CC5725-1 Link+ Agilia HL7 Interface Handbook Eng

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HL7 Interface Handbook


Revision list

Information in this document only refers to the following devices:

- Link4+,
- Link6+,
- Link8+.

Date Rev. Modifications

23/05/2013 0 First issue
11/09/2013 1 PR4744 : table 19 updated

2 CC5725_Link+_Agilia_HL7_Interface_Handbook_eng.doc
Table of contents

1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................................. 5
2. DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................................................... 6
3. REFERENCE DOCUMENTS ............................................................................................................................... 7
4. LINK+ HL7 INTERFACE ...................................................................................................................................... 8
4.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................. 8
4.2 SUPPORTED STANDARDS .............................................................................................................................. 8
4.3 LOWER LAYER PROTOCOL: MLLP ................................................................................................................ 8
4.4 HL7 MESSAGES ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .......................................................................................................... 9
4.4.1 HL7 MESSAGES ACKNOWLEDGEMENT BEHAVIOR ....................................................................................................... 9
4.4.2 HL7 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT MESSAGE CONTENT .......................................................................................................... 9
4.5 HL7 MESSAGES COMMON DESCRIPTION ....................................................................................................... 10
4.5.1 UNSOLICITED OBSERVATION REPORT (ORU) MESSAGE CONTENT .............................................................................. 10
4.5.2 MESSAGE HEADER (MSH) SEGMENT CONTENT ......................................................................................................... 11
4.5.3 PATIENT GROUP (PID AND PV1) SEGMENTS CONTENT ............................................................................................... 12
4.6 INFUSION DATA REPORT HL7 INTERFACE DETAILS ........................................................................................ 13
4.6.1 DEVICE OBSERVATION REPORTER (DOR) ................................................................................................................ 13
4.6.2 OBSERVATION REQUEST (OBR) SEGMENT CONTENT.................................................................................................. 13
4.6.3 OBSERVATION RESULT (OBX) SEGMENT CONTENT .................................................................................................... 14
4.7 ALARM REPORT HL7 INTERFACE DETAILS .................................................................................................... 17
4.7.1 ALARM REPORTER (AR) .......................................................................................................................................... 17
4.7.2 OBSERVATION REQUEST (OBR) SEGMENT CONTENT.................................................................................................. 18
4.7.3 OBSERVATION RESULT (OBX) SEGMENT CONTENT .................................................................................................... 19
4.7.4 LIST OF THE ALARMS REPORTED BY THE LINK+ ALARM REPORT HL7 INTERFACE.......................................................... 20
5. APPENDIX A: SUPPORTED UNITS ................................................................................................................... 22
6. APPENDIX B: MESSAGES SAMPLES............................................................................................................... 26
6.1 INFUSION DATA REPORT HL7 INTERFACE MESSAGES SAMPLES ...................................................................... 26
6.2 ALARM REPORT HL7 INTERFACE MESSAGES SAMPLES .................................................................................. 27
7. LOCAL CONTACTS FOR SERVICING ............................................................................................................... 28

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List of tables

Table 1: ACK Message required segments ............................................................................................................................ 9

Table 2: MSH Segment required fields into the ACK Message .............................................................................................. 9
Table 3: MSA Segment required fields into the ACK Message ............................................................................................ 10
Table 4: Link+ ORU Message segments .............................................................................................................................. 10
Table 5: MSH Segment fields into the Link+ ORU Message ................................................................................................ 11
Table 6: PID Segment fields into the Link+ ORU Message .................................................................................................. 12
Table 7: PV1 Segment fields into the Link+ ORU Message ................................................................................................. 12
Table 8: OBR Segment Fields into the Link+ ORU Message (Infusion data report HL7 interface)...................................... 13
Table 9: OBX Segment Fields into the Link+ ORU Message (Infusion data report HL7 interface) ...................................... 14
Table 10: Infusion data specifying the IEEE 11073 containment tree .................................................................................. 14
Table 11: Infusion data related to the delivery channel ........................................................................................................ 15
Table 12: Infusion data related to the source channel .......................................................................................................... 15
Table 13: Pump states supported by the Link+ (from the Rosetta Terminology [R1]) ......................................................... 15
Table 14: Pump modes supported by the Link+ (from the Rosetta Terminology [R1]) ........................................................ 16
Table 15: OBR Segment Fields into the Link+ ORU Message (Alarm report HL7 interface) ............................................... 18
Table 16: Alarm event phase enumeration ........................................................................................................................... 18
Table 17: Alarm state enumeration ....................................................................................................................................... 18
Table 18: OBX Segment Fields into the Link+ ORU Message (Alarm report HL7 interface) ............................................... 19
Table 19: Alarms reported by the Link+ Alarm Report HL7 interface ................................................................................... 20
Table 20: Units supported by the Link+ (weight, area, duration, volume, dose, concentration) ........................................... 22
Table 21: Units supported by the Link+ (flow rate) ............................................................................................................... 23
Table 22: Units supported by the Link+ (flow rate normalized by the patient weight) .......................................................... 24
Table 23: Units supported by the Link+ (flow rate normalized by the patient body surface area) ........................................ 25

4 CC5725_Link+_Agilia_HL7_Interface_Handbook_eng.doc
This Link+ HL7 Interface handbook is intended for technical staff of third party providers (eg: PDMS or HIS companies)
and customer representatives (IT department, Biomedical department, Purchasing department…). It provides technical
information needed to:
 understand the HL7 interface implemented by the Link+,
The Link+ is able to send the features and alarms of all the infusions running on the plugged Agilia infusion devices to a
third party system.
This sending is implemented as a HL7 messages exchange protocol which is based on the IHE specifications of the
“Patient Care Device” technical framework. These messages are built according to the syntax of the HL7 standard and
the data embedded into them are encoded according to the ISO/IEEE 11073 standard nomenclature.

