems
• Add new functions/improvements
1.5 1.5.1 Any ONE: (1)
• Cost effective
• Improves productivity
1.5.2 Loss of jobs (1)
1.6 1.6.1 Any ONE (1)
• Manage/Maintain/Control computer resources
• Adds more functionality for specific management tasks
• Performs routine maintenance and administration tasks in a
1.6.2 Any TWO (2)
• Internet filters
• Spam blockers
• Pop-up blockers
24 | P a g e
• Anti-spam programs
• Phishing filters
• Any other filtering tool
1.7 Virtual office refers to a fixed physical address,✓ containing minimal office setup which (2)
is used as a shared space✓ by people who work from a mobile office.
1.8 Any TWO (2)
Helps to understand complex concepts, subjects, or theories
No distractions while the study.
Boosts students’ creativity.
Expands learners’ efficiency to gain knowledge.
Teacher can easily monitor the students
TOTAL [25]

Activity 2

1.1 Many young people use cell phones to access websites. (2)
Name TWO aspects of a web browser that must be adapted so that it can be viewed on a
mobile device.
1.2 Many people choose apps over traditional websites. (3)
Name THREE advantages of using apps as opposed to mobile web browsers.
1.3 Explain the concept of web caching. (2)
1.4 The service offered by Home Affairs is a good example of how ICT is used by the (2)
government to improve its services.
Give TWO other examples where ICT is used to improve the services of the government
1.5 It is important to keep informed about the developments and trends in IT and we should (3)
also keep our software updated. List THREE advantages of updating software.
1.6 Access to the server room must be controlled. The staff members use biometrics to gain
access to the server room.
1.6.1 Explain the term biometrics. (2)
1.6.2 Give TWO appropriate examples of biometrics to be used in this scenario except (2)
1.7 Data security is a priority in the mobile office. Unauthorised access and loss of data or
corruption of data must be minimised.
What precautions should be put in place in each one of the following to ensure data is
1.7.1 Power cuts. (1)
1.7.2 Computers that are stolen. (1)
1.7.3 GIGO (Garbage In Garbage Out) (1)
1.7.4 Access to the software must be restricted to certain personnel. (1)
1.7.5 Hard disk failure.
1.8 The CPU is where all processing takes place
1.8.1 State the two main aspects of the CPU that must be considered which will have a direct (2)
influence on the system’s performance.
1.8.2 The CPU sometimes overheats. List TWO ways in which overheating can be prevented. (2)
TOTAL [23]

25 | P a g e
Activity 2 Memo

1.1 Any TWO (2)

• Screen size.
• Flash content.
• The web browser sends information to the website according to the type of
device that is identified. The correct version is then opened.
1.2 Any THREE (3)
• Navigation is easier
• An App has one function/ Helps to maintain focus
• Do not have to remember a long URL
• Data/pictures are stored on phone/ Reacts faster and uses less data as it does
not have to be downloaded each time.
• Apps can collect information in the background and let you know when there is
new information.
• Apps can use sensors such as GPS, compass, speedometers.
• Apps can work with a service to synchronise the data on all your devices
1.3 Webpages are stored on the HDD. ✓ (2)
Access is faster from the HDD than from the Internet. ✓
1.4 Any TWO (or any other valid example): (2)
• Elections
• Census
• Better communication
• Better administration
1.5 • Fix errors or bugs in the existing programs (3)
• Close/seal security loopholes that hackers and malware might try to exploit
• Add new features and improvements to existing software
1.6 1.6.1 Biometrics refers to the use of personal characteristics✓ to authenticate the identity✓ (2)
of a person.
1.6.2 Any TWO suitable example (1)
• Eye/Retina
• Voice recognition
• Facial recognition
• Palm readers
1.7 1.7.1 UPS (1)
1.7.2 Computers must be physically secured with chains, locks, built-in cabinets. (1)
1.7.3 Check the documents from the original copy. (1)
1.7.4 Strong password. (1)
1.7.5 Good backup (1)
1.8 1.8.1 Speed (GHz)✓ and Cores✓ (2)
1.8.2 Any TWO correct facts about preventing overheating (2)
Large heat sink on the CPU/North Bridge chipset.
Using thermal paste
Heat conductive plate over system bus.
Additional cooling fans in case.
Alternative cooling systems – any sensible example.
TOTAL [23]

26 | P a g e
Activity 3

1.1 Computers have a modular design. (2)

State TWO advantages of modular design in hardware.
1.2 Consider the following laptop advertisement:

1.2.1 RAM is an important aspect of any computer system.

(A) How much RAM does this laptop have? (1)
(B) What is the purpose of RAM (1)
1.2.2 The Core i7 refer to a CPU with multiple cores (2)
Name TWO processing techniques that this CPU will be able to perform
1.2.3 The advert states that the system consists of 1 TB HDD and 512 SSD. (2)
How can you optimally make use of these two storage devices?
1.2.4 Name the ONE aspect not mentioned in the advert if you want to use this laptop as a (1)
gaming computer.
1.3 A friend of yours needs assistance with video editing
1.3.1 What port will you use to ensure fast data transfer for video and sound? (1)
1.3.2 What role will cache memory play in this scenario? (2)
1.4 You decided to 3D print key chains to sell and make some extra money
1.4.1 Explain how a 3D printer works (3)
1.4.2 In this scenario name ONE advantage to 3D printing the key chains vs buying and selling. (1)
1.5 You want to make use of only a tablet to do all administrative tasks for your small
1.5.1 Name TWO reasons why it will be more advantages to make use of a laptop (2)
1.5.2 Give ONE example of when a tablet will be useful for a small business
1.5.3 Provide ONE way to transfer data from your tablet to your computer without the use of (1)
a cable
1.6 All computing devices needs an Operating system to function
1.6.1 Name TWO tasks of the operating system. (2)
1.6.2 Name the ONE of the most important differences between a mobile and a computer (1)
operating system.
1.7 Peripherals make use of drivers

27 | P a g e
1.7.1 Define the term driver. (2)
1.7.2 Explain the term standard driver. (1)
1.7.3 Name ONE device that makes use of a standard driver (1)
TOTAL [27]

Activity 3: Memo

1.1 Easy to upgrade outdated hardware. ✓ (2)

Easy to repair/replace broken/defective hardware. ✓
1.2 1.2.1 (A) 8GBs✓ (2)
(B) It temporarily stores the data and instructions that is needed next by the CPU✓
1.2.2 Any TWO✓✓ (2)
1.2.3 Save the operating system and programs on the SSD for fast access✓ (2)
Save data on the HDD✓
1.2.4 Graphics card / VRAM / GPU✓ (1)
1.3 1.3.1 HDMI✓ (1)
1.3.2 Cache is a high-speed memory on or close to the CPU that will keep the instructions (2)
needed next✓ for processing to be faster as the CPU does not have to wait for the
slower RAM✓
1.4 1.4.1 Process of creating three dimensional solid objects✓ from a digital file✓. Objects are (3)
built by printing one layer at a time✓
1.4.2 Any ONE (1)
You can create a unique design
You can print only the number you need
The key chain will be light weight
Lower start-up cost to start a small business than to have different machines to do the
1.5 1.5.1 Any TWO (2)
The tablet touch screen makes capturing data challenging if there is no keyboard
The screen is small and it can be difficult to work with a lot of data

Easier to misplace the tablet

Cannot load programs which needs a lot of hardware resources
1.5.2 Any ONE (1)
Creating to-do lists.
Taking notes.
Managing social media accounts.
Financial/banking purposes.
Appointment scheduling.
Customer communication.
Can be used when the business requires employees to travel for their work.
1.5.3 Use Bluetooth to transfer the files (1)
Take the SD card from the tablet and insert it into the laptop’s SD card reader
1.6 1.6.1 Any TWO (2)
Manages hardware and software

28 | P a g e
Provides the GUI (Graphical user interface)
Manages input and output peripherals
Manages RAM
Manages storage
Responsible for processes and tasks like multi-tasking, multi-threading and multi-
1.6.2 Mobile operating system is built to ensure power saving where the full scale operating (1)
system do not cater for it in the same way
1.7 1.7.1 A program✓that allows the operating system to communicate with the device.✓ (2)
1.7.2 Driver Software that is already part of the operating system (1)
1.7.3 Any ONE (1)
External storage device (e.g. hard drive/flash disk).
Printer / scanner / camera
TOTAL [27]

Activity 4

1.1. Older computers have limited RAM. They run programs at a slower pace and you also
notice that there is constant hard disk drive activity.
1.1.1 Describe how a computer manages to still open a number of applications despite (2)
having limited RAM.
1.1.2 State TWO aspects that needs to be considered when you try to upgrade the RAM on (2)
older computers.
1.2 The computer motherboard uses both buses and point-to-point connections to transfer
1.2.1 What is the purpose of the internal bus on a motherboard? (1)
1.2.2 Name the components that the point-to-point connections connect. (2)
1.3 A computer store manager was advised to make daily backups of his work, on an
external hard drive, and to take it home.
1.3.1 Why is it advisable to take the external hard drive home each night? (1)
1.3.2 Give THREE reasons why it is critical to regularly back up or make copies of files. (3)
1.3.3 The manager is finding that his external hard drive is only just managing to store the (3)
content of his computer’s hard drive.
Give THREE ways in which he can reduce the number of files he needs to back up.
1.4 Cyber-crime is any crime committed by using ICT as a tool.
1.4.1 Name THREE disadvantages that makes it easier for criminals to make use of ICT as a tool (3)
to commit crime.
1.4.2 What do criminals use to control computing devices to commit a crime? (1)
1.4.3 What is the name of the computer that is compromised in a network used to commit (1)
1.5 Virtual reality is an advance which is becoming more affordable
1.5.1 Briefly explain the purpose of virtual reality technology. (2)
1.5.2 List any TWO uses of Virtual reality. (2)
1.5.3 Name TWO advantages of Virtual reality. (2)
1.5.4 List any TWO hardware requirements for Virtual reality. (2)
TOTAL [27]

29 | P a g e
Activity 4: Memo

1.1 1.1.1 It makes use of space on secondary memory / storage / hard drive✓using it as primary (2)
memory / RAM.✓
Virtual memory (one mark only)
1.1.2 It might be difficult to obtain RAM chips✓ (2)
To find DIMMs that are compatible with the older motherboards✓
1.2 1.2.1 It connects the different components on the motherboard.✓ (1)
The internal buses transfer data and instructions between components.
1.2.2. CPU✓ and RAM✓ (2)
1.3 1.3.1 To store the backups safely off-site in case of theft, fire✓ (1)
1.3.2 Any THREE of: ✓✓✓ (3)
• Files can be accidentally deleted or overwritten.
• Files can sometimes become corrupt.
• Files can become infected with malware (viruses, spyware, etc.).
• Hardware such as a disk drive can fail.
1.3.3 Any THREE of: ✓✓✓ (3)
• Only back up data files (not software that can be reinstalled).
• Only back up file changes since the previous backup.
• Compress (‘zip’) the files that will be backed up into one or more zipped
(‘compressed’) file/s.
• Perform housekeeping tasks, such as removing duplicate files, before making backups.
1.4 1.4.1 • There is low risk of physical danger (They are not physically present when they commit (3)
the crime). ✓
• It is difficult to detect the crime. ✓
• It is difficult to trace who committed the crime. ✓
1.4.2 Malware / Virus✓ (1)
1.4.3 Zombie PC✓ (1)
1.5 1.5.1 A computer-generated simulated environment✓ that can be experienced by the user (2)
using specific input and output hardware and specialised software✓
1.5.2 Any TWO: ✓✓ (2)
• Military – can do a wide range of simulations
• Sport - train more efficiently across a range of sports
• Medical field - to practice surgeries and procedures
• Education – teaching and learning
• Retail – simulate store front etc.
1.5.3 Any TWO: ✓✓ (2)
• Increase knowledge area.
• Active experience rather than just passive information.
• Helps to understand complex concepts, subjects, or theories.
• No distractions while studying.
• Boosts students’ creativity.
• Expands learners’ efficiency to gain knowledge
1.5.4 Any TWO: ✓✓ (2)
• Personal Computer (PC)/Console/Smartphone/VR headset
• Input devices - joysticks, force Balls/Tracking balls, controller wands, data gloves,
trackpads, On-device control buttons, motion trackers, bodysuits, treadmills and
motion platforms .

30 | P a g e
• Output devices - visual, auditory, or haptic feedback often through the VR headset
TOTAL [27]

Activity 5

1.1 Mobile technology is driven by ease of access, user experience, the need to be always on
and always connected.
1.1.1 Explain the concept always on in terms of technology? (1)
1.1.2 List TWO devices that make use of the always on technology. (2)
1.1.3 Why is the always on an advantage in mobile devices? (1)
1.1.4 Advise them on THREE ways to conserve battery power in mobile devices. (3)
1.2 Virtualisation is a wonderful invention in technology.
1.2.1 Briefly explain the concept virtualisation. (1)
1.2.2 List TWO uses for virtualisation (2)
1.2.3 List TWO benefits of virtualisation. (2)
1.3 The school may decide to use different API’s (Application Programming
1.3.1 Define the concept of an API. (2)
1.3.2 There are different categories of API’s.
Explain with the help of an example how an online school can use the following types of
A. Public API (2)
B. Private API
1.4 1.4.1 Explain the difference between virtual reality and augmented reality (2)
1.4.2 Why is software a limitation to virtual reality? (1)
1.5 As most people are working from home virtual staff meetings have become more
1.5.1 Name ONE program that can be used for virtual meetings (1)
1.5.2 Name THREE hardware requirements needed for such a virtual meeting (3)
1.5.3 Name ONE advantage of having such a virtual meeting rather than a teleconference (1)
1.5.4 In which way can virtual meetings be abused by people outside of the organisation? (2)
TOTAL [26]

Activity 5: Memo

1.1. 1.1.1 Any ONE:✓ (1)

• Refers to operating systems on mobile devices that are designed to keep the device on
and always working – even when the display is dark.
• States that mobile technology is never off, it is always working in the background.
1.1.2 Smartphone✓ (2)
1.1.3 Any ONE: ✓ (1)
• It makes mobile devices fast and responsive.
• It makes them seem smart and intuitive.
1.1.4 Accept any THREE of the following: ✓✓✓ (3)
• Turn down the brightness of the screen.
• Turn off unused radio devices such as 3G/4G, GPS, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.
31 | P a g e
• Turn off Sync.
• Close unused apps.
• Turn on power saving mode.
• Turn off vibrations.
• Minimise notifications.
1.2 1.2.1 Virtualisation is the process of running multiple computing environments (called virtual (1)
machines) on a single set of hardware(machine). ✓
1.2.2 Any TWO: ✓✓ (2)
• Testing different operating systems and hardware
• Cloning computers
• Hosting cloud applications
• Allow multiple people to use the same computer at the same time
1.2.3 Any TWO: ✓✓ (2)
• Less expenditure
• Save resources
• Disaster recovery
• Green IT
1.3 1.3.1 An API makes the transmission of data and information ✓between different (2)
programmes possible. ✓
1.3.2 A. Public API will make it possible for the school to do their own software (1)
development. ✓
B. The school will have to pay the owner of the API to develop software with a private (1)
API. ✓
1.4 1.4.1 Virtual reality (VR) immerses people in experiences, often with a lot of expensive (2)
technology such as headsets ✓
Augmented reality, on the other hand, usually starts with a real-life view of something
(such as the camera of a mobile phone), and projects or inserts images onto the screen
or viewer. ✓
1.4.2 VR software take up a lot of space and require a lot of computing power compared to (1)
other devices. ✓
1.5 1.5.1 Any ONE: ✓ (1)
Skype, Zoom, GoToMeeting, MS Teams, Google Meet, WebEx, any other correct answer.
1.5.2 Microphone✓, camera✓, fast/stable internet connection/bandwidth✓ (3)
1.5.3 People can see each other and facial expression plays a part in the communication✓ (1)
1.5.4 Hackers can hack into the meeting✓ (2)
Any ONE abuse✓ of the platform for example:
interfere with the running of the meeting
publicise their cause
show undesirable materials, etc.
TOTAL [26]

Activity 1: November 2021

2.1 Journalists are issued with laptops when they start working at a magazine publishing
company. The company only uses free open-source software (FOSS).
2.1.1 Explain the concept open source in the context of FOSS. (2)
2.1.2 Give ONE example of a free operating system the company could install on a
laptop. (1)
2.1.3 State TWO disadvantages of using free open-source software. (2)
2.2 The laptops are equipped with either an HDD or an SSD.

32 | P a g e
2.2.1 Users of laptops equipped with HDDs are advised to defragment the HDD regularly.

Briefly explain what defragmentation is. (2)

2.2.2 Write out the abbreviation SSD in full. (1)
2.2.3 Explain why an SSD accesses the data faster than an HDD. (2)
2.3 The journalists can access their data remotely using virtualisation or Software as a Service
2.3.1 Define the term virtualisation. (1)
2.3.2 Office365 is an example of SaaS.
(a) Except for remote data access, state TWO benefits of using SaaS.
(b) Describe how the license model of SaaS works. (2)
2.4 The company takes precautionary measures to protect the magazine's data.
2.4.1 An incremental backup strategy has been implemented to safeguard data. Explain
how an incremental backup strategy works. (2)
2.4.2 The company considers installing biometric readers on all the laptops. How would
a biometric reader help safeguard the data on a laptop? (1)

2.5 Power outages and power surges are often experienced in rural areas where
journalists work.

2.5.1 What device can be used to ensure that journalists are not affected
by unexpected power outages? (1)

2.5.2 If the USB ports of a laptop are damaged due to a power surge, how
could a user get his/her peripheral devices to connect to the
laptop? (1)

2.6 The journalists use their laptops for word processing, research and to upload
articles to the company's electronic database only.

2.6.1 Would you classify these journalists as power users or SOHO

users? (1)

2.6.2 Explain how multithreading is applied in a word processor. (2)

2.6.3 The processing speed of the computers at head office is very low.
Explain why installing more RAM could improve a computer's performance. (2)

Memo: Activity 1: November 2021

2.1 2.1.1 The source code of the software is available / accessible ✓ to view and is
Two marks for editable (implies accessible) One mark (2)
accessible / view / available
2.1.2 Any ONE (Free operating system): ✓
• Linux
o Red hat (1)
o Ubuntu
• Chrome OS

33 | P a g e
2.1.3 Any TWO (Disadvantages of FOSS): ✓✓

• Lack of formal support

• No one to hold accountable for errors
• Possible bugs/Unstable versions / malware (2)
• Different versions
• Not regularly updated
2.2 2.2.1 Defragmentation rearranges files ✓ that are fragmented / scattered ✓
on the HDD disc (2)
2.2.2 Solid State Drive ✓ (1)
2.2.3 Any TWO (Why is SSD faster than HDD?): ✓✓

• A SSD is electronic
• No moving / mechanical parts (2)
• No increase latency due to read write heads having to find the correct
2.3 2.3.1 Any ONE (Virtualisation): ✓

• Virtualisation refers to creating an entity (referred to as a virtual machine)

that only exists in software.

• It is a machine that runs on the host machine and running a

different operating system as a guest operating system using the
hardware of the host. (1)
2.3.2 (a) Any TWO (Benefits of SaaS): ✓✓

• Minimal setup required / not necessary to install the software on your

machine / (minimal effort involved)
• Use less space/resources on your machine
• Pay license fee instead of buying the software/minimal initial cost
(saving cost)
• Software is updated automatically on the cloud computers (2)
• New features are regularly added
• Ubiquity – use it on any device at any time / can be used from any
computer with an Internet connection
• Easy to collaborate or share information with other users
• Scalability – E.g. payment per month can vary, etc.
(b) You pay a subscription fee ✓ and
gain access software / use of the service ✓ (2)

34 | P a g e
2.4 2.4.1 A full backup is made initially ✓ and on set intervals all the changes that have
been made to the data gets backed up. ✓ (2)
2.4.2 Prevents unauthorised access ✓
OR an acceptable explanation (1)
2.5 2.5.1 Any ONE (Device used for a power outage)✓
• Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) / power bank
• Inverter with battery/generator / solar power (1)
• Use a mobile device (laptop / tablet) / device with built-in battery
2.5.2 Any ONE (Connect device to laptop): ✓
• WiFi/ connect wirelessly/Bluetooth
• LAN / network cable / wired connection (1)

Also accept HDMI / examples of cables

2.6 2.6.1 SOHO ✓ (1)
2.6.2 Concepts:
• Suitable example from using a word processor
• More than one process running at the same time
The word processor will be able to type, spell check, auto save, etc. ✓
at the same time. ✓ (2)
2.6.3 • More RAM can store more applications / data ✓
• Faster access from RAM ✓
OR (2)
• Leads to less use of virtual memory
• RAM is faster than virtual memory


35 | P a g e
Activity 2: May/June 2021
2.1 Explain why point-to-point connections are used between components that exchange large
amounts of data. (2)

2.2 A CPU is regarded as the 'heart' of a computer.

2.2.1 What is a CPU with four cores called? (1)

2.2.2 Explain why a CPU with more than one core can process a task
faster than a single-core processor. (2)

2.2.3 Give TWO reasons why the cache memory on the CPU speeds up processing. (2)

2.3 What are the electronic paths that transfer data between components on the motherboard
called? (1)

2.4 Discuss TWO characteristics of RAM. (4)

2.5 State why developers can benefit from using virtualisation. (2)

2.6 Firmware is software found in different devices.

2.6.1 State the purpose of firmware. (1)

2.6.2 Where is firmware located in a device? (1)

2.7 Explain the relationship between the CMOS and the BIOS by referring to the purpose of EACH. (2)

2.8 You need to be prepared for a situation where your primary hard disk fails and nothing on
your hard disk can be recovered.

List THREE essential things that you should do to ensure that you will be prepared to rebuild
your system after installing a new primary hard disk. (3)

36 | P a g e
2.9 Study the following screenshot:

2.9.1 The capacity of the disk is shown in terms of gigabytes. The smallest storage unit is a
bit. How many bits are in ONE byte? (1)
2.9.2 Explain why it is a good idea to make sure that the contents of a drive is
indexed. (2)
2.9.3 Give ONE reason why you will run a disk clean-up utility. (1)


Memo - Activity 2: May/June 2021

2.1 Point to point connections between components (not devices) are not shared/ are
dedicated ✓
providing high data transfer speeds ✓ (2)

2.2 2.2.1 Quad-core✓ (1)

2.2.2 A task is separated into different threads ✓ that can be processed simultaneously✓
spread/executed on/by different cores. (2)

2.2.3 Any TWO of: ✓✓

• Stores data and instructions that may be needed next / recently used / pre-
• It is high speed memory / closer to (on) the CPU
• Faster access than fetching from RAM
37 | P a g e
• Prevent slower process from slowing down systems (2)

2.3 A bus ✓ (1)

2.4 Discuss TWO characteristics of RAM (2 x ✓✓) of the following:

• RAM has no moving parts and it is completely electronic (Solid State Memory) -
• RAM is faster than any mechanical hardware (hard/optical drive) - Fast
• RAM loses its contents if the power supply is interrupted - Volatile
• RAM is more expensive per GB than storage - Comparatively expensive
• It stores data and instructions currently being executed.

NOTE: Only one mark if the characteristic is mentioned with no discussion (4)

2.5 By using one computer ✓developers can test their software on different
operating systems / platforms. ✓ (2)

2.6 2.6.1 Firmware is used to control the basic operation of a device. ✓ (1)

2.6.2 On a ROM ✓chip (1)

2.7 The CMOS is the type of memory that stores the BIOS settings that can be changed, ✓
while the BIOS contains the essential start-up instructions / does
the POST on a computer. ✓ (2)

2.8 THREE concepts: ✓✓✓

• Make sure that you have a good backup policy and know how to restore your data / save
all your important files in the cloud / syncing of files across devices.
• Make sure you have records of all your licence keys and serial numbers.
• Keep the software installation files/CD/DVD/flash disk in a place where you can easily
find and access them.

• Data backup
• Keeping licence keys/ serial numbers
• Keep installation files/CDs/DVD/flash disk

2.9 2.9.1 8 bits ✓ (1)

2.9.2 Any TWO of ✓✓

• Ease of access/speed
• This enables the user to better search for a file using words or phrases that
might appear inside the document.
• The operating system has an index that does not only include file names,
but also include words and parts of text inside the file.

38 | P a g e
2.9.3 Any ONE of ✓
• To remove temp files downloaded from the Internet
• To remove deleted files and folders by emptying the recycle bin
• To remove temp files created by operating system
• To remove components of operating system that are not used
• To remove installed programs that you no longer/seldom use
• To free up/open up additional space on the HDD
• To improve the access speed of the device


Activity 3: November 2020

The owner of a start-up importing/exporting business asked your advice on a number of
IT-related issues.

2.1 The computer technician who will assemble the computers to be used in the office suggested
that each computer should have a solid-state drive and a hard drive.

2.1.1 State ONE advantage that a solid-state drive has over a conventional
hard drive. (1)

2.1.2 State ONE disadvantage of a solid-state drive compared to a conventional hard

drive. (1)

2.2 Each of the office computers will be equipped with 8 GB of RAM and Windows 10 as the
operating system.

2.2.1 RAM is considered to be volatile memory. What does volatile mean in

this context? (1)

2.2.2 The owner has heard that some computers can only use 4 GB of RAM. He is
concerned that he will be paying for hardware that will not be utilised.

Explain why these office computers will be able to utilise all 8 GB of

RAM. (1)

2.2.3 The computer technician needs to start installing the operating system for the office

(a) Indicate whether the hard disk drive or the solid-state drive would be
the best option on which to install the operating
system. (1)

(b) Give TWO reasons why you recommend the drive in your answer to
QUESTION 2.2.3(a). (2)

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2.3 The business' computers will run on Microsoft Windows 10, but there are applications
that the owner wants to use that can only run on MacOS.

2.3.1 Suggest a possible technology that can be used to run both operating systems without
partitioning the hard drive. (1)

2.3.2 Someone recommended that the latest service pack should be installed for
the Windows operating system.

Briefly explain what a service pack is. (2)

2.4 VB.NET is a high-level programming language.

2.4.1 Define a high-level programming language. (1)

2.4.2 Interpreters and compilers are used to 'translate' a high-level

programming language into machine code.

(a) Explain the difference between interpreters and compilers by stating the
difference in the approach they follow when 'translating' code. (2)

(b) Explain the difference between interpreters and compilers by stating the way
each provides feedback and presents the result. (2)

(c) Does Delphi use an interpreter or a compiler? (1)

2.4.3 An API is used when coding in a high-level programming language.

What is the function of an API? (2)

2.5 Because of modular design, the latest desktop computers have many slots and connectors to
allow for computer components to be added.

Name the slot or connector used to add the following modules/components:

2.5.1 RAM (1)

2.5.2 DVD drive (1)

2.5.3 Graphics card (1)

2.6 Motherboards transfer a huge amount of data between various components at any given
moment in time.

Explain how the system clock aids in coordinating the transfer of data on a motherboard.

40 | P a g e
2.7 Consider the diagram below illustrating a process performed by the CPU:

Fetch instructions
from memory

Store data back Decode the

to the memory instructions

Execute the

2.7.1 What is the process above called? (1)

2.7.2 The CPU and the RAM communicate with each other via a direct
path/connection on the motherboard.
Name this direct path/connection.


Memo - Activity 3: November 2020

2.1 2.1.1 Any ONE: ✓
• Faster data access speed/ reading speed
• Does not need to be defragmented
• Greater reliability due to the absence of moving parts
• Uses less power / more energy efficient
• Smaller in physical size (1)

2.1.2 Any ONE: ✓

More expensive when compared to hard drives
The inability to recover old data (1)

2.2 2.2.1 RAM loses its contents when power is lost ✓/computer is switched off
Or any other correct explanation (1)

2.2.2 Any ONE: ✓

If the operating system/machine is 64-bit it can use more than 4 GB of
If the operating system/machine is 32 bit, it would not be able to use
more than 4 GB of RAM. (1)

2.2.3 (a) Solid state drive ✓ (1)

(b) Any TWO: ✓✓

• Operating system and program performance / access time will be
• Bulk data can be stored on the cheaper hard disk drive, while
programs that require high performance is stored on the more

41 | P a g e
expensive SSD.
• Does not need to be defragmented
• Greater reliability due to the absence of moving parts
• Uses less power / more energy efficient (2)

2.3 2.3.1 Any ONE:

Virtualisation/ Emulator/or examples of virtualisation software (1)

2.3.2 Any TWO of the following concepts: ✓✓

• New features
• Fixes to problems
• Updates
• Adding onto the existing operating system
• Provides updated security (2)
2.4 2.4.1 A language that is easy for humans to write and understand/ language closely related to the
language we use✓, because it relates to the English language. (1)

2.4.2 (a) Difference: An interpreter translates line by line ✓

The compiler translates the whole program ✓ (2)

Interpreter Compiler
An interpreter displays error The compiler provides a list of
message(s) line by line error messages ✓
Does not provide an Provides an executionable file ✓
executionable file

(c) Delphi uses a compiler

2.4.3 An API is an interface between the programming language✓ and

operating system/ software/ services/ hardware ✓ (2)

2.5 2.5.1 DIMM slots ✓

2.5.2 SATA connectors/ USB/ Firewire/ Thunderbolt ✓

2.5.3 Any ONE: ✓

PCI-Express slot OR PCI-e OR AGP OR USB (1)

2.6 The system clock generates pulses✓ that regulates the rate at which data is transferred
between components. ✓

Pulses are generated (1 mark)
The rate at which data is transferred (1 mark) (2)

2.7 2.7.1 Machine cycle ✓

2.7.2 Point-to-point connection ✓


42 | P a g e
Activity 4: November 2019
A few learners from an IT class have decided to help their community by developing free educational
apps as part of a community project.

2.1 The learners have to decide which laptop computer to purchase to develop the apps. The
specifications of two laptop computers are as follows:


- 15 inch HD display - 15,6 inch HD display

- Intel Core i3-6006U - Intel Core i5-8250U
- 4GB DDR3-1600 - 2 x 4GB DDR3-1600
- WD Blue 1 TB 7200 RPM - 1,5 TB 7200 RPM

2.1.1 State the amount of RAM that is included with Laptop Computer 2. (1)

2.1.2 Is Laptop Computer 1 bundled with a solid-state drive or a hard disk drive?
Motivate your answer. (2)

2.1.3 Laptop Computer 2 has 1,5 TB of storage space. Give the size of the storage
space in gigabytes. (1)

2.2 The CPU, also known as the processor, does most of the processing in a computer system.

2.2.1 CPUs work according to a sequence of steps called the machine cycle. Name the
first TWO steps of the machine cycle. (2)

2.2.2 Modern operating systems are capable of performing many different processing
techniques. Briefly explain the term multithreading. (2)

2.3 The IT learners often discuss the features of the latest graphics cards.

2.3.1 Name TWO factors of a graphics card that affect its graphics processing
ability. (2)

2.3.2 Many laptop computers have a built-in (or integrated) graphics adapter and
a graphics card.

Give TWO reasons why laptops are designed this way. (2)

2.4 The BIOS, which includes POST, plays a major role in the boot-up process of a computer.

2.4.1 What does the acronym POST stand for? (1)

2.4.2 Briefly explain the role of POST in the boot-up process of a computer. (1)
2.5 The learners are considering making their apps available for mobile devices, such as

2.5.1 Define the term convergence. (1)

2.5.2 How can the learners use virtualisation to their advantage in developing
the mobile apps? (1)

43 | P a g e
2.6 Computer systems can encounter slow performance when running educational apps due to
the overuse of virtual memory.

State TWO ways in which to address the problem related to virtual memory. (2)

2.7 Desktop computer hardware can be extended easily.

2.7.1 What is the purpose of the ZIF socket on a motherboard? (1)

2.7.2 Most computer peripherals are hot swappable. Explain what is meant by the term
hot swappable. (1)

2.8 The learners want to release their educational apps as freeware, but there are many other
types of software licenses, such as shareware.

2.8.1 Explain what the use of shareware entails. (2)

2.8.2 Many software development companies use the SaaS distribution model.

(a) Explain how SaaS works. (1)

(b) Name ONE advantage of the use of SaaS. (1)

2.9 A common problem associated with the use of hard drives is disk fragmentation.

What is disk fragmentation?



Memo - Activity 4: November 2019

2.1.1 8/ 2 x 4 GB ✓ (1)
2.1.2 HDD ✓
RPM/ spinning disk/ moving parts/ rotation speed. ✓
2.1.3 1500 - 1536 GB / gigabytes ✓ (1)
2.2.1 Fetch ✓instructions and data from memory (RAM). Decode ✓the
instructions. (2)
2.2.2 Programs are split into smaller tasks called threads. ✓
Threads can be run simultaneously as if they are separate independent programs. ✓ (2)
2.3.1 Any TWO: ✓✓
• Speed of processing cores/ processing power/ clock speed.
• Number of processing cores/ pipelining.
• Amount of memory/ dedicated memory.
• Type of RAM (2)
• GPU Cache
• The speed of its communication with the motherboard/
Whether it is installed into a PCI-Express x 8 or PCI Express x 16 slot.
2.3.2 The built-in graphics adapter is used when performing tasks that don’t require intense graphics
44 | P a g e
processing✓ to conserve battery power. ✓
When programs are executed that require more intense graphics processing, the laptop switches
over to use the graphics card.

ANY TWO Concepts (2)

• Improved graphics processing
• Conserve battery power
• Decrease the load of the CPU
• Cannot Add/Upgrade the graphics card in the laptop
2.4.1 Power On Self Test ✓ (1)
2.4.2 POST checks/tests that all important hardware (RAM, HDD, etc.) is working✓ (1)
2.5.1 Separate technologies and functions are combined into a single multi-purpose device. ✓
2.5.2 They can emulate/ test different smartphones/OS/platforms on a computer. ✓ (1)
2.6Any TWO: ✓✓
• Close unnecessary programs to free up memory.
• Add more RAM to your computer.
• Ensure that you run a 64-bit operating system. Otherwise, you can’t use more than 4 GB.
• Replace with a faster storage (SSD).
• The use of the cloud/server for storage/processing (2)
2.7.1 To connect/house the CPU. ✓ (1)
2.7.2 Hardware can be added or removed while the computer is on. ✓ (1)

2.8.1 Any TWO: ✓✓

• Limited features / full version subject to time-limit.
• License must be bought to use full version.
• Available as a trial version/ try before buy (2)
2.8.2 (a) A regular (usually monthly) subscription fee is paid to use the software/
rented software. ✓ (1)

(b) Any ONE: ✓

• User always gets the latest version of the software.
• Only pay for what you use/ scalability of software
• Processed in another place like cloud/ server/ another location
• Saves storage space/ no need to install on hard drive
• No need for backups
• Accessibility on different devices/ locations (1)

2.9 The scattering/ spreading of parts of a file ✓ to several sectors on the

disk which slows down the disk’s data access speed. (1)


Activity 5 – May June 2019

2.1 State TWO main functions of a motherboard. (2)

2.2 What is the main difference between a bus and a point-to-point connection? (2)
2.3 Expansion slots are used to add components to a computer system.

45 | P a g e
2.3.1 State ONE type of controller card that can be connected through an
expansion slot. (1)
2.3.2 Name ONE port that is commonly used to connect a wide variety of
devices to a computer system. (1)
2.4 The configuration settings of the BIOS can be changed during the start-up
process of a computer system.
2.4.1 Where will the changes be made to the configuration settings of the
BIOS be saved? (1)
2.4.2 Why don't the changes made to the configuration settings get lost
when the computer is switched off and unplugged? (1)
2.5 Multitasking, multiprocessing and multithreading are processing techniques
that are used by operating systems.
Identify the processing techniques illustrated and numbered as QUESTIONS 2.5.1, 2.5.2 and
2.5.3 in the diagram below. In EACH case, write down the question number shown on the
diagram and the processing technique it represents.

46 | P a g e
2.6 Define the following terms:
2.6.1 Cache memory (2)
2.6.2 Hardware interrupt (1)
2.7 Use an example to explain why plug-in software, such as Flash or
QuickTime, is sometimes required by your browser to access certain
websites. (2)
2.8 2.8.1 Write out the acronym POS. (1)
2.8.2 State TWO benefits of using barcodes with barcode scanners in a
POS system. (2)
2.9 Scalability is one of the features of a cloud-based service, which ensures
stability when a service, such as hosting a blog on a site, is rendered.
Define the term scalability in a cloud-based computing environment. (2)
2.10 2.10.1 Give TWO reasons why the software needs to be updated regularly. (2)
2.10.2 State TWO advantages of software updates that are managed by a
service provider for a company that uses cloud-based computing
services. (2)

Memo – May/June 2019

2.1 Any TWO functions of a motherboard: ✓✓

• Provides connectors to allow other circuits (CPU, RAM etc.) to connect to

it/houses components.
• Ensures that all components of the computer can communicate with one
• Distributes power to the parts that connect to it
2.2 A point-to-point connection is dedicated. ✓✓ This means that the wires or paths
used to transfer data are not shared between multiple components.
The wires or paths in a bus are shared between components.
2.3 2.3.1 Any ONE of: ✓
• Video cards
• Network cards
• Modems (1)
• Sound cards
• RAID card
2.3.2 USB ✓ (1)
2.4 2.4.1 CMOS memory ✓ (1)
2.4.2 The battery ✓ on the motherboard keeps the CMOS from losing its data.
2.5 2.5.1 Multiprocessing ✓ (1)
2.5.2 Multitasking ✓ (1)
2.5.3 Multithreading ✓ (1)
2.6 2.6.1 Cache uses a limited number of faster media✓ to speed up access to data and
instructions stored on a slower media✓
Cache temporarily stores recently/frequently accessed data and
instructions on a faster medium
A limited amount of fast memory used to speed up access to data and
instructions stored on a slower medium (2)
Predicts the instructions to be loaded next.

