Partner Choice Decision Making
Partner Choice Decision Making
Partner Choice Decision Making
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Ryan Schacht
East Carolina University
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Original Article
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Uncertainty about fitness-enhancing traits in a potential mate, as well as variability in social and ecological envi-
Initial receipt 28 June 2014 ronments, favors the use of multiple cues in selecting a partner. Though how individuals respond with adaptive
Final revision received 7 May 2015 mating preferences is an open question. Here we investigate mate choice decision making among the Makushi
of Guyana and compare two competing approaches: 1) a prioritized trait approach, in which preferences are
determined by the independent evaluation of relevant partner traits; and 2) an integrative approach, in which
Sexual selection
Mate choice
preferences are determined by reducing multiple, interrelated traits to a few latent dimensions. Within these
Sex ratio two approaches we measure the effects of several key factors — sex, adult sex ratio, and community-to-
Item response models community variability — thought to pattern preferences. We find support for cue integration and contextual
variability in preferences. Sex and adult sex ratio are weak predictors of preferences in the Makushi: preferences
are best explained by unstructured community effects. These findings highlight two key issues in mate choice
studies: 1) simple biologically-based models do not seem adequate to explain variation in preferences, either
within or among populations; and 2) while context, generally speaking, matters in determining preferences, we
lack theoretically-informed predictions about relevant contextual factors. The importance of cues, as well as
what they signal in a potential partner, is likely to vary with location-specific factors that are yet unexplored.
© 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction Within the two approaches, patterns of mate choice are often
thought to rest on a long-standing model of sexual selection, which
In sexually reproducing species the choice of a mate is key to fitness links differential parental investment to sex-differences in optimal mat-
(Andersson, 1994; Bateson, 1983). Research on mate choice has primarily ing rates (Trivers, 1972). A newer model pays attention to evolutionary
focused on identifying preferred traits, insofar as these serve as sig- feedbacks that can strongly influence sex roles and subsequent patterns
nals of the potential benefits a mate may offer (reviewed in of sex-differentiated behavior (Kokko & Jennions, 2008). In this paper
Andersson, 1994), be they direct (e.g., parental investment) or indirect we will explore mate choice decision-making by measuring the relative
(e.g., immunocompetence). Far from involving simple decisions, selec- empirical support for the two approaches (prioritized vs. integrated
tion of a mate likely requires paying attention to multiple, potentially traits) as a function of sex and population-level parameters.
competing, signals. It is an open question how individuals utilize infor-
mation from multiple cues to make an adaptive mate choice decision.
In general, signals are thought to be organized in one of two ways: 1.1. Why multiple cues?
1) as a collection of independently relevant traits, each reflecting a
single property of a potential partner and varying in importance to The emphasis, historically, within the study of mate choice was on
the individual making the choice (the "chooser"; reviewed in Candolin, the experimental manipulation of a single cue in homogenous environ-
2003); or 2) as suites of interrelated characters, in which relationships ments (reviewed in Gerhardt, 1992). This work, while usefully
between traits are as important to the chooser as the traits themselves highlighting the traits which could serve as cues of mate quality, poorly
(e.g., Jennions & Petrie, 1997). We call the former the “prioritized traits” reflected actual animal displays that consisted of multiple cues
approach and the latter the “integrated traits” approach, acknowledging (e.g., Dale & Slagsvold, 1996; Hill et al., 1999; Kodric-Brown & Nicoletto,
that these terms of convenience are imperfect. A central aim of our 2001). Additionally, studies revealed that individual reproductive deci-
analysis is to learn whether individuals choosing mates seem to take a sions change by age, condition, experience and context (reviewed in
prioritized, or alternatively a more integrated, approach when evaluat- Miller & Svensson, 2014). For example, in a well-known study among
ing traits of potential partners. lark buntings, Chaine and Lyon (2008) found the traits associated with
male pairing success to be highly variable from year to year, highlight-
ing temporal flexibility in female choice. Thus, variation in the social
⁎ Corresponding author. and ecological environment, as well as among individuals, influences
E-mail address: [email protected] (R. Schacht). which traits are potentially fitness-enhancing, thereby favoring
1090-5138/© 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
R. Schacht, M. Grote / Evolution and Human Behavior 36 (2015) 456–466 457
multiple signals and reinforcing the need to pay attention to multiple traits, men's preferences for reproductive capacity and women's prefer-
traits (Bro-Jorgensen, 2010). ences for investment potential are generally treated as human univer-
Additionally, organisms have to make decisions under uncertainty, sals. While the evidence is quite impressive, the methodology and
as individual traits may not be reliable signals of underlying quality or theory underlying these findings can be productively critiqued.