The present documentation is dedicated to Link+ software version >= 2.0

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ACK Acknowledgement HL7 message type

ACM Alarm Communication Management (integration profile of the PCD technical framework)
AM Alarm Manager (actor role of the ACM integration profile)
AR Alarm Reporter (actor role of the ACM integration profile)
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange (character encoding based on the English alphabet)
BSA Body Surface Area
DEC Device Enterprise Communication (integration profile of the PCD technical framework)
DOC Device Observation Consumer (actor role of the DEC integration profile)
DOR Device Observation Reporter (actor role of the DEC integration profile)
ER7 Main HL7 message encoding format with well known “|” fields separators
EUI-64 64-bit extended unique identifier
HIS Hospital Information System
HL7 Health Level Seven; see:
IHE Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise; see:
ISO International Organization for Standardization
MDC Medical Device Communication
MDS Medical Device System (ISO/IEEE 11073 containment tree top level object)
MLLP Minimal Lower Layer Protocol
OID Object Identifier
ORU Unsolicited Observation Report HL7 message type
PCD Patient Care Device (IHE technical framework)
PDMS Patient Data Management System
RTM Rosetta Terminology Mapping
TCP/IP Transport Control Protocol / Internet Protocol
UCUM Unified Code for Units of Measure
VMD Virtual Medical Device (ISO/IEEE 11073 containment tree object)
XML Extended Markup Language

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Reference Title
R1 IHE_PCD_TF_Vol1_2012-08-16 IHE Patient Care Device Technical Framework
Volume 1 (PCD TF-1) Integration Profiles [Revision 2.0 – Final Text August 16, 2012]

R2 IHE_PCD_TF_Vol2_2012-08-16 IHE Patient Care Device Technical Framework

Volume 2 (PCD TF-2) Transactions [Revision 2.0 – Final Text August 16, 2012]

R3 IHE_PCD_TF_Vol3_2012-08-16 IHE Patient Care Device Technical Framework

Volume 3 (PCD TF-3) Semantic Content [Revision 2.0 – Final Text August 16, 2012]

R4 IHE_PCD_Suppl_ACM_2012-08-16 IHE Patient Care Device Technical Framework

Alarm Communication Management (ACM) [Trial Implementation - August 16, 2012]

R5 NF EN ISO 11073-10201 Health informatics - Point-of-care medical device communication

Part 10201: Domain information model (ISO/IEEE 11073-10201:2004)

R6 NF EN ISO 11073-10101 Health informatics - Point-of-care medical device communication

Part 10101: Nomenclature (ISO/IEEE 11073-10101:2004)

R7 ANSI_HL7_V2_6 HL7 Messaging Standard Version 2.6

An Application Protocol for Electronic Data Exchange in Healthcare Environments

R8 HL7 v2.xml XML Encoding Rules for HL7 v2 Messages

ANSI/HL7 V2 XML-2003 June 4, 2003: HL7 Version 2: XML Encoding Syntax Release 1.

R9 HL7_ImplementationGuide_V2.3 HL7_ImplementationGuide_V2.3

R10 UCUM The Unified Code for Units of Measure

Version: 1.8.2 /

R11 Link+ Technical Manual Ask your local Fresenius Kabi representative

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4.1 Introduction
The Link+ HL7 interface contains the two following parts:
 “Infusion data report” HL7 interface: the Link+ periodically sends the infusion status of each plugged Agilia
infusion device to the peer HL7 application,
 “Alarm report” HL7 interface: when an alarm occurs on one of the plugged Agilia infusion devices, the Link+
sends a HL7 alarm message to the peer HL7 application.

These two interfaces behave according to the same functional principles:

 the message exchange communication between the Link+ and the peer HL7 application can only be done over
TCP/IP, according to the Minimal Lower Layer Protocol (MLLP) specified into the HL7 implementation guide,
 the Link+ is the initiator of the communication,
 the Link+ builds a HL7 message of type Unsolicited Observation Report (ORU) and sends it to the peer HL7
 the peer HL7 application sends back an Acknowledgement HL7 message (ACK),
 the Link+ ends the communication (optionally the Link+ can keep the TCP communication channel open).

4.2 Supported Standards

These two interfaces are compliant to the specifications of the IHE Patient Care Device (PCD) Technical Framework [R1,
R2, R3, R4]:
 the Infusion data report HL7 interface implements the Device Observation Reporter (DOR) actor role of the
Device Enterprise Communication (DEC) integration profile,
 the Alarm report HL7 interface implements the Alarm Reporter (AR) actor role of the Alarm Communication
Management (ACM) integration profile.
The syntax of the messages sent by the Link+ is compliant to the HL7 syntax specified into the HL7 Messaging Standard
Version 2.6 [R7].
The infusion data embedded into the messages sent by the Link+ are encoded according to the MDC nomenclature of the
standard ISO/IEEE 11073 [R5, R6].

4.3 Lower Layer Protocol: MLLP

HL7 Messages are sent by the Link+ to the peer HL7 application on a TCP/IP network using the MLLP protocol specified
into the HL7 Implementation Guide V2.3 [R9], into the chapter C.4 MINIMAL LOWER LAYER PROTOCOL.
HL7 Messages are enclosed by special characters to form a block which format is the following:
 <SB> = Start Block character (1 byte) is the ASCII VT (Vertical Tab) character, which hexadecimal value is 0x0B.
 dddd = Data (variable number of bytes) is the HL7 message data content (including its own <CR> - Carriage
Return - characters which are the message segments delimiters).
 <EB> = End Block character (1 byte) is the ASCII FS (File Separator) character, which hexadecimal value is
 <CR> = Carriage Return character (1 byte) which hexadecimal value is 0x0D.
Some communication parameters of this protocol can be configured on the Link+: see [R11].

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4.4 HL7 Messages Acknowledgement

4.4.1 HL7 messages acknowledgement behavior

Once the Link+ has sent a HL7 message to a peer HL7 application, it is waiting for an acknowledgment message.
The peer HL7 application must send a general acknowledgement message, which HL7 identifier is “ACK” [R7 – Chapter
2.13.1], using the HL7 Original Mode [R7 – Chapters 2.3.2 and 2.9.2].
If the peer HL7 application accepts the message, it sends back an ACK message with “AA” in MSA-1-acknowledgment
code field; if the peer HL7 application rejects the message, it sends back an ACK message with “AR” in MSA-1-
acknowledgment code field.

4.4.2 HL7 acknowledgement message content

The acknowledgement (ACK) message content is provided into the following table with the required segments only.
Table 1: ACK Message required segments
Segment Designation Cardinality

MSH Message Header [1..1]

MSA Message Acknowledgement [1..1]

Where cardinality is [min..max] ; example : [1..1] means only one segment of this type.

The Message Header (MSH) segment content is provided into the following table with the required fields only.
Table 2: MSH Segment required fields into the ACK Message
Field Designation Content (in ER7 format)

MSH-1 Field Separator HL7 recommended pipe char: « | »

MSH-2 Encoding Characters HL7 recommended four characters: « ^~\& »

MSH-3 Sending Application Peer HL7 application identifier composed of:

 peer HL7 application name,
 peer HL7 application Universal Identifier EUI 64 (optional).
MSH-4 Sending Facility Peer HL7 application facility identifier:
 facility name,
 optionally the facility unique identifier (OID for example).
This field can be left empty.
MSH-5 Receiving Application Link+ HL7 application identifier composed of:
 Link+ HL7 application name,
 Link+ HL7 application Universal Identifier EUI 64.
The actual value is: « NLinkApplication^001338FFFE02FF00^EUI-64 »
MSH-6 Receiving Facility Link+ HL7 application facility identifier composed of:
 facility name,
 optionally the facility unique identifier.
This field can be configured on the Link+ (see [R11]).
MSH-7 Date/Time of message Message timestamp formatted according to: YYYYMMDDHHMMSS

MSH-9 Message Type Message type identifier:

 « ACK^R01^ACK » for ACK message on the Infusion data report HL7 interface
 « ACK^R40^ACK » for ACK message on the Alarm report HL7 interface
MSH-10 Message control ID Message unique identifier must be the same as the one of the Link+ HL7 message that is being acknowledged.