• Faster access/high speed memory
• temporary storage of data and instructions frequently used

2.6.2 A hardware interrupt is a means/method/signal whereby a device can

indicate that it needs attention from the CPU. ✓ (1)

2.7 Any ONE ✓✓

They add extra features to browser to be able to view multimedia – e.g. in a web
browser they are needed to allow the user to view 'special' effects.
This has become necessary as more and more multimedia (a combination of text,
pictures, sound and video) is added to the web which might not be supported by the

• website contains specific types of multimedia
• browser needs plug-in to view/play media (2)

2.8 2.8.1 Point of sale ✓ (1)

2.8.2 Any TWO benefits of using barcodes in POS systems:✓✓

• Faster and more efficient for capturing prices.
• More accurate/prevents errors in the capture of prices that occur
when people type in the prices.
• Business does not need to do individual pricing.
• Reference to updating stock
• Prevents tampering of prices on items (2)

2.9 The ability to increase and decrease resources (size and power)✓ quickly and
efficiently based on the changing requirements. ✓

• Increase/decrease
• Changing needs (2)

2.10 2.10.1 Any TWO of: ✓✓

• Fix known bugs in programs

• Fix security loopholes
• Add new functions and features
• Improved performance
• Reference to malware (2)

2.10.2 Any TWO of: ✓✓

• The company does not have to check for and install updates/
updates are done automatically
• All users get the updates at the same time
• Do not use local resources. (2)

Communication And Network Technologies

Overview of a LAN with a Star topology


Definition: A group of computing devices connected through communication media to allow the
devices to communicate and share resources.

• Communication: Networks allows users to communicate through e-mail, online chat, video
calls, online conferences and social media.
• Sharing and access to resources: Peripherals such as printers and scanners can be shared by
users on a network, which reduces cost spent on hardware. Hardware such as the hard drive
on the server for storage space can also be shared.


Centralisation: Users can have access to data and information regardless of their physical
location. This simplifies backup since all the data is in one place to backup.
• File and fund transfer: Data can be transferred making use of a network in various ways such
as through online storage, attachments in an e-mail or storing data on the network server.
Users can make payments through a network such as the internet.
• Productivity: Network users can share files through online storage and collaborate on the
same files. This increases productivity since multiple users can work on the same document
at the same time.
• Leisure: Users can make use of social media and online games for leisure.
• There are financial cost implications since a network specialist is needed to setup a network
and a permanent network administrator needs to be employed to control the network and its

• Networks often store sensitive data. Money and time need to be spent to ensure the
network is secure.
• Once malware infiltrates a network that is not secure, it will spread very quickly since all the
devices are connected.
• If the server breaks no one will be able to continue with their work which would cause a loss
in productivity and profit. If the backup is not up to date, there will be a loss of essential data
for the company.

Network components
Nodes include computers (workstations), smartphones, tablets and peripherals such as printers.

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

• Compared to client computers, a server is a more powerful machine with more process
power, memory and storage space. They do not use the network but rather provide and
manage network resources to clients.
• Function of servers: Used to manage devices, users and data on a network.
Network interface card / controller

Image by Chris Ciapala from Pixabay

• Function: A hardware component that allows the network devices to connect to the network
for communication.
• Computing devices come with an on-board controller. This means that it is built into the
• If this on-board NIC fails, the PCI-express slot on the motherboard is used to install another
• There are two types of NICs:
o Wired NIC: Which provides the computer with a NIC port to connect to the UTP cable.
o Wireless NIC: Which provides a mobile device like a laptop, smartphone or tablet with

the ability to connect through Wi-Fi. In an advertisement for a device this is indicated
by the specification 802.11.
• Laptops come standard with both a wired and wireless NIC.
• Influence on performance of computer:
• NIC Speed measured in Mbps (Megabits) or Gbps (Gigabits per second)
• Higher number = faster.
• Can be wired, connecting a device with a cable to a network or wireless, like connecting
the laptop through WiFi to the Access Point.
• The speed of the NIC can affect performance when it comes to:
o loading webpages or web applications
o downloading applications or games from the internet
o downloading program updates from the internet
o copying large amounts of data over the network
o watching multimedia over the network.

Photo by Brett Sayles from Pexels

Function: The switch is a hardware device which connects nodes on the same network to a central
point; to allow communication between the nodes by directing network traffic to the correct port.

In a star topology a switch is used as the central point to which all nodes connect to.

Example: If a computer on a network needs to print, the data will be sent to the switch and the
switch will direct the data to the correct printer linked to the network.
Wired communication media:
• UTP cables (Unshielded twisted pair) / Ethernet cables: Electrical pulses are used to transmit
data along twisted copper cables
o Associated with a star topology in a LAN.
• Fibre optic cables: Light pulses are used for data transmission through fine
glass/plastic tubes.
o Often used in the backbone of a network.

*Backbone definition: A cable that connects different network segments in

a LAN together.

Wireless: Wi-Fi, WiMAX and Bluetooth all make use of radio waves for data transmission.
• Wi-Fi: Used in a network that provides wireless access to the network. Access points /
Wireless base stations will be needed to provide the users with Wi-Fi access:
o An Access Point is a hardware device that contains an antenna to send and receive radio
waves to allow wireless devices to connect and communicate on a network wirelessly.
o Wi-Fi is associated with a WLAN.
• WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access): WiMAX is used in large
companies or public hotspots for example at airports.
Advantages of WiMAX over Wi-Fi:
o Covers a larger area.
Communication media

o It is more secure.
o It has a higher bandwidth for faster data transfer.
o It can connect more devices than Wi-Fi.
• Bluetooth: Wirelessly connects two devices together for a short period
of time over a short distance. Bluetooth is often used in a PAN.
Wi-Fi Bluetooth


Longer range of communication Shorter range of communication

Higher data transfer speed Lower data transfer speed
Allows devices to connect to a (larger) Transfers data between up to 8
network/Internet devices

Similarities between Wi-Fi and WiMAX:

• Make use of access points / wireless base stations as hardware.
• Both make use of radio waves to send data to its destination.
• Signal strength is influenced by physical objects like buildings and electromagnetic

How to address poor Wi-Fi signal:

• Provide sufficient access points
• Limit interference of structures by placing the access points strategically
• Use a booster to increase signal strength
Even though the internet is not an essential component of a network, it is possible to connect a
network to the internet by using a router:

Function: A hardware device that directs traffic from one point to another between different
networks over the internet so that devices can communicate.

• Routers could connect a network to the internet (another type of network), making internet
access available to all devices connected to the network.
• Routers are used to connect different LANs to form a WAN.

Network operating system: System software that needs to be installed on the server computer to
enable it to perform its functions, like allowing nodes to communicate, share files, access
hardware and provides security features that will determine what users can access on a network.

Examples of network operating systems:

• Microsoft Windows Server 2019
• Unix
• Ubuntu
Definition: It is a barrier consisting of hardware, software or both that monitor incoming and
outgoing traffic between the computer or network and the internet.

Function: It is used as security to prevent unauthorised or malicious access on the computer or


Weaknesses in communication media

Weakness Description
Attenuation Over distance there is a loss of signal strength
This is when technology is used by a criminal to detect a signal to steal data
Eavesdropping transmitted through the communication media. Also known as sniffing or
snooping attack.
Differences in communication media
Wired Wireless
Fibre Optics UTP Wi-Fi
(Unshielded Twisted Pair) (Access Point)

Image by Chaitawat Pawapoowadon

from Pixabay
Advantages – Disadvantages – Limited by
More expensive. Less expensive. Least expensive to install.
Technical expert needed to
Easy to install. Easiest to install.
Highest data transfer (highest Slower data transfer than Fibre
Lowest bandwidth.
bandwidth) (lower bandwidth)
Limited range from 10m – 100m
Lower attenuation. Transmits
Susceptible to attenuation. depending on how powerful the
data over several kilometres
Signal needs to be boosted after access points are, the type of
before signal needs to be
100m. antennae used and physical
Adding new devices are limited by the Easier to access and connect than
number of available network points and cabled network with mobile
network cables available to connect to. devices and in cramped places
Limited by the range of the radio
signals and the number of devices
connected to the access point.
UTP vs Wi-Fi
• UTP is less prone to interference.
• UTP is not as slow when shared between multiple users.
• UTP is not influenced by objects like walls and trees.
• UTP has better security.

Definition The physical layout of devices (nodes) in a network.
Requires each of the devices to be connected with its own cable to the switch which directs
traffic to the correct destination.


Image by ar130405 from Pixabay

• Easy to troubleshoot problems.

Advantages • If there is a cable malfunction, only that device is disconnected from the network.
star • Easy to add and remove devices.
topology • Easy to set up.
• Stable network.
Network types
Personal area network: A network with a small range where two devices connect for a short period
of time. Small amounts of data are transferred between the devices.

Communication media:
• Bluetooth
• A cable connected to a USB port.


• Computer connected to a phone / printer via a cable or Bluetooth.

• Bluetooth is used in a car when connecting a phone to the car radio.
• Using NFC (Near field communication) to transfer data and make payments.

• Synchronising personal devices
• Transferring data between devices
• Connections can be made to other devices in close proximity
• Connect to hardware such as a printer or scanner.
Home Area Network: Based around a home environment with a small range.

Communication media:
• Wi-Fi is most often used as communication media

• Cabled connections are also possible.

Example: Connect computers, printers, smartphones, smart TV, smart homes and gaming devices
through Wi-Fi to each other using the router at home.
Local area network: A network that covers a relatively small area with a cabled connection.

Communication media:

• UTP / Ethernet cables

• Fibre optic cables

Example: A school where the computers in the class are connect to the network using cables.
Wireless local area network: A network that covers a small area with a wireless connection.

Communication media through Access Points:

• Wi-Fi

• It is easy to add new devices to a WLAN since they do not each need a network point to
connect to.

• The setup cost is less than a LAN.

• It is easier to connect devices in areas where it is difficult to connect via cables.
• Users are more mobile since they can connect from anywhere if they are within the Wi-Fi

• Security is a greater threat.
• Too many users affect performance/speed.
• Slower bandwidth compared to LAN.

Example: The network laptops / tablets / smartphones connect to wirelessly in an organisation.

Wide area network: Networks that cover a large geographical area.

Communication media and technology used:

• Routers: To connect different LAN networks together to form a WAN.
• Satellite.
• Radio waves like Wi-Fi and WiMAX.

• UTP and Fibre optic cables.

• Mobile communications networks like used on your smartphones
• Banking network.
• Offices around the country of a business that needs to connect and communicate.
• The Internet.

Compare PAN/HAN, LAN, WAN in terms of composition, media and capacity

A router and
personal device
Two or more LANs
Two devices in close connected to it like Switch, server,
Composition connected through
range laptops, computers, printers
smartphones and
Bluetooth / cable to Routers, satellite,
UTP cables and fibre
connect Wi-Fi, WiMAX, UTP
Media UTP and Wi-Fi optic cables for
smartphone to and fibre optic
computer cables
One main device 10 to 20 devices
Large number of Connects more
Capacity with up to 7 depending on the
devices than HAN devices than a LAN
peripheral devices router's capability

Network design of LAN and WLAN

LANs and WLANs can be setup as a Peer-to-Peer or Client-Server network.
Peer-to-Peer Client-Server
Limited security. Provides better security.
Easy to install and run since no server or network Expert required to install and server and network
administrator is required. administrator required.
Small number of computers can be connected. Larger number of computers can connect.
Software included in the operating system of every Specialised network operating system (NOS)
peer. needed for the server.
If the server fails, no client will be able to work.
If one peer fails, the network will be unavailable to
However, if a client fails the other clients will not
the others.
be affected.

Network access
Internet vs Intranet vs Extranet

Internet Intranet Extranet

Is used when users from
outside the organisation like
The global WAN that
their clients, are provided
consists of devices, A private network of a
access to information using a
networks, web servers company that offers
username and password. For
connect through various restricted access to the
example, signing into the
forms of communication data of the business.
extranet of the medical aid, e-
Tolls or local municipality
Function: Used to gain access to the network and its resources.
Username and passwords

Tips to create a strong password:

• More than 8 characters.
• A combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and special characters.
• Use meaningless "words".
• Avoid keyboard patterns and repeating characters.
• Do not use personal information others can guess.

Password tips:
• Change passwords often. 7uwBwo13lQ
• Do not use the same password for all accounts.
Indications that the device is connected to a network:
• Presence of extra logical drives in File Explorer under Network locations (U:).

• Access to peripherals like printers that are not directly connected to the computer.
• Indication in system tray that the devices is connected to the network and in Network and
Internet Settings.
• Network policies are used to control network access and prevent illegal use of the network.

• The network administrator will set up user access rights to access data on a network.
• They will also set permissions to users of what they are able to do with the data.

Virtual Private Network: Allows users of a network to securely login to the network, from
anywhere if they have an internet connection, to access network resources.

Uses: A VPN is often used when an employee is traveling or working from home and needs to gain
access to resources on the server at the office.
How to log in: The user needs to be connected to the Internet. Then the user connects to the
network’s server via the VPN with their network username and password.

• The user can login to an office network through the Internet providing them with the same

security as when they would login on the premises of the office.

• The user has access to the same resources and data as in the office.

Definition: The desktop of the remote computer appears as a separate

application on the computer which allows the user to work with the
computer as if seated in front of the computer itself. This includes taking
Remote desktop access

control of the computer's mouse and keyboard and having access to the
computer's storage and software.
Requirements: Both computers need the software installed. Third party
software like Team Viewer and AnyDesk is often used.

Uses: Often used by IT support to assist a user in another location to install a printer or change
settings on the computer. It can also be used for training to show a user what to do from a remote

Location based computing

Definition Processing, where the physical location of devices is used
• GPS – Most important
• Communication network for data transfer
• Service and application provider. For example: Maps, Uber,
Weather, Waze
• Data and content provider
• Mobile devices / Computer
• User
• Profiling customers
• A company that advertises specific deals when the user is close
• Can invite someone nearby
• Location of delivery for online orders can be easily found.
• Invisible data capture

Example using Foursquare / Snapchat: The user will know when a friend is nearby and be
able to invite them.
• Weather apps like Weather, Lightning alarm
• Direction apps like Waze, Maps, Google Maps, Maps in
Examples museums
making use • Social media apps that allow you to share your location and
see where others are. Examples: Facebook, Foursquare,
of location
Twitter, Tinder, Snapchat.
• Food ordering services for delivery like Uber eats and Mr
• Car sharing services like Uber and bolt
• Gaming apps such as 'Pokemon Go' (also an example of Augmented reality)
Global Positioning System
Function: Allows one to locate the position of devices.

How GPS determines positions: Receives signals from satellites orbiting the earth to
determine the position of the device.

How does it work: By capturing signals from 3 or more satellites to triangulate data to
pinpoint location of the device.

GPS Used in:

• Tracking a lost or stolen device or objects like vehicles.
• Mapping apps to find:
o directions
o your location
o points of interest near you
• Geo-tagging: Smartphone cameras record where photo was taking by using GPS,
recording the physical location of the area. For example: Linking your location on an
Instagram post.
• Verification that the device was in the correct location. For example: when signing in
on a new device with an account like Gmail or an Apple ID.

Connecting to the Internet

Definition: Bandwidth refers to how much data you can send through the network per time unit.

Measured: Kilobits per second (Kbps) or Megabits per second (Mbps)

Broadband: High bandwidth


Range refers to the measurement of how far data or a signal can be transmitted and received.
This term is mostly used with radio waves such as Wi-Fi, WiMAX and Bluetooth.
Definition: The amount of data an ISP allows a person to upload and download per month. This
mostly applies to cellular data contracts.
• Uncapped: Unlimited amount of data available to an internet subscriber. Most FTTH

contracts includes uncapped.

• FUP (Fair usage policy): A set amount that an ISP will determine the user can download in a
certain amount of time, for uncapped lines. If they exceed the FUP the user will be
throttled by reducing the bandwidth speed they subscribed for.
This is when bandwidth is reduced by the ISP, to all activities when the
network is strained or once you have exceeded your FUP limit.

You will pay more to have an unthrottled line.
Shaping happens when an online activity gets prioritised over others when the Internet is busy.

An ISP would usually do this to ensure that everyone on the network has a great experience by
ensuring that more pertinent things like video chats and VoIP calls are prioritised when
bandwidth is limited.
Cellular connection:
• Options for a cellular connection: LTE / 4G / 5G:
Fifth generation (5G) mobile network connection has higher
speeds than 4G
• If the device does not have a sim card it could be connected
through a personal hotspot provided by a smartphone or dongle
containing a sim card.

• Public hotspot: A public area where internet access is available through a wireless internet
Connection types

• Mobile hotspot: Sharing a cellular internet connection to devices connect via Wi-Fi.

FTTH (Fibre to the home): Fibre cables run from a box in the street to a device called a customer
premises equipment (CPE). The CPE is connected to your Wi-Fi router. This is a permanent
connection with high bandwidth (broadband) internet.
Electronic communications
Definition: All forms of communication sent by electronic transmission

Multimedia and the internet

Definition Download: The entire file is downloaded from the internet onto the hard
drive of your device before you can start watching. This allows the user to view the
content many times without accessing the internet every time.

Definition Streaming: The file is played while you are connected to the internet without
Download vs
having to download the file first. "Buffering" might take place with a slow internet
connection to wait for the next section to be streamed.

Definition Live streaming: This is when the streamed video is sent over the Internet in
real time (as it happens), without first being recorded and uploaded. A fast reliable
internet connection is needed.
Definition: Online seminars, that users can join, over the internet, from anywhere in the

Webinar Advantages:
• Users can join from anywhere in the world where they have internet access
• Saving on travel costs/time
• Expand knowledge base
IPTV Internet Protocol Television: Viewing television content over the Internet.
Video on demand: A paid for service on the internet, which allows the user to choose
when and what to watch.

VOD Explanation: Monthly payment is usually required to access these services and the
content is available for a limited period.

Examples: Netflix, Showmax

Definition: A Microsoft Windows computer have built-in compression software to
decrease the size of a file or folder.

Lossless compression: Compresses data without losing any data. Used where data
cannot be lost like a MS Word document

Lossy compression: Losing some of the insignificant detail of the file. Used in media files
such as videos and images

Compression standards for lossy compression:

• Sound: MP3 – removes sounds that can’t be heard by humans.
• Video: MPEG-2 / MPEG-4 / MP4 / avi
• Images: JPEG (often used for website images) – looks at pixels and removes what it
can without changing what the picture looks like

Advantages of compressing media files used online:

• To decrease the size of the video file for faster file transfer
• Reduce the amount of storage space needed on the webserver.
• Allows streaming services to find a compromise between video quality and
streaming speed

Disadvantage: Loss of quality

Types of e-Communication
Chat rooms Video conferencing

Users connect to a platform on the internet to Multiple users can join in a meeting or
communicate and discuss a particular topic. conference through the internet.

Examples: Discord, Amino, Band Applications used: Skype, Microsoft Teams and

Protocol used: VoIP.

Chatrooms could be informal or formal Video conferences are mostly formal.

depending on the topic being discussed.

A platform for users who share the same Used for business meetings and online education.

interests to discuss a certain topic.

A wide audience. Anyone with an internet A wide audience. Anyone with an internet
connection can sign in and contribute to the connection could join if they registered or were

topic being discussed. invited to the meeting. Online conferences can

be attended either as an active member where
the user is able to contribute and ask questions
or as an inactive member where communication
is restricted.

e-Mail Blog

Electronic mail used to send, receive and Websites that are regularly updated with diary-

forward electronic messages over the style posts in reverse chronological order, where
Internet. the most recent post will always appear at the
Formal – using proper netiquette. Informal stories and articles from a personal

perspective in a conversational style of writing


Send and receive messages containing text, To share information about the creator’s own
images, or other attachments to and from knowledge that they would like to share to
anyone with an email address, anywhere in followers online.
the world. Email is also used to advertise to
multiple people at once Companies can use blogs for:
• Marketing - updated with news and events
during the day to attract visitors.
• Display upcoming events or information

about participants in an event.

Accuracy - Blogs can be inaccurate because:

• They are posted by anyone and are their
personal biased opinion.
• The information is not verified
• Could be outdated.

Examples: Wix, Blogger, WordPress, Tumblr

Mostly used in a formal communication in

A wide audience of anyone who is connected to

the workplace between colleagues and
the internet and interested in the topic discussed.
clients. Sent to specific recipients who can
Viewers can comment on the page.
reply or forward the message.
Instant messaging
SMS Micro blogging

Photo by Christian Wiediger on

Short message service where Both the sender and receiver Posting of short text / pictures /
the sender needs airtime to need data to connection to audios on a social media
send. the internet. platform.

Both users need the same Examples: A Tweet on Twitter is

application installed. limited to a maximum of 280
characters. Tumblr allows a
Examples: WhatsApp, maximum of 140 characters.
Messages, Messenger,
Telegram, Signal
Informal writing style, often making use of emoticons and SMS language. Video and pictures are

also possible. The aim is to be as brief as possible. Can post/send immediately and someone can
respond/comment immediately.
Used when the receiver or To communicate with friends Is used to share ideas to
sender does not have internet and family or groups of people followers online
access or a smartphone, by to organise events. Businesses

companies like banks and also use WhatsApp for

medical aids to send customer support. Instant
notifications, to receive an messaging has replaced SMS
OTP when doing online in many areas
purchases and marketing.
Used between peers. The sender needs to have the contact

details of the person to communicate with them. Is to a wider audience of online

followers. Anyone on the
platform can view the content.

Vlog Podcast

Video blog: Posting videos online. Audio files made available to listen to.
Streamed online or to download from the
Examples where Vlogs are posted on: YouTube, internet on a device to listen to later.

Instagram, Vimeo, Facebook

Users will make use of an app like Apple
Podcasts, Spotify and Google Play Music to
search, listen and download podcasts of their
Informal, mostly not by professionals. The Both informal as well as formal podcasts
audio-visual form of a blog.

Videos broadcasted online either pre-recorded Audio files broadcasted online for users to listen

and uploaded or streamed live to using their media player / smartphone apps.

A wide audience. Anyone with an internet It all depends on the scenario. It could be users

connection can view your content. catching up on news from a radio site, a podcast
posted for leisure or listening to a book instead
of reading it.

Each field, To…, Cc… and Bcc… can include one or many e-mail addresses.
Composition on e-mail

Reply to only the sender – attachments will be removed.

Reply and Forward

Reply to everyone included in the e-mail in the To and Cc fields and the sender –
attachments will be removed.

Send the message to someone else – attachments are included.

• Do not send large attachments.

• Do not click on attachments / links in e-mails from suspicious sources.


Sender sends message ➔ Message stored on senders ISP server ➔

How mail is

Message stored on receivers ISP server ➔ Message received downloaded to



Example: [email protected]

Organisation type examples:

• com - Originally for commercial organization but any company can register for a .com
domain that will cost more. No geographical territory is added.
• biz - Any business
• edu - Educational
• gov - Government
e-mail address

• org - Non-profit organization

• co - Business (company)
• ac - Academic institution

Geographical Territory examples:

• za - South Africa
• uk - United kingdom
• sa - Saudi Arabia
• au - Australia
• fr - France
• nz - New Zealand
• ca - Canada
• us - United States
• de - Germany
• ls - Lesotho
Each website will have its own IP address for the server on which the website is stored. The
domain name is like a nickname given to the IP address, which makes it easier for us humans to
remember the name of the website.

Format: ISP_ID.OrganisationType.GeographicalTerritory

Domain name system: A central location where all URLs are registered

• Ensures each URL on the web is unique

• Links the URL to a unique IP address
User can access e-mail through a web browser or application software like Microsoft Outlook
on a computer or mobile device.
Microsoft Outlook on the web Microsoft Outlook app for mobile devices
Using a web browser would need an internet Can be used to compose messaged when not
connection. connected to the internet which will send
once the device is connected again.
Access through a web browser. Access through an app installed from the app
e-Mail Access

Since a browser on a computer would be Swipe gestures can be used associated with a
used to access the mailbox there are not mobile device.
swiping gestures.
Often used when traveling when the user Give the user access to their e-mails on their
needs to use a public computer to access mobile device from anywhere and at anytime
their e-mail.
Media must first be retrieved from your Makes it easier to attach media such as
phone before being uploaded to the web. photos that are on your smartphone to an e-

A set of rules that describes how data is sent between electronic devices so that
Protocol definition
they can communicate.
Type of protocols
Protocol Expand Description
Internet protocol A numerical address that uniquely identifies a computer on a
Simple mail transfer protocol Used to send e-mail through internet.
(Remember S for send)
Post office protocol 3 Used to receive e-mail through
the internet.
Internet message access IMAP allows you to access your
protocol email wherever you are, from any
device where you have an
IMAP internet connection. E-mails are
read on the server and IMAP will
synchronise the e-mails to any
File transfer protocol Used to transfer large files from one
computer to another over the Internet.

Hypertext transfer protocol Transfers webpage data from the webserver, over the
internet to the user's web browser.
Hypertext transfer protocol Used to securely send data from the webserver to the web
secure browser of the user over the internet.
TCP/IP A protocol used to browse web pages.
Voice over internet protocol Allows the audio of telephone calls to be transferred over
Software that makes use of VoIP: Skype, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Discord

• A stable internet connection.
• Same version of software must be installed on both devices.
VoIP • Hardware like a webcam, speakers and microphone /
• To make calls to certain numbers - credits need to be

• Cheaper than telephone calls over a long distance.
• Software usually free to install.
• Allows video conferencing.
• Allows file transfer like documents, images and videos while engaging in a conversation.

• Both users need an internet connection and the software installed
on their devices.
• Poor quality if you have a slow internet connection.
• When using video, you can use up your data cap quickly and it zyZwh8v1-8 could
become expensive.

World Wide Web (WWW)

Web terminology
World wide web: information on websites stored on web servers all around
the world that we access through the internet.
Definition: Application software that displays web pages.
Web browser

Examples: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Safari.

Features: The address bar is used to enter the web address the user wants to view. Browsers have
Back, Forward and Reload buttons as well as the ability to Bookmark Favourite webpages often
Mobile browsers are designed to fit on the smaller screen of a mobile device. HTML 5 is used to
Mobile browsers

design websites to be compatible with a mobile device. Features such as double tapping on the
screen will increase readability. Different types of input is used to complete online forms that is
compatible with the limited keyboard of a mobile device.

When the user enters the URL of a website the browser will automatically switch to the mobile
version of the site.
Many websites created mobile apps for their service for the following reasons:
• An app uses less data since the interface is installed once off when the app is installed on the
Mobile apps

• The interface of the app is designed for easier input from a mobile device.
• Allows users to receive notifications from the app.
• Ability to cache data locally on device so that data can be accessed offline
• The user does not need to enter the URL and login every time they want to access the app.

A group of web pages under the same domain name that are linked together through hyperlinks
and available through the internet.

Uniform Resource Locator: A URL is the pathway to a specific web page.


Definition: A search engine runs in a web browser to provide the user with an interface to enter
keywords and find related websites.

Examples: Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo, Yahoo

Search Engine

Searching techniques when desired results are not found:

• Add more keywords and try to be specific about your topic.
• You could also use synonyms for your current keywords for better results.
• Use the advanced search tools provided by your search engine to filter your results according
to size of the file, colour, type of file, time posted, user rights and more.
• You could place your keywords in quotes and Google will search for those exact words.
Search Engine Optimisation: A strategy used to place a website high on a
search result of search engines.

The result might not be relevant to the search the user entered. Companies
use keywords to ensure that their page appears at the top of a search.
These keywords are used to attract users to their website which might not OL_qPL5xsg
be relevant to what the user entered in their search.
Additional information about a file that is saved with the file. To access
some metadata of a file, right click on the file in File Explorer and then click on

World Wide Web Consortium

An international non-profit organisation that develops web standards for the world wide web.
Their mission is to lead the world wide web to its full potential.

Search types
Definition: Search is done in an online database containing a list of sites in different categories to
provide more relevant and up to date results.
Mediated search

Disadvantage: Fewer results.

How lists are compiled:

• People are paid to compile lists of websites into categories that are useful and up to date
• Social networks: Can be used to find useful content to populate website lists on certain
topics according to likes.
Definition: Automatic searches for information based on metadata of webpages and the user's

online profile and immediate environment.

Web development

Web design technology

Hyper Text Markup Language: Is a set of mark-up codes used by a web designer to create web pages

that the user will view in a web browser.

Cascading style sheets: Each style is defined and provided with a different name
that is used in the html document. The format is determined in one place and
can then be applied to all web pages of the website.

Advantages: Changes are made in one place which


• saves time
• provide consistent formatting throughout the website

File extension: .css
A scripting language because it is interpreted by another program like HTML at runtime.

• Executes inside a web browser on the user’s computer.

• JavaScript runs AFTER the web page has downloaded.
• Used to make a webpage interactive. For example: Dropdown menus, images that change
when the mouse moves over them.
A scripting language, that executes on the server BEFORE downloading webpage to computer.

A database is used to store information about the users to provide dynamic web pages.

SQL queries are used to interact with the database of the website to make it dynamic and

SQL is also used to add and remove user data from the database.
Asynchronous JavaScript and XML: A combination of XML and JavaScript used to allow small parts of
a webpage to refresh without reloading the entire page.

Examples: Google Maps where the user can zoom in and out and Google search that autocompletes
keywords while the user is typing.
Is a mark-up language used to describe store and transport data.

Own tags and symbols can be designed to describe content as opposed to HTML

Interactive web – code used Scripting languages
• JavaScript • PHP
• Server-side instructions: • JavaScript
o Perl • Perl
o Ruby • Ruby
o Python • Python
o SQL •
o PHP • HTML-5
Extension: Will not be .htm or.html
Interpreted by another program like
but rather .php / .asp / .jsp / .ajax /
HTML at runtime.

Server-side instruction used for

Client-side instructions
Dynamic web
• JavaScript • Perl
• HTML • Ruby
• CSS • Python
Executes inside a web browser on the That executes on the server BEFORE
user’s computer AFTER the web page downloading webpage to computer.
has downloaded

Static vs Dynamic websites

Static website Dynamic website
A website that displays the same A website where different users will see
information to all users viewing the different content even if they are visiting the
site. same site.
Example of files stored on these websites:
Image, video, sound, database files
Not often updated and done by the Users create their own content and view
webmaster. other's updates which is updated often.
URL htm / html .php / .asp / .jsp / .ajax / .aspx
Examples A school or company website Facebook, Blogs, Twitter, Amazon, TakeaLot
• Simple to design – no web design • Adapted to user needs and preferences.
programming skills needed. • Used for online stores.
• Do not need much server power. • Make social networks possible.
Advantages • Pages do not need to be updated • More comprehensive, interactive web
frequently. experience.
• Can create customisable pages or pages
that need to be updated often.
• Cannot be interactive. • Need more development resources.
• Cannot adapt to user's needs • Need powerful servers.
• Need server-side programming and
database skills

Internet growth
Definition: Provides the same content to all the users and contain hyperlinks to other webpages or
websites. Static HTML web pages are stored on servers.
Web 1.0

Explanation: Content is not update regularly. Webmasters review content and keep the website up
to date where needed. The only way that users can provide feedback is through sending an email.

Examples: A school's website.

Definition: Dynamic web pages which are interactive and allows users to add content. Content is
stored for each individual and displays differently to each user that logs in.
Web 2.0

Browser technologies used:

• JavaScript

Examples: Wikis, blogs, YouTube videos, social networking sites, online shopping, media
repositories, e-learning websites.
Definition: A web that can interpret information like humans to provide useful content tailored to
user needs.

Semantic web uses metadata to:

• To supply additional data on which specific searches are done.
• Searching is more relevant to the user
Web 3.0 / Semantic Web

• Establishes user needs according to their online profile and environmental context without
human intervention.
• Provides content personalised for specific users.

Technologies used:
• Artificial intelligence
• Data mining
• Big data
• Blockchain
• Machine learning ndQWJbbzos
• AR and VR

Examples: Smart homes and the Internet of Things.

Storing data from the web
Cookies: A small text file that is stored on the computer's hard drive when a website is visited.
The file records the user's preferences for the specific site.

Explanation: When the user visits a site the data in the cookie is sent to the web server to
customise the website to their previous preferences set. If the user changes any settings on the
site, the cookie is modified and stored again.

File extension: .txt with a limit of 4kb.

Local storage

Cookies contain:
• An ID unique to the computer
• Information like the time the site was visited
• Links the user clicked on
• Interests Tlq6WmWqMk
• Site searches
• Preferences on the site like language and location

Effects of deleting cookies:

• The next time you open that webpage only default settings are available since your
preferences are stored in cookies.
• You will no longer be automatically signed into websites that you saved the username and
password of.
Data can be stored on the web server's database to create dynamic pages according to the
user's profile.
Online data storage

• More data can be stored than in a cookie.
• Data can be accessed faster.

This is important when making use of social media sites or online shopping since the user might
not always use the same device when using the website or app.

Web careers
• Designing the layout of web pages
• Identifying features for the website
• Designing the look and feel of the website.

Web Designer Skills needed:

• Software programming skills
• Graphic design skills
• Creativity and imagination
• Knowledge of advances in computer technology.
• Knowledge on HCI principles
Responsible for: writing and editing the text and creating the videos that are
Web Author
used on a website.
Graphic multimedia Someone who designs the appearance of a website like for example the buttons,
designer icons, animation and pictures.
Internet of Things (IoT)
Electronic devices that are connected to the Internet which can be controlled and
communicate with each other without human interaction.

The Internet of Things describes the network of electronic devices that have sensors and
software – build into it which will communicate over the internet without any human

IoT was made possible by Web 3.0

• Wi-Fi
Ways that • Cellular connection
devices can • Physical cable connection
connect to

• IoT can be used to monitor items remotely.

• IoT can be used to notify users of any changes.
Advantages • IoT can be used to keep a of log data which can aid in decision-making
• Effective tracking of assets, like stock control.
• Acquiring sensor driven insights for example climate control
• Connected security. You can open your electronic gate and watch video cameras
placed around your property by accessing the cameras via the internet, using your
• Household appliances can be operated, for example, by using an app on your
smartphone. This system allows you to turn on and off the lights in your house
through a smartphone app. Robot vacuum cleaners can be started while not at
• Connected cars – a car that can communicate bi-directionally with other systems
outside of the car. This allows the car to share internet access, and therefore data,
with other devices both inside and outside the vehicle. Soon cars will be able to
Examples communicate with each other for safety-critical applications.
Online / Cloud services

Definition: Storing files on a storage medium connected to a server and accessed over
the internet.

Examples: Dropbox, iCloud, OneDrive, Google Drive

Online storage Advantages:

• Access on multiple devices
• Share with others which allows for collaboration EQ0sqPDovo
• Small amount of space for free
• Synchronisation of data files across all your devices.
• Access to all your files where you have an internet connection

• Need fast and reliable internet
• The free space provided is limited and you will have to pay for more storage

Definition: Software monitors the changes made to your files and mirrors the changes
to the online storage and back to all the devices which will now have the same updated
version of the files.
• Allows the user to access the latest version of the files on different devices
• Share with others to collaborate
• Make a duplicate copy off site
Giving someone access to the files / folders you have uploaded on cloud storage to
File sharing
enable them to collaborate.
• Simultaneous editing: All users can change and update the
Collaboration same document when using the online application of the
software for editing. Example: Google Docs, iWork
• This is made possible through file sharing so that a group of
people have access to the same file/s through an online
storage service apBM5iOnn4
How does it work?
• There is a backup schedule that is set to backup automatically at set intervals.
• Uses incremental backup.
• Files are encrypted for better security.
• Charges per month per user.

Examples: CrashPlan, Carbonite, Acronis

Online backup
• Need internet access to sync and access your files.
• Limited free storage space and if you need more you need to pay for it.
• If the company you are backing up with closes down or they have hardware issues,
all your files can be lost.
• You need to rely on the security of the company to protect your data.
Definition: The use of software offered over the Internet like cloud applications and

Cloud Applications: Making use of a browser through the internet to gain access to
application software.

The software often has an option to install but it is not necessary.

Examples: Microsoft 365, iWork and Google Workplace such as Google Docs, Gmail
Calendar, Forms etc.

Cloud Advantage:
applications • Minimal setup required.
• Software is updated automatically on the cloud computers.
• Can be used from any computer connected to the internet, regardless of the
specifications of that specific computer.
• Easier to collaborate or share information with other users.

• Need a good internet connection.
• If the company no longer exists and did not inform you, you might lose all your
• Monthly payment is often required.
• You rely on the company to have good security and backup policies.
SaaS: Software as a Service
You pay a regular subscription fee and gain access to the services provided by SaaS.

