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Submitted in fulfilment of the requirement for the
award of the degree of




I certify that,

a. The work contained in the thesis is original and has been done by myself under
the general supervision of my supervisor.
b. The work has not been submitted to any other Institute for any degree or diploma.
c. I have followed the guidelines provided by the Institute in writing the thesis.
d. I have conformed to the norms and guidelines given in the Ethical Code of
Conduct of the Institute.
e. Whenever I have used materials (data, theoretical analysis, and text) from other
sources, I have given due credit to them by citing them in the text of the thesis and
giving their details in the references.
Whenever I have quoted written materials from other sources, I have put them
under quotation marks and given due credit to the sources by citing them and giving
required details in the references.

Signature of the Student Name:



Recommended that the thesis entitled “Solar fed grid

integrated boost inverter with closed loop Proportional
Controller” prepared by OHM GUPTA, ARUJ JAIN,
SUMEDH DHENGRE under my supervision and guidance
be accepted as fulfilling this part of the requirements for the
degree of Master of Technology. To the best of my
knowledge, the contents of this thesis did not form a basis
for the award of any previous degree to anyone else.

Date: 11/05/2022

Dr. S.Shiva Kumar
Assistant Professor, Dept. of EEE
Birla Institute of Technology Mesra, Ranchi


This is to certify that the work embodied in this thesis entitled “Solar fed grid
integrated boost inverter with closed loop Proportional Controller” is carried out
by us is approved for the degree of Master in Technology of Birla Institute of
Technology; Mesra, Ranchi.
Date: 05/12/2021
Place: BIT Mesra Ranchi

Internal Examinar(s) External Examinar(s)

Name & Signature Name & Signature

Head of the Department


Solar and electric grid applications demand is progressively increasing for

hassle free and more effective segments for exhaust the possibilities. In industrial
applications, a Single-Stage Boost Inverter (SSBI) is advantageous over its two-stage
counterpart and is widely employed to interface the typical weak sources (e.g.,
renewable energy sources) to the grid. Owing to the integral instability and non-
linearity associated with the dynamics of SSBI, the control problem is challenging. In
this work, an effort has been made to ease out the control challenge by transforming
the physical model of an SSBI into a convenient mathematical model. The
transformation has been achieved by obtaining a generalized expression for the
transfer-function (TF), i.e., voltage at output to the duty-cycle ratio in the Laplace-
domain. To reduce the order of the TF, the order-reduction technique was applied.
The reduced second-order TF was introduced for the realization of a practical SSBI,
whose performance parameters (system stability, gain margin, phase margin, steady
state error) were further enhanced by adding a controller to the input of the system.
In this work, the working procedure and complete steady-state exploration of
the SSBI are offered. The computational analysis and operating modes accurately
explain the suggested work in this thesis. The modelling and experimental findings
validate the feasibility of the suggested converters for various applications. In
summary, the current work describes the evolution of a whole new generalized
mathematical expression of the TF for an SSBI with a simple switching pattern and
desired output responses. The grid integration based on SSBI has been performed and
the desired outputs has been achieved.


I am obliged to numerous local and global peers who have contributed towards
shaping this thesis. At the outset, I would like to express my sincere thanks to my
primary guide Dr. S. Shiva Kumar for his advice during my thesis work. As my
supervisor, Dr. Ajay Kumar has constantly encouraged me to remain focused on
achieving my goal. His observations and comments helped me to establish the overall
direction of the research and to move forward with investigation in depth. He has
helped me greatly and been a source of knowledge.

I would like to thank Dr. (Mr.) T.Gos, Head of the Department, Electrical and
Electronics Engineering, for providing all the necessary facilities that led to the
successful completion of my project.

I would like to thank Ms. Sai Lalitha Ayyagari, PHD Scholar, Electrical and
Electronics Engineering for the constant support and help and thanking Mr.
Shashank Shekhar for continuous support.

I am thankful to my friends for the constant help. I acknowledge the academic

resources for carrying out the proposed research work. I would also like to thank
administrative and technical staff members of the Department who have been kind
enough to advise and help in their respective roles.

Last, but not the least, I would like to dedicate this thesis to my family, for
their love, patience, and understanding.

Date: 11/05/2022

I. Declaration i
II. Approval of Guide ii
III. Thesis Approval Certificate iii
IV. Abstract iv
V. Acknowledgement v
VI. Institute Vision vi
VII. Institute Mission vi
VIII. Department vision vi
IX. Department Mission vi
X. Graduate Attributes (GAs) vii-ix
XI. Program Objectives x
XII. Program Outcomes (PO) xi
XIII. Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) xii
XIV. Table of Contents xiv
XV. List of Figures xvi-xviii
XVI. List of Tables xix
Chapter I
1.1 Introduction 2-4
1.2 Literature Review 5-13
1.3 Motivation 14
1.4 Objective 15
1.5 Novelty of Work 16
Chapter II
2.1 Problem Investigation 18-22
2.1.1 Conventional VSI 18
2.1.2 Topology for Suggested Boost Inverter 20
2.2. Problem Formulation 23
Chapter III
3.1 Engineering Principle 25-43
3.1.1 Modelling & development of generalized TF for SSBI 28
3.1.2 Small signal model and TF for SSBI 30
3.1.3 Model Order Reduction (MOR) using Moment Matching Method
(MMM) 40
3.1.4. Controlling of Inverter 34 Performance Measures 34 Closed-loop control for proposed SSBI with PID controller 34 Resonant Controller 36 Requirement for Resonant Control 36 Fundamentals of PR Control method 38
3.2. Simulation Results 44-54
i) Input & Output voltage 44
ii) P vs V & I vs V Characteristics of PV array 44
3.2.1. Boost inverter analysis with conventional PI control strategy 45-47 Output voltage 45 Output current 45 Capacitor voltage 46 Inductor current 46 THD 47
3.2.2. Boost inverter analysis with Proportional Resonant control
strategy 47-54 Output voltage and current (Vo & Io) 47 Capacitor voltage (Vc1 & Vc2) 48 Inductor current (IL1 & IL2) 49 Input Voltage & Current (vpv & ipv) 49 Input Voltage & Current RMS value (vpvrms & ipvrms) 50 Gate Pulses 51 Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) 51 Output Voltage and Current for variable Load 52 Output Current with variable Irradiance 53
3.3. Hardware 55
3.3.1. Component ratings 55
3.3.2. Hardware set-up 56-58
Chapter IV
4.1. Conclusion 60
4.2. Future Scope 61
4.3. References 62-66
4.4. Publication 67
4.5. Plagiarism Report 68

List of Figures
SL. No. No. of Name of the figures Page
Figures no
Chapter I
1 Fig. 1.1 Block diagram for single stage and double stage 2
2 Fig. 1.2 Block diagram for grid integration of PV fed 3
closed loop boost inverter
Chapter II
3 Fig. 2.1 Conventional voltage source inverter 18
4 Fig. 2.2 Output Voltage waveform 19
5 Fig. 2.3 Output Current waveform 19
6 Fig. 2.4. DC -AC Conversion Block Diagram 20
7 Fig. 2.5. DC-AC Boost inverter 21
8 Fig. 2.6. Simulation diagram of Boost inverter with PI 21
9 Fig. 2.7. THD of output voltage using PI controller 22
10 Fig. 2.8. Simulation of Boost Inverter with Proportional 23
Resonant controller with R load
11 Fig. 2.9. THD of output voltage using PR controller 24
Chapter III
12 Fig. 3.1. Current pathway of a BI for i > 0 in switching 25
cycle. (a) S2 and S3 are ON. (b) S1 and S4 are ON
13 Fig. 3.2. Equivalent diagram for one side of boost inverter 30
to analyse the small signal property
14 Fig. 3.3. Expected waveforms of voltages and currents for 33
the SSBI.
15 Fig. 3.4. Bode diagram corresponding to open loop TF (40) 34
16 Fig. 3.5. Block diagram of the control scheme for the 34
17 Fig. 3.6 Bode plot corresponding to a closed-loop system. 35
18 Fig. 3.7. PR controller for Voltage control 36
19 Fig. 3.8. PR controller for current control 37
20 Fig. 3.9. Frequency response in ω domain of PR controller 41
21 Fig. 3.10. Frequency response in ω domain of PR controller 42
after removal of resonance
22 Fig. 3.11. Flow diagram of BI with PR controller 43
23 Fig: 3.12 Input voltage vs time and Output Voltage vs time 44
graph (simulation result)
24 Fig: 3.13. P vs V & I vs V curve for applied PV 44
array: 200W/div, 20V/div, 1A/div