the condition of a potential mate (Brunswik, 1955). Because of this First, almost all of the work on human mate preferences has been
uncertainty, several traits, each related to underlying condition but based on questionnaire responses from college undergraduates
likely only offering partial information, may need to be attended to. (Aspendorf & Penke, 2005; Gray, Heaney, & Fairhall, 2003; Griffiths,
Thus variation in trait priorities, or in how preferences for different traits 2001; Laland & Brown, 2011), generally from the US or western
are combined, may arise due to individual and contextual factors Europe. These populations are relatively easy to sample from and are
(reviewed in Bro-Jorgensen, 2010). worthy of study, however the generalizability of findings from such
Mate choice interactions are likely even more dynamic and sensitive samples can be questioned (Henrich, Heine, & Norenzayan, 2010;
to individual and contextual-level variables in species with mutual mate Smith, Borgerhoff Mulder, & Hill, 2001). Additionally, some studies
choice and biparental investment (Bergstrom & Real, 2000; Hooper & that purport to be cross cultural (Buss, 1989; Schmitt, 2005) draw on
Miller, 2008; Johnstone, Reynolds, & Deutsch, 1996; Kokko & Johnstone, university students in developing nations, who may be even less repre-
2002). For example, in humans, cues that may signal underlying male sentative of their local populations (Beckerman, 2005). Studies that do
quality may also be associated with lower levels of parental investment look outside the west generally find results counter to conventions:
(due to that male's attractiveness to a larger number of mates) causing for example, among the Shuar (Pillsworth, 2008) and Hadza
females to make trade-offs over multiple cues when selecting a mate (Marlowe, 2004) there was little support for a difference between
(Scheib, 2001). men and women in preferences for physical attractiveness. Additional-
ly, a recent study using data from 12 societies, both industrialized and
1.2. Patterning of choice (prioritized traits vs. integrated traits) non-industrialized, found no consistent gender differences in partner
preferences (Scott et al., 2014).
Mate choice studies of humans have successfully documented many Second, a reformulated theory of sexual selection critiques the sim-
important individual traits used in selecting partners (e.g., body mass plistic labeling of reproductive roles by gender based on inherent sex
index, waist to hip ratio, physical attractiveness, social status, kindness, differences in parental investment (Kokko & Jennions, 2008). As in
and honesty; reviewed in Gangestad & Scheyd, 2005). The prioritized nonhumans (Clutton-Brock, 2007), patterns of sexual selection on
trait approach is useful for understanding mate selection in terms of men and women can be highly variable (Borgerhoff Mulder, 2009;
the traits that are more or less important to the chooser. However, Brown, Laland, & Mulder, 2009; Scelza, 2011). Reproductive strategies
relationships between the chooser's preferences across multiple traits are not an invariant, species-specific characteristic, but rather faculta-
may be lost in trait-by-trait comparisons (Miller, 1997). In a classic tive responses to individual- and population-level social and ecological
and approachable example of trait integration, Moller et al. (1998) circumstances (e.g., Nettle, 2009; Owens & Thompson, 1994; Szekely,
find, when looking at male traits of song-rate and tail length among Webb, & Cuthill, 2000) requiring conditional decision-making
barn swallows (Hirundo rustica), that females do not simply have a (Gangestad & Simpson, 2000; Nettle, Coall, & Dickins, 2011).