Examples: Adobe Creative Cloud, Microsoft 365

NOTE: Software application can often be stored locally on the

computer to work offline. Once the computer connects to the
internet the data would sync with the cloud account. oQjPlS2gSg

Is a Peer-to-peer protocol for sharing large files over the Internet making use of
BitTorrent software
• µTorrent
• BitComet
• qBittorrent
A swarm of peers consist of:
• Seeders: Devices who downloaded the entire file and are sharing the files with
• Leeches: Devices are downloading the files but not seeding yet.
Definition: A torrent is a small file that do not contain the actual shared file, but a list of
seeders the users can download the files from. The more seeders there are, the faster
Torrent the download will be.

File extension: .torrent

A large file is split into sections and shared via several peers, instead
of all users downloading the file from a single server, which makes it
How does it faster. A torrent is generated by the server and shared through the
work? software to show available seeders the other peers can download
• The software usually freeware to install.
• Larger files are downloaded faster.
• Reduces cost of the server to the host from which the file is downloaded from.

• Risk of downloading malware that are already in the file.

Disadvantages • Illegal to use BitTorrent for copyright files and pirated material often available.
• Network traffic could be slow when sharing popular files.
Big data
This is huge amounts of complex data that are being generated, gathered and stored
which can be used to make informed decisions about a business.
• Volume: The amount of big data is huge since it is collected from many devices and
sources (forms, IoT, databases, etc.)
• Variety: Big data comes in as various types of data as it is collected from various
different sources.
• Velocity: The speed at which big data is generated. Big data needs to be generated
quickly and should be updated in real-time.
• Value: Companies should find the information extracted from big data useful to
make decisions about their business.
• Data capture
• Storage space of data
Challenges • Analysing data
• Sharing data
• Security
• Customer profiling: by using big data, you can gain an insight
into your customers. Businesses can gain a comprehensive
description of a customer that includes demographics, and
consumption patterns. These patterns allow a business to
improve profits by supplying what customers want
according to knowledge gained.
• Advanced patient care: Real-time monitoring and body
sensors of patients allow monitoring of their physical vital signs to be done every
few hours. This can lower costs of hospital care as less attention is needed by a
nurse, because a computer can analyse the big data. Wireless sensors can capture
and transmit patient vitals far more frequently than human beings, and these
measurements can be analysed in real time for advanced care. Diagnosis times are
shortened and treatments are prescribed quicker. This is also an example of 4IR in
the medical field.
• The agricultural sector. Sensors on fields and crops provide data on the soil
conditions, wind direction and speed, fertiliser requirements, water availability and
pest infestations. Farm equipment like tractors is equipped with GPS units to find
their optimal usage. Analysis of big data can also help prevent spoilage by moving
products faster and more efficiently. Drones can patrol fields to alert farmers to
crop ripeness or potential problems. RFID-based traceability systems can provide a
constant data stream on farm products as they move through the supply chain,
from the farm to the compost or recycle bin. Individual plants can be monitored for
nutrients and growth rates. The sensors, GPS, drones, RFID system and all the other
technology used to collect the data is an example of 4IR.

A growing list of records, called blocks that are linked using cryptography
Definition Cryptography is the use of algorithms to encrypt and decrypt information so that only the
intended recipient can read it.
The data in the blocks cannot be altered which ensures security and allows for
• Increased transparency
• Better security
• Increased operational efficiency
It records transactions as blocks of data and chains them together using a hash, which is a
unique value for each block.
How does it
Blockchain uses a peer-to-peer network which allows everyone to have access to the
records stored in a distributed database.
• This technology is used in
cryptocurrency transactions like BitCoin,
medical records, collecting taxes and
keeping track of a diamond from the
moment it has been mined to its final
Examples owner.
• Walmart makes use of Blockchain to
determine where in the supply chain from
farmer or manufacturer, distribution and transportation all the way to customer, a
product got damaged.
• To buy and sell non-fungible tokens (NFT)

Security services

Multi-factor authentication (MFA)

Users are authenticated for online services through more than one required security and
validation procedure.
• Something the user owns: An identification card/access card/Smartphone
At least 2
• Something the user is: Biometrics
• Something the user knows: Password or pin
How does it A password is originally needed to log in then an OTP is sent to another device via
work SMS/email to verify
• Protection in layers improves security. For example: When you
add a new beneficiary while doing online banking you need to
approve the transaction in the baking app on your smartphone.
• Achieves compliance requirements because the POPI act requires
that companies use all security measures possible to protect the
user’s information. 7mRDyydCNY
• Inability for a user to login due to theft of smartphone or physical device which is
Disadvantages required and may not be available.
• Cost of setting up this system is high for the business.

One Time Pin (OTP)

A password that is valid for only one login session, on a computing device for security
OTPs are often used in MFA and is an example of a security token that is only valid for a
certain time limit.
• Safe from re-use attacks: a fraudster who uses trickery to capture
your OTP can’t reapply it, since it’s no longer valid for future login
• Allows you to keep your emails safe: OTPs are generally received
Advantages on mobile devices via SMS hence you don’t need to have access
to your email while you’re connected to an unsecured Wi-Fi
• Convenient to use: most individuals own a mobile phone, and SMS functionality
exists on every device making one-time passwords convenient to use.
• Could get out of sync: algorithm-based OTPs need to cope with drifting out of sync
with the authentication server if the system needs the OTP to be submitted by a
• Can lock you out of your account: if your OTP device is ever stolen or lost, multiple
login attacks by the hacker can permanently lock you out of your account.
• Cost of setting up this system is high for the business

Security token valid with time limit

Definition A token generated by a service which will expire after a certain amount of time.
OTP, an e-mail sent to verify the user's e-mail address when a new account is opened or
when a reset of a password is required from an online service.
• Can be used to reset passwords.
• Ensures security when doing online transactions through an OTP
• If the user lost their device an OTP cannot be received.
Disadvantages • If the e-mail address on the site is incorrect the user will not receive the token.
• If the user is unable to use the token it will expire.

Using code/set of rules to change data to be meaningless for
security purposes.
Function Provides security of data.

Opposite Decrypt


Secure sockets layer (SSL)

An encryption protocol that uses two separate keys, a public key to encrypt
and a private key decrypt sensitive data transmitted over the Internet
Used for online transactions and can be identified with URL's starting with
Definition: A digital certificate is an electronic document used to verify the authenticity of an
organisation online.
certificate Function in SSL: A digital certificate, which is renewed annually, is used to verify the
validity/authenticity of a person or organisation.
Certificate Authority (CA): An organisation that issues digital certificates
like Thawte and Verisign.

Digital Certificate Contains:

• Public key
• Details about the organisation who owns the public key JJmoDZ3il8
• The organisations domain name
• Digital signature of the certificate authority
• The dates for which the certificate is valid for

Activity 1
1. For each of the following scenarios indicate which type of network will be used:
a. Printing from a mobile phone to a portable printer connected through Bluetooth. (1)
b. Printing your program from the desktop computer at school to the printer linked to the
network. (1)
2. Identify each of the following network components:


3. Which type of communication media would most probably be the best to use for the
backbone of a network? (1)
4. A WAN covers a large geographical area:
a. Name TWO types of communication media needed to create a WAN. (2)
b. Compared to a LAN does a WAN connect more or less devices? (1)
5. Distinguish between remote controlling a computer with software and using a VPN. Include
an explanation of how each one works in your answer that illustrates the similarities or
differences. (4)
6. Sound clips are stored online and can be accessed directly from a provided tablet. Would you
recommend accessing the sound clips by download or streaming? Explain these terms to
motivate your recommendation (3)
7. Since the COVID lockdown, video conferencing has become even more popular. If the user
has a desktop computer that is linked to the internet, which hardware will need to be
purchased to actively participate in a video conference? (2)
8. SMS is an outdated form of e-communication but still in use. Give ONE example where SMS is
still being used. (1)
9. The Internet gives us access to a vast amount of information available through search
a. Write down the acronym for the strategy used to place a website high on a search result
of search engines. (1)
b. Explain what a semantic search is. (2)
10. There are several different types of cloud services from which people working in almost
any industry can benefit from.
a. Why would it not be recommended to make use of cloud storage to back up your own
personal computer's data? (2)
b. One of the advantages of cloud storage is that the data will be available on other
devices through cloud synchronisation. Explain how cloud synchronisation works. (2)

Memo: Activity 1
1. a. PAN✓ (1)
b. LAN✓ (1)
2. a. Router / Modem✓ (1)
b. Fibre optic cables✓ (1)
3. Fibre optic cables✓ (1)
4. a. Any TWO of: ✓✓
• Routers
• Satellite
• Wi-Fi
• Fibre optic cables (2)
b. A WAN connects more devices✓ (1)
5. Remote desktop connection ✓✓
• View the screen of the remote pc on local pc.
• Local keyboard and mouse used to control remote pc.
• Software is configured on host and target computer.
• Changes are made to files on the remote computer.
VPN ✓✓
• Users logon to the network via a remote location with the same security and privacy as
logging onto a LAN.
• Files are opened and modified in the remote location and can be saved locally or at the
remote location. (4)
6. Download – download file via Internet connection to the tablet first, save file on tablet and
then listen to it✓
Stream – listen to sound clip as it is downloaded, but not stored to listen to offline
(Recommend: any one) ✓
• Download → recommended as it can be accessed offline many times
• Download → not affected by interruption to Internet connectivity if already
• Download → uses less data as it has to be downloaded to device only once
• Stream → won't fill up storage on tablet – allows for more photos/video clips to be
taken by student
• Stream → always available with Internet connection from any device, can still access if
files is deleted from tablet, or from own device if preferred (3)
7. Any TWO of✓✓:
A webcam
Microphone / headset (2)
8. Any ONE of: ✓
• OTPs
• Marketing
• To communicate with users without internet access (1)
9. a. SEO✓ (1)
b. Automatic searches for information based on metadata of webpages✓ and the user's
online profile and immediate environment. ✓ (2)
10. a. Any TWO of: ✓✓
• Need fast and reliable internet.
• The free space provided is limited and you will have to pay for more storage.
• If the company no longer exists, you will lose all your data.
• You need to rely on the security of the company to protect your own data (2)
b. The software monitors the changes made to your files✓ and mirrors the changes to the
online storage and back to all the devices✓ which will now have the same updated
version of the files. (2)

Activity 2
1. List TWO essential hardware equipment needed to set up a basic LAN network for all the staff
in an office, apart from computing devices. (2)
2. The manager at one of the offices of a national company, suggests using cellular technology to
connect the computing devices in the network to the Internet
a. Explain why cellular technology might not be ideal in this situation. (1)
b. Suggest another method to connect the network to the Internet. (1)
c. Which hardware device would need to be added to setup a WLAN? (1)
d. What type of communication media would the device in 2 c) make use of? (1)
3. BitTorrent has become very popular to use.
a. Explain what BitTorrent is. (3)
b. Give ONE risk that users must keep in mind when using BitTorrent. (1)
4. The manager of the office regularly travels for work and needs to access certain files, on
the network at the office, through a VPN (Virtual Private Network).
a. How will a VPN be more appropriate to use in this scenario than using remote control
software like TeamViewer? (1)
b. Name TWO examples of where TeamViewer would be the better option to use. (2)
c. A VPN uses encryption when transferring files. Give ONE other situation where data is
automatically encrypted. (1)
5. Some of the employees complain that they are less satisfied with the search results they
received via a search engine like Google. This can be the result of SEO. Explain what
SEO is and why it might be a cause of irrelevant search results. (2)
6. Mediated searches often return fewer but better quality results. How are the lists of results
compiled? (1)
7. The following is a URL for one of the web pages on the shop’s website:
a. Would this be a safe site for the customer to do online shopping on? Motivate your
answer. (1)
b. For the user to complete the payment transaction online they receive and OTP. Clearly
explain what the function of an OTP is and how the user will receive it. (2)
c. Explain by referring to the URL above, why it can be confirmed that the website is
interactive. (1)
d. To sign into the website MFA (multi factor authentication) is used. A password on its own
is not very secure. Which type of verification of MFA would be the most secure?
Motivate your answer. (2)
8. Big Data is used by various companies worldwide. Name and explain ONE of the
characteristics of Big Data. (2)
Memo: Activity 2
1. Any TWO of: ✓✓
• Switch
• Server (2)
• Communication media / UTP cables
2. a. Any ONE of the following: ✓
• Every computer will need a “dongle” or modem to connect to the cellular
• Connectivity can be unstable/unreliable due to bad signal in remote areas.
• Cellular data could be expensive to use. (1)
b. Fibre to the home (FTTH). ✓ (1)
c. Wireless base station / Access Point. ✓ (1)
d. Wi-Fi✓ (1)
3. a. It is a Peer-to-peer protocol✓for the transfer and sharing of large files✓ across a
network/Internet✓ (3)
b. Any ONE of the following risks: ✓
• BitTorrent files are not quality assured and there is little protection against
downloading malware.
• Torrenting can be illegal as you don’t have the license for the files you are
• BitTorrent does not prevent other users seeing your IP address and files
downloaded are traceable (1)
4. a. When the user needs access to file and not hardware/computer. ✓ (1)
b. Any TWO examples of using Team Viewer for example: ✓✓
• installing printers
• changing settings on the computer (2)
c. Any ONE of: ATM, DRM, Internet Browsers, VoIP-calls, online storage. ✓ (1)
5. SEO is search engine optimizations, a strategy / technology used to obtain a high-ranking
placement in the search results page✓ of a search engine. This can result in pages being in
the search results without containing the information that you really want or need. ✓ (2)
6. Any ONE of: ✓
• People are paid to compile lists of websites into categories that are useful and up to
• Social networks: Can be used to find useful content to populate website lists on certain
topics according to likes. (1)
7. a. Yes, as it starts with https. ✓ (1)
b. It is a password that is used for security purposes ✓and received through SMS / e-
mail.✓ (2)
c. .asp appears in the URL. ✓ (1)
d. Biometric input. ✓The user needs to be physically present. ✓ (2)
8. Any ONE name ✓and explain: ✓
• Volume: The amount of big data is huge since it is collected from many devices and
sources (forms, IoT, databases, etc.)
• Variety: Big data comes in as various different types of data as it is collected from
various different sources.
• Velocity: The speed at which big data is generated. Big data needs to be generated
quickly and should be updated in real-time. (2)
• Value: Companies should find the information extracted from big data useful to make
decisions about their business

Activity 3
1. Which type of network will be used when a teacher is printing a document from the laptop to
the school's printer while connected to the Wi-Fi? (1)
2. Identify each of the following network components:


3. Which type of communication media would most probably be used when paring a
smartphone with a mobile speaker? (1)
4. A router can be used to connect two LANs to create a WAN. Name ONE example of a WAN (1)
5. Location-based computing makes use of apps and GPS. A school taking learners on a
tour and would love the children to take selfies or make short videos while on their
sightseeing journey and share them with their friends and family all over the world.
a. Explain what the function is of GPS. (1)
b. Give an example of an app that makes use of location-based computing. (1)
c. What is the advantage for parents when LBS is enabled? (1)
d. What are possible dangers of enabled LBS in this scenario? (2)
e. All photos and videos taken on the tour, will automatically be synchronised to cloud
storage for backup purposes. Do you think it is appropriate that the school does this?
Motivate your answer. (1)
6. Video conferencing is used often to conduct meetings when the attendees are in
different locations.
a. Name an example of software used for video conference. (1)
b. Provide TWO advantages and TWO disadvantages of making use of video
conferencing. (4)
7. WWW is the information on websites stored on web servers all around the world that
we access through the internet.
a. Give the definition of a web browser. (1)
b. Why would a user rather make use of an app instead of a website? (2)
c. Where and when does JavaScript run? (2)
d. Write down the acronym for a pathway to a specific web page (1)
8. Blockchain is a growing list of records linked through cryptography.
a. Explain how Blockchain works. (2)
b. Name ONE advantage of Blockchain. (1)

Memo: Activity 3
1. WLAN✓ (1)
2. a. Switch✓ (1)
b. UTP / Ethernet cable✓ (1)
3. Bluetooth✓ (1)
4. Any ONE of: ✓ (1)
• Mobile communications networks which use for our smartphones
• Banking network.
• Offices around the country of a business that needs to connect and communicate.
• The Internet
5. a. Allows one to locate the position of devices✓ (1)
b. Any ONE example: ✓
• Weather apps, Lightning alarm
• Direction apps like Waze, Maps, Google Maps, Maps in museums
• Social media apps that allow you to share your location and see where others are.
Examples: Facebook, Foursquare, Twitter, Tinder, Snapchat.
• Food ordering services for delivery like Uber eats and Mr Delivery
• Car sharing services like Uber and bolt
• Gaming apps such as 'Pokemon Go' (1)
c. Parents could track their children's' whereabouts through e.g. Google Maps✓ (1)
d. Any TWO acceptable answers relating to dangers for example: ✓✓
• Students will advertise their whereabouts to anyone interested and the info could
be used for other criminal activities.
• Criminals will be able to determine their routes and patterns of the tours (2)
e. Answer plus motivation✓:
• Yes → if the parents sign a disclaimer that the pictures/videos may be used for
marketing purposes
• Yes → if it is collected purely for backup so students can retrieve it after a tour
• No → Selfies are not to be collected or shared or used by the company due to POPI
• No → If these selfies or videos are shared on social media anyway, no need to keep
it in the cloud also (1)
6. a. Any ONE of✓: Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Skype, Blackboard collaborate (1)
b. Any TWO advantages: ✓✓
• Cheaper than telephone calls over a long distance.
• Software usually free to install.
• Allows file transfer like documents, images and videos while engaging in a
Any TWO disadvantages: ✓✓
• Both users need an internet connection and the software installed on their devices.
• Poor quality if you have a slow internet connection.
• When using video, you can use up your data cap quickly and it could become
expensive (4)
7. a. Application software that displays web pages. ✓ (1)
b. Any TWO of: ✓✓
• An app uses less data since the interface is installed once off when the app is
installed on the device.
• The interface of the app is designed for easier input from a mobile device.
• Allows users to receive notifications from the app.
• Ability to cache data locally on device so that data can be accessed offline
• The user does not need to enter the URL and login every time they want to access
the app. (2)
c. Inside the web browser✓ after the website downloaded✓ (2)
d. URL✓ (1)
8. a. It records transactions as blocks of data ✓and chains them together using a hash✓. (2)
b. Any ONE advantage: ✓ (1)
• Increased transparency
• Better security
• Increased operational efficiency

Activity 4
1. Home internet users often make use of FTTH to connect their homes to the internet. Explain
the difference between shaping and throttling. (3)
2. Networks are used in many industries from education to large manufacturing companies.
a. Explain why a company network would require both a router and a switch by referring to
the function of each device. (3)
b. Which type of communication media would be most appropriate to connect computers in
an office space to a network. (1)
3. Mobile technology allows us to communicate even while on holiday, which is not always an
advantage. List ONE possible concern for families on holiday concerning the impact of mobile
technology on their family besides health or privacy issues. (1)
4. VoIP is used during video conferencing and webinars.
a. During the conference it is possible to transfer files to other users. Which protocol would
be used? (1)
b. How could a webinar differ from a video conference? (2)
5. There are various types of e-communication each with its own function.
a. How does e-mail and blogging differ in terms of their writing style and audience? (2)
b. In which way is a microblog different from blogging? Include an example of a social media
application that makes use of microblogging in your answer. (2)
6. One of the major advantages of the internet is being able to access a world of
a. Write down the acronym for the international non-profit organisation that develops
web standards for the World Wide Web. Their mission is to lead the World Wide
Web to its full potential. (1)
b. Briefly explain the general concept of a mediated or curated search and how they
differ from ‘normal algorithmic’ searches. (3)
7. To develop a web page many technologies are involved.
a. Name ONE advantages of making use of CSS. (1)
b. What is the function of JavaScript? (1)
c. Which TWO browser technologies does Web 2.0 make use of? (2)
8. Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) is used to protect user accounts online and makes
use of OTPs.
a. Name ONE disadvantage to the company that would like their customers to make
use of MFA. (1)
b. Motivate why it would be more convenient to receive the OTP via SMS instead of
through e-mail on a smartphone. (1)

Memo: Activity 4
1. Throttling is when the internet traffic is equally slowed down✓ where shaping would prioritise
some internet activities above others✓ giving them a higher bandwidth✓. (3)
2. a. A router makes communication possible between different networks/Allows access to the
Internet.✓ A switch makes communication possible between devices on a network ✓ A
company needs both router and switch since they will need to access the websites✓ (3)
b. UTP / Ethernet cables✓ (1)
3. Any ONE of: ✓
• Poor social interaction – on holiday with family but not interacting with them because
you are constantly on mobile technology
• Distraction – notifications interrupt family time and distract from the holiday and
activity you are busy with
• Not getting away from work, parents can be contacted by boss instantly even on
• Uncensored content - children can see uncensored content including violence,
pornographic content, fake news when Wi-Fi is available on holiday and parents are
relaxing and not monitoring internet use (1)
4. a. FTP✓ (1)
b. Video conference is usually for two-way communication✓ where a webinar could be
used for only one-way communication✓ where the participants only listen to the
speaker. (2)
5. a. E-mail is a formal writing style where blogging is mostly informal✓. Blogging has a wide
audience of users with internet access to follow blogs. E-mail is often used in business and
restricted to the users included in the e-mail. ✓ (2)
b. Microblogging contains shorter postings. ✓ Any ONE example of✓: Twitter, Tumblr (2)
6. a. W3C✓ (1)
b. The difference is that curated searches use people to compile lists of sites✓ in different
categories and to make sure that the sites that make it onto the list are genuinely
useful✓, have relevant and up-to-date content and are not scams or affected by
malware. The results returned by this type of search are far fewer than the results that
a normal algorithm-based search engine would return✓, but the idea is that human
mediation and selection will give you results that are better and more interesting or
relevant. (3)
7. a. Any ONE of: ✓
• Saves times
• Provides consistency throughout the website (1)
b. It makes a website interactive. ✓ (1)
c. AJAX ✓and JavaScript. ✓ (2)
8. a. The setup cost for MFA is high. ✓ (1)
b. Any ONE of✓: SMS does not require internet connection / there is no delay when
receiving the OTP (1)

Activity 5
1. To setup a network several hardware components are needed. What is the function of the
NIC in the network? (3)
2. In a WLAN how could one address poor Wi-Fi signal. (1)
3. E-Communication makes use of the Internet.
a. Explain the difference between a podcast and a vlog? Include the file extension of a
podcast in your answer. (2)
b. Provide the acronym for the set of mark-up codes used by a web designer to create web
pages that the user will view in a web browser. (1)
c. Would an online shopping website be a static or dynamic website? (1)
d. What are the advantages of the semantic web? (2)
e. Name any ONE career one could follow that involves web development. (1)
4. While surfing the internet data is stored locally or online
a. What is the effect of deleting cookies? (1)
b. Name ONE advantages of storing data online. (1)
5. IoT is a new but fast-growing concept
a. Clearly explain what IoT is. (4)
b. Name TWO technologies that can be used to connect IoT devices? (2)
c. Other than the normal mobile devices such as smartphones, laptops, and tablets, name
TWO other ‘things’ that may connect, using IoT, to a home wireless network. (2)
6. Since CD and DVD drives are now often not included in new computers, Software as a Service
(SaaS) has become more popular.
a. What software do you need to have installed on your computer to make use of a SaaS
application? (1)
b. Instead of a company buying their own servers, they want to "rent" a server that will
function as a mail server and a web server. Why would this NOT be considered as
software as a service (SaaS)? (1)
7. Explain by making use of one example, how Big Data can assist farmers in the agricultural
industry. (1)
8. Ransomware is a type of malware that prevents users from accessing their own system
or personal files and demands a ransom payment to regain access. Consider the fact
that the criminal would want to stay unknown and that they would in all probability be
located in another country. Name ONE possible payment method that could be used. (1)

Memo: Activity 5
1. A hardware component ✓that allows the network devices ✓to connect to the network for
communication✓. (3)
2. Any ONE of: ✓
• Provide sufficient access points
• Limit interference of structures by placing the access points strategically
• Use a booster to increase signal strength (1)
3. a. A podcast does not contain video content, only sound✓. Mp3✓ (2)
b. HTML✓ (1)
c. Dynamic✓ (1)
d. • Establishes user needs according to their online profile and environmental context
without human intervention. ✓
• Provides content personalised for specific users✓ (2)
e. Any ONE of: ✓
• Graphic multimedia designer
• Web author
• Web designer (1)
4. a. Any ONE of: ✓
• The next time you open that webpage only default settings are available since your
preferences are stored in cookies.
• You will no longer be automatically signed into websites that you saved the
username and password of (1)
b. Any ONE of: ✓
• More data can be stored than in a cookie
• Data can be accessed faster. (1)
5. a. Electronic devices✓ that are connected to the Internet✓ which can be controlled and
communicate with each other✓ without human to interaction✓ (4)
b. Any TWO of: ✓✓
• Wi-Fi (2)
• Cellular connection
• Physical cable connection
c. Any TWO of: ✓✓
• security cameras/systems
• light bulbs
• home automation systems / heating / cooling systems
• robot vacuum cleaners (2)
6. a. A web browser✓. (1)
b. Because it describes the selling/renting of servers and storage space and not
software.✓ (1)
7. Any ONE of: ✓
• Sensors in fields and on crops provide data on the soil conditions, wind direction and
speed, fertiliser requirements, water availability and pest infestations.
• Farm equipment like tractors are equipped with GPS units to find their optimal usage.
• Analysis of big data can also help prevent spoilage by moving products faster and more
• Drones can patrol fields to alert farmers to crop ripeness or potential problems.
• RFID-based traceability systems can provide a constant data stream on farm products
as they move through the supply chain. (1)
8. Cryptocurrency/ Bitcoin✓ (1)

Activity 1: November 2021

The magazine publishing company has branches all around the world that operates on a large scale.

3.1 Having a large computer network presents potential challenges.

3.1.1 Describe what a computer network is. (2)

3.1.2 What type of network could be used by an international company such as this? (1)

3.1.3 State TWO disadvantages of using a computer network. (2)

3.2 It was decided that a network with a star topology will be installed in their building at head office.

3.2.1 Define the term topology. (1)

3.2.2 Explain what a star topology entails. (2)

3.3 It was suggested that VoIP technology be utilised by the company when communicating with

3.3.1 Give TWO reasons why a company would benefit from using VoIP technology. (2)

3.3.2 Besides the device you are using, state ONE other requirement needed to make a
phone call using VoIP software. (1)

3.4 Journalists need to use the internet to do research for their articles.

3.4.1 (a) What is the purpose of a web browser? (1)

(b) Why can a web browser not be used on its own when searching for
information? (1)

3.4.2 Cookies are used to improve the browsing experience of users.

(a) What is a cookie in this context? (2)

(b) Explain how a cookie will enhance the browsing experience of users. (1)

3.4.3 While browsing the internet, a journalist discovered that smaller magazine companies get
many more likes on social media than bigger, more popular magazine companies. This
could be due to the activities of click farms.

Explain what a click farm is. (2)

3.5 The company needs to renew their contract with their internet service provider (ISP). For this purpose,
they need to evaluate the range and bandwidth provided by their current ISP, as well as other
practices that their ISP implements that could affect internet access, such as shaping and throttling.

3.5.1 Differentiate between the terms range and bandwidth. (2)

3.5.2 Differentiate between shaping and throttling in this context. (3)

3.6 The company requires a digital certificate, issued by a certificate authority (CA), before launching their

3.6.1 Explain the purpose of a digital certificate when SSL encryption is used. (1)

3.6.2 How would you identify a website that is encrypted with a secure connection? (1)

3.7 Using the internet presents dangers such as being subjected to hacking and computer worms.

3.7.1 Define the term computer worm. (1)

3.7.2 State ONE activity performed by your electronic device that indicates that the
device could be infected with a computer worm. (1)

3.7.3 Briefly explain how a firewall can protect a network from being hacked. (2)

3.7.4 Give the term used to describe a person that is hired by a company to hack into the
company's network to test their level of security.
Memo Activity 1: November 2021
3.1 3.1.1 Any TWO (Computer network): ✓✓
• Multiple devices
• Connected with communication medium
• Ability to communicate / transfer / share software, hardware, data
and information.

A collection of computers or other computing devices connected via some sort

of communication medium to allow users to share software, hardware, data
and information. (2)
3.1.2 WAN / Internet ✓
Also accept: GAN (1)
3.1.3 Any TWO (Disadvantages of network): ✓✓
• Administrator required/ high expertise
• Sophisticated security required
• Malware can spread
• Cost implications

Also accept:
• Device /server /network malfunction can disrupt the network
• Loss of data due to device / server / network crashing
3.2 3.2.1 The layout / arrangement of devices ✓ in a network.
3.2.2 Star topology requires each of the nodes/devices to be connected ✓
to a central hub/switch ✓ (independently / individually / its own cable)
3.3 3.3.1 Any TWO (Benefits of VOIP): ✓✓
• Lower call cost
• Software is generally free
• Allows video conferencing / calls
• Allows you to display / transfer documents, images, and videos all
while simultaneously engaging in a conversation (2)
3.3.2 Any ONE (Requirement of using VOIP): ✓
• Internet connection
• Same software installed on both devices
• Purchase credits to make phone call to certain numbers
• Have speakers, webcam, and mic / headset (1)
3.4 3.4.1 (a) A browser simply displays web pages. ✓

Also accept
• Used to view web pages
• Web browser is used to run the search engine (1)
(b) You need a search engine to search for content✓

Also accept
• With a search engine you do not need to know the URLs
• A web browser can only view pages, not search (1)
3.4.2 (a) A cookie is a small text file ✓ used to store the preferences/settings of a
website visited. ✓ (2)
(b) When visiting the same website again, it 'remembers' your profile
and applies your preferences automatically. ✓ (1)
Any answer that implies using user preferences being stored and used

3.4.3 Click farms are companies that pay workers / bots / botnets to repeatedly click
on website elements / generate 'likes' ✓ to artificially 'increase' / 'boost' the
status of a product or web page. ✓

•Clicks being generated
•Artificially create a status/likes/popularity for a web page (2)
3.5 3.5.1 Any ONE (Range) ✓

• Range refers to the measurement of how far data or a signal can

be transmitted and received,
• Distance that can be covered

Any ONE (Bandwidth) ✓

• Bandwidth refers to how much data you can send through the
network per time unit
• Speed of connection (2)
3.5.2 Shaping occurs when an online activity gets prioritised over other activities
✓ when the network / Internet is busy ✓– only certain online activities are
restricted during peak times.

Throttling reduces bandwidth ✓ to all activities when network is strained

or once you have exceeded your monthly limit.

• Both happens when there is congestion / high traffic / excessive data
• Shaping – Limit bandwidth to specific prioritised activities
• Throttling – Limit bandwidth on all activities
3.6 3.6.1 A digital certificate is used to verify the validity/authenticity of a person
or organisation. ✓ (1)
3.6.2 Any ONE (Secure connection): ✓

• There will be an 's' in the URL of the website e.g.,
• There will be a lock symbol in the address bar (1)
3.7 3.7.1 Any ONE (Computer worm): ✓

• A type of malware that exploits weaknesses in an application or

operating system / network in order to spread
• Spreads copies or replicates itself / without interaction
• Spreads itself over a network (1)
3.7.2 Any ONE (Activity indicating a computer worm): ✓

• Hard drive space decreases even though no extra files have been
loaded on the HDD
• Performance of the computer decreases
• Files are missing but not deleted by the user / new files on HDD that
were not added by the user
• Anti-virus software detects a worm and requests a user
response to delete the file
• Emails sent out from computers without the user’s knowledge (1)
3.7.3 A firewall is a network security device/software that monitors incoming and
outgoing network traffic ✓ and decides whether to allow or block specific
traffic✓ based on a defined set of security rules

• Monitoring of traffic
• Blocking of unwanted traffic (2)
3.7.4 A white hat / ethical hacker / security analyst ✓

Also accept:
Penetration tester / PEN tester (1)

Activity 2: May/June 2021

3.1 A network is formed when connecting two or more devices to make
communication between the devices possible.

3.1.1 Which LAN standard is commonly used in a cabled network? (1)

3.1.2 Give TWO reasons why a star topology is popular in networks. (2)

3.1.3 Explain why the use of a switch will be an advantage in a network. (2)

3.2 Networks make it possible to transfer data, information and software.

3.2.1 Who is a seeder when downloading files from the internet when using
BitTorrent? (1)

3.2.2 State the difference between the internet and an intranet. (2)

3.3 A company decides that their employees must rather work from home for health

3.3.1 Employees will need to have access to their documents stored on the server at
the office.

Name the type of network with which they can access these
documents through the internet. (1)

3.3.2 What is a back door when referring to network security? (2)

3.3.3 One team member said that while working from home, files would
synchronise automatically when saved in online storage.

Explain what is meant by files being synchronised when saved in this context. (2)

3.4 Search engines, such as Google, are used by many users each day.
3.4.1 Explain the difference between a customised search and a context-aware search. (2)

3.4.2 Why does a sponsored link affect the results obtained from a search engine? (2)

3.5 To enable a web page to be interactive, the web page needs to include specific
programming instructions.

3.5.1 Name TWO different scripting languages. (2)

3.5.2 Briefly explain how server-side scripting is implemented to establish an interactive web
page. (2)

3.6 Management of many retail companies has to make informed decisions every day. State TWO
advantages of using a DSS. (2)

3.7 Give ONE reason why the quality of information presented by wikis, such as Wikipedia, are NOT
always reliable. (1)

Memo Activity 2: May/June 2021
3.1 3.1.1 Ethernet ✓ (1)

3.1.2 Any TWO of ✓✓

• New devices can easily be added/removed/set up on the network.
• Easy to troubleshoot/maintain
• If any connected device breaks, the rest of the network is not affected.
• Network traffic can be managed more effectively

3.1.3 A switch connects many computers ✓on the same network and has the ability to
direct network traffic to the correct port / lessens network traffic. ✓

3.2 3.2.1 The person/point from which a downloaded file is being shared ✓ (1)

3.2.2 Internet: Any ONE✓

• The Internet shares information accessible to everybody.
• Internet - much larger network than an Intranet / unlimited

Intranet: Any ONE✓

• An Intranet shares information / is accessible privately/ limited group.
• Intranet – small network with limited resources (2)

3.3 3.3.1 VPN ✓ (any explanation implying VPN) (1)

3.3.2 It is a loophole that is programmed into software ✓that is used to bypass the
security ✓ controls in the network/computer/program. (2)

3.3.3 All changes/updates of the files will automatically be copied to ✓ all the devices
linked to online storage/folders. ✓ (2)

3.4 3.4.1 Customised: A search in which the results are customised by search engines (like
Google) to match one's profile of interests and activities. ✓

Context aware: A search in which additional information (e.g. one's present physical
location) is used as criteria to make search results more relevant. ✓ (2)

3.4.2 Advertisers pay for sponsored links to appear ✓even when not relevant to the
search. ✓
The user often sees sponsored links first on the results page and these links do not
always take you to a relevant information/website.

3.5 3.5.1 Any TWO of ✓✓

Javascript, Pearl, Ruby,, Python, PHP, HTML-5 (not without 5)
3.5.2 Retrieves information from a database on the web server using the profile of the
user ✓ for whom the web page is dynamically created on the server before
downloaded to your browser. ✓

• Personal information obtained from a database on the webserver
• Web page is created on the server before downloaded.

3.6 DSS analyses the information gathered and presents it in a summarised or graphical format
suitable for making informed decisions.

Any TWO of the following concepts: ✓✓

• Analyse information
• Presents information in a summarised or graphical format suitable
• Assists in informed decision making/decision support system

3.7 The quality of information - can be questionable as anybody can create/edit the
The bias of editors - any editor can select/edit the information to promote his/her point of
view. (1)


Activity 3: November 2020

3.1 Wi-Fi, UTP cables and fibre-optic cables are network media that need to be considered
when networks are set up. Fibre-optic cables have a greater bandwidth but can be
3.1.1 Network bandwidth is measured in Mbps.

(a) Describe bandwidth in this context. (1)

(b) Expand the abbreviation Mbps. (1)

3.1.2 Apart from having a greater bandwidth and higher speed, name TWO
other advantages of fibre-optic cables as opposed to UTP cables. (2)
3.1.3 Give TWO reasons why UTP cables are sometimes preferred in an
office environment rather than Wi-Fi. (2)
3.1.4 Define the term network backbone. (1)
3.1.5 It has been stated that an NIC is a basic but essential piece of equipment to set
up a network.

State the function of an NIC. (1)

3.2 YouTube and Netflix are examples of VOD services.

Explain what a VOD service entails. (1)

3.3 AUPs outline the rights and responsibilities of users which is an important
requirement in network environments.
3.3.1 Explain why an organisation should include restriction details on the
installation of BitTorrent applications in their AUP. (1)
3.3.2 State the condition that should be adhered to, to ensure that the use
of BitTorrent is legal. (1)
3.4 Blogs are commonly used as a social media tool.

Give TWO reasons why information published on blogs could be inaccurate. (2)
3.5 The design of web pages can be static or dynamic.

How does a dynamic web page differ from a static web page from a user's perspective?
3.6 Digital signatures are common in the world of electronically conducted business.

What is the purpose of a digital signature?