25 Fig. 3.14. Output Voltage vs Time(s) curve for PI controller 45
in feedback loop
26 Fig. 3.15. Output Current vs Time(s) curve for PI controller 45
in feedback loop
27 Fig. 3.16. Capacitor Voltage (VC1) vs Time(s) curve for PI 46
controller in feedback loop
28 Fig. 3.17. Capacitor Voltage (VC2) vs Time(s) curve for PI 46
controller in feedback loop
29 Fig. 3.18. Inductor Current (IL1) vs Time(s) curve for PI 46
controller in feedback loop
30 Fig. 3.19. Inductor Current (IL2) vs Time(s) curve for PI 47
controller in feedback loop
31 Fig. 3.20. Mag (% of Fundamental) vs Frequency (Hz) 47
curve for PI controller in feedback loop
32 Fig. 3.21. Output voltage and current feeding to the grid: 48
peak value of voltage = 283.2 V & current =
2.85A, frequency = 50hz, 200 V/div, 2 A/div,
0.01 sec/div
33 Fig. 3.22. Capacitor voltage of VC1 & VC2: peak value of 48
VC1 & VC2 = 321 V & Phase difference between
VC1 & VC2 = 180⁰, frequency = 50hz, 100
0.01 sec/div
34 Fig. 3.23. Inductor current IL1 & IL2: peak value of inductor 49
current IL1 & IL2 = 31A, frequency = 50hz, 20
A/div, 0.01 sec/div
35 Fig. 3.24. Input voltage: due to the ripple from PV array 49
peak value of voltage = 180 V & current = 25 A,
50 V/div, 0.05 sec/div
36 Fig. 3.25. Input Voltage RMS value of PV array steady state 50
value of voltage = 115 V
37 Fig. 3.26. Input voltage and current RMS value: current 50
= 15 A, 20 V/div, 50 A/div, 0.1 sec/div
38 Fig. 3.27. Switching of 4 PWM signal (S1, S2, S3, S4): Peak 51
value 1, 0.2 unit/div, 0.01 sec/div
39 Fig. 3.28. Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) of Output 51
Voltage: At frequency = 50hz fundamental value
is 266.1V
40 Fig. 3.29. Output Voltage and Current with variable load 52
Fig. 3.30. Output Voltage and Current with variable 53
load: Load varying from 60 ohm to 80 ohm
41 Fig. 3.31. Output Voltage and Current with variable load: 53
Load varying from 80 ohm to 100 ohm
42 Fig. 3.32. Output current varying with the change of 54
irradiance on PV array
43 Fig. 3.33. Output current varying with the change of 54
irradiance on PV array: Irradiance varying
from 200W/m2-2000W/m2
44 Fig. 3.34. Hardware set up of Boost Inverter 56

45 Fig. 3.35 Output voltage at dSpace 56
46 Fig. 3.36. Output current at dSpace 57
47 Fig. 3.37. Voltage across capacitor at dSpace 57
48 Fig. 3.38. Current across Inductor dSpace 58

List of Tables

SL. No. No. of Name of the Tables Page

Table no
Chapter II
1 Table 2.1. Circuit Parameters of conventional VSI in 20
Chapter III
2 Table 3.1 Values of the circuit parameters 32
3 Table 3.2. Output Current and Voltage with variable Load 52
4 Table 3.3. Output current with variable load 53
5 Table 3.4. for Voltage, Current, Power rating calculation 55


1.1 Introduction
1.2 Literature Review
1.3 Motivation
1.4 Objective
1.5 Novelty of the thesis

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1.1 Introduction:

Conversion of DC to AC is done to meet the modified load need using

inverter. A full bridge single-phase circuit model is the common inverter layout that
uses 4 power switches to shift the voltage separation and provide ac output. A flexible
alternating voltage amplitude is possible to achieve by curbing the duty ratio (d) of the
semiconductor switches. Top edge is always constrained by the utilization of dc-link
voltage, which indicates the full-bridge inverter's maximum ac voltage capacity. For
increased ac voltage requirements, the dc voltage should always be stepped up via an
intermediary converter stage [1].

In [2]-[4], a boost inverter has been presented as an alternative to a two-stage

step-up circuit applied to a nominal ac voltage conversion with inversion functions as
well as with boosting. This boost inverter (BI) design is presented with 2 boost
converters connected parallelly. Even though the boost converter's output voltage
polarization is alternative and positive in essence, the voltage difference between the
two boost converters' output terminals can must be utilized. To upturn the BI’s
alternating voltage magnitude, 2 converters are frequently operated by 2 inverted
sinusoidal dc-biased referencing. The non-isolated common grounding is established
in the parallel converters. It's also advantageous for lowering the price of feedback
signal isolating in this single-stage inverter.

Fig. 1.1 Block diagram for single stage and double stage inverter

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The traditional PI controller is unable to trace Steady State errors and no
longer valid owing to limited gain at the frequency as grid for the inverter application
meanwhile the voltage reference is direct current based sine wave signal for boost
converter feedback. To improve tracking act with regard to the sine reference, several
nonlinear regulations [4] – [6] techniques have been developed. By constructing a
sliding surface formula for the errors of state-variable, sliding mode [5] controller is a
modest and effective solution for the boost inverter. Akin to hysteresis control, sliding
mode regulation technique has been used in [5] to regulate the BI, which is
manageable and robust in nature. Sliding control technique, on the other hand, has the
drawback of being reliant on circuit parameter and having a variable switching
frequency. In [5] and [6,] a fuzzy-neural network approach is proposed to solve these
drawbacks. To make the boost converter programmable in diverse transient
conditions, including such input fault condition and short circuit condition, a Double
Loop [7] Controller with input current regulation inner loop of inductor and output
voltage regulation outside loop is suggested. The duty ratio is obtained by the output
of the inner current regulator, and the current signal of inductor is directed to the outer
loop control of output voltage.

Fig. 1.2. Block diagram for grid integration of PV fed closed loop boost inverter

A PR controller [8] including substantially large gain at the frequency of grid

will provide effective regulation and increase the sine reference when connecting the
BI to the fixed grid. Two PR based inner-loop and outer-loop controllers regulate

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variables such as the boost converter's output capacitors voltage and input
inductors current, respectively. Since this alternating current in [8] is not for
regulation, it prolongs the current settling period and results in a variable reactive
quality level for the input inductor current. Instead, for grid utility, a PR controller-
based direct alternating current regulating [9] including a fast current outcome is
proposed. To filter the ripple of direct current link and enhance the input current
stability condition, an active damping regulator [9] and a power decoupling
processor [9]–[11] is inserter to adjust the inverter duty ratio. [9] describes a dc
component compensator for balancing the boost converters' dc-biased voltages. MPPT
techniques for single stage and double stage inverters are proposed in [26]-[33].

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1.2 Literature review:

Here are reviews of the literature for the Solar PV array, boost inverter,
maximum power point tracking (MPPT) and Proportional Resonant controller.

[1] : This study presents a BI that, depending on the momentary duty cycle,
generation of an alternating current output voltage greater than the direct current input
voltage. It chose sliding mode control over traditional control systems because of its
resilience to changes in plant parameters, which corresponds to persistent steady state
and dynamics output in the ideal scenario.

[2] : This work offers a Boost inverter control method in which each boosting is
regulated by a double-loop regulation system consisting of a unique inner current
control loop of inductor and outer voltage control loop of output. To deal with
the changeable boosting operational problem and provide great resilience to both
input signal disturbances, these loops employ compensations.

[3] : Control approach of single cycle and Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)
technique for a 3-phase grid-connected BI are suggested in this research. The inverter
comprises a single power stage that transforms DC-power to alternating-current
power by injecting into grid, for 3-phase networks, by potentially lowering the losses
of power and simplifying the circuit. Input voltage from direct-current source is lower
than the root mean square of grid voltage and may differ widely, making it ideal for
converting the electricity from solar cells to grid lines.

[4] : For grid-connected BI, this research provides a control approach for current with
null steady-state process variable error. To provide both output current metering and
well-adjusted output voltages, two boost converters are regulated individually.
Controlling method for inner and outer loop are combination of the inversion of boost
converter concept and output error correction, based on cascade regulation and
feedback signal linearization. To achieve zero tracking error, the boost converter
system is linearized, and PR controlling techniques are constructed from the concept
of internal model.

[5] : Here, the tracking performance of PR controllers may degrade due to the
variations in solar irradiation and source impedance, in which the conventional

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Proportional Resonant design rule is violated. This paper presents Proportional
Resonant controllers that have obtained some traction recently owing to its
dominance like low price computation and rapid tracking potential-based resources.
An optimization methodology with one dimension, prescribes the reliability to
trace the model performance. It is anticipated to find for a suitable factor between
non- dominant eigenvalues for photo voltaic systems and the real section of dominant
to acclimatise PR controlling techniques over various operating parameters without
sustaining lavish tracking fault.

[6] : This research motivation is on the creation of two new regulation techniques for a
single-stage BI, along with a fuzzy neural network (FNN) controller and an adaptive
regulation strategy. When it is related to the conventional Proportional Integral
control framework with double loop under non-linear loads, investigational results
reveal that the improved Fuzzy Neural Network based control system has
considerable improvements of approximately 45.2 percent THD and approximately
37.1 percent scaled mean square error.

[7] : This control approach is for grid-connected single-phase with LCL-filtered

VSI, based on Lyapunov-function and PR controller. The traditional Lyapunov
function-based control in combination with the PR control is proven to be incapable
of damping the LCL filter's intrinsic resonance. To accomplish the appropriate
resonance damping, this control technique is adjusted by adding a capacitor voltage

[8] : The closed-loop functionality of a suggested waveform control approach for

removing such ripples in the current in boost inverters is explored in this research.
Under the closed-loop waveform control approach, the small-signal reliability and
dynamic characteristics of the inverter topology for input voltage or broad range load
fluctuations are investigated.

