Seismoprognosis Observations in The Territory of Azerbaijan: ISSN 2219-6641
Seismoprognosis Observations in The Territory of Azerbaijan: ISSN 2219-6641
Seismoprognosis Observations in The Territory of Azerbaijan: ISSN 2219-6641
Kazimova S.E.1
The first definitions of the depth of the surface of Mokhorovich in Azerbaijan were made on
the basis of seismological data. Using the data from the DSS in compiling the gravitational model
of the Earth's crust, the depth and accuracy of research have sharply increased. The DSS data
provided the uniqueness of the solution of the inverse problem of gravimetry - the calculation of the
depth density distribution. Most of the known methods of the automated approach involve obtaining
a density section; the effect of which would coincide with the observed gravitational field.
The methodology of the reflected waves, or as it is commonly called, the “Receiver function”
method, is well known and widely used throughout the world to study the deep structure of the
Earth up to 800 km. The method is based on the registration, isolation, and interpretation of Ps-
exchange waves. These studies were conducted as part of the International Seismotomographic
Laboratory using a software package developed at the University of Missouri (USA). Studies in
many countries of the world have shown the effectiveness of the method of reflected waves in
studying the structure of the lithosphere within one or more seismic stations.
In the method of exchange reflected waves, the exchange waves propagate from the source as
longitudinal, and at the boundaries in the area of the seismic station are transformed into transverse.
To distinguish the phases of the reflected waves against random noise, it is necessary to know the
properties of the converted waves and use them in the processing algorithm of the initial
seismograms [6].
Passing the path from the exchange boundary to the surface at a lower speed compared to the
refracted longitudinal wave P, the exchange waves Ps enter the records with some delay with
respect to the wave P generating them. The delay time depends on the distance between the source
and the station and the depth of the boundary at which the exchange took place. At a fixed exchange
depth, the delay time of the exchange wave Ps decreases with increasing epicentral distance and
increases with its decrease [6].
There are a number of criteria for recognition of exchange waves in seismograms. However,
in practice, not all of them are kept. In particular, the sign of polarization is quite often not
observed, that is, intense horizontal components of the “SH” components (perpendicular to the
direction to the epicenter), often shifted in phase relative to the x “SV” components, are recorded
[1, 3-5]. Since the transverse wave Ps in an isotropic medium is polarized as SV, the desired wave
is emitted in the source – receiver plane in the direction perpendicular to the direction of
polarization in the P wave (Fig. 1). Since the amplitude of the exchange wave Ps is much smaller
than the amplitude of the P wave, the most critical moment of processing is the extraction of the
signal of the exchange wave against the background of various waves and interference [6].
Data processing methods
Data processing consists of five main tasks: frequency filtering of input seismic records in
the “SAC” format, rotation of the Z, N, E axes to the source, standardization of the L, Q, T
components, obtaining individual receiving functions for each earthquake, summing traces from all
earthquakes. Seismograms of selected earthquakes are processed using the Seismic Analysis Code
(SAC) software package (developed by the University of Missouri (USA)) under the MacOs
operating system.
Republican Seismic Survey Center of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Figure 1. Three-dimensional coordinate system and polarization directions of waves P, SV and SH.
At the first stage, frequency filtering is carried out in order to eliminate oscillations that are
too high, containing the effects of random scattering by in homogeneities, and too low frequencies
that reduce the resolution [6]. The working range of periods is from 2 to 10 seconds.
Next, two-dimensional and three-dimensional rotation of the axes. Mathematically, this
transformation consists in finding the eigenvectors of the covariance matrix obtained by calculating
the covariances of the vertical and radial components. Two-dimensional rotation of the axes can be
represented in the form of a matrix [10]:
where N and E represent the original (horizontal) axis; R and T represent the radial and
tangential components; α is the azimuth measured clockwise from the north.
Three-dimensional rotation of the axes is expressed as the following matrix [10]:
where i is the angle of incidence, measured vertically; Z, E and N are the original (horizontal
and vertical) axes; L, Q, and T are transformed axes: L corresponds to the direction of polarization
of the P wave, Q is perpendicular to the axis of L and corresponds to the direction of polarization of
the SV wave, T corresponds to the direction of polarization of the SH wave (Fig. 2).
Figure 2. The motion of particles for waves P and S along the direction of wave propagation a) in the horizontal plane
and b) in the vertical plane.
Application of the method of exchange reflected waves for the territory of the Greater
One of the best regions for studying the early stages of mountain building is the Greater
Caucasus, where most of the volcanism and mountain building is represented 5 million years. Of
particular interest is the immersion zone of the Kura Depression under the Greater Caucasus, the so-
called subduction zone, which has not been sufficiently studied up to date [8, 9]. To this end, we
began our studies of the depth of the Moho border from this region. At the present stage, there is a
dense network of highly sensitive digital seismic stations, which allows recording all seismic events
with a magnitude of ml>0.1 within Azerbaijan, as well as remote telemetric seismic events around
the world with ml>5.0. The study examined seismological data recorded by a network of telemetric
stations (N=20) for 2009-2019 (Fig. 3). In total, 2428 earthquakes recorded at an epicenter distance
of 35 to 90 degrees were analyzed. Remote earthquakes were taken to the “Earthquake Research
Bureau” of the RSSC ANAS.
Thus, after filtering and rotating the seismic waves, the final components L, Q, T were
standardized using a deconvolution filter formed on the section of the final seismogram containing
the incident P-wave and part of its code (Fig. 4).
The subsequent processing operation was reduced to the summation of the standardized
components of all earthquakes in order to suppress noise and release the exchange waves associated
with various boundaries in the crust and mantle. The time of the exchange wave depends on the
epicenter distance and is calculated for each path. The summation of all traces is carried out with
time shifts relative to some reference epicentral distance, which is taken equal to 60 degrees. Figure
5 shows the summarized Q-traces of the receiving functions on which the Moho boundary with a
delay time of 4.0 sec is clearly distinguished.
Figure 4. Standardized seismograms for the Ismayilli and Sheki seismic stations
Thus, having processed the data for all stations, the depths of the Moho border for the
territory of the Greater Caucasus were calculated and a schematic map of isolines and a three-
dimensional model were constructed (Fig. 6, 7).