3.7 Web developers use a variety of technologies, such as HTML, CSS and
AJAX, to produce visually impressive websites.
3.7.1 What type of software on the client's computer is used to execute HTML
instructions? (1)
3.7.2 Name TWO ways in which CSS files help to maintain uniformity across several
web pages. (2)
3.7.3 What is the purpose of AJAX in the context of website development? (2)
3.8 DDoS attacks are typically performed by botnets.

3.8.1 Define the term botnet.

3.8.2 Describe what happens in a DDoS attack.
3.8.3 What is a zombie in the context of a botnet? (1)
3.9 Cybercrime is a common phenomenon in the modern world.
3.9.1 Briefly explain what a keylogger is.
3.9.2 Suggest TWO safeguards that computer users can employ to avoid becoming the
victims of cybercrime. (2)

Memo Activity 3: November 2020

3.1 3.1.1 (a) Bandwidth is the total amount of data that can be sent and
received/transferred in a network in a given period of time✓ (1)
(b) Megabits per second ✓ (1)
3.1.2 Any TWO: ✓✓

Low/No signal degradation over a distance/ (Lower attenuation) Mostly not

affected by electro-magnetic interferences (EMI).
Immune to eavesdropping/more secure Immune to
crosstalk (2)
3.1.3 Any TWO: ✓✓

UTP is less prone to Interference

UTP is not as slow when shared between multiple users UTP is not as
influenced by objects like walls and trees UTP has better security

Answers can be provided from the perspective of Wifi.
3.1.4 A cable that connects different network segments or LANs together. ✓
A backbone is part of a computer network that interconnects various pieces
of a network providing a path of information exchange. (1)
3.1.5 Any ONE: ✓

A NIC facilitates/provides communication/connection between a computer

and a network medium.
Functions to encode and decode messages between computer and network (1)
3.2 Any ONE: ✓

The ability to choose what the user wants to watch

A service which allows users to watch video content on demand (per request
– users do not need to watch scheduled content) OR
Any other suitable description. (1)
3.3 3.3.1 Any ONE: ✓
• Decrease the likelihood of illicit/harmful downloads on the
network through BitTorrent clients.
• So that the network’s bandwidth is not dominated by traffic from
BitTorrent downloads. (1)
3.3.2 No downloading of copyrighted material. ✓ (1)
3.4 Blogs can be published by anyone. ✓
Information is not verified. ✓ (2)
3.5 A static webpage displays the exact same information every time it is
viewed✓ while the information displayed by a dynamic webpage may differ✓
based on the user/ time/environment/ more interactive. (2)
3.6 Any ONE: ✓
• The document has not been changed.
• The signature can verify the signer/sender of an electronic document. (1)
3.7 3.7.1 Web browser ✓
Also accept a correct example such as Internet explorer/Mozilla Firefox (1)
3.7.2 Any TWO: ✓✓
• Styles can be defined only once/in a single file that are referenced and
used by HTML files.
• If a change is made in the CSS file, all HTML files that reference the styles
defined in the CSS file will be updated.
• Styles are centralised and changes scale well without having to change
formatting/styling settings in multiple places across HTML files.

Centralised design in a single file/only once
All web pages can access the design from the CSS files (2)
3.7.3 Combines JavaScript with a browser command to allow the browser to
download data✓ without refreshing the entire webpage. ✓
Allows parts of a webpage to be updated (1 mark) without updating the
entire webpage. (1 mark) (2)
3.8 3.8.1 A group of computers ✓ controlled by a hacker/computer criminal/
malicious software ✓and that work together to be used in an illegal manner (2)
Using a large number of computers✓ to overload servers/service with a
large number of requests ✓making it inaccessible. ✓
3.8.3 It is the computer used/controlled by a computer criminal/ malware✓ in
a DDoS attack or other criminal activity. (1)
3.8 3.9.1 A type of malware that records keystrokes✓ and sends it off to a third party
3.9.2 Any TWO: ✓✓
• Installing/using anti-malware/ anti-virus software.
• Using a firewall.
• Keeping all your software up to date.
• Following a good password policy.
• Do not open unknown emails and attachments.
• Only use secure websites.
• Be updated with the new trends.
• Be guarded when sharing personal details.
• Do not install/add/open suspicious files. (2)


Activity 4: November 2019

You started a freelance business and need to set up a network for the business.

3.1 When setting up a small office network, some possible essential pieces of
equipment could include cables and routers.
3.1.1 Name ONE type of network cable that could be used. (1)

3.1.2 Explain the purpose of a router. (2)

3.2 It has been suggested that you consider a wireless set-up for your network.
3.2.1 Name TWO benefits of a wireless network. (2)
3.2.2 Access points in wireless networks are essential.
Explain what an access point is. (2)
3.3 Wireless networks are prone to piggybacking.
3.1.1 Explain what piggybacking entails. (1)
3.1.2 Suggest TWO ways in which a network can be protected from
piggybacking. (2)
3.4 You plan on developing a website to be used as part of your marketing
3.4.1 Explain the benefit of a dynamic website. Refer to the properties of a
dynamic website in your answer. (3)
3.4.2 How can you ensure that your website will appear in a search list, even if
your business type is not really relevant to the search? (1)
3.4.3 You decided to use the HTTPS protocol.
(a) What is a protocol? (2)
(b) Motivate why it is more advisable to use the HTTPS protocol than
the HTTP protocol. (1)
3.5 You need to access your business files, which are stored on your home network,
from any location.

3.5.1 Explain why the use of a PAN will NOT be suitable. (1)

3.5.2 Give TWO reasons why the use of a VPN will be more suitable. (2)
3.6 You decided to use rich internet applications (RIA) to save on expenses.
3.6.1 Explain what RIA is. (2)
3.6.2 Give an example of a RIA. (1)
3.7 Mobile apps have become a trending phenomenon, driven by an increasing reliance
on mobile devices.

Give TWO reasons why you should consider creating an app for your
business to be used on a mobile device. (2)
3.8 Location-based computing can be useful for your business.
3.8.1 What is location-based computing?
3.8.2 What type of technology is used to implement location-based
computing? (1)
3.9 Freelancers are constantly on the move and often use podcasts to stay up to date with
the most recent developments in their respective fields while travelling
3.9.1 What is a podcast?
3.8.2 Podcasts are often streamed. Explain the concept of streaming

Memo Activity 4: November 2019

3.1 3.1.1 UTP / STP/ Ethernet cable/ Fibre ✓ (1)
3.1.2 The router directs/redirects/sends data over a network✓ and chooses
the best route to the destination ✓

• Transferring data between networks/ Internet
• Finding the correct destination/redirecting (2)
3.2 3.2.1 Any TWO: ✓✓
• Easy to set up a wireless network
• It is easy to add new / more devices.
• Lower setup cost.
• Increased mobility/ Provides flexible layout to users of
wireless/mobile devices.
• Provides a connection where cabling is not possible.

Any answer related to no cables needed (2)

3.2.2 It is a sender and receiver with an antenna ✓to send and/or receive radio
waves. ✓

Any TWO concepts

• Connection to the Internet/network/wifi
• Send and receive signals
• Uses radio waves (2)
3.3 3.3.1 Gaining access to and using someone else’s Internet connection
unlawfully/ without permission. ✓ (1)
3.3.2 Any TWO: ✓✓
• Don’t keep the default password – replace it with a good
original password.
• Change the password on a regular basis/ good password policy
• Don’t leave your Wi-Fi connection open – secure it with a
password/ use a password
• Limit the amount of data/devices/list of users
• Make the hotspot invisible
• Verification of the Mac address
• Limit the range
• Switch off when not in use (2)
3.4 3.4.1 The website uses the saved preferences of a user to generate the site/ It will
differ for every user/ This personalizes the user experience of your business.

Interactivity✓ Easy updates ✓

Any 3 concepts
• Personalisation/ Differs for all users
• Generated on the server
• Based on parameters
• Interactivity
• Easy to manage content (3)
3.4.2 Make use of search engine optimisation(SEO) ✓
3.4.3 (a) A set of rules ✓ for encoding and decoding of data for transfer ✓ (2)
3.4.3 (b) It is a secure ✓ protocol for transactions
3.5 PAN: has a range of a few metres/ limited/ small range✓ (1)
3.5.2 VPN: virtual private network – uses the Internet / public network✓ , Sign in
with same privacy/ same security as a LAN ✓ (2)
3.6 3.6.1 Web application ✓ with functions and properties of traditional
applications / software. ✓ (2)
3.6.2 Any ONE: ✓
• Google Docs
• Microsoft Office Live
• Office 365
• Microsoft Office 365 (1)
3.7 Any TWO: ✓✓
• Ease of use/ convenience
• Accessibility
• Marketing of business by app stores
• Notifications
• Using extra sensors/ functions/ properties in mobile device (2)
3.8 3.8.1 Processing, where the physical location✓ of objects /devices / persons is used
3.8.2 GPS✓
3.9 3.9.1 A podcast is an audio file/recording✓available on the internet/network for
Any ONE: ✓
• Real-time delivery of media content to a receiving device. (1)
• Playing a file from an online source where the file is not
permanently saved on the receiving device.


Activity 5: May/June 2019

3.1 Explain the function of a network switch. (2)

3.2 State the common use/purpose of EACH of the following technologies:

3.2.1 Wi-Fi (1)

3.2.2 Bluetooth (1)

3.2.3 3G (1)

3.3 An Ethernet network was set up with star topology to connect four computers.
3.3.1 Name TWO types of cables that are commonly used in an Ethernet
network (2)
3.3.2 Draw a diagram to illustrate the layout of a star topology network for the
four computers. Use labels to show the components the network will
consist of. (3)

3.4 State TWO disadvantages of using a peer-to-peer network. (2)

3.5 3.5.1 Explain what is meant by the term encryption. (2)

3.5.2 Give ONE reason why services, such as Skype, use encryption
processes. (1)
3.5.3 Encryption software is often used to control access to media files to
prevent unauthorised copying of digital books or movies.
What is this category of encryption software called? (1)
3.6 The two main components of an expert system are the knowledge base and the
inference/decision engine.

3.6.1 Briefly describe how the inference/decision engine functions. (3)

3.6.2 What does the term fuzzy logic refer to? (1)

3.7 What is meant by the term distributed computing? (2)

3.8 What is the JavaScript programming language used for? (2)

Memo Activity 5: May/June 2019
3.1 The switch connects computers to one another ✓and determines the destination
of each network signal it receives and forwards this signal to that destination. ✓
• Connecting computers
• Directing signals (2)
3.2 3.2.1 Wi-Fi – connect to a LAN/HAN/ PAN Reference
to a small network✓ (1)
3.2.2 Bluetooth – file transfer✓/send files between laptop and cell phone OR
to connect compatible devices over short distances OR
A suitable example to illustrate Bluetooth
3.2.3 Any one ✓
3G – use of cellular or mobile data/ use a 3G modem to access an ISP for
Internet and e-mail activities when physically away from a wired
network or Wi-Fi hotspot. (1)
3.3 3.3.1 Any TWO types of cable ✓✓

• UTP/STP/Twisted Pair
• Coaxial
• Fibre optic cables (2)

Criteria for diagram:

• All computers✓
• a switch ✓
• showing the connections to the switch ✓ (3)
3.4 Any TWO disadvantages of peer-to-peer: ✓✓

• Less security than a client-server

• Harder to manage than client-server
• Not suitable for a large number of nodes (2)
3.5 The data/text is transformed/ changed into a new unreadable/format ✓ using a
specified set of rules/keys✓ (2)
Any ONE reason: ✓
• Ensure privacy of users
• To prevent third parties from eavesdropping on the conversation (1)
3.5.3 Digital Rights Management (DRM) (1)
3.6.1 The decision engine refers to the program accepting data from the user ✓
looks it up in the knowledge base✓ and then deduces new facts or follows
rules to generate a decision output✓
• Input from user
• Looks it up in the knowledge base (3)
• Generates decision

3.6.2 Fuzzy logic refers to reasoning/decision making that works with

probabilities✓ (1)
Distributed computing is a system whereby the resources of different computers ✓
are shared and used at the same time to solve a single problem✓ (2)
Java Script is used for automating elements ✓ on web pages✓ OR
Java script commands help transform webpages from static to dynamic and
interactive (2)
Data and information Management
Number systems
General number system:
- Is called the decimal system
- With base 10
- Consists of the numbers 0..9

Computer number systems

- The binary system
- With base 2
Numbering systems

- Is called the numbers 0 and 1


- The hexadecimal system

- With base 16
- Is called the numbers 0..9, A..F

Bits Definition: Binary digit (0 or 1)

Byte Consists of: 8 bits
Data type Number of bytes Range
Basic data types

Byte 1 0..255
ShortInt 2 -32768 .. 32767
Integer 4 -2147483648…
Definition: General standard for representing 256 characters and numbers using a unique
numeric code eg Alt + 136 = ê.


Also called: unicode

Definition: Expansion of the set of characters that can be represented in one byte.
Conversions between different numbering systems
Binary to numbering system
(extended notation)

= 1 X 23 + 1 X 22 + 0 X 21 + 1 X 2° + 1 X 2-1 + 0 X 2-2 + 1 x 2-3
= 1 X 8 + 1 X 4 + 0 X 2 + 1 X 1 + 1 X 0.5 + 0 X 0.25 + 1 X 0.125
= 13 .625
Hexadecimal to decimal

(extended notation)

numbering system

= 1x16 + A x 162 + 5 x 161+ F x16°+ 3 x 16-1 + D x 16-2
3 1
=1 X 16 + 10 X 162 + 5 X 16 + 15 X 16°+ 3 X 16-1 + 13X16-2
= 4096+ 2560 + 80 + 15+0.1875+0.05078125
= 6751 23828125

Method 1:
Decimal to binary numbering system

Add the values for place holders in binary numbering system until requested decimal value is
reached. Indicate the values that are used by a ‘1’ and those not used by a ‘0’.

Example: convert 634 to binary.

Place holder 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20
Value 512 256 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0

512+64+32+16+8+2 = 634
Answer: 634 = 10 0111 10102
Method 1:
Decimal to hexadecimal numbering system

Add the values for place holders in hexadecimal numbering system until requested decimal
value is reached. Indicate the values that are used by a ‘1’ or the alphabetical symbol and those
not used by a ‘0’.

Example: convert 4289 to hexadecimal.

Place holder 163 162 161 160

Value 4096 256 16 1
1 0 C 1

4096+192+1 = 4096+C x 16+1 = 4289

Answer: 4289 = 10C116
Method 1:

Divide number by 2 repeatedly until the answer for the division is 0. Write down the remainder
from the bottom upwards.

Example: convert 634 to binary.

Decimal to binary numbering system

634 ÷ 2 = 317 remainder 0

317 ÷ 2 = 158 remainder 1
158 ÷ 2 = 79 remainder 0
79 ÷ 2 = 39 remainder 1
39 ÷ 2 = 19 remainder 1
19 ÷ 2 = 9 remainder 1
9 ÷ 2 = 4 remainder 1
4 ÷ 2 = 2 remainder 0
2 ÷ 2 = 1 remainder 0
1 ÷ 2 = 0 remainder 1

Answer: 634 = 10 0111 10102

Method 2:
Decimal to hexadecimal numbering

Divide number by 16 repeatedly until the answer for the division is 0. Write down the
remainder from the bottom upwards.

Example: convert 4289 to hexadecimal.


4289 ÷ 16 = 268 remainder 1

268 ÷ 16 = 16 remainder 12
16 ÷ 16 = 1 remainder 0
1 ÷ 16 = 0 remainder 1

Answer: 4289 = 10C116

Data reliability in computing

• String variable declared too "short".
• Not enough memory is allocated.

• Additional characters will be omitted.

Declaration: Variable: string [5]
Assignment: Variable: = 'Pieter-Jan';
Result: Value that will be stored in variable is 'Pieta'
• Numbers that are too large for the declared data type.
• Not enough memory is declared.
• When maximum for data type is reached overflow will take place by starting at 0.

Declaration: iVariable: Byte;
Assignment: iVariable: = 200 + 120;

Result: Value to be stored in iVariable is 65 (maximum that can be stored in a byte

data type is 255)

255 1
254 2
253 3

Accuracy The result of an operation is too small for the device to store.
(underflow) Usually occurs in the use of real numbers.

Data collection with RFID technology

Basic RFID system


• Data is collected for processing using radio frequency identification.

• Radio waves are used to identify an object with a tag attached.
• Powered by the incident electromagnetic wave from reader
• Short operating range.
• Powered by a battery
• Range up to 100 metres
• Can store more data and is more interactive than barcode systems.
• Do not need a direct line of sight.
• Several tags can be identified at the same time by the same reader.
Advantages • Fast, accurate data capture
• Can be read even if the object moves
• Can be re-used
• Tag data is encrypted
• Susceptible to certain materials and environmental factors
• Vulnerable to software attacks
• Privacy concerns
• Other companies with same technology will cause disconnection
• Animal Tracking, Access Control, Car Key-Fob, Asset Tracking, and Healthcare (Low
frequency –few inches range)
• Library Books, Personal ID Cards, Airline Baggage, and Credit Cards (High frequency
Examples – 30 cm range)
• Supply Chain Tracking, Manufacturing, Pharmaceuticals and Electronic Tolling,
Vehicle Tracking, Auto Manufacturing, and Construction (Ultra-High frequency –
25-100 m range)
• Stores data and tag ID on micro-chip
• Transmits data
• Send data to antenna

• Transmit tag’s data to reader
• Can be integrated on tag or standalone
• The size determines the distance of communication
• Generate electricity

• Converts radio waves into digital data
• Receives data as soon as the tag passes / swipes at the reader or is within a
suitable distance from the reader
• Import captured data to IT system / database or IoT

Other data collection methods and characteristics


• Near field communications

NFC • Transmits data through electromagnetic radio waves
• Very short distance
Manual data • Human error
entry • Timely
• Eliminate human error
• Fast
• Used in supermarkets
Online mark / • Moodle, software that marks multi-choice question answer pages
tests • Fast
• Accurate
Robots Use sensors to make products eg cars
Existing Forms, receipts, invoices
• Sequence in which tasks are performed
Workflow • Helps to understand how data flow occurs
• E.g. if a report has to be submitted at a given date, there must be a date field
Business plan • Plan devised to ensure the success of a business
• Targets, objectives, timelines with which business progress is measured

Invisible (unnecessary) data

• Capture of additional and / or unnecessary data
Definition • Use in ways a person is unaware of (such as selling)
• Create a profile for better targeted advertisements
Credit / Loyalty Card
• Where and how the cards are used, are used to gather information about a
• Irrelevant data is required
• Information on forms is sold
Capture of • Emails
invisible data • Social networking sites
• Bookmarks
• Likes
• Websites visited
• Determining travel habits
• Who you call, how often and duration of call

Invisible (meta) data

Definition Information or data about other data
• Size of image
• Resolution
• Date
• Colour depth etc.
Web pages
• Use meta tags to include metadata
• A meta tag is a HTML tag to store information but is not displayed

Data in a database
Database A collection of logically related information organized and stored to access, manage and
definition updated easily
Field: smallest addressable unit / fact of data.
Record: collection of fields containing the details of a
particular entity.
Structure of a Table: is a group of related data kept in a table format
database within a database. It consists of columns and
table rows.
Relational database: more than one table that is
related to each other. (source:
PK: primary key
• unique - may not be repeated
• no empty PK field (must have a value)
• used to identify records
• may be composite (made up of more than one field).
FK: foreign key
• field in relational database that provides the "link" between tables
• must always have an existing record in the primary table.
1 to many relationship (1 - ∞) with the PK on the 1 side
and the FK on the many (∞) side.

This implies that:

Relationships • The specific record can only occur once in the
primary table.(PK)
• The linked record can occur any number of times
in the secondary table.(FK)

Query The ability to extract information from a table according to specific criteria
Diagrams used to illustrate relationships between entities.
• Every entity is represented by a rectangle
• The name of the entity is a noun (singular) and is written in capital letters
inside the rectangle
• Relationships between entities are represented by straight lines and symbols
• A verb is used to describe the relation ship

Well-designed database
Developer must decide on:
• Which table/s?
• Which fields?
Planning • Data type for each field
• Specify size and format of each field
• What field is the PK?
• If relational tables – which field will be the FK?
The process of organising data in a database to protect data, make it flexible, reduce /
prevent redundant (unnecessary) data and reduce / prevent inconsistent data
dependency (fields not related to PK)
In short:
To ensure that data is not repeated and that queries and reports can be easily created
and prevent anomalies
Increase efficiency
Advantages Minimise memory and storage waste
Eliminate errors and inconsistencies
Data - Unnecessary repetition of data across different fields leading to update irregularities
redundancy - Deliberate repetition or distribution of DB over different storage media as backup

Definition The flaw/s in a database because of poor planning
Insert New data cannot be entered and captured because the field/attribute is
anomaly depending on another field/attribute
Remove When a portion of data is deleted, other unrelated data is also deleted
Update Change of data must be changed in more than one place / record that is, more
anomaly than one action is needed

Information Management
• Get the necessary data
• Process data to obtain information
• Change information to gain knowledge
Steps • Use information to make decisions


• Garbage in garbage out

• If data is captured incorrectly then the results will not be accurate
• Adding new records
• Delete unnecessary / old records
• Editing / updating records
Defensive programming to capture quality data
Definition Techniques to prevent user-made errors that will stop program from executing
Keep the following in mind when designing a database table:
• Format check
- dates
- specification of characters a password in a certain order
• Data type check
(test for data
• Boundaries / interval / range check
- high school pupils are in grades 8 - 12
• Check digit
- a mathematical formula is applied to check whether a number is valid
• Can be done by humans
• Algorithms used to compare different copies of data
• Valid data is not necessarily correct data
• Accuracy must be checked

Quality data
Data that is accurate, valid, complete up to date and relevant



Data must be correct; computer cannot decide if data entered is correct or not
Ex. If you say you are 20… ..?
Validity/ Data must be acceptable / reasonable when entered
Correctness When you say you are 420 years old…?
On date/ How relevant is the data for the current situation or circumstances?
Currency Research was done in 1911…?
Do all the fields have data?
Are the fields comprehensive enough to collect a complete set of data?
Relevance Refrain from collecting unnecessary data

Data integrity of quality data

Definition Refers to completeness, accuracy and consistency of data
Physical Can be affected by power outages, mechanical problems etc.
Data must make sense /must be valid
Logical integrity
Obtained through data validation, correct use of FK and PK
Logical integrity types
Each record has a PK, that is a column that provides a unique identifier for all the
Entity integrity
rows of the table.
The foreign key will always refer to an existing record in the other table which
implies that
• a record in the foreign key table cannot be deleted if there
Referential is a record in the other table to which the FK refers to Entity integrity
integrity • a record cannot be inserted in the foreign key table
without a record in the primary table.

Data independence of quality data

The separation between the software that uses database applications (including the
GUI) and the actual data structures managed by the DBMS server
• Users can not change the structure and format of data
• Multiple applications can be linked to the same data
Advantages • The DBMS software does the actual data management

Processes to ensure quality data

• The security / protection of data against loss / theft
• Physical security and access
• Access control
Data security - Passwords / biometric security measures
- Permissions
- Encryption
• Validation of input to prevent data hacking
• The recording of who changed the DB and when it was done
• Use an extra set of tables to record all the actions in the DB
- type of action
Audit trail - person
- time and date
- sometimes also the old and new values
• Causes the DB to slow down overall processing
Parallel data Multiple copies are kept of a set of data
sets Needs a lot of storage
(mirroring) Copies must be physically in different places

Transaction processing
Definition Software system that captures and processes everyday business activities
• All interdependent transactions are grouped together.
• DBMS will only handle the transactions if all the individual transactions have been
• If some transactions in the group are not completed, all the transactions that have
been completed in the group will "roll back" - no change will therefore take place in the DB
Transactions Any activity where data controlled by the DBMS is created, edited, stored or deleted
Record lock Only one user can work on a specific record
A record is loaded in memory for change / editing.
Only "posted" to DB after change is complete
Delete a record from the DB
Not really removed - only marked as "deleted"
Creating a new record in memory
Is only posted if all the information has been entered
Post Change is made by the DBMS in the database itself
Refresh Reload the information from storage to memory
Purge / Permanently delete "deleted" marked records from the DB
Previous / next Movement of "cursor" in the DB
/ first / last Seen as “post” if inserted or changed
Rollback DBMS resets DB to what it was before a transaction / group transaction was performed

Database Management
Database management system
Software that makes it possible to work with electronic databases
• Database creation
• Change database structure
• Add, change, delete data
• Inquiries and searches
• Processing data to display information

• Spreadsheet databases (eg ACCESS)

• Server DBMS
• Usually for single user applications
• Can support small number of users (<10)
• All in a single application
• Users do not have direct access to data
• Access through specially developed client software / application (eg POS system)
• Client software can run on different computers anywhere
Server DBMS • Server software executes queries / requests and provides feedback / results to
client software
• Queries / requests usually in SQL
• Large number of users allowed
• Slow network traffic due to large volume data transfer
Centralized DB • High data costs due to large volume data transfer
• Risk of no work if central DB is out of order or network problems occur
• A system where parts of a database (the data and the DBMS) are stored across
servers in multiple locations
Distributed DB
• Use when the number of users for the DB is too much / business extends over large
geographical area
• Complex security is required due to higher risk level
• Data synchronization - ensures DB is up to date
Duplication -
Each individual location has a copy of complete DB Large amount of data
Properties of
transfer. Need large amounts of storage space
distributed DB
Partition –
- Each location manages its own data and uploads data to the central DB
- Upload according to scheduled data batch process
- DB syncs every day (probably in the evening)
• Central storage for large amounts of data
• Created by integrating different data sources
Data • Can appear in different formats in different sources
warehousing • "Super" database
• NO transactions and manipulation of data
• Provide historical record for company
• Used for data analysis / queries
• Results of analysis / mining / queries are then used for planning, design of new
packages / strategies
• Operation: (handling of “older” data)
- data transferred from active database to inactive database
- inactive database is in temporary workspace
- accelerate active database activities because there is less data
- format of data is standardized - eg all currencies in rand format, so that data queries can be made meaningfully
- Data is removed from temporary area and loaded into warehouse
- Data is not changed in the warehouse - only queries and analysis takes place -
others previous queries may be invalid
Big data Extremely large data sets that may be analysed computationally to reveal patterns,
trends, and associations, especially relating to human behaviour and interactions.
(Characteristics of big data: Volume, Variety, Velocity, Veracity, Variability, Value)

Data mining • Search for patterns, relationships and trends within stored information in “super”
database to make a business more efficient and profitable
• Uses complex algorithms to group and reorganize data to discover new patterns
(new information)
• Combines statistical analysis techniques, artificial intelligence, database design,
pattern recognition and mathematics

• Selection and preparation of data sets

- Make sure data is useful by deleting incomplete and invalid records
• Development of data mining software and algorithms
Role of people • Interpreting and checking results
in data mining - Results may be incorrect
- Does not apply to entire dataset
- Incorrect correlations can be made
- Test whether results are valid, appropriate and accurate
• Powerful CPU
Data mining • Lower equipment costs
Advantages • Efficient software and processing techniques
• Increased capacity and reduced cost of storage media

Database careers
• Design DB
• Manage and maintain databases
DBA (Database • Control allocation of user rights (security)
Administrator) • Routine maintenance and upkeep
• Backup and recycling
• Monitor DB performance
• Change underlying database structure

DB • Analyse system efficiency
• Analyse DB for new developments and maintenance of DB
• Requires knowledge of hardware and software as well as business principles
Develop the user interface of the database / different applications using the same DB
DB programmer
Plan and manage the course of an IT project
Project • General planning
Manager • Goals
• Project progress
Activity 1
1.1 A member of the panel has compiled a database called PlantsDB containing data of plants.
Various types of plants are required, such as trees, shrubs and creepers, et
cetera. One of the tables in the database is the tblNursery table with the following layout:

Key Field Name Data Type Description
CatalogueNumber Text Unique number
BotanicalName Text Botanical name of the plant
GeneralName Text Name of the plant
PoisonousToAnimals Number Is the plant poisonous to animals?
FertiliserType Text Type of fertiliser suitable for the plant

FertiliserCost Text Cost of the fertiliser

Nursery Text Name of the nursery supplying the plant

NurseryPhoneNumber Number Contact number of the nursery

supplying the plant
NurseryContactPerson Text Name of the contact person at the
nursery supplying the plant

1.1.1 Not much effort has been put into selecting suitable data types for the fields in
the table. Suggest a more suitable data type for each
of the following fields:

(a) FertiliserCost (1)

(b) NurseryPhoneNumber (1)

1.1.2 The preferred data type for the field PoisonousToAnimals is Boolean. Explain
why the data type Number can be used as a
suitable alternative. (1)

1.1.3 Only the letters K, M or U are allowed to be entered in the

FertiliserType field. The entered data into this field needs to be validated.

(a) Write down the condition that must be used to apply validation
to this field. (3)

(b) Give a suitable error message that should be displayed when

invalid data is entered. (1)
1.2 Another table tblTreeOrders is used to store data on the orders placed for
trees. The table has not been normalised.

Key Field Name Data Type Description
OrderNo Text Number of the order
OrderDate Date/Time Date the order was placed
Tree1 Text Name of the tree
Description1 Text Description of the tree
Quantity1 Number Quantity of the trees that were ordered
CostPrice1 Currency Cost price of the tree
Tree2 Text Name of the tree
Description2 Text Description of the tree
Quantity2 Number Quantity of the trees that were ordered
CostPrice2 Currency Cost price of the tree
TotalAmount Currency Total monetary value of this order

1.2.1 Insert anomalies is one of the problems that can occur when the table has not
been normalised.

The following orders are placed separately but on the same day. In
each case, give a reason why the insert anomaly will occur when the data has
to be captured in the tblTreeOrders table.

(a) In the morning the manager orders three different kinds of

trees using order number AB230. (2)

(b) In the afternoon another two trees need to be ordered using

order number AB241. (2)

1.2.2 The help of a database administrator is used to create the database.

(a) List TWO duties that are carried out by a database administrator.

(b) Give TWO possible sources of data that the database administrator could
use. (2)

(c) What is involved in data maintenance? (1)

1.2.3 The following is an attempt to normalise the given tblTreeOrders

(a) Identify the type of relationship between the tblOrders table
and the tblOrderTree table in the diagram. (1)

(b) Give ONE example of a field that can act as the foreign key in the
tblOrderTree table. (1)

(c) The TotalAmount field does not appear in any of the tables. Will the user
still be able to determine the total price of an order? Give a brief
explanation to substantiate your answer. (2)

TOTAL: [20]

Activity 1: Memo
1.1 1.1.1 (a) Currency ✓
Also accept: Number (1)

(b) Text ✓
Also accept: Text with maximum 10 characters (1)

1.1.2 Number is suitable because you can use any combination of two
numbers e.g. 0 and 1 or 0 and -1 to indicate true/yes or false/no ✓ (1)

1.1.3 (a) Accept any correct explanation of the condition for validation in pseudo or
programming code. ✓✓✓

• "K" OR "U" OR "M"
• IN("K","U","M") (3)
Accept double/single/no quotes
Do not accept rephrasing of the given question

(b) Accept any appropriate error message ✓

• Make only use of the letters K/M/U.
• Only the letters K, M or U are allowed (1)

1.2 1.2.1 (a) The table doesn't provide for more than two different types of trees✓✓ to
be bought per order.
Accept any similar explanation (2)

(b) With the field OrderDate as primary key, only one record with a certain
date is allowed in the table. It means you are only allowed one order for a
certain date ✓✓
Accept any similar explanation (2)
1.2.2 (a) Any TWO of: ✓✓
• Management
• Maintenance
• Security access rights
• Backup
• Installing software
• Configuring software

(b) Any TWO of: ✓✓

• Existing documents
• Existing workflows
• Business plan

(c) Data maintenance involves keeping information up to date. ✓ (1)

1.2.3 (a) One-to-Many ✓

(note the order of the 1 and many) Also
• 1 to ∞ / 1 → ∞
• 1 to M / 1 → M (1)

(b) Any ONE of ✓

• OrderNo
• TreeID (1)

(c) YES ✓
Accept ONE correct explanation/reason ✓
• The field TotalAmout can be a calculated field
• The total for the order can be calculated using a
function/formula in a query.
• The field can be calculated using an aggregate function such as
NOTE: (2)
• If only answered YES – no mark allocated

TOTAL: [20]

Activity 2
A central database has been designed to record employee and departmental information.

tblDepartment tblEmployees
Key Fieldname Key Fieldname
DepartmentID EmpID
DeptName EmpName

2.1.1 In the tblEmployees table, the Permanent field is used to identify the employment
category of an employee.

Name the data type that can be assigned to the field Permanent. (1)

2.1.2 Redraw both tables in you ANSWER BOOK and answer the following questions.

(a) Identify the primary key field in both tables. Write PK in the first column next
to the applicable field in both tables which is a
primary key. (2)

(b) Add a field which is a foreign key to the applicable table. Add
FK next to the recent added field in column 1. (3)

(c) Create a relationship for the tables. Relationship type must be specified when you
are linking the tables. (2)

2.2 A poorly designed table or database can result in anomalies.

Name the THREE common types of anomalies that occur in the context of
record processing and explain the problem that each of them presents. (3)

2.3 Data integrity is the common term associated with database design and operations.

2.3.1 Distinguish between physical integrity and logical integrity. (2)

2.3.2 Give TWO hardware schemes or devices that can help ensure the physical integrity of
data. (2)
2.4 Data independence is another term commonly associated with database management

2.2.1 Name TWO main levels on which data independence can be attained.

2.2.2 Give THREE advantages or aims of data independence. (3)

2.5 Differentiate between rollback and record lock. (2)

TOTAL: [22]

Activity 2: Memo
2.1 2.1.1 Any ONE ✓

• Yes/No
• Boolean (1)
tblDepartment Key Fieldname
PK✓ EmpID1 ✓

Key Fieldname
PK✓ DepartmentID EmpName
DeptName EmpSurname
FK✓ DepartmentID✓
(a) PK ✓ in tblDepartment and PK ✓ in tblEmployees (2)

(b) FK, ✓ DepartmentID ✓ and tblEmployees ✓ (3)

(c) 1 ✓ and ∞✓ (2)

2.2 2.2.1 Insert anomaly - the database design prevents a user from capturing
data when they want or need to. ✓
• Delete anomaly – deleting one piece of data results in the
simultaneous removal of other, unrelated data. ✓
• Update anomaly – when an item of data changes, it has to be altered/changed in
multiple records in the table. ✓ (3)

2.3 2.3.1 Physical integrity – overcoming practical issues such as power failure, mechanical
failure, natural disasters and dealing with the physical storage and retrieval of
data. ✓

Logical integrity – correctness of data or data making sense in a

particular context. ✓ (2)

2.3.2 UPS ✓ and RAID ✓ (2)

2.4 2.4.1 Physical independence ✓ and Logical independence ✓ (2)

2.4.2 The actual data management is left to the DBMS software ✓

• Multiple applications can interface to the same data because the physical
structure of the database is not a factor. ✓
• The use application cannot change the structure or format of the
data ✓ (3)

2.5 Rollback – happens when the DBMS gets the instruction to reverse a transaction or series of
transactions and restores the data back to its previous state. ✓
Record lock – happens when a record is open, either for editing or for inserting, the record is
flagged as in use and no other user can make changes
to that specific record. ✓ (2)

TOTAL: [22]

Activity 3
3.1 A library uses a relational database to have a record of books that have been borrowed.

3.1.1 Explain what a relational database is. (2)

3.1.2 Explain why record locking is necessary when different staff members are
working on the same table in the database. (2)

3.1.3 Besides planning and creating a database, name TWO other tasks that a
database administrator has to perform as part of his/her duties. (2)

3.2 The database of the library has two tables: tblStudents and tblBooksBorrowed. The table
tblStudents keeps record of the students who use the services of the library. The table
tblBooksBorrowed keeps record of the books borrowed by a student.
The relationship between the tables is given below.