MSH-11 Processing ID « P » for Production

MSH-12 Version ID « 2.6 » according to the HL7 standard version used

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The Message Acknowledgement (MSA) segment content is provided into the following table with the required fields only.
Table 3: MSA Segment required fields into the ACK Message
Field Designation Content

MSA-1 Acknowledgment Code The code depends on the peer HL7 application behavior regarding the message being acknowledged:
 « AA » if the peer HL7 application has accepted the message,
 « AR » if the peer HL7 application has rejected the message,
 « AE » if the peer HL7 application has encountered an error with the message.
MSA-2 Message Control ID Message unique identifier must be the same as the one of the Link+ HL7 message that is being acknowledged (and the same as
the MSH-10 field).

4.5 HL7 Messages Common Description

For both the Infusion data report and the Alarm report HL7 interfaces, the Link+ sends HL7 messages of type
Unsolicited Observation Report (ORU). This paragraph specifies the content of this message type and gives the details of
the 3 first segments which contents are very similar for both the Infusion data report and the Alarm report HL7
interfaces: Message Header (MSH), Patient Identification (PID) and Patient Visit (PV1).

4.5.1 Unsolicited Observation Report (ORU) message content

The content of the Unsolicited Observation Report (ORU) message sent by the Link+ is provided into the following table.
Table 4: Link+ ORU Message segments
Segment Designation Cardinality

MSH Message Header [1..1]

PID Patient Identification [1..1]

PV1 Patient Visit [1..1]

OBR Observation Request [1..1]

OBX Observation Result [4..n]

Where cardinality is [min..max] ; example : [1..1] means only one segment of this type.

Since a Link+ can be linked to only one patient at a time, there is only one Patient Result group (set of segments following
the MSH one) into one Link+ ORU Message.
Each ORU message contains one OBR segment and a set of related OBX segments depending on the interface: see the
details of each interface into the corresponding paragraph below (paragraphs 4.6 and 4.7).

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4.5.2 Message Header (MSH) segment content
The MSH segment mainly contains the Link+ HL7 application and peer HL7 application identifiers, the message
timestamp, the message type and the character set used into the message.
The Message Header (MSH) segment content is detailed into the following table with the fields’ values provided by the
Table 5: MSH Segment fields into the Link+ ORU Message
Field Designation Content (in ER7 format)

MSH-1 Field Separator HL7 recommended pipe char: « | »

MSH-2 Encoding Characters HL7 recommended four characters: « ^~\& »

MSH-3 Sending Application Link+ HL7 application identifier composed of:

 Link+ HL7 application name,
 Link+ HL7 application Universal Identifier EUI 64.
The actual value is: « NLinkApplication^001338FFFE02FF00^EUI-64 »

MSH-4 Sending Facility Link+ HL7 application facility identifier composed of:
 facility name,
 optionally the facility unique identifier.
This field can be configured on the Link+ (see [R11]).

MSH-5 Receiving Application Peer HL7 application identifier composed of:

 peer HL7 application name,
 peer HL7 application Universal Identifier EUI 64 (optional).
This field can be configured on the Link+ (see [R11]).

MSH-6 Receiving Facility Peer HL7 application facility identifier:

 facility name,
 optionally the facility unique identifier (OID for example).
This field can be configured on the Link+ (see [R11]).

MSH-7 Date/Time of message Message timestamp formatted according to: where:
 YYYY is the year; MM is the month in the year (01 to 12); DD is the day in the month (01 to 31);
 hh is the hour in the day (00 to 23); mm is the minute in the hour (00 to 59); ss is the second in the minute (00 to 59);
 .mil is the millisecond in the second (.000 to .999);
 +/-ZZZZ is the time zone represented as +/-HHMM offset from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), where +0000 or -
0000 both represent UTC (without offset).

MSH-9 Message Type Message type identifier:

 « ORU^R01^ORU_R01 » for ORU message on the Infusion data report HL7 interface
 « ORU^R40^ORU_R40 » for ORU message on the Alarm report HL7 interface

MSH-10 Message control ID Message unique identifier. This field contains a string that identifies uniquely the current message instance.
The peer HL7 application shall echo this ID back to the Link+ HL7 application in the acknowledgement message.
The way the Link+ builds it is provided below for information only:
 « FMD » followed by a sequence number between 0 and 99 (loop back to 0 after 99),
 « - » separator followed by the message timestamp formatted according to: YYYYMMDDhhmmss.

MSH-11 Processing ID « P » for Production, « D » for Debugging. This field can be configured on the Link+ (see [R11]).

MSH-12 Version ID « 2.6 » according to the HL7 standard version used

MSH-15 Accept Acknowledgement « NE » standing for Never


MSH-16 Application « AL » standing for Always

Acknowledgement Type

MSH-18 Character Set Two character sets are supported: « ASCII » when no specific characters are required and « UNICODE UTF-8 » otherwise.

The Link+ chooses the right character set according to the configuration of the Agilia infusion device from which the data are
extracted to build the HL7 message. When these data contain only ASCII characters, the ASCII character set is chosen, when they
contain extended characters, the UTF-8 character set is chosen.

MSH-21 Message Profile Identifier IHE Patient Care Device (PCD) message profile identifier [R2- Appendix 1155 B Common Segment Descriptions and R4- 3.Z
Common Message Segments]:

 « IHE_PCD_001^IHE PCD^^ISO » for the Infusion data report HL7 interface,

 « IHE_PCD_ACM_001^IHE PCD^^ISO » for the Alarm report HL7 interface.