greater preference for one trait over the other (i.e. they do not find To counter concerns of (1) western overrepresentation and
support for a prioritized trait approach). Instead, the importance (2) simplistic parental investment models, we conduct our study
females place on male song-rate depends on male tail length (see among the Makushi of Guyana, measuring the support for a sexual
Kodric-Brown & Nicoletto, 2001; Scheib, 2001 for similar findings in selection framework in which evolutionary feedbacks are predicted to
guppies and humans respectively). influence sex roles and subsequent patterns of sex-differentiated
In general, studies of mate choice take the prioritized trait approach, investment in mating effort (Kokko, Klug, & Jennions, 2012). A key
treating each cue as one of a list of independently relevant characteris- feature of this framework is its game-theoretical foundation (Kokko &
tics in a potential partner (e.g., Lippa, 2007). However, there is increas- Jennions, 2008), in which sex roles are partly determined by the relative
ing interest in exploring how traits interact in a synergistic manner scarcity of the sexes (e.g. Fromhage, Elgar, & Schneider, 2005). As a
(Jennions & Petrie, 1997), focusing on variation and covariation in trait consequence, sex-structured pay-offs depending on the adult sex ratio
preferences. This has led to the integrated trait approach (Miller, (ASR) generate predictions of sex-differentiated behavior. For example,
1997), which argues that relationships among traits are essential for when females are in surplus, males may be able to leverage their
understanding mate choice. relative scarcity, behaving promiscuously and offering little parental
investment yet still obtaining mating opportunities. In contrast, when
1.3. Variables influencing mate choice females are scarce, males may need to show a commitment to marriage
and family in order to secure mating opportunities. The adult sex ratio
The study of reproductive decision-making typically relies on the is therefore expected to play an important role in the patterning of
long-standing model of sexual selection developed by Trivers (1972). preferences (Schacht, Rauch, & Mulder, 2014; see Table 1). While
This model links mate choice preferences directly to differential invest- some authors have explored sex ratio effects on reproductive decision
ment in young by males and females. In humans, because investment by making (Pedersen, 1991; Schmitt, 2005), they nevertheless assume
women is more obligatory (through gestation and lactation), they are that sex ratios will impact mating strategies as proposed by PI theory
expected to pay close attention to a partner's ability to provide
resources. In contrast, because a woman's reproductive value declines Table 1
with age, men are expected to pay close attention to physical attractive- Traits of greatest importance to males and females choosing partners, according to tradi-
ness, as it serves as a signal of fertility (Symons, 1979). tional and reformulated sexual selection theories.
Variability in preferences driven by contextual factors and cultural
Traditional (sex) Reformulated (sex * ASR)
norms (e.g. partner chastity; Buss et al., 1990) has long been acknowl-
Males Physical attractiveness, Male-biased ASR: Female-biased ASR:
edged in studies of mate choice. However, and in line with predictions
faithfulness faithfulness, good physical attractiveness,
from traditional sexual selection theory, findings of men's preferences parent health
for physical attractiveness and women's preferences for resources are Females Resources, social status Male-biased ASR: Female-biased ASR:
quite robust across the literature (Buss, 1989; Buss et al., 1990; Li faithfulness, good physical attractiveness,
et al., 2002; Schmitt, 2005; Shackelford, Schmitt, & Buss, 2005). So parent health
while gender differences in preferences are not expected across all Desired partner traits are in italics.
458 R. Schacht, M. Grote / Evolution and Human Behavior 36 (2015) 456–466
Table 2
Models and their predictions.
A community effect is included in all models, and the fixed effect for sex is included in
models containing the ASR × sex interaction. Thus, a nested sequence of increasingly
complex models is produced by moving from top to bottom in the table.
(Emlen & Oring, 1977), namely that men will invest more in mating
effort when they are more numerous than women.
The predictive variables and contrasting approaches for patterning
choice can be thought of as existing in distinct theoretical domains.