Main conclusions:
For the first time, based on the analysis of the wave characteristics of distant earthquakes
recorded at seismic and telemetric stations of the RSSC, the depths of the Moho border for the
Azerbaijan part of the Greater Caucasus were clarified by the method of exchange reflected Ps
waves (receiver functions).
Figure 5. Summarized standardized components of all earthquakes for the Ismayilli and Sheki seismic stations
Figure 6. Map of contour lines of the Moho depth for the Greater Caucasus
Figure 7. Three-dimensional model of the depth of Moho for the territory of the Greater Caucasus
Thus, a map of isolines of the depths of the Moho border was constructed and depths were
determined for the territory of the Guba-Gusar region 48-50 km, the Zagatala-Balakan region 46-47
km, the Shamakhi-Ismayilli region 48-52 km. As it was said earlier, the first definitions of the depth
of the surface of Mokhorovich in Azerbaijan were made on the basis of the data from the state
earthquake and the gravitational model of the Earth's crust. Such models were built by Gadjiyev
R.M. in 1965 and Shikhalibeyli E.Sh. in 1996. The data obtained are consistent with the available
data, but discrepancies have been received. Compared with the map constructed according to the
DSS-MCRW and gravimetry data (Gadjiyev R.M., 1965) [2] the difference in the thickness of the
Earth's crust was from 1 to 15 km. Compared with the map constructed according to the DSV and
gravimetry data (presented in the book by Shikhalibeyli E.Sh., 1996) [7], the difference in the
thickness of the Earth's crust varied from 1 to 10 km.
Republican Seismic Survey Center of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
field. As a result, there are gaps in the ground and the uneven impact of the building to the
foundation resulting in the collapse of the ground.
Artesian water can rise from the ceiling of the aquifer to the surface and sometimes can form
a fountain. It is likely that if construction is carried out in these areas in the future, then as a result
of human activities or the weight of the buildings under construction. The underground rocks will
be damaged and destroyed by pressure water, as a result, it adversely affects the seismic properties
of these rocks and leads to the collapse of buildings. Even in areas where artesian water is found, it
is also very dangerous to fix the underground rocks of the constructed buildings with piles. Such
areas are unsuitable for construction.
Height, m
Figure 1. Example of geological-lithological section of the area where there is artesian water.
Figure 2. Example of geological-lithological section of the area with high seismicity (point)
Conventional signs:
Q-1 Well and
Cost soil Limestone Sand plain its number
Figure 3. Map of seismic hazard assessment based on hydrogeological conditions in Nizami district
There are 2 types of pressurized groundwater - artesian water and groundwater in Nizami
district. Artesian waters are located in the northwest of the region near the Great Shor Lake. This is
a very dangerous situation for the area, which can be a problem for construction sites and is
considered an unfavorable area.
In the north-eastern part of Nizami district, unpressurized groundwater is found. These waters
are mainly formed in moist and water-saturated sandy soils with a large thickness. The seismicity of
the area is rated high.
In the rest, groundwater is found at different depths and is less thick. This part is rated lower
than the above areas.
Seismological studies
The Zagatala-Balakan zone is one of the main seismic active zones in Azerbaijan.
Tectonically, the Zagatala-Balakan seismic active zone is located in the north-western part of the
Azerbaijani part of the Greater Caucasus.
Strong and tangible earthquakes have been occurred in the seismic zone in the past and
modern times. The first information about the earthquake in this area dates back to 1880.In 1936, so
far registered in this zone there was the most powerfull earthquake of 5,6 points. The intensity of
the earthquake at the epicenter was 7 point (according to 12 points of 64-MSKscale). A map of the
epicenters of historical earthquakes in the studied area has been shown in the Figure 1.
Figure 1. The map of the epicenters of historical earthquakes occurred in the studied area
Two shocks that occurred in Zagatala on May 7, 2012, with a time difference of 10 hours
apart played a special role in terms of seismotectonic and engineering-seismological study of the
area. The magnitude of the first shock was 5.6, depth was 8 km and the magnitude of the second
shock was 5.7, depth was 12 km. The intensity of both shocks at the epicenter was 7 points
(according to 12 points of 64-MSK scale).
After these earthquakes, several strong earthquakes have been recorded in the Zagatala zone.
The last strong earthquake in the area has been recorded on August 10, 2019, at 13:35 local time, in
the 18 km south-west of Zagatala station. The magnitude of the earthquake was 4.9, the depth was
h=5 km.
In order to investigate the area seismotectonically, the distribution of faults and earthquakes in
Balakan-Zagatala, Sheki, Gabala regions has been studied. As can be seen from the map,
Republican Seismic Survey Center of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
16 S.S. Ismayilova, E.S. Garaveliyev: SEISMICITY OF ZAGATALA TERRITORY FOR 2019
earthquakes in the Zagatala area and adjacent areas are located at the section zone of the depth
faults in different directions (Fig. 2)
Figure 2.Map of epicenters of the earthquakes occurred in the Zagatala-Gabala region on faults.
Faults: 1. Dashgil-Mudrese 2. Vandam (lengthwise) 3. Akhvay (orthogonal) 4.Tartar-Oghuz (transverse) 5. Alazan-
Ayrichay (lengthwise) 6.Chakhirli-Gabala (orthogonal) 7. Ismayilli-Sighirli (orthogonal) 8. Sharur-Zagatala
(transverse) (Author of faults: T.N.Kangarli)
A seismic transect has been constructed along the Balakan-Gabala I-I profile passing through
the seismically active zone of Azerbaijan. The profile extends in all-Caucasian direction along the
Ayrichay-Alat deep fault (Fig.3)
There are many hypocenters in the north-west of the section in the Zagatala-Balakan area.
Earthquakes of magnitude mainly 0.01 had been occurred in the area. In contrast to 2018, an
increase in earthquakes with a magnitude of ml 3.0 have been observed during the year, with the
hypocenters located mainly at depths of 2-30 km. Earthquakes with a magnitude of 3.0 have been
occurred within the sedimentary layer at a depth of 7-11 km. The epicenters were located in the
effect zone of the depth faults in Vandam and Sharur. It is observed that the seismicity in Sheki and
Gabala zones in the south-eastern part of section is weak and hypocenters are at a depth of 2-40 km.