[9] : A grid-integrated Single Stage Converter Scheme (GCSS) for solar applications
is proposed in this study. This GCSS continuously tracks maximum power point
(MPP) when transferring power from Photovoltaic panels to grid. The suggested
system has various desired characteristics, such as high gain, less switching loss and
small size, which make it appropriate for PV systems with variable low output
voltage. The configuration of the GCSS components is described, together with the

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equations and the formulation of both the current regulation loop and the voltage
regulation loop that is required for functioning.

[10] : Two LCL filters concealed in the differential boost scheme are suggested in this
study. Here are detailed issues with their corresponding resonances and their changes
with duty ratios.

[11] : A voltage modulator on passivity is proposed to replace the modulator

determined from the ideal voltage gain in order to alleviate the boost inverter's
nonlinearity. While the suggested modulator stabilises the input state (inductor
current) as per the required output voltage and alternating current, to satisfy the
needed alternating current, dc- biased sine voltage regulation remains a challenge. For
attaining alternating current regulation with a sufficient response, a voltage drop
compensator and a PR controller was given for incorporation with a dc-element

[12] : The research proposes an improved phase compensation (IPC) approach that
avoids peaks in the amplitude response while maintaining adequate phase margin for
the sensitivity transfer function.

[13] : The novel control technique provided in this work uses vectorial multi-
variable P&O processing to the regulation sequence under irradiance condition that is
variable, reducing voltage stress at the DC - DC converter output connections.
Moreover, the balancing of voltage regulation with DC-bus is described, allowing for
centralised management of the total system, which is a feature that is rarely addressed
in the existing literature.

[14] : A boost effect is presented for a doubly grounded single-stage transformerless

Photovoltaic grid-integrated inverter. 1 buck and 2 boost converters make up the
suggested inverter. In each phase, a cooperative control strategy is presented to
minimise boost converter computational power and simplify the 2-stage system into a
single-stage system. Furthermore, because of just one switch is activated at a high
frequency throughout each interval, the system's efficiency may be enhanced.

[15] : Here, single-phase dc to ac inverters, in fuel-cell power generation, drawing

of less-frequency alternating rippling currents at double the fuel cell frequency at
output. A 100 or 120 Hz rippling current might cause reduction of stability in a

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fuel- cell power generation scheme, shortening the stack's lifetime and

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efficiency. While the fuel cell power generation system sends alternating-
current power to the load by one differential BI. A waveform management strategy
is proposed in this research that can reduce a low-frequency current ripple that is
being pulled from the fuel cell. This is achievable because the suggested system
relies on the 2 output capacitors of the differential inverter to provide the pulsation
element of the ac power output, whereas the fuel cell provides the average dc
output power.

[16] : In this paper, the dc source input current is linked with the 2nd order current
ripple owing instantaneous power to the ac section pulsing at double the line
frequency, which is a well-known problem that is powered by fuel-cell single-phase
uninterrupted power supply. This research uses a BI that can function in both
differential mode and common mode to tackle this problem. Active power
converting and a modified controlled alternating output voltage are achieved with
the differential mode procedure. Meanwhile, the common mode procedure effectively
reduces dc current ripple. Not only with linear load the suggested control system also
works with nonlinear loads, where precisely built, repetitive controllers are used to
manage many low-harmonic circumstances.

[17] : It describes the tracking control challenge for amplifying converters, is both a
practical issue and a difficult theoretical topic. These converters are non-linear,
nonminimum phasing with saturated process control with a highly changeable
parameter of the load. Even in the context of regulation, such qualities make
amplifying converters extremely difficult to regulate. Several facets of the boost
converter's tracking control difficulty are addressed. A description of the signal that
the converter can follow is provided. The association between parameter values and
tracking error is developed, and it is demonstrated that good DC-to-DC converter
parameters are not always good for DC-to-AC conversion.

[18] : BI that has an alternating sine wave in its output voltage and is made up of two
differential boost converters. Each differential boost converter (BC) provides a dc-
biased voltage that is sinusoidal. For this, a regulator which can trace a dc-biased
alternating sinusoidal voltage signal as the regulation credential is required for this
inverter design. 1 cycle regulation is a control method which can tune with the
requirements while being simple to implement in a circuit with a constant switching

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frequency for non-linear purpose. Since, the BI is meant to give active power at
maximum level to the grid, the controller has to be up to reaching power factor at
unity. As a result, the graded grid voltage and its derivation create the one cycle
control techniques' sinusoidal reference signal.

[19] : Here, a Quasi-PR (QPR) regulator is used to decrease the capacitive coupling
grid connected inverter's (CCGCI) steady-state (SS) current tracing errors. Voltage
reference is generated by the QPR controller for carrier wave-based PWM, that
efficiently reduces the ripples of output current. With coupled capacitor, grid
connected inverter's modelling and control method differ from those of the traditional
inductive coupling grid connected inverter (ICGCI) due to its second-order coupling
impedance. The QPR regulator in a CCGCI is designed using a comprehensive design
technique. A proportional-integration current controller is also compared to the Quasi
Proportional Resonant controller. Efficiency of the QPR regulator and its design
process in a CGCI is verified using simulation data. When the QPR controlling
strategy is utilized in its place of the Proportional Integral controller, current tracking
errors are considerably decreased.

[20] : The tuning procedure of the PR controller is described in this study. With
certain deliberation of large reckoning delay introduced by the digitally controlled
scheme. Topologies with Different controllers are addressed, as well as associated
contradictory outcomes. The stability domain and its influence on distinct
proportional resonant controller settings are given special consideration. The major
result of this study is a set of tuning suggestions for choosing controller values in the
presence of severe digitally delayed system. Here it is suggested a start-up current
optimization and an ideal controller topology.

[21] : A grid-integrated converters with unique and efficient linear current controller
including LCL filter is presented in this study. The suggested approach involves using
voltages obtained at the output filter capacitors' terminals as feedforward signals in a
PR controller's classic construction. The resonance consequences of the LCL filter are
mitigated when these signals are processed by an appropriate filter K(s), and the
influence of grid impedance fluctuations on the converter's functionality is
considerably minimised. The suggested technique simplifies the controller's
configuration by obtaining gains using a simple mathematical formula that

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eliminates the need for

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extensive root locus investigations. Furthermore, the suggested approach guarantees
the greatest achievable bandwidth of a closed-loop system for a mentioned phase
margin, eliminating the need for guessing work, to select the crossover frequency.

[22] : An adaptive approach for adjusting a PR controller for grid-integrated inverter

synchronisation is provided in this study. The grid frequency is calculated using a
frequency-locked loop method that includes a resonance adaptive filter and a
perturbation-based extreme point search algorithm to minimise the error. The
suggested regulator's performance in the face of frequency fluctuations in an
emulating grid voltage waveform. The findings are compared to nonadaptive
approaches, indicating that the IEEE 1547 standard may be used to attain performance
criteria for V/f tracing and power factor modulating.

[23] : The purpose of this study is to provide an outline of inverters design for single-
phase compact disseminated power producers. DC to AC conversion, different
protection methodology, output power quality management and system regulations
are all roles of inverters in disseminated power generating structures. Great efficiency,
low cost and endurance in input voltage changes for a broad range are key criteria for
tiny distributed power production systems. These demands have pushed inverter
designers to create simpler layouts and structures, reduced component counts, and
more modular designs. For the conversion of power in distributed power generation
structures, multilevel inverters with single-stage have been developed. Single-stage
inverters have a basic structure and are inexpensive, but they have a restricted range
of input voltage changes and frequently have poor system performance.

[24] : To adapt with a variable load impedance, an adaptive control for the non-linear
BI is developed in this study. The state variables are measured and a state monitor is
attached to one termination of the inverter to achieve adaptive control. Singular
perturbation method is used to examine the sustainability of the entire system.
Simulations are used to test the adaptive control that results.

[25] : It is described that a DC to AC inverter with switch-mode, relying on a DC-DC

converter architecture that generates a sinusoidal output waveform utilising a unique
nonlinear resilient control. The control system is based on coordinated output voltage
feedback with inductor voltage and input voltage fed forward. As an outcome,

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there are huge fluctuations in output load current or input voltage, the output voltage
relics adaptively unaffected. Control laws of nature is discussed.

[26] : This paper suggests a straightforward MPPT approach for PV systems. This
approach addresses two of the P and O MPPT's major flaws: 1) the steady-state
balancing act between speed and oscillations, and 2) poor performance in dynamic
settings, particularly in related to low irradiance when signal evaluation becomes
more susceptible to noise. The suggested MPP Tracking is built on calculating the
ripple of the immediate PV power and voltage using a 2nd order generalisation that
is based on integrator quadrature signal generator for single-stage grid-integrated
single- phase PV inverters.

[27] : The MPPT will undoubtedly be determined by intrinsic double-

frequency rippling in single stage single phase solar grid-integrated inverters. A
decoupling system for passive LC power with sliding-mode control that is robust and
of 2nd order is presented in this paper to increase MPPT functionality. On the dc
connection double-frequency pulsing is successfully wiped out using the passive LC
decoupling method. As a result, the MPPT precision is greatly improved, and a
minimal dc-link capacitor may be used. However, using an active damping approach
it may be mitigated where there is resonance between the main dc-link capacitor and
the LC circuit. Furthermore, the suggested 2nd order sliding mode control guarantees
good steady-state, dynamic, and dc-link voltage resilience.