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4.5.3 Patient group (PID and PV1) segments content
The PID segment mainly contains the patient code, first name and last name, date of birth and sex. These patient
demographics can be configured on the Link+ (see [R11]).
When these patient demographics are not configured on the Link+ (the patient is “unknown” by the Link+), the Link+
provides a PID segment with specific values that allow the peer HL7 application to recognise an “unknown” patient (these
“unknown” patient demographics values are specified into the following table).
Table 6: PID Segment fields into the Link+ ORU Message
Field Designation Content (in ER7 format) “Unknown” patient content (in ER7 format)

PID-3 Patient Identifier List Only one Patient Identifier can be configured on the Link+ and only the <ID The <ID Number> component of the Patient
Number> component of this Patient Identifier can be configured on the Link+. Identifier is set to « PID_UNKNOWN »

The <Assigning authority> and <Identifier Type Code> components of this « PID_UNKNOWN^^^Fresenius^PI^ »
Patient Identifier are left empty.

PID-5 Patient Name Patient last name (family name) and first name (given name). All components of the Patient Name are left
empty except the <Name Type Code> which is
Only the <Family Name> and <Given Name> components of this Patient Name set to « U » (Unspecified) :
field can be configured on the Link+.
« ^^^^^^U »
The <Name Type Code> component is set to « L ».

PID-7 Date/Time of Birth Patient date of birth formatted according to: YYYYMMDD where: The date of birth is left empty.

YYYY is the year; MM is the month in the year (01 to 12); DD is the day in the
month (01 to 31)

Patient date of birth can be configured on the Link+.

PID-8 Administrative Sex Patient Sex. It can be configured on the Link+ with the following values: The Administrative Sex is left empty.

 « M » for male,
 « F » for Female,
 « U » for Unknown.

The PV1 segment mainly contains the patient location identifier (care facility, ward, room, bed). This patient location can
be configured on the Link+ (see [R11]).
Table 7: PV1 Segment fields into the Link+ ORU Message
Field Designation Content (in ER7 format)

PV1-2 Patient Class The Patient Class is fixed to « U » for Unknown and cannot be configured on the Link+

PV1-3 Assigned Location The Assigned Location is defined by the following three components: <Point of Care>, <Room> and <Bed>.

These components can be configured on the Link+.

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4.6 Infusion Data Report HL7 Interface Details
The Infusion data report HL7 interface implements the Device Observation Reporter (DOR) actor role of the Device
Enterprise Communication (DEC) integration profile of the IHE Patient Care Device (PCD) Technical Framework [R1, R2,

4.6.1 Device Observation Reporter (DOR)

The DEC Integration Profile supports communication of vendor independent, multi-modality Patient Care Devices data to
Enterprise Applications using consistent semantics. For this it describes a mechanism for exchanging data between an
information producer system named the Device Observation Reporter (DOR) and a system that is the consumer of this
information named the Device Observation Consumer (DOC). This data exchange is done according to a transaction
named “PCD-01: Communicate Device Data”.
This transaction consists in spontaneous HL7 message sending from the DOR actor to the DOC one. This sending may
be periodic or aperiodic.
The Link+ implements the DOR actor role, and the peer HL7 application must implement the corresponding DOC actor
The Link+ periodically sends one Infusion Data Report message per Agilia infusion device plugged on it. The sending
period can be configured on the Link+ from 10 seconds to 24 hours (see [R11]). Moreover when a change occurs on one
of the plugged Agilia infusion devices, the Link+ sends one aperiodic Infusion Data Report message.
Each Infusion Data Report message contains a snap-shot of the infusion state of one plugged Agilia infusion device.
As previously stated, the Infusion Data Report message is an Unsolicited Observation Report (ORU) HL7 message. This
ORU message contains one Observation Request (OBR) segment and a set of related Observation Result (OBX)
containing the infusion data of the Agilia infusion device.
The content of the ORU message has been described into the paragraph 4.5 HL7 Messages Common Description,
together with the detailed description of its common segments (MSH, PID, PV1). The following paragraphs give a detailed
description of the OBR and OBX segments specific information in the context of this Infusion data report HL7 interface.

4.6.2 Observation request (OBR) segment content

The OBR segment mainly contains the segment rank, placer order number and filler order number, requested observation
identifier and the observation timestamp.
Table 8: OBR Segment Fields into the Link+ ORU Message (Infusion data report HL7 interface)
Field Designation Content (in ER7 format)

OBR-1 Set ID-OBR OBR segment rank into the message (starting from 1)

OBR-2 Placer Order Number The Placer Order Number is composed of:
 an order identifier which can be configured on the Link+ (see [R11]).
 the Universal identifier of the Link+ HL7 application (same EUI-64 identifier as in the MSH-3 field).

OBR-3 Filler Order Number The Filler Order Number is composed of:
 an order identifier which can be configured on the Link+ (see [R11]).
 the Universal identifier of the Link+ application (same EUI-64 identifier as in the MSH-3 field).

OBR-4 Universal Service ID The “service” identified by this field is the name of the substance to be administered:
 when the Link+ knows the drug name, the value is: « DrugName^DrugName »
 when the Link+ does not know the drug name, the value is: « 999999^Medication Unknown »
The drug name must be configured on the Agilia infusion device for the Link+ to be able to report it into this field.

OBR-7 Observation Date/Time The observation timestamp formatted according to: where:
 YYYY is the year; MM is the month in the year (01 to 12); DD is the day in the month (01 to 31);
 hh is the hour in the day (00 to 23); mm is the minute in the hour (00 to 59); ss is the second in the minute (00 to 59);
 .mil is the millisecond in the second (.000 to .999);
+/-ZZZZ is the time zone represented as +/-HHMM offset from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), where +0000 or -0000 both represent
UTC (without offset).

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4.6.3 Observation result (OBX) segment content
The Link+ ORU message contains one OBR segment followed by a set of related OBX segments that provide the status
of the corresponding Agilia infusion device. Each OBX segment embeds one observation which can be an infusion
parameter or a device parameter.
These parameters are identified according to the Rosetta Terminology Mapping (RTM) [R1 - 2.2.4 Rosetta Terminology
Mapping] which establishes a nomenclature that maps the proprietary semantics communicated by medical devices today
to a standard representation using ISO/IEEE 11073 semantics [R5, R6] and UCUM units of measurement [R10].
The OBX segment contains mainly the observation sequence number, observation identifier and sub-identifier,
observation type, value and units, observation timestamp, and equipment instance identifier.
Table 9: OBX Segment Fields into the Link+ ORU Message (Infusion data report HL7 interface)
Field Designation Content (in ER7 format)

OBX-1 Set ID-OBX This field contains the sequence number of the OBX in this ORU message: 1st OBX Set ID = 1, 2nd OBX set_ID = 2, etc...

OBX-2 Value Type This field contains the type of the observation value stored into the OBX-5 field.
It is valued if the value of the OBX-11 field is not « X ». This value type can be:
 « NM » for numerical observation,
 « ST » for characters string observation,
 « CWE » for coded observation (enumeration).