3.2.1 The student number in the tblStudents table is the primary key.

Explain what a primary key is in this context. (1)

3.2.2 What is the StudentNumber field in the tblBooksBorrowed table called in terms of
the relationship between the tables? (1)

3.2.3 Identify and motivate the specific relationship that exists between the
tblStudents and the tblBooksBorrowed tables. (2)

3.2.4 Referential integrity was enforced when the relationship between the tables was
created. Why was this done? (2)

3.3 A server database is currently in use.

3.3.1 Differentiate between a desktop database and a server database.

3.3.2 The integrity of the database needs to be maintained. Name the TWO general ways
in which data integrity can be ensured in a database. (2)

3.3.3 Name and briefly describe THREE characteristics of quality data.

3.3.4 Access control is an essential part of protecting data. List TWO methods of
controlling access to data. (2)

3.3.5 Maintaining the data is an essential part in the management of data. What is
involved in data maintenance? (1)

TOTAL: [22]

Activity 3: Memo
3.1 3.1.1 Relational database is a database consisting of different tables✓ which are
linked with relationships✓ (2)

3.1.2 Any ONE ✓✓

Record locking is required:
• To prevent changes made by one of the staff members from being lost
• If the record is locked only one user may be allowed to make changes to
the content of the record.
• Accessing the same record at the same time can corrupt data
• Anomalies may occur- data should stay consistent (2)

3.1.3 Any TWO responsibilities of database administrator ✓✓

(excluding planning and creating database)

• Setup user accounts and user rights
• Setup backup strategy for database
• Create queries for users of the database (2)
• Monitor the working of the database

3.2 3.2.1 It refers to a field/s that makes possible that the record can be uniquely
identified. ✓ (1)

3.2.2 Foreign key✓ (1)

3.2.3 One to many relationship ✓

One student can borrow many books ✓ (2)

3.2.4 Any ONE ✓✓

A record on the one (tblStudents) side of the relationship cannot be deleted if it is
linked to records on the many (tblBooksBorrowed) side of the relationship.
A new record cannot be entered on the many (tblBooksBorrowed) side of a table
without a corresponding record on the one (tblStudents) side of the relationship. (2)

3.3 3.3.1 A desktop database is usually used for single user applications and is installed on
personal computers. ✓
A server database is installed on the server and is accessed by the user using a network
connection and shared by users. ✓ (2)

3.3.2 Data integrity in a database is ensured by implementing principles of

normalisation ✓ and including validation in your database design. ✓ (2)

3.3.3 Name and Describe any THREE of: ✓✓✓

• Currency/Up to date – This relates to how recent or up to date the data is
• Relevance/useful – This relates to how closely the data matches your needs
• Completeness – This refers to how comprehensive the data is
• Accurate/correct data.
• Valid data.
• Unnecessary information is not included.
Any correct example in each case. (3)

3.3.4 Any TWO methods/techniques: ✓✓

• Use good password policies.
• Make sure that user rights and privileges are implemented and managed.
• Make sure that devices are secured (e.g. users need passwords to access the device
• Make sure that locations are physically secured (e.g. key control, access registers,
biometric access control, etc.) (2)
3.3.5 Data maintenance involves keeping information up to date. ✓ (1)

TOTAL: [22]

Activity 4
Traditionally, data was organised in file formats. DBMS was a new concept then, and all the research was
done to make it overcome the short comings in the traditional style of data management.

4.1 Briefly explain what a DBMS is (the meaning of the acronym is not required). (1)

4.2 Briefly explain the concept transaction. (1)

4.3 Distinguish between Commit/Post and Purge/Consolidate. (2)

4.4 Data redundancy covers two concepts. Briefly describe these two concepts. (2)

4.5 Parallel data set is a buzzword associated with databases.

4.5.1 Explain what a parallel data set is and what it is used for. (2)

4.5.2 Give the main disadvantage of implementing parallel data sets. (1)

4.5.3 Why should a parallel data set be kept in separate places? (1)

4.6 Differentiate between overflow and truncation. (2)

4.7 A database table has been setup containing details about all the movies and studios.

4.7.1 The table is not normalised. What is the general aim of normalisation in a database?

4.7.2 Normalise the above table (Movies). Indicate the primary keys and
foreign keys for each table. Create the relationship between tables. (7)

4.7.3 Use the tables in QUESTION 4.7.2 to design an ER diagram and show the relationship
that exist between entities. (4)

TOTAL: [24]
Activity 4: Memo
4.1 DBMS is the software that allows you to work with electronic databases. ✓ (1)

4.2 Transaction refers to any activity regarding the creation, loading, editing,
saving or deleting of data managed by a DBMS. ✓ (1)

4.3 Commit/Post – occurs when the DBMS gets the instruction to save whatever changes have
been made back to storage. ✓
Purge/Consolidate – removes deleted records from the database to compact

and streamline the file. ✓ (2)

4.4 The unnecessary repetition of data across multiple fields in a database, which can
lead to update anomalies. ✓
• The intentional duplication or distribution of the database across multiple storage
media to ensure that the data will always be available and
accessible even if one storage medium fails OR Mirroring the database. ✓ (2)

4.5 4.5.1 Parallel data set is a technique whereby multiple copies of data are kept. ✓
It is used immediately, resulting in no downtime when there is data
failure. ✓ (2)

4.5.2 Doubling the storage requirements for the system. ✓ (1)

4.5.3 For safety and security. ✓ (1)

4.6 Overflow is an error condition that occurs when there are not enough bits available to
represent an integer value accurately. ✓

Truncation is the misrepresentation of a string variable because there are not enough bytes
available to store all the characters in the string. ✓ (2)

4.7 4.7.1 Any ONE: ✓

• To ensure that there is no redundant data.
• To ensure that data is not being repeated in one way or another.
• To ensure that there is no duplication of data.
• To ensure that a database is in an optimal state, with no chance of anomalies. (1)

tblStudio✓ tblMovies✓
PK✓ StudioID PK ✓ MovieNo
StudioName Title
ContactPerson Category
PhoneNo Length
∞✓ FK ✓ (7)
4.7.3 ✓

tblStudios ✓ tblMovies
Has/Hosts ✓
TOTAL: [24]
Activity 5
The amount of data and information about individuals that is stored anywhere on the internet
increases every day. Photos, financial records, employment history, personal relationship details and
purchases are just few of the types of data and information available to others for free or a fee.

5.1 Name TWO characteristics that determine the quality of data. (2)

5.2 Databases need to be protected from several different threats, including incorrect data entry,
data corruption, data loss, accidental data deletion, purposeful data deletion and
unauthorised access.

5.2.1 Explain what data verification is. (1)

5.2.2 List and explain TWO main ways of data verification. (2)

5.2.3 List TWO tasks performed by an audit trail/login changes. (2)

5.3 Managing a company’s database requires a great deal of coordination. List TWO
roles/responsibilities of a DBA. (2)

5.4 Keys are used to establish and identify relationships between tables.
Give another name for attribute in databases. (1)

5.5 Organised data is the key to effective database design and the normalisation process helps
structure data and eliminate redundancy
5.5.1 In the tblOrders table, the IsDeveloped field is used to identify whether
the picture is created or not. Name the data type that can be
to the field isDeveloped.


5.5.2 Redraw the tables in your ANSWER BOOK and answer the following

(a) Identify the primary key and foreign key in each table. Write PK
for the primary key and FK for the foreign key next to the
appropriate field.


(b) Map an ERD (entity relationship diagram) by using the

appropriate ERD symbol.


TOTAL: [20]

Activity 5: Memo
5.1 Any TWO: ✓✓
• Accuracy
• Consistent
• Current
• Complete
Relevant (2)

5.2 5.2.1 Data verification is a manual technique that is used to make sure that
the data on a database is correct and accurate. ✓ (1)

5.2.2 Full verification – requires that each piece of data that is entered
into a database is read and checked by someone. ✓
Sample verification – a process in which randomly selected samples of data is checked
to ensure that there are no systematic errors. ✓ (2)

5.2.3 Any TWO: ✓✓

• Records who made changes to the system
• Records what the user changed from the system
Records when they made changes (2)

5.3 Any TWO: ✓✓

• Designing a database
• Security or setting up and enforcing user rights, encryption etc.
• Backup, restoration plans and policies to determine whether the

Gauteng Department of Education
database is outgrowing the hardware that it runs
• General maintenance of the database
Monitoring the database performance (2)

5.4 Field OR Column ✓ (1)

5.5 5.5.1 (True/False) OR (Yes/No) OR (Boolean) ✓ (1)

5.5.2 (a) In the diagram below (Marks allocation):

tblCustomer table CustNo(PK) ✓

tblOrders table OrderNo(PK) ✓

CustNo(FK) ✓

tblPrint table PrintNo(PK) ✓

OrderFormNo(FK) ✓ (5)

5.5.2 (b) In the diagram above (ERD mark allocation):

tblCustomer table and tblOrders table
✓ ✓

tblOrders table and tblPrint table

✓ ✓


TOTAL: [20]

Gauteng Department of Education
Activity 1: November 2021
A media company is responsible for managing the publishing of a wide variety of local and international
magazines. An MS Access database is used to manage the distribution of magazines published by several

The database contains two tables which are designed as follows:

Table: tblPublishers

Field name Data type Description

PublisherID (PK) Text An ID that uniquely identifies the publisher
PublisherName Text The name of the publisher
Address Text The address of the publisher
PublisherContactNo Text The contact number of the publisher

Table: tblMagazines

Field name Data type Description

MagazineCode (PK) Text A code that uniquely identifies the magazine,
e.g. MC001
Title Text The title of the magazine
Type Text The type of magazine (sport/business/fashion/
NumPrinted Text The number of magazines printed
ReleaseDate Text The release date of the magazine
Price Text The price per magazine
eMagazine Text True if the magazine is available in e-format and false if not

PublisherID (FK) Text An ID that uniquely identifies the publisher

4.1 It is advised that a relational database should be created.

4.1.1 What is a relational database? (1)
4.1.2 Name and explain ONE anomaly that can occur in an operational database if
the database is not normalised (2)
4.2 Identify THREE fields in the table tblMagazines that require more suitable data
Suggest a more suitable field name and data type for EACH field that you identified. (3)

Gauteng Department of Education
4.3 Draw an ERD of tblPublishers and tblMagazines showing the following:
• The relationship type between the entities
• A suitable action verb describing the relationship (3)
4.4 Many database management systems (DBMSs) have built-in integrity
controls that help to maintain the data integrity in the database.
4.1.1 Explain what data integrity entails. (2)
4.1.2 Apart from normalisation, state ONE other way to ensure data integrity in a
database. (1)
4.5 State TWO ways in which the company can benefit from the use of a database
management system. (2)
4.6 Human error results in many issues when entering information into a
Suggest ONE way to minimise user input. (1)
4.7 Explain why using a server-based database instead of a desktop database management
system would be the better option for a company. (2)
4.8 Data warehousing plays an important role in data maintenance.
How does data warehousing affect the size and speed of a database? (2)
4.9 The company's database is used for data mining.
State the role of a human in the data mining process. (1)

Activity 1: November 2021 memo

4.1.1 A database containing multiple tables linked together in a relationship.✓

Also accept:
A database containing tables that are linked with primary and
foreign keys. (1)
4.1.2 Any ONE (Anomaly)✓ with explanation: ✓
• Insertion anomaly: The database has been created in such a way
that the required data cannot be added unless another piece of
unavailable/unrelated data is also added.
• Deletion anomaly: The legitimate deletion of a record of data can
cause the deletion of some required data.
• Update / Modification anomaly: Incorrect data may have to be
changed, which could involve many records having to be changed,
leading to the possibility of some changes being made
incorrectly. (2)
4.2Any THREE fields with correct data type ✓✓✓
ReleaseDate: Date/Time / TDate
Price: Currency / Real / Double
eMagazine: Boolean / Yes No
NumPrinted: Number / Integer / ShortInt / LongInt (3)
Correct entities / table names included and displayed on diagram ✓
Correct relationship type indicated (One-to-Many) ✓
Any acceptable notation indicating the correct relationship
Correct / acceptable action verb describing the relationship ✓ (3)
4.4.1 Any TWO (Aspects of data integrity): ✓✓ (2)

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Completeness of data
Accuracy / Correctness / Reliability of data
Consistency of data
4.4.2 Any ONE (Way to ensure data integrity):✓

• ensuring referential integrity

• including validation in your database design verify that all the data
is correct. (1)
4.5Any TWO (Uses of DBMS): ✓✓

• Improves the organisational structure / storage of data

• Reduces redundancy
• Improves data transfer
• Enhances data security
• Improved data integration
• Minimises data inconsistency
• Faster data access
• Better decision making
• Increased end-user productivity
• Many operations like insertion, deletion or creation of file or data are easy to
• Prevent anomalies though a correct structure

Accept any other applicable and correct answer (2)

4.6 Any ONE (Way to minimise user input): ✓

Default values

GUI-controls / components / examples of components

Importing data from other systems / automated input

Barcode scanner / reader

RFID (1)
4.7 Any TWO (Benefits of a server based DB instead of a desktop DB):✓✓

Ideal to accommodate large numbers of users

to work simultaneously on the database from many different locations (2)
4.8 Data warehousing will decrease the size ✓ of a database and increase the speed. ✓


Increasing the size of the data warehouse decreases the speed of the data warehouse (2)
4.9 Any ONE (Role of a human in data mining): ✓

• Selecting and preparing data sets

• Developing data mining software and algorithms
Interpreting / verifying results delivered by the data mining software (1)

Gauteng Department of Education
Activity 2: May/June 2021
A database is used at a mall to store details of stores, staff, clients and other
information. A staff member can work at only one store. One of the tables is called
tblStores and has the following table design:

Table: tblStores

Field name Data type Description

StoreName Short Text (30) The name of the store at the mall
NumOfSquareMetres Number (Double) The total number of square metres the
store occupies
RentalAmount Number (Double) The monthly rent for the store
DateOpened Date/Time The date on which the store opened for the first
NumYearsOpen Number (Integer) The number of completed years the store
has been doing business at the mall

4.1 The DateOpened field has been selected as a primary key field.

4.1.1 Explain the purpose of a primary key. (1)

4.1.2 Give a reason why using the DateOpened field as a primary key may be
inappropriate. (1)
4.1.3 Recommend a more suitable primary key for the table tblStores, that could
have been included in the tblStores table. (1)
4.2 Normalisation is a term that is commonly used in the context of relational
4.2.1 Explain the term normalisation (2)
4.2.2 Why does the inclusion of the NumYearsOpen field violate
normalisation rules? (2)
4.3 Data needs to be validated to ensure that we have quality data.

Name TWO validation tests that can be performed on the DateOpened field
when data is entered into the field. (2)
4.4 A table, tblStaff, was created to save the information of the staff members of
each store. Use the ERD diagram below to answer QUESTION 4.4.1 and


4.4.1 Describe the relationship between the tables using a suitable action
verb. (1)
4.4.2 What is the type of relationship between the STORE entity and the
STAFF entity? Choose the answer and write only the letter (A–C) next
to the question number, e.g. 4.4.2 D.

A. Many-to-one relationship
B. One-to-many relationship (1)

Gauteng Department of Education
C. Many-to-many relationship
4.5 Indicate whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE. Write only 'true' or
'false' next to the question numbers (4.5.1 to 4.5.5) in the ANSWER BOOK.
4.5.1 A primary key and a foreign key used to establish a relationship
between two tables must have the exact same field name in both
tables (1)
4.5.2 Data saved in a foreign key field in a table can contain duplicates (1)
4.5.3 Referential integrity can be applied in a single table. (1)
4.5.4 Database redundancy can lead to database anomalies. (1)
4.5.5 An advantage of data independence is that multiple applications can
interface to the same data, as the physical structure of the database
is independent of the application (1)
4.6 Most chain stores at malls use data warehousing, which provide storage for large
amounts of data. Records that are outdated in the current database need to be
moved to the data warehouse.

Give TWO reasons why the outdated records need to be transformed before it
is combined with the data in the data warehouse (2)
4.7 Transactions in a database management system include deleting records. When a
record is deleted, it is only flagged as deleted.

Why are these records flagged as deleted and not removed from the
database? (1)
4.8 State TWO potential problems in using a single centralised database serving a large
number of connected users and requests.
4.9 The mall needs to take measures to ensure that the information stored in the database
will not be compromised.

State TWO ways of preventing an SQL injection attack on the database by hackers.

4.10 Online data collection takes place at the pay point in a supermarket.

4.10.1 Define the term online data collection. (2)

4.10.2 Give ONE example of online data collection at the pay point in a supermarket
AND explain how the data can be used to the benefit of the supermarket.

Activity 2: May/June 2021 memo

4.1 4.1.1 To uniquely identify a record in a table. ✓ (1)
4.1.2 There can be more than one store in the mall that opened on the same
day. ✓
4.1.3 StoreID/StoreNumber. ✓
4.2 4.2.1 Normalisation is the process of efficiently designing a database
ensuring data integrity✓ and eliminating data redundancy.✓ OR

Gauteng Department of Education
Designing a database to prevent anomalies and data redundancy.

4.2.2 NumYearsOpened can be calculated✓using the DateOpened field.✓

4.3 Any TWO of ✓✓
• Test for the format of the date e.g.
o format must be yyyy/mm/dd.
• Test if the date is in the correct range e.g.
o the date the shop opened was after the date that the mall opened
o check that the date is not in the future.
• Presence check – a date was entered or selected.

NOTE: In each case accept an explanation or a suitable example.

4.4 4.4.1 Any ONE of: ✓
Also accept any other sensible action verb that describes the relationship.
4.4.2 B One to many ✓
4.5 4.5.1 False✓ (1)
4.5.2 True ✓
4.5.3 True ✓
4.5.4 True ✓
4.5.5 True ✓
4.6 Any TWO of ✓✓

• To make the data more suitable for data mining.

• Data need to be compressed to limit size.
• Data need to be standardised to the same format as the data in the data
warehouse. (2)
4.7 Any ONE of ✓
• To access the history of the record.
• To reinstate the record / provide for recovery if records are deleted
• For auditing purposes. (1)
4.8 Any TWO of ✓✓
• Slows down the network traffic because of the large volume of data being
• High data charges (cost).
• The risk of the whole business shutting down when the central database is
down. (2)
4.9 Any TWO ✓✓
• Validate data fields.
• Provide only certain options for example using a component where input can
only be selected.
• Limit size of fields to be entered.
• Use parameterised queries. (2)

Gauteng Department of Education
4.10.1 Online data collection is where data is processed immediately✓/in real time after it has
been captured or collected. ✓
Data is captured/recorded and saved directly/immediately onto a system (2)
4.10.2 Any ONE example ✓ with the benefit/use of data ✓

Possible answers:

• The specific purchases are recorded – business establishes buying patterns

of clients.
• The bank that clients use is recorded – business can use it as bargaining tool with
• The time of day that purchase is made – can plan for rush hours.

Also accept other valid answers. (2)

Activity 3: November 2020


The import of plants can be dangerous as the plants may be invasive or introduce diseases to native
plants and ecosystems. A rigid testing process must first be conducted before any alien plant may
be taken across a country's borders.

A database is used to manage requests and keep track of the number of plants brought
into the country. An application needs to be made and processed each time an importer
wants to import plants.
The database contains two tables which are designed as follows:

Table: tblImporters

Field name Data type Description

ImporterID Short Text (10) An ID to uniquely identify an
importer entity
ImporterName Short Text (40) Name of organisation/person of the importer
ImporterCountry Short Text (40) Location/Country the importer is
DateRegistered Date/Time Short date which indicates the date that the importer
was registered
Table: tblApplications

Field name Data type Description

ApplicationID AutoNumber An ID to uniquely identify a log
record/request to import plants
PlantName Short Text (80) The scientific name of the plant requested to be
Quantity Number The number of plants requested to
be imported

Gauteng Department of Education
Approved Number 0 indicates that the import request has been denied
1 indicates that the import request has been
DateReceived Date/Time The date on which the import request was made /the
record was created
DateProcessed Date/Time The date on which the import request was approved or
ProcessedDuration Number The number of days it took for the
request to be processed

4.1 The database design is incomplete. Primary keys have not been identified yet and
a relationship still needs to be created between the two tables, tblImporters and
4.1.1 State TWO specific requirements relevant to the content of a primary
key field.
4.1.2 A foreign key field needs to be identified in order to establish
a relationship between the tables.
(a) Identify a suitable foreign key and give the name of the field and the name
of the table that contains the field. (2)
(b) Name the type of relationship between tables tblImporters and
tblApplications (1)
4.1.3 Name the diagram used to illustrate the relationship between the two
tables (1)
4.2 Suggest a more appropriate data type for theApproved field in the tblApplications table.
4.3 Explain why the ProcessedDuration field in the tblApplications table is redundant.
4.4 During the beta version testing of the system, the DBA noticed inconsistencies in the
capturing of the names of countries in the ImporterCountry field. For example, Canada's
name was captured in the following different ways:

4.4.1 Explain what is meant by the term beta version. (1)
4.4.2 Suggest a way in which the system can be adapted so that the name of
a country is captured uniformly in the ImporterCountry field. (1)
4.5 Ensuring the quality of the data involves extensive data validation and verification. Use the field
Approved in the tblApplications table to explain the following
4.5.1 Data validation
4.5.2 Data verification
4.6 Only authorised people should have access to the database server hosting the database.
Suggest any TWO physical ways in which access to the database server can be restricted.
4.7 Data independence is a characteristic of a well-designed database.

Gauteng Department of Education
4.7.1 Explain the term data independence.
4.7.2 One level of data independence is physical independence.
Name another level of data independence.
4.7.3 Give TWO important reasons for enforcing data independence.

Activity 3: November 2020

4.1.1 Data in field of primary key must be unique (no duplicates). ✓
Cannot be null/empty. ✓ (2)
4.1.2 (a) ImporterID ✓ tblApplications/ tblImporters✓ (2)
(b) One to Many ✓ (1)
4.1.3 Entity Relationship Diagram ✓
Also accept ER diagram / ERD/ Relationship diagram (1)
4.2 Any ONE✓
True/False (1)
4.3 The number of days it takes to process the request can be calculated/derived.✓ (1)
4.4.1 Any ONE: ✓
• A version of a piece of software that is made available for testing.
• Typically tested by a limited number of users.
• Version before its general release.
• A trial version of the software. (1)
4.4.2 Any ONE: ✓
• Validation rule/ Range check/ Format check
• Limit input with a component OR an example listbox/combobox (1)
4.5.1 Test for correct range (0 or 1) ✓ ✓

OR (one mark each)

Ensure/test for acceptable data
Test for correct data type (Number) (2)
4.5.2 Checking the correctness ✓ of data against the source/ human perspective (1)
Any TWO: ✓✓
• Controlled access to building by means of NFC / RFID.
• Using biometric security to control access to a building.
• Placing servers/storage devices in lockable room / cabinet.
• Hiring security personnel to enforce access control to data.
• Using a cloud server/ off site server (2)
Data independence refers to the separation between software ✓that uses the
database application and the actual data structure✓ managed by the DBMS server. (2)
4.7.2 Logical independence✓
4.7.3 Any TWO✓✓

Gauteng Department of Education
• The user software/application cannot alter the structure or format of the data
• Multiple applications can interface the same data because the physical
structure is not a factor
DBMS software handles the actual data management.

Activity 4: November 2019

A small local business operating from a single site store their business data in a
database with two tables called tblClients and tblOrders.

The table design for the tblClients table is as follows:

Field Name Data Type

ClientSAID Short Text
LastName Short Text
FirstName Short Text
ContactNumber Short Text

NOTE: The ClientSAID field in the tblClients table contains the client's 13-digit
South African identity number.

The table design for the tblOrders table is as follows:

Field Name Data Type

InvoiceNumber Short Text
ClientSAID_Ref Short Text
Amount Currency
Paid Yes/No

NOTE: The ClientSAID_Ref field in the tblOrders table contains the client's 13-digit
South African identity number.

4.1 No primary key is indicated.

Name the distinct property of a primary key in a table. (1)

4.2 Only orders with the value of an amount of at least R500,00 will be inserted into the tblOrders
table. Suggest a data validation technique that can be used to enforce this condition. (1)
4.3 No relationship is indicated between the tblClients table and the tblOrders

4.3.1 Which fields can be used to set a relationship between the tables?
Identify the type of relationship which will be formed AND indicate the table that
will appear on each side of the relationship. (2)
4.4 A suggestion has been made to add the client's age, ClientAge, as an
additional field to the tblClients table.
Evaluate why this suggestion would lead to a poor table design (1)
4.5 Suggest whether the business should use a desktop or a server database
management system. Motivate your answer. (2)

Gauteng Department of Education
4.6 The following error message is displayed when you want to insert a record in
the tblOrders table:

4.6.1 Is the error message above caused by a syntax, runtime or logical

error? (1)
4.6.2 Name the database design concept related to the error message above

4.7 A decision
4 has been made that data mirroring will be used for the database.
Define the term mirroring (1)
4.8 As a business owner, it is important to have a good password policy.

Suggest TWO guidelines for a good password policy in terms of the compilation of
passwords (2)
4.9 One of your clients enquired about his personal information that was used to send him
messages from unknown sources. You answered, 'It is invisible data capturing’.
What is meant by the term invisible data capturing? (2)
4.10 Using a data warehouse will enable you to do data mining.

Explain the concept of data mining

4.11 The business will be audited for tax purposes.

Briefly discuss how an audit trail can be used to assist the auditing firm in their investigation. (2)
4.12 Record locking is a mechanism used in most databases.

Explain how recordlocking works. (2)

Activity 4: November 2019 memo

4.1 Value must be unique/ no duplicates. ✓ (1)
4.2 Range check/ Validation rule ✓ (1)
4.3 4.3.1 ClientSAID and ClientSAID_Ref ✓ (1)

Gauteng Department of Education
One-to-Many relationship ✓
On the One side: tblClients table On the
Many side: tblOrders table✓

• Correct type of relationship
• Correct table indicated for one and for many side (2)
4.4 Adding the ClientAge field will result in data redundancy as the age can be
derived from the ID field. ✓ (1)
4.5 Desktop DBMS ✓
Desktop DBMS will be sufficient as the business is small and operates from a single building. ✓


Server DBMS
Server DBMS will be more scalable/better accessibility.

Learner suggest desktop/server DBMS with suitable motivation for two marks (2)
4.6 4.6.1 Run-time error ✓ (1)
4.6.2 Referential integrity/ relational tables ✓ (1)
4.7 Keeping identical copies✓ of a database (1)
4.8 Any TWO: ✓✓
• Use different passwords for different accounts.
• Make passwords long in length.
• Avoid using words that can be found in a dictionary.
• Avoid using personal information about yourself or your family.
• Change passwords on a regular basis.
• Include a combination of special characters, uppercase and lowercase characters
and numbers.
• Avoid keyboard patterns (2)
4.9 The capturing of private/ unrelated information✓ without the users’ knowledge. ✓ (2)
4.10 The practice of examining large datasets in existing databases (and data warehouses) in order
to generate new information/finding patterns/trends ✓in data. (1)
4.11 Keeps track of / records ✓ changes ✓ in the database OR

Who made the changes.

When the changes were made. (2)
4.12 When a record is open for editing / inserting, the record is flagged as 'in use'✓ No other entity
can make changes to that specific record until 'in use' flag/lock
is removed. ✓ (2)

Activity 5: May/June 2019

4.1 A data capturer captures all organisational data.

4.1.1 Explain what the GIGO principle is. (2)

4.1.2 Name TWO types of checks to ensure that the captured data is
valid. (2)

Gauteng Department of Education
4.1.3 What does the concept logical integrity of data refer to in general? (1)

4.2 The company runs a DBMS (database management system) on their server.

4.2.1 Explain how SQL injection can be used in a poorly designed DBMS
to gain unauthorised access to data. (2)

4.2.2 What is record locking in the context of a DBMS? (2)

4.3 A distributed database server is used at the company.

4.3.1 Explain what a distributed database system is. (2)

4.3.2 State TWO situations where a single-server database will not be

able to operate efficiently and the use of a distributed database
becomes necessary. (2)

4.4 Clients must make reservations to use the company's dining facilities.

A database with the table tblBookings is used to save information about clients
attending a restaurant daily.

4.4.1 Differentiate between the Number and AutoNumber data types. (2)

4.4.2 The data type of one of the fields shown in the diagram above is not
suitable for its purpose.

Name the field and motivate a more suitable alternative data type. (3)

4.4.3 Give ONE reason why it is good practice to limit the length of a text
field. (1)
4.5 An attempt has been made to normalise the table tblBookings using the following table

Gauteng Department of Education
4.5.1 Explain the term normalisation. (2)

4.5.2 State the type of relationship that exists between the ClientID fields
in the tblClients table and the tblBookings table. (1)

4.5.3 The following message is displayed when an attempt is made to

delete a record from the tblClients table:

(a) Explain how the rule related to referential integrity has been
violated. (2)

(b) What needs to be done before the record can be deleted

successfully from the tblClients table? (1)

4.5.4 If the BookingID field is removed from the tblBookings table,

a combination of the ClientID, ReservationDate and
Reservationtime fields can be used to form a unique key.

What is this type of key called? (1)


Activity 5: May/June 2019 memo

4.1 4.1.1 The relationship between the quality of data entered ✓ and the quality of
information that can be extracted. ✓
If the data entered is incorrect, the output produced will also be incorrect.

NOTE: No marks for only expanding the abbreviation.

4.1.2 Any TWO:✓✓

• Format check/ Input mask

• Range check/ Validation rules
• Data type check
• Presence check (2)
4.1.3 Any ONE:✓

The correctness of data/free of errors OR

Data which makes sense in a particular context.

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4.2 4.2.1 A code injection technique used to attack data-driven applications in which SQL
statements ✓ are inserted into an entry/text field ✓ for execution

Reference to using an SQL statement/command
Action example Inserting, deleting, commanding the database
4.2.2 When a record is open for either editing or inserting, the record is flagged to be in use.
✓ That means that no other user can make changes to that specific record. ✓

• Record in use
• Only 1 person can makes changes to the specific record
4.3 4.3.1 A distributed database is a system where parts of a database ✓
are spread (distributed) across servers in separate locations. ✓ (2)
4.3.2 When the number of connected users becomes too large for a single server to cope
with ✓
When a business is spread over a large geographical area✓ (2)
4.4 4.4.1 Number – Any numeric value entered by the user ✓
AutoNumber – A numeric value created by the program in sequence ✓
4.4 Field – ContactNumber ✓
.2 Data type – Text ✓
Motivation – The leading 0 will not be retained ✓ (3)
4.4 Any ONE ✓
• To save memory space
• To avoid unnecessary /extra information being entered
• To help ensure that only valid data is captured
4.5 4.5.1 Any TWO ✓✓
• Separate tables
• Relationships using correct primary and foreign keys
• Reduces redundancy
• Limit anomalies
4.5 One to many ✓ (1)
4.5.3(a) Parent records in a table cannot be deleted if there is a child record in a related
table ✓✓ (2)

4.5.3(b) All records with the respective client number must first be deleted from the
tblBookings table ✓ (1)
4.5 Composite ✓ key
Also accept
Concatenated Compound

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Solution Development

Introduction to Algorithms

Basic concepts of an algorithm

An algorithm is an ordered list of steps used to carry out a task or solve a problem. An
algorithm can take one of two forms namely pseudocode or flowcharts.
Steps to follow for a good algorithm:
• there must be a limited number of steps
• the steps must be:
o easy to understand and follow
o detailed and specific
o clear and unambiguous Figure 1:
• each step should: 4
o consist of a single task
o be at the most basic level that cannot be broken into simpler tasks
• all repetitions must have clear ending conditions
• there must be at least one result (or output).


Pseudocode is an artificial and informal language that helps programmers develop algorithms.
Pseudocode is a "text-based" detail (algorithmic) design tool. Writing in pseudocode is like
writing in a programming language. Each step of the algorithm is written on a line of its own in
sequence. In pseudocode, INPUT asks a question.

Flowcharts are diagrams that show the steps in a process. Basic flowcharts are easy to create
and because the shapes are simple and visual, they are easy to understand.

• They show the control flow of algorithms using diagrams in a visual manner.

Symbol Name Symbol Function

Oval Use to represent start and end of flowchart

Parallelogram Use for input and output operation

Rectangle Processing: use for arithmetic operations and data-


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Symbol Name Symbol Function
Diamond Decision making use to represent the operation in
which there are two/three alternatives, true and false,

Arrows Flow line: use to indicate the flow of logic by connecting


Examples of algorithms in everyday life

Example 1: Find the factors of a number. A factor of a number is a number that can divide into a
number with no remainder, for example, 3 is a factor of 6, because 6 ÷ 3 = 2 without a remainder.
However, 3 is not a factor of 5, because 5 ÷ 3 = 1 rem 2.


Get the number

Set iCount = 1
For icount <= iNum
If iNum MOD iCount = 0
Add iCount to list of factors
Increase iCount by 1
End For
Display list of factors

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Example 2: Enter a number. Display a message indicating if number is even or not.

Input Number
iAnswer  iNumber MOD 2
If iAnswer = 0
Input iNumber
Display Even
Display Odd
iAnswer  iNumber MOD 2
End If

iAnswer = 0
Yes No

Display Even Display Odd

Basic IPO table

Input, Processing, Output – IPO chart
An input process output, or IPO, chart is simply a way to describe how you
Figure 2:
processes information. The chart has three components, and you write the
description of each component in plain English, not code or mathematical

• IT IS A TABLE - WITH THREE COLUMNS wherein you will identify what would be your input,
process and output

Example 1: Determine the largest and smallest value in a series of numbers

Input Processing Output

Values from The first value is initially both the Largest Largest
user and the Smallest Smallest
(For each value thereafter)
Repeat for the number of values that will
be entered
If the value > Largest
then this value is now the Largest.
Similarly, If value < Smallest
then this new value is the Smallest.

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Example 2: A number is a prime number if it has only 2 factors, the number 1, and the number
itself. Draw an IPO chart for the problem.

Input Processing Output

Number from Value = 2 'Number is prime'
user Factors = False 'Number is NOT
While Value <= Number DIV 2 and Factors prime'
= False
If Number MOD Value = 0 then
Factors = True
Else increase Value by 1
IF Factors = False
Else if Factors = True

Trace tables:
Trace tables are used to allow programmers to trace the value of variables as each line
of code is executed. The values of the variables are displayed in a table and assist the
programmer in identifying any potential errors. Figure 3:
Trace tables are tables that consist of columns, each representing a variable, a watch?v=1VXNXWc2bLk
condition, or an output in an algorithm, although not every variable, condition or
output need be included in a trace table.

Example 1: Write pseudocode to input 4 numbers. Display the sum and average of the numbers.
Sample data: 9; 12; 7; 8

Step Sum Loop counter Number Average Screen output

1 0
Step 1: sum  0 2 1
3 9
Step 2: loop from 1 to 4
4 9
Start loop 2 2
Step 3: input number 3 12
4 21
Step 4: sum  sum + number 2 3
End loop 3 7
4 28
Step 5: average  sum / 4 2 4
Step 6: Display average 3 8
4 36
5 36/4 = 9
6 9

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Example 2: A number is a prime number if it has only 2 factors, the number 1, and the number itself.
Draw a trace table using input number 6:

Step 1: Set Factors = False

Step 2: Set Value = 2
Step 3: Get Number
Step 4: While Value <= Number DIV 2 AND Factors = False
Step 5: if Number MOD Value = 0 then
Step 6: Factors = True
Step 7: Increase Value by 1
End While
Step 4: if Factors = False then
Step 10 Display ‘Number is prime’
Display ‘Number is not prime’

Step Factors Value Number Value <= Factors = Number Output

Number False? MOD Value
DIV 2 = 0?
1 False
2 2
3 6
4 True True
5 True
6 True
7 3
4 True False
10 Number is
NOT prime

Introduction to solution development using a high-level programming language

Introduction to the programming tool

What is Delphi?
Delphi is a general-purpose programming language and an integrated development environment
(IDE) for rapid application development of desktop, mobile, web, and console software, currently
developed and maintained by Embarcadero Technologies. Delphi's compilers generate native code
for Microsoft Windows, macOS, iOS, Android and Linux.

What is a compiler?
The compiler takes the entire source code and translates it into machine code. This translated code
is saved as an executable file on the computer that can be opened on any computer without
requiring the computer to have a compiler.

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What is an interpreter?
In computer terms, the programming interpreter reads the first line of the code, interprets it into
machine code and sends it to the CPU to be processed. It then interprets the next line and sends
that to the CPU, and so on. By interpreting the program line by line, the program can immediately
start running. However, since every line needs to be interpreted before it can run, the program will
often run slower than a compiled program.

What is difference between compiler and interpreter?

Compiler Interpreter
A compiler executes the entire program in one go An interpreter executes a single line of code at a
The compiler generates an intermediate machine The interpreter never produces any intermediate
code machine code
The compiler is best suited for the production An interpreter is best suited for a software
environment development environment
The compiler is used by programming languages An interpreter is used by programming languages
such as Delphi, C, C++, C#, Java, etc such as Python, PHP, Perl, Ruby, etc

Variables and Constants

What is a variable?

A variable is a name for a location in memory; you can use the name to read or write to
Figure 4:
the memory location. Variables are like containers for data and because they have a data
typed, they tell the compiler how to interpret the data they hold. nJnoX0

Global variable: is declared in the main unit and can be used throughout the unit.

Local variable: is declared in a segment like when you click on a button; and this variable can only be
used in this segment meaning within the "begin" and "end" of this button.

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Declaring a variable

The basic syntax for a variable declaration is:

Var Var
VariableName : <datatype> ; iRow , iCol : integer ;

Rules for variable names:

What is a constant?

Data values that stay the same every time a program is executed are known as constants. Literal
constants are actual values fixed into the source code

Declaring a constant:

The basic syntax for a constant declaration is:

Const Const
ConstantName = <value>; VatRate = 0.14;

Advantages of using constants:

• Constants can make the program more readable.

• A constant parameter clearly tells the reader that the subroutine does not change the
parameter's value.
• Constants make the program easier to modify.
• Constants make it easier to avoid mistakes in the program.