The traditional sex-based and newer evolutionary feedback frameworks
are both compatible with either the prioritized or integrated trait
approaches. For example, integrated traits may be strongly patterned
by sex alone, or prioritized traits may be best explained by both sex Fig. 1. Map of Guyana and field site locations.
and ASR.
We will measure the support for models of mate choice involving
nested combinations of a) community effects, b) sex, and c) ASR, in her family (although a father may take sons) but are expected to be
two ways (prioritized vs. integrated traits; Table 2). In doing so, we provided for by a stepfather if the mother remarries.
not only examine variables that influence mate choice but also tackle
the newer issue of how humans evaluate traits in potential partners: 2.2. Data collection
as separate pieces of information or as an integrated package.
We conducted the mate choice preference survey across eight
2. Methods Makushi communities (Fig. 1). We first conducted a full census to deter-
mine the community composition. We then randomly sampled a
2.1. Study population minimum of 30 individuals from each village for a total of 148 men
and 152 women aged 18–45 (Table 3). We asked respondents to answer
The Makushi inhabit the Rupununi savannas of south-western questions regarding the importance of partner traits operationalized
Guyana, region 9. Living along the border with Brazil, this ethnic through 10 items: financial resources, physical attractiveness, faith-
group shares many cultural traits with other groups from the Xingu fulness, parenting qualities, social status, health, desire for children,
Basin. These include shifting cultivation, a focus on bitter cassava, devotion, hardworking, and strength of family bonds. These traits
matrilocal marriage, the performance of bride-service before marriage, were selected based on their ubiquity in the mate-choice literature
and fairly egalitarian gender relationships (Schacht, 2013). While (see Buston & Emlen, 2003) and pilot-tested to ensure cultural appro-
premarital sex is not disapproved, and is an expected avenue to secure priateness. Respondents rated each item with an item score, using a
a partner (Myers, 1993), the Makushi generally marry monogamously five-point scale (1 = not at all important, through 5 = very important).
and extended families typically share one residential area (Forte, In order to minimize response bias and other potential data-quality
1996). Makushi marriages are generally endogamous, in that mates problems, our study protocol incorporated: a) a long (16 month) period
are usually selected from within the village community (Myers, 1993). of fieldwork during which community rapport could be built across
As elsewhere in Guyana, outmigration has led to considerable each of the villages, b) gender-matched interviewers and interviewees
between-community variation in ASR, as men and women search for and c) the use of a nonverbal response card method (Lindstrom et al.,
economic opportunities. Principle activities for men are mining, cattle 2010) to guarantee the privacy of the interviewee's response, even
ranching, agricultural work and logging, activities which occur mainly from the interviewer. Furthermore, we asked questions using regional
in the more remote areas of the Rupununi or in the forested regions at colloquial language, after pilot-testing the wording of questions for
the center of the country, whereas women are attracted to urban salience. In this way we tried to make sure respondents understood
areas (such as the capital of Roraima in neighboring Brazil) and the what was being asked of them.
larger interior Guyanese towns (such as Lethem) in search of shop
and domestic work (Gafar, 2004).
Table 3
Community-level ASR strongly structures marital options for endoga- Descriptive statistics for each community.
mous marriage, but men are still expected to perform bride-service
in order to marry. This traditionally involved a year of service by the pro- Community ASR Men:Women # Men # Women Total
(18–45 years) interviewed interviewed population
spective husband, in which he clears and farms fields for his in-laws
while building a new dwelling nearby for himself and his wife. Men A 0.93 125:135 29 29 745
H 1.11 70:63 15 15 415
and women typically marry only once or twice, and conventions are
F 1.13 70:62 15 15 407
similar across all marriages, with men providing bride-service and E 1.16 87:75 18 19 596
thereafter bearing considerable responsibility to provide for their wives G 1.22 73:60 20 20 432
and children (including stepchildren who are valuable helpers) through D 1.33 80:60 19 19 406
farming, fishing and various forms of wage labor (Myers, 1993). At B 1.35 27:20 15 15 162
C 1.43 57:40 17 20 310
divorce, children remain largely the responsibility of the mother and
R. Schacht, M. Grote / Evolution and Human Behavior 36 (2015) 456–466 459
2.3. Statistical approach this approach in order to give models the greatest latitude to find sex
differences if they exist.