Analysis of the number of earthquakes in the Zagatala zone in 2019 and the distribution of the
seismic energy by months shows that the seismicity was below the background level at the
beginning of the year and the number of earthquakes increased from July to September. In August,
there was a sharp rise in seismic energy. The high seismic energy is due to the occurrence of
earthquakes with a magnitude of 33.0 in this area. Starting in October, a decrease in the number of
earthquakes and seismic energy was observed and the seismicity fell down below the background
level (Fig. 4).
Figure 4. Histogram of the number of earthquakes in the Zagatala zone and the distribution of seismic energy by
18 S.S. Ismayilova, E.S. Garaveliyev: SEISMICITY OF ZAGATALA TERRITORY FOR 2019
Macroseismic studies
The earthquake with the highest intensity (magnitude of 4.9) in Zagatala has been occurred on
August 10, 2019. The epicenter of the earthquake was located near the village of Danachi, Zagatala
region, at a distance of about 3 km.
During the earthquake, people felt a strong shock and they fled to the yard in fear. There are
houses damaged and unrepaired after the Zagatala earthquake on May 7, 2012 in the settlements
near the epicenters of the region. During the earthquake, the cracks in many of those houses
widened. In the village of Makov, a damaged wall of a house collapsed. There were almost no
complications in the newly built houses. Based on materials collected from 22 settlements in the
country, it was determined that the earthquake was felt at a magnitude of 6 at the epicenter, the
geometric dimensions of the Pleistocene area were 14x16 km and the macroseismic area generally
has an extension in the direction of the Greater Caucasus.
Figure 5. The collapse of the river stone wall of a Figure 6. Old and new cracks on the wall
house in the village of Makov of a house in Goyam village
Figure 7. Old and new cracks on the wall of a house in Goyam village
Schedule 1.
Macroseismic data of the Zagatala earthquake on August 10, 2020
№ Names of settlements Epicentral № Names of settlements Epicentral
and corresponding distance, and corresponding distance,
intensity, points km intensity, points km
6 4
1 Danachi 3.0 13 Kadula 67.0
2 Makov 5.0 14 Sheki 71.5
3 Gamishtala 7.5 15 Goybulagh 81.0
4 Ititala 8.0 16 Dakhna 83.0
5 Ali Bayramlı 8.0 17 Shamkhir 89.0
5 3
6 Mughanli 11.0 18 Balaken 18.0
7 Goyam 14.0 19 Gyulluk 26.0
8 Katekh 13.0 20 Kakhi 42.5
9 Shambulbina 16.5 21 Garatala 43.5
10 Zakatali 18.0 22 Salahli 49.5
11 Aliabad 20.0
12 Yeni Suvagil 22.0
macroseismic epicenter 6 Izoseists and related
Figure 8. Macroseismic area of the Zagatala earthquake occurred on August 10, 2019
20 S.S. Ismayilova, E.S. Garaveliyev: SEISMICITY OF ZAGATALA TERRITORY FOR 2019
- It has been determined that the sources of the earthquake in the Zagatala zone were located
in the effect zone of the Vandam and Sharur-Zagatala depth faults and the earthquakes with a
magnitude of 3 were located within the sedimentary layer .
- In 2019, compared to 2018, seismicity have been higher than the background level. The
number of earthquakes with a magnitude of ml 3 have been increased and the ∑E=5.64 x 1011 C
release of energy from the Earth’s crust during the year has been determined.
- It has been determined that the geometric dimensions of the Pleistocene area of the
earthquake were 14x16 km, the intensity was 6 points in the epicenter and macroseismic area of the
earthquake was extended in direction of the Greater Caucasus.
N.B. Khanbabayev1
Researchers know that the geomagnetic effects are observed with anomalous changes caused
by strong earthquakes in the seismoactive areas. The collected information is regularly studied in
geodynamic polygons of the world and in Azerbaijan with modern magnetometric devices.
Comparative analysis of available data and experience of previous researches in
magnetometric polygons established in several regions of the world - China, Russia, Uzbekistan,
Kazakhstan and Tajikistan have allowed the magnetometric observation method to be considered as
one of the earthquake warning factors [1].
The accumulation of the stress-strain energy at different depths of the Earth’s crust is related
to both local and cosmogenic factors. Mechanical, physico-chemical and other features of the
environment change with characteristic indicators in the source of the earthquakes which occurred
in Middle and Lower Kura depression, the northern and southern slopes of the Greater Caucasus,
the Azerbaijani sector of the Caspian Sea where the anomalous stress-strain energy is accumulated
and effects of such active processes on the Earth’s surface are studied in the seismic regions of the
world as warning factors of geophysical fields: earthquakes, gravitational, electrical, magnetic and
geochemical abnormal changes [1,2].
The epicenter map of the earthquakes occurred in the Middle Kura depression and adjacent
areas during 2004-2016 years is given below.
Figure 1. Epicenter map of earthquakes occurred in the Middle Kura and adjacent areas during 2004-2016 years.
1967 shocks have been recorded in the 3rd quarter of 2016 year in the Middle Kura
depression. The amount of seismic energy was E=55•1011 C. The amount of seismic energy during
Republican Seismic Survey Center of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
the quarter of 2016 was higher than in the previous quarters. The reason of this was the strong
earthquake occurred (ml=5.6) in the Imishli region on 01.08.2016 year.[6]
The earthquake has been felt at 5 point in the epicenter and up to 5-3 point in the surrounding
areas. This earthquake has been accompanied by a small number of aftershocks. Three of these
earthquakes have been felt.
Seismicity in the Middle Kura depression was higher than the background level. Epicenter of
Imishli earthquake and its aftershocks are located in the Kura-Caucasus and Gabala-Chakhirli
orthogonal tension zones.
Imishli and Sabirabad earthquakes sources are known in these parts of the Middle Kura
depression. In 2016, the geodynamic activity of the Imishli zone has been greater than that of the
other regions.
In previous years, earthquakes with magnitude 4 have been recorded in the Imishli source
zone on the map of strong historical earthquakes (427-2016 years). Two of these are earthquakes of
magnitude 6 in the 1862 and 1934 years. [6]
The parameters of historical earthquakes in Imishli region have been shown in Table 1.