[28] : A single stage converter framework is a converter that performs both the
conversion like dc-ac and dc-dc in a single step. It is more convenient and smaller in
size than a two-stage converter. A grid-integrated structure for PV operations is
described in this study. This GCSS continually tracks maximum power point when
transferring electricity from PV to grid. The suggested system has various desired
characteristics, like high gain, less switching loss and small size, which make it
appropriate for PV systems with variable voltage at output. Idea of the GCSS
components is described, together with the essential equations and the formulation of
both the voltage regulation loop and the current regulation loop required for

[29] : The MPPT approach for a photovoltaic energy generating technique is presented
in this study with single-stage grid-integrated Z-source inverter. First, it goes through

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Z-source inverters, MPPT techniques, and Model Predictive (MP) control in detail.
The suggested MP-based MPPT approach is then shown.

[30] : Single-stage grid-integrated photovoltaic systems provide a number of benefits,

including a simple architecture and high efficiency. The complexity of the control
strategy is greatly enhanced since all of the control targets, such as harmonics
elimination for output current, synchronisation with grid voltage and MPPT must be
taken into account. Deployment of three-phase grid integrated single-
stage photovoltaic structure is described in this work. The suggested control may
significantly increase the stability of the MPPT technique using a revised incremental
conductance MPPT method, aided to achieve the stated control objectives. Local
loads for which reactive power adjustment is done can also be implemented to reduce
grid load. The reactive power compensating unit and the suggested MPPT controller
are implemented using a DSP.

[31] : This research proposes a grid-integrated, single-phase single-stage, CSI-based

solar system. For detecting the MPP and connecting the solar arrays to grid, the
process uses single-stage transformer-less conversion. A fuzzy logic regulator keeps
the maximum power point constant. The current into the grid is controlled by
a PR controller. To eliminate the 2nd and 4th order harmonics a doubly tuned and
aligned resonant circuitry is presented at the inverter's DC side to increase power
quality and plant efficiency. After each active switching cycle, a refined modulation
that is carrier-based for the CSI is presented by making one of the bridges shorted
to converter-legs to magnetise the dc-link inductor.

[32] : In this study, a multi-objective method is used in a single stage inverter to build
the one-cycle regulator for solar applications, which optimises inverter operation at
both low and high irradiance level. Proposal limitations are used to accommodate for
various weather situations. The optimization technique also offers important data on
the sensitivity of the system to each part of the regulator settings. This enables the
creation of a MPPT technique like P&O control method that increases inverter
performance dramatically.

[33] : P&O approach is utilized to create a unique MPP tracking technique in this
research. The approach's originality is reflected in the disruption of many control
variables rather than simply one. When compared to the situation of a single

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regulatory variable being perturbed, this allows for an increase in the power collected
from the Photovoltaic field. When dynamic criteria are required to correct system
behaviour. The suggested solution incapacitates the limits of any current tracing
technology devoted to PV arrays with a specific MPP, therefore not just as P&O
approach. The application of the suggested multivariable technique to a single
stage one-cycle regulated PV inverter is discussed.

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1.3 Motivation:

Vast demand of power inverters with high efficiency, low cost, compact size
and simple control technique and uncomplicated overall system for Grid application
develops new opportunities. Because of advancements in Power converter
mathematical modelling, it is now possible to move from one type of energy to
another through enhanced efficiency and cheap cost. The usage of a single stage BI
can meet these requirements. The efficiency decreases as the number of elements and
switches increases. Power loss reduction in the Boost Inverter (BI) to meet the
requirement for high efficiency is currently a difficult challenge. These requirements
encourage the use of an appropriate SSBI system investigation.

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1.4 Objective:

 To employ the simple technique for power semiconductor switches that

improve the efficiency for high power intensity implementation.

 To decrease the size, volume, and cost as well as operational complexity,

using the modulation techniques.

 To develop & implement the suitable Single Stage Boost Inverter (SSBI) for
modern power processing applications such as Solar PV based grid
interfacing, Hybrid Electrical Vehicle, etc. as well as simplifying the system
(PV Grid) operation and control by developing a generalized mathematical
Transfer Function Model of the physical SSBI and devising a simple control
strategy. To decrease high current and voltage strains and maintain high power
intensity with low functioning switching frequency.

 To find and reduce total harmonic distortion of the overall system.

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1.5 Novelty of the work:

Instead of implementing the two-stage inverter single stage BI is used to be

fed from solar photovoltaic. Operational principle with different modes is analyzed to
get the transfer function of the system, that is reviewed from the literature.
Proportional Resonant controller is implemented to regulate the output current and
voltage. Mathematical modelling of the controller is discussed. Schematic of the
whole plant analyzed to find the controller parameter those are important to tune and
remove the error. Frequency vs gain and frequency vs phase margin is plotted for this
proposed methodology. Bode plot stability analysis is done for two control
methodologies like PI and PR, those are compared here. Total Harmonic Distortion
(THD) is also improved and bringing the THD % value below IEEE standard for PR
controller comparatively to the PI controller model.

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2.1 Problem Investigation

2.2 Problem Formulation

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2.1. Problem investigation:
Two stage inverters have more numbers of switches and storage elements that
will cause more losses and reduce the efficiency of the model. Thus, to achieve high
gain, efficiency, low cost, and compact size, a simple control technique boost inverter
is introduced. This converter is then well integrated to solar fed grid with proper
synchronization using closed loop proportional resonant controller with Maximum
Power Point Tracking (MPPT) from solar source, there by resulting in high AC output
voltage from low DC input voltage.

2.1.1. Conventional VSI:

Single phase VSI produces AC output voltage from DC input supply, but the
value of output voltage along the particular load is not greater than the dc voltage
input value. The output voltage waveform obtained has the nature of a square
waveform containing certain harmonic components. After filtering out these harmonic
components by appropriate filter, it will have sinusoidal voltage at the load terminal.
Thus, conventional single phase VSI generates alternating-current output voltage with
the application of DC supply at the input terminal and the amplitude of the
alternating output voltage is equal to the amplitude of the DC input voltage. The
circuit diagram of a traditional VSI is shown in Figure 2.1.

Fig. 2.1 Conventional voltage source inverter

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Figure 2.2 displays the ac voltage output waveform. Figure 2.3 displays the ac output
current waveform.

Fig. 2.2 Output Voltage waveform

Fig. 2.3 Output Current waveform

The circuit operation of conventional voltage source inverter may be explained from
Figure 1. When the switch SW1 and SW3 will be turned on by suitable pulse then a
positive voltage appears across the load and when switch SW2 and SW4 will be
turned on then a negative polarity of the voltage appears across the load .Thus one can
say that an alternating voltage waveform is obtained across the load and by suitable
filter technique one can obtain sinusoidal voltage across the load. Circuit Parameters
specifications of conventional voltage source inverter are given in Table number 2.1.

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Table 2.1. Circuit Parameters of conventional VSI in Simulation

S.No. Circuit parameters value Description

1 Vin 48V Input voltage

2 Vo 30 V Output voltage

3 fs 50Hz Switching frequency

4 fo 50Hz Output Voltage


5 R 1000 Ω Load resistance

6 L 4.5 H Filter Inductance

7 C 22.25 µF Filter Capacitance

2.1.2. Topology for Suggested Boost Inverter:

Fig. 2.4. DC -AC Conversion Block Diagram

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DC-AC converters are represented by blocks 1 and 2. The converters listed
above will provide sinusoidal output that is also DC biased. Every converter
is modulated to 180⁰ out of phase with respect to the another, resulting in the highest
voltage feedbacking over the load. The load is connected in a differential manner
across the converter’s output. The fundamental configuration of BI is suggested here
is mainly of boost converter. 2 inductors, which are energy storage devices, 2
capacitors, and 4 power switches are employed in this boost inverter setup. The
resistive load is studied here, and it is differently coupled across load terminals. In the
BI, MOSFET is employed as power switches. Figure 2.5 depicts the proposed
methodology for DC to AC boost inverter.

Fig. 2.5. DC-AC Boost inverter

Fig. 2.6. Simulation diagram of Boost inverter with PI controller

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Fig. 2.7. THD of output voltage using PI controller

THD of the BI model with PI controller fig. 2.6 & 2.7 is not sustaining the
acceptable distortion error. Due to which it needs a better controlling methodology. In
this paper PR controller is utilized to over-come the drawback without entering into
the nonlinear d-q controlling technique.

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2.2. Problem Formulation:

Fig. 2.8. Simulation of Boost Inverter with Proportional Resonant controller with R load

Fig. 2.9. THD of output voltage using PR controller

THD of the BI model with PR controller is sustaining the acceptable distortion

error below 5% according to IEEE regulation. Due to which this controlling
methodology helps the feedback signal to follow the reference signal and generate the
Vref to over-come the drawback that is coming in the PI model, without entering into
the nonlinear d-q controlling technique.