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Data types
A data type is a classification that specifies which type of data a variable has and what
type of mathematical, relational, or logical operations can be applied to it without
causing an error. Some common data types include integers, floating point Figure 5:
numbers(real), characters, strings, and arrays. They may also be more specific types,
such as dates, text file, timestamps, Boolean values and varchar (variable character)

Example of data types:

Relational Operators

An operator that tests the relationship between two entities, e.g. >; <; <=; >=; =; <>

Logical Operators

Logical operators perform conditional AND, OR, NOT and IN operations. Delphi uses the words AND
and OR as logical operators. The most common use of the AND and OR operators is as part of an if
statement or loop statement, as demonstrated in the following two examples:

if (Condition1) AND (Condition2) then DoSomething;

while (Condition1) OR (Condition2) do DoSomething;

Delphi's logical "not" operator is used to reverse a Boolean expression. It's also often used as a part
of an if statement, as shown here:
if NOT (condition) then (do something); // if condition is false then...

Operator Example Description Operand Types

AND If (iAge >= 12) AND (iAge <= 18) Checks if BOTH conditions are Boolean
then sCategory := 'Teenanger'; true, only then will the
statement be executed
OR If (iAverage < 40) OR (iFaiiled_Subjs >1) Checks if either one of the Boolean
Then iFailed := iFailed + 1; conditions are true.

NOT If NOT (iAverage >= 40) Performs the opposite of the Boolean
Then lblMessage.Caption := 'FAIL'; condition.

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Mathematical Operators

An arithmetic expression returns a numerical value that can be used directly or stored in a numerical

Name Operation Datatype that can use it

Addition + Integer; Real
Subtraction - Integer; Real
Multiplication * Integer; Real
Division / Integer; Real
Integer division DIV Integer
Remainder after division MOD Integer
Concatenation + String

Mathematical functions
Using math functions in Delphi is like using all the math operators you were taught in
primary school. Delphi also offers some more advanced maths functions that you can use in
your programs.

Function Description Example and data type

Trunc Truncates the decimal part of a real number Trunc(8.97) = 8 Integer
Round Rounds off a number to the nearest integer Round(8.97) = 9 Integer
Frac To find the decimal part of the real number Frac(74.89) = 0.89 Real
Sqr Finds the square root of a positive number Sqr(4.5) = 20.25 Real
Sqr(4) = 16 Integer
Sqrt Calculates the square root of a positive number Sqrt(12.3) = 3.5 Real
Sqrt(25) = 5.0 Real

Cast tells the compiler to treat one data type as if it were a different type. You can convert
between different data types. Another term for cast is typecast.
Figure 6:
Here's an example of a Char data type typecast to an Integer:
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
AnInteger : Integer;
AnInteger := StrToInt (edtInteger.text);
Label1.Caption := IntToStr(AnInteger);

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Function Description Example in code
IntToStr Converts an Integer Number into a ShowMessage ('Final answer : '+
string. IntToStr(iAnswer));
FloatToStr Convert a floating-point value to a ShowMessage ('The power is: ' +
string FloatToStr(rpower));
FloatToStrF Convert a floating-point value to a sting lblOutput.Caption := FloatToStrF(rAverage,
showing the actual calculated value ffFixed, 5, 1);
that’s been rounded of to a certain redDisplay.Lines.Add('Unit price of Grass: '+ #9
number of decimal places + FloatToStrF(rCost,
StrToInt Convert a string into an Integer value iAnswer := StrtoInt(edtanswer.text);
StrToFloat Converts a string into a real value rNumber := StrToFloat(edtnumber.text);

Basic string handling

Control String:

A control string is a sequence of one or more control characters that consist of the # Figure 7:
symbol followed by an integer constant from 0 to 255 T4t2g

Symbol Function

#9 Used to leave a Tab space depending on the Tab count created

#13 Used as a line feed to move the cursor onto a new line

Built-in Functions and Procedures:

A function can return a value. It is normally called as part of an expression.

Function name Definition Examples
Length(string) Returns the length of the string sWord := 'South';
sWord := Length (sWord);
Copy(string,start,length) Returns a sting of given length for the sWord := Copy(sWord,2,3);
specified string, beginning at the start
character position: if length is greater
than the number of characters from
start onward, the next returned
continues to the end of the string
Pos(search,main) Searches for the first occurrence of the iPos := Pos('o', sWord);
search string in the main string
Trim(string) Returns the string removing all extra sWord := trim(sWord);
spaces at the beginning (leading) and at
the end
UpperCase(string) Converts the string to capitals sUpName := UpperCase(sWord);

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UpCase(string[1]); Convert one character to upper case. sWord[1] := Upcase(sword[1]);

LowerCase(string) Converts the string to lower case sLowName := LowerCase(sWord);

A procedure receive a number of values and then make changes to one of the values. A
procedure therefor performs a specific task
Procedure name Definition Examples
Insert(substring,string, Inserts a sub-string into a string. Insert('42', sTelNo, 5);
Delete(string,startposition, Deletes a number of characters in a string Delete(sTelNo, 5, 2);

Event handling (click)

Code that is linked to a component's event and which is executed when the event is
triggered. The code that responds directly to an event - called an event handler - is a Delphi
procedure. An event handler is a method containing code that is executed in response to an

Conditional constructs/Selection Structures

Conditional constructs are essentially decision-making structures.

IFs Figure 8:
The if statement is used to test for a condition and then execute sections of 1tOVmo
code based on whether that condition is True or False.

The IF keyword is used to control the flow of code depending on the logical result of the
given condition. There are two forms of the IF statement - one with an else clause, the
other not.

IF works as follows :

• If the condition is true, then the first statement is executed. If false, then the
first statement is bypassed. If there is an else statement, it is executed instead.
• In all cases, the Statement clause must be contained in a begin/end block if it
consists of more than one statement.

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Example 1: Create a program that will read the name and mark of a learner for different tests. If the
mark is greater or equal to 50 then:

• calculate a target mark for the learner’s next test by increasing the mark by 5%
• set the category to ‘Olympiad candidate’

Nested IFs

A nested IF-THEN statement occurs when one conditional statement is placed inside
another conditional statement. By doing this your program first checks if the outer
condition has been met before looking at the inner conditional statement.

Example 1: Create an OnClick event for the [Show Smallest] button to determine the smallest
number of the three numbers and display the smallest number in the lblSmall.

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CASE statement

The case statement is a selection statement that can be used instead of multiple IF
statements. A Case statement is a better option if we have a lot of conditions of which
only one can be true.

Example 1: Learners receive a percentage mark, as well as a symbol for certain educational
courses in South Africa. These symbols might be allocated as follows:

Nested Ifs changed to CASE statement

Example 1: The channels on the television at a specific hotel are set to the following categories:

1 – 5: News

6 – 10: Sport

11 – 15: Movies

16 – 20: Music

Use the spin edit to select a channel and display the category.

procedure TForm6.btnCategoryClick(Sender: procedure TForm6.btnCategoryClick(Sender:

TObject); TObject);
var var
iChannel: integer; iChannel: integer;
sCategory: string; sCategory: string;
begin begin
iChannel := spnChannel.Value; iChannel := spnChannel.Value;
if iChannel in [1 .. 5] then
sCategory := 'News' case iChannel of
else if iChannel in [6 .. 10] then 1..5: sCategory := 'News';
sCategory := 'Sport' 6..10: sCategory := 'Sport';
else if iChannel in [11 .. 15] then 11..15: sCategory := 'Movies';
sCategory := 'Movies' 16..20: sCategory := 'Music';
else if iChannel in [16 .. 20] then else
sCategory := 'Music' sCategory := 'Channel closed';
else end;
sCategory := 'Channel closed'; edtCategory.Text := sCategory;
edtCategory.Text := sCategory; end;

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Basic validation techniques
Data validation

Is a technique used by programmers to check (or validate) the information that users enter before
processing it? This allows programmers to prevent common errors from occurring by making sure
that the information entered is correct before it is used. The goal of input validation is therefore to
prevent users from accidentally or purposefully entering incorrect data into your program.

Data type check

When the data type of the input is checked, and an error message displayed when the data type is
not valid. For example, if numeric data is expected, but the letter O is typed instead of the number

Data value check

When the value of a variable is checked before a mathematical operation is performed to ensure it
will not cause a program to crash. For example, check that a value is not zero before it will be used
as the devisor in a division operation.

Exception Handling

A way to prevent a program from crashing when a file does not exist. An exception is generally an
error condition or event that interrupts the flow of your program. To prevent an interruption in the
flow of the program, we use the try…except statement:

Debugging Techniques
Step-and-Watch: a debugging facility in Delphi to control execution of the program and
view the values of variables while the programming is executed.
Figure 9:
Syntax error: an error that occurs when the rules of the programming language are not
followed. neais

Examples are:

• when a begin does not have an end,

• the left/right apostrophe's do not correspond,
• the name of a component is spelled incorrectly, a bracket is missing.

The compiler gives an error message and / or hints indicating how to correct the error/s.

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Logical error: a logical error occurs when the algorithm that is used to solve the problem, is not
correct. The program will produce output, but it will be wrong.

Examples are:

• getting the sequence of your program instructions wrong (for example writing the
calculation line BEFORE you write the input line)
• doing calculations but do not assign the results to variables
• do not display the results of your processing in a label
• using the AND, OR and NOT operators incorrectly.

These errors must be corrected by the programmer:

• you can stop the program execution with Run / Reset

• to trace the logic of a program you can use F7 (trace) and / or F8 (step over)

Runtime error: a runtime error occurs when a program crashes and stop working due to an illegal
operation when programming code was executed.

For example:

• division by zero
• errors in type conversion (for example when you use StrToInt and the user has typed text
into the Edit)
• doing a calculation that has an answer bigger than the variable type it is being stored in can
handle (overflow error)
• attempt to access a non-existing file

Errors can be prevented by following good programming techniques:

• use descriptive variable names

• use indentation – between begin .. end;
• keep functions and procedures small and test each one individually
• use documentation
• use a subdirectory for each new program and make sure that all the necessary Delphi-files
are present

Iteration constructs/Looping Structures

Looping structures are generally used to carry out, one or more statements, repeatedly. The two
types of loops are conditional (has a condition) and unconditional loops (has counter, no condition).

FOR Loop – unconditional

A loop where:

• it will be executed a specific known number of times.

Figure 10:
• a variable controlling the loop is initialised, and then its content is changed https://www.youtu
inside the loop

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Example 1: Write a Delphi program to do the following: display the first 10 square numbers. A
square number is a value that is the product of two identical numbers.

Step K iAnswer K > 10 Output

1 1
2 1
3 No 1
1 2
2 4
3 No 4
1 3
2 9
3 No 9
1 4
2 16 Start
3 No 16
1 5
2 25 k1
3 No 25
1 6 No Yes
2 36 K > 10?
3 No 36
1 7 Display iAnswer
2 49
3 No 49
iAnswer  k * k
1 8
2 64
3 No 64
1 9
2 81
3 No 81
1 10 End
2 100
3 YES 100

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WHILE Loop - conditional
When the loop-continuation condition is evaluated first before the loop is even
executed once (as the first statement of the loop). When coding a While loop, first
decide on the loop-continuation condition and the value(s) that will determine whether
the loop will be executed or not. Then structure the loop to adhere to the so-called ITC
Figure 11:
Example 1: The program code displays all the multiples of 13 less than 100

iNumber  13
iNumber := 13;
While iNumber < 100 do
Begin No
iNumber <
iNumber := iNumber + 13;
iNumber Is iNumber < 100 ? Output
13 TRUE 13 Display iNumber
26 TRUE 26
39 TRUE 39
iNumber  iNumber + 13
52 TRUE 52
65 TRUE 65
78 TRUE 78
91 TRUE 91 Statement after the
end of loop

ITC Principle
Initialise The variable(s) used in the loop-continuation condition, condition must be assigned values(s)
before the condition is evaluated by the While statement.
Test The variable(s) is/are tested in the loop-continuation condition. If the condition(s) is/are True,
then the statement(s) within the loop is/are executed.
Change A statement inside the body of the loop, should change the value of the variable(s) used in the
loop-continuation condition, otherwise the condition(s) will always be True, causing the loop to
run infinitely (an infinite loop)

When the loop-termination condition is evaluated when the loop has been executed at least
once (as the last statement of the loop).

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Example 1: This program adds numbers until the sum of the numbers is greater than 100.

iNumber  1
iNumber := 1;
iTotal := 150;
Repeat iTotal  150
iTotal := iTotal + iNumber;
until iTotal > 100; iNumber  iNumber + 1
lblDisplay.Caption := IntToStr(iNumber);

iTotal  iTotal + iNumber

Number Is iTotal > 100?
of the
loop iNumber iTotal (if the answer is true,
execution the loop should No iTotal >
terminate) 100?
1 150
1 2 152 TRUE
Statement after the Until

ITC Principle
Initialise The variable(s) used in the loop-termination condition must be assigned value(s) before the
start of the loop
Change The content of the variable(s) used in the loop-termination condition need(s) to be changed
inside the loop otherwise the condition(s) will always be False, causing the loop to run infinitely
(an infinite loop)
Test The variable(s) is tested in the loop-termination condition. If the condition(s) is/are False, then
the statement(s) within the loop is/are executed again.

Gauteng Department of Education
Application development using a high-level programming language

Figure 12:
What is an Array? https://www.youtu
An array is a data structure that contains a group of variables (called elements) containing fIcDET8nMpI
values of the same data type. We add the prefix arr to the name of the array. A meaningful
name, which is dependent on the contents it holds, should be given to the array.

Index 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Value Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Index: refers to the position of the element in an array. An element in the array is referenced using
the name of the array and its index position within square brackets.

Array declaration

arrABC Refers to the array name. User defined, should be prefixed with the letters 'arr'
array Refers to memory allocation of more than 1 value
[1 .. 100] Refers to the index or subscript of the elements in the array, maximum storage
of Reserved word, part of compiler syntax
string Refers to the data type of elements stored in the array

Gauteng Department of Education
Example 1: Create a project called Arrays1 to perform the following. Make a global array
called arrNumbers to store 5 real values

Searching an Array:

There are various methods that can be used to search arrays. A few are as follows:

Linear search: to search a linear order, from left to right. A simple search method used with an
unsorted array with few data. Each element is compared with the search element until it is found or
until the end of the list is reached if the element does not appear.

Example :
Get SearchValue (item in array that is being searched for)
bFound = False
K := 0 (start the search)
iCount = (number of elements in the array) Figure 13:
While (K < iCount) and (bFound = false) do https://www.youtu
If SearchValue = Array[k] then The search value is found
bFound := true
END //while
If bFound then
Display result: SearchValue + is in position + (k-1)
Display result SearchValue is not in the list

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Binary search: a very effective search algorithm used on sorted lists (the list must be sorted in
ascending order). A more effective way than linear search when a lot of data is used.

Example :
Get SearchValue (item in array that is being searched for)
iMiddle = 0
bFound = False
iLowest = 1 Figure 14:
iHighest = (number of elements in array) https://www.youtu
While (iLowest <= iHighest) and (bFound <> true) do O57G9TPUwoU
iMiddle = (iLowest + iHighest) DIV 2
If SearchValue = array[iMiddle] then The search value is found
bFound = true
Else The search value is in the upper half of the list.
If SearchValue > array[iMiddle] then The lowest position shifts up to a position one
iLowest = iMidle + 1 above the middle element
iHighest = iMiddle – 1
The search value is in the bottom half of the list. The highest
END //if number shifts down to a position below the middle element
END //if
END //while

Sorting an Array:

There are various methods that can be used to sort arrays. A few are as follows:

Selection sort: A sorting method where the smallest element is chosen to repeatedly swap it with
the next element (in the case of sorting ascendingly).

For K := 1 to 5 -1 do
Figure 15:
For L := K + 1 to 6 do https://www.youtu
If arrName[K] > arrName[L] then
sTemp := arrName[K];
arrName[K] := arrName[L]; Swap arrName[K] and arrName[L]
arrName[L] := sTemp;

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Bubble sort: a sorting algorithm that 'bubbles' the smallest or largest element to the 'bottom' of the
list, by using a Boolean flag and a For Loop

Repeat //repeat … Until loop
bSwapped:= False; //boolean variable
For K:= 1 to 4 Do
If arrNum[K] > arrNum[K+1] then
sTemp:= arrNames[K];
arrNames[K]:= arrNames[K+1];
arrNames[K+1]:= sTemp;
bSwapped:= True; //If a swap occurs then bSwapped is true, which
End; //if indicates the repeat loop cannot end, as the sorting of
End; //For
the array is not yet complete Figure 16:
Until Not(bSwapped); https://www.youtu
Flag: A Boolean variable that is set to indicate that something has happened, for
example, a value has been found.

Time & Date Manipulation

Date and time processing depends on the TDateTime variable. It is used to hold a date
and time combination. It is also used to hold just date or time values - the time and date
value is ignored respectively. TDateTime is defined in the System unit. Date constants Figure 17:
and routines are defined in SysUtils and DateUtils units.

Type Description

Date TDate is used to represent a date. It returns the current system date as a
value of data type TDate.
DateTime TDateTime represents a date-and-time value in the Delphi language.
Time Returns the current system time as a value of data type TDateTime.
IsLeapYear The IsLeapYear function returns a value True if a given calendar value is a
leap year. The year supplied as the argument can be a value between 0
and 9999.
DaysInAMonth Returns the number of days in a specified month of a specified year.
FormatDateTime Formats a TDate or TDateTime value into a string. The format is indicated
with a combination of letters and characters as one of the arguments of
the function.

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Type Description

LongMonthNames ( an array This array contains the names of the months of the year.
stored in the SysUtils unit)
DateTimeToStr Converts a TDateTime value to a string, using the local settings for
displaying date and time.
DateToStr Converts a TDateTime value to a string. The format will be determined by
the Short Date format in the date settings of the operating system.
TimeToStr Returns a string that represents a TDateTime value.

Text Files
What is a Text file?

A text file is an electronic resource that contains text as a sequence of ASCII characters. A text file is
a data structure that allows for the permanent storage of data. These are used to store information
so that easy retrieval and access are achieved without having to input information or data every
time the program is run.

Commands associated with a text file Figure 18:
Command Description Syntax
AssignFile Used to link the file variable created
in Delphi (internal file name) with
the name of the text file (external
file name). The contents of the
external file will be stored in the file
variable created.
Append The Append procedure opens an
existing file for writing and moves
the file pointer to the end of the file,
so that new data will be added after
the existing data.
CloseFile Clears out the memory buffers and
removes the external / internal link.
EoF A logic expression that is False if the
end of the file has not been reached,
else it is True

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Command Description Syntax
FileExists Used to check if the file exists or not.
Returns a Boolean value true if the
file exists; or false if the file does not
Readln Readln can be used to read a line of
data from the text file into a string
Rewrite The rewrite procedure creates a new
file and opens it for writing. The file
marker points to the start of the file
(in an existing file Rewrite erases all
the data).
Reset The reset procedure opens an
existing file for reading and puts the
pointer in the beginning of the file
Write Writes data to a file after which the
cursor remains on the same line
Writeln Writes data to a file after which the
cursor moves onto the next line.

Procedures and Functions

Method: a procedure or function that defines the behaviour of an object such as a
Delphi component.
Figure 19:
User-defined methods: methods that are created by the user, namely procedures and https://www.youtu
functions. User-defined methods need to be created from scratch by the programmer. It
requires more effort from the programmer to create a method. These methods are
created for code that will frequently be used.

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• Function: a subroutine that consists of a set of instructions to perform a specific task, and
which normally delivers a result.

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• Procedure: a subroutine that consists of a set of instructions to perform a specific task and
that delivers no results.

Parameter: when a subroutine that consists of a set of instructions to perform a specific task and
that delivers no results.

Value parameter: a parameter where the value used in the argument of the procedure is copied to
the procedure, so the procedure works with a local copy. Changes to the value will not affect the
argument. When a procedure is called, memory locations are created for each of the formal
parameters and the values of the arguments are assigned to the corresponding formal parameters.

Object-oriented programming
What is a class?

A class is used to group corresponding objects. A class exists of fields, properties, and
methods. A single object is an example / instance of a class. A class is a container of
code. It serves as a platform to create objects. Figure 20:
What is an object?
The term object refers to a unique combination of data and methods representing a real
item. An object is an instance of a class. Each object belongs to a class and inherits all the methods
and properties of that class.

An object class generally consists of the following:

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A constructor is a class method to reserve memory for an object. The Create-method (of
TObject) is the default constructor if the constructor is not explicitly declared. It is better to
declare the constructor explicitly in the class and to initialise all data members. A default
constructor does not have parameters.


Accessor methods (getters):

• functions that return the state of the attributes
• can transform outputs before displaying them
it allows you to store data in one way, but present it to the application in a different, more
useful way
• make debugging easier, as you can include breakpoints inside the accessors (getters)
functions, allowing you to detect mistakes that occur at this point in the program


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Mutator methods (setters):

• procedures that update the state of the object

• can include input validation, automatically rejecting any incorrect values
• can transform inputs before storing them
• allows you to build rules or conditions into the storage of variables
• make debugging easier, as you can include breakpoints inside the mutators (setters)
functions, allowing you to detect mistakes that occur at this point in the program


Auxiliary methods:

• Provide additional procedures or functions that assist the accessors(getters) and mutators
(setters) in their work
• Enable you to reduce the complexity within a class by providing an abstraction of a
complex algorithm within a method
• Some generate data that is used by other methods, often derived from the essential data
encapsulated in the class
• Use the data sent to them by a calling method and returning the generated data

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toString method:

A toString function is also an auxiliary method that is used to join the attributes of an object for
displaying in the application form class. The format of the display in the auxiliary method can be
vertical or horizontal.



The Free method is known as a destructor. It should be called when an object is no longer used,
so that the memory that is occupied by the object can be released.


What is an UML (unified modelling language) diagram?

UML is used to plan and design object-oriented programs (OOP). UML consists of a
selection of diagrams which represent components and processes of an OOP system. One
of these UML diagrams is the class diagram. Figure 21:

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Example :

- fName : string
- fYearOfBirth : integer 2
+ <<constructor>> Create(sName: string; iYearOfBirth: integer)

+ GetName : string 3
+ GetYearOfBirth : integer
+ CalculateAge : integer
+ CalcMaxHeartRate : integer
+ IsBelowMax (iCurrRate: integer): boolean

1 The name of the class is specified in the first section.

2 The second section contains a list of attributes. Specified for each attribute is an access
modifier which is normally private (-), the name of the attribute, and the attribute's data

3 The last section contains a list of declarations (headings) of the constructor and all the other
methods the class should contain. The declaration of a method contains an access modifier
which is normally public (+), the name of the method, parameters (if any) and the return
data type (if any)

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Activity 1

1.1 Consider the following algorithm that determines the average amount spent by clients on stock
from the firm. The text file contains a few values that represents the total amounts spent by the

Open the text file
Read line of text from text file
Convert text to numerical value and store in variable Temp
Tot = Tot + Temp
Ave = Tot / N
Until end of text file
Display value of Ave

1.1.1 Why are conditional loop structures used to read the contents of a text file and not a
For-Do loop structure? (2)
1.1.2 Explain why an error will occur if the algorithm is executed. Also give a possible
solution for the problem. (3)
1.1.3 Why will this algorithm display the incorrect answer even if the problem in QUESTION
1.1.2 is solved? (2)
1.1.4 Why would the algorithm not work if the text file existed, but was ‘empty’? (2)

1.2 An object-oriented program has been written to keep record of the firm’s clients as well as the
amounts they owe the firm. An extract of the class definitions is shown below. The line
numbers are there simply for reference purposes.
1 Type
2 tClient = class
3 Private
4 Code : Integer;
5 Surname : String;
6 Name : String;
7 Address : String;
8 Balance : Real;
9 Public
10 Constructor Create(Code: Integer; Surname, Name , Address : String ; Balance :
11 Real); overload;
12 Procedure Display; virtual ;
Var Client : tClient;
1.2.1 Give TWO reasons why it is advantageous to write programs as object-oriented
programs (2)
1.2.2 Explain what a constructor is in terms of object-oriented programming. (2)
1.2.3 Explain what the following line of code does: Client.Create (2)
1.2.4 Explain why the following line of code might be used: Client.Free (2)

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1.2.5 Explain why the following assignment statement will cause a compiler error:

Client.Code := 1745
1.2.6 Briefly describe how you could implement the code in Question 1.2.5 without
producing a compiler error. (2)
Total: [21]

Activity 1: Memo

1.1 1.1.1 A text files does not have a ‘fixed’ ✓structure and it is therefore not possible to
determine the number of ‘elements’ in the text file in advance. ✓ (2)
1.1.2 ‘Division by zero’ error will occur when the average is determined. ✓
The statements ‘Ave = Tot/N’ and ‘N = N + 1’ ✓ must be swopped around.✓ (3)
1.1.3 The value of the ‘Total’ is not initialised (equal to 0) before the
loop. ✓✓ (2)
1.1.4 The loop is a post-loop test type of loop so it will try to read at least one line ✓ which
could cause an error if the file is ‘empty’/’blank’. ✓ (2)
1.2 1.2.1 Any TWO: ✓✓
provides for reusable code
leads to more reliable code
quicker to write large projects
easier to divide programs in smaller modules
inheritance (2)
1.2.2 A constructor is a special method ✓ that creates and can initialise a new object. ✓ (2)
1.2.3 Creates a new instance of the Client object. ✓✓ (2)
1.2.4 To destroy the object and return memory allocated to it. ✓✓ (2)
1.2.5 You cannot access the private data fields of an object. ✓✓ (2)
1.2.6 A (‘get’) method would have to be written to access and return the private data fields
of the object. ✓✓ (2)

Total: [21]

Activity 2
2.1 Study the class diagram below which represents a member of the lodge's timeshare division.
NOTE: A minus (-) indicates a private declaration and a plus (+) indicates a public declaration.
Fields Methods
- fID:String + constructor create / member (ID, name)
- fName:String + getID():String
- fRegDate:String + getName():String
- fAmountMonths:byte + getAmountOwed (Fee):real
- fAmountPaid:real + Expired()
+ setAmount(NewAmount)
2.1.1 What is the difference between a class and an object? (2)

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2.1.2 The fAmountPaid field in the class diagram above is declared as private, which entails
that an object does not have direct access to it. Explain how the fAmountPaid field of
this object will be updated. (2)
2.1.3 What is the purpose of the constructor? (1)
2.1.4 Identify a mutator method in the class diagram above. (1)
2.1.5 Explain the concept of parameter passing by referring to the constructor. (3)
2.2 When the school children pay their money before a specific date, they receive 10% of their
money back. A program is written to help the travel agency to calculate how much money each
child should receive back.

Example of the visual representation of the arrays:

arrNames Maria Jesse Sven Dean Wikus Chris
arrMoney 1100 1300 1030 1130 1000 3900
Index [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] (1)
2.2.1 Write down the statement that will calculate the 10% of money each child will receive
back. You can write it either in Delphi or Pseudocode.
The values of arrMoney should be overwritten. (4)
2.2.2 What will the value of arrMoney[2] be after the statement in Question 2.2.1 is
executed? (2)
2.3 Error messages are an important part of programming.
2.3.1 Give TWO characteristics of good error messages. (2)
2.3.2 Classify each of the following errors as either a syntax error or a
logical error: (1)
(a) The data type of a variable is not declared.
(b) The time that an individual spent in the dinosaur park is calculated using data
from a data file, but the calculation is incorrect. (1)
(c) The data is sorted according to the time the individuals entered the park. The
unsorted list is displayed instead of the sorted list. (1)
Total: [20]

Activity 2: Memo

2.1 2.1.1 A class is the description / blueprint / plan of an object 

An object is an instance / instance of a class.  (2)
2.1.2 By making use of the method setAmount.The set method is declared public and
therefore the method can be used to change the contents of the data fields of the
object (2)
2.1.3 A constructor initializes the data fields of objects (1)
2.1.4 setAmount(NewAmount)  (1)
2.1.5 The constructor has 2 parameters
Parameters are used to send and receive specific information to the method. 
The constructor will receive values from the mainform and use those values within the
class (3)
2.2 2.2.1 for k := 1 to iCount do
arrMoney[k]  := arrMoney[k] * 0.1 (4)

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(Accept any valid coding or pseudocode)
2.2.2 130 (2)
2.3 2.3.1 The error message should be clear and specific
It should indicate how the error can be corrected
It should be friendly / be polite (ANY 2) ✓✓ (2)
2.3.2 (a) Syntax✓ (1)
(b) Logical✓ (1)
(c ) Logical✓ (1)
Total: [20]

Activity 3

3.1 Study the algorithm below and answer the question that follow:

3.1.1 What is the purpose of the above algorithm? (2)

3.1.2 Provide the correct code messages to display lines 5 AND 6. (2)
3.1.3 Name the data type used for Number1 and Number2. (1)
3.1.4 If the value of Number2 changes to 0, what kind of error will occur? (1)
3.2 The following class diagram represents a technician object to explain certain OOP concepts.
Fields Methods
-fTechnicianID:String +constructor()
-fName:String +constructor(ID, name)
-fRating:int +getID():String
-fFullTime:Boolean +getRating():int
3.2.1 Briefly explain why a class requires accessor methods. (2)
3.2.2 Give one example of an accessor method. (1)
3.2.3 Give one example of a mutator method. (1)
3.2.4 Explain what the purpose of the toString method is in a class (2)

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3.2.5 Explain the difference between Public and Private declarations in terms of OOP. (2)
3.3 Rewrite the following If statement as a Case statement.
if iAbsent = 0 then
rBonus := 200
if iAbsent = 1 then
rBonus := 100
if iAbsent = 2 then
rBonus := 50
if iAbsent >= 3 then
rBonus := 0; (5)
3.4 Give an example of an unconditional loop structure. (1)
Total: [20]

Activity 3: Memo

3.1 3.1.1 Read in two values and check if either is a factor of the other. ✓✓ (2)
3.1.2 Display:(line 5)
lblMessage.Caption := IntToStr(iNumber2) + 'is a factor of' + IntToStr(iNumber1);

Display Error: (line 6)
lblMessage.Caption := 'No Factors'; ✓ (2)
3.1.3 Integer ✓ (1)
3.1.4 Runtime error ✓ (1)
3.2 3.2.1 In this class attributes are declared as private ✓and thus need an accessor
method to return the data stored in the attribute ✓ (2)
3.2.2 Any ONE
GetRatings or GetID or GetFulltime ✓ (1)
3.2.3 SetRatings ✓ (1)
3.2.4 ToString will output the attributes✓ in a String format. ✓ (2)
3.2.5 Only this unit has access to the data of the class declared in the private section.✓
Other units will be able to access the methods declared in the public section. ✓ (2)
3.3 Case iAbsent of✓
0 : rBonus := 200;
✓ 1 : rBonus : = 100; ✓
2: rBonus := 50
rBonus := 0; ✓(else section)
End; ✓
3.4 For .. Do Loop✓ (1)
Total: [20]

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Activity 4

4.1 The following class diagram has been designed for the plant management

Attributes Methods
-fplantID:String +getName:String;
-fplantName:String; +getBotanicalName:String;
-fBotanicalName:String; -getStock:Real;
-fPrice:Real +Constructor Create(cplantID, cplantName,
-finStock:Boolean; cBotanicalName:String,cPrice:Real)

4.1.1Explain what the (-) and the (+) signs mean (2)
4.1.2Methods may be declared when designing your class. Differentiate between
parametrised and non-parameterised methods. (2)
4.1.3 What is the purpose of the constructor method? (1)
4.1.4 Would it be possible to use the class Plant without the constructor or method? Explain
your answer. (2)
4.2 Analyse the following flowchart.

4.2.1 Identify the type of loop indicated in the flowchart diagram above. (1)
4.2.2 Identify the statement(s) that are repeated. (2)
4.2.3 How many repetitions will take place? (1)
4.2.4 What is the condition for the loop to stop? (1)
4.2.5 Write the Pseudocode described by the flowchart. Display appropriate statements
where needed. (4)

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4.3 Arrays will be used to store and manipulate some of the data.
4.3.1 Define an array (2)
4.3.2 Write the declaration for a one-dimensional constant array declaration, which will
store the following:
Three (3)
Total: [21]

Activity 4: Memo

4.1 4.1.1 (-) private ✓

(+) public ✓ (2)
4.1.2 A parameterised method has got brackets () with arguments or variables inside the
brackets, ✓ Whilst a non-parameterised method has got no brackets, meaning that it
does not have arguments ✓ (2)
4.1.3 The purpose of a constructor is to create an instance of the object/To instantiate the
object. ✓ (1)
4.1.4 Yes, ✓ If a class does not contain a constructor, a default constructor will be called to
instantiate the object. ✓ (2)
4.2 4.2.1 While Loop / Conditional Loop✓ (1)
4.2.2 Display iNumber ✓and Increase the value of iNumber by 13. ✓ (2)
4.2.3 7✓ (1)
4.2.4 As soon as iNumber >100✓ (1)
4.2.5 iNumber  13 ✓
Loop until iNumber>100 ✓
Display iNumber ✓
iNumber  iNumber +13 ✓
End Loop
Display Statement (4)
4.3 4.3.1 An Array is a data structure ✓ that contains elements of the same data type. ✓ (2)
4.3.2 ArrNames:Array[1..3] ✓of string✓ = (‘One’, ‘Two’,’Three’); ✓

Alternative Solution:
Type ✓
TarrNames=Array[1..3] of string = (‘One’, ‘Two’,’Three’); ✓
ArrNames:TarrNames; (3)
Total: [22]

Gauteng Department of Education
Activity 5

In developing a program, OOP concepts are used. The following class diagram (UML diagram) shows
the attributes and methods that are used to create the EMPLOYEE object for a company.

Fields Methods

- fWorkerID : string + constructor(ID, Nm, Nom)

- fName : string + DetermineAge : integer

+ ………5.2………

- fContactNumber : string + DetermineGender ……5.3.....

- fGender : char

- fFullTime : Boolean

5.1 Consider the following:

• the constructor has parameters to initialise the attributes fWorkerID, fName and
• the gender is determined by the DetermineGender method form the ID of the employee.
Which mutator method(s) must be added to provide values for the rest of the attributes after the
constructor has instantiated the object? (2)
5.2 To determine the gender of an employee, the seventh character is extracted from the ID. The
gender is determined through a set of conditions. Write ONLY the definition statement of the
DetemineGender method. In other words whether it is a function or a procedure. Indicate also the
value parameters and/or reference parameters if necessary. (Do not write the code to determine
the gender). (2)
5.3 Indicate whether the following statements regarding OOP-programs are TRUE or FALSE. If the
statement is False, rectify the statement so it will be True
5.3.1 Private data fields (attributes) can be used by all methods inside the class where it is
declared. (1)
5.3.2 Mutator methods are known as GET methods. (2)
5.3.3 Accessor methods must have parameters. (2)
5.3.4 A method with a Boolean return value can only be called in a decision statement. (1)

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5.4 The flow diagram below is designed to determine the maximum value that is a factor (M) of an
integer (K). Excluding the number itself.
All variables in the flow diagram are of type integer. All division will return a truncated answer.

Copy the trace table below with columns and the headings as specified in your answer book.
Complete the trace table step by step to determine the result of the algorithm.

K M L L = K? M = 1? (OUTPUT)

Use 15 as the input value for K.

Flow diagram

5.5 A company uses passwords for security and access control.

The criteria for the password is as follows:

• Minimum 8 characters
• Must contain at least one number from 0 to 9.
• Cannot contain the name of the person.

Write an algorithm in pseudo code that will test if the employee’s password meets these
requirements. Display a message if the password is valid. (8)
Total: [23]

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Activity 5: Memo

5.1 Private attribute is protected against changes from other users.

No access to private attribute from other classes/units.✓
Public methods can be called and used by other classes/units. ✓ (2)
5.1 procedure ✓ SETFullTime( SFullTime: Boolean); ✓ (2)
5.2 procedure DetermineGender; ✓ ✓ (no parameters) (2)
5.3 5.31 True ✓ (1)
5.3.2 False, ✓ known as SET. ✓ (2)
5.3.3 False, ✓accessor methods are usually GET-functions and make a value available of the
attribute as result for the calling class or unit. ✓ (2)
5.3.4 True ✓ (1)
5.4 Allocate 1 (one) mark for each group of accurate values.
K M L L = K? M = 1? OUTPUT
12 ✓
OF 15 ✓ (4)
5.5 Mark the concept. Learners can write pseudo code in any natural language (English ☺).
Deduct 2 marks if they use programming code.
• Get password ✓
• Get username ✓
• Initialise Boolean value (or any other value that can be tested for) ✓
• Control the length: length >= 8, set flag to true ✓
• Loop: Repeat for all 8 characters ✓
• Test each character: search for at least 1 digit 0-9, set flag to true
• After the loop: Test if password does not contain the username. Set flag to true. ✓
Test if flag is true, display message: Password is valid ✓ (8)
Total: [23]

Gauteng Department of Education
Activity 1: May/June 2019

5.1 Software that is designed goes through multiple development stages.

5.1.1 Complete the statement: (1)
Software development entails the processes of analysis, design, development,
implementation and ...
5.1.2 Name ONE visual tool (diagram) that can be used for design purposes. (1)
5.1.3 The Repeat...until and loops are both conditional loops. Write down which
loop structure (Repeat...until/While…do) would be more suitable for EACH of the
following purposes:
(a) A loop that must be executed at least once (1)
(b) A loop that must check a condition before execution (1)
5.1.4 What type of error (syntax, logical or runtime) occurred if the following result is
obtained when code is compiled or executed?
(a) Division by zero (1)
(b) When the output of a calculated value is incorrect (1)
5.2 The form below was designed to be used for online registration on a website.