Table 1
№ Year Month Day Time lat lon H ml Point Note
1 1862 12 19 02-30±1 39,70 47,90 25 6,4 7 Imishli
2 1911 6 23 12-30-19 40,00 48,00 18 5,6 6-7 Imishli
3 1916 5 14 12-11±1 40,00 48,10 30 5,6 5 Imishli
4 1934 10 29 16-15-45 39,90 47,80 30 6,3 6-7 Imishli
5 1959 8 13 00-33-11 39,90 48,20 12 5,3 6-7 Imishli
6 1964 11 9 08-05-48.0 39,80 48,20 14 5,3 6 Imishli
7 1965 5 15 18-43-05.0 39,90 48,00 10 4,6 6 Imishli
8 1968 6 24 18-28-44.0 40,00 48,10 15 4,6 5 Imishli
9 1975 12 16 07-42-50.0 39,70 48,10 4,5 Imishli
10 1976 2 3 16-40-40.5 40,00 48,10 7 5,4 Imishli
11 1999 6 4 11-56-58.2 40,02 48,22 37 4,2 Imishli
12 2016 8 1 4:46:35.799 39,91 47,85 28 5,6 5 Imishli
13 2016 8 1 7:51:01.571 39,92 47,87 25 4,1 3 Imishli
14 2016 10 16 7:52:20.874 39,83 48,00 21 4,4 4 Imishli
The compressive strain of the earthquake magnitude of 5.6, occurred in Imishli area in the
01.08.2016 year is north-east(AZM=47°) oriented, close to the horizon(PLP=18°-70°) and tension
strain is south-west oriented (AZM=254°), (PLP=70°). The displacement element of the type of
movement for both sharp flatness (DP1=65°, DP2=28°) is reverse fault. For NP1 modal flatness
(STK1=324°), the movement is with the north-west direction and for NP2 modal flatness
(STK2=123°), it is with the south-east direction. The earthquake source is located in the Kura and
Chakhirli-Gabala orthogonal faults zone (Fig.2).
Seismo-magnetic effect created by Imishli earthquake has been observed by modern
magnetometers installed at seismological stations operating in the Middle Kura depression. The
character of the observed seismo-magnetic effect shows that the compressive action is the leading
process in the earthquake source and as a result, there has been a reverse deformation and the
tension gradient of the geodynamic field has been reduced to positive, but not negative. However,
there is an increase of 15-20nT in the seismo-magnetic effect of the magnitometer operating in the
Lankaran station 7-8 days before the Imishli earthquake. Analogical situation has been recorded at
the Sheki magnetometric variation station. It is also observed that the effect is formed by an
increase of 15-20 nT before the earthquake 7-8 days with the same. It is recorded that the
seismomagnetic effects were observed with decreases earthquake time and after earthquake at both
stations. Also a detectable seismo-magnetic effect is considered as a key factor in the defining
criteria of dependence of the parameters and mechanism of the earthquake sources (Fig. 3) [3].
Figure 2. Block-scheme of the displacement and source mechanism of earthquakes occurred in Imishli on 01.08.2016.
(compiled by S.E. Kazimova)
are Saatly, Barda, Aghdam, Ujar and Zardab long-term stress-strain zones. In these areas, strong
earthquakes are not always present, but are considered as seismic hazard zones and the
seismomagnetic effect is observed by anomalous changes [4].
If you look at the map in 2D and 3D format which reflects the stress-strain condition of the
geological environment based on magnetic data at the NearKura-Talish geodynamic polygon in
2016 year, the magnetic maximums are recorded in the regional plan (Fig.4).
Figure 4. The stress-strain condition of the geological environment on the basis of magnetic data at the Near Kura-
Talish polygon (2D, 3D format)
However, in the local area Jalilabad-Imishli and Imishli-Kurdamir maximums are being to the
south-east and north-west directions, intensity is 800 in the izolines reflecting the geomagnetic field
in the center of the first maximum but to the edges it is 650nT and in the second maximum, these
numerals are recorded in the closed form with the intensity 950-650 nT.This situation is reflected in
the more complete map in 3D format [5].
The seismoanomal effect in the magnetic field of the Imishli earthquake source zone is
determined by the geodynamic regime of the area. It is noted that, geodynamic regime of the
Middle Kura depression is related mainly to passed to the bottom of the main blocks of Kura
depression to Great Caucasus structure,which is observed by the movement with the south direction
of the Great Caucasus structures mentioned in the upper part of the Earth's crust.For this reason,
compression deformation occurs in the environment and the seismicity of the area is clarified.[3]
The formation of a positive seismomagnetic effect in the Imishli earthquake source zone confirms
once again the above mentioned facts.1
1. Yetirmişli Q.C. Aşağı Kür çökəkliyinin seysmotektonik şəraiti və onun neftlilik-qazlılıqla
əlaqələri. Azərbaycanda Geofizika Yenilikləri Jurnalı. 2000. Bakı.3-4. Səh. 45-49.
2. Велиев Г.О. 1989. Вариации геофизических и геохимических полей в Шемаха-
Исмаиллинской сейсмоактивной зоне. Газо-геохимические методы поисков полезных
The Global Positioning System (GPS) has provided a new opportunity for direct observation
of modern movements and deformations of the Earth's crust, as well as seismic-ionospheric
disturbances. GPS studies helped quantify regional deformation in the plate interaction zone [12,
13, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21 and 24]. Regional studies of plate movement use fault orientation, local
observations, and restrictions on the relative movement of plates.
The Eastern Mediterranean and the Caucasus are located among Eurasian, African and
Arabian plates with complex tectonic activity, for example, volcanic eruptions, mountain building
and a significant part of all earthquakes (Fig.1) [17].
Figure 1. Map of the distribution of vectors of horizontal movements of the Mediterranean and the Caucasus [12]
(Unified GPS velocity field relative to the Eurasia fixed frame. Reilinger et al. (2006; blue arrows), Frohling&Szeliga
(2016; black arrows) and Raeesi et al. (2017; yellow arrows) velocity fields were transformed into the reference frame
of IPGN (red arrows). Major faults of Iran, East Turkey and Caucasus are adapted from Hessami et al. (2003), Ghods et
al. (2015) and Talebian et al. (2013)).