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3.1 Engineering Principle
3.2 Simulation Results
3.3 Hardware

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3.1 Engineering Principle:
The boost inverter can raise the dc voltage to a level that is compatible with
the power grid. The inverter has 2 dc to dc boost converters (BC), BC1 and BC2, to
transform input voltage (VPV) to alternating current voltage in the arrangement
depicted in Fig. 3.1. Between the output ends of the 2 converters as the load is placed,
the ac current is constantly in opposite direction regarding the converters. Convertor 1
has the exact opposite operational mode as converter 2 and vice versa. As indicated in
Fig. 3.1., the converter 1 functions in boost mode as current into the load travels from
L to R (left-right), whereas the 2nd converter operates in another mode. 2 converters
can also broaden functional control for the output voltage (V 0). When the voltage (V2)
of 2nd converter’s output lowers the voltage (V 1) of converter 1’s output rises.
Adjusting the power switches’ duty ratios (∆) as in the diagonal manner can likewise
be used for complementary control (S1 to S4). The boost and buck converters'
generalised input and output correlations [1], [2] are, respectively, in equations (1)
and (2).

= 1
𝑉𝑝𝑣 (1)

𝑑 × 𝑉𝑐2 = 𝑉𝑝𝑣 (2)


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Fig. 3.1. Pathway for the current of BI for i > 0 in the cycle of switching: (a) S2 and S3 are on. (b) S1
and S4 are ON

Mode-I :

Here for this mode, Switch SW2 and SW3 are switched on, inductor L2 is energized
and capacitor C2 is charging. In this mode, Inductor L1 and C1 are under resonance. In
this mode voltage across C2 is enhanced because of resonance between L 1 and C1,
thereby the load voltage is boosted in Fig. 3(a).

𝑉 𝑚 = 𝐿1 (3)

−𝑉 + 𝑑𝑖𝐿2 =0 (4)
𝐿 +𝑉
𝑖𝑛 2 2
𝑑𝑉2 𝑉2−𝑉1 (5)
𝑖 = −
2 𝑑𝑡 𝐿2

𝑑𝑉1 𝑉2 − 𝑉1
𝐶1 = (6)
𝑑𝑡 𝑅

𝑉0 = 𝑉2 − 𝑉1 (7)

The combination of voltage across L2 and supply voltage will also result in boosting
of the load voltage.

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Inductor L1 is energized and capacitor C1 is charged, In this mode, Switch SW1 and
SW4 are switched on as given in the Fig. 3(b). In this mode, Inductor L 2 and C2 are
under resonance. In this mode voltage across C1 is enhanced because of resonance
between L2 and C2, thereby the load voltage is boosted. As a result, a sinusoidal
voltage output appears across the output terminal.

The equations of this mode are as follows:

𝑉 𝑚 = 𝐿2 (8)

−𝑉 + 𝐿 𝑑𝑖𝐿1 =0 (9)
𝑖𝑛 1 + 𝑉1
𝑑𝑉1 𝑉1−𝑉2 (10)
𝑖 = −
1 𝑑𝑡 𝐿1

𝑑𝑉2 𝑉1 − 𝑉2
𝐶2 = (11)
𝑑𝑡 𝑅

𝑉0 = 𝑉1 − 𝑉2 (12)

Voltage formulation for boost converter can be derived as given underneath for the
continuous conduction mode (CCD) by utilising the averaging concept:

𝑉1 1
= (13)
𝑉2 1 − ∆

Where, ∆ is Duty Ratio.

The expression for average output (O/P) voltage is given as:

𝑉𝑖𝑛 𝑉𝑖𝑛
𝑉0 = 𝑉𝐶1 − 𝑉𝐶2 = (14)
− 1−∆ ∆

The expression for output voltage is,

𝑉0 = 𝑉𝐶1 − 𝑉𝐶2 = 𝑉𝑚 𝑆𝑖𝑛𝜔𝑡 (15)

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𝑉𝐶1 = 𝑉𝑑𝑐 + 𝑆𝑖𝑛𝜔𝑡 (16)
𝑉𝐶2 = 𝑉𝑑𝑐 − 𝑆𝑖𝑛𝜔𝑡 (17)

3.1.1 Modelling & development of generalized TF for SSBI:

State-space model of SSBI:

The state-space model for each operating mode of the SSBI was developed using
state- space averaging method for evolving the resultant large-signal state-space
prototypical. The following definitions were adapted for the development of the
proposed model in this thesis. Here, Vin: source voltage, VO: voltage across output
resistance, V2: voltage across C2, V1: voltage across C1, L1: inductance of inductor 1,
L2: inductance of inductor two, C2: capacitance of right-side capacitor, C 1:
capacitance of left side capacitor (fig. 3.1.), Ro: load resistance, 𝑖𝐿1 :current through

inductor L1, 𝑖𝐿2 :current through inductor L2, d: duty cycle of the power switches SW 1
and SW3 and D: steady state duty cycle of the SW1 and SW3.

Mode 1:

The S1 and S3 switches are turned ON, whereas switches S 2 and S4 are turned OFF in
Mode 1. The equivalent circuit is shown in Fig.3. The following state equations can
be obtained by applying voltage and current law of Kirchhoff to Fig. 4:

𝑖𝐿1 0 0 𝑖𝐿1
0 1/𝐿1
𝑑 𝑖𝐿2 00 0 (−1/𝐿2) 1/𝐿2 ] (18)
[ ]=[ ]𝑖𝐿2
[ ]

𝑑𝑡 𝑉𝐶 0 0 (−1/𝑅0𝐶1) (1/𝑅0𝐶1)
]+[ 𝑖𝑛

1 0 (1/𝐶 2) (1/𝑅0𝐶2) (−1/𝑅0𝐶2) 0 𝐶1

𝑉𝐶 𝑉𝐶2 0

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The output equation:

[𝑉 ] = [0 0 1 −1] [ ] + [0][𝑉 ] (19)
0 𝑉𝐶1 𝑖𝑛

Mode 2:

The Switches SW2 and SW4 were switched ON and switches SW 1 and SW3 were
switched OFF in mode 2. The corresponding circuit is given as Fig.3(b). Following
alike procedure to describe the Mode1, the following set of equations may be obtained

𝑑 𝑖𝑖𝐿1
[ ]=[ 𝑖𝐿1
0 0 (−1/𝐿1) 0 1/𝐿1
𝑖 ] [𝑉 ] (20)
𝑑𝑡 𝑉𝐶1 (1/𝐶 0 0𝐶1) (1/𝑅00𝐶1) ] 𝑉
01) 00 (−1/𝑅 𝐿2 1/𝐿
][ 𝐶1 + 0 2 𝑖𝑛
𝑉𝐶2 0 0 (1/𝑅0𝐶2) (−1/𝑅0𝐶2) 0

[𝑉 ] = [ 0 0 1 −1] [ ] + [0][𝑉 ] (21)
0 𝑉𝐶1 𝑖𝑛

Therefore, the resultant state-space model of an SSBI over a complete time period can
be achieved by state-space averaging technique as discussed below:

𝑖𝐿1 𝑖𝐿1
𝑑 𝑖𝐿2 0 0 ((𝑑 − 1)/𝐿1) 0 𝑖𝐿2
[ ]=[ (−𝑑/𝐿2) ] [ ]
0 0 0
𝑑𝑡 𝐶1 𝑉𝐶1
((1 − 𝑑)/𝐶1) 0 (−1/𝑅0𝐶1) (1/𝑅0𝐶1)
𝑉𝐶2 (𝑑/𝐶2) 𝑉
0 (1/𝑅0𝐶2) (−1/𝑅0𝐶2) 𝐶2
+[ ] [𝑉𝑖𝑛] (22)

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[𝑉 ] = [ 0 0 1 −1] [ ] + [0][𝑉 ] (23)
0 𝑉𝐶1 𝑖𝑛

3.1.2. Small signal model and TF for SSBI:

Fig. 3.2 Equivalent diagram for one side of boost inverter to analyse the small signal property

The representation of the switched converter is in the form of differential equations,

and the relationship between state variables and duty cycle, d is nonlinear.
Consequently, small-signal modelling was carried out to achieve a linearized model of
an operating point. By applying small signal modelling and neglecting second-order
infinitesimal terms, equation (22) and (23) transform into equation (24) and (25)

𝑑 𝑖𝐿2 𝑖𝐿1
[ ]=[ 0 0 ((𝑑 − 1)/𝐿1) 0 𝑖𝐿2
0 0 0 (−𝑑/𝐿2) ] [
((1 − 𝑑)/𝐶1) 0 (−1/𝑅0𝐶1) (1/𝑅0𝐶1) ]
𝑑𝑡 𝑉𝐶1 0 (𝑑/𝐶 2) (1/𝑅0𝐶2) (−1/𝑅0𝐶2) 𝑉𝐶1
+[ ] [𝑑] (24)

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𝑖𝐿1 𝑖𝐿1
𝑑 𝑖𝐿2 𝑖𝐿2
[ ] = 𝐴 [ ] + 𝐵[𝑑] (25)
𝑑𝑡 𝑉𝐶 𝑉𝐶1
1 𝑉𝐶2

[𝑉 ] = [0 0 1 −1] [ ] (26)
0 𝑉𝐶1

Using Eqn. (24) and (26), we obtain the following expression for the output to control
input transfer function.
𝑉0 −1
= {[0 0 1 −1](𝑆𝐼 − 𝐴) 𝐵} (27)

Where, V0 = Output Voltage; I = Identity matrix; S = Laplace operator.