OBX-3 Observation This observation identifier is encoded according to the ISO/IEEE 11073 nomenclature [R6]. For example, the Agilia infusion device flow rate
Identifier is identified by « 157784^MDC_FLOW_FLUID_PUMP^MDC ».

The complete list of observations reported by the Link+ on the Infusion Data Report HL7 interface is provided into the next paragraph 4.6.4.

OBX-4 Observation Sub-ID This field is used to distinguish between multiple OBX segments by providing an unambiguous mapping from the IEEE 11073 containment
tree [R5], in order to bind a parameter to the right device.

The dotted notation is used as follows <MDS>.<VMD>.<Channel>.<Metric> where:

 <MDS> is the slot rank of the Agilia infusion device on the Link+ starting from « 1 » (lowest slot) to « 8 » (highest slot),
 <VMD> is always « 1 » (only one virtual medical device per Agilia infusion device),
 <Channel> is « 1 » for the “delivery channel”, and « 2 » for the “source channel” [R3],
 <Metric> is the rank of the observation into the corresponding <Channel>.
For example « » refers to the 4th parameter of the source channel of the Agilia infusion device plugged on the 3 rd slot of the Link+.

OBX-5 Observation Value This field is the actual value of the observation, formatted according to the HL7 type specified into the field OBX-2

OBX-6 Units This field contains the units of the OBX-5 observation value, encoded according to 11073-10101 [R6], and UCUM [R10].

For example the milliliter per hour units of a flow rate is : « 265266^MDC_DIM_MILLI_L_PER_HR^MDC^mL/h^mL/h^UCUM »

See the list of units supported by the Link+ into the paragraph 5.

OBX-11 Observation Result This field reflects the current completion status of the results for the observation. Possible values are:
Status  « X » for an OBX segment with no observation value,
 « R » for an OBX segment with an observation value.

OBX-18 Equipment This field contains the Agilia infusion device identifier which is built from the serial number of the device followed by the EUI-64 identifier of
Instance Identifier the Fresenius company. Example : « 018210/98898989X^^0013380000000000^EUI-64 »

This field is set only for the first OBX segment of the message.

4.6.4 List of the infusion data reported by the Link+ Infusion Data Report HL7 interface
Each infusion data is reported into one OBX segment of the ordered set of OBX segments related to one OBR segment.
Table 10: Infusion data specifying the IEEE 11073 containment tree
OBX-2 OBX-3 Observation Identifier (in ER7 format) OBX-4 Comment
Value Observation
Type Sub-ID (*)

Empty 69985^MDC_DEV_PUMP_INFUS_MDS^MDC R.0.0.0 <MDS>: First level of the containment tree.

This OBX segment contains the serial number of the corresponding Agilia
infusion device into the OBX-18 field.

Empty 69986^MDC_DEV_PUMP_INFUS_VMD^MDC R.1.0.0 <VMD>: Second level of the containment tree.

Empty 126978^MDC_DEV_PUMP_INFUS_CHAN_DELIVERY^MDC R.1.1.0 <Channel>: Third level of the containment tree.

Empty 126977^MDC_DEV_PUMP_INFUS_CHAN_SOURCE^MDC R.1.2.0 <Channel>: Third level of the containment tree.

(*) OBX-4 legend: R is the slot rank on the Link+;

14 CC5725_Link+_Agilia_HL7_Interface_Handbook_eng.doc
Table 11: Infusion data related to the delivery channel
OBX-2 OBX-3 Observation Identifier (in ER7 format) OBX-4 Comment
Value Observation
Type Sub-ID (*)

CWE 184508^MDC_PUMP_STAT^MDC R.1.1.N The pump state is stored into the OBX-5 Observation Value field.
See the list of pump states supported by the Link+ in the Table 13

CWE 184504^MDC_PUMP_MODE^MDC R.1.1.N The pump mode is stored into the OBX-5 Observation Value field.
See the list of pump modes supported by the Link+ in the Table 14

NM 157888^MDC_VOL_FLUID_DELIV_TOTAL_SET^MDC R.1.1.N Total infused volume in milliliters since the last switch off / switch on of the
Agilia infusion device.

NM 157864^MDC_VOL_FLUID_DELIV^MDC R.1.1.N Infused volume in milliliters. This volume is displayed on the Agilia infusion
device screen (or can be accessed through the Agilia infusion device menu). It
can be reset to zero manually by the user through the Agilia infusion device
menu, and automatically when the device is switched off / switched on.

NM 157784^MDC_FLOW_FLUID_PUMP^MDC R.1.1.N Flow rate in milliliters per hour.

(*) OBX-4 legend: R is the slot rank on the Link+; N is the <Metric> rank into the <Channel>

Table 12: Infusion data related to the source channel

OBX-2 OBX-3 Observation Identifier (in ER7 format) OBX-4 Comment
Value Observation
Type Sub-ID (*)

ST 184330^MDC_DRUG_NAME_TYPE^MDC R.1.2.N Drug name

NM 157760^MDC_CONC_DRUG^MDC R.1.2.N Drug concentration (see the supported concentration units in the Appendix A
Table 20)

NM 68063^MDC_ATTR_PT_WEIGHT^MDC R.1.2.N Patient weight in kilograms

NM 188744^MDC_AREA_BODY_SURF_ACTUAL^MDC R.1.2.N Patient body surface area in square meter

NM 157872^MDC_VOL_FLUID_TBI_REMAIN^MDC R.1.2.N For a syringe pump, volume remaining into the syringe.
For a volumetric pump, primary volume remaining.
The volume is expressed in milliliters.

NM 157916^MDC_TIME_PD_REMAIN^MDC R.1.2.N For a syringe pump, time remaining before the end of the syringe;
For a volumetric pump, time remaining before the end of the primary volume.
The remaining time is expressed in minutes.

NM 157924^MDC_RATE_DOSE^MDC R.1.2.N Dose rate when defined (see the supported dose rate units in the Appendix A
Table 21, Table 22, Table 23). If it is normalized by the patient weight or body
surface area, the corresponding patient information is specified into the

NM 157820^MDC_MASS_DRUG_DELIV^MDC R.1.2.N Dose of drug infused (see the supported dose units in the Appendix A Table
20). This dose is displayed on the Agilia infusion device screen (or can be
accessed through the Agilia infusion device menu). It can be reset to zero
manually by the user through the Agilia infusion device menu, and
automatically when the device is switched off / switched on.

(*) OBX-4 legend: R is the slot rank on the Link+; N is the <Metric> rank into the <Channel>

Table 13: Pump states supported by the Link+ (from the Rosetta Terminology [R1])
Pump state Agilia device running mode reference

pump-status-infusing Infusion is running in all infusion modes.

pump-status-priming Priming

pump-status-kvo KVO running

pump-status-standby Pump in standby mode.