The East Anatolian Fault, the Caucasus, and the Zagros Mountains are active continental
collision zones due to modern tectonic conditions and structures. The Eastern Mediterranean is one
of the important regions for understanding fundamental tectonic processes, such as continental rift
genesis, passive margin, subduction and accretion, collision and post collision [11]. These general
processes are, in principle, investigated for large areas of the continental lithosphere in order to
predict whether the region is seismic and not deformed at present. The tectonic perception of plates
Republican Seismic Survey Center of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
most of the deformation probably occurs in the main zones (Zagros, Alborz, Kopetdag) and along
large faults that surround the blocks (Central Iranian desert, Loot block and the southern Caspian
Sea) with moderate relief and seismicity [17]. The exact distribution of deformation between these
tectonic structures is unclear.
Central Iran, Zagros and Makran - this segment of the Alpine-Himalayan belt, lying to the
east of the northern ledge of the Arabian Plate.
The Zagros zone, which corresponds to a ridge with a length of up to 1300, a width of 250
and a height of 4.5 km, is formed by a powerful, up to 8-10 km, complex of Paleozoic, Mesozoic
and Cenozoic sediments of the passive margin of the Arabian Plate, crushed into large and very
long (up to 350 km) folds that gradually change the strike from northwest to east northeast [12].
GPS stations data analysis
At present, 24 GPS stations function in Azerbaijan. The network was created in 2012 (Fig. 2).
The network geometry and the location of the measurement points were determined based on the
neotectonic structure of the region to characterize as much as possible the relative displacements of
the individual elements of this structure and the general deformation of the Earth’s crust [3, 4].
GPS data analysis was performed using the GAMIT (version 10.05; Kingand Bock 2001) and
GLOBK (version 10.0; Herring 2001) software in the three-step approach described by Feigletal.
(1993) [20, 21]. The basis for the velocity estimation is an analysis of the time series of GPS station
coordinates calculated from the primary data, which are sets of phase and code measurements at
two frequencies lasting 24 hours with a recording interval of 15 s. To assess the speeds of the
stations being determined, it is necessary that the network has at least one reference point, and
preferably several. We included in this analysis 11 nearby IGS network reference stations: ARTU
(Artie, Russia), CRAQ (Simeiz, Ukraine), TEHN (Tehran, Iran) POLV (Poltava, Ukraine), MDVJ
(Mendeleyevo, Russia) ANKR (Ankara, Turkey ) NICO (Nicosia, Cyprus) DRAG) POL2 (Bishkek,
Kyrgyzstan) YIBL (Yibal, Oman) BZGN (Bazergan, Iran) [5] with positions and speeds in
ITRF2000 as connecting links with the global reference system (Table 1).
We used the Earth rotation parameters IERS (International Earth Rotation Service) and
applied the antenna phase center models depending on azimuth and elevation, following the tables
recommended by IGS. Figure 3 shows a map of the distribution of vectors of horizontal movements
for 2019. The arrows in the Figure show the direction of the velocity vectors, and the values of the
velocities are characterized by the length of the arrows according to the scale shown in the lower
right corner of the map. In addition, in Fig.4 shows the temporal variations in the amplitude
fluctuations of GPS stations for 2019.
In addition, a speed map of horizontal movements of the geodetic network of GPS stations of
Azerbaijan for 2019 was built (Fig. 5). As an analysis of the distribution of speeds shows, the
average values of the speeds of horizontal displacements of points to the north and east are not
constant, and the processes of shortening the surface of the Earth's crust are also not constant in the
study region.
The error in determining the speed varies mainly in the limit of less than 0.6 mm/year, which
allows a fairly accurate estimate of the convergence of plates across the Caucasus mountain system
(i.e., the error is 5% of the total convergence rate). As one of the main sources of GPS positioning
errors, ionospheric delays play a very important role in data processing. Since it is difficult to
accurately model the attenuation of the ionosphere, to prevent the effects of ionospheric delays,
almost all GPS data processing programs always use a linear combination without ionosphere (LC),
including GAMIT, Bernese, GIPSY and PANDA.
The high-speed field of GPS observations quite clearly reflects the movement of the north-
north-east (NNE) direction in Azerbaijan and in the adjacent regions of the Lesser Caucasus relative
to Eurasia.
Table 1. Parameters of the world reference stations of the IGS network: (ARTU, CRAQ,
IGS_GPS region country Long,° Lat,° reciver antenna satellite
ANKR Ankara Turkey 39,88 32,75 Galileo BeiDou
ARTU Artie Russia 56,43 58,56 GPS
CRAO Simeiz Ukraine 44,41 33,99 GPS
UZ-12 M + SCIS
DRAG Mezoke Israel 31,59 35,39 TRE_3 GPS GLONASS
MDVJ Russia 56.02 37.21 GPS GLONASS
yevo NETG3 D_E1 + NONE
NICO Nicosia Cyprus 35,14 33,4 Galileo BeiDou
POL2 Bishkek Kyrgyzstan 42,68 74,69 GPS
POLV Poltava Ukraine 49,6 34,54
GR10 NONE Galileo
TRIMBLE TRM57971.00 +
TEHN Tehran Iran 35,7 51,33 GPS GLONASS
YIBL Yibal Oman 22,18 56,11 GPS
Figure 4. Temporal variations in the amplitude fluctuations of GPS RSSC (IML, JLV, SAT, MNG) stations for 2019.
Figure 5. Speed of horizontal movements according to the network of GPS stations of Azerbaijan for 2019.
Table. 2. Coordinates and speeds of horizontal displacements of GPS stations of the territories
of Azerbaijan according to profile 1-1
N coordinates
VEvel(mm/yr) VNvel.(mm/yr)
Long,° Lat,° ° vel(mm/yr) stations
1 48.94 40.54 5.24 -3.88 127 6.5 GBSG
2 48.94 40.86 5.02 0.63 83 5.1 ATGG
3 48.59 40.79 9.26 2.34 76 9.6 PQLG
4 48.39 39.94 7.91 14.52 29 16.5 SATG
5 48.26 41.52 5.32 4.63 49 7.1 QSRG
6 48.18 40.79 5.85 2.62 66 6.4 IMLG
7 48.14 41.17 0.42 8.36 10 8.4 XNQG
8 47.84 40.95 2.96 4.81 32 5.6 QBLG
9 47.32 39.46 5.92 10.5 29 12.1 FZLG
11 47.11 40.11 6.13 7.69 47 9.8 AGDG
horizontal movement within the Kura Depression and the Lesser Caucasus, where the speed
increases from west to east along the strike of the mountain range.