Substituting the values for matrices A and B in equation (27), we obtain equation
𝑉0 = 𝑎1𝑆3 + 𝑎2𝑆2 + 𝑎3𝑆 + 𝑎4
𝑑 𝑏 𝑆4 + 𝑏 𝑆3 + 𝑏 𝑆2 + 𝑏 𝑆 + 𝑏 (28)
1 2 3 4 5

𝑏1 = 𝐿1𝐿2𝐶1𝐶2𝑅0 (29)
𝑏2 = 𝐿1𝐿2(𝐶1 + 𝐶2) (30)
𝑏3 = (𝐿2𝐶2 − 2𝐿2𝐶2𝑑 + 𝐿1𝐶1𝑑2 + 𝐿2𝐶2𝑑2)𝑅0 (31)
𝑏4 = (𝐿2 − 2𝐿2𝑑 + 𝐿1𝑑2 + 𝐿2𝑑2) (32)
𝑏5 = 𝑅0𝑑2(𝑑 − 1)2 (33)

𝑎1 = (−𝐿1𝐿2𝐶2𝑅0𝐼1−𝐿1𝐿2𝐶1𝑅0𝐼1) (34)
𝑎2 = (𝐿2𝐶2𝑅0𝑉1 − 𝐿2𝐶2𝑅0𝑉1𝑑 + 𝐿1𝐶1𝑅0𝑉2𝑑) (35)
𝑎3 = (−𝐿2𝑅0𝐼2 + 2𝐿2𝑅0𝐼2𝑑 + 𝐿1𝑅0𝑑2𝐼1 − 𝐿2𝑅0𝑑2𝐼2) (36)
𝑎4 = 𝑅0𝑑2𝑉1 − 𝑅0𝑑3𝑉1 + 𝑅0𝑑𝑉2 − 2𝑅0𝑑2𝑉2 + 𝑅0𝑑3𝑉2 (37)

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Table 3.1 Values of the circuit parameters

Sr. No. Parameters Selected values

1. Input Voltage (Vin) 120 V
2. Output Voltage (VoRMS) 212 V
3. Output Frequency (fo) 50 Hz
4. Input Inductances, L1, L2 30 mH
5. Output Capacitances, C1, C2 340 µF
6. Output Resistance, Ro 180 Ω
7. Switching Frequency, fs 25000 Hz

Extracting various parameters from Table 3.1 into the equation (38), the expression of
the transfer-function was obtained as follows:

−4.29 × 10−4𝑆3 + 0.0907𝑆2 − 17.01𝑆 + 3600

𝑇𝐹 = (38)
7.14 × 10−9𝑆4 + 2.65 × 10−7𝑆3 + 3.15 × 10−6𝑆2 + 0.0105𝑆 + 11.25

3.1.3. Model Order Reduction (MOR) using Moment Matching

Method (MMM):

MOR through MMM is used to enhance the performance of the boost inverter
in the following ways.
1. The complexity involved in the mathematical modelling of a boost inverter was
reduced significantly.
2. The controller design becomes easier by using reduced-order
model. Eqn. (39) can be rewritten as follows:

−4.29 × 10−4𝑆3 + 0.0907𝑆2 − 17.01𝑆 + 3600

𝑇𝐹 = (39)
7.14 × 10−9𝑆4 + 2.65 × 10−7𝑆3 + 3.15 × 10−6𝑆2 + 0.0105𝑆 + 11.25

By using MOR, we obtain

1.46𝑆 − 320
𝑇𝐹 = (40)
3.86 × 10−4𝑆2 + 0.0011𝑆 + 1

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V0, I0



t0 t1 t2
Fig. 3.3. Expected waveforms of voltages and currents for the SSBI.

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3.1.4. Controlling of Inverter: Performance Measures

The Bode diagram corresponding to the open loop TF (40) for the proposed SSBI is
shown in Fig. 3.4.

Fig. 3.4. Bode diagram corresponding to open loop TF (40).

In order to obtain stability of the scheme and to get better performance criteria,
characteristics (gain margin, phase margin etc.) for the proposed SSBI, a controller
should be connected to the input of the SSBI (as shown in Fig. 3.4.). Closed-loop control for proposed SSBI with PID controller:

The Proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller was used for controlling the
plant dynamics using MATLAB. Fig. 3.5 displays the block map of the closed-loop
feedback control structure for the SSBI.

Vref E 6.5*10-4(1+0.095S) 1.46S-320 Vo

(1+0.016S) 3.86*10-4S2+0.0011S+1

Controller Plant

Unity Feedback Loop

Fig. 3.5. Control scheme block diagram of the for the SSBI.

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Fig. 3.6. Bode plot corresponding to a closed-loop method

The corresponding controller’s transfer function is given by:

1 + 0.095𝑆
𝑇𝐹 = 6.5 × 10−4
1 + 0.016𝑆 (41)

The SSE (Ess) in the output voltage of the SSBI in the controlled mode of the closed-
loop configuration can be evaluated as follows:

𝑒𝑠𝑠 = 1
1+𝐾 = (41)
� 1 + 𝑙𝑖𝑚𝑠→0 𝐺(𝑠)𝐶(𝑠)

where, Kp = Proportionality error constant.

The above indicates that the closed loop configuration of the SSBI has improved

It is also to be pointed out that the power loss analysis of the SSBI may be found in

This led to enhanced performance of the inverter. The outputs of the practical inverter
were found to be in excellent agreement with those obtained from the mathematical
model. The proposed approach of conversion of the presented boost-inverter into an
equivalent transfer-function model enables one to design, check the performance and
stability of any other boost-inverter both prior and post fabrication as per customer-

Page | Resonant Controllers:

In the static frame, AC dynamic control implies a control loop that deals
directly on the AC circuit, without the need for dq transform or amplitude modulation
and demodulation. Requirement for Resonant Control:

Single-phase grid integrated inverter is considered. Because the transistor bridge is

regulated to provide voltage Vr = βV 0 to the grid, the dynamic characteristic of the
aggregated inductor current, that is supplied to the grid, follows the equation:

𝐿𝑖𝐿 = 𝑉𝑟 − 𝑉𝐴𝐶 − 𝑖𝐿𝑟

= 𝛽𝑉0 − 𝑉𝐴𝐶 − 𝑖𝐿𝑟 (42)

Here r is parasitic resistance, L is the inductance of inductor, and VAC= E Sin ωot is
the grid voltage. The related transfer function that is estimated on the control channel,
is calculated as below, if the amplitude of the grid voltage is considered invariant
and the constant DC voltage at a specific set point V0 ≡ VDC.

𝐻 (𝑠) = =
𝛽 𝐿𝑠 + 𝑟

Fig. 3.7. PR controller for Voltage control

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Fig. 3.8. PR controller for current control

Figure 3.8 depicts the controlled inductor current structure. Assuming that the current
regulator in this diagram is PI, and that the transfer function in case of PI controller is
Hc(s) = Kp + Ki/s.

𝐻𝐶 = 𝐾𝑃𝑠 + 𝐾𝑖
𝐿 (44)
𝑉𝐷𝐶 𝑠2 + (𝐾 + 𝑟

For gain one frequency, phase shift is zero, the closed-loop frequency response is
optimal. The closed loop gain is expressed as

𝐻𝑜(𝜔) =
𝐾2𝜔2 + 𝐾2 (45)
√ 𝑃 𝑖
𝑟 2 𝐿 2
) 𝜔 + (𝐾 −


It also has a unity value at DC. Also varies based on the parameters chosen.
Resonance may develop the result in the existence of a 2 nd point of unit gain,
particularly at the frequency.

𝜔 = 1 √2𝑉 (𝐾 𝐿 − 𝐾 𝑟) − 𝑟2 (46)
𝐷𝐶 𝑖 𝑃

The phase lag for the closed-loop has the mathematical appearance:

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𝜑 = 𝑡𝑎𝑛 𝐾 𝜔
−1 ( 𝑃 ) − 𝑡𝑎𝑛 −1 (𝜔 𝑉𝐷𝐶 𝐾𝑃 + 𝑟
) (47)
𝐾𝑖 𝑉𝐷 𝐾 − 𝐿𝜔2
𝐶 𝑖

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This is just zero in DC. As a result, the zero frequency is the only frequency
for that the PI controller closed loop has an optimum frequency retaliation. This
indicates that if the reference signal comprises AC components for the nonzero
frequencies, the SSE in terms of amplitude and phase cannot be cancelled.
Furthermore, the frequency of this mistake grows. It is feasible to minimise the
steady-state error somewhat by using a controller with high gain. However, there are
two big drawbacks to this approach. The first is regulate input saturation, which is
caused by a limited DC-link voltage. The control input saturation, which is caused by
a limited DC-link voltage is for the 1st one. 2nd, a high gain controller causes the
bandwidth for closed loop to grow and to decrease the phase margin, resulting in
method disruption.
To summarise, because the reference is an alternating current variable with a
nonzero frequency, this type of control loop cannot be implemented effectively using
typical PI controllers; consequently, alternative methods should be considered. Fundamentals of PR Control method:

Operation in the non-stationary frame entails magnitude demodulation of the

AC parameters. Control of the enclosures like DC variables on the d-q touchpoints,
and finally magnitude modulation to produce the AC control input. The AC error
signal is represented by EAC, and the AC control input signal is represented by U AC.
The errors are demodulated by multiplying the grid phase angles with sine and cosine,
yielding one signal that is centred on the DC element and another centred on the 2ω 0
integrant. As PI controllers is utilised, the DC component will have 0% steady-state
error. The regulator outputs are even further modulated, and the alternating control
signal UAC, is obtained by adding them together. The UAC computation does not

include the 2ω0 signal since its components balance each other out by aggregating.
The PI controller's transfer function in the reference frame of dq is, as usual,