CC5725_Link+_Agilia_HL7_Interface_Handbook_eng.doc 15
Table 14: Pump modes supported by the Link+ (from the Rosetta Terminology [R1])
Pump mode Agilia device infusion mode reference

pump-mode-nominal Basic infusion mode

pump-mode-continuous Volume / Time; Volume / Flow; Time / Flow; Volume / Time / Flow; Flow only; Drop per minute.

pump-mode-piggyback Secondary infusion mode

pump-mode-bolus Simple bolus; Programmed bolus; Manual bolus.

pump-mode-loading-dose Loading dose.

pump-mode-ramp-taper Ramp infusion mode.

pump-mode-multi-step Sequence infusion mode.

pump-mode-unknown TCI infusion mode.

16 CC5725_Link+_Agilia_HL7_Interface_Handbook_eng.doc
4.7 Alarm Report HL7 Interface Details
The Alarm report HL7 interface implements the Alarm Reporter (AR) actor role of the Alarm Communication
Management (ACM) integration profile of the IHE Patient Care Device (PCD) Technical Framework [R4].

4.7.1 Alarm Reporter (AR)

The ACM integration profile specifies the communication of alarm data describing states and events significant to patient
care from patient care devices to alarm manager systems (systems which route alarms to end devices for notification of
caregivers or for alarm logging purposes).
These alarms may be physiological, that is, representing the physiological state of the patient, or technical, reflecting
conditions in the patient care devices themselves that may require action from caregivers (the Link+ reports technical
alarms only).
The ACM profile defines the communication of alarms from alarm source systems named Alarm Reporter (AR) to Alarm
Manager (AM) systems and from Alarm Manager systems to Alarm Communicator (AC) systems.
The Link+ implements the AR actor role, and the peer HL7 application must implement the corresponding AM actor role.
The alarms reported by the Link+ are technical alarms that reflect conditions in the plugged Agilia infusion devices. They
are reported according to the transaction “PCD-04: Report Alarm” specified by the ACM profile.
Each time an alarm condition occurs on one of the plugged Agilia infusion device, the Link+ sends an Alarm Report
message with the status of this alarm.
As previously stated, the Alarm Report message is an Unsolicited Observation Report (ORU) HL7 message. This ORU
message contains one Observation Request (OBR) segment and a set of related Observation Result (OBX) containing
the alarm status of the Agilia infusion device.
The content of the ORU message has been specified into the paragraph 4.5 HL7 Messages Common Description,
together with the detailed description of its common segments. The following paragraphs give a detailed description of the
OBR and OBX segments specific information in the context of this Alarm Report HL7 interface.

CC5725_Link+_Agilia_HL7_Interface_Handbook_eng.doc 17
4.7.2 Observation request (OBR) segment content
The OBR segment mainly contains the segment rank, placer order number and filler order number, requested observation
identifier and the observation timestamp.
Table 15: OBR Segment Fields into the Link+ ORU Message (Alarm report HL7 interface)
Field Designation Content (in ER7 format)

OBR-1 Set ID-OBR OBR segment rank into the message (starting from 1)

OBR-2 Placer Order The Placer Order Number is composed of:

 an order identifier which can be configured on the Link+ (see [R11]).
 the Universal identifier of the Link+ HL7 application (same EUI-64 identifier as in the MSH-3 field).

OBR-3 Filler Order Number The Filler Order Number serves as the unique identifier for status updates to an alarm indication identified in OBR-29 Parent. This value
is assigned by the Link+ and is used by system actors to associate updates to a particular alarm identified in OBR-29 Parent. This field is
composed of:
 an order identifier which is built by the Link+ according to the format SN-R_A_O_P-S below,
 the Universal identifier of the Link+ application (same EUI-64 identifier as in the MSH-3 field).

The format of the order identifier is: SN-R_A_O_P-S where:

 SN is the Agilia infusion device Serial Number,
 R is the number of the rack slot on which the device is plugged,
 A is the identifier of the alarm (enumeration number; see Table 19),
 O is the occurrence number of this alarm since the Link+ was started,
 P is the identifier of the alarm event phase (enumeration number; see Table 16),
 S is the identifier of the alarm state (enumeration number; see Table 17),

OBR-4 Universal Service The “service” identified by this field is the ALARM service. The value is « ALARM^ALARM »

OBR-7 Observation The observation timestamp formatted according to: where:
Date/Time  YYYY is the year; MM is the month in the year (01 to 12); DD is the day in the month (01 to 31);
 hh is the hour in the day (00 to 23); mm is the minute in the hour (00 to 59); ss is the second in the minute (00 to 59);
 .mil is the millisecond in the second (.000 to .999);
+/-ZZZZ is the time zone represented as +/-HHMM offset from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), where +0000 or -0000 both represent
UTC (without offset).

OBR-29 Parent This field identifies the alarm which current status is identified by the OBR-3 field. The <Placer Assigned Identifier> component is left
empty. The <Filler Assigned Identifier> component is composed of:
 an order identifier which is built by the Link+ according to the format SN-R_A_O below,
 the Universal identifier of the Link+ application (same EUI-64 identifier as in the MSH-3 field).

The format of the order identifier is: SN-R_A_O where:

 SN is the Agilia infusion device Serial Number,
 R is the number of the rack slot on which the device is plugged,
 A is the identifier of the alarm (enumeration number; see Table 19),
 O is the occurrence number of this alarm since the Link+ was started,

Table 16: Alarm event phase enumeration

Alarm event phase Enumeration number

Start 0

Continue 1

End 2

Table 17: Alarm state enumeration

Alarm state Enumeration number

Active 0

Inactive 1

18 CC5725_Link+_Agilia_HL7_Interface_Handbook_eng.doc
4.7.3 Observation result (OBX) segment content
The Link+ ORU message contains one OBR segment followed by 4 related OBX segments that provide the attributes of
the alarm that occurred on the corresponding Agilia infusion device. These 4 alarm attributes (called facets in the ACM
profile specification [R4]) are the following:
 facet 1: alarm identifier, type and priority,
 facet 2: alarm source,
 facet 3: alarm phase,
 facet 4: alarm state.
This representation relies on ISO/IEEE 11073 nomenclature and concepts for alarms [R5, R6].
The fields of the OBX segment (mainly the observation sequence number, observation identifier and sub-identifier,
observation type, value, observation timestamp, and equipment instance identifier) are used specifically according to the
facet number. See the following table.
Table 18: OBX Segment Fields into the Link+ ORU Message (Alarm report HL7 interface)
Field Designation Content (in ER7 format)

OBX-1 Set ID-OBX This field contains the sequence number of the OBX in this ORU message: 1st OBX Set ID = 1, 2nd OBX set_ID = 2, etc..