In order to clarify the nature of GPS velocities in the seismic zones of the Kura Depression,
profiles 1-1’ and 2-2 were constructed in the strike cross of the Greater and Lesser Caucasus, as
well as in the direction from the Talysh region to the Absheron Peninsula (Fig. 6-7). Table (2-3)
presents the coordinates and speeds of the horizontal displacements of GPS stations in Azerbaijan.
Table. 3. Coordinates and speeds of horizontal displacements of GPS stations of the territories
of Azerbaijan according to profile 2-2
N AZM , °
vel(mm/yr) vel.(mm/yr) vel(mm/yr) stations
Long,° Lat,°
On the 1-1 'profile in the strike cross of the Greater and Lesser Caucasus, there is a noticeable
decrease in the speeds of horizontal movements at an epicentral distance of 50 km (Fig. 6), which
indicates the approach of the Lesser Caucasus to the Kura Depression at a speed of 12-16 mm/year
and a gradual shift of Kura Depression under the Greater Caucasus.
Figure 6. Components of the speeds of horizontal movements of GPS observation points along profile 1-1
In Figure, the profile is shown in the direction from the Talysh region to the Absheron
peninsula (SW-NE direction). The speeds of the stations Nardaran, Gobu, Gala and Zhiloy Island,
which are included in the Absheron zone, are characterized by almost similar displacement rates
(5.3 mm/year, 4.7 mm/year, 4.5 mm/year, and 4.4 mm/year, respectively). The profile shows a
noticeable decrease in the northern component of the displacement rates compared to the high
values of points located in the southwestern part of the selected profile (LKRG_GPS=13.4
mm/year, GLBG_GPS=13.4 mm/year, YRDG_GPS=12.0 mm/year). In addition, there is a
noticeable increase in the azimuthal angles of the Absheron stations indicating a clockwise
movement in the east-south-east direction to 130º.
Figure 7. Components of the speeds of horizontal movements of GPS observation points along profile 2-2
At points located in the Lesser Caucasus and the Kura Depression within eastern Azerbaijan,
a GPS station located in the coastal zone of the Caspian Sea slightly south of the Absheron
Peninsula; there is a sharp decrease in speeds in points and rotation of velocity vectors in the
clockwise direction. A sharp decrease in the velocity and rotation of the vectors occurs east of the
longitude 40°E along the West Caspian Fault and on the West Caspian Fault a right-side shear
movement occurs at a speed of 14±1 mm/year. The existing distribution of velocities and their
gradients causes various values of stress accumulation along the MCT, which may affect the
seismic mode of the study area.
Detected increase in speed in 2019 at Lerik, Lankaran, Jalilabad, Agdam and Saatli stations, it
is the most significant feature of the velocity field in the region where the crust decreases across the
eastern MCT segment (longitude 48º). In western Azerbaijan, a reduction in the size of the Earth’s
crust in the Greater Caucasus occurs between the MCT and the southern wing of the North
Caucasian Thrust (NCT).
It was established that along the Kura Depression in the direction from the Middle Kura
Depression to the Lower Kura Depression (i.e., from northwest to southeast), a gradual increase in
the speeds of horizontal movements from 7.3 to 15.5 mm/year is observed, which is characterized
by the compression condition. Note that over the past year, the zone of the Lower Kura Depression
is characterized by the manifestation of high seismic activity, expressed in several earthquakes with
magnitudes greater than 5, characterized by a reverse fault type.
In addition, a noticeable decrease in horizontal movement speeds at an epicentral distance of
65 km is observed in the strike cross of the Greater and Lesser Caucasus, which indicates the thrust
of the Lesser Caucasus on the Kura Depression with an average speed of 10-12 mm/year and the
gradual shift of the Kura Depression beneath the Greater Caucasus. On average, in the territory of
the Greater Caucasus, at different stations, it was 3.1–9.6 mm/year, and in the Lesser Caucasus, 7–
10.1 mm/year.
At GPS stations Nardaran, Gobu, Gala and Zhiloy Island, which are part of the Absheron
zone, almost similar values of horizontal displacement velocities are observed (3.9 mm/year, 3.7
mm/year, 4.8 mm/year, and 3.6 mm/year, respectively). In the direction from the Talysh region to
the Absheron peninsula (SW-NE direction), a noticeable decrease in the northern component of the
displacement rates is observed compared to the high values of the points located in the southwestern
part of the selected profile Lerik, Lankaran, Yardimly (14.7 mm/year, 13,9 mm/year, 13.5
mm/year). In addition, there is a noticeable increase in the azimuthal angles of the Absheron
stations, indicating a clockwise movement in the east-south-east direction from 40° to 80° -120°.
Thus, based on the data obtained for 2019, the average strain rate in the north-north-east of
Azerbaijan is 8.4 mm per year.
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Underground devices (metro structures, tunnels, water-sewage pipes, reservoirs, etc.) are the
most sophisticated devices in mechanics, because these devices are one-way communication
devices. What are one-way communication devices? Because the underground facilities are in
(surrounded by) the ground the device is operating under influence when force (whether static force
or dynamic or seismic force) pushes these devices towards the ground, and when pushed in the
opposite direction, the device does not work, i.e. one-way communication is lost. As a result, the
rigidity of the device changes. This, as we know, greatly affects the result of the calculation. This
calculation has a great effect on dynamic and seismic calculations. In this article, we wanted to
review the dynamic and seismic calculations of underground structures. It should be added that in
order to solve such complex problems, along with analytical calculations, it is also advisable to
conduct experimental testing. In other words, in addition to analytical calculations, it is necessary to
apply the experimental method. We have also taken this path in the article. That is, we calculated
the underground facility both analytically and experimentally. Dynamic and seismic calculations are
based on finding the parameters of the free oscillation of the device. In our opinion, the parameters
of the free oscillation of the device (frequency - ν, circular frequency - ω, attenuation - ξ, period - T,
etc.) do not depend on external influences.Therefore, the dynamic or seismic motion of a device, as
well as its resonance, depends on the overlap of the circular frequency of free movements with the
frequency of the circular oscillation of the forced oscillation.