𝐻𝐷𝐶 (𝑠) = 𝑖 (48)
𝐾𝑃 +

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The time domain representation of the input signal UAC may now be determined by

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𝑈𝐴𝐶(𝑡) = [(𝑒𝐴𝐶𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜔0𝑡)⨂ℎ𝐷𝐶(𝑡)]𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜔0𝑡 + [(𝑒𝐴𝐶𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜔0𝑡)⨂ℎ𝐷𝐶(𝑡)]𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜔0𝑡 (49)

wherein hDC(t) indicates the product of convolution and signifies the regulator impulse
response. Without applying the modulation demodulation action, the end goal is to
construct a controller for which transfer function, indicated by H AC(s), would have the
same frequency pattern as eq. (49). The equation can be used to model such a
framework in the s domain.
𝑈𝐴𝐶(𝑠) = 𝐻𝐴𝐶(s) · 𝐸𝐴𝐶(𝑠) (50)

Here EAC(s) and UAC(s) are errors and Laplace images of control input,
respectively. This is stated in the baseband as
𝑢𝐴𝐶(𝑡) = 𝑒𝐴𝐶(t)⨂ℎ𝐴𝐶(𝑡), (51)

wherein hAC(t) is the comparable AC controller's impulse response. The syntaxes f1(t)
= hDC(t) ⨂ [eAC(t)×cos ωot] and f2(t) = hDC(t) ⨂ [eAC(t)×sin ωot] are used in Eq.
(49) accounting for the commutative nature of the convolution product. Their Laplace
projection images may be calculated in the following way:

𝐹1(𝑠) = 𝑓{ℎ𝐷𝐶(𝑡)⨂(𝑒𝐴𝐶(𝑡) · 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜔0𝑡} = 𝐻𝐷𝐶(𝑠) · 𝐿{𝑒𝐴𝐶(𝑡) · 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜔0𝑡} (52)

By utilising the Laplace Transform formulas of frequency shifting, one additionally


𝐹1(𝑠) = 𝐻𝐷𝐶(𝑠) · [𝐸𝐴𝐶(𝑠 + 𝑗𝜔0) + 𝐸𝐴𝐶(𝑠 − 𝑗𝜔0)] (53)

Same method one demonstrates that

𝐹2(𝑠) = 𝐻𝐷𝐶(𝑠) · [𝐸𝐴𝐶(𝑠 + 𝑗𝜔0) − 𝐸𝐴𝐶(𝑠 − 𝑗𝜔0)] (54)
First term Laplace Transform in Eq. (49) illustrates

𝐿1(𝑠) = 𝑓{[(𝑒𝐴𝐶𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜔0𝑡)⨂ℎ𝐷𝐶(𝑡)]𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜔0𝑡} = 𝑓{𝑓1(𝑡) · 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜔0𝑡} (55)

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= [𝐹1(𝑠 + 𝑗𝜔0) + 𝐹1(𝑠 − 𝑗𝜔0)]

Second term Laplace Transform in Eq. (49) illustrates

𝐿2(𝑠) = 𝑓{[(𝑒𝐴𝐶𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜔0𝑡)⨂ℎ𝐷𝐶(𝑡)] · 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜔0𝑡} = 𝑓{𝑓2(𝑡) · 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜔0𝑡} (56)

= [𝐹2(𝑠 + 𝑗𝜔0) − 𝐹2(𝑠 − 𝑗𝜔0)]

The controller output has the Laplace image such as UAC(s) = L1(s) + L2(s);
consequently, by combining Eqs. (55), (56) and (49) one acquires

𝑈𝐴𝐶(𝑠) = [𝐹1(𝑠 + 𝑗𝜔0) + 𝐹1(𝑠 − 𝑗𝜔0)]
+ [𝐹2(𝑠 + 𝑗𝜔0) − 𝐹2(𝑠 − 𝑗𝜔0)] (57)

Replacing the particular values F1(s) and F2(s) as given by Eqs. (53) and (54) into Eq.
(57) and using (52) it is finally obtained as,

𝐻𝐴𝐶(𝑠) = [𝐻𝐷𝐶(𝑠 + 𝑗𝜔0) + 𝐻𝐷𝐶(𝑠 − 𝑗𝜔0)] (58)

Once the reference signal bandwidth is modest compared to the reference frequency,
utilising the method from low-pass to band-pass filter transformation technique that
is defined in filter creation. The corresponding AC regulator transfer function that
arises is as follows:

𝐻𝐴𝐶 2𝐾𝑖𝑠
(𝑠) = + (59)
𝑠 + 𝜔2
𝐾𝑃 0

This is noted that 2nd term of the resonant appears in the equation. This type of
configuration is frequently referred to as proportional Resonant (PR) controller.
Keeping in mind that at 0 frequency (for dc side), an integrator delivers
infinite gain. In contrast, the second term from (59) offers infinite gain at a frequency
ωn – the resonance frequency – that may not be zero, allowing for zero steady-state

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error at ωo.

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It's why the term "generalised integrator" is coined. The gain of the generalised
integrator is inversely proportional to the quality factor of the generalised integrator
resonant term from the standpoint of control strategy, it is important to incorporate the
internal model of the incoming signal as a Laplace transformation into the regulator in
order to nullify the steady-state error (removing the disturbance function in the
steady- state domain). If the exogenous is a step variance, for particular, a pole will be
inserted at the origin, that is equal to inserting a delta allocation in the Bode property
at ω = 0. The difference in this case is that the frequency feature is influenced over the
whole band. A double delta allocation is introduced at ω = 0 if such exogenous is a
ramp. Applying the same logic, a resonant component creating a delta allocation at the
resonance frequency (wn) must be incorporated in the controller in the event of a
harmonic interference (assuming either the detection of a harmonic reference or
exclusion of a harmonic disruption). This operation addresses the steady-state domain
Furthermore, either a state-space method or frequency-domain technique must
be used to overcome the closed-loop dynamic execution problem. In power
electronics regulation, the latter is more common. According to
dynamic execution requirements, model based on frequency (bode characteristic)
must be modified. The Proportional Integral controller is a type of PR that is utilised
when the frequency characteristic's delta allocation is set to ω = 0. In this situation,
the frequency characteristic is greatly influenced over the whole frequency range,
necessitating the employment of traditional root locus tuning techniques in the
intermediate frequency domain.

Fig. 3.9. Frequency response in ω domain of PR controller resonance

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Fig. 3.10. Frequency response in ω domain of PR controller after removal of resonance

The situation is identical with the PR controller, but the frequency aspect is
only adjusted locally, all around resonance frequency. The corresponding design
approaches are based on frequency and follow the same framework principle as PI
controllers. Moreover, several elements of power electronic converters are unique:
non- sinusoidal periodical pulses, frequency fluctuation (which necessitates adjusting
the internal plant poles), and so on. These features are not available for controllers
with poles at the origin.
Assume that the current regulator in Fig. 3.8. with the transfer function (TF)
is described in Eq. (49). The closed-loop TF in this example is

𝐻0 (𝑠) = 1 + 𝐻𝐴𝐶(𝑠)𝐻𝑃(𝑠)
𝑉𝐷𝐶 𝑠2 + 2𝐾 𝑠 + 𝐾 𝜔2)
(𝐾 𝑖 𝑃 0
𝐿 𝑃 (60)
𝑠3 + 1(𝐾𝑃𝑉𝐷𝐶 + 𝑟)𝑠2 + (𝜔2 + 2𝐾𝑖𝑉𝐷𝐶 𝜔 02
0 ) 𝑠 + 𝐿 (𝐾𝑃𝑉𝐷𝐶 +

The TF gain in (60) is computed as:

√𝐾2(𝜔2 − 𝜔2)2 + 4𝐾2𝜔2
𝐿 𝑃 0 𝑖
|𝐻0(𝑗𝜔)| = 2 (61)
1 2 2 2𝐾𝑖𝑉𝐷𝐶
√ 2 (𝐾𝑃𝑉𝐷𝐶 + 𝑟)2(𝜔0 − 𝜔 )2 +
𝜔2 (𝜔0 +
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− 𝜔2)

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and its phase shift or argument is:

𝜑0 = arg(𝐻0(𝑗𝜔))
𝜔𝐿 (𝜔2 + − 𝜔2)
2𝑉𝐷𝐶𝐾𝑖 −1 0 𝐿 ] (62)
= 𝑡𝑎𝑛 [ ] − 𝑡𝑎𝑛 [
𝐿𝐾𝑃(𝜔 − 𝜔 )
2 2
(𝐾𝑃𝑉𝐷𝐶 + 𝑟)(𝜔 − 𝜔 )
2 2
0 0

Both the equations (61) and (62) demonstrate that the mechanism has an ideal response,
with |H0(j)| = 1 and φ = 0⁰ for ω = ωo respectively. The closed-loop Bode charts in Fig.
3.10. also demonstrate this. The reduction of closed-loop gains, less abruptly for
high values of Kp, resulting in broad closed-loop frequency band and quick responses.