In order to weigh the evidence in our sample for different notions
about the cognition underlying mate choice, we evaluate the relative
support for nine theoretically-informed models fitted to the observa- 2.3.2. Integrated traits
tions. Here, and in the Supplementary Online Materials S1–S4 (available Here we consider six models using a dimension reduction approach.
on the journal's website at, we describe our In using dimension reduction, we assume that an individual's response
approach to estimation and comparison of prioritized trait models profile expresses interrelated preferences across items that can be re-
(I–III) and integrated trait models (IV–IX). All models are fitted by duced to a smaller number of variables. These variables are unobserved,
computationally-intensive Bayesian methods. Bayesian methods are a and we refer to them as latent traits; they are theoretical constructs
practical (more than an ideological) choice here, for two main reasons: analogous to intelligence or leadership ability (e.g., Gardner, 1983;
1) the models are relatively “large”, containing many parameters to Stogdill & Coons, 1957). It is unclear whether dimension reduction of
infer, yet our main interests lie in a small subset of these parameters interrelated preferences should aim for a unidimensional or multidi-
or in whole-model comparisons; 2) the integrated trait models mensional trait. For example, is one axis ranging from low to high
(IV–IX) present problems of identification (see S2), which can be adequate to explain variation in response profiles? Previous findings
partly remedied by appropriate choices of prior distributions. Com- suggest that this may be overly simplistic (Botwin, Buss, & Shackelford,
putational Bayesian methods naturally accommodate these needs. 1997) and that there may be multiple axes in play (e.g., individuals may
All models I–IX contain basic linear equations (see S1) of familiar be placed low on one axis yet high on another). Accordingly we examine
regression form. both one and two dimensional models. We return to the question of
additional dimensions in the Discussion.
2.3.1. Prioritized traits A traditional dimension reduction approach used in psychometrics
Within the prioritized trait approach we consider three nested or- is factor analysis. This is most suitable when the observed variables —
dered logit models (community, sex, and ASR; Table 2; S1). Ordered here items — have Gaussian distributions. However, a preliminary
logit regression models are used when the responses — here, item check showed that ordinary factor analysis would be a poor choice for
scores — are ordered categories. All items and individuals are included our sample: the item score distributions are discrete and very skewed
in each model. The direction and magnitude of effects in these models (see Fig. 2); and the variance/covariance matrix computed from the
are allowed to vary freely and are unique to each item. For example, item scores had several negative eigenvalues. A slightly better option
we do not require sex-specific differences in the importance of social is to build a factor model on the polychoric correlation matrix, which
status and financial resources to conform to expected patterns of strong treats the item scores as thresholded continuous variables (Grilli &
female preference (e.g., Buss, 1989; Shackelford et al., 2005; Stewart, Rampichini, 2003). However, again the matrix was ill-conditioned,
Stinnett, & Rosenfeld, 2000). However, if those preferences do exist in and it was clear that an approach better suited to our ordinal variables
the sample they will be reflected by the estimated effects. We take was needed.
Fig. 2. Item score distributions by sex: Side-by-side histograms of item score frequencies. The x-axis indicates the frequency in the sample of each response option by sex (males in light
gray and females in dark gray). Axis scaling varies by item in order to accommodate different levels of variation.