The issue of reducing the risk of seismic collapse has now become the most pressing problem
in the theory of earthquake-resistant buildings and structures. Because the following three areas of
earthquake protection in seismically dangerous areas are not able to solve this problem
unequivocally: 1) Earthquake prevention [2, 3]. This is a natural phenomenon and cannot be
prevented; 2) Providing a short-term forecast of the earthquake. Although the method of predicting
earthquakes was given by the Japanese scholar Imamuri at the end of the 19th century, it was not
possible to implement it successfully, with some exceptions; 3) Although great research has been
conducted in the United States, Japan and other countries in the field of calculation, design and
construction of earthquake-resistant buildings and structures, in all cases no way has been found to
save buildings and structures from earthquakes. Therefore, the opinion of seismologists and anti-
seismologists around the world is that the best way to protect against earthquakes and live in
harmony with them is to study the risk of seismic collapse.
Determination of seismic risk of groundwater reservoir installation
The Shollar-Baku water pipeline and reservoir, which were a source of pride for Azerbaijanis,
scientifically combined with the hydro-technical facilities of the time, and put into operation 100
years ago, are still at the service of people today. This hydraulic installation is indebted to two great
historical identity - the great philanthropist, mecenat Haji Zeynalabdin Taghiyev and the English
engineer of hydraulic installation William H.Lindley (Sir William Heerleyn Lindley) (Figure 1a).
During the inspection of the reservoir, it was found that there is a need to restore the materials
used underground and strengthen the facility [5, 6, 7]. When calculating underground arched
structures, the load of the above-ground soil, the horizontal effect of the soil on the walls and the
hydrostatic pressure of the water inside are taken into account.
Azerbaijan Architecture and Construction University, Baku
Azerbaijan Architecture and Construction University, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Republican
Seismic Survey Center
Research Institute of Building Materials named after S.A.Dadashev
a) b)
Figure 1. Shollar reservoir during construction (1911) and a fragment of its cross-section
with the forces acting on it –b.
Calculation of underground structures by seismic force practically, is a matter of very difficult
dynamics. Its exact analytical solution is often not possible. Therefore, numerical methods based on
the finite element method are used here. The equilibrium formula of the "ground-device" system for
time t can be written as follows:
[𝑀]{𝑈(𝑡)} + [𝐶]{𝑈̇(𝑡)} + [𝐾]{𝑈(𝑡)} = {𝑅(𝑡)} (1)
{R (t)} is the vector of external forces; [M] -mass matrix of the system; U (t) -displacement
vector; - velocity vector of motion; - acceleration vector of motion; [K] - stiffness matrix of the
system; [C] is the extinction matrix of the system motion. These forms of disintegration lead to
changes in the nodes with finite elements and the integration of the dynamic equilibrium state
makes it more comfortable.The ground that falls on the arch structure today, newly built reinforced
concrete pans and snow load on the arch structure is accepted as g1 = 7.0 tq / m2. The ground load
on the outer walls of the warehouse is g2 = 10.0tq / m2. The warehouse floor has a load of g3 =
250kg / m2. These are regularly distributed constant loads (Figure 1b). In addition, taking into
account the fact that the Baku region is an active earthquake zone, according to the 12-point seismic
scale (MSK-64) Here, taking into account the presence of an 8-point zone on a 12-point seismic
scale (CEC-64) and the complex engineering and geological conditions and the presence of
groundwater, a 9-point seismic zone is adopted, increasing by 1 point according to normative
documents [8]. After visual inspection, research was carried out inside the warehouse by non-
destructive methods and cern sampling. Considering the aggressive environment inside the reservoir
during designing and at that time, due to the low strength and types of steel fittings, the author
decided not to use them at all. Thus, for 100 years, very high quality indicators of concrete have
emerged. The strength of concrete can be classified as B30 according to today's standards. The
design of the warehouse in the form of a vaultin installation elements did not create tension force in
its walls but it caused the compression.This caused to the design of the edges of the reservoir at a
45-degree angle and the ground pressure to be regulated by hydrostatic pressure inside the reservoir.
From the outside, the outer walls of the warehouse are covered with clay for waterproofing with an
average thickness of 1.5 m. Schmidt sclerometer, ferroscan device, georadar instrument, concrete
core extraction machine were used during the non-destructive inspection. In addition, engineering
and geological surveys were conducted around the warehouse. Geological rocks were drilled at a
depth of 10 m, a layer of wastewater was discovered at a depth of 3-7 m. This is confirmed by
georadar figures. Later, geo and hydrology condition showed that there are difficult situation in
four other reservoirs built in this area in 1930-50 years. Studies in and around these warehouses also
confirmed this [5]. Due to the fact that the middle walls of the device are built with low durability
and without reinforcement, they cannot withstand the force of gravity.Therefore, the middle walls
of the device are more likely to collapse first.There are 13 such walls in a row. Carbolic band-
shaped reinforcement has been proposed to reinforce these walls and the walls of the entire
underground reservoir facility in general and extensive experiments have been conducted on such
reinforced device fragments [5, 6, 7]. This method of reinforcement has recently become
widespread in concrete structures with little or no reinforcement.
Underground iron concrete water-sewage pipes
Underground water-sewage pipes are made of iron-concrete, length is 1-2.5m, with a diameter
ranging between Ø600-3000mm, connected to each other in the ground at a depth of 4-6 m. Among
the problems in the production of reinforced concrete pipes - achieving the required size of the
protective layer of the reinforcement frame in the pipe, the presence of cracks on the pipe and its
inner surface, breakage, etc. reduce the time of pipe production. Analyzing the large number of
underground pipelines damaged during the earthquake, it can be seen that the main reason is the
generation of traction. Iron-concrete pipes are installed only by the method of passing each other
and because the distance between the pipes does not exceed 10 cm, there is a danger of the pipes
separating from each other due to the transverse force created during landslides and earthquakes.We
can give many examples of this (Figure 2). Today, underground iron-concrete water-sewage pipes
are produced in iron-concrete plants in special devices by dry vibropressing.
