Geas H

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1. A boy wishes to throw a ball through a house via two small openings, one in the front and the
other in the back window, the second window being directly behind the first. If the boy stands at
a distance of 5m in front of the house and the house is 6m deep and if the opening in the front
window is 5m above him and that in the back window 2m higher, calculate the velocity and the
angle of projection of the ball that will enable him to accomplish his desire.

θ =52.5◦ and u =14.8m/s


𝑴 + 𝟐𝒎

3. Tension:
𝑴 + 𝟐𝒎

𝒎 − 𝒖𝑴
𝒂= 𝒈

5. The mass of the earth is 81% the mass of the moon. The distance between the centers of the
earth and the moon is 60 times the radius of earth R = 6400 km. Find the center of mass of the
earth–moon system.
4683 km

For Nos. 6 to 7
A block slides with constant velocity down an inclined plane that has slope angle θ = 30◦

(a) Find the coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and the plane. 0.577
(b) If the block is projected up the same plane with initial speed v0 =2.5m/s, how far up the plane
will it move before coming to rest? 0.319 m

(𝟐 − 𝒆)𝟐 𝒎𝒗𝟐
𝑲𝑬𝟏𝒔𝒕 =

(𝟏 + 𝒆)𝟐 𝒎𝒗𝟐
𝑲𝑬𝟐𝒏𝒅 =

For Nos. 10 to 11
A smooth sphere of mass m moving with speed v on a smooth horizontal surface collides directly
with a second sphere of the same size but of half the mass that is initially at rest. The coefficient
of restitution is e.
Total kinetic energy after collision is:

(𝟐 + 𝒆𝟐 )

Find the kinetic energy lost during the collision.

(𝟏 − 𝒆𝟐 )

12. A ball rolls on inclined plane 30 degrees with mass 0.2 g and the radius of the ball is 0.5 m.
Find the time to travel in 7 meters.
d = Vot + 0.5at2

t = 2 secs
For Nos. 13 to 16

A spring is used to stop a crate of mass 50 kg which is sliding on a horizontal surface. The spring
has a spring constant k = 20 kN/m and is initially in its equilibrium state. In position A shown in
the top diagram the crate has a velocity
of 3.0m/s. The compression of the spring when the crate is instantaneously at rest (position B in
the bottom diagram) is 120 mm.

(i) What is the work done by the spring as the crate is brought to a stop? 144J

(iii) Determine the coefficient of friction between the crate and the surface. 0.2296

(iv) What will be the velocity of the crate as it passes again through position A after rebounding
off the spring (Fig. 2.14a, b). 1.587m/s

17. A shell is fired from a cannon with a velocity v at angle θ with the horizontal. At the highest
point in its path, it explodes into two pieces of equal masses. One of the pieces retraces its path
towards the cannon. Find the speed of the other fragment immediately after the explosion.

V= 3vcosƟ

18. A machine gun fires 100 g bullets at a speed of 1000 m/s. The gunman holding the machine
gun in his hands can exert an average force of 150N against the gun. Find the maximum number
of bullets that can be fired per minute. 90

19. Two bodies A and B, having masses mA and mB, respectively, collide in a totally inelastic
If vA = 5ˆi + 3 ˆj m/s and vB = −ˆi + 4 ˆj m/s and mA = 3mB/2, show
that the common velocity after the collision is: v = 2.6ˆi + 3.4 ˆj m/s


F = 14600

For Nos. 22 to 25

For the Centaur rocket use the data given below:

Initial mass m0 = 2.72 × 106 kg

Mass at burn-out velocity, mB = 2.52 × 106 kg
Relative velocity of exhaust gases vr = 55 km/s
Rate of change of mass, dm/dt = 1290 kg/s.
(a) the rocket thrust. 71x10^6 N
(b) net acceleration at the beginning. 16.3 m/s^2
(c) time to reach the burn-out velocity. 155s
(d) the burn-out velocity. 2.7 km/s

For Nos 26 to 27

An infinite number of charges, each equal to q, are placed along the x-axis at
x = 1, x = 2, x = 4, x = 8, etc. Find the potential and the electric field at the
point x = 0 due to the set of charges.

Electric potential:

Electric Field:

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