460 R. Schacht, M. Grote / Evolution and Human Behavior 36 (2015) 456–466
Item response models were developed by quantitative psychologists family bonds as “very important”. The frequent use of the response
due to the need for appropriate dimension reduction techniques for “very important” produces highly skewed score distributions for most
data sets sharing features of ours (Hambleton, Swaminathan, & Rogers, items and pre-empts the use of traditional analytic tools built on Gaussian
1991). Like factor analysis, item response models contain a linear distributions (such as factor analysis). Sampling strategies involving
prediction equation involving one or more latent variables, and aim to “forced choices”, in which respondents rank items in order of importance
connect variation and covariation in the observed variables to the latent or allocate points to each item out of a fixed total, may help to circumvent
variables. However, unlike factor analysis, an appropriate link function such ceiling effects. The ordered logit and item response models we use
is required to transform the linear predictor to the scale of the manifest here are not troubled by ceiling effects, provided that item scores are at
variables. The item response model establishes the position of each least moderately variable.
individual in a latent space, and derives probabilities of responses to Fig. 2 aggregates responses for each item across individuals by sex, in
multiple observed manifest variables as a function of item parameters effect breaking each person's multivariate response profile (consisting
and the individual's position in the space. Essential to the questions at of a sequence such as financial resources = “very important”, physical
hand is the possibility to include fixed effects, such as sex and ASR, as attractiveness = “fairly important”, etc.) into univariate parts. Looking
well as contextual (“random”) effects in the linear predictor (see at Fig. 2, it could be imagined that a small number of common response
Table 2 and S1). This facility allows us to estimate the effects of commu- profiles are shared by many individuals, but this is not the case: each of
nity, sex and ASR on the latent trait. Bayesian methods built on Markov the n = 300 response profiles in the sample is unique. We understand
Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms make it possible to fit and this to mean that preferences do indeed vary across the sample, and
compare these item response models (structured as in Table 2; Zhu & that individuals evaluated how their preferences differ across traits.
Stone, 2012).
3.2. Model comparisons
2.3.3. Community effects
All community predictors in Table 2 are random intercepts, included In Table 4 we display pseudo Bayes model weights, which allow us
to capture unmeasured community-to-community heterogeneity in to compare the relative support for each model. Our principle finding
trait preferences. The intercepts are community-specific (as well as is that the prioritized trait models (I–III) and unidimensional (1-D) inte-
trait-specific in the prioritized trait models), and act to adjust grated trait models (IV–VI) are not competitive when compared to the
community-average preferences to a theoretical population baseline. two dimensional (2-D) integrated trait models (VII–IX; Table 4). Of
These predictors are “unstructured”, in the sense that they are not the 2-D models, model VII, with random effects for community, is the
derived from direct measurements of community-level variables such best-supported model. Notably, our best model does not include the
as ASR. They can be used interpretively to ask whether unobserved respondent's sex as a predictor of preferences, even though sex has
community-level (“contextual”) factors may act as important sources been found important in many previous studies of mate choice. An
of variation in preferences. We understand the inclusion of community additional surprise is that models containing the adult sex ratio as a
random effects to be both facilitated, and required by, the multi-level predictor are relatively uncompetitive, in spite of recent findings
nature of our dataset (consisting of individuals nested within eight showing a relationship between mating effort and ASR in this popula-
communities). Merlo et al. (2005) motivate the use of community tion (Schacht & Borgerhoff Mulder, 2015).
random effects as tools for detecting contextual phenomena in datasets
of similar form. 3.3. What about sex differences?
2.3.4. Model comparisons In mate-choice studies, sex is often argued to be a primary determi-
We perform posterior predictive calculations, consequently producing nant of reproductive strategies. Here we examine this claim, investigate
evidence ratios and model weights, in order to compare the relative the relationship between sex and trait preferences in our sample and
support for models I–IX (see Ntzoufras, 2009 sections 10.4, 11.10). We offer an explanation as to why sex is not a predictor in our best model.
understand comparison of the different models — which themselves
mirror different notions about how mates are chosen — as an attractive 3.3.1. Prioritized trait models
alternative to traditional hypothesis testing. This weight-of-evidence According to the prioritized trait approach, each trait is one of a list of
strategy keeps all models in play, but highlights those that are better independently relevant individual characteristics. Within this approach
supported by the observations. Gelfand, Dey, and Chang (1992) give a we measure the effects of three variables (community, sex, and ASR;
rationale for the specific approach to model comparison used here, Table 2). Based on logCPO values (Table 4), model II, with a unique
and point to advantages provided by computational Bayesian estima-
tion. The basic quantity calculated is a conditional predictive ordinate Table 4
(CPO) for each observed person-and-item score (see S4). CPOs are Posterior predictive calculations and model weights.
specific to each model, and can be combined across persons and items
to produce model-wide summaries broadly analogous to information
measures such as the deviance information criterion (DIC; Spiegelhalter
et al., 2002).