Figure 3. Power scheme affecting the underground pipe (a) and intra-pipe voltage distribution in Plaxis 2D program (b):
1- intra-pipe water pressure; 2 -weight of the pipe; 3-vertical pressure of the upper soil layer; 4-pressure in the upper
cavities; 5-edge ground pressure; 6-ground base reaction.
Thus, as soon as four plastic joints are formed in the pipe, the pipe begins to collapse, and it is
divided into practically four non-deformable disks.This leads to the propagation of moments along
the perimeter of the pipe. PLAXIS 2D computer calculation program was selected for mathematical
modeling of the pipe-ground system.This program is used in engineering-geological and design for
the analysis of finite element systems.The calculation was carried out under the condition of
superficial deformation (Figure 3b) [10]. It should be noted that the tension at the top and slope
points of the pipe is mostly on the outer wall of the pipe, but at the middle edge points of the pipe is
on the inner wall of the pipe.This indicates that the tension in the compressed areas of the pipe is
close to the maximum.The same procedure was calculated on the divisions showing the difference
in displacement from the seismic force in the pipes.
cm long, 3D-shaped, with 20, 30 and 40 kg of fiber contribution per cubic meter. Polypropylene
fibers are added to concrete with a volume of 4 kg/m3. The pipes were stored at the plant until the
28-day concrete strength limit was reached. After collecting the resistance, the pipes were tested in
the central laboratory of the plant. The pipe was tested for compressive strength and roof resistance
under a hydraulic press (Figure 4) [10].
Each force phase was expected at 2-5 minute intervals, and cracks and deformations in the
pipe were observed and recorded. Deformations were recorded by electronic deformation sensors
and transmitted to a computer. These sensors were mounted on stationary tripods and recorded the
vertical and horizontal deformations of the pipe under the applied force. The tests showed the
following results: Maximum force Pmax = 123.67kN for 20 kg / m3 fiber contribution, for
deformations εy = 15mm, εx = 2.5mm; for 30 kg / m3 - Pmax = 162.50kN, εy = 15mm, εx =
0.1mm; for 40 kg / m3 - Pmax = 153.55kN, εy = 20mm, εx = 4mm. The test results are shown in
the timetable below. It can be seen that pipes with a fiber content of 30 kg/m3 are the optimal
choice. Reduces more fiber addition rates. More fiber addition lowers the indicators.
Table 1
№ The type of pipe being Maximum Maximum vertical Enlargement
tested, Ø600 mm force, deformation deformation
kN obtained without obtained without
compression, compression,
mm mm
1 fibroconcrete pipe made
of steel fiber with 20 123,67 15 2,5
2 fibroconcrete pipe made
of steel fiber with 30 162,50 15 0,1
3 fibroconcrete pipe made
of steel fiber with 40 153,55 20 4
a) b)
Figure 5. Cross-section of the underground station (a) and typical section for calculation (b) [11]
a) b)
Figure 7. Iron-concrete segments constructed for a metro installation (a) and its test (b) [13].
In addition, as in any underground facility, different reinforcement methods are used to
reinforce other load-bearing elements in metro facilities.
Conclusion and recommendations
1. Knowing the properties of underground structures, it is necessary to know and study the
physical and mechanical properties of the soil surrounding the structure - period, extinguishing
capacity, density, groundwater level. This issue comes to the fore because "device + enclosed
ground" works as a system.
2. Test results of pipes used in underground water supply and sewerage construction have
shown a significant advantage of metal and polypropylene fibers in fiber concrete pipes. In
particular, modern construction technology, the construction of new metro stations and long-term
facilities can have a significant impact on construction that requires compliance with European
3. Because underground facilities are one-way communication systems, communications are
disrupted during an earthquake. This changes the rigidity of the system. Given this situation, it is
important to test experimentally to study the true strength and rigidity of the device.
4. Carboniferous tape and laminate surface reinforcement may be offered in case of
insufficient or complete reinforcement of steel reinforcement in the reinforced concrete elements of
underground facilities.
The Journal "Seismoprognosis observations in the territory of Azerbaijan" is specializing on the theo-
retical and practical aspects of seismology, engineering seismology and earthquake prediction. In the journal
are publishing scientific articles on seismology of local and foreign scientists.
The journal is officially registered by the Highest Certifying Commission under the President of Azer-
baijan Republic.
The journal publishes scholarly articles on seismology, historical seismicity, seismic source physics,
strong-motion studies, seismic hazard or risk, earthquake disaster mitigation and emergency planning, engi-
neering seismology, triggered and induced seismicity, volcano seismology, earthquake prediction, geody-
namics, GPS measurements, gravimetric, magnetic and electrometric investigations in seismogenic areas.
Works will only be considered if not previously published anywhere else and must not be under con-
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Research papers that are selected for in-depth review are evaluated by at least two outside reviewers.
Reviewers are contacted before being sent a paper and asked to return comments within 1 to 2 weeks for
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We ask you to send articles for publication in the journal to our e-mail:
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Republican Seismic Survey Center
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Phone: +994 12 492-34-37;
Fax: +994 12 492-31-65;
S.E. Kazimova: Moho depth determination by converted PS-wave method for the territory of the Great
Caucasus ....................................................................................................................................................... 3
Z.S.Aliyeva, L.T.Fettahova, F.Z.Mehdizadeh: Hydrogeological condition and its impact on the level of
seismic hazard in Nizami district, Baku city ............................................................................................... 10
S.S. Ismayilova, E.S. Garaveliyev: Seismicity of Zagatala territory for 2019 ............................................ 15
N.B. Khanbabayev: Features of change of seismomagnetic effects before the strong Imishli earthquake
occurred in the Middle Kura depression in 2016 .......................................................................................... 21
I.R.Sadıgov, T.Kh.Aliyev, N.S.Mastanzade: Research studies of the stress-strain state and of the seis-
mic resistance of underground structures .................................................................................................... 36
Annotations ................................................................................................................................................ 44