5.2.1 Comment on the layout of the GUI by analysing the placement of any TWO
components on the form.
5.2.2 Identify ONE component on the form that should be replaced with a component that
is more suitable for its purpose. Suggest a more suitable component to use instead. (2)
5.3 An object-orientated software program was developed to manage bookings at the company
restaurant. The TBooking class was designed, as shown below.

Attributes Methods
-ReservationNumber +Create()
-ClientID +setAmountSpent(amount)
-ReservationDate +getClientID()
-ReservationTime +getReservationNumber()
-NumberOfGuests +getAmountSpent()

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5.3.1 Name TWO types of methods that can be used to change the value of a private
attribute of an object. (2)
5.3.2 The Create method will be used to instantiate the Booking object. What is the (1)
general term used in OOP to refer to a method that instantiates an object?
5.3.3 Name the standard method used in OOP to return a description of the attributes of (1)
an object as a string.
5.3.4 All the attributes in the TBooking class are declared as private.
(a) Explain how private attributes affect other classes that use the TBooking (1)
(b) Write down the term used in OOP to describe the concept of enforcing (1)
private access to the attributes of an object.
5.4 The lowest common multiple (LCM) of any two numbers is the smallest number that both
numbers can divide into without a remainder.
5.4.1 The following algorithm determines the LCM of the number 3 and the number 4: 12/2
Line number Statement

1 Biggest ← 4

2 Smallest ← 3

3 Counter ← 0

4 Repeat

5 Increase Counter

6 Multiple ← Smallest x Counter

7 Until remainder of (Biggest / Counter) = 0

8 Display Multiple

Copy the trace table provided below into your ANSWER BOOK and complete the
table by tracing through the given algorithm.

NOTE: Add more lines to the table as required.

Line Biggest Smallest Counter Multiple Remainder of Output
Number Biggest
/ Counter
= 0?
1,2,3 4 3 0
5 1

5.4.2 (a) The algorithm can be improved by changing ONE of the statements, which (1)
will cause the loop to be executed one less time without affecting the result.

Identify and write down the improved statement.

(b) Explain why your suggestion in QUESTION 5.4.2(a) will result in one less (1)
repetition of the loop without affecting the result.

Gauteng Department of Education
Activity 1: May/June 2019: Memo

5.1 5.1.1 Testing ✓ (1)

5.1.2 Any ONE✓

• TOE (Task, Objects, Events) charts

• UML/ Class diagram
• Use case diagram/ UCD
• Flowchart (1)
5.1.3 (a) Repeat...Until ✓ (1)
(b) While…do ✓ (1)
5.1.4 (a) Runtime ✓ (1)
(b) Logical ✓ (1)
5.2 5.2.1 Any TWO component's positions ✓✓

• Submit button should be placed at the bottom of the form

• The label indicating all information is necessary should be at the top of the
• The label for the title-label must be to the left of the edit box (similar to the
other labels)
• The vertical alignment of the labels relative to the edits differ – Full name-
label is bottom aligned; Gender-label is top aligned and the Occupation-label
is centre aligned
• The gender edit field does not require as many characters as a name/some
edit fields are too wide/could be confusing (2)
5.2.2 Any ONE (Field ✓)(Component✓)

• Title - combo box/list box/radio group

• Gender - combo box/list box/radio group
• Occupation - edit box/list box (2)
5.3 5.3.1 Mutator/ set method ✓
Auxiliary ✓ (2)
5.3.2 Constructor✓ (1)
5.3.3 toString ✓ (1)
5.3.4 (a) The other class will not have direct access✓ to the attributes (1)
(b) Encapsulation ✓ (1)

Gauteng Department of Education
5.4 5.4.1 12/2
Line Biggest Smallest Counter Multiple Remainder of Output =6
Number Biggest
/ Counter
= 0?
1,2,3 4 3 0
5 1
6 3✓
7 No✓
5 2✓
6 6✓
7 No✓
5 3✓
6 9✓
7 No✓
5 4✓
6 12✓
7 Yes✓
8 12 ✓
5.4.2 (a) Start the counter at the value of 1 ✓ (1)
(b) It is not necessary to test 1 as it would not be an LCM ✓/The LCM has to (1)
be 2 or more
Total: [24]

Activity 2: November 2019

5.1 Write down the most appropriate data types for variables to be used for the following
5.1.1 A South African cell phone number needs to be stored, e.g. 083 112 4393. (1)
5.1.2 A system needs to keep track of the number of times a client has placed an order. (1)
5.2 The following programming statements have been provided:

K = 10;
L = 5.0;
M = False;
Evaluate the following expressions and indicate if it will result in TRUE or FALSE. Show ALL
the steps.
5.2.1 NOT ((K > L) OR (M)) (2)
5.2.2 (M = NOT True) AND (L = K / 2) (2)

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5.3 Consider the following Delphi code and answer the questions that follow:
1 var
2 n, k: integer;
3 sOut: String;
4 begin
5 k := 2;
6 sOut := IntToStr(k);
8 for n := 0 to 4 do
9 begin
10 k := k * 2;
11 sOut := sOut + ', ' + IntToStr(k);
12 end;
14 ShowMessage(sOut);
15 end;
5.3.1 What is the value of sOut before the loop has been executed? (1)
5.3.2 How many times will the loop be repeated? (1)
5.3.3 What will be the value of k when the variable n reachers the value of 1? (2)
5.4 Specify the correct minimum AND maximum values that can be generated as a result of the
following Delphi statement:

iRandomNumber := Random(8) + 5;
5.5 Name a built-in Delphi function that will consistently round up a decimal number, such as 47.3
or 34.5, to the next whole number. (1)
5.6 A linear search, also known as sequential search, is one of the most popular search algorithms,
but can be inefficient.

Give ONE reason why a linear search can sometimes be considered to be inefficient. (1)
5.7 An algorithm must be developed to display an output of stars when any string of digits is
entered as text, as shown in the examples below.

Example of output if the input was '534':


Example of output if the input was '49813':



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Complete the algorithm below to produce the correct output according to the string of
digits that was entered, as explained above.

Display 'Please enter a string of digits'

sInput  input

Total: [20]

Activity 2: November 2019: Memo

5.1 5.1.1 String/ Text ✓ (1)

5.1.2 Integer/ Number ✓ (1)
5.2 5.2.1 Any ONE: ✓
NOT((10 > 5.0) OR (False))
NOT(True OR False)

The final answer False ✓ (2)

5.2.2 Any ONE: ✓
(False = NOT True) AND (5.0 = 10 / 2)
True AND True

The final answer True ✓ (2)

5.3 5.3.1 2✓ (1)
5.3.2 5 times ✓ (1)
5.3.3 4 ✓✓ (the contents of the loop has not been executed) (2)
5.4 Minimum: 5 ✓
Maximum: 12 ✓ (2)
5.5 Ceil()✓ (1)
5.6 Any ONE: ✓
• Every single element needs to be compared / checked.
In large datasets this can take a long time to perform. (1)
1 Display 'Please enter a string
2 of digits' sInput ✓ input
3 Loop i from 1 to length(sInput) ✓
4 begin
5 k := 2;
6 sOut := IntToStr(k);
8 for n := 0 to 4 do

Correct outer loop (1)
Initialize output variable before inner loop (1)
Inner loop (1) from 1 to character at outer loop position (1) Add ‘*’ to output
variable (1) in inner loop
Display output variable (1) (6)
Total: [20]

Gauteng Department of Education
Activity 3: November 2020

5.1 There are many types of errors that can occur in software development.
5.1.1 Differentiate between a syntax error and a runtime error. (2)
5.1.2 Give TWO guidelines on how a programmer can construct useful error messages. (2)
5.2 Several search algorithms are available to be used, e.g., binary, and linear search
What is the prerequisite for an array to be searched when using the binary search
algorithm? (1)
5.3 A novice programmer was testing a concept and wrote the following segment of Delphi

5.3.1 The programmer was expecting the final value of the variable S to be 15, but the
dialog box showed the value of the variable Sas 38319711.
Give a possible reason for this unexpected result. (1)
5.3.2 Suggest TWO ways in which to improve the code of the novice
programmer to be more readable. (2)
5.4 Consider the following flowchart:


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Redraw the following incomplete trace table into your ANSWER BOOK. Complete the trace
table by tracing step by step through the flowchart depicted above.
Block Nr f1 f2 i i < 3? fn Output
1 2
2 3
3 1
5.5 Write an alternative line of Delphi code that will have the same effect as the following line (1)
of code:

i := i + 1;
5.6 Consider the following class diagram:
- fLocation: String
- fEventDate: String
- fCapacity: integer
<<CONSTRUCTOR>> Create(location, eventDate: String; capacity: integer)
+ getLocation(): String
+ setLocation(location)
+ getEventDate(): String
+ setEventDate(eventDate: TDate)
+ getCapacity(): String
+ setCapacity(capacity: integer)
+ toString(): String

5.6.1 What do the plus (+) and minus (-) symbols represent respectively? (2)
5.6.2 Identify TWO errors in the class diagram provided. (2)
5.6.3 Identify an auxiliary method in the class diagram provided. (1)
Total: [20]

Activity : November 2020 Memo

5.1 5.1.1 A syntax error occurs when the rules of the programming language
(or an example of a programming language error) are violated✓ OR
an error that prevents the program from running.

A runtime error occurs when the program is executed/run and a problem

is encountered (or an example of a runtime error). ✓ (2)
Any TWO sensible guidelines: ✓✓
• Explain the error in understandable terms to the user.
• Provide an indication of whether the error is due to a
problem with the software or hardware.
• Explain how to solve the problem.
• Give an indication whether it has been a program error or an error
• due to something that the user did. (2)
5.2 The array list needs to be sorted ✓before binary search can be done. (1)
5.3 5.3.1
Any ONE ✓ (1)

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• Variable S is not given an initial value (not initialised).
• Variable S needs to be initialised before the loop is executed.
Any TWO ✓✓
• Indentation to provide a readable structure
• Descriptive variable name to assist in understanding the
purpose of the code
• Add a comment(s) to explain the purpose of the program
• Including blank lines between code segments (2)
5.4 Block Nr f1 f2 i i < 3? fn Output
1 2
2 3
3 1
4 Yes ✓
5 5 ✓
6 3 ✓
7 5 ✓
8 2 ✓
4 Yes ✓
5 8 ✓
6 5 ✓
7 8 ✓
8 3 ✓
4 No ✓ 12/2
9 8 ✓ =6
5.5 Inc(i) ✓ OR Inc(i,1) (1)
5.6 5.6.1
+ indicates public ✓members/methods/attributes
- indicates private ✓members/ methods/attributes
Also accept Public and Private if provided in that order without symbols. (2)
Any TWO: ✓✓
• setLocation()’s parameter doesn’t specify a data type.
• getCapacity() method should return an integer data type.
• setEventDate()’s parameter should be a String data type OR
fEventDate should be a Date data type.

Also accept the name of the incorrect method without an explanation. (2)
5.6.3 toString ✓ (1)
Total: [20]

Gauteng Department of Education
Activity 4: May/June 2021

5.1 An algorithm is a step-by-step breakdown to solving a problem.

5.1.1 Name ONE technique/tool/diagram that can be used to represent an algorithm. (1)
5.1.2 Give ONE reason why algorithms should NOT be language specific. (1)
5.2 Study the following Delphi code and answer the questions that follow:

5 Procedure TForm1.btnCalculateClick(Sender: TObject);

6 Var
7 iSum:integer;
8 begin
9 iSum := 5+7;
10 displayAnswer;
11 end;
13 Procedure TForm1.displayAnswer;
14 Var
15 iSum:integer;
16 begin
17 ShowMessage('The sum is: '+ intToStr(iSum));
5.2.1 What can be done to make the code in the example above more readable? (1)
5.2.2 When the program is executed, the output displayed in line 17 will be 0.
(a) What type of error is this? (1)
(b) Give TWO reasons why the sum is displayed as 0, even though the sum
is calculated correctly in line 9. (2)
5.3 The following incomplete Delphi solution is provided for a problem that should display 15
randomly generated odd numbers in the range 10 to 40 (inclusive):
1 iCountOdd := 0;
2 While iCountOdd < 15 do
3 Begin
5 iRandom := …………
6 if (………) then
7 Begin
9 showMessage(IntToStr(iRandom));
10 End;
11 End;
5.3.1 Line 5 needs to be completed. Write Delphi code to generate a random
number in the range 10 to 40. (1)
5.3.2 Select the correct option for EACH of the following questions and write down only
the CORRECT answer/option in the ANSWER BOOK:
(a) The IF statement to determine if the randomly generated number is
an odd number will be …

Gauteng Department of Education
(i) if (iRandom DIV 2 = 1) then
(ii) if (iRandom MOD 2 = 0) then
(iii) if (iRandom MOD 2 <> 0) then (1)
(b) The statement inc(iCountOdd)should be added to the code above.

Choose the line number for the correct position of the

(i) 4
(ii) 8
(iii) 12 (1)
(c) Which ONE of the following will provide the correct solution if the While
statement in the given code on the previous page must be replaced by a
Repeat..Until statement:
(i) Repeat

Until iCountOdd > 15;
(ii) Repeat

Until iCountOdd >= 14;
(iii) Repeat

Until iCountOdd = 15; (1)
5.4 Write down the most suitable data types for variables X and Y in the following statements
where the data type of the Number variable is not known:
5.4.1 X := Floor(80/12*2); (1)
5.4.2 Y := Sqr(Sqrt(Number)); (1)
5.5 Consider the following UML-diagram and answer the questions that follow:
- StaffID
- StaffName
- StaffSurname
+ ContactNumber
+ DateAppointed
+ create;
+ getStaffID:String;
+ setContactNumber(sContactNumber:String);
+ isValidDate(iDay, iMonth, iYear:integer): boolean;
+ calcYearsOfExp:integer;
5.5.1 Differentiate between an accessor method and a mutator method. (2)
5.5.2 (a) What does the positive sign (+) and the negative sign (-) refer (1)
to in the UML diagram?
(b) Refer to the answer to QUESTION 5.5.2(a) and motivate why instance (1)
fields/attributes should rather be declared with the negative sign (-)
rather than with the positive sign (+).
5.5.3 Identify ONE procedure in the UML diagram above. (1)

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5.6 The Fibonacci sequence is a series of numbers: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, ...

The next number in the series is calculated by adding up the two preceding numbers.
The following incomplete algorithm has been provided:

The number of terms/numbers in the sequence must be entered and the series

input iNumTerms //number of terms in sequence

iTerm1  1;
iTerm2  1;
if iNumTerms = 1 then
sLine  iTerm1 display sLine

else if iNumTerms = 2 then

sLine  iTerm1 + ' ' + iTerm2 display sLine

Complete the algorithm above to display the required output. (8)

Total [23]

Activity 4: May/June 2021 Memo

5.1 5.1.1 Any ONE of ✓

• Flowchart
• Pseudo code (1)
5.1.2 Any ONE of ✓
• A programmer of any programming language must be able to understand /
code the algorithm
• Anyone must be able to interpret the algorithm.
• It is just a planned solution, not a program. (1)
5.2 5.2.1 Any ONE of ✓
• Indent the code
• Better line spacing/open lines
• Add comments to code (1)
5.2.2 (a) Logical error✓ (1)
(b) Concepts:
Scope: (2)

Gauteng Department of Education
• iSum is a local variable in each of the subprograms / not global ✓
Life time:
• iSum is again declared ‘empty’ in each displayAnswer procedure call ✓
5.3 5.3.1 Any ONE of ✓
iRandom := random(31) + 10; iRandom := randomrange(10,41); (1)
5.3.2 (a) (iii) if (iRandom MOD 2 <> 0) then✓ (1)
(b) (ii) 8 ✓ (1)
(c) (iii) Repeat

Until iCountOdd = 15;✓ (1)
5.4 5.4.1 Integer✓ (1)
5.4.2 Real/ Double ✓ // the compiler will reject integer because of the sqrt (1)
5.5 5.5.1 Accessor method returns the current value of an attribute of an object ✓ Mutator method
returns no value but changes the current value of an attribute of an object. ✓
5.5.2 (a) Any ONE of: ✓ (1)
• Accessibility
• Private and public declaration
(b) (b) Any ONE of: ✓ (1)
• To control access from other units/programs
• Unintentional changes prevented
• Direct access and change prevented.
5.5.3 setContactNumber ✓ (1)
5.6 sLine ✓ iTerm1 + ' ' + iTerm2 ✓
loop ✓ I from 1 to iNumTerms – 2 ✓
start loop
iTerm3 ✓ iTerm1 + iTerm2 ✓ sLine ✓ sLine + iTerm3 + ' ' ✓
iTerm1 ✓ iTerm2✓
iTerm2 ✓ iTerm3 ✓
end loop
Display sLine ✓ (8)
Total [23]

Activity 5:November 2021

Applicants for a software engineering position at the magazine company need to answer some
questions on software development.
5.1 Indicate whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE. Write only 'true' or 'false' next
to the question numbers (5.1.1 to 5.1.3) in the ANSWER BOOK.
5.1.1 An array can only store elements of the same data type. (1)
5.1.2 The index value for the first element in a Delphi array is always one. (1)

Gauteng Department of Education
5.1.3 The value 23 will be displayed in the rich edit component when the
following code is executed:

arrNumbers : array[1..5] of Integer = (4,2,3,1,8);
iValue : Integer;
iValue := arrNumbers[2]+ arrNumbers[3];
end; (1)
5.2 The following algorithm written in pseudocode has been provided to enter integer
values into variable A and B, swap the contents of the two variables and display the
Input A
Input B
A B
B A
Display A Display B
5.2.1 What will be displayed if the value of 5 is entered into variable A and the value of 6 is
entered into variable B? (2)
5.2.2 Rewrite the algorithm so that the content of the variables will be swapped correctly. (3)
5.3 A group of friends gathers once a week to have dinner at a local restaurant. They throw a six-
sided dice three times to decide what type of meal they will have.

The following rules apply:

• If the number of the first throw is larger than the number of the second throw, they
will eat chicken, or else
• If the number of the third throw is less than the number of the first throw, they will eat
fish, or else
• They will eat burgers.

The following incomplete Delphi solution is provided for the scenario above:

iFirst, iSecond, iThird : Integer;
sMeal : string;

iFirst := Inputbox('Enter value of first throw', '', '');
iSecond := Inputbox('Enter value of second throw', '', '');
iThird := Inputbox('Enter value of third throw', '', '');

// Complete the program (Question 5.3.2)


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5.3.1 Explain why a syntax error will be displayed when the provided part of the program is
executed. (1)
5.3.2 Complete the missing part for the program provided, to assign the correct type of meal
to the sMeal variable according to the rules in the scenario above.

Assume that the syntax error referred to in QUESTION 5.3.1 has been corrected. (5)
5.3.3 Which sequence of throws (A, B, C or D) will result in the group of friends having
burgers as a meal?

5.4 The following UML (unified modelling language) class diagram represents a magazine object.
- fMagazineID:Integer
- fTitle:string
- fPublisher:string
- fDatePublished:TDate
- fNumCopies:Integer
+ calculateCost()
+ setNumCopies()
5.4.1 Give TWO reasons why an UML diagram is an important OOP modelling tool. (2)
5.4.2 What is the purpose of an accessor method? (1)
5.4.3 Give an example of a mutator method in the given class diagram. (1)

Total: [20]

Activity 5: November 2021 Memo

5.1 5.1.1 True ✓ (1)

5.1.2 False ✓ (1)
5.1.3 False ✓ (1)
5.2 5.2.1 6✓
6✓ (2)

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Also accept:
Any description that indicates both values to be 6
5.2.2 Input A
Input B
Temp ✓ A✓ A ✓ B
B ✓ Temp ✓
All three statements above in the correct order✓
Display A
Display B

Accept any variable used as a temporary holder (3)

5.3 5.3.1 Any ONE (Syntax error that will be displayed):
• A string value is assigned to an integer type variable
• Add the StrToInt function
• Type cast from a String to an integer (1)
5.3.2 if iFirst > iSecond ✓
then sMeal:= 'chicken'✓ Else if iThird < iFirst
then sMeal:= 'fish'✓ Else sMeal:=
• If and condition
• Assign correct value to sMeal
• Else if and condition
• Assign correct value to sMeal
• Else assign correct value to sMeal / initialise sMeal at the start (5)
5.3.3 B ✓✓

If a list of options are :

• Only mark the first answer (2 marks)
• Subtract 1 mark for every incorrect answer added (2)
5.4 5.4.1 Any TWO (Reasons why UML diagrams are important): ✓

• Specifies the structure or behaviour of an object / Helps to

visualise an object
• Provides a template as a guide to constructing an object
• Breaks down a complex object into simple parts
• To list attributes / data types
• To indicate accessibility of attributes / methods
• UML is generic, it can be interpreted by any programmer (2)
5.4.2 Returns the current value of an attribute ✓ of an object (1)
5.4.3 setNumCopies()✓ (1)
Total: [20]

Gauteng Department of Education
Social Implication

ICT Ethics is referring to the right and wrong way of an individual’s choice to determine their behaviour

when using ICT. This also refers to an individual’s character or moral nature.


Proprietary software has a legal agreement
• a user pays to use the software
• the software still belongs to the
• Not allowed to copy
OSS (Open-Source Software) also has a legal
agreement but:
• the user does not have to pay to use it

• the source code is available for anyone

to change, cannot change and make money from it
Freeware also has an agreement:
• the user can use the software for free
• but the software may be copyrighted and so may not be used to develop programs for
Also known as the EULA (end user licence agreement) that can be a:
• Single-user license for a single-user/device
• Multi-user license is software for multi-users/multi devices
• Site license is software that is usually installed on a common group of users/devices
belonging to an entity, for example, a company, school, etc.

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Public licenses:

• Used to indicate what people are allowed to do with the program.

• The program is automatically protected by copyright.
• People must ask permission from the copyright owner.
• It is legal tools to give permission to share and use programs

It is the illegal copying, distribution or use of software – without the owner of the software’s

Copyright infringement
• It is piracy and it is a crime.
• It is the illegal copying and sharing of intellectual property like
music, movies, games or television shows.

Illegal copies of software are sold at a low price. E.g.:

• Software can be copied and sold on the street by illegal vendors

• Some software is quality copied and boxed and sold for a fraction of the price of the real

• The primary goal of copyright is to give people a reason to create and invent new things,
piracy take place
Why shouldn't

since it allows creators to make money from their creations.

• If this right is stripped from creators, then new music, movies, programs, etc. will not be
created because the creators cannot make money from it.
• Owner of the software does not get any money from this


Ethical Questions about Piracy:
• Social issues: What effects does piracy have on society or on social issues?
It has a direct effect on social costs; by diverting consumer spending from our regulated
economy, counterfeiting and piracy reduces government tax revenues and increases
welfare spending, destroys legitimate jobs and exposes consumers to dangerous and

unregulated products.
• Ethical issues: What is the ethics around piracy?
The use of unlicensed software is illegal.
Downloading commercial software is unethical, as it is the virtual equivalent of stealing.
• Legal issues: What are the legal implications around piracy?
Piracy may result in criminal penalties like a fine or even imprisonment.

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Copyright is the legal right granted to duplicate and make copies of intellectual property. Creators

decide on whom and under what circumstances interested users may copy their invention.

Creators sometimes use Creative Commons and Copy left to protect their intellectual property.
• Creative Commons: legal tools to give permission in advance to share and use programs
Example: Wikipedia (e.g. share alike indicate that the adjusted work should be shared

under the same reuse rights

• Copyleft: licensing that allows other people to copy and use their creation, if they follow
certain rules (like for non-profit purposes).
• Example: Delphi donated to schools by Embarcadero – you may not make money with
your programs designed on this version of Delphi.
• Attribution: Whenever the creation is used, you must give credit to the original creator.
• Non-commercial: The creation can be used for any purpose not aimed at making money
Copyleft Rules

(that is, non-commercial use).

• Share-alike: The creation can be used for any purpose, but the new work must be shared
with the exact same license as the original work. This ensures that the creation stays free
for everyone to use.
• Non-derivative: The creation can be copied and used as it is but cannot be changed in any
• Using information from a book/source – you must give credit in a bibliography and citation

and only use the information for non-profit purposes.

• Using Open-Source Software (OSS) is free and you can add to the coding but the software
stays free and open to anyone when the new version is distributed.

Gauteng Department of Education
• Saving paper and the environment: In most cases documents have been replaced by
electronic versions – paperless society.
• Labour: The use of computers has increased the production of goods. This has caused
unemployment where computers replaced manpower. However, the inclusion of
computers has created many new jobs.
• Communications costs: It is much easier and faster to communicate digitally. An ICT job
can be done from Africa while the company is in America. Electronic communication is
possible, making the communications much more cost effective compared to having to
travel from America to Africa to communicate or using snail mail communication.
• Efficiency: Computers dramatically increased the information available to companies and
Advantages of using Computers

people, which simplified their jobs and allowed for better decision making. Computers can
also do some human jobs faster and more accurate.
• Accuracy: One of the advantages of computers is that they increase accuracy for both
people and machines. Computer-guided equipment can make cuts that are accurate to
the nearest nanometre. Similarly, people who are guided by the information on
computers can do troubleshooting more effectively, make decisions that are more
accurate and obtain the training they need to improve their own accuracy.
• Reliability: Computers produce results that are more reliable or consistent. Customer
complaints can be responded to much quicker. Machines are more reliable with sensors
giving more reliable information which can be used to solve problems. Because of these
improvements, consumers can expect higher quality products.
• Computers make global communication easy and affordable. This has several advantages,
o allow families to keep in touch, even over large distances
o assist to keep and maintain larger social networks
o improve job opportunities, with many young South Africans finding opportunities
overseas and working for international companies from South Africa
o help people understand different points of view because there is a wide variety of
information available

Digital divide refers to the gap between those people with access to and
knowledge of using digital technology and those people without access or

knowledge to digital technology.

The digital divide is believed to emphasise social inequalities and to cause a continued information
and/or knowledge gap.

Gauteng Department of Education
• Education – Households with higher levels of education are increasingly more likely to use
Attributing Factors computers and the internet.
• Income – Due to lower income levels, disadvantaged neighbourhoods lack the
infrastructure which are available in wealthier areas.
• Location – Households that are in rural areas may have very little access, exposure or need
for technology.
• Age – The difference in generation gaps have a great influence on the ability and necessity
to use ICT


Ergonomics is the study of how humans interact with man-made objects and then creating products
to increase productivity, reduce discomfort and reduce injuries. In modern environment these
products include, keyboards, a mouse, computer desks and chairs.

Key ergonomic guidelines for safe computer usage include:

• Sit up straight with your back vertical to the ground.
• Your forearms must be at the same height as your mouse and keyboard.
• Your feet must be placed firmly on the ground or on a footrest.
• The back of your chair, height of your chair and height of your armrest should be adjusted to
support your body in the correct position.
• Your monitor should be positioned at eye level and roughly 50 cm away from you. You may
need to place something under your monitor to increase its height.
• Your monitor must be tilted to reduce glare.
• You should stand up and take regular breaks while using the computer.

Gauteng Department of Education
Green computing is an environmentally responsible and eco-friendly use of computers and their

Green computing aims to reduce the impact on the environment caused by daily use of computers.
Green Computing

Examples of green computing:

• Printing on both sides of paper / Print preview before printing / using used paper for draft
printing on the back side.
• Use low-power devices (LED backlit screen, Solid State Drives (SSD))
• Use a power management function on your computing device, like the monitor to switch off
if not used for a while.
• Have a way of responsible getting rid of old computing devices
• Recycle whenever possible
Spending long hours in front of the computer every day can be bad for your health.

The most common health problems:

• Back and neck pain: sitting hunched forward or lying back in your chair can cause both back
and neck pain.
• Hand or arm pain: this is caused by the overuse of a mouse and/or keyboard.
• Eyestrain: by focusing your eyes for hours on the screen.
• Obesity: inactivity sitting behind the computer for extended periods of time.
• Computer stress: being anxious or nervous when a computer malfunctions or does not
perform optimally as expected.

Frequent use of a computer keyboard can increase the risk of:

• Repetitive strain injury (RSI): a general term used to describe the pain felt in muscles, nerves
Health Issues

and tendons caused by repetitive movement and overuse.

• An example of RSI is Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS): a type of repetitive strain injury that
causes numbness, tingling and other symptoms in the hand and arm.

Gauteng Department of Education
Definition False news stories created to share online, which are often of a sensational nature

• generating ad revenue via web traffic


• discrediting a public figure / a political movement / a company

• cause confusion
• Never react to any news until you have checked it against at least one other reputable site.

• Do no share fake news with others who might not know the pitfalls.
• Get into the habit of visiting trustworthy news sites. It will help you identify what is real
and what is fake news.
• Check the authority of the author and see if the post is bias trying to evoke emotion.


• Loss of work time - while viruses and pop up messages are removed and software is
The influence on society

• Loss of business services - due to a DDOS attack, hardware theft or disruption of a

• Financial losses - due to money spent to protect themselves against cybercrime as well as
potential down-time. Having to pay ransoms as a result of ransomware.
• Loss of confidence and trust in the business – damage to reputation if knowledge of
cybercrimes committed against them becomes public especially on social media.
• Loss of data - data required to run the business could be lost potentially causing the
company to go out of business
Loss of clients’ confidential information

• Use of deception to manipulate individuals into revealing confidential or personal

information that may be used for dishonest/criminal purposes.

• Phishing emails and vishing attacks (voice phishing – over the phone) where an urgent and

official-sounding message convinces victims to act quickly to provide criminals with

personal and private information (usually bank information).

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• A hacker is anyone who uses their computer skills to gain unauthorised access to another

computer systems or data.

• They can do this through a combination of exploits, scripts and use of social engineering.

• White hat hackers help companies improve their security by finding vulnerabilities in their
Types of

computer system – also known as ethical hacking.


• Black hat hackers/crackers illegally (without permission) break into computer systems for
malicious reasons.

• Cracker refers to Individuals who use their skills illegally.

• They may break into computer systems for a variety of reasons, from stealing data to
testing their skills to making political statements.
• The word cracker can also be used to refer to people who write software cracks (tools
that allow software to be pirated and used illegally).

A cyber gang, much like a gang in real life, is a group of people who work together to commit

computer crimes, these gangs can be made up of many loosely organised members.

Virus authors are the creators of viruses and do this for several reasons, including causing

damage, showing off their skills, gaining information or money or taking over computers.


• An online platform that allows users to create a public profile and

interact with other users on the website, like Instagram, Twitter,

Facebook, Discord, Tiktok, SnapChat.

• Definition: The act of tricking someone into giving out personal information or do

something they usually wouldn’t do


Where do they get the information? They use personal information available on social
networks for identity theft. Get information through phishing attacks
• For example: Computer criminals will copy a friend of yours’ profile and pretend to be
them to get money from you

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• Baiting: Enticing people for example unknowingly downloading malware on a server.
• Phishing: A social engineer will setup a professional looking email to ask you for banking
Social engineer

details or other personal information with which they can steal from you.

Email hacking and spamming: Your email address is being compromised and you receive
non-relevant, inappropriate advertisements for products.
• Pretexting: Scammers use email, text, or phone calls to win trust and gain access to data
and accounts under false pretexts
• Quid pro quo: This scam involves an exchange of goods or favours. Fraudsters make the
victim believe it’s a fair exchange, but that is not true


• A backdoor refers to loopholes programmed into software by which authorized and/or

unauthorized users can get around normal security measures and gain high level user
access on a computer system, network or software application.

• A Trojan is a program disguised as something useful, when the receiver clicks on it, it will
install harmful software.

• This can be used to spy on users, record usernames and passwords and infect their
computers with additional viruses.
• DDoS attack is a cyber-attack in which the criminal seeks to make a machine or network
Distributed Denial-
of-Service (DDoS)

source unreachable to its users

• It briefly or indefinitely disrupting services of a host connected to a network.
Denial of service is typically accomplished by flooding the targeted machine or resource with
redundant requests in an attempt to overload systems and prevent some or all valid requests
from being fulfilled

• A botnet refers to several computers infected by the same malware who can work
together to perform attacks.

• These attacks include sending spam emails, mining bitcoins, or performing a distributed
denial-of-service (DDoS) attack.
• Many computers attempt to use up all the bandwidth of a website, making it inaccessible.
• Each individual computer that is being controlled by the botnet is known as a zombie.
Internet fraud refers to a wide variety of scams used to steal money from people on the internet.
• Popular scams include:
o sending phishing mails
Internet fraud

o vishing attacks (voice phishing)

o identity theft
o catfishing (someone who pretends to be someone else online)
• Other scams include:
o creating fake charitable organisations after a natural disaster
o selling fake tickets to large sporting or music events
o creating fake gambling sites with rigged odds

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Identity Theft • Identity theft happens when a criminal gains access to your personal information and uses
your information to gain some benefit pretending to be you.
• This can include taking out loans in your name, taking control of your existing bank or
service accounts, creating a social network account in your name, or using your name to
commit other illegal activities (like spamming or bullying other people).
• Bandwidth theft refers to the use of bandwidth without paying for it.

• People steal bandwidth in many ways, which includes


o stealing usernames and passwords

o connecting to a network that are not owned by them
• Bandwidth theft can also occur when one is connected to an unprotected network.
• Service theft occurs on the Internet whenever someone illegally uses a username and
Service Theft

password to access an online service.

• E.g. when a person’s username and password is used to log into Netflix without the
owner’s permission.

• An attack targeting an enterprise’s use of cyberspace for the purpose of disrupting or

maliciously controlling a computing environment or destroying the integrity of the data or

steal controlled information.

• Remote administration refers to any method of controlling a computer from a remote

Remote Control

• Unauthorised remote login happens without the victims consent and is used to commit
illegal cyber-crimes.
• A bot program allows an attacker to remotely login and control a victim’s computer (This
computer is now a zombie).
• A network of these zombies is called a botnet.

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Cybercrime is being committed every day.
• Thieves commit cybercrimes to steal people’s money and their identity, causing a waste
of time, money and resources.
• With your identity, the cybercriminal:
o can take out loans
o get credit
o accumulate debt

o then flee without a trace

• It can take years to rehabilitate your identity.
• Malware can destroy someone’s files by placing corrupt code within the files or deleting
the files or restricting the file access.
• Expenses suffered to fix problems and prevent future cybercrimes
• Loss of reputation due to personal information that is revealed
• Corrupted files due to malware – causing time lost, a waste of money and resources and
much frustration
• Long-term debt created resulted in poor credit rating due to online identity theft


To avoid threats, computer experts suggest following these guidelines:
How to avoid

• use a strong password and do not use the same password for all websites

• pay careful attention to the websites and links you open (make sure the link has an https)
• do not share your personal information unnecessarily
• do not download suspicious attachments in emails


• Netiquette is short for network and e-mail etiquette.

• Netiquette refers to the use of good manners when communicating electronically via the
internet, whether it is in the workplace or on a personal level.
• This includes respecting other people’s privacy.

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• Messages: Do not spam people with unwanted e-mail messages or chain e-mails.
• Concise: Make sure that when writing e-mails, it is clear and to the point. Also make sure
that it does not contain spelling and grammatical errors.
• Subject line: Make sure the subject line is clear so that the recipient knows what the e-
mail is about.
• Identify yourself: Always say who and what you are at the beginning of the e-mail and add
your signature at the end of the mail.
• Action required: Let the recipient know right away if any action is required from their side.
You can do that by marking e-mails that do not require any action with FYI (for your
information) in the subject line.

• Capital letters: Do not use all capital letters in e-mails and social media it gives the
recipient the idea that you are shouting.
• Exclamation marks: Avoid using exclamation marks or use them sparingly. The use of
exclamation marks sends a message to the recipient that you are demanding.
• Large attachments: Compress large files before sending them. This helps the recipient to
save time instead of waiting for a long time to download files.
• Gossip, inflammatory remarks and criticism: Avoid gossiping about others through e-mail
and social networks, especially at the workplace. Also, do not send insulting, abusive or
threatening messages. You cannot withdraw such a message and it can easily be
forwarded to unintended recipients. This could lead to unnecessary disputes and grudges
in the workplace and in your personal environment.
• Focus on what is in the e-mail: Make sure that you read the message properly and address
the sender’s questions.

• Processing, where the physical location of devices is used

• These applications monitor a user’s location either willingly or secretly (by others).

• Because users often carry their mobile devices with them, location data may be collected

everywhere and at any time, often without the user’s interaction.

• It can reveal visits to potentially sensitive destinations, like medical clinics, courts, your
home, and your school.
An increased sense of:
• community – people are more aware what happens in the community

• connectivity – people are connected to people from other communities and countries
• access to information and place knowledge – the knowledge available is not limited to
your local library but goes across borders

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• loss of personal privacy
Disadvantages • objective access to knowledge – there is more opinions available on topics researched and
a person can make a more informed decision but then a person could also be influenced
wrongly about a topic
• the risks of stalking and domestic violence because perpetrators can use or abuse location-
based services to gain access to location information about their victims
• because an increasing number of minors carry location-enabled cell phones and devices,
location privacy will also become a child safety issue


• Computers perform tasks very fast. Some CPUs can execute literally ‘billions of instructions
per second.
• If programmed properly, computers can perform the same tasks 100% accurately every

• Computers can perform many tasks at the same time.