3. Results
To begin our investigation we examine the item score distributions LogCPO is calculated for each model as described in S4. Models are nested within classes; for
by sex (Fig. 2). What is initially striking is that the modal response for example, model IV is nested within models V and VI in the class of integrative 1-dimensional
all items, except desire for children, is “very important”, the highest models. Δlog CPO is the natural logarithm of the pseudo Bayes factor (a type of evidence
category. A visual inspection suggests that preferences vary by sex ratio) for each model compared to model VII, the best-supported model in the set. Pseudo
Bayes weights are calculated from Δlog CPO as described in S4. Model weights may
(males in light gray, females in dark gray) for at least some traits: exaggerate the support for model VII in comparison to the other two-dimensional models
more men than women rate physical attractiveness as “very important” (VIII and IX). The logCPO scores of the 2-D models are very similar; however model VII is
and more women than men rate financial resources and strength of the best model by a small amount.
R. Schacht, M. Grote / Evolution and Human Behavior 36 (2015) 456–466 461
Fig. 3. Model II, prioritized traits by sex: posterior means and 95% credibility intervals for Fig. 4. Model V, 1-D sex: response probability curves for the item physical attractiveness
the linear predictor (ζij) in model II, evaluated for male subjects. For each item the uncer- along with community- and sex-specific densities for the latent trait. For each value on
tainty about the linear predictor has two components: 1) uncertainty about the sex effect the horizontal axis, the curves of the upper panel give the probabilities of each response
and 2) uncertainty about the community random effect. Here we distinguish these sources option; these probabilities sum to 1. To obtain the lower panel we calculated the posterior
of uncertainty: the dark gray segment shows the 95% credibility interval for the sex effect mean of the linear predictor for each individual (λj) from model V (individual positions
and the lighter gray segment shows the 95% credibility interval for the community are represented by ticks along the axis, females in black and males in gray). We then
random effect, averaged across communities. We recover sex differences for three estimated kernel densities of the λjs for each sex in each community (16 densities in all,
items: male subjects value physical attractiveness in a partner more than female subjects, females in black and males in gray) and superimposed these above the axis. In model V
but the converse holds for strength of family bonds and financial resources. For these items there is a single axis and a single male:female contrast α, therefore the lower panel is
the credibility intervals for the sex effects are bounded away from zero. the same for all traits. The item response curves displayed in the upper panel will vary
in appearance across items, depending on discrimination (βi) and cut point parameters
(see S1).
sex effect for each item, is the best of the three prioritized trait models
(ordering the logCPOs of models I–III from most- to least-negative
produces an ordering of least-supported to best-supported models). difference in preferences for this trait, and because we found a sex effect
This is a reassuring finding given the apparent sex differences in several for this item using the prioritized trait approach. For each value on the
item score distributions (Fig. 2). In Fig. 3 we display estimated linear horizontal axis (lower panel), the curves of the upper panel give the
predictors for item scores in model II. For a given item the linear probabilities of each response option. Therefore a person with a position
predictor is the sum of a community effect and a sex effect (see S1). close to 0 on the latent trait will respond “very important” with proba-
Items rated higher by males tend to have positive linear predictors bility near 0.5, and “fairly important” with probability near 0.3. The
whereas those rated higher by females tend to have negative linear superimposed densities of the bottom panel show where male and
predictors. Although most of the variation in item scores is attributable female respondents of each community lie on the axis. Left-to-right
to community effects, we nonetheless recover sex differences for three shifts of the densities reflect sex and community differences in place-
items: strength of family bonds, financial resources, and physical attrac- ment along the axis. The response probability curves for other items
tiveness (the first two have a higher female rating and the last has a will vary depending on item-specific parameters; but because the latent
higher male rating). For each of these items, the sex effect (αi), an addi- variable and the male–female contrast α are shared across items in the
tive term in the linear predictor, is statistically well supported and 1-D model, the lower panel is the same for all items.