Comment At ω = ωo, the TF from the disruption VAC to the output yields infinite
attenuation, thereby rejecting the disturbance totally.

Ac controller TF is:

Meant for current:

𝐻𝐴 (𝑠) = 𝐾𝑃1 + (63)
𝑠 + 𝜔2
𝐶 0

Meant for voltage:

𝐻𝐴 (𝑠) = 𝐾𝑃2 + (64)
𝑠2 + 𝜔2
𝐶 0

Because of this resonant component (additional branch), the PR controller has an

extra term in this formulation of TF gain. The closed loop TF is used in this scenario.

𝐻 (𝑠) = (65)
1 + 𝐻𝐴𝐶(𝑠)𝐻𝑃(𝑠)

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Fig. 3.11. Flow diagram of BI with PR controller

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3.2. Simulation Results:

i) Input & Output voltage:

Fig: 3.12 Output Voltage vs time and Input voltage vs time graph (simulation result)

ii) P vs V & I vs V Characteristics of PV array:

Fig. depicts the P vs V & I vs V Characteristics of PV array. Here 1000

Irradiation and 25⁰C temperature is used

Fig: 3.13. P vs V & I vs V curve for applied PV array: 200W/div, 20V/div, 1A/div

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3.2.1. Boost inverter analysis with conventional PI control strategy: Output voltage:

Fig. 3.14. Output Voltage vs Time(s) curve for PI controller in feedback loop Output current:

Fig.3.15. Output Current vs Time(s) curve for PI controller in feedback loop

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Fig. 3.16. Capacitor Voltage (VC1) vs Time(s) curve for PI controller in feedback loop

Fig. 3.17. Capacitor Voltage (VC2) vs Time(s) curve for PI controller in feedback loop Inductor current:

Fig. 3.18. Inductor Current (IL1) vs Time(s) curve for PI controller in feedback loop

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Fig. 3.19. Inductor Current (IL2) vs Time(s) curve for PI controller in feedback loop THD:

Fig. 3.20. Mag(% of Fundamental) vs Frequency(Hz) curve for PI controller in feedback loop

3.2.2. Boost inverter analysis with Proportional Resonant

control strategy: Output voltage and current (Vo & Io):

The output voltage has the desired sinusoidal waveform. Comparing with the
fig. 8 & 9 it is clear that the output has been boosted and inverted. Output current is
also sinusoidal as the voltage graph with same phase due to resistive load. From the

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simulation results it can be seen that the settling time of the output voltage and current
is same and the value is 0.08s.

Fig. 3.21. Output voltage and current feeding to the grid : peak value of voltage = 283.2 V & current =
2.85A, frequency = 50hz, 200 V/div, 2 A/div, 0.01 sec/div Capacitor voltage (Vc1 & Vc2):

Peak value of Capacitor voltage is 315V but output Voltage is 283

approximately. This difference is coming due to the minimal voltage stage variation
of the second converter which is in resonating state. Phase difference is 180 ⁰ for V C1
& VC2 as well as IL1 & IL2.

Fig. 3.22. Capacitor voltage of VC1 & VC2: peak value of VC1 & VC2 = 321 V & Phase difference
between VC1 & VC2 = 180⁰, frequency = 50hz, 100 V/div, 0.01 sec/div

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Inductor current IL1 & IL2 is also in 180⁰ phase difference similar to
capacitor voltage phase.

Fig. 3.23. Inductor current IL1 & IL2: peak value of inductor current IL1 & IL2 = 31A, frequency = 50hz,
20 A/div, 0.01 sec/div
Input Voltage & Current (vpv & ipv):

Due to the nonuniformity of irradiation in the PV array there is ripple in the


Fig. 3.24. Input voltage: due to the ripple from PV array peak value of voltage = 180 V & current = 25
A, 50 V/div, 0.05 sec/div

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Input Voltage & Current RMS value (vpvrms & ipvrms):

Fig. 3.25. Input Voltage RMS value of PV array steady state value of voltage = 115 V

Fig. 3.26. Input voltage and current RMS value: current = 15 A, 20 V/div, 50 A/div, 0.1 sec/div

Page | Gate Pulses:

For one cycle switch 2 and switch 3 is activated and for another cycle switch 1
and switch 4 is activated, that is shown in the Fig. with their consecutive phases.

Fig. 3.27. Switching of 4 PWM signal (S1, S2, S3, S4): Peak value 1, 0.2 unit/div, 0.01 sec/div THD:

The output voltage we are getting has a THD value of approximately 7.90%
That is measured from 1s for 3 cycle

Fig. 3.28. Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) of Output Voltage: At frequency = 50hz fundamental
value is 266.1V

Page | Output Current and Voltage for variable Load:

With the variable load, output voltage is almost fixed (varying in a minimum
range) but current is changing and settling according to it. When the resistive load is
increasing current is decreased. Data changes according it is given in the following

Table 3.2. Output Current and Voltage with variable Load

R(ohm) Voltage(V) Current(A)

(Peak value) (Peak value)
60 240 4
80 245 3
100 248 2.5

Fig. 3.29. Output Current and Voltage with variable load

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Fig. 3.30. Output Current and Voltage with variable load: Load varying from 60 ohm to 80 ohm

Fig. 3.31. Output Current and Voltage with variable load: Load varying from 80 ohm to 100 ohm Output Current with variable Irradiance:

Current is also dependent on the irradiance of the model. With the

increment of irradiance current magnitude is also increasing

Table 3.3. Output current with variable load

Irradiance Current (Peak)

500 2.32
1000 2.55
2000 2.7

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Fig. 3.32. Output current varying with the change of irradiance on PV array

Fig. 3.33. Output current varying with the change of irradiance on PV array: Irradiance varying
from 200W/m2-2000W/m2

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3.3. Hardware:
3.3.1. Component ratings:

Table 3.4. for Voltage, Current, Power rating calculation

COMP- V- V- I- I- 𝒅𝑽 𝒅𝑰

S1 0.5V -87V 30A -30A 160 52

0.0025 0.0025
/s /s
S2 350V -0.5V 30A -30A 530 52
0.0025 0.0025
/s /s
S3 87V -0.25V 30A -30A 204 52
0.0025 0.0025
/s /s
S4 340V -0.5V 30A -30A 521 52
0.0025 0.0025
/s /s
L1 120V -220V 30A -25A −401 52
0.0025 0.0025
/s /s
L2 120V -220V 30A -30A −406 52
0.0025 0.0025
/s /s
C1 340V 60V 30A -26A 530 50
0.0025 0.0025
/s /s
C2 340V 60V 30A 26A 520 50
0.0025 0.0025
/s /s
OUTPUT 2.65V −500
VOLTAGE 0.0025
OUTPUT 1.5A 2.15
CURRENT 0.0025

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3.3.2. Hardware Set up:

Fig. 3.34. Hardware set up of Boost Inverter

Fig. 3.35. Output voltage at dSpace

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Fig. 3.36. output current at dSpace

Fig. 3.37. Voltage across capacitor at dSpace

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Fig. 3.38. Current across Inductor dSpace

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4.1 Conclusion

4.2 Future Scope

4.3 References

4.4 Publication

4.5 Plagiarism Report

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4.1. Conclusion:
An efficient Proportional Resonant controller with boost inverter is presented
in this article. Grid integrated boost inverter output voltage and current with PR
controller in contrast with the output, that is simulated with the PI controller, possess
low harmonic content. For DC reference control strategy PI is able to remove the
steady-state error. But in case of AC reference as the reference is changed it cannot
track the value and difficult to eliminate the steady-state error. In this proposed
strategy this conflict is solved with the resonant branch of the PR controller. Transfer
function analysis for boost inverter as well as for PR controller is done to tune the
controller with respect to the grid for application purpose. Total Harmonic Distortion
is also evaluated for both the controller output voltage, that shows enough small
distortion to PR with respective to the PI performance. Fig. 9 depicts the Total
Harmonic Distortion (THD) for Boost Inverter with PI controller. At fundamental
frequency (50 Hz) peak value is 250.8V. THD is calculated (in MATLAB Simulation)
as 26.65%. Due to high value of THD this result is not acceptable for grid application.
Fig. 16 illustrates a comparatively low THD value in the case of PR controller. Here
at fundamental frequency (50 Hz) peak value is 251.4V. From there THD is
calculated as 2.93%, that is very low and is acceptable for application purpose. As a
result, a generalised TF model of the SSBI is created and presented in order to address
the SSBI's control concerns and improve the converter's system's response. The SSBI
integrated with a PV-powered Grid power system and the suitable PR Controller has
been deployed.

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4.2. Future Scope:
For the goal of upcoming power regulation, the dissertation attempted to
overcome various technological barriers. Although extensive study has been
conducted and some answers have been discovered, the following proposals
for upcoming research enhancement of the quality of research in the field are made

Advanced Control issues:

1. The proposed converter operates with simple structure of modulation and

control strategy. For example, proper control techniques may be employed to improve
effectiveness such as transient response.

2. Designing the right converter control process to eradicate complex control

structure of grid tied solar PV inverter for desired response such as low harmonic

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4.4. Publication:

[1] M. Mahato, S S Kumar, P K Ojha, A Alam, A Kumar, “Solar Fed Boost Inverter
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IEEE conference on IOT and Blockchain Technology, 2022 (Accepted and
proceeded for publication)

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