• Computers will carry out boring and repetitive tasks accurately.
• Computer databases can store enormous amounts of data including text, numbers, images
and video.
• Computers can search for stored data extremely fast.
• Data can be secured with passwords or encryption.
• Portable device such as laptops, PDAs and mobile phones are limited by their battery life

and processing power.

• Some devices have small screens and keyboards making it difficult to read large amounts
of text.
• Low bandwidth means that large files will take a long time to transfer.
• Necessary hardware and software can be expensive.
• Computer solutions to issues of international importance such as:
affects human

o Weather – weather from all corners of the world is available


o elections – pre-registration for elections are captured and the counting of ballot

papers can also be done via a computer system

o census – people’s data are capture on databases and can be verified and changed in
the future as needed

• Digitalisation is the computerisation of systems and jobs for better accuracy, and better


Digital forensic • Digital forensics is the analysis of computer and electronic equipment



investigator to find evidence to be used in a legal trial or internal investigation.

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3D architects • 3D architects are designers who use 3D software to create models of
and 3D printing buildings and other structures.
operators • The process of 3D printing involves utilising computer aided design
(CAD) information to print products in layers.
• A 3D printing operator oversees the printing process. Examples include
prostatic limbs, plastic models and cameras.

Privacy • A consultant who deals with the online privacy of a corporation.

consultant • They assess and define system specifications in relation to compliance
with data protection and privacy regulations.
Medical Nano- • Nanorobotics is a technology field that creates machines or robots with
bot technician components that are at or near the scale of a nanometre.
Nanotechnology in medicine involves
applications of nanoparticles, currently
under development, research that
involves the use of manufactured Nano-
robots to make repairs at the cellular level,
this can cure cancer cells in the future.

• A mobile office describes a virtual workspace that you can use on the go
• Such an office environment usually involves mobile technology that allows you to
Mobile offices

operate virtually and some form of connection(hotspot, Wi-Fi).

• This might include working from home, or you might opt to rent virtual office space as
• A mobile office can significantly improve the productivity of remote workers.
• Cost effective – There will be less traveling cost to and from the office, etc.

• Virtual offices that businesses can rent are like shared working spaces.
• Companies can specialise in providing shared working spaces for remote workers.

• These are either open-plan or closed offices that offer the same features you would find
in a workplace such as a receptionist and boardroom, which can be rented for one or
more days a week.

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• Once rented, the business gains access to a business address, conference rooms, printing
and faxing services, and a receptionist.
• Employees will still work with a SOHO.
• Business looks professional

Decentralising labour - people no longer have to be together in an office to perform their duties.

People can work from home:

• Avoid wasting time and money on things like traveling to work.

• The fact that the internet speeds have vastly increased in recent years, assist workers, they
can still attend meetings when necessary, using video conferencing.
• Reduce the cost of renting office space to the company.
• Requires more self-discipline from staff to ensure that they do work, as they cannot be

• People may tend to work longer hours at home than they would in the office because they
never really leave their work.

Process whereby certain routine office processes are done without human intervention

• Accounting packages use technology to automatically classify receipts and expenses


• Ordering new stock before it runs out

• Paying employee salaries automatically
• Collect, store, transfer, alter and utilise office information.
• Office automation helps to manage data.
• Computer technology and software are used to digitise, store, process and communicate
most routine tasks and processes in a standard office. This allows office workers to have

more time for other tasks.

• Certain tasks can be performed more quickly and accurately using a computer.
• Automation decreases:
o the cost of labour
o the price of goods
o the price of services
o time spent on routine tasks

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Disadvan • Workers may be resistant to the fact that they would have to learn how to work the
computing devices.
• Jobs may be replaced by the devices.


• Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to a field of computer science where limited decisions are

made following a set of rules, trying to simulate human intelligence.

• Analysing data (data from weather satellites are analysed by computers to make

• Chatbots complete tasks by speaking to people in natural language. These chatbots can
process questions such as, ‘What’s the weather today?’ and give natural sounding answers
(e.g. “ChatBot help”)
• Self-driving cars need to constantly analyse the world around them to drive safely.
• AI has created new jobs such as :

o specialised programmers to write code

o innovators to plan new uses for AI
• People find their jobs are made easier if some of the tasks are done by a computer.
• AI and Office Automation have dramatically reduced the number of administrative staff

that was needed in most offices.

• People are reluctant to embrace new technology because they are afraid of change and
they are afraid of the unknown.
• People fear that they will lose their jobs to a computer.

• Robotics involves design, construction, operation, and use of robots in repetitive,

dangerous and precision tasks.

• The goal of robotics is to design machines that can help and assist humans with everyday

• Robots can effectively be used to perform tasks:

o that would be too dangerous for a human to perform
o that require a large degree of repetition
o that require strength beyond what is humanly possible
• New jobs are created such as the research and designing of these systems.


Productivity improves
• Robots are more accurate than humans.
• Robots can work 24/7
• Save time

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• Administrative and other jobs are being replaced by robots using AI to do Office
Disadvantages Automation
• Could be expensive to design a robot for a specific task.
• Need constant power
• Expensive to install, run and maintain
• They Cause Cybersecurity Issues


• Online identity or internet identity is a social identity that an Internet user establishes


• The Protection of Personal Information Act (PoPI Act) ensures that citizens’ personal
information (such as ID numbers, addresses and telephone numbers) may only be used in
Ways to protect privacy

very specific circumstances. Businesses are forced to comply with the PoPI Act and keep
customer information private.
• Exclude personal information from your social media profiles, like your:
Phone number, address, family or school information.
• Use your social media privacy settings
• Protect your online passwords and strengthen them.
• Change your passwords from time to time
• Check that your phone’s privacy settings is correct
• Be aware of ‘phishing’ emails
• Check for any suspicious transactions that you didn’t authorise.

• An information system (IS) is any organised system for the collection, organisation, storage

and communication of information. (e.g. a program or website managing a database)

• Our society is dependent on information systems in our daily life in almost every aspect -
the workplace, our private life’s, the government, businesses, etc.
Impact on society:

• Sharing of Information improves the fast and efficient communication that improves
performance for businesses and individuals.
• Education is impacted by processes like managing students, lectures, lessons, reports and
analysis of results.
• Environmental impact includes decision making about fauna and flora (plants and animals
and people and how the environment can be improved).
• Political impact includes managing of large amounts of data of citizens, decision-making on
human behaviour and improving conditions accordingly.

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Inaccurate and invalid • Information that is input by the user is erroneous.
data input GIGO is garbage in garbage out, thus erroneous input by users
will cause inaccurate output by computer.
• Causes for data to be inaccurate (thus the integrity of the data is
o missing data – fields not filled in
o wrong data – field with the incorrect data in it
o inappropriate data
o nonconforming data
o redundant data – extra data field which is not needed
o poor data entry – misspelled data
Types of computer and human errors

Unverified data • When data entered is not verified, this data can often be stored
incorrectly, causing serious errors.
• Data verification is necessary to try to determine whether data
was accurately captured from the source to the computer.
• A type of Data Verification is double entry and proofreading data.
Thus, after entering the data, the user must re-read his/her own
entered data and verify that it was typed in correctly.
Software bugs • Software bugs are errors, flaws or faults in a computer program
that causes it to produce incorrect or unexpected results, or to
behave in unintended ways.
• Software bugs change the user’s experience of the program or
cause the program to crash.
• Fixing software bugs are done by the developers and usually is
available as a patch or a service pack (which included several
Incorrect • Computer software (including the operating system) has certain
hardware/software minimum specifications about the computer it will operate on.
configurations • These specifications include minimum hardware requirements,
specific hardware components and software requirement like the
type of operating system.
• Installing software on an incorrect hardware configuration can
cause instability and crash.
• weak passwords and sharing of passwords
human errors

• careless handling of data or accidently deleting files

Examples of

• inadequate software security and neglecting updates

• low security awareness
• ineffective data access management

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• Identity theft happens when a criminal gains access to your personal information and uses

your information to gain some benefit pretending to be you.

• This can include taking out loans in your name, taking control of your existing bank or
service accounts, creating a social network account in your name, or using your name to
commit other illegal activities (like spamming or bullying other people).
Financial information • like credit card numbers
• retail store account numbers

• allow cybercriminal to run up debt in the victim’s name

Medical insurance • Allow the cybercriminal to get treatment in the victim’s
information name and could use up all the medical cover
Driver’s license information • This allows the cybercriminal to run up traffic fines in the
victim’s name.


• Businesses are exposed to malware
• Intellectual property and trade secrets are compromised (new inventions and ideas are
Effects of Data Theft

stolen via computer networks).

• A business could lose their client information, trade secrets and data
• A business would have to spend money on cleaning out its information system (removing
malicious code that compromises the security) and securing it from further-attacks (e.g. by
setting up firewall software and/or hardware).
• A business would not be able to function effectively whilst its information system is under
reconstruction which in turn leads to time and money lost.
• A business may have to close because of business data theft.

This is huge amounts of complex data that are being generated, gathered and stored which can be

used to make informed decisions about a business.


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• Big data has become capital/wealth (businesses buy and sell people’s information to
improve their business strategies).
• The value that tech companies offer comes from their data, these companies constantly
analyse their data and produce better efficiency and develop new products

• Big data can help you address a range of business activities, from customer experience to
• Once data is online, it is analysed by various organisations to make decisions to improve
their businesses.
• Big data helps businesses become better marketers and service providers.
• Big data also enhances product development, customer experience, operational efficiency
and innovation.
• These data sets are so large that traditional data processing software cannot manage
• Analysis from Big Data can be used by businesses to discriminate against consumers when
they are being analysed and assessed. For example, sale advertisements are only sent to

richer consumers.
• Companies also capture big data on consumer habits for targeted marketing. This has
raised concerns about privacy because every time you click on a website, post on social
media, use a mobile app and comment via email or contact call centres, your data is
collected for future use.
• As big data increases, it exposes more of our data to potential security breaches. For
example, if you have approved a company to analyse your data, how certain are you that
they will not fall prey to a cyber-attack or that they will not sell your data.
This could result in your private data being in unsafe hands.
Online banking • analysis of big data can detect illegal activities:
o misuse of credit/debit cards
o money laundering
Booking reservations: • Big data from several sources assist travel agencies, hotels and
the tourism industry to understand what customers are looking
for and this leads to more reservations.
E-learning • Big data that is being collected is related to the students,
Where is it used

faculties, courses and results.

• This can provide insights to improve the effectiveness of
educational institutes, like:
o customised learning programs suited for everyone
o reframing the course material directed at what is relevant
and what students need to learn
o improved grading systems to get clarity on student progress
o individual career prediction based on the student’s
progress, strengths, weaknesses, interests
o providing relevant resources necessary for student learning,
for example, data for interactive- whiteboards

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Video conferencing • Video conferencing is the use of technology, by users living in
different areas that receive and transmit audio-video signals
enabling real-time communication.
• This can help to link companies’ widespread employees and
customers to reduce travel cost.
• This has significant advantages over a typical phone call or
teleconference call, including:
o a large part of communication is through facial expressions
and body language
o video conferences allow users to visually show what they
are talking about
Social websites • Social media wouldn’t be possible without big data, as people
share photos, videos, personal data and commentary on social
media websites like: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram.
• Social websites collect big data on the relationships, interests,
and spending habits and social networks of their users.
• This helps them to provide personalised content
• Advertisers can target correct users

• Globalisation describes the increasing trend and ease with which people, goods, services
and information travel around the world with the use of technology.

This process is driven by international trade, investment, technology and big data.
• Globalisation has been made possible due to two technologies:
o transportation and
o improvements in computers and computer networks
• Mobile communication

• Online banking /- booking and -shopping

Results of

• Video conferencing and webinars

• Social networking e.g. Kickstarter, Facebook, Foursquare

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• Increased competition between companies which improves the service and quality of
goods delivered to the consumers.
• Security as countries’ economies is intertwined and dependant on each other.
• Wealth equality throughout the world as poorer nations have more job opportunities.
• Can obtain information and communicate much faster and is not restricted to a certain
place or time.
• Processing large amounts of data: Collection of data for elections/voting process.
• Convenience: Online banking/ATMs


Employment: provides opportunities to work for companies outside of their country.

• Telecommuting: Work from home instead of being at the office.
• Access to larger number of resources and can therefore find cheaper products.
• Outsourcing tasks that the company does not have the resources or skills for.
• Safety: Electronic money.
• Tele medicine/developments in medical equipment
• People:
o selling their products to a global (international) audience
o managing larger, international businesses using video conferences
o sending critical documents across the world immediately via email
o quickly transferring and receiving funds between countries and from international
customers through online banking
• The risk with the global community is that smaller cultures may disappear. This constant
focus on international entertainment, news and people can increase the cultural attraction
Risk of Globalisation

to countries with a large cultural impact (such as the United States) while decreasing the
power of smaller cultures.
• Many people are also more interested in international than local affairs, and more
interested in international celebrities than local celebrities.
• For many people, culture is an important part of a person’s identity, so losing your own
culture, or seeing your culture as second to an international culture attack that identity of
the person.
• If all small cultures are swallowed by larger, more dominant cultures, some unique ideas
and perspectives on the world could disappear.


• 4IR is the integration of technologies like; the Internet of Things (IoT), Robotics, virtual

reality (VR), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and genetic engineering.

• 4IR is driven by high-speed mobile Internet, AI and automation, the use of big data

analytics, and cloud technology.


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• Large scale loss of jobs in sectors like; banking, manufacturing of products
impact of 4IR
• The increase of a digital divide causing businesses that cannot keep up with the change in

technology to fall behind with global competitiveness.

Agricultural sector • AI-powered machine vision systems can measure crop

populations and detect weeds or plant pests and use
robotic sprayers and AI to precisely apply herbicides, or
to keep the humidity optimal.
Positive impact of 4IR

Healthcare sector • Precision medicine helps doctors analyse a patient’s

genome sequence (the process of determining the DNA
sequence of an organism's genetic material at a single
time), medical history, and lifestyle, making a more
reliable diagnosis
• Surgical robots for very delicate and sensitive
• Implanting medical robots into the human body to
regulate certain processes
• Robotic prosthetics (an artificial device that replaces a
missing body part).

• A mobile device is any type of handheld computer, for example tablets, smart watches and

• These devices are portable, fit in your hand and are powerful enough to do many of the
same things you can do with a desktop or laptop computer.
Instant Communication • Family and friends have easy access to SMS, instant
messaging, call, video chat and apps that allow them to
instantly communicate with everyone across the globe.
• Smartphone cameras allow the posting of pictures and
videos, business related pictures and videos, via social
• These devices have built-in cellular connections and

Access To Information
mobile browsers that enable them to access websites
anytime and anywhere to find information.
• A large amount of the total time spent by people on
smartphones is used in opening browsers to surf the
• With easy access to helpful content, learners can have
interactive learning through watching educational
videos, playing educational games and researching
topics using mobile devices.

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Entertainment • Mobile technology (especially smartphones) provides a
source of entertainment. Users can listen to their
favourite music, play games, gamble on-line, watch
movies and read e-books.
Saving Time - Increased • Smartphones can do almost everything with the help of
Productivity apps.
• Both individuals and businesses benefit from the use of
apps like photo and video editor, ticket booking, online
stores, payment system, data analysis, personal
• These services are not restricted to business hours.
• With Global Positioning System (GPS), people can
locate certain addresses and areas all around the world
which has helped both individuals and business with
Cost • Smartphones can be expensive to buy
• Cellular data is expensive.
• This added cost has a negative impact on families and
businesses’ financial budget.
Poor Social Interaction • ‘Real’ social interaction degrades.
• People no longer interact with people outside since
they spend more time with their smartphones.
Distraction • Applications notify you when there are messages,
updates, latest offerings, etc.
• Interrupt the momentum and can affect your

Health • Sleep deprivation, negative impact on eyes, back and
neck pain are some of the health issues associated with
the overuse of smartphones.
• Addiction to online games and social media, also
impacts negatively on your mental and physical health.
Extra Work • Various apps allow you to carry an extra workload
which did not even exist before.
• Your boss can call you even in the middle of the night or
while you are on holiday.
Uncensored Content • With easy access to information and the internet,
people, especially children can see uncensored content
including violence, pornographic content and fake

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• All networking tools, sites and apps encourage you to share information, but you are not
told of the possible negative consequences.
• You are also unaware of how your information and uploads will be shared. Even if you
keep your data private, a search engine can still access your networking profile. Anything
you say or do in a group environment is immediately public and vulnerable in terms of
being shared.
• Search engines are built into various social networking tools and apps and privacy settings
are defaulted to ‘maximum sharing and visibility’. These settings allow search engines to
Impact on Privacy

access data that you have not restricted.

• Some social engineers want to benefit themselves by gaining access to your information
and money,
• The availability of personal information on social networking sites makes the jobs of
social engineers much easier and hence identity theft is becoming increasingly
• Hackers are always present and virtual viruses are powerful. Smartphones are vulnerable
to these threats when you access the internet.
• Mobile technology users often aren’t even aware that by making an online transaction,
they may in effect be providing data about themselves to not only the parent company or
website they’re dealing with, but their affiliates and supply chain partners, as well.
• The ease of connecting mobile devices to public free Wi-Fi hotspots and always-on
networks has compromised personal and corporate privacy.

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The Internet of Things describes the network of electronic devices that have sensors and software – build
into it which will communicate over the internet without any human interaction.
Waste management • Sensors in a fridge will record anything that is not used
so that you can examine the trends and patterns. The
less waste the less pollution.
• Sensors in bins can record the trends and patterns of
what can be recycled.
Daily commute • Calculate the shortest route to your work or home,
which routes would be the most economical on fuel
and if you can rather take public transport.
• Taxi services for business meetings can be planned
according to your calendar and synced with your
Smart cities • Fast and convenient transportation systems,
streetlights that switches on or off depending on the
amount of natural light and energy-efficient buildings.
• For example, Barcelona has a citywide Wi-Fi and
information network linked to sensors, software and a
data analytics platform.
• Provides the city with smart water technology,

automated street lighting, remote-controlled irrigation

for parks and fountains, “on-demand” waste pickups,
digital bus routes and smart parking meters.
• This has reduced traffic jams and pollution, as well as
water, light and energy usage.
Agriculture • Sensors can track microclimates across farms, to
monitor temperature changes and humidity levels as
perishable goods move from field to warehouse to
• This can extend their shelf life and eliminate waste.
Businesses • IoT is used to detect and troubleshoot remote issues,
predict maintenance needs, track production line
efficiency, monitor devices etc.
• These directly impact a company’s revenue.
Smart water sensors • These sensors monitor the water quality, temperature,
pressure and usage.
• This data is used by the water company to analyse how
customers are using water and to help them be more
• Water leak detectors are used to find tiny leaks that can
lead to huge water waste.

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Definition • Distributed computing refers to computer projects where hundreds, or even thousands, of
computers across the world work together to solve a problem too large for a single

• By allowing people who care about a topic to pool their resources, the creators of these

projects gain access to an incredible number of resources that they might not have had on
their own.
• Cost-effective solutions and the ability to use many resources from idle computers.
• Method to solve problems that need enormous amounts of processing power.
• Counting the number of stars in the galaxies
• Finding a cure for the Ebola virus

• Finding a cure for certain strains of childhood cancer

• Finding new prime numbers
• Categorising galaxies
• Fighting AIDS

• Wikis are online encyclopaedias where anyone can add and edit content. They can be

general encyclopaedias (like Wikipedia) which allows users to create entries for any topic,

or they can be very specific, such as the e-sports Wiki called Liquipedia, which only allows
users to add information on the e-sports related topics.
• Because anyone can contribute information to the wiki, these encyclopaedias can grow

incredibly quickly.

• Since anyone can update a wiki, they are also easier to maintain and keep up to date.
• Wikis provide users access to a large amount of free information.
• Wikis are faced with several challenges, including:
o Quality of information: Because anyone can edit the information, many people doubt
the quality of information stored on wikis. However, several studies have shown the
quality of information on Wikipedia is comparable to that of top encyclopaedias
written by experts.
o Bias of editors: Since anyone can edit an article, many times people with a one-sided
opinion edit these pages.

The bias of the information may not always be intentional. A 2013 study found that
90% of Wikipedia’s editors were men. As a result, the information on Wikipedia may
be biased towards men.
• While these criticisms have mostly looked at Wikipedia, this is because Wikipedia is by far
the largest and best moderated wiki. These issues become even more significant on
smaller wikis, where a small number of contributors can have a large impact on the quality
of the wiki.
• Privacy concerns have been raised when relatively unknown people receive Wikipedia
pages containing personal information about them against their wishes.
• Vandalism occurs when the information on a page is purposely changed to be incorrect or

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A cookie is a small amount of data generated by a website and saved by your web browser in a text file,
your information of what and when you searched for are available and your privacy is compromised.
• It remembers information about you, similar to a preference file created by a software


• Websites that allow people to use them anonymously/namelessly/incognito.


Even when they require people to create accounts, very few websites require
people to prove their identity.
• As a result, people can create accounts with any name or surname they want.
• This allows greater freedom of expression, but also less accountability for comments
• It allows people to be more honest and have more honest conversations.


It allows people to give and receive more honest feedback.

• It allows people to seek help and support on personal or embarrassing issues.
• It allows people to have more balanced conversations with all anonymous users being
treated equally.
• It allows people to anonymously whistle blow on illegal activities.
• It can protect people committing crimes or gathering information about illegal activities.

• It can be used in unethical activities.

• It can be used to make statements that are not socially acceptable.
• It can be used to target and bully specific people.


• A GUID (global unique identifier) is used by Microsoft.

• It is a number that the program generates to create a unique identity for an entity such as
a Word document.

• GUIDs are widely used in Microsoft products to identify interfaces, replica sets, records,

and other objects.

• One concern is that an author of a document can be traced by the GUID in the document,

even in circumstances where the author has taken care to maintain their anonymity.

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Activity 1

1. Software that you buy in a shop is usually copyrighted.

1.1 What is copyright? (2)
1.2 Is copyright infringement (violation) a crime? Motivate your answer. (1)
1.3 Why would an artist or a company choose to copyright their work? (2)
1.4 What effect does copyright infringement have on our society? (2)
2. There are websites available for watching free movies or TV series.
2.1 Name TWO dangers that can happen when visiting these websites. (2)
3. One of the big advantages of the use of computers is that they are reliable.
3.1 Explain TWO other advantages of computers. (2)
3.2 Give TWO examples where the reliability of computers are very important. (2)
3.3 Give TWO disadvantages when using computers. (2)
4. A GUID (Global Unique Identifier) is a unique code given to an entity (like a document) used on
the internet.
4.1 Which company makes use of GUID to track documents/entities? (1)
4.2 Name ONE disadvantage for users when this company uses GUID to track (1)
5. Give TWO examples how Global Communication contributes positively to our lives. (2)
TOTAL: [19]

Activity 1: Memo
1. 1.1 Copyright is the legal right granted ✓to duplicate and make copies of intellectual (2)
1.2 YES, it is piracy / it is illegal to duplicate copyrighted software. ✓ (1)
1.3 The primary goal of copyright is to give people a reason to create and invent✓ new (2)
things✓, since it allows creators to make money from their creations.
1.4 Any TWO✓✓, (2)
It has direct social costs; by diverting consumer spending from the legitimate
regulated economy
Counterfeiting and piracy reduces government tax revenues and increases welfare
Destroys legitimate jobs and exposes consumers to dangerous and unregulated
2. 2.1 ANY TWO ✓✓
Some sites are used to distribute pornography, racist or other inappropriate or
unlawful material, often masked as respectable content. (2)

Can be infected with malware

3. 3.1 Any TWO ✓✓ (2)
Labour: The inclusion of computers has created many new jobs
Communication costs: It is much more cost effective, easier and faster to

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communicate digitally
Efficiency: Computers increased the information available which simplified their
jobs and allowed for better decision making.
Computers can also do some human jobs faster and more accurate.
Accuracy: Computers are very accurate. Computer-guided equipment can make
cuts that are accurate to the nearest nanometre.
Accuracy: Similarly, people who are guided by the information on computers can
find problems more quickly, make decisions that are more accurate and obtain the
training they need to improve their own accuracy.
3.2 Any TWO ✓✓ (2)
Customer complaints can be responded to much quicker.
Machines are more reliable with sensors giving more reliable information which can
be used to solve problems.
Because of these improvements, consumers can expect higher quality products.
3.3 Any TWO ✓✓ (2)
E-waste, RSI, Digital addiction, etc.
4. 4.1 Microsoft✓ (1)
4.2 Any ONE ✓ (1)
Documents can be traced and the owner’s identity/location/habits can be
The content of the documents are also available to anyone who can trace it.
5. Any TWO ✓✓ (2)
o allowing families to keep in touch, even over large distances
o helping people to keep and maintain larger social networks
o improving job opportunities, with many young South Africans finding
opportunities overseas and working for international companies from South
o helping people understand different points of view because there is a wide
variety of information available
TOTAL: [19]

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Activity 2
1. With the growth of ICT came about a challenge which is called the digital divide.
1.1 What is the digital divide? (2)
1.2 Describe how the use of cell phones can cause a digital divide. (2)
1.3 Name ONE other factors that can contribute to a digital divide. (1)
2. With new ICT emerging, a lot of new criminals also emerged. Social Engineering is often used
by criminals to assist them in their crimes.
2.1 What is an ICT crime? (1)
2.2 Describe TWO types of ICT criminals. (2)
2.3 Explain how social engineering is used in social media websites like Facebook or (2)
2.4 How can you protect yourself from ICT criminals lurking on social media websites? (2)
Name TWO.
2.5 Describe TWO effects that these ICT crimes have on the society. (2)
3. Emails is a very efficient way to send letters or messages over the Internet. Emails can also be
used for crimes and other malicious reasons.
3.1 Describe what a spamming email is. (2)
3.2 You receive an email from a friend in which you are guaranteed to win a new iPone (1)
13 if you forward the email to 10 of your contacts. What type of an email did you
receive from your friend?
3.3 You receive a message from an unknown person. Name TWO ways you can identify (2)
a malicious message.
3.4 Describe ONE netiquette you should use when creating emails. (1)
TOTAL: [20]

Activity 2: Memo
1. 1.1 Digital divide refers to the gap ✓between those people with access to and (2)
knowledge of using digital technology ✓and those people without access or
knowledge to digital technology.
1.2 Divide between old and young. Older people struggle with new technology and falls
behind with the use of ICT. ✓✓
OR (2)
Divide between poor and rich where richer people have access to cell phones and
devices to assist them in the daily lives.
1.3 Any ONE✓ (1)
Education, Location
2. 2.1 When someone breaks the law using ICT ✓ and/or the Internet. (1)

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2.2 Any TWO ✓✓ (2)
Black hat hackers/crackers illegally (without permission) break into computer
A cyber gang, much like a gang in real life, is a group of people who work together
to commit computer crimes
Virus authors are the creators of viruses and do this for several reasons, including
causing damage, showing off their skills, gaining information or money or taking
over computers.
Paedophiles and stackers using social media to track down victims.
Bullying using social media to target their victims.
2.3 Personal information is taken and analysed to look for trends. ✓ These trends (2)
offers for more specific feeds directed to the user who then reacts ✓with likes /
comment / more personal detail to the feed.
2.4 Any TWO✓✓ (2)
Be careful to befriend anyone – make sure it is someone you know well.
Do not share sensitive private information that can compromise you in any way.
Make sure privacy settings is set so that only your direct friends can get hold of your
information. etc.
2.5 Any TWO ✓✓ (2)
• Thieves commit cybercrimes to steal people’s money and their identity,
causing a waste of time, money and resources.
• With your identity, the cybercriminal:
o can take out loans
o incur credit
o accumulate debt
o then flee without a trace
• loss of reputation due to personal information that is revealed
• corrupted files due to malware – causing time lost, a waste of money and
resources and much frustration
3. 3.1 A spamming email is irrelevant or unwanted messages sent over the internet, ✓ to (2)
many users✓
3.2 A hoax✓ (1)
or chain mail
3.3 Any TWO ✓✓ (Other than from an unknown source) (2)
large attachment; spelling errors; suspicious URLs; URLs without an https; urgency
in message to act (forward or reply); an offer to get money / reward.
3.4 Any ONE ✓ (Describe) (1)
• Messages: Do not spam people with unwanted e-mail messages or chain e-

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• Capital letters: Do not type in e-mails and social media in capital letters as it
gives the recipient the idea that you are shouting.
• Exclamation marks: Avoid using exclamation marks or use them sparingly.
The use of exclamation marks sends a message to the recipient that you are
• Large attachments: Compress large files before sending them. This helps the
recipient to save time instead of waiting for a long time to download files.
TOTAL: [20]

Activity 3
1. Since Covid broke out in 2020, the concept of decentralization of labour become well known.
1.1 Why did decentralization of labour become an important factor? (1)
1.2 Name TWO advantages of decentralization of labour for the employee. (2)
1.3 Give an example of how decentralization of labour could be implemented (2)
1.4 Explain how decentralizations of labour could be a disadvantage to the employer. (1)
2. New jobs have been created because of computerisation. Some examples are 3D architects
and 3D printing operators.
2.1 What does a 3D architect do? (2)
2.2 Name TWO advantages of using 3D printing to create 3D models. (2)
2.3 Name ONE other new type of job that was created due to digitalization. (1)
3. ICT(Information and Communication Technology) is a term commonly used when working
with computers and the Internet.
3.1 Give TWO ways how ICT positively affect learners in the current education system? (2)
3.2 List TWO ways how ICT positively affect teachers in the current education system? (2)
3.3 Explain TWO ways how ICT positively affect disabled learners (like blind learners) in (2)
the current education system?
3.4 Name TWO disadvantages ICT can have on learners in the education system. (2)
TOTAL: [19]

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Activity 3: Memo
1. 1.1 During the outbreak of Covid, people where isolated for the virus not to spread. (1)
Companies used this method to continue with business because people could work
from home✓.
1.2 Any TWO advantages✓✓ (other than spread of virus)
• Avoid drains on their time and money such as traveling to work.
• The fact that internet speed have vastly increased in recent years assist (2)
workers they can still attend meetings when necessary, using video
• Reduce the cost of renting office space to the company.
1.3 An example where work is done on a computer and reports are sent to supervisor (2)
for check-up. ✓✓
Task categorized by time it takes to complete; Get paid per hour / per task
1.4 Requires more self-discipline from staff to ensure that they do work, as they cannot (1)
be monitored. ✓
2. 2.1 3D architects are designers who use 3D software ✓to create models ✓of buildings
and other structures.
2.2 Any TWO ✓✓ (2)
Models are made very accurate
Model patterns can be re-used
Printing can take place while human labour is used elsewhere.
2.3 Any ONE ✓ (1)
Digital forensic investigator; Privacy consultant
3. 3.1 Any TWO ✓✓ (2)
Access to homework via phone or computer
Research for tasks done on Internet
Tasks can be type and not written by hand, etc.
3.2 Any TWO ✓✓ (2)
Lesson preparation saved for future
Visual guides when teaching
Share information with learners who are absent
3.3 Any TWO ✓✓ (2)
Digital text converted to sound and to braille
Voice commands/recognition
Specialized equipment to assist in disability.
3.4 Any TWO ✓✓ (disadvantages) (2)

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Research – sources not credible
Information overload – too many sources and learners cannot timely decisions.
Digital divide – learners with access to Internet and other without
Digital addiction – learners’ attention disrupted by digital devices and information
available to them.
TOTAL: [19]

Activity 4
Anonymity is a term used when websites allow users to access them anonymously (incognito).
The user’s information is not asked for and is not available.
1.1 Name TWO advantages why this can be an advantage to the user? (2)
1.2 Give TWO disadvantages when users access a website incognito? (2)
2. To use Open Source Software(OSS) one also needs a license agreement. But OSS is free and
its source code is freely available.
2.1 What is the advantage of the source code being made available for the user? (1)
2.2 Name TWO disadvantages of the source code being made available to all users. (2)
2.3 Copyleft licensing allows users to copy and use the software for free. What is the (1)
usual restriction on these types of software?
3. EULA (End User License Agreement) is another name for this legal agreement.
3.1 Name TWO types of information you will find in an EULA? (2)
3.2 Name TWO disadvantages of an EULA for the user? (2)
3.3 Freeware also has an agreement even if the software is freely available. What is the (1)
agreement for Freeware?
4. Name TWO limitation that ICT has on mobile devices. (2)
TOTAL: [15]

Activity 4: Memo
1. 1.1 Any TWO advantages✓✓ (2)
• It allows people to be more honest and have more honest conversations.
• It allows people to give and receive more honest feedback.
• It allows people to seek help and support on personal or embarrassing issues.
• It allows people to have more balanced conversations with all anonymous
users being treated equally.
• It allows people to anonymously whistle blow on illegal activities.
1.2 Any TWO disadvantages✓✓
• It can protect people committing crimes or gathering information about illegal

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• It can be used for legal but unethical activities.
• It can be used to make statements that are not socially acceptable.
• It can be used to target and bully specific people.
2. 2.1 Any ONE✓
One can change code to specific needs (1)
One can be part of a community generating code.
2.2 Fault finding is difficult because the author of the source code is not always (2)
available. ✓
You might stumble on a version of the software with many bugs in it. ✓
2.3 for non-profit purposes✓ (1)
3. 3.1 Any TWO✓✓ (2)
How many computers may the software be loaded on
How many users
How many sites
3.2 Usually very long agreement and users do not read through it, and only agree. ✓ (2)
Users agree to thing they do not know. ✓
3.3 The software may not be used to develop programs that will earn money. ✓ (1)
4. Any TWO limitation✓✓ (2)
• Portable device such as laptops, PDAs and mobile phones are limited by their
battery life and processing power.
• Some devices have small screens and keyboards making it difficult to read
large amounts of text.
• Low bandwidth means that large files will take a long time to transfer.
• Necessary hardware and software can be expensive.
TOTAL: [15]

Activity 5
Office automation is the process whereby certain routine office processes are carried out
without human intervention
1.1 Name THREE office routines that can be carried out by a computer. (3)
1.2 Name TWO positive impacts that office automation has on humans. (2)
1.3 Name TWO negative impacts that office automation has on humans. (2)
2. “AI could become ‘an immortal dictator from which we would never escape’”, a warning by
CEO of Tesla, Elon Musk.
2.1 Name TWO examples of AI that is currently successfully working today. (2)
2.2 Do you think the warning by Elon Musk is valid? Motivate your answer. (1)

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2.3 Name TWO types of new jobs that were created because of AI. . (2)
3. Robotics work hand in hand with AI.
3.1 Name TWO ways how robots can assist humans in their work situations? (2)
3.2 Name ONE disadvantage for the employer using robots. (1)
3.3 Name ONE disadvantage for the employee where robots is used. (1)
3.4 Give an example of a household robot being used today. (1)
4. Protecting your online identity is very important.
4.1 What are the dangers when you do not make an effort to protect your online (1)
4.2 Name TWO types of human errors that compromises a person’s online identity. (2)
TOTAL: [20]

Activity 5: Memo
1. 1.1 Any THREE ✓✓✓ (3)
• Accounting packages use technology to automatically classify receipts and
• Ordering new stock before it runs out
• Paying employee salaries automatically
• Collect, store, transfer, alter and utilise office information.
1.2 Any TWO ✓✓
• Office automation helps to manage data.
• Computer technology and software are used to digitise, store, process and
communicate most routine tasks and processes in a standard office. (2)
• This allows office workers to have more time for other tasks.
• Certain tasks can be performed more quickly and accurately using a
• Automation decreases:
1.3 Any TWO ✓✓ (2)
• Workers may be resistant to the fact that they would have to learn how to
work the computing devices.
• Workers may have their jobs replaced by the devices.
2. 2.1 Any TWO ✓✓
• Analysing data (like in data from weather satellites are analysed by computers
to make predictions.)
• Chatbots complete tasks by speaking to people in natural language. These (2)
chatbots can process questions such as, ‘What’s the weather today?’ and give
natural sounding answers (e.g. “ChatBot help”)
• Self-driving cars need to constantly analyse the world around them to drive

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2.2 YES, with relevant motivation✓ (1)
NO, computers will always need people to program or control them. AI is limited.
2.3 Any TWO ✓✓ (2)
Coding software for AI
Building bots to simulate human behaviour
3. 3.1 Any TWO✓✓ (2)
o that would be too dangerous for a human to perform
o that require a large degree of repetition
o that require strength beyond what is humanly possible
3.2 ONE disadvantage for the employer✓ using robots and name where robots is used. (1)
Could be expensive to design a robot for a specific task.
3.3 ONE disadvantage for the employee✓ (1)
Administrative and other jobs are being replaced by robots using AI to do Office
3.4 Any ONE✓ (1)
vacuum cleaner
fridge computer, etc.
4. 4.1 Any ONE✓ (1)
You can fall victim to internet criminals who can steal from you or bully you.
Later in life you can be held accountable for your current Internet activities.
4.2 Any TWO✓✓ (human errors) (2)
• weak passwords and sharing of passwords
• careless handling of data or accidently deleting files
• inadequate software security and neglecting updates
• low security awareness
TOTAL: [20]

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