distinguishable from zero. We have thus confirmed, within the priori- We see considerable overlap in the distributions of males and
tized trait approach, two key predictions of PI theory following Buss females across communities. If male–female differences were large
et al. (1990): females prefer partners who can provide resources, and and communities were not important sources of variation, we would
males prefer physically attractive, fertile partners. While high female see two sets of distributions, well separated by sex but indistinguishable
ratings for strength of family bonds are not suggested by PI theory, by community. Instead, in this sample demanding individuals of either
they do fit quite neatly with a general reliance of Makushi women on sex find physical attractiveness “very important” in a partner. Thus, if
extended kin to meet household resource needs. the goal is to predict the importance of physical attractiveness, the sex
of the respondent is of limited value.
3.3.2. Integrated trait models: one latent dimension
Under the 1-D approach, item responses are functions of a single 3.3.3. Integrated trait models: two latent dimensions
latent variable capturing interrelated preferences. Among the 1-D Fig. 5 shows response probability curves for physical attractiveness
models, the model with community and sex effects (model V) is best and densities for the two latent dimensions of the 2-D model with sex.
supported by logCPO (Table 4). Here the apparent utility of sex as a As a feature of the model, the response probability curves for physical
predictor resembles our finding from the prioritized trait approach. attractiveness, as well as the densities, are different for dimensions
To continue our evaluation of sex and its effects on preferences, we one and two. As for the 1-D model, within a dimension the latent
turn to Fig. 4. Here we show the response probability curves for the variable and the male–female contrast are shared across all items,
item physical attractiveness in the top panel and densities of the latent while the response probability curves vary across items as a function
variable by sex and location in the bottom. Physical attractiveness was of item-specific parameters. A slight separation between male and
selected because mate-choice studies typically find a robust sex female densities is present in dimension 1, but sex differences are
462 R. Schacht, M. Grote / Evolution and Human Behavior 36 (2015) 456–466
Fig. 5. Model VIII, 2-D sex: response probability curves for the item physical attractiveness along with community- and sex-specific densities for the latent variables on dimensions 1 and 2.
These graphs display model VIII, but details of their construction are as in Fig. 4.
difficult to detect in dimension 2. Physical attractiveness tends to be individuals in the four quadrants (indicated by light grey vertical and
“very important” to individuals positive on dimension 1; interestingly, horizontal lines). We label the horizontal dimension (D-1) “general
a few female respondents occupy the positive extremes of this dimen- demand” because positively placed individuals are more likely to use
sion. The polarity is reversed along dimension 2, where individuals in the response option “very important” when rating items. However,
the positive extremes appear to be relatively indifferent to physical individuals negatively placed in D-1 are not simply undemanding, but
attractiveness in a potential partner. As in the 1-D model, sex is of instead are selective in their preferences, rating some traits “very
limited value in predicting placement along the axes. important” but other traits notably less important. Therefore the two
dimensions should not be interpreted independently of each other.
3.4. The “best” model: 2-dimensions with community effect We label the vertical dimension (D-2), “natal tendencies”, with
individuals positive on the dimension rating the desire for children as
While we have focused on the predictor sex, our best model (model “very important”.
VII) does not include it. To understand this result graphically we turn to
Fig. 6. Here we plot individual placement along the two dimensions, for
the 2-D model including only random intercepts for community. We do
not see distinct groupings by sex, as would be expected if the sex of the
respondent were informative about their position in the latent space.
Instead the latent positions of males and females appear to be well
mixed across the two dimensions. We return to model VII interpretively
in the next section.
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