OBX-2 Value Type This field contains the type of the value stored into the OBX-5 field. It depends on the alarm facet:
 facet 1 (alarm identifier) and facet 2 (alarm source): « CWE »,
 facet 3 (alarm phase) and facet 4 (alarm state): « ST ».

OBX-3 Observation This observation identifier depends on the alarm facet:

Identifier  facet 1 (alarm identifier): « 196616^MDC_EVT_ALARM^MDC » (ISO/IEEE 11073 nomenclature code [R6])
 facet 2 (alarm source): « ALARM_SOURCE^ALARM_SOURCE^ »
 facet 3 (alarm phase): « EVENT_PHASE^EVENT_PHASE^ »
 facet 4 (alarm state): « ALARM_STATE^ALARM_STATE^ »

OBX-4 Observation Sub- This field is used to distinguish between multiple OBX segments by providing an unambiguous mapping from the IEEE 11073 containment
ID tree [R5], in order to bind the alarm to the right device.

The dotted notation is used as follows <MDS>.<VMD>.<Channel>.<Metric>.<Facet> where:

 <MDS> is the slot rank of the Agilia infusion device on the Link+ starting from « 1 » (lowest slot) to « 8 » (highest slot),
 <VMD> is always « 0 » (unspecified),
 <Channel> is always « 0 » (unspecified),
 <Metric> is always « 0 » (unspecified),
 <Facet> is the number of the facet from « 1 » to « 4 ».

For example for the facet 1 of an alarm that occurred on the Agilia device plugged on the 3rd rack channel: « »

OBX-5 Observation Value This field depends on the alarm facet:

 facet 1 (alarm identifier) contains the actual alarm identifier encoded according to the ISO/IEEE 11073 nomenclature [R6]. For
example the occlusion alarm is encoded as: « 196688^MDC_EVT_OCCL^MDC ». The list of all the alarms reported by the
Link+ is provided in the next paragraph.
 facet 2 (alarm source): « 69985^MDC_DEV_PUMP_INFUS_MDS^MDC » (ISO/IEEE 11073 nomenclature code [R6])
 facet 3 (alarm phase) possible values are: « start », « continue », « end »,
 facet 4 (alarm state) possible values are: « active », « inactive ».

OBX-8 Abnormal Flags This field contains the 3 following features of the alarm:
 Abnormality: normal « N » or abnormal « A »,
 Priority: medium priority « PM » or high priority « PH »,
 Type: always technical alert « ST ».
For the Agilia infusion device pre-alarms and indications, the field contains « N~PM~ST »
For the Agilia infusion device alarms, the field is « A~PH~ST »

OBX-11 Observation Result Possible values are: « X » or « R »


OBX-18 Equipment This field contains the Agilia infusion device identifier which is built from the serial number of the device followed by the EUI-64 identifier of
Instance Identifier the Fresenius company. Example : « 018210/98898989X^^0013380000000000^EUI-64 »

This field is set only for the facet 1 (alarm identifier) OBX segment.

CC5725_Link+_Agilia_HL7_Interface_Handbook_eng.doc 19
4.7.4 List of the alarms reported by the Link+ Alarm Report HL7 interface
The following table gives the identifiers of the alarms (from ISO/IEEE 11073 nomenclature) that the Link+ is able to send
on the Alarm Report HL7 interface. The meaning of each alarm can vary according to the Agilia device type (Injectomat
syringe pump, or Volumat volumetric pump).
These alarm identifiers are reported into the OBX-5 field (observation value) of the facet 1 OBX segment (alarm identifier)
related to the OBR segment (see Table 18).
Table 19: Alarms reported by the Link+ Alarm Report HL7 interface
OBX-5 Observation Value (in ER7 format) Agilia device alarm reference
facet 1 (alarm identifier)
Enumeration Agilia device type Comment
number (*) (Injectomat or Volumat)

Alarms (when an alarm occurs, the current infusion is stopped)

196800^MDC_EVT_BATT_FAIL^MDC 1 Injectomat / Volumat Battery

196688^MDC_EVT_OCCL^MDC 2 Injectomat / Volumat Occlusion

197194^MDC_EVT_PUMP_VOL_TBI_COMP^MDC 3 Injectomat / Volumat End of infusion

4 Injectomat End of volume limit

14 Volumat End of secondary infusion

197182^MDC_EVT_PUMP_SYRINGE_DELIV_TIMEOUT^MDC 5 Injectomat End of volume time

197084^MDC_EVT_DOOR_POSN_ERR^MDC 13 Volumat Clamp

15 Volumat Door

196842^MDC_EVT_DOOR_OR_HANDLE_POSN_PROB^MDC 9 Injectomat Disengagement

11 Injectomat Rotation

12 Injectomat Displacement

30 Volumat Rotation



0^MDC_EVT_SYRINGE_BARREL_CAPTURE^MDC 6 Injectomat Syringe clamp

196860^MDC_EVT_FLUID_LINE_PROB^MDC 16 Volumat No downstream tube

17 Volumat No upstream tube

18 Volumat No tube air sensor

196940^MDC_EVT_FLUID_LINE_OCCL^MDC 19 Volumat Upstream occlusion

196634^MDC_EVT_EMPTY^MDC 20 Volumat Upstream empty pocket

197206^MDC_EVT_PUMP_FLOW_FREE^MDC 21 Volumat Free flow

196954^MDC_EVT_FLUID_LINE_DRIP_MALF^MDC 22 Volumat No drop

25 Volumat No drop sensor

26 Volumat Presence drop sensor

196950^MDC_EVT_FLOW_LO^MDC 23 Volumat Sub flow

196852^MDC_EVT_FLUID_LINE_DISTURB^MDC 24 Volumat Over flow

197200^MDC_EVT_FLUID_LINE_AIR^MDC 27 Volumat Presence air

28 Volumat Air volume

29 Volumat Air sensor defect


Warnings (when a warning occurs, the current infusion is not stopped)

203320^MDC_EVT_ADVIS_PUMP_SYRINGE_REPLACE_WARN^MDC 37 Injectomat End of infusion

196802^MDC_EVT_BATT_LO^MDC 33 Injectomat / Volumat Battery

197190^MDC_EVT_FLOW_FLUID_LINE_RES_WARN^MDC 34 Injectomat / Volumat Occlusion

196672^MDC_EVT_LO_LT_LIM^MDC 35 Injectomat End of volume limit

36 Injectomat End of volume time

0^MDC_EVT_VOL_INFUS_NEAR_COMP^MDC 32 Injectomat End of infusion

38 Volumat End of infusion

0^MDC_EVT_PWR_LOSS^MDC 40 Injectomat / Volumat Main power disconnection

(*) Enumeration number: this number is stored into the OBR-3 and OBR-29 fields.

20 CC5725_Link+_Agilia_HL7_Interface_Handbook_eng.doc
CC5725_Link+_Agilia_HL7_Interface_Handbook_eng.doc 21
The following tables give the units, from the Rosetta Terminology [R1], that are supported by the Infusion Data Report
HL7 interface of the Link+.
The units are formatted the same way as into the OBX-6 field of the HL7 ORU message, in ER7 format.
Table 20: Units supported by the Link+ (weight, area, duration, volume, dose, concentration)
Unit category OBX-6 Unit (in ER7 format)

Value with no units (string value for example) 262656^MDC_DIM_DIMLESS^MDC

Patient Weight and BSA units 263875^MDC_DIM_KILO_G^MDC^kg^kg^UCUM


Duration unit 264352^MDC_DIM_MIN^MDC^min^min^UCUM

Volume unit 263762^MDC_DIM_MILLI_L^MDC^mL^mL^UCUM

Dose units 263872^MDC_DIM_G^MDC^g^g^UCUM












Concentration units 264288^MDC_DIM_G_PER_ML^MDC^g/mL^g/mL^UCUM












22 CC5725_Link+_Agilia_HL7_Interface_Handbook_eng.doc
Table 21: Units supported by the Link+ (flow rate)
Unit category OBX-6 Unit (in ER7 format)

Volume flow rate 265234^MDC_DIM_MILLI_L_PER_MIN^MDC^mL/min^mL/min^UCUM




Mass dose rate 265472^MDC_DIM_G_PER_MIN^MDC^g/min^g/min^UCUM












Mole dose rate 267136^MDC_DIM_MOLE_PER_MIN^MDC^mol/min^mol/min^UCUM






Equivalent dose rate 267264^MDC_DIM_EQUIV_PER_MIN^MDC^eq/min^eq/min^UCUM






International unit dose rate 267808^MDC_DIM_INTL_UNIT_PER_MIN^MDC^[iU]/min^[iU]/min^UCUM












CC5725_Link+_Agilia_HL7_Interface_Handbook_eng.doc 23
Table 22: Units supported by the Link+ (flow rate normalized by the patient weight)
Unit category OBX-6 Unit (in ER7 format)

Mass dose rate normalized by the patient weight 265600^MDC_DIM_G_PER_KG_PER_MIN^MDC^g/kg/min^g/kg/min^UCUM












Mole dose rate normalized by the patient weight 267392^MDC_DIM_MOLE_PER_KG_PER_MIN^MDC^mol/kg/min^mol/kg/min^UCUM






Equivalent dose rate normalized by the patient weight 267520^MDC_DIM_EQUIV_PER_KG_PER_MIN^MDC^eq/kg/min^eq/kg/min^UCUM






International unit dose rate normalized by the patient 267936^MDC_DIM_INTL_UNIT_PER_KG_PER_MIN^MDC^[iU]/kg/min^[iU]/kg/min^UCUM









24 CC5725_Link+_Agilia_HL7_Interface_Handbook_eng.doc
Table 23: Units supported by the Link+ (flow rate normalized by the patient body surface area)
Unit category OBX-6 Unit (in ER7 format)

Mass dose rate normalized by the patient body surface 268992^MDC_DIM_G_PER_M_SQ_PER_MIN^MDC^g/m2/min^g/m2/min^UCUM












Mole dose rate normalized by the patient body surface 0^MDC_DIM_MOLE_PER_M_SQ_PER_MIN^MDC^mol/m2/min^mol/m2/min^UCUM






Equivalent dose rate normalized by the patient body 269248^MDC_DIM_EQUIV_PER_M_SQ_PER_MIN^MDC^eq/m2/min^eq/m2/min^UCUM

surface area





International unit dose rate normalized by the patient 269120^MDC_DIM_INTL_UNIT_PER_M_SQ_PER_MIN^MDC^[iU]/m2/min^[iU]/m2/min^UCUM

body surface area








CC5725_Link+_Agilia_HL7_Interface_Handbook_eng.doc 25

6.1 Infusion Data Report HL7 interface messages samples

Sample of a message sent by the Link+ on the Infusion Data Report HL7 interface to a peer hl7 application (in ER7
0600||ORU^R01^ORU_R01|FMD40-20130130144611|P|2.6|||NE|AL||ASCII|||IHE_PCD_001^IHE PCD^^ISO



















Sample of the acknowledgement message sent back by the peer hl7 application to the Link+ (in ER7 format):


26 CC5725_Link+_Agilia_HL7_Interface_Handbook_eng.doc
6.2 Alarm Report HL7 interface messages samples
Following is a sequence of 2 alarm messages sent by the Link+ on the Alarm Report HL7 interface to a peer HL7
application. The 2 messages report an occlusion alarm: the first one is sent when the occlusion occurs (event phase is
“start”), the second one is sent when the occlusion ends (event phase “end”).
The acknowledgement messages sent back by the peer HL7 application are provided too.
First alarm message (in ER7 format):
0600||ORU^R40^ORU_R40|FMD4-20130131144548|P|2.6|||NE|AL||ASCII|||IHE_PCD_ACM_001^IHE PCD^^ISO








First alarm acknowledgement message (in ER7 format):

0600||ACK^R40^ACK|FMD4-20130131144548|P|2.6||||||ASCII|EN^ENGLISH^ISO639||IHE_PCD_ACM_001^IHE PCD^^ISO


Second alarm message (in ER7 format):

0600||ORU^R40^ORU_R40|FMD5-20130131144555|P|2.6|||NE|AL||ASCII|||IHE_PCD_ACM_001^IHE PCD^^ISO








Second alarm acknowledgement message (in ER7 format):

0600||ACK^R40^ACK|FMD5-20130131144555|P|2.6||||||ASCII|EN^ENGLISH^ISO639||IHE_PCD_ACM_001^IHE PCD^^ISO


CC5725_Link+_Agilia_HL7_Interface_Handbook_eng.doc 27

This document may contain inaccuracies or typographical errors.

Modifications may therefore be made and will be included in later editions.
Due to changing standards, legislation and material, the characteristics indicated by the text and the images of this
document are applicable only for the device that it accompanies.
This document may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the written consent of Fresenius Kabi.
Agilia® is a registered trademark by Fresenius Kabi in selected countries.

Revision date: June 2013

Fresenius Kabi AG
D-61346 Bad Homburg
Marking in conformity to the
Germany essential requirements of the 93/42/CEE directive.

28 CC5725_Link+_Agilia_HL7_Interface_Handbook_eng.doc

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