Self Management Skills-XII

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Sf Management Skls -IV

Self-motivation is the capacity to complete tasks without external pressure from other people or
circumstances. Motivation is the inner need to do something.
Self-motivation is important because
• It increases individual’s energy and activity.
• It directs an individual towards specific goals.
• It results in initiation and persistence of specific activities
• It affects cognitive processes and learning strategies used for completing similar tasks.
Finding and listing motives:
Different authors categorise motivation into different forms, such as motivation based on
physiological and psychological demands. Physical urges to quench thirst or satiate hunger are the
foundation of physiological drive.
Motivation is also classified as internal or external motivation. In case of internal motivation, an
demonstrates a desire to do his/her work without any external reward. External motivation occurs
when we feel driven by outside forces, performing an activity either to obtain a reward or to avoid
Finding sources of motivation and inspiration
Following are the sources of motivation and inspiration.
• Music – Music is the language of the soul. A good inspiring piece touches every heart and can
help create
• Books – Books are said to be best friends. They expand our horizon of thinking. They help us
visualize the
unknown and unchartered territories beyond our capacities. Books about heroic acts, inspiring lives
and stimulating creativity help readers move beyond their routine lives.
• Activities – Engaging in positive and skill enhancing activities keep our spirits high.
Competitions, games,
simulations, interviews for various committee positions are found to encourage, motivate and
inspire students.
• Expansive thoughts – Thinking and discussing big and positive ideas motivate us to reach our
highest potential.
• Living in the present – Being present where we are rather than where we are not, brings in
peace and calmness in our life. A calm and peaceful mind can help us achieve wonders. This quality
of being aware and conscious of one’s self in present moment is also called mindfulness.
Mindfulness helps students to pay attention, reduce stress and helps promote thoughtful approach
towards life.
• Dreaming big – Dreaming big is a journey not a destination. Dreaming big helps us to be
mentally prepared to take that big leap forward. Only when we aim high, we get motivated to work
hard and achieve big things
in life.
Personality Types, Traits and Disorders
Meaning of personality

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Personality is a rather stable collection of characteristics. These characteristics are a combination of
emotional, behavioural, and mental traits.
It has been discovered that heredity determines personality independently of environmental factors.
Influence of personality
Every facet of a person’s performance, including how they respond to real-world events, is
influenced by their personality. People must make clear goals for themselves and work hard to
achieve them. Academic performance may be impacted by behavioural inclinations including stress,
anxiety, perseverance, and conscientiousness that are mirrored in personality traits.
Basic personality traits
According to trait theory, an individual’s personality is created by grouping together a variety of
observable features. Big Five is one well-liked personality classification. The Big Five, universal
characteristics are –
• Extraversion: Gregarious, assertive and sociable.(Opposite reserved, timid, quiet.)
• Agreeableness : Cooperative, warm and agreeable.(Opposite cold, disagreeable and
• Conscientiousness : Hardworking, organized and dependable(lazy, disorganized and unreliable)
• Emotional stability : Calm, self-confident and cool(insecure, anxious and depressed)
• Openness to experience : Creative, curious and cultured(narrow interests)
Common personality disorders
Following are the common personality disorders. If anyone is identified with these disorders,
counselling shall be provided by family members, teachers and counsellors.
• Paranoid – Feeling extremely nervous and worried because you believe that other people do not
like you or are trying to harm you.
• Antisocial – Is characterized by a pattern of persistent disregard for and violation of the rights of
• Schizoid Is characterized by a lack of interest in social relationships and people tend to be distant,
and indifferent.
• Borderline – Is marked by an ongoing pattern of varying moods, self-image and behaviour.
These symptoms result in impulsive actions and problems in relationships.
• Narcissistic – Is a condition in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a
deep need for
excessive attention and admiration and lack of empathy.
• Avoidant – Avoidant personality disorder is characterized by feelings of extreme social inhibition,
inadequacy, and sensitivity to negative criticism and rejection.
• Dependent – Dependent personality disorder is a condition marked by an overreliance on other
people to meet one’s emotional and physical needs.
• Obsessive – Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCPD) is a personality disorder that’s
characterized by extreme perfectionism, order, and neatness.

Session 1: Motivation and Positive Attitude

1. What is self awareness?
Answer – Self-awareness is about understanding one’s own needs, desires, habits, traits,
behaviors and feelings.
2. How to improve Self Management Skills?
Answer – To manage oneself well, a person needs to develop the following skills –

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a. Positive Thinking: to think that one can get things done and be happy.
b. Result orientation: to dream big and achieve the desired or set results.
c. Self-awareness: to be aware of one’s personality traits and make the best out of one’s
3. What is motivation in Employability Skills?
Answer – The word ‘motivation’ comes from the word ‘motive.’ Motivation is defined as the act of
directing one’s behavior toward a specific motive or goal.
There are two types of Motivation –
a. Intrinsic Motivation – It includes actions for which there is no visible reward but which provide
enjoyment and satisfaction.
b. Extrinsic Motivation – It arises because of incentives or external rewards. Lack of motivation
or incentives may lead to frustration
4. What are the ways to maintain a positive attitude?
Answer – Following are some ways that can help one maintain a positive attitude.
a. Start the day with a morning routine
b. Feed the mind with positivity
c. Focus on constructive and positive things
d. Learn from failures
e. Move towards your goals and dreams.
f. Physical exercise and fresh air
g. Healthy diet
h. Organize academic life
i. Adequate sleep
j. Holidays with family and friends
5. What is stress and how to manage it?
Answer – Stress is a state of feeling upset, annoyed and hopeless.
Some of the ways to manage stress are given below.
a. Maintain a positive attitude and consider what is going wrong in a given situation. Once you’ve
understood the situation, resolving it is simple.
b. Maintain an accomplishment sheet and enter even small achievements.
c. Whenever you feel negative thoughts are taking over, take a look at your accomplishment sheet.
d. Keep your thoughts in the present. Pondering over past issues makes us feel upset and helpless.
e. Talk to friends and family for comfort.
f. Practice meditation and yoga.
Session 2: Result Orientation
6. What are the ways to become result oriented?
Answer –
a. Set clear goals: Setting clear and accurate goals is the first step one needs to take to meet the
b. Prepare an action plan: An action plan describes the way a person or an organisation will
meet the set objectives. It gives a detail of the steps to be taken to achieve the target.
c. Use the right resources and tools: One must evaluate the resources and tools needed to
achieve those results and whether they are available.
7. How can we set goals in daily life?
Answer – Goal setting helps us to understand what we want, how to achieve it and how do we
measure our success.

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a. Specific – Goals should be stated in specific terms. Vague goals are difficult to attain. Specific
goals give us a concrete target. Hence, a goal should have a specific purpose.
b. Measurable – Goals should always be measurable. If we do not set our goals in measurable
terms, it is difficult to assess whether we have achieved them or not.
c. Action-oriented – Goals do not just come true on their own. Effective goal setting should
include action-based steps that one will follow to achieve the goal.
d. Realistic – There are few things more damaging to our sense of self-efficacy than setting
ourselves up for failure. Goals must always be realistically attainable.
e. Timely – Goals must have deadlines. However, deadlines may change. But one must always set
a deadline to get the job done within a specified time limit.
8. Give some examples of result oriented goals?
Answer – Examples of result – oriented goals are as follows
a. A student may set a goal of scoring high marks in an exam.
b. An athlete may run five miles a day.
c. A traveler may try to reach a destination city within three hours.
Session 3: Self Awareness
9. Steps towards self awareness?
Answer –
a. gaining a greater awareness of one’s emotions
b. making a habit of tracking one’s feelings.
c. expanding one’s practice to areas of life beyond the person’s feelings.
10. What do you mean by Personality?
Answer – Personality is a cluster of thoughts, feelings and behaviors that make a person unique
and different from others.
11. What are the Big Five Factors of personality development?
Answer –
a. Openness: Individuals with openness to experience are, generally, creative, curious, active,
flexible and adventurous. If a person is interested in learning new things, meeting new people and
making friends, and likes visiting new places, the person can be called open-minded.
b. Consciousness: Individuals, who listen to their conscience, are self-disciplined, do their work on
time, take care of others before themselves and care about others’ feelings.
c. Extraversion: Extroverts are individuals, who love interacting with people around and are,
generally, talkative. A person, who can easily make friends and make any gathering lively, is
confident and an extrovert.
d. Agreeableness: Individuals having such a trait are, generally, kind, sympathetic, cooperative,
warm and considerate. They accommodate themselves in any situation. For example, people who
help and take care of others are, generally, agreeable.
e. Neuroticism: Neuroticism is a trait, wherein, individuals show tendency towards anxiety, self-
doubt, depression, shyness and other similar negative feelings. People, who have difficulty in
meeting others and worry too much about things, show signs of neuroticism.
12. What are the common personality disorders?
Answer – Personality disorders involve long-term patterns of thoughts and behaviour that are
unhealthy and rigid.

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a. Paranoid personality disorder: The fear of others, especially friends, family members, and
partners, is a defining feature of paranoid personality disorder. People who suffer from this disorder
are sensitive to keeping emotions against others.
b. Schizoid personality disorder: The term ‘schizoid’ refers to a person’s natural tendency to
focus their attention on their inner life rather than the outside world. A person with schizoid
personality disorder is detached and aloof, and prone to introspection and fantasy. The person
shows little interest in forming personal relationships and seems to be emotionally cold.
c. Schizotypal personality disorder: People with this personality disorder feel that their ideas
may influence other people or events. They frequently misunderstand actions. As a result, they
have improper emotional reactions. They may avoid having emotional interactions on a regular
Emotional and Impulsive
a. Antisocial personality disorder: Antisocial personality disorder is characterised by a disregard
for social rules and obligations. They are obnoxious and aggressive, and they act rashly. They lack
guilt and fail to learn from their mistakes. They may lie, steal, or harm others, and they may
become alcoholics or drug addicts.
b. Borderline personality disorder: Borderline personality disorder is characterised by a loss of
self-worth, leading to feelings of emptiness and fears of abandonment.
c. Histrionic personality disorder: People with histrionic personality disorder frequently try to
gain more attention by being overly dramatic.
d. Narcissistic personality disorder: People with narcissistic personality disorder believe that
they are more important than others.
a. Avoidant personality disorder: This form of disease affects people who are socially
inexperienced, ugly, or inferior, and they are always afraid of being embarrassed, criticised, or
rejected. They avoid social situations and frequently feel insufficient, inferior, or unattractive.
b. Dependent personality disorder: People with this illness have a low sense of self-esteem and
a strong desire to be looked after. They require a great deal of assistance in making daily
judgments and entrust crucial life decisions to others.
c. Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder: People with this disorder are strict in their
commitment to rules and laws. They are characterised by an extreme of care for neatness,
perfectionism, and strong attention to detail. If they’re unable to achieve perfection, they get very
13. Steps to overcome from personality disorders?
Answer –
a. Talk to someone. Most often, it helps to share your feelings.
b. Look after your physical health. A healthy body can help you maintain a healthy mind.
c. Build confidence in your ability to handle difficult situations.
d. Engage in hobbies, such as music, dance and painting. These have a therapeutic effect.
e. Stay positive by choosing words like ‘challenges’ instead of ‘problems’.
Self Management Skills: MCQ
Session 1: Motivation and Positive Attitude a. Self – control b. Self – innovative
1. Self-management, also known as c. Self – Design d. None of the above
_________, is the ability to effectively Answer:
control one’s emotions, behavior and a. Self – control

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2. To manage oneself well, a person needs b. Positive attitude
to develop the ______________. 8. How we can maintain a positive
a. Positive Thinking b. Result Orientation attitude.
c. Self Awareness d. All of the above a. Start the day with a morning routine
Answer: b. Feed the mind with positivity
d. All of the above c. Be proactive, Focus on constructive and
3. Motivation is derived from the word positive things
_____________. d. All of the above
a. Motive b. Motion Answer:
c. Motivation d. None of the above d. All of the above
Answer: 9. How we can maintain a positive outlook
a. Motive in the long run.
4. Type of motivation in employability a. Physical exercise and fresh air & holidays with
Skills? family and friends
a. Intrinsic Motivation b. Healthy diet & Adequate sleep
b. Extrinsic Motivation c. Organize academic life
c. Both a) and b) d. All of the above
d. None of the above Answer:
Answer: d. All of the above
c. Both a) and b) 10. How can you identify the stress?
5. ____________ includes activities for a. Annoyed b. Hopeless
which there is no apparent reward but one c. Upset d. All of the above
derives enjoyment and satisfaction in Answer:
doing them. d. All of the above
a. Intrinsic Motivation 11. How can you manage stress?
b. Extrinsic Motivation a. Stay positive
c. Both a) and b) b. Maintain an accomplishment
d. None of the above c. Keep your thoughts in present
Answer: d. All of the above
a. Intrinsic Motivation Answer:
6. __________ arises because of d. All of the above
incentives or external rewards. Lack of Self Management Skills Class 12 MCQ
motivation or incentives may lead to Session 2: Result Orientation
frustration. 12. How to become result oriented?
a. Intrinsic Motivation a. Set clear goals & Make a calendar
b. Extrinsic Motivation b. Prepare an action plan & word hard
c. Both a) and b) c. Use the right resources and tools
d. None of the above d. All of the above
Answer: Answer:
b. Extrinsic Motivation d. All of the above
7. A __________ attitude makes a person 13. What are the smart methods to set
happier, and helps build and maintain goals in self – management skills?
relationships. a. Specific & Measurable b. Achievable &
a. Negative attitude b. Positive attitude Realistic
c. Open attitude d. None of the above c. Time bound d. All of the above
Answer: Answer:

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d. All of the above Answer:
14. Examples of result – oriented goals? d. All of the above
a. A student may set a goal of scoring high 19. What are the steps to overcome from
marks in an exam personality disorders?
b. An athlete may run five miles a day a. Talk to someone b. Build confidence
c. A traveler may try to reach a destination city c. Engage in hobbies d. All of the above
within three hours. Answer:
d. All of the above d. All of the above
Answer: 20. Which of the following is not a
d. All of the above parameter to describe an individual’s
Session 3: Self – Awareness personality?
15. If you are aware of your own values, a. Self-confidence b. Openness
likes, dislikes, strengths, and shortcomings c. Neuroticism d. Agreeableness
as an individual. It denotes the fact that Answer:
you are ____________. c. Neuroticism
a. Self-Confident b. Self-Control 21. Which of the following is characterized
c. Self Motivated d. Self-Aware by an extreme feeling of self importance?
Answer: a. Narcissistic personality disorder
d. Self-Aware b. Borderline personality disorder
16. A ___________ personality can lead to c. Dependent personality disorder
better performance, increased productivity d. None of the above
and cordial relationships with others. Answer:
a. Positive b. Negative a. Narcissistic personality disorder
c. Both a) and b) d. None of the above 22. Ravi has feelings of emptiness,
Answer: abandonment and suicide. What type of
. Positive personality disorder is this?
17. What are the different parameters of a. Borderline b. Dependent
personality? c. Avoidant d. Obsessive
a. Openness & Agreeableness Answer:
b. Consciousness & Neuroticism a. Borderline
c. Extraversion 23. Mona is helping her sister to overcome
d. All of the above a personality disorder. What should she
Answer: do?
d. All of the above a. Talk to her sister
18. What are the common personality b. Engage her in hobbies
disorders? c. Help her build confidence
a. Paranoid personality disorder d. All of the above
b. Antisocial personality disorder Answer:
c. Avoidant personality disorder d. All of the above
d. All of the above
Practice Set
1. What is Motivation?
Answer: Motivation is defined as the drive required to engage in goal-oriented behavior.
2. What is Self-Motivation?
Answer: Self-Motivation is the ability to do what needs to be done without the influence
or thrust from other people or situations.

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3. What is the difference between Motivation and Self-Motivation?
Answer: Motivation is the inner urge to do something while Self-Motivation is the ability to do
what needs to be done without the influence or thrust from other people or situations.
4. Why Self-Motivation is important?
Answer: Self-Motivation is important for us, because –
 It increases an individual’s energy and activity.
 It directs an individual towards specific goals.
 It results in the initiation and persistence of specific activities
 It affects cognitive processes and learning strategies used for completing similar tasks.
5. Why Self-Motivated individuals are important?
Answer: Self-Motivated individuals are important for us, because –
 Self-motivated individuals are assets to the world, their country, their families and to
 Self-motivated individuals practice righteousness. They do what is required to accomplish
their goals.
 Self-motivated people have elevated spirits and are full of positivity. For them nothing is
impossible. They are focused on their goals and objectives and diligently achieve their aims.
6. What is Physiological motivation?
Answer: Physiological motivation is based on the physical needs to satisfy hunger or thirst.
Physiological motivation directs the behaviour towards satisfying specific bodily needs. Psychological
motivations can be guided by need for achievement and need for affiliation.
7. What is Internal motivation?
Answer: Internal motivation, an individual demonstrates a desire to do his/her work without any
external reward.
For example, a student who is internally motivated will learn, complete the assignments on his/her
own, etc.
8. What is External motivation?
Answer: External motivation occurs when we feel driven by outside forces, performing an activity
either to obtain a reward or to avoid punishment.
For example, a student who is externally driven will be completing lessons to avoid punishment or
to gain reward.
9. Write the sources of motivation and inspiration?
Answer: Following are the sources of motivation and inspiration: – Music, Books, Activities,
Expansive thoughts, Living in the present, and Dreaming big.
10. What do you mean by Personality?
Answer: Personality is a relatively enduring set of traits. These traits are made up of an emotional,
behavioral and mental set of characteristics. Personality is shaped through family, culture, society,
education, and other environmental factors.
11. What is the influence of personality?
Answer: Behavioral tendencies like anxiety, stress, perseverance and conscientiousness reflected in
personality traits can influence academic performance.
12. Write the name of the popular personality classification.
Answer: Big Five.
13. Write and explain Big five personality traits?
Answer: Big Five personality traits are –
 Extraversion: Gregarious, assertive and sociable.(Opposite reserved, timid, quiet.)

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 Agreeableness : Cooperative, warm and agreeable.(Opposite cold, disagreeable and
 Conscientiousness : Hardworking, organized and dependable(lazy, disorganized and
 Emotional stability : Calm, self-confident and cool(insecure, anxious and depressed)
 Openness to experience : Creative, curious and cultured(narrow interests)
14. Write the name of common personality disorders?
Answer: Following are the common personality disorders –
 Paranoid,
 Antisocial,
 Borderline,
 Narcissistic,
 Avoidant,
 Dependent, and
 Obessive
15. What is OCPD?
Answer: Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCPD) is a personality disorder that’s
characterized by extreme perfectionism, order, and neatness.
16. What is paranoid disorder?
Answer: Feeling extremely nervous and worried because you believe that other people do not like
you or are trying to harm you, is called a paranoid disorder.
17. What is Narcissistic disorder?
Answer: Narcissistic disorder is a condition in which people have an inflated sense of their own
importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration and lack of empathy.
18. What is Avoidant disorder?
Answer: Avoidant personality disorder is characterized by feelings of extreme social inhibition,
inadequacy, and sensitivity to negative criticism and rejection.
19. What is Dependent disorder?
Answer: Dependent personality disorder is a condition marked by an overreliance on other people
to meet one’s emotional and physical needs.
20. What is Borderline disorder?
Answer: Borderline disorder is marked by an ongoing pattern of varying moods, self-image and
These symptoms result in impulsive actions and problems in relationships.
21. What is Schizoid disorder?
Answer: Schizoid disorder is characterized by a lack of interest in social relationships and people
tend to be distant, detached and indifferent.
22. What is Antisocial disorder?
Answer: Antisocial disorder is characterized by a pattern of persistent disregard for and violation of
the rights